Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 15

It’s an emotion-filled episode all around, as stakes continue to rise and the story grows more serious. There are upsides and downsides to all that emotion (and teaaars), and while that often means heartbreak and longing for the characters, the show does often excel at finding ways to make its angst meaningful, and sometimes even gratifying. Well, most of the time. Not, unfortunately, all of the time.


EPISODE 15: “All those lies that seemed like truth”

Yeong walks into his room and finds a letter on his desk. His expression grows grave as he reads it, while Ra-on receives a letter of her own while in hiding. Hers is from Head Eunuch Han, who says he has more to tell her about her father and asks to meet, requesting that she name the time and place.

Yeong considers the letter for a long while, and finally makes his way out late that night.

And that’s how he ends up in that secluded building, where he faces a stunned Ra-on with a hard expression on his face and vows not to forgive her. Then he grabs her close and embraces her tightly.

At the same time, royal soldiers mobilize outside a house looking just like the one Yeong and Ra-on are in. The younger Minister Kim steps up in front and leads the charge as they move in on the building…

Yeong pulls away from Ra-on, and tells her, “I will only listen to your words. Even if you speak lies, I will believe you. Everything you showed me—was it all true?”

Ra-on lowers her eyes, seeming torn on how to respond, and then apologizes. Looking stricken, Yeong grasps her arms and looks at her intently… and then a sound from outside grabs their attention.

Oh thank goodness, it’s Byung-yeon, who bursts inside and warns that Yeong had guessed correctly and that they must escape.

So when the soldiers do finally charge the building, swords drawn, it’s only Yeong that they find inside, with his back to the door. Moments later, more soldiers join the fray—but this second group challenges the first, protecting the prince.

Minister Kim looks shocked when Yeong turns to face them; clearly this isn’t what he’d been expecting. Outside, Byung-yeon swiftly dispatches several soldiers, then leads Ra-on away.

Minister Kim averts his eyes, starting to sweat now as Yeong asks what he’s doing here. Yeong says he’d been curious to see who sent him a false letter hoping to catch him in a trap, lip curling as he concludes, “It was you?”

Minister Kim says nervously that he is merely acting on a report of a secret meeting with a traitor. Yeong fumes at the idea that someone would dare frame the crown prince for treason and orders Minister Kim to capture the culprit: “That is your only way to live. Do you understand?!”

The next day, Byung-yeon informs the prince that Ra-on is fine and will soon be relocated to a safer place. Yeong supposes that he ought not ask where that is, and Byung-yeon replies that it would only make things harder on Ra-on.

Yeong wonders, “How is it that I became the person who makes this most difficult for Ra-on?” He assures Byung-yeon that he won’t ask anything.

Flashing back to the previous night, we see how they’d escaped. After receiving the warning to flee, Yeong urges Ra-on to leave quickly with Byung-yeon. Before she does, she tells Yeong not to wonder where she is: “And even if you hear news of me, do not be shaken. I will do so, too.”

With a bow, she starts to leave. Yeong reaches out to grab her wrist with the hand that still wears his bracelet, and they stare for a long moment into each other’s pained eyes. Yeong holds Ra-on’s hand tightly, loath to let go, but Ra-on slowly pulls hers free, leaving him empty-handed. He stares down at her, brokenhearted, while she averts her eyes and leaves.

The queen meets with Ha-yeon, who is now living at the palace and being trained to be the crown princess. She seems to enjoy telling Ha-yeon that the prince continues to resist the marriage and asks if Ha-yeon is curious why.

Ha-yeon doesn’t rise to the bait, answering that the prince must have his reasons. The queen says with mock concern that the prince has been devastated following the disappearance of a eunuch he used to take everywhere with him, and asks Ha-yeon to comfort him. Having planted that seed of suspicion in Ha-yeon’s mind, the queen smirks to herself.

Byung-yeon reports to his rebel group about the previous night’s events, but tells them that he doesn’t know where Ra-on is, because she was gone when he’d arrived to warn the prince. Head Eunuch Han is gravely concerned by the fact that someone forged a letter from him, and deduces that they have an insider working against them. He vows that if a traitor is discovered in their midst, he will be punished.

That night, Ra-on’s mother asks if she resents her father for the difficulties Ra-on and her mother have had to endure because of his actions. Ra-on reminds Mom that she’d said he was doing important and necessary work.

Mom concedes that that’s true, but still didn’t like that it was her husband doing that work: “Rather than someone doing important work, I needed someone to be family who would eat, sleep, cry, and laugh with me.” So naturally she hated him for it, too.

Ra-on says that those words sound like “I miss you” to her ears, and Mom has to laugh. Then when Ra-on steps outside, she notices a bundle just outside the door.

A terrified court lady cowers before Yeong, who confirms that she delivered the forged letter to his desk. He prods her to describe who sent her on the errand, and she says that he was an unfamiliar face, and one she recalls clearly.

A man wearing a black bamboo hat makes his way to the Kims’ inner circle… and it’s Byung-yeon’s direct boss in the rebel group. Prime Minister Kim notes that there’s no guarantee that a traitor to the rebel group wouldn’t also backstab him. Black Hat replies that he’s trusting in the power of money, not Prime Minister Kim himself: “You can buy only what you need to buy, and I will sell only what I can sell.”

That answer satisfies the Kims, who hand over an envelope. Black Hat is ordered to deliver Ra-on immediately.

Yoon-sung cradles a baby, and a flashback informs us that this is the discarded princess, born to the queen and swapped for the court lady’s boy. Shortly after the queen’s eunuch had smuggled the princess away, Yoon-sung had knocked out the man taking her away.

Yoon-sung has entrusted the baby to a gibang matron, who assures him that the gisaengs adore the child. She’s curious about the baby’s background, and Yoon-sung explains that she was orphaned and has no place to go. The woman is moved by that plight and vows to raise her with the utmost care.

That night, Ra-on enjoys some air outside the house and assures her mother she’ll be in shortly. All of a sudden, she’s grabbed from behind by a masked intruder, while a second one knocks her mother out cold. She struggles against her captor, but is no match for them and gets dragged off.

But seconds later, Byung-yeon leaps into the fray and cuts down one intruder, takes down a second, and then faces the remaining one—his rebel boss Black Hat, although Byung-yeon doesn’t know it yet, with the mask covering the man’s face. They come together in a fierce clash of swords, and Byung-yeon gains the upper hand, sending down his boss down on one knee and knocking away his sword.

They lock eyes for a long beat—does Byung-yeon recognize him? Is there something there?—and then Black Hat runs away. Byung-yeon remains behind, while Ra-on rushes to her unconscious mother’s side.

The prime minister visits the queen to see her newborn baby, and she brightens at his praise of the child. The queen adds that she feels lighthearted to have borne a prince—words that make Yoon-sung’s face even stonier. He asks if she is happy, and there’s something to the way he presses her on it that makes the prime minister and queen look at him more closely, wondering what he could be driving at.

Black Hat makes his way back to the Kims… and this time, around the corner we see that Byung-yeon has followed him here. He seizes the opening to attack his boss from behind, then holds a blade to the man’s throat, deducing that Black Hat sold out the rebels to work for the Kim family.

“So?” his boss asks, shocking Byung-yeon. If Black Hat is outed, the covers will be blown for both Head Eunuch Han and Byung-yeon, who have been undercover for years at the palace.

Furious, Byung-yeon drops his sword and punches Black Hat in the face and gets in several solid hits. But then a halt is called as they are surrounded by royal soldiers, who recognize Byung-yeon. Holding up a drawing resembling Black Hat (which must have been based on the court lady’s description), the lead officer informs him that they’ve come to arrest the man. For the moment, there’s nothing Byung-yeon can do.

Yeong announces to his court that the culprit who tried to frame him for treason has been captured. Ministers Dumb and Dumber tense, and Yeong shoots a look over at Prime Minister Kim as he says that the man admitted to taking orders from someone.

Minister Dumber blusters that he’ll have the criminal interrogated by the tribunal, but Yeong adds that the man has already volunteered for a special interrogation before the king and the court where he will reveal all he knows. The Kims quake a bit in their shoes.

Dumb and Dumber confer privately to figure out what to do, nervous that Black Hat will spill the beans on their involvement.

Ra-on is surprised by a visit from Head Eunuch Han, whom she has deduced was a friend of her father’s involved in the same work. Eunuch Han confirms it, saying that he wanted to enlist her to join in her father’s cause, but Ra-on is firm in her denial.

He guesses that it’s because of Yeong and explains that the prince is pushing back the wedding, and is not eating or sleeping well. He tells her that pulling on entangled threads only tightens the knot and renders it impossible to untangle: “When that happens, you must cut it loose without regrets.” That, he explains, is the path that’s best for the prince.

Eunuch Han says that he’s sorry and tells Ra-on to take care of herself as he leaves. She’s left shaken and heartsick.

Dumb and Dumber slip into the prison with a royal doctor, who carries needles hidden in his sleeve. Poisoned, perhaps? The doctor starts to enter the cell where Black Hat sleeps, only to have a voice call out to the group—Yeong, who wonders at their late-night visit.

Minister Dumb lies that he was merely checking on the status of the criminal, indicating the man inside the cell. Yeong narrows his eyes and asks how he knew that was the criminal in question. Aha! Yeong points out that he’d never disclosed the man’s identity, and the ministers gulp to be caught in their lie.

To make his point clear, Yeong asks the head prison guard if he knows the man’s name or crime, and the guard replies no. With that, Yeong orders the criminal roused, so they can ask who he is taking his orders from.

But when the guard goes over to Black Hat, the body just lies there limply—he’s already dead. Oh noooooooo. Fuming, Yeong accuses Minister Kim of interfering before the interrogation.

The next day as Yeong holds court with his ministers, the prime minister makes a late entrance. He’s notably dressed out of his red ministerial robes, which are set down before the prince.

He explains that despite his faithful service, he is suspected of criminal acts, and will resign his post in turn his efforts to clearing his name. Yeong tells him to clear his name using different methods, but at the cries of the court to accept the dismissal, he finds himself outnumbered. (Ex-)Prime Minister Kim promises to capture all the rebels and deliver them to the prince.

A notice is posted in the city with Ra-on’s name and picture, identifying herself as a traitor and leading participant on the attack on the prince. Soon after it’s posted, an unseen man rips it down.

Byung-yeon brings one of the posters to Yeong and warns that it won’t be safe for Ra-on to remain in the city. The idea is a blow to Yeong, who asks, “You mean she will be leaving soon, don’t you?”

Ra-on mulls over Head Eunuch Han’s advice to cut the knot free, crying to herself at the thought.

Bitterly, Yeong asks, “Does she really not have anything she wants to ask me, or hear from me? Or argue with me, or request of me? Does she not even wonder about me, or miss me?” He looks up at the moon with tears pooling in his eyes, asking, “Is she even alive?”

Then he faces Byung-yeon earnestly to say, “My words about not asking anything—forget them. Once, even just once, could you have me meet her?”

Ra-on and her mother both lie awake in bed that night, and Ra-on’s mother seems to sense her mood and suggests moving far away. Ra-on’s face crumples, but she forces a smile when she turns to face Mom and agrees to leave.

“But before that,” Ra-on says, “there’s something I have to do.” Her mother asks what that is, and she replies, “Sending [him] away. So that he can live well without me. So that if someone were to come and take my place…”

Mom asks if she means to make it so Yeong won’t carry lingering feelings for her, but she replies no: “So he won’t be sorry to me.”

Mom sighs and pulls Ra-on close, patting her comfortingly while shedding tears of her own. Ra-on cries quietly in her mother’s arms.

Prime Minister Kim sits Yoon-sung down, looking at the wanted poster of Ra-on as well as the portraits Yoon-sung had painted of her in her female guise. The prime minister sneers in disgust at the idea of Yoon-sung falling for a rebel’s daughter and barks that he could have called any number of gisaengs if he wanted a woman to draw or hold.

“Like you, Grandfather?” Yoon-sung asks pointedly. “Is it fine to hold them for one night and then abandon them?” He asks if it’s their family tradition to embrace people, including children, when needed and discard them when not.

“What is it you hate so much?” his grandfather asks. Yoon-sung replies, “The picture that you have drawn. That big picture you have carefully prepared with me in mind.”

His grandfather asks if he really opposes their family’s long tradition and his grand future. Yoon-sung says, “Yes. Even if it is low and crude, I will live the painting that I draw for myself.”

Late that night, Yeong waits alone in a building, and breaks into a smile when Ra-on comes into view. It fades a little when she keeps her eyes averted and asks why he wanted to see her, and he registers her stiffness.

Yeong asks why she’s keeping him at a distance, worrying that that his request put her in danger. Ra-on clenches a fist and looks up at him, saying, “Being next to you right now is the most dangerous time.” Her voice hardens as she adds, “At one order from you, could I not be dragged off at any moment?”

Hurt at that thought, Yeong calls her name and starts to step toward her, but Ra-on suddenly pulls out a small dagger and brandishes it at him. What are you doooooing.

Her hands shake and she breathes unsteadily, and Yeong tells her to put down the weapon, declaring that he would never order her killed. “Do I have to say these unbelievable words?” he asks incredulously.

Ra-on tells him that things are different now from the time when he knew nothing about her. She has heard that the king is unwell, much like how he suffered ten years ago because of her father’s actions.

Yeong tells her she’ll hurt herself and slowly reaches up to take the knife, but pauses when she brandishes it with more vigor.

“You must have many resentments yourself,” Ra-on tells him, raising her voice. “But I am the same. Who is it who made my father a traitor and made him die?!”

Yeong takes a step toward her anyway, and then another. With one firm movement he grabs her hands in both of his. And then, slowly, he angles the dagger’s tip inside the loop of his eternity bracelet. With a twist, he cuts the cord, sending its beads scattering. Nooooo. The dagger clatters to the floor.

Ra-on looks up in shock. In a pained voice, Yeong reminds her, “No matter what, I said I would believe everything. Your lies. I understand, so go on. We will not meet again.”

Ra-on stares at him for long, heartbroken moments, tears spilling from her eyes, matching the ones in his.

And now, finally, the royal wedding.

The palace is prepared for the ceremony, and Yeong and Ha-yeon are dressed in their wedding finery. He looks dead-eyed through his preparations, while she looks both nervous and sad.

Ha-yeon’s father joins her for some emotional final words, momentarily taking her aback with his newly formal address (as a princess, she outranks him). He warns her that she may find palace life very difficult, but Ha-yeon assures him not to worry, and for a brief moment he drops the formalities to call her by name for the last time. He entreats her to be healthy and safe, and Ha-yeon sheds a few tears as she hugs her father.

Eunuch Jang finishes dressing Yeong and gets emotional himself, reminiscing on how much Yeong has grown from boyhood, wishing him happiness and health. He places the hat on Yeong’s head, and Yeong flashes back to Ra-on doing that for him in her eunuch days, and how he’d playfully tiptoed out of reach.

Today, though, Yeong’s face remains bleak and sad.

From a faraway hill, Ra-on looks over toward the palace, knowing that the ceremony is unfolding today.

(Park Bo-gum sings this ballad, “My Person,” whose lyrics tell us: “You’re my everything, you’re my person / As much as my heart hurts, this love that cannot be erased / this love that cannot be stopped even if the world freezes / I would rather that I hurt more / Do not worry about me, even if it hurts and hurts, it’s love / I’m happy because you are forever my person”)

Wearing a grim expression, Yeong walks out of his palace to head for the ceremony.

On her walk back home, Ra-on sees a troop of soldiers marching through and ducks out of sight. Luckily, she’s not spotted.

Meanwhile, her mother waits for her at home, but stiffens when someone else arrives: a man wearing a bamboo hat, who slowly reveals his face. Mom’s eyes widen in shock. Is that… who I think it is?

At the palace, an officer bursts in to deliver unfortunate news to the king.

Ra-on arrives home to find her place ransacked, and her mother sits in a daze.

Just as Yeong is about to step into his palanquin, Eunuch Jang comes running up with bad news: The king has collapsed, in response to news that Hong Kyung-rae has been arrested.


All right, I’ll just come out and say it: This was the first episode I was actively dissatisfied with, as the story went from reasonably angsty to frustratingly so. I’m sure we all have different tolerance levels for how much plot complication and angst we can take before our enjoyment of an overall show starts to wane, but for me, I can generally hang in there as long as I find the story and characters credible—if it still makes sense to my head or my heart, I’m usually somewhat appeased.

This dissatisfaction isn’t purely because our couple is still apart, or because one is lying to the other (although that certainly doesn’t make me happy), but because (1) the plot spent more time away from the main couple, and (2) the underlying logic failed me for the first time. The romantic relationship doesn’t have to be in an happy, cute phase for me to find it rewarding, but shifting away from it for long periods of time had my interest flagging at points. Previous episodes tugged at my heart despite the painful goodbyes and longing heartbreak, because I was there with both characters, understanding the need for their present circumstances and feeling the dilemma as they lived through it. I understood, and even agreed with, Ra-on pushing away Yeong and running away and leaving behind the bracelet, and when she grieved her lost love privately, I felt that pain with her.

But today, she pulled the noble idiot card—a trap this drama has been so good as to avoid till now—and employed that logic I abhor and have never found compelling, where you essentially say, “I don’t want him to hurt, so I’ll prevent him from being hurt in the future by hurting him right now.” Oh gee, that’s so considerate.

I’m sure there are ways we can rationalize Ra-on’s behavior with elaborate character analysis and argued defenses, and because I love this show I recognize a knee-jerk compulsion to think up explanations on behalf of the show. And to a small extent I think that’s fair, that when a show has built up a bank of goodwill by consistently exceeding expectations and delivering awesomely, that it’s allowed a bit of a grace—but for me, it’s only a very small bit of leniency. Because as fans, we can love a thing beyond what it delivered but we can’t conjure up something it didn’t do, or argue something it didn’t argue itself.

All that said, there were moments that did touch me, such as the motif of lying and truth, as reflected in the episode title. Going back an episode, it seems the straight reading of “lies that seemed true” is Yeong doubting that Ra-on was sincere in her love of him. But I loved that the prince subverted that expectation, giving her permission to “lie” and accepting her answer no matter what. That’s why it particularly hurt my heart when she pulled her knife on him (which I’m still angry about) and tried to turn him away by making it seem she resented him, because she inflicted pain intentionally when it wasn’t even necessary, when he would have accepted her answer without her needing to invent false logic.

So she disappointed me, because this “I did it for your own good” logic frequently ignores the other person’s agency in a situation by denying them the opportunity to react. You’ve decided that in order for that other person to do as you want, you must control (or manipulate) the information they have at hand, and ultimately it signals a lack of faith. I don’t condemn Ra-on for it; she’s human and young and in an impossible situation, and in any other show I would probably just accept it. It’s just, this show has been so great about writing characters who rise to the challenge, and I don’t think she did today. I feel that he, on the other hand, did: It’s bittersweet and touching to see that ultimately he accepts her choice without agreeing with it or necessarily even believing it; it’s the fact that she made a choice at all that compels him to respect it.

As for the rebel plotline, well, I’ve watched a lot of sageuk dramas so it’s no surprise that this drama is starting to feel the drag of going shifting to external conflicts like political machinations and rebellion plots. Really, I was expecting it to come sooner, so on the upside I have to commend this show for making it Episode 15 before I felt we’d hit that drag. It seems like standard sageuk procedure to get to this point a few weeks earlier and spend more time in it, so I’m relieved that we’re not really in very much danger at all, given that we’re so close to the end. That said, being ahead of the curve compared to other dramas is fine and all, but Moonlight has been a remarkable experience by consistently hitting high levels of heart, fun, and warmth, and today I thought it fell short of its own standard.

But to leave on a happy note: Who else laughed when me made it through yet another episode without a royal wedding? This show is determined to keep our crown prince unattached and monogamous, history be damned, and you know, I’m really okay with flouting historical record on this one.


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I have to admit and agree that I was very disappointed when episode 15 ended. Cliche after cliche popped up, which would've been fine if this was episode 7 - except we're only 2 hours away from the finale. Perhaps just as you deduced, we've been spoiled for so long as this show had successfully defied most of the formulaic twists and turns; so in truth I'm probably just being greedy now. Let's see how tomorrow is! To my fellow fangirls, I bid you a good night!


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Shall not lie. Skipped this episode. And depending on the next recap might skip that too. My heart can't take it.


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I am getting mad with the plot. Because it looks wobbly to me now. There are so many ways for the crown prince to know about Ra On, Baekwon group and many rest. First, dont he remember that Cheif Eunuch knows about Ra On real name. Dont he feel curious on how Chief Eunuch connection with Ra On's father? Cant he connect any dots between this two information? Because, the prince was portrayed as someone smart, who always outsmart others, I was hopping for him to handle this rebels matter more diligent. And for me he failed to do so now.

Another one, for now, when he already know that he got his real friends on his back, cant this drama show us more on Bromance between three of them. I was hoping for them to use Ra On case to bring back faith and friendship in those three.

Hopefully writernim saving that for three more upcoming episodes.


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The only frustration I have with CP (or the story plot) is his lack of following up. He seems to have suspicion regards some strange occasions, but we never see the end of it.


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I think it's because the show has been consistently good episode by episode so when an episode that isn't up to par like this one comes, everyone can't help but to feel disappointed because it kinda stains that perfection in a way, i guess.

But in my opinion, this episode isn't even that bad. I actually quite enjoy it. One thing I quite recently noticed about the show is that the episode usually starts off slow(which makes me feel slightly disengaged) but then as the episode goes by, the intensity and excitement factor builds up and by the end of the episode, I'm all hooked again.

I'm not sure if I would consider Raon's actions as noble idiocy. And while I don't particularly like what she did, but I really like how it's executed in a way that he knows, she knows and we all know that it's not what she wants and it's not what he wants either but they still have to go through with it anyway. The reason why I'm not sure if I should consider it as noble idiocy is because there's actually a mutual understanding between the 2 of them. I think there's a reason why Yeong says that he will believe whatever lies Raon will say. Because he knows its coming and he's secretly preparing himself and when that time comes, he needs to accept it...for her. Raon was all actions by shoving that knife which I'm guessing is just her way to make it seem final. But notice how he took the knife together with her hands and cut the cord of his bracelet. Together.

It's a symbolism of mutual acceptance- that they're in this together despite needing to go their separate ways and that this decision is a mutual thing between them. I think that scene was brilliant.

Raon's exaggerated threat was just a cover up for the actual deep hidden meaning behind their exchange. At least that's how I see it.


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Another one for #TeamKnifeScene! Ew lol I suck at the hashtag game.
I like your take on that scene. Especially the cutting of the cord together as symbolism. Lovely. Thank You!


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Okay, here is another good comment on why Raon had to do what she did. You pointed out that at least in this scene, Yeong knows full well that she is lying unlike in other dramas wherein the other party is left truly confused of why the separation have to take place, here both knows.

I agree, we've been spoiled by MDBC so much that when we finally got to an episode that seems a little below the standard that it set for itself, it looked truly bad. lmao This episode is my least favorite so far, but it is not even a terrible episode. I'm still excited and hooked and awaiting the next. It was just truly angst-filled and we've got that last week, so we may be having too much right now; hence, the bad feelings we have now.


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THIS. Yeong and Ra-on understood each other perfectly despite the heated exchange. At no moment in this episode did the OTP's faith in each other's love waver. In fact, I felt that that scene strengthened the bond while simultaneously driving home the fact that the odds are stacked against them.

So yeah #TeamKnifeScene!


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Totally #TeamKnifeScene all the way


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OMG, I made a similar comment before I read your comment. You just explain it wayyy better. I am so happy I am not the one who think this scene is brilliant, and beautifully executed. it looks like the writer put some old misunderstanding-break-up-moment when it is actually not. "I understand your lies" is perfectly way to say "if you need to lie that bad, I know you love me that bad." Kudos for the writer.


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I still find the appearance of a knife a bit random, but that scene where they cried while staring at each other is really touching. SO much feels.


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"But notice how he took the knife together with her hands and cut the cord of his bracelet. Together."

*sob* You and @Elle put it so beautifully. I'm sure none of us liked what she did. What did Yeong expect when he asked to meet her again anyway? Such a heartbreakingly well done moment. #TeamKnifeScene for sure!

And we all know while they're deeply hurt by separation, their love for each other was not hurt at all. As we saw in the almost-wedding scenes, they only had each other in mind. I can almost picture Yeong looking back and teasing Ra On later on for her knife skills :P Yep, I'd rather imagine future scenes rather than drown
in the ongoing heartbreak right now.


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I agree with you beans! This is the first episode that I am a bit disappointed in. It's just too angsty for Moonlight...it's not the element that attracted me to this drama. It seems to be missing the element of "fun" that pulls this show together. Ra-on is being so frustrating and CP seems not to be trying too hard to make her see sense.

Anyway, we'll see if the show will win us back with tomorrow's episode. Please do, please do!!! I would hate to have this drama fail me towards the end like others had in the past.


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Ra-On better be doing some fighting for the relationship in the last couple of hours to redeem herself from noble idiocy...


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I was thinking in this episode, what's the deal with Chief Kim? What is he really after? The throne? He's OLD. Why can't he just enjoy his wealth in his remaining years? Does he want the throne for Dumb and Dumber? They can't even plan without ruining it themselves much less run a nation. For his daughter (every time he meets her, he seems to have some misogynistic remarks) and her "son"? HA. For Yoonsung? Well then, I pity him. Because he wants too much for and from his grandson that he's actually pulling him and his happiness down rather than up.

I'll wait for your uplifted chin and greedy ass' downfall. I shall cherish the victory for years to come.


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I just want to save Yoonsung from his family :(


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While I've always believed that kindness is inherent in all of us, I do wonder if Yoonsung's goodness is stronger than his greed (that seems to be a strong family trait) because he was raised together with Prince Yeong and Byung Yeon. I think the three of them had an influence in one another's lives more than they are conscious of.


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Yeah I do think so. They used to be so close :( Oh and I really want to see what really drifts their friendship apart because right until this moment I still have no idea? Unless I didn't catch it or something XD


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I'm not sure if they'll add more to it but they just drifted apart. As they grew older, both realized the kind of man elder Kim is and that was their biggest conflict. Yeong said it himself, that most of the negativity he had for Yoonsung stemmed from his hatred for his grandfather. Because both of them know (just never voiced out) that Yoonsung's grandpa is really out to get the King and Lee Yeong.


I already felt that noble idiocy was coming, but the series was doing so well in surprising us with a very very smart prince and a very dedicated Ra-On, ...it really hurt like a ton of bricks when noble idiocy still pushed thru. ? My mind was a mess until I saw Daddy Hong. I hope this pain gets resolved soon because it just really hurts to see PBG cry. Its just beautiful and sad and painful and and and and huhuhuhu ???


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Top comments of Korean viewers about episode 15 are (1) PBG's wonderful OST (2) the bracelet cutting scene (3) wedding scene (4) YeongOn better get back together stat.



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I'm sad Hwang Chi-yeol's OST didn't get as much hype. It was chilling when his voice came out and no one mentioned it. I'm sad. :(


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Yeah. I loved it the moment I heard his voice. So beautiful. His OST probably got buried somewhere because people were really loving PBG's OST. :( The official track of HCY has not been released yet, so the reactions will probably come later for him.


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@maryxiah @Celine I am one of HCY's oldest (as in age - old enough to be his mom) fans, and naturally am sad his OST didn't get much hype. He's simply the best ... and while I am happy he has been honoured to be chosen to sing one of the OSTs for MDBC, I do feel his OST should have been released earlier. After all, his first recording was made way back near the end of August, and to think he had to do a re-recording a few days ago, when his voice was not in the best of condition.

I understand very little Mandarin (despite being Chinese) but do lurk on Baidu and sometimes Weibo, and at least the responses from the HCY fans (understandably :)) in China were so different - they were so excited and overjoyed to hear his voice, even if it was for about thirty-odd seconds. Made many of them tear up when they heard his voice.

Let's just keep our fingers crossed that we'll get to hear more of his beautiful voice in today's episode.

For today, let's keep fingers, toes, eyes crossed that his collaboration single with Eunha of GFriend will do well on the charts :)


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I think it because it hasn't released, even the teaser only out after PBG song so there's no hype cause people still questioning and have not much info

anyway I heard his song gonna be the last song, gaaah.


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Am I the only one who think ep 15 is really good? I mean really reallyyyy good, it seems I'm a masochist, aren't I?

It's filled with so much emotion, sad, hurt, pain, anger, longing & seeing their acting is like an eyesgarsm, lol

It's about time for them to breakup now. Am kinda have a mix feeling though when I see CP cut their fate bracelet to let her go, yes I was sad but I was also relieved cause it's just so sad everytime I see him being the only one who wear the bracelet & fight for his love.

While I understand her reason to break up, but at somepoint I'd really want to see Ra On fights for her love to get CP back or show him her love more directly, somehow I think Ra On's way to show her love for CP is more implicit, while CP is indeed more explicit & straightforwarded.

While I don't mind it at all, it's just am feeling so sad for CP as eventhough he know she loves him, still he'd have some doubt in his inner heart, is she really love me? is it only my hallucination?is it only me who longing for her?, etc. It's because when you're in love you tend to feel insecure & doubting yourself since you care for that person so much & afraid they'll leave you because you're not that worth it.

I feel CP deserves to be reassure & to be convince by Ra On," It's you the one I love, CP" & his heart will be lightened & gave him more strength to defeat his enemies.

Can't wait for ep 16 tonight & while waiting I keep Bogum's OST on replay all day :D


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I just wanted Raon to reassure Yeong of her love for him even though they should separate AND reason with him that being together will only bring them harm. That's what I was hoping for in their meeting.

I enjoyed this episode too though it is my least favorite in the series so far.


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Exactly, I understand they need to seperate, but RO's way to me is like putting a knife to an already injured puppy.
Though they need to seperate, I really wish she tell him the truth about her feelings & she can keep insisting to breakup but at least Seja's heart won't be bleeding as much as it was now.


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it will be satisfying if Ra-on tell how she feels. but I still believe the writer make it on purpose. that's why they made her holding the knife is less convincing (tremble and shaking) to make Yeong realized she was lying. that scenes is not intended to make misunderstanding between them like normally we saw in other drama. On the contrary, is to make them understanding each other in dramatic and beautiful way. I know it sounds twisted. but the Yeong words "i believe your lies" is so powerfull and this scene was made to deliver that words. For Ra-on to go that far, is only convince Yeong more that she loves him that much. He understands her lies --> He understands her love.

he cried, she cried, and now the rest of us cries too.


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Waw, couldn't agree more, you described it so well. While I really hope for RO to confess her true feeling to Seja, it's also true that RO's way were indeed felt more dramatic, painful, hurt, bleeding & quoting your last sentences:
"he cried, she cried, and now the rest of us cries too." X'D
Yes, the last 15minutes got me bawling & then Bogum's OST playing on the background >>> I dieeee....


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This episode is the least attractive among the rests. I just cannot see as to why RO has to react that way in order to send the CP away. Both have been heart broken enough and doing this will make the separation is to hard to bear especially with the knife scene...


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Was expecting more angst but not like this, what do I do with my shattered heart now? We still have 3 more episode to get through, does any one have glue?!

The look on Yeong's face when Ra-on pulled the dagger at him was so sad, and the moment when he cut the bracelet cord with his tears falling, that's when it felt like it was truly over. Yeong kept holding on to it even when Ra-on left hers behind, he refused to do so because he believed the fate will bring them together even if they're going through this momentarily separation but seeing him cutting it himself felt like he was giving up, giving up for her sake.

I don't think there was a need for her to go to this extreme, he would've accepted whatever she'd tell him, he would've believed her so why not tell him everything? It hurting them both and it's hurting us *sniff*

I'm glad that Yeong didn't fall for the trap, he was suspicious of the letter and he even got to the rebel but who killed him? Seeing how the Kims were shocked, was it the rebels who did it? Eunuch Han maybe?!

Byung-yun needs to come clean, he can't keep doing this, being a spy to the rebels and a friend to Yeong, making both to suspect him, he's leaving a lot of important bits to himself that could help Yeong. Yes, Yeong will be mad, he'll be hurt but he trusts him and will come to forgive him!

Thanks javabeans for the recap.


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The moment when Yeong said “Do I have to say these unbelievable words?” hit me the hardest. Sounded like he was pleading with her not to give up.


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I think PM Kim killed the rebel but the other Kims did not know about it.


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I don't think yeong would believe that ra-on decision for separation is the best because he keeps asking her to lie, they both know the truth and he keep asking her to lie,


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Yeah, I thought she wanted to say goodbye PROPERLY. What's so proper about pointing a knive and lying. sighhhhh


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The good thing in that knife scene was the dramatic shot of Yeong cutting his bracelet and the beads fell down AND the surprised look on Raon's face when he did that. I was shocked by the gesture and it was truly effective. I felt the knife sticking in my heart. Hmmm... maybe it was the intention of the writer to go with the scene of Raon holding a knife so that they can have that dramatic and symbolic cutting of ties. Raon with the knife and Yeong used her knife to cut his bracelet.


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I guess that's the only redeeming point. That she was genuinely surprised by the significance of the broken bracelet. Their tear stricken faces. And the moment when they both looked into each other's eyes. I swear I imagined myself in that scene, picking up the beads for them! I was kinda hoping Ra-on would and keep it with her as a sign of her undying affection for Yeong.


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Ok, I was not disappointed with this episode. On the contrary, I felt kind of distant with this drama after the last two episodes but this episode made me reconnect it with again. what with ra on leaving the palace without telling yeong, yoon sung caring more about ra on than yeong and ha yeon choosing to be in a loveless marriage, I didn't like any of their choices.

But, maybe its because this is my first saguek, I didn't really predict the rebel leader to be the spy and ra on's father is alive! Where was he all this time? How did he escape arrest until now? How come even eunuch han didn't know his existence? So, the political factors have got me interested again.

Also, yoon sung has gained brownie points in saving the daughter and finding a good person to take care and also by standing up for himself. I am such a sucker for babies and both of them looked super adorable. Something about the determined look in ha yeon's eyes in the end tells me she is going to do something unexpected. Or maybe I am imagining it because I don't want her to marry yeong and become lonely and bitter later on.

Now, our OTP. Yeong's love for ra on throws me off. When he said "whatever lies you tell, I will believe you", I was awestruck. Did he know she would lie, And indirectly warned her that since he will believe it, he will be hurt and secretly hoped that she wouldn't want to hurt him and hence, she will end up telling the truth (or I am just psychotic and reads too much into things, lol). But, in the end its ironical that she did lie and he did believe her and what broke was not the bracelet, it was yeong's heart, ra on's promise and all beanies' hearts.

Even though it would be awesome to have someone like yeong love you, I want to love like yeong. It seems an incredible way to love, being the first one to confess, making wishes come true, promising to make things better, putting the other person first always, whole heart barred, no holding back, trust entirely, allowing yourself to be vulnerable in front of them, asking first instead of taking and being sincere in your emotions, how does he do it? Is it even possible to love like that?

After writing this, my heart is breaking even more for yeong. Go back to him ra on, he needs you.


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"So she disappointed me, because this “I did it for your own good” logic frequently ignores the other person’s agency in a situation by denying them the opportunity to react. It’s just, this show has been so great about writing characters who rise to the challenge, and I don’t think she did today. I feel that he, on the other hand, did: "

God, I love your review. I feel it too. The way they make Ra-on acted, it is a bit cliche. but to choose the alternative by telling the truth, it will be another cliche as it only give us with "predictable mature break-up" ends. So here's why I adore the writer. They need to make Ra-on character did what she did, in order to make Yeon character rise to that challenge, beyond the cliche.


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Any theories about the bundle that Ra-on spotted outside her door? Any chance that her dad overheard her convo with mom about whether or not Ra-on resented her dad for the suffering they were going through, then ran off when Ra-on was coming out of the room?


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JB, thanks for your interesting recap. The episode didn't leave me dissatisfied, on the contrary, it's my favourite so far. Because HWANG.CHI.YEUL, that's all. :) Took them long enough to release his OST ... let us savour more than thirty-something seconds, eh, Gaemi-nim? Thank you.


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I'm surprised at the lack of sympathy for Ra-on. Girl had no options. She's a wanted criminal and a danger to the people around her merely by association. This is the kind of sacrifice people would be swooning over had a guy done it because pure love and selflessness and all. (And hot angsting)

But then again this is a girl doing it so I guess she's now a heartless witch? Her love is not up to par with her lover's? She has not risen to the occasion?

I just... I don't know anymore. Maybe I'm not so surprised at this kind of reaction after all.


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Aww Elle. *hugs* I think we can all agree that we feel for Ra-on, we know what motivated her actions and why she had to do what she did. We wouldn't cry with her if we don't feel for her, right? But I don't want to justify her action because the knife stunt was bad (to me). As Javabeans mentioned in previous recap, Yeong (in this case, we) can be hurt and love at the same time. So, while we may not see eye to eye about Ra-on's action, we do agree that we still love her very much.


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Haha, Elle, please don't get the wrong idea. It is not that I don't sympathise or empathise with Ra On. I understand her reasons and her motive behind why they need to separate.

It is how she engineered the separation process that I have contentions with. I know it is necessary to cut ties, but I did not agree with the way she did it. As I mentioned in your comment #19, I believe she could have done it in a better, less hurtful way.

Having said that, I can cut her some slack as she is 18-years-old and in spite of being a 'love expert', is still young and raw and therefore will make missteps. This is especially true when one is all caught up in one's emotions. So I do understand Ra On and her actions, though I may not like it or agree with it. ^^


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Mhh..., I believe..., there would be revolt erupted to set hong kyung rae free. ...Lead to the point that the country situation comes into crisis ...There in the process, the force under crown prince and one under rebellion comes to hand to hand. ...And bring solution to... voilla.., the royal marriage of crown prince and ra on as the solution to cool down the country. Kyaa..., everybody's happy ❤


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PBG's song is holding strong in no. 1 in various music charts now. /throws confetti

That was another good thing in this rather depressing episode. I also cannot wait for HCY's version of Beige's song. Love his voice. It will be the last OST. I so love Moonlight OST. Cannot wait for the instrumentals to be released too.


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I hope they release all the instrumentals. I have the Special BGM release on loop (so relaxing!) but I want the other instrumentals as well.


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right there with you on this one.


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Really? people are calling her a heartless witch? That's a bit harsh!

She is put in such a situation that she think she has no other option but to run away, yes, she was hard on him, with the dagger and all but I don't see why people will call her that. She's in pain too, she's heartsick too, if she had a better past and if the circumstances were different she wouldn't have left!


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this was supposed to be a reply @Elle comment 69!


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No worries! And THIS!!!! I am so PUMPED to defend my baby Ra-on. None of this is her fault. No one wanted this. I don't blame Yeong for wanting to hold on to their love, and I don't blame her for resorting to extreme measures to stop him. It's just a bleak, bleak situation all around.


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Gah, 3 episodes left and I have all these questions unanswered yet!

1. What are they going to do with the previous Queen's death which was PM Kim's doing? Is it related to the rebel?

2. What will Yoonsung do with the Queen's actual baby? If the Queen is PM Kim's daughter and he is PM Kim's grandson, she would be his aunt right?

3. Wouldn't the Baekwoon group know that the assailant attack on the Crown Prince in ep 12 is not by them (since Byungyeon heard the accusation and I'm sure Eunuch Han who works in the palace would know what's going on as well) and hence, at least, do something about it? Like find out who did it and put the blame on them?

I see that they can use 1 and 2 to bring the Kims down, but I wonder how Yoonsung will go about with revealing the truth about the baby switch. As for 3, I think it will be frustrating for me if they don't do anything as it feels like there is no closure to the attack. I hope the Baekwoon group can do something about it to add more charges to the Kims' already long list of sins.

But I'm looking forward to episode 16. Seems like there will be a lot of kickass actions, which is really about time.


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Oh and 4. The lack of the word "Cloud" left behind in the letter during the attack. Are they gonna look into it or not?


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1. I think the previous Queen's death has nothing to do with the rebel. The riot was 10 years ago, and her death was 7 years ago, their timeline don't match.

2. She is his aunt. I wish he'd use the baby to talk some sense into her, she's a mother after all right? But I was hoping the princess will grow up outside of palace, away from all the ugly politics inside the palace.

3. The Baekwoon group already know it was Kim clan's doing. They can't go around exposing them, when it'd expose them as well.


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1. Then I wonder what is it that the King is so uptight about. They haven't disclose much about the rebel yet, and how severe it was. I was hoping that maybe the Queen's death was involved, but damn.

3. Not that they should blatantly expose the Kims, of course. But do something like leaving notes/books and whatever in Yeong's room like they've been doing the past few episodes. If they don't give us a closure to this case I would be so frustrated, especially since that scene whereby Yeong was imagining Raon to be the one who let the assailants in.


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1. The king is traumatized by the rebels' attack in the palace 10 years ago. I'm not sure why he's uptight about the death of the queen though. Maybe he knew the Kim clan was behind it but powerless to expose them for fear of his own seat on the throne?

3. They can't and they won't. Their target is not the Kim clan, but the king himself, they wanted to overthrone him and build a new nation for the people, so they have no reason to expose the Kim clan because that'd be helping the king.


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1. What are they going to do with the previous Queen’s death which was PM Kim’s doing? Is it related to the rebel?

I think the queen death is a threat to the king that the kims is so powerful that they can take away king's beloved person and no one would help him

2. What will Yoonsung do with the Queen’s actual baby? If the Queen is PM Kim’s daughter and he is PM Kim’s grandson, she would be his aunt right?

I thin YS saved the baby for the sake of saving while thinking how to solve it later,

3. Wouldn’t the Baekwoon group know that the assailant attack on the Crown Prince in ep 12 is not by them (since Byungyeon heard the accusation and I’m sure Eunuch Han who works in the palace would know what’s going on as well) and hence, at least, do something about it? Like find out who did it and put the blame on them?

I think they knew but they didn't know how to make people believe their word, no one really believes rebels and people would said tried to clean up their name,
and the head is a eunuch, he can't investigate anything without saying that he is the rebel


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Yes, it's noble. But it was not idiocy. Raon's decision was as wise as it can be. She's making the right decision for the both of them. She's pushing Yeong to lose that rose-colored glasses he has on. If a lot of you are frustrated by Raon, well I'm more frustrated about Yeong. He's too idealistic and too emotional when it comes to his lover. Yes, let's all fight for love yada yada but there are right times for those battles.


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He is, isn't he? I love him, but he's sometimes so blinded by his love that he puts her in danger because of it.


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Yeong fell so so deep in love the first time. There is no going back for him. hihi! I like how YeongOn are kinda opposites in personality. Yeong is, though smart, too emotional; hence more expressive, while Raon is good at holding it in.


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This drama ain't your dad's saguek. I am not expecting an Yi San caliber saguek, so all I want is fluff and more fluff from the otp. The drama does not do angst well. Dragging out the otp angst is making me lose the feels. I was touched by the goodbye scene between ha yeol and her dad though.

What it has going are the adorable otp and the bromance. The palace politics and the rebellion are just simple fillers.

What happened to our clever and feisty Hong nam som from earlier episodes? Grrrlll, they could have done so much more with Ra On's character development.

I still like the show, but fast-forwarding some scenes.

Gosh, PArk Bogum and the actor playing his bodyguard/friend are really good. Will be checking out their future projects.


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If anything, this episode showed that this is very much the same girl who would wound her legs just to fake a castration.


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True that.


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Omo, and how did they catch up with Hong Gyeong Nae so quickly, right after he makes his appearance after so many years? Suddenly I have this crazy theory that PM Kim is behind all of these, in order to subdue the King.

As to Raon and Yeong, I'm upset that Raon has to resort to using a knife to "threaten" Yeong, and that Yeong has to give in to her and let go, even if he doesn't want to. This part is so much like the typical drama, sigh. Why can't they be like, let's not meet for the time being but never let go of each other?! Drama logic.


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because at this point their hug at the start of the episode has been for naught.


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>> Why can’t they be like, let’s not meet for the time being but never let go of each other?! <<
I think it because their acceptance rate is different,
Ra-on used to don't have it all, and she is more willing to let something go even it sad
but yeong with all his might hardly ever loose, so he doesn't let go easily

Raon asked to separate but yeongs refused, they just a different person,


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"Why can’t they be like, let’s not meet for the time being but never let go of each other?! Drama logic."

That is the opposite of what Ra On wants for him - she wants him to get better and move on, allow himself to not always wait for her. The idea that sometimes love isn't enough.

Or, she's living the song "I will always love you."


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Haha, late to the game again, and with tons of comments to catch up on.

Scanning through the thread quickly, I can see that there is already lots of analysis and opinions flying about - am looking forward to reading them.

I was actually looking forward to seeing JB's and other Beanies' take on this episode because I was starting to feel disenchanted with it and with the direction the story was taking. I mentioned in episode 14's recap comments that anything would be fine with me as long as our OTP went through adversity and hell together, rather than stay apart. And I have to admit that I was disappointed with the fact that they chose to stay apart (Ra On initiated breakup, Yeong respected her decision).

On a subconscious level, I kinda understand the reason for her actions, but like JB said: "this show has been so great about writing characters who rise to the challenge, and I don’t think she did today."

Really hope tomorrow's episode will end all this separation and angst. And really hope it won't be carried out in a hodgepodge, cram-everything-in-viewers-feel-bruised-when kitchen-sink-is-thrown-at-them way.

I'm starting to wonder if 18 episodes is enough to tell the rest of the story? We now only have 3 episodes left. I really do not want to have an open-ended ending!


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PS: Kim Yoon Sung - HERO for saving the little baby princess and for finding her a place where she can be cared for and loved! That scene in the gibang with him holding the baby was AWWWWW-inducing.

He really needs to have his own happy ending!


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I agree with this too. I loved that he saved the baby. But it should have been heart breaking for the court lady who lost her son. I thought they will exchange the babies and probably make ber believe she gave birth to a daughter and let them live in peace, but I underestimated the evil queen's evilness, I guess.


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I think the Queen would have wanted her baby girl gone where nobody could later use it against her in future. Honestly, the only way would have been to kill the baby and I am glad she was probably a too exhausted after labour, and maybe also feeling a tad emotional(?), to have instructed a direct kill order.

Yoon Sung's rescue was timely, and I find it ironic that for a Queen whose mother was a kisaeng (and so therefore she would have been brought up as a kisaeng until Prime Minister Kim took her into his household), that now her own daughter is back in a gibang and being brought up be kisaengs herself! Talk about coming full circle!


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Yes, it was naive of me to think they would just exchange the babies, I guess. Glad the baby survived. I don't know how people can kill babies. It seems like the cruelest thing ever.

woah! This is really good observation, suegarbaby. This could be made into another kdrama with the birth secret trope. ;)


@Imbuk I was also thinking of a possible story about the switched babies. It's nothing new in dramaland, but with a good writer, it could be interesting.


@celine yes! It could be called switched at moonlight, lol. It ll be like season 2, Where we ll see both babies growing up along with yeong and ra on's babies (I won't accept anything less than a happy ending for them). :p


PS: Kim Yoon Sung - DOUBLE HERO for telling his grandfather that he did not like the picture his grandfather had painted for him, and that he wants to paint his own picture! That was some defiance there, boy!

Seeing almost everyone cower and tremble and kowtow to Prime Minister Kim, it is refreshing to see Yoon Sung actively decide to take matters into his own hands and choose to no longer live under his grandfather's shadow. And to openly declare it to his grandfather's face! That takes serious courage, and I am SO PLEASED for him!


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PPS: Young Master Jung + Princess Myeongeun - where are you two?? We would have appreciated a bit of light-heartedness in the midst of all this angst and gloom to brighten the episode.

I felt the balance in this episode was off, for the first time in 15 episodes! This production team have been so good in balancing the different feels in 1 episode, I feel they've dropped the ball in this one. It was all heavy stuff today - dark clouds and not a ray of sunshine to be seen anywhere. Sigh.


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Omg! I thought this too. This episode needed their light heartedness so much. But the probably the production team thought it would have been inappropriate to show them being happy when there is so much tension in the palace.


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I was actually looking for Master Jung as well, but not for the romance with Princess Myeongeun. I wanted him to be tailing Ministers Dumb and Dumber. It's high time those two get in serious trouble. I'm okay with serious stuff, but Master Jung's the one person who's helping Yeong without any reservations whatsoever. I wish the drama would make better use of him. It's not yet too late!


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Ah, I kinda forgot about Young Master Jung's clever and strategic mindset which won him the 1st place in the exam! You're right, it would have been nice to see him use his intelligence to help Yeong overcome the Ministers in court.

Hopefully we will be able to see more of him in the last 3 episodes. With Princess Myeongeun! ^^


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Oh man! We were soooo close to having a noble idiot card free drama but they just had to go there. It was so unnecessary. There was enough of a sh*tstorm going around that making it look like they are parting permanently would come naturally without shoehorning in the oldest noble idiocy in the playbook.

My biggest worry about this drama is the lack of comeuppance for the Kims. They just seem to keep getting away with everything and I might not get that satisfying justice I've been waiting for with only 3 episodes left.

I am also not sure about the appearance of rebel DAD. It seems to me like he is going to turn into the Deus Ex Machina of the drama just to tie everything in a neat bow since he can pretty much explain everything and/or expose everyone (especially Premier Kim's involvement in the death of the Queen).


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Well, no one can carry the Crown Princess wedding apparel like Yoon Eun Hye in Goong did. ^^


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I’m sorry but am I the only one that thought what RaOn did made perfect sense. Correct me if I’m wrong but Eunuch Han told her that the Prince was neither eating nor sleeping and (paraphrasing here) that if a knot cannot be untangled then it has to be cut off.
I saw no other way to get the Prince to wake up and move on other than using the “Noble Idiocy” card at this point. I mean just days before, he promised that he’ll never ask of her again only to break that promise and put both their lives in danger and I’m sure if she did not take this painful route, the Prince would have asked to meet countless times irrespective of the fact that Premier Kim and his patsies are looking for every and any opportunity to off his head – that is if he hasn’t died from malnutrition before then.
Don’t get me wrong, I completely empathize with the Prince but when it comes to matters of life and death, I’ll pull out that knife too to make him stop to save both ourselves.


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It makes perfect sense to me. :) Yeong wasn't thinking straight when he asked to meet her tbh.


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"I’m sure if she did not take this painful route, the Prince would have asked to meet countless times irrespective of the fact that Premier Kim and his patsies are looking for every and any opportunity to off his head – that is if he hasn’t died from malnutrition before then."

Hilarious. And so so SO true. A malnourished, anorexic CP complete with flies around him in the picture is so clear in my head now that I can't unsee it. Then he'd have officially earned the name Crown Prince Poop. We all owe Ra On big time.


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I think the knife also the last attempt for her to cut the ties,
the easy way for me to understand it because even yoon sung and byung yeon refused to help yeong's on his love journey by saying he shouldn't knew where she is, multiple times


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Anybody also observed that we haven't seen our mute little Princess Yeongeun for a while now?

I am sure they would not have started her arc and her witness of Prime Minister Kim murdering the late Queen's court lady for no good reason.

Am hoping some of these loose threads will come together in the next 3 episodes.

(Is 3 hours enough time to tie everything together??)


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I know right, they should've pull her card out by now. I'm guessing they're saving it up for the last moment to make the Kim's fall more gratifying.


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lets hope all dead ends get tied up soon in epi 16 and we can have more of the couple love life built back in epi 17 18. cant stand if they tie up till very end and just end the show with short 10 min couple time at the end.....this will be frustrating to all viewers whom enjoy the couple more than the political issues.....
lets see how it enfolds tonight
btw where do most of people watch the english sub versions?


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IKR! TOO MANY DRAMAS HAVE DONE THAT LAST MINUTE OF HAPPINESS. Spoils the entire experience, seriously.


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I don't think it's possible for everything to be tied up by episode 16. Although, I personally want more time for OTP to be together, but I have a feeling it won't go that route. I also noticed that in general viewers are divided about having a lot of OTP time by the end of the drama. I've seen tons of the drama with last minute happiness as well as tons of sweet moments of OTP at the end. Some like the former because the happy times tend to be dragging and end up tying a little too neatly. Others like the latter because more sweet moments. For me, they need to resolve the issues first. Once they do that then we can have happiness. I do not want rushing plot points just to get to the happy times. Three more episodes. I seriously cannot wait for MDBC to end. I need my life back!


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We're on the same wavelength re: little Princess Youngeun. I can only hope that she is recuperating offscreen, and that she'll help bring down the murder(s) of the court lady who witnessed Yeong's mother's murder.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Kims' evildoing is indisputably revealed pronto.


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so happy to see the wedding failed to go through again....big phew!!! so painful to hear the Song by PBG - felt both their pain in such situation not created by themselves but forced out of situation created by other idiots. i happen to watch the TvN10 and sort of preferred KYJ to Heyri, that reply girl just dont behave well and really lacks class....not up to standard to be with PBG......whereas KYJ is just so sweet and naturally feminine, PBG deserves her more than Heyri. the latter is just not feminine enough....


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Lol. I'm sorry, but I believe we can support one without downgrading another, just saying :D


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Oops. I meant degrade*


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I hate noble idiocy more than ANYTHING in dramas so I completely surprised myself by not minding it at all in this episode! Why? Because it points to how young Ra-On is. She's completely inexperienced in how to love - and she loves him so deeply that she spent significant time trying to think how to make him not sorry to see her leave..so that he can go on and get married without remorse because she KNOWS she must leave. Witness that smile that played upon her face when she sat under the tree on the day of his wedding. She is remembering their love. She believes she has done the right thing for his sake. THIS IS THE VERY FIRST TIME NOBLE IDOCY IS OK WITH ME. And I surprised even myself!


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watching it all make me feels what she feels ,
sometimes it's funny that yeong keep asking her to said the lies and he'll believes it,
the lie that they can be together and she needs to be near him but she still didn't say it,

it shows how they just too young to understand so they blurted out all those things and shocked of the response


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That bracelet scene was done immaculately. Soo appreciative that CP saw through Ra-On's lies... but it was painful seeing both CP + Ra-On's heart hurting so much. I'm hoping for a turning point soon

Yoonsung time and again is the unsung hero... saving the baby and then standing up to his Premier Kim was such a bold and courageous act. I feel like he's going to have to sacrifice more in the future eps, I hope he finds some happiness by the end


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Thanks, javabeans, for another great recap!

I can't believe we're down to 3 more episodes... We seem to have hit a bump in the road during the course of ep. 15 -- in the form of the knife incident. Up until now, this series has been full-speed ahead, with a great plot, script, pacing, cast, cinematography, and music. Now that the show's in the homestretch, the episode felt more jarring than may actually be the case simply because it's been so well done from the get-go.

I've buckled my seat belt for the remainder of the ride. ;-)


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I hope the author is just randomly borrowing a name, and said person's traits, from history. From what little I know, Yi Yeong dies a Crown Prince, at age 20. My heart will positively break should that happen...


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I guess you haven't read the comments from ep 14, because Kim PD said this drama has changed from the novel and history, it is its own entity with some inspiration from history.
Drama Lee Yeong is not the historical Lee Yeong (the hanja name discussion in ep 14)


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Dear JB,
I have never disagreed with your comments, but if I may, I would like to offer my humble opinion to defend RA On's " noble idiocy".
We all know she loves LY to death and if it's only her, then she would not fear any consequences. However, she has to consider others that she hold dear. How can RO say a proper goodbye to the CP when she narrowly escaped being kidnapped and more importantly her mother was hurt. I think RO is well aware of the evil things the Kim's (or at least a force within the court if she doesn't know explicitly it's the Kim's)that is doing its utmost to eliminate her and her mother.... AND it's the same evil people who will harm her beloved prince ( the fact that someone trying to trap him being complicit with the traitor, committing high treason, the last time that met).
I think RO did what she did because that's the most logical yet painful way to help her love ones; she will be the one who will " confront" CP as the traitor's daughter. She will bear the hurt if LY gets hurt for her " real identity " . I can see the shock on her face when CP cut the bracelet and ended their relationship, forgetting that LY knows her so well and did it himself instead. As she told her mother, she wanted CP to not feel sorry for her being a fugitive or the fact that CP will miss her.
For some reason, I thought this drama will end on 16 episodes.
Perhaps, we might see more creative changes of history and that a time elapse might show a young little girl living with her mother far, far away and that she, too, is a smart child and love playing with a latern ( that is if our OTP can meet again and spend a night together).... Yeah, wishful fanfic from me. SIGH


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After reading through the comments I'm wondering... am I the only one who have never thought that Raon's parents are dead? :-O


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me neither,
it's weird that I didn't knww people are shocked,
the 1st clue showed Ra-on's mom is missing,
and the 2nd is when prime minister guy want to looked for ra-on in order to find hong gyung nae and the king unending dream


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I was only half surprised by Ra On's mom's appearance (more so because of the sudden scene transition rather than the plot twist), but I really thought her dad was long gone. I love how "wanted" convicts in kdramas can just walk around in daylight and be alright. I can't decide how I feel about introducing a presumed dead character 3 episodes before the end though. I guess it's supposed to be an unexpected twist, but I'm seeing it more like a cheap way out. I'll wait till we have more details next episode to judge.

Hmm @Sancheezy, I guess I missed that clue about Hong Gyung Nae.

On a semi related note, there is no hope for Ra On's adoptive father, is there? Felt so bad for him in that scene with Kim hyung (which was beautifully intertwined with Yeong's confession - soooo many memorable moments in Moonlight! Sorry! Fangirl moment!) We haven't seen him again since, not even when Ra On's face was posted. How else did the truth about Ra On get out to the bad guys, anyway.


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You're not alone. Since they introduce Raon grandpa, I keep wondering if Raon father also might be alive. They never mention him dead through out the series. I know they will use this HG card eventually, but I am just a little bit disappointed they bring him out this late.


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I was surprised by Mom's reappearance, but immediately realized that we were never told that she's dead. Since then, I've been thinking that it's possible for Dad not to be dead as well, but somewhere hiding.


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I have never been invested in a drama like this drama.

I will just die from heartache and i will tell my family to sue Writer-nim for breaking my hear by breaking CP's heart continuously for 2 episodes, in my will.

Seriously, i was mad with Ra-On. Especially the Knife scene?...Utter lack of faith in CP and CP has already shown that he is smart and cunning

PBG's crying should be outlawed. You just have to cry with him.


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Allow me to draw our attention to Byung Yeon the bad-ass. Well, he has been one all this while, but today is an exceptionally special ep where we saw him ANGRY, and that rebel group traitor made MY blood boil, and I was immensely satisfied with that punch. My heart just goes out to him, trying to protect everyone while also being loyal to both sides.

And the way Byung Yeon swished his sword in the scene where Ra On nearly got kidnapped? That was beautiful <3


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I couldn't agree more! I'm so glad someone else appreciates the awesome and wonderful-ness that is Byung Yeon!


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I love Yeong, but Kim Hyung holds a very special place in my heart.


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I've said it before, but I am hopelessly in love with Byung Yeon (Kwak Dong-Yeon)'s character!
Byung Yeon is one of the most complex characters for me. He is seriously torn between two very conflicting worlds. We can't help, but understand his motivation to stay with the rebels... his father's unjust murder by command of the king at the top of the list... but also, I'm sure the rebels have become family to him (especially after losing his former position/family/etc in such a cruel and sudden way).
Yet, there is no doubt in my mind his devotion to the Prince. The pained look on his face when his rebel leader threatens to expose Byung's double life as a spy is enough to convince me of his devotion to the Crown Prince. He's constantly protecting and looking out for Yeong in ways that we know cannot be simply to "keep his cover". His interest in protecting Ra On from having to live the same life he was forced to when he was young, in spite of the rebels ordering him to find an surrender her convince me of his compassion and loyalty.
On top of all this, I have to wonder what Yeong's motivation for continuing to trust Byung Yeon despite his knowledge of his lies and secrets is. Can it be that Yeong has that much faith in his friend's loyalty that he is choosing to ignore it until Byung Yeon is ready to reveal it? Or does Yeong have an an inner fear of the truth coming out? I wonder if it is the same situation as with Ra On in this episode. He's choosing to believe whatever Byung Yeon tells him, even if he is suspicious they are lies.
Part of me wonders if that will be Yeong's weakness. His willingness to find goodness in people.
That being said, I'm just as - if not slightly more - invested in Byung Yeon's story as the main couples. I really hope that he gets a happy ending!


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Well, I have to say the King did the only one thing good in the whole drama: He collapsed at the right time to suspend the wedding. Good for him.


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can I add that is his ONLY contribution so far... =p


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The King annoys me to no end, namely with his paranoia, and everything he's willing to do to assure himself of his safety. What a wonderful prince to come from him, but we all know the Queen plays most of the parenting role.


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So glad the wedding is OFF!


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I am there with you! For ONCE he did something right. lol


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The only positive things for me this episode were: 1) Crown Prince's beauuutiful dark blue silk hanbok when he goes to meet Ra On (right before the knife scene) and 2) how beautiful Ra On looks in her dark red/magenta han bok throughout the episode. Everything else was just frustratingly angsty.


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love loveeee the dark blue & silver silk hanbok of Yeong!! Love the color of Raon's garb too even if it is still, sigh, not a lady's hanbok. I just love replying to each and every comment that has anything to do with the costume. hihi!


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Thanks for the recap, JB!

I also felt this ep a bit draggy out of all the ones I've seen in this series so far. It's like the plot is winding down and they need to keep the couple apart a little longer whilst tossing in the politics.

I had my suspicions that Dad is still alive though I thought historically, he should reallly be dead?? But how did he stay in hiding for 10 years only to be suddenly discovered by soldiers? Like you said, maybe he turned himself in after saying good-bye to his wife one last time.

I didn't like RO pulling out the knife on Yeong either. When she told Mom she wants to send him off without making him feel sorry towards her, that was the last thing I anticipated. I thought they'd part on good terms in a mature, calm, yet bittersweet way. So, I do agree that she didn't reallly give Yeong the choice or the credit. He was ready to believe anything she said, truth or lies.

Dumb and Dumber make me laugh just cuz they always shoot themselves in the foot when trying to outsmart the crown prince.

YS and BY continue to be awesome. I'm so glad the baby princess is in good hands and YS can stand up against his grandfather. Also, I have no doubt that BY will stay loyal till the end.


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P.S. I love Bogummy's OST and so happy he released a song!!


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I love dramabeans and have read a ton of your drama recaps but I've never made as many comments for any show as I have for this one. I see that many people have as well and the discussion is very insightful and stimulating. Here are some of my thoughts.

Noble idiocy. A lot of people are hating RO because she's pulling the noble idiocy card. But I have to defend her, as some of you have. It would be noble idiocy if she did it for some dumb reasons. An example of such dumb reason is I love CP but I can't be with him because of my commoner status therefore I will push him towards HY. That is noble idiocy. It's not noble idiocy if your life is in danger and everyone is telling you to cut ties with the CP, not only for your own safety but also for the CP's safety. Keep in mind, the CP does have a huge responsibility towards his country. As romantic as he is, I would not expect him, nor would I actually want him, to throw away those responsibilities for love - because actually thousands of people depend on him to become an effective ruler.

Secondly, RA is also getting a lot of hate for not being "stronger." Although it would be very gratifying to watch the main character meeting and overcoming challenges bravely and effectively and heroically and successfully, each and every time, I actually think how she is is actually quite realistic. Her whole-world has crashed and she's heart-broken. She's barely a shell of her former self at this point.

Thirdly, the breakup scene where RO pulls the knife on CP...it's unexpected and a bit over the top, but hey, it a sageuk drama about a CP falling in love with a girl disguised as an eunuch, who is the daughter of a traitor. But on a serious note, I feel that RA is doing that as a statement for herself. Anyone watched Innocent Man with SJK? The part where MCW's character revealed to the press about SJK and PSY's past relationship - when asked why, she said, because she wanted to make it so bad that she could not even think about getting back with SJK. That's how I see it - RA wanted to make sure that there would be no lingering feelings on her part. I get it.

The acting: wow, how does PBG convey the feelings of longing so well? Both he and KYJ are phenomenal actors - considering their age - their performance is so polished and mature. But I have to say that PBG is a tad more controlled nuanced, and layered. Having said that, I find it incredulous that KYJ at a tender age of 17 (or 18) is able to portray the post-breakup devastation of losing your first love - But, yeah, when she cried and said her heart hurt so much - I remember feeling like that myself after my first breakup. Absolutely amazing.


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Totally agree with you. I am still angry at RO which she used a dagger to point at CP. It is not convincing at all. And it really turn me off that when it is all one sided thought to not hurt the CP further in future stead hurting him now.



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Maybe I just the one that understand and think that its best decision RO did the noble idocy and threat CP with knife?? Coz I'll do the same in the same situation.
1. RO situation: her picture is all over the country to be the daughther of rebel that she and her mom MUST to leave the country.
2. CP situation: he always delay the wedding, can't sleep or eat

in that situation before RO leave, she need to give "proper good bye" to CP, remeber RO said it's not for CP not having lingering feeling but for "if CP meet someone that should replace her, CP DON'T NEED TO FEEL SORRY FOR HER"

If RO just meet CP and say truth that she love him with sincerity, but right now both of us will hurt if we are together and whatsoever with that "proper goodbye"
CP will not even think to marry HY, because CP feel sorry to RO, love RO more and can't move on, in the situation RO have to leave the country.

also, if you realize that RO already said to CP not to looking for her or waver if he heard about her news, but CP still insist to meet with RO because he love her so much.

With that situation it's best decision to cut it off at once with the knife and whatever the lie that RO told to CP. for cp not to be sorry and can move on for marrying HY while RO leave with her mom


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When that knife cut the bracelet, it cut my heart too. *bleeds*


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Now this post is late in coming...

Although I was initially disconcerted by Raon's dagger scene with the Prince, watching the episode, I now understand that it was not a random act done out of hysteria, but a deliberate one...it was a decision she made and carried out after Eunuch Han told her these words:

"While untangling your thread, when you face a knot that is impossible to untangle, you must cut it out with out holding back."

Raon had a choice whether or not to heed the advice, She freely chose to do it. In this she was the protagonist of her life. It may not sit well with us---it didn't at first with me and I scratched my head wondering what led her to do it---but by doing so she was telling us with her action that she chose the CP's well-being before her own. Noble idiocy?! If selflessness were an idiotic thing to do, then I would glady follow that route.


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In Defense of Raon: Analysis of Episode 15 Scene Where Raon wielded the knife toward the CP Part 2

The "knot" that Eunuch Han alluded to was the deep bond or attachment between Yeong and Raon. Eunuch Han spoke of the present state of the CP...he was pushing off the wedding, and his complete disregard of his health---not sleeping, resting nor eating which was taking a toll on the CP. As their bond was too deep , it was hard to "untangle". Since Yeong was showing no signs of wanting to untangle---as seen from his "heart over mind" moves to want to see Raon in spite of the perils involved---Chief Eunuch was making Raon see that for the sake of the CP, she has to be to the one not only to "untangle" but to "cut" it.

Raon's act of wielding the knife at Yeong is not to be taken literally. It was symbolic in two sense:

1) One was precisely to cut off the thread with an untangled knot referring their rooted relationship;

2) Second, given the ugly character of the act, it will give Yeong the reason to "hate" Raon---not to be apologetic toward her as Raon has explained to her Mom in one of the screencaps above---so as to make the separation more tolerable and less painful.

I hope this analysis will redeem Raon in the eyes of the viewers because when you understand better the story, you will realize that she is not a "victim," a "damsel in distress" but a young woman who makes courageous choices for the sake of the person she loves.


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I totally agree with you. I don't understand why so many people are equating this with noble idiocy. It's not at all. The show does a really good job of showing the dangers that they (CP and RO) are in. And it's not that RO chose to do this out of her own misguided logic - it is actually the logical thing to do, to cut CP off so he can survive the palace politics, as pointed out by the head Eunuch himself. Maybe I have the noble idiocy streak in me, but I would do the same thing, too, given the circumstances.


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