On the Way to the Airport: Episode 11

As Su-ah settles down in her new surroundings, she finds it easier to think clearly about the things that truly matter to her now that she’s separated from the things that distract and torment her. But no matter how deeply she ingrains herself in her new serene lifestyle, she can’t shake the feeling that something irreplaceable is missing. But is that feeling worth the upheaval of everything she’s worked for until now?



After seeing Do-woo, Su-ah flies back to Jeju Island. A flight attendant informs her that she’s sitting in the emergency assistant seat and requests her help in case of an emergency, which has Su-ah recalling how she asked Do-woo the same thing on one of their previous flights together.

Hyo-eun is waiting for her return, and is all smiles because she’s already befriended the local kids over soccer. The next morning, Su-ah starts to accompany Hyo-eun on the bus to school, but one of the other moms tells her that they take turns dropping the kids off. She warmly invites Su-ah to coffee instead.

Su-ah sits in a café with the other moms, who laugh and reflect over Jeju Island being an escape from reality, calling life here idle and free. One of the moms peeks at Su-ah’s phone and notices that Su-ah has been looking for a house in the area to move in, and they guess that Su-ah has never lived in Jeju for a long time before.

As she walks home, however, she recalls telling Do-woo about living on the peaceful, windy island when she was younger, and he’d asked if she wanted to live there. She sighs, thankful for their memories together.

Grandma Young-sook notes an old woman doing morning radio exercises in a public playground and unexpectedly joins in. When Su-ah calls, Young-sook gushes that she’s happily enjoying her healthy single life. She’s happy to hear that Hyo-eun is doing well, but Su-ah really called to inform her that she wired her some money from her severance pay.

As the other moms walk home, a man drives up and asks if they know Su-ah. They start to giggle at his handsomeness and question their relationship, but he quickly assures them that he’s just Jin-suk’s former coworker and was asked to see how Su-ah is doing. Wary of the neighborhood moms’ nosy gazes, she invites the man to her cramped and messy home.

After a pause, the man asks her to come with him. As he drives, he explains that one of his sunbaes was once in the same position as she is now, and he’d settled down in a specific neighborhood perfect for the kind of solitude she’s looking for. When they arrive in the secluded, quaint neighborhood, she instantly falls in love with the house, the atmosphere, and the wind blowing through the fields.

She takes pictures of the area, calling it a place far from the world, just like Do-woo. She decides on a new way to cope with her feelings for Do-woo: every time she wants to tell him something, she’ll send a text message to herself instead. She smiles out the window as Jin-suk’s coworker drives them home.

Everyone, from the flight attendant crew to Hyun-joo, wonders where Su-ah ran off to and whether it was Jin-suk and Mi-jin’s affair that drove her to flee. Je-ah calls Su-ah to hatch a plan to catch Jin-suk and Mi-jin in the act tonight, but Su-ah assures him that the two are just friends. She hangs up before he can say anything more, but Je-ah is determined to avenge his sister.

Sure enough, Jin-suk texts Mi-jin for a drink as they take the bus home from the airport, asking about the guy who’s been coming onto her. She brushes him off, but he’s still in high spirits—he only has to see his wife a couple times a month now. Mi-jin asks if Su-ah is still in Korea, but Jin-suk’s lips are sealed. Hyun-joo calls to ask Mi-jin about Su-ah’s whereabouts, but Mi-jin has no information to give her.

Mi-jin asks Jin-suk to stop hitting on her, especially when she’s already feeling guilty about Su-ah. As their bus reaches her stop, she notes that her guy is waiting for her as she expected. Jin-suk starts to snarl that he’ll take care of him, but the moment Mi-jin notes that they might know each other, he backs off. Lol.

Je-ah escorts Mi-jin all the way home, vowing to stay with her to make sure Jin-suk doesn’t show up again. He tells her dryly that his “idiot sister” still trusts in Mi-jin’s loyalty, catching her off guard. When he suggests they order some food, however, she offers to cook instead.

Jin-suk watches the whole interaction from afar. He still hasn’t recognized Je-ah, and just tut-tuts to himself that the best Mi-jin could do was a needy and jobless younger man, wondering who it is.

Back in Jeju, Su-ah mentions to Hyo-eun that she found a house she likes, but still isn’t sure that they’re staying. At that moment, Jin-suk calls to ask after Hyo-eun before quickly turning the conversation to Mi-jin: He tells her that he thinks she might be seeing someone, and asks if she ever mentioned who it is to Su-ah. When Su-ah tells him she doesn’t know, he snaps at her for her cold attitude. After hanging up, Su-ah tells Hyo-eun that she’s ready to move into the house.

Hye-won leads a business meeting with Ji-eun and their team, but Ji-eun just sighs to herself that Do-woo should be here. Suk, too, is frustrated that Do-woo won’t pick up his phone, wondering why he left him all alone with Hye-won.

At that moment, Hye-won returns home from work, and tells Suk that she doesn’t mind being home with him. “I want to be Do-woo’s wife for as long as possible,” she says. Suk just laughs dryly: “We’ll see about that.”

Su-ah and Hyo-eun move into their new house, loving it despite its flaws. The next morning, Su-ah prepares for a job interview, and Hyo-eun tells her she absolutely must get a job so they don’t have to move back to Seoul. When Hyo-eun suddenly suggests that they can just lie about Su-ah getting a job however, Su-ah jumps up and makes her promise that they won’t lie anymore.

As Hyo-eun heads to school, Su-ah texts “Do-woo” (that is, herself), telling him about the door in their house that won’t quite open: “But it’s nice—I forget to scold her because I’m too busy trying to open the door.” She writes that his expressions and words still give her strength now.

Su-ah takes the bus to her interview. Just as she gets off, we see that the bus driver is actually Do-woo, but they don’t see each other. (No!)

Su-ah is briefed by Jin-suk’s coworker at Jeju Airport, who tells her she’ll be on call once or twice a week. He promises to spread good rumors about her work ethic and experience so they can make better use of her, but she seems happy just to be in an airport again.

Suk packs up the ornaments Do-woo has collected so far, ready to send them to him. Just as he starts to curse Do-woo for still not picking up his phone, Do-woo calls, asking Suk to send Grandma’s things to his address. Suk overhears someone in the background asking Do-woo to fill in for him again, but Do-woo just laughs and ignores Suk’s questions about where he’s been.

Do-woo fills in for the bus driver again, where an elderly passenger tells him that he’s just like a local now. A flashback shows us that they’d met a while ago on the bus, when he’d helped her with her motion sickness. As he’d walked around Jeju, he’d realized that the place matched what Grandma wanted for her final art display. Back on the bus, Do-woo thanks the elderly woman for helping him find his perfect house.

As Su-ah gets to work at the airport, Do-woo starts constructing his oceanside gallery. As Su-ah walks home at night, she notes Do-woo fixing his bike on the side of the road. They still don’t see each other, but Do-woo lights up the dark road for her with his flashlight, studying the way she walks.

Do-woo spends his days putting Grandma’s works on display in his new gallery, but as he listens to music as he works, he thinks of talking about his favorite singers with Su-ah. When he finally decides to call her, he listens to the recorded image that it’s a nonexistent number over and over again.

At the airport, the usually steely Mi-jin is exhausted and unwell. Jin-suk notices but doesn’t say anything as she goes to take a quick rest in her hotel room. While in bed, Mi-jin asks their younger coworker Eun-joo if she’s contacted Su-ah lately, but Eun-joo tells her she hasn’t.

Hye-won meets with Ji-eun’s mom, who points out rumors of her imminent divorce with Do-woo. She mentions that she’s very interested in their old house, and that she plans to take it if she doesn’t think Hye-won will be able to keep it in good condition.

Hye-won calls Do-woo, asking if his feelings haven’t changed about their divorce. When he confirms, she tells him that she wants one thing from their alimony: the house. He tells her that he’s capable of maintaining it, but she argues that she doesn’t want it to become public property. When she keeps pushing, however, he realizes that Ji-eun’s mom must be behind this, and advises her that once they make demands, they’ll continue to do so. Still, says Hye-won: “It’s my condition of divorce.” Suk listens in on the conversation with a grim expression.

Suk comes to visit Do-woo in Jeju, jokingly lamenting Do-woo’s new lifestyle—he’d expected something elegant, like Northern Europe, to display Grandma’s works. When he asks if Do-woo plans to fulfill Hye-won’s request for the house, Do-woo denies it, saying he just wants her to live in peace now.

Suk is elated at the cozy serenity of Grandma’s gallery, saying it’s just like her. Just as they sit down, however, Do-woo notes a final package that he hadn’t noticed before in the corner of the room. He opens it to find a message from homestay mom Mary, telling him that the box holds Annie’s final belongings.

Do-woo turns on the phone inside and finds a recording of Annie’s last phone call with Hye-won, where she’d told a tearful Annie not to come home, and that her father was dead. He realizes now that Hye-won lied to him about the circumstances of Annie’s father’s death, even after he confronted her about it.

Once again, Do-woo starts walking to cope with his emotional anguish long into the night. He passes by Su-ah again, though they’re still two ships passing in the night. Su-ah goes home and tucks Annie’s bead safely away, while Do-woo sits by the ocean with a beer. He tries to call her again but is met with the prerecorded message, so he asks it emptily: “Su-ah, where are you? I’m so upset. I need you.”

The next morning, Suk is shocked to hear that Do-woo won’t confront Hye-won about what he found inside the box. Do-woo explains that he wants Hye-won to live without guilt or fear and to work freely as she wants, especially since they’re going to break up anyway. But Suk explodes at him, saying that Hye-won doesn’t think that way. She plans to hold onto Do-woo forever, and he’d better take care of it now.

At Jeju Airport, Su-ah is surprised to hear that Jin-suk’s coworker has a crush on Mi-jin. He asks if Mi-jin is seeing anybody, and she starts to say no before remembering the affair. The coworker tells her that he’s heading to Seoul tomorrow and will be seeing the crew, checking to make sure he’s kept track of Su-ah’s lies properly. He means it in a thoughtful way, but even I cringed at that.

Do-woo’s final touches to the gallery include framed pictures of Grandma and Annie, and Annie’s iron. Afterward, he heads to the airport to pick up Grandma’s last few ornaments, which the owner wanted to deliver personally. At the airport, Su-ah helps the owner carry those very boxes, but by chance glances down at the package label: “Deliver To: Seo Do-woo.”

She looks up just as Do-woo walks in. They stare at each other in disbelief for a long moment, but finally, Su-ah spins on her heel and hurries away. Do-woo, too, catches himself and starts to take Grandma’s ornaments to his car. When he hurries back inside, however, Su-ah has disappeared. The camera pans back to show us that she’s desperately trying to catch her breath, hiding from his view.

Do-woo drives the owner’s assistant to the gallery, and is surprised to hear that the man plans to stay at Do-woo’s place tonight. Do-woo takes it in stride, but when they arrive at the gallery, Do-woo can’t stop himself from hurrying straight back to the airport.

Su-ah gets off work and is still unable to think clearly. Jin-suk’s coworker graciously offers to drive her home, but when they exit the airport, they see Do-woo waiting outside in his car. They can’t tear their eyes away from each other as he gets out and approaches her. When the coworker asks if she knows him, she tells him she does—but then she apologizes to Do-woo: “I have to go.”

He nods and returns to his car as Su-ah’s coworker goes to get his own car. Do-woo watches her before flashing his headlights at her, bringing her back to reality. He comes back out and tells her to get ahold of herself, and she asks, still in disbelief: “Is it really you?”


Oh, wow. I’m still a little bit in awe from the middle parts of this episode. On the Way to the Airport really finds its tone and strength in the more serenely introspective investigations of its characters in the world: how Su-ah struggles to understand herself in busy Seoul, how she uses the freedom of flying to escape the shackles of her strict home, and so on.

In several instances during this episode, the show really drew on that strength, and it shone beautifully as a result. So many aspects of this episode fit so well together; for example, I actually found myself emotional as Su-ah explored the streets and fields by her new home in Jeju Island, its free and unrestricted views tying into her deepest desires for everyday serenity, and again when Do-woo walked the same streets, but in his own lens of Grandma Eun-hee’s final wish. Everyone knows that Jeju Island is a beautiful place, filled with scenic landscapes and natural beauty, but the show accentuated its existing boons by emotionally charged, gorgeously thought-out shots. Jeju Island, for our characters, is both an escape and a new home, and the drama represented that almost entirely through those artistic realizations of its setting. That takes both a self-aware understanding of what Jeju Island means to Su-ah and Do-woo, as well as a genuine appreciation for escape and longing.

As we all know, On the Way to the Airport is sponsored by a major airline, and while the commercial aspect of the drama is always apparent, it never feels like a sellout; the emotions we get from Su-ah’s rediscovery of herself, which is deeply tied into the idea of physical, geographical exploration, are very real and very relatable.

Of course, finding ourselves within the solitude of Jeju means that life in busy, unresting Seoul seems like a different universe. For my part, I’m rapidly losing interest in our second leads, who are becoming less and less interesting and more and more flat-out incomprehensible. Su-ah and the predictability of the interactions of our main lead aren’t as riveting as it was before, either, but I still found this episode strong from a directing and narrative standpoint. The question for Su-ah now is whether she’ll truly be able to sever herself from her old life, her old friends, her old work. As we saw this episode, she already feels uneasy when she isn’t a part of the airport; it’s embedded into her identity and purpose, and even if she wants a clean slate, she doesn’t want to throw away that part of her life.

Do-woo and Su-ah have helped each other on their path to discovering their true selves, to finding out what they really want out of life. Only by meeting each other did they realize that they were missing a massive and irreplaceably authentic aspect of life; they launched each other into their respective journeys to stop lying to themselves or putting on an appearance that everything was “fine.” But I think it’s important to note that they find their true strength in themselves, first and foremost, and in their individual abilities to trust in the people around them.


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Thanks, hanshimi! This episode made me think " I should pack my things and move to Jeju-do." I love this show, i love how it makes me feel and also i just love to feel the heartbeats of SA and DW..


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I really like your analysis of this episode and the importance of Jeju. I wasn't expecting Doh woo to come that quickly here, but I am not that bothered because they didn't meet right away. Su ah needed time and I thought that Jeju was her moment of peace and strenght. Maybe it is more than that. She is building her own independent life and I was so proud she find a job at the airport (Thank you Kevin, your part was a blessing here). Both her and Hyo eun seem happier, I am just upset that Su ah doesn't realize that if she needs to lie to her husband, that means something is really wrong about their relationship. In fact, I think she is a very loyal (maybe caring too) person and that is why she can bring herself to end their relation. You could see that she takes actions when she is in front of Jin suk's true nature (I mean his obvious disinterest for his family, the way he doesn't seem to have any real commitment to his family or how he doesn't seem to care for their feelings).


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Jeju is SA's hometown, I'm not surprised that DW would head straight there after that "break-up" with SA. He wanted so much to cling onto her, even remnants of her past, as such, with SA gone, it is natural that he would want to seek solace in this quiet place with lots of winds and dangling wires from electric poles which had been imprinted on SA's mind.

But why didn't DW recognised SA's back silhouette when he aimed the bicycle light at her from behind to help light up her path? Since he was thinking of her day and night, and the very last time he saw her, she had her back turned, so it must be etched into his memory right?


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I thought so too but I still didn't expect him to come by himself at the same time as Su ah.

It also crossed my mind, how come he didn't hesitate a moment when he saw her from behind? Maybe he just didn't expect her to be here (far away she said) and that's why he is so surprised too when they meet at the end. He came to be closer to her, as you suggest, but he didn't expect to actually meet her. I can't blame him if he wants to call it fate now.


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Must say thank you to the director of cinematography for the excellent job. Each frame in this drama is so beautifully done. Of all the dramas i have watched (& I hv watched too many), this is totally breathtaking. Whatever filters he is using, it is really top notch.
My favorite drama of all the currently airing K-dramas.


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I second that noona...


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The lens of this drama could make any place feel magical and nostalgic, and although the Island has its own beauty, it's more authentic here. Most dramas use it as a getaway or work destination, but here you're lead to discover its streets as well as a bit of real life in them(like the inevitable cons of having meddling neighbours). And forgive me for mentioning that drama but W&C introduced most of us to the Haenyeo the awesome women of the Jeju sea- it did something right...
Now back to this drama.


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beautiful analysis, fab!


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Thank you Michelle!


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Your observations on how the drama shows jeju are spot on.


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KHN is beautiful and elegant
But in term of her acting in this drama is so plain
No expression at all
Very zen , especially when she meet her boyfriend at the cafe , she cries but very fake , forceful ....I can not feel her pain

Sorry , poor acting

This is very much like Falling in love again movie


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Hi Pam,
I think you need to watch this drama from the beginning ^_^
so you'll know why they use less comical/dramatic face..


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Soo-ah is a person with internalised emotions who doesn't say much and I think KHN is doing a pretty good job of conveying that kind of person. And given the mood and feel of the drama is "very zen", its also the actor's job to convey that. And she (and LSY) do.

On another thread I had a discussion on the lack of women as sexual beings in K-dramas. This drama while not stressing on sex is an exception. The women are in their late 30s/early 40s with conflicting desires and emotions regarding work, family, sex etc and the drama quietly conveys that.


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She "forcefully" blinked her eyes to blink away the tears, with all the despair and sadness showing in her eyes. Of course, she couldn't just break down and howl to her heart's content, her husband was walking ahead, so she obviously had to restrain herself. Restrained silent tears are the most painful, and how could that be misconstrued as "forceful"?


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Thanks Hanshimi for the wonderful recap! Your recap has become my Sunday morning treat!

I love Chopin's Tristesse, to have the soulful cello version played in the background when DW and SA faced each other in their fateful reunion at the airport couldn't be more perfect! We can see the writer's dogged determination in brandishing the hands of destiny in bringing SA and DW together. Again, wasn't it the packaged belongings of DW's mom and Annie's vase which brought them together again, and of all places, the airport?

It is so unexpected to have SA and DW running into each other again so soon! From the way things are developing in the drama, it looks like they will be pushed to act decisively to find the happiness they yearn for and so deserve. So instead of passively waiting for the storm to pass, it's alright to get themselves drenched while braving the storm to dance in the rain!

When DW's emotions were in turmoil, his first reaction was calling out desperately to SA in his troubled heart even without knowing where she was. DW is emotionally leaning onto SA like someone holding onto a floating log in turbulent seas. Both of them will risk sinking if they don't get out of the deep and murky troubled water of their marriages first.

Some people are just incapable of thinking of others.
Please, do heed this piece of sound advice of uncle Suk, take your own destiny into your own hands. Don't be led by the nose and accept everything resignedly with feigned oblivion, dragging just one more day, one more and one more day till forever. Even uncle Suk is getting so frustrated by your inaction! Get a hold on your life please, it is really oo precious to squander it away like that!!


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I liked your last paragraph.

Thank you for your recap of this beautiful drama, hanshimi.


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Yeah, Hanshimi's words touched me deeply too.
Only by meeting each other did they realize that they were missing a massive and irreplaceably authentic aspect of life

Unless they never knew that this aspect does exist at all, once it had been brought into their awareness, life will never be the same again. The mind blowing and overwhelming insight into that massive and irreplaceable authentic aspect has stimulated them to do some soul searching introspectively, in order to put things in perspective to take stock of themselves.

SA said to DW that "I told myself hundred of times, that this means nothing and it has to mean nothing, but it does mean something, something so powerful for my life right now. I don't deserve it. I'm so thankful for everything and I'm so sorry for everything."
We clearly see that she had been a passive non go-getter who resignedly accept her life as it was and felt that she was not entitled to something so precious. That is so sad. JS had never cherished her and her self esteem had been slowly eroded by his nonchalance after years of marriage. In contrast, DW respected her and needed her for who she is. The same qualities are viewed so differently. JS feels that she is clumsy and slow-witted, while DW sees in her that gentle and delicate sensibility and her considerate attentiveness to others. All these years, she had been digging her head in the sand to avoid the unpleasantness of her marriage life. It is only through her interaction with DW that she gained the confidence to slowly lift her head up to look at her surroundings and realise that she still possess the ability to carve out a better life for herself and HE.


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Pebble -

"The same qualities are viewed so differently."

Exactly! Where Do-woo is attuned to other people's needs and feelings, Jin-suk is mind-blowingly lacking. ..... Do-woo is so empathetic he feels Annie's anguish and Su-ah's desperation. Do-woo is emotionally present for Su-ah without reservations and without demands for her to change who she is. ...... With Jin-suk it's either an inability and/or an unwillingness to acknowledge others' needs and feelings ..... and this extends to everyone in his orbit, not just Su-ah. With his own mother he has no clue about how she's really doing, whether she needs money, what her interests are, or I suppose even if she needs something from the grocery store! ....... In the world he's built, Jin-suk just can't be bothered or inconvenienced.


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That's right, @korfan, JS basically treated SA as an inanimate piece of furniture that could be sent away, and who neither needs to have any opinion of her own nor any feelings. He even openly asked SA about MJ, probed into her dating situation and showed so much interest in her, while barely showing any concern for SA though they have not seen each other for days. That was so disheartening and exasperating, she will be much better off to do away with such a pathetic husband.


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Words from his own mouth: SA is a piece of furniture waiting for him at home. What grinds my teeth is that he probably treated Mi Jin the exact same way, and she still gives in. They were seeing each other in secret when he cheated on her with her colleague/friend/SA whom he ended marrying. Even his child is an inanimate object to him.


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JS' obvious display of concern toward MJ was what cemented SA's decision to move to the better house. And SA making that choice underscores her growing confidence to make decisions on her own for her and HE's sake. I really love how this show delivers the growth or intentions of its characters through the lens of everyday conversations (or at most times body language, micro expressions, and silence).


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Thanks for the recap. My refresh button is almost worn-out.
I so much love this drama, i cant count in how many ways.
What really interested me in this episode was the fact that Hyo-eun wants her mom to make sure they do not go back to Seoul, her happiness in this serene place is so apparent that i couldnt help but pity her.


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I love this drama. thanks for the recaps


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After this episode ended, my first thought was "I want to move to Jeju too" *crawling at the wall*
Do Woo is just everywhere, that's bit creepy. HA


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Just a curiosity regarding Ji-eun's mom once again. I've brought her up before because she seems to be a mystery. ...... Is it me or does she seem, for want of a better expression, like she has some sort of "claim" on Do-woo's house and property? ....... The way she says she's "going to take the house" appears like she feels she has "a right" to it or something like that. I don't recall her ever saying she's interesting in purchasing it, or making a monetary offer, or negotiating or anything along those lines. It's always, "I'm going to take over" or "I'm going to take it."

Any thoughts on this?


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Ji-eun's mom seemed to have a long standing relationship with DW's mom, as revealed in the earlier part of ep5, when she paid a visit to DW's mom at the house, and talked about how she loved the house since she was young and how it had a healing effect on her. This probably explained why she so eagerly wanted to possess it by pressurizing HW into blackmailing DW to give it up as a divorce condition.


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Thanks for the lovely recap. I love this show too. It makes me reflect on what is important. After seeing Jeju here, I would love to visit it someday.


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To be honest, why Doo Woo didn't see Su Ah when he was the one who drove the minibus??

Didn't he able to see his passanger's face from the mirror?

watching this episode made me think sometimes this world is so small, wherever you run, you'll meet same person,..


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I was wondering too. Why DW didn't noticed SA boarding the bus?

This drama is love. I love everything especially the cinematography, the actors. I want to go to Jeju now.


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After watching that scene for numerous time, I think the writernim wants us to see that DW was overwhelmed with the sea so he paid only a little attention to those who boarded his bus. I noticed that DW was looking at the scenery, the ocean, on his left, happily and not even once turning his head to SA direction.


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Well, since the name of this drama is OTWTTAirport, all the significant events which coincidentally brought SA and DW together and sealed their fate must happen at the airport or be linked to it. This explains why the writer didn't arrange for DW to recognise SA on the bus, or when he beamed the bicycle light in her path when she walked past him. Else this drama would have to be named "Journey of Destiny on the Jeju Bus" or something along the line of movie title "Driving Miss Daisy", or "Girl on A Bicycle" lol


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I'm laughing reading your comments, hehehe,
I just questioned writer's theory, if a passenger stop the bus, wouldn't you see her face while you stop..
Again, this is a dramaland, everything can be happened ?


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When he didn't recognize her ankles I was done. We can only be thankful that Jeju has an airport.


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And 4 inch stilettos. In Jeju Island.


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Thanks God, Jeju Island has an airport ?


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Lol. Or "Lovers in Malaysia," "On the Way to the Job Interview," "Scarlet Heels of Jeju". Indeed, every fated reunion or breakup has to take place at the airport.


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This episode made my chest hurt. It is very real..to escape to a calm and naturally beautiful place to heal and be alone,far away. Im glad Su Ah did it.


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wow. I really love this drama


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thanks for the recap


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Happy to see that Hyo-eun settle in nicely at the island's school. Difference between island and city kids I guess.

Those aunties are quite nosy parkers eh, no wonder Su-Ah was feeling uncomfortable and wanted to move further away.


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I totally emphatise with SA for moving too!

It's a small town, EVERYONE lives in each others' pockets. You gotta take the good with the bad; people really do care about you, but they sometimes care a little *too* much.


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Do you think su-ah consider herself as a woman who must have a good life ?


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thank you, hanshimi, for your poetic comments which I enjoy reading especially the last paragraph. it reminds me of your comments from the 1st episode which were lovely too!

a slice of life can be very nice and meaningful too, when it is captured effectively through the eyes of the storyteller - OTWTTA is exactly this drama.


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i just curious about the place.
does anyone know about the places where the were shooting at Jeju and for the Doo-woo's place at Seoul where you can see the city from the rooftop?


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