Solomon’s Perjury: Episode 1

Welcome to Jeongguk High, the home of JTBC’s newest youth mystery thriller Solomon’s Perjury, and the home of many suspicious people who have already piqued my interest. Right off the bat, we lose one student and get zero answers. And with that, we’re left with nothing but the urgent need for justice. Thankfully, I think we have a good batch of characters just as desperate — and just as determined — to get some answers.



We jump right into the middle of a trial run by the students of a high school. One of the female students stands as prosecutor and calls a boy to the stand, indicting him for the murder of their classmate, Lee So-woo. A student acting as an attorney objects to her claim, saying the defendant had no reason to harm the victim.

The prosecutor questions another student, urging him to confirm the defendant’s whereabouts on the night of the murder. Cracking under pressure, the student shouts, “The alibi is fake! They told me to say that I was with him, and to shut up and do as they say!” The entire room breaks into gasps and murmurs as the defendant angrily jumps forward to attack the witness, requiring several students to hold him back.

The prosecutor looks on in bewilderment as the witness runs out of the “courtroom.”

Two months earlier.

A solemn-looking boy, who we’ll come to know as LEE SO-WOO (Seo Young-joo), sits back and watches as his classmates complete a test. His eyes land on one girl in particular, GO SEO-YEON (Kim Hyun-soo), who is the same girl we’d seen as prosecutor in the opening. While hard at work, her hand cramps up, and she quickly bandages it up. Feeling someone watching her, she turns back and meets So-woo’s gaze. He smirks at her, amused, but when she doesn’t smile back, he just gets up and walks right out.

While on break, there’s a loud crash, and all the students rush towards the commotion. Seo-yeon follows everyone to the classroom, where a bloodied So-woo is thrown across the room by the defendant we’d seen earlier, CHOI WOO-HYUK (Baek Chul-min).

So-woo tries to defend himself and keep Woo-hyuk back, but Woo-hyuk clearly has something against him and beats him to a pulp. When Woo-hyuk gets So-woo in a chokehold, So-woo glances up and notices everyone watching from the windows, including a horrified Seo-yeon.

Two teachers finally rush over and pull Woo-hyuk off. “I’m going to kill that bastard!” Woo-hyuk yells as he’s dragged out. Now on the floor, So-woo struggles to catch his breath, his eyes again finding Seo-yeon’s.

So-woo is then taken to the office, where he’s met with the department head of the school’s foundation, HAN KYUNG-MOON (Jo Jae-hyun).

Kyung-moon asks why So-woo got mixed up in all of this, and with Choi Woo-hyuk of all people. He adds that since Woo-hyuk’s father is the head of the school violence prevention committee, he’s more than likely to do whatever he can to get So-woo punished. Kyung-moon says it’ll be hard for him to help So-woo in this situation.

So-woo finally looks Kyung-moon in the eye. “Ajusshi,” he says, “I see it all. I see everything going on in your mind.” Kyung-moon says that if he knows, So-woo should stop here and think about his parents. Kyung-moon also explains that the offer to transfer So-woo to another school is still available – today’s fight will go away, so long as So-woo keeps his mouth shut about “that incident.” So-woo boldly states that while files in a computer can be erased, the memories in a person’s mind can’t. Therefore, transferring him won’t change anything.

He stands up to leave, which is when Kyung-moon asks, “Does Ji-hoon know too?” That makes So-woo stop in his tracks, but he regains his composure and stalks off. Ooh, color me intrigued.

Back in class, Seo-yeon and her two friends wonder why the quiet So-woo would get into a fight. Either way, they figure it’s over for him since the last person who messed with Woo-hyuk had to leave the school. Behind them, a girl fidgets in her seat as she overhears their conversation.

The teacher arrives and asks if anyone witnessed the fight, though no one raises a hand. She calls Seo-yeon to the teachers’ office to pick up the class’ homework (since she’s class president and first ranked) and tries to ask about the fight again, hoping to find someone who can testify. Seo-yeon seems conflicted, but she claims to have seen nothing. She turns to leave and walks right into So-woo, who looks mightily disappointed.

“You’re just like the rest of them,” So-woo says. He moves past her, leaving her shaken.

After reading some snarky comments posted online by her classmates, Seo-yeon comes to a decision and starts writing a witness statement. But to her dismay, she discovers that the violence prevention committee has decided to meet today, instead of taking the time to investigate.

Once the committee gathers, the school’s vice principal commences the meeting. He declares that So-woo was the assailant and that Woo-hyuk was the victim (ugh), which gets a surprised reaction from the two teachers who’d broken up the fight. The vice principal calls So-woo in, but there’s no one outside.

So-woo makes his way to the classroom to clean out his locker, earning the attention of the entire class. He sees Seo-yeon watching him, but he leaves the room without a word. Everyone heads for the windows to catch So-woo leaving just as the vice principal informs Kyung-moon that So-woo ditched the meeting and claimed his belongings.

So-woo turns to take one last look at the school, and at his classmates gawking from above. Tired of it all, So-woo raises both arms and flips the entire school off. He looks directly at Kyung-moon as he backs away and walks off.

Two weeks later, December 26th.

We meet BAE JOON-YOUNG (Seo Ji-hoon) as he sits in his room, listening to his parents fight first thing in the morning. After a while, he sighs and takes off to school early. When he arrives, he notices a boy watching him from afar – the boy who’d acted as the defense attorney in the opening, HAN JI-HOON (Jang Dong-yeon). Ji-hoon walks away wordlessly with tears in his eyes only we might be able to see, so Joon-young doesn’t think much of it.

As Joon-young heads for the entrance, he notices something sticking out from a patch of weeds, buried in the snow. He reaches out to touch it, only to recoil when he realizes it’s a hand.

Joon-young hesitantly brushes the snow off the face, immediately recognizing it: “Lee So-woo?”

Joon-young stumbles back and falls to the ground. Seo-yeon arrives right then and calls out to Joon-young with worry, stopping short when she notices what he’s looking at.

The police show up soon after, investigating the school’s roof, where they assume So-woo jumped from. In the teachers’ office, it’s complete chaos as teachers receives calls from frightened parents and eager reporters. In the back, the principal screams at the security man for being incompetent enough to miss a student entering the building.

Meanwhile, the students go around trying to figure out who it was that died. They notice that there are four people missing: Woo-hyuk, Joon-young, Seo-yeon, and So-woo. But they figure the deceased couldn’t possibly be from their class.

The school board gathers to discuss what actions they will take following So-woo’s death. Kyung-moon is fully prepared and presents examples from similar incidents at different schools, suggesting they handle this as quickly and cleanly as possible. As for the media, he thinks the news won’t get too much attention since it’s a suicide, especially since So-woo had shown certain signs of depression. However, Kyung-moon does ask for any unofficial files on So-woo to be discarded.

The detective in charge of So-woo’s case meets with Seo-yeon and Joon-young to get more information. Poor Joon-young can barely speak as he explains how he discovered the body. Detective OH JOO-HYUN (Shim Yi-young) asks if So-woo had acted particularly strange before his death, and Seo-yeon starts to speak up before faltering. Seo-yeon’s dad, also a detective, suggests they stop here.

As the detectives leave, Detective Oh voices how strange the suicide is, considering how So-woo always stayed out of trouble before the classroom fight. And now the school is telling the police to hurry up and close the case so the kids can focus on their studies.

Seo-yeon and Joon-young make it back to class just as the homeroom teacher has to deliver the terrible news. The teacher gets choked up, but as all heads turn towards So-woo’s empty desk, it becomes clear that they know what happened.

After school, Seo-yeon finds Joon-young standing in front of the crime scene. As she walks up to him, he quietly asks, “Where do you think people go when they die? What would it feel like to die?” Seo-yeon doesn’t understand what he’s trying to say, so he elaborates that So-woo had looked peaceful.

The dark look on Joon-young’s face alarms Seo-yeon, but before she can answer, her mom approaches them. Mom obviously knows Joon-young, and she offers to drive him home, but he insists on going alone.

At home, Seo-yeon assures her parents that she’s fine, and she’s even able to smile in front of her younger sisters. However, once she’s alone in her room to look at her unread witness statement, she allows herself to cry.

Later, she looks at more online comments, most of them trying to justify what happened to So-woo. “Why does everyone think it was suicide?” one person comments, reminding everyone that Woo-hyuk nearly killed So-woo two weeks ago. Seo-yeon’s eyes widen as she considers this.

One of the students runs out to meet her classmate – the girl who had looked nervous while eavesdropping on Seo-yeon and her friends. The girl turns to her classmate, looking even more scared as she blurts out, “Lee So-woo didn’t commit suicide. I saw it. He didn’t commit suicide.”

At the police station, Detective Oh gets a tip about the school’s online page and the comments mentioning Woo-hyuk. A colleague reveals that Woo-hyuk is known for getting into trouble, and that he’s actually at the station right now for speeding.

Detective Oh brings Woo-hyuk in for questioning, but it seems futile – he dismisses some questions and makes jokes about the others. He rudely answers a call from his dad and throws Detective Oh under the bus by saying he was accused of So-woo’s death.

The next thing we know, Woo-hyuk’s dad is storming into the station with Kyung-moon to berate Detective Oh for messing with his family. Woo-hyuk and his dad take their leave, but Kyung-man stays behind to warn Detective Oh that she needs to close this case. He brings up the fact that she interrogated Woo-hyuk illegally and that she could be indicted for it, so he suggests she end things quickly.

Woo-hyuk returns to school, which, of course, gets people talking. A teacher hears Seo-yeon’s friends talking about the online comments and scolds them for spouting nonsense. Seo-yeon looks up and asks, “Is it really true that Lee So-woo committed suicide?” Instead of giving her a real answer, the teacher tells Seo-yeon to spend her time studying.

Joon-young picks up depression medication for his mom and tries to leave it in the living room as quietly as possible. As he retreats, he jumps at the sound of his mom’s voice. He immediately apologizes for making noise, and Mom tells him to drop the attitude. Uh, what attitude?

Joon-young and his parents go out for dinner, and the conversation turns sour when his dad brings up the incident at school. Mom gets upset that Joon-young didn’t tell her about this, but every time Joon-young tries to defend himself, Mom only gets madder. A disgusted look on her face, she blames Joon-young for her poor health. “I should just die,” she seethes.

Mom starts having difficulty breathing, and Dad gets up to take her to the hospital. “I’m sorry,” Joon-young says. “I did wrong.” Mom gives him another dirty look before she and Dad leave him alone. Once they’re gone, Joon-young swipes his tears away and takes a picture of the food on the table. He posts the picture online, with a tagline saying he’s out with the family and that it’s a happy day. Aw.

Joon-young gets up to leave, stopping when the doors to the next room open to reveal Seo-yeon and her friends. He glances back to his room, realizing they must’ve heard everything. “Do you get it now?” he says directly at Seo-yeon, “Why I said that before?”

The next day, the school holds So-woo’s memorial service. As a student gives a farewell speech, Seo-yeon sees Joon-young get up and quietly sneak off.

The school orchestra is up next, with Han Ji-hoon there as one of the cellists. As Ji-hoon gets ready to play, his eyes scan the crowd and find So-woo’s sobbing parents, along with So-woo’s photograph. Seeing So-woo’s face triggers several flashbacks: Ji-hoon and So-woo goofing off together, studying together, and smiling together.

Ji-hoon’s hand shakes as he recalls these memories, and he accidentally drops his bow. The sound breaks him out of the trance, and he scrambles for the bow to start playing part of the Dies Irae sequence of Mozart’s Requiem.

Seo-yeon texts Joon-young, asking if something’s wrong, but gets no answer. She sneaks out as well so she can call him. When he doesn’t answer that either, her mind drifts to Joon-young’s words about death. She finally gets a reply from Joon-young: a picture of a building with the word “goodbye.” Seo-yeon panics and runs out of the school.

Joon-young walks toward the edge of the roof and climbs up, looking at the city below. Images of So-woo’s body flash through his head as he fights back tears.

Seo-yeon sends Joon-young a string of texts as she waits for the elevator, but when he still doesn’t answer, she rushes toward the stairs instead. She finally makes it to the roof to find Joon-young sitting by the edge — still alive, thank goodness.

Seo-yeon breaks into tears, calling him stupid. She can’t believe he would even think to do something like this — no matter what Joon-young thought, So-woo’s death was scary and sad. Seo-yeon: “What am I supposed to do if something happens to you too?!”

Joon-young looks away as Seo-yeon continues, saying that he may think life is hard now and that it may never get easier, but he’s wrong. She says that he can’t know how he’ll do on a test just by looking at the first few questions. He doesn’t know what grade he’ll get in life yet, so she asks him why he should have to die.

Her words hit Joon-young hard. He buries his head in his arms, releasing all the tears he’d been holding back. Seo-yeon kneels beside him and puts a comforting hand on his arm. “Bae Joon-young, not wanting to live doesn’t mean you should end things,” she says. “Just believe that it’ll get better. That it’s okay. It’ll be okay.”

Seo-yeon trails Joon-young like a guard pup as they walk home, and when he tries to get rid of her, she stops him and reiterates that they shouldn’t harbor any negative thoughts. And from now on, she wants them to go to school together, eat lunch near each other, and at least say goodbye before going home. She also wants him to text her during the weekends, prompting him to reassure her he won’t do anything stupid.

“I’m saying let’s be friends,” Seo-yeon cuts in. “If you don’t want to, that’s fine.” She walks off, leaving the guy perplexed.

Ji-hoon comes home and greets his father: Han Kyung-moon. As they eat dinner, Kyung-moon casually brings up sending Ji-hoon to America. Ji-hoon says it’s okay, so his dad then suggests Europe or Hong Kong.

Ji-hoon looks up from his dinner and firmly says that he’s not going anywhere. He excuses himself, feigning a stomachache.

Seo-yeon’s family briefly celebrate the New Year before dispersing to go to bed. Seo-yeon stays behind and folds her hands in prayer. She wishes for perfect test scores and then pauses. “And please let Lee So-woo be happy, wherever he is,” she says.

The next morning, the school’s security guard prepares to leave with his belongings. He notices a letter stuck to the principal’s door and takes it out of curiosity.

Back at Seo-yeon’s house, someone keeps ringing the doorbell, though no one shows up on the monitor. Her mom waves it off as some kids playing around, but Seo-yeon steps out to make sure. Outside, she finds a letter addressed to her. She opens it, shocked to read what she’s been scared of this entire time: “Lee So-woo of Jeongguk High School did not commit suicide.”

We flash back to the night of the incident. The girl who had claimed So-woo hadn’t committed suicide to her friend had been on the roof that night, and she witnessed the whole thing. Choi Woo-hyuk and his group had ganged up on So-woo and sent him over the edge to his death.


I like this. Despite knowing step by step what would happen in the premiere (the promotions pretty much had it all laid out in front of us), I thought each step provided just enough emotional payoff to already make me care. I was especially surprised with how much I cared when we lost Lee So-woo so early on. We didn’t get much time to get to know him, but he had this aura around him that made me concerned for him. Clearly, he was just a kid trying to get by in high school without really being noticed, but something happened to ruin all of that for him. And his reactions to the people around him — particularly Kyung-moon — have me dying to know what that something is. What did So-woo see or hear? Why is Kyung-moon trying to cover it up? Why was So-woo caught off guard when Kyung-moon brought up Ji-hoon?

I think the question we’re all wondering, however, is what this bully Woo-hyuk had against So-woo. Woo-hyuk seems like that typical rich boy character who believes he can do whatever the hell he wants, but I’m intrigued by how he acted during the classroom fight. He looked genuinely angry at So-woo — but why? There are already so many secrets kept within this show, and since I’m itching to unravel the secrets of every one of these characters, I guess Solomon’s Perjury is doing something right.

It was definitely the right choice to give the main spotlight to heroine Go Seo-yeon. She seems like the thoughtful observer who prefers standing in the back of the room, wanting so badly to care for those who are hurting, but unsure how exactly to help them. I could feel the frustration she had with herself right before So-woo died, right when he had told her she was the same as everyone else. It was such a hurtful statement because I can already tell that Seo-yeon isn’t like the others. She may have appeared somewhat closed off in the beginning, but I think she has it in her to become a great leader. Her heartfelt moment with Joon-young proved that for me, and I hope it proved something for her. Nearly losing another one of her classmates had to have scared her something awful, but I’m glad we got that scene because now we know she’s capable of taking action. There’s no way she can turn away from So-woo’s case now. And for such a young age, I think Kim Hyun-soo is great so far in embodying this silent yet righteous heroine, and I’m glad we finally get to see her carry a show.

What I like the most about the show so far, though, is the stark realism. Though So-woo’s death was the biggest moment of the episode, it was the reactions that followed that made this episode so gripping. Kids will be kids, and when trouble rears its ugly head, those kids will more than likely try to stay out of it. It’s a sad truth to swallow, but as we saw with Seo-yeon, even those with a good sense of justice struggle to find the courage to speak up. Which is why I’m looking forward to seeing Seo-yeon and her classmates realize that in this case, they’re the only ones who can speak up. The court scene in the beginning was a short one, but it’s got me excited to see these high schoolers take this matter into their own hands.



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this drama sucks lol


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Lol, the first comment and the entire recap is like 180 degrees apart.


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I completely disagree! I thought it was very well done and had an intriguing story.
Thanks for the recap Sailor Jumun!


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@jstin I think a little elaboration is in order. Is the writing too complex? Are the characters a bit too multi-dimensional? Are you upset that the mystery wasn't solved in the first hour? Or, are there perhaps too few idols in the cast to your liking, or too many words of more than one syllable? Maybe there are too many characters, so you find it a bit confusing. Or the skirts aren't quite short enough. Just let us know.


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I intrigued by this drama but I haven't started this,
I think I remember the movie but not much at this time,
so thank you very much for the recap sailor jumun


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In anticipation of the drama, i watched the movie a few days back.. and well not tempted to watch the drama anymore..

Why do dramas not understand that expectation setting is very important..

If its a satire , sell as a satire
if its a mystery, ONLY THEN sell it as a mystery
if its a comment on society, sell it such


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I didn't really watch the promo of the drama but I don't think it's a mystery since in the J-movie promo,
it's about one student who raised "awareness" about the situation after their classmate passed away,
that's actually what I get from the movie promotion,


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The drama so far seems to match up with what it was advertised as, don't know what you're talking about...


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Very puzzling. You said you were looking forward to the drama, but then you watched the movie, and am now making criticisms about the drama. This is despite you saying you're "not tempted to watch the drama anymore", which implies that you have, in fact, not watched the drama.

Not sure how your view of a movie should reflect your view on a drama, when the only thing they seem to share in common is the source material.

Remakes and adaptations can vary in tone... (I mean, look at all the different version of Batman we've gotten in movies alone.) It's pretty unwise to come up with an opinion on something you haven't watched based on another story. I find it especially puzzling to see you level criticism against drama setting wrong expectations between its promotional material and the show, when your opinion is based on the movie.

Not to hit my point home, but this is a drama made by a Korean company. That's a 2-part movie made by a Japanese company. No affiliations...


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Omg thank you so much for the recap! I've been waiting for this. I've watched the first 2 episodes and I like it so far. I'm sad tho that Lee Soo Woo died so early on, there's just something about him that makes me want to see more of him. We just know a little about him, but honestly he is the character that I care the most in this drama. Lol. I have a soft spot for school dramas, so I am rooting for it since the beginning. I hope the story will only get better!


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I couldn't help but got invested in him even when I knew he was going to die. He was just so quiet that every little thing he did or said become so impactful. When he flipped off the entire school, he look so dejected and resigned rather than angry, and that just made my heatt bled for him.


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I think it's also because it's evident that he had a deeper relationship with both Ji Hoon and Seo Yeon that makes you invested in him. There's obviously more there that we haven't seen.


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The acting was a bit green, but since all the characters was well-written with interesting background, it's good enough for now.

So far, I was most invested in So-woo's story. That loaded gaze between him and Seo-yeon spelled a deeper (and hurtful??) history. And he also seemed really close to Ji-hoon, though I guess their friendship fell apart at one point because So-woo seemed like a loner in this eps. I want to know whether it has anything to do with whatever secret Ji-hoon's dad hold over his head.


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I love this drama and the actors. Never seen the jap version but these new actors are my FAVE now!!! Will look out for all of them <3


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I had a friend tell me that it was weird for me to be so attached to Lee So Woo even though he was only in the show for about 15 minutes. So glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way.


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Yay! So happy to see a recap for this!!!

The subs that I originally watched the episode with were only partially complete. So I completely missed Kyung Moon telling So Woo to keep quiet about "the incident," and his mention of Ji Hoon. That definitely adds another color to an already foreboding conversation.

I am so sad about these kids already. The show has done a great job in making me care about them in such a short time. I love the complexity of the relationships they seem to have with not only the adults, but each other. And I look forward to seeing them unravel.

I was worried that the show might be a little too similar to the already popular White Christmas, but this definitely has a distinct quality of its own. I love the slight feeling of unease you get throughout the entire episode. It definitely keeps you paying attention.

JTBC has done a great job telling stories different from the norm this year. I'm excited for what they'll have in 2017.


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I know this is completely out of topic and not related to the drama at all, but are we not getting a recap for Hwarang? I wanted to discuss it with the beanies here. We didn't get one even for the press conference or the special episode. So does that mean no one is gonna be recapping it?


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Check the bottom of the page, it literally says

Hwarang: Episode 1


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Yes! I want to watch the drama but the scars from Moon lovers is still fresh so i am waiting for DB to post recap.
After reading that i will decide whether to watch Hwarang or Solomon.


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I'm thinking the exact same thing, the fact that's it's filled with a bunch of good looking guys actually makes me wary haha


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Some thought on this eipisode

The reason everyone feels for lee so woo's death is because he didnt feel like a supporting character but rather the main lead dying in the first quarter of the episode. He had that hero quality to him.

Kids stay away when trouble rears I disagree adults do the same too. As shown in the drama even more cowardly actions. They are not all different.

Lee Joori does she know about the incident that lee soo woo withnessed. Did it happen to her?

I would have done the same as sooyeon not spoke up about witnessing the fight for fear of being targetted. Would have quietly shown up at the hearing as a surprise witness.


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Wow. Somehow I got really confused in my impatience to watch (or maybe I just got distracted by the promo pictures of Seo Young-joo's pretty, pretty face), because I went into this thinking Lee So-woo was the one who'd find his friend's body... O.O That was quite a saddening surprise. I even somehow missed his name being spoken at the beginning, and not even the obvious signs or my increasing confusion over "What friend does he even have?" tipped me off.

But is it weird that, in an episode where a boy falls to his death only to be discovered frozen in the snow, and another boy nearly commits suicide, the scene that was hardest for me to watch was the one with Joon-young and his parents in the restaurant? I just wanted to cover the poor boy's ears. I don't even want to think about how often he's had to endure that kind of verbal abuse.


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I agree - that scene was heartbreaking. I want to snatch that woman up and give her a piece of my mind. She obviously suffers from a mental illness - I'd say more than just depression.

What makes it extra sad is the thought of how many kids really suffer through a home life like this. ?


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I like it so far, but I'm not sure I could survive it if the story gets too political. That kind of plot tends to make me weary fast.


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I'm quite confused though, why was the letter addressed to Seo-yeon? What makes the sender think that Seo-yeo could do something about it. At first, I thought the letter was meant fot Seo-yeon's Dad since he is a detective.


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Maybe the author figured she would give it to her dad? That way, whoever wrote the letter couldn't be accused to reporting the incident to the authorities?


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I got the impression that the letter was sent to everybody, or at least to the main people who knew him. Maybe it was the same one left outside the director's door too.


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This drama really hard to watch. The air in this drama is super seriously and can make viewers tired for it. The cinemagratophy so good with low budget and a super short time (1 month).


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Looking forward to it but it'd be a better marathon then watching it week by week.


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I agree with you, this drama is somewhat too heavy for me and I probably won't dedicate myself to this.

I love reading recaps on dramabeans because they give me a preview on what to expect from the show/episodes, but honestly this episode looks boring and heavy based on the recap. I also tried watching the first 10 minutes of the show and I'm like, I would rather watch a commercial on repeat than this drama.

But, thank you for making a full recap of this. Now I know that this drama doesn't suite my taste and doesn't worth my time. I get a feeling that this will be on one of those "great dramas that people missed" and "low-rating dramas with good actual plot" but whatevs man


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**thank you to the recappers (i forgot that i posted that as a reply)


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Reminded me of White Christmas but I'm liking it so far. lol


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Thanks for the recap! i was wondering if anyone was going to recap this and yessss, SailorJumun is doing it.

So far i'm loving it. Its a change from all the light fluff and romance centred drama currently airing right now. I do really wonder why lee so woo died though and yes, i too felt sad for him. I just finished watching episode 2 and i cant wait for the comments and opinions


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I'm on for this one, at least after watching episode 1. Of course, I do get frustrated with corrupt and cowardly police and school officials. Hope this show continues to be good.


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Ok, I'm only 20 minutes in, but whose "brilliant" idea was it to use that soap-opera caliber, melodramatic music in the background and dial it up to eleven for good measure? It's so jarring and a cheap way to establish tension, even more so when compared to the understated, raw atmosphere of the original. Couple that with some good ol' use of slow-motion because we need to have the angst telegraphed to us, just in case we don't get it from the context, dialogue and acting. At least, Seo Young-joo is doing a good job so far, as expected.


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The rest of the episode was not bad. Not terribly impressed with some of the acting so far, but it wasn't too distracting. I have a sweet spot for the bully character from the movie, probably because Hiroya Shimizu played him so well, he has a totally different feel here, but I don't really mind. Joori too, she was a very heavy, standout character, I hope the actress is able to pull it off.

The Japanese movies fell into the "good, not great" category for me, with enough interesting elements to be worth a watch, so I am curious how the drama fares and what plot choices they'll make in the extra time. And the less of that soapy BGM, the better.


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I watched two episodes, and i like the drama more drama than the movie.

It's not exactly like the movie as expected they changed a lot.


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I watched the first two episodes, and while it's definitely not "perfect", I think it could be promising. Even more impressed with Seo Young Joo now, if that was possible. Hope we get a lot of flashbacks with him, lol.


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He's super duper good isn't he?


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Maybe he's already too old(?) for me to use this word to describe him, but what a precocious talent. The expressions, nuances, body language, aura- not sure how to describe it. I was so shocked the boy who starred in moebius was only 15 at the time, haha.


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I think that Solomon's Perjury does a great job of showing the depth of pain of students these days. As a high school student myself, I've endured some of the worries and fears these students go through.

Often in our lives, we fail to see what is truly important and focus purely on our self benefit. We are taught to do so by our parents and adults around us. And then we don't notice other people's pain and how our actions hurt them.

Solomon's Perjury, I believe, opens our eyes to the status quo. There's a difference between looking and seeing, and hearing and listening.


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It's watchable for me. Yes, the bgm used in some scenes are distracting, but it's overall still watchable. It'll be better to use no bgm at all in those scene and use some footsteps or heart beats, or anything else more suitable. It's a slowburn mystery like namonaki doku or petero no souretsu but a little darker story-wise imo so I don't mind if it's a little bit heavy and slow. I hope this drama will bring out all of the details and be a coherent and make sense drama.


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Wow. I finished up to the second episode and I'm so on board. I agree the acting is somewhat green but the characters are really fleshed out. Can't wait for the next episode. Hopefully this is going to be continued to be recapped.


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First of all, I'm on board!

Sowoo managed to make all of us care about even though we knew he was gonna die soon. And all I want is justice for the poor boy; maybe he did nothing wrong, maybe he knew something he wasn't supposed to know, but no one deserves to die like that. His eyes seemed to carry so much burden, and I wonder if Jihoon and his father were involved.

The fact that we see Jihoon as the attorney who's protecting the guy that might have killed his best friend makes me sick. Whatever the reason is, I feel bad for him already. They were best friends, and I'm sure he treasured Sowoo :(

However, the character that spoke to me the most is Joonyoung. He seems nonchalant in everything he does, a thousand glances at him and you would never expect he has to go through THAT at home. I personally find his fight with his mom (and how he posted a picture with a completely happy caption) is very heartbreaking. One can only know how scar the child must have, hearing those mean words from his own mother for years. I also like how this actor (sorry I still can't rmb his name) portrays Joonyoung.

I like Soyeon so far. She's not straight up hero, but she does pay attention to everything. I'm also pretty familiar with the actress, and I'm glad we got to see her more now.


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Is dramabeans affiliated with dramacoffee? I found this recap taken word for word and posted at the following site:



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No :(


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Sigh...I cant help but to compare with the movies.This one is a little bit too dramatic for me


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Really digging this show so far. It feels so real... Reminds me of when I was in school in Asia. That sense of tedium is just... On point.

Also Seo-yeon is such an everyday character. She's like all those studious girls around me. It's grounding and familiar and makes me can't help but want to root for her.

I especially love how when she was trying to convince Joonyoung not to jump, all of her analogies were school and test-related. It's like that's all she's ever known. School, tests, and being ranked is her whole world and in a way, her whole identity. It's an interesting contrast as well to the beginning of the episode, where the court is brought into the school, instead of using the language of school to solve real life problems.

The irony is that it's a mock court, which is almost like saying that the problems festering in a school cannot be touched by outside forces. They can only be laid bare with a tool used to teach students about life.


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So-woo stole this episode despite appearing only a few minutes in the beginning. He had charisma, for lack of a better word, and I somehow wish the actor played one of the leading roles instead (I know he would probably appear more in flashback, but still....).


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Loving this drama. Loving all the characters.


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Started on this show late because there are so many other shows I'm currently following. The first episode does a pretty good job of establishing the premise and dropping us enough hints to get the speculation going.

I'm liking the mix of characters that we've gotten to know in the first episode and for a show like this, the fun is always in developing theories on who the murderer is and there are plenty of potential suspects now. My strongest suspicion now is for Ji Hoon just because we are led to believe that he's the closest to So Woo, but it's often the closest ones who turn on their friends. Woo Hyuk is such an obvious choice that I'm almost certain it's not him, though it's undeniable that he holds critical information about what happened.

Have shared more on my speculations and theories on my blog. https://kdramaanalysis.wordpress.com/2016/12/28/solomons-perjury-first-impressions/

Just watched episode 2 last night too which I found to tremendously exciting and a significant acceleration of pace compared to the first episode. Things also lighten up slightly as we have more time for light-hearted conversations and jokes between characters!


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I've been wanting to ask this for a while now. Jihoon isn't from the same school right? why was he in the school orchestra??


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Well, I'm serious ate to this party, because of Lobster & Fairy. But I need to comment. I was mixed about this drama. Would it be White Christmas? Did I want it to be?

I think the first episode was incredibly well done. I avoided promos because I don't really like them and I didn't want to be spoiled for this drama particularly.

I'm still waiting for the cheerful suicidal in entertainment but that's not the point of this drama. And he wasn't even suicidal. I'm invested in every character at this point. Happy to see Duk Sim and young Song Yi.


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