Running Man loses two more cast members, plans reset with Kang Ho-dong

Song Ji-hyo, Kim Jong-kook

Perhaps the writing was already on the wall with the departure of Kang Gary last month, but now it looks like SBS’s Sunday night variety standby Running Man may be coming to an end, at least in the format that we’ve come to know and love. It has been confirmed that two more cast members will be leaving the show: Actress Song Ji-hyo (This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair) and singer Kim Jong-kook will say goodbye to the series at the end of this year, and in their wake, producers are planning to overhaul the show’s concept and relaunch with a Season 2 in 2017. The biggest change will be in potential new member Kang Ho-dong (A Hyung I Know), who is currently in talks to join the cast.

The remaining members of Running ManYoo Jae-suk, Haha, Lee Kwang-soo, and Ji Suk-jin—will stay on, and there’s talk of looking for more people to join the second season. Yoo Jae-suk and Kang Ho-dong haven’t shared a show since X-Man (2003-2007), which a good portion of the Running Man staff also worked on, so there’s a certain level of curiosity and interest in their reunion alone.

Yoo Jae-suk, Kang Ho-dong
Haha, Lee Kwang-soo, Ji Suk-jin

But it’s usually not a good sign when a show gets a facelift and attempts to hang on to former glory, though I’d argue that Running Man already lost its sheen a long time ago. Ratings that used to be in the teens have been down to the 6% range lately, and though I was one of those faithful viewers who’d seen every episode from the start, I stopped watching it altogether at the beginning of 2016.

Even though I haven’t checked back with the show in a while, it still makes me sad to think of a Running Man without the Monday Couple and Spartakooks; but seven years is a long time to be part of a weekly variety show. There’s no telling what the second season will look like (will there even be any running?), but I’ll at least tune in to say goodbye to the version of Running Man that I remember fondly.

Song Ji-hyo and Kim Jong-kook will shoot their last episode of Running Man on December 19, and Season 2 will begin in 2017.

Via TV Report, News Culture


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The most tragic is that it was supposedly the production that axed them without even discussing their departure with them and that they learned it through newspapers. ......


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Omg how could they axe two of the most popular members?


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Yup, you guys should check the below article for reference. Honestly as a longtime fan I'm so upset right now- KANG ho Dong has his own aura and honestly I feel that he'll smite out the current presence of the members. Instead of ruining RM the producers should just end it on a high note or start s new show. This is honestly so upsetting; watching my longtime show being wrecked from the inside.



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I have trust issues with news that have no official statement and left information from this 'source' and that 'source'. People are easier to receive any information possible when hurt and angry, and not double check it. We shouldn't fed ourselves with unclear information and get angrier. Allkpop and Soompi sometimes didn't deliver the right information, and it's scary how people come to believe what they say and how another news outlet cited them as news tbh


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I totally agree in that they should just start a new show all together instead if continuing this as Running Man. There is too much history that comes along with the name "Running Man"; its best to just leave it when fans still have a good image of the show.
With Kang Ho Dong coming in, to me, it seems like they want to being back the old format of X-man. It makes sense since that is what they seem to be gearing towards in the last few episodes.


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This is so upsetting. Just like sth that happened in The Producers but atleast there they had the entire cast dissolved for a newer season. But axing two members without even telling them is even worse.

They should just end RM where it is right now and start a new program with these 5.


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For this reason i wont be watching season 2.
Despite ratings pressure, it is disrespectful to cut off SJH and KJK this way. They deserved better. Both had thoughts of leaving the show but tried to juggle work and/or health issues to stay on. I feel so sad for them.
Further similar to Family Outings. Season 2 was never anything like Season 1.
Annyeong original RM crew. All the best to all of you whatever projects you will take from here on


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Loses the members? They kicked the members out themselves! And even let one of them find out about their dismissal through the news articles. Give SBS an award for their professionalism *rages*


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What do you mean?


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SBS axed the two of them out, without discussions before hand. JiHyo found out about her exit through the news like the rest of us


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Whatttt. Omaigod this is way too much, if it is true.


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Adding Kang Ho-dong? No. Absolutely not. No no no.

That feels like a marketing decision that doesn't get the charm of this particular show. He will overpower the dynamic. He's too loud and draws way too much focus. If it was a full cast replacement then maybe, but adding him? No.

I think 2D1N had it right in pulling in members who were either younger or had no variety experience. The current cast is topheavy with variety breakouts, they need to introduce new members who will be able to grow into the role. If the energy of the show remains close to what it is now, the current cast can make that variety-training bit part of the show.

In short: no Kang Ho-dong. Terrible decision, do not do.


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I agree. Gary was totally new to variety when he first started with RM, and he turned out to be so good.


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And don't forget how green Kwang-soo was when he first started on Running Man! Some of the earlier jokes were about how he always missed the timing/tone for a Sunday daytime variety show joke. His persona is built on how he sucks at the team-based atmosphere of the show because he cannot be relied upon to remain loyal.

Gary, Song Ji Hyo, and Kwang Soo showed exactly how variety newbies can balance out a show full of variety heavyweights (and ones who already have a rapport, no less!) perfectly. Maybe SBS is feeling like they don't have as much time to find their *new* footing with this revamp as they did with the introduction of the show. I don't know. I am just sad that I'm not experiencing the joy it once made me feel.


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Hearing the news at first i was fine and thankful that they have stayed on for this long, as fans we have many episodes to rewatch and enjoy. KHD is a negative for me because i dont like his sense of comedy. people might disagree but he just- shouts too much.
but then came the second news and i am in great shock. apparently this was a one sided decision on RM's side. can't imagine how it must feel to leave a show you have been on for 7 years and learning of it from the f'ing news!
i was thinking of giving the 2nd season a chance and see how it is with KHD but now i'm not so sure. I hope the rest of the members show some sort of disagreement to this news as well. The show which was so unwilling to let kang gary leave, how come they pretty much fire SJH and KJK?
I get that this is business at one point but RM always felt like a family to me with the members the staff and the PDs. Really, what is this mess?


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Same. This is a mess.

But, on the bright side, I will feel less guilty about not keeping up once SJH is gone. She's my favorite cast member. And I hope this means I'll get to see her acting more.


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I was feeling and thinking the same when I first heard the news of KJK and SHJ leaving was sad but respecting their decison to leave but then I read that it was not their decision but they were fired and they didn't had the courtesy to talk specially with SJH because at least they have approached KJK a few weeks ago about this but SJH just found out by the media, the courtesy that they will be announcing to the media of the changes of staff not only is disrespect professionally but is also type of discrimination against women, consideration was made to KJK (men) but not SJH (women), i was watching the show because my love for the members but now I will stop watching, can support this type of behavior.


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It wasn't even a few days for KJK though, they told him a few days before the report was released on SBS' side .-.


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Say what??? Sad to hear three of my favorites leaving but to hear they weer told via news article rather than the show it's like wt..


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This is depressing. It was fine to lose Song Joongki at first because he has only been around for roughly 40 episodes, seeing Gary leave made me sad but the news of KJK and SJH's departure broke me. :(


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Okay the new news is making me even more mad! They were let go?? Without even being told? Why in hell! Also even though I don't want to, but I am judging the other members for staying on after this fiasco.. I always thought that all 7 RM members were like family and that they would stand up for each other!

Revamping RM with new members doesn't make sense, specially with the proposed name! RM was RM because of its members and not simply cuz of the concept! Keeping the members should have been a priority..

I will sit and mourn while watching the last episode of RM as we know and love. Not sure if I want to even check out the new season.


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On second thought, putting the blame on the other cast members might be too hasty.. they might not have been told in advance, or maybe they are still digesting the news


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yeah and there things like contract obligations we know nothing about , plus the two mainstays are professional and no doubt have seen it all before in their time.
And thinking about it once one left it was only going to be a matter of time before others went too, so maybe getting told to go was a blessing in disguise


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If it is true that they've been kicked off the show... I AM MAD! Especially Ji Hyo was always a fave and seriously... You can't TALK to your cast beforehand?!

Also...I am really not liking the idea of Kang Hodong joining. I just can't with his hosting style a lot of times. He annoys me easily so, I rather he does not join.

I am aware that the show needs some new and fresh ideas but getting it like this leaves a very bitter aftertaste :(

I will of course check the new (and improved?) RM out but this might be my time to say goodbye to the show.

Gotta find me a new variety regular in case I really drop it though since RM was the only one I watched every week^^


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I feel that the PDs themselves may not even have a say in this matter. Instead, decisions were made by the higher ups themselves (those higher than the PDs). All the politics etc. I still have faith in RM as a big family - cast and crew combined. Rumors r flying around but feelings are genuine. We can see from the latest episode that everyone is comfortable with each other like family. It is also quite often that they have their private gatherings and meetups now and then. Remember how the cast and VJs used to gym together to keep up with the running.

I am pretty sure all of these is due to the low ratings. I think everyone in RM is having a hard time right now. Just hope that everyone will press on.

I hope that somehow the fate can change with much opposition from multiple parties. But I dare not put too much hope on it.


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Oh I am aware that this is a decision made from the higher ups at SBS.

This makes me so sad because as you said, they are a big family and you can always see how much they care for each other T_T

The ratings have been low (I still watched and enjoyed the eps) but if you do it this way then why not just cancel the whole show with an appropriate goodbye and launch a completely new one? This way they just anger the hardcore RM fans...

I really hope this works out well for everyone and I guess we will see soon what the new concept will be...


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I'm kinda confused if they did this solely for ratings though because Spartakook and Ace Jihyo are both popular members of the show. They play unique roles that don't overlap with anyone else on the team. :(

Either there's some other reason for the switch or those execs never watched an episode of RM at all!


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Watch 2D1N then. There's a reason why it trumps running man in ratings consistently. You can watch it for free on YouTube.


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It will definitely be a huge change once Hodong joins the cast. Well, with KJK out of the show, he can now be a guest on 1 night and 2 days.


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That does mot sound too bad!:)


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Ow yes! I support KJK to 1n2d!!


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Yes Yes Yes. Cha Tae Hyun can bring him in future Best Friend Special Episode. That would be fun lol


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SJH have a new beauty talk show that required most of her time and she also want to ficus on her acting. KJK back pain must be too hard for him to stay in RM. Rather than KHD, I prefer if they add Yang Se Hyung since he show huge potentiol as a runner and brainer in Asura Infinity challenge episode.KHD too loud for me.he always shout in random moment and ruining the flow.


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Kang Ho Dong on Running Man? Granted he was on 1N2D years ago but still.


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RM has been losing its steam for quite some time now. Nevertheless, it was one of the variety shows that I still enjoy. Gary's departure was heartbreaking for me. If Kim Jong Kook and Ji Hyo leaves the show, then sadly, I'll have to say goodbye to my favorite variety show of all time. I love Yoo Jaesuk, Gwang-soo, Suk-Jin, and Haha, but there's a huge gap left by the other members. To replace them and revamp the show is a big sign... and if it's true that they got kicked off the show, then I must say, shame on you, SBS.


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Meant to type: Big bad sign.


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My friend and I discussed how we wish to have Cha Tae Hyun. But of course, that would be impossible. I guess the last episode with KJK and SJH will be our farewell with RM too. Still can't believe it's been 7 years..


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NO! Cha Tae Hyun has to stay on 2D1N! Also he's way too lazy for Running Man (and I like that about him).


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Agree. His character is perfect in current 2d1n. And I think all of his tv projects are KBS.


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He guested on running man before. There were 3 episodes.


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I've also stopped watching it religiously unless it has interesting guests. Now if Kang Ho Dong is joining, I will totally swear off it. His style of hosting is rather annoying.


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Ultimate betrayal to 1박2일


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Though it's sort of childish, that's the first thought that came to mind. In fact I find myself thinking how weird it is to see any of the 2d1n cast on RM. Weren't the 2 shows in competing time slots back then?


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Im actually thinking more along the line of Lobster PD's dream of reuniting the old cast for 1n2d tenth anniversary next year. If KHD does Running Man, then he can't go on the 1n2d tenth anniversary special! That will be so sad!?


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That reunion has to have MC Mong in it. It just has to. But that is a dream that is impossible.


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Aside from that I was thinking if KHD accepted the offer because KBS sacked his longtime show Cool Kiz on the Block? It's a comfortable environment for him, sports and entertainment, and I think it ran for many years. Right now, he is more active on cable than on mainstream TV. I was waiting for news of him to go back in a huge mainstream show, but did not expect Running Man. O.O


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Heh, I still remember that feeling when I first saw Seung Gi on RM.

Back on topic, I do question the reliability of recent reports of them being kicked off the show. It makes no sense since they're both popular members of the show. Unless they ran into problems with contracts/negotiations and the higher-ups thought they were too much trouble to keep on...


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My heart broke into pieces today
The first new I've seen in the morning. I felt like I lost a best friend forever
This show has been with me as a friend for the past seven years. I am always thankful to this show to brighten my darkest days. I was able to smile a lot during my tough times. And everytime I feel exhausted, i'll rewatch some cuts to cheer myself up.
I care for this show and the members so much
They hold a special place in my heart.

I admit that this show has gone downhill recent year. Especially after the main pds left one by one,
That magic touch was gone and the show lost in directions
The editing was so horrible mess by the new PD
Everything seems forced and scripted . It became a promotional show, a boring talk show.
I can only count few episodes that I have truly enjoyed this year. Most of them are no-guests episodes
The Running man members are very funny by just talking and teasing each other
Their chemistry is gold. They treat each other like family and care about each other a lot.
If anyone watched the latest episode, you will laugh out loud throughout the episode. One of the most enjoyable episode recently
And I thought they should just stick with this no guest concept for next year
I dont mind adding the new member since the show needs change.
It runs for past seven years and theit golden day has long gone.
The ratings are really bad. Mostly 5-7% for this year.
I dont care much about rating for drama or show
But i know how importance it is for the show
It's business afterall
Running Man has earned for SBS so much money with their popularity in Asia especially in China
The recent China ban all the korean entertainment related must hit the show like a typhoon
Despite the low rating, the executives still happy about money earned from China meetings , copyright etc
However Running Man no longer able to promote anything in China.
So the high executives from SBS think about other way to earn money which is winning love from dosmetic market again .
So they kicked the original members out and adding new member and making season 2?
That's so despicable and stupid decision
Jong Kook and Ji Hyo must feel hurt so much.
Omggg my Jihyo only knew about it after reading the articles
I feel like killing someone. That's so damn cruel
Wondering if Gary really left because his desire to pursuit music? Or is he also being kicked out quietly:(((((((
7 years they work so hard for this show. So much sweat, tears and blood. From the very first tough days when the show is new and has bad rating.
They stay loyal to the show despite they have many other priorities.
As an actress, Jihyo gave up on her actress image and did all she could
She said that no matter what happened she will be there in the end of the road
But she was kicked out
Jong Kook was in pain for very long time but he endured it all . He filmed a lot of episodes when his body was broken
How could they do that to them.
Damn SBS. So...


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SBS will pay high price for it.
They did that to the people who loyal and dedicated everything for the show
Hoping that the rest of the members will leave too
They deserve better :((((((
They work so hard and being dump like trash. Gosh i am so angry and sad
I feel bad for Jae Suk too since he is in a very awkward position right now
Wondering what will he choose when his beloved brother and sister being treated unfairly like that?
I am so thankful to Jong Kook's friend to spill the truth
If not , everyone will think that JK and JH left on their own will
I saw a lot hateful comments for JK and Jihyo after the article about them leaving this morning
And now the truth is out of the bag. Those haters stay quiet
They will come out again on the next running man articles grrrrr

As a long time fan i know the day i have to say goodbye to the show will come sooner or later
Especially i have that feeling it going to happen soon because 2016 was bad year for RM
I sincerely wish they could go through this tough time together and miracle reach their new peak
At least i wish they have warm and sweet ending
All we left is so much tears and pain
Feeling so bitter at everything


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The thought that eventhough they were kicked out cruelly, they still decided to release the statement like they actually have decision on leaving. They do not want to worry and hurt the fans more. They worry for the production crew who will take all the hate when the higher up are the one who decided everything
If Jong Kook's friend didnt say the truth on SNS, no one will know the real truth.
Both Jong Kook and Jihyo were about to stay silent despite they have been treated so unfair like that
They stay loyal till the end :((((

I am expecting Kwang Soo will announce his leave next
His hyung and his noona have been treated like that. He must feel so upset. Same with other members
I feel bad for Sukjin since it is his only variety show
If he leaves Running Man, he has only a radio show T.T


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I am sorry for all the long comments here . I have to say it out loud since i feel like i am about to go crazy right now so hope you all can understand

I was very depressed this morning after hearing the news of them leaving. In my heart i have accepted it long ago.
Jong Kook was in pain for so long and he couldn't keep up with the "sparta" image like years ago. His health deteriorated so much in the past years . He has to used pain relievers pills while filming running man. It's heartbreaking. Injuries one after another but he never stops smiling.
A lot of members also suffered from pains and injuries too. When I read members's interviews about behind the scenes stories, I cried so much. They sacrificed so much to keep this show alive, to bring laughter and happiness to viewers

Ji Hyo has been through so much difficult times this past years. Her acting career has been rocky. She was in slump period. She lost most of her CF too after parting with C-Jess. And she had been attacked emotionally from so many anti fans :(( .
I am so happy for her with the success of TWMWIHA. Hoping more and more great projects will come in the future.
She has her new beauty show from JTBC called Song Ji Hyo Beauty view. Wishing it will be a big hit!!!! So SBS will cry in regrets

Whatever it is I will support them with their individual activities.
Wish them all the best in the future

And now Kim Jong Kook can guest on 1n2d and be with his best friend Cha Tae Hyun and SBS can burn in hell

I am wondering how worse they treat their staff if they treat the top stars like trash -.-

All the PDs leaving because they looking for a better working environment.

I thought KBS was bad since they "quietly fired" yoo PD
SBS had managed to surpassed everything. Dirty to the max


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yoo pd? of 2d1n? did they fire him? last i heard he is with a subsidiary of kbs in charge of producing new variety shows.


@pastry princess: Yes he is now working for a subsidiary of kbs. However it's the same as "being fired" but in a more polite way. KBS is scared that the japanese investors will pull out their investment so Yoo PD got cut from the show.
They tried to make it seem like he is pursuit a new career road, better promotion blah blah
I don't believe in that bullsh*t
I really hope he will move to Tvn and re-join his "master" Na PD and rock the variety world with new creative shows.


@pastry princess:

I still don't understand all those talk of him being forced off after the Harbin Specials... Like... Episodes about Korea's Independence Movement have been done on other varieties too, with little backlash on the producers and Main PD's. And KBS' hand was forced by Japanese loyalists??? That's just makes no sense. If anything, the general sentiment is that Korea hates (Imperial) Japan and to think that KBS would bend over and take Yoo HoJin out when he's the magic potion of 1 Night 2 Days?

So I don't understand all these talk of him being fired too. After all, he's going there with director Seo SooMin, his ex boss at 1 Night 2 Days Season 3, director of Gag Concert (which has been running since 1999) and one time director of Superman Returns. I mean, even Moon BoHyun, producer of Descendants of the Sun is joining.

So really, I don't see his move as a firing at all. It's more like letting him explore new horizons and I'm glad for it because while I loved him with 1 Night 2 Days, he's just too young to be stuck there and have that programme as the pinnacle of his career life. He needs to have a chance to do even better than simply bring an inherited variety programme to incomparable heights. I hope that he creates his own hit variety, one that'll air right beside 1 Night 2 Days and together, I hope they bring more delight to more viewers.


But then with the Park GeunHye shenanigans and the obvious and incomprehensible compliance of all the companies with the meddling in the entertainment world with Cha EunTaek, I don't know what to believe either.

Still, I think Yoo PD's hasn't been "fired" at all. It's like he's moving to tvN, before tvN hit it big.


I know that the final decision is on the higher up executives in SBS. The production crew include the main Pds have no power in it. They only follow the orders.
However, I can't help but feeling disappointed in the production crew.
They totally know everything . Really everything.
They planning the revamp and finding the replacements while remain quiet about it.
Feeling so betrayed .

I know they need to keep their job and survive in this crisis. They have no power to change anything. Their SALARY is highest priority.

It doesn't change the fact that they backstabbed the members though.

The members have been taking care of the staff a lot. Treat them like good friends, like family member.

Ji Hyo's nickname in the set was "grandma" since she takes care of them from the little things and nag at them in the most warm-hearted ways =((

Knowing her real life personality, she will smile brightly and hide her sadness in the last filming next week. So so sad T.T

At least Jong Jook got to know about it beforehand, Ji hyo got it worse. She knew about it after seeing the headlines.

While you thought that KBS was worse when they notice their staff that the show got cancelled by texts!!!!! SBS won the most disgusting award.


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Talking about Na PD, my wish for 2017 is that Na PD will cast Ji Hyo in "Noona over Flowers" next season please!!
Will be totally awesome!


@peeps: thanks for your thoughtful , positive and and details comment about yoo pd case. Truth or not, i want to believe in your theory. It made me feel better about it. When he left the show my heart died partly . eventhough he is the PD, I always consider him as a member of the show . I watched 1n2d since season 1. From maknae rookie PD to the main PD of 1n2d, that was a long road trip. He has saved 1n2d from falling down the cliff with his magical and natural direct style. Very similar with Na PD style but less "evil" ;)). He brought PD back to another peak. Of couse it's all thanks to the effort of the whole production team together with the wonderful chemistry of the casts. No one expected the season 3 could be that successful . The members thought it wont work after finishing filming the first episodes. The strange combinations of the casts did wonder.
Concluded the Pd who is like a captain of the ship
He can either save or kill the show
The moment 1n2d season 3 in Yoo PD hand, it's like you found oasis in the middle of desert
The moment the original pds of rm left one by one, the show is dying slowly
The problem is never because of the casts but the new pds team , the scripted , boring concepts, editing mess

Anyways i am so looking forward to new shows produced by yoo pd. wish him the best.


Since Song ji hyo will no longer be in the show with Jong kook, they might as well rename it to RUNNING MEN S2.


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Kang Ho Dong can be loud but that's his TV persona and entertainment act. I personally enjoy his MCing style. He never lets the air time look stale and always engages with the guests/members. Perhaps I do have a bias for angry loud MCs as I am fond of Kim Kyungyu as well....


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I rather they just left me with good memories and film the finale then just try to impose a show with fake laughter that is long gone to me. Is the industry in Korea naturally like this ? I've been a loyal fan of Running Man since five years ago and never missed an episode even till today.It makes me wonder if Gary was deported the same way.I seriously hope not but I really don't have much hope left. ???
Anybody have a refill ? ?


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It seems it was really Gary's decision to leave, as it's been hinted multiple times.


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The best thing for the show would be work with a whole new set of cast and drop all the original members. As much as I like KHD as a show host, he is just wrong for this kind of show format. He is only going to get trashed if the revamp does not do well. I hope for his own sake he says no, and does not take it up.

Nothing Lasts Forever!
RIP Original Running Man!


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If they ultimately do want a revamp, do it like 1N2D S3. Put together a new cast, and keep the motivated members, which IMO are Yoo Jae Suk and Kwangsoo. Heechul, Jackson, Hani, Sejung, Daesung etc. would be awesome.


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Haha. If this is the cast members I'll watch it. If only Daesung joins variety again. He was a riot in Family Outing. Together with Jae Suk they were the Dumb and Dumber brothers. Im surprised they chose to remove KJK instead of Suk Jin.


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It would be a huge mistake to have that many idols on a show. Look at how well Family Outing 2 worked.


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- faithful viewer


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Noooo. They better just come up with new fresh show instead of replacing members. I used to enjoy RM a lot but yes started this year I lost interest.

Please just end this show with these members, and just start with new showl. Of course fans will be sad, but it will be easier to move on and the good memories remain.


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This is just like breaking up with your boyfriend but he doesn't tell you.Then next thing you know he has a new girlfriend and you think he is cheating on you.Though the reality is he just never gave you the memo and tossed you aside without a thought.On top of betrayal,there is a dollop of heartbreak,and a lot of pain as icing on the cake...THAT HE IS BUYING FOR SOMEONE ELSE !!!!!...?


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Kim Jong kook and song Ji hyo aren't leaving the show voluntarily - they've supposedly been let go of by running man with close to no notice given: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2016/12/kim-jong-kook-and-song-ji-hyos-labels-confirm-they-were-blind-sided-by-running-man-producers

It's terribly disrespectful and smacks of such bad etiquette. Not to mention it's the members who have been keeping the show afloat when the games and concepts have increasingly lacked clarity and purpose.

Also, Kim Jong kook's good friend Tiny's Twitter for anyone who's interested: https://mobile.twitter.com/JKT1ny


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Thx for link to Tiny's feed. I believe that more than the entertainment news ;)


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Yeah, I don't think this show is trying to hold on to its former glory but to regain some of it. Either way, this show was probably getting the ax. They could have told the cast in a better way, but you could see the writing on the wall for this to happen for awhile. I think a new direction and cast might help. And KHD is on a roll lately and doing well, so I think most of the Korean audience will accept this pretty easily. The ratings can't be much worse.


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SBS what an ass! They fired Ji Hyo and Joong Kook? They should have just given Running Man an honourable end. When the RM crew has stayed on for so long together, it makes no sense to try and remake the group. Get a new show SBS. Shame on you!


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I miss those old variety shows... Just like Family Outing, when it turn to new casts and end it.


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They were fired!?

SJH found out in the newspaper!? (disrespect to ALL women - although they were probably too afraid of her - still!)

I've been a faithful viewer since I found the show a few years ago. I even went and watched all the previous episodes. I was sad to see Gary go but seeing this news is disgusting. Some idiot in the ivory tower needs to be axed. Also even though I don't like KHD's shouting style, I don't think he will mesh well with the rest of the group or the style.

I'm going to miss my Monday morning happy fix.


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I totally disagree with adding KHD to the cast. He won't be joining to play second fiddle to Yoo Jae Seok. YJS and KHD have two completely different styles. I've always felt that KHD is very heavy handed when he hosts a show. If I want to be screamed at for an hour and a half I'll join a Boot Camp fitness class. YJS is more subtle. His wit and snark are what drew me to Running Man in the first place (and Song Joong Ki of course). They'd have to pull together a pretty epic cast to get me back on board.


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kang hodong is obnoxious, self cantered, and not in the least bit funny. I've still been watching running man now even though the episodes are getting boring, and I'm bent on staying with them till the end, but I'm not so sure with kang hodong :/


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Agree 1000000%


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I have been a fan since the start of the episode and just to see this news breaks my heart a thousand times.

I admit I did not watch the episodes this year unless the guest is fun or interesting. The ratings may have prompted them to make some changes, but they had NO RIGHT to do that to SJH and KJK!

SBS Entertainment Department has finally lost my respect.


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Before i read the title, i saw the picture and thought 'are they dating????' ?
But then after i read the title.. "oh, obviously!" When gary out i already guess even if the show still running, the team might be leaving.


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WTH SBS kicking out KJK and SJH last minute just to make way for KDH.

I hope the rest of the original members leave as well.


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the show is a rating disaster domestically. this is the reality of television everywhere in the world. it's a ratings game. saying you won't watch will not really matter to them, unless you are a domestic viewer. sad but this is the truth.


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I don't agree with the way it was done (if the rumour that they found out only through the papers is true), but I understand why they did it.

To put it bluntly, they are getting rid of deadwood really. KJK and SJH haven't had a presence in Running Man since a while ago. In particular, SJH isn't the best when it comes to them inviting guests as well (i.e. her team almost always gets the least screentime). Both of them just seem tired to me. The show is obviously keeping the variety core and trimming away the rest. If I were to decide on a member change, I'd probably do the same.

The awkward thing is that if they were kicked off the show, how can the farewell be done properly? It's really a very rude move from the higher ups.


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Next is girafe


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There goes any desire I had to keep watching the show. Song Ji-hyo and Kim Jong-kook were my favorite cast members.

Fudge you, SBS.


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Anyone know if there is a tidal wave of outrage from Korean RM fans with news that Ji Hyo and Joong Kook were kicked out in such an unkind manner after all the years of loyalty to the show? Did Jae Sook not protest? He must have known beforehand that JH and JK was going to be axed, why didn't he do anything? If he leaves RM the show is over for sure.


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43,000 up votes


you can use Google translate or Google Chrome to understand

but yes Korean fans are angry


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Perhaps YJS protested, perhaps not. I think that's going to be one of those things we'll never really know for sure. One of the new sources said that they knew two members were going to be axed - it took them quite a while to find out who.

I want to say that it's not like he fought for Park Mi-sun in Happy Together, and I guess I'm a bit bitter about the idea since he's supposed to be a decent guy, but then it's back to the part where we simply don't know.


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I rather they'd cancelled the show as OT7 than kick out people like this. Let us end it with positive memories. The cast is getting older and there are too many injuries. End Running Man on a high note and create a new variety show that requires less physical activity. Don't dirty the Running Man brand name by doing this.


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I was ready to accept them leaving and was contemplating to give the new cast a chance come January.. but after reading what they did to the two, and that they didn't give them much of a choice, I can't will myself to care anymore.

The show could have ended peacefully with lots of fond memories to remember but can't do that now.


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Like many here I'm heart broken
Been a loyal fan since the beginning. Seems like an era ending. I also wish they would just make a new show. Love Ji Hyo And Kookie. SBS Zi's soo unprofessional


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I was one of the people who favoured 7012. Obviously, there's been talk since the ratings drop of changing out the cast - I originally was in favour of *not* doing so, but given that Gary left, that was pretty much sunk.

That being said, I think most people - whether or not they bought into 7012 or wanted to see a cast change - can agree that firing KJK and SJH and letting them find out this way is disrespectful, unprofessional, and really just a really nasty/ugly move, on the whole. And that's my beef with it: at the end of the day, I can accept having to give up 7012 (as I said, once Gary left, that was pretty much gone), but I would've preferred...just a better ending. They deserve as much.

I get that there are doubts on the reporting, but I'm seeing it all over news sites other than Soompi. Perhaps the worry is that they're drawing from the same sources, but SJH's and KJK's agencies have commented. How much more do you want? A close friend of KJK has been instagramming and tweeting angrily about the whole affair - unless countervailing evidence shows up, I think it pretty much does look like they got fired and SBS really dropped the ball hard on this one. And let's not forget that in June, Zaobao [read: not your grandma's tabloid] already reported an interview with a producer (read: not PD) who stated that if RM ratings don't perk up by autumn, there will be a cast change. The writing was on the wall. And so there was a cast change.

Sure, I'm not happy about KHD's inclusion, but that's because it seems to signal (for me) a further move away from the physicality of RM. But that's neither here nor there. What really leaves a bad taste in my mouth is the situation the entire existing cast has been put in, and I'm honestly not really sure I want to tune in to Season 2. (And no, I'm a television viewer, so I'm damn well paying to watch, if only through the local licensing company...)

I'd be happy if I find out it can reach a better resolution, but at this point, I don't see it happening. And you know the worst part? Now it casts doubt on the extent to which Gary's own leaving was his own choice - how much of that was pressure and how much of that was him deciding he wanted to focus on music?


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I don't think there's any doubt though. Gary's withdrawal is clearly his own decision. In fact, I highly suspect that it's the trigger for this overhaul. Since he's gone, they might as well make use of this opportunity to change the cast altogether. Also, RM may be hanging on by a thread now. If they can't even be competitive in the ratings game after this, there is a high chance that the show will be taken off air.


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Honestly, given this incident, I'm not sure how you can be so certain it was "clearly his own decision." It's clear he was not forced, but neither can we be certain he *entirely* decided this on his own.

tldr; I think this just muddies the waters in terms of how much we don't know. I disagree with you especially since you seem to think removing SJH and KJK was an opportunistic thing after Gary - I think Zaobao hit the nail on the head in June when they said the producer had already set an internal deadline, which went off.


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If it wasn't his own decision, why would SJH write something like she was upset at him for leaving but came to terms with it at the end in his farewell episode? The fact that they kept calling him back too. Unless they were all lying, or that Gary kept it to himself that he got kicked out. I certainly don't think so.


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I feel that Gary's departure was the driving force in their dismissal (not that it had merit). Without Gary, what kind of "line" does she have with any of the other members? There's no more Monday Couple. (Note: I haven't been watching consistently since 2012 so I'm not too knowledgeable of the current "lines" she has with the other cast members in the show) Though, I'm more than surprised at Kim Jong Kook's dismissal, I just hope he has something as back-up because it seems that he appeared on this show as it was his main thing. To kick Kook Jong out just because of his depleting health is the very testament to how heartless this industry is. He should just open up a gym and start charging people for personal training sessions.

Every original member of RM was a testament to how great and ubiquitous the show is today. China's censorship possibly has to do with the fact it has its own version. :/ Everything's changing.


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So depressed reading the news last night, I'm grateful, that Dramabeans/Girl Friday wrote about it though. I've watched RM from the very first episode and it has been a constant in my life. I did not generally care all that much about the games, or if the cast was doing enough "running". I tuned in for the cast interactions, and out of all the K-variety shows (I watch), RM seemed to me to have some of the best chemistry. What a crappy way for SBS to behave towards the cast, crew and all the world-wide fans. I feel that the original RM show/cast should end/stop, & if the variety competition is too strong in that time slot maybe they need to look at doing a drama series or something different.
Last night there was alot of buzz about YJS and KHD reuniting a la Xman, but since I'm assuming it was canceled (anyone watch the original show and know what the story is?) I'm not sure why anyone thinks them teaming up again is going to bring in the ratings.


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If it was SJH and KJK leaving after a discussion, I would be just sad but not as angry as I am now. It's horrible that they got fired like that (KJK got 2 days notice, SJH found out through the news). They've been on the show for 7 yrs, don't they deserve any respect?!?! Even if the PDs/SBS felt that they needed to replace members to spice things up, telling people like that is a terrible way to go about it. It's honestly betraying.

KJK and SJH, I hope things go well in all your endeavours. SJH was the main reason I started watching and kept watching, so I'll be leaving the show as a viewer as well. I feel rather bitter so I hope S2 doesn't go well but I hope the other cast members do well in other fields (because ultimately I'm not bitter towards them).

Given how this went down, I would have rather preferred if the show had concluded nicely and amicably. This feels very dramatic and doesn't give loyal viewers or the cast any kind of peaceful resolution. So much for 7012. SMH.


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Due to low rating since late 2015 they change the PD
Now they change the members : the ultimate spartace
Okay fine, there still so much entertaining variety shows to watch such as 1N2D, Knowing Brothers,etc


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So Allpop and Soompi are saying their agencies confirmed that they were fired without warning and that Son Ji-Hyo found out on the news.

I wonder if that is really true? Do news outlets usually misrepresent agency statements or is this an indication that it is real?


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Nope they don't. Actually, this article was published on dbeans before the news about them being axed came out. After, the news broke, the agencies recognized that they did not leave on their own free will.
They did not say so before because they did not want to expose something as " shameful" as that. NO agency wishes to say that their babies got fired.....


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@Rose - Thanks! Wow, how awful. ?


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Now it's reported that Kang Ho Dong first accepted and then refused the offer to join RM - seems Korean fans' reactions to all this are the same as the Beanie family's! http://www.allkpop.com/article/2016/12/kang-ho-dong-declines-offer-to-join-running-man


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this is so ridiculous and what a joke. they couldn't even properly tell them and they fired the only woman on the show. so disrespectful! i feel horrible for them. i used to watch this show religiously but I'm so behind right now (prob around 80 eps)but i do plan to finish until kjk & jihyo leaves. it used to be really good and was the one variety show i was really into after family outing ended. they really need to cancel it cuz I'm hearing all they do is eat, play boring games, and it isn't as interesting anymore.

i also don't like kang ho dong. he isn't funny and is just... loud. he was okay on xman & love letter but that was awhile ago but i remembered watching an ep of barefooted friends cuz hyori was in it and he was terrible. i can't.


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okay nvm thank god he declined


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7012! I am devastated by the news of them leaving and knowing that they were forced out makes me angry. Especially Ji Hyo Unni, she has a soft spot in my heart, seeing her tough and vulnerable sides in running man for 7 years. And Kim Jong kook, that Sparta! That has been so classic for so many years.

Seriously, the management up there made the worst decision that could be made and how they treated them is totally not wise! Surely there will be a backlash unless they are so sure of themselves. I will not support RM after they are forced off. What kept me loyal to RM all these years, and I believe for most fans, was the 7 members. Their chemistry is unique and strong.

I like Kang Ho dong's style, I have enjoyed watching him in 2d1n and the journey to the west. Yes, he is loud but he is funny and the way he overrides Na pd is hilarious. And it is obvious how much he is a Hyung to all his colleagues and how close he is with the staff.

They should have handled this better. Most importantly, I hope Ji Hyo Unni is okay, though I doubt so, she must have been so hurt by the news, or lack of notification.


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