2016 Year in Review, Part 1: The Bean Count

It’s Bean Count time! For those of you who missed its inaugural post last year, the Bean Count is a fun exercise for our staff, where we get to show our love for shows by giving them (imaginary, useless) beans, which we accrue by watching dramas. (Easiest game ever!) Each recapper earns a bean by watching a show in its entirety (or being current on a drama that’s ongoing), and then each person is free to bestow the beans on whatever shows they wish.

The Beanie Award Polls were for all of you to weigh in on your favorites of the year, and we’ll be putting out reviews from Team Dramabeans soon as part of our usual Year in Review series. Shows that get counted in this year’s reviews include those that started in late 2015 that got left out of last year’s reviews (such as Remember—Son’s War) and those that began before December and will have aired more than half of their broadcasts by the end of this year (Weightlifting Fairy, Legend of the Blue Sea). Shows that premiered this month, such as Goblin, will be included in next year’s series.

This year we are extra grateful to mary, our resident technical wizard, who turned our simple chart from last year into an interactive tool, which is clickable by recapper name and sortable by bean totals and by chronological order of show’s premiere. It’s pretty awesome! (If for whatever reason you can’t see the charts, here are unclickable versions: Beans and Pie.)

Feel free to play along and give out your imaginary beans as well! The only rules are that you must have watched every available episode of the show, and that it falls within the date parameters defined. Go forth and count, Beanies!

Bean Chart
Remember—Son's War1
Cheese in the Trap6
One More Happy Ending2
Five Kids2
Descended From the Sun15
Come Back, Ajusshi4
Marriage Contract8
Ms. Temper and Nam Jung-ki5
Master–God of Noodle1
Oh Hae-young Again31
Dear My Friends21
Mirror of the Witch8
Beautiful Gong Shim3
Police Unit 3812
Beautiful Mind12
The Good Wife7
Bring It On, Ghost2
W–Two Worlds25
Age of Youth21
Jealousy Incarnate26
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds21
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo3
Drinking Solo2
On the Way to the Airport2
Shopping King Louis10
The K23
Woman With a Suitcase2
1% of Anything5
The Man Living in Our House2
This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair17
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim3
Legend of the Blue Sea15
Weightlifting Fairy14
Oh My Geum-bi1


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wow wow wow.... I only managed to watch 3 dramas entirely (W,signal,DOTS) this year, i cant believe there are people completed more than 20 dramas.

I dropped countless dramas in the middle- not enough time and not engaging enough.
I'm currently watching goblin and 7 first kisses lmao ?


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Haven't commented in long while, but the sight of that pie chart made my ovaries shrivel. Ugh visual maths


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Why :(


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It's okay, mary, I love the pie chart! And your graph in general. :) I am the opposite of ttrain, I love graphs and charts.

They make my ovaries... stronger...? They definitely don't make them shrivel lol.


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Aww.. I think s/he meant she got scared of the maths which s/he perhaps used to hate at school! I am sure it was nothing against your graphics! :)


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Shows I watched until the end...:
*DotS (I was screaming so loud at the end... I was kinda traumatize from the ending so I gotten very picky of which drama to pick up and finish thereafter)
*UF (for KWB)
*W (started out promising but went downhill!)

and all my 4 beans go to JI - the BEST kdrama for me~
(I think if a drama is rewatchable again and again... that says something about it). <3


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Damn, it's that time of the year again!

This year I only got 7 beans compared to last year's 13.
Many pilots failed to captivate me unfortunately, though regardless this year I've encountered the best (Signal, duh) dramas in my entire life.

The honor goes to:
Cheese in the Trap 1
Signal 4
Moonlight Drawn by the Clouds 3

Patiently catching up with:
Age of Youth, The Good Wife, Oh Hae Young Again, Entourage, My Wife is Having an Affair, Romantic Doctor Kim and Legend of the Blue Sea. Amidst, the one I want to see the most is Goblin which I haven't started LOL. I guess I can't pull off all-nighters as easily as I used to. Sigh.


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I have 24 to give out.

Jealousy Incarnate 7
Cheese in the Trap 5
Moon Lovers 5
1% of Anything 3
Bring it on, Ghost 2
Fantastic 1
Legend of the Blue Sea 1 (so far)

I liked some of the other dramas but for the most part could take them or leave them. These were the ones I couldn't wait to see again the following week.


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I tried to watch Signal twice, but ended up giving on it both times. Should I give it another try since so many people are raving about it? =/


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Yes! Try again. Give it a good 5 episodes and if you still don't like it .. well .. I guess it's just not your genre of drama. I was hooked in at the first episode so I'm baffled that you struggled. But I guess it's just a matter of different strokes for different folks. Lower your expectations. Let us know how you go =]


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i watched
moorim school
bring it on ghost
my beans goes to,------


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If I read the dramabeans recap, and fastforward to the squees, am I deserving of some part of a bean?


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Idk if it's been shared yet, but supposedly this is the complete list of kdramas 2016



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21 beans so far.

When do I have to finish binging by? For new bend to count?


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A week later and I'm still at 21 beans. In case I don't gain anymore, I'm going to do my count now.

2 beans - Imaginary Cat, Lobster, SKL, Moonlight, DotS, Dramaworld

1 bean - PU38, JI, LR, 7 First Kisses, Drinking Solo, Doctors, OMHE, Page Turner, W2W

0 bean - R88, Madame Antoine, Moorim School, Entertainer, UF, C&4K

Not how I expected the beans to be distributed. I had 2 bean-worthy shows year round. Yay!

I'm watching 5 more dramas. I'll see if I finish in a week and a half. Lol


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1 bean - This Week, Go Ho's Starry Night, Choco Bank

0 bean - Man in Our House

Now I have an extra bean left. And IDK which show to give it to.


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Six Flying Dragons is the best Drama of 2016. Period. :)

Don't quit get why it doesn't get any love here :(


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While I'm inclined to agree with you, it's considered to be a 2015 drama since it started its run late last year even if it finished this year. Same with Answer Me 1988. I would feed all my 2015 beans to these 2 dramas.


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Yes, SFD is definitely the best show of the year for me as well (the screenwriting blows Signal out of the water). It's frustrating that it's not included since literally half of it did air this year.


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Based on this list http://wiki.d-addicts.com/List_of_Dramas_aired_in_Korea_by_Network_in_2016 I have 28 beans to give out. Alas, only K-dramas count or my number of beans would be much higher.

[I counted daily dramas but did not count anything that was more than half aired before January 2016.]

1 Age of Youth
2 Another Oh Hae Young
3 Beautiful Gong Shim
4 Cheese in the Trap
5 Cinderella and the Four Knights
6 Descendants of the Sun
7 Drinking Solo
8 Five Children
9 Gogh, The Starry Night
10 Jealousy Incarnate
11 Let’s Fight Ghost
12 Madame Antoine
13 Mirror of the Witch
14 Moonlight Drawn By Clouds
15 One More Happy Ending
16 One Percent of Anything
17 Person Who Gives Happiness [are we counting daily dramas?]
18 Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim
19 Second to Last Love
20 Shopping King Louie
21 The K2
22 The Man Living in Our House
23 This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair
24 Thumping Spike
25 Uncontrollably Fond
26 Wanted
27 Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
28 W: Two Worlds

Also watching Legend of the Blue Sea but I'm not totally caught up yet so I didn't count that.

Taking into account the way beans have been distributed by other beanies, my beans are distributed as follows:

This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair: 10
Descendants of the Sun: 4
Mirror of the Witch: 4
Five Children: 3 [solely because of Sang Min/Yeon Tae]
Uncontrollably Fond: 2
Shopping King Louie: 2
W: Two Worlds: 2
Cinderella and 4 Knights: 1

Honorable Mentions go to:

Person Who Gives Happiness
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju


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You gave This Week My Wife 10 beans? I would have done the same if only I had so many. For a show that did not attract many viewers or recappers it sure has done well by placing 8th on this chart.

On the other hand I am very very surprised to see that Uncontrollably Fond did not even get a mention.


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I am admittedly biased when it comes to dramas about adultery; I generally avoid them like the plague. A friend of mine talked me into watching Affair when it was about 1/3 through its run though and after that, I was hooked.

Though there are definitely characters that I absolutely hated [Joon Ki. That character was an awful human being. I could not wait for him to get off my screen!] but in general, this show was extremely well done in showing the different facets of the effects of an extramarital affair as well as both the strengths and shortcomings of an internet community. Having been part of a community that held a similar show of support for a member, I was pleasantly surprised that MWIHAATW managed to capture one of my favorite things about being part of an online community; the way people rally together to help one of their own.

I accidentally miscounted my beans at first and thought I had a few more to give out than I actually did but there was no way Affair was getting any less than 10 beans from me....so I took beans away from other shows instead. Any show that can take a subject matter that I actively avoid and make me impatient for each new episode, deserves at least 10 beans. I'm actually slightly upset that I couldn't give it more.

As for UF: as much as I wanted to hate that show for causing me so much pain, I still find myself tearing up as soon as "A Little Braver" starts playing or randomly remembering a scene I loved in the middle of the day. For that alone, it deserved at least one mention in my opinion.


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Ooops! Yoon-Ki*

How did I not catch that typo?!


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Oh, Signal. My absolute fave this year.


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Whatever happened to Our Gap-Soon? I don't see it on the list?


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Most of the DB staff aren't really ones for weekend dramas.


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There are other 2016 shows in our internal polling, but they don't show up in the chart. It doesn't display shows with 0 beans. Otherwise, the chart would be twice as long but also very empty near the end. XD

I tried watching eps1-2 of Gap-soon for Song Jae-rim, but couldn't stand his character for personal reasons. :( I heard Gap-dol is much better now but I can't muster the energy to catch up...


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Do like me I caught up on Laurel House Tailor and Gab Soon from ep 18. And missed the tedious beginning. The loveline should be going... I thought. It is still boring for both main leads. Gab Soon is terrible- I can't stand the lead couple at all.


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OK, so just for fun I made these two lists of the most favourite drama serie - the first one is the Bean Count, the second is the voting of us readers (up today of course). I chose to include just first 7 (if you ask why you can choose from the following answers: they are all above 5%, it is easier to compare, 7 is a lucky number ;--) )

2.Oh Hae-young Again
3.Jealousy Incarnate
4.W–Two Worlds
5.Dear My Friends
6.Age of Youth
7.Moonlight Drawn By Clouds

BA Favourite Drama:
2.W–Two Worlds
3.Moonlight Drawn By Clouds
4.Descended From the Sun
5.Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
6.Oh Hae-young Again
7.Jealousy Incarnate

Isn't it amazing that 5 of the drama series are in both lists? Another confirmation that Dramabeans is one big family :--)


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I must have watched/re-watched over 30 dramas this year, I'm too lazy to note them all

- The most beans to my favorite Moonlight Drawn By Clouds
- much beans to equally awesome W, Six Flying Dragons & Reply88
- several beans to Cheese In The Trap's first half, and to The Lonely Shining Goblin, which is just 4 episodes young but already GREAT
- couple beans of poignancy to the besutiful Airport & Han-river of OTWTTA

I caught up to so many non 2016 dramas, revisited several of my past favorite dramas, and also re-watched some of this year's favs. I wonder that I don't have permanent panda eyes! Drama watching this year was like Goblin popping pills last week in episode 4: "This one for mental breakdown (W), this for bipolar (Cheese), this one for insomnia (MDBC, SFD, Liar Game, Goblin)"

Except for me the dramas are the cause not the cure ha ha ha

Also Reaper's reason for chowing down on the same pills: "I have the same symptoms. I shed a tear after meeting a woman I'd never met before. What else could that mean?"

If we replace 'woman' with 'drama', then the dramas that made me cry after meeting them this year: SFD - crying while unaware just like Grim Reaper, Reply88 - ugly ugly sobs by the end, IOIL - crying again, Goblin - those ponds under my eyes.. absolutely Eun Tak's fault, MDBC - angry protective tears spilled like beads.

TL;DR: 2016 was awesome


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Another Oh Hae Young
Cheese in the Trap
Goblin 1
Legend of the Blue Sea 1
Mirror of the Witch
Moon Lovers
Moonlight 1
Nightmare Teacher
Reply 1988 2
Shopping King Louie 2
Signal 3
W 2

(not bean-counted)
Splish Splash Love
Page Turner

Not Dropped, Just Taking My Time to Finish
The Good Wife
Six Flying Dragons

Beautiful Gong Shim
Cinderella and Four Knights
Descendants of the Sun
Goodbye Mr Black
Imaginary Cat
Let's Fight Ghost
Lucky Romance
Master: God of Noodles
Moorim School
Oh My Venus
One More Happy Ending
One Percent of Anything
Please Come Back, Mister
The K2
The Man Living in Our House

Wow, didn't realise I dropped so many dramas. Urgh, I'm too picky. But I have too many things to watch. C-dramas and animes.

Legend of Chusen
Princess Weiyoung


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Undisputed SIGNAL was/is AWESOME - the best of the best for years, cannot wait for part 2... come on PD/Director/Station - you simply gotta - same cast and crew too!

Love it that no one can laugh about my love for K-dramas with this Signal drama - no amnesia, no 3rd wheel, no rich guy poor girl, no horrid mother in law, no 360 deg kiss, you know the drill - LOL

Something you can honestly recommend to anyone and feel proud ... as if I am Korean LOL


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I have 15 beans, most of which I gave to fluffy, light-hearted, feel-good dramas. I was happy to see Cheese in the Trap get beans because its trainwreck ending does not negate its cracktastic beginning. I gave one bean for the first six episodes of Moonlight Drawn By Clouds. I lost interest after the OTP got together and both of Ra On's parents being alive veered into WTF territory. In spite of that, I was stunned to see it lost to W–Two Worlds and Jealousy Incarnate, since it always felt like Moonlight Drawn By Clouds was more popular than the other two at home and abroad.

Shopping King Louis... 5
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju... 4
Legend of the Blue Sea... 2
W–Two Worlds... 2
Cheese in the Trap... 1
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds... 1


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where's Goblin anyway?


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im sorry i didn't read it thru before commenting (read: too excited)


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I guess I can only give beans to these dramas

1. Signal
2. Age of Youth
3. My Wife is Having An Affair This Week


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No beans for Laurel Tree Tailors


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I dropped a bunch this year, so of the completed dramas, I have a measly 13 beans to give! So hard to choose!

Age of Youth
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju 2
Squad 38 / Police Unit 38 2
Descendants of the Sun
Another Oh Hae Young
Jealousy Incarnate 4
Shopping King Louis 4
Lucky Romance 1
The Entertainer
1% of Anything
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds
Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart

Lucky Romance was crap with writing and plot, but I gotta throw a bean to my Ryu! He was everything in that drama. The run of Jealousy and Louis every Wed/Thur were my highlight of the year! I'm still dealing with the double whammy withdrawal.

Choosing not to throw any beans at Signal because everyone else has! Giving a couple to Weightlifting because it's filling the hole that JI and Louis left!


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Hello guys! How do I get those beans and how to contribute them? Where or which sites can I watch the dramas to get those beans? Help me please...thank you.


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I am not a fan of K-dramas but Another Miss Oh has struck me like no others before. It just engaged me from the very first moment. The drama is not everyone’s cup of tea, and I am also aware of its shortcomings. But to me, it portrayed and delivered romance the way I hardly see in K-dramas, which is so real and down to earth. I am totally related to the characters because they so much like the people in real life. The characters’ action and development could not be decided by viewers’ expectation but by what is most natural to them, and that making them so endearing to me. I still re-watch the show now, and it really amazes me how I could be heavily into a Korean drama like that.


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It's a pity Master: God of Noodles had such few viewers. I usually only watch rom-coms, but somehow ended up watching it, title not withstanding. It was way more than I bargained for. Intense, thrilling, suspenseful. The acting, the music, cinematography, the cliffhangers... some episode endings left me breathless, literally! And I'm the laid-back sort. I wish javabeans and others would watch and appreciate it the way I did. It's a beautiful earthy gem of a drama.


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Sorry guys, I'm really curious about the beans. Where I can get it and which sites do I need to watch the dramas so I could get the beans. Please tell me and thanks.


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Hi @Mimi these are just imaginary beans! So basically you get one bean for a new drama that u finished watching this year (Note- the drama should have aired this year and not have been an old drama). And then u redistribute those beans to the dramas u loved more.

You can watch these drama on many sites such as- myasiantv.se, kissasian, hdfree.se, etc.

I am guessing you are new to kdramas so just google "best kdramas to watch" or look at the ratings page of dramabeans for good dramas.


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Thanks for answering Mimi so well, @ObsessedMuch :)


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@ObssesedMuch, thanks for the info. Yes, you're right. I'm new in kdrama and the dramabeans poll.I have watched two completed kdrama for this year and I really want to distribute those beans for those dramas because I love them so much. I'm really picky in watching drama but the dramas that i've watched really caught my attention.


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Finally, I spent all my nights and weekends for a few weeks marathoned to watch the kdrama 2016. I have watched six dramas so I have 6 beans ( I hope I'm not wrong, this game is new to me )
1. Doctors
2. Descendants of the sun
3. Love in the moonlight
4. Sweet stranger and me
5. Jealousy incarnate
6. On the way to the airport

Some of the dramas were been recommended by my friends due to their popularities. Each of the dramas had their own strenght and flaws, mostly depends on one's cup of tea.But the drama that really captivated my heart is JI. This drama is so unique and wacky but it is fun to watch. It makes me cry and laugh so hard. Everything is so nice to watch. So, I will gives all my 6 precious beans to Jealousy incarnate.
*Jealousy Incarnate : 6


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The final number always surprises me when I reflect back and tally up how many kdramas I've watched (and hopefully completed) during the course of a year. For 2016, I have 34 beans to dole out. So here goes...

1) Remember-Son's War
2) Cheese in the Trap - 1
3) One More Happy Ending
4) All’s Well with a Happy Home (aka Happy Home)
5) Signal - 3
6) Descended From the Sun
7) Come Back Ahjussi - 1
8) Memory - 2
9) Ms. Temper & Nam Jung-Gi - 3
10) Neighborhood Hero
11) Vampire Detective
12) Oh Hae-Young Again
13) Lucky Romance
14) Dear My Friends - 1
15) Mirror of the Witch - 3
16) Mrs. Cop 2
17) Beautiful Gong Shim - 1
18) 38 Task Force/Squad 38 - 2
19) Beautiful Mind - 1
20) The Good Wife - 1
21) Uncontrollably Fond
22) W - Two Worlds - 2
23) Wanted
24) Age of Youth - 1
25) Jealousy Incarnate - 1
26) Moonlight Drawn By Clouds - 1
27) Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - 2
28) Fantastic
29) Drinking Solo - 1
30) On the Way to the Airport - 1
31) Shopping King Louie - 1
32) 1% of Anything - 1
33) My Wife’s Having an Affair this Week - 1
34) The Legend of the Blue Sea - 3

Wish I had a few more extra beans to allocate to some of the dramas that received just 1 bean from me...like Come Back Ahjussi, The Good Wife, Drinking Solo, and Cheese in the Trap.

Also watched/completed Splish Splash Love, Imaginary Cat and Oh My Venus. Those last two dramas, IC & OMV, both premiered in 2015 and ended in 2016.


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I'm only able to watch these few dramas this year. And the beans goes to,
* come back mister
* entertainer
* wanted
* jealousy incarnate~5
* legend of the blue sea
I wanted to give my bean to LOTBS but I need to watch the ending, so mianhe...


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