Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: Episode 10

Relationships are so tricky — sometimes the thing you feel the most is the hardest thing to show to the one you care about. Being kind can be a cruelty, and love can be a source of pain, if you don’t listen to what the other person truly needs. Growing up is painful, as Bok-ju is learning, but hopefully she’ll come out the other side even stronger.

EPISODE 10: “A comma or a period”

Joon-hyung bursts into the auditorium just as Bok-ju finishes her lift. He notices that she looks deeply unhappy, sees that Jae-yi is here in the audience, and immediately knows that Bok-ju is ashamed that her crush saw her at what she considers her ugliest moment.

He follows Bok-ju to the training room, and though he doesn’t immediately see her, her sniffling gives her away. Joon-hyung looks like he could cry himself, just hearing Bok-ju’s sobs, but he decides not to approach her just now.

He sees Jae-yi approaching the doors, and grabs him before he can come inside. He leads Jae-yi out to the parking lot and turns on him angrily, asking how he knew to come here. Jae-yi says that he heard about it from Dr. Go, and thought he’d come cheer for Bok-ju.

He obviously thinks it’s no big deal, but Joon-hyung knows how much it hurt Bok-ju for Jae-yi to see her that way, red-faced and straining to lift a heavy barbell. He blows up, and blurts out that Jae-yi himself is the guy that Bok-ju likes.

Joon-hyung says that Bok-ju lied to him because of her crush, and that now that lie is torturing her. He adds that Bok-ju is just a girl, who didn’t want to show her ugliest side to the guy she likes. He tells Jae-yi to leave before he hurts Bok-ju even further.

The mood on the bus back to school is celebratory, and even Coach Yoon can’t help but smile at his team’s success. He gets a call from Bok-ju’s dad, who invites the whole team back to the chicken restaurant for dinner. Only Bok-ju remains quiet, staring out the window and not joining in the festivities.

As Coach Yoon and Bok-ju’s dad trade compliments on raising such a successful weightlifter, Uncle Dae-ho nervously brings Coach Choi a bowl of her favorite stew. He mentions her coming here before, and Coach Yoon wonders when she was here without him. She just starts chanting the team chant, ha.

Bok-ju avoids the party, and she sits in her room dejectedly. She can’t stop thinking of how Jae-yi saw her lifting weights, and how embarrassed she was, and starts crying all over again.

Joon-hyung stops by the restaurant and peeks in the window, noticing that Bok-ju isn’t with the rest of her team. He leaves, deciding to leave her alone tonight. Jae-yi is also thinking of Bok-ju, and how they first met when he lent her his umbrella. It only now occurs to him that the birthday plant on his desk must have been from her.

The next day, the coaches announce to the team that a sponsor called N.S. Ning, who supports a few of the school teams, saw their performance at the tournament and now wants to sponsor their team. The team is thrilled — at the very least, it means they can eat well again.

Coach Choi tells Bok-ju individually that N.S. Ning wants to recruit her to their official team. It’s an amazing opportunity, but Bok-ju can’t quite muster up any enthusiasm.

At lunch, Bok-ju’s friends ask why she’s not eating, and she listlessly says that she’s fine. Joon-hyung comes by and can tell immediately that Bok-ju is still upset, and he follows her out when she excuses herself. He just barely stops her from walking in front of a moving car, and yells at her to pay attention.

Bok-ju seems dazed and distant, and gives him a half-hearted apology before wandering off again. But Joon-hyung stops her, worried that she didn’t eat, and buys her a whole bag of convenience store snacks.

He tries to cheer Bok-ju up by gushing over her performance yesterday, but it doesn’t work. She does agree to eat a little something, and you can see the gears turning in Joon-hyung’s head as he tries to think of something, anything, to make her feel better.

He ends up doing dumb impressions of Bok-ju herself, which are pretty hilarious, but she still barely cracks a smile. He tries imitating her odd running style, but Bok-ju just asks if he doesn’t have anything else to do today. Ha.

Poor Joon-hyung, he’s just beside himself with the need to help Bok-ju, and everything he tries falls flat. His jokes flop, his teasing is ignored, and eventually Bok-ju says she’s going to go take a nap and heads back to her dorm.

As soon as Bok-ju lies down her phone rings, and she pops back up when she sees it’s Jae-yi calling. He asks her to meet him to talk, and she heads to a small cafe where he buys her coffee. Argh, the coffees have little hearts drawn in the cream — this is why Bok-ju is so confused!

Jae-yi starts by congratulating Bok-ju on her win, and tells her that Joon-hyung read him the riot act for showing up unannounced. He apologizes, and says he hopes he didn’t hurt her feelings or mislead her unintentionally. Bok-ju drops her spoon in her coffee, destroying the cream heart in her mug, as her own heart breaks.

Bok-ju takes all the responsibility for her feelings, saying that it had nothing to do with Jae-yi’s actions towards her. Jae-yi says that he does feel happy and energized around her, which probably made her think he felt something more, and Bok-ju falls all over herself telling him that there’s nothing wrong with kindness.

She assures him that she falls in and out of love easily, and that she’ll soon forget all about him, calling it a distraction from training. Jae-yi doesn’t look like he really believes her, but he’s obviously relieved that she’s not taking his letdown badly. They part ways, and Bok-ju goes straight to Joon-hyung’s training gym.

Bok-ju calls Joon-hyung outside in front of the entire swim team. Uh-oh. She demands to know why he told Jae-yi that she likes him, and tells him about the horrible conversation they just had. She says that she felt like Jae-yi was put in an uncomfortable position because he can’t return her feelings.

She blames Joon-hyung for the entire situation, and Joon-hyung tries to explain that he was only trying to help, but even he can hear how lame that sounds. He admits that he felt bad when he saw her crying after the tournament, and that he lost his temper.

Bok-ju still thinks he had no right to tell her secret to Jae-yi. She yells that Joon-hyung always does whatever he wants, and accuses him of having fun at her expense. Joon-hyung gets angry at that, and asks if she thinks it’s a joke that he kept her secret, covered up her lies, and tried to make her feel better when she was down.

She says she’s not sure, and Joon-hyung gets offended and tells her to think whatever she wants about him. But he wants to know what her problem is, moping around after winning first place, letting a guy make her feel terrible when she worked so hard for that medal.

He yells that she’s ashamed, and that as a fellow athlete, he’s disappointed in her. He asks who will love her if she’s ashamed of herself, and walks away angry.

He goes to Jae-yi’s clinic and tells his cousin to come outside. Jae-yi explains that he felt like he may have been too nice to Bok-ju and wanted to explain, and Joon-hyung accuses him of unburdening himself at Bok-ju’s expense. Jae-yi says he really just wanted to apologize, but Joon-hyung tells him he made another huge mistake.

He tells Jae-yi that Bok-ju feels even worse now, after seeing Jae-yi apologize to her. He says that Jae-yi can go too far trying to be considerate, and ends up hurting others. Joon-hyung says that Jae-yi has been doing it to him for years — that being too nice only makes Joon-hyung feel worse, because it highlights that he’s not Jae-yi’s real brother.

Jae-yi clearly feels terrible, and Joon-hyung says that he knows that’s not his intent to make him feel that way. But he wishes that Jae-yi would get angry with him, fight with him, even beat him up like regular brothers. He leaves without giving Jae-yi a chance to say anything.

The rhythmic gymnasts are weighed again, and most of the girls come in too heavy for their coach’s liking. Shi-ho is praised for losing weight, and told to lose a bit more before the next competition.

She goes to dinner later with Joon-hyung’s swimming sunbae Ki-seok. She feels ill halfway through the meal and goes to the restroom to throw up, and when she comes out she finds Ki-seok worried about her. She asks if he’s not annoyed that she ordered all that food to go to waste, but he just says he’s not, because he’s liked her for years.

That night Jae-yi goes into Joon-hyung’s room, and looks at all the photos of Joon-hyung with his family. Joon-hyung floats in the university pool, buoyed by the water even as his thoughts weigh him down.

Nan-hee and Seon-ok burst into Bok-ju’s room late the next morning, but she refuses to open her eyes, much less get up. They finally leave her to sleep, wondering what’s happened to their friend since winning the weightlifting competition.

Tae-kwon happens by, and Nan-hee says to Seon-ok that she’s decided he’s her backup plan in case she doesn’t have a boyfriend by the end of the year. Tae-kwon joins them and tells them about Bok-ju yanking Joon-hyung out of practice, and that Joon-hyung has been in a bad mood ever since.

Tae-kwon says that Joon-hyung must have crossed a line, making Seon-ok and Nan-hee gasp and think he means romantically. But he just means he thinks Joon-hyung teased Bok-ju too much and they had a fight. Tae-kwon assures them that Bok-ju isn’t Joon-hyung’s type, because he likes pretty girls (grrr…).

Coach Yoon rushes to the administration office, to look into reports that Coach Choi has been asking for the team’s operating costs in advance. Coach Choi arrives, and she confirms that she used the money for a personal matter, but she refuses to say what for. She paid Woon-ki’s settlement (for punching the taxi driver) with the team’s money, didn’t she?

Coach Yoon goes back to the gym alone, and tells the team to begin practice. He looks pale and worried, and Nan-hee tells everyone that she saw him heading to the office earlier. Woon-ki goes to Coach’s office to talk to him, and overhears him on the phone mentioning the amount that Coach Choi used for something “personal.” Sure enough, it’s the same amount as his settlement.

Woon-ki intercepts Coach Choi on her way back to the gym, and asks her about it. She refuses to say anything, but he already knows, and says that if he had known he wouldn’t have accepted the money. He starts to go to the office to clear this up, but she stops him, and says that nothing he does now will change the fact that she wrongly used the school’s money.

Joon-hyung’s aunt calls him to the pharmacy to help rearrange and clean up, and things get awkward when he sees that Jae-yi is there. Jae-yi makes the first move and invites Joon-hyung to play catch, so they go to the park to toss a ball.

At one point Joon-hyung throws a little too hard, and hits Jae-yi in the shoulder. He runs over to see if Jae-yi is okay, and Jae-yi blows up at him. He yells at Joon-hyung for having terrible aim and nearly hurting him, and accuses Joon-hyung of doing it on purpose because he’s angry.

Joon-hyung looks upset, but he’s just about to apologize when Jae-yi turns to him with a big grin, and asks if he did a good job being a big brother. Awww, he was giving Joo-hyung what he wanted, to get yelled at like a real brother.

Later they sit to talk, and Jae-yi says that he never considered that being nice could create distance between them. Joon-hyung admits that he was being too sensitive, and they both apologize.

Jae-yi says that Joon-hyung was quite scary when he got upset, and wonders if Bok-ju is that special to him, to make him feel that strongly. Joon-hyung stammers that it’s not like that, but Jae-yi just gives him a knowing look.

As he bikes home, Joon-hyung gives himself a pep talk. He decides that he won’t care about Bok-ju anymore, which is a vow I’m guessing won’t last the day.

Shi-ho goes to see Dr. Go about her injured ankle, and Dr. Go notices that she seems more relaxed today. She guesses there must be a positive change in Shi-ho’s love life, and Shi-ho actually giggles that she must be transparent. She sighs that she wants to be with someone who likes her, and stop being obsessive.

She and Ki-seok go ice skating later, and they’re both terrible at it. Later he helps Shi-ho unclip her boots, and he leans in to kiss her. Shi-ho seems like she’s going to allow it, but she turns her head at the last moment, and apologizes.

Ki-seok says that he already knows he’s not the one she wants, and tells her that it’s okay to use him. But he says that she should stop torturing herself.

Jae-yi takes Dr. Go for a drink, and tells her that someone said his consideration for others can sometimes hurt their feelings and create distance. Dr. Go honestly agrees, saying that despite being warm and caring, he can often feel distant as well. She says it makes her wonder if they’re really as close as she thinks.

Jae-yi asks when she was disappointed like that, but Dr. Go refuses to tell him. She takes a call from an old schoolmate of theirs, and the news that someone named Hwan-hee may be back seems to affect Jae-yi. Interesting… an old love?
Bok-ju and her friends go running to the weightlifting gym to learn that Coach Choi has been fired for using school money for personal reasons. The entire team are gobsmacked, and Woon-ki looks wracked with guilt over the news. Coach Choi comes to clean out her desk, and she only apologizes when Bok-ju begs her to say it’s not true.

In the office, Coach Yoon says that he tried to stop her being fired, and asks one last time where she spent the money. She declines to say, but Woon-ki bursts in and says that Coach Choi spent the money on his settlement.

Coach Yoon goes to talk with Bok-ju’s dad, and tells him about Coach Choi’s firing. Uncle Dae-ho listens from the kitchen as Coach Yoon explains that she intended to recoup the money with other money she’s expecting, but she was found out before that happened. He’s torn, because helping Coach Choi by telling the truth could result in Woon-ki being subjected to disciplinary action.

Coach Choi cleans out her desk, and says goodbye to the weightlifting team. She leaves them with a few words of encouragement, and Woon-ki turns his back in shame over his part in what’s happening.

Bok-ju follows Coach Choi out, and says that she knows she would never steal the team’s money. She begs Coach Choi to tell her it’s not true, asking who will train her now, who she’s supposed to lean on now, if Coach Choi leaves. Coach Choi only says she’s sorry, and leaves Bok-ju wailing.

She doesn’t get far before Uncle Dae-ho rides up on the restaurant’s scooter and offers her a ride. She refuses, but he turns on the charm, and soon they’re speeding down the street. HAHA, Coach Choi is driving, and Dae-ho is hanging on for dear life, looking scared to death.

Bok-ju goes back into the gym to find the entire team sitting wordlessly. Suddenly Woon-ki kicks over a chalk stand and storms out, and Bok-ju finds Coach Choi’s old water bottle and hugs it close, crying again.

Coach Yoon reminds Bok-ju that she has a meeting with her new sponsor later today, and says he’ll take her. She looks around at the weightlifting apparatus, then kicks a barbell angrily, and leaves.

Tae-kwon complains to Joon-hyung about a surprise swim team meeting, and mentions that Ki-seok didn’t turn up at practice recently. Nan-hee and Seon-ok run to them to ask if they’ve seen Bok-ju, who’s disappeared and is about to miss her sponsor meeting.

Joon-hyung tries not to care, since Bok-ju told him not to worry about her anymore. But he can’t help himself, and runs off looking for her. He can’t find her anywhere, and he even checks Jae-yi’s office, but Jae-yi says she hasn’t been there, either.

A security guard finds her sleeping on a park bench, and wakes her and sends her away. Joon-hyung finally finds her on a bridge, and yells at her for turning her phone off and disappearing.

He asks if she’s doing this on purpose, and making him feel uneasy. He yells that she keeps making him worry even when she’s okay, and Bok-ju finally speaks in an oddly calm voice. She says she feels strange, and that she thinks she’s sick.

She says she doesn’t want to do anything — she doesn’t want to lift weights, and she feels sleepy all the time. She says she thinks she’s broken, like something is pressing on her heart. “It’s so frustrating, and it makes me sad. What do I do?”

She starts to cry, and Joon-hyung’s anger dissipates. He does the only thing he knows how to do, and holds Bok-ju as she sobs.


Poor Bok-ju, it’s like everything stable in her life is falling down around her ears. She’s losing her unconditional love for weightlifting because of a silly crush, that crush doesn’t return her feelings, she’s fighting with her best friend, and now she’s losing the only mother figure she’s ever had. None of these things are small issues by themselves, but they’re happening all at once, and Bok-ju must feel like her whole world is ending. It’s no wonder she’s almost certainly suffering from depression, because she probably feels like she’s losing everything that makes her happy and feel like herself.

I really have to stop and give Nam Joo-hyuk all the credit for the way he’s portraying Joon-hyung. I’ve been following his career since Surplus Princess and always thought he was okay but pretty green, but he’s suddenly grown in maturity by leaps and bounds. It would have been so easy to make Joon-hyung a simple, happy-go-lucky character, and we still would have loved him for the way he adores Bok-ju. But Nam Joo-hyuk is playing him with such subtle nuance, I’m frankly amazed at how he lets us in to even the tiniest of Joon-hyung’s thoughts. You can see it on his face the moment he regrets saying something thoughtless to Bok-ju, and how worried he gets when he thinks Bok-ju might be angry with him, and how much it hurt when she blew up at him about blabbing to his cousin about her crush. He doesn’t need to tell us how much he cares for Bok-ju, because we can watch every single moment that he falls for her, over and over again. There’s no moment that goes by that Joon-hyung’s thoughts aren’t written all over his face, and that requires a level of acting skill that I wouldn’t have said Nam Joo-hyuk possessed… until now.

And as a character and romantic interest, Joon-hyung is just knocking it out of the ballpark. He’s just so sweet and attentive, without being sappy at all — he just thinks Bok-ju is awesome, plain and simple. But I’ve been waiting for him to finally get mad at Bok-ju about something, because surely he can’t be so perfect that every little thing she does enchants him. I was so glad, and really, not at all surprised, when he finally blew up at Bok-ju. It’s interesting that the reason was because he was angry that she’s ashamed of herself and her weightlifting — it’s so in line with his character that when he finally got angry at Bok-ju, it was for the way she belittles herself. I love that what upsets him the most is that she diminishes herself and her accomplishments, that she lets a guy who doesn’t even like her back make her feel bad about herself. He’s so right, that it’s wrong for Bok-ju to allow anyone else to take away her pride in herself and her hard work.

I also liked what he said to Jae-yi, that too much consideration can be hurtful. It’s hard to describe, but I know exactly what he means. I was actually impressed with Jae-yi for immediately apologizing for making Bok-ju think he might have returned her feelings, until Joon-hyung pointed out that too much consideration can be hurtful, too. By going too far apologizing, being sorry, being so overly nice, Jae-yi’s actions only shine an even brighter light on the thing that makes the other person feel bad in the first place, like Bok-ju’s crush or Joon-hyung being abandoned by his mother. They just want to be treated normally, and not to have to be reminded of their pain every time Jae-yi goes overboard by being extra kind to them. But, although it’s painful for Bok-ju to hear that he doesn’t return her feelings, it could have been so much worse, and this way she can now sort out her feelings and move on.

And she’s actually a very lucky girl… she doesn’t even know that there’s already someone who knows everything about her, good and bad, and loves every single bit of it. Joon-hyung is just on the cusp of realizing how he feels about Bok-ju, and I only hope that when he does, Bok-ju is ready to hear it. Right now she’s got so many other things to worry about, romance is probably the last thing she wants to think about. So it’s good that Joon-hyung is just being a good friend to her, which Bok-ju needs even more than a love interest.


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I ship Uncle Dae-Ho and Coach Choi so much. The dynamics of their relationship is adorable


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OMG! yes! I ship them so hard and although there has been no indication yet, i think some thing is going to work out between JH's friend and one of BJ's friends too. Okay... This is me getting overboard romantic..but how can I not, especially after that preview. I expect some incredible wooing in the next week. Ahhhh. How to wait for soooo long..? Thankfully i have all these 10 episodes to rewatch the third time. Lsk and NJH are killing it as friends moving towards courtship! What a perfect show to end the year that began with AM1988. ..i just wish the ratings were higher...for me its so much better than LOBS


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Wait a moment ... Was reply 1988 this year!??

Feels like ages ago!


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Chingu, We're in the same river pushing this particular ship to sail. They're too cute together.


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I didn't want to say it because I thought I was reading too far into but, hell yeah ! Me too ! The moment she took the big barrel of chickens from him like it was nothing and he looked at her with awe, I was already shipping them !


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SAME! At first I thought it was just my wishful thinking causing me to imagine something sitrring between my two favorite supporting characters, but it's looks like the ship is sailing full speed ahead!!!


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Haha I like it when I find a comrade! High Five! ;)


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Can I ship ALL the love lines that are more of a connect-the-dots right now? Because I love all of them.


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I like that everybody is moving forward in different ways this episode. Joon-hyung is really wise for his years, and I liked that he was the one to call Jae-yi out for being overly considerate. He's right--being too considerate can sometimes be more hurtful than being mean to the other party, and youth magnifies that pain by a hundred times. I really loved how Joon-hyung was fighting with all the people important to him and making up with them, because isn't that what we do? We fight and then we're okay again, because we love these people. I'm really crossing my fingers that Bok-ju sees how much effort he's putting into their relationship and how much she means to him (but I don't think that's for long now!)

Bok-ju's complete loss of direction is very identifiable with. In fact, I think it sort of runs parallel with Shi-ho's spiral of self-destruction earlier in the drama--they both made one great, wrong decision, and the magnitude of that comes crashing down on them all at once. I do think that Shi-ho's personality had a lot to do with her being unable to overcome it, but being shocked into waking up over how obsessive she was becoming did help. Bok-ju's likely not to step into that sort of trap, because she has all these people who love and want to help her around, but it's this sort of growing up that I really like to watch. She's not perfect, Bok-ju, but the best thing about her is that she tries so darn hard. Even though she's lost at the moment, I know she'll find her way again, and that will be super gratifying once it happens.

Speaking of Shi-ho, I'm glad she's on the path to letting go. I liked how she truly meant her congratulations to Bok-ju, because she's not essentially an evil character, just one who's self-destructing but also learning how to stop that process. Ki-seok's offer to let her use him was sort of bitterly sweet, but I hope that she learns how to slowly let go and then fall in love again. It would be horrid if Ki-seok was to become another Shi-ho.

Watching this drama makes me feel a lot of things, because it immerses you so deeply into the world that these characters inhabit. I'm so glad at how Nam Joo-hyuk has levelled up, and how everybody is doing such a great job at their roles.


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Awesome comment!

I completely agree. The characters are extremely relatable. LSK and NJH knock their roles right out of the park. It's been so enjoyable to watch.
I also like that JH isn't fully aware of his feelings and still treats her like a queen. Imagine once he realizes the intensity of his feelings (next episode)....oh boy....i hope BJ is ready to be wooed :). In dramaland, I think she'll be ready in about 2 episodes.

Ps- thanks Lollipip for the review...I always look forward to reading it.


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OMO! LOVE your comment re: how BJ's loss of direction parrallel's SH!

I got real goosebumps when BJ said she didn't want to do anything and wanted to sleep all the time. To me, it's like saying she has no reason to wake up. It sounds so sad, but I felt like, ...damn, I get you! Im sure all of us, had at one point or another in life had experienced that sort of... what-am-i-even-doing? moment. And seeing her just say that with so much confusion in her eyes, just... breaks my heart.

Im so glad JH was there to just hold her. Really a lucky girl to have such a strong support system around her.


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It's amazing how much of a difference a solid support system of friends and family can help somebody. Of course, BJ & SH are very different personalities, which affect how each one deals with setbacks. I'm loving so many aspects this show presents! The whole show, from acting to sets to character studies to sound and lighting choices, is an absolute delight for me.


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I agree! This episode I came to realize that when Bok-Ju is upset and lashes out at Joon-Hyung, and tells him to “take responsibility,” that what she is really asking is for him to help cheer her up. She has come to see him as someone who is really good at getting her out of whatever funk she is in. And maybe she is worried that Joon-Hyung won’t want to help her unless he feels responsible, so she guilts him for help.

In comments for a previous episode, it was mentioned how Joon-Hyung’s trauma really seems to stem from a fear of doing something wrong and losing the people he cares about. And in this episode, Joon-Hyung directs his pent-up frustrations at both Jae-Yi and Bok-Ju. After these fights, he assumes they both no longer want anything to do with him, and avoids them. But then, Jae-Yi makes the effort to fix things with him. And then after he finds Bok-Ju when she went missing, she was still looking to him for support. I hope that Joon-Hyung will see that the people in his life won’t leave him, and that he can start to have healthier relationships (as well as get over the “start trauma” in swimming).

Whatever way you slice it, this show is really focusing on the mental health of young athletes. From Joon-Hyung’s trauma from his past, to Shi-ho’s eating disorder, to Bok-Ju’s depression (maybe?) at the end of this episode. Was a possible title of this show “Did You Hug an Athlete Today?”


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I've often felt that the kind of pressure young athletes experience can be developmentally inappropriate. You're barely a person yet, still wondering who you are, and you're being molded into a performing machine, your entire life revolving around goals drawn up by someone else.


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During episode 1, when Bok Joo was recruited to Taerung and Joon Hyung finishing first in swimming, I wonder if it is the outcome, and what we're really eatching right now is the journey on how they became winners...ahhh show, keep being amazing...


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I see the parallel between BJ and SH, but I feel that SH is getting the raw-er end. At least, BJ has a loving father and supportive uncle; a caring coach (despite losing her) - SiHo's coach is just mean; and she has good friends and one particularly sweet one. Siho, on the other hand, has the burden that she broke up her family; a younger sis who is giving problems; no friends, except for Ki-seok whom she hasn't particularly warmed up too. I wish she'll give Ki-seok a chance and find some happiness. No wonder he doesn't like JH!


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I hope Ki Seok will be Shi Ho's Joon Hyung. I don't mean in a boyfriend way, but as a friend. Someone who can support her and guide her


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Well said. I couldn't agree more. The acting is so on point in this drama. Both NJH and LSK are just nailing in their performances. It almost makes me mad that the ratings aren't as great as they should be. But I don't care, it's such a great drama that either people will eventually watch it or it'll be their loss.

Also, great analysis and summary DB! Yes, there's a lot of growing pains in this drama but I think that's the focus. I'm so glad that they aren't really pushing the romance between BJ and JH. They're friends first and certainly the romance will come eventually but focusing on it now would've seemed unnatural. I love the direction the story is taking and the team that is taking it there.

This episode made me cry buckets. Her confession at the end, about how she feels so broken, that it feels like there is a weight just sitting on her chest and stifling her and how she feels sleepy and sad all the time... having gone thru this personally she just nailed the delivery and the feeling. I liked that she was calm when she said it. That's how you feel - just removed from everything emotionally, except sadness. I so appreciate the writing and Lee Sung Kyung for being able to deliver this with such detail and care. It's a difficult topic to address in dramas and although I don't expect them to explore depression in great detail I'm glad that when they do they are describing it with a level of care and gravitas that it warrants.

I'm really enjoying this drama far more than I anticipated. Each episode just keeps getting better and better. I can't wait for Wednesdays and Thursdays because of Kim Bok Joo!


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"Who can love you when you're ashamed of yourself?"

AMEN, brother. AMEN.


HUG for poor Little Chicken Nugget Bok Joo! Wah!


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I think that despite his playful and mischievous behaviour, JH is the most mature character in this drama!


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Agreed! I think he didn't have much of a choice, given his younger-age circumstances. He could either sink or swim in the wake of his emotional traumas. He couldn't be a better sunbae for Bok-ju in how to sort through the emotional flood she's experiencing now. The helpful nudges he's given her throughout the show were so on-point for her and I could see that it came from his own experiences. Ahhh, too much analyzing; I love them, I love this love to pieces, and I can't wait for the next episodes. Then I'll be watching it again and again. Woohoo!


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So true! Though Jae Yi is supposedly mature and gentlemanly..But like he himself and Dr Go said he dosent even know that he can distance people by being too kind. JH character is far more perceptive of everyone around him. He even was ready to understand SH when she was breaking up with him and later said something like 'atleast not that day'. Though he comes off as aloof, he actually thinks and feels deeply but 'chooses' to distance himself from people who dont want him around. He is such a bright and positive dude.
Bok Joo needs and deserves such a guy, as she is such an amazing character herself. Asking JY not to feel bad about her crush was so sad to watch, and for the first time I was actually miffed at JY in the show. That cafe scene was so cringeworthy!


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I'm so glad to read that I wasn't the only one annoyed at JY for apologizing...I mean really...who does that?! At least one who was already warned by his little brother no less to JUST STAY AWAY...sigh...-_-


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I have a friend just like Jae Yi, she is incredibly nice. She may be an angel, but she also fails to perceive and empathise with people, which is why it's hard for me to tell her my secrets. I don't know how to explain it but Joon Hyung was right. Sometimes, you just want someone to listen to you and validate your feelings instead of saying "it'll get better". You don't want people walking on eggshells around you as it serves a reminder of what you've been through, it makes it hard to move on.


If I could like this comment, I would.


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I just loved, LOVED so much the moment when JH "words-slapped" her! That is what friend are made for, call you out when you are driffting away.
And loved as much when he took her in his arms, because that is what friends are made for too, give you warmth and confort when you are withering away.

Coach Choi.... that was so heartbreaking... I can't....


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Okay, I watched that final scene 4 times, and I cried every single time!! How is it possible for a show to carry and deliver that many feels. Twice I broke down along with Bok Joo, and the other two times, I cried after seeing Joon-hyung's face breaking down with empathy. Seriously, they way he put himself in Bok Joo's shoes, knowing exactly how she's feeling - was the actor always this good? Either way, this show is fast becoming the highlight of my week. I watched this ep raw as soon as it came out, and I'd happily watch it a few times. Thank you for the awesome recap, LollyPip!


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The feels are so real in this episode. Cuts real deep. This drama blows has unexpectedly blown me away.

NJH was definitely not always this good....but man.....as JH....STANDING ovation!!!


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Not only did he convey his emotions so well...I also thought his Bok Joo imitations were pretty spot on! Especially her walk!


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Haha, it was taking awhile so I just watched without the subs and his imitations of Bok Joo were so good I knew who he was impersonating!


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Haha yeah! And... so Joon Hyung thinks Bok Joo is cute when she squints her eyes and pouts! LOL!!


I didn't realise that she kinda actually walks like the chicken she's delivering, until JH did that impression. LOL. He does her walk better than she does.?


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LOL!! this comment made me crack up out loud in the cafe! HAHAHAHAHA!


LOL I didn't realize it either but man he's good at those imitations!




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I watched this at 5AM and thought that I wouldn't cry as much since I watched after I woke up, but man I was so wrong.


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i love NJH eyes. you can tell that he's not mad anymore, he's hurt , he's happy , he's in sorrow , he's in love or he's worried just by looking at his eyes. blessed his eyes! he really nailed this episode. my very very highlight of the week!


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Couldn't agree more! So much to love about this drama!!


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What happened to Bok Joo is probably depression. That was a pretty specific symptoms.

I agree that Nam Joo Hyuk is excellent in this episode. Especially the last scene, He conveyed the emotion with subtlety really well. Lee Sung Kyung is also great actress, I'm glad she got the chance to shine as the lead.


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As BJ was listing her problems, I was mentally checking off the list of symptoms for depression. These leads are sooooo good, as well as the rest of the gang! I love them all! I'm gonna have withdrawals like I did for Sassy Go Go, aren't I? ?


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I think my withdrawal from this one is going to be tougher than Sassy Go Go! ?


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I think we've all mentioned that LSK and NJH have been so great in their respective roles. Though, I don't think their chemistry has been mentioned yet. I think a big part of what makes them so great is their abilities to play off one another. Since they've known each other for a while and have worked together several times, the two are just extremely comfortable and it translates onto the screen. The two also have such great chemistry. Off the charts. That blow out fight....man....i wouldn't mind more of that. Loved it!


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I do agree with you. I think the fact that they are friends in real life helps them act naturally towards each other esp NJH.


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Yes, it was a great fight :)


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It's official. I cry when Bok Joo cries.

Joon Hyung was perfect with Jae Yi this episode. I admit my heart entirely sunk when he exposed Bok Joo's secret. I knew that it would be so humiliating for Bok Joo. I had been hoping that she could get over him without him ever knowing but it was also great for Joon Hyung to break and let out his protective feelings for Bok Joo. We've seen that he has been there at every moment of Bok Joo's heartbreak. When she confessed to being a weightlifter, to the wretched dinner, and then to those heart wrenching sobs after her gold medal win. You can see his heart breaking for her. So I don't blame him for trying to protect her from Jae Yi.

That follow up conversation was just perfection. Yes, Jae Yi's consideration was incredibly insensitive. Well meaning but insensitive. It's fantastic that Joon Hyung called him on it and how lovely that Jae Yi immediately took it on board.

What a fantastic show.


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+1 I cry when Bok Ju cries, I cry when JH is trying not to cry. This show makes me cry more than Moon Lovers. ?


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I love the whole "You unburdened yourself at Bok-ju's expense." People tend to focus on intent over impact, but both matter.


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Hear, hear! Excellent way of putting it.


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That line was so on-point. I wish I have JH perceptiveness.


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I can't express how much I love these characters.

Bok ju has become so dear to me and I want to protect her and I cry when she cries.

And I totally agree on NJH, he has such an expressive face here and he's just so enjoyable to watch!

I love love love how their friendship is developing, how casual they are with touches, how she feels comfortable talking to him about even her worst moments and just seuha lirgs lfhvsjhbdds OTP right here


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Every episode gets better. The angst was necessary but not overly done.

JH loves BJ just the way she is. Happy when she is happy - sad when she is sad. What a guy. Nam Joo Hyuk is so wonderful in portraying JH. LSK is perfect as Bok Ju.

Can't wait for next week!!!!


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I love this show's attention to detail. My Korean is not great and need clarification please. The name of the parent's pharmacy in the sub was "Couple's Pharmacy" but phonetically, I thought it read "Boo Boo Pharmacy". I just thought "Boo Boo Pharmacy" was much funnier. Could someone help clarify? Thanks


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부부 (bu-bu/boo-boo) does mean "couple" in Korean! Married couple, actually. Perfect name for Joon-hyung's parents' pharmacy, since they're such a cute married couple that is ageing quite well together.


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Thanks everyone. You'd think after living in Korea for almost 5 years I'd have a better grasp of the language. I would just love to go to a Boo Boo Pharmacy to fix my boo boos.


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부부 "bubu" is a Korean word for couple, as in a married couple. :)


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부 (夫) 부 (妇)
Literally husband and wife.


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My Korean is not that great either but from my WGM experience 부부 means couple.


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I really curious how will joon hyung react (and how NJH act it out) when he finally aware and embrace the fact that he fall for bokjoo and to some extent how they practically dating all this time.

And i actually don't mind if they only kiss at the very end of the seri, as this story is about falling in love for the first time, and not about the first love it(him) self.


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I think we are going to see some full blown wooing :)

I'm so ready for this...


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Oooohh, I have also seen the preview and it seems that JH is going all out, haha!! I'm dying in anticipation here. :D But I really hope that they allow us first to see some moments of realization of their feelings, from JH's side and also from Bok Ju...I would love to see her dolling up before going on one of their casual no-dates with Joong Hyun, heee! ;) Omo, this is going to be too cute to handle.


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I definitely think that the best way to describe this drama is "TOO CUTE."
I also love how you called them their "no dates." LOL! Cause they are so totally dating without really labeling them dates. SO CUTE!
I'm so glad JH is going to get the girl (that he's the lead). I say this because for the past 10 episodes he's been playing second lead material stuff. (You know...helping from the side as the girl pines over the guy- usually the lead who is too stupid to realize until way late.)
I'm so happy this drama has turned most tropes on its head.
I, however, will be so annoyed (yet not too surprised) if those roses we see in the preview are not for BJ or don't get to BJ for some reason or another. Let's all hope that does not happen. I wanna see her reaction when he gives them to her.


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I agree. BJ and JH are already such a great "couple" and are so fantastic on screen I just enjoy watching them, period. Sure, kiss scenes are great and I'm sure they will at some point but I don't even care that much about it because the sweetness they pour on is so fun and interesting that it doesn't matter to me that they do or don't kiss. There is so much substance in their relationship even now that a mere kiss won't add or take away much to it. I just hope the writing directions continues and they keep developing their relationship and they eventually realize their feelings for each other.


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Im so proud of NJH coz hes improved so much, I ddnt lke him in any of his previous dramas esp CITT he just existed nd hd no impact which I think is sad coz I think as an actor you want ppl to remember you no matter the role, he really strtd to shine for me in moon lovers nd im glad it wasent a once off thing coz I absolutely love him in this, mb hes more comfortable in front of the camera now, whatever it is im glad it happened coz I now hve another actor to look forward to


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Call me crazy, but I think NJH's performance here is pretty similar to how he was in School 2015, which is why I started paying attention to him in the first place. I don't really understand the perception that he's a bad or deficient actor. He was just like the webtoon character in Cheese in the Trap. I thought he was miscast in Scarlet Heart, but so was much of the younger cast. That show couldn't decide what it wanted to be, but I still think he fared better than Ji Soo, who was as bad as Baekhyun, only he had a series of likable performances in Page Turner, Cheer Up!, and Angry Mom to remind us he wasn't a total loss.


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I do think he's better here than in school 2015 for sure. There just wasn't so much he could work with in School.


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I know scarlet was just terrible nd ji soo was also just as terrible, thts why I was impressed by NJH he made do wth the bad script nd all. I just cant remember jh character in school, I thnk he was overshadowed by YSJ. I honestly don't know how to explain it, its not tht I thought he was a bad actor its just tht he felt average nd therefore dd not stand out to me, if tht mkes sense


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Nam Joo Hyuk is knocking it out of the park! My favorite thing about him are his REACTIONS to what Bok Joo or other people around him are saying. And it's shown only through his eyes. It's remarkable for how natural it is.

For me, his abilities to do so were at its best during the last scene of this episode. You could see Bok Joo's pain reflected in his own eyes. Not only was Bok Joo suffering, but he was too because he wanted to help but felt he couldn't anything except be there for her.

I also loved how their hug at the end was not sexually charged or romantic in any way, it was a hug between friends who are there for each during the tough times. <3


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I loved that about the hug as well. But at the same time, I'm ready for the romance ;)


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My tears flow when Bokjoo’s voice shook and broke as she tells Joon hyung she think shes sick, like some part of her is broken. My heart broke along with her.
While all the people said they are tired for her pining and crying over Jae in. Its really more than that. He represents her first crush. The first time she is treated like a woman. First time she looks at her own feminity. First time feeling the rush to love someone first time her purpose in life is more than lifting weights or hang out with her buddies. With the sudden confrontation of her lies uncovered, of Jae in walking in onto her competition to him knowing he was her crush and apologetic for it and now losing her coach- its like suddenly she has no direction. Thus far her dad and the coaches were calling the shots with regards to what she wants to do. Its like something snuffed out the corridor lights. Our bokjoo seems lost and aimless. The drive and love for weightlifting is gone.
Im really glad when she finally spoke the words and tell what she feels its to Joon hyung. She can cry and rage at him. They can fight, she hurts his feelings and he swore not to care about her but the latter is like water that is splashed out. Shes special to him, he cared for her more than they both can comprehend. It isnt something he can take back or easily put a fullstop too. Thankyou writers- 10episodes in you are still so daebak, so relevant, so emotional, so organic. Please stay oncourse.


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Nuances. That keeps popping up in my head. I had no idea when NJH acquired that, like a veteran actor, he has finally shed his rookie-ish feel. Perhaps this role resonates with him. He injects himself into Joon hyung and he showed us with expressive eyes and face how he feels for zbok joo. If you go back and see the first episode and last few episodes his face shows how his feelings for bokjoo has intensify. The first episide he was carefree, ambivalent, even removed. Then once he found bokjoo, the spark in his eye came alive. He was playful and a tease. Along the way he cared for her more and more. His eyes showed even more warmth and tenderness when he sees his bokjoo hurting. Bravo Nam joo hyuk, unexpectedly you deliver the best male lead for 2016 for me.


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He did spent some times hanging around big names tho. Cha seungwon and yoo haejin (well, son hojoon too).


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and don't forget the big one..... Lee Jun-ki.

I mean, if he wanted a masterclass in 'show every thought on your face', he couldn't have asked for a better teacher.


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Ahh, you are right. How much time did they spend together though? (Genuine question)


@Peeps - he had a fair bit, out of all the male cast he probably got the most time with Jun-ki.

Either way, wherever his improvement came from, he did well.


I think they filmed ML for six months. That is a good amount of time to learn.


I'd say that they helped, but JooHyuk must have been heading in this direction himself already even before they came along because apparently, he was good in Moon Lovers (i've never watched a single episode of that drama, but people here have pointed it out) and he did Moon Lovers before Three Meals a Day in Gochang started. (The two programmes aired at the same time but Moon Lovers was pre-produced.)

If it was a drama teacher that unleashed this, more power to that fella (man or woman).


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All this mention of ML finally got me to remember where I'd seen SH's rebellious little sister: she was the general's daughter, the 10th Prince's wife. Thanks, because it's been really bothering me!


Thank you rentenmann *SWAG*!!

I could not figure out where I had seen her before and every scene she was is in tickled my memory banks.
She was Soon duk, the bearskin wearing daughter of the General. Hmm, she has some real similarities to our Bok ju.
Anyway thanks and Swag!


@ toodles, I do what I can, lol. And SWAG! ?


Being in YG/YGK+ probably also helps because there's Cha Seungwon and Choi Ji Woo who help with the acting side of things. Cha Seungwon is developing the models into actors. I'm sure there are great acting classes and such there.


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I think expressive acting done well, i.e. Subtlety and intelligently particularly appeals to the international audience. Having to read subtitles for a language we don't understand we miss out on a lot of the color of cultural,social and historical references. Colloquialisms are rarely translated. Sometimes I feel like I'm reading an elementary school version of what is actually being said and I feel sadly deprived. We rely on the actor to communicate a feeling with his voice and his body, to give meaning to that stark subtitle.
Cheers for Nam Joo-Hyuk for making this a great episode.


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ooh, I like your perspective on that, that's why international audiences prefer this kind of subtle emotional expressions, and stories that relate to what's really happening in real life, stories like Sassy Go, Go. Slice of life, that's it.


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Thank you! Yes! I agree! I've been rather annoyed at some of the comments that say BJ is just whining and crying over a guy and how she needs to get over it. But that's not all it. It's so much more, as Lollipip pointed it out in the review. She's a college sophomore, lots of pressure to perform well and even win gold medal at the Olympics, she doesn't have a mom, doesn't know how to be a woman let alone feel comfortable being one. All these feelings, stresses and sensitivity at that age some of us know now to be growing pains. But BJ doesn't know them to be growing pains, and growing pains are pretty damn painful when you are going through them. I think it's realistic that she is sad, depressed even, and hurt and lost. She'll need time to figure things out for herself and find her direction again. For that, she'll need time.

I think the show did a fantastic job of laying this out carefully and with thought. It'd be really crazy weird for her to be upset and then the next day rebound like there is nothing wrong anymore and just fall in love with JH. That would be totally unrealistic. So, I appreciate the writers for taking the time to build the story and build the characters. Now, we'll be ready for BJ to find her way out of this emotional trauma and find love.


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Very well said!! I completely agree. I watch this over at Viki and some of the comments are so insensitive and just want her to "get over it." You just don't get over these types of feelings in a blink of an eye...sigh...


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I agree with you completely! I think Bok Joo is more attached to the feelings that comes with Jae Yi - freedom, affection - than Jae Yi himself. It is often the mistake some people make (such as myself), when we attach ourselves to people that makes us feel good or fits our ideal partner rather than loving the person for who they are.

Jae Yi is more than a crush to Bok Joo. He is a personified symbol of her validation as a woman and a life outside of weightlifting that she never thought to be possible before


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Completely agree here too. These comments are so on point. BJ even says while feeding the toad with HJ that she will not "return to her rightful place of sports till she dies." SOmething like that...so she definitely never thought it was possible for her.

I'm super happy that JH will prove her wrong. (ANd she'll eventually discover that herself as well)


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Lee Sung Kyung is an amazing actress. I never thought she'd be able to play this type of character as well as she has! I feel every emotion Bok ju feels. So much so that I felt sad for HOURS after watching this episode!

Our lead couple has such amazing chemistry. This show is really great, i hope the ratings improve each week.


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When I watched I didn't even think of Lee Sung-kyung, I only thought of Bok-joo. She's incredible!


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Except Coach Choi's noble idiocy part that I skipped through, another nice episode but less enjoyable than the previous.


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Me too, I felt like it was noble idiocy, but then they explained that Woon Ki will have to suspended or a penalty or something. Which is bad for his record, and equally bad for his wife, who's already working for the both of them plus a new baby. So I can actually see where she's coming from, a small rumor, if she ever say anything to anybody, is like a start of a wildfire, we'll just realize it has gotten out of proportion and something uncontrollable. What I mean is, she can't risk it.


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She can discuss with Prof though. Acting unilaterally is always silly, despite the intentions.


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How much do they actually pay these coaches that having worked as a coach for several years, she does not even have $3000 to help Woon Gi out. She's single and there's no sign that she has other financial commitments - so I don't quite understand, other than it being a plot devise.


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Agree, but she also made a call to an "Unni" before taking the money asking her to give her the money she lent her back. I'm guessing she's been lending people money and probably paid nuggets.


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Dear Writer-nim,
Why do you love to make Lee Sung Kyung cry? Didn't you know that when she does she wrecks me into a thousand pieces?
I managed to convince my sister to watch WF, she's not so fond of K-Dramas's, but the first thing she said to me after finishing episode 8 is that she always cries when Lee Sung Kyung cries, she was so weirded out by herself (re: noob in K-Dramaland).

And Joon Hyung, oh boy, if I ever think of Nam Joo Hyuk as an average actor I've never been so glad to be mistaken. That last scene, when he was mirroring Bok Joo's pain, wow! He was so in tuned with her feelings that, by his facial expression, he felt her pain, then double that pain, because first it's Bok Joo and second because he can only help so far, the solution must come from Bok Joo. I don't know of I was overanalyzing it, but I kind of saw the helplessness in his reaction, so when he hugged her, the only comfort he can offer, awww.

Episode 9 was laugh-fest, Episode 10 is heartwrenching. I want to stop crying!


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Indeed, my favorite scene this episode was to see how Joong Hyun's face reflected the pain that Bok Ju was feeling. Does not happen to us all, when we see our loved ones hurt and crying? It felt so real, and it was because Nam Joo Hyuk nailed it. He's being impressive in WF and I wonder which is the secret. I bet there is a lot of talent and effort behind, apart from the good writing and direction, and also wonder to which extent being paired with Lee Sung Kyung is helping. I must admit that a couple of times I thought that he might have a real crush on her, haha!, but no, he is awesome also in the scenes with his family.
Well, they are doing a great job and I hope they get some recognition in Korea...here we love them but I wonder how popular is the show back home.

On a side note, this show (not sure why, maybe because there is so much open talk about romance going on) has made me think of the different approach that Eastern and Western men take with romance. Don't know in your countries, but in my country, guys never open about romance. The only things they will say about it will be that it is an annoyance, necessary to get a woman maybe, always making jokes and being dismissive about it, always trying to look cool and uninterested. However, I have Korean and Japanese male friends and I have spoken with them about romance and they are more open, like they do not see it as a less manly topic, but simply a part of life, also for men. They are always the ones bringing up the topic to the conversation and wanting to talk about their couples or asking me when they notice I have things going on. Not sure if my case is just particular and I watch too many dramas, or there is really a difference.


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I think being partnered with LSK is a big reason. I think comfort level can impact one's ability to be expressive. I also think they just play well off of one another that it just works.

You comment about the romance issue is interesting. I would love to discuss it further. WHich country are you from?


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I am from the Philippines and anyone living in my country knows that we're both western and eastern (being colonized so many times does that to a country) even though we're Asian. So from my personal perspective, the take of males on the romance depends on that person's personality, because I know guys who can be pretty secretive about their relationships, while some are very vocal to the point of cringeness. Especially now that social media has taken our country by storm, and guys I know would post lenghty messages to their beau, it surprises me sometimes. Personally though, I really prefer men who are more discreet when it comes to romance. I mean, how much details they share 'outside' of the relationship. And in case you're wondering, yep Joon Hyung is officially an ideal man, my kind of ideal man. Full of sensitivities, but not on the outside, I want to be treated like how he treats Bok Joo, special, which is opposite to Jae Yi who treats everyone the same because he is too considerate and kind.


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@MC I'm from Spain, haha! Here you can see men flirting all the time, but they do it in a way that it seems they are always joking and trying to look cool, and it is apparently seen as not so manly to openly speak with women about feelings and romantic stuff (with the girlfriend they are forced to speak about this sometimes, haha!) Here they act as if romance is a thing for women and men only do it to please us. While I have noticed in my male foreign friends a treatment a bit different. I am aware that it might depend a lot on who you know...

@GedSkaiKru I would also prefer a boyfriend that is discreet, but one who is not avoiding conversations about intimacy or romance and treats this as a natural topic to talk with you sometimes... and I'm also lining up to get my own Joong Hyun :D


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Icic, thanks for the insight Yuki. I am inclined to agree with you, at least about men in the western perceived world. From what I've seen and who I know (even on TV), it's not masculine (manly) for men to talk about such things, so they don't usually discuss them. Some will, as you have pointed out, talk about it when forced to LOL. It's definitely a generalization and there are always outliers, but that's what they are taught growing up, so it's hard to change. Men must be manly and sensitivity equates to being girly...so...they avoid things that are "girly."


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Yep, someone who's willing to work out the relationship with you, and actually discuss it intimately and not actually post it on facebook (mental cringe because I saw some posts like that on my timeline, and oh god that's awful).


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It's credit to the writing and the acting that I teared up so many times during this episode. With a lesser actress and writer, Bok-joo's problems could have been in danger of appearing trivial and overblown, but because they've been acted and written so well, they hold the emotional weight that they're supposed to. That last scene on the bridge, where Bok-joo tells Joon-hyung in that quiet, trembling monotone that she must be broken - man, Lee Sung-kyung got me right where it hurt. Coming-of-age youth dramas are so often at risk of messing up, but when it's done well with these kinds of fantastic emotional beats, nothing can come close to beating it in my heart.

I'll admit that the supporting characters honestly don't hold as much charm for me as they could, especially in terms of performances, but the writing really enhances their stories - like during Dae-ho and Coach Choi's motorcycle scene. Which I've decided is one of my favourite moments in any kdrama ever. I LOVE that the writer isn't afraid (so far! I don't want to jinx it) of having fun with kdrama cliches and turning them upside down all the time. Keep subverting those tropes, Show!


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I laughed out loud at the motorcycle (motor-scooter?) scene. Who woulda thunk the writers would twist the trope that way? ?


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i cried everytime bok ju cried:(


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I'll be honest, I teared up when Bok-ju was crying over Coach Choi. I haven't always enjoyed Coach Choi as a character, but Bok-ju's grief just seemed so deep to me, like her crying was coming from her heart.


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Same here. This show has squeezed my heart, but no tearing-up until that scene.


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Oh my goodness yes! I didn't cry at all in previous episodes, but the ones with Coach Choi in this episode just broke me. And the follow up scene with Bok-Ju clutching Coach Choi's left behind water bottle..I was bawling so embarrassing lol.

I find the Coach to be a flawed character who has faults and makes ill-advised decisions and actions that make us as the audience at times dislike her character, but I find that makes her more realistic.


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Is it wed already? Wake me up when weds come. Enough said. This drama is killing me because I want new episode like now!


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Let me gush over JH a little more. I love love that he left her alone when she was crying. And I love the way he fought with BJ and Jy.

Also, on recaps for episode 9, WFKBJ had more comments than LOTBS. Yay, the hype for this show is getting bigger! ?


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I know right, I love it that Joon Hyung is not just a person who is eager to please, I like it that he knows boundaries and respects space. Like when in Ep 8, Bok Joo got bustedby Jae Yi, he could easily find her go to her dorm or gym, but when she didn't answer his phone calls, he waited for her to come to him, and contact him first, and I just love that.


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Sorry, I meant ep 9...


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I agree! People don't respect other people's space enough in a lot of dramas. Joon-hyung is seriously the swooniest lead I have seen in a long time (not counting unrealistic ones like handsome manwha characters, handsome goblins, etc.).


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Lol...I thought I was the only one who noticed that WFKBJ had more comments than LOTBS in ep 9 and got super excited. I love this show to bits despite the low ratings. More people need to tune in.


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This show just hits all the right notes for me.

Lee Sung Kyung is doing a phenomenal job with Bok Joo. She plays Bok Joo in a way that is so relatable. She's no Candy or damsel in distress. She is a girl trying to do good for herself and those who love and support her. Lee Sung Kyung's portrayal of first love that hits you like a wave you have to roll with is terrific. She's able to capture that happy, silly, fluttery not quite sure what you are doing time in your life.

Nam Joo Hyuk is just a phenomenal. He's ability to say so much with just a subtle look is impressive. He plays Joon-hyung as both the young man he is and shows us glimpses into the man he will be. And those glimpses are the parts that makes you want to fall for him. Nam Joo Hyuk plays Joon-hyung as a young man with issues from his childhood, but who is smart enough and appreciative enough to understand that he has a very loving family and fully reciprocates it. Even when he finds out about his mother's gifts and cards are really from his aunt, though he is hurt by it, he knows that it comes from a place of love for him. Nam Joo Hyuk is really doing a amazing job of making Joon-hyung a person you would want to know in your real life.

Everything else about this show from dealing with others expectations of you, to friends you unintentionally hurt and seeing your role models go from perfect to falling from grace is all handled in a way that the audience feels they understand.

Overall, this show has been a unexpected joy to watch.


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+1000! So well stated.


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Lee Sung-kyung is doing amazing!! The only thing I've seen her in was Cheese In the Trap and I didn't like her there. But she is really giving her all into making Bok-joo such a fleshed out character.


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She was the best thing about the last few episodes of Cheese in the Trap, and one of the reasons I actually am glad I hung on to the end of that drama - she was phenomenal as Baek In-ha.

I can hardly believe the same person is playing Bok-ju now. It's such a shame about the ratings, if this drama was a hit she'd be getting the acknowledgement she deserves for her talent.


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@pogo- I also agree about LSK IN CITT. I thought she was phenomenal and disagreed with the criticism she was getting about her role as Baek In-Ha. I've seen all her work and she's always been good about distinguishing her characters. KBJ is no exception. It's probably her best yet because it's so different from anything she's ever done so far. She has literally transformed into KBJ and you can't really see where LSK is at. It's almost two different people. It's especially apparent in the photos of her and NJH pre-WLFKBJ days. (I recommend checking those out people. THey look wonderful together, but it also shows what an awesome job LSK is doing.)


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Agree, in CITT, she's a character you'd love to hate, and though you will hate her still in Doctors, there's no trace of Baek In Ha in there. Lee Sung Kyung doesn't half-ass the character's she's playing.


Can we get a list of all the wise words joonhyung said in this drama. For a guy with outgoing and playful personality, he has a such a toughtful mind. Like in this episode he said "Who will love you when you're ashamed of yourself". Or what he said to shiho " Learn to stand on your own feet. You can't expect anyone to solve your problem".

Like Bokjoo, I thought he was annoying in earlier episodes before we get to know him. But now I think he's really great, kind, smart and not just some typical male lead who doesn't understand how the real world works. It's true that you can't judge a book by it's cover. And you can't really judge a person character based on a few observations and first impression you had. You have to engage in conversation with them. Who knows, maybe they're annoying and immature but they can be your most loyal friends.


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You know what's sad is that to a certain extent, SH knew about that - how great of a person JH is - but in an almost though not exact parallel situation to Bok Joo when she felt pressured and desperate she lost it. In an earlier episode, before we viewers came to really know JH, when SH first found out about BJ + JH's "friendship" she tried to make conversation with BJ and said about how despite JH's (not in exact quotes) silly behavior he is actually thoughtful. And JH is proving just that. But not to put all the blame on SH, both of them were too green and their relationship might not have worked out since from that experience JH is also in his own way learning to grow up.


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I loved every bit of this episode..its so real and relateable..you fight with your best friends, you make up with them, you experience depression at one point in life when nothing makes sense and you just want to disappear.. all of it shown in this episode was just hands down awesome..
LSK and NJH are doing so well in their respective roles.. the ending scene where joon hyung realized her depressive symptoms, the look on his face said it all..it was so beautifully displayed like he could feel her pain, has gone through it, has experienced himself...
I wish she would recover from her slump in the presence of loving friends and family and ofcourse the ultimate sweet heart joon hyung in the next episode and slowly realize unconditional love of joon hyung for her❤and reciprocate it..


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Wow i loved your review..
its so on point..


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This episode explained a question that I had for 3 to 4 years. I have a few friends who are extremely nice and polite to me. They are sweet, kind, well mannered, and helpful (just like Jae Yi). They are very considerate too because they gave me comforting words and encouragement when I'm failing my exams and do not show off their happiness too much when they score extremely well. I hanged out with them for two years, almost every single day, and realised that I often found myself unable to become close friends with them. They are so nice to me and yet, I just cannot open up to them fully. I knew how the feeling feels like but I just could not explain why. This episode explains it clearly that too much consideration from a person despite with good intentions may feel 'insensitive' and 'distant'. I feel like I'm excluded from my friends and I can feel it. Did my friends do anything wrong? No. I cannot tell them to be 'nicer' to me because they are already very nice. Now, I know the reason why. They should have scolded me for not working hard enough or when I procrastinated instead of saying comforting words like 'it's okay, you need a brain break too'. I can relate to Joon Hyung and where he is coming from.

Can't wait for the next episode!!! Can't wait to see Bok Joo realising that the person who loves her fully is Joon Hyung and falling in love with him too.


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In real life regardless how much of a person is nice they are still more complex then you could see in dramas or imagine. If they are nice but not perceptive like JY then they will only understand when you talk to them openly or they might be nice because they are thinking that's what expected from them in that case anything can be solved as long as it's addressed.

For Bok Joo I think everyone expects her to remain strong. This is why she needed lies and now feels lonely even if you keep her telling how strong she is that's not what she needs it might burden her more because she thinks she is not herself when she is weak. She should have allowed herself to feel embarrassed and sad. Everyone is like that after all well it's easier said than done tho TT


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"She should have allowed herself to feel embarrassed and sad." This! People don't give themselves permission to feel their feelings often enough. I work in conflict resolution, and in many cases the first thing I say to people with a problem is, for now, just sit with yourself and feel your feelings.


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What I like about this drama:
? No chaebols
? No terminal illness
? No amnesia
? No contract marriage
? The protagonists are NOT each other first loves
? No pitiful candy girl

In short, the lack of kdrama plot cliches makes it so relatable that it is like looking back at my life story 15 years ago.

What I love about this drama:
? The issues and situations are not over the top, they are believable and has a touch of normalcy.
? The friendship between BJ and JH is so precious that I wish I had my own male bestie.
? I think this is one of the few dramas where the families of the protagonists are supportive of their dreams
? Bok Ju and Joon Hyung


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+ 1
this is what I liked about this drama , I actually had enough of drama cliches. I actually, not usually watching teen dramas but because of the story and since leads are from YG that's why I'd given this a shot but how the story and acting made me stay *thumbs up* hoping it'll be shown in other countries too


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I 100% agree! Ditto ditto to everything you said!
The conflicts in this drama are both real and relatable. I hope Bok Ju realizes what a gem Joon Hyung is really soon. She is one lucky gal!


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During all of Joon-hyung's big conversations – the angry one with Bok-ju, the angry one with Jae-yi, and the chastened/sheepish one also with Jae-yi – I kept saying to myself, "This is really good writing."

Joon-hyung is such a great character. I love that he was angry at Bok-ju for being ashamed of the accomplishments she had worked so hard for. And I love the way he explained his resentment to Jae-yi, how all he wanted was to be yelled at, and why. He's an amazing guy and still a deeply realistic character, with natural, understandable motivations and reactions.


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In the beginning, I was so worried that we're looking at a self-absorbed jock who treats girls like trash. Thank goodness this isn't the case! Joon-hyung is thoughtful, fun, considerate, caring, athletic and compassionate. Oh and of course, so darn cute too!


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OMGOSH I love the OST! I've been busy for a while since it's December so I havent been updated with the OSTs, but had some free time today and wow!

Standing Egg's "Ill Pick You Up" is my fave! <3



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My favorite OST is 꿈꾼다 by Han Hee Jung! The one used as closing theme


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I love 꿈꾼다 ( the dream/dreaming )..i listen to it everyday.


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I cried with Bok Jun at the end.

She's not being whiny, or unable to get over her crush. It's depression. And I've been there.

That feeling of not wanting to wake up, and just sleep. Unmotivated. How you constantly feel like you're "broken". She really nailed it.

My hope for this show is that they show her getting help - perhaps going to the same person that JH is seeing. That she learns to love herself (just like JH said) and THEN she comes to love JH. I don't want her to automatically feel better once she learns JH loves her because your feelings of self-worth and self-esteem should not stem from another person. If that person ever leaves, you'll feel the same darkness again.

Also can I add - JH's character is absolutely a breath of fresh air. Beans of wisdom all throughout the show!


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I would like to see Bok-ju get help or do whatever it takes and become happy by her OWN choice and THEN fall for JH. I hope she comes to love him for what he is on her own and not just because he has been good to her.
I love this show so much for having a believable relationship between the leads. THIS is how I picture ideal love...friends-turned-lovers. Even their banter has become friendly and comfortable...bickering might seem cute but it will ultimately get on your nerves. Love-at-first-sight or some cosmic reason are romantic but don't move me as much as these two bunnies do.??


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I totally agree! One thing that did annoy me this episode was Si Ho's relationship with Ki-Seok. I would love to see her personally grow and tackle her eating disorder and her stress/anxiety herself and with the help of new girlfriends rather than through a relationship with another guy. I want her to learn to be happy with her body and herself before dating anyone else, including Ki-Seok.


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As a person who has struggled with periods of deep depression during the last two years, I greatly appreciate this KDrama for portraying mental health issues and therapy without stigma. It shows great compassion, understanding, and awareness from the writer and production staff. I have a feeling that the writer herself has probably experienced it, because the dialogue Bok Joo uses to describe her symptoms seem too true and real and raw.

It truly does feel like there is a heaviness that is constantly pressing against your heart and just. won't. leave. Lee Sung Kyung is an amazing actress - I feel haunted by the empty, soulless eyes she carried as she said, "I think I'm broken." It was like looking back at my past self two years ago when I hit rock bottom. Underneath this show's adorable and hilarious surface exists some of the deepest truths I've ever seen portrayed in Kdrama. Love this show <3


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So true. she needed help.
but i think having the right support system in JH, her besties, her dad and uncle can get her out of the tunnel faster.


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"... too much consideration can be hurtful."

In Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, there was this one female character who was renowned for being incredibly kind and caring to everyone, from the top politicians to the lowliest street orphan. The main character wound up married to her (no, this was not a Kdrama, and they did not fall in love), and he observed that her universal kindness might be a genuine love for everyone, or it might be her own brand of frigidity - that maybe she applied equal love to everyone because she didn't have especial love for any one person.

People like Jae-yi can feel like that. The people around love how kind he always is to them ... until they notice that he treats every random stranger just as well. It's not selfish to want your loved one to give you special treatment, because that's acknowledging that you are special to them.

If extreme kindness is his M.O. and he doesn't deviate from it, then those who don't know him well would naturally perceive a closer relationship with him than he's interested in, while those who actually are close to him and have observed him over a long period of time start to doubt that they have any real meaning to him. That's how a relative stranger Bok-ju can read so much into his interactions, while those close to him, like Joon-hyung and Dr. Go, are never sure where they stand.


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This is a great insight.


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I think that people like Jaeyi do have a personality disorder. Frankly, I think that they are afraid to show how they actually feel cos they are afraid that people may not like them if they get angry or upset; or it could be that they are distancing themselves - they are nice to everyone, so no one feels any more special. They may have difficulty getting really close to people and are not comfortable in letting themselves go. Good friends are those whom you are not afraid to argue and show your true colours, cos you know that they'll still be friends with you! It's those friendship we are not sure of that we tread tenderly. That's why it's sad when the weightlifters don't ask their boyfriends to watch their competitions.

I was also very upset when he apologised to BJ. Frankly, I thought that it was a heedless and thoughtless thing to do. First, by doing so, he never thought that he would get JH in trouble (that JH told him BJ's secret - her crush for him). Secondly, that BJ would feel hurt by his apology. I thought that he was rather selfish. He was more concerned in wanting to rid himself of the guilt that he might have been leading her on (I actually thought that he had some feelings for her!) than how belittled she would feel.


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Boy, this episode has me commenting everywhere!

I can identify on both sides. I've been where BJ is (I kind of wonder who hasn't, really). She's been allowed to believe there was more to her relationship with JY simply because he was being considerate. To realize that he's like this with everyone, ouch.

But I also hate confrontations and will do anything I can to stay away from them, which means I hold myself away from just about everyone. I think I've actually spoken up once in my entire life, which made me feel awful, and then I apologized to make things better. I never did it again. It's become my way of (not) dealing with problems by letting them be upset, and I shut down. It's not that I can't speak; I will NOT speak. Once something is said, it can't be taken back, and I don't want to hurt anyone for any amount of time. I've been in JY's shoes this episode, and he's handling it far better than I have! Something else for me to think about and learn to do; thanks again, dramas!


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Oh wow @crazyahjummafan. Your description of JY made me feel like I was reading about myself.
I didn't see that in JY until you pointed it out. I think both me n him need treatment as much as JH does. ?


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Interesting stuff.


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That's seriously thought provoking. Very insightful and I think very accurate at that. I really like Jae-yi and while I found Joon-hyung's frustration quite valid, I also felt pretty bad for Jae-yi. You could read the confusion in his face when Joon-hyung was explaining. Like he was hurt about what Joon-hyung said just as much as he's hurt over his actions. It's very touching and I they are obv close enough to get over this like it was nothing but I'm glad the discussion happened. They both come from a good place and that's really what matters most.


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this is so on point.


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JH is my fav leading guy in 2016 Korean drama. I hope SH will find happiness with Ki-seok or at least moves on and proves the audience wrong that the supporting female in Korean drama do not have to be one-dimensional evil.


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So much credit to the actors here, but I want to talk about what a great job the writer has done, too! Like other posters have said, it has sidestepped all the cliched expectations of a kdrama rom-com, and is just letting these characters exist and inhabit real emotions. It's so refreshing, and the actors are knocking it out of the park! I loved the conversation JH had with JY about how his over-niceness has made JH feel uncomfortable. It is the same way he must sort of feel about his aunt and uncle, too. In their desire to protect him, they've covered him in emotional bubble wrap, and it's squished his ability perhaps, to really feel things truly out of guilt or obligation--he has no release, until now. And maybe this is his journey. His feelings and protectiveness for BJ will open up the floodgates to the other emotions that have been holding him back during his swimming competitions.


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These writers must be very wise in real life to be able to create a story with "real" people. Watching such dramas is a better way to learn life lessons than reading long-winded philosophy books (not that they are boring).
I've had 3 major quarrels where I was yelled at for being too nice. I never understood what they meant and they never clarified either. Now that I've seen the analysis of Jae-yi's behaviour I think I know where they came from. I thought about my own behavior and realised that I had been walking on eggshells around them while trying to be "considerate". I used to be the kid who was socially awkward and blunt with people so after repeated blunders I decided to be extra-careful and overly nice so as to not offend anyone. Which probably felt off-putting to the next set of people I interacted with. What do I do now??


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Be yourself.

I understand how you feel, because I've been through that too. Too scared to offend, to scared to truly open up.

But real, active social life only starts when you allow yourself to be vulnerable and allow yourself to take a few hits. When you open up and let people know the true you, will people then feel like they can trust you and really befriend you. When you hide behind a sheen of niceness, they don't know what you're really thinking and that scares them, because for all they know, you could be hating them and who likes a "friend" who hates them?

Don't worry about offending others. Because you can and will always make up with those who really care about you. You'll want to and they'll let you.

Those who don't care, well, you don't need them anyways.


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My best friend experienced the same thing as you and she is now like the kindest and nicest person ever. It's like a trauma, she is kind of scared people hating her. We used to cold her too for being too nice, that's because sometimes it's self-destructive, like too much sacrificing yourself for people who aren't even worth it. It's not bad to be nice, but it's not nice to be nice while sacrificing yourself or burdening yourself. Just learn how to say 'no' nicely.
I can relate to what JH said, being too nice made distance, because honestly yes, I am nice to people I am not close too, the polite nice kind, while with people I am very close too, I am being an evil-nice kind (nice at some times but mostly evil, if you know what I mean hehe). I was also very blunt before but now I have learned to control it by being polite-blunt to avoid hurting people's feelings.
So, I don't know you're being nice because the same reason as my friend or because you still have distance with those people you're nice at, but I believe people scold you for being too nice because they care. Maybe they are worried you hurt or sacrifice yourself for being too nice, or maybe they are worried you're seen as being fake, or maybe they're worried you feel obligated to be nice only because of your past. It's not I am saying being nice is a sin or what, being nice is like a neccessity to be a human, but that's the only reason to be nice, because we're human, we're supposed to be nice to each other, not because of some other reasons.

Sorry if you feel I'm lecturing you or anything, I didn't mean that. it's just i feel i can relate so much with your problem and i've seen and experienced similar situation, so i can't help but to reply your comment.

Wish the best for you, I hope you can solve your problems fast and wisely :)


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I hope you mind moderation.
It is good to stop, be thoughtful and be kind to others.
But it's also important to love yourself, to not be push over.
I like to think in socialising or whatever word banter, choose which ones are important to you. Stand your ground or speak your mind on whats important. Things or people who are not important instead of speaking i give a smile and turn away.


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@Peeps, @SHIN, @sharreb
Thank you so much for the advice! ? I forgot where I'd posted this...I've been looking for it in the open threads!


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I am actually crying. I feel like I just lost all strength after watching episode 10, but in a good way. First, I just want to commend both Lee Sung Kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk for being such amazing actors and emoting in such a way that even the slightest bit of emotion feels so real and raw. At first I was so focused on the romance and wanted Bok Joo to see that the person right for her was Joon Hyung and while this is still true, I feel so dumb for not realizing that even though this is a drama, the emotions and life changes they are going through, as people and as athletes, are something we all go through as well. I say this b/c I am 20yrs old and in college as well. At the end when Bok Joo was describing how she felt, like she was "broken or weird" and how she didn't want to do anything because she was constantly tired, I broke down and cried along with her because she was literally describing symptoms of depression.

I could literally see myself in her since I have family who suffer from depression and have had the same issue myself (that's how I turned to kdramas in the first place, as an escape). Throughout, it's easy to misunderstand and think she's only upset because of her crush, but as the episode went on, it was clear that all of this was more than just about her crush not being successful. She's actually depressed and with the only female figure (coach) in her life gone, it's like she has no where/ no one else to turn to. No one, not even her friends understood what she was going through and just kept assuming/ making excuses for why she was acting a certain way. They were trying to tell her how to act, which, as someone who's been through it, is exactly what people who don't understand mental illness do. That's why at the end, when she was describing her feelings to Joon Hyung, I loved that you could see the realization in his eyes. He understood that what she was going through was bigger than her not being proud of winning first place or her being rejected by his brother or not loving herself enough (of course they all play a huge role). I loved that he hugged her because in that moment, that was everything she needed, but did not get while she was constantly alone crying by herself.

Joon Hyung is an amazing friend and I am truly glad Bok Joo has him in her life because I am sure, with his slump and being abandoned by his mother, he can understand what she is going through. The romance would be great, but right now, I just want Bok Joo to get better, love and accept herself as she is, and when she is ready, love again ( big plus if the love is Joon Hyung lol). I am exhausted. Time to watch it all again, also this show is a masterpiece!!


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I keep refreshing the page because your insights guys are just Daebak! Thank you for all the thought provoking discussions and on-point analysis. This is what I love here in Dramabeans, that we see more than the handsome and/or pretty leads, but we really dig deeper into the psyches of these characters to better understand them, and in turn, to better understand ourselves.


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15 points plus alpha to this comment. Exactly why i faithfully check this site EVERYDAY.


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Same here! I refresh constantly. ?


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I think one reason Joon-hyung's character is so refreshing is that it's usually the second lead who does all the things he's doing, and with no payoff. Here, it's the lead who's being perceptive and caring and always there for the girl, and I love knowing that it's all going to be rewarded.


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Women also like the loving and caring type. In fact, from the comments from beanies here, it's the preferred type of boyfriend :D Joong Hyun is amazing and it's so satisfying to know that he is going to get his girl :)


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I was trying to figure out why I have so much love for JH. Here's one the huge reasons among so many others!


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I love this drama so much I'm commenting everywhere. It's so much fun. I agree 200%. I think I even said something similar as a reply to another comment too! Love it so much that we don't have to have SEcond lead syndrome and wonder why the lead actress is so blind as to only like the one that treats her horribly.


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Yep, like Yeol in Sassy Go, Go.. 'Cause you know in real life, if a jerk treats me like every-cliched fist male lead chaebols in KDramas, I don't care if they're Chaebols or handsome af, either I'd clock them in the head with my bag or clock them with my shoes but I'd probably never fall in love with them. So much for romance. Heheh


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When NOT to see this drama :

1) when you have a nasty cold
2) when you are on your period and hyper emotional

Especially when you have both together. Because it might end you with loud ugly sobbing and make your housemate poke her head into your room looking concerned!

Eventhough i cry everytime she cries, Sometimes I want to scream at Bok Ju and tell her you are under self pity for way too long and to chin up. And I almost got annoyed at her for moping for too long.

But then at end, she tells how she feels broken so simply and on point. *Cue - ugly sobbing*. It took me to my 19 year old self where the hardest thing to do is get out of bed not because of the first heartbreak i had or anything - but because of how it reduced me to this person I couldn't recognize and who I could no longer love. The lifelessness. Being depressed and broken - and not even mature enough to understand that's what it is.
She bought me back everything I felt with utmost clarity and I sobbed for both my past self and Bok Ju.

Damn you Show ! Damn you!


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Also I HAVE to mention Bok Ju's dialogues when she tried to play nonchalant in the coffee shop.
How having a crush is a everyday thing for her and how its no big deal - her expression, her dialogues, her tone, her eyes - Why do I feel her this acutely!?

Through all my heartache for her, I was damn proud of her to have hold her own in that. She never broke down or begged him or got angry - she held her own and walked out. No matter how pathetic she felt for all this - I really hope she could look back on this and truly understand this is the best way for her to have handled the fall out and pat herself on back.


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That's true. It must have been a shock to realize that Jae-yi had been told that she liked him. But she powered through that conversation and got out of there with her dignity intact.


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I don't know that she did leave with her dignity intact. Those looks JY sent her way shows that both of them saw through the façade. He was just being (too) nice again. Rats. My heart hurts for her, too.


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I just wanted JY to SHUT UP...he's so dense and disconnected from how people are feeling that he just doesn't know when to stop -_-
It was so cringeworthy and painful to watch BJ try to leave with her dignity intact.
I was so annoyed when JY asked her if she wanted a ride too....sigh...


I think it was intact on her part because she was cordial and calm and didn't do anything to embarrass herself. A façade has its use, it's the grease that keeps society's wheels spinning. I think it's better than everyone being "honest" (read: rude) about everything all the time :)

The whole kerfuffle was on Jae-yi's head. He should never have initiated that conversation.


And we all know that Jae Yi is not a bad guy which intensifies the whole, 'Shut up already you dolt'. So I'm really glad that Joon Hyung pointed it out, that even if you've come from a good place and you meant well, take consideration of other people's feelings as well..


Nam Joo-hyuk has been hiding that awesome talent! This role was made for him. Joon-hyung is definitely my favorite character because he is so open, honest and caring. And there are so many layers to his character, you think you've settled on what you think he is but then he shows us something different. But we can all agree that he is just freaking awesome.

I loved Joon-hyung for calling out Bok-joo about being ashamed of herself. She needed that. While I understand exactly what she is going through because I have been there many times before, I really want her to realize she can be a beautiful woman and a weightlifter. I want her to realize that if she has to hide parts of herself for someone to love her then that's not love! The person who truly loves you will love what makes you well you. And also won't be afraid to call you out on bs. But most importantly, I want her to just love herself because no one will love you better than you.


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+1 Love it when he called her out on her bs and challenged her. That's what a true friend and future partner should do.


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I thk what makes Joonhyung even more awesome is hes not someone who usually cares about other people's problems. We've seen him in ep1, and even Jae yi also mentions this.
With bokjoo he cant help himself from caring.
But his form of caring is so genuine and he gave the real meaning of friendship to bokjoo wholeheartedly. Bless the writers for giving us such a wonderful male character


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I love the writer of this show seriously.
She made all the necessary pull of strings and all the required wise words. There's definitely a collection of quotes I'm bagging in this drama.

1. "How can anyone love you if your ashamed of yourself?"
2. "Can't you see that your consideration to others will hurt them more?"
3. "Don't worry about it. It may hurt at first but time will heal it."
4. "Who says weightlifters can't date? Bok Joo, if you find a man that you don't have to pretend for him to like you,keep him. That's the type of guy you should date."
5. "We have to trust them. Only then they'll grow."

Well that's few of my favorites.
p.s. 9. Guy riding behind on a motorcycle. Another wrecked cliche. XD


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Joon Hyung to Shi Ho:
"Learn to stand on your own two feet. Everyone lives with his or her own life. You can't expect anyone to solve your problems."


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So rare to find these days. The emotions are so raw and the relationships are so true to life. Love this show.


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I cried throughout the episode, and was also very teary-eyed reading this recap and review. As always, thanks for your awesome recaps LollyPip ?

Ah, growing pains. Now we're up for some serious solution-finding and leave the drinking, clubbing and beach-frolicking for a later time when our 'best friends' face something different together, like asking permission from the dad to date perhaps muahahaha. While I can't wait to see our couple's relationship develop even more, I'm more eager to watch how they're gonna get through these pains. The falling in love part will just be the best icing on top.

Mental, physical and emotional health for the win!!!


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I have always been a heavy crier but this show got me wailing from the beginning to the end. Moving scenes between JH and BK are portrayed perfectly with subtlety that happy tears just kept rolling down my face. LSK and NJH are so good as actors that every single cell of me hurts when BJ cries or when JH tries his best to hold back his tears. Kdramas are many a time perfect escapes of reality, but this show is so raw and real! I see real people with real pains and real struggles try to solve their problems together and it is absolutely endearing! I cannot wait to see the next ep when BJ and JH's wonderful friendship blossomed into something more. Most of the times kdramas kind of lose their charms once the big confession happens and everything just turns rather cheesy and dull. However, judging from the excellent writing, directing and acting, I am not doubting that the courtship will just be as sweet, fun, and real, if not more so. Since their soon-to-be love has such a concrete base of friendship, nothing under the sun can tear them apart. This is the kind of relationship I always hope to have, where someone loves you not simply because of how you look or what you've achieved, but just because you are yourself!


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I know right? And I like knowing why they fell in love and when they did, instead of just saying to my face that it's love at first sight or that they are both first leads so they have to be in love even though one is a dormat and the other is a jerk and no possible growth could be achieved with such a relationship. Okay, salty audience of KDrama-cliche here. Hahah


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HAHAH i'm very salty about that too:)) But yeah, it is wonderful to know that a person approaches you and cares for you and goes out of his/her way to make you happy not because they are romantically attracted to you or because they want something in return, like they want to get together or something: they just simply love you without intentions!!! Ughhh where can I find my joonhyung HAHAHA


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I didn't think I would love this drama this much, but I LOVE THIS SHOW. I remember watching Nam Joo Hyuk in School 2015 and he was getting a lot of flack for being a newbie model-turned-actor who couldn't emote. Didn't help that his character sucked.

But this. This is good. I love this show, and I love being hit with these little bits of raw emotion that I didn't think I identified with anymore, because I've tucked these insecurities into the recesses of my heart as I've packaged myself into a sleek, mature version of the young girl that I was. Definitely a great pick-me-up in the middle of my week.

On a side note, I do wish that Joon Hyung's problems were developed in the storyline as well. What happened to his swimming career??? And his mom???


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I agree. We kind of forgot all about Joon-hyung's own stuff. Episode 7 was a good start, though, with Bok-ju asking him about his problems/secrets. I hope they don't shortchange him in that respect. He's such a great friend to Bok-ju, I hope the show doesn't forget to have Bok-ju be a friend to him as well.


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It will be another cry-fest once he starts to reveal to his mom-aunt that he knew about the letters and gifts.


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Nam Joo Hyuk is my favourite actor of the year--it was a close race between him, Park Bo Gum, and Ha Suk Jin. While I've only seen NJH in this and MLSHR, he has done such a great job in both that I cannot help but applaud his skill. The subtly in his facial expressions are quite mesmerising. I do have to say that there are some moments where I feel he overacts/overcompensates, but those are few and far between.

I completely agree with you about us seeing less of Joon Hyung's athletic life. My biggest issue with this series is that it makes you care about characters in different ways, leaves you wanting more, but ends up showing less. As far as I'm aware, there is no season 2 for this for them to afford to take the pacing that they have with some characters. At this point, I'm really wondering how high the opportunity cost is in showing Shi Ho's character as much as they have in relation to other characters. Every time she come on the screen I get slightly annoyed. I really hope they don't rush the last two episodes as far too many other shows have.


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I agree. I am worried about the pacing because they still have so much things to cover and only 6 episodes to do so. I'm also hoping BJ will help JH with his issues or just be there for him as he's been there for her. Maybe after he has the big blowout with his adoptive parents. I'm hoping he has her to lean on. It would be a full circle.
As for the ex, I wish they alluded to all this family issue before portraying her as a stalker bitch. I think people (at least my friends and I) would be a bit more sensitive to her plight. However, now I, like you @hates.red, just feel annoyed when she's on screen. I skip her parts and feel it's a waste of screen time for everything else the writers have developed. Her scenes this episode were like a different drama. Throwing in the mean sunbae was also really out of the blue.


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I’ve been thinking the same thing. I really like BJ, but I also really like JH and I want to see his issues play out before the drama ends without feeling rushed.

I also want to see her have a chance to support him more, I felt they both helped each other at first (frog!) but the past few episodes have started to feel kind of one-sided. Which is fine for now, I just hope it comes around soon.


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Thanks for the quick recap, Lollypip! Once again I agree with everything you said.

Such a great episode, although so sad. I wanted to give almost everyone a hug multiple times. The part with Joon Hyung and his brother playing catch got me the most - so sweet!! And Bok Joo was heartbreaking.

The few light moments (like with Coach Choi and Uncle) were on point as usual, but this show continues to be so heartfelt overall. Now onto some fluff and romance next week I hope!


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Just started yesterday or to be exact Thursday while waiting for new episodes for LotBS and if I did not have any class this Friday I would have finished everything. Nonetheless, I was able to catch up with you guys!

THANK YOU!!! To all the comments from OT to Weekly or basically to all those who spread this hidden gem!

I love all the dramas I'm watching now but I guess it's a little bit different if you live in the same timeline(?). I'm not really the same age as them but quite close.

I cannot write everything I like about the drama but one thing is for sure, I'm a Lee Sung-kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk fan!


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I just absolutely adore Joon Hyung.


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You can see it on his face the moment he regrets saying something thoughtless to Bok-ju, and how worried he gets when he thinks Bok-ju might be angry with him, and how much it hurt when she blew up at him about blabbing to his cousin about her crush. He doesn’t need to tell us how much he cares for Bok-ju, because we can watch every single moment that he falls for her, over and over again. There’s no moment that goes by that Joon-hyung’s thoughts aren’t written all over his face, and that requires a level of acting skill that I wouldn’t have said Nam Joo-hyuk possessed… until now.

This! This is what I was trying to articulate in the previous ep comments but couldn't. Thank you LollyPip, you took the words out of my mouth.

I'm still surprised at how good Nam Joo Hyuk is. I've never thought much about him because he looks like a dime a dozen young actor who's cast more for his looks than acting skill. He has definitely blown me away in this.


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Although I really like Bok-Ju and Joon-Hyung, I found that I really like Shi-Ho's story. Albeit she didn't make great choices in the beginning and I don't agree with her behaviour, there is something so human in her that I like. Perhaps the pressure and the fact that she really doesn't have anyone that is there for her. She has do everything alone and also carry her family's troubles on her shoulders. It's no wonder she feels very lost and lonely. I think the actress is very good, it could have easily been a one dimensional character and in contrast to Yeo-joo in The Man Living in our house, she does have certain self-awareness. I really liked this actress in Plus Nine Boys, even there I think she wasn't the typical portrait of a love interest. There is a depth to her acting that I really like. Hope she can get a little more screentime, I like the new progress of the sunbae. When you least expect it someone comes in with a little sunshine in your life, I hope she will be a little happier although it's been hard for her. She deserves someone who wants to make her happy. Exactly like Joon-Hyung deserves someone who is really there for him. He and Bok-Ju is right for each other, I hope they see it soon! Everyone deserves a shot of happiness, they just have to see it for themselves and realise love is natural, it shouldn't be forced. Just some thoughts :)


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I've like Kyung Sung Jin since Plus Nine Boys. She's cute and pretty in a wholesome way. I really appreciate how she lost weight to get into this role and you are right that Si Ho could have been a one dimensional character. Credit goes to the writing and also to KSJ for giving Si Ho layers.

I am pleasantly surprised that Si Ho didn't become the typical 2nd lead or spurned ex-gf. Even her new relationship is realistically portrayed.


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All I can say is, I LOVE it!

LOVE this drama.

Superb acting by NJH & LSK. Just simply superb!


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RIGHT?! I wish it got more recognition in Korea. I mean I think everyone knew this would happen ratings wise as it's in the exact same time slot as LEE Minho'S drama...but still...this would've been one of those ones on par with the School Series...


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