The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 3

We’re only on Episode 3, but wow are we in for massive developments. I wouldn’t say that the story is moving quickly, exactly—it likes to linger and draw out its moments—but it does feel quite packed and keeps us on the edge of our seats to know more, and the show upholds the moody, sentimental fantasy without betraying any breaks in the world, which I appreciate. But despite that fantasy shell and the centuries-old gods and spirits at the center of the story, it’s the very human emotions and sorrows that make the drama feel present and gripping.


Abducted by her aunt’s loan sharks, Eun-tak squeezes her eyes shut and sends up a frantic, silent prayer. We hear Samshin Grandma’s advice to her mother all those years ago, about praying earnestly in a moment of life or death, in case a weak-hearted god is listening. Ah, so it wasn’t the lighter flame that calls the goblin, but the prayer? (Gong Yoo conjuring spell duly noted.)

As Eun-tak prays, the birthmark on her neck flashes, and across town, somehow Shin senses it. He’s in the middle of his own mealtime cutlery war with Reaper, but upon sensing this, he lets his floating dinnerware crash to the table.

The loan shark screeches the car to a halt, seeing something peculiar in the distance. One by one, the street lamps explode, sending everything into blackness except the car’s headlights.

Off in the distance, two tall figures appear in the haze, gloriously backlit as they slooow-motion hero-walk toward the car. Seriously, it goes on a while. Goblin and Reaper, wonder twin powers activate!

The loan sharks wonder, “What are those guys? Men in black or what?” Then the headlight bulbs explode too, darkening the scene further. Goblin and Reaper seem to vanish, and one scared loan shark urges the other to punch the accelerator.

The car squeals forward, and as it does, a bluish-green light cuts through it, right down the middle. They try to make sense of the things when one half of the car goes one way, carrying the loan sharks, and the other half of the car goes the other, carrying Eun-tak. Sarah Brightman scores the moment: Time to say goodbyyyyye….

Eun-tak sobs in fear, but her half of the car slows safely to a stop. Shin reappears in the road carrying his flaming goblin sword (wait, so he could pull it out? Or are we just conveniently ignoring his curse right now?), and he tosses it away to retrieve Eun-tak’s scarf.

When Eun-tak looks up, she sees Reaper standing by, and then Shin opens her car door to help her out. That seems unnecessary considering the whole open-air situation going on, but far be it from me to deny the hero his chivalry.

She takes his hand and stumbles into his arms, and looks a little moony-eyed when he asks if she’s okay. I swear the Reaper half-rolls his eyes as he moves away from the car, and the lopsided thing crashes onto its open side, which makes Eun-tak jump and turn into Shin’s arms again.

When she finally recovers her words, she asks incredulously, “Am I okay? That’s what you ask? After you split a car like that?”

Shin just tells her to wait here, but she chases after him to ask if he means to kill those loan sharks. She doesn’t believe his denial and points out that Reaper came along, and surely he wouldn’t have come to save her. Reaper agrees that her logic makes more sense.

Shin assures her that he won’t kill them—he’ll just show him his anger, so that they’d wish they’d died instead. Okay, that plan has its appeal, too.

He finds the loan sharks begging for help, trapped in the car that has tipped over. Shin delivers their fate: For two days, this road will disappear from the map, making it impossible for anyone to help. “You’ll hurt like death but you won’t die,” he states. “In two days, fortunately, you’ll be found by the police. You can pay for your crimes at the police station. Be thankful you won’t have to pay for them with me.”

Then it’s Reaper’s turn to step up, and he informs them of the story they will now believe: The two loan sharks fought, saw nothing else, and will never make up.

Afterward, as the three walk down the road, Eun-tak’s comments are snippy, as she’s still ticked off at everything that’s happened. She asks pointedly if they don’t have a car, and whether she’s dead and on her way to the afterlife, and whether they’ll be killing her now.

Heh, her passive-aggressive barbs amuse me, mostly for the way they annoy Reaper, who beams a glare at Shin and telepathically asks when they’ll be getting their gratitude for saving her life. He keeps complaining until Shin finally yells at him to be quiet—and Eun-tak whirls around with hurt eyes, thinking he’d just told her to shut it. I notice Reaper wags a finger at Shin, enjoying his discomfort.

Then Eun-tak gripes about how there aren’t even any passing cars on this road, and stomps off. Reaper gleefully reminds Shin whose idea it was to make this road invisible for two days.

As they sit at a restaurant afterward, Eun-tak asks why Shin hasn’t left yet, and he replies that he will soon. She asks how he came tonight when she didn’t blow out a flame, and he says, “It’s like I just heard you. Save me, something like that.” She says she thought it to herself, and he says she must be the type to think very loudly. Ha.

She says he didn’t have to show up, and he says, “I didn’t have a reason not to come.” She concedes an earlier point he made about her living her life like it’s a freebie, and explains that he saved her mother’s life and her own, so she’s been okay to live that way—she got to be born, and meet her mother.

“So I’ve decided not to hate you now,” she announces. “If we met again, I wanted to say that. Although you probably hoped we wouldn’t meet.”

Shin just lets her have her say, though he notes that it seems she still hates him. She snaps that she doesn’t, and tells him that she won’t make wishes or think of him in the future, so he can leave peacefully. She tacks on, “And I hope you meet a nice person. Someone who helps you discover the true you. Someone pretty. Pretty in heart, not face, since you say you don’t look at faces.”

She gets up to leave him with the food, and Shin stops her to ask, “I didn’t eat this, but I’m supposed to pay?” Eun-tak protests that she didn’t eat either, and moreover, she doesn’t have money.

Shin says he’ll pay if she stays and eats. That mollifies her a bit, but she’s still a little snappish and says she doesn’t want to eat with him, and requests her dinner wrapped to go. “See, you do hate me,” Shin notes.

Back at his goblin mansion, nephew Deok-hwa gives Shin the skinny on Eun-tak and her horrible family. Her mother’s death left her with a hefty 150 million won (about $150 grand), but being a minor, Eun-tak can’t access the money on her own, which is why Aunt is keeping her.

Hearing that Deok-hwa did the legwork to collect this info, Shin tells him, “I’m shocked to see you have uses.” Deok-hwa asks why he’s interested in these people, Shin and replies, “I mean to punish them.” Deok-hwa can’t see why punishment would involve two gold bars and whines to be given some too (“Haven’t I committed a lot of sins? Don’t I deserve a thousand punishments?”).

Shortly thereafter, those two gold bars appear in Eun-tak’s room, and Aunt finds them and just about has puppies. The cousins make greedy grabs for the bars, assuming that Eun-tak converted her hidden stash of cash into gold, and a three-way squabble breaks out.

Ah, I love that this nobody in this hateful family can trust each other, so they end up sitting up late into the night, determined to outlast the others to claim it for themselves. Eyelids droop and heads nod off… and in the morning, Aunt and Oppa Cousin wake up to find Girl Cousin and the bars long gone.

Aunt and Oppa tear out of the house to track her down, and from a nearby restaurant, Shin and Deok-hwa watch them run by. Deok-hwa notices Shin’s eyes glued to the TV, which is turned to a K-pop performance. Shin explains that the king he served was about the age of that idol—seventeen.

In a serious, faraway voice, he describes lying on the ground at the hottest hour of day, in the blinding light, endlessly resenting somebody: “Whether it was the king, or god, or me—I’ve forgotten that.”

Later, Shin makes Reaper and Deok-hwa watch that idol perform, calling him the reincarnation of his thousand-year wrath. Reaper advises him to let go of his anger and vengeance, which will bring him unhappiness. Shin cuts him off, asking, “So does not remembering make you happy?” Reaper shuts his mouth.

Shin isn’t sure the idol is the reincarnated king—it seems like he just has a passing feeling—and wants Reaper to confirm whether it is, but Reaper can’t tell just by looking; he needs to touch him.

Then Reaper asks, “Why do you only think he’s been reincarnated as a man?” and indicates the girl group now onstage.

“Is it her?” Shin asks, transfixed at the dance. “Say it is! I think I’m ready to forgive.” Reaper reminds him that he’s been angry for a thousand years, but Shin stares at the pretty girl, saying, “I’m sure he had his reasons.”

Reaper arrives at the hospital, where he joins several of his fellow reapers, which includes a few newbies. One reaper hoobae reminds our Reaper about those souls that are unaccounted for and tells him to turn in his roster by the end of year.

Another reaper brightens when a new reaper approaches them, because she’s pretty and young and makes him grin like a doofus.

Reaper steps aside when his charge arrives, an ER doctor who literally died of overwork while tending to a patient. The doctor, like all newly dead souls, needs a moment to take it in, but when he hears that his patient lived, he says he’s glad.

Afterward, Reaper eats at Subway (et tu, Goblin?!) and looks over the forms he has yet to fill out regarding the two souls that went unaccounted for.

As Eun-tak bikes through the city, she notices every instance of the word “goblin” popping up in ads and signs. She bikes faster and faster, as if to get away.

In the days that follow, she keeps thinking of Shin and their encounters, and the memories put her in a funk. That funk seems to extend to Shin, too, as he thinks of all their encounters as well. There’s a lovely extended moment where their images overlap, as though sharing their gloom, separate but together.

Finally, she sighs to herself, “I don’t know. Leave or don’t, whatever.”

Eun-tak returns to the bookstore and searches for the goblin book where she’d stuck her maple leaf from Quebec. She overhears a man trying to make a return, and sees Deok-hwa with the very book in question. She offers to buy the book from him, claiming the maple leaf inside it, and he says there’s no way to prove it’s hers. He challenges her to identify its origin, and Eun-tak replies that even if she answered, he wouldn’t know whether it’s true.

Deok-hwa declares that the correct answer and gives her the book. When she asks why he was interested in it in the first place, he replies matter-of-factly, “Ah, there’s this goblin I know.” He plays it off like it’s no big deal and everybody knows a goblin or two.

Eyes wide, Eun-tak asks, “Really?” He tsk-tsks her naivety and gives her a quick primer on not falling for the things strangers say. Although when she tries to discount the book price by calling it technically used, Deok-hwa won’t let her get away with it.

Deok-hwa heads home to report to Shin, but stops short to see his grandfather standing there with Reaper. Gulp. He breathes a sigh of relief when he realizes Grandpa doesn’t know anything yet, then totally throws Reaper under the bus by asking who he is and why he’s here.

As Shin comes out of his room, Reaper points a finger at him and mumbles, “I’m his… friend. I came to play.”

Deok-hwa seizes this excuse and runs with it, exclaiming that Reaper must be very close with Uncle, and came to say goodbye. Stone-faced Reaper lifts a hand and waves wanly: “Go well. Be healthy. Never come back.”

But Shin contradicts both of them, happy to tell Reaper to leave his house and never return, since they’re not friends. Deok-hwa protests, and Shin kicks him out too.

So Reaper and Deok-hwa end up huddled on the front stoop, grumbling about Shin’s high-handedness. Reaper turns the stoop icy and warns Deok-hwa that he’d better be right about his grandfather leaving soon: “He’d better, or you’ll be going soon, somewhere.”

Shin pops his head outside to tell Deok-hwa to go to his house to receive his scolding, and crows to Reaper that their score is 1:0. Reaper seethes, then walks right through the door.

Deok-hwa can’t believe Shin would tattle on him to his grandfather and asks to know what Shin said, so he can match their stories. Shin retorts, “Did you match stories with me when you rented out the house?”

Deok-hwa hunkers down on the step rather than going in for his punishment, vowing to stay here and haunt the house as a ghost.

Shin’s in a pretty great mood that night, humming and dancing in the bathroom, but freaks out when he almost steps on a white towel in the hall. Written in blood is “good night” and their new score, 1:1. Muahaha.

Shin literally jumps back, muttering about horse blood. He yells for Reaper to take it away, even apologizing for his earlier comment. Aw, is the war god squeamish?

Chicken shop owner Sunny confronts Eun-tak at work, asking if she’s sleeping in the restaurant. Immediately contrite, Eun-tak apologizes and asks how she knew. Sunny shows her the toothbrush she found, as well as the crumpled confession notes that Eun-tak had written and discarded.

Sunny asks if it’s because of Aunt, then lets the matter go entirely, saying that she should only act if it’s to help. She hands Eun-tak her weekly pay and instructs her to take trips to the sauna to shower.

Eun-tak thanks Sunny, who tells her not to be so grateful over things that are rightfully hers (i.e., her pay). Eun-tak replies that she’s grateful for Sunny’s awesomeness, and Sunny corrects, “That’s money being awesome.”

Shin visits an old bookstore while Eun-tak grills up a batch of squid per Sunny’s request. Lost in her thoughts about Shin, she doesn’t notice the squid catching fire and blows out the flame, then panics and tries to cancel the summons.

On the other hand, Shin smiles to see the smoke around his hands, happy to be transported. He even hurries to strike a cool pose when he appears behind Eun-tak, holding a book and commenting on how much he likes books and art. Ha, I love vain goblin. Your instagram account must be killer.

He can’t even hide that he’s pleased about her summons, so when she informs him that it was only a squid-induced mistake, he gets pissy and huffs that he has to go and pack his bags.

She stops him to ask a question, wanting to know exactly what kind of thing she’s supposed to see “if I’m going to be of use to you.” He supposes she’d lie that she can see it, and she retorts the exact opposite—she’ll say she doesn’t see it even if she does, because he might be nice to her and buy her things and that would be a problem because she reaaaally doesn’t care for him at all. Hmph.

So Shin asks if she doesn’t see anything unusual, maybe something painful. Eun-tak gives him the once-over and says, “Ah, that.” That captures his interest, so when tries to head off, he jumps to do her bidding: “Do you want to eat meat? Is there anything you want?”

She leads him to a meat restaurant, where he grills every last bit of meat for her, asking at every opportunity about the thing she sees. She purposely answers in roundabout ways, and when he gets annoyed, she milks it, asking wide-eyed, “Are you getting testy with me?” He backs down to appease her, that minx.

On to a cafe next, where Eun-tak orders a big fancy juice drink—and then Reaper shows up to ask for the same. Eun-tak hides behind Shin just in case Reaper means to try anything, and watches as the boys bicker. Shin asks if Reaper’s here to kill anybody, and Reaper says defensively, “I’m a regular here!”

Eun-tak asks if she’s the one who’s dying today, acting hurt at the possibility that they ganged up to lure her with meat and ambush her with juice. Lol, she certainly has a flair for the dramatic.

Reaper says he’s actually on her side, and attempts to telepathically tell her, “You see the sword… you see the sword… You will pull out that sword…” But she doesn’t hear his thoughts, and when she asks what it means that he’s on her side, Shin tells her it’s just god talk that she doesn’t need to understand.

After Reaper’s gone, Eun-tak gushes about Reaper’s handsomeness, asking if reapers are picked based on looks, to prompt dead souls to follow readily. Annoyed at her giddiness, Shin asks if he’s also good-looking, and she hesitates before replying, “You’re… just looking.” Haha. Shin snatches away her juice.

Eun-tak points at another customer to distract Shin, and sneaks back her juice while he’s looking away. But something about the ordinary-looking ajusshi catches Shin’s interest, who’s busy texting lovey-dovey messages to his girlfriend.

With a wave of the hand, Shin causes a run-in between the ajusshi and another customer, tangling the woman’s earphone cord in the man’s bag. Eun-tak asks what he’s doing, and Shin says that it’s something that should happen. He refers to his actions as “magic,” just as the man and woman register attraction.

They detangle the cord, at which point Shin flicks his finger to catch the woman’s hair in the man’s shirt button. As the finishing touch, he trips an employee and sends the woman literally falling into the man’s arms. They gaze into each other’s eyes, and when they ask about each other’s relationship statuses, both lie that they’re single.

From across the cafe, Eun-tak cheers along silently, mouthing the words, “Kiss! Kiss!” She asks if Shin is a Cupid, and he explains that every hundred years or so, a few people are reborn with the same faces as their previous lives. He’d recognized the man from his past life; that was a woman he couldn’t let get away.

Eun-tak asks if the man was heroic in the past, and is offended hearing that he was the worst kind of person, arguing that Shin should only help good people. Shin replies that he’s not the guardian spirit for those two—he was acting for the two people who just lost their partners. The man from the cafe is cowardly and the woman is ungrateful, and they’ll become each other’s hell.

Then Eun-tak asks if her life is terrible because she’d sinned in a past life: “Is being born as the goblin’s wife my punishment?”

Shin replies that he doesn’t know about her past life, and reiterates that she’s not the goblin’s wife. She adopts a chipper tone to say her life isn’t actually that bad, since she was loved by her mother, she found an umbrella, and she likes that she met Shin. Then she corrects herself: she liked it, past tense.

Shin reminds her that she hasn’t answered his question yet: Does she see it or not?

She replies, “My mother used to say that a person had to see where they’re lying down in order to stretch out their legs, and know where they’re going when they leave. You understand what I’m saying, right?”

He doesn’t, so she tells him that it means this is where they end. She tells him goodbye and walks away. When she turns back after a few steps, Shin is still there, looking at her.

Later at home, Deok-hwa mentions the possibility of becoming a reaper after he dies, and Shin replies, “You have to have committed a big sin in a past life to become a reaper.” Then he stops himself, realizing that Deok-hwa knows Reaper’s nature.

Deok-hwa points out how his surprise is rather unwarranted, given all the clues and careless talk that tipped him off ages ago, like how Reaper was unfazed when Shin turned the living room humid and foggy, and how both gods tossed around mention of the grim reaper all the time.

That’s when Reaper shows up—just as Deok-hwa is insulting his appearance, heh. Deok-hwa tries to flee, but Reaper blocks his path and asks how he knew he was a reaper. Deok-hwa exclaims, “How can I not know, when you do things like this? You were right over there, and suddenly you’re here.” He makes a good point.

Reaper blames Goblin-who-talks-behind-my-back for outing the truth. Goblin blames him right back, calling him “Reaper-who-doesn’t-even-know-if-he-was-a-murderer-in-a-past-life!” Aw, and then Reaper’s face falls, like someone just killed his hopes and dreams, and then his puppy.

Reaper mumbles that it’s not like Shin’s punishment is because he was innocent. He storms off, and Deok-hwa suggests that Shin really did hurt his feelings. So he drops by a bit later as Reaper’s writing down all the potential sins he could have committed in a past life, though the list just makes Reaper feel worse.

Shin offers his apology and tells him his past life doesn’t matter. “Really?” Reaper asks with interest. “Yes,” Shin answers. “Whatever you were, I dislike you as ever.” At least Reaper laughs?

Deok-hwa tries to downplay his misdeeds to Grandfather by saying that Shin and Reaper got on pretty well, actually. Grandfather says that one is haunted by being unable to recall his past, and the other is haunted by a past he can’t forget, and that they humans are just two passing specks in their long lives.

The next day, Deok-hwa pulls up outside Sunny’s chicken shop and explains to his secretary that he received the building on his eighth birthday. Ha, the secretary is pretty sassy, contradicting Deok-hwa and reminding him that he’s reporting to Grandpa. So while Deok-hwa wants to use the building for cash flow and empty the stores, it looks like the secretary won’t just let him sneak that one by. Deok-hwa tries to get Secretary Kim to lie for him, then pleads for one credit card.

Reaper tries to sneak past Shin to leave the house, but Shin insists on following him, sure that Reaper meant to find Eun-tak rather than come to the supermarket. Reaper insists, “I’m not going to take her away! I’m totally rooting for her right now!”

He explains that if she pulls the sword, Shin dies, and he likes that better than Shin merely leaving the country. So he’s hoping that even if she doesn’t see it now, the miraculous day will come when she will be able to see the sword.

That stokes Shin’s temper, and Shin burns with blue-green flames until Reaper reminds him that they’re in public. Shin calms down, then asks for a promise: “When I leave, you won’t touch her.” Reaper practically gets emotional at the thought of Shin truly leaving, and Shin warns that the moment Reaper tries anything, he’ll be back in a flash.

On his way out of the store, Shin suddenly disappears, leaving Reaper wondering where he went. He ends up outside Aunt’s house, almost like he didn’t expect it himself.

When Eun-tak steps inside the front gate, she hurriedly yanks him around the corner, warning him that he could have been seen. She asks why he came, and he answers that he must have thought of her, and that’s why he must have come to see her. And now that he’s seen her, he’ll be going.

He wonders why she came back when Aunt’s family has disappeared, and she merely says that she had something to retrieve, not divulging that it’s the dried buckwheat flowers he gave her.

Shin finally packs to leave (I was wondering if he’d ever get to it), but pauses to open an old wooden box containing what looks like a scroll.

Reaper walks across a bridge, and is stopped by (young) Samshin Grandma, who urges him to buy a trinket for his girlfriend. He says he doesn’t have one, so she tells him to buy one anyway and make one, holding up a mirror that blinds his eyes for a moment.

When he looks down, it’s the jade ring that catches his eye, glowing extra brightly. (Which, as we know, was the Goryeo queen’s ring.)

He reaches for it as if in a trance, but a hand darts in front and grabs it first. One look at Sunny has Reaper struck dumb, although it seems the reaction is instinctual (rather than because she’s pretty), triggering a tear to fall down his face.

She, on the other hand, clocks the serious look on his face and the tear rolling from his eye, and exclaims in disbelief, “Are you crying?

Reaper’s shocked at his own reaction, but when she asks if he wants the ring, he nods eagerly. Sunny looks him up and down and thinks about it, then declares that she won’t give it up for free, asking for his phone number in exchange.

He says he doesn’t have one, and she wonders if he’s just avoiding giving it to her. Miffed, Sunny takes back her offer and starts to slide the ring on her finger. Reaper hurriedly asks for her number, in order to claim the ring.

Sunny decides introductions are in order, and offers her name and a handshake, accompanied by an expert hair flip. A bit dumbly, Reaper stares at the hand and tucks his own hand safely into his coat, and gets her name wrong.

Left hanging, Sunny turns her handshake into a finger gun and plays it off, and as they stare at each other, Samshin Grandma asks for payment. In the mirror reflection, we see that her true appearance is the elderly grandma from the first episode. Samshin Grandma figures, “It doesn’t matter who pays. You’ll both end up paying a very high fee anyway.” Well that’s ominous. I thought you were a nice fairy godmother!

Shin’s scroll turns out to be an old painting of the Goryeo queen who died just before he did. We flash back to the aftermath of his resurrection, as he’d approached that royal bed containing a wrapped body. Shin had said, “I am too late.”

He had found that painting of the queen among several others, and had broken down in tears. As he had left the palace burning in his wake, he’d walked out clutching only that one scroll.

Now, in the present, Shin sheds a tear looking at her painting. (It’s worth noting that the show has never specified the queen’s relationship to the goblin, but she has been identified as Shin’s sister in promotional material.)

At the chicken shop, Sunny sits lost in thought while Eun-tak cleans, dutifully ignoring the ghost who keeps pestering her. The ghost threatens to kill Eun-tak’s friends if she keeps it up, and turns to start with Sunny.

But Sunny’s fuming over her encounter with Reaper, and breaks into a string of curses, scaring the ghost away. Sunny asks Eun-tak if her looks aren’t up to par lately, anxious because she hasn’t had a call from Reaper yet.

Eun-tak advises her to forget about him, but Sunny can’t, exclaiming that he’s the best-looking man she’s ever seen. Moreover, she’s further upset about the pretty ring she gave up.

Meanwhile, Reaper looks at the number Sunny had scrawled, and the lipstick kiss she’d marked next to it.

Eun-tak arrives at her aunt’s house that night to find movers emptying the furniture. The landlady informs her that Aunt moved out and left all her things behind, and Eun-tak asks plaintively what will happen to her. The landlady tells her to take it up with Aunt.

Eun-tak manages to take back her buckwheat flowers, although a sudden gust of wind blows off most of the dried blooms. Eun-tak plucks a few sprigs to put between the pages of a book, then stores most of her belongings in a public locker.

At school, Eun-tak’s bitchy teacher orders her to empty her pockets and bag, having heard (from a malicious classmate, no doubt) that Eun-tak is sneaking smokes. When she finds no cigarettes and smells nothing on her fingers, she just snaps at her for being so devious as to cover her tracks so well. Orrrrrr…

The teacher says she finds it scary that “kids like you” are good students, having judged her as someone who acts sweet and is secretly conniving, and says it’s people like her who become problems in society. I shudder to think of a society of people this teacher thinks are good.

Reaper joins Shin for a spot of daytime drinking, and when asked why, Shin replies that he was faithful enough when he was a general. That’s news to Reaper, and Shin adds that Reaper wouldn’t have even been able to talk to him in the olden days. Reaper retorts, “You don’t even know what I was.” Of course, neither does Reaper.

Reaper asks if Shin’s all packed and tells him bye. Shin offers, “I’ll call.” Reaper points out, “I don’t have a phone.” Shin: “That’s why I said it.” Oh you two.

They sit there in silence for a while, two lonely gods drinking alone. A bit of time passes, and then suddenly Shin is storming in and out of his front door, over and over, looking dissatisfied. Reaper finally asks what he’s doing, and Shin admits, “I don’t know where she is.” Ah, is he trying to teleport himself everywhere, looking for Eun-tak?

Shin adds, “She isn’t calling me. Because she isn’t calling me, I can’t find her.” He looks weary and sad, and says that nothing he has is good for anything. Reaper figures that’s true, and asks what he’d done in past instances.

“I found her,” he says. “Every time, like this.” Oh, you romantic. So every time we’ve seen you magically show up, you’ve really been trying a dozen times?

Reaper tells him to just call her, but Shin doesn’t know her number. He grabs an umbrella and leaves again, and as thunder crashes in the distance, Reaper figures he’s found her.

Eun-tak sits on the rocks overlooking the sea, talking to her mother to ask how she’s doing, and how heaven is. She starts to cry and admits that she’s not doing so well, and nobody asks how she’s doing. Rain starts to fall in earnest, and she says bitterly that she’s tired of this life that always gets rained on.

Then she senses something and whirls around. There Shin is, holding an umbrella over her head, like magic. He tells her, “It’s because I’m depressed.” He explains that it rains when he’s gloomy, but that it’ll stop soon. She notices the rain stopping, and he says, “It’s because I just now started feeling better.”

It seems she gets his meaning, and she almost smiles. Then Eun-tak says she didn’t summon him here. Shin replies, “I was busy too. Here and there. I had things to do.” Very convincing.

“I’m in trouble,” she says. “Every time it rains, I’m going to be sad thinking that you’re depressed.”

He asks why she’s out here like this, and she answers simply, “Because I’m unhappy.” She likens her unhappiness to a cold that goes away for a time, then comes back to afflict her. She adds that she didn’t say this purposely to “stab” at his conscience, and he tells her not to use that word, since he hates it. Which, of course makes her grin that she chose well.

Shin prods her to continue talking, and she thinks for a moment, then explains how humans have four lives: a life of sowing seeds, a life watering planted seeds, a life harvesting those plants, and a life using those harvested plants.

Shin’s surprised she knows those words, since it’s something only a reaper tells the dead. She reminds him that she’s been the goblin’s bride for 19 years, and has heard a lot from ghosts. She says this is why she feels life is unfair, because her life is stuck in the first two phases.

“Condolences,” is all Shin says. Eun-tak pouts, saying that he could pat her shoulder or stroke her hair. She pulls out her laminated maple leaf and offers it to Shin, who reaches out to pat her hair. He tells her to be well, because he leaves tomorrow.

That hits her, and it looks like she’s holding in her tears. The rain starts to pour again.

That night, Shin and Reaper sit like depressed bumps on a log. A bell rings, and Reaper thinks it’s a text message, only to have Shin correct, “That was the doorbell.”

Simultaneously, they realize how strange it is for the doorbell to ring, and stare at each other in mounting alarm. Shin tells Reaper to check on it and points out the ridiculousness of the grim reaper being afraid, which Reaper says right back to him.

Then the door swings open—and there stands Eun-tak. Reaper is puzzled to see her at his house and asks if she’s sought him out. Note how he’s doing his menacing act again, as though he hadn’t just been cowering to himself on the sofa.

Spooked to see Reaper, Eun-tak says she came to the wrong house and hurries away, only to walk right into Shin. “You told her where you live too?” Reaper asks dryly. Shin waves him away.

Eun-tak explains asking ghosts for the goblin’s address, because she has more to say, and asks about the thing she’s supposed to see. What happens if she sees it? Shin replies, “Why ask? You can’t see it anyway.”

“Who says I can’t?” she returns. “One: If I see it, do we have to marry right away? Two: If I see it, will you give me that 5 million won? Three: If I see it… will you not leave? Don’t go. Just stay here, in Korea.” He doesn’t respond for long moments, then asks, “Do you really see it?”

He asks for proof, and she asks for his answer first. He decides she doesn’t see it, and she says indignantly that she does. Pointing straight at his chest, she declares, “This sword.”

Suddenly, there in front of her pointing finger, the sword materializes, sticking right through Shin’s chest.


So the big question has been answered: She sees the sword! That certainly leads one to wonder why she wouldn’t have mentioned it before, since it hardly seems like the thing to ignore (or to need clarification on being able to see), but I’ll assume she had her reasons for not making a fuss over it and bask for a moment in the realization.

I am super curious as to the mechanics of the whole sword-impalement and sword-pulling scenario, because it sure looked like Shin was in pain in some earlier flashbacks, when he’d tried to remove the sword himself. Are we to assume that this whole time, he’s had the sword stuck in him and the show just chose not to show it? Does he see the sword at all times, and it’s only that everybody else can’t? If so, shouldn’t he be in constant pain? Are there only specific times when the pain happens? And if he’s unable to remove the sword, how was he able to wield it earlier in order to split the car? I reaaaally hope these are all issues that are meant to be mysterious now and answered later, because I’m banking a lot on the mythology making sense and fitting together logically, and it’ll frustrate me if the rules go all willy-nilly.

I thought this episode was rather long, not just in running time but in the lingering, meandering atmosphere, and there was a lot of heel-dragging in the plot department. Don’t get me wrong: All the character stuff was great, and I for sure wanted to see Shin stick around. But I got awfully tired of hearing him talk about leaving a gazillion times and never actually doing it, and as I don’t quite understand why it is that he must leave—other than that it’s his tradition, which is just a fancy way to say habit—his moping seemed a bit unnecessary.

But it was beautiful moping, and it’s the show’s melancholy mood that draws me in so effectively—and not just regarding Shin, but with Eun-tak and Reaper as well. I do think this director is a bit overly fond of lingering on every moment—like every single beat is meant to be polished to perfection—but there are times when that care for tone and mood is very much appreciated, because it’s something that you can’t quite create purely in writing or performance. I’m thinking of the heads-resting-on-arms mutual moping segment, or the scenes with quiet, morose brooding.

I loved watching Shin feeling his affections grow for Eun-tak and having him react as though it were a sad thing, rather than anything to enjoy or celebrate, because either she’s not his bride and deserves to live a normal human life, or she is his bride and he’ll be dying now, see ya, buh-bye. It’s the latter conflict that has me on tenterhooks to watch the next episode, because it’s a gripping dilemma, but today it was mostly about him feeling like this whole Eun-tak thing was pointless and better left alone, and it was a lovely way to demonstrate that with the rain.

I also really dug Eun-tak’s response to Shin’s treatment of her, because without knowing what’s driving him, she only knows that he kind of runs warm and cool, and that he’s never given her real reason to hope or expect anything. It makes sense that a lonely 19-year-old who hasn’t been loved in years would need to protect her feelings and try to keep her crush contained, because it’s far more likely that it’s only in her mind than that it’s returned. And I enjoyed that her inner conflict came out as teenage snarkiness, because her passive-aggressive sniping was adorable in a really familiar and immature way.

But far and away, I’m really loving the Reaper-Goblin duo, because no matter how much they bicker and say they hate each other, they’re clearly growing on each other, and it soothes my heart to know that both poor, sad souls have a friend(frenemy) who understands a bit of what it feels like to be tragic and immortal. I mean, sure Reaper wishes Goblin would die, and Goblin says he hates Reaper in every lifetime, but it took about two minutes after actually hurting his feelings to go and make up. Their dry, deadpan interplay is my favorite new thing, and I never want it to end.


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I think all clues from this episode point to Grim Reaper being a reincarnation of the terrible king.

Also, a part of me doesn't think she sees the sword yet? I think she made an educated guess from what she's seen of teh Goblin, researching, asking ghosts. I could definitely be wrong about that though


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Ok, just read some comments and I like the theory that Sunny is King and Grim is Queen but being a Grim is supposed to be a punishment for terrible people right? What did the Queen do that deserves such a divine punishment?


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Exactly my point.


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I'm so late to the comments but I wonder if the Queen was pregnant (and she knew it) but chose to die anyway? I can't think of any other offense that Samshin Halmeoni could get angry for. Look how much she protects JET just because she was a baby who should've died but lived instead.


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General Kim Shin was deemed a traitor. She chose to support him by encouraging him to stand up to the king fully knowing that she would be punished for it.


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i don't think like that.

based on the information in the drama, i guess the queen see how the evil eunuch try to persuade king to kill the general.
however, it is understandable. as the king, you may afraid that somebody will try to take the throne.
but kim shin is potrayed as a faithful servant. He might not see that the king is jealous.
maybe the queen see it, and adding the evil eunuch, the queen intentions is to ask Kim Shin to get rid of evil eunuch. but of course, she also knew, this will lead as a treason and their family might end up dying.
but judging how the king paint so many picture of the queen, i believe in that time, the king loves her and would not kill her if kim shin died. how ever, as a sister, you didn't want to watch your own brother to die. so instead, she choose to die together than living as a lone survivor.

well, i might be wrong about this. ahahahha..


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IMHO, Grim is more likely to be the reincarnation of King than Queen. That's why he and goblin was strangely drawn together with their frenemy bromance vibe. It would probably serve to provide the angst, forgiveness and redemption storyline between them, once the truth was revealed. I bet the mischievous God pull a big prank on them.
But I might be wrong about this.


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That time-to-say-goodbye scene had me laughing out loud! I could see my dad frowned a bit. Well, it was a peaceful morning until he heard my laughter. Sorry dad, can't help it! :D :D :D


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This is my first time to ever comment on a DB post. I usually just read the recap, check the comments and leave. But this show has pushed me to fangirl like crazy.

Since a lot of people are talking about the supernatural beings and elements of this show, I want to talk about the humans we have.

First off, I love how Eun Tak reacts whenever she sees Grim Reaper. It's like whenever he appears, she always keeps talking about him killing her. And his reaction to her saying that over and over again makes me laugh too much.

A lot of people don't like her character because they feel like she's fake-cheerful and overreacts for everything. I see it as her attempt to be positive about her life. You can see her facade breaking at times. It pains me so much to see her suffer through hardships like that. She isn't the typical candy girl. I feel connected to how shitty her life is sometimes (when her aunt hits her, when her peers spread disgusting rumors about her, when the teacher - is she even qualified to be one? - keeps putting her down). I just feel so bad for her. Luck is never on her side.

Secondly, Deok-Hwa. I like Sungjae irl. He's doing a good job in playing a character like Deok-Hwa. I know people love Goblin-Reaper bromance but I love them more as a trio. He's such a smarty-pants with that little mouth of his. He keeps getting in trouble and I love such characters. I feel like the writer is going to connect Eun-Tak and Deok-Hwa somehow (remember how he came to the chicken shop before?). I think he has a bigger role to play in the up-coming episodes bc I just love seeing Sungjae on screen - whether it's him throwing Reaper under the bus or giving love-advice to his Goblin samchon (or bothering his grandpa for another credit card).

What I liked the most about this episode (other than the part where Eun Tak was almost dancing for some couple to kiss) was Sunny-Reaper meeting. It felt meaningful and heart-warming. He didn't even know he was crying - and I loved that part. But how Sunny kept trying to hit on him. OMG I fell in love with her even more. As Eun Tak said, she's really awesome!

I like the lead-pairing. I know the age-difference kind of freaks people out. But the emotions displayed by both the actors makes the scenes seem so moving and understandable. The chemistry between them is pure, warm and healthy; like they want to protect each other and be happy. If happiness comes from chilling with a 900+ year old Goblin, then why not?

(Also, that Samshin Grandma is creepy. Idk what her motives are anymore.)


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I once knew someone who led a hard life. She lost her father and lived with her mother along with her 6 siblings. They fought against the poverty to get a better education and life. She 'trained' herself to be confident, but most people who had just met her hated her. They thought she was a bit too confident. What kind of life would she feel if she had nothing? So that's why I can relate this Eun Tak for being cheery. Are we supposed to have all-gloomy heroine with difficult life and then saved by a hero? I think I like it better: "Yeah, you may lead such a pitiful fate but you can save a soul too...you sweep the cloud with the sunny you."


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I agree with what you said. This maybe one of the few kdramas where the female lead made me feel like reality. A lot of people are watching this only for Gong Yoo and Lee Dong Wook but, to me, I'm watching it for all of them.

And I really want to know see Eun Tak grow as a character and be happy. I hope we get what we imagine in our heads.


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That's exactly how I feel about her so called Aegyo. It's a fassade most of the time and sometimes you can clearly see how she tries to maintain the fassade.

I don't have a problem with the age difference. He would have an age difference with every human. She is legal, so I am fine with. Would I have been happier, if she was a few years older? Sure, but right now it's ok. Probably, because they have a connection and not yet a romance. Who know's, a time lapse could still happen.


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Same with you.. Usually i only read the recaps and seldom comment. So far only 2 dramas that i've commented; IHYV and Healer.
But this drama is awesome!! Gotta join the craziness.. :)
I love ET also. Actually i think she doesn't show to other people what she really feels, having that other people keeps pushing her down, bullying her etc, make it pointless for her to do that. And i also think she is waiting for the rumored goblin to claim her as the bride, thus the rest is not too important.
So when the goblin finally appeared in front of her she is happy that finally she will belong to someone and finally going to have her own family and be happy for the rest of her life.
Thats why with the goblin she is a bubbly teenager easily pleased with the smallest things. Seeing her happy somehow makes the goblin happy too thus him being patient with her antics warms my heart.
But ET also keeps her feet on the ground, believing that her luck won't be this good, always ready for her hopes to be trampled on.
There is a lot that i wanna say about this drama...
Better stop here.. :)


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so far this drama just doing good for me.but idk i feel something lack between the couple.the chemistry look like father and daughter meet after never interacting for 15 years..-_-the story it indeed good i love the supernatural part and how many mysterious and interesting character in this drama, but somehow i lost a little bit interest when main couple start to act romance part.its cringe and unbelievable-_-. the aegyo and how to act from KGE i think its director fault and writer who want to make her character like that.and please have a time jump when eun tak character more mature.(:.second lead is far more better than the main couple because its not that cringe and i root for them because they are kinda mysterious.well if just the writer not using the romance as a main focus maybe i will love this drama more.

btw in this episode i think eun tak lie about seeing the sword i feel like she knew the place of the sword is from ghost and not by herself to make goblin stay.(?)

and i can say that cinemathography was the best thing about this drama.how many budget that they spent for this drama-_-.tvn was rock this year.i hope after this drama finish we have kind of cinemathography like this for any kdrama in 2017.


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Thanks JB.

"When Eun-tak looks up, she sees Reaper standing by, and then Shin opens her car door to help her out. That seems unnecessary considering the whole open-air situation going on, but far be it from me to deny the hero his chivalry." - I LOLOL over this.

My thoughts exactly. I laughed so hard to hear Sarah Brightman and then to see Goblin open the door. I also thought it was rather nice of Reaper to come along to just standby to prop up the half-car! LOL.

And, it was most remiss of them to come without a car of their own, however they had to do that long slo-mo walk down the misty road to intimidate the thugs. Eun Tak should have known better than to ask! :D

A couple of thoughts.... Yoo Inna and Lee Dong Wook ... there was no one at all on that entire long bridge but we have peddlar Fairy and Sunny meeting Gloomy with tears, no less! And a fateful ring from the past to bind them! This is another story just dying to be told!


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So I have a theory about why Eun tak came through the open door . Want the grim reaper holding the other side of the car steady so that it doesn't fall like the other portion which had the 2 men . And she can't touch the grim reaper in anyway if she has to stay alive ...doesn't she ?


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Wasn't **


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Yes Reaper was leaning on it so it won't fall over and crush her inside.
It's gotta be more than just touching him I think.


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Lol I died laughing when Sarah Brightman's "Time to say Goodbye" accompanied the car split. I was waiting for Andrea Bocelli to finish it off.

And these man childs strut down the street to save her without a car to take her home in. Way to go boys.


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It feels like this drama is copying Shopping King louis in its´ music choices. Iconic pop songs from the western culture. next episode, too.


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I do think that it's more likely that he became the sheathe of the sword itself. When he tried to pull it out himself, he was pulling out the sword together with the sheathe which was why he was in pain. That's probably another reason why he can pull out the sword easily in the beginning where he cut the car in half.

Oh oh oh I still believe Reaper was the reincarnated King and Sunny was the reincarnated Queen, cause so many clues were present for this episode. All we need is confirmation. lol

Deok-hwa, hang in there. lol


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I just figured he had more than one "version" of the sword. There is the one, eternally impaling him, and then he can use other swords (like it) at will, when he needs them.


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Thanks for the recap Javabean.
I laughed so hard at the scene where's both Goblin and Grim Reaper got spooked over a doorbell.
Smiling GY is a sexy GY!


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Yup me too!!
Both of them have powers but they were scared when
somebody rang the doorbell..
But when they came outside both of them were acting menacing and macho. So funny..


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Is it possible that the grim reaper is the king and sunny is the queen. It would be daebak if it is


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I'm beginning to think that also.


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I am obsessed with this drama. I wasn't initially very interested but I watched the first episode and now I'm completely invested and predict it will be one of my favorites. So far, this drama is incredibly intriguing, whimsical, romantic, and charming. Love the cast, stunning cinematography, and I enjoy the comedy despite the melancholic undertone. The only real complaint I have is the fact that she's a high schooler but I don't see a time jump in the imminent future.

My favorite parts from episode three are Gong Yoo in that Burberry jacket at the beginning of the episode and Sungjae's Maserati lmao but I also really love the relationship between the Goblin and the Reaper (I'm very interested in his story with Sunny and the identity of the grandmother as well, their meeting was my favorite scene of the episode).


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Love this drama getting obsess now. I think Goblin and Reaper were friends before marrying the Queen. Reaper must be the King and Sunny must be the Queen. Grandma must be a shaman in the past life who help the Q to concseive, Maybe S and the Q were lovers and are not biological b&s. reason why he kept the picture scroll. The Kings must be suspicious or jealous of their closeness so he left and let her die with Shins relatives, later on finds out he love her and that she's pregnant and now could not understand why his crying, Eun Tak must be the reincarnation of the soldier second in command who stuck the sword to Gen, Shin, he even said I will follow you. cant help but think the sword is the sadness in his heart, I hope the Goblin leaves and comes back when ET matures. they might not have a perfect chemistry but i love to see G face when shes around him. enough of my faux spoilers


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I think the Queen is Shin's sister instead of someone he had an affair with. The King's command was that his family members would die when he takes a step forward; the first one to fall was the her. Plus, I've read somewhere that her last name is Kim as well so...

Plus in episode 4 (spoiler alert!!!!!), Shin talks about how he fell for Eun Tak, and that she's his first love.


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Hi, I noticed you reference the next episode a lot in your comments. Please try to avoid it as those are considered spoilers. :) I'll keep this comment in since you put some sort of warning but it's better to avoid the future-episode mentions altogether so people won't talk about the spoilers further.


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Woah, this is gonna sound crazy but... i am guessing GRIM REAPER is paying his sin as the YOUNG KIND (since reaper had to commit a huge sin to be one) while SUNNY is the reincarnation of the YOUNG/LATE QUEEN of the early era when Shin was killed.

It kinda make sense since both had a fancy with that jade ring & the fairy godmother mentioned that they'll pay a hefty price for the ring; because the ring links them as a couple? Plus it doesn't have to be the same face (actor/actress) because their age range was different!

This drama is so intriguing!!!!


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This episode was rather long and the whole 'I'm leaving but not really' thing was kinda draggy but I'm still enjoying the show. Also is it possible that ET doesn't really see the sword and heard the reaper earlier in the café and just pretends to see the sword to keep goblin from leaving? We'll find out soon enough I guess but I think it's too early for this development. Apart from that I'm loving the bromance and the pettiness of it all.


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One note on the suspected reincarnated king turned idol: it was BOBBY of IKON and it wasn't seventeen. Bobby had a close up and the ikon label was on TV as well. The female group that followed was I.O.I..


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I think she wasn't saying that the idol group was 'Seventeen' but that the age of the Goryeo king that had Kim Shin killed was seventeen (as in 17 years old). Lol.


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Thanks a lot! This is the recap I've been waiting for! ^_^
What an interesting story! Can't help but wonder if it is possible that the Reaper was the king and Sunny was the queen..


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This episode made it official: Goblin became my crack (sorry Bok-ju, Joon-jae. I still love you both very much, though!). Eveything about it is so intriguing and beautiful. I get so invested that I find myself surprised when the episode ends so quickly.

I don't really understand why many viewers don't like the OTP. They fit together so well imo. You can clearly see they're becoming something more for each other. It is not on lovers level yet, but there is this warm, pure and sweet connection, caring that goes both ways. And I love it.

I also find comments criticising the age gap ridiculous. I've never really understood this prejudice when it comes to movies, dramas etc. in the first place. We are in the present an in the present Eun-tak is an adult, so what's the big deal? Not to mention Kim Go-eun is 25. Picking on that, calling it creepy even (!) is just silly, I think.

Last but not least, I have to mention acting. Okay Gong Yoo, to be exact. I didn't expect anything less from him, but damn I think I forgot how good he is, when he's given something to work with. It seems this character is made for him (it figures since, the writer tried to get him for one of her dramas so many times) and he's killing every second of it. I'm so happy that he finally got good drama. And do I even have to mention how many times I fangirl because of him during the episodes? I don't think so.


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I'm glad they're not dragging the mystery about her being able to see the sword. Goblin is telling its story in a pace that answers enough to keep you curious without trying to kill time with visual cf face close off.

Interestingly the writer seems to have a knack for second pairings. Gong Yoo and Kim So Eun feel like father/daughter but Lee Dong Wook and Yoo Inna are of the charts already.


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I get that her cheerfulness is a facade to cover her shitty life but it was her choice of acting that made me uncomfortable watching her.

She was a teen but her method of portraying a teenager (late teen even) is by mimicking (in my opinion) kindergarten kids.

The way she chirps "Ahjussi" reminded me of every single girl below nine in every k-dramas which is why I doubt I'll ever warm up to the 'teen' version of Eun Tak.

But really, do teenagers in Korea talk like that in all seriousness?


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Re. teenagers in Korea talking like that - I'm going to speculate that it's a yes. Heck, I have heard Korean women (grown adults) speak like that! I think they think it's endearing.


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Well, you learn new things everyday. :)

Can't wait for a timeskip where she's more matured in her attitude so I can enjoy the romance.

She was awesome on her vulnerable scenes though. It's just her sound, eyes and lips movements that's bugging me when she is in her 'child' mode.


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Oh man, if you have been around high school seniors recently, then you will see that she's actually doing a great job of realistically portraying girls around that age and school year. I forgot what it was like to be that age but recently walked through a senior event and was like..."Eun Taks everywhere."


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Welp, in that case, I'll stay approx 10 meters away from any high school girls if I visit Korea, then.


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Ok so I still don't get why the goblin eun tak couple is getting a lot of flak just cuz she's supposed to be 19 ,I mean it's not like if he was a few years younger it'd be fine .....he's like a thousand years old ,so how does that matter ? And she's obviously been hearing the fact that she's the goblins bride from all those creepy ghosts for a long time ,she'd have harboured this sort of dream of her life becoming straight after all the hardships if she finds the goblin ,her thinking about getting married to him might just be her speaking out what she had in her head for so long ,she might be just 19 ,but she has no one else ,and the goblin drops by ,her supposed spouse ,she's actually elated ,thats why if you see like when she talks to the goblin her mood just switches up ,otherwise she's just brooding and dealing with life ,and then it's like aegyo mode on once she sees him ,and from his side ,he's been waiting for literally centuries willingly or unwillingly for his bride ,and he's been pretty lonely all this time ,except for like deokwha lookalikes becoming old and replacing with more lookalikes ,it's almost as if all these years has just made him so ..so normal ? I'm not sure ,cuz how he reacts to meeting her and waiting for her to summon him is almost like he's a teenager ,like we don't see that general who just whooped the ass of a whole army ,but this innocence of finding love ,more like predestined love ,and she's freakin cute I can't not imagine him falling for her ,especially when he knows they are fated to be together ,even during the times he was disappointed she didn't see the sword .basically I think it's fine She's 19 :P ,it's love ,it happens at any age ,and what they are showing in this show is like the innocent kind ,that scene wherr he touches her hair ,was so tender and beautiful ,I get there's this whole daddy long legs concept feeling ,but I somehow feel it's justified ?


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It's not the age difference that's icky in my opinion. It's the fact that she is 19, which truthfully is a very young age. It brings into question the issue of consent. One might be considered capable of giving meaningful consent at that age, but 19 is still an immature age.
The biggest example of that is how blase she is about accepting the fact that she is supposed to be some guy's bride, and the questions she asks about having children. It's like she knows, in theory, what marriage is and implies, but she has no understanding of the practical and emotional ramifications.

And like you said @Mitchikimchi, she's been told all her life, she is to be the goblin's bride. Get told something often enough and you will believe it to be the truth. Willingly or unwillingly, she has accepted tis to be her fate. Maybe she has even built a fantasy in her head, but that just underscores my original point. One of the key differences between childhood and adulthood is recognising that fantasies may not always be all that great as you thought they would be.

Plus the fact that she's had a tough life, and in recent times, the goblin has been on hand to cheer her up and even rescue her during her most difficult moments. It's easy to mistake natural gratitude and the need to grab on to a safe haven as something else. I'm not saying she doesn't have feelings for him at all, but IMO they're very nascent and both she and her feelings need to mature more. Without that, I personally will continue to find it icky.


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I get your point ,but probably this is what we'll see play out in the following episodes ,since we've already established the fact that she can see the sword ,now they'll examine this whole how her being the goblins bride works ,like you said now it's just a fantasy in her head ,but the reality of it kicking in is what we might see.


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medically, 18 a girl is 'mature' for relationships..

19 is first or second year of college.. not really immature age..

And today a 6th stnd kid is so much more sharp about everything..

I honestly don't get the reason behind "she is 19 so it is icky

if she were 13 or 17 i would understand..

because rt now.. its akin to saying.. she is 30.. but she is so young.. she doesn't know relationships are more about xyz like a 60 yr old does.. and hence this relationshp is icky


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I want more interactions between grim reaper and yoo ah-in and grim reaper and gong yoo! Their scenes are always the most enjoyable. Hopefully now that the sword part is out of the way, we can see another side of Gong yoo and Kim go Eun's relationship, I feel like it's getting repetitive how they are interacting with each other


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I think I know what reaper did in past life! He was the king and sunny was the Queen..he assassinated shin and tha's what did wrong, it makes so much sense now!


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sin sh8d probably be bigger than assasination..

betrayal of loved one..
or sthg along those lines


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Is that... is that...the glorious of the glorious... the magnificent ... the precious...

Subway sandwich...

So greaat that even grim reaper found it edible...

Aaaaannnd this episode is fluffy.. fluffy goong is love fluffy is lifeeee~~~

That evil teacher is really eeuukkkhhhh!! The bromance is really good and i can't wait for the LDW and YIN relationship development.


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Maybe subway meals are how the Reaper managed to save up enough money to rent a room in Shin's house.


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Grim Reaper has a Subway PPL embroidered on his jacket. THAT'S how he gets his money for rent and living expenses.


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Love the cinematography - this drama is so beautiful and is made to be gif'ed. Pacing is a problem - I find myself drifitng off at times. But the story so far has been interesting and the characters are behaving in a logical manner unlike some of the writer's previous dramas...

I think Sunny = Queen, Reaper = King. Don't think this particular writer is very into plot twists. I'm not sure if the queen is being punished in this current life, but I find it logical that she would have to pay a price if possessing the ring = obtaining closure on her relationship with the king. Surely she wouldn't be going peacefully into that good night when she died like that, especially if she truly loved the King/was pregnant.

Shin may not necessarily disappear when the sword is pulled? I don't think it has been made explicit. He might just become mortal?

I don't quite get the angst over sword pulling tbh. If ET and Shin do fall for each other can't they just stay together until ET is old and gonna die? She can then pull out the sword to end his life and then die afterwards. This way, Shin is guaranteed to stay alive as long as she is. If she dies accidentally before he does, then the worst that could happen would be Shin remaining an immortal hottie with awesome powers. Dude needs to learn from Lestat and start enjoying not dying.

The age difference in this drama is disturbing to me - mostly because actual 19 year olds might watch this and start thinking that it's romantic to get in a relationship with someone much older than they are. Most rl 19 year olds are not at the same level of maturity as 30+ year olds and are at risk of being manipulated or exploited. The female lead could have been set at 25+ (the actual actress's age) and this story would not be significantly affected (just remove the insurance money plotline and replace with something else). Don't see why there is a need to romanticise relationships with massive age gaps.


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Just wanted to add a point about the age difference thing. I find that Korean dramas tend to get older actors/actresses to act as younger characters when the age difference in the relationship is large. This is so that visually it's less creepy.

For an actual representation of what a 19 year old + 30 year old relationship looks like, you can go look up photos of the leads for the japanese drama majo no jouken or just imagine the young queen romancing GY. That is what it would look like irl. No matter how hot he is, GY would totally look like a cradle robber.


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It can't always be perfect you know. Can't always be same age or a few years age gap relationships.
I think the writer is looking for someone who is cheerful bubbling with eagerness with positive attitude with unrealistic or fantasy-like view on life specifically, to un-freeze or to brighten the gloomy goblin or to remind the goblin that not all human are the same.
So.. for a woman who is more closer in age, in 20s or 30s, to be that cheerful, bubbling with eagerness, a bundle of happiness, with positive attitude with fantasy-like view on life, unrealistic reality, is somewhat unrealistic. Can be seen as too naive and sometimes stupid? So that woman is not suitable for the goblin in this early stage of the story.
My opinion only of coz..


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Well, this critique came up:
"Eun-tak is less a character in her own right as much as she is a catalyst which increasingly serves to define the relationship between the Goblin and the Grim Reaper." (Credits to hancinema)
I get that people still dont like eun tak. But she's cute and that's it.lol


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Yea I read that cinema by hancinema and I have to say I disagree because she certainly is a character in her own right and the show does take efforts to paint her circumstances and her responses to them in a convincing manner.


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That Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Na are the reincarnated king and queen is so EPIC! This episode is a win!

Sometimes I find it hard to read about how everybody is thinking about the show that I like in fear that I notice something that would have been otherwise okay for me, and turn it as a flaw of the show. So I just drop a comment here and there.

Love this show! Love the cast!


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Hasn't anyone noticed at the end of ep 2, when they're showing recaps on ep3, there was a scene whereby eun tak express her gratitude to goblin and grim reaper for saving her life from the loan sharks.

I've been meaning to watch that scene, undortunately there wasn't any in episode 3. Or did i miss it? Can someone clarify it to me?-.-"


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Yeah.. but maybe we'll see that later?


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There's something I'm really curious about. In Ep 1, Grim Reaper was surprised that young girl Euntak could see him when he went to her house, but couldn't take her cos Grandma was protecting her. Does that mean that normal human beings aren't supposed to be able to see him? But in this ep it seems like he has normal interactions with human beings, eg. being a regular at that juice place, or warning goblin not to do weird things at the supermarket cos people could see them. Does someone have a plausible theory for this? :)


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His invisibility seems to lie in the hat. When he has the hat, he's the invisible Grim Reaper, when he's hat-less, he's pretty much a normal human being to others.


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I bet I'm the only one who dislike every single scene that Deok Hwa is in. I don't like guys pretending themselves to be cute... Why he had so many scenes in this eps and why he kept changing colorful outwear... the duck face?!???

I hope there more about the leading characters in the next ep...


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I wonder if Grim Reaper is the young king and Sunny is the queen? Hence the tears and the ring?


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And aren't Goryeo period jade rings a bit valuable to be next to the hair-pins in a street vendor's display?

The queen had tears on her cheek while she was dying -- another link between those too. Tears seem to be a thing with them.


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Dear Beanies, how are you?, it has been a long time (since that dreadful Warm & Cozy).
First, I love how this show lingers around the whole mortality and memory themes. It remembers me "The Inmortals" series.
In Korean mythology, the Goblin (Dokkaebi) is formed from an inanimate object becoming animated (Wikipedia; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dokkaebi ). So Shin is ACTUALLY the sword he carries, and his memories as human (where his pain comes from)... so he needs to fall in love to get out of the prison of his own Self, because when in love is one of the few oportunities when we are able to see a broader universe not centered in ourselves. Seen through this light, Shin will only be able to die (to trascend his Ego) when he surrenders his anger and his memories to give space for love. That's where Eun-Tak enters.


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It is nice to think that the death the bride will bring isn't a physical one; but the death of his anger and resentments that sometimes causes him physical pain. But in the first episode where the gods (or the narrator) was delivering Shin's reward/punishment, it was mentioned that when the sword is pulled out, "the flesh will be no more, and he'll be nothing (return to nothingness?)". I really do hope for a happy ending though.


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I am in love with this drama like everybody else! And Gong Yoo, and dry Lee Dong Wook, and KGE (although she's really actually a mature actress, it seeps across during the quiet moments, and that's why her cutesy ways here is a bit weird for me), and the gorgeous visuals and the songs and the story!

And Lee El! Last I saw her was in Liar Game, and she was absolutely delightful to hate!


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i'm glad to find others who agree that eun tak's maturity level is questioned. I'm actually finding her annoying to the point of fast forwarding her interaction wt the Goblin. Yes, terrible life, but not too humbled to ask for handouts & grab/steal them. If she's plucky, why is she always asking for 5k? Makes her look very materialistic and later on, you wonder if she does love him or she wants someone else to hand her out a future? Has she no ambition for college, work, etc, if she all she expects is for him to provide for her protection, roof and his 24/7 presence? Hope she grows up, otherwise I'd rather watch the other relationships instead. bromances & sunny.


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As awesome as the final scene is, we've always known that Eun Tak's the bride. What really got me in this episode, is that the show hinting at the possibility that the Reaper and Sunny are the royal couple in the past. It never occurred to me before; I thought they were just a seperate couple with a past (like the reaper in 49 days).It makes sense though, because the mythology in this drama says that reapers committed a grave sin in their past lives (we all know what the bratty king did, just wish there was a reincarnation for the eunuch because he was the real culprit) while the Jade ring is obviously the queen's and is the magnet that pulls them together again. It's just so ironic that Shin & reaper get to be roomates and developed this awesome bromance;) furthermore, if it really is so, what is the significance of bringing them all together again? Especially at this time when the bride came into existence? Is it simply just to provide an opportunity for closure and forgiveness?

This show makes me anxious, because like JB said the idea that the bride is there to finally give the goblin his rest (killing him sounds harsh) is always at the back of my mind. The gods are just cruel to make someone the goblin could love (and be the reason for wanting to live after a long streak of being suicidal), an instrument for death.


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"The gods are just cruel to make someone the goblin could love (and be the reason for wanting to live after a long streak of being suicidal), an instrument for death."

I think it's actually the opposite. Someone he loves as the instrument of his passing, if you think about it, is a mercy and a gift. Remember in his Goryeo execution how he refused to allow the king's minions to kill him, and instead handed his sword to his loyal second?


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That's a really good way to look at it, and it is true as well. I especially love the comparison with his death during th Goryeo period. It's just that for me, Shin has his mind set on killing himself by finding the bride throughout his existence. Then finally, when he found his reason for wanting to live, he finds the bride in her as well. [SPOILERS REDACTED]

I guess what I'm really trying to say, is that it is bittersweet. We could both look at it as cruel and merciful just like how we can look at Shin's immortality as a gift and punishment at the same time.

It doesn't have to be dramatic though. Like one comment above said, the could just be a couple and live happily together until her old age, and when she's on her death bed,she could pull the sword. That or the writer could do is all a favor and make her immortal as well lol! [SPOILERS REDACTED]

Sorry, it got kinda long lol


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i have a question! (finger in the air, pick me! pick me!)
Who is the second lost soul?
Reapers colleague said he had 2 missing souls, one being Eun Tak but who is the second?
The sword thing, well, think about it, it would be sort of rude would it not to meet someone and ask right away "whats with the huge swored sticking in your chest?" at least if i met a ghost with an axe in his head or something, i would not bring it up myself, might be a sensitive thing :)
Reaper is King and Sunny Queen? that's a bit sad since that means that Shin his only friend now is the one who caused his curse :( I love the three way Bromance between Grims, Deok Hwa and Shin.
And the hefty price ..does granny mean if reaper finds his old lover again he will regain his memory and thus all the pain from these memories(like Shin).
Can't we have a happy ending in which al 4 end up becoming either immortal together and guardians of the good people or all 4 becoming mortal,leading a happy long life then taking the stairway to heaven instead of the highway to hell (sorry, could not resist ;) )


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Good point, I assumed the second soul was the mother but that would have resolved itself years ago, unless they just literally mean he never filed the paperwork on them?


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"Stairway to heaven instead of the highway to hell" lol!!


I was thinking if the reaper touches Sunny, thereby getting a glimpse of her past life, he'll remember his past as well. Regardless of the writer's purpose of reincarnating them (idk if it is simply just to provide an opportunity for closure and forgiveness), I like your 2 versions of the ending. I really wish we get a happy ending. I need an awesome drama with a happy ending after Scarlet Heart Ryeo lol!


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Right now, I'm more intrigued with Sunny-Reaper storyline than our main couple. I'm also super curious about the hot grandma. What is she, exactly? Is she a goblin, too? or God? Lee-El is such a scene stealer!


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I think she's more like a godess/deity? Maybe she (or they? Maybe there are more gods up there somewhere?) was the one who placed the curse on Shin. In MY GIRLFRIEND IS A GUMIHO, the Samshin halmeoni was the one who cursed the fox into the painting.


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Firstly, let me gush about how much I am loving this show!!!! Great job so far.
Secondly, I am definitely getting the feeling that Sunny and the Reaper are going to turn out to be the King and Queen. I am super curious how that is going to play out.
And thirdly, I am concerned about whether she can really see the sword yet even though the final scene seems certain. After the moment in the juice bar where the Reaper told her she could see it telepathically I don't know if she really can.


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Can I just point out that I can ALSO see the goblin's sword...so I MUST also be the goblin's bride. So nice try, eun-tak, but I do think this ajusshi could also pick me.


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I know from the start that she can see the sword. It is weird for me whenever she talks to him face to face, the camera shot (Eun Tak's POV shot) is always behind Eun Tak's left side. I made a hunch then that there is a reason why, maybe on Eun Tak's POV, she doesn't want to focus on the sword.


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I think she just lied .so she can make him stay here


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Had a dream that Reaper was the king that betrayed Goblin. So his great sin was all the murders he committed when betraying his general due to jealousy and greed, and Sunny is the queen he had killed. And fate is bringing them all together, because fate lol. It was a weird dream. >.<


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Why do I get the feeling she's lying to get the sword? The ghosts do tend to tell her what she wants to know.....


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Wow...proofreading is my friend...

I think she's lying about seeing the sword. I think it'll be more of a "mutual love" kinda thing for her to be able to see it. Because it's not so much he has to find a woman to pull it, but he must love her for it to be true punishment.


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Crazy theory, the Grimm reaper is the sister reincarnated!


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I don't know why I sighed so hard when Reaper went to Subway.


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Funny thing is , on my country they have a beer called "mort subite" , that means "sudden death", would go great with that sandwich heheh.

If Subway ever want to partner up for a PPL, i think my countrymen might have a beer for every occasion.:) :)

Do they make veggie subs at subways? reaper is a grazer isnt he?


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I agree that Sunny and Grim Reaper is king or queen or vice versa. The main clue is beautiful jade ring. I think that Grandmother is God and more powerful than Goblin and Grim Reaper. I am not quite fond of Goblin and Eun talk yet due to she is a high schooler. I guess due to I knows two couple dating older guys. Girl was 12 dating 16 years old boy. They did breaked up after dating for two years. Another girl who was freshman in high school that time was dating a 21 year old guy. They did breaked up too. I hope they have Eun Tak older and more mature.


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Is Subway and death is a new trend for all kdrama?


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Thanks for the fast recap, javabeans! Particularly enjoyed this one.. ??

On a side note, how is it that LDW seems to look younger and way more adorable here in Goblin than he did in My Girl years ago?!? Haha! Especially in that scene when Shin nonchalantly sniped that he might have been a murderer in his past life. His hurt look is priceless! Aww puppy! ?

Also, I do think Eun-Tak has seen the sword for quite a while. It's weird that she didn't mention it, yes, but if you've grown up seeing all kinds of ghosts I guess you just get used to it.


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... so grims DID tag along to help the goblin save eun tak?! wah, i'm surprised.

thank you for the recap, javabeans! i noticed you commentated much more than your first ep recap, so it was fun reading this one bc of your side comments.

hahaha, i loved loved LOVED the fact that that totally badass entrance made by the dynamic duo was then downplayed when the trio had to walk back to the city and eun tak's snarky "yall didn't bring a car?" questions and peeved off 'tude was hilarious bc these guys just made the whole world swoon from their big rescue scene and then we cut to the trio silently trudging back home and then the 19 yr old made them feel all uncool and lame ahaha

i'm still surprised that the goblin and grims is so darn cute and adorkable. i never imagined that--esp from grims! i was ready to see him be dark, scary and unapproachable, def not the opposite. not complaining, bc they're perf and i can't get enough!

i loved (i'm gonna use this word a lot when it comes to this drama bc i'm in lurrrrrrve w it) that part when shin took that selfie of deok hwa (which btw he's such a dork for printing out his own selfie, aha) and crumbled it up like a mad man! lololol one of the many scenes from this drama that i kept replaying

it's so sad when grims was so hurt @ goblin's words and then gobs went to apologize afterwards--like they're such softies. gah, their bromance is blossoming well and their bickering banter and snarky comments w each other is so entertaining to watch

also loved the part when eun tak turned to leave, but then turns back around and gobs IS STILL THERE just watching her. i think she thought it'd be like the last time when they had their first fight and she left and stopped to turn back, but he was already gone. this was like that time, but this time, he stayed! gahhhhhhh T___T i die

i love that gobs isn't even denying his interest in eun tak anymore when she asks him. i just love them together, okay? as for the reincarnation theories, i'm onboard w the possibilities that grims = king and sunny = queen = shin's sister, so yeah, there's that

i wanna see more of granny! i'm sure SHE can answer most of my questions! like, there's gotta be a loophole to the goblin's fate w the sword, right? RIGHTTTTT???


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That splitting the car into was pretty epic. I like that the plot is not drawn out and Eun Tak can already see the sword. Poor girl thinks being the goblin's bride is some happily ever fairy tale. If only she knew that she will be the end of him literally (maybe he only becomes human again - which isn't so bad).

I have watched ep 4 and am not sure where the writer is going with this. There are 16 episodes or so to fill up, what other issues need to be resolved? It all seems too simple right now, am hoping it gets more complicated. Please don't waste the amazing cast. My original oppa - GY is getting so much love right now and I don't want this to become another cheese filled drama.


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I guess by now everybody can theorize that Reaper is actually the King and Sunny is the Queen, thus their fate is twisted...cuz the King loved the Queen but at his moment of disappointment that the Queen rooted for Shin, he had her killed...and he obviously regretted that decision his whole life and thus he had so many drawings of the Queen at his palace, showing that he longed for her even when to the point before he died. He pretty much became a Reaper 'cuz of the sin he committed by killing the Kim family and also Shin, who was loyal and devoted to him.

SO SAD! What's gonna happen when they find out each other's identity!


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I need to write this, or I won't have a sleep tonight!
I really really love how the show portray Shin's growing fondness to Eun Tak. At first, he need to be summoned (and feel annoyed at that, thank you), next he was waiting (and can not waiting!) To be summoned (cue to book holding strike pose). Later he summoned himself subconsciously to her place, and the last one when he look for her, lingering in me so good. I really love the details that this PD provide us, Shin's footsteps in the sea shows that he is looking for Eun Tak, not just poofing away like his usual.


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I have a feeling that Sunny is the queen and the reaper is the king... lol... maybe, just a guess... that would tie things up...


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old (now young) lady is goddess. Her ability gives a child. She also creates a bond.


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