1% of Anything: Episode 10

Trouble starts to brew as our couple is hit by misunderstanding after misunderstanding; most issues are neither Da-hyun nor Jae-in’s fault initially, but an unwillingness to take action just exacerbates the problem. Making it worse is the fact that they’re still very much in a business relationship while having very real feelings for each other, so at some point, they’ve got to wonder whether all this trouble is worth it.

EPISODE 10: “Love-Hate: Should I spare them?”

Jae-in and Da-hyun both return to their own homes, but as they settle in, something just seems different. They lie awake at night, wordlessly thinking of one another.

The next day, Jae-in demands that Da-hyun come to the hotel today since he went to her school last time. Da-hyun jokes that she’s going to bring a massive sign with his name on it, and Jae-in chuckles that he’d be fine with that.

Later, as Jae-in escorts his adoptive mother out of the hotel, she mentions that she heard about his dating arrangement from Grandpa. She comments that it must be fun, but reminds Jae-in not to fall too hard for Da-hyun, adding that Jae-in isn’t in a position where he can just marry anyone.

Nodding, Jae-in assures his mother that he already knows he can’t marry Da-hyun and sighs as he sends his mom away.

He finds Da-hyun waiting for him in the hotel lobby, and cheekily asks where her sign is. He tells her that he needs a few minutes before he can leave and asks her to go upstairs with him, but Da-hyun refuses, worrying that Jae-in will have rumors swirling about if she’s seen with him.

She agrees to just stay in the hotel lobby for now, and from afar, Tae-ha’s mother notices the couple. When Jae-in leaves, she takes her chance to strike, haughtily introducing herself as Jae-in’s aunt to Da-hyun. Da-hyun nervously greets her.

Meanwhile, Jae-in assigns loads of work to his employees as usual before heading out to meet Da-hyun. When the elevator takes too long, he rushes down the stairs instead, clearly in a rush to get back to her.

In the lobby, Tae-ha’s mother starts to interrogate Da-hyun, confirming that she and Jae-in were introduced through Grandpa. Tae-ha’s mother starts to ask if Grandpa had mentioned anything about Tae-ha, but just when Da-hyun starts to ask for clarification on who Tae-ha is, Jae-in interrupts.

When he asks his aunt what she’s doing here, she indignantly asks if she’s not allowed to even chat with a guest. Jae-in icily suggests that his aunt leave while a clueless Da-hyun tugs on his sleeve, wondering why he’s being so rude.

Clenching her fist, Tae-ha’s mother grits her teeth and tells Da-hyun that they can chat again at a later time. Da-hyun hesitantly agrees to do so, and Tae-ha’s mother struts off in annoyance.

Thinking that Jae-in’s just being his usual immature self, Da-hyun smacks him on the arm for being so rude to an elder. Jae-in simply responds that he gives the same treatment that he receives. He asks Da-hyun what his aunt had started talking to her about, but is satisfied when he hears that he interrupted the conversation before it could go anywhere.

Da-hyun brings Jae-in to a local restaurant for lunch, but just as they start to enjoy their meal, his phone starts to ring. Jae-in quickly switches it off to vibrate, but Da-hyun looks at him with pity, wondering how he can be so busy that he barely even has time to eat. Jae-in smiles to see her concern for him, but he reassures her that he’s not always this busy.

Suddenly, Da-hyun recalls her conversation with his aunt earlier and asks Jae-in curiously, “Who’s Tae-ha?” Jae-in looks up, alert, and asks if his aunt mentioned something about Tae-ha.

Clocking his reaction, Da-hyun cautiously denies it, saying that she just remembered Jae-in mentioning the name Tae-ha last time. Jae-in answers that Tae-ha is his cousin, and a dark expression crosses his face.

He warns Da-hyun that if she ever meets Tae-ha, she must ignore him no matter what and let him know of it right away. Da-hyun points out that she doesn’t even know what Tae-ha looks like, but assures Jae-in that she’ll never meet with him anyway.

As they leave the restaurant, Jae-in apologizes to Da-hyun for being unable to drive her back home. She tells him that it’s fine, and that she’s planning to take a cab to Hyun-jin’s store anyway. He strokes her head adoringly and pinches her cheek before taking his leave.

As Da-hyun is browsing the shoes at Hyun-jin’s store, she runs into Joo-hee, who comments snidely that Da-hyun seems to be lasting longer than Jae-in’s other flings. Joo-hee makes a point of telling Da-hyun that Jae-in hasn’t dated anyone for longer than six months, adding that it’s because his wife is already predetermined.

With fake concern, Joo-hee asks if Da-hyun had been entertaining thoughts of marriage with Jae-in and tells her, “I’m warning you now, for your own sake. Don’t fall too hard for Jae-in.”

Da-hyun scoffs, and responds that no one can predict what will happen to two people who are dating. She tells Joo-hee that they’ll be perfectly fine taking care of their relationship on their own and turns away from Joo-hee to try on a pair of glimmering silver heels.

Da-hyun tells the sales-worker that the silver heels are a bit uncomfortable, and as she tries on a more casual pair of shoes, Joo-hee sneers that for Da-hyun, Jae-in is just like the silver heels – neither of them fit her.

Hearing that gives Da-hyun a temporary pause, but she sits right up and looks Joo-hee in the eye. “Jae-in is a lot more comfortable to be with than you’d think,” Da-hyun says, “but it’s not like you’d know anything about that.” Da-hyun adds that shoes are like that, too — you have to try them before you know if they fit. Joo-hee can only glare in return.

As Da-hyun marches down the street outside though, her confident demeanor from before is replaced by angry jealousy, and it seems like she’s not as unaffected by Joo-hee’s comments as she had pretended to be. She doesn’t pick up a call from Jae-in, and that just makes him worry about her getting lost again.

At Da-hyun’s house, Hyun-jin has been filled in on all the latest news about Joo-hee, and she wonders who Joo-hee could be. The conversation is interrupted by a call from Jae-in, but Da-hyun just pouts that there’s no way she’s picking up — Jae-in needs to be punished for things to be fair and square.

Suddenly, she sits up and remembers that there’s a way for her to be extremely fair and square about this. She picks up Jae-in’s call, and when he asks why she didn’t pick up before, she just tells him that she had a lot of things to think about.

He asks what she’s upset about, arguing that she’s not the type to be mad over something like him not driving her home. But Da-hyun just pettily answers that she is very mad about that before hanging up on him.

She sighs that she would’ve never run into that nasty woman if Jae-in had driven her home, and reminds herself that it’s not worth it to get so worked up over Jae-in. She wonders if he wanted to date for six months because she’s just like all the other girls he dated, and tries to convince herself that she didn’t plan on having a long-term relationship anyway.

At that moment, she receives a call, and she excitedly shuffles over to the phone she previously flung to pick it up. Her face falls a little when she see the caller ID though, and it turns out that it’s just Ji-soo. Meanwhile, Jae-in does actually call Da-hyun back, but he gets sent to voicemail since Da-hyun’s currently on the line with Ji-soo.

Da-hyun attends Ji-soo’s performance at SH Mall, thoroughly delighted by his beautiful singing. She’s not the only one, though, and a young lady standing next to her seems positively smitten with Ji-soo. This young lady is Jae-in’s sister Soo-jung, and it appears that she has come to Korea on her own — even going to the extent of lying to her mom back in the States.

After the performance, Ji-soo and Da-hyun run into Tae-ha, who she recognizes from the lost-child incident last time. She explains that she’s Ji-soo’s fan-club president/guardian-of-sorts, and Tae-ha introduces himself as SH Mall’s public relations department manager.

Da-hyun thanks Tae-ha for inviting Ji-soo to perform today, and she even finagles a deal so that Ji-soo can perform at another SH Mall event. Tae-ha readily agrees, and both Da-hyun and Ji-soo are beyond grateful for the opportunity.

As Tae-ha walks around SH Mall, he runs into his father and notes that he’s been coming around the mall pretty often. Tae-ha’s father dismissively responds that he just has a lot of time and ambition because he’s an old man, and urges Tae-ha to get back to his own work.

At night, Jae-in waits for Da-hyun in front of her apartment, ready to talk, but she only greets him briefly before rushing inside her house. She stands behind the door with her arms folded as Jae-in knocks, asking her to let him in his best sing-song voice. Ha.

Da-hyun eventually opens the door, and as soon as Jae-in gets inside, he sits her down and demands to know what’s going on with her. He points out that he won’t be able to resolve the problem if he doesn’t even know what the problem is, but Da-hyun only asks about all the women he’s dated. Does he have a rule of dating them for at least a month, but no more than six?

Confused, Jae-in asks if Da-hyun’s actually jealous or just testing him, and she replies that she’s testing him. She tells him that he’d better not be cheating on her, but Jae-in reminds her that he’s busy enough dating her as it is — when would he have the time to date someone else?

He tells her to just call him instead of imagining this nonsense on her own, and starts bringing up his own grievances — why doesn’t Da-hyun pick up his calls? Why is he always the one to call her first? Da-hyun mutters that she’s busy, and knowing that she doesn’t really have a point, she huffily gets up from the seat as Jae-in responds that he’s much busier than she is.

It seems that they’ve somewhat made up though, and before Jae-in goes inside his car, he looks up to Da-hyun at the top of her rooftop apartment and waves cutely. She turns away at first, still petulant, but smiles when she sees him wave a second time. She gives in, waving back — and with that, Jae-in drives off.

The next day, she gets an urgent call from Hyun-jin, who tells her to look up the news. Hyun-jin threatens that she’s going to kill Jae-in, and a confused Da-hyun immediately checks the news.

What she reads has her in shock — the articles are all reporting that Jae-in and Joo-hee have plans to get married. Hurt flickering in her eyes, Da-hyun tells Hyun-jin that she’ll be the one to kill Jae-in.

Jae-in gets the same call from Lawyer Park while he’s on the road, and Lawyer Park just tells him to check the news as soon as he gets into the office. Lawyer Park sighs as he reads the article describing Jae-in and Joo-hee as the new power couple of the financial world.

At home, Da-hyun bitterly wonders how Jae-in has the audacity to get engaged right in front of her face.

Meanwhile, Jae-in’s office is flooded with phone calls, and Employee Kang stops him from picking them up before he reads the news. Jae-in’s shocked when he reads the articles, asking indignantly why he would be engaged to Joo-hee in the first place.

He tells Employee Kang to release a statement letting everyone know that the rumors are false. They agree that this issue needs to be handled by the main branch, and just then, Jae-in gets a call from the secretary of SH Group. Jae-in explains that everything is false and says that he will look into who started the rumors, asking the main branch to deal with the media in the meantime.

Jae-in makes frantic phone calls to Da-hyun, hoping to have a chance to explain everything, but she doesn’t pick up. At school, Da-hyun puts on a cheery façade for her students, though it’s clear the news is weighing heavily on her.

Jae-in runs into Joo-hee at the hotel lobby, where she calls out to him. He reprimands her for even being here when she knows what the situation is, and she responds that the situation isn’t that bad.

When Jae-in tells her that she’s really the worst of the worst, she egotistically says that she’s the one who saved him from marrying her last time, so he owes her at least this much. Unfazed, Jae-in tells her that he doesn’t owe her anything — she was just as opposed to that marriage as he was back then.

Concerned that rumors will spread if they’re seen having a conversation in public, Jae-in brings Joo-hee to a conference room and demands that she release a statement relaying the truth to the media.

Joo-hee asks why they can’t get married, and confesses that she’s in love with Jae-in. He scoffs to hear that, and asks if she would still love him if he weren’t in line to inherit SH Group. He clarifies that she loves SH Group, not him, just like she did three years ago.

Joo-hee admits that she wants control over SH Group, but says that she wants Jae-in, too. Jae-in retorts that he’s not her toy, and he’s not about to let her manipulate him any way she wants.

He adds that he doesn’t want Joo-hee to call his name anymore, but since there’s no nickname for her to call him by, he wants her to just stop calling him entirely.

Aggrieved, Joo-hee threatens to be as vicious and ruthless as Jae-in, and he closes in on her, daring her to go through with her threats. He says he’ll pretend not to hear what she just said, and as Jae-in walks out of the conference room, Joo-hee follows closely behind.

Just as they’re leaving, Jae-in runs into Hyun-jin’s brother, Sun-woo, who glares to see Jae-in with Joo-hee. Sun-woo comments sarcastically that Jae-in must really be a skilled player, and Jae-in has nothing to say as Sun-woo walks away.

At school, Da-hyun still refuses to pick up Jae-in’s calls, so Jae-in just misses her when he gets to her school.

He manages to catch her as she’s making her way home, and they relocate to a playground nearby. He starts to tell her not to watch the news or go online for the time being, but Da-hyun just says it’s too late — she’s already done both those things.

Jae-in curses, and Da-hyun snaps that he really has no redeeming qualities at all — he curses all the time, and he goes off to get engaged with some other woman on his own. Jae-in insists that he didn’t get engaged, but Da-hyun just angrily pulls out the contract and points to the clause that says they’re not allowed to cheat on each other.

Jae-in yells that it’s not like that, and Da-hyun asks if he wants to see the screenshot that she took of the news article. She asks why he’s getting upset when he’s the one in the wrong, and Jae-in softens his tone, asking if Da-hyun really thinks he’s the kind of person to get engaged while he’s dating her. Da-hyun turns away and bites her lip; conflicted, she tells him that she’s not sure anymore.

Jae-in drives Da-hyun back home and asks her to just ignore anything that doesn’t come from his own mouth, begging her to just trust him. Da-hyun protests that he has to do things that make her believe in him, all while mumbling that she doesn’t know what’s gotten into her.

She says that the contract period will be over soon anyway, and then it won’t even matter to her that he’s engaged to that woman. At that, Jae-in just pulls her in for a long hug, telling her not to get ahead of herself.

Jae-in promises not to hurt her until the contract period is over, and asks Da-hyun to please pick up his calls from now on. She laughs and tells him to get home safe. From above, Hyun-jin is giddily watching the two lovebirds, just waiting for Da-hyun to get upstairs so she can tease her about it.

Da-hyun hesitatingly tells Hyun-jin that she’s developed a type of love-hate for Jae-in as she asks her friend what to do. Hyun-jin advises Da-hyun to date as passionately as possible in the time that she has left so that there are no remaining regrets.

Da-hyun asks what she’ll do if she can’t bear to break up with him afterward, and Hyun-jin wonders if Da-hyun is worried about breaking up with him, or if she’s worried about not breaking up with him.

Hyun-jin tells Da-hyun that there’s no need to worry about the future so much — and besides, breaking up with someone isn’t really a big deal. “Out of sight, out of mind,” she says reassuringly.

Da-hyun thinks it would be nice if things were to turn out like that, and Hyun-jin pulls Da-hyun in for a hug, patting her back comfortingly.

In the car, Jae-in thinks back to his conversation with Da-hyun just earlier, when she had said that the contract period would be over soon anyway. He smacks his steering wheel in frustration.

At the hotel the next day, Employee Kang reports to Jae-in that the journalist who reported the news refuses to give up the source. Fearing that there was some kind of stock manipulation in play, Jae-in tells Employee Kang to keep an eye out on the price shares of Hanjoo Chemicals, Joo-hee’s family company.

At home, Da-hyun looks over her calendar, and Hyun-jin comments that it must be difficult to date on such a fixed schedule. Hyun-jin notes that Jae-in would probably come running if he heard that Da-hyun was planning on seeing Ji-soo, and Da-hyun slyly grins as she says that’s why she hasn’t told him.

At the orphanage, Ji-soo is mesmerizing everyone with his voice again, and as soon as he finishes his performance, all the children run over to him for a big group hug. The orphanage director shows up with Tae-ha in tow, and Da-hyun is plenty surprised to see him.

Tae-ha explains that SH Mall has been looking into doing philanthropic work lately, and he thought that the orphanage would be a great start. The orphanage director mentions that he’s even providing scholarships, prompting Da-hyun to earnestly thank Tae-ha.

Noticing the time, the orphanage director suggests that Da-hyun should get going soon since the trip back home takes her so long. Tae-ha offers to drive her back, and although Da-hyun politely refuses at first, the orphanage director insists that they go together.

In the car, Da-hyun gets a phone call from Jae-in, who asks where she is. She whispers into the phone that she’s on her way home from the orphanage and quickly hangs up when he offers to take her home.

Tae-ha comments that the phone call must’ve been from the boyfriend that she mentioned last time, and Da-hyun nods. Tae-ha asks if she had plans to marry him, and her shocked expression has him immediately apologizing for asking such a personal question. Da-hyun tells him that it’s fine, and explains that she and her boyfriend are just dating for now.

Da-hyun suggests that he just stop somewhere in her neighborhood, but Tae-ha insists on taking her to the front of her house. When Tae-ha pulls up in front of Da-hyun’s house, Jae-in is already parked in her driveway waiting for her.

Stunned to see Da-hyun and Tae-ha coming out of the car together, Jae-in approaches the two of them and calls out to Da-hyun. She turns around in surprise, and Jae-in’s eyes narrow when he confirms that she was with Tae-ha this whole time.


I’ve held off talking about Joo-hee for a while now, but her obnoxiously entitled attitude really shone through in this episode, and I wouldn’t put it past her to have been the one who released the engagement news in the first place.

I’m not sure why she keeps chasing after Jae-in when he’s told her time and time again that he has zero interest in her, and it makes me wonder if she’s oblivious to his palpable disgust for her, or if she’s just choosing to ignore it. How can she possibly expect to be happy with Jae-in if he outright despises her?

Her threat to start being vicious was so outlandish — does she think that what she’s been doing can be considered as playing nice, especially when she went out of her way to “warn” Da-hyun at Hyun-jin’s clothing store?

I can’t imagine why Joo-hee thinks that she’s in love with Jae-in when all she does is ignore his feelings and offer up her family’s money. It’s insulting that she thinks she can buy Jae-in’s feelings with her wealth, and her idea of love is so warped that I wish I had a better understanding of why she supposedly loves Jae-in all of a sudden.

Then again, I’m not sure I want her to have any more screen time than she already has now. If Joo-hee does have to show up, then at least let there be scenes full of moments when Da-hyun knocks her down a peg or two.

Speaking of Da-hyun, though, I’m a little disappointed that she hasn’t been handling the situation with Joo-hee more maturely. I understand that it’s natural to be jealous, but it’s so unfair that Jae-in has to take all the blame for Joo-hee’s actions, especially when he probably hates Joo-hee more than Da-hyun does.

Da-hyun’s refusal to pick her phone all episode was just extremely petty on her part, because she didn’t even give Jae-in a chance to explain. While I understand that she may not completely trust what Jae-in says — especially given that he’s not really doing a great job of convincing her — I wish she would at least let him try to explain before continuously ignoring his calls.

If his explanation is unbelievable or unreasonable, then it makes sense to give him the silent treatment, but she really needs to give him an opportunity to explain in case everything is just a misunderstanding.

Jae-in, on the other hand, has matured so much since the beginning of the show. I think he needs to give Da-hyun something a little more convincing to go on than just “Believe me and only me,” but it’s obvious how seriously he’s taking this relationship in constantly calling her just to clarify things.

Their contract period might be over in just a month or so, but that doesn’t mean Jae-in’s willing to let their relationship spiral downward just because everything is almost finished. In fact, he’s working harder and harder to maintain their relationship, and it makes me wonder how Jae-in thinks he’s going to be able to break up with Da-hyun if he’s this devoted right now.

That being said, it was a little disheartening to see Jae-in acquiesce so easily when his mother told him that he wasn’t allowed to marry Da-hyun; he had been so forthright with his affection for Da-hyun that I imagined he would fight harder for their relationship.

It makes it a lot harder for Da-hyun to believe in him when he promises never to hurt her… and then adds the contract’s looming deadline to that promise. I understand that his future isn’t under his control, and that he’s trying not to make some grand promise that he can’t fulfill in order to prevent Da-hyun from getting even more hurt later on, but I hate the fact that he’s not even really trying to fight it at this point.

Perhaps he knows that the fight would be useless, but in the slim chance that he comes out victorious, can’t he try and just hope? I would like to think that his relationship with Da-hyun is not just something that he can easily give up, and I’m waiting to see how he’ll take action to save their relationship.

Meanwhile, let’s just hope that Tae-ha doesn’t manage to swoop in and steal Da-hyun’s affections through his connection to Ji-soo. I’m still not entirely sure where Tae-ha lies on a morality scale, but for the time being, it seems that he’s not totally in cahoots with his father. Am I expecting too much when I hope that Tae-ha doesn’t turn out to be as bad of a guy as we initially thought?


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Every time Tae-ha comes on screen he looks like he's plotting to burn a hole in someone's shoe. Lol.

Also, I've been curious about how much Jae-In actually knows that he likes Da-HYun. It looks like a very conscious decision, but he's been very held-back in stating his feelings or deciding a future with her. Is that just due to his complicated family or self-unawareness?


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I think he is afraid, he hasn't built up the courage,
what if he likes her because she is nice and is the kindness is her real feeling to him as a lover?or just playing her part, even with the jealousy , is this an attraction of just possessiveness because they've been all around each other in months but it because of contract,

Da hyun always brings up the contract and he probably thought that her affection is because the contract and it's not gonna last longer,
will it work in normal dating ??

Dahyun is generally nice and that's not a stretch to think that she plays along because of the contract and enjoy the moment while it last (until the contract is over)

then they have the family issue, his mum's that wants the chaebol/noble family in law and her family that don't want a chaebol son in law,

so TLDR; imo he is not sure about his feeling as love and attraction or just a respond because she treats him good, also if the kindness she gives come from that special feeling, the love that for him only


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DH has been more expressive about her feelings be it be drunken confession or mad jealousy over Ji-soo.

Although he is shown to be a dominating character, he has no control over his life's decisions and that is frustrating for him.

He probably needs a little shocker to get out of this slumber and take a stand.


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Well in the original it was him that got shocked with extreme jealousy, not Dada, so I expect that's about to shake him out of the slumber. I hope so, I kind of enjoyed that part of the original.


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I think it's kinda similar to being afraid of losing all your friends once you graduate; when you realize that a major part of your friendship was the proximity you shared. Once that's gone and you don't have an excuse to see each other everyday, will it hold up? I think that's what Jae In must be feeling right now.

The contract has become a convenience to the both of them because it gives them the excuse to have an almost 100% real relationship with the safety net of being able to claim that it was all obligatory in case it backfires.

They're not ready to let go of their contract relationship yet, but they're not ready to dive into the deep end of a real relationship either, because then the consequences are real too.


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yeah, you nailed it! ^ ^
the contract is convenient to spend time together but it nearing its ends and they are not ready for all the things after that.

I know that graduation friend feeling, it's complicated, what if they just tolerate me and I am not that good of a person?
that thought can drive me crazy

thank you for a great analogy,


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I think your post is brilliant, it helped me realize something very important about Jae-In. With the contract in place he has exclusive rights to DaDa. Please excuse the terminology, she is a person not property. This line helps me make my point faster, so please forgive me. He also must realize what a special person she is. When the contract ends, she can go back to freely dating. Her mother will be constantly sending her on blind dates. She is too precious to be single for very long. DaDa could easily find someone better suited to her than him. Not because they are better than him, but because they do not have his baggage. In the past, his ego would have never allowed such a thought. Couple that with the knowledge that DaDa's parents do not want a rich son-in-law, DaDa's apartment was broken into because of him and the bogus engagement announcement really hurt her. He must also realize that the chances of him finding another woman like her are zero. The constraints of the contract give him a tremendous advantage. The contract guarantees face-to-face contact, frequent phone calls and texts, and a vehicle to resolve misunderstandings. Jae-In must be asking himself if a post-contract DaDa is going to really want to have a relationship with him? And for how long?


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Gr8 analysis. JI is too insecure abt Dada slipping away from him


Love you analysis @aranea -

And this is why what the writer has set up works so well. At first, the story is really about these two people dealing with this private relationship with each other, but now it is becoming about them struggling against:

- The fact that they really are not well-matched socially (His chaebol family and their chaebol expectations and her parents who don't want a wealthy son-in-law).

- Society at large - How Dada will adapt to the press and the spotlight Jae-In lives in?

- Jae-In's toxic family situation with his cousin

- Are these two really strong enough as a couple to overcome their differences?

- The pressure of other companies trying to use Jae-In's marriage to secure an alliance (as in the case of Ji-Soo).

- How will Jae-In protect Dada from the people who want to hurt him and his company?

I love how the writer naturally moves us into that territory once the relationship starts becoming a real one (since that means that their real love will have consequences for themselves and others).

Sadly, I did feel tgat Dada was very immature in this episode. Hopefully, that will change, soon.


DaDa is dealing with different post-contract issues than Jae-In. I believe she is totally sincere about finding a husband who is not too poor, but not too rich. If I remember correctly, her mother actually stated that. DaDa has her mother's same attitude on this matter. Unfortunately, she has developed feelings for a wealthy man despite his riches. Couple that, with her tacky style and modest income and she does not see why Jae-In would continue their relationship after the contract expires. She may not be trying to become wealthy and posh, but she is aware of the elevated status of those who are. I believe she knows that Jae-In has deeper feelings for her than can be attributed to a contract, but does not understand why he has them. As a person who has always had a stable, loving family she does not understand loneliness and abandonment. She has the power to cure his loneliness and fix his abandonment issues. DaDa has the power to make Jae-In a better person by repairing his damaged heart. My guess is that makes her kind of important to Jae-In. What do you think?


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I think your insight is right :)

I also think that Jae In needs Dada more than she needs him but when it comes to love, the question of who needs who more should not arise.


@aranea -

Yes, I agree. She feels like her mom does about marrying above her status, and yes, she must be very important to Jae-In, in a way that she can't comprehend because she has always been loved.


@ET, Mermaid Scribbler -
Thanks for the positive feedback.

when it comes to love, the question of who needs who more should not arise.

BRAVO! that is a very power statement.


@Sancheezy... TLDR?

:) Thanks!


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I think Jae In has suppressed his feelings especially that of love for too long a time. It's his way of coping having been abandoned by his parents and living as a substitute son of his adoptive mom. His dating history is also pretty much dysfunctional. If women tolerated him, it was just for his wealth and status.

Rather than not knowing if he likes Da Hyun, it could be more of protecting himself from hurt if she does not reciprocate(since she mentions contract end more times than he did).


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it hurt to be left alone again and again, it makes you really want to make sure that you never lost something when you decide to have it (the relationship) but then it isn't entirely on you.

I think some part of the drama resemble many things that are present in ever day life and I personally like how the drama did that so far.


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I agree with you. He's put up a wall to not let anyone breakthrough it.


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So cute!


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duplicate the comment system is activated

So cute!


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With all of this, it seems like it's really 1% of something to make them together cause they need to convince everybody including themselves about this relationship, except grandpa (he started it all)

What Dada did was petty but like how the show managed to make the problem bigger just by the sequence of miss timing in every day life and let her give up at the end.

Then it funny how Tae Ha managed to be there easily, he helps Jisoo and make his way into Dada's life normally unlike Jae In.
This is a complicated situation if Dada know that Jae In removes the part when they (the cousin) can take turn for the chance (this sounds really bad) and this contract feels like a reality's wall to avoid them to acknowledging that their feeling is genuine.


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Am I the only one who thinks that the show is getting more and more boring? Tbh, I thought the show lost steam right after episode 2. There's really not a lot going on.


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I think most of viewers find the show more and more exciting after the initial episodes. So you are in the minority but that's okay. Different strokes for different folks :)

There is no big grand plot here or convoluted twists. However, this drama excels in making viewers' hearts flutter and heads swoon with all the small gestures and everyday things that couple do.


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it's like a nice romance part in a weekend drama that moulds into one episode and one series so we don't need to deal with the other frustrating plot they usually happen (the makjang, birth secret and cheating pert)

as the example:
the sang min love line in five kids compiled into one episode,
the 2nd sister in the office love line in Happy Home


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I can see the chemistry but I'm not awed by it. My heart doesn't flutter, my head doesn't swoon... It's just toooo fluffy. It's good for a light watch, but after finishing one episode I'll always feel that I could've spent my time on something way better. Or maybe I'm just in makjang mood ;D


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Yeah, I agree with choosing drama genre at times to suit the mood. Although I live in a place which has no seasons, it does get wetter and darker around this time of the year. If there's a nice romantic or melodrama set in winter, I might be inclined towards it.


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This one is another overhyped show of the year. People kept on praising episode 8 and when i watched i was like This is it!!!? wow. I just don't get the what is in this show.

Even its fluff doesn't work for me. I do enjoy it but that's like 2 minutes ramen.
I can't even make much of this contract relationship. contradictions abound.


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I appreciate that you went the extra mile and watched 8 episodes before voicing your opinion. Most people can only tolerate 2 or 3 episodes from an overhyped show. Those extra 5 or 6 episode really show your dedication to dramas. Thank you for your hard work.


Speaking as someone who's all about character development (less so the makjang), I find myself really drawn to this drama.

Something about this drama has me re-watching the previous episodes while I wait for the next bunch to come in. I tried watching some previous HSJ dramas, but they don't have the same effect.

To be fair, even in real life, I'm all about what makes people tick.


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well imo, this drama is about the couple journey, there's no event or plot aside that the contract dating to become real,
so if you take the relationship as the plot,
a lot of things had done, from forming a contract (making her agree) , establishing their place on each other life (the date schedule) , taking care of each other pysically and mentally, telling each other secret, inserting their life into others life, meeting other peple from each life, establishing connection and all,

This drama never had any plot as example : gonna overtake the company, amnesia, great will to change someone or the desire to form any romantic relationship, all those goal are personaly and the character's purpose as themselved, not the core of the story.

from episode 1, its about 2 people that come into the contract dating and how their relationship developed from there, will it be true or not? and how it change?

so imo this is not a story driven which have event/action came and go every ep that probably resemble the lost plot since ep 2 as you mentioned,
but character driven which change them personally as themselves and as a couple that in my opinion had a lot things going on from ep 1


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IMO, there are some glaring plot holes and bugs. And because the plot is so light they become even more obvious.

Firstly, they were so vague about the contract terms. Apparently, it doesn't matter who Da-hyun marries - she'll get the inheritance anyway. But then they go back and forth about how only Jae-in and Tae-ha are viable marriage candidates. I wish the show can just make up its mind about this. Can she marry anyone she wants or must she marry someone the Grandpa approves?

Plus, there's also the break-in. I must have missed it, but did they explain why DH didn't just stay in one of the hotel rooms? And why JI has to sleep on the floor when his couch is probably a hundred times more comfortable? How the puppy got onto the veranda thing? It's not a cat! Honestly, I don't think there's much logic in this show. Yes, typical of kdramas. But still. I know everything is deliberate so they can introduce more skinship, but they're not even trying to make it more believable!

And Joo-hee. Why must we go down the route of the annoying second female lead again? Also, it seems like the script writer is just trying to put her in whenever it's convenient. She's just popping in and out. It's awkward at times.

I may also be nitpicking, but the bug in the scene where she was trying to grab the keys from Jae-in bothers me so so much. The actions from one cut to the other don't match somehow and it's so weird to watch.

That being said, I suspect that it may be just me and my fatigue when it comes to romance dramas.


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Ah, I think the thing that's bothering me the most is how Dada always mentions that they are in a contract. I don't know whether it's just me (or the subs), but it feels like she's pressuring Jae-in into telling her that he actually loves her/wants to marry her. I know the show is trying to tell us how she's apprehensive about the relationship and is reminding herself that it's not real, but it comes across as her being manipulative really. It's like, I understand what the show is trying to do, but they are doing such a terrible job of executing it that it's almost funny.


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Well I want to explain, so bear with me (edited version)

>> they were so vague about the contract terms. Apparently, it doesn’t matter who Da-hyun marries – she’ll get the inheritance anyway <> Plus, there’s also the break-in. I must have missed it, but did they explain why DH didn’t just stay in one of the hotel rooms? And why JI has to sleep on the floor when his couch is probably a hundred times more comfortable? How did the puppy get onto the veranda thing? It’s not a cat!<> Joo-hee <> but the bug in the scene where she was trying to grab the keys from Jae-in bothers me so so much<<

– I don't see any bug in my version or it's the editing? the chop shot?
I know there is one shot when they talk and the scene moved to sunwoo's character then move back to them and it really awkward transition but since it doesn't change the story or information, they probably get a glitch

TBVH I think this is a romance drama and this drama is specific at their consumer without giving the hype for something that will not gonna there,

if you used the relationship as the plot, it's all makes sense, the drama executed good with clear direction,
it will never satisfy everyone since not everyone like the same genre,
I just want to explain what that I think it has a plot,


I don't think we can blame her, when just this episode he said "I won't hurt you until the contract ends." Unless it was a translation error, that's telling me that the contract is always on the back of his head too.


Ah, I think the thing that’s bothering me the most is how Dada always mentions that they are in a contract. I don’t know whether it’s just me (or the subs), but it feels like she’s pressuring Jae-in into telling her that he actually loves her/wants to marry her.

I don't think that's Dada's intention, far from it. I always felt that it was a solely constant reminder to herself. I suppose there's also a bit of her who wants to hear Jae In's response. As long as he remains silent or concurs then she's going to try her best to remember that it is all contractual.


Well I want to explain, so bear with me

>> they were so vague about the contract terms. Apparently, it doesn’t matter who Da-hyun marries – she’ll get the inheritance anyway < > Plus, there’s also the break-in. I must have missed it, but did they explain why DH didn’t just stay in one of the hotel rooms? And why JI has to sleep on the floor when his couch is probably a hundred times more comfortable? How the puppy got onto the veranda thing? It’s not a cat!< > Joo-hee < > but the bug in the scene where she was trying to grab the keys from Jae-in bothers me so so much<<

- I don't see any bug in my version or it's the editing? the chop shot?
I know there is one shot when they talk and the scene moved to sunwoo's character then move back to them and it really awkward transition but since it doesn't change the story or information, they probably get a glitch

TBVH I think this is a romance drama and this drama is specific at their consumer without giving the hype for something that will not gonna there,

if you used the relationship as the plot, it's all makes sense, the drama executed good with clear direction,
it will never satisfy everyone since not everyone like the same genre,
I just want to explain what that I think it has a plot,


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Well I want to explain, so bear with me (edited version 2; @mods can delete what posted before, my bad (-_-;)

--- they were so vague about the contract terms. Apparently, it doesn’t matter who Da-hyun marries – she’ll get the inheritance anyway ----

no, she will not get the inheritance is she didn't become the Lee famil's bride, it gonna go to the charity.
she and the boys gonna get their share if they really marriage, it wasn't her inheritance that is in the table, it's his

--- Plus, there’s also the break-in. I must have missed it, but did they explain why DH didn’t just stay in one of the hotel rooms? And why JI has to sleep on the floor when his couch is probably a hundred times more comfortable? How the puppy got onto the veranda thing? It’s not a cat!---

- the break in is happen in the area before and been foreshadowing before,
- Dada doesn't want the relationship to be known in papers because and go to the hotel will make it into the news
- he wants to sleep on the floor cause it's his room and to protect her, the couch is far away
- puppy is for the relationship growth, how they change from before to know, I guess we needs to know where it comes from but does it change the purpose??

--- Joo-hee ---
she always be the part of his backstory that been mentioned several times,
the failed marriage with her is what makes grandpa changes his will about Jae In inheritance and asked him to meets Dahyun, ofc she needs to re-appear,
she has business in the hotel as she likes to emphasise every time she meets Jae In in the lobby,
yes she appears randomly in front of dahyun, but they are a stranger, they can't meet when dahyun hardly in the hotel so every time she meets her, it's gonna be a coincidence

--- but the bug in the scene where she was trying to grab the keys from Jae-in bothers me so so much ---

– I don't see any bug in my version or it's the editing? the chop shot?
I know there is one shot when they talk and the scene moved to sunwoo's character then move back to them and it really awkward transition but since it doesn't change the story or information, they probably get a glitch

TBVH I think this is a romance drama and this drama is specific at their consumer without giving the hype for something that will not gonna there,

if you used the relationship as the plot, it's all makes sense, the drama executed good with clear direction,
it will never satisfy everyone since not everyone like the same genre,
I just want to explain what that I think it has a plot that show the relationship growth as the central story


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- I don’t see any bug in my version or it’s the editing?

The key scene is the prelude to the kiss after the concert they watched (a very early episode).

- no, she will not get the inheritance is she didn’t become the Lee famil’s bride, it gonna go to the charity.
- she and the boys gonna get their share if they really marriage, it wasn’t her inheritance that is in the table, it’s his

That's why I said it was vague, because they did say that she'll receive the fortune. The funny thing is, I'm pretty sure they also talked about how she can marry anyone she wants and Dada made a really strong argument about how there is no incentive for her to date him then but still ended up dating him (for the singer dude I guess). After that, they just went on about how it's either him or Taeha. It's just so inconsistent.

- Dada doesn’t want the relationship to be known in papers because and go to the hotel will make it into the news
- he wants to sleep on the floor cause it’s his room and to protect her, the couch is far away

But how will it make the news? She can just check-in herself! And I'm pretty sure he can "protect" her very well in the living room too. I mean, let's just be honest. Everything is a push for more relationship growth. It's just crude execution that annoys me.

I really really like contractual marriage/dating type of dramas, but this one...



the contract isn't vague,
what make it happen is because Jae In pledge for having the contract in 6 months only

why 6 months? because the will gonna get re-written in 6 months so to appear reliable and still eligible for having his name into consideration, he proposes the dating contract,

on the other hand, Dada has been pressured to date by her parents and arranges her date with potential candidate every time she failed, so Jae In offers 6 months to be free from that by being his boyfriend and she asked for more helps to make the contract fair.

They speak about this in episode 2 or 3, I remember there's one episode for make the contract acceptable in both side.
Tae-ha plot is because Jae in hides it from the Dada, he excluded Tae-Ha part in the contract he gave her.

-- for the news and hotel ---
the hotel has room staff and it's late at night, so he needs to give her money and send her alone to the hotel after she is being freaked out from a burglar, that's sounds inconsiderate,
I just don't think anything is over the boundary here, it makes perfect sense, it wasn't even a force skinship

--- the key ---
yes the editing is super slow, but the build-up is there, he's ben talking about ramyeon and she looks like invite him, it's a second fast peck and it replayed twice, probably that's why you think it's different,
the sequence angle shot at the end of the episode and at the opening of the next episode is different


The will is what I mean. The fact that dear @bjharm below said that

I wonder if they even going to do the lead lady getting upset when she finds out the full contract details, ie anyone that marries her gets the shares not just the lead guy.

and you said that

no, she will not get the inheritance is she didn’t become the Lee famil’s bride, it gonna go to the charity.

and me not knowing which one of the above is the right term shows how poor the show has been in trying to explain things.


both are true and not contradicted

- anyone that marry her (either Jae In and Tae-ha, the 2 cousin of the Lee's family, Lee as in Grandpa's grandson) get the inheritance, just if they marry her,
- she as herself wouldn't,
- she didn't know that the grandpa asked 2 people to pursue her because Jae In didn't tell her

@bjharm just reveal concern when Dahyun know Jae In has been keeping this secret to her


My 2 cents :
1. She can marry anyone and still inherit (she called JI free gift for that) but its JI's family fortune at stake. This is the only reason he tries to make this arrangement work. Also TaeHa still doesnt know about the will officially. So grandpa will give TH chance in case JI fails to date/marry JI.

2. DH was obviously shaken after the break-in incident. What kind of boyfriend drops off his girl to a hotel late night in such situation?
He obviously wanted to sleep with her which she forbid, so JI did the next best option, sleep close enough.
My qtn here was rather is there only 1 BR in a rich guy's house ?? Y not use other room...anyways...

3. Does puppy also need a backstory? Cmon.....


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yeah it pretty light weight compared to the early version and it starting to tell I think. It just straight candy floss really and other than the leads there hardly any back story going on..lol it is funny often you say the back story's distract from the main , but having none at all is almost as bad. With her family out of it, the only story line seem to be his cousin and his father plots, I wonder if they even going to do the lead lady getting upset when she finds out the full contract details, ie anyone that marries her gets the shares not just the lead guy. I did wonder what The leads mother meant...I mean he marries her he gets all the grandfather shares..isnt that enough of a deal? I guess she was not told that part or it made no sense to me her saying not to marry her.


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I don't think Jae In's mum knew the contract,
she wants him to have a backup power so she thought better to marry and influential family,
especially since his grandpa is not on his side at this time,

I think they cut up the plot because it's looks like a low budget drama with smaller time slot and wants to focus on the main lead,
I think I appreciate the romance writing when the development feels realistic and makes sense,
it rational and the fluff makes sense, not just for fanservice or like without substance


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after ep 2, it's so early,
the pilot episode is usually 2 episode so don't buy it before it even starts?
if you don't buy the pilot, how we can say you objectively know that's not a lot going on?
you are not gonna accept the romance plot anyway.

just because it's not your genre doesn't mean it's not worth the time of others or it wasn't good,
you don't believe it and you keep asking for explanation,
probably you just missed the plot since you already check out before the drama even begin their plot,
your nitpicking is explainable and obviously stated in the drama


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I actually watched everything till episode 10, and I clearly said that I liked the pilot (was one of the first to comment on it actually). But I just didn't like anything after. And the fact is that no reasonable explanations were proposed.


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....am confused on how you manage to stay watching until eps 10 tho? Or bother to read the recaps. You already lost interest 8 episodes ago.

Just sayin'.


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Is wasting 8 hours watching a drama you did not like a good thing? That admission would embarrass me. You must be made of sterner stuff. Keep up the good work.


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I'm confused as to why you're wasting your time watching this.
You should drop the show the moment you felt like not wanting to watch it.it's obviously not your type of show because this is not heavily plot like you wanted.


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@paroles - it's interesting that you've watched all ten episodes and only like the first one, when the majority of viewers, with some not liking the first two episodes (at first), but loving the rest of the episodes the more they watch it. Also, for someone who didn't like or rather lost interest after episode 1, I don't get how you still watched episodes 2-10, read recaps, and comment multiple times (mostly on episode 10, if I'm not mistaken) of what you're already lost interest to and still don't get what's going on. This little rom-com is light and breezy to watch and not hard to follow or understand. If you didn't like it nor lost interest several episodes ago...you should've just made it easier for yourself and stop watching after the pilot episode...not because it wasn't good, as clearly it simply wasn't the type of drama you like. If it's not your cup of tea, just don't sip it. Though it seems too late for that now since you've already sip most of this tea, lol...You might at least finished watching the rest of the episodes (there are only 6 left and they're only about 35-40 minutes long per episode) and just try to enjoy them. ;-)


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You are 1000% correct, a romcom with romance and comedy is boring. It needs some of the following:

– ai computer
– amnesia
- birth secret
- car black box video
- car chase
- cctv video
- corrupt police officer
- dirty politician
- fatal illness
- fight sequence
– makjang mother-in-law
– truck of doom
- usb drive

Having these elements always makes a drama better.


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Lol! I know a drama with almost all box being tick (lemme see,, i think it only lack the mother in law) but I dropped that one on episode 9 though my bias is playing the lead role and I tried to read the recap.

Guess when it's not your cup of tea you just can't force it down your throat.


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My eyes start ro deceive me... I thought Jae In wears a suit with hashtag pattern!!
And why does Sun Woo kinda look like Song Seun Hoon's younger doppleganger?


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I LOL at Jae-In's cream suit with hashtag pattern, but it seems to keep up with our constant use of hashtag on social media though. :-D


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But!!! If you look closely (from the pics above), it actually wasn't a hastag pattern... LOL.
Still not my kinda taste for men's suit though... I prefer the green one. It might look like something from st.patrick's, but it looks expensive & sleek..


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I really don't think Tae Ha is a bad guy. I mean, yeah, he has been an asshole to Jae In but that is because they were brought up to be rivals. We know he's decent enough to tell his father he won't try to date Da Hyun because she is someone his cousin is dating. He also seems to be suspicious of his father. Both of these are good traits. Hopefully Tae Ha doesn't cross the line with Da Hyun.

The way Da Hyun blames Jae In for everything before talking to him irritates me. Not answering the phone to "punish" him is ridiculous since she doesn't know if she should be mad at him in the first place. Other than that I find it so cute that she's genuinely surprised by her own feelings for Jae In.


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I think Dada doesn't want to the answer because she said she doesn't need to involve that much, they are just in the contract relationship after all.

but sure her feeling really gets in the way,
I just glad that it solves within a day.


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Jae-in's grandfather initially wanted them to get married. So I don't really understand why he just accepted his mom's warning about not falling too deep for Da Da. I'm also disappointed with Jae In because he hasn't said anything when Da Da mentions about their contract. She has mentioned it several times already. If he's not talking about it, it gives the impression that their relationship is still a business deal. Is he in denial of his feelings or oblivious?


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The frequency of Dada mentioning the contract seems to be her sign for him,
probably because Jae In is the one that proposes the contract, so she prefers him abolished the contract 1st,
Him not talking imo is because he doesn't have the answer,
he hasn't made the decision, like choosing Dada and convince her mum and his mum
or let it flow to know if the feeling and the compatibility is real,
just like how Dada also hasn't formally confessed her love,
I guess Tae Ha is enough warning for Jae In to just confess,

kinda funny though, many contract drama usually doesn't make the couple work in normal interaction but always emphasised that they have the potential and they care in some big moment that no one else care, it's like "oh deep inside we are perfect even if we are at each other throat and love other people separately in the beginning"

but normally I think contract dating will not giving many problems if they just cooperate which each other just like what Dada and Jae In did, and this makes the feeling more ambiguous like "we play along well and this is a good memory for the time we had, it's gonna end after all"


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Imo, he's not in denial or oblivious. He's trying to be practical in a crazy situation. He's frustrated and doesn't have a solution to that problem yet. He knows that Da Hyun likes him but also knows that marrying her isn't as simple as his grandfather makes it seem.

You said that if he doesn't talk about it, it gives the impression that it's still all business. Try to see it from a different point of view. If he agrees with her then he seems uncaring and insincere. On the other hand if he tries to reassure her while the final decision may be out of his hands then he hurts her even more. Double edge sword of sorts.


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+1 Excellent points!


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+1 Agree!


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I think i understand Joo Hee. This has to be very confusing for her. Granted she called off the engagement to Jae-in, but he was only interested in the merger with her family and not really in her. He is almost a completely different person from the one she knew three years ago. Back then his sole focus was making it rich on his own without this grandfather's help. He was also very clueless emotionally. I can see her thinking that he is just angry that she ruined his plans and once he cools down he will see that the best business decision is to marry her. His bluntness is unfortunately how he speaks to everyone so I don't see that as a clue to stay away. However, I agree that once she found out he had a girlfriend she should have backed off, but once again I can see her being angry that she was not the one to slightly upgrade Jae-in emotionally.


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she overestimates herself and underestimates Jae In growth,
I can see why she did it but imo she also like the status Jae In's has,
like he is the perfect fit for her,


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I think its the opposite though. JI wants to make big on his own w/o anyone else's money. In the past also , the alliance broke off probably coz JI realised that JH wanted his title and family name only.

He was not looking for any emotional attachment but at the same time not to be a pawn in the game of power either by his family or JH.

As for JH, its on her ego now to be shown the mirror and discarded. Not being used to be sidelined like this, she is trying to find a crack with JI to exploit it.


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Actually it was JaeIn who broke off the engagement because Joo Hee didn't want to sign the pre-nup agreement. Although I can agree about an ex-fiance being hurt (even angered) by a cold dismissal of someone like JaeIn, I cheered when JaeIn told her he will not be manipulated into becoming her toy.

I am wondering if Joo Hee is in cahoots with her father and Tae Ha's father because of the stocks and financial implications. I hope both Joo Hee and Tae Ha escape the second lead trope of being despicably evil just for the sake of plot convenience.


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Joo Hee didn't like him 3 years ago, she was only interested in his title. That's probably why he wanted a pre-nup. It doesn't seem like she ruined his plans, more like he ruined hers. He broke off from the main branch and that was what she had her eye on. It is only after his hotel is successful and it looks like he will take over the company again did she realize she loves Jae In. He's not stupid, hence the comment about not being her toy.


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Am I the only one who thinks that both Jae In and Joo Hee did like each other during their courtship?

I know Jae In is emotionally stunted but I don't think he could have married Joo Hee purely based on business objectives. He must have felt a little something for him to be so disgusted with her after he found out her real motive. For Joo Hee, I guess she didn't know how much she like him until they broke up. For someone like Joo Hee, she probably in mixing love with business.


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I think he liked her. I think she liked his money.


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Joo-Hee is a troll with a heart of ice, hence Ice Troll. Jae-In has refused to spend any time with her since her return. There is no way she knows anything about how he has changed. I suspect his old personality better suits her real purposes. Her mistake was not signing the pre-nuptial agreement back then. If she had then the corporate merger marriage would have already taken place. I believe that she is back because he has found his own success. He left the main branch and with his own ability is making a name for himself. The pre-nuptial may have been related to taking the risk of buying the hotel. She did not trust him enough to sign, so she lost out in the end. She now knows that he is capable of making his own fortune. He has status, is handsome, rich and now she knows he is an astute businessman. Joo-Hee is motivated by one thing and one thing only, greed. Just pay closer attention when she approaches him, Jae-In can not leave fast enough.


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Is no one going to mention that green suit?!!!
I cannot see a man wear an emerald green suit and not think its St. Patrick's Day. Its too firmly ingrained in my cultural psyche.
I actually liked some of the plaid suits from earlier in the show. They have very creative men's fashion in Korea.


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I'd like someone to make a compilation post of all his suits along with Yoon Sang Hyun's from Shopping King Louis.

From the few episodes I've seen of The Man Living in Our House, Lee Soo Hyuk may be a viable candidate as well...


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aah it reminds me of the blue shoes in ep 9


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Okey, i don't like this episode's cliffhanger for i didn't think Tae Ha was as important to feature on one, so far i had no reason to hate him now iam starting to tink otherwise. Nonetheless, he's too strong a threat to make waver, i believe in our cute couple, speaking of which, i didn't like how Da Hyun handled the "news article" situation cause the DaDa i know would've handdled the situation maturely, like confronting Jae In about it instead of ignoring his calls. With Jae In i don't have a problem with him in this episode, he's so mature.


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Insecurity and not being able to do anything about it, that is DH's problem.
Even if this news was true, there is little that DH could confront JI about .

JI has never openly expressed his love or desire to do away with the contract. She has no assurance from him about the future of their relationship.
The term contract in their relationship is holding both of them back. She can only complain which she did when they met later.


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I think the only threat Tae Ha is her finding all all the facts about the contract..ie that lead guy is not the only candidate so he pretty much lied to her from the start, though even if they use that the drama so light it only going to last like just the episode before that all hugs and kisses again.
There so much they cut out of the drama
Tae Ha in the early version thinks dada friend is her and goes after her by mistake and on finding on continues date her..ie he not a bad guy at all. also the friend is dada school friend who was abused by her own family so she takes her home and lives with her and her family as her sister she a doctor as is dada older brother. Of course in this version they totally cut out her family, who played a huge role in the early version.


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The recap's here! Thank you HappilyEverAfter! I may have refreshed the db page about 3 (read: 300) times since I saw that this ep is next on the recap queue.

I wish the OTP spent more time together this episode too but I suppose it is again a realistic reaction. Daehyun doesn't have that much experience in dating, let alone dating a chaebol. Not picking up his calls may have been a natural initial reaction. I hope she listens to the surprisingly mature JaeIn in the future though and communicates with him her doubts.

I am liking Hyun Jin here, she seems to be the kind of friend we all should have, childish with the teasing but mature when it matters.

Lastly, I hope the outfits of Joo Hee be a wee bit better (at least, more well-fitting), or at least her personality gets a bit better.

Can't wait til Thursday!


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PS Still holding out on watching Drinking Solo. Will wait for this to finish before marathoning that. :)

PPS The show is finally on the currently showing column of DB! Forgive me if it has been there for a while and I just noticed.


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Hahaha...you are right! I think this is new or recent :D


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PPS The show is finally on the currently showing column of DB! Forgive me if it has been there for a while and I just noticed.

Yay, it's about time! No, it was just added sometime earlier today (as in earlier Monday night, for those of you in different time zones). It only took about 10 episode recap posts, lol. Glad it's finally included in the right side bar under Currently Airing Episodes listing. Better late than never, right. ;-)


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Y'all are missing the most important question of them all: Where is Plot Puppy? ;-)


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helping another drama's couple????


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I think Jae In is grooming him so that he's ready to meet his fans and eh...President of Puppy Club - Dada.


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You mean Puff the Magic Plot Puppy?
He just floats from ledge to ledge helping couples magically "fall" in love.


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Like the Mushroom of Growth or Star of Life in Mario!


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I think this magic plot puppy you're looking for is waiting for Jae-In & Da-Hyun to finished their dating contract, so it can magically appear when these two are no longer together, only to bring them back together in a real relationship. ;-)


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Hi I love this show and love reading all your comments too because it helps me to understand their implicit gestures or reaction. Can someone explain why does Dada laugh when Jae-In plead her to answer her phone?? ( the scene where he sends her home from school) thanks!!


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just my feeling

- because it's important for him and she realised she is being silly before
- because he changes the topic so fast from not gonna hurts her to ask her to pick up the phone
- it's cute


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Ahhh..i see. Thanks~!!!


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Thanks @ HappilyEverAfter

My guess on why Da Hyun laughed was that when she decided to get even with Jae In, she even more deliberately refused to pick up his calls. So when he complained about it, she laughed out of a mixture of embarrassment and satisfaction that her 'revenge' was successful.


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Okey, i don't like this episode's cliffhanger for i didn't think Tae Ha was as important to feature on one, so far i had no reason to hate him now iam starting to think otherwise. Nonetheless, he's not too strong a threat to make waver, i believe in our cute couple, speaking of which, i didn't like how Da Hyun handled the "news article" situation cause the DaDa i know would've handdled the situation maturely, like confronting Jae In about it instead of ignoring his calls. Could it be that her feelings are too strong for Jae In and she can't trust her judgement? With Jae In i don't have a problem with him in this episode, he's so mature, he doesn't even argue with her anymore he just takes in whatever she says.

Oh, please ignore my coment above would you?


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Haha! If you mean for me to ignore this comment, I can't because I agree with it! I feel like the writers stepped out of character a bit with Dada. Of course, like you said, maybe she just can't trust the relationship and that influenced her behavior.


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@Martin J Simwaba, Mermaid Scribbler excellent insight!


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Finally, the recap of Episode 10 is here! Thanks HappilyEverAfter! :-)

This episode was a bit of a let down as far as Da-Hyun ignoring Jae-In's phone calls. I love Jae-In in this episode though as he handled things maturely. I especially loved when he hugs Da-Hyun when she mentions the contract ending soon anyway and he said to not get ahead of herself. Also, loved the little moments when he waved both his hands to say goodbye to her (with his adorable and cute smile :-) ) and while she was hesitant at first, she did smile and waved back. Another was when He strokes her head adoringly and pinches her cheek before taking his leave. That was a cute moment between JI & DH ? and her smiling too. :-)


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HSJ is driving me nuts! I love how he looks at her while doing this and all other actions, be it smiling at her, teasing her or looking at her in all seriousness and with patience. Honey is really dripping from his eyes.


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I must say I'm loving HSJ the more I watch him as Lee Jae-In in this drama. I enjoyed watching him in DS, but even more so in 1%. It's interesting that I've never seen nor heard of him before DS (I'm only familiar with PHS and she was the main reason I started watching DS in the first place, but along the way I discovered a very good actor in HSJ as well as the rest of the cast I've never seen before), but DS and this drama surely made me take notice and got his attention. Not too mention, he naturally grew on me the more I watch him on screen. I didn't find him handsome (not saying he was was ugly, lol...because he's not and he's handsome on his own way) at first, but his boyish charm and manly looks and his very good acting has won me over. Also, I love the way his Jae-In looks at Da-Hyun, the way he smiles at her and to himself is too cute and adorable to watch, and the way he kisses her. Lucky JSM and PSH, but more so on JSM as she has more skinship and kisses with HSJ in this drama than PSH ever had in DS. Not too mention Jae-In is much more loving and caring to Kim Da-Hyun than Jung-Seok to poor Park HaNa. I have HSJ to thank though and major props to him for doing these two dramas that came out at the same year, as I never expected to have watched them, let alone loved and enjoyed watching them as I did. Can't wait for episodes 11 and 12 of 1% this week! :-)


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I have been enjoying my bias free status...until Ha Suk Jin came along. Like you, I knew PHS through her previous projects Ad Genius and Two Weeks but I didn't know who HSJ was until Drinking Solo. I don't know why he works for me when I am immune to so many other kdrama actors.

I suspect it's because I always like men who can make me laugh. However in entertainment, these are usually not good looking. So while I enjoy watching them, I don't feel attracted. Another reason while he's good looking, he looks different from the usual kdrama actor. I don't like pretty boys or flower boys and that eliminates 99% of those 30 and below.

I don't think Jung Seok was given a fair chance in Drinking Solo. To me, he was loving and caring but they stunted his character's growth in the last two eps. I supposed we'll get to see it in Season 2 if it happens and if HSJ returns.


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There is not a monster more dangerous than a lack of compassion, an ice troll or worse yet Jae-In’s compassionless, ex fiancee the “Ice Troll”.


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When Jae-in was remodeling Da-hyun's place, why didn't he put a hand-rail on those steps outside that she has to go down to get to her place? Major trip-hazard.


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In addition, the power outlets in the kitchen area were not GFI. Isn't that against the code? Did he use licensed contractors?


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What I liked about this episode:
- Da Hyun not backing down in the face of Joo Hee's impudence.
- Da Hyun holding Jae In's hand and pulling him back and forth while looking for the restaurant, and him not minding
- Jae In's caress outside the restaurant
- Jae In's concern over Da Hyun getting lost
- The great turnaround at the end ... where Da Hyun was so petulant about Jae In and Joo Hee and the prospect of his cheating, only to emerge from Tae Ha's car in front of Jae In... on the very day she promised to report to Jae In, if Tae Ha ever approached her. What a hoot! Sure looked like it was Da Hyun who was cheating, from Jae In's point of view.

It was a pretty neat cliff hanger!


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Agreed, it was definitely a turnaround, I can't wait to see what will happen with the Tae-Ha-Jae-In-Da Hyun encounter. I don't think she knows Tae Ha's name yet though, but Jae in can't know that yet.

I love the way he lets her drag him around now, its such a contrast to ep 3/4?? where he shrugged her hand off as she was leading him away from the theatre, was adorable!!

The previews seemed to show a bit of fluff, and I honestly would welcome the changeover to lightheartedness, this episode was inching too close to makjang. If the next 6 episodes could be full of the lightheartedness that has made me fall in love with this drama in the first place, its all I ask. Impatient to hear our couple declare their feelings for each other, honestly and forthrightly!


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I think that we are in for a lot of makjang-esq hijinks though because of the set up:

- Jae-In finds out that Dada has met Tae-In

- Ji-Soo has vowed to come after Dada

- The bomber is still at large.

- The families have made their positions clear that they will not support such an uneven match.

- The contract is coming to a end

As much as I have written about being glad that this show made more natural relationships and avoided makjang plot points and actions, I am sort of looking forward to a little drama, a little chaos, a little bit of extreme emotions. For me, it will be fulfilling to see these relationships that have been beautifully and slowly developing to be put under pressure. In fact, (in my opinion) the writer has brought all of these moments to a bit of a slow simmer over time and now that all of the elements are in place, can finally let the plot begin to boil.


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The families have made their positions clear that they will not support such an uneven match.

- Grandpa changed his will to force DaDa into Jae-In's life. He sees his beloved, decease wife in her. He knows that she has already had a profound effect on him. Grandpa is the president of the DaDa fan club.

- Jae-In's mother does not yet realize that Jae-In's recent changes are due to his dating DaDa. She has not seen them together. When she sees Jae-In look lovingly at DaDa, game over man. Or, may be it will be how utterly miserable he is during the required period of angst. She loves Jae-In and is a good person, no worries.

- DaDa’s mother and father are a non-issue. How long do you think it will be until DaDa’s parents find out her apartment was broken into? Jae-In protected their daughter, he had her apartment fixed and installed an expensive security system connected directly to the police department. A hardworking, successful young man that protected his precious daughter. Plus someone to finally scrub his back at the jjimjilbang. DaDa’s father will give his approval. Jae-In in full “customer service mode” is uber charming, the perfect son-in-law. DaDa’s mother certainly has a circle of lady friends that sometimes meet at hotel restaurants. Picture Jae-In giving DaDa’s mother and her friends the VVIP treatment at his hotel. DaDa’s mother will give her approval. She will have already figured out that DaDa loves him from how she looks at him and how he looks at her. The VVIP treatment just helps show that he is sincere.


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@aranea - I agree. It's just that I think it is going to be an angst-filled ride until all of these things happen.

And I'm looking forward to it. I could use a little angst now that we are near the end. I think it will be fun.


I believe a romcom actually has two kinds of angst. The good natured, but misguided angst. Jae-In's mother and DaDa's parents will provide this type. This type of angst, if done properly, can be kind of fun to watch. Especially with a character like pre-DaDa Jae-In. It is called karma.

The mean, nasty angst that will surely be provided by the Ice Troll, the Ice Troll's father and Tae-Ha's parents. No fun to watch, but necessary to move the story forward. I take solace in the fact that the mean things the Ice Troll does to DaDa will actually strengthen their love for each other. It is called karma.

My post was misleading, I was trying to outline how the good natured angst would play out. How come in my head the concept is so clear, but in this post it is so confusing?


I see what you mean. Reminds me of The Descendants of the Sun ending. It was going to go two ways with the last two episodes, the way it was set up, all tragic melodrama or happy ending. They went with a happy ending but it was almost incredulous how lighthearted it all became. I wanted some angst, or perhaps the word would depth that angst does well.

But going back to 1%, here it feels rather unnecessary with all the chaebol family dramatics. The drama started out lighthearted, and I just really hope it will end on a sweet note as well. A heartfelt declaration from Jae In that he's serious about the relationship will go a long way to sate my anxieties. (Waaay too invested in this story!)


Seems this drama has robbed me of my articulating skills as well:PP I mean the kind of depth that angst can lend to a drama, especially the misguided one you have described!


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Didn't know the commenters of netizen buzz are now in dramabeans. Hahaha. So many arguments going on.


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