Drama viewership ratings for the week of Dec. 12-18, 2016

It’s impossible not to keep mentioning Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim when it’s soaring above its competitors in terms of ratings. This week it reached an all-time high of 23.8%, so there seems to be no stopping this juggernaut. I would say that this has been a good year for medical dramas overall, but I do wonder if Beautiful Mind would have something to say about that.

Each of the Wednesday-Thursday dramas saw a rise with the airing of their even episodes, with Legend of the Blue Sea still taking a very admirable lead at 17.5%. Seeing Oh My Geum-bi rise to 6.3% gives me some hope yet, and fans of Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju should be happy to see it rise above the 5% mark. It’s hard to be a small show when all these blockbusters are airing, but it’s heartening to see them defying the odds even so.

Over on the weekend, Solomon’s Perjury aired in the slot previously left by This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair to a very moderate 1.4%. It’s an accomplishment when shows on JTBC net much above that, so it’s too soon to say whether Perjury will repeat the success of its predecessor. As for The Lonely Shining Goblin, it’s still doing pretty well for itself at 11.6%, while Entourage looks like it’ll end up limping to the finish line.

Drama viewership ratings for the week of Dec. 12-18, 2016

Ep. # Station Rating
Monday, Dec. 12
The Man Living in Our House 15 KBS 3.5%
Night Light 7 MBC 4.7%
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 11 SBS 21.6%
Rude Miss Young-ae Season 15 13 tvN 2.4%
Tuesday, Dec. 13
The Man Living in Our House 16 KBS 4.0%
Night Light 8 MBC 5.2%
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 12 SBS 23.8%
Rude Miss Young-ae Season 15 14 tvN 2.6%
Wednesday, Dec. 14
Oh My Geum-bi 9 KBS 5.7%
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju 9 MBC 4.1%
Legend of the Blue Sea 9 SBS 16.6%
Thursday, Dec. 15
Oh My Geum-bi 10 KBS 6.3%
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju 10 MBC 5.1%
Legend of the Blue Sea 10 SBS 17.5%
Friday, Dec. 16
Solomon’s Perjury 1 JTBC 1.4%
Entourage 13 tvN 0.8%
The Lonely Shining Goblin 5 tvN 11.5%
Saturday, Dec. 17
Laurel Tree Tailors 33 KBS 25.0%
Blow Breeze 33 MBC 11.3%
Father, I’ll Take Care of You 11 MBC 9.5%
Our Gap-soon 32 SBS 10.9%
Our Gap-soon 33 SBS 16.8%
Solomon’s Perjury 2 JTBC 1.1%
Entourage 14 tvN 0.7%
The Lonely Shining Goblin 6 tvN 11.6%
Sunday, Dec. 18
Laurel Tree Tailors 34 KBS 33.0%
Blow Breeze 34 MBC 15.1%
Father, I’ll Take Care of You 12 MBC 12.2%




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Hoot Hoot ! Bok-ju broke the 5% !!!


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So happy for bokjoo. Yay team bokjoo!!


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yay for Bok Ju!!!!


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Team Kim Bok Joo!
Whoot whoot..
I feel like I could throw a party, but I will hold that 'til final episode, I jinx many things too much.
Tap dancing 'cause I'm very happy..


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Wow for a show with all the star power both in real life and in the drama itself the ratings are kind of sad tbh :(


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which drama u say????


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entourage, i guess


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Rise Bok-ju ya, RISE!


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So next week Hwarang will join the competition on Mond- Tues slot, with so much hype, crossing my fingers to see 1st episode shall at least start with 8%-9%. Or will RTDK continue to rise? For Night Light, I think it will settle with 4%-5%. Maybe if increase up to 6%.


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Looks like RTDK has a solid committed viewers. It's not going to be affected by any show debuting. I'd take Night Light over Hwarangs and this is coming from a sageuk lover.


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I know what you mean Kiara. I think Hwarang will be more popular internationally. Will catch a glimpse to see how Park Se Joon in his first sageuk, since I don't care about the rest of the casts. RTDK probably will steadily increasing but I hope Night Light increasing as well, because I have soft spot for female centric drama, especially with strong and smart female leads (I'm liking what I'm watching now, just waiting for the sub is quite suffering).


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I just can't take Hwarang seriously. It doesn't even have a solid sageuk actor in it except for Sung Dong-Il.
Maybe it'll hit the spot for those who are looking for a light-hearted and silly sageuk with pretty boys.


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I dont see anythg stopping RTDK. It's the show that did better than evyone expected. On weekly ratings its no2 behind Laurels.

Many predicted Hwarang's fate might be like Moon Lovers or Weightlifting Fairy. The production may be better than Moonlovers but might still end up appealing to international fans and not domestically.

I dont wish for any show to have poor ratings- pity the production crew and cast. So lets home Weightlifting fairy and Oh my geum bi can climbed a bit more. Good luck to Hwarang.


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Right, and it's getting better with every episode.


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hwarang preview was a good episode.. but seeing how doctor maintained 21%+ .. doubt hwarang will manage to pull in crowd its anyway a youth drama

Seems goblin will be stuck at 11-12%.. so much so for touching 20%


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I'm not sure what is great about the preview episode of Hwarangs aside for viewing pleasure ;)


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atleast doesn'tcome across as messed up as scarlet was..

and anyway the whole point of that drama is viewing pleasure


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This is a phenomenal rating for a cable tv drama.Last week RTDK broke DOTS' record.


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episode 12 rating for RTDK is 23.8% as against DOTS' 12th episode is 33% nationwide...FYI


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It still hurts me whenever Beautiful Mind is being mentioned. It is one of the medical dramas that I truly enjoyed but got cut short due to low ratings.

WF fighting! I'm so excited for the next episode :)


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Yeah. Why mention it? Salt on the wounds of viewers?

I'm quite happy to see Our Fair Lady Geum-Bi is fighting hard and kept her head high. Boku-Ju is at 3rd place. yeah. 3rd Place.


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Let's don't be hurt about BM. Just remember it as one underdog show that we love and among the best :)


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@Sera The Ms Temper,

I'm with you.

BEAUTIFUL MIND was not a typical medical drama, and included elements from other genres (murder mystery, police procedural, and family drama, for example) that helped make it unique. For me the main draw was leading man Jang Hyuk, whose ability to deftly convey emotions is second to none. His character, being of necessity very cerebral, was a challenge for viewers to connect with. His portrayal of neurosurgeon Lee Young-O was subtle and demanded careful, sustained attention... and so was not for the casual watcher in search of escapism, relaxation, or fun -- particularly given some of the thorny ethical questions that were raised, and LYO's tortuous relationship with his adoptive father (played to perfection by Heo Jun-Ho). Thus the show was a gratifying mental and emotional workout that demanded undivided attention... as evidenced by the discussions in the recap comments. Along with the intensity, there were satisfying interludes of humor, bromance, and professional cameraderie.

The rest of the cast turned in solid performances, some of them very moving. Several memorable characters were patients. The WiFi Couple's relationship was not a typical romance, but a partnership with police officer Gye Jin-Sung (Park So-Dam) that enabled LYO to discover and express his own feelings, despite the hoops he had had to jump through to learn to read others' emotions. The two-episode cut was a bummer, but the show managed to pull off a bit of redemption as well as LYO's low-key triumph.

IMHO, Jang Hyuk deserves an award for his performance.


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Well said. Beautiful Mind wasn't an easy watch, but those who stuck with it were rewarded with something special.


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Very well said, Chingu! The thing is, TV rating is not everything. I hope knetz still watching it online.


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Beautiful Mind is great for me. Not much romance but I loved the story and Jang hyuk's all black facade. Too bad many passed on it. ?


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For a show crossing 20%, why don't I see so much hype for RDTK compared to what was seen for Doctors or MDBC? Is there actually no hype or am I missing out a lot.

How I wish MBC had never put WFKBJ against LOBS. It is one youth plus college setting drama done right. I think the show is a gem and much better than LOBS, but the ratings must be very discouraging for the writer,producer and the rest of the cast and crew. They need to know that their work is being appreciated. Great that it crossed the 5% mark, hope it rises more.


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I think the reason for RDTK to have such little hype but high ratings is because the drama appeals to the thirties/forties age range audience who will switch on the TV and watch the drama.


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Frankly a good drama do not need any hype or sound bites. LOBS did so much of that and have not excelled. Beautiful minds was a serious medical drama. Personally, it failed to get high ratings because the female lead was poor against the might of the male lead (cannot remember his name now). Among the twenty-something leads this year, only UEE excelled. She was exceptional against the might of LSJ (Yisan) and came of age.


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Park So-dam was fine. Her character wasn't well-written in the first four episodes, but after the story settled, she and Jang Hyuk had some lovely chemistry.


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Yes agree. Aside from that, the centre of BM was Jang Hyuk, so I don't agree that PSD had much to do with the rating. The reason of low rating must be due to many factors, and rating alone won't determine the quality of the drama.


Totally agree with you. And the 4 first episodes were a little complicated, because the little time they had, after all, she was wrapping "Cinderella" and postponed her first script reading.

Everything about the produtcion was a mess, and unfortunately, the drama payed the bill.

But it still one of my favorites this year.


Well we can count just how many female leads in 20s for drama this year. Uee was great in MC but it was because of the script too. Her perfomance might be a miss if due to bad script (High Society for e.g).Don't forget Park Shin Hye too. Her drama was among the best rated this year.

Blaming any lead for failure in rating is just so wrong.


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lol UEE didn’t excell in acting. She just did fine, and the drama appealed to people. And BM did NOT fail because of PSD -__-
She is a good actress but her character didn’t just highlight her abilities.


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I was going to argue that I like RDTK, but then I realized I'm in my thirties so I'm not actually disagreeing with you. Sigh. Where did the years go?


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Lol but im only 16 and I love it. I think it's great for people our age though...


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They had to try and compare even though it makes no sense. LOBS was hyped and touted to be the drama to watch after DOTS and also to beat DOTS. Halfway through the drama and it is limping against Romantic Doctor Kim. The writer of this ratings cannot help but write what he/she did because he/she cannot bring himself to admit the poor showing of LOBS so far.


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Are you really calling 18% a poor showing??? That is one of the highest ratings of like the past two years. Very few dramas pass the 15% mark these days. LOBS might not be juggernaut the producers expected it to be... but please do not belittle what it has achieved.


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If 17-18% ratings is poor showing, then I'll gladly wish every drama of my bias would have such "poor showing".
And mind you, only DOTS, RDTK, Doctors and MDBC have higher ratings than LOBS this year.


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I'm shocked someone can even say that. Lol. Surely it didn't live the expectation to get more than 20% considering the hype, but 17-18% still a very good number.


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true, those are excellent ratings, it's just not Drama of the Year like SBS was hyping it as/won't be a pop-cultural touchstone like YFAS.

and hey, at least it has somewhat decent ratings in response to the hype and didn't end up like UF with single digit ratings after the third week.


I think that's what she meant...
Poor showing = not living up with expectation.
It started higher than DOTS if I remember correctly so most of us will expected it could beat the latter but it as been staying 16-18 and not moving upward...
Without the start power and the hype from the beginning I doubt it'd have this kind of rating...
Meanwhile RDTK, Doctors, DOTS, MDBC were increasing after each episode.


Yes, this is a solid rating and in 2015 it would have been awesome because there were almost no breakout ratings successes last year (Yong Pal being an acception). I agree it had a lot of hype which I understand but think people are a little hard on the dramas sometime with all the expectations. I do think for the station it is the amount of ad revenue they are able to bring in versus how much these actors (and writer) were paid per episode. You can have respectable ratings and still end up not financially at a good point.


" You can have respectable ratings and still end up not financially at a good point." This too
You can also flop with not living up to expectation. We can tell the have spent a lot filming oversea and all...
Remind the of the Faith PD killed himself because the drama didn't do well and he had do much debt


i thought if a show can get to double digits then its a success. and 5% above for cable tv.
Yes that LOBS ratings seemed to have plateaued but atleast its still holding its fan base.
Goblins rating seemed to have plateaued too. But its still early in the game and i feel anytime they upped the plot it might peak again


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may i know what is MDBC and LOBS stand for?


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Hi Ruby!! Nice to see a fellow Ghanaian on these streets!!


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Yeah, I remember reading comments here saying there was no need to discuss DoTS' insane ratings since LoBS will soon surpass in later in the year lol. That's the expectations that people had and I'm sure nobody expected the unknown Dr. Kim to be outpacing LOBS so far. The ratings aren't poor, but obviously not what a lot of people expected. Though the expectations never made much sense to me. KSH and JJH never broke 30%, so I'm not sure what made people think JJH and LMH would.


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Yup MLFTS didn't broke 30% domestically but its a megablockbuster across Asia and I think its still more popular and had more impact than DOTS...


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may i know what is MLFTS stand for? sorry im sux at short form of drama :p


For me, sometimes, numbers are suspicious, because they don't reflect well if a drama is good or not.

I agree with the numbers of MDBC, for example, but I can't stand "Doctors", and the audience was solid.

"Man living in our house" started well, but dropped drastically, just as the quality of the drama.

I dropped LOBS after the first episode, so I cannot follow the hype.


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I actually doubt the WFKBJ team expected high ratings at all. Youth dramas usually don't do that well and it's against two superstars. I'm sure they are glad for the good word of mouth and popularity it seems to have online (it gets quite a lot of upvotes for such a low rated show).


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Well, Doctors and MDBC were aired in the summer and many may have had holidays then. Summer + romance = summer hits.
Doctors was never hyped though.. sure it was highly rated, and popular for example in Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan, but if you’re talking about DB and some other kdrama/kpop fan sites, it was shat on like 24/7 and certainly not hyped. I agree with you on WFKBJ, it’s more enjoyable and I’m not really interested in LOTBS, just watching it for JJH...


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Doctors had more hype because of PSH though...
In fact it did well in every streaming sites and outsides the country too... You can't say the same with RDTK


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personally i don't find anything exceptional or very interesting. Infact finally dropped it at ep 9..

But i think lack of competition favored them. atleast it can boast of good acting.. and decent direction


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Weightlifting Kim Bok Joo fighting!
Continue being the rough diamond that you are.
I love this drama to bits because it's had solid foundation; teamwork, friendship, love, passion and dreams. And the downsides: stess, failure, heartbreaks, which is real life for all of us. It gives us glimpses to mental struggles of athletes, or even normal people, how even with all of this, with the right support system, you can imerge stronger and better.
And the classic punch of the writer vs KDrama cliches, plus the real solid foundation of our main leads, their slow burn from frenemies, to best friends to (next episode, yey!) lovers. Because isn't it awesome when you know when leads fall in love instead of dramas shoving the loveline to your throat and saying, "Take that! They are in love because they are first leads, swallow that and if you can't, don't watch us, because we have a fanbase willing to eat the crap."
Sorry for my gushing...got carried away.. ?


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Ommo, ommo, ommo why is that a reply? I'm sorry @EZ, it's meant to be a separate post. I can't even..
What the..


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lol no worries.. i was talking abt doctor kim and you abt WLF :P


I have to say I'm relieved to know there's someone else out there who didn't quite take to Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim. I thought I was the only one. I generally like medical dramas (love Beautiful Mind), but for some reason RDTK just didn't grab me.


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Back a few seasons ago Heirs was playing opposite Secret. Heirs got so much hype it was just sick. Secret got almost none. Yet Secret overtook Heirs and ended up with I think 22% for the final episode. So it happens.


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Are you sure Secret's last ep was 22%? http://asianwiki.com/Secret_Love
It never crossed 20% but Heirs did


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Bok-joo makes smile and cry and go over the moon in a single episode. I love this drama so much that I wanna keep it in a little cup in my drawer forever.

Fighting, WFKBJ!

I'm not even trying to watch anything in this time slot anymore, because I can only think in this cute and amazing show.


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Lol I had a comment very similar to yours about Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo a while ago :D Kim Bok-joo is love!


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awwww, your comment makes me want to christen WLFBJ our "Thumbelina" drama because we all want to tuck it away in our pocket and carry it with us all the time.

And take heart, just because it's not reflected in the initial viewing ratings, I bet lots of people in Korea are watching Bok Joo later on their own schedules like we do. Right?


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It's nice to see Solomon's Perjury still doing quite well with a tight competition (assuming it has the same slot as Goblin). The tone is much bleaker than what I expected, and somehow it reminds me of School 2013. Hopefully it will keep doing well.


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Btw does anyone else manage to get engsub for Solomon's Perjury? And for those who have watched, is it a drama worth watching?


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It's being subbed on viki!


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Watched it! Even if the story is in itself interesting, unfortunately, aside some exceptions, the casting is an issue, especially the heroine. It is a very dark "behind closed doors" drama, which rely heavily on strong perfomance from the actors, who, as of episode 2, do not deliver.


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I watched it raw and could only understand 60% or so from it. It seems good and intriguing and I already invested on all the frienships depicted inside.


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subs for ep 1 are out on every site

was intrigued by the plot so watched the japanese movie

quite a disappointing drama if you are in for mystery and twist ending.. it is more of a commentary on human behavior


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yuju, Rose, gadis and EZ:
Thanks everyone! I guess I'll wait for few more weeks to decide whether to watch it or not based on the reviews.


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Ooh i thought i read here somewhere that entourage was supposed to 12 episodes only...


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Yup, It's plan as 12 eps but it's increase to 16 in the end of fliming. What a wrong decisons.


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I love lotbs...really hope it will break 20% rating next week....they shouldn't put WF in the same slot with lotbs....


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Seriously? since when is 17% considered poor ratings? LOTBS haters everywhere. stay pressed!


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@cece that's not hating Dearie, 20% is just an expected breakthrough with such a cast, people are just expecting the show to break records.


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I was disappointed that Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo's ratings went down to 4.1% on Wednesday, since that episode might very well be my most favorite episode of the show for me so far (I know I say this like every week, but it keeps surprising me and getting better). It already passed 5% mark last week, 5.4% to be exact, so I wished it could get closer to 10% somehow. I shouldn't get too greedy but I still think this show deserves so much more. Anyway, enjoying it immensely nonetheless. I'm already sad thinking of when it ends. T_T


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True! I was so disappointed that SK people missed the laugh-fest that was ep 9. What if it gets lower because ep 10 was much melo-er?
Please KDrama gods, bless Bok Joo and co.


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Got to give it to Kim Eun Sook. However much she's being criticized, the dramas she writes for never fails to deliver rating wise. Even Heirs which many considered lame did well.


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is 5% considered good enough or is it still low? I really don't want WF to be considered a flop in terms of ratings, I love the drama so much!


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If a terrestrial network's primetime drama rates 5%, then someone from that network might get fired. :D


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now a days , on the big three 12% is decent..
and there has been a slew of drama going beyond 20% so expectations are for 20%+ ..

but prior to recent hits.. 15% + was very very good


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WFKBJ fighting!!!
The only show that I keep telling myself not to cry every time the main characters got tears from their eyes.


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JTBC's Solomon's Perjury may not be getting good ratings, but it is getting rave reviews from media outlets, saying that it's fast paced and surprising. I've seen the first episode and I liked the cinematography and the flow of the series. What's with cable drama these days? Are JTBC and tvN the new terrestrial networks? :D


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Solomon's Perjury is delivering, it has mystery, angst I like the leads, and am interested in seeing how the mystery unfolds. Goblin is still must see for me, but nothing else really captures my interest as much.


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I read in soompi the rating for ep 6 was 12.9 and said as the higher since airing. Wonder which one is the correct one. I do hope, it will get higher next week. Goblin has all thr material a drama shoul have. This sw is my fave. ?

Watching lotbs, have no thought of quitting but it doesnt hook me as goblin and bokjoo did. 17-18 is higher rating, they did well but to beat dots hmmm... I doubt it.



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Aha.. and you need to change the date to 17 December 2016.


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Aaaah, my heart hurts whenever a drama I love doesn't get the ratings I wish it would. I know youth dramas usually don't have a track record of doing well, and the fact that Weightlifting Fairy's up against LotBS of all dramas is a double whammy, but dammit, I wish it could be a ratings success so that more of these kinds of dramas could come along and take over my life. It's the only drama that gets me excited for a new episode. Strangely enough, none of the hit dramas like Romantic Teacher or LotBS or Goblin have managed to do that. It hurts meeee, but I love you still, WF. <3


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Maybe someone mentioned it before, but I wonder why rating can be so high when it's look like people were flooding the city for what's called as the largest demonstration in korea?


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They just have demostration in Saturday, i think. And rating just based on about 1000 houses, and surely not everyone in family join the demostration.


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I kinda get why Bok Joo has the slot, it was basically MBC's best shot at avoiding loss. But it is so good, I hope it gets better ratings cause ths one as a whole package is the slot winner for me.


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currently obsessed with goblin


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you and I both. I could watch goblin and reaper bicker all day.


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I think the reason Romantic Teacher Kim has crossed the 20% mark and not LOTBS is because of the extremely good shows that are currently airing in the same slot. I am watching all the Wed/Thurs shows and I am glad I don't have to choose between watching them live. Love them all in their own way. There is no fixed show I watch first second or third. It just depends on my mood. Can't wait for Hwarang to start!


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Yeah, the Wednesdays drama offerings are strong all around.

You have the potential heartwrencher, Oh My Geum Bi which I'm not watching right now cause I can't kill myself with such heartbreak. The little actress, my poor heart!

Then you have Weightlifting Fairy, the true Successor to Sassy Go Go and I just have heart eyes for the show.

Then there's LOTBS. No need to mention Goddess Jeon Ji Hyeon.

so the struggle is real...for Korea...viewers, not me thankfully.


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RTK started at just the right time. The stories on Man in The House and Suitcase - both of which started strong - were going downhill fast (12 episode dramas people...it's the answer). Take that, with popular actors in RTKand the whole medical genre which is in right now and voila. So much of ratings success is all about who your competition is. That's nothing against RTK; I ended up dropping it after episode 4 but glad that it is working for people.


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Yay for RDTK and LOTBS! They both balance out my week. Will check out solomons perjury after my finals end.


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We Married as a Job - Episode 10 - 17.1%. Episode 11 on 20 December.

Doctor Kim had week competition and Night Light started 2 weeks later. The void created there was filled by Doctor Kim. And story is dramatic enough to entertain people. This reflects in ratings. Winner takes it all.

Father I'll take care of you - Marketing Team do something. It should be able to stand and compete with Gap Soon now.


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apologies for asking this here.. but
how come scarlet would cross 1000 comments every recap.. and goblin is playing with 200 odd..

I thought goblin was more unviersally accepted popular..

lol.. i know i participated in scarlet "talllllkkks" .. was it the frustrtion and literally 4 episdoe per week the main reason..

I guesss..


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Scarlet heart lacked in viewer ratings in korea but they had enormous international following. It probably had the most comments I've ever seen on a drama recap in dramabeans and I'm still not sure why tbh ^^''


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Actually, Healer had a LOT more comments.


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I thought goblin wud have reached the intnl base of scarlet.. and this seris.. i am yet to hear from someone who is not liking it..

that's why was wondering how come less comments


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can't compare to SH, the distribution machine for SH was incredibly strong with exceptional capital backing. including simulcast in quite a few countries and broadcasting licenses and partnerships made. moreover, SH was pre-produced for this very reason. Goblin is not pre-produced. Though GY is a strong draw, I believe LJK's international fandom is far wider and deeper.


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Scarlet Heart is also the remake of a popular Chinese drama (which in turn was an adaptation of a web novel), so there was already a ready-made viewer base.


@anya, @junny

Not too sure about LJK's fanbase, i believe for most they discovered LJK here.

And coffee prince is probably that one drama that almost every k drama viewer must have seen/heard about it..so GY must be a known name.. more so than the four flower boys from Almost paradise :P

Simulcast et- not sure how that plays a role (i'm sure it probably does as you pointed out.. i'm just not very clear on how).. because at the end of the day it is all about 1 hr episode adn talking about that 1 hr episode.. so pre-produced or not, its that 1 hr people r talking about..

I wonder if it is the actually literature. The story had enough characters to talk about, symbolisms to decipher, 2 versions of that 1 hr episode, and ofcourse the frustration of seeing a good thing go to waste because of carelessness of certain teams on the production..

Whatever, 2016 is rocking.. never ever have i watched dramas/binge watched on literally every day of the year.. ( started with cheese and r88.. and is ending strong on WLF, LOTBS, GOBLIN,hoping hwarang turns out nice, society game, a lot of new variety


I'd not credit LJK's fanbase for ML's hype. He actually was benefit from the show...
The whole cast is the reason many ifans care about the drama- idols like IU, SNSD, EXO have huge fanbase and young model actors have strong following to.
It was a drama that expected to do well internationally just with the cast


Goblin does not have a cast of popular hallyu or young idol stars (thank you casting directors). The main leads are combination of film actors (Gong Yoo and Kim Go-eun) and drama actors (Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Na). They are also over their 30s except for Kim Go-eun (25).

If Kim Eun-sook wanted Goblin geared towards the overseas markets I'm sure she would've cast accordingly.

What does number of comments have to do with a drama's popularity overseas? Healer, The King 2hearts etc were not mega hits overseas but the comments were over 1k+.


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Q is not whether comments affect popularity .. but how come populairty is not affecting comments..

Cheese in the trap was a phenomenon in itself (thnks to manga and PHJ's who beenfitted from YFAS). so KGE is well known internationally,

If gong yoo is not known, appreicated , loved internationally then i don't know who is.. coffee prince is the gateway to korean drama.. and then probably BoF happened and kind of became the other gateway..

LDK is popular.. and as it appears.. YIN has to be well known with nine and YFAS

and then content is good..

thus, how come less comments..


If a show is popular overseas it should have more comments? Why? Everyone have different preference and taste when it comes to dramas. Some likes to share their thoughts and some would rather watch the dang show and not get influenced by others comments.

I also think we don't have the same definition of hallyu. Yes some actors are known overseas but it doesn't mean that they are labelled as hallyu stars where much of their earnings comes from the overseas market.

Hallyu status changes almost every year. In China this year, Song Joong-ki is at the top of the list. Last year was Kim Soo-hyun. Who knows who next year's hallyu stars would be. Gong Yoo is currently getting a lot of CF offers. Don't know how much of it comes from the overseas market.


But still, their acting is unbearable to watch. It might be something to do with the writers. They are so self aware that I can't see them as a character.



It's lot to do with the writing. DotS was not Song Joong-ki best acting and Goblin does not highlight Kim Go-eun's acting chops.
I've seen better acting from all these actors before with the exception of City Hall which I think was Kim Eun-sook's best show.

She is not the best writer out there but she has done a lot in boosting these actors' career which is important for them. They'd get more CF offers, drama or movie roles etc.


Scarlet Heart might have been a hot mess but it was an addictive hot mess. On other sites just mentioning the drama brought more comments than I have ever seen and Dramabeans was no different (sorry, I don't remember checking DB out during the Healer days). Lee Joon Gi was already well known, but I also think this drama shot his fandom through the roof much like King and the Clown did back in the day. So addictive hot mess plus LJG as Wang So plus large cast and lots to talk about plus fans of the original plus airing internationally at the same time and there you have it.

That's just my take on it.


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You are right abt LJK benefitting from the drama..

and yes it was a mess but super addictive mess..

you do put the reasons out.. content was definitelyprovocative


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I think its cause MLSHR's content was in itself so controversial. If you looked at the comment section, it consisted basically of long threads of lengthy debates, and people agreeing and disagreeing respectively. I mean there was just so much to discuss about, like how it compared to the original, the actual history, fan theories, character analysation, interpretation, meta and what not. Plus, with the two versions and (forgive me for this) inconsistent writing, many different interpretations of the drama have formed, and thats where most of the debates and disagreements stem from. The drama itself is bipolar, and it yielded a bipolar response.

With like Goblin, let's say, there isn't much to argue about. Sure, there are a lot of things that can and is speculated, but no ones about to go on a heated debate about what that character meant when they said this or what was the writer's intent when they wrote it and did the director actually butch it up for us and we're supposed to understand it a different way? Even with DOTS, it was one of (if not) the most popular drama this year, and it didn't garner much comments on DB either cause there's nothing much to discuss about.


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oh please WFKBJ, rise! I always tell my friends to watch it. Beautiful story and ensemble.


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For me, RDK is like grey's Anatomy. I can't stop watching; it's so engaging in every aspect. It healed the burn left by beautiful mind'/ short ending. I don't know what I'm gonna do when it ends


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The writer of this post in addition to countless others strongly have negative criticisms antagonizing "Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim." However, you shouldn't criticize the beginning episodes. Although you may say that it doesn't fare in competition-wise, the screenwriter manages to grasp all aspects in her writing to formulate tension. With the tension evident in her vigorous sense of writing, the life-lessons prevail with the scarred protagonists. By episode 12 of this masterpiece, the romance is subtle for which the screenwriter is developing the characters; their change for the better of humanity once they are ready to learn the true meaning of love. In regards to the amazing performances by all of the cast, the romance is NOT highly emphasized even up till episode 12! I highly recommend "Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim" as the best drama, against all of its competitors. This drama is a masterpiece; one of a kind; providing life lessons through its patients. Therefore, this drama, you may say does not achieve up to your standards, forsakes all Korean medical dramas amidst your judgement. Please RDTK fans, muster up the courage to show that you aren't afraid to say, "I love 'Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim!'"


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Err i don't think there are many negative comments about RTDK. Although this drama may not really popular in this site, but there are still many people watching and enjoying this drama.


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RDTK is too makjang for me. I dropped it soon after the shouting/arguing/blood spreading became repeating lol.


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It's not for everyone but I do agree with you.


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RDTK is one of those drama that pushes all your top drama on the same category. It's solid base is not into hype....but just taking everything by heart. No dramatics needed to talk about it... personally I think because it tugs in the heart, not in a romantics sense, but humanly sense. The wiser appreciates it's artful masterpiece in silence.. then sits back and silently longs for the next episode to come. That's how solidly mature its fan base is.


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...pushes back...


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Anyone have watch the J-Dorama Solomon Perjury? Is it good? How was the first episodes of the K-version for anybody who has watch it?


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The Japanese version is a movie, I watched it but personally I didn't like it, it's two parts i only watched the first part.

Haven't watched the drama yet waiting for the subs.


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Bok-ju fighting! If only they can add my watching it raw and watching it subbed counts...


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You can live streaming for this drama, to help in the rating! ;)


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Which website can do live streaming?


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What site can we use to live stream dramas?


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Went awww when I saw Geum Bi get higher ratings. ;A;


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I'm wondering if it's possible for goblin to pass the 20% mark ? Go go goblin !


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I think it will not reach 20%, because it's been 11% for two weeks, maybe it will reach 13%.


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It has surpassed DOTS last week,it is a cable tv drama.


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Yeah, not really. Even if it's a cable drama, 12% isn't surpassing anything.


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But by industry standards, 1% Cable rating = 3-4% rating if it was aired on terrestrial television. Considering the ratings of Goblin, it will be 11% Cable rating 3 or 4, then, Goblin would have rated somewhere between 33-44% if it airs on terrestrial TV :)


Yeah, no. I don't think that's automatic at all. Not on tvn in that timeslot. It's like saying every 4-5% drama that airs there (which is the great majority of them lately) would be nearing 20% on the regular networks, and all be super hits, which is ridiculous. tvn has grown a lot and I don't think that equation actually fits much anymore. If anything I'd probably half the ratings. 4-5% on tvn is pretty much expected nowadays, not something to celebrate. So while Goblin is doing quite well, it's not breaking every record by any means.

Goblin needs to surpass Reply before anyone can talk about it surpassing DoTS or anything else. The ratings right now are also pretty stagnant.


And not the mention cable audience =/= normal broadcast network audience. Things that work on tvn might not work elsewhere and vice versa. You can't just say that a cable drama that hit 10% would hit 30-40% on KBS for example. Doesn't work that way.


Cable channels are not all on the same scale. A good rating for tvN would be over 5%, jTBC over 2%, OCN 1%, Dramax 1%, CGV 1% etc.
Obviously tvN has more subscribers than the other cable channels.

Public channels are free for all so it's much easier to judge a success of a drama when it reached a certain percentage.


Happy for Goblin and Romantic Teacher Kim but Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju DESERVES so much MORE!!!It's such an amazing drama!


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I'm so glad to see everybody here rooting for WFKBJ!!!

It's sucha good show!!



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Really trying to get into "Goblin," but signs are ominous for me...I had to read recaps of eps 1 & 2 to even remember what it was about and by ep 5, I fell asleep in the middle. I like the bromance and the Sunny/Reaper setup, but I find NO chemistry with the OTP.


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I agree. Everything in that show works for me except for the main romance


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WOW! 23+% ratings for Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim! So awesome!
I love watching this show every week. It warms my heart and gives me all the feelsssss. ^^

I'm looking forward to Hwarang, but I hope it won't take the top spot in the ratings. At least while RDTK is on. It probably won't, but I don't want it to be a flop either. ~10% ratings would be nice.


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Just watched the 1st episode of Solomon's Perjury. I like it. It's good. I can't wait to watch episode 2. Will DB recap it?


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Am I the only one who thinks Goblin isn't THAT interesting? If I can't complete this one, I may conclude my taste is never in line with the norm. Most of my favs are dramas with low ratings.

With Goblin, I'm really late in the game. I did a quick scan last week and thought it's receiving much love and raves. I took a really long time to finish 3 eps and it's got nothing to do with the episodes' length per se.

My problem isn't Kim Go Eun nor the age gap or the romance whatsoever. It just feels like nothing much really happens.

Even the bromance isn't working very well for me. I usually love bromance. It's good but it just isn't great. Gong Yoo and Lee Dong Wook can be funny but even the comedy feels contrived.


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Same. I am still watching and it is enjoyable to watch but it is not something spectacular. In fact, I am behind the latest two episodes.

However, imo comparing with this writer's past work, this drama probably the best that I've seen -maybe. The fantasy element is kinda unique, although actually not so much fantasy so far. I am probably watching more because of the casts, not the plot.

Maybe this plot probably works well if it is movie i.e fantasy movie.


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If it wasn't for the raves, I wouldn't have started based on my low opinion of the writer's works.

Beside the fact that she hasn't impressed me with any good stories, I especially dislike the way she writes her characters. So when I was watching Goblin, I found myself wondering if Shin had been acted by another actor, would I have found him compelling? Most probably no. I tried to imagine Lee Min Ho or Song Joong Ki(her previous muses), I think I'd probably dropped it at ep 1. Perhaps I need the maturity and real masculine charmers like Gong Yoo and Cha Seung Won to make it work.

Gong Yoo has also the ability to convey the pathos of the role. I feel the sadness and burden of the character which is largely unspoken but very apparent.

Lee Dong Wook is another heavyweight. Although I haven't like any of his recent work, I know he's a darn good actor.

You are right that the story would do better as a movie. If the story doesn't pick up, it will feel like 900 minutes instead of a 90 min


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Okay, so I'm not the only one. I actually like the production value and the moody tone of the drama. But after 1/2 way through episode 2, I've kind of watched in a lackluster manner. The longer episodes are killing me. I know that with fantasy stories it takes a certain # of episodes to set up the story (Arang for instance), and KES does cliffhangers very well but I eventually realize not alot is going on. Having said that this is one of favorite genres...I really love fusion and supernatural genres, and I am interested with how it is all going to pan out. I'm not up to date with this one, but please no more 80 or 90 minute episodes.


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Arang, unfortunately, never got going and went around and around in circles - delaying the "big reveal" - which ended up not being that big of a deal a all.

The best part of Arang was the first few eps, after that, it all went downhill.


No, I dropped it when ep 1 bored the hell out of me. Its mostly star power at work here.


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from episode 3-4 onwards there is nothing much happen though lol...
what did you expect from KES drama? it will mostly fluff... DOTS is abit better IMO. It was Pre produced drama which means there is time to make each scene flow more natural. At least there is some good scene and dialogue thanks to her assistant writers.


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Count me in!
I dont know why the drama have a good rating...


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I'm watching both Kim Bok Ju and LOTBS.
Glad I don't have to choose!!! Since I watch online of course and not Korean.

If driven to the wall, my choice might likely still be LOTBS - simply because I'm ahem shallow, seeing LMH (ugly sweaters or not) jealous and in denial on my tv screen makes me snug and warm on a cold winter day LOL

But KBJ is really warming my heart, it's sad they had to come up against the big drama. Unless LOTBS makes some bad choices in plot or dip in quality, i don't see them hitting above 6-7% which is sad because it deserves much more attention. I love love BJ performance and NJH is such a winner, they r just so adorable. I hope the drama won't be judged too harshly for the ratings since it's a tall order in the first place.

I'm watching goblin too - I love the banter and the overall theme of the show. Unfortunately I'm waiting for the romance to pick up for my liking. To a certain extent I do feel either poor KGE is badly casted or they need a time jump. I'm alright with the age difference, it's the cutesy that's driving me nuts. I don't see why Goblin after living for centuries won't fall in love quick with her - who acts like she's 12. I'm sure he's seen enough immature people in his lifetime ?
But reaper and sunny are cool.
and reaper - oh man the men in this show- it's delicious.


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Obviously I meant "...will fall in love quick" not won't

Shout out pls for LOTBS - is there an epilogue for ep10???? Why - is my link the only one without the epilogue or it's just this is the first episode WITHOUT an epilogue? (And how is that even fair!)


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What's the most underrated drama in 2016?

To me, it's Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo. Beautiful Mind was great too but it had a shaky start and flaws despite Jang Huk being phenomenal and all. WF on the other hand is almost perfect. Perhaps it's too early to conclude because there's another 3 more weeks to go.

I'm glad there's a place like Dramabeans where I can have a quick assessment of which shows to try. On my own, I'd have never picked up a drama like WF.


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Come Back Mister and Fantastic to me were both horribly underrated. I would put WFK in there as well depending on how it all goes though this one seems to be getting more international love than the other two.


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Ratings never matter for me becoz all my fav dramas didnt had the highest ratings but srsly had my heart that includes w ,i remember you,healer and now wf .......though signal and goblin have rated well so in love with these shows


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Is WFKBJ popular online in Korea? I can't really fathom why they have such low ratings T_T. LSK and NJH REALLY DESERVE recognition.

It was shot up into my top 3 favorite dramas of all time after the Ep. 10. Our lovely weightlifting fairy, HWAITING!~


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