Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: Episode 10

Relationships are so tricky — sometimes the thing you feel the most is the hardest thing to show to the one you care about. Being kind can be a cruelty, and love can be a source of pain, if you don’t listen to what the other person truly needs. Growing up is painful, as Bok-ju is learning, but hopefully she’ll come out the other side even stronger.

EPISODE 10: “A comma or a period”

Joon-hyung bursts into the auditorium just as Bok-ju finishes her lift. He notices that she looks deeply unhappy, sees that Jae-yi is here in the audience, and immediately knows that Bok-ju is ashamed that her crush saw her at what she considers her ugliest moment.

He follows Bok-ju to the training room, and though he doesn’t immediately see her, her sniffling gives her away. Joon-hyung looks like he could cry himself, just hearing Bok-ju’s sobs, but he decides not to approach her just now.

He sees Jae-yi approaching the doors, and grabs him before he can come inside. He leads Jae-yi out to the parking lot and turns on him angrily, asking how he knew to come here. Jae-yi says that he heard about it from Dr. Go, and thought he’d come cheer for Bok-ju.

He obviously thinks it’s no big deal, but Joon-hyung knows how much it hurt Bok-ju for Jae-yi to see her that way, red-faced and straining to lift a heavy barbell. He blows up, and blurts out that Jae-yi himself is the guy that Bok-ju likes.

Joon-hyung says that Bok-ju lied to him because of her crush, and that now that lie is torturing her. He adds that Bok-ju is just a girl, who didn’t want to show her ugliest side to the guy she likes. He tells Jae-yi to leave before he hurts Bok-ju even further.

The mood on the bus back to school is celebratory, and even Coach Yoon can’t help but smile at his team’s success. He gets a call from Bok-ju’s dad, who invites the whole team back to the chicken restaurant for dinner. Only Bok-ju remains quiet, staring out the window and not joining in the festivities.

As Coach Yoon and Bok-ju’s dad trade compliments on raising such a successful weightlifter, Uncle Dae-ho nervously brings Coach Choi a bowl of her favorite stew. He mentions her coming here before, and Coach Yoon wonders when she was here without him. She just starts chanting the team chant, ha.

Bok-ju avoids the party, and she sits in her room dejectedly. She can’t stop thinking of how Jae-yi saw her lifting weights, and how embarrassed she was, and starts crying all over again.

Joon-hyung stops by the restaurant and peeks in the window, noticing that Bok-ju isn’t with the rest of her team. He leaves, deciding to leave her alone tonight. Jae-yi is also thinking of Bok-ju, and how they first met when he lent her his umbrella. It only now occurs to him that the birthday plant on his desk must have been from her.

The next day, the coaches announce to the team that a sponsor called N.S. Ning, who supports a few of the school teams, saw their performance at the tournament and now wants to sponsor their team. The team is thrilled — at the very least, it means they can eat well again.

Coach Choi tells Bok-ju individually that N.S. Ning wants to recruit her to their official team. It’s an amazing opportunity, but Bok-ju can’t quite muster up any enthusiasm.

At lunch, Bok-ju’s friends ask why she’s not eating, and she listlessly says that she’s fine. Joon-hyung comes by and can tell immediately that Bok-ju is still upset, and he follows her out when she excuses herself. He just barely stops her from walking in front of a moving car, and yells at her to pay attention.

Bok-ju seems dazed and distant, and gives him a half-hearted apology before wandering off again. But Joon-hyung stops her, worried that she didn’t eat, and buys her a whole bag of convenience store snacks.

He tries to cheer Bok-ju up by gushing over her performance yesterday, but it doesn’t work. She does agree to eat a little something, and you can see the gears turning in Joon-hyung’s head as he tries to think of something, anything, to make her feel better.

He ends up doing dumb impressions of Bok-ju herself, which are pretty hilarious, but she still barely cracks a smile. He tries imitating her odd running style, but Bok-ju just asks if he doesn’t have anything else to do today. Ha.

Poor Joon-hyung, he’s just beside himself with the need to help Bok-ju, and everything he tries falls flat. His jokes flop, his teasing is ignored, and eventually Bok-ju says she’s going to go take a nap and heads back to her dorm.

As soon as Bok-ju lies down her phone rings, and she pops back up when she sees it’s Jae-yi calling. He asks her to meet him to talk, and she heads to a small cafe where he buys her coffee. Argh, the coffees have little hearts drawn in the cream — this is why Bok-ju is so confused!

Jae-yi starts by congratulating Bok-ju on her win, and tells her that Joon-hyung read him the riot act for showing up unannounced. He apologizes, and says he hopes he didn’t hurt her feelings or mislead her unintentionally. Bok-ju drops her spoon in her coffee, destroying the cream heart in her mug, as her own heart breaks.

Bok-ju takes all the responsibility for her feelings, saying that it had nothing to do with Jae-yi’s actions towards her. Jae-yi says that he does feel happy and energized around her, which probably made her think he felt something more, and Bok-ju falls all over herself telling him that there’s nothing wrong with kindness.

She assures him that she falls in and out of love easily, and that she’ll soon forget all about him, calling it a distraction from training. Jae-yi doesn’t look like he really believes her, but he’s obviously relieved that she’s not taking his letdown badly. They part ways, and Bok-ju goes straight to Joon-hyung’s training gym.

Bok-ju calls Joon-hyung outside in front of the entire swim team. Uh-oh. She demands to know why he told Jae-yi that she likes him, and tells him about the horrible conversation they just had. She says that she felt like Jae-yi was put in an uncomfortable position because he can’t return her feelings.

She blames Joon-hyung for the entire situation, and Joon-hyung tries to explain that he was only trying to help, but even he can hear how lame that sounds. He admits that he felt bad when he saw her crying after the tournament, and that he lost his temper.

Bok-ju still thinks he had no right to tell her secret to Jae-yi. She yells that Joon-hyung always does whatever he wants, and accuses him of having fun at her expense. Joon-hyung gets angry at that, and asks if she thinks it’s a joke that he kept her secret, covered up her lies, and tried to make her feel better when she was down.

She says she’s not sure, and Joon-hyung gets offended and tells her to think whatever she wants about him. But he wants to know what her problem is, moping around after winning first place, letting a guy make her feel terrible when she worked so hard for that medal.

He yells that she’s ashamed, and that as a fellow athlete, he’s disappointed in her. He asks who will love her if she’s ashamed of herself, and walks away angry.

He goes to Jae-yi’s clinic and tells his cousin to come outside. Jae-yi explains that he felt like he may have been too nice to Bok-ju and wanted to explain, and Joon-hyung accuses him of unburdening himself at Bok-ju’s expense. Jae-yi says he really just wanted to apologize, but Joon-hyung tells him he made another huge mistake.

He tells Jae-yi that Bok-ju feels even worse now, after seeing Jae-yi apologize to her. He says that Jae-yi can go too far trying to be considerate, and ends up hurting others. Joon-hyung says that Jae-yi has been doing it to him for years — that being too nice only makes Joon-hyung feel worse, because it highlights that he’s not Jae-yi’s real brother.

Jae-yi clearly feels terrible, and Joon-hyung says that he knows that’s not his intent to make him feel that way. But he wishes that Jae-yi would get angry with him, fight with him, even beat him up like regular brothers. He leaves without giving Jae-yi a chance to say anything.

The rhythmic gymnasts are weighed again, and most of the girls come in too heavy for their coach’s liking. Shi-ho is praised for losing weight, and told to lose a bit more before the next competition.

She goes to dinner later with Joon-hyung’s swimming sunbae Ki-seok. She feels ill halfway through the meal and goes to the restroom to throw up, and when she comes out she finds Ki-seok worried about her. She asks if he’s not annoyed that she ordered all that food to go to waste, but he just says he’s not, because he’s liked her for years.

That night Jae-yi goes into Joon-hyung’s room, and looks at all the photos of Joon-hyung with his family. Joon-hyung floats in the university pool, buoyed by the water even as his thoughts weigh him down.

Nan-hee and Seon-ok burst into Bok-ju’s room late the next morning, but she refuses to open her eyes, much less get up. They finally leave her to sleep, wondering what’s happened to their friend since winning the weightlifting competition.

Tae-kwon happens by, and Nan-hee says to Seon-ok that she’s decided he’s her backup plan in case she doesn’t have a boyfriend by the end of the year. Tae-kwon joins them and tells them about Bok-ju yanking Joon-hyung out of practice, and that Joon-hyung has been in a bad mood ever since.

Tae-kwon says that Joon-hyung must have crossed a line, making Seon-ok and Nan-hee gasp and think he means romantically. But he just means he thinks Joon-hyung teased Bok-ju too much and they had a fight. Tae-kwon assures them that Bok-ju isn’t Joon-hyung’s type, because he likes pretty girls (grrr…).

Coach Yoon rushes to the administration office, to look into reports that Coach Choi has been asking for the team’s operating costs in advance. Coach Choi arrives, and she confirms that she used the money for a personal matter, but she refuses to say what for. She paid Woon-ki’s settlement (for punching the taxi driver) with the team’s money, didn’t she?

Coach Yoon goes back to the gym alone, and tells the team to begin practice. He looks pale and worried, and Nan-hee tells everyone that she saw him heading to the office earlier. Woon-ki goes to Coach’s office to talk to him, and overhears him on the phone mentioning the amount that Coach Choi used for something “personal.” Sure enough, it’s the same amount as his settlement.

Woon-ki intercepts Coach Choi on her way back to the gym, and asks her about it. She refuses to say anything, but he already knows, and says that if he had known he wouldn’t have accepted the money. He starts to go to the office to clear this up, but she stops him, and says that nothing he does now will change the fact that she wrongly used the school’s money.

Joon-hyung’s aunt calls him to the pharmacy to help rearrange and clean up, and things get awkward when he sees that Jae-yi is there. Jae-yi makes the first move and invites Joon-hyung to play catch, so they go to the park to toss a ball.

At one point Joon-hyung throws a little too hard, and hits Jae-yi in the shoulder. He runs over to see if Jae-yi is okay, and Jae-yi blows up at him. He yells at Joon-hyung for having terrible aim and nearly hurting him, and accuses Joon-hyung of doing it on purpose because he’s angry.

Joon-hyung looks upset, but he’s just about to apologize when Jae-yi turns to him with a big grin, and asks if he did a good job being a big brother. Awww, he was giving Joo-hyung what he wanted, to get yelled at like a real brother.

Later they sit to talk, and Jae-yi says that he never considered that being nice could create distance between them. Joon-hyung admits that he was being too sensitive, and they both apologize.

Jae-yi says that Joon-hyung was quite scary when he got upset, and wonders if Bok-ju is that special to him, to make him feel that strongly. Joon-hyung stammers that it’s not like that, but Jae-yi just gives him a knowing look.

As he bikes home, Joon-hyung gives himself a pep talk. He decides that he won’t care about Bok-ju anymore, which is a vow I’m guessing won’t last the day.

Shi-ho goes to see Dr. Go about her injured ankle, and Dr. Go notices that she seems more relaxed today. She guesses there must be a positive change in Shi-ho’s love life, and Shi-ho actually giggles that she must be transparent. She sighs that she wants to be with someone who likes her, and stop being obsessive.

She and Ki-seok go ice skating later, and they’re both terrible at it. Later he helps Shi-ho unclip her boots, and he leans in to kiss her. Shi-ho seems like she’s going to allow it, but she turns her head at the last moment, and apologizes.

Ki-seok says that he already knows he’s not the one she wants, and tells her that it’s okay to use him. But he says that she should stop torturing herself.

Jae-yi takes Dr. Go for a drink, and tells her that someone said his consideration for others can sometimes hurt their feelings and create distance. Dr. Go honestly agrees, saying that despite being warm and caring, he can often feel distant as well. She says it makes her wonder if they’re really as close as she thinks.

Jae-yi asks when she was disappointed like that, but Dr. Go refuses to tell him. She takes a call from an old schoolmate of theirs, and the news that someone named Hwan-hee may be back seems to affect Jae-yi. Interesting… an old love?
Bok-ju and her friends go running to the weightlifting gym to learn that Coach Choi has been fired for using school money for personal reasons. The entire team are gobsmacked, and Woon-ki looks wracked with guilt over the news. Coach Choi comes to clean out her desk, and she only apologizes when Bok-ju begs her to say it’s not true.

In the office, Coach Yoon says that he tried to stop her being fired, and asks one last time where she spent the money. She declines to say, but Woon-ki bursts in and says that Coach Choi spent the money on his settlement.

Coach Yoon goes to talk with Bok-ju’s dad, and tells him about Coach Choi’s firing. Uncle Dae-ho listens from the kitchen as Coach Yoon explains that she intended to recoup the money with other money she’s expecting, but she was found out before that happened. He’s torn, because helping Coach Choi by telling the truth could result in Woon-ki being subjected to disciplinary action.

Coach Choi cleans out her desk, and says goodbye to the weightlifting team. She leaves them with a few words of encouragement, and Woon-ki turns his back in shame over his part in what’s happening.

Bok-ju follows Coach Choi out, and says that she knows she would never steal the team’s money. She begs Coach Choi to tell her it’s not true, asking who will train her now, who she’s supposed to lean on now, if Coach Choi leaves. Coach Choi only says she’s sorry, and leaves Bok-ju wailing.

She doesn’t get far before Uncle Dae-ho rides up on the restaurant’s scooter and offers her a ride. She refuses, but he turns on the charm, and soon they’re speeding down the street. HAHA, Coach Choi is driving, and Dae-ho is hanging on for dear life, looking scared to death.

Bok-ju goes back into the gym to find the entire team sitting wordlessly. Suddenly Woon-ki kicks over a chalk stand and storms out, and Bok-ju finds Coach Choi’s old water bottle and hugs it close, crying again.

Coach Yoon reminds Bok-ju that she has a meeting with her new sponsor later today, and says he’ll take her. She looks around at the weightlifting apparatus, then kicks a barbell angrily, and leaves.

Tae-kwon complains to Joon-hyung about a surprise swim team meeting, and mentions that Ki-seok didn’t turn up at practice recently. Nan-hee and Seon-ok run to them to ask if they’ve seen Bok-ju, who’s disappeared and is about to miss her sponsor meeting.

Joon-hyung tries not to care, since Bok-ju told him not to worry about her anymore. But he can’t help himself, and runs off looking for her. He can’t find her anywhere, and he even checks Jae-yi’s office, but Jae-yi says she hasn’t been there, either.

A security guard finds her sleeping on a park bench, and wakes her and sends her away. Joon-hyung finally finds her on a bridge, and yells at her for turning her phone off and disappearing.

He asks if she’s doing this on purpose, and making him feel uneasy. He yells that she keeps making him worry even when she’s okay, and Bok-ju finally speaks in an oddly calm voice. She says she feels strange, and that she thinks she’s sick.

She says she doesn’t want to do anything — she doesn’t want to lift weights, and she feels sleepy all the time. She says she thinks she’s broken, like something is pressing on her heart. “It’s so frustrating, and it makes me sad. What do I do?”

She starts to cry, and Joon-hyung’s anger dissipates. He does the only thing he knows how to do, and holds Bok-ju as she sobs.


Poor Bok-ju, it’s like everything stable in her life is falling down around her ears. She’s losing her unconditional love for weightlifting because of a silly crush, that crush doesn’t return her feelings, she’s fighting with her best friend, and now she’s losing the only mother figure she’s ever had. None of these things are small issues by themselves, but they’re happening all at once, and Bok-ju must feel like her whole world is ending. It’s no wonder she’s almost certainly suffering from depression, because she probably feels like she’s losing everything that makes her happy and feel like herself.

I really have to stop and give Nam Joo-hyuk all the credit for the way he’s portraying Joon-hyung. I’ve been following his career since Surplus Princess and always thought he was okay but pretty green, but he’s suddenly grown in maturity by leaps and bounds. It would have been so easy to make Joon-hyung a simple, happy-go-lucky character, and we still would have loved him for the way he adores Bok-ju. But Nam Joo-hyuk is playing him with such subtle nuance, I’m frankly amazed at how he lets us in to even the tiniest of Joon-hyung’s thoughts. You can see it on his face the moment he regrets saying something thoughtless to Bok-ju, and how worried he gets when he thinks Bok-ju might be angry with him, and how much it hurt when she blew up at him about blabbing to his cousin about her crush. He doesn’t need to tell us how much he cares for Bok-ju, because we can watch every single moment that he falls for her, over and over again. There’s no moment that goes by that Joon-hyung’s thoughts aren’t written all over his face, and that requires a level of acting skill that I wouldn’t have said Nam Joo-hyuk possessed… until now.

And as a character and romantic interest, Joon-hyung is just knocking it out of the ballpark. He’s just so sweet and attentive, without being sappy at all — he just thinks Bok-ju is awesome, plain and simple. But I’ve been waiting for him to finally get mad at Bok-ju about something, because surely he can’t be so perfect that every little thing she does enchants him. I was so glad, and really, not at all surprised, when he finally blew up at Bok-ju. It’s interesting that the reason was because he was angry that she’s ashamed of herself and her weightlifting — it’s so in line with his character that when he finally got angry at Bok-ju, it was for the way she belittles herself. I love that what upsets him the most is that she diminishes herself and her accomplishments, that she lets a guy who doesn’t even like her back make her feel bad about herself. He’s so right, that it’s wrong for Bok-ju to allow anyone else to take away her pride in herself and her hard work.

I also liked what he said to Jae-yi, that too much consideration can be hurtful. It’s hard to describe, but I know exactly what he means. I was actually impressed with Jae-yi for immediately apologizing for making Bok-ju think he might have returned her feelings, until Joon-hyung pointed out that too much consideration can be hurtful, too. By going too far apologizing, being sorry, being so overly nice, Jae-yi’s actions only shine an even brighter light on the thing that makes the other person feel bad in the first place, like Bok-ju’s crush or Joon-hyung being abandoned by his mother. They just want to be treated normally, and not to have to be reminded of their pain every time Jae-yi goes overboard by being extra kind to them. But, although it’s painful for Bok-ju to hear that he doesn’t return her feelings, it could have been so much worse, and this way she can now sort out her feelings and move on.

And she’s actually a very lucky girl… she doesn’t even know that there’s already someone who knows everything about her, good and bad, and loves every single bit of it. Joon-hyung is just on the cusp of realizing how he feels about Bok-ju, and I only hope that when he does, Bok-ju is ready to hear it. Right now she’s got so many other things to worry about, romance is probably the last thing she wants to think about. So it’s good that Joon-hyung is just being a good friend to her, which Bok-ju needs even more than a love interest.


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About two months ago, when they were still promoting this show with posters and teasers, I never would've thought I'd love this show so much. Heck, I really wasn't even interested in it but I watched the first episode just for the hell of it -- and look at me now....anxiously waiting for next episodes. This show is so good and the leads are doing an amazing job. I'm pleasantly surprised at how good it is, on paper it just sounded like another coming-of-age show, but THIS SHOW is different; it's special. I like that it feels so real and everything the characters are feeling are real. I love that there is no nasty second leads, just people who do stupid, regrettable things. Keep up, show! You're winning!


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I don't know why but I look forward to watching this drama more than The Legend of the Blue Sea. I love all the characters. I have watched dramas of NJH and I knew he can deliver.


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This has been better articulated by numerous Beanies in so many ways, but I am so grateful for such rich and layered lead characters.

And kudos to the show for its portrayal of what depression can look like. BJ's friends and family can't make sense of how she is acting because she is well-loved by friends and family, full of "Swag!", and the type of athlete (compared to Shi Ho) whose efforts are usually well-rewarded. But I've known many people who will point out photos of when they look happy or are surrounded by friends and say that that was taken in a period when they were depressed. I appreciate these varied depictions of what mental health entails and how it is not shameful to seek treatment.


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I'm so happy mental issues are dealt with without the usual stigma attached to it in this drama. LOVE IT.


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i agree with most things being said here, but i feel like what bok joo is going through cannot be classified as depression. not yet anyway. clinical depression is a sustained and seemingly unending cycle of the emotions she is experiencing right now. she is most definitely showing early signs and symptoms of depression, and if not addressed, it would very likely evolve into the full blown condition, but it's important to refrain from labeling it as depression at this point. mostly because i believe she won't reach that point as she has a very good support system in place who can help guide her through this ordeal, but also because her listlessness could very well be attributed to the fact that this is probably her first time being exposed to such a wide spectrum of hurt, so she's having an incredibly difficult time processing all of it.

in any case, i am very happy to see how various mental health issues are being handled in this show with so much sensitivity.


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suddent realization..

show has z.hera too..
and she is ridiculously hot!!

she may soon become the hottest korean for me.. has such western looks.. b'ful n sexy and nice..


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I have never seen any movie of LSK and NJH before n had no idea how this drama's gonna be but just to give it a try to some new faces (to me) now I'm just so in love with this Drama it gives me all the feels
I'm just so impressed n awed how good NJH gives off his emotions it's just so lovely heart fluttering wrenching everything.....LSK when she cries either happy or sad, tears always stream down my face. I can't believed myself that I'm so excited n restless always waiting for next episode n what to happen.


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Thank you Lollypip for the great recap and all of you beanies for your comments. :) People are leaving here so many thoughtful and endearing reflections. It seems that WF is bringing out the cute side of everyone, haha! :D

About the episode today, I liked that they showed a conflict between Joong Hyun and Bok Ju, not everything is going to be laughs and cuddles...I love how the relationship between them feels real and evolving, this is great writing that is making us invested in the couple. Their friendship-turning-into-love is so delicious that I do not mind to wait till the last episode for a kiss, hehe! as long as there is steady progress ;) Hope the writing keeps being so awesome till the end :)


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The real question is: who broke NJH's heart so he could learn how to access these emotions and act like this?

Jisoo was it you?


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Jisoo, my other puppy, sigh... I WAS SO SHOCKED with the bromance....I <3 Jisoo so much since his debut in Angry Mom. It's brilliant that these two are so close. :)


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Whatever that unleashed the inner to camera emote... amen.
Thank you for bringing Joon Hyung to life, Nam Joo-Hyuk.

Lee Sung-Kyung, you've made Bok Joo a totally iconic character. It will totally forever be the diamond in the rough on your resume.

Thank you for the warm and fuzzies to bow out 2015.

Writer-nim, PD-nim, Director-nim and all who worked on the show... for all the blood, sweat and tears. My eternal gratitude.


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I loved the symbolism of the coffee cups, when Jae-yi drinks his and erases the heart on top, while Bok-ju's sits there untouched, heart intact in front of her. And then at the end of that devastating conversation, how she quickly drank her coffee before running out, signaling the final death of her poor crush. It was so quietly heartbreaking.

Your comments are always so on point, Lollypip, but this week's recaps had especially insightful and moving ones. Thank you!

Joon-hyung definitely made a big mistake by blabbing to Jae-yi about the crush, but I was much madder at Hyung for being so completely insensitive and self-involved as to humiliate Bok-ju with that horrific conversation. I was dying for her. At some point good intentions are no longer an excuse - you have to take responsibility when your actions are hurting others, even if you mean no harm. Was so glad Joon-hyung confronted him about it and that he had an Aha moment.

Two things that Joon-hyung said this week that I absolutely loved: That everyone has a few painful wounds that they hide in their hearts, and either they heal with time or they don't, but they live with them. And that if Bok-ju is so ashamed of herself, how can someone else love her?

Wisdom from this young grasshopper. God I love this guy.

Also I want to give this drama all the points for portraying mental illness in the most realistic way I've ever seen, with no dramatics, no hysterics, just a real illustration of the actual symptoms and the effects it has on a person, and how all our characters struggle to overcome their various psychological issues. Bok-ju wanting to sleep all the time and not talk to anyone is so true to life. In a lesser drama, she would have walked around in pale makeup like a zombie, forgotten how to read crosswalk signals, and stumbled across the street to stop in front of oncoming traffic for no reason - only to be dramatically rescued by Joon-hyung at the last moment.

I am so glad this is not that drama. All the kudos, WF team. All of them. <3


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Love the point you made about how the show's portrayed mental illness.


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Nam Joo Hyuk is phenomenal in Weightlifting Fairy. He took me by surprise. I seriously disliked his acting in School 2015, thought he was okay in CITT & Moonlovers, but now he's suddenly so good at emoting that I'm slowly being converted to a fan. A big fan actually :)


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Just when I thought that episode 9 was my favourite episode thus far, here comes episode 10 to blow it out of the water. I was really impressed by this episode, and really saddened at the same time. My biggest issue with this show is that they have touched on and continue to explore many different characters in the show, making you care about them, but at the end of the day they do not have enough time to really dive into their lives.

Two things really stood out to be this episode: it helped highlight how selfish and self absorbed we can be at times and I think the show has succeeded is creating a rock hard foundation for our OTP here. As concerns the selfish and self absorbed problems, we have seen it with some of the other characters in varying degrees, non more notable than Shi Ho. I really didn't expect this from Jae Yi, at least not in the way he did it. Why on earth would you think it's a good idea to ask KBJ to meet up and talk about the elephant in the room like that. I was completely dumfounded. As concerns KBJ and JJH, I was so happy to see that the feel out and "reconciled" in the same episode. The way their relationship is unfolding is one of the best I've seen for the year.


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Such a great recap, LollyPip!! Everything you said about NJH is spot on. My first introduction to him was in School 2015, and he was so stiff and received a lot of criticism. Then, I saw him in Scarlet Heart and was surprised at how much he had improved! I think he could've been even better had he been paired with a stronger actress in that show. But now, he is just blowing it out of the water with his portrayal of Joon Hyung in WF! I'm so impressed by how much he's improved, and will definitely be following his career from here on out.

LSK is amazing too! These two are electrifying together! I keep stalking old photoshoots and IG's of the two of them together, and they just look so good together!

The writing here is fantastic. I'm now watching High School King of Savvy while I wait for new episodes of WF! It's been on my to-watch list for awhile because of SIG, but after finding out it's the same writer that wrote WF, it pushed it to the very top of my to-watch list.


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I think being an avid drama watcher and Korean variety show watcher, I've so happened to watch everything they've both been in. I agree with you 200%. NJH has shocked me with his performance. As I'm a LSK and this writer's fan, I've been waiting for this drama with a bit of curiosity, anticipation, and trepidation because this role is a complete 180 from her previous roles. However, I'm so glad to be proven that the trepidation was unnecessary and wrong. This has become the drama I want to keep watching and rewatching, commenting and reading all comments on forums, and just impatient for the next episode. So happy about it!
THis leads me to go back to the viewing of their photo shoots again. They do look amazingly good together. SO GOOD. It could be because of their YG agency, but I'm sure photographers agree because they been paired together multiple times from 2014-2016. THe chemistry is palpable. I'm surprised they weren't cast in the same drama before this.


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thank you for the recap!! :)
I'm really happy that Joon Hyung finally spoke out his feelings to his brothers overflowing kindness and how much it did hurt him and always reminded him that he's an adobted son!! it broke my heart but it was needed moment!! and I loved how he called Bok Joo on her low self esttem, he's again the friend who she needed to make her see her flaws!! I love this cutie puppy who is also a really sweet and caring young man!! and how he hugged her when she started crying!! I love how he couldn't resist not caring for her and went looking for her frantacly and how she again knew instinctively that she can lean on him inher low time!! I just hope she won't take too long to see that he's the one she was looking for especially that he already started realising that she's more than a friend for him!! ^__^


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I hope in next few eps they start to address Joon-hyung problems to. Like how he's going to overcome his anxiety with swimming and telling his aunt/mom he knows she's the one who sends him gifts. Hopefully Bok-Ju will be there for him like he always been there foe her.


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Loved this episode! Things are starting to get interesting


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So much to say, but I will try to be succinct. The world they've created is so real and relatable, it's no wonder so that many of us are drawn to this show and love it to pieces. For me, it's like watching my journal entries coming to life. What a show!


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Are you me?

My journal entries of my late teens are such embarrassment. Man, I really need to get rid of them!


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No! Don't. They are a proof of how far you've come and a reflection of what you've overcome, and basically, they are a part of who you are.


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Don't get rid of them! I read them again every few years and see just how far I've come in the 25 years I've kept a journal. Also, it points out where I'm painfully in need of improvement, but hey...


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Oh dear lord, that moment when Bok-ju is crying and listing off her symptoms of depression was heartbreaking, even more so when they cut over to Joon-Hyung's face when he clearly recognizes all of those symptoms having most definitely experienced them himself. I am so glad that she's going to have Joon-Hyung for support and am more than ready for their relationship to balance out a bit more, to have Bok-ju being a bigger support for Joon-Hyung and his trauma.


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Same here, same here! I can't wait to see the relationship level up. But after some healing for both lead puppies, of course.


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I love this show it is so good. I want to say I noticed that another character from cheese in the trap


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JH as a friend/love interest to BJ is obviously great, but I also like his character/development outside of that. Hashing out brotherly issues with JY was one of my favorite parts of this episode, the scene where JH brings up their childhood really got me (when I was expecting him to just yell about BJ again in a kind of “now she’s mad at me b/c of you” way).

Also, am I the only one who thinks JH already knows he likes BJ? He seems like a self-aware character in general, I assumed he was knowingly crushing on her for since early on. Not in a “love to end all loves” way, but in a “my friend who I kind of have a thing for” way.


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I'm not sure really, some scenes indicates he's aware, like in the car scene. But in this episode when Jae Yi pointed out that Bok Joo must be special for JH to be so worked up, JH looked so surprised, like he just realized that he really is overly involved with her. Hmmm.


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I disagree with you. He thinks that he likes her as a friend. He admired how cheerful and extrovert she is. Like when he was in elementary school he did not have a crush on her but just find her cool and wished he is like her. He is an introvert who hide himself well with his playful image.


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I'm in the camp that he is not aware of his romantic feelings for her. It's almost like he's having a wake up call when JY asked if she's special to him. He probably just enjoyed her company, found her admirable/cool, and didn't like her being sad (I mean this all points to I have a thing for her...) BUT I don't think he ever thought he liked her that way. I think he really thought he was helping her because she had her first crush in college (he seems to really believe that- not trying to come up with excuses and stuff to deflect).

To me though, it's because of this that I find it so heart-warming and lovely. His motivation and actions are pure and just wants to help out a friend.

Don't get me wrong...I'm so ready for him to start having intentions ;) LOL!


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Of the three Weds-Thurs dramas that I'm watching, WFKBJ is the one I most look forward to. I love how naturally BJ and JH's friendship has developed and how comfortable they are with each other. NJH's acting has improved immensely and I just love JH as a character.

LSK's doing such an incredible job at portraying BJ, I feel every emotion she's going through. I've liked her since It's Okay, That's Love; even when her characters have been bratty, I still haven't found them annoying.

She reminds me of Jun Ji-hyun in the sense that they both throw themselves into character, not caring how silly their actions are. I guess it helps that they both look stunning, even when their characters are being ridiculous.


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I really love how NJH has grown as an actor. When bokjoo cry after coach Choi, I cried with her. Even thought I told myself I wouldn't be crying when the episodes started. Her emotions were just so raw I couldn't help it. This drama is so good :) I didn't expect it to have such dept


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The number of comments on this show's recaps gives me hope for the world - and I am not even jesting. I am so happy there are lots of people who love the show and its characters as much as I do. That 'if she's sad, I am sad but I don't even realise it' just gets. me. right. here.


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I wonder if Kdrama actors and productions ever read Dramabean comments...I was thinking that if they're feeling disappointed by the reception in Korea (due to being overshadowed by Legend of the Blue Sea), how lovely and gratifying it would it be for them to see all of our positive comments for the show in the international community.

Wouldn't it be great if we could translate all of our comments and send it to them as a form of hwaiting or thank you?


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Aww, I was thinking the same thing! Part of me hopes that they expected it. I mean that other drama was expecting high ratings. And it's LMH and JJH.
Maybe someone can post the link of these comments.
I'm so happy so many ppl comment and love the show too :).


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I meant to say post on their PD or their Instagram.


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I wonder that too, honestly, I hope they do, especially for the ones that are not preproduced. That way, they would play well their weaknesses and strenghts. Beannies can provide proper insights to that, I 'm pretty sure they'll learn something.


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This drama goes to show that a well-acted and well written story needs no bells and whistles. Each and every episode engages my emotions and speaks to my soul that no other drama has done this year. I certainly wouldn't have expected neither or both Nam Joo-hyuk and Lee Sung-kyung to have been responsible for delivering one if not my favorite drama this year. So, I have to applaud them for bringing out the best in them to play Joon-hyung and Bok-joo with such heartfelt passion. I can only wish that they continue to shine as bright in their future work.


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I was always drawn to this drama because I am always ready for coming of age dramas to win me over, because when done right they just resonate so deeply. However, I really did not expect it to have delivered on all fronts. I love the cinematography and aesthetics. I love the writing and all the characters. Everyone is bringing it and committed to it acting-wise. All the themes and discussions it raises is also interesting. Really, much love.


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Wow I’m really enjoying reading everyone’s insightful comments, it’s nice to take part in this community.

Someone mentioned previously about Coach Choi’s foolish noble act. I wish the writer fleshed out this weak plotline but then again this is a Kdrama so this kind of act is typical and definitely a plot device to move the storyline and create conflict for Bok-Ju. Coach Choi is actually one of my favorites, but she should not have made this decision on her own. She ended up worrying the Professor even more by doing so, and she should realize how much she unintentionally hurt Bok-Ju. I hope she will clarify the situation to Bok-Ju without providing too much detail to implicate Woon-gi. She doesn't seem like a careless person to use the team’s funds knowing she could risk trouble for the professor and entire team. Then again she did something similar with the kimbap mishap…

Despite this, I'm actually glad the writer went in this direction. I would have lost respect for Bok-Ju if she decided to give up weightlifting purely being disillusioned over of the failure of her first crush. But having the added loss of her Coach, the person she looked up/mother figure disappointing her that was really the final blow for Bok-Ju to question her life goals. And more importantly I feel that this opens a gateway for Joon-Hyun to heal too by helping Bok-Ju get through these tough life road blocks. He went through the disappointment of being abandoned by his mom, kind of similar to what Bok-Ju is going through with her Coach. I would like to see Bok-Ju help Joon-Hyun as much as he has been helping her, it’s time for him to enjoy success in his sport.

Sorry for the long comment, this is the first drama that I've been so invested in. I can’t believe we only have 6 more episodes, how will we get through the withdrawal period? :(


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I agree with you actually. I enjoy the coach's character as I had someone similar in my life in the past (without the embezzling drama).
I definitely am glad that they added this storyline as another thing that played into BJ wanting to quit weightlifting. Having been a competitive athlete, your coach is probably the single most important figure in your life. Thus, to be disillusioned about them and having them leave you after making promises and setting goals is heartwrenching and excruciating painful. People seem to forget that BJ is only 19/20, so it's completely understandable that she would feel so low and having never felt this way- not know how to deal with all these new and painful experiences. =/
Having said all this, I, too, am excited to see her start to help JH and reciprocate them feelings. I also want her to come out of this slump stronger and learn that she can be both a woman and weightlifter and that those aren't mutually exclusive.


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Hmm....is it Wednesday yet?

No, okay...sigh it's only Sat.

Thank you all for the comments and insights. I'm having so much fun joining in on the discussions and reading. The refreshed button has never been used so much! :)


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I love this show so much. At first, I was so impressed with LSK and how she's brought Bok Joo to life. Now, NJH is also delivering in spades. I love them both so much and would love to see more of them, whether that be in other projects or reunited. They bring out the best in each other and make me so happy hehehe.


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Thanks for the recap, LP!

So heartbreaking to see BJ sobbing and it's good that JH let her have her private moment and whisked JY away. He is so dense and I'm glad that JH blew up at him, telling him that he's the one BJ likes... I know he said it out of anger, but I think JY really needs to hear the truth and perhaps will become more self-aware.

I love how attuned JH is to BJ and that he's making sure she eats. He's silly and his tactics don't seem that useful in cheering BJ up, but at least he is trying and also keeping her company.

But OMG!! One step forward and ten steps back since all that was undone upon JY setting up this coffee meeting. ㅠㅠ I could feel the world crashing down on BJ once again and how horrifying it feels to hear JY's repeated apologies. No wonder she is fuming when she went to look for JH. But it was good for these two besties to have a spat since someone needs to get through to BJ just how beautiful she is the way she is right now!! All that weight and what happens to her face and body during competitions really don't matter to the one who truly cares about her. And he's right in front of her eyes!!!!!

Round 2 of schooling hyung! I'm glad JH went to knock some sense into JH and even sharing his own pains while growing up with him. I really agree that there are some people like JY who don't seem to be aware of how their actions (though not of ill intent) can make people feel bad or hurt them. It was good that JY heard that firsthand from JH and seem to mull over those words and try to improve. He even got the same confirmation from AY, so I hope he will really think about his words and actions.

I knew Uncle DH would have growing affections for Coach Choi. The whole scooter scene had me in stitches!! XD

I knew that JH wouldn't be able to ignore his worries over BJ, and of course he'd be the one who finally finds her and comforts her. It was tough to see BJ going through these hard times, but it's part of growing pains and I'm glad that JH is there to be a good, supportive friend. I know she will overcome these overwhelming experiences in due time, and when she's ready, maybe she'd realize that someone precious is just next to her. BJ hwaiting!


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As usual, another amazing episode with so much heart. Things I loved about this episode.

-The conflict between JH and BJ was not wasted and led to him telling JY about knowing truth. With the huge secret out, I hope we can start seeing some healing for JH. He still needs to confront his aunt, uncle and (so called) mother for his trauma to be fully resolved.

-BJ saying she felt broken really hit me. The writer's description of depression was so spot on. The way JH hugged her without saying a word makes me feel like he has some experience with depression. Most people would be so annoying (sorry, like her swag friends), just wanting you to be back to normal without consideration of the emotional turmoil underneath. I just wanted to hug BJ too...no words necessary.

- Am happy the crush has finally been resolved. JY seems to have a first love crush to be dealt or something along those lines. Thanks writernim for not wasting this actor here. I ship him with Dr. Go, pls make that happen already. Include Coach choi and samcheon as well.

Can't wait to see JH and BJ's (non)dates next week. Writernim, thanks for such a beautiful heartfelt story.


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I've been reading so much good stuff about this show that I decided to watch this episode and I can see why there's so much love for the show. The characters are so lovable, so real, so easy to relate to. It's such an enjoyable, feel-good show to watch. Not sure I have time to follow it now, but I'll put it on my must-watch list.


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I cried bucket of tears in this episode,specifically the last scene before the preview where bok joo's lines are soooooo heart-piercing. That was relatable T.T


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I love how joong hyun tried to cheer up Bok Joo by trying to show how funny the way she talks and some of her gestures are. For Joong Hyun to notice and mimic those is quite something. That means he has been looking at her always in a dear way and finds her cute and charming.


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That last scene was heartbreaking...
I think he's very sweet. I wish I could have what they have.


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In this episode BJ just felt emotions like sad, upset, teary...and I can understand her in some ways.I like the way JH tried to make her feel good and forget her worries... thanks for recap I'm looking forward of JH & BJ's love for each other


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Yes, but... poor doctor! If you're mean you're bad-mouthed, if you're nice again you're bad-mouthed. It's true that you cannot do right by those young people, they are never happy.

The truth is that the doctor never led Book Joo on. His behaviour was nice and polite but nothing more than friendly all along: I didn't ever catch the smallest hint of flirting. It wasn't minimally his fault that she saw him as a knight with shining armour because he happened to be the first one to treat her as a woman. How on earth could he know that?
So the lashing by his bratty cousin was completely undeserved and I don't get why he should feel bad and be sorry.

And he genuinely cared for his cousin, and was acting out of love, so he didn't deserve the ungrateful attack. I think that Joon-hyung felt inferior because he wasn't a "real" son, that's why he was discontented even with kindness. After all it's not like they were strangers! They are first cousins, that is almost brothers (in India they call the first cousin as "cousin brother" and in many countries it is illegal to marry your first cousin).The older boy was considerate, which is pretty unusual for the teenager he was then. Another one in his place would be jealous of the love his parents were giving to his cousin. But no, uncharacteristically he had the maturity to be considerate and thoughtful, and that's what he receives as thanks? Really! If he harboured all those feelings he should have told the other boy before instead of waiting for more than a decade to spit out his venom.
But I'm sure that if he had been hitting him and scolding him "like a real brother", he would have whined as well, "oh, he hits me because I'm not his real brother". Whiners will be whiners.
It's good that at least Joon-hyung apologized afterwards.

And yeah, the adoptive parents gave him so much love, and yet the boy is still longing for the birth mother who abandoned him. This part, unfortunately, is very realistic, I know it happens often in real life with adopted children.


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