Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: Episode 14

This episode delivers a lot of forward motion for everyone, as characters begin to decide what kind of people they’re willing to be. It’s not always the young who have growing up to do… sometimes even adults need to mature and learn to accept, speak up, and go for what they want.

EPISODE 14: “This woman is my woman”

Bok-ju’s dad stops his scooter near where Bok-ju and Joon-hyung are engaging in some public snuggling, but lucky for them, he doesn’t see their faces. He just grumbles about kids dating instead of training, and moves on.

A little ways down the road, Bok-ju and Joon-hyung are still being all grabby with each other, and they pull up their hoods and kiss with their faces hidden. Nan-hee and Seon-ok witness the silly spectacle, but again, with their faces covered Bok-ju and Joon-hyung’s secret is safe.

Joon-hyung visits his therapist, who asks what’s been keeping Joon-hyung so busy. He notices that Joon-hyung looks great these days, and Joon-hyung says he’s not hearing the ringing in his ears anymore. The therapist guesses that he’s dating, and Joon-hyung’s shocked face gives him away.

The therapist asks if Joon-hyung’s girlfriend is pretty, and he diplomatically says he’s a little prettier than her, hee. Cut to: Bok-ju screaming bloody murder at weightlifting training, looking decidedly not pretty.

One of her sunbaes announces that someone in the department is dating, and Bok-ju looks guilty as sin. But it’s not Bok-ju she’s talking about — it’s big-boy Young-chul and another girl, Yae-min, and the rest of the team mercilessly tease them about it.

After practice, Bok-ju’s friends still aren’t over the weirdness of it, especially since Young-chul said that beautiful actress Han Ye-seul is his type. Bok-ju muses that people often end up dating outside their type. Nan-hee mentions the crazy kissing couple she and Seon-ok saw, and makes the others promise not to betray each other by dating.

Joon-hyung and Tae-kwon decide to join the girls for lunch, and Joon-hyung elbows Tae-kwon hard when he almost sits next to Bok-ju, ha. They’re not going to keep their secret long if he doesn’t stop looking at Bok-ju with those hearts in his eyes, and he even grabs her hand under the table.

Nan-hee drops her utensil and leans down to get it, and almost sees their entwined hands. Bok-ju jerks away so hard it sends Joon-hyung to the floor, and he’s still whining when they meet up at the wishing fountain later.

He doesn’t understand why Bok-ju wants to hide their relationship, but she assures him that she’s not ashamed of him. She explains that she promised her friends she wouldn’t even look at men after the disaster with Jae-yi, and aegyos at him to convince him to let her pick the right time to tell them.

It totally works, and Joon-hyung likes it so much he begs Bok-ju to do it again. But Bok-ju is cranky about it and refuses, leading to Joon-hyung doing all the aegyo while she pouts.

Jae-yi visits Dr. Go in her office, to invite her to the concert of a violinist they’ve seen before. She confesses that she’s only been pretending to like classical music because he does, so he changes tactics and asks her to dinner.

He’s relieved when Dr. Go says that she does actually like steak, and he nervously asks if he can take her to do something she likes to do this weekend. She tells him to stop trying so hard, and he asks if trying hard can be a new start for them. She says it can’t, because he can’t try himself into having feelings for her after ten years.

Bok-ju is fascinated by the homemade face pack Nan-hee is using, and submits to letting them do one on her. Shi-ho comes in and sees the three friends having fun, and smiles at their happy chattering.

The face pack doesn’t agree with Bok-ju, as evidenced by the giant zit right on the tip of her nose the next morning. Seon-ok thinks it’s not so bad, since it’s not like Bok-ju has a guy to impress or anything.

Bok-ju wears a face mask to practice the next morning to cover the zit, and when she runs into Joon-hyung on the jogging track, she pretends to have a bad cough. He’s all concerned but she waves him away, desperate for him not to see her embarrassing blemish. She lays it on thick on the phone later, coughing for his benefit, which makes him even more worried.

He has his aunt put together some medicine for Bok-ju, which she makes him pay for with a kiss. So cute. He goes back to the dorm and calls Bok-ju to come get the medicine, but she pretends to be worried that she’ll make him sick.

Joon-hyung, being the extreme mother hen that he is, decides to sneak into Bok-ju’s room to give her the medicine. He climbs over her railing right as she’s biting into a bun, and nearly falls at the sight of her massive zit. Giggling, he lets himself in, and leans in to get a good look.

He fusses at her for making him so worried over a little thing like a pimple, and she ekes out an embarrassed apology. Lucky for her, Joon-hyung thinks she’s cute when she’s being insecure, and decides that he’s glad she got a pimple because it got him into her room.

He tries to look in her closet but Bok-ju blocks him, and he goose-steps her sideways until they trip and fall on the bed. They freeze when Joon-hyung falls right on top of Bok-ju, but he doesn’t move, and leans in for a kiss. It’s adorable how Bok-ju puckers up, and Joon-hyung grins at her before swooping in.

Suddenly, Nan-hee’s voice calls out, and Bok-ju flings Joon-hyung off her and onto the floor. He tries to crawl under the bed but he doesn’t fit, and he just cringes under the edge of the comforter (with his feet hanging out into the middle of the room, ha).

Bok-ju somehow manages to get her friends to sit on the bed facing away from Joon-hyung. He gives up on trying to squeeze under the bed and motions to Bok-ju that he’s headed for the closet. She distracts Nan-hee and Seon-ok while he scoots to the closet and closes himself inside.

Just as it looks like Bok-ju and Joon-hyung are safe, Shi-ho comes home and goes right to the closet. She sees Joon-hyung crouched there, begging her with his eyes not to say anything, and she laughs at him. She even asks Nan-hee and Seon-ok to leave, claiming to be too tired for company.

Once they’re alone Joon-hyung comes out, and the three of them head to the roof for a beer. Joon-hyung looks like he wants to sink into the floor as he sits between his ex-girlfriend and his current girlfriend, but the ladies are fine with it. They talk about how they have to watch their weight in different ways, and Bok-ju offers herself and Joon-hyung to come to Shi-ho’s competition this coming weekend.

Shi-ho leaves, guessing that Bok-ju and Joon-hyung would like to be alone. Joon-hyung sighs that it was a crazy day, and asks how long they have to pretend they’re not dating. Bok-ju thinks they should wait until the new semester, and when Joon-hyung calls her lovable, she squeals and smacks him, and he boops her nose.

After training, Joon-hyung texts Bok-ju that he’ll call her soon, but he’s waylaid by Tae-kwon, who says there’s an emergency and drags him out. The “emergency” turns out to be a surprise double date with two of the girls from their last group date, but the girls refused to meet unless Joon-hyung came as well.

Joon-hyung fights it, knowing that if Bok-ju finds out, he’s a dead man. But since he can’t tell Tae-kwon why he doesn’t want to do this, he’s forced to submit, and sits down with the girls looking like his puppy just died.

Bok-ju is getting annoyed that Joon-hyung hasn’t called like he promised, and Yae-min, the girl who was outed for dating, sits down next to her. She mentions that she just saw “that swimmer that wrapped his scarf around you and gave you his coat” in a coffee shop on a blind date, and Bok-ju’s face goes dark. Uh-oh. He’s a dead man.

She drags Nan-hee and Seon-ok to the coffee shop, and sees Joon-hyung inside, sitting with the girls. She goes in and sits at a table near the blind-date-in-progress, glaring eye daggers at Joon-hyung the entire time, though he doesn’t spot her yet because he’s too busy moping at his shoes.

She sends Joon-hyung a text, “You die. I’ll kill you! Finish in five minutes,” and Joon-hyung gapes in horror as he realizes that she’s here. He looks up to see Bok-ju dragging a finger across her throat, and nervously tells Tae-kwon that they have to go now.

Somehow unaware of his distress, one of the girls reaches out to feel Joon-hyung’s muscular shoulders, and he jumps about ten feet. She reaches out to touch him again, which is when Bok-ju steps up to the table and orders her to remove her filthy hand.

The girl asks who she is, and Bok-ju screams at the top of her lungs, “I’m the girlfriend of the guy you were just pawing!!” All over the restaurant, jaws drop. A few minutes later, Joon-hyung and Bok-ju are sitting guiltily across from Tae-kwon, Nan-hee, and Seon-ok, who are glaring at them accusingly (and hee, Joon-hyung’s body language is hilarious, like he’s protecting his internal organs in case Bok-ju still wants to disembowel him).

They want to know when this started, and if they were dating when they went to the amusement park together. Joon-hyung admits that he liked Bok-ju on his own then, but they weren’t dating, which wins over Nan-hee a little. Bok-ju confesses that they started dating the day she came back to school, and the friends ask why they haven’t told them.

Bok-ju says that she didn’t want them thinking she was nuts for liking someone so soon after her crush on Jae-yi. Nan-hee fusses that Bok-ju is a habitual liar, and Joon-hyung jumps to her defense, saying they they’re always pressuring her.

Seon-ok stops him by pointing out that he’s not exactly impartial, and Bok-ju sincerely apologizes. The friends demand reparations in the form of meat, and Joon-hyung jumps at the seemingly easy out.

Back at the gym, Coach Choi waits for Coach Yoon, and asks him to have a drink with her. He tries to beg off that he’s too tired, but she insists. They run into Dae-ho in the lobby, and he offers to walk Coach Choi home, and when she says they’re going for a drink he attempts to invite himself along.

Coach Yoon feels the awkward atmosphere and quickly excuses himself, despite Coach Choi’s protests. But he falls and hurts his back, forcing both Coach Choi and Dae-ho to take him home. His bachelor pad is a wreck, but Coach Choi doesn’t seem to notice.

She offers to stay to take care of him, but Dae-ho snaps that she can’t do that. He fibs that he’s worried about what the neighbors will say, and offers to stay and look after Coach Yoon himself.

Joon-hyung and Tae-kwon are a little disgusted at how much meat Nan-hee and Seon-ok put away, and even Bok-ju tells them to take it slow, knowing Joon-hyung has to pay for everything. They get huffy when they realize Joon-hyung is upset, but Bok-ju and Joon-hyung quickly urge them to eat, needing their goodwill.

Joon-hyung looks like he could cry as he pays the exorbitant bill, but he tells Bok-ju in a pained voice that he has to do this. The friends decide they want to go to a noraebang, of course on Joon-hyung’s dime, but he can’t get into the singing no matter how much they pester him.

Late that night, Jae-yi gets a series of texts from Dr. Go explaining that she’s decided to go home to work in her father’s clinic. He rushes to her apartment but she’s already gone, and she doesn’t answer her phone when he calls.

Joon-hyung and Bok-ju are staring at each other all googly-eyed by the time the group gets back to the dorms. They clearly want some time alone, but it’s nearly curfew, and their friends literally drag them apart (it’s really hilariously pitiful).

The girls plunk Bok-ju down in their room and demand answers, mostly regarding whether she and Joon-hyung have kissed. She tries to play it coy, but her little grins give her away, and when they ask for the when and where, she cheekily asks, “The first or the second (kiss)?” Cue high-pitched squealing sounds only dogs can hear.

In Joon-hyung’s room, Tae-kwon is trying to talk his friend out of dating Bok-ju, but Joon-hyung just grins dreamily at everything Tae-kwon tries to call a negative, like her eating habits. He even admits that he thinks her strength is sexy, hee.

The next morning, Shi-ho prepares for her competition, and admits to Bok-ju that despite the many times she’s competed, she’s most nervous about this one. Bok-ju takes her to the wishing fountain and tosses a coin in, and tells Shi-ho to make a wish. She wishes, not to win, but to perform without regrets.

Dae-ho brings breakfast to Coach Yoon, who whines for ketchup. Dae-ho brings the bottle but it’s empty, so he heads out to buy more. A minute later Coach Choi comes by, and she’s still there when Dae-ho comes back with the ketchup.

He stops in the foyer and listens in, as Coach Yoon tries to convince Coach Choi to leave. She snaps that she doesn’t care what people think, and tells Coach Yoon that she’s liked him for a long time now. Coach Yoon blusters and stammers, asking what’s wrong with her that she likes an old divorced man.

She says she just does, and asks how he feels. He just stares blankly when she asks if he likes her at all, giving her the answer she dreads. Embarrassed, Coach Choi apologizes and promises never to mention this again. She’s about to pick up her bag to go, when Coach Yoon suddenly grabs her hand. She looks up at him hopefully, but then he doubles over in pain.

Dae-ho has heard the whole conversation, and he turns to leave without telling them he’s there. He leaves the bag of ketchup on the door and walks away, only looking back for one small moment.

Joon-hyung is excited that he and Bok-ju don’t have to hide their dating status anymore, and he freely takes her hand as they head to Shi-ho’s competition. Bok-ju sighs, dreading the rumors that will start when word gets out that the popular Joon-hyung is dating a weightlifter.

He tells her that he’ll make it really obvious how much more he likes her, and quell any rumors. Then he cutely starts telling everyone in the vicinity how pretty his girlfriend is, and hollers, “This woman is my woman!” OMG, I just can’t with him anymore.

Shi-ho’s coach checks on her before her performance, and tells her that it’s the last competition for Shi-ho, but just the start for the coach. While Bok-ju and Joon-hyung watch from the stands, Shi-ho performs well in her ball routine, but she steps out of bounds once.

But as she waits for her scores afterwards, her coach tells her that they’ll be good, seeming oddly confident. Sure enough, her scores are rather high, leading the announcers to wonder if her misstep was even deducted.

Shi-ho senses that something is off, as she overhears the other athletes grumbling that the athletes with their coaches’ “support” always get better scores. She steps out for her ribbon routine, and on the sidelines, her coach gives a knowing nod to one of the judges.

The ribbon routine goes flawlessly, but as she performs, Shi-ho thinks of everything she’s been through in the past few months due to gymnastics. The eating, the physical and emotional pain, the rift in her family, all flit through her mind as she dances. She thinks about the years of hard work it’s taken to get to this point.

Shi-ho reaches the climax in her performance, and she throws the ribbon high into the air. She raises her hands… then lets the ribbon drop. She stands tall in the middle of the floor, finished.

As they walk home, Bok-ju tells Joon-hyung that she was impressed with Shi-ho today. Joon-hyung jokes that he almost regrets breaking up with her, and Bok-ju crushes his hand, hee.

Bok-ju wonders if someday, on her last stage, she’ll be able to put it all down as well as Shi-ho did. Joon-hyung says they won’t know until they get there, and tells her not to be afraid of it before it even happens.

Joon-hyung’s aunt and uncle prepare to close up the pharmacy for the night, and wonder if Jae-yi will ever get married. A woman walks in, and they both freeze to see Joon-hyung’s mother for the first time in years.

Joon-hyung’s aunt asks why she hasn’t contacted them in so long, and she apologizes, seeming genuinely remorseful. She tells them that she’s been in Canada until a few days ago, and says that she has something to ask them.

The next day, Bok-ju is stopped by Joon-hyung’s mother, who asks where the swimming building is located. Bok-ju takes her there, unaware of the woman’s identity, then turns to go.

Joon-hyung happens to be outside right then, and Bok-ju spots him and calls his name. He sees her, but he also sees his mother standing next to her, and his face freezes. His mother asks tearfully, “Joon-hyung-ah, do you recognize me? It’s me, Mom.”


Oh no, this is not going to be good, is it? As much as I know Joon-hyung needs to face his mother and get some answers, it’s going to be difficult for him to go through and for us to watch. But I’m glad that, after everything he’s done for Bok-ju and supporting her through so many things, she’ll have the chance to return the favor. It’s the one little complaint I’ve had, that Bok-ju always seems to be on the receiving end, and hasn’t had the chance to be there for Joon-hyung in the same way. So I’m happy for Joon-hyung that he’ll have someone to lean on, someone who loves him and wants to help him through what’s bound to be a rough time.

Joon-hyung and Bok-ju definitely continue to bring the cute, but I really enjoyed all the forward development with the side characters in this episode. I’m particularly proud of Shi-ho right now. I don’t know that, a few months ago, she would have made the decision she made today about refusing to compete dishonestly. I genuinely cried happy tears when she let that ribbon just fall, and let go of everything that’s been causing her so much pain. She’s been under so much pressure that it was making her ill, both physically and mentally. Though she’s been much better lately, I think this was the mental “snap” she needed to truly realize who she is. She’s not the weak, insecure girl that rhythmic gymnastics has made her into — she’s a strong young woman, unwilling to live others’ dreams or win unfairly. She got her wish, to perform without regrets.

On the other hand, Uncle Dae-ho really made me sad for him in this episode. I think his feelings for Coach Choi are genuine, and she wasn’t exactly kind to him when she told him she wasn’t interested. Normally, watching a guy pursuing a girl after she’s told him no is a big turnoff to me, but for some reason, I feel differently about Dae-ho in this situation. He’s not so much pushy about his pursuit as he is kind of pitiful, and it didn’t help things when he overheard Coach Choi’s confession to Coach Yoon. Part of me wants Dae-ho to move on and find another girl, one who likes him as much as he likes her. But another part of me wants him to get the girl he likes (even if I don’t care for Coach Choi all that much myself), just because I want to see him happy. I think Dae-ho just needs to back off for now, let Coach Choi work through her feelings for Coach Yoon, and she’ll be ready to look at him with new eyes. Exactly the same thing Joon-hyung did for Bok-ju and her crush on Jae-yi… patience will pay off in the end.

Speaking of Jae-yi, I’m glad that he’s lost Dr. Go, at least for now. The poor woman has been waiting for him for a decade, and that’s beyond long enough. An argument could be made that she should have confessed to him sooner, but I can see how, from her point of view, she wouldn’t want him to like her just because she brought the idea to his attention. That’s why she’s rejecting his advances now, because she figures that if it didn’t happen naturally in ten years, then she doesn’t want his love if it has to be forced. The thing is, I don’t think that he’s never had feelings for her, I think he’s just the kind of guy who’s happy however things are at the moment. They’ve been close, and that was good enough for him — nothing ever sparked his need to take things a step further. So from that perspective Dr. Go is wrong about him… he did need a kick in the pants to jump-start his latent feelings for her. I just hope he can find a way to not just react, but take actual forward action in convincing her that he’s sincere about her.


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Apart from song hye kyo, i must say lee sung kyung is the most beautiful korean actress around now.


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Agree with your observation that LSK is one of the most beautiful Korean actress today. I didn't find her that beautiful and even disliked her acting in Cheese. Or maybe she is just a good actress because I hated her in Cheese :)

Ironically, when she became Kim Bok Joo who should be 'plain' and 'fat', I saw how gorgeous she is. I sometimes got lost in her amazing eyes (is it light brown? honey? hazel?).

Gosh, I'm gonna miss her, Joon-hyung and all the amazing cast from the supporting characters even their guests actors (Jong Seok! Ji Soo! Seul Gi!) Definitely one of my favorite K-drama ever! I'm really sad its about to end.... :(


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Speaking of body language, can we all just appreciate how in the 'Interrogation' scene, Nan Hee and Seon Ok are sitting with one leg on the other and arms out in typically more aggressive/casual poses where as Tae Kwon is sitting there all pretty Swimmer Princess like with his legs crossed looking like Joon Hyun and Bok Joo dating is THE most offensive thing in the world, like OMG how DARE they, I'm laughing so hard at the contrast, it's the best thing.


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??Bwahahaha...this show does well in demolishing tropes doesn't it? Without being cheesy or over-the-top about it no less!


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Right?? I love it. This one was quite subtle to be honest! I noticed Tae-Kwon whilst watching but I only realised his contrast with the girls when reading the re cap!!
Ahhh WLFKBJ, you are slowly creeping into my top 5. And most deservedly.


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Also the look on Joon Hyung's face when his mum appeared at the end. OOFFFF.
This drama might make me cry. And I almost NEVER cry in dramas...


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Boyfriend goals 2017 - Can I have a Joon Hyung in my life, please?

I love the pacing of this show, nothing is dragged longer than it should. Everything is just so...Pitch Perfect. I have been watching some of the behind the scene videos and you can see everyone is having fun including the PD. The positive energy translates onscreen.


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I am pretty sure that that OTP's rooftop conversation after Shi Ho left was ad-libbed.

Is this the magic that makes Nam Joo Hyuk shine in this drama? Because he can freely explore his character and the director/pd lets him? Aside of course from the fact that he's totally comfortable with Lee Sung Kyung.

I might be reading too much into it though.


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I actually think there might be quite a lot of adlib in this show. Watching the bts of the bed-almost-kiss scene I can't believe Bok Joo's puckering her lips was LSK's doing. Actually watching bts in general and actors rehearsing scenes I'm quite surprised that so many times they give their own opinion and make suggestions to a scene.


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Actually, now that I think about it, when actors are given enough freedom to portray their characters, they usually end up the more well rounded ones. Like Sassy Go, Go, actor Lee Won Geun wanted to portray Yeol as playful instead of it's supposedly original jerk character. Gong Yoo and Eun Hye in Coffee Prince was also given freedom to act their characters as they see fit, and look how beautiful it turned out. Cheese in the Trap too, although the story went downhill the 2nd half, the 1st half was amazing and has a touch of authenticity because Director let's her actors to interpret their characters. So maybe directors need to trust actors too, that's why a lively set often ends up with good results.

Okay sorry for the long post. ?


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Me too! I was watching bts when JH get jealous when TK hold BJ hand and it seems that LSK suggested to TK to hold her hand tightly so that the jealousy feeling feel real! I hope I am not delulu..anyone noticed that BTS??


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I was totally rooting for Shi Ho this episode. I loved how her arc came full circle to this point and she came out of it without regrets. I'm also happy that this show never gave her a pass for her shitty behavior. JH still held her responsible for the crap she pulled on BJ which gave me satisfaction enough to understand why BJ was more forgiving. That being said, I just really enjoyed her coming back to herself. But more so, it showed that her being all smiley and happy didn't mean she was healed and whole. Rather that it gave her the agency to be brave enough to let go of something that had ceased to make her happy.
Also, I'll say it again. I love JH's attitude when it comes to BJ. And this show <3
I was just thinking that they could easily have made childhood BJ conventionally pretty to explain why his first love is a hardcore weightlifter. But instead, they keep her consistent and even though the actress is low-key gorgeous even under the hair and clothes, she still maintains the spirit of her childhood counterpart showing that if you're happy, whole and confident in who you are, the people who matter will gravitate towards you regardless of what conventions tell you.
I might just repeat this point every week but honestly, it's because the show keeps reinforcing it so well.
I actually like JY's storyline too and love that he's learning that his over kindness can lead to consequences of alienating his best friend to the point where he can't even tell anymore what her true likes and dislikes are. Makes me wonder if he really sat down to have a heartfelt sincere conversation with her about feelings and relationships that were centered on her.


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This is one of the best shows I have seen recently! And how beautiful is their ost?


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In love with the ost!!! Listening to it esp "Dream" by Han Hee Jung makes me tear up. It hurts that it's ending next week. *sigh*


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Can't wait for the next episode! Thanks for the recap. :)


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I don't really want this show to end. It's kind of amazing that they've taken two characters that would likely have been side characters - best friends of the mains likely - in most dramas and pushed them into the spotlight. Bok Joo the clumsy, big, loyal, funny best friend. Joon Hyung the kind, sensitive beta male best friend. I tend to like the arrogant alpha male type as a main, find betas a bit boring, but Joon Hyung has kept me captivated and not just because he's good looking. I could watch these two being cute and awkward and physical for many episodes to come - just wish it wasn't ending so soon.


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This is my first time to really like a drama that I’ve read all the recaps & comments plus I’m writing my own comment. =)
Since the drama’s ending, I’ve had a lot of thoughts on why I really love WLFKBK. So here goes. This is from the viewpoint of an ahjumma with two kids already. =)

1. Weightlifting Fairy KBJ Drama – What really makes it different from the other dramas I’ve watched is the relatability of each character. I’m sure we can all identify with a character from the drama, be it KBJ (who is experiencing first crush & first love), NJH (playful popular guy who falls in love unexpectedly with the least feminine girl he knows), TKW (the ever supportive guy best friend who tries to meet all the pretty girls), NH & SO (best friends who have been single since birth) etc. The simple plot & school setting makes it more true to life & brings back our old feelings of experiencing first love.

2. Lee Sung Kyung – I have to say I was really surprised at how good she is in playing Bok Joo. I’ve seen almost all her TV series roles and I used to really hate her because of the mean girl roles she’s been typecasted into. When I first heard about her playing a weightlifter, I was kind of doubtful about her doing a good job since her girly looks & model-slim built hardly represents a typical weightlifter’s look. But she surprised me & a lot of her doubters when she gained weight, cut her hair short, & changed her feminine walk & movements to resemble a weightlifter. One reason I think LSK was able to play KBJ’s role perfectly is because the role & her real personality are somewhat similar. I’ve read interviews that says LSK has a tendency to be loud & funny with people she’s close with. Plus I’ve seen enough BTS to see that she likes to make wacky faces, makes jokes & laugh out loud. =) All I can say is WLFKBJ has made me a fan of LSK. She’s simply “SWAG”

3. Nam Joo Hyuk – I’ve watched CITT & Moon Lovers & I must say there is really a difference in the way he looks at LSK. I really don’t know if he suddenly became a better actor in WLFKBJ but the way he stares and looks at LSK (KBJ) is really different compared to the other partners he had. In the other series, his eyes seem to be dead, but with LSK there was real emotion & affection. I don’t know if it’s because they’ve been friends for a long time that he feels comfortable touching her & all or he’s secretly feeling something for her. (Wishing it was the latter but I’ve seen some of their shots of the MBC awards & they hardly talk & interact in real life so it might be wishful thinking for them to really date in real life) In essence the way he stares & longs for Bok Joo already makes up half of the series success. He epitomizes what every girl/woman wishes their partner would be. #boyfriend goals! =) Will be looking forward to seeing NJH in his new role for the TVN series. =)


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LSK is a senior at YG while NJH is only 3 years in the company and LSK is very friendly and boyish type but at the same time she has attracting talents (singing, dancing, playing piano and drumps and perfect catwalk) so I am sure there is a boy fandom towards her as well.
I like your theory that NJH is secretly feeling for her. It might be true. In real life, he might have some inconfidence in front of her since he is young and his career has just begun. The family background might be different as well.
If LSK also has some feeling for him, that would be the best breaking news ever for a sweet couple (just like Goo Hye Sun and Ahn Jae Hyun).


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No wonder he he referred to LSK as hyung in real life because she's always hitting him in the bts. ?


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I also like the theory of NJH having secret feelings for her, haha!! If you think about it, it's even normal. He is very young and new in this business, and his nuna for sure has lots of admirers and grown up men around interested in her. She is also very outgoing and a strong personality.
I can see how he could feel a bit intimidated, but suddenly finding himself in the position of courting this gorgeous woman in the drama, and getting her seeing him as a man (and hugging, and kissing..)... I bet this is a situation that can excite the heart of a young man ? :D


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PD: as much as I like to rejoice in this theory (I would love to hear that they are dating for real), watching episode 15 reminded me that I have no doubts about NJH acting talents, so it could be nothing after all, hahaha!!


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This was an episode that hinges on its narrative. I really felt the difference watching it raw it seemed slow n some scenes not neccessary but when i watch it subbed it all comes together and the narration and lines from the characters really made the episode.
The punch in gut scene was when Si ho threw her ribbon up in the air and let it fall without clamoring to receive it. Shes finally liberated. I feel proud for her. Side note that senior guy from seimming team hasnt appeared in awhile. Will he have a chance with si ho?
Back to our otp they are so adorable. Their personalities so different but they gel so well together. This is when you wish beyond what is shown in this set length of the drama you want bokjoo and joonhyung to go all the way pass the triumph jubilation and trials of life, navigate all that life throws upon them and grow old together. Theres never two people so genuinely in love and supportive of each other. I cant stop adoring them


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Which is why i made another fmv
But beware has clips up to episode15


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So...who's started to rewatch the entire series again? ME! ME! ME!


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ME! I started to rewatch since the first episode...
Rewatch and rewatch until a new episode is released. And rewatch again and again, feeling happy because I already have a Joon Hyung for myself- a husband (who is not handsome like NJH at all :D) but could fix the water sink even at night when he'd just come back from a tired business trip, just because he does not want his wife and children feel unconfortable in the bathroom the next day. Someone who prepared a book and a music player for me because he knew I would have to wait for him for just around 30-45 minutes for him to complete his work.
If you have a boyfriend, husband already, you will still love the drama to crazy because you satisfy with the happiness you have. If you don't have a boyfriend yet, you would love to have one right now.
This drama is definitely a happy virus and makes people want to fall in love the whole time.
It can inspires you in life...save this one for as a healing drama!
Love it!


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As a married woman, this show reminds me of how I was when I was that age. So many high highs and lows lows. So good! It's also reminded me that I have a Joon-hyung by my side and to appreciate him even more.


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#rentenmann: then your life is just SWAG!


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By the way, feel like NJH has one-sided love for LSK but could not express it even to the other side due to a lot of pressure in the showbiz or it can be the other way. Who knows.
You don't really know because you only observe them in public.
NJH's real personality is quiet and honest and shy as well but he is sure also boyish and playful when he's with boys. Very polite being with senior colleagues. Hardly see him flirting girls (a boyfriend should be like that right:D). He only does it nicely and politely, keeping cold image at times.
But his eyes always look like being deep in thinking of something because he does not talk much.


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I like your theory, and I'm gonna believe that, too. Lalalala, can't hear anything else!


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I'm kind of thinking the same thing because he looks at her differently vs the other actresses he was paired with previously. ???


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This is such a relatable show. I mean when Bok Joo's friends asked her about how far she had gone with Joon-Hyung, I could totally relate. I have done the same with my friends.


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I totally love this show.


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The previews always throw me off! The episode is never what I expect and I love that about WF!


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coach yoon's whining reminds me of those scenes in Reply 1988 when Taek's dad (same actor) was being super clingy to Sun Woo's mom after he got a stroke hehehehe


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Thanks for the recap, LP!

JH and BJ are seriously the cutest couple ever!! So hilarious to see them trying to keep their dating secret from friends only for BJ to burst in anger and spilling the beans... XD The whole meat-eating and noraebang made me laugh so hard, especially with the girls sharing their BBQ set menu and JH being mobbed by them while they sang their hearts out.

I love how much JH adores BJ, enjoying her aegyo and finding all her qualities attractive and sexy. The pimple scene was the funniest thing ever with JH grabbing the railing and seeing BJ's big zit. =P And then he's so tall that he can't even hide properly under the bed. LOL I also love how he declares her to be his woman and just wants the whole world to know how incredibly happy he is to be with BJ.

I like SH so much more when she's smiling and not being bad. It's great that she and BJ have developed a camaraderie and props to her for not continuing with the competition knowing that her scores are rigged.

I feel so bad for Uncle DH. Sucks to hear that the girl you like likes another man instead despite suspecting that fact already. I just hope he can find someone who would appreciate him for who he is.

Dang! The Mom is here!! I'd better prepare my heart for what JH is gonna go through.


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am I the only one wondering which version of "Libertango" is played during this episode? I can't seem to find it on youtube yet


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nevermind found it, the version was by Bond


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OMO OMO OMO This show I just CAN'T!!!!

Lee Sung Kyung chincha I was SO not expecting this after Doctors I mean YOU ROCK SO MUCH!!! I'm in love with how she's playing this character I mean when I think of other actresses (no offense to anyone) like Park Shin Hye or established people I definitely don't think they would have pulled it off the way you did. And that coffee shop scene omo DEAD DEAD DEAD from laughter!
And Nam Joo Hyuk!!! Whaaaaaaattt??? I FRICKING LOVE YOU WHEN CAN WE GET MARRIED???? I swear I probably won't ever get married, waiting for my very own Joon Hyung but sigh, those don't exist in India :(

Hey isn't Nan Hee the same actress who played Ja Young in Cinderella and Four Knights? Very similar characters, I must say.

Tae Kwon and Seon Ok seriously just get to it already! Only two eps left my heart can't stand this I FRICKING LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!

Thank goodness I found this while desperately needing to get over my heartbreak from Kim Shin Hyeok in She Was Pretty lol Siwon though <3.

Now I'm rambling aren't I? Apologies, beanies, this is my first comment even though I've been following Lollypip, Javabeans and gfriend for ages. I love that there's a community like this where I can rave about my oppas without getting judgy stares from my friends. Indians, I tell you.


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And kudos to Si Ho, I never thought I'd like a second lead who started out so mean :). Again, I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH MY HEART HURTS.

Anyone know whether Korea would start hiring Indian actors any time this century?


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