Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

How was your week in drama-watching? Are you hooked on shows or dropping them like flies, or are you clinging in through the bitter end out of loyalty? Are you surprised by what you’ve stuck with, or have you known all along which you’d stick through to the finish line? As for me, I find that no matter how many dramas I watch, there are still surprises to be had and expectations to be overturned… —javabeans



Currently recapping: Moonlight Drawn By Clouds

The K2: The Yoon-ah loveline feels like it’s been manufactured to grab our interest, but so far it’s a little too predictable to get fully invested in; I expect that I’ll get pulled in eventually, but right now it’s Ji Chang-wook and Song Yoon-ah’s scenes that have unexpectedly gripped me. I don’t necessarily want a romantic connection, but their relationship is complex and interesting, and their chemistry intense. I’m not sure the talking supercomputer was totally necessary, though, and I dearly wish they’d kick J4 off a cliff; talk about aggressively irritating.

Fantastic: I haaaated the memory loss interlude even if they explained it away with science (ish), because come on, what this terminal cancer drama needed was an extra dose of amnesia, right? But I outright cheered when Park Shi-yeon went on her wine-smashing rant, and loved that our good guys found a way to wriggle out of Evil Agent’s clutches using their smarts. Okay, really only one of them has any smarts, but this is why a Scooby Gang is better than a Lone Ranger, right?

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: I’ve started really enjoying the experience of watching the show: Half of the appeal is in the squee-worthy Lee Jun-ki and IU developments, and the other half of the appeal is in laughing at how ridiculous the rest of the plot (and the acting, and the terrible rat-Jesus wig) is. I can’t believe it took Su so many episodes to see the So appeal and finally take a step in his direction, but on the upside, I did watch that kiss a whole bunch of times. Also: Everybody in this show has the most perfectly groomed eyebrows. They’re mesmerizing.

Drinking Solo: I love every single character in this show. Everybody feels fully fleshed out and interesting, like they’re all busy being the heroes in their own lives, rather than fulfilling “funny side character” quotas. Key is hilarious, Gong Myung is adorable, and the teachers are poignant and sweet. Last week I was dying to see Ha Suk-jin miserable as he tried to win over Park Ha-sun, but I have to say, I was impressed with the way he handled himself and found my vindictive spirits readily neutralized at his mature, reasonable, and non-aggressive reactions. I still want him to work to prove himself, but when he recognized that he needed to change, I came around to rooting for him.

Shopping King Louis: I don’t know if anybody could have done this role but Seo In-gook; he makes the character lovable and winsome even as I recognize that he’s a trouble magnet and often useless. Same goes for Nam Ji-hyun (as irreplaceable, that is, not useless), because she is so naive and bumpkinish, but endearing in a way that few actors can pull off. I died laughing at the cohabitation absurdities, and at Yoon Sang-hyun’s increasingly outrageous fashion choices.

1% of Anything: I suspect I’ll feel freer to get invested in the romance as soon as Drinking Solo ends, because right now my fandom loyalty goes to Ha Suk-jin with Park Ha-sun. That said, I find this drama light and breezy; the plot doesn’t move very quickly and the story is simple, but it’s good-natured and the couple has a very cute bantering dynamic.



Jealousy Incarnate: I’m loving Jealousy Incarnate lately. The characters are having a terrible time, but the show could not be funnier, and I really enjoy the tonal dissonance where we get to laugh at their pain. That’s not as mean as it sounds, I swear! There’s just a lot of comedy to be had in this messy, petty, warped triangle, and I’m having the best time watching these three lunatics figure out love.

On the Way to the Airport: The buildup to the romance was something else, but I think I started to fall out of step with the characters this week, when they wanted everything to stay the same once the affair had begun in earnest. I thought we were building towards a massive shift in these people’s lives, and though I still expect this to be the case in the long run, I was sitting there going, “Wait, so… you just want to cheat and stay married? Huh?”

Shopping King Louis: I find comfort in the fact that the villains are just as dumb as the good guys on this show, so they happen to end up on an even playing field despite the odds. There’s so much that doesn’t make sense for me when I’m watching this, but then Louis goes and says exactly what he’s feeling in the most honest, childlike, unaffected way possible, and I stop caring about anything else.

Drinking Solo: So, I admit to wanting Ha Suk-jin to stew a little longer in the mess he made, but I appreciated the redemption arc that didn’t suddenly give him a lobotomy, and showed small changes all within character. But what I love most is the students’ unrequited love train, where everybody’s in love with someone who’s in love with someone else, and twisting my heart in the best way.

Three Meals a Day: Fishing Village: I think I’m going to like this new season. Seo-jinnie is as grumpy on water as he is on land, Eric is surprisingly good at a lot of things, and Yoon Kyun-sang is useless but utterly adorable. My favorite thing so far is the way Kyun-sang looks at Eric like he’s some kind of genius, oh and the fact that he brought his two kitties along on the trip.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: I was frustrated by the fact that our couple had spent so much time building up all of this trust and us-against-the-world solidarity, only to have the heroine pull the go-to noble idiot card in time-honored drama tradition. Still, my hope is alive that the show will pull it together in the final week. Happy or sad, please don’t whimper off into the sunset!

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: The time-skips are so counterproductive on this show. I guess their intention is to make it seem like we’ve watched these characters grow up, but mostly it makes me wonder why the hell nothing ever changes, and why the characters are so utterly inept. I’ve given up wanting anyone to be with anyone anymore. I just want Lee Jun-ki to kill everyone and become king. The end.



Currently recapping: Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo

W—Two Worlds: I finished it. Then I read the interview with the writer for answers. I’m not sure what I feel, but it’s something like relief that it’s over. Which is strange, because I enjoyed most of it.

Woman With a Suitcase: I wouldn’t have expected it when I first started out with this show, but it’s actually really funny. What at first seemed like a show that would only have the obligatory slapstick comedy moments turned into one with tons of heart and some gut-busting situational comedy. I mean, the guy’s name sounds like Hamburger, for crying out loud!

On the Way to the Airport: The tension! The simmering, simmering tension of it all. There’s just something about forbidden relationships that makes them come to life on screen naturally—if you pair that with two actors with amazing chemistry, then I’m sold. Kim Haneul and Lee Sang-yoon are sizzling on screen, and know how to make the most out of a phone call, a touch of the hand, a single word. The directing is also just stellar from week to week. Love, love, love.

The K2: I’m still trying to figure out whether this is another Runaway: Plan B situation, and if so, whether it’s better or worse. I think the writing could really be much stronger, and am still scratching my head over it taking six episodes to give Yoon-ah something to do. The mystery surrounding her doesn’t seem like much of a mystery at all, and I find myself frustrated with the conspiracy regarding the chief baddie of the show and Je-ha’s past, which I’m convinced we’ll never stop seeing in flashback form in every episode until there simply are no more.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: I haven’t quite felt the lull most people seem to be experiencing this past week, but it may just be because I love the show and its characters too much. Sure, the angst was a bit of a downer, and I still think that they’re finding ways to subvert our usual expectations for this stage of the relationship/show. I’m kind of sad it’s almost over, but am so very thankful that they didn’t force an extension on us.

1% of Anything: Utterly delightful. It’s old-fashioned, but it has its own sort of fresh appeal, unlike the old-fashioned drama we got with Cinderella and the Four Knights. This one feels like it’s trying, and has a zippy pace with plenty of laughs. And at the length (thirty or forty minutes an episode), it’s an easy watch.



Shopping King Louis: I was stuck on the first episode for about two weeks, and when I finally got around to Louis and Bok-shil’s first meeting, I could finally see what everyone was raving about. This couple – oh my gosh, this couple – is so freaking cute I can’t stand it. Like a nice cup of hot chocolate, they fill me up with so much warmth and sweetness. So, needless to say, I was dreading the time when second lead Joong-won would inevitably try to tear the two apart out of jealousy. I draw the line with anyone who’d want to separate this precious couple. But something about Joong-won just makes the show even funnier. His antics remind me of the not-so-subtle dads that freak out whenever they see their daughter smiling with a boy.

Fantastic: I’m a few episodes behind thanks to my Louis marathoning, but I’m still smitten with this show and all its swoontastic men (minus Sul’s jerk-face husband of course). Now that Ji-soo’s back in the picture, I can breathe a sigh of relief 1. To see that puppy is okay, and 2. To see his character push Sul in the right direction. A few small gestures of kindness sure go a long way.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Bromance, whyyyy? Don’t leave me now!



Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: While this week’s episodes lacked the emotional punch of previous weeks, I was more forgiving of the focus on plot development, perhaps because 1) the show has already built up so much goodwill with me and 2) as a newcomer to sageuk (okay, sageuk-lite) the storyline felt natural instead of tired. I’m looking forward to finale week and regardless of how it ends, I’ll look back fondly upon Moonlight and will be grateful to the show for having satiated me on so many levels.

Jealousy Incarnate: Last week’s helicopter heroism made me swoon, but I found myself scratching my head at the out-of-character developments towards the end. In this week’s episodes, more strange behavior was on display, seemingly to elicit laughter at the expense of authenticity. Lee Seon-kyun’s voice cameo (and Pasta throwback) was cute, but added nothing to the story. It seems we’re headed for an even more unrealistic detour over the next few weeks, but I hope the antics don’t go on so long that they take away from the sweet, funny show it started out as.

The K2: Sadly, I think I have to drop this and go my Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo route — which is to keep up with the shows through gummimochi and HeadsNo2’s excellent recaps, because I’m deriving far more enjoyment from their summaries and commentary than I am from actually tuning in each week. Song Yoon-ah is stellar, but she alone can’t compensate for the extraneous action scenes/car chases/explosions and verbose political speeches. The jarring choir music was getting to me, but it’s the objectification of Ji Chang-wook and the undue physicality that’s being demanded of him in this role that’s causing me to pull the plug. Healer-ya, you deserve better.


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MLSHR and Drinking Solo
I need funny light hearted Drinking Solo to gulp down the sense of depression and heavy heartache after watching MLSHR and with the more coming angst and impending separation between HS and WS, I am not sure if that's enough to help me sane.


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I started Woman with a Suitcase only to drop it. Din't like the Male leads enigma or his forced romance.

Currently watching: Drinking Solo, Shopping King Louie.


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No one watch Laurel Tree Tailors? ??
I dont have courage to watch OTWTA because it's seem to heavy for me. Watching their cut scene already make me feel too emotion.


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Laurel Tree Tailors is awesome! The characters are really well written, the chemistry between leads is also good. Idk why but this batch of weekday-dramas did not get me, I'm enjoying this weekend/family drama more than those!


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I like LTT better than OTWTA..I think otwta is way too complictated annoying..


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I'm looking for a new weekend drama to watch so I think I'll check this out! Thanks!


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It's really good; it has a fantastic cast and the story keeps me going. Hope it continues to be so good through 50 episodes.


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What made me enjoying Laurel the most are the ahjusshi & ahjumma ;)


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Me too. Can't wait for him to get back home.


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I watch it. I guess because it's a long drama they draw out the irritating bad-guys-win moments but I enjoy the drama :)


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Just caught up on last weekend's episodes for "Laurel Tree Tailors". I'm really enjoying the show. Watching "Blow Breeze" too, but sadly falling behind. Too many dramas, too little time. I must be crazy but decided I wanted to watch "Pied Piper" (Jo Yoon-hee's drama from earlier this year), so far so good...I mean how can you go wrong with Shin Ha-kyun?


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Moon Lovers is absolutely squeeworthy whenever So-Su comes along <3 too much squeeeeeeee

On another note: is it worth starting K2? I've been hearing mixed opinions but was initially excited because I love JCW and wanted to see Yoona act. Not so sure anymore :/


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K2 has a good action scene so far,
but it also has good shot for both JCW and Yoona so you probably gonna like it, just yoona barely got screen time until ep 6,
it worth for seeing JCW and Yoona but there are many things the show failed to convince me of the whole military, political plot gadget things and many flashback scenes,

just try 8 ep cause Yoona start having story in ep 6


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At first I was dreading all the action but then episode 7 happened and it was such a snooze fest; now I hope the show jumps back and give us the right balance of an action- thriller-romance filled episode.


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ep 8 has the action, even if it's near the end and I watched because of that, at least it kinda long,
I am not that interesting on the plot, even yoo jin and Anna, but I like when they are in threatening situation and saw all the action happen,


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I'm enjoying The K2. Not a single episode bored me. Though i felt the writer likes to drag scenes to fill the quota of an episode.

Yoo Jin is doing a good job but sometimes i feel her scenes overly dramatic and sometimes it looks like the actress is going overboard with all the expressions. It feels quite artificial and then we have forced cute moments to music.

As soon as i watch the show my minds start to count the no. of annoying things happened in the episode or actually anything substantial happened or not.

I had the same feelings for W - Two Worlds too. While you watch you are engaged and have fun but as soon as episode ends all the enthusiasm goes down in a matter of few minutes.


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I like healer better than K2..


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I mean of course Healer was better than The K2! Every character had a strong presence in Healer and even though the actors for the k2 are really good, i guess its the writing that makes them JUST another character. I mean je ha and yoo jin arent the only characters! Come on, show! We know you can do so much better. But still, im willing to stick with this show...call me biased but there ji chang wook in it! And im willing to see the show improve *fingers crossed*


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The K2 is entertaining, it has its ups and downs but it's gripping to watch and i think entire main cast is giving really strong performance. Just don't think about it too much cause the moment you do all you'll see is obvious plot holes everywhere lol


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True and true! imo! This drama has entertained me so far, it's not perfect and have some plot holes, there are some unnecessary long scenes that can be boring , but the acting of all the leads compensate for it and most of the action scenes are executed very well. Kudos to JCW! He deserves some love and praise from us! And to all the actors and actresses, specially Song Yoona! I love all her scenes. I watched Yoona with an open mind, and she might not be at par with the other actors , but she is doing a good job, and deserves some praise too.

If I could give an advice to some who is contemplating on whether to watch this drama or not, give it a try, watch two episodes at least, 4 at most and let you as a viewer decide if you want to continue or not, dont let others ruin it for you, we all have different preferences anyway, others might be indifferent with the drama, but some may be entertained by it.. keep your expectations low and try not to over analyze, and just think it's kdrama logic. lol!

Happy Viewing to those who wants to watch, and is still watching The K2!


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I recommend just watching episodes 1 thru 4. Enjoy Ji Chang Wook as much as you can in those episodes as you will likely drop the drama by episode 5. I stopped in the middle of Ep 5, as it was just too much for me to handle.

Watch it in the morning while making coffee, or doing some chores, as this drama does not need your full attention. Ignore the politics. Take full advantage of fan service on Episode 4, as that will likely be the last on any drama.


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Im sorry. I mean drop it by Episode 7. That's where I stop the drama. But if i hear some good action sequences in the future, I might try it again.


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some people are really not satisfied with anything.There was too much action in the beginning and people complained about it.now that the action was reduced,some people want action again.K2 has plotholes but its watchable.Dont expect it to be what its not.


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Ever since episode 1, I know what it wants to do. Which is too amuse me. All the choir music, the long action sequences, the speech in the hospital, the white gown and running on the street in Spain. Those are friggin' hysterical. And I enjoyed them along with the ramyun scenes and definitely the shower scenes.

It has bad writing from the get go, and I accepted it because of Ji Chang Wook. But I wasn't amused with what happened in Ep 7. I got annoyed instead. So, I decided, hmmm that's enough for me for today.


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@cindy - spot on!


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For me the issue with K2 is not too much action or lack of action, it's the lack of compelling characters (except for Yoo Jin) and relationships. Those are the things that make a drama work IMO and I'm not really seeing them in K2. It feels like K2 is trying all these flashy things but there isn't a lot of there...there.

Compare to say--Shopping King Louie. Which is a total fluff drama, but what it DOES have is vividly written characters and relationships. You can pick almost any character from the drama and feel a sense of their personality and the role they occupy in the drama's world.


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+10000000 @ Cindy


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I watched it while reading dramabeans or other stuff on my handphone. LOL.

Like right now, i'm typing this comment while watching ep 8.


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The writing is patchy and it's a pretty flawed show, but it's actually trying to do its own thing and is kind of succeeding at it, which is a breath of fresh air to me at least. At this point it kind of feels like Metal Gear Solid meets The Chaser (kdrama written by Park Kyung-soo), except not as good as either one? idk, if you like action, politics, or morality plays with Gothic undertones (that's an oddly specific checklist, sorry) there's a lot to work with there. If you don't like underwritten/visual storytelling (basically stylistic ambitions and macro themes take precedent over micro logic ) or feel like engaging with male fantasy straight out of a video game (I know a lot of international fans turn to kdrama to take a break from that lol), you probably won't enjoy it so much.


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Well, for K2, I love JCW & been following his drama from empress ki & healer, but in this drama, tbh he didn't draw me in/ am not convince with his character yet as it feels the writer him/herself was confused in developing his character, does his character is more on the badass type or a cheesy soft type? does he forget his revenge? Or does he prefer to seek for romance with Anna?, etc. Am at ep 7 but I feel the plot is going in circle & still had no clue about the main plot.
For Yoona, well, up to ep 7 all she did was practically running, crying & being a damsel in distress.. So am not sure about her acting as I feel it's sometimes either a hit or a miss & as of ep 7 there's not enough room for her to show another expression except crying (love some of her scene though). The one I had interested in K2 was Anna's step mom, she should be the villain but her character seems more layered & interesting & the actress did a very good job in portraying her character. But if later it turnsout that they made her to be just another evil kdrama villain, I don't think I have any reason to watch K2 anymore.
However, to me, watching K2 had make me appreciated Heartless City even more, it's been years since I watched it but I find it's so rare to have an awesome action drama with an engaging plot with a badass character like the one in Heartless City.


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Totally agree.

Heartless City is da bomb!

Very few action dramas can match it??.


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Indeed, it's really a masterpiece :)


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Heartless City!

Whoever have not watch it need to asap. The Best!


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I watched 2 episodes of Heartless City and just didn't care enough to continue. I keep hearing how good it is but it didn't grab me. Maybe it gets good after that.


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K2's not bad so you might as well try it, but it doesn't resonate with me the way City Hunter and Healer did, and I think I finally figured out the reasons:

1. What appealed to me about CH and Healer was not fundamentally the action but rather the development of the characters and relationships. But I feel like in K2, the characters (except for maybe Yoo Jin) are very underdeveloped.

In particular, all of K2's secondary characters are cartoonish and annoying. Whereas in Healer and CH, the secondary characters were well developed, and even the minor characters (like Yeong Shin's father in Healer and the president in CH) were well written and realistic.

2. The plot in K2 is too nonsensical in many ways.

3. The character Je Ha is not interesting compared to Jung Hoo and Yoon Sung. One difference is that Jung Hoo and Yoon Sung both worked with people they trusted, so through their interactions with their teams, their real personalities showed. Je Ha has no one to trust, so his personality doesn't come through. Another difference is that Jung Hoo and Yoon Sung both had normal day jobs where they interacted with normal people and using their mental skills, not just physical. That added a lot of depth to their characters, whereas Je Ha is in fighting/bodyguard mode pretty much all the time, so he comes off flat.


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I like it, but I am positive it's going to disappoint me. :)

The whole Yoonah thing is stupid. SHe has no discernable personality except "crazy" and "sad", which is my least favorite thing. And very little agency.

Conversely, JCW and the older woman are acting in a drama that is not necessarily in the writing, and it is everything.

So the writers this week started pushing us toward a love-line between empty Yoonah (so sad! so cute! so nothing!) and JCW and it's very forced and stupid. But if I mentally edit out all that stuff, it's really good. The adult characters here are interesting and there's a lot of levity to levin the action and angst. It sort of reminds me of Angry Mom in that way. It's serious and actiony but there's a lot of moments between all the characters, even minor ones, that make for good viewing.


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I thought I was the only one who hated J4.. i don't know if it's the character or the actress itself.. waaah..


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I think it's the lipstick, too big and too red, ^^


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You are not alone. I am so not amused by her.


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J4 could've been a good character but, just no. No no no.


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Wrong choice of actress..


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She's supposed to be a bodyguard but acts like a school girl. Just as unnecessary as those gross subway sandwiches.


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I'm shipping ljk with throne too, lol.

I really wonder what The K2 writer is up to, because so far Anna's side of the story is not functioning at all.

I love GHJ but cannot even get pass the 1st episode of Jealousy Incarnate. Something about that drama is turning me off, cant put my finger on it. Should I convince myself to watch it?


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Give JI till episode 5....if you still don't like it by then .... then I'd say it's not your cup of tea. But I absolutely love it....we are 16 episodes in and it gets better with each ep


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I watched JI until episode 5 and dropped it. I dunno why, I like all the leads but something in the show just didn't click for me.

Maybe it's the Ahjummas and all the wasted time spent on their rivalries. Maybe it's because first lead is pretending not to care when it's obvious to anyone with eyes that he does care. A lot. And maybe it's because we all know that second lead is gonna have his heart broken when I know he totally doesn't deserve it.

Either way the drama couldn't sustain my interest. So it's on to the next drama. Thank goodness for Louie or I'd have nothing to watch on Wednesdays. I'm not interested in Kim Ha Neul or dramas about adultery so OTWTA couldn't reel me in.


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I haven't resumed JI, watched it till ep 5,
sometimes I feel like the show try to show some funny moment, but it just not make me laugh, it makes me think that it can be funny,
probably resumed later if I got time


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at least give it till 2 or max 4 ep..


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Anna is back to her usual crying self.


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I love JI! The only episodes I wasn't crazy about were this weeks' episodes (15-16) to be honest (I agree with awcoconuts on this) but it should pick back next week, I hope <3


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it should pick back up* next week


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Well said! The warmth and fuzzy feelings are all gone. I spent painful and confusing 2 hours for those 2 episodes!


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@Ane, Give Jealousy a second chance. Believe me, I did. Ep 1 doesn't even BEGIN to tell you how awesome this show is.

As @Kay said, give it 5 episodes. And if you still don't like it, that's fine then. But don't abandon the show because of Ep. 1.


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" I just want Lee Jun-Ki to kill everyone and become king"
I second that !!!


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I know GF meant the cast. But who would he rule of he killed everyone? Kekeke


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2D1N - It does feel a little bland without JJY! But good thing is that I wasn't the only one who misses him!

Moonlight drawn by the clouds - "Byeong-yun ah" </3

Woman with a suitcase - yay! The ratings has gone up! I love that they didn't drag out the cases too long. Still can't get my head on why Hye-joo is hating on her sister tho.

Drinking Solo - Hope that Hana will learn a thing or two from her new boyfriend, career-wise, I mean... and I hope that Gong-myung wouldn't be so affected by this.

Shopping King Louis - grateful that they did not stick to the typical drama lot of "hero lost memories - hero meets heroine - hero gets hit - hero gains back memories - hero breaks up" even though i want them to find out abt Louis now, i wanna him to stay as poor Louis for a little while longer till he learns a thing or two about being able to survive on his own.

Jealousy Incarnate - this show is pure comedy! I swear there's no more plots to follow, it's not even a rom-com drama anymore. The two male leads are so immature and ridiculous that I just want to find out how much more childish could they get in order to get Nari.

On the way to the Airport - She left her sick child alooone (well, not exactly. Her friend showed up soon after) but dudeee. It also made me a little curious. I think Soo-Ah's a good mom but definitely not a great one. I feel for Hyo-eun the most this week. Poor kid had to change schools, put up with hectic timetable (and diff people to look after her) and she hardly meet her parents or talk to them. I'm glad when she finally exploded to her mom, but i wish she'd say it to her dad. Someone needs to tell her dad on how to be a good father!

K2: I feel like I'm gonna drop this one soon...


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Have yet to watch this week's episodes of The K2 and SKL. I'm waiting until MDBC ends to see if someone's gonna die or not before I decide whether to push through or not lol. Still only at ep 12 and I finally figured out that the reason I don't like it is that it's not plot-driven (which I don't mind), but not really character-driven either (I just don't feel like these characters are real, which is kind of necessary with those kind of stories). Instead it seems to be romance-driven. I don't generally do well with those unless I'm completely head over heels with the main couple's chemistry and I just don't feel it here. Maybe because she's still underaged or maybe because I prefer more mature romances.

1N2D feels sooo empty without JJY :( They're all to "normal" and really need someone to ask weird questions and do silly dances while outsmarting everyone lol. Don't get me wrong, I love all the members and wouldn't be without any of them in the show, but this week's ep really made me realize that a lot of what's made season 3 work so well is that they have an oddball member like JJY. I hope he returns soon! Hwaiting!

Finally watched Misaeng! It was birilliant! I can't believe I waited so long, but on the other hand it's probably good that I did, because otherwise a lot of stuff may have gone over my head due to lack of exposure to the South Korean culture. My favorite character was without a doubt Suk Yool, but so many of them were just so lovably human. Although Suk Yool's boss and Mr. Ma were just.. ugh.. When the wife's husband showed up all angry I was cheering him on all the way lol!

Started Cheese in the Trap. It's good so far, but I'm not in love. No chance of SLS either. I mean, yeah, he's handsome, but I wouldn't choose either guy. One is manipulative and seems like he's got a personality disorder yet doesn't know it, while the other's kind of manic and somewhat violent. Thanks, but no thanks lol.


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Oh! How can I forget Drinking Solo? It's such a great show! I think Jung Seok's "excuse" for being a jerk is the lamest dramaland has ever come up with though, but Ha Na kind of taking charge a bit, and her forgiving him being in character, kind of makes up for it. But he's still a jerk with no excuse except for when it comes to work-stuff.

Loooved that we got to hear Key sing! <3

Jo Kwon in ep 11 was pretty embarrassing. His acting fell completely flat next to the other guys, especially Ki Bum and Dong Young, and his role was just filler.


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Jo Kwon's cameo was really weak. I wish they'd tie up his lil storyline neatly instead of him just disappearing completely.

Between Key and Jo Kwon I was surprised to find out that the latter had more experience acting in dramas.


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You just summed up exactly how I feel about MDBC!

I'm finally loving K2, though. Parts of.it were gripping from the get go, but now things are really starting to simmer, in a good way. Still not on board with the romance, but for one the political intrigue is fascinating so I'm ok.

And that car scene O.o. Holy cow, how did they even film that???


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Cheese is one heck of a showcase of Mentally unstable or mentally ill collage students.
TVN feels like a rehabilitation centre because almost all of there dramas this year portrayed main characters having some kind of mental problems.

Suk Yool is my favourite too. Why? Because He showed lot of character. He is quite a colourful person. His whole character has good depth and he faced many issues throughout the life of the show. I like his growth and development. His personality was quite vibrant and acted as social medium to make sure the other 3 share the same table.


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The good thing about Cheese in the Trap is show you many types of people who are exist in the reality. I encountered many of the series characteries in the real life and they are really as they in the show. Enjoy!


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Ra-on: Sending him off well. So that he can live well without me. So that if someone were to come and take my place...

Ra-on's mom: so he won’t carry lingering feelings for you?

Ra-on: No. So he won’t be sorry to me.

Yeah, Ra-on ah. Send us, fans off well, unni's heart can't take separation well. Send us off well so we won't feel sorry to you. 45 more hours till next Moonlight's episode!


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yeah, either this
( ・_・)ノ




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Yup, can't wait for the final 2 episodes to air at the same time i feel nostalgic already just thinking next week i won't be seing our favorite OTP on screen every mondays and tuesdays anymore.. sigh...? I will definitely have withdrawal symptoms for a very long time..


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I think I will be too. Maybe I won't be watching any new dramas after, going to watch Reply 1988 for Park Bo-gum and Angry Mom for Kim Yoo-jung. I don't think my Mon-Tues will ever be the same without them. *cries* But I seriously need this addiction to stop, can't stop thinking about them. >_<


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Lol, me too. Been on YT almost the whole day yesterday either listening to the OST, watching PBG's interview, all the the fan made videos, even 1n2d i had to watch coz he was there..


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MDBC: Omg, if our three musketeers aren't all going to make it by the end of ep.18 I'm gonna fly to SK and have a "word" with PD and writer-nim, leave the killing to Goryeo's moon (btw I still don't understand why that's called Moon Lovers).

Moon Lovers: Why am I still watching this? After ep. 11 not being a LJK fangirl (yeah believe it or not I'm still resistant to him, somebody call a doc) makes it more and more difficult to ignore all the flaws and a lot less forgiving when it comes to the nonsensical plot and characters. I'm all in for writers taking a creative license to history but make it somehow believable at least. (And I thought I'm used to the "creativity" considering how many stupid historical dramas I've watched from Hong Kong but this one takes the cake.) And I agree with GF, just have So kill them all and be king, fin.

Woman with a Suitcase: Hmm...I'm still kind of indifferent to this. And they need to take "The Good Wife" as an example in the wardrobe department for a legal drama, the only well dressed female is Attorney Goo.

Drinking Solo: Kyah, loved the kiss. And I don't think I'll ever get tired of Dee-ro-ree. Leave the casting of idols to the Let's Eat and Reply production teams. That's all.

1% of Anything: Had some spare time (yeah, I have no life lol) and who'd say no to more cute HSJ? Though his wardrobe stylist must hate him, what's up with all the patterns? *brrr* Haven't seen the original but this remake is an easy breezy watch thanks to the short episodes and I really like our spunky heroine (to me she looks like a mix of Shin Minah and Jang Nara). Oh and the nurse from JI is in here as well, with her trademark facial expressions. Lol

Jealousy Incarnate: Heol, just when I thought this show couldn't get any more wacky...how is it possible to die laughing over a three way breakup like that? Hats off to everyone. Oh I cannot wait for the cohabitation hijinks. This show really takes a love triangle to another level. ? At this stage just call yourself Absurdity Incarnate. Anyway whatever the writer's taking I'd like a dose of it.
And chepu-nim! Haven't watched Pasta (one day....sigh, one day) but I recognize that voice anytime anywhere. ❤️

Shopping King Louis: It cracks me up that at the beginning of this drama most of us were expecting to see amnesiac Louis' journey in becoming more self-sufficient with the help of the ever so capable Bok-shil but turns out that his real ability (besides shopping) is to make everyone his servant. Maid 1-2-3 and Butler Cha. Pffft. I still have a tiny bit of hope that he'll learn how to take care of himself before regaining his memory and going back to his old life.

On The Way To The Airport: Sigh, when will I find my airport? (preferably 6' tall with dimples, thank you very much ☺️)

Fantastic: All hail to bromance and girlfriends!


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The K2: Assa, the holy sub has graced us. Now the Fantastic Four of fast food chains is complete in dramaland. And we've had our mirror and poisoned apple, now where are the 7 dwarfs? ?
Otherwise..welp, plot was slow af in ep.7 and I hope they're not gonna have Yoo-jin take a backseat to have more time for the romance from now on. ?

Dream High: Ha, I totally forgot there's another Jo In-sung in here. ?
Even after a rewatch I don't think I'll ever get over it that JYP was such a scene stealer. ? Almost forgot how freaking adorable IU was in here, ah the Milky couple. And well Taec is Taec, Suzy is Suzy. ? Funnily enough I've not seen any of their dramas between this and their most recent ones. Their acting progress...sure it's there but umm...well considering over 5 years have passed it's still just serviceable.
And praying to the dramagods to give me 16h of KSH goodness in 2017 before he's gone, preferably on cable but he's probably too expensive...ok, I'll take whatever. ? Two hours of "Real" just won't cut it. Btw. have you heard he wants to become a professional bowler now? If I was in SK you better believe I'd try to figure out where he's training. Kekeke.


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Drinking Solo Fandom loyalty goes to you @javabeans :)

I'm hesitant to watch 1% of Something because of that too. I'm so invested with Park Ha Sun and Ha Seok Jin tandem and I can't ship them with anyone yet. :(


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Ha Seok Jin and Park Ha Sun the best couple combination for now.

As soon as i learnt that cameo Sister-in-law girl is main actress of another show, I dropped the show altogether. Gonna try it in December.

Like you I'm too invested with Park Ha Sun and Ha Seok Jin


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Did someone say kitties?

Time to seek out 3 Meals a Day.


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That is EXACTLY what I was thinking. Kitties and Grumpy McGrumperson. Can't do much better than that. Ironically, that is also a description for Shopping King Louie, which is one of the two dramas I'm watching now. Dropped everything else.


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I hope someone will subs 3MaD. ?


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I know that Fishing Sub Team is going to sub it. And one week after airing, tvN will broadcast it with subs on their worldwide channel.

For now, I've done a recap.


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I watched a couple raw clips so far and omg, the kitties are SO CUTE. One of them even snuggled up to Mr.Grumpypants


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I saw in a news article that Yoon Kyun-sang brought his cats along! And good god they are adorable. I'm having pet envy.


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Are you following him on instagram? Coz it's basically a daddy and his kitties page + a bit of his acting job. lol


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Eric oppa and kitties... I swoon.


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I'm not really a cat person but those kitties are just too adorable not to love! ?


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Wow, except for the fact that I'm at the beginning of a new career (I switched to something I DID like, but now I'm a 32 yr old newbie), our lives sound very similar. I think I need to try this show.

Good luck! I'm cheering you on! \(o.o)/


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I'm watching the same shows as you are :)

It's nice to see there are other people who watch Second to Last Love. It can get boring at times but the characters and the romance keep me going.

Bad Guys - I just have to watch the last episode but I keep saving it for later. Once I finish all the other currently airing dramas I''m watching, I'm gonna finish it.

Also, don't be disheartened. Better things will come your way soon. Hope you get the motivation to start dating again. Hwaiting!


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Currently watching Moon lovers & Woman with a suitcase. I cry and laugh over both. Also because I have a soft spot for men with a deep voice ^^

Btw i read an old interview with Joo Jin Mo. He said he's a very shy guy, would give his number if women ask, but never ask for their numbers first cos he's afraid they'd refuse. awww..


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I just remember Ha Seok Jin is in Problematic Man, that's why he is a professor in Drinking Solo!!! (sudden aha moment, he is clever), plan to watch that again, even with no sub, and 1% of anything 3-4 is freaking cute , I mean they talked and they really matched to each other, just the duration is only 30 minutes T.T

Fantastic : Hong Joon-Gi..... T.T , seriously I loved his character so much even if I haven't watch the latest 2 ep

K2 ; the show keep trying to make me a Conductor (orchestra), I keep make the gesture to stop the choir or lowering the background song,
for the story . . I accepted it, I watched it for the Fight and I get the Fight, well .. fair enough

MDBC : it's only 2 episode left, I don't mind the angst, we need climax anyway and surprisingly the OST is really good separately , except Love is Over, here's a table flipping for the song . . . . ┻━┻
excited for Chiyeol song
and here's FMV for F4 Moonlight edition
_link below

Moon Lovers : There's so much question for the show but they hardly answer anything and just moved by their own plot. And am I the only one who think the setting is so small?
Like they are almost in the same place for 15 episode, the same house, the same lake, the same building, or it probably the effect of close shot,

if there's no MDBC, I probably gonna do the whole Ha Seok Jin marathon
Drinking Solo _ 1 % of anything _ Once upon a time in Sangcheori


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Yay!!!!!! @Sancheezy please start watching Once Upon A Time in Sangcheori so that we can talk about it :D hahaha...I already started my Ha Seok Jin marathon :)

The show is hilarious! Pali Pali!


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haha I watched it before, but I'm willing to re-watched it,
I borrow the DVD from my friend and she can't give it till Monday,
it has young Ha Seok Jin, there's no bargain in it,
so I think we can talk about it



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Aaaarrrghh...you get HD! So jealous :( I've got to settle for 480p crappy quality.

I just finished ep 3. Whenever Seok Jin's character takes out his pre-school maths book, I lose it :D


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probably not HD either (but I hope), it's from 2011,
the quality probably not good and I haven't asked if it original or pirated (peasant can't really choose T.T)

haha the math book!!, isn't it has some kind of Clock or Bug as the cover, the big one??
the math book as his secret, poor guy need to start from primary school again,


Yeah, it's a HUGE book, LOL!

There's a big red thing in front which I think it's a pencil that's rounded up like a snail. I didn't really noticed the cover but I kept laughing whenever he was trying his hardest to do 1 Chick + 1 Chick = ???


I still think "Love Is The Moment" takes the prize for The Worst OST in the history of dramas, but "Love Is Over" in a Saguek (and I don't care if it's Fusion Saguek) comes pretty close.


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aaah Moment...
I seriously don't know the other lyric of the song beside love is the moment ...


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MDBC -- the angst and separation turned me off, I wasn't even interested in watching the last couple of episodes. I'm just waiting for the happy ending.

Moon Lovers -- I want more of So-Soo scenes but really, I just want So to stop sacrificing himself, his honour, his life, his soul for the ones he loves. I just want him to find peace.

K2 -- I lost interest in the first few minutes of episode 7 (i.e. when K2 was trying to save Anna after her allergy reaction), and stop watching. I probably should pick it again just to see K2 and Madam.

Three Meals A Day , Fishing Village , season 3 -- anyone has seen this subbed in English ? I watched the raw versiin, enjoyed it, but couldn't understand the details (for ex , I didnt the cats belong to KS. Eric is good at cooking! I love the ericar , although it doesn't seem comfortable to sit in the back.


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I'd love to watch a sub-titled version of Three Meals a Day: Fishing Village too. I saw a short clip on YouTube that had subtitles and fell for Eric all over again. ?


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Jealousy Incarnate is probably my favorite comedy of the week. I like that it doesn't take itself too seriously, and the series is consistently fun and likable. Shopping King Louis and Drinking Solo are cute and surprisingly funny at times. They are a bit too quirky to recommend and a bit too quirky to pass up.

Moonlight and Moon Lovers are my weekly addictions. I didn't have a problem with the politics this week in Moonlight, but I hope the show resolves some of its conflicts in a satisfying way. Moon Lovers has been uneven from the start, but it's still incredibly entertaining (to me, anyway). I thought the time leaps were necessary, but I am not really in it for the romance. I'm curious to see how the Korean version follows or differs from the Chinese version. People seem to be frustrated with the heroines and the politics in both Moon series, but I am not sure I agree with some of the complaints (particularly if they are rooted in the audience's desire to see happy romantic bliss, which would be problematic given the circumstances).

K2 is my favorite unintentional comedy of the week. I laugh at the cheesiness of this series, but it's fun to watch, too. I think I would have liked it more if Anna were a little girl instead of a romantic interest, since the show has sort of a Leon/Man from Nowhere vibe.

I've caught some of Woman with a Suitcase and Fantastic, but neither show is really my cup of tea. Choi Ji Woo always rubs me the wrong way for some reason, and I tend to shy away from Korean legal dramas because the morality and logic seem off (I did like The Good Wife more than the American original, though). Fantastic feels a bit phony to me, but I skim through it in search of bits with the motorcycle girl snapping and standing up to her terrible in-laws.


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Ohhhh if anna had been a little girl, the show would have been BRILLIANT. Or like a moody middle scholer!

They could have cast a normal version of j4 if they wanted romance, killing 2 birds with one stone...


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Yes! If Anna was a little girl who K2 ended up choosing to protect, it would have been much better and interesting!


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Totally agree, the romance was the one that turned me off since it feels too force. It would be so much different if Anna is a child & what Jeha's trying to do is only to protect a child without any other motif/force romance, it'll give more impact to the drama itself since it felt more sincere.


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I thought Fantastic ep 11 was muy satisfying with Sul breaking the wine bottles and walking out...ep 13 is even more so (no spoiler here!). Love the Sul-Sang Wook pairing!


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With all the crying ladies in kdramaland, Sul is probably the only female character whose crying never bothered me.


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My main K-Dramas to watch weekly are Drinking Solo and FantastiC. These two are my favorite because both shows are awesome, realistic, relatable, and funny. Both have amazing cast and characters to love and relate to. Their episodes keeps getting better and better as they get closer to the end (unlike other dramas who start so good at the beginning, but fizzled out in the middle and towards the end...and make me lost interest and stop watching...not these two. They keep me watching weekly). Best of all, I never expected to watch both dramas and love them too!

Anyway, I'm currently watching...
Mondays/Tuesdays - Drinking Solo (I love this series!!!), Moonlight Drawn By Clouds (currently need to catch up the last two episodes since my top priority watch on M/T is Drinking Solo...)

Wednesdays/Thursdays - 1% of Anything/Something (I'm enjoying watching this new remake and have seen all 4 episodes, thus far. Love that it's only 30-45 minutes long per episodes...makes me long to see more. Also, love the new things added to the drama for something fresh and new).

Fridays/Saturdays - FantastiC (love thus series and its amazing cast esp. Park Shi-Yeon's character Seol. Her smashing wine rant scene was my favorite scene in Episode 11! She and Ji Soo are so cute and adorable together. Can't wait till they get together!)

Saturdays/Sundays - Second To Last Love (love this series too, but as it gets closer to the end it kinda drags a bit...and I thought the drama ends at 16, but seems to keep going), Blow Breeze (Love this one for the main couple, but I'm behind with watching the last 4 episodes. Need to catch up...though after finding out it has about 50 total episodes, that kind of make lost interest because I rarely like or get invested in watching long dramas).

Other K-Dramas I've tried/started watching, but only got to watch 1-2 or up to 6 episodes and have yet to resume watching...
Shopping King Louis (Episode 1)
Woman With A Suitcase (Episode 1)
On The Way To The Airport (Episode 1)
K2 (Episode 1)
Cinderella And The 4 Knights (Episodes 1-6...though I skipped a few episodes and jump to 6, lol)

Other Dramas (everyone's talking about) but I haven't seen yet...
Jealousy Incarnate
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo

Previously seen K-Dramas (recently and earlier this year/late last year)...
W: Two Worlds
Descendants of The Sun
Oh My Venus
All About My Mom


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Mon-Tue - Drinking Solo - Added in my top 10 kdramas list

Wed-Thus - Woman with a suitcase - Almost lost interest in it.

Fri-Sat - FantastiC - Now whenever or wherever i read the word fantastic, My mind immediately assumes that person is talking about FantastiC. Any comment on dramabeans mentioning word Fantastic gains my attention at lightening speed.

and The K2 - Entertainment and fun while it airs.

Second to Last Love - Getting some discussion here. Minority viewers. I'm stuck at episode 9 for 2 weeks. I would like to buy some property in Woori City. All the greenery makes me happy.

MY heart juggles between Drinking Solo and FantastiC. I'm happily invested in both shows and their characters.

I can relate to Drinking Solo characters more but Dr. Hong Joon Ki's wisdom words attracts a lot of attention too.


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How can u judge a drama by watching 1 episode? Lol.? Anyway i recommend you SKL ..try to watch 2 or 3 eps ..i'm sure u will love it..n the ratings also increasing by each eps..


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Currently watching: Moonlight & K2
Moonlight: though this week's episodes seems rather angsty, I found myself still enjoying it so much, love the emotional rollercoaster ride they gave us
K2: am seriously had a problem with the writing, their plot & characterization seems odd as somehow I think they caught in between whether to make Jeha looks badass or cheesy thus they made them both (writernim,incase you haven't notice, badass doesn't get along with cheesy, so please, make a decision already). Jeha & Anna seems to be the main couple but every scene they had, felt so shallow, & Jeha is turning like a kid everytime he's with Anna ughh... That ramen CF scene (yes both on ep 4&5), romanticized CPR kiss (these are the worst scene ever, multiple slowmotion on a CPR, really?), I don't get why Jeha sees Anna with that kind of affection when they barely had no chemistry nor bonding moment yet. While Anna's character, well, I know she is a pitiful character but that doesn't change the fact that she is the least attractive character one, since all she did is practically only running & crying, & I blame the writer for that (am on ep 7 already, why it has to be this long to develop a character?).
The only thing I love in this drama is Yoojin's character as she seems more layered so am curious to know her past & Song Yoon Ah's stellar acting just gotten me into it, otherwise I might dropped this drama long way before. Am not sure if I can stick to watch this though, since after I watched ep 7 I kept losing my interest in this drama especially from those maincouple scenes.
I'd rather had no romance whatsoever in this drama rather than having this force romance.


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I don’t get why Jeha sees Anna with that kind of affection when they barely had no chemistry nor bonding moment yet.
Exactly right, he was so disinterested even when he rescued her, so what with the sudden attention with the rameyun scenes. I was dying from embarrassment, when he was giving a running commentary on how to find the spoons and salts, or what not. Problem with the drama may be is that, the strongest female character is song yoon ah's Yoojin, so that's why it's hard to connect the main character of K2 with yoona's damsel in distress, especially because we're already invested much in song yoona's character may be? So we expect much to see more interactions between k2 and yoojin, rather than k2 and yoona. Which are basically fan service at this point. The difference of these two moods are so sharp that you can't miss how odd it looks on screen. I can almost divide the show in two equal zone where one part accounts for the intense actions chess-plays, whereas the other parts comprise of J4's stupid scenes and K2-yoona moments. Anyway, I am also staying for now for yoojin's sake, and to see how their friendship unfolds. This time the yongpal writer got it right in parts, but how I hope song yoon ah was the one paired up with JCW >_<.


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Yes exactly, it's like there's 2 writers working on the K2, one giving us that stellar burning car, umbrella scene, Yoojin's multi layered characters, Jeha badass action & more intense scene
While the other one gives us that cheesy romance scenes outofnowhere without even trying to give us a proper background of their story, too much PPL/CF/Fans services scenes.
Like you, I had also hope they'd stick to the first scenario but after watching ep 7, am kinda pessimistic & on the fence to drop this


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@Plummpy & @Sancheezy Actually it's not about the romance part, may be for me it's when yoo jin and jeha are together, they bring a whole different level of dynamics to the drama, because these two are so distinct,distinguishable from the common people in the background or surrounding. That's where their non-existent relationship stands out. I feel sometimes even evil people need rescues, they need the chance for redemption, I think at one point in life we also lose ourselves to our evil instincts, then we see the worse in us and the guilt kills us, but while the average tend to turn away from these issues, and get to survive, the bad guys don't. So, they keep going down and down until there's no point of return. Sometimes in yoo jin I see a glimpse of a person going through guilt and a sense of conscience, but then it's not there anymore. Amidst her cheating husband and the step daughter she has may be lost herself and now everything that she's holding on to are those silly properties and power. I guess it's kind of amazing to experience. When we see the events from the bad guy's pov, everything adds another texture and flavor to the story.


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K2 was better when Anna was in a coma, or am I thinking of another show.


^^ I get it, I just feel that sometimes Yoo jin is overreacted, either the acting or the character but the show itself also like that.
Their interaction just doesn't come across me as affection, just yoojin overly affection to him bit I can see how the pairing will work, I just don't feel it by Jeha's action.

I probably more related to people than being loosen up as the gesture of acceptance, just like what I feel with Yoojin to Jeha and Jeha to Anna. I also think they already show all about yoojin character but Jeha still have no reaction.


I am probably the opposite side of the coin, or probably because I watched ep 8 already,
I find yoo jin frustrating and dampening the mood when she is with jeha, and anna makes jeha more ease, smile and always in nerve wrecking mode, he is a bit more like himself than with yoo jin,

yoo jin reminds me a lot with the mother character in weekend drama but executed with more elegance and directed with theatrical music, or many politician characters in US series,

but of all, I think I just got a different impression ^^ and I find that difference as a very interesting reaction,

I find the problem is the length, the ramen scene probably to make Anna has a screen time but it super long and the writer refuse to give her more plot-related scene in 5 ep, something that doesn't about her being sad and ramen, probably typing and playing rubik will help viewer have more impression of her,


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Hmmm, I think I have to disagree with you guys. There's been so much criticism and disbelief surrounding the Anna-Jeha pairing so far, but it's totally in line with his character to act that way around her.

I mean, we already know that Jeha is a total emotional softie under that tough guy image. Look his interactions with the old orchard couple or even the cleaning lady. He barely knew them, but he immediately developed a connection and didn't hesitate to protect them. Heck, he only knew the old lady for a few minutes and he was heartbroken when he couldn't save her. So it makes complete sense that he acts the way he does around Anna. He has an obvious weakness for people in need, and Anna takes the cake in that category for now.

It's a little unfair to discredit the main couple when they aren't even a proper couple yet. The feelings between them are mostly guilt, pity, and sympathy. And maybe throw in a little affection. His job is to protect her, so it's natural for him to gradually care about her in the process. It'll take time for actual romance to build up, so let's not dismiss it yet. I can sense something sweet and endearing between these two.

I agree that Yoojin and Jeha have KILLER chemistry, but Yoojin doesn’t harbor lovey-dovey feelings for Jeha. It’s more curiosity and astonishment. Respect, even. All the men in her life–her father, her husband, her brother–disappointed her in some way, but this total stranger hasn’t. She's finally met a guy who can look her in the eye. They both have this insanely complex relationship and mutual understanding that screams to be appreciated, and to boil it down to a noona romance doesn’t do their characters or the show justice.


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*ah just want to pointed this out, when I say these are the worst scene ever, I mean it's both "Jeha-Anna dancing over a ramen scene with his hearteyes & their overreacting" & "romanticized multiple shot CPR kiss with a slowmo" I don't know which one is the worst as they're both "that" worst ~"~


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For some unknown reason I feel like nam ji hyun is my long lost friend, she just seems so down to earth and totally looks like the girl next door.
Also yes at times i think i'm watching a one man show, and that would be SIG, probably louis's ghost has captured him, and now like scarlet heart, louis's soul is into SIG's body, ok that sounds weird, but really how he does that. At times I'm out of words cause the only thing he has not done by now is wagging his imaginary tail, apart from that I've seen him hiding behind the kitchen curtain, going all gaga over a one cent coin, and then just the total ease that he carries around, that it's hard not to get immersed into louis show for two hours even if you've not seen him for one week, so I don't have any problem to get into the watcher mode, which quite happens when I'm watching any on going drama, I get out of love or curiosity a lot, so Louis deserves all the credit for making me stick to the drama, week after week.
Ok sorry for the rant! On a side note, I watched go ho's starry night on the weekend, cause it was just so cliched but yet,adorable and yuri is super cute. I don't know for some odd reason kim kwang young didn't suck, and I got his appeal, so either I've gone mad or he has actually improved in acting or something.
And another high five to javabeans, I almost resonate her feeling on all the dramas except , drinking solo, because my boy ki bum has been hurting, so I'll may be catch up just to see how the drama ends.
I've been itching to start watching j-doramas again. But may be I'm more into movies, just because the movies tend to have cooler concepts and visuals, compared to dramas. I saw umimachi diary some weeks back, and wow, it was such an endearing piece of art. The melancholic mood, the town landscapes, that home everything kind of boded well together, and of course the chemistry of those four girls are beyond amazing. I love when relationships are shown in a right manner, and you don't get to see four girls having a center of attention in films much. So all of the actors were kind of wonderful all together.


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Okay you just convince me to watch shopping king


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I think the reason why Scarlet Heart can be so maddening and yet has kept us suckers blowing up the recap thread (btw, shoutout to all my fellow addicts including @cherryarrow, @PineappleGongzhu, @Ren, @Jamie, @Barbrey, @kumoiwa, @IvoryLight, @Yoyo, @Miumiu, @Kiara, @Zoe and others) is because of what could have been.

It's like there are traces of what could have been a GREAT drama in there, buried under the horrible OSTs, often-weird editing and directorial choices and strange pacing - a drama that could have blown all our minds and kept us talking fondly of it for years the way people do about the OG BBJX.... but because the production could not be arsed to do their jobs, it's buried under extraneous crap, so it's like seeing a great painting painted over with random things and leaving just bits of the original peeking through. And those peeks are what keeps me in it.

Basically, I'm going between insane investment/questioning my own sanity, and "WE COULD HAVE HAD IT AAAAAAALLLLLLLL" feels about how it turned out. And despite everything, I can't quit it - I'm in to the bitter end, multiple versions, chasing missing scenes/subs, and all.

(also it's SO HARD TO QUIT once the romance gets going, Lee Jun-ki and IU are a really good match - my favourite of his post-military romantic pairings, other than Shin Mina that is)


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Also, besides the sheer amount of effort expended in just watching every version of this drama there is (edit your expensive pre-productions better next time, SBS!), I can't remember a drama ever making me so so much reading.

(a passing mention of our heroine getting Bulgarian rose oil for a birthday present has me running off to wikipedia to check whether Bulgaria was actually known by that name in the 900s, and ending up reading on the entire First Bulgarian Empire era....what is my life?)


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Haha, I had over 50 tabs open about prominent people in the beginning of the U.S. for like 3 weeks. You're not alone in that obsession.

I think my interest in their wacky lives is what connects me to kdramas.


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and... the answer was positive or negative? just curious (but obviously not enough to check it out myself). ;)


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Positive! This drama may have messed up editors, but its fact checkers know their stuff.


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OMG!!!! You made me laugh so hard. I totally agree I've never read so much on a drama. Ohhh Lee jun ki what have you done to us fan girls!!!!!!


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'I can’t remember a drama ever making me do so much reading.' @Pogo
:D :D


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I would start to explain why we love this show so much... but I totally can't. It's just got us hook, line, and sinker and like, I don't even need a reason to be so addicted to the show like whoa.

Well okay, maybe it's because I love the tragic theme of being a mere piece in the moving cogs of history but then again there's Lee Joon-gi with his microexpressions of all microexpressions to ever exist with Kim Kyu-tae's camera lens all up in his face. Can't decide which reason is more legit.


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You should probably brace yourself for the ending. I've heard the original Chinese one ends in a much sad note, so at this point I am only dreading about the finale. Hope Su gets to stay with So only, and not anyone else.


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I knew from the start that this wasn't going to be one of those happily ever after sageuks - I can live with a sad ending, but I hope it's done in a way that's worthy of the things that keep drawing us back to the drama.


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When people read that the ending is bad, I think they automatically assume it's going to be sad. That's not what makes the ending to Scarlet Heart bad, though. It's devastating in a different way, but I don't want to spoil it.


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I agree... happy ending can also be bad,
I don't think the chinese drama ending is bad, but it's not happy too


I don't think anything can trump the baaaaaaad editing done on this show. The series might end on a sad note but it's definitely not as bad as the mishap of an editing done. Where are all the flaming arrows at? *points finger to directly at editing team*


Yoyo, checking in! ?

There's more to Scarlet Heart than just a merry mix of flaws, and I think for those of us that have fully embraced the show in spite and despite of the editing, directing and musical shenanigans, we discovered something addictive about it that made watching several versions of it, stalking IG pages, trolling Twitter and zoning out on recaps seem nothing out of the ordinary.

Our Mondays and Tuesdays will never be the same once this show draws its final curtain call. Ugh. I can't.


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Yoyo, you're absolutely right that there's more to the drama than its flaws. And because of that, I think that if the production had only just stirred their arses a bit BEFORE getting them kicked in the ratings, they could have had what they wanted - domestic AND international success. I don't think the presence of Lee Jun-ki alone explains why recap threads routinely blow up to the levels they do, considering we didn't go to those levels for his previous dramas!

idek how I'm going to deal once it's gone and there's no more of it.


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Moon Lovers could have been good, but it probably will have the same writer, director and music director, so probably not too,
I mean, they need a solid team, need the fitted actor or directed them as the fitted character, need a proper Saeguk speech, need a better writing, need a proper setting and better flow,

Imo Qing Dynasty and Goreo are mismatched, Qing and Joseon probably will work better,
then we'll have Su worked as palace maid/chef ala dong yi or Dae Jang-geum,

and if they want to follow the real Wangso history, they need to abandon the Chinese plot stages,
just take the Ruoxi character,
her character is the only thing they need to keep in the core (improvised a bit is recommended) since it's an adaptation (something should be the same),
her as a character will definitely behave differently in a different era and act differently with different character,

the main male lead can be the 14th or the 8th,
the cunning one can be the 2nd or the 4th (cause they are famous in court), the crown prince/the favoured one can be the 10th, the best friend can be the crown prince character and removed others so we got 4 male and also removed the cute girl, keep the story about the assassin girl (her story seem interesting)


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Like I said, it might still be flawed but there's enough at its core to keep us coming back over and over, despite everything.

I'm not too concerned about the changes from history or the Chinese version - I'm fine with not knowing much about either, since the drama makes it clear right from the first frame that it's not sticking to the history we know. Also I would personally get rid of assassin girl but that's because the actress totally sucks, unlike the one who plays Soon-deok.


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I just give some opinion of what I think would work because I've seen the chinese drama and I watched moon lovers, besides, they said it's an adaptation,
they have so many possibilities in the term of plot and character,
I find it's okay for them to not follow the chinese drama or the history, just give some thought if someone wants to remake the story again (hardly gonna happen) in different era or probably different palace


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As someone who watched the Chinese version, too, I am actually pretty fascinated by the Korean adaptation. I do agree that this one is all over the place in terms of writing, acting, direction, etc. Like the music, some of it is fantastic (e.g., that cool cello theme song that sounds a bit like the theme from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) and some of it is lamentable (e.g., the rap).

However, I think some of the biggest complaints should actually be directed at the source material, which also had difficulty balancing the cheesy harem fantasy with the devastating political tragedy at the heart of the story. Fans complain about Su not falling for So or Su not showing enough agency, but that's sort of the point. She is too modern for any of them, but she is also overwhelmed by a situation that is beyond her control. At the same time, she is an ironic catalyst. Should she really be blamed for all that has transpired, or are we to laugh at the princes who claim it's all because of her, when the same events seemingly unfolded in her absence long before she was born?

Neither series adequately explores the implications of the heroine's beginnings, though the Chinese version does a much better job of addressing her inner struggle. Ruoxi also comes across as someone with more fortitude and intelligence than Su, and I miss the philosophical conversations she had with 13th and 4th. The Korean series has had some interesting political elements, and characters like Lady Oh were welcome additions. However, I am a bit disappointed that the inevitable conflict between the princes has felt very simplistic and rushed. Turning 4th into a romantic hero and 8th into a remorseless enemy will hurt the show later, too, since both characters are way too complicated and controversial to fit so neatly into black and white categories.

My problem is that I want to enjoy the characters as strategists, not lovers, but neither series lets me do that. Also, neither series is really able to be the complicated love story it wants to be, since both resorted to jarring transitions and sudden character shifts. In general, though, the Chinese version seems like a more sophisticated adaptation. My greatest pleasure in watching the Korean version, however, is trying to decide what parts of history and the original story the writers will include.


Oh, I should also add that I think Wang So is a fascinating choice for the 4th prince, since he had the reputation of a tyrant, but he also introduced some interesting reforms. The character has the potential to be fascinating.


I think Scarlet Heart, either the Chinese and Korean is definitely romance genre, the Chinese version make the politic less because it told by her point of view and she didn't participate directly in every politic scene as Hae Soo supposedly is.

I don't think the biggest complaint should be directed to the source material, the Korean team actually said they adapted the novel. The Chinese drama already gives a good layout of everyone relationship. The Korean version can make their own palace politic and explore it better but even if the did, it's their own choice and success.
A not good adaptation shouldn't blame the fault on the original source, it's their own product, their own drama, their story and their history that has nothing to do with the adaptation when they barely follow any. They have creative license to follow it or not so whatever they did can't be attributed to the Chinese drama because it's their own choice.

About Hae Soo's choice? I don't mind her choice to love or anything, it's her character that never got serious direction imo. She doesn't need to do it all, she just needs to be presented as understandable to the viewer and fleshed out. The Kdrama fail to do that for her and that doesn't come from the Cdrama.

And I am not really into reading too much of Kdrama vs History cause there's no drama that would follow 100% history and it quite troublesome if the drama asks the viewer to researched about their source credibility, it's 2 different stories.
Real Wangso probably has more interesting that the 4th story and Wang so in Moon Lovers probably more interesting character by his nature than the 4th. It's the development and the story telling of wangso that doesn't imo. Just like the 4th is interesting in Scarlet Heart but really scary in history and less badass as fighting as Wang so, but the Chinese drama didn't mean to make him a badass wangso.

A good story is a good story, they presented their purpose clearly to the viewer without making the viewer fill the gap in between (ofc imo), or let the viewer fill the gap for some episode like a mystery show and then confirm the speculation. It fascinating to be a fan that found the trivia of the story , what they did and what they didn't but I find the trivia is not part of the story that can contribute to the development of the overall show,
I can still enjoy Dae Jang Geum without knowing the trivia of her life because her story in the drama is good.


@UrsulaX : I watched the C-version, too. Like you, I also find RuoXi a more interesting heroine. She has a good heart and is willing to sacrifice for ppl around her, just like Soo. But she's smarter, more tactical and realistic regarding the palace affairs. Certainly not tactless and less often being damsel in distress.
I also miss her friendship and convo with the 13th. He's surely her kindred spirit, a platonic one it is. Their relationship is more believable as they have the same modern view about life. Her kinda-frenemy the 14th also seems non-existent in K-version.

I found So and Wook character and storyline more appealing than the C-version, though.
So's story has more depth and angst, plus cuter dynamic with Soo.
Wook is a flawed human being, unlike the 8th who seems almost too kind until the end. I found the break up reason between Wook-Soo and 8th-Ruoxi equally good in each way. RuoXi left 8th because she knew 8th's bleak fate if he doesn't give up the throne, and she realized she didn't love him enough to face the dark time with him. While Soo and Wook break up was more about Wook couldn't abandon his family and didn't have enough courage to stand by her in difficult time.


@Sancheezy: Just to clarify, I did not mean to suggest that all criticism of an adaptation should be leveled at the novel. Rather, it seems that certain popular complaints are regarding elements that were central to the original storyline. Neither adaptation deviates from the basic premise, which focuses on a girl who travels back in time, is hopelessly entwined in the era’s royal family feud, and falls in love with a future ruler who is known for his questionable ascendance and despotic ways. I do not think any adaptation can escape the fact that the heroine falls for men who harbor dangerous desires, and some viewers will inevitably reject protagonists who are fated to suffer, as well as fantasy princes with multiple wives and bloodthirsty ambition. Also, reading about the history is just something I personally enjoy. I think people should be able to enjoy the series without doing that.

@gabobobobo: For most of the series, I have preferred what the Korean version has done with So and Wook, too, especially regarding each prince’s relationship with Su. However, I think the series may suffer in the long-run for downplaying the princes’ independent political motives. Wook may be using Su to excuse his own desires, but So seems entirely too focused on her.


I know there are lots of talks on how the drama has so many flaws like the editing, the two versions, the idol like princes, but I can't seem to notice them at all. Once lee jun ki is on screen, everything kinds of goes into blur for me lol. Somehow I love his and IU together, so this is one of those perfect dramas for me. But sadly I'm always loving the unpopular dramas for majority of people, so it has never been any issue to enjoy the episodes. Like the way how all of us have different sort of opinions on beliefs, politics, society, relationships or etc , same should work for dramas too right? What matters at the end is whether one personally favors the show or not.


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*him and IU.


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For me personally I actually like that a lot of the action, particularly the political machinations, is happening off the screen and is merely hinted to the audience. For example, we never get to actually see how Yo managed to orchestrate a conspiracy and pin the death of the King on Eun's family or how Wook is amounting the support of important families. But these are all plots that have played out in every sangueuk ever and I don't think the audience really needs to see these events expanded upon, it's enough that we know they happened and for the story to move on.

Unless I've gone completely insane, (plausible) I think Moon Lovers in this respect is very similar to Game of Thrones. GoT is so condensed that much of the conflict, how minor characters are doing never gets shown, they are merely revealed to the audience in the course of conversation between characters. Similarly, the intentions of characters is left somewhat ambiguous, just like how we can really only infer what Won's primary motivation is at this moment.

This really should of been left til Tuesday. Anyhow come join on the dark side Javabeans! :P


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I started at first because i was intrigued by the original's plot.. But i couldnt bring myself to watch past ep 4, i think bcs the culture was not too familiar for me so it didnt captivate me much (and also bcs i was already a crying mess even at 4, so i thought i should save all the crying for the goryeo version instead). And also because a favourite was cast in the goryeo ver x]

Anyway what makes me stay tuned every monday and tuesday night and persevere through bad streamings and rewatch both subbed versions the next day and replying comments on db recaps is the curiosity of how things would work out. We all have a basic knowledge of the ending, pretty much.. But it's not necessarily predictable, and this kind of plot is simply my cup. I don't really prefer predictable endings. But with this show, while we kinda know the endgame, the path to it has been slowly built up that i just want to know how things will roll. Not what they will roll into, but how..

At first before the show started airing i thought i would only stay for a couple of eps before watching my favourite's cuts only.. But look who's hooked af and spent quite some hours researching goryeo with my limited than ever korean >_<

Also thank you so much for other commenters who often give so much interesting insights and historical knowledge. They were all so fun to read! XD


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why is it that I still cannot watch the latest episodes of Moonlight? will I be able to finish it after I know the result? depends though... I myself don´t know what the hell happened.

started, at owls´ recommendation (Dramabeans owl, not the Twin Peaks owls) Hit the stage, but... it is so weird. I dunno. The style is so...showy and overly sexualised. I am feeling uncomfortable - and yes, I know, that in K- entertainment the girls barely wear anything and the guys are covered head to toe - but even as I have known that forever, it is going extra overboard in this show. and the staging and themse are a little, I dunno, Las Vegas? on the verge of tacky occasionally?


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I only watched Hit The Stage performance from Mcountdown youtube "the no cut-version" after ep 2,
so only the dance and no audience reaction,
and sometimes it does look tacky and the girl dancing is not impressive,
my favourite probably Taemin - the song is good and it expressed by the dance, but he probably the audience bait (if Taemin wasn't there, I probably wouldn't check the show since it premier)

and then TEN, love his goodbye stage so much, make more feels to the show,


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yeah, I feel like maybe holding back with decorations and keeping costumes a little more simple would be good, just concentrate on the dance itself. theatric is perhaps a better word than tacky, cause it is not quite that, just near


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too many acting and less dancing- - -> that's my impression (finally find the right sentence)

and the audience also favours that in some theme,


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Hi Beanies,


Moonlight: I am going to be very upset next week if more heartbreak continues especially for CP. It's ending next week, i partially do not want to watch it and another part want to see how it ends.

MoonLovers: Lee Jong Ki, you are my reason for watching Moonlovers, but addicted to it now even though you have to watch 2-3 versions of it. What we do as fans

WWS: Interesting...hopefully i continues that way

Drinking Solo: Hooked.

Jealousy Incarnate: I bow down to you. After i get upset about the Moons, you make me laugh and love.

OTWTTA: Something about this drama keeps me glued to my screen.

Do not have any weekend drama to watch. Dropped K2. I love you JCW but i can't continue, i guess i do not love you like LJK.


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I'm recently done with watching Wanted and Squad 38 and I like these two shows. Though there isn't much/any romance in these two (I realised OCN's shows Squad 38 and many others normally don't have/or they don't concectrate on romance), I like the intensity n mystery/thrill level portrayed in Wanted !

As an working adult , I'm currently chasing after Jealousy Incarnate and Shopping King Louie. The former has light humour that make every serious scene amusing and the latter one is cute, warm hearted and endearing to watch but Louis, pls grow more mature n start to do things yourself ? ! Not everyone is your maid/servant ! *grin*


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Will drop Moon Lovers . Objective reasons? Writing, editing and certain directing choices are a damned mess. What's with those quick zoom in that reminiscent of Mexican telenovas? It happened during a "tense" scene in 1 of this week episodes and I just lol. Subjective reasons? Useless heroine and shallow hero. Whatever edge/darkness So exhibited during the first few episodes have all but disappeared. I swear the writers are so hellbent on portraying So as a swoony romantic hero that it looks like they are gonna whitewashed whatever grey stuff he did on the way to the throne. The way he have been portrayed makes it hard for me to believe that this guy will manage to get on the throne let alone keep it. The worst part is that in order for him to be a knight in shining armor, our heroine have been reduced to a damsel in distress. This week she got framed and held at knife point to get him to kneel. And it looks like she's gonna get manhandle in the upcoming episodes to get our hero to stay in line. I'm good with a certain amount of damseling, but not when it's constant like this.

Dropped K2 . I enjoyed action, but it's just rather gratituous with this series. The jarring comedic scenes are also out of place with the serious ones. Je Ha and Anna are both boring. I was initially intrigued by the Anna character, but their heavy handedness in portraying her as some pure, innocence creature in need of saving during the first few episodes killed it.

Marathon Jealously Incarnate . I'm not particularly invested in either pairing, but kept on watching for the male lead. Or more specifically the actor playing the male lead. This is the first time I've seen him in anything and he is very engaging. Bonus! He can deliver a solid kissing scene. This week episodes seems to have completely divorced the series from the standard romantic comedy. I feel like this series is sending up those rom com by taking it to absurd extremes. The way the first lead stripped down to his underwear in a petty grudge match with the 2nd lead had me in stitches.

Contemplating starting On the way to the Airport . Another poster mentioned that it reminiscent of the Before series and since I love those movie I'm considering giving it a shot.


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If you like Jo Jung Suk from Jealousy incarnate, you should pick up Oh My Ghostess. Unexpectedly fell for him (and Park Bo Young, the female lead) watching that show. Great chemistry.


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Thanks for the rec. I might marathon it this weekend if I can find it. Hope there will be plenty of cuteness and skinship! It'll be a waste to not put JJS talent in this aspect to good use :)


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I basically love everything about Jealousy Incarnate now. I was really confused by the show for the first 4 episodes, I still don't totally get it, but I'm fully committed and will probably laugh all the way to the end. Hwa-shin can call me at anytime to talk about dying dolphins.


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@Killing Time I too feel the same way now about Moon Lovers. My emotional investment was at its peak till Ep 11/ 12 and I religiously followed the recaps till then (Well, one had to-coz of the two versions out there thing). And now? Now I find myself rolling my eyes watching the show. I wonder if it's because another show has crept into my heart while I wasn't alert ( Yes, Jealousy, I'm looking at you ). Or maybe I just don't care anymore. I may watch the show solely to see how the story ends.


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Am shamelessly on a Lee Joon Gi binge watch right now, so now I have three dramas simultaneously on my plate: Moon Lover, Time between Dog and Wolf, and Joseon Gunman.

Moon Lover: Yas, the romance is finally on the forefront! And I am definitely loving how all the twisted half-siblings relationships are playing out, with sisters selling out their innocent younger bro to die and all that. Really a somber moment if you think about it, but it makes me appreciate people like our heroine, Jimong, Baek-ah and So more. They may have issues (coughSocough - the guy needs some therapy) but I can say that they are good people. IMO, I never watch Kdrama for the plot alone - if that, nearly none of them would hold up under scrutiny - but for the characters and the flow of emotion. I mean US-UK shows are great and all, but being Asian myself, I just rarely feel as much watching those. The mind was definitely engaged, just not the heart. That's why I am ready to overlook all the plot flaws this drama currently has: I feel none of it has been to glaring, or personally impede my enjoyment of the characters.

Joseon Gunman: Been struggling to continue this (currently ep 8). May be a bit surprising, but I have less issues with Hae Soo than I have with the female lead that Nam Sang Mi plays in here. I have a feeling it may be the script - in ML the writer is unabashed in showing that HS is kinda useless - and I don't mind - but I just get the sense that in here Soo In was being portrayed as this very knowledgeable and intelligent character - but she is clearly not. However, I like the theme in this drama. Not the revenge, but the struggle between conservatives and liberals - I guess this never gets old hahaha. All the varied garbs between Joseon wear and that gorgeous three-piece suit also help. Will have to see.

Time Between Dog and Wolf: the first episode was a complete bore. I took 1 week trying to get past it, but boy - once I did, things really started to get interesting. I can already feel the bromance coming between our two male leads, and I like Nam Sang Mi considerably more in here. Didn't expect the plot to be moving quite fast in only two eps (in present time) but I like it. Hope that I won't do the lull thing in the middle that almost all Kdramas fall into (coughIRIScough - I love that drama to death, but honestly the middle portion bores me to sleep and doesn't even do much to the characters ughh)


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Time Between Dog and Wolf is the reason I felt in love with Lee Jun Ki <3 <3 <3


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Time Between Dog and Wolf is one of the rare show in Kdrama. Nothing like this show even city hunter is not as good as this show. Must re-watch it when I have time!


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I am shamelessly doing the same! Am juggling Scholar That Walks the Night and just finished Two Weeks. Lee Joon Gi looks the most handsome in this drama out of all the dramas I've seen with him - even Moonlovers, IMO. He's serious and beautiful. I can't keep my eyes off him. He's excellent as a vampire. The story itself is ok, though, so taking my time and no urgency to watch it everyday.

Two Weeks - the story and characters really pullled me through it despite the show itself looking dated and Lee Joon Gi not particularly attractive (both his character (initially) and his appearance). But it was a solid thumbs up.

I'll have to check out Time Between Dog and Wolf!


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I also just finished watching Two Weeks!! Initially wasn't very fond of the father-daughter trope, but by the first minute when Lee Joon Gi appeared and "Run" by Nell hit me I was an instant goner *swoons* Really glad the show managed to keep up its suspense throughout; by the time the last ep hit, I was still holding my chest expecting a sad ending!

On the topic of appearance, I dislike his straw hair look initially, but LJG can definitely rock a suit and glasses (yay for disguise costumes!) By the time his hair straightens out in Two Weeks I have no more complaint! (OK, maybe except the guy looked so damn young in there, I thought it was a noona love thing at first!)

Am still deciding on whether to try out SWWTN. I mean, in younger days I was a sucker for paranormal romance, but the love has died down considerably haha. Also, I am not a big fan of Joseon era costumes: wearing the belt up to their armpit just looks ugly to me. Partial reason why I have put Arang on the waiting list, and why the Goryeo costumes in Moon Lover is an instant favourite!


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Please do. I can't express in words how awesome Dog and Wolf is. To date it is one of my all-time favourites.


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Lol. I am also re-watching Time Between Dog and Wolf because I miss Lee Jun Ki's fuller cheeks. Call me shallow i don care but LJK was so sexy as Wang So in the early episodes but now he is too stick thin, not that he is not gorgeous anymore.
But TBDAW is really good, one of the rare gem of k-dramas. It's a classic to me. And how I hope that Wang So has strong disposition as Kay is. I like hero being written is more power inclined than love.


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Hahaha, I have shallowness in spades too. Don't all of us LJK fangirls have at least a bit of it :)))) And everyone's comment is hyping up TBDW for me yay! Will finish it as soon as my instructor stops hounding me for reports. And yes, I prefef Wang So in earlier episodes too: the best scene was when he was taking a bath and HS appeared from the water. Such mesmerizing beauty I stopped breathing for a while! I feel that him thinning down for ML is great: his chubby face while being immensely cute could maybe hamper with the dagger eyes that WS has. The first half appearance was perfect!!! But the further thinning recently makes him look a bit too old and less handsome :'(((


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That's right. He was super gorgeous in earlier episodes, just the right size. Not too thin and angular enough for the intensity that Wang So should have but I really have issues when he is taking the weight loss too far. He does look so painfully thin and yes, I agree that he looks older and less handsome. Less gorgeous than the pre-in love Wang So. And I kinda turn off with too much romance, the lack of drive in his character. Wang So was so promising in the beginning but he becomes less interesting once he is in love. Now I am so looking forward to the ruthless batshit crazy Wang So. I find that man whom is power inclined is sexier than love sick romantic hero. I prefer my hero to be more practical.


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My list are like java except Moonlovers.

K2 : This should just be Choi Yoo Jin's show alone. Up to epi 8, I still don't feel with Jae Ha yet. He supposedly is main character but I don't connect with his character. Anna? Nothing much I can say.Song Yoon Ah's stellar performance outshone everyone else.

Our Gabsoon - watching out of loyalty while hating everyone lol. Kim So Eun better luck in your next project.

Fantastic : Loving this show more and more. I love all characters. But I don't really like relationship between Sul-SangWook. I don't know, I don't even feel with Ji Soo's charcter here. He is just like a minor role. I am loving the bromance between male leads, and the friendship between ladies.

Also watching Drinking Solo, Shopping King, 1% of Something, Laurel.


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Forgot to add I'm watching Suitcase too. The character I love the most is Attorney Goo. I just love her honesty and sharpness.

Just done watching Mama : Nothing To Fear. And now made me want to see more of SYA in K2.


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I've been watching Mama: Nothing to Fear too after seeing Song Yoon Ah's stellar performance in K2 and I'm really loving her in Mama. I'm so torn into finishing the drama coz I really don't want her character to die.


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I am really happy that girlfriday enjoys jealousy incarnate as much as I do!


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Hear, hear. The show is getying more love and that makes me really happy!!


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helloo everyone, hope u all enjoyed your drama watching week..I've got so much on my plate and mostly marathon the past shows.
of the current ones watching:
moon lovers: it's all about watching LJK..and the rest is thinking about him..i don't even care what's actually going on besides that
Drinking Solo: I love these people! not that passionate about the whole show itself though..but it's my feel good one among the currents right now..
The K2:of the minority it seems..but I'm loving it.. the relationships and the characters make me think about them and I always welcome that...
marathon: high school king of savvy, oh my ghostess, she was pretty and two weeks


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I'm enjoying The K2 as well. That makes two of us at least :)


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really happy to know someone else is enjoying it!


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There are dozens of us! Dozens!

(Sorry, can't resist referencing Arrested Development when there's the tiniest opening lol)

Seriously though, I'm glad someone else likes it too :)


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Count me in too! ? The k2 is actually the series I look most forward to in the week. I really like the interaction between Jeha and Anna as well... Kind of sad w hen I read that so many here think that those are the worst. ? But of course people just have different opinions. I hope the show will continue on like it has :)


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moon lovers: it’s all about watching LJK..and the rest is thinking about him..i don’t even care what’s actually going on besides that

This is me 100%
All I can think about is LJK's smile, LJK's laugh, LJK's sadness, LJK's being so cute... I really need to stop now lol


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LOL..exactly, it's like he smiles in a scene and I watch that then it all gets blurry and I keep replaying that smile in my mind until he's on screen again


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OMG!!! I'm with you girl?I can't get over his beauty ????as shallow as that might sound I can't see beyond that sexy side profile. ?


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I'm having love-hate relationship with K2. But still watching it,as long as Yoo Jin's screen times will not get lesser. I am all prepared before started watching, because I knew how Yong Pal was.

Tbh their dramatic ost keep stucking in my kind. Lol.


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Yayyy - High School King of Savvy and Oh my Ghost - I love those dramas to bits!


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Three Meals a Day in Deukryang Island!

I'm pretty sure it was Na PD who kidnapped the cats instead, if only so that he doesn't have to borrow anyone's animals to meet the animal quota.

Anyway, I did recaps for that show, and it's up on my blog! (click my username)

Other than that, all I can say is that I've only had time to watch the dramas I watch raw (because I watched them live). 'tis been a busy week. Also, Jealousy Incarnate is my Ddorai love.


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thanks so much :D


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Thanks for the recaps! I was wondering where I could get a hold of them!


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Moon LoversI am still watching Moon Lovers and I'm not even watching it for Lee Jun Ki! It could be as javabeans said - half of the fun is laughing at how ridiculous the writing, editing, close ups, acting, eyeliner, earrings and hair are! I am enjoying Devious Wookie, if not for the huge plot holes, Wookie and So would have made great opponents. I can't get angry with Soo, most of our frustrations with her character stem from the writing. I like the actress who plays Eun's wife. She's doing all the heavy lifting in making me sympathize with Eun-Soon Deok's tragic fate. Can't say the same for Woo Hee, Seohyun is so stiff. Whenever Woo Hee appears with Baekah and the kpop song comes out, I moan.

MDBCGaaawd....I thought javabeans was exaggerating but I fast forward so much of ep 16. It's not that I don't like politics in my saeguks or prefer the swoony eyes romance in the show, I just can't get interested in Ra On's Dad. Watching Ra On exposing herself to danger and being used was also extremely frustrating. I found myself more interested in Yoon Sung and Byung Yeon. I need Kwak Dong Yeon to be the lead in some saeguk after this. I can't get enough of him as the swordsman.

Drinking Solo this is my Happy Pill!!! TBH, I didn't really like ep 11 but ep 12 more than made up for it. I love everyone in the drama and the acting is so good! There's no star power in this show yet the actors are so impressive. And they have an idol actor who can actually act! I am already despairing that we are down to only 4 more episodes.

1% of Anything Ha Seok Jin led me to this. I have no problem watching HSJ in DS and then in 1%. I love both OTPs. I don't know what makes this guy so good at acting jerks and yet I just can't hate him. I found out that he has a knack for playing funny characters in this interview which was covered in an old DB post http://www.dramabeans.com/2012/10/ha-suk-jin-standby-was-freeing/

I started on Once Upon A Time In Saengchori it's pure hilarity although the genre is rather confusing.

K2 I hate to say this but I find the show pretentious. I had a lot of problems with Moon Lovers but like I said before, Moon Lovers with warts and all has never been boring. Yes, Soon Yoon Ah is outacting everyone but I just find her character so over the top and dramatic for reasons which show wants me to buy but I just can't. As long as Anna doesn't do another Ramyun Macarena, I am fine. I am not sure what Je Ha's role is. Has he forgotten his revenge? He seems to be more of a weary eyed bystander who's kicked into action only when his damsels are in danger. I do not know if Ji Chang Wook was really tired out by the filming but he looked spaced out and disconnected at times. Can't blame the guy, this show must be so tough on him physically and these things do affect an actor's mental state.


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Fantastic Thank goodness Seol is finally free from those awful people. Besides Seol's revenge, my favorite last week was Hae Sung and Joon Ki being ward mates.


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I think Ha Seok Jin actually playing a rude character than a jerk/an ass (except in ep 9?? when he shades her a lot),
he is rude and unlikable but he doesn't mind it or even loved by the crowd. Many rude characters in drama land are the idol in the show and they make the heroine weird for not liking them but both ja in and jinsang is not the idol , they just a very good worker so it always tolerable,
They never make us supported his character or even his character doesn't behave like a crown prince that need to be loved,
his character in drinking solo and 1% also get to behave nicely to people he cares, like his mum or just some random sweet memories,
character as him need to changes and we saw him changes.
From the unlikable man that everyone hates because it's normal to someone tolerable that everyone finds tolerable because it's a normal reaction,
_I hope this makes sense

I actually want to watch "the legendary witch" with Ha Seok Jin but it's super long,
so I got Once Upon a time in Sangcheori, his guest episode in Radio Star and Happy Together in my lined up,
I feel weird,


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Hahaha...I find the characters both rude and jerks but I think I know where you are coming from. It definitely helps a lot that the dramas make it obvious that he is unlikable and it's definitely not alright to behave in this manner. Kdramas especially the idol drama type love to have male lead jerks who change once they fall in love. It's not that people don't change for love but that trope comes with all the whitewashing of his previous behavior. And I don't like it one bit.

You are not weird. Or rather I am weird too :) I just chanced upon several videos of HSJ on youtube including one variety show "Friends in Cebu". He is also in Problematic Man and Key was a guest once.


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*open jinsang.txt
*writing Friend in Cebu
*list edited,
haha, I haven't check youtube ,
so thank you, a vacation show seems fun ^^


about the k2..it's over the top in every genre way that it goes, action, romance or even character bits..consistently so, that's why I kinda got used to it...about jeha's character, he's a savior by nature that's why his role is somehow defined by the person he saves, but the interesting thing to me was his tendency to make morally questionable choices when it comes to his savior complex, in the form of who to protect and how to, he saves whoever in need of saving regardless of them actually deserving to be saved, and even the ways he chooses to protect the other person can also be questionable, he decided to make deal with the devil for his own revenge, missing the fact that this other devil is also capable of turning another innocent girl into a second rania..for once he should actually step into a way against all evil not just saving pretty much everyone and I think his urge to protect anna and choose her as priority is a step towards that character goal actually .
hope u didn't mind me responding to your pov with mine, and also very same feelings about drinking solo...


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I can take an Over The Top drama if the execution is good and that's the tone which the drama intends to set. Unfortunately for K2, over the top isn't its only flaw. The major letdowns are the writing and direction.

The character Je Ha is not so much defined by people he saves but by the writer who makes him do things to fit certain scenes or the story rather than drive it. Let's take the ramyun scene for example. I think that was a good opportunity to show Je Ha taking interest in Anna. That would actually help his character development because it showed the start of his interest in a girl who he's supposed to help keep in cruel confinement. The moral conflict is established. He's made a pact with the devil to fuel his revenge plan but he's about to get too interested in his 'prisoner'. The execution of the scene failed big time to put this out there. Instead they focused solely on the cute. JCW also failed on subtlety of the scene and the whole thing became cheesy.


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Drama addicts unite! Hee.

Well, another week has passed and Young is still unmarried, King Mu drowned while waddling in his poisoned bath, Wang So is getting better in applying his BB cream, Hana got her man, Ki-bum sang his heart out, Hwa Shin stripped his clothes in the middle of the street while Jung Won threw a tantrum in the SBC lobby, Louie continues to be my favorite amnesiac, Bok-shil is nowhere closer in finding her brother (is he really dead?), What happened to the 3 No's?, Je-ha started to meddle in affairs he has no control of and Anna is back to her usual crying, moping self.

Wow. What a week!

Is it Monday yet??


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at least Jae In and Dada spend their time together,


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I'm liking this show more than I should!


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If i had Annas life and lived in belief my father doesn't love me and i killed my own mother i would probably spent 99% of the time crying too.


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Also, if some weird sociopath locked me up in a foreign country and deliberately try to hurt me by trying to flash cameras on my face to induce trauma, I'd loose it too. But I still thing although some of her trauma is real and Yoo Jin definitely did a vile number on her by whatever medical methods, she isn't a sociopath, that bit maybe a misdiagnosis or a fake acting. I hope its the second one.


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social phobia I meant.


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That horrible, horrible wig of Yo's in Moon Lovers... I have no words. Isn't it some sort of rule that bad-ass eyeliner has to be accompanied by gorgeous hair?
Just look at our Hamlet after turning to the dark side:
Hair? Amazing.
Eyeliner? On point.
Resting bitchface? Utilized to the maximum.
Tortured look of agony because he even now isn't sure what the best course of action is? Still there.


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Haven't seen too many dramas this week (just episode 7 of The K2), but on the Chungmuro front, I finally got around to watching Save the Green Planet. I am now so completely in love with that movie it's ridiculous. It's been a long time since I've felt so giddy and fannish over something, but it called out to my soul on so many levels: unabashedly cheesy sci fi, absurdist humor that continues to top itself at every turn, brutal pathos and human drama, class commentary, even a plus size woman treated with basic respect. He was hilarious in JSA (which apparently only has a 58% on Metacritic? wtf lol) but STGP has really won me over and made me a Shin Ha-gyun fan. I've always meant to watch Harvest Villa, and now I'm really tempted in spite of having so many dramas I need to finish.


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Save the Green Planet is one of my favourite Korean movies :D.
It's fascinating how such a bizarre mixture of such varied genres functions so well. I adore when a movie completely surprises you and turns out to be so much more than you expected, which is the experience I've had with most praised kmovies.


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Yes, it's amazing how well it works! I was expecting it to be good, but I was not expecting to be so blown away and moved and amused all at once. A few days later I was still listening to the OST and thinking about it, which is something I haven't done in a very, very long time. Very glad to meet someone else who loved it :)

Before I became more of a TV person I was a pretty big film buff, but other than Oldboy I can't remember encountering much of Korean cinema. One of the best things about becoming a Korean drama addict and marinating in Korean sensibilities/politics/history is getting a chance to really appreciate films I never would have found for myself. Save the Green Planet and Memories of Murder are legitimately two of my favorite movies of all time now.


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When it comes to Korean cinematography and production, I started with movies and then transitioned into dramas :)
I strongly reccomend anything by Lee Chang-dong, Mother, Pluto, anything by Kim Ki-duk or Kim Jee-won to start with. The comedies are pretty good too, ranging from Sunny, over Castaway on the Moon to Dasepo Naughty Girls and Attack the Gas Station.


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Oh my god I love Mother <3 Such a good movie.

Thanks for the recommendations! :) As far as Lee Chan-dong goes, I've seen Secret Sunshine (can I just say Jeon Do-yeon is a goddess) but I really really want to see Peppermint Candy. I also definitely need to see A Bittersweet Life (I totally did not realize it was made by the same guy who did A Tale of Two Sisters until I looked up Kim Jee-won just now lol).

I haven't seen any comedies yet tbh, well other than movies with comedic elements like Memories of Murder and Save the Green Planet. I will definitely check these out!


I love Save the Green Planet, too! (Shin Ha Kyun fans here). The scenes when the credits roll made me teary.

I'd like to recommend No Mercy for the Rude. Another movie with him starring it. It's full with dark absurd comedy and social commentary. The melo aspect kinda meh for me, but the leads sold it off with great acting.

Welcome to DongMakGol is also good, if you haven't check it out. Solid acting from all the actor and actress. Shin Ha Kyun is intense (also love Kang Hye Jung and Jung Jae Young here). A funny, yet touching pacifist movie, wrap with some beautiful surreal happenings.


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Thanks for the recommendations! I was really blown away by his performance in Save the Green Planet so I'd love to watch more of him!


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Re JB on K2 "I dearly wish they’d kick J4 off a cliff"

Watch out -- in kdramaland those who go over cliffs land in rivers and are magically healed of all injuries. Throw her in front of a certain truck and make sure nobody takes her near any cliffs at all.


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The best way to get rid of a side character is to entrust them with a Very Important Secret™. Then call them up and ask to meet, say, Han River?

There's a 99.9999% guarantee that said character will meet with an accident on the way there and fail to reveal the secret.


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Lmao!!! Sooooo true, they NEVER make it!!!


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I am loving The K2 except the romantic scenes between Jeha and Anna, I don't why, but I still can't feel their chemistry. They should just stick to revenge and politics because I don't think the writer is good at portraying romance also nothing beats the romance Healer had *sighs*


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I don't think there's been any real romantic scenes between them. He's definitely noticed her but she's so focused on her own little world of misery that she's barely registered him at all yet. That's the hook of the show for me right now, waiting to see how their friendship develops.


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No romantic scenes yet, but there are signs of romance that will happen between them. I'm just skipping scenes between these two started from the ridiculous ramen scene. Lol


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Does anyone else come here mainly to see how many dramas everyone else is watching and rationalize away your addiction?

No? Just me? Okay. I also enjoy reading people's thoughts but I'm so behind on everything besides Drinking Solo and Shopping King Louis that I don't understand most comments and don't have much to say myself.

Really wasn't expecting those to be the shows I had to be up to date with. Expectations aren't reality I guess.


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Nope, you're not the only one! That's the main reason I check this thread... Di-ro-ri, I'm also watching Drinking Solo (and lovin' it) :)


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@Purple Owl,

Sure, I come here to check out what everyone's watching! Like you, I'm so behind, I can't comment on any shows that are airing. (Well, that's a personal choice, cos I very rarely watch shows until they've completed their run. Making it hard to participate realtime in all the commenting.)

But another reason I come here is...to check out what HeadsNo2 is watching... Earlier on, I discovered that I tend to like most dramas that she likes, more so than with other recappers. So, today, I added "On The Way to the Airport" to my list cos of her mention of "sizzling chemistry" and "love love love love."


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I have some days off from my work and I want to watch something fun If you can propose to me one drama .


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Of the currently airing dramas, Jealousy Incarnate.

For an older rom-com, Dalja's Spring.


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I tend to divide rom-coms I enjoy in terms of travel: all-inclusives (nothing original, not much thinking required, but well-done and well-rounded); all-inclusives with side adventures (same as above but originality goes way up within the framework); and adventure travel (off the beaten track, potholes (plotholes), periods of discomfort, rocky execution, but exhilerating, interesting, usually crack, and worth the effort - makes you think, and glad you made it through)

So for all-inclusives in recent dramas, I'd recommend Bring It On Ghost, Moonlight Drawn by Clouds, Shopping King Louis - loved all of them

All-inclusives with adventure tours, I'd recommend Jealousy Incarnate, Fantastic - humour and theme kick the originality up

Adventure travel, Moon Lovers Goryeo, Cheese in the Trap, Boys Over Flowers, W. All flawed, all crack except W for me, but I'll never regret the trip.


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Spent the weekend marathon-ing The K2 and Shopping King Louis, and I think my feelings are more or less lining up with the beanies'.

SKL just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside, and while I admittedly didn't love the humor during the first episode, I found myself constantly smiling in these later ones, mostly thanks to our incredibly adorable OTP. I also love how the villains are sort of kind of doing their thing, but are mostly just incredibly ineffective and have all these paranoid conspiracy theories about what nefarious things Louis might be plotting, while I'm like "Don't worry, the boy can't get himself a glass of water, let alone a company." But it's really okay that he's basically a useless money vacuum, because SIG makes him an incredibly endearing useless money vacuum.

The K2 meanwhile...ah, what could have been. I wanted this show to be the next City Hunter/Healer, and I need to start lowering my expectations because the disappointment ain't worth it. It's not a bad show, per se, but it feels a little mediocre. The characters aren't fleshed out enough for me to be invested, and while I feel like some of the backstories are supposed to be pulling at my heartstrings (Rania), there's a disconnect for me somewhere.

And I feel like Anna has been wasted as a character--there was potential there, but the writing turned what could have been a compelling and complex character into a sort of one-note character. "Innocent angel" is nice and all, but not particularly interesting, especially when the rest of the characters are so much more fleshed out and multi-faceted. As someone earlier said, it would've been more compelling if Anna had been played by a little girl (to be honest, she's already sort of written like one).

Also, I know it's not gonna happen at this point, but I seriously wanted Anna and Yoo-Jin to team up. Yoo-Jin seems to see herself in Anna (her whole "all fathers are like that" speech), and it seems plausible that she's not actually to blame for Anna's mother's death. If they became besties, I'd watch the heck out of this show.


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Omg so i'm not the only one who want YooJin and Anna to somehow come to agreement and become this' stepmother- stepdaughter super team` and get revenge on all people that wronged them and live happily ever after?! I know it's farfetched but i want writer to get rid of love lines all together and give Yoojin a daughter she always wanted and Anna a mother she never had.


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I want YJ-Anna to team up as well. But I don't know how it will be happen.

My prediction : once Yoo Jin's enemies know about Anna, probably then it will start.


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Slowly trying to clear all the old dramas I had stored up while I was in thesis-mode. Right now I'm watching Emperor of the Sea, which had been on my list since that blissful summer a few years ago when I marathoned Jumong in 2 weeks. I've been missing Song Il Gook all this time. Only 7 episodes to go and it's not Jumong but I'm enjoying it.

Current dramas:

Moonlight Drawn by Clouds: I fell asleep in the last episode which was surprising because no matter how tired I am it wakes me right up. But it's still good.

Scarlet Heart: Took a while to get into it but now I'm liking it and look forward to the next episode. It's not the best and I wouldn't have stuck with it if not for Jun Ki (by default I watch whatever he's in -_-")

Fantastic: I love this drama so bloody much. It's the highlight of my week.

K2: I...forgot I was watching it. I guess I need to continue....

And of course my happy pill is 1N2D. Felt like crying beacuse of our maknae but 'm hoping he'll be back. :(


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Hooked on:
Moon Lovers - Scarlet Heart Ryeo - irresistible appeal and triple threat of LJK, KH, & IU.
Drinking Solo - LOL situations and antics of 3 Musketeers...Ki-Bum, Gong Myung, Dong-Young are a hoot.
Shopping King Louis - my precious (ha!)/Louis & Bok-Sil...two endearing kittens.

Surprises & Expectations Overturned:
On the Way to the Airport - eye-catching cinematography, directing, and both Kim Haneul and Lee Sang-yoon just draw you in.
Jealousy Incarnate - memorable mud-fight, kdrama rarity where the female lead dumps both male leads, and now the female lead suggests cohabitation with both male leads.

Clinging in through the bitter end:
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds


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I was really hoping they wouldn't go the noble idiocy route on Moonlight because this had looked like a couple that would choose love/ to be together in the face of all the usual drama crazy given that the deck was stacked against the to begin with. I don't get noble idiocy. "Because of some big bad threatening us I will leave so you can be happy". Neither of these people are ever happy during that separation so for the love of all that is sane, why do it at all??!! Look, writers, my hair really can't take any more pulling. Couldn't we have one couple just stay together and stick it to the big bad for once. Just say "Oh, if we stay together one of us dies?. Niiice. It's simple really. We will stay together". Granted that probably wouldn't end well but they'd be together and my scalp wouldn't be on fire so everybody wins.


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Maybe because I'm new to K-Dramas, but I've enjoyed the shows I've picked to watch so far. It started with Moonlight Drawn By Clouds and it has hooked me from start. I like witty shows (political machinations, evil plots, and all). And all that prettiness in one show ?

Then I watched W Two worlds and liked it up until the last few episodes where it went kind of haywire for me. The twists were too much for my little itty bitty brain. So that was a little disappointing but still a good experience.

Then DOTS. Wow! Now that's how you end a show.

Now watching K2 and Shopping King Louie along with MDBC. No show is perfect in plots, but because I watch for entertainment and escapism, I don't mind plot holes the size of Wyoming. K2, I've likened to Jason Bourne. I'm a sucker for action scenes and martial arts. I heart badass moments from the protagonist. The romance is secondary and a guilty pleasure. But it's not a make or break for me.

King Louie is such a refreshing show. Some would take the sweetness and innocence of those two kittens as too saccharine but again I want fiction not a dose of reality. We have enough of that in our day to day. Why would I want to watch it?

I've read the comments and people love their romance and drama. Love triangles and affairs seems to be a norm as it is outside of K-Drama. For reference, the only other show I've ever watched is NCIS for years (up to season 13 that is). That's it. Before discovering K-Drama, nothing else was worth watching.

Thanks for letting me add my two cents ?


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Moon Lovers (Scarlet Heart Ryeo): I can not get enough of this show! I even start like the real Wong So because of LJK! I can feel the Wong So's pain about his brothers conflict for the throne through LJK acting. The show is in the way of heartbreaking but what we can do T.T

1% of Anything: I watched the orginal show and I like it. I am trying to see this new edition although I'm not don't know leading male!


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What can I say is this year has many surprising alot of improvement in terms of acting. Kim Yoona is one of them. God she barely have screen time in k2, but while her performances is not as more nuance compare to more talent actress, she is getting good at emoting. Her permance is so engaging I'm so proud of her. For someone who hardly can do hard emotion 2-years ago. He must working hard all this time.. Really outshining Cjw who are lazy at adding depth to the char.


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I dropped K2 after this week's episodes. The plot is too weak. The acting overall feels overly dramatic at times - many times, which probably is what the plot calls for. I'm not invested in any characters. The only thing I was curious about was how Anna's mother died; maybe I will read about it once the show is done if I still bother at that point.

Slowly reaching the end of The Good Wife. It's a good show but in the long run it makes me weary.

Started watching Age of Youth. Lovin' it so far.

Still feel the need of lighthearted and logical dramas.


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Really enjoyed K2 this week. Enjoying the progression of the characters and everyone is doing a great job with their characters.

The veterans actors are great (Song is killing it), JCW is just wonderful, and Yoona is actually doing a great job!

Excited to see how the revenge will develop as well as the romance.


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Woman with a Suitcase. I gave the show a chance and I am enjoying it so far.


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