Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Episode 14

There’s loads of development when it comes to our two lovebirds this hour, even if it comes wrapped in bittersweet packaging. It’s great to have two people who know how to be honest with each other, though there’s the inevitable trial and error as they face issues that can’t be easily ignored. And while Su may have found more of a place in a world that’s growing less and less new to her by the year, that same world always seems to want her dead. Good times in Goryeo.


It’s the year 945, the second year of King Hyejong’s (formerly Crown Prince Mu’s) reign, and two years after the events of the last episode. Su is now sanggung, the highest attainable rank for a court lady, and rules over Damiwon like Court Lady Oh once did.

She’s also turned much more serious according to her rank, and writes down notes about the king’s somewhat ailing health in Hangul, which wasn’t an invention of that time. Chae-ryung, now a court lady as well, cheerily gives Su a pouch she can use on her injured knee. It’s Su’s birthday after all, though Su says the best gift is having Chae-ryung in Damiwon with her.

Chae-ryung said she was only freed from her servitude to Wook’s household on Su’s behalf, which causes Su to lose the small smile she had.

Thirteenth prince Baek-ah gives Su scented oil from Bulgaria, much to So’s ire. He apparently brought nothing back for Su from whatever journey they were on, which he claims is how it should be—the gift of his return should be enough for a court lady.

Later that night, Su hears the sound of a very ill dog howling, but it turns out to be So. Hah, he claims he made sure to not make the sound too realistic so she wouldn’t be fooled. Sure. He tries again in front of her, causing Su to fight the smile threatening to break out from his antics.

He takes her to an outdoor spot where they can best see the stars, and the two bicker over how much they each know about astronomy. After Su tells him the sad story of the Cassiopeia constellation, he tells her about how long ago, he’d seen his younger brother Jung in his mother’s lap and wished desperately for him to just disappear.

His mother had seen the look on his face and hid Jung, causing So to muse, “Perhaps she already knew that I would become a person who would kill my own brother.” Su tells him that it’s normal to think that of one’s younger siblings, and describes how she used to wish for her own sibling to disappear.

So smiles, “Are you trying to make me give up on you, or do you want me to only have eyes for you?” He describes how all his problems seem to go away whenever he sees her, so he can’t very well live without her now. “If you’re not going to come to me, don’t leave me with hope. It’s torture.”

He leans in for a kiss, but Su quickly puts a hand to his lips to stop him. Didn’t he say he would get her permission first? So chances a smile as he asks for her permission now, but he’s denied. He’s also denied from stealing a kiss, which Su preempts before he even has a chance. Aw.

So says that the king will marry her off to an old man at this rate, but Su’s not worried, since the king holds her in high regard. Foiled, So lies back to look at the stars before asking her to spend her upcoming day off with him. He has something he’ll tell her then.

Wook claims to speak for the ailing King Hyejong as he calls for a restructuring of the military at the next assembly, but So calls him out for using the king’s illness in order to become regent. Despite Wook being a high-ranking official now, So warns him against making up orders from the king, since he’ll start to make people angry.

His half-brother laughs, claiming to be impressed by how So’s handling politics now. So says he only got into politics to be able to go against Wook, since he still suspects him. Wook says he’ll heed the warning, but adds that he went a little further than he would have because it was something he couldn’t get done as “just” a high-ranking official.

King Hyejong’s health is failing him, and Chae-ryung acts suspiciously as she’s left in charge of adding herbs to the king’s bath. Ninth prince Won waits for her outside the bath, and makes a not-so-cryptic comment about having more mercury delivered for the palace’s mirrors. Whatever the scheme is, Chae-ryung seems to be in on it with him.

The king complains of his unease and inability to sleep to Wook, who looks on dispassionately as the king wraps himself in a blanket. Wook coldly advises the king to abdicate the throne to him, promising to help the king live in comfort if he does so.

Hyejong stars behaving even more erratically the next day as he sends his very young daughter off to be married. She can’t even have reached puberty at the age she’s at, and cries for her father not to send her away—and to the Khitan, no less.

In the king’s warped mind, he believes the marriage will provide a useful alliance for him in the future, so he won’t hear his daughter’s pleas. So does, however, since her cries remind him of himself when he was that age, and how he’d cried for his mother when she’d tied him to the top of the palace gates and… had archers use him for flaming arrow target practice? What the hell, lady?

So tries to step in on the little girl’s behalf, but the king has gone stark raving mad. That’s when he turns to So and asks if he’ll marry the princess and protect him. Oh no.

As promised, Su waits for So on her day off, adorned in silk clothes and the hairpin he once gifted her. So notices the hairpin immediately, and carefully masks his inner turmoil as he puts on a smile for her. But when Su reminds him that he said he had something to say to her, So plays dumb and says he can’t remember what it was.

He pokes fun at her for having high expectations for what he was going to say, and Su does her best to hide her disappointment. Since So feels bad, he promises to make it up to her, which includes a boat ride out on the water. Noticing her tight grip on the boat’s edges, he tips the boat to and fro as a joke, unaware of just how much Su fears falling into the water.

She asks him if this is his boat, and he claims he brought it to the palace when he was younger. She scoffs a bit at him saying the boat is his favorite thing in the palace since she never sees him in it, to which he replies, “Because I like it too much.” Afraid that he’d come to like it too much and not want to leave the palace because of it, he didn’t use the boat on purpose. I’m guessing this is less about the boat and more about a metaphor for their relationship.

Su looks thoughtful for a moment before she says, “I was thinking about what it must be like to turn away from something you like. I also thought that it’s a relief you don’t have to do that anymore.” The meaning behind her words has So feeling guilty, and he apologizes for “forgetting” what he wanted to say to her.

We find out later that So has made the decision to marry the king’s young daughter in order to help protect his older brother. That way, he’ll make his evil mother and the Shinju clan believe he’s next in line for the throne, which will enable him to deflect some of the attacks aimed at the king.

Astronomer Choi praises him for his political calculations on this one, even though So’s not happy about the decision. “Am I back to being a dog on a leash to protect my brother?” he asks. “Is this my destiny? I am sick and tired of having to turn my back on the things I like.”

When he asks how he can free himself from such a situation, Astronomer Choi seems to jokingly imply that he could revolt. But in the end, he can only thank So for helping to protect the king in his hour of need.

The king, back to being sane for the moment, knows that Wook is only reading him appeals for the fourth prince to leave the palace because Wook wants to clear his own path to the throne. Wook claims that he only said what he said out of loyalty, but the king knows better than to buy it—he does plan on sharing his burden with one of his brothers, but it’s clear it won’t be Wook.

It’s So who comes to visit, which is when the king declares that So will be marrying his daughter. But since she’s too young to have children, he’s agreed that So can make her his second wife only. The king tells Wook that he plans on giving the throne to So, who is not only his brother, but also his son-in-law.

Wook pretends to accept this information with a congenial smile, but he can’t resist the pointed barb at So: “I hope there aren’t any girls crying over losing such a good man for a husband.” Oooh.

Su fashions modern face masks for both fourteenth prince Jung and tenth prince Eun’s wife, but afterward, Eun takes issue with how much Jung compliments his wife on her skin. She leaves in a huff after he compares her to Su (again), and Su chastises him for acting that way toward a wife who everyone knows he likes. It’s been three years and he still treats her like she has cooties?

Thanks to Eun’s big mouth, Su finds out about So’s impending marriage and spends the evening brooding. So knows she’s heard the second he sees her face, but he doesn’t attempt to shift the blame. She can hate him all she wants.

He reminds her that he promised to take her out of the palace and set her free, but now, he won’t be able to keep to his word. “Are you not even going to give me an excuse?” Su asks dejectedly. So knows that he can’t give her a reason for breaking her trust, so he’s not going to try. All Su can do is half-heartedly congratulate him, even as tears fall from her eyes.

Baek-ah delivers a letter from So to Su, claiming that this is So’s excuse. The poem reads, “Walking until the water’s edge, I sit and watch as clouds rise up and appear.” It’s from “Villa on Zhongnan Mountain” by Chinese poet Wang Wei, and Su sighs that she didn’t know he could write so well, adding that there’s a lot she doesn’t know about him.

Su tries to parse out the poem excerpt as she remembers what So said about wanting her to experience the same freedom he did when he was an ambassador, and how being king would mean nothing to him if he didn’t have her. The latter part of the voiceover continues as So keeps vigil at his sick brother’s bedside.

She attempts to trace over his characters with her own, mimicking his handwriting as best she can. She repeats the poem over and over with tears in her eyes as So gets married in another part of the palace.

Jung pays a visit to his mother in a nearby temple, only to find her with a bearded and somewhat bedraggled third prince Yo. Of course he’s alive. No one’s ever died from falling off a cliff in sageuk.

The white-haired Queen Sinmyeongsunseong is overjoyed at her son’s re-emergence, though he’s had to stay in hiding because of his current status as a traitor. Jung tells his older brother that he’ll ask the king to pardon and reinstate Yo, but even Yo knows how foolish an idea that is when he’s known for trying to steal the throne.

Yo already knows about the wedding to take place between So and the king’s daughter, which has raised suspicions that the king plans to abdicate to So. Jung admits that he’s against So taking the throne, but he won’t become a traitor to stop him. That’s when Yo claims that it isn’t treason if you win. (Isn’t it?)

Still, Jung says that he’ll stand by the king, despite Yo telling him that the king has gone mad. Does he want to leave Goryeo in the hands of a mad king, or any person a mad king leaves in power?

That night, Jung sneaks into the palace despite the king closing it off to any and all outsiders. So sees this and gives chase with a contingent of guards, eventually ending up at Su’s quarters. They’ve somehow deduced that this is the only room Jung could be in, but Su firmly forbids them from entering, using her high rank as the reason they cannot enter.

When So decides to ignore her order and search the room himself, Su threatens to use her hairpin to pierce her own throat with if he takes one step further. Claiming that she can’t suffer the disgrace of having him enter her room (as she’s unmarried), she’d rather die.

She further adds that if So wants to gain entry, he’ll have to bring an order from the king to do so. So asks if she’s sure that no one’s in her room, and she flatly answers that she’s sure, and scratches her neck with the hairpin for added effect.

So and his men are forced to leave, and Su collapses once she gets back into her room. Jung is hiding there after all, and worries over her scratch—was she really going to stab herself with her hairpin? Su says that she didn’t have much of a choice, since she wants to avoid any conflict between the princes.

Jung asks her which side she’d take if the princes were ever to fight each other, prompting Su to answer that she’d have no reason to take anyone’s side. He reminds her that they can’t go back to the days where they were all friends, and that she’ll have to choose a side soon.

“Even so,” Su replies, “I don’t think I will be able to take anyone’s side, because I do not wish for anyone to get hurt. I’m going to make sure that happens.” Jung can’t help but smile at her when she eventually falls asleep, and even tucks her in just to be adorable.

So confronts Su the next day, and forcefully drags her out of Damiwon to ask her if Jung was in her room. Despite her claiming that didn’t happen, So knows better, and demands an explanation. Su asks him to do some explaining to her then, and he can start with his marriage.

He tells her that he had to save the king’s daughter from becoming a hostage to the Khitan, and marrying her was the only option he had. Su gets teary-eyed as she tells him that he should’ve just said that from the beginning, but says he couldn’t because he didn’t know what he could say to her.

He knows she hates the idea of multiple wives, and all his attempts to avoid that happening have now amounted to nothing. What could he have said to her? At least Su is honest in response, as she admits that Jung was in her room last night, though for reasons she claims are innocuous.

So wants her to make a promise not to lie again, but Su asks what she should do if there’s something neither of them want to admit. In that case, So says, she should just admit she doesn’t want to say whatever it is, because he hates liars the most. In return, he promises not to lie to her either.

“Are you not angry anymore?” he ventures carefully, and Su shakes her head. She asks if he regrets getting married (we only saw a glimpse of the ceremony earlier), and he shakes his head as he replies that he doesn’t. He did what he had to do to protect the king, and the princess was sent away to a temple, just as the king promised.

So still proves that he’s still clueless when it comes to Su’s feelings when he asks if the man she claimed to love before was actually Jung. Hah. She dispels that thought but fails to tell him who it was, and he doesn’t press the issue either.

She confronts him over what he “forgot” to tell her in the boat, knowing that he didn’t actually forget. In answer, he closes the distance between them as he says, “I love you.” Su smiles and closes the distance even further by leaning up to kiss him. “Next time, don’t forget it.”

So smiles, grabs her around the waist, and pulls her in. Holding her face, he leans in for a real kiss, which she finally accepts and reciprocates. Huzzah!

While Baek-ah just so happens to be thinking about Woo-hee, she magically appears before him. “Is this a dream?” he wonders, as Woo-hee admits that she’s thought of him during the time they’ve been apart. He pulls her into an embrace, happy to have her back.

Won arranges a meeting between Wook and Yo, who comes into the palace in disguise. Yo reveals that Wook was the one who ordered Won to use mercury in Damiwon, which is presumably why the king is currently ill, and commends his half-brother for being so coldhearted.

Cut to: Yo bringing an army to the gates of the palace to begin his revolt. (I know.) Jung prepares to go out to face his brother in order to protect the king, but his mother tells him to kill her first—she can’t bear to see her sons fighting against each other. Unless Jung wants to kill his own mother, he can’t leave.

From within the palace, Su and Chae-ryung have a non-reaction to hearing the sound of screaming outside. The king steps out of his bath coughing blood, and Chae-ryung hightails it out of there before Yo’s soldiers can arrive to drag Su away from the ailing king.

King Hyejong recognizes Yo when he struts into the room and begs for his life, but Yo coldly pries his hand away. Yo almost seems to pity his brother, but then he pushes him into the bath.

The king flounders as he drowns in what can only be three feet of water, but Yo just watches dispassionately. Su loses her ability to stand once the king goes still, floating face down in the water. He’s dead.

So and Astronomer Choi arrive too late to save him, but the sight of the king floating in the water fills So with murderous rage. He cuts through the remaining soldiers to reach the bath as Astronomer Choi goes into the water to retrieve the king. He cries for him to open his eyes again as the realization of his death hits him, causing everyone else to stop fighting.

Yo is quick to claim that he didn’t come here in full battle regalia to kill the king—he was already dying from the poison Su was putting in his bath. Su’s eyes widen at this, but Won throws her to the ground as he claims that mercury was discovered in the bathwater, and only she was allowed to administer to the king’s baths.

Yo gives So a choice: He can stay loyal to the dead king and die with Su, or join him and save her life. But he’ll keep Su’s crime of regicide in his back pocket should he ever need it, which seems to be his way of keeping So in check.

So strikes at Yo, and the two lock blades as So demands that he let Su go. Yo has Won hold a sword against Su’s neck as he tells So, “Wolves tend to devote themselves to one female until death. And you are the same as a beast. Choose. Is it Hae Su, or the dead king?”


How is this even a viable choice So has to make? There are few things more annoying than villains providing an ultimatum by using the heroine as bait, but this whole situation is really something else. Considering that Yo’s been branded a traitor for storming the palace with an army to kill the man who was his father, how did he think this was going to work out? He doesn’t honestly think that he can storm the palace again and mystically claim that someone else committed regicide, can he?

The sad thing is, I think he does think that, and he’ll likely get away with it for no other reason than it being in the script. There’s no reason for the mercury plot to have existed at all if the king was going to die of drowning anyway—at that point, Yo could’ve just held him under those three inches of water until he stopped breathing. I can understand that the point was (maybe) to make Su seem culpable, but it’s not as though nobody saw Yo and his army come into the palace. It’d be different if Yo was just paying a friendly visit to his brother, but after being branded a traitor, who would honestly believe that Su was the one who would kill the king, as opposed to the guy who came back from the dead after trying to kill the last king?

Time skips are a given in sageuk when ground needs to be covered, but this is the second time Moon Lovers has been unable to use a time skip effectively—we get the illusion that time has passed, but nothing changes. We resumed exactly where we were before with the character relationships, leaving us to wonder if Su spent two years denying So’s advances, and why that only changed in the span of this single episode. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that nothing major happened offscreen (aside from Su getting a frankly insane promotion), but it only served to create a disconnect between what we thought we knew about these characters and what was actually happening before us.

It’s not all doom and gloom though, since I found Su and So’s honesty with each other to be quite refreshing, even if the circumstances surrounding their honest conversation were bizarre. We completely rushed through So’s marriage to a child, and though we understood his reasoning behind it, it’s hard to see what impact that had on the story when the king passed so quickly afterward. Also, was no one even remotely concerned about the king going absolutely mad? Was So not even a little suspicious that something horrible was going on behind the scenes to make his previously normal-seeming brother into a lunatic?

I guess we just have to take it on faith that everyone thought this progression of events was normal for the king, which would be easier to buy if we were dealing only with people from this time period. But Su, who could recognize illnesses with one glance and prescribe the perfect ye olde herbs to remedy them, has less of an excuse for standing idly by while the king’s condition went south. She knew he had eczema, which everyone else assumed was a life-threatening condition, but she’d know better than anybody that his skin condition wouldn’t cause madness. Or maybe she wouldn’t, and I’m giving her too much credit. Just throw us a bone, Su—we want to like you, but you’ve got to help us out a little.


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I'm marking this as the episode in which Hae Soo finds her inner stoic bitch face.


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Also I don't think So married the princess yet as his hair isn't in a married man updo yet. Also Moo said she would be a second wife when she was of age. I assume they are merely marked as betrothed.


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yes bethrothed. in modern times, engaged.lol. that's why she will still end up second wife.


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Ahh, that's explains it. I had wondered whether how it is possible to have second wife, but no first wife yet.

Admittedly this surprised me. I thought we will be presented with his marriage to Yeon Hwa first, and the director might forgo the niece because, you know, um, marriage with niece is a very risky subject to venture in family slot drama.


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I'm confused. The subtitles said that Soo and the Child Princess are married not betrothed. Which is it?

Betrothed would be a bit easier to digest. :( Although i understand the circumstances of the marriage but its back to square one with Su again being involved with a married man. Sigh...


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I wonder whether wearing sangtu was a must for married man in Goryeo period?

I'm curious since I saw Lee Bang Won didn't have to wear sangtu right away after his marriage in SFD.


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For Lee Bang Won, I read in a blog called 'bodashiri' where the owner explains a lot of historical backgrounds behind SFD and the reason why he didn't wear sangtu right away after marriage was, "Yi Bang-Won should have tied a topknot way earlier, especially since he married Lady Min. But I guess the SFD writers wanted to make his topknot a symbol for a departure from his childhood (or a separation from his teacher Sambong)". Hope it answers your curiosity.


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Wahh I miss Lee Bang Won!!!


Ok! Thanks a bunch @honeylime :)


Mate, I'm still hurt about Bang Won and Boon Yi. I legitimately may never recover.


I think it's because the princess becomes his 2nd wife, so I guess not his first official wife?


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Yes, I think that's the reason...


This show is not trying to be authentic. It doesn't follow the actual history or the traditions and customs of this era closely.
A married man would wear his hair up. If he held a government office his hair would be up in a topknot too whether he is married or not.

(In a more traditional sageuk like Shin Don, who was a monk without a wife. He started wearing his hair up in a topknot after King Gongmin entrusted him with the affairs of the state).

I don't think the show cares about displaying proper traditions like we do.


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I think technically Wang So isn't married because his niece is his concubine. A man is not considered married until he marries his first official wife, they can take many concubines as they want before they marry their official wife.


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LOL. I noticed even before, that IU kind of always had that resting btch face.


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Now I am just worried for everyone's lives.. I knew this was coming but man...I was happy to forget the pain of the original with this so far..but now..I know I am going to end up in misery all over again..damn it.


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I feel youuuuuuu!!!!

I don't think that my heart is prepared for this Quit playing games with my heart *singing*

Praying that they will get a happy ending. Whether at that time period or modern time


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"Quit playing games with my heart"
Is that a Kim Possible reference?
(Even if you didn't mean it to be, I'm going to be singing Senior Senior Junior's version for hours, thanks a lot!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR_cWmmG8TU


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I think Anggi is singing Backstreet Boys' Quit Playing Games With My Heart?

I know I was!


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Just replay So doing the cutest WOLF CRY EVER!!! That should be enough to make you feel better ??? awoooo


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Mine is when So was asking Soo's permission to kiss her "Can I do it?"

I never made any gif before but because of thay scene I learned how to make one.


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Our only hope it to not remain in Goryeo. After all, it's a time travel saeguk which leaves the prospect of returning to the future as the way things will end - if anyone is still alive, that is. I'll bet Hae Soo's misery in the 21 C seems like a torn fingernail compare to her current life in hell. I'm guessing that Ji Mong will determine when the next solar eclipse will occur and give Hae Soo the time and place to exit stage right. And So will be close behind.

I am totally annoyed that Hae Soo didn't catch on to the King's worsening condition and be able to identify it as poisoning. Why, then, did the writers make such a big deal that she identified his skin condition and could help? It is if she was set up to follow in Lady Oh's footsteps and Head Court Lady but her effectiveness is nil.

So, are we getting the ff version of king-to-king-to-king down the line since it's episode count down time?

I could so easily fall for So and Soo, there isn't a fairer couple in all of kdramaland, but I want to be made to fall for their story, and not have make do with what we're given pretending it's enough.


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I think Soo was able to identify Mu's skin condition from personal experience. She said her mom suffered from the same condition. She's a cosmetologist, not a pathologist. I doubt most of us are able to identify mercury poisoning if we saw it in front of us. However, I do think she should've been more concerned/alarmed or suspicious of foul play.


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Right, being from the 21 C she definitely should have noticed the King's worsening symptoms and, considering the serious rivalry, foul play - even with her limited recall of history.


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To be fair to Soo, she's a beautician not a doctor, so like most of us in the 21c, she may not be familiar with the symptoms of poisoning, whether mercury or other types. The King was being attended to by the royal physician for his worsening condition, and the doctor diagnosed the King as suffering from stress.

And Lady Oh did say previously that they should leave the doctoring to the doctors.

I think the recapper forgot that Soo is no Dr Jin or Eun Soo.


Ok so finally they killed the new king!!!

How come the queen never changes???? she always in the side of the third prince!!!
The nineth prince was in contact with the third prince but no one knew it!!! Well done guys!!!
How come he could move in and our of the palace without others known!!!
Is the third and nineth princes are that much powerful???

Thankfuly our prince will not marry the princess!!!!
But the heart broken Soo was so pitiful!!!!

Nice expression in So when BaekHa give the gift to Soo on her birthday!!!
The wolf call!!! That made me crack when i listened!!!

Seriously LJK you don't have to act!!! even if you stand to the screen it is a success!!!
The expressions and the dialog deliverence!!! as usual the best!!!
And the sword fight!!! no need to say anything!!!
Eventhough the story has so many clitches!!! i'm watching this only for LJK!!!

As for HaNeul while in the earlier episodes he was full of life and expressions!!!
But now there were no expressions but it gives a sinister feeling to his character and HaNeul is doing it great!!!
without expressions in his face!!! He is showing expressions with his words!!! Daebakkkk

And thanks for the recap!!!


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That wolf call scene was tacky but cute!

"Wolves tend to devote themselves to one female until death"

I never knew that, is that right? Wolf-dog Wang So ah, how much more agony and torture you would have to undergo and endure before you can be with Su? You kept putting off with getting the only one thing you really wanted so much. With all these external pressures thrust upon him, no wonder he went ballistic and ruthless at the end when he became king.


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with a quick google search cause I believe the myth is broken
this what I found
After Mating, pairs will continue to be affectionate. Although wolves often have long-lasting attachments to their mates,
----if one wolf dies, the widowed mate may breed with another wolf. In addition, some males may bond to different females in different years, destroying the long-held "mate for life" myth.

should have used Goose just like in Chinese and Korean culture
Geese are very loyal. They mate for life and are very protective of their partners and offspring. If a goose's mate or chicks become sick or injured, he or she will often refuse to leave their side, even if winter is approaching and the other geese in the group are flying south.

besides they have pond, lake and boat . . . goose is the perfect symbolism


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Well he wouldn't be so scarry if he was the goose slayer,no? jajaj


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I look it up again
wolf is quite faithful but not for life and they didn't pawn over the one single loves

#5. Wolves – 12 years
Most species of wolves, including gray wolves, will mate for life. Normally, only the alpha wolves in the pack will be allowed to mate, and will “rule” the pack together. However, sometimes the lesser wolves, known as subordinates, will mate as well. After choosing a mate, wolves will usually stay with their mate for life. However, when a wolf’s mate dies, the wolf will search out a new mate, instead of staying alone for the rest of their life.

In Oregairu, the protagonist describe wolfs as social animal cause they makes a pact/community but the real lone animal is a bear

but based on google best picked, the faithful animal are
-Emperor Penguin
-French Angelfish
-Bald Eagle
-Black Vulture

So can be the emperor penguin, the roaring (bald) eagle (or the chinese 4th prince) or the black swan , , ,


add : sorry if this ruin the flow
I didn't mean to comment but I saw the question about wolf above


Termite! LOL.


Beaver? Wang So? OMG ... my stomach's hurting ...


That's the reason why they chose Wolf because it would've been wimpy if So will be " Emperor Penguin slayer" or "Termite Slayer"..Lol. JK.


Maybe bald eagle is a good substitute for wolf-dog, but the rest are no-no.. Imagine the regal image of an eagle soaring in solitude, not bad right? Befitting of Wang So's image. This reminded me of the Return Of The Condor Heroes, which also has a lovesick hero who waited 16 years to be reunited with his one and only love.

If it were an eagle, then LJK would have to make that piercing shrill sound of an eagle's call to get Su's attention. Try imagine him doing that, oh gosh!


Wang So, the termite slayer!

Fear him. He burned 1000 with just one stroke.


Wang So, the great Fish


literally, till death do us part huh?


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"if one wolf dies, the widowed mate may breed with another wolf.

In addition, some males may bond to different females in different years, destroying the long-held “mate for life” myth"

so not all lived for one mate, some has multiple mate/wives

and when the mate died, they'll find the replacement not like other animal symbol like geese that only has one mate for their entire life span


omg!!this is so funny...So as termite or a beaver or bald eagle...hahahahaha....it is an insult. I'll stick to wolf...cannot imagine him as a mere bug!


Everyone mixes two animals and calls him wolf dog, so maybe Termite Beaver?....


Yes...even Cayote's as well. I am a fan of paranormal romance and this comes across as well. In reality, the bond is usually maintained if the mates get puppies. The 'dad' sticks around to raise them...


Speaking of condor heroes, what if there is a remake in Korean version with LJK as Yang Guo lol lol lol


and making a goose honking call would be far less romantic than a wolf cry~


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Errrrr... *scroll down* *look at the other options* I think I'm okay with wolf. Thank you.

Let's ignore Yo. He doesn't know what he's talking about. LOL.


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Hahaha, so funny!


So based on the research, a more accurate statement would have been:

“Wolves tend to devote themselves to one female until HER death”.


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But goose won't perfectly fit our wolf-dog wang so, would it? XD


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Now that Yo have Su's so-called-traitorous act hanging over So's head, I come to suspect that it was Yo who blackmailed and forced So to do all those killing that Su saw in her premonition. That would explain why So looked so crazy when he killed Eun.


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Completely agree. We'll find out tonight :(


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That is not entirely correct, it might be best to read the works of David Mech for more information. The groups the wolves create in the wild are families. It means each year the parents would breed, and the so called subordinate wolves are just offspring from the previous breeding season. In case of fights and death of the mate, the other partner will seek out another one. But frankly wolf life in the wild is rather short, so the comparison to wolf seems adequate.


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" The nineth prince was in contact with the third prince but no one knew it "

My interpretation was different. I thought 9th was directly working with Wook until 3rd come back. So it was like, all Wook's effort gone to waste because Yo will take the throne instead of him.


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If SO really has to kill any of his brothers, I nominate Won (9th prince) as tribute!


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I second that :)


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I 'third' that. Lol


It is hard to say since his backstory was never revealed. It could be that Yo was the one that keep him in their circle. Maybe his mother was far from being noble. If it is, it give him a reason to be loyal to his master.


Won is nothing but a wealthy opportunistic storm trooper. He's smart enough to work in the shadows and support the villainous ploys Yo has against Taejo and now Mu. He knows the risk of him getting caught and killed is far less than being the actual face behind the treasonous acts. In the end, he gets what he needs and also saves his face. So that to me is even worse than Yo. Won is a cowardly leech that knows whose hand to kiss.


Everybody gets their wish in this instance ;)


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Won is the type who would hedge his bets by supporting both Yo and Wook.

Like Yoyo said, Won works from the shadows. I don't remember seeing him during the failed coup attempt, he let Yo and Wook do all the "frontline" work.


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I almost thought you nicknamed Third Prince Yo, 'Yoyo', then realised it's a beanie's username.


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I couldn't help but ask...dude, why are you shouting at the end of every sentence?


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So and Soo. Soo and So. Oh, what a lovely, mature relationship these two have. Another reason to love the friends to lovers trope.

I loved how they went from being mad at each other to talking things out and kissing in like 5 mins flat.
And poor So is still trying to figure out who Soo said she loved. Like, it's been 2 years already and all you could come up with was Jung?! I think it's because So sees relationships very simply. You're either family or romantic interests. And since he's firmly put Wook in Soo's "family" category, he appears to be incapable of thinking they would be together.

Speaking of So, he appears to be doing everything Wook probably wishes he'd done in his relationship with Soo. He takes responsibility for his actions, he explains and takes advantage of all the chances Soo gives him to explain things. And the best part is that when he does explain things, Soo UNDERSTANDS. I'm like, see Wook, if only you'd explained things to Soo honestly and openly, you wouldn't be getting darker and darker character-wise as the story goes on. Also, notice how So never promises anything he's not sure he'll be able to deliver. He even believes he has broken the unspoken promises he's made to Soo. He owns up to them and doesn't expect her to wait for him by giving her half-hearted promises. I guess having to wait 4 years to even get to kiss the love of your life teaches you things.

As for Yo, shame on you for using Soo to control So. I hope you die as painfully as Wang Mu died.
And you, Won and Chaeryung! You're dead to me! Won was already dead to me after episode 11 but Chaeryung, how could you?!
Wook, Wook, the less said about you the better. Shame on you.

This episode made me wish we really did have more than 20 episodes. The pacing was a bit fast (Soooo much happened in this one episode) and I wish we'd gotten to see So and Soo's relationship during the 2 years timeskip. Doesn't appear to have moved a lot forward, just Soo becoming more comfortable and returning to her old friendship with So but still, I wish we had time to see it.

Oh and before I forget. Jung! What the hell are you doing trying to mack on your elder bro's girl? Quit it, before I approve of So smacking you in the face with his mask.

Lastly, Wang Mu. Goodnight, sweet prince. You were too good and kind for the world. You will be missed.


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Ah! Won the Weasel.

I shouldn't wish you a slow, painful torturous death, but somehow I do. With all my heart.

Kudos to the actor, it's not easy playing such a slimy character but he succeeds very well.


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Chae Ryung is in love with Won so she will do anything that Won tells her to do. If you recall the episode where Chae Ryung was being whipped by Yeon Hwa, CR looked at Won. And it has been mentioned twice that CR can't read and write? Soo will realise that CR lied to her later.


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But wasn't Won mean to CR when she was pleading for Wook to help Su? And CR seemed to be afraid of Won. I'm thinking maybe they backmailed her into doing it for reason to be revealed later in the game. Or maybe they convinced her she was eventually doing it for Su's benefit, which to her maybe scary but believable since she's a very simple girl with submissive personality.


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She wasn't blackmailed in the internet novel. She was in love with the 9th prince and so did it for him. At this point, I doubt they would change the original just to give her a different story line.


In the Chinese version there was a relationship between them. I just really hope they have a different ending for her than the Chinese version since that was utterly disgusting.


I'm pretty sure there's something romantic between CR and Won.

When CR was done being whipped, CR and Won's gaze met for a moment and then Won looked away. Plus, when CR was being whipped, Won murmured "I think she's beaten enough" (something like that) but nobody noticed.

I think CR loves Won, yes, despite the fact he treats her poorly. Maybe Won loves her too... as much as his selfish and greedy heart can allow.


Won the Weasel

It rhymes!


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Won Weasley?


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I feel like 20 episodes are actually enough. it's just that it was to slow on episode 1 - 10, that now they are rushing everything that is left to covered, which make the show jumped to every scenario every 10 seconds.


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Lastly, Wang Mu. Goodnight, sweet prince. You were too good and kind for the world. You will be missed.

:( He was the best, kindest brother of the bunch. Taejo was right when he insisted that Mu be emperor, but it's a pity that he had such a hard time and didn't manage to do more to his full ability. Mu could have been a great ruler, but everyone was ready to step all over him just because he didn't have a noble-enough mother.

Goodbye Mu, thank you for being a sweetheart not just to your brothers, but everyone around you as well. Thank you for being gentle and accommodating to So, who is now returning your love in kind. Thank you for standing up for Su, for your wedding present to Soon-deok, and of course, your friendship with Ji-mong. You will be dearly missed.


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TourmalineMilli Thank you so much for 'saying my thoughts outlaid' but more eloquently.


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Not to sound like a hater, but this was not a good episode...


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Yeah, i thought it was weirdly disjointed and i was having trouble relating to what happen.

I love the development of So and Su though eventhough it felt kind of shallow and rushed. Finally!


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I have been trying to name the feeling that I had from So and Soo's relationship and you (Callie) explained it really well for me. "Shallow and rushed".
I think it was really because we saw Wook and Soo's relationship developing and ending for about 13 episodes. And now in the 14th episode with a 2 year jump we see them kiss. What happened in those two years? Were they away from each other? Did she not miss him? Did she not allow him to approach her at all? And then suddenly she decided that it's OK for her to kiss him...Go! I also felt that it was really unfair to watch Wook and Soo"s relationship for 13 episodes now that we have only six episodes left we will be watching, hopefully, So and Soo's relationship. And the writer's expect us to believe that they were meant to be with each other and they were madly crazily in love with each other.
I think that this episode was the worst of all... I am really disappointed and I can't get over it.


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Yep, So and Soo ship sunk before it even really began.

Nothing kills the romance like "hey, i married my baby niece for political reasons and i know you hate multiple wives, but on the bright side, i really love you. Now how about a kiss." Ugh.


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Remember the good ol' DVD player?, then you probably experienced the fast forward button having a mind of its own when you impatiently want to 8x the fast forward speed to the scene you want. Just keep that in mind when you watch this episode. The editors did the exact same thing. This episode would have been perfect had they inserted bits of the past two years to keep us updated on why things are the way they are.
We dídn't even get to see Taejo's goodbye! And where is Princess Yeon Hwa??


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In the international version Wook hid mom and YH during the coup. They had a conversation and from the looks of it it seemed like YH was quietly contented during Mu's reign, not plotting anything, not shaking the boat. But Yo's return would probably agitate her and get her in defensive mode once again.


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Ok, just watched the international version. There are two key scene additions:

1) near the beginning, there's a scene of Chae Ryung mixing up herbs in a suspicious manner. Won comes in, thanks her and gives her a pouch full of coins. Next scene is the one with Mu in the bath complaining to Hae Soo about how tired he feels. CR then puts the bag of poisonous herbs in the bath. So her complicity is clearer here.

2) the scene of Yo storming Damiwon in search of Mu is juxtaposed with Wook explaining to his mother and Yeon Hwa that a rebellion by Yo is taking place. YH can't believe that Wook is placing his trust in Yo while Mom lashes out that she didn't raise a traitor for a son. Wook tells them that his actions are for the protection of his family. When pressed by Mom if it was for Hae Soo's sake, Wook says yes (aargh).

This second scene explains shows Wook's involvement in the revolt and his family's opposition to it.


Just remembered one more difference.

At the beginning of the episode, the SBS version has CR remarking how it was thanks to Hae Soo that she got emancipated from Wook's household, and it stops there.

But in the international version, CR goes on to say that Wook has never stopped loving Hae Soo, and that scene ends with HS's pensive expression upon hearing that.

It seems like the intl version is hinting more strongly at the love triangle.

At this point, I can only hope we get a director's cut at the end so that we can see ALL the intended story threads.


At this point, I should just download all the episodes and do the editing myself. ?

Oh this production really wants us to work hard. SMH.


@Lemon Meringue: Thank you for detailing out those scenes. I really appreciate it


I personally like it MUCH BETTER than the one year time skips on episode 12/13. The transition seems smoother and the character development for Hae Soo notably, she seems much more stronger now . But of course there's flawed logic evident on the episode. Regardless of that, i have loved this series with all its flaws. I embraced it alll.


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I felt disconnected with what's going on on the screen (I watched the international version). Say what you will about how flawed this show is, but I enjoy the ride immensely, until last night. The time jump's too soon, they should do a proper send off for King Taejo at the beginning


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Sbs version flows of the story is good. You can clearly understand it. For intl version some looks, rushed because of the time limit given to them.


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I watched both version. Most of sbs versions are better than international versions in terms of bgm and story flow. I suggest, if you don't have enough time to watch both version, just watch the international one.


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"So and Su's moments today are so sweet it's really worth the wait. I know we waited 14 episodes but I'm still very happy and contented. The banters were cute and funny at times. I'm kinda worried though when So asked if it was Jung whom Su loved before. It made me wonder how he will react if he found out that it was Wook and to think that they're some sort of rival. But then there was that kiss that she initiated this time so i hope everything will be fine even if he'll find out later.

I feel bad for So because he made one good deed. But it will not play out well on his part. I mean, his only goal was to be love by Su and get her out of the palace. And then he ended up marrying his niece to appease the king and in the process, everybody became worried because the King suddenly announced that he will abdicate and pass the crown to So.

I thought that Wook going to the dark side has not affected me (even if i ship Wook-Su before) until i saw him talking on King's behalf. It was like he was closer to the King than So. And then that mercury thing. He deliberately use Su to poison the King and then put the blame to her. Wook is definitely a smart cookie because the moment 3rd show up. He's back to Plan A. (Help the traitor. Kill him later and be a Hero).

I'm disappointed in Chae Ryung because Su trusted her and i thought she's a loyal servant/friend. Turned out she let her self be used by Wook and Won. I doubt that she didn't know that Su might be put in the bad spot but then i know she did all of it to survive.


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I think the stuff with Wook matters how it's delivered,how So finds out...The worst case is Wook using it as poision


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He deliberately use Su to poison the King and then put the blame to her.

I think Wook didn't use Su, it was Su's minion that was used to poison the king's bath water with mercury, also, it was not Wook's intention to frame Su, but more of Yo's doing in order to subjugate So.


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But given the fact that Soo was the only one who had access to the king, regardless of whoever Wook used to put in the mercury, Soo would be the only one to be blamed over King's poisoning. And I think Wook is not that stupid to not know about this fact. Either he doesn't care about Soo or he's just too absorbed in his "must get the power so I can get Soo back" fantasy that he believes doing so will eventually get him the throne and Soo.


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Wook probably thought that the royal doctors would be blamed, but for some mysterious reason only known to the drama writer, they were MIA, so instead the forever damsel in distress Su took the fall again


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Betcha by golly wow it wasn't Wook that used Su. Though I think he's in on it but it really is that cowardly leech, Prince Won that did by using Chae Ryung as the evil doer and poor Su being the patsy.


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The mercury thing was Wook's idea. Because i remember Yo said that " Won informed me that you allowed mercury and put it n King's bath..blah blah.." So i really thought that It was Wook's initial plan to kill the King and then he'll just say that the Mu wanted him to be the next King.


Or he knows he's using Soo, so that when things become bad he can make that a blackmail or leverage. To be exact, have a power over Soo.


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i guess the king trusted him more than so to handle political issues because during the coup, wook was the one who informed him the earliest and therefore allowed him to return to the palace fast. and wook was also the smartest and most trained for these political issues.
the king trusted so very much, but so didnt receive as much lessons, so i feel its natural that it seems like the king was pretty close with wook as well. i think he wouldve abdicated the throne to wook, if wook hadn't talked to him that night....


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Oh, you're right. I was wondering somewhere in the back of my mind why Wook was so favored, but he was the one to inform Mu of Yo's plot.

Man, so many things going on, it' hard to keep track of them all.


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Can I just say, I'm so disappointed at how Su has run Damiwon. Like were you not keeping track of anything at all? The King was literally bathing in mercury under your watch. This never would have happened under Lady Oh.

Also like wtf Chae Ryung. When did you get the balls to poison a King.


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It's so weird. We're talking about the girl who begged Wook to save Hae Soo's life. And now she throws Soo to the same cliff?


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Yeah, me too. I know that in the c-version she did it (they say, I didn't read nor watch that version) because of her relationship with Won. But here I'm doubting if that would also be the case since she strikes me as someone afraid of Won and she seems to still care for Su. Maybe for a different reason?


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@banini I want to think she cares for Soo but why did she leave Soo on her own when Yo came?


In the cdrama Chaeryung didn't harm Su 'directly', unlike in this Korean version where her actions would have a direct consequence on Su (since Su is the Damiwon head court lady). Chaeryung was sent as a spy in the cdrama, just well-positioned to be near Haesoo to monitor her movements and 'collect intel', as we would have it.

So no idea why they made Chaeryung's character so much more contradictory in this version, but guess we shall just wait and see.


The upside to that is, its not the infamous cliff of Lee Jun Ki (I heard it's now called "Hiscliff") but still among the betrayals we've seen on this show, this might be the one that hurts the most.

What's the survival rate on that cliff anyways?


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There must be a healer shaman underneath the cliff with resurrection power.

Survival rate has been 100% so far.


Or a W portal!

Damn. This magical cliff!


@yoyo @kiara You guys have just given me a good laugh. LOL.

Maybe there's a giant trampoline or safety net down there. People put it there since random characters keep falling from that cliff.


The cliff is like one of those secret pipes in the Mario game that transports you to a different level! Ha h. No wonder the survival rate is 100%!


I concur with thy diagnostics, Kiara. This 100% survival rate; crossing dramas; albeit modern or historical dimension (screw timeline, we have portals and eclipse for time travel), is just too baffling. Too many heroes and vilains alike have survived Hiscliff.

We need to visit Hiscliff and research this anomaly.

For scientific purpose, of course.



Wow, what an episode of betrayal! I would be totally depressed except for THE LONG AWAITED KISS! YAY!

Some initial thoughts:
[1] Chae Ryung as a mole/co-conspirator makes me so sad. She never had much of a backbone, but this is just such a sad state of affairs. Hae Su is betrayed again by a friend.

[2] Wang So accepting and admitting responsibility (no excuses) for his failure to keep his promises to Hae Su was so moving. Obviously it is meant to be juxtaposed to WW, but I loved what a man of honor Wang So is.

[3] For those of you reading/following @Barbrey and @Jaime’s discussion about the water maid myth - what I find interesting is this false dichotomy set up in Taejo, Wang Wook, and Hae Su’s mind. They all think/fear it will always come down to a choice between “throne or girl”, but going by the myth, the throne does equal the girl. A quote I once heard was “To some men, saving the girl is the same as saving the nation.” Although counter-intuitive, the king must choose the girl, who represents the land/people.

[4] Hae Su’s conversation with Jung solidifies what we already know about her. She’s motivated by love and unity (something associated with the land/nation), which is why she keeps trying to keep the brothers together. She did this with Wang So when Eun asked for his face to be uncovered. She did this asking Wang So to spare Wang Wook.

[5] A lot of people whine about the problems of this production, sometimes citing the writers as the problem. But, I would argue all of Wang So and Hae Su’s conversations would contradict such a criticism.. I’m actually more enamored with their conversations this episode than the actual kiss. I know, strong words, eh?

The analogy between Wang So loving his boat, but having to restrain himself from it and Hae Su was pretty heart-wrenching.

I also love their star-gazing; Wang So is always so vulnerable with Hae Su, and she always finds the right words to bring healing and cover over his wounds.

I love how she wouldn’t accept the poem as an explanation, and demanded one “she could understand.” Again, such a contrast to Wang Wook. She didn’t seek out an explanation then, and didn’t know what he meant. But, with Wang So she does want to understand.

Lastly, I love how Wang So and Hae Su worked out their communication problems, insisting on being truthful always. It KILLED me when Wang So said that he knew Hae Su hated multiple wives. Awww! The depth of their trust in each other, the comfort they feel (even in the midst of misunderstanding, pain, and separation), the honesty they can engage in are just so beautiful. It’s that kind of soul-deep connection from friendship to love that is amazingly powerful! The mature they are dealing with one another are endlessly enjoyable to watch as they grow as characters.

[6] Oh, the hairpin. Such a sweet signal to Wang So. I loved LJG’s...


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*The mature ways they interact with one another are endlessly enjoyable to watch as they grow as characters.


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I totally agree with you. One of the best episode yet.


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Love the way Hae Soo and So talk to each other, have loved every meet up they have....there's deep deep understanding between them....and it surprises me every time....".it is a mature way to interact" ....I agree.


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The hairpin! I think Jung kept it, as a love token (thinking she would have killed herself for him). He totally believes she would have done it only for him (which is why he asked the question and smiled to himself).

That's gotta cause problems later, right? If only because Jung's misunderstanding...

Lots more water symbolism thanks to @Barbrey! The boat (his favorite thing) for a love tryst on the lake, So's non-explanation poem ("He went to the waterside, but clouds came").

And yes, Chae Ryung: how could you?! Well, I know how you could (threat of death), but still, that's a serious betrayal.

Which brings up Wook again (lol): How could he not realize Hae Soo would be blamed for Mu's poisoning, as the one in charge of his baths? Did he realize? (If he did, that's even more horrifying.) Did he think no one would ever suspect? Couldn't he have picked another method, one that wouldn't implicate Hae Soo?

And this: "I love how she wouldn’t accept the poem as an explanation, and demanded one “she could understand.” Again, such a contrast to Wang Wook. She didn’t seek out an explanation then, and didn’t know what he meant. But, with Wang So she does want to understand." Thank you for pointing that out, PineappleGongzhu! That's totally true, and she was pissed! I don't ever recall her being angry with Wook, so that makes her relationship with So seem much more real and grounded (or as grounded as one can be in which one character has surprise-married a preteen and the other has refused to kiss him for 3 long years).


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'Which brings up Wook again (lol): How could he not realize Hae Soo would be blamed for Mu’s poisoning, as the one in charge of his baths?"

I'm guessing that if Wook becomes king, then it wouldn't matter? They'll just put the blame on some scapegoat, and since the king is all-powerful, Hae Soo wll not be blamed?


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A part of me thinks Wook is aware of the entire "Let's poison the King!" plan and at this point, he's so far into his own agenda that he could care less (?) about who gets the blame for it. On the flip side, if he still is the smart strategist that he is, he probably took the liberty of placing Chae Ryung in Damiwon not only for the sole purpose of extracting their evil plan, but as a patsy if and when Yo gets to a point of using his "Let me blame Su for the King" card.
Which makes a perfect segue into his political aspirations. A win-win for Wook.


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I'm confused as to why Wook wouldn't kill Yo on the spot and pull a coup himself by holding Su hostage through So. I mean he's vicariously doing that through Yo anyway. I supposed it's because Wook is so keen on legitimacy and not being seen a traitor that he hesitates to pull a public move.


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He totally believes she would have done it only for him

aaaagh I hope not, given that she explicitly stated that she'd have done it for any of his brothers. But poor Jung has had a crush on Su since the day she saved him in the forest (funny how when that scene was in the trailers, everyone thought HE saved HER instead of being the one who was saved), and I wonder how he's going to deal with it going forward.


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Agree with u Pogo..

I strongly believe, Jung knows that its his one-sided and Su doesnt like him and treats him the same manner as she would treat the other princes and like a brother to her..

If not he wouldnt even ask that question, and he doesnt seem surprise at her answer when Su answered him..


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Of course Haesoo would want a clear explanation. She has already been screwed over by a poem she didn't understand. My thought would be "Not another damn poem! Just tell me how it is."


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It's kind of hard not to trust how cowardly Chae Ryung behave. First of all, as far as her relationship with Soo in the beginning, it seemed as if they're not really in a friendship level with Chae Ryung being very cautious at first. Second they hadn't spend time together that much, after Lady Hae died that's it, they never really together until Soo became Damiwon's chief. It is easy for us the audience to connect them since it's only been couple of weeks but it's been years for them. Especially when Soo and her don't have that bff vibe anymore (added to the point that she kept pushing Soo to be with Wook, if she's a bff material, she won't do that)

Wook's character had become a writer's dream. So much layering, not just that 2 dimensional second lead who do everything to support the heroine yet being left in the dust. A great balance to the main lead.

Holy moly, I had a major whiplash watching two version of the subbed. At one version, it shown more that Chae-Ryung most probably will be the backup black goat because she got bribe money from Won, on the other version (b) she is just there to pour the mercury down. b version showed the So and Wook polite barb after Wook ordered the noble families to volunteer their male sires. I mean there are small things such as Soo inspecting the facility that they omit on B, but it add the meeting between Wook and her mother and sister.

THIS IS QUITE BIG. He explained that he squirreled the two of them away so no harm would come to them. But Yeon Hwa adamantly rebuke him for doing so because Yo will for sure rid of them afterwards. Although Wook don't think so they could still use each other, as long as So's not the next in line. Mother of course pissed, for having her only son become a traitor. Which of course, Wook dear has to throw blame on. Such as pressuring him so that now they cannot live with honor and declaring to his mother that Hae Soo is the reason of his action. HOT DAMN! What a 180 degree after that decision he took to leave Soo in the rain.

In all the second version had a better flow. If you guys want to rewatch it. Even the preview had a better edit.


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Another way to look at it about Soo's respond, is because Soo might felt burdened for taking Wook's affection away from Lady Hae. That relationship never sprout in a steady ground. Soo was the parasite that suck Wook's love and knowing her, that will always be in the back of her mind. Wook and her relationship will never be as solid.

With So, she is so used to him being crude and honest that it angers her when he kept secret away from her. Also maybe because it reminded her of her past relationship of lack of thereof with Wook. Their connection was build from a small seed. Two years might be long, but you know what years ago that's how relationships were. Also we don't know, perhaps So had been in and out of palace for Moo dear. you can definitely see their growth by just listening to Soo talking smack in front of So regarding her birthday.


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I'm half as curious to know what Chae Ryung was bribed with before I make any assumptions that she needs more thn a hundred whips and several slaps on the face for such a an unforgivable betrayal.


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I really like your seeds/sprouts analogy, Blargh. I have just been semi-annoyed with Soo keeping So at arm's length all this time. Like he said, don't give him hope if she's just going to reject him! I didn't think he or anyone else would wait around forever*, and sure enough, she was shocked enough to kiss him after he married someone else.

So seeds/sprouts takes some of the annoyance out of it.

(*I take it back: this show is full of people who wait around forever/years and years of unrequited love.)


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I started watching the international version, but then the player wasn't working and I changed for the sbs one and it was so different. and now I'm reading your comment.

I know we're on episode 14, but it's still bizarre to me how many changes they're making from their first finish product. what a mess re: planning....


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Totally. I think putting this in less than 20 episodes made the editor scratching their head till bald. There's so much scenes that was too good to be cut so maybe they are trying to put as much in different version as possible.

I suggest another way to do it. Make it so that it was told in different POV. The first POV should be the Monday and the second should be Tuesday. That way they could fit the marvelous scenes and we got more LJG oppa, WIN WIN!!!


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What do u mean?

sbs version of ep1 on monday
international version of ep2 on tuesday?

or sbs versionof ep1 on monday?
then international version of ep1 on tues?

that wouldnt be really helpful.. (im not saying now is good, but its not going be any better..) since having more in one means less in that too, scene added means some scenes are removed or shorten.. (so unless u watched both version or compile it on ur own, if not u wouldnt get the full picture anyway)


"....such as pressuring him so that now they
cannot live with honor and declaring to his mother
that Hae Soo is the reason of his action...."

Can I please call bullshit on Wook's reason for his actions. I don't understand why he keeps deceiving himself that Hae soo is the reason for his actions. Dude, c'mon. You know very well about the revolt and that Hae soo is in charge of the kings bath and that will be framed for the whole mess, now you show your face and say Hae soo is the reason for your action. B*tch please!!!!!!!


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It’s that kind of soul-deep connection from friendship to love that is amazingly powerful!

This summarized it all, well said, @pineappleGongzhu


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I’m actually more enamored with their conversations this episode than the actual kiss.

Hasn't it always been like that, though? And that speaks to how strong their connection is before they even realised they were attracted to each other, because that was a great kiss.

And it's time to revisit our old friend the emoji:
\^0^/ \^0^/ \^0^/ \^0^/ \^0^/


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Pogo LOL...Emoji we missed u.


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Fully agree with your point #5. I was more taken with their conversation and the refreshing honesty between them, than the kiss itself (which to be honest, looked kinda awkward lol I couldn't help thinking, this must be So's first *proper* kiss...... lmao).

Their honesty, and desire for the truth no matter how ugly the truth may be, sets up nicely as a foil to Wook and Haesu's previous relationship. HaeWook's rlsp was fluffy and sweet while it lasted, a dream that was made all the more beautiful because it was built upon empty promises in an idealised world disconnected from the pulls of harsh reality.

I love the emphasis on truthfulness/being transparent with one another here, because it ties in so beautifully with the recurrent theme of vulnerability in the HaeSo relationship.


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Wang So was adopting quite a passive stance when he wrote this poem as a reply to Su about his marriage.

行到水窮處 坐看雲起時
by Wang Wei, 8th century Tang Dynasty Poet

This poem was written at the time when the poet was leading a reclusive lifestyle. The meaning of this verse is "while walking to the end of the creek, I sat down to watch the floating clouds". It is often used to encourage and console oneself or others when encountering adverse situations, to just let go and let things take their natural course, and a new situation will probably arise.


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Pebble, you're the champion of Chinese Poem. What would i do without you. Thanks!


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Pebble thank u for explaining the meaning of the poem! Poor Soo she kept rewriting the poem, maybe trying to understand it's meaning...So was trying to tell her, wait for the wind to change directions...our time will come, and Soo was like cool poem but how is this an explanation? she needed you there Pebble or at least access to Google.......On another note it makes sense that So would write her a poem, he is a man of his time after all...In modern times we work on open communication between couples....but in ancient times poems seem to be the way to express feelings. Being Royals poems probably were studied, memorized etc....In modern times music is probably how couples express emotions to each other, share/ exchange favorite groups, songs, lyrics......Hae Soo asking So to be clear and help her understand what he's doing was great, it was her way of getting him to operate inside her modern couples context....


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Not a problem at all @Endo, @Maui and everyone who left your comments below about this poem, I happened to know this very popular verse from the poem, so I just conveniently post what I had learnt previously.

That's right @Maui, the lyrics of pop songs nowadays may become the poems of the future that will be studied and appreciated by future generations. When the melody of a song attracted me, I would look at the lyrics next, so I feel grateful that so many fans voluntarily provided translation of korean songs on youtube. I know how frustrated it is when you badly wanted to understand something written in a foreign language but couldn't find a proper translation on the internet, so I'm just doing my part here to provide an interpretation of the poem for those who are interested. :)


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Lol. I'd be pissed if he came to me with this as an explanation. That's how you explain your marriage?! And then maybe after some time I'd think about the deeper meaning. aha


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But see, a new situation did arise, the king died suddenly and this probably annulled his marriage to the young princess! But now he has to grapple with that new situation presented by Yo in order to save Su's life (again?! argh!! This made her too much of a damsel in distress.)


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you know..I don't think I have ever not seen Soo as a damsel in distress..she has moments and I suppose the most of this ep painted her as the opposite but that ending.. Anyway.. I do like what the poem has to say over all. I just tend to react emotionally first...most times I find whatever I was reacting to wasn't even what I thought it was..aha


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Interesting that Wang Wei's poetry is also used in Moon Lovers, since I recall Yinzhen in BBJX also liked Wang Wei's works. I do wonder if there wasn't any Korean poetry that Moon Lovers could use?


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That's right, if I remember correctly, in BBJX novel, YZ did wrote this same verse for RX, and RX liked it so much that she was always practicing calligraphy using this verse to imitate YZ's handwriting style.

Not sure about the history of Korean literature though, just know that in Japan, they do have ancient waka poems (eg. Man'yoshu, Hyakunin Isshu, etc.). I'm quite curious about korean poetry too, could someone please enlighten us?


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Korean has way more many cultural product (as poetry, songs, paints and such) than Japan back then. That is because Korea is nearer to the mainland. And the culture in the mainland has affect Korean culture greatly.

As far as I know, poetry in Korea Peninsula started to grow in Joseon era. Prior to that, they often express cultural product of mainland in their own ways and pov



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Thank you for explaining!


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the problem is Soo didn't understand it, if she understand it would be a silver lining but she didn't and didn't get mention in this episode,


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I've only seen the one version so far, and the words quoted were a little different, "While I would like to sit idly by the river, clouds gather in the sky" or something like that.

Did anyone else notice the sunlight on the water imagery? This is So as sun and Su as water in love, harmony.

But clouds gathering is royal (sky) princes preparing for battle.

So the poem, in the version I watched, reflected almost exactly what was going on for So when he was forced into the marriage with his niece. I actually thought he was going to ask Su to marry him again - that was the important thing he needed to say - but before that could happen he was caught up in the plots and politics of the palace - the clouds gathering - stopping him from following through with his proposal, and prohibiting him from idling by the river, sunlight on water, harmony between himself and Su.


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Your alternative explanation is interesting, hmm. The explanation I provided above is the more widely accepted interpretation of what went on in the poet's mind. This interpretation was based on his disposition, his devotion to Zen Buddhism and the solitary lifestyle he led when he wrote this poem, and also, taking the whole poem into consideration (this is the third line taken from a 4 line stanza).

It was like walking to the end of the water, so might as well just sat down to watch the clouds, as water evaporates and transforms into clouds, so there is no need to fret and feel hopeless, as a new situation may present itself.


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Oh I have no doubt you're right pebble, but the writer seems to use what she wants from these sources - myth, legend, poems - and I think she changed it up a little to reflect and reinforce the themes and imagery she's been building throughout.


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I think this was meant as a vague reply, since So explained to Su later on that he did not want to explicitly explain the reason to her as he knew that she didn't like man having multiple wives, and he didn't want her to endure it. Thus, he just let things hung in the air and hoped that nature would take its course and a solution would present itself.


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Su as water in love

The only one time time we got to see Hae Su's name was when Wook wrote it down: 解樹. First character literally means "solving, resolving, explaining, understanding", second character is "tree". I'm wondering where does that water comes from? But tree does need sunlight to survive! :)

Even when the verse of the poem was taken on face value without considering what the poet wanted to convey, it just literally means "going to the end of the water, time to sit and watch clouds rising". So it was really up to that drama writer to interpret it whichever way. However, the original interpretation does fit the context of the story too!


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Ha! You've missed my lengthy essays on the water imagery (not based on Su's name) and Su as water maiden. Won't repeat here, they're scattered throughout the episode threads and they're loooonnng.

Yes, the original does fit the context too. My own interpretation was based on the simple word "but" that was in the subtitles I watched. "But" the clouds were gathering.


Sorry to have missed out your posting. There were over thousand comments every recap, it's kind of hard to read every single one especially during the week days. I'm taking a day off from work again today to stay home to leisurely watch the drama and read the recap and postings, hopefully the drama is ending soon, else I will be exhausting all my leave.

In the chinese verse, there are no characters which may imply a "but", so it was the subjective interpretation of the translator. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, the beauty of a poem is its room for interpretation to suit one's context and emotions, let's be open minded.


Yeah when I first started watching this drama I was like why is her name a "tree", but now it makes more sense! 解 is also not a very common last name either...


That was exactly how I interpreted the poem too - that he was about to propose to Su again/tell her he loved her, but saving his brother and niece by marrying the kid got in the way of that.


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Great explanation! That's why I thought walking to the water's "edge" wasn't a good translation. Then again, despite knowing the meaning of the poem, I still don't get how it can be regarded as an excuse.


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Thankyou Pebble for explaining it. i know the words but not the meaning behind it.
I find it refreshing that he didnt try to excuse himself with regards to marrying more than 1.


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Ok. Bear with me, after consulting my old man who is an amateur chinese historian and poet, (who btw was educated in old taiwan, about 100 years ago, j/k he's not that decrepit.) This poem literally translated :

While sailing along a drying up river, on the horizon the clouds started to gather.

Meaning : optimistic to everyone.
Even though the rainy season seemed to be moving away and leave the withered soil behind, fret not as it will rain again soon.


While working hard in life, do not wring yourself till the last drop so that you could go on until the situation is favorable again.

Either way it is not a passive So. He meant it for Soo to steadfast and hopefully doesn't give up just like he won't and never because he WILL find a way to make it favorable for them again. Or don't run around in circles and blinded of any other way.


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I welcome your version of interpretation.

Agree, the poem just literally means:
“going to the end of the water, time to sit and watch clouds rising”

Whether to passive or not, at least, it conveyed optimism and hope that an unfavorable situation will change!


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A simpleton might interpret this as simply: Let's positively procrastinate.


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lol, yeah, in true zen spirit (i.e. sit, meditate, do nothing)


Thank you for explaining this to us. Google search result was not really clear on what that line implies.


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Loooove the Tang poets. Always so elegant in their poetry.

I also thought that it was an apt choice to use the poem (also in the original novel) because it also portrays the freedom that the poet enjoys. He doesn't panic when he arrives at the end of the river and sits down instead to enjoy the view of the clouds.

Isn't this exactly what So wants to do with Su? To have the freedom to not worry about anything and to enjoy the finer things in life, like watching the clouds roll past across the blue sky. It's a wistful wish for them both because now they're stuck in circumstances that hardly have breathing space, let alone time for cloud watching. So poignant, so sad.

(And that's why I love Chinese poetry!)


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Beautiful interpretation...also, Hae Soo seemed to mirror those same feelings in the poem So sent her when she said to him in the boat "I am trying to imagine not being able to get what you like....Take your time..."


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you love Chinese poetry?? I hated them as a child b/c I had to memorize them all the time


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Wang Wei in his early life harboured political ambitions and served under a prominent minister (later Prime Minister) Zhang Jiuling. He later abandoned civil service to live like this secluded boho life as an artist, which I think holds particular poignancy in this case and gives an insight into So's headspace.

The full poem is 'In Retirement at Zhongnan' in case anyone is interested:

To middle age I loved the Way,
Late now, I lodge upon South Mountain.
If feelings rise, I go alone:
Such scenes as I have seen...
Walk to where the waters narrow,
Sit, and wait, for the clouds to rise.
Let me meet by change with any old man:
We laugh and chat, no thought of the return.

The old man that is referred to in the poem is likely Pei Di a close friend of Wang Wei and I think it's particularly illuminating to read it in conjunction with a letter Wang Wei wrote to Pei Di. I won't write out the whole thing, but here's the last part:

The grass on the river bank will be moist with dew, and the wheat fields echoing of a morning with the crowing of pheasants. Perhaps you will then be free to roam the hills with me? If I did not know your pure and unworldly cast of mind, I should not have presumed to ask you to join in this idle and useless activity, from which, however, one may derive deep interest and lasting satisfaction. Pray give the matter more than a passing thought. The dyewood gatherers who will carry this are leaving, and I must close.


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imo, the absence of the last two lines of the poem in So's note is significant. It indicates that So wants to ask Su to wait for him until he can take her away from the Palace but like Wang Wei in his letter to Pei Di, he doesn't feel like he has the authority request that of her. Thus the last two lines are not in the note, but their absence weighs heavily and are in part the actual sentiment behind So's message.


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It's such a lovely poem. I found another translation that I thought also captured the essence of the poem:

My heart in middle age found the Way.
And I came to dwell at the foot of this mountain.
When the spirit moves, I wander alone
Amid beauty that is all for me....
I will walk till the water checks my path,
Then sit and watch the rising clouds --
And some day meet an old wood-cutter
And talk and laugh and never return.

I like your interpretation of the absence of the last two lines. For some reason, I get the feeling that beanies' comments make the drama more intellectual than it is actually coming across.


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I get the feeling that beanies’ comments make the drama more intellectual than it is actually coming across.

Yeah, we are rather an intellectual bunch, the way drama plots and characters are being scrutinized, examined and zealously analysed here feels like academic thesis writing. Who said what, who did what, who emoted what and in what way, what was on whose mind, what was the motivation, etc. Haha, I think if the original writers were to read all these comments, they would be totally flabbergasted at how much we read into every minute details, so much more than what was originally in their minds! So long as everyone is enjoying the exchange of opinion and insights here in DB, who cares what the writers originally had in mind. We viewers have a mind of our own to perceive things based on our upbringing, life experience, worldview, values, belief systems and cultural background. Everyone thinks differently and perceives differently, this contributes to the fun of commenting in DB where so many kdrama viewers around the world congregate, like a UN conference. :)


Stop it, Moon Lovers is clearly a masterpiece (to me). Nah, I contemplated whether I was erring on the side of overanalysing, but since the verse apparently appeared in the original novel that was intended for a Chinese audience I thought it was probably still valid.

Jonas at overthinkingkdrama.tumblr.com does my favourite weekly breakdown of the show by far, in case you needed anymore Moon Lovers in your life.


@pebble @junny &co. maybe we should start writing our own drama XD


I like the idea of beanies being a United Nations of sorts! Even though I'm not nuts about Moon Lovers, it's been interesting reading everyone's thoughts and speculations on the drama.

Had a gander at Jonas' website. Wow, he lives up to his URL name... I still think it's a pity this drama restricted itself to 20 episodes since it had material for more.

Maybe we should!


Good on you @Ren & @Junny, your posting of the full poem and its interpretation provided more insights into that verse!


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That's beautiful, Ren. You're right, it does fill out what's going on in So's mind more. Thank you so much for this information.


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Ooh, thanks so much for the full context and interpretation of the two lines, Ren! I've read the Chinese novel multiple times but never fully understood why the author chose this particular verse, but it never occurred to me to consider the selection within context of the full poem.

This was massively enlightening. Thank you!!!


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I actually had to google Wang Wei b/c I thought he didn't exist during Wang So's time since the poem was taken from BBJX (which was set much much later), but I guess he did exist!


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Right after Wang So tells Hae Su that she’s going to be married off by the King to some old man with lots of wives, HE gets married off to the king’s daughter. Haha, didn’t see that coming did you now Wang So? *clever writer kekeke*

That boat ride, omg, so much SUBTEXT. When Hae Su asks him what it must have been like to turn away from the things that he likes, when she may as well have been saying, “I’ve been turning away from the thing that I like, and I wonder WHY.” It works both ways bebe.

IU is making the “love eyes”—this is my term for the way her eyes look when she’s looking at Wang So—really work for her. You can really see in her face how soft she is around Wang So. I feel like the director over did it on the spunky modern girl acting in the first few episodes, and now that she’s playing a more mature version of Hae Su, she feels much deeper as a character instead of being all surface bluster. Holy shit when she had the hairpin to her neck and she says to Wang So that it’s the room of an “unmarried girl” - passive aggressive A class girl.

Damn Wang So, just no sugarcoating anything when it came to the marriage with CP’s daughter. It’s all my fault. I fucked up. I promised you things and I failed. Also, I don’t wanna talk about it no more. UGH.

I think he doesn’t wear his hair as a married man because the marriage hasn’t been consummated? Not sure if marital hairstyles are THAT specific, but I imagine there’s some symbolic creative license here too. The writer wants us to think that Wang So still thinks of him as unmarried.


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I just have to add this on the boat scene.

There you see him
Sitting there across the way
He always got lot to say
But there's something about him
You obviously know
That you're dying to lean
You wanna kiss the boy
Yes, you want him
Ogle him, like we also do
Everyone knows he wants you
What’s the point of asking him
It don't take a word, not a single word
Go on and smooch the boy


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Sha-la-la-la-la-la my oh my
Look like the girl too shy
Ain't gonna kiss the boy
Sha-la-la-la-la-la ain't it sad
Ain't it a shame, too bad
She gonna miss the boy


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OH MY GOD these are killing me


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I would pay millions to watch Ji Mong singing as Sebastian.


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Haha that's perfect. Evil Queen is definitely Ursula. Jung is Flounder. Eun can be Scuttle. And Won and Yo are Flotsam and Jetsam hehe. I can't think of any character low enough for Wook though. Hmm...


Wook can be a measly plankton.


Woh, woh

Sha-la-la-la-la-la float along
And listen to the song
The song say, kiss the boy

Woh, woh

Sha-la-la-la-la-la music play
Do what the music say
You wanna kiss the boy

Goryeon Frog:
You got to

Kiss the boy

Goryeon Frog:
Why don't you

Kiss the boy


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Dead Hahahah!


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"Holy shit when she had the hairpin to her neck and she says to Wang So that it’s the room of an “unmarried girl” – passive aggressive A class girl."

I absolutely loved that part she look so powerful and fierce I fell in LOVE well done IU I actually could feel that Court Lady Oh came back to live! I thought that scene was amazing and Im so glad Im not the only one because Ive seen no comments about this scene. But , oh well, with so many things that happen in this episode is hard to catch up!


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IU is making the “love eyes”—this is my term for the way her eyes look when she’s looking at Wang So—really work for her.

IU is actually great at portraying her characters falling in love - she has really expressive eyes. And I honestly think she's much better suited to the more emotional/vulnerable vein of acting than the silly/romcom one, I like this matured version of Su with her subdued fire and the steel in her spine. She makes a surprisingly good match for So.


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Her matured ver actually reminds me of the deceased Court Lady Oh.
But no matter what version she is, shes always the best match for Wang So. They somehow speaks the same language and the wolf has long ago pinpoint on his mate. His mate has finally accepted him. Stand up and applaud!
Ps if only the production team did better, what would have been a great episode with some good scenes being crapped all over by poor editing and stuffing too much.. there's no flow- its like cut and paste and patch amateurish..
I rarely say this but it does seem like Scarlet Heart Ryeo would have done better with a few more added episodes (say 24episodes?) - just saw that they used time jumps effectively, the story isnt as rush and things can transition better.


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Is it just me or the first half of the season is some sort of a way for the writer to write the spoiler into the story. They just put an Iron man on us.

1. Modern day Hae Soo in Lady Hae's shoe before Hae Soo became that second woman.

2. Lady Oh relationship with the King predict Hae Soo's with So.

Let's see...what else?


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"Holy shit when she had the hairpin to her neck and she says to Wang So that it’s the room of an “unmarried girl” – passive aggressive A class girl."

Wow, great catch, Seltzerwater: I totally missed that passive-aggressive subtext (she's unmarried, not like Yo). Thank you, that makes it so much better!

She is reaally pissed off at him--and she doesn't mind him being jealous at her probably having another man (another brother) in her bedroom AND is calling his bluff at being jealous.


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Also, great catch about the passive-aggressiveness of Su's 'I'm an unmarried girl' comment - that was one pissed-off girl, full points to IU for getting that across so clearly.

But I love that when So came after her the next day, she demanded an explanation from him directly.


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Her passive aggressive already start when she said to So, "Oh yes, I'm just a court lady." as she closed the chest Baek ah gave to her.

She also do that with Baek Ah when the latter complained about using the oil on Jung and Dook.

So's Sassy girl is back, lads and gents!


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lol yeah, she was totally sassing So and Baek-ah too.

But the threatened hairpin stabbing was a masterclass in passive-aggressiveness because Su was angry there.


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Agree on all counts...Soo was being sassy and passive-aggresive...one more thing...how does it feel So to stand outside the room of someone you love, who you know is with someone else, not knowing what's going on inside....What did you sya? You wanted to tear down the wall all night? You want a complete explanation of what happened? Can I send you a poem instead? .....not enough?.....good then remember that feeling....that's what it means to be a second wife.....I'd say So knew what she was doing.....



+1000 for sass, @Maui

HAHAHAHA! Love the play-by-play of jealousy that our two leads matchy-match


The writer wants us to think that Wang So still thinks of him as unmarried.

or the writer (and us) thinks that LJK looks hotter with flowing mane of glory.

Why hide it it a plan topknot when you can awe the world with the flowing mane?


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*plan = plain


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Sorry that last line was meant to be Hae Soo knew what she was doing....


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fuck yeah. that glory mane.


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For those of you who haven't read this week's "Team Dramabeans: What We're Watching" (posted Oct. 8), I'm going to share this gem from tineybeanie (thanks, tineybeanie!):

"Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Finally, we’re getting some momentum in the plot. Now that the king’s dead, we get to see some actual action happen, instead of continual throne-taking plots failing. Err but our main character, Hae Su, seems kind of irrelevant at this point. The hanged court lady would have died from stomach cancer without intervening for Su. It seems like Wook would have turned dark no matter what reasons he’s using to justify it to himself. Hae Su’s warning for the Crown Prince was meaningless since Wook had already sent for him. So is starting to kill off his brothers, despite Su’s attempts to “reform” him. It’s come to the point that I’m wondering if Moon Lovers is actually some sort of meta-mind experiment in favor of determinism, regardless of the time travel variable."

That's called fate! Time travel stories often run smack into this. :)


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the problem is the drama itself mention her as the reason of Wook and So behavior but just that,
one sentences and she no longer important


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Can I just say that So is freaking adorable???

I never thought I would say this of him... but he's the squishiest, squishy there ever was ??? I adore him!! And I understand how Soo had to heal (inside and out) to be able to accept him as she is doing now. But omg, how could she resist his face when he asked "Can I?" in reference to kissing her when they were star gazing. It takes a strong woman to resist that face.

And omg..... their kiss... and their conversation before the kiss. Even in this dysfunctional, brutal, past world, they have such a functional and amazing relationship. So and Soo bring out the best on each other, and make themselves better people. They have grown so much. I am so scared for them and what's to come. Let us hope they abide to their "no lies" rule. Let us hope....


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I LOVE HaeSoo but I have to point out that she made a big mistake and that is taking Wang So for granted.

"And I understand how Soo had to heal (inside and out) to be able to accept him as she is doing now."

I agree with you, this episode shows us healing and growing but mostly not taking what you have for granted. And Soo has been taking So for granted because she is certain that because he is Gwangjong he is not gonna die. That because he is always looking for her, confessing, trying to kiss her, that he is always gonna be there for her. That is something that I loved about this episode that she realizes that she could lose him and she needs to act, ask him why and express her feelings to him, no more playing you cant kiss me but I smiled and like that you try to kiss me. I don't blame her, I've done that, and us humans are dumb, we tend to appreciate what we have when we are about to lose it. She even realizes that even though she doesn't like polygamy is not enough to walk away from the one she loves. Different from Wook when she heard Lady Hae telling Wook to marry again.

I liked IU performance with this specific emotion because her expression had completely changed. She always look at him as someone who is always there even though she tries to push him away. But the scene on the stairs, I can see her pain. And the conversion before the kiss I can see her fighting for who she loves "do not get so hung up on the future that you lose what you have no". It was about time she listen to Taejo's advice!


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This show would've been better off if it was set in a fictional world. This has got to be the worst Goryeo sageuk I have ever seen. Thank you SBS :p.


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The sad thing is that they buried what could have been a great show under so much extraneous and avoidable stuff.

And re: the international (non-SBS) version: that 'say yes' song can please go have every copy ever destroyed in a fire, SAY NO to having that crap played over Lee Jun-ki!


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I am so with you on this - I actually turned the volume off it was so terrible and distracting.


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I've never been so grateful to have watched the SBS raw first.

That horrible cloying song played over Kang Ha-neul and whatever random junior prince's love interest scenes was bad enough, but playing it over Lee Jun-ki? I wanted to vomit. No wonder SBS took it out of their version!


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If I could reach inside my screen and pull him out of this show I would've done it a long time ago. /cry


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In my head I'm banging at the doors of the SBS editing rooms because even a disgruntled fan could do a better job with some of the presentation than they have.

And at least oppa is getting the plaudits he rightfully deserves for his performance, which he basically crafted in the teeth of sloppy writing, hyper-demanding directing choices (all those close-ups and somehow we never get tired when it's his face) and sloppier editing. I actually feel bad for IU - another of his leading ladies being subjected to netizen hate for a script and directing choices that seemed to actively work to make her look bad despite far better performances earlier in her career.


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Despite my love for LJK('s face mostly), I think he's one of the worst actors to have to act opposite. I mean, even when his drama flops because of obvious bad writing/poor plot, the female leads are always getting the brunt of the hate. The fact that he has quite a huge fan base makes it worse, because the irrational ones always manages to make it sound like it's all the female lead's fault. Every time this happens I feel super embarrassed to call myself a fan. IU may not be a great actress but I actually think her acting is nothing like what netizens say. She's definitely not the reason you'll turn away from this drama.


@paroles - yeah, that's happened with two dramas now - SWWTN and SH. Though SWWTN was worse because it killed off the heroine's promising early start by writing her as basically a complete idiot, and there was no way for Lee Yubi (ordinarily quite a talented actress) to salvage that mess no matter how hard she tried, AND she got savaged by netizens for it.

Scarlet Heart does a little better on the heroine front though, I think as far as chemistry goes this is my favourite Jun-ki pairing after Arang & the Magistrate. She's not the greatest but they have something, and that actually makes me root for the romance in a way I couldn't do if they had no chemistry.


The problem is he is oftenly paired with not so powerful actresses, at least not up to his calibre. Lee Jun Ki is so commanding on screen and no matter how badly written the script is, he still could make it worked. So it's either he lower than his bar or the actresss need to step up her game no matter how least materials that she has to worked on. And so my point is, this is where a strong actress may come in handy.


In general, I do agree that he hasn't been working opposite so called powerhouse female actresses. I also concur to a certain extent that LJK makes his character work, but he doesn't make the script work. You can be a brilliant actor, but you can't salvage a terrible story. You also have to consider that he often picks up extremely male centric roles, e.g. Iljimae, Two Weeks, Joseon Gunman. Will any of the more established female leads pick up those relatively bland characters? Female actors in his age group are not into those roles really. This is why I think a romcom is long overdue. Romcoms have more of an equal weight for the main leads, and it's about time he does one too. At this point I just want anything but an action drama or a sageuk. Though that may just be my prejudice against action dramas. I hate them.


I just hope he'd play a different kind of character next time. A villain would be great or anti hero like Daredevil's Punisher, totally uncompromising. Villains can be the star of the show (hi Jo Pil-yeon of Giant).
Some actors shine more in villain roles like Kim Eui-sung. He looks like a fun loving dad in rl but I couldn't wait for his painful demise in Train to Lee Jun-ki's hometown.


@paroles - yeah, he does tend to end up with dramas that he has to carry, probably because he likes the meatiest possible roles - and that's how the female leads end up getting sidelined even if that isn't his intent.

The last time he had a drama that gave equal weight to its female lead, was Arang. Which had several romcom elements, and his chemistry with Shin Mina was the best he's ever had with any leading lady.

I do wish he'd consider a romcom too, but it seems to be a genre he's avoided since his early flower boy days, like playing second lead in My Girl was the closest he came to it. I do hope he reconsiders, though - he would be lovely in a romcom with the right heroine i.e. someone who's actually good at acting and given the chance to show it. I mean, if So Ji-sub could do it, there's no reason why oppa shouldn't.



I remember it was rumoured that he was going to take up Empire of Gold a couple of years ago (just DC rumours I think). If he doesn't want to do a romcom or a melo, something like EoG will be great as well (a meaty story with balanced character weights and a nice ensemble cast).


@paroles - I think he'd do great in an ensemble story but the leading lady really needs to be someone of equal star power with him because otherwise the scriptwriters tend to give in to the temptation to just go with the fan love and make him the entire focus of the story, to the detriment of the drama as a whole.

I would not be opposed at all to him acting opposite say, Baek Jin-hee or Jo Boa, and I actually really like him with IU because I feel like she's actually getting a fair bit of focus here and living up to it. But yeah, a more established costar next time might be a good idea.


@kiara. Hahahaha. I wanted his death soooo bad in Train to Busan. He couldn't die fast enough. Such a 180 from his previous roles. Great character actor. It would be great to see LJK expand his acting horizons by playing a villain or anti-hero.


Kind of remind me of junior high-school play. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :(


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Oh gosh, isn't that the truth. I've done both.


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They could have done so much with the Wang Gyu storyline!!!! /shakes fists/ WE COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL


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That would've been so awesome! Was Wang Gyu the Imperial Guardian at the time of the revolt or did Wang Sik-ryeom take over?
I feel so bad for Wang Mu. I just couldn't imagine him being this weak after reading about him in history and watching him in more traditional sageuks.
He had all the training of a future king. He was intelligent from a very young age. His teacher was the famous scholar Park. He was trained in warfare by General Chang, king Taejo's teacher. He went to war with the best generals of Goryeo and his own father etc etc.

This is one of the reason why I don't like romanticizing sageuks because these people existed in real life and they are often downgraded to crap in this kind of setting.


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I know right?? I'm not too sure about that but it's likely Wang Gyu still was Imperial Guardian up to the moment he was executed by Yo.

Mu was more than just a figurehead, both in history and in the way Kim San-ho managed to portray him here (despite the iffy writing near the end of his character arc), but like I guess the show decided to make him merely a walking plot point to further their story. Because plot movement. Argh he could have be so much more.

I think romanticising is bound to happen, even in the most traditional sageuks, but in fusion sageuks it always happens to the side characters, even if they were super interesting in real life. That sucks.


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Yes it makes sense that he was still in a position of power in order to carry out his revolt.

I'm guessing that since the original BBJX's crown prince lost his chance to rule they couldn't make a hero out of Wang Mu and have to quickly eliminate him by doing a time jump with only 6 more episodes to go.
I do agree with you when it comes to Kim San-ho's portrayal. I did feel that he was vulnerable, scared and alone with the absence of his mother (the Empress), father (the king), grandfather (retired minister of finance?) and Park Sul-hui <3 (one of Taejo's sworn brother and his mentor on the battlefield).
I don't think the Oh clan had much power after Lord Oh and Empress Janghwa died. She was his only child.

Some writers would distort history and makes more sense out of what was actually written. Reinterpreting the winner's version just like what Jung Ha-yeon did in Shin Don. Fascinating!


I kind of got rather tired with everything in the drama too, as my tolerance level for a sageuk is very low.

At first I thought it had a different take from BBJX, so it was refreshing. But after that Court Lady Oh epic ep, it dragged on meaninglessly for Wang So's character. It was illogical, given his disposition, and if he was really not interested in seizing the throne (unlike that BBJX ambitious 4th prince who eyed the throne like a vulture), after Crown Prince Gu became king, he could have leave the palace with Hae Soo already. Why did he stay on and be the pawn and loyal guardian of a mad king, and got himself into all sorts of trouble? His character became so passive and lack lustre, very unlike the lone wolf Wang So he was meant to be right from the beginning.

The messy editing and bgm are also irritating, and in this ep, I find myself no longer moved by anything that happened between So and Su. I just watched LJK for his acting, but didn't feel anything for So and Su, it was not IU's or jun-ki's fault, their acting was up to the mark, it's just the drama itself, So's character, Su's character, I don't find anything compelling to root for, surprisingly, I was instead more amazed by Wook's character. Anyway, I would have stopped watching it already if not for jun-ki.


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U r on point on the editing. The transition between scenes sometimes doesnt make any sense. No feelings at all.

N i dont get why CR would betray HS. She once pledge her life for her when she wanted to run away from marrying the King. The basis was a bit off.

I have so much hope for this after BBJX. Now I only watch for LJK's sake.

Come on drama. Make good of this please.


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I agree with you.

I love this drama, I really do mainly and 99% because of Lee Jun Ki.

But it's going downhill after episode 11. And I am really not liking the characterization of Wang So as compare to the earlier episodes. He isn't driven and seems too much focused on love which isn't making him having the "king's qualities" at all.

For whatever that is left of the remaining episodes, I hope to see Wang So outsmarting his enemies. Even if love is his driving force to aim for the throne, I hope he will earn it by means of his own virtues. I would rather much like to see the ruthless Wang So, the one who realized that there's more to make the world go round and not just love and that is power. I want him to be realistic and not romantic.

And please put the romance at the backseat. We have pretty much settled that Haesoo is with 4th Prince, not that I am completely sold with their romance and maybe I am getting tired of the romance which isn't feel real to say the least.

And am I the only one who have issues with the horrendous new hairstyles? I can get passed Yo's "Harry Style" mane of shame but the wavy bangs on LJK???? And LJK is still gorgeous but he is way too plywood thin compare to earlier episodes (which made Wang So a lot sexier) and his waist size seems smaller than mine. I feel like lyposuctioning 5kg of mine to put on his petite frame.

Still, it's LJK and KHN that are the best thing about this drama. They both delivered great performances, with LJK being all superb in intense scenes and KHN is brilliant emoting subtle evilness.


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LJK is.......way too plywood thin...... and his waist size seems smaller than mine. I feel like lyposuctioning 5kg of mine to put on his petite frame

LOL. Thanks for making me laugh @Del!

I think the drama lacked focus, it was trying to include key plot points in the original BBJX, but when it attempted to apply it to the chronological order of throne succession in Goryeo history, the motivation of Wang So became diluted in the process, and it sort of lost the tension and momentum to keep viewers invested.

As for the love line, it didn't stand out well like those in a rom-com or love melo too, so viewers pinning on that would feel quite short-changed.

I just feel bad for LJK, recently, he always ended up in dramas which looked promising and started with a bang, but lost steam half way through. I hope he can break this cycle of bad luck in his next project.


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@Del, EVERYTHING you said. So true.


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I hear you Pebble <3. I'm like a thornbird with this show. It's killing me but I still watch it because he is in it lol.


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" But Su, who could recognize illnesses with one glance and prescribe the perfect ye olde herbs to remedy them, has less of an excuse for standing idly by while the king’s condition went south."

I think Su just diagnosed based on experience not because she's playing doctor. I don't remember her diagnosing something major other that skin conditions. Her mom(?) has eczema so she thinks King have the same. She's not curing him, she's alleviating the pain/itch. By bathing him and giving him natural remedies.

Also, I think she mentioned a doctor looking at the Prince's other conditions. So i think it's infair to say that she just watched the King's condition went south.


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I'm kinda split on this. On the one hand, I feel like the signs of madness are pretty hard to ignore for someone who's from the present. Surely she should have tried to talk to Wang So months after it started happening, unless we think that Hae Su finally got it good and she doesn't wanna rock the boat? Either way, the mercury poisoning isn't the best plot.


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Can mercury poisoning really kill people in a short time (2 years is kinda short if it's not drank or eaten)?


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Well, in all fairness to the story. Mu didn't die because of Mercury. He died because he's too weak to get himself out of the water. So he DROWNED.

They just used the Mercury poisoning to pin the death to somebody else. Which is again, Su.


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No Mercury poisoning is being used because it could be easily masked as stress and or bipolar disorder.

One of the symptoms is lack of mobility or decreasing muscle respond. He basically became a newborn in an adult body, he could not push himself up from the water, just like baby got drown in a one inch water.

ergh, I hate saying that as a comparison but it's true.


Yeah, Court Lady Oh (R.I.P.) also mentioned a separate royal doctor to be called in, so obviously the job of diagnosing major illnesses doesn't fall to Su.


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That was why this seemed ridiculous, where are the royal doctors? We saw a whole big team of them in Dr. Jin, right? It was quite nonsensical to have the king poisoned to such a state without any one noticing, this plot hole is rather absurd.


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The royal doctors; diagnosis was that the king was just stressed and suffered from lack of sleep. I won't be surprised if the royal doctors are in the pay of Wook. Remember the time when YeonHwa pretended to be poisoned?


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I know women in the Victorian age died from using makeup that mercury, but is it really possible to die from bathing in water that has small amounts of mercury?


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Apparently it takes less than a gram of mercury to produce toxicity or death.

And Chae-ryung had prepped the herb sachet for the king's bath more than once, by the look of it.


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And it was after Soo left the bathroom. The poison was probably given in small amounts each time and the Doctors were likely already bribed by Wook?


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Remember, Moo rise up to the throne with much complaint from several of nobles so it possibly he wanted to keep it a secret that he's going "insane" so maybe he barely called any doctor.



Mercury is volatile at body temperature, so just imagine all that hot bath water acting as a vaporizer. I expect that inhalation of mercury vapor would be a highly effective delivery method via the lungs, not only to poor Mu, but to everyone working there. Factor in whole-body transdermal absorption from steeping in "mercury soup," and the king would literally end up "mad as a hatter." (In more recent times, mercury was used in making felt for use in hats, so mercury poisoning was an occupational hazard for hatters / hat makers.)

What blows my mind it the failure of the royal physician(s) to recognize and treat the symptoms of mercury poisoning. That's assuming the doctors weren't already co-opted by Wook & Co-conspirators... Mercury toxicity was well-known in ancient times. The Romans condemned criminals to working in cinnabar mines, where life expectancy was something like 3 years. Or only 6 months if they worked among the smelters to refine the ore into quicksilver... [source: "Cinnabar: Its Brutal History and Modern Transformation," online article.]

NB: Mercury was formerly used as a remedy for syphilis, a venereal disease that, if left untreated, in its end stages can cause insanity...


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You're welcome... But see below for correction.

My vaporization scenario won't work at the normal temperatures in the Damiwon's bathing facilities. Alas, it's too late at night to consult my dongsaeng the biochemist. ;-)


Oops... Quicksilver is liquid at room temperature, but enters its gaseous state at 690.1°F -- compared to water's boiling point of 212°F. Hmmm. Well that would have cooked poor Mu long before the vapor formed...

I suspect the poisoners were going for transdermal absorption from the bath water.

More info here:
Mercury, Chemical Element


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Because of the king's eczema, he had open sores on his body making it much easier to absorb the mercury.


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You are right, and ewwwwwwww!


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Yes .and i think even if she can do something she's not allowed to take action and change history so far. I really like this show despite all its flaws and mistakes..bcoz when its gud its soo gud .no shows is perfect anyway :):):) the love story flow between so n soo is great..i love both of them..


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So & Su's scenes were my favorite. I love their easy affection for each other and their honesty & communication. But I laughed so hard when So thought Jung was her past love. Then again, I guess he hasn't seen any evidence of Wook & Su's past. I'm a bit worried about their future though (avoid negative thoughts...lol). Their scenes were a bright moment among all the scheming and violence.


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yeah, I had to laugh a little when he thought Jung was her past love (though Jung certainly has a big ol' noona crush on Su) especially after he tore Wook a new one just last episode for abandoning Su.

I think, as other commenters have suggested, that So sees Wook as Su's "family" and all ties they have through that lens, and doesn't realise they could have been something else altogether to each other.

And he won't realise it until he sees it firsthand/sees evidence (kind of reminds me of Sassy Go Go last year, where we were SO CONVINCED Ha-joon i.e. Ji-soo knew his bff liked the same girl, but it turned out he didn't actually know or just dismissed all evidence of it as a casual interest, until he, well, saw them.)


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I cringe everytime i read about honesty and not lying to each other. While i do heart their conversation and heart to heart communication, i dread for them- for how long that can last with the palace once again thrown into turmoil. Lying by omission is still lying right? Because HaeSoo has not mentioned Wang Wook to So. And because now Wang Wook is also So's greatest enemy. I dread when So knows this but not by Hae soo's mouth.. Heart will bleed..


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actually, so can do a simple elimination:
x baek ah
x jung

Who's left is:
crown prince (who died)
yo 3rd prince (very unlikely...)
wook 8th prince
won 9th prince (so little interaction between hae soo and him)
eun 10th prince (maybe???)

Or is he thinking of ji mong or some other person outside the royal family LOL


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Hey, don't rule out Ji-mong! Sure, he wouldn't be my first pick, but probably an easy 4th, if not 3rd. Remember, smart is sexy. He's kind, loyal, secretly a bit of a dork. And has that ahjussi swag (Swagjussi, as I like to call it). Ji-mong got it goin' on.


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Not to mention that Stargazer Ji-Mong has a terrific twinkle in his eye... Beneath that dignified-but-dorky exterior lurks a Wild And Crazy Guy.


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Lol at both of you! If Hae Soo is the Lady of the Lake, then Ji Mong is Merlin. (I've definitely been getting Merlin vibes off him since Episode 1.) He uses his mysterious knowledge and works behind the scenes (while seeming to do Arthur's father Uther's bidding) to get Arthur on the throne; is in charge of young Arthur's education; and is seemingly much more emotionally attached/invested in Arthur than Uther. We never really know his mysterious purpose either. Legend talks of magic/esoteric knowledge/prescience and even says he's living his life backwards through time.

And if we're doing the Arthur legend, then either Taejo is Arthur (with Queen Yoo/Morgan le Fay plotting to put their son Yo/Mordred on the throne--Mordred does rise against Arthur in battle), OR...

Wang So is Arthur, who ushers in a golden age of fairness and chivalry, and Hae Soo will be both Lady of the Lake, and Guinevere, who betrays him with a knight? (In his mind, I mean: with Wook or Jung.) Guinevere does go off to live in a nunnery, in the end.

Hmmm, maybe I've stretched that further than it wants to go. I still get Merlin vibes from Ji-Mong, though!


Lol... this kinda reminds me one of the scene in Answer Me 1994 where everyone couldn't believe Na Jeong's friend (can't remember her name) was dating Sam Cheon Po (who was played by this ver same actor). Na Jeong was like "Why?" and Oppa was like "Do you need money? Oppa will give you some (something like that)"


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Having rewatched the first three episodes this weekend, I was actually feeling sympathy for Wook. But this week! OMG this week! He is seriously eeeevil! Ugh, those cold dead eyes! There is no excuse possible for slowing poisoning your brother to death with mercury, causing him to go insane. Poor Mu: terrified, paranoid, hallucinating. What a way to go.


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Soo is probably one of the most retroactive heroines I have seen in a long time...girl needs to get out there and figure out what to do because obviously the way things are going to end up, no brother will stay alive.

She just goes along with everything and yes, I get it, the King said not to change anything and let things play out, but she seems so assertive in so many ways and it's a pity we get to see none of it.

What is she fighting for? Family? Love? A future for herself and the people she cares about? It's frustrating for us viewers because so many people have fought for her and we're still waiting for her to do something. Moon lovers, please deliver!

On a good note, their relationship is finally growing! She basically has the boy whipped and I'm loving how they interact, especially all the times he reaches to kiss her and she's like nope. Super cute and IU and LJK are so beautiful that I don't mind the closeups, it's def a plus point haha


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Two year time skip or not, I love So and Su's relationship and what it's become in that time - which is a solid friendship that So would very much like to turn into a romance, but Su wasn't up to acknowledging her own changing feelings until she was forced by So's marriage to the child princess.

I do like that So admits to spending the night wanting to break down her door because he knows perfectly well Jung is inside (and Jung totally has a massive crush on Su, which she doesn't seem to have registered yet even if she's perceptive enough to see his growing distance from So in the wake of Yo's "death"). I'd been hoping So and Jung could find common ground, but apparently not.

Also Heads, re: the mercury poisoning, it's quite plausible that Su didn't realise it was happening - she was the one preparing the king's baths with Chae-ryung, and she had absolutely no reason to think Chae-ryung was going behind her back and slipping poison in the bath, and especially not on Wook's orders! I also found the 'drowning in three inches of water' thing kind of absurd until I looked up a list of mercury poisoning symptoms, and found the following:

- mood swings, nervousness, irritability, and other emotional changes,
- insomnia,
- headache,
- abnormal sensations,
- muscle twitching,
- tremors,
- weakness,
- muscle atrophy

And he's pretty weak by the end, so I can kind of buy him drowning. But Su had pretty much no reason to think he was being poisoned by her most trusted maid (and how many of us would actually know the symptoms of mercury poisoning without wikipeda etc?) so I'll forgive her for this one.


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Yes. I agree with all points. I'm curious though if mercury poisoning can be detected during those times. I mean, the symptoms can be for other diseases. But can they specifically say "he's being poisoned by mercury".


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tbqh I was surprised that the poison of choice was mercury at all - I don't know what form they used it in back then.

But it was quite illuminating to go to the list and see how exactly Mu's condition lined up with known symptoms of mercury poisining.


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@pogo, @Sojuboy,

The only forms of mercury that immediately come to mind are quicksilver (which used to be used in old-fashioned fever thermometers) and (powdered) cinnabar ore.

I posted a bit more mercury info above at 13.4.2 .

As for the use of a poison as a medicine, it's still being done today. It's been said that the only difference between a poison and a medicine is dosage...


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That was a huge indoor hot spring or whatever they call it. I'm pretty sure I have more mercury in my sushi than Mu would get from a pouch of traditional herbal medicine with mercury that is being dissolved in bath water.


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I actually think the vapour/liquid helped it to absorb faster into his system, if anything. And hey, at least it's not as anachronistic as Ji-mong's aviator headgear in episode 1!


If they had done some more research they would have known that mercury poisoning was unknown at that time.


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That's not exactly true - mercury was known in ancient China as far back as a couple of centuries B.C., and was used in medicine.

Not exactly implausible for 10th-century Goryeo to know of its poisoning uses tbqh.


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Fact that used it as medicine tells you all you need to know about how clueless they were back then.


yeah but over a millennium passed between 200-odd BC and AD900s Goryeo.... plenty of time to see a few deaths and figure out this is actually poisonous and not to be eaten.


Thanks for this info because all I was thinking after reading the recap is: When did Soo become a doctor to know things were that bad with Mu? The doctor already said he just needed more sleep so how was she to know he was being poisoned and didn't need more sleep?
As far as I remembered, Go Ha Jin was a makeup artist in the future, not a doctor...


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Exactly, modern-Su has as much knowledge as an average modern girl, what she does know extra about is skin and how to make it up.

She knows what to do for eczema because she's encountered a previous case irl, and PTSD is a pretty widely known concept even to people who aren't medical professionals. Poisoning, though? That's not a thing the average person sees firsthand in their lifetimes.


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Finally after 14 episodes our OTP is finally together!!! As expected, it was fast paced, but hey what are you going to do when you wasted 14 episodes with the other dude? Even though I still couldn't get the gist of the two year timeskip, I'm somewhat content that it took Soo some time to be able to love So back. For some reason I have some mixed feelings about it... I understand that he married his niece for a good reason and it's not that type that pertains to love, but it's still a marriage:( I'm guessing we'll just never get things the way we want them to be...


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Even as villain, Wookie can't do it right.

Just do it Wookie... just do it... don't you ever learn...? LOL


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Totally agree. Even as a villain, he's a weak one.


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I don't need to check history to know that he will get neither the girl nor the throne.

He cares way too much about his image and doesn't want to get his hands dirty.


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That TIME JUMP!! makes me *WTH? happened in the last 2 years?!?! WTH?? happened to goryeo, hae soo, wang so and the rest of the characters??* It makes me kind of confused with this set up. The transition of events makes me wooooo hahaha. I wish the staff had came up with extended episodes to really fill in the gaps to the story. It's like they are rushing things too fast for a fan to fully comprehend the episode's story. Why not make 30 episodes T^T i know that filming has ended but come on huhu.

P.S. ANOTHER HAE SOO blackmail and frame up?!? COME ON!! STOP PICKING ON HAE SOO poor baby IU T^T


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The bad guys reached into their bag of trick and framed her up for poison again.
Reminds me of the one douche always poisoning ppl in Faith. Like, there are other ways to kill people...


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@Rosa IKR!! I had enough of these baddies. Yo's condition about letting Soo live but has crime of killing the King makes me boil out of annoyance. Chae Ryung should be blamed for poisoning the king.


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That's my main complaint with this episode - the TIME JUMP! - as well as the lack of Su's inner thoughts through those two years. So how about if this episode was framed right from the beginning with some of Su's thoughts as she was working at the Damiwon? Let me know what you think:

"Two years passed after Crown Prince Mu took the throne. Wang So continued his ambassador duties and I rarely saw him, but my feelings for him had changed and grown stronger in the interval. I no longer feared him becoming Gwangjong. If this was his fate, I would bow to it. In the meantime, I bowed to my own as I became senior court lady in place of Lady Oh."

I'm not saying she should have said this, but SOMETHING like this needed to be said, I would argue, and a simple voiceover would set the context for what happened during those two years, why her fear of Gwangjong seems to have disappeared, why this love story can happen now when it couldn't earlier or during the past two years. Moreover, I'm tired of having to guess at Su's thoughts when we knew exactly what was going through her mind in the first episodes - she was the protagonist/heroine after all, and everything we see needs to be filtered through her.

One could argue that the whole episode should have been changed, but there were some really strong areas in it. My argument would be that often all it really needs is tweaking and re-editing.


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I agree with you 400%!!

My main complain in the last few episodes and specially this episode is no voice over. IS AMAZING how a voiceover can change things completely. The best example is in episode 12 when So comes back and Soo pushes him away. In the international version there is no voiceover so it seems like she is acting crazy out of nothing, So and the audience are like WTH happened to you! 1 year of hormones! (not enough for menopause) But in the SBS version the voiceover says "You must stop caring about me" "Please, don't abandon who you are for me" So still is like WTH but he can read her emotions (thank god) and understands as well as the audience with the voiceover that she is blaming herself for what happened to him and doesn't want to cause him more pain. With the voiceover the audience gets a little bit more, that she cares about him and that what really scares her is not that he is Gwangjong but he could suffer or sacrifices himself for her.

If it weren't for IU's acting and expressions I wouldn't understand anything about this because thank god I watch first SBS without subtitles so I get her emotions without being bias my the subtitles. Her acting clearly shows that she loves him, I can see it, Wang So can see it, in episode 12 we see that now she can see it not voiceover to gives a little more insight. GOSH people IU cannot transmit 2 years of events with no words. That is why we know and love So's character so well because he is always sharing what happened to him, his childhood, flashbacks, but the writer seem to think that that wasn't important for Soo.

Last, for me is so clear that she has loved him for so long, what changed in this episode is that she realized she shouln't take him for granted anymore, she can lose him, whether to a princess or other woman she can lose him so she better start showing him her feelings and that its what motivates her to kiss him first!



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Omg this. So many times yes.

Personally I thought they should've done Su monologues everytime there's been some what of a time jump / transitioning.

After Myung Hee's death - clearly a few months has passed - something simple explaining her current relationship with each prince would've been great interlaced with scenes of their interactions, i.e. her and Baek Ah drinking, Eun's puppet show, Jung's sword fight demonstration.

After the first time jump - one year - a basic recap of herself and her thoughts and her despair, maybe what she heard or know is happening to the princes, her new friend maybe?

After the second time jump - two years - as you said, something simple that will sum up the current situation and provide some much needed exposition.


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That also fits in with the original BBJX where Rou Xi is narrating most of it right??


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Absolutely agree that a few monologue voice overs from Su during time jumps and transition scenes here and in the past would do so much to solve some of these problems, not all of them but 75% I bet.


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Seriously, they stick voiceovers in scenes which should probably have had dialogue (horseback running-away-from-Taejo scene, post-kiss visit to the sea), but when a voiceover would actually be appropriate, we get none.


Yes to all of this. A voice over as she's directing the other court ladies. It would explain a hella lot and why her relationship with Wang So didn't progress in 2 YEARS. No way that boy was trying to play marbles (that's a dig at Eun, Wang So DOES NOT WANNA play marbles with Hae Su hehe). I vote for a audience choice edit of this show.


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Lol! I agree, NO MARBLES! His non-action in that interval has to be explained by absence, and though later we get a hint he's been away, there's no sense it's been for most of the two years and that's why there is no advancement. Too little information, too late given. It would be totally out of character for him to just sit around not making any moves on Su at all after he's established all that alpha male possessiveness and immediacy with her.


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FINALLY!! I HAVE COMRADES ABOUT THIS MATTER! While watching this episode i find it hard to understand the situations sometimes. That's why i question my screen what the eff is going on. LOL *virtually group hugs you guys*


Virtual hug to you too!


Kang Maru....Yes agree group hug!!!. Thank you for suggesting voiceovers...agree completely...OMG we need voiceovers....forget about trying to fix all the edit mistakes...the story was going to move at lightning speed the minute they decided to do something as epic as this story and cram it into 20 episodes, when the original has more than 30....but voiceovers is the miracle this needs to transform this little gem ....You know what Barbrey? ...Taking your idea of how So travels as an Ambassador reminds me that in the original C-version Roxi travels with the King and his entourage to visit the border lands and Roxi is the tea lady for the King on his travels...those travel scenes where some of my favorite because it felt like the King and Princes experienced more freedom outside the Palace...I had thought when Hae Soo got hired as a Court Lady, the astrologer had said she got to travel too...so I was hoping we would see some of those travels....they just didn't materialize....Well the lost two years would have been a perfect time for So to figure out a way to have her travel with him , to give her a taste of that freedom he said he wanted her to try.....It would have let us see them together outside the Palace, gazing at Stars, sitting infront of the fire, really getting to know each other outside the Palace restrictions...



How I would have enjoyed seeing those scenes! This reminds me of Cheese in the Trap, where once the relationship was established, we never got to see the two of them as fully compatible lovers enjoying themselves tremendously together, as we do in the webtoon it was based upon, but instead the drama focuses on too many school bullies and the second lead. I hope that we get more than just this boat scene!


"Two years passed after Crown Prince Mu took the throne. Wang So continued his ambassador duties and I rarely saw him, but my feelings for him had changed and grown stronger in the interval. I no longer feared him becoming Gwangjong. If this was his fate, I would bow to it. In the meantime, I bowed to my own as I became senior court lady in place of Lady Oh.”

Oh yes! This would have been awesome! :D :D
Nevertheless, Su made much progress in this episode :) I really like her being assertive, asking for an explanation and Wang So and not being afraid of barring him entry to her room :P :P

P.S Really love your Water Maiden myth take on Su. :)
P.S.S Silver because it's what I usually sign off with and Eyeliner because of Yo. Someone had to root for the him (besides Queen Yoo) :P (though Lee Joon Gi is always my favourite) :D


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Hae Soo really is the scapegoat. If only she would have gotten better grades in history maybe she could realize this is a no-win situation for her, love be damned. It seems like the writers want us to think she is determined and will do something great but she just ends us being a victim of her unlucky circumstances (except for So's kisses). I want her and Ji Mong to be more than forgotten time travelers. I mean, if I were her, I would meet up with Ji Mong all the time to talk about like where they're from and all sorts of stuff. He told her once when she inquired to not do anything to change the past but that's it? that's all the curiosity sh (and he) has about being time travelers? There is so much more that could be going on to make this kdrama exciting and engaging - I thought Hae Soo was going to tell So something about future Goryeo when they sat under the stars, but no...


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@owl I'm fed up with Hae Soo being the scapegoat, seriously they should find another character to frame up lol.
Good point about Ji Mong and Hae Soo to meet up, that will be a more interesting scene.


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I agree that the time travelling aspect -Ji Mong's and Hae Soo's are very under-developed. Perhaps she doesn't discuss things much with him because Ji Mong doesn't really seem to remember that he REALLY came from the future. He only sort of remembered it like a 'half forgotten dream'.. So he's not much help to her.

Nevertheless, let's wait and see. There's still 6 episodes left. :D


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I was very very very disappointed in this episode. In my opinion, it may the worst one yet which is odd because Hae Soo and So are finally expressing their feelings?! The time skip was completely unnecessary. This episode was all over the place, I don't understand how the scene with Baek Ah and Woohee connects to the story overall. That side plot seems to be in a drama of its own.

I have to keep reminding myself that Hae Soo is from the future since she doesn't act like it! Surely she would have watched enough saeguk dramas in the 21st century to know that 99.9% of time if someone falls off a cliff and no body is recovered, they're coming back alive. C'mon Hae Soo, have you forgotten about life in the future?!


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Just wanna say, this is my first time commenting on Dramabeans... because THIS EPISODE. I was SO frustrated and none of my 'real life' friends are watching this drama so I need a community to commiserate with.

I agree with you, Suha, I really don't understand why they made Hae Soo from the future since she seems to have forgotten all about it. Nothing makes her special at this point (besides her makeup skills? I mean, COME ON there is more to the future than makeup skills, girl).

Really hope we get some redemption from tomorrow's episode. I can't deal with this disappointment for much longer... this showed so much promise in the beginning and now it's literally just a sageuk. With a heroine who can't read hanja (that's literally all that reminds me that she's from the future).


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Yup, nothing much about her is 21st century.. except for her random bouts of outspokenness and her fearlessness of Wang So's scar.

It would have been even interesting to see her capitalizing on her knowledge of skincare.."this substance is toxic so it should not be used..." (back in the past, ppl use a lot of toxic substances like lead for make up purposes) or her checking Crown Prince Moo's pale complexion/ worsening eczema condition and deducing that something is terribly wrong.

The directing, editing and scriptwriting leave a lot to be desired. It felt like they started off with Hae Soo and then got side tracked by a list of events that need to happen (the fight for the throne, Wang So needing to marry the niece, ascension order Moo --> Yo etc)... and while they're busy making things happen, they forgot to develop Hae Soo properly.


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@SilverEyeliner - Right?!

Plus, how the heck does she know all of the proper court culture / customs? I get that the drama 'fast-forwarded' us a few years but I really don't think it's possible for her to be that 'perfect' of a court lady in that time.

I'm finding it more and more suspicious that no one else suspects her oddities as something else. Not that we've seen a lot of her 'future' self coming out, so, maybe that's what we're supposed to believe.

It's really getting sidetracked. I could care less about a lot of the minor characters. There's also way less moments between Hae Soo and Ji Mong, who is also supposed to be from the future. I expected them to be more partners/friends since they share this experience but, so far, it's only been a few 'warnings' from Ji Mong. Makes no sense to me.

If they were going to make the drama like this, there's no reason for Hae Soo to be from the future. Why don't we have more 'flashbacks' from her real life? All she does is make doe eyes at people...

So very disappointed. I really wanted to love this drama, so few sageuks that I've liked recently and I was getting into this in the beginning... but I might now wait to watch until it's actually over. :( Major sadface.


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I totally agree that she is just becoming a person of her time, no funnelling through 21st century girl anymore, and it is a big problem as far as my interest in the drama is concerned.


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I would just like to see So take an interest in Soo background. What was her life like growing up?, her family? Her Clan?...a girl as unique as her, I would be asking all sorts of questions about how they grew up this way....but I feel like this would be very dangerous territory because eventually Hae Soo would start to give herself away....instead they only talk about So's past. Does So even know about Soo's accident and memory loss?


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That would be great!!! :)


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Why does this series seem so...insincere? If the production people are just going to edit it for the sake of telling a story, what's the point? If you were given only 20 episodes, why have so many storylines that you could not even establish and follow through? I do feel that the actors are trying hard to convey their characters to the audience, but it all amounts to nothing when it's edited and presented disjointedly. Is it just me, but: Where is progression? Where are the scenes showing character motivation?


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Why am I even here if I don't like it anymore? :( :(


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you tell me???


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I'm thinking a) LJK, b) wanting the show to get better, c) waiting for an ep 11 style episode or d) curious to see how it will end. Or maybe it's because I feel that it's such a shame because there was so much potential but the result was just disappointing. I don't know. My main emotion right now is just sadness.


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It feels like the production team thought they could make a quick win to repeat the success of DotS by simply putting together the blockbuster elements: a remake of a successful drama, LJK, kpop stars, kpop songs and aggressive promotion. They thought it would be surefire success, so they probably didn't bother to put in a lot of sincere concerted effort into the production process (at least this is how the viewers perceived), so the end result was so disappointingly shoddy, from the writing and the plot itself to directing, editing, bgm. No matter how superb a performance the actors had put up, all were in vain, just like even if there were best quality ingredients, if we had a bad recipe to start with, and the chef/kitchen helpers also messed things up, then added too much unnecessary condiments in an attempt to mask the taste, the dish would still not taste good.


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Indeed, all the great elements were there, but. The 'recipe,' as you said. I don't know anymore, I'm just sad. :(


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Too many storylines placed together and the result is one slightly unfocused piece of work. But it could get better. Who knows? Everything might tie up later! :D :P :)


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BABY WOOKIE is deymm fine in this episode. I know he is super sly but that look and close up shots are so goodddd!! And he is starting to have eyeliner lol is he replacing Wang Yo?! hahaha


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Yeah, I noticed Wook finally got his eyeliner! But then I guess poisoning your brother and forcing him to abdicate the throne = you earn yourself a little smoky outer corner.


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Lol! I noticed this as well. Evil = eyeliner.

Yo didn't have any though. He's too bad on his own, he doesn't need eyeliner to let others know...


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Yo was the original Eyeliner Prince out of the lot, lol. I guess being in hiding = he ran out of his stash?

and So wears eyeliner too even though he's not evil at all. But he gets a pass because it highlights Lee Jun-ki's eye shape to perfection, all kinds of unlawful things happen to my insides every time we get a close-up of his face and I see THOSE EYES.


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all kinds of unlawful things happen to my insides every time we get a close-up of his face and I see THOSE EYES


I suspect that even if we don't end up as cellmates as a result of those phenomena, we'll be the ones starting the riot in Cellblock #9... ;-)

Yay for EvilEye guyliner!


I laughed so hard at the ''little smoky outer corner''.


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Yasss i think EYELINERS are somewhat kind of a reward in this drama hahaha! You have done bad here is a eyeliner reward lol.

IDK if Wang Won has eyeliners too i did not notice.


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Lol their evilness is directly correlated to the darkness surrounding their eyes- be it eyshadow or eyeliner! WY's one even seems waterproof.

Which reminds me that WS will get his eyeliner sometime during his reign- i suppose that part when he goes dark is when theres a rift between him and HS from a misunderstanding?


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I think it's Liner Time for all this ep. Even So got liner, and what looks like grey shadow in some scenes. Eye makeup = political shenanigans?


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Wang Yo new look without eyeliner.


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I found this episode to be so weird. Like, so so weird. (Haha I'm punny.) But because I only care about Wook, I find his character trajectory sad. He's poisoning his own brother?? I find that really sad compared to who he was at the beginning of this drama, and find it difficult to believe that he got there through the steps the drama is showing us. I understand he wants to be king, but... come on.

I read somewhere that the 4th prince doesn't find out that the girl was in love with the 8th prince until the very end and then they fight in the original drama, which I find interesting and quite frankly, weird. Why??? Like, why does she not tell him??? Why??? I don't understand??? Someone explain???

Also: damn. Wook got cold. His barb about So marrying was so good. I kind of like evil Wook, even though I don't understand him whatsoever. Hopefully he can be a better villain than Yo? Probably not, though, because like I said: I don't understand him whatsoever.


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So I watched the original and I don't think this is spoilery..i hope.. Any way my take away was that in that version Rouxi was a lot closer to the eighth than here..they made out rolling in the grass..which I was actually hoping to happen in this version..aha. Anyway I think it might be awkward in this whole situation to say..oh yeah by the way I was totally in love with your brother back then even when I was being friendly with you.. Add into the fact that society at that time probably wouldn't react well to that news.. Oh! and the 4th was a very jealous/serious/more intense/violent/calculating/ambitious man.. Both of the 4th's are honestly very different imo. Not saying I dislike LJK version but the Whole original drama was waaaaay more serious than this one..


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4th prince finally knowing about the extend of the relationship between Ruoxi and 8th had a huge impact in the Chinese drama.
I'm kind of dreading for that day So finds out about HS and Wook, tbh. It's going to be heartbreaking :(


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I can see how it would be heartbreaking. I've warmed up to So in the last few episodes even though he's still not my favourite hero ever.

I will say that I am sad about the potential of this story. I think if they had gone even more intense with the Wook loveline then they could have made the breaking hurt so much more and I would be torn apart by my feels.

This drama summed up in a few words: could be so much MORE.


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if you ever have time for a 30 ep drama the original is pretty damn close to perfect..hurt like hell..but that's also why I loved it so much. :)


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Welp. 35 episodes. my bad.aha


Where can I find the original Chinese show to watch?


Hm. I've found it on Dramafever (only eng subs tho) and Viki (subs in many languages) but those are the only legal sites I know of..there are other sites that will probably have it as well. you can search for it as: Scarlet Heart, 步步惊心, or 步步驚心


perhaps PD-nim don't want us to suffer for a very long time if they indeed produce more episode. I remember I read somewhere ending of this version will be more heart breaking than the original one?


so i have to say it again...its 35 ep of 45min but they have an intro and outro song which takes about 5min

So 40min X 35 = 1400

1400 - 20 X 60min = 200min

200 / 60 = 3.33

its only about 3.5 episodes difference....

if you have the impression the korean version is so rushed and poor, we can only blame time management tbh. They have enough time to develop their characters and story but they are focusing on the wrong things

TBH, K drama have no depth but k-fans like it and try to analyse everything lol.


in BBJX, though, 8 and Ruoxi were a LOT more intimate than 8 and Soo. Hopefully, just the fact Soo LIKED him wouldn't send So away. She never did anything with him.


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I'm actually surprised Wook is not only in on a plot to kill the king, but has okayed a plan that involves the Damiwon and will likely implicate Su. And he STILL claims to be doing it for her?!

Now I'm actually wondering what the fallout on So and Su will be if/when he finds out about her relationship with Wook. I'm dreading it tbh.


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Yeah, that made no sense at all that he would do that. Though Chae Ryung's in a poor position and I guess he could always implicate her as the villain if things turned too serious for Su.

I too am worried about the fallout because of what people post about the original - key plot point it seems.


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What worries me is that Jung knows about Su/Wook, and Jung is actually really hostile to So + has a crush on Su himself.

Baek-ah also knows, but he has his own reasons for keeping deathly quiet about it and not spilling to So.


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I'm soooo not ready with the fall out. Hiks


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I hate to sound so cynical, but I suspect Wook is completely fine with implicating Hae Su. He does want her, but as he said in episode 13 "I will make you come back to me."

That is so chilling because it sounds so controlling, manipulative, even vengeful. This is not love poem Wook, this is "I'll get what I want at any cost" Wook. S-C-A-R-Y.

Also, as other commentators pointed out, they do have Chae Ryung as a fall guy.

It's quite the perfect (devious) plan. Frame Hae Su to force her back to Wook. If she complies, use Chae Ryung as the scapegoat.

You play chess until your opponent has no where else to go but the direction you want, and you slowly close in....


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@PinappleGongzhu - yes, it did cross my mind that Wook might allow Su to be implicated in his scheming (with all the consequences that entails) with the idea that he could either save her or that the weakening through that might bring her back to him.


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And yes, Wook in full pursuit of power, is scary. Not least because of his self-delusions about doing it for Su - to the very end, he wants to be seen as the 'good' prince and not the one who rocks any boats, which is quite telling and influences all his actions even before this. Whether it was his reluctance to act on Lady Hae's suggestion to marry Su, or the roundabout way he set things up for Yo to be the sole bad guy in the treason plot.

The prince who made footsteps in the snow for Su, is pretty much gone at this point. (A+++ to Kang Haneil for playing him so effectively, though - this drama messed up a lot, but they got their lead casting right)


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@PineapleGongzhu, @ pogo

Oooh, yes, this makes perfect sense. And cold, maybe vengeful chessmaster Wook IS scary. (Many years ago I read something someone wrote about real-life chess grandmasters: that they were by and large, strange and unpleasant people.)

Wook's clearly gone nuts, though, because what he liked about Hae Soo originally is the sense of lightness and relief from burdens she brought him. If he forces her to submit, what good will it do him?


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4th didn't knew cause it happen in discreet, it's not known outside of the 8th circle and they are so close that no one suspect it, they hide it so good and the people are assumed to be loyal

even 8th wouldn't knew if 4th is real with her until the rain scene, and that was a long journey


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Okay now I'm really anticipating the fallout from this. It better be good. Like I'm expecting it to be super dramatic and get me in the feels plz


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Me too! I am waiting for the fallout! I am dreaded with their impending heartbreaking separation, but I cannot wait for it! I dont know why I am so eager to have my heart being shredded into pieces because of them. LOL. What is happening to me?


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@scribbler: in the original, Rouxi knows the fates of the princes, and she knows 4th bore deep resentment toward 8th and she knows 8th would have a bitter ending too. By warning 8th's of the people he should beware as a final good will before they break up, and deliberately not telling 4th about her previous relationship with 8th, leaving him to assume (wrongly) that she had something special going on with 14th, Rouxi was trying to change history and to prevent 8th's bitter end, because as a past lover she has come to genuinely care about him, not as a historical figure but as a person she knows.
Hae Soo doesn't know about the future so the show will have to explain the dynamics among her, So and Wook differently, and we will also need another strong reason for why she doesn't want to tell So about Wook, for the revelation to deliver a fatal blow to their relationship.


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Well, in the Chinese version, it was established from the beginning that 4th and 8th were fierce rivals battling for the throne and a lot of the show was all about the 2 camps and the machinations each did to get the throne. The relationship between Rouxi and 8th was a lot more intense-they kissed and even slept together (I think it was just one time). 4th was very jealous, so Rouxi wasn't going to just tell him everything "Hey, I loved your brother and wanted to marry him. We were briefly engaged until it fell apart." I think Rouxi also knew that 4th would always question her love for him if he knew she loved 8th first, so she didn't want say anything. When 4th found out that Rouxi literally "slept with the enemy" (also his brother) he was super upset.


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No 4th vs 8th was from the start, in the c version, the throne was coveted. Also, political war was always separated from personal stuff. i.e Ruoxi was never the reason the princes to fight over the throne.

There was a scene where 13th ask why would she hide it from 4th and she answered that she believe that it is ok to have many relationship before marriage and would have told him but could not because it was specifically 8th. (we can see the modern Ruoxi here)

Ruoxi hide the relationship with 8th because of who he was. She was scared 4th prince would kill 8th for that and wanted to keep 8th from the tragic ending that awaits him according to history.


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Thank you HeadsNo2!


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Yes, thank you so much for the recap, Heads! I'm sorry you got the luck of yet another frustrating show (I love ot but I admit its faults) but I will always appreciate that you stick with them to the end.


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Can someone explain to me how Yo can just marched in the front gate with his army like boss?

Shouldn't the king guards battle them on the way, creating a chaotic scene or something? Not a neat army marching style, when Yo shoot arrows at palace guard like his little hunting picnic?



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He probably planned is so that the general was away and Wook took decreased the number of guards (assuming that's why he reveals himself to Wook).


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I don't get why we're STILL spending time with Baek-ah's pointless love interest and her weirdly posed twirly swords either.

I don't mind Eun's wife, she's adorable and the actress brings enough to her scenes to actually make them enjoyable. But yeah, we're still spending time with this pointlessness?


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yea, those pointless side stories should have been cut

and I also wonder since Yo was a traitor, did Mu ever try to eliminate Yo's connection/supporters in that 2 yrs span? Because seriously, when one become King, he will eliminate all threat to the throne, wouldn't he? especially those involved in revolt


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It's so that when 10th Prince and his wife are slaughtered, we can feel his "loss of time", as in, he wasted too much time not loving her. And since her father is a general, that is how the couple will re-enter the main storyline: Anyway, acoording to Wikipedia, Yo won't be able to keep his king seat for long, because he didn't have the support of the army. I'm guessing So wins at the end because the army backs him. So was sorta raised by/trained with the general (10th Prince's FIL), and killing his daughter and the man she adores isn't going to help Yo.


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well, with this drama so far, Im almost certain that I wont empathize with that "loss of time" romance of 10th prince when the time come because even though so much screen time was spent on their story, I did not feel for them.

perhaps I will pity seon-deok, but that's about it

but I agree that the general will join force with So to defeat Yo

however, doesn't it seem contradicting when you said Yo didn't have support from the army, yet he overthrow Mu with revolution, barging in with an army? I guess the general has more soldiers under his wing than the clan that support Yo


Yo does have military support, in the form of his father-in-law Park Yeong-gyu and his uncle Wang Sik-ryeom. Historically he personally passed on the throne to So, so there wasn't as much bloodshed as the show would have us believe. But I guess in here they'll probably show how So outmaneuvers Yo with the help of Park Su-gyeong and the Shinju Kang clan.


I like how the plot conveniently forgot about Park Sul-hui, Mu's biggest military supporter/ally, but you gotta do what you gotta do for plot movement. So I guess they just made it like, oh Yo's dead his fellow conspirators are also probably dead. If only.


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I think The Yoo clan alone would have been big enough to support Yo on the throne. They were the reason why Taejo was able to capture territories along the Nakdong river which was a huge victory for Goryeo.
Sangju was right at the enemy's border for both Baekje and Shilla. They had to have a huge army to defend themselves from invasions.


How dare them leave out my favorite general. I'm going to curse this drama for his sake....


I am going to say that in the original c-version 10th Prince and 13th play important parts with their side plots....based on that I think 13th and 10th might seem like pointless but I'm not sure it will be that way by the end....I'm waiting to see how they weave them into the story in this version....


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Especially in light of a two-year jump! I know it was to move past the King's reign and onto the battle for the throne, but the side stories were like time froze for Baek Ah and even Hae Soo and So's stories (although she was made Head Tea Sniffer). The princes fighting and motives stories advance but the side stories are freeze framed. Maybe that's a kind of time travel, too?


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Can someone explain to me how Yo can just marched in the front gate with his army like boss?

I'm wondering about that, too. Maybe we'll see in a flashback what was going on. After all, before Taejo headed off to the next life, Mu was pursuing Yo's bandit minions all over the realm. We've heard that Jung was chasing pirates then, so perhaps General Park has had his hands full with other peacekeeping missions since Mu ascended the throne.


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timeskip everywhere..
this drama would've been better if it was set in a fictional than related with goryeo history


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agreed. feel that there is a forced fit with history


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And the problem is, there will definitely be more time skips, and this drama can't seem to handle them properly.


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Despite how much I am addicted to this drama and excited to see Soo loving So back, I have to say this episode was not a good one, it was so badly edited and many things were not explained clearly.
I also find the SBS version better than the international one, as you can see tears in Soo's eyes and feel her pain when she rewriting So's letter over and over again. The same scene in the international version was shortened and actually failed to deliver the emotions it was supposed to portray.
This episode really disappointed me. All the obstacles standing between So and Soo now could have been avoided. I mean, given how So was crazy about Soo and how nice the king is to both of them, it has been two years and they could only get that far? I know that the script has to follow history and this drama may not have a happy ending, but some things do not really make sense here, while some others just do not have to be here.


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SBS one is edited.. So naturally should be better than the original international version (If not it defeats the purpose in doing further edit)

But of course, its a give and take.. with one scene more here, there's got to be somewhere short (just hoping its not important part).. Ultimately i still watched both =x its really tiring chasing this show. what keeps me going is the actors who did a pretty good job haha..


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Hae Soo's "frankly insane promotion": Mu was grateful (secret eczema).

"There’s no reason for the mercury plot to have existed at all if the king was going to die of drowning anyway—at that point, Yo could’ve just held him under those three inches of water until he stopped breathing. I can understand that the point was (maybe) to make Su seem culpable, but it’s not as though nobody saw Yo and his army come into the palace."

The mercury plot was Wook's, not Yo's. Evidently Wook was poisoning Mu (or causing him to be poisoned) over a period of time, every time he took a bath. (See, @Barbrey? Yin-style murder: poison + bath.) Yo was too impatient to wait for Mu's lingering death after finding out, when he came back? Or unwilling to allow Wook any more time to possibly supplant him at court, as he acknowledges Wook is smart and dangerous.

I guess Yo is counting on the victor being able to write the history: if he takes the throne, who would be willing to call him a traitor and a regicide?

Also, according to history, Mu was not killed, and Yo did take the throne. Gotta make it happen somehow. (Although I was seriously frustrated at So for not just killing Yo then and there: no one would blame him, surely? Well, Wook would. And Jung. Sigh.)


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I bow to you, @jamie. Yin style indeed!


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Yo's treacherous, too, but very yang-style: action, heat, sword. What I find myself curious about is that, all this time, Yo and Hae Soo have never seemed to see each other. Why? Just not fated to be?

And how did Yo get his intel about how much So cares about Hae Soo? From Wook?


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I posted some episodes ago about Yo and his curious non-appearance in Ji Mong's visions, and I wasn't sure, but in Su's too. He's like a wild card, someone Su doesn't remember from history and Ji Mong can't see in the future. He doesn't appear to have been born under a star for king like CP and So, or I think we would have heard about it, yet does become a king. I wonder if the drama will account for this in the end or if it will be another loose end.


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I'm not sure Merlin ever foresaw Mordred, either. Maybe? I just don't remember it.


I got the impression he and the 9th prince have been in cahoots. And Chae-ryong has been spying for both Wook and Won. Just a guess...


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Thanks HeadsNo2!

I watched sbs raw last night and afterward felt like I was having indigestion. A lot of things happened too fast, even the sweet looking ones, that I felt I haven't enjoyed them yet but had to move on immediately to the next course.

Now I have watched the subbed version and the feeling is far better. It is still quite fast but the weight of every dialog gives so much meaning to the visuals and makes me really appreciate the story.

Of course, obviously, a dramas is not a drama without dialog, unless there's Chaplin in it, but what I am saying is that in this show almost every dialog counts. Most are either metaphors or foreshadowing. One needs to understand what the characters are saying to appreciate the story, even if its LJK on the screen, everything's flat without the dialog.

There, now I feel better :-)


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I gotta give props to Hong Jong Hyun for sporting the lion-King hair. Now just give him a scar and English accent and we can start hoisting Jun-ki up while a full choir sings in the background when he finally ascends the throne.


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This one made my night,laughed so much at it!!!I can already hear the choir singing!


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Welp! He needs a scar to complete the transformation!


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the conversation between soo and so mostly without meaning and full of push and pull,
it's okay for half of the time or to make excuses when he can't tell her the truth but it feels so juvenile and overly cheesy
ex : It's torture without you
then the wedding happen? or not? seems like the ceremony happen but then it's over without a scene
and what a way yo cut the ending,
ofc he gonna pick Soo,
do we really need to question that???

IU lack expression should represent maturity but all I see is someone too tired to move her eyes a bit brighter or hardly changing her tone, everything is flat until the scream action danger edition,

and the music is such a buzzkill, should have used the instrumental only


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If i didnt watch the C version, i should be bothered more by the time jump. But Im ok w it now. Perhaps the only thing that bothers me about it is how u can resist LJK for 2 more years.. ? LOL.

as if i needed more reasons to hate Queen Shouldneverhavehadchildren, ...but target practice??? Whatdaheck???


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I was definitely expecting just the usual flashback to him leaving for Shinji, not this new and scary shit with flaming arrows!!


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Ok...I have wondered about this....I wonder if So is not the Queens real son...that would explain her treatment .....perhaps she adopted him as a favor to the King...


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Something is seriously wrong with that woman for treating her own son like a target practice. :P


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Thank God for your recaps because I must've watched the wrong version. Things made more sense after reading about those missing scenes.

Is there a way to tell which version I'm watching before I waste my time?


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If it has the logo "SBS" up in the right hand corner, you're watching the one that's being shown in Korea, the re-edited one.


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This by far is the prettiest I have seen IU. She looked radiant in that blue hanbok and dainty pearl earrings.


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That outfit was gorgeous on her! I want that hanbok.


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Seriously she was serving some fairy princess vibes there.


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Also, Lee Jun-ki and IU together in that boat were THE perfect visual match, and I do not say that lightly considering his extreme beauty. He looked like a hot fairy prince and she looked like the princess to match.


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Oh, I so agree! Both IU and LJG looked stunning in their outfits. The sunlight, the water, their colors of blue (yellow, green, and blue) - all that is luscious, bright, green-growing and luminous!

I so agree! They looked so well matched in that scene.

It was so aching that it was too late, and he couldn't ask her to marry him, and she couldn't hear that he loved her....after she finally decided to wear his hairpin.


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I am soooo aggravated with this drama! There are just too many scenes in the SBS version missing from the international version which makes the DramaFever one feel even more disconnected than usual. From the recaps, I can count up to 5 missing scenes including the voice over as Hae soo was reading So's poem.

Hae soo seemed strangely disconnected from the Crown Prince's illness. When he complained in the bath that he was feeling ill and could not sleep, all she offered him was a pillow and tea. I got the impression, she was somewhat short with him and tired of his complaints. For someone who suffered so much from the consequences of poisoning, it boggles the mind that she didn't question the Crown Prince's "illness". She should have suspected something.

Wook telling his mother that he is doing all this, treason for Hae Soo's sake boggles the mind. Is he still fooling himself? Does he think he can win her back by becoming Darth Vader's clone?? Now he's put her in another precarious position. For someone who claims to love her so much, he's certainly responsible for giving her a lot of grief.


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I see Hae Soo has finally found her Zen, and they all want to harsh it. As my daughter says, "I ship Hae Soo with getting the hell away from this entire screwed-up family.

The longer the show goes on, the more I dislike every single one of the brothers. Especially Won, with that oily smile, and Wook, who is whoa to the Evil with a capital E. I mean, at least Yo isn't pretending to be a nice guy while he's putting a sword in your back.

I loved the expressions on Wang So's face when he realized Hae Soo was wearing his hairpin; LJG is really the king of expressionistic acting.

And as a shallow side-note, can you imagine getting paid to mack on Lee Joon-gi? :dreamy sigh:


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"can you imagine getting paid to mack on Lee Joon-gi?"

Exactly. And i was really jealous. And i wonder if i can be switched with IU while they are filming those scenes. Hahaha!


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oh yeah, I loved how that scene set it up by having her turned so that the hairpin was on the side of her head facing away from him.

And then she turns around and you can just see the exact moment he realises it's his hairpin she's wearing. /swoon

And as for getting paid to mack on him, IU is a stronger woman than I am tbh, she manages to stay conscious and say things in his presence while I would just go into fangirl overload swoon and stay in it.


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wow the plot developed so fast in this ep. I am like ???. How did baekah and woohee meet after 2 years and SUDDENLY confirm their feelings for each other??? Also '2 years later' at the start was speechless. Why did hae soo SUDDENLY decide to accept so's feelings.. everything just went by too fast..


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Also ‘2 years later’ at the start was speechless.

Now that I think of it, at the very beginning of the episode there could have been additional expository notes on the events of the intervening two years (instead of a voiceover, for instance). It would have made for a less-bumpy transition from the previous episode.

At first as I was watching this episode raw, I kept thinking, "Uh, there's zero follow-up from last time on Taejo's death, Yo's falling off the cliff, etc." The lack of continuity disoriented and distracted me quite a bit. On the other hand, the story plunged forward full-speed ahead, and I eventually got in the groove.


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"At first as I was watching this episode...the lack of continuity disoriented and distracted me quite a bit. On the other hand, the story plunged forward full-speed ahead, and I eventually got in the groove."

Yes, me too: I started off disoriented and was scrambling to play catch-up in my understanding of what was going on, but then I got into it and kind of enjoyed my mind racing to keep up.


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That forest seems to be the same one during their early encounter back then.. I "assume" both Baek-ah and Woohee seems to be going there often and reminiscing the past whenever they missed each other.. And so happen to meet there after two year.. But whatever, they first meet after two years..

Baek-ah did mention he was afraid to go to her or look for her over these time since that might make her sad (we know the reasons anyway)..

Obviously the continuity is weird, like out of nowhere we talk his love line again.. But i find it more logical now.. Since there's a two year period in between and they know, reflect and can confirm over each other feeling.. and the past might not be hurting that much now..

As compared to the (i still cant accept and digest) previous ep, where she just tried to assassinate his father, and he came to know the truth and her identity.. and yet next moment he can ask her if she can forget the past and stick with him then the passing of the king.. and the kissing scene.. (all happen in a flash where i was expecting to see some huge denial or awkwardness)..


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Thank you for the recap, Heads! Nooo Muuuu :(

Felt cheated on the So/Su front--you can't just jump straight to the end of Mu's reign and not show us all the in betweens! I get that you're starved for time, but still. Anyhow, Su wearing So's hairpin for her is the ultimate admission of love, in my opinion. Remember how he couldn't even give Queen SMSS the hairpin he'd bought in the first episode? Somebody has finally returned his love now, in the purest and simplest and best way possible. I was so happy when I saw that Su was wearing it in her hair.

But I thought the recognition of their mutual love was nice and ultimately what we all wanted to see happen. To have Su initiate the kiss was the perfect way that they could have made things work out between them, and I loved So's expression as he realised that yes he can totally kiss her now!!. So cute (pun intended). Su telling him to always remember saying "I love you" was adorable as well.

Ji-mong's comment on how So could choose to deal with the princess situation was quite enlightening--he could either continue to be Mu's protector, or he could choose to revolt and become king himself. It's two starkly different choices. And the way how So chooses to compromise his own happiness by marrying the princess contrasts against Wook's choice to be a thorough traitor in order to "protect his family" is so great.

So sacrifices happiness and personal safety by doing his brother a very heavy favour, while Wook still continues to use Su as an excuse for his ambitions. It's a great way of looking at how their personalities clash against each other, and how they have both changed from the beginning. I really dislike how Wook is still hanging onto Su as a front for his desires, because he just seems clinically inept at admitting his want for power at this point.

That's why he is such a pathetic villain in my eyes, because he's still holding on to the vestiges of propriety. It's so sad. Just get with the programme, Wook. Embrace that Evil Eyeliner you're now sporting. The method he uses to try and take Mu's life reflects that as well--he can't kill Mu outright (like Yo) because that's too traitor-like, so instead he has to use Won to buy Chae-ryung off and then use her to use mercury to poison Mu. That's so convoluted, but so Wook. It's just like how he blames Queen Sinjeong for "putting all that burden" on him and forcing his hand. Like whoa buddy, you chose to poison Mu and to aid Yo. Don't shirk personal responsibility like that.

Also: weird insertion of that Baek-ah/Woo-hee scene. Jung doesn't call Su "nu-ui" anymore? Soon-deok and Eun are actually kinda cute. Gotta love how Yo struts into the palace without ANYBODY stopping him.

I'm going to bawl my eyes out tomorrow for Soon-deok, aren't I? I was so noooo at them writing out Wang Gyu before, but it seems like they haven't and will be using him in a far more devastatingly...


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wretched way than history did.

And oh Su is copying So's calligraphy now? I'm not sure whether to feel happy or sad because I know what they're setting up with this.


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It's one of those things they keep from the original and you're like uuuugh I know where this is going but it's also so hauntingly sad/beautiful but all that terrible fallout!!!!111

That said I still hope they follow through with that particular plot point though. It's one of the things I liked about the original despite its inherent tragedy.


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BBJX wouldn't be BBJX without that calligraphy/letter scene. I guess this applies to MLSHR too ;_;

Brace yo' selves. I'm preparing for the worst :'(


@cherryarrow: So, so true. I'm already bracing myself for how horrible the entire fallout will be, given that So's love for Su is so much more volatile than Yinzhen's was for Ruoxi's. If Yinzhen was this devastated when he discovered how it affected Ruoxi, can you imagine So? He'd literally die from heartbreak.



I agree!! I feel like So loves Soo more than Yinzhen loved Ruoxi. (Not saying YZ didn't love RX, he did very much)

I'm already feeling sad and there's 6 episodes left. Ugh what did I get myself into.


I think that So's love is a lot more intense? Whereas Yinzhen knew from very early on that he had responsibilities towards too many people, and I feel that he tamped down on the passionate side of his love for Ruoxi a great deal. So doesn't seem to have this problem, he loves Su so much and so freely.

I don't know!!! Can we all just hold hands and wait for the inevitable? I actually think I'll enjoy it from the writing's point of view BUTTTT



I JUST WANT A HAPPY ENDING, is this too much to ask for writer-nim T_T I think we need a prayer circle.

YZ had too much responsibility right from the start, whereas So is so carefree and he doesn't give a crap about other things but Soo.


@cherryarrow: I'm so torn between wanting a happy ending and a tragic ending. Because that's the highlight of BBJX, the tragic ending and the realisation that history is the bigger being that consumes you. BUT SO/SU ARGGGGGGGGG so much pain so much conflict



I know, I'm not gonna lie, the tragic ending was what made BBJX so good and unforgettable.

BUT I NEED CLOSURE DANGIT. And the ending of the drama wasn't good enough! I mean what kind of ending was that?? (And don't get me started on the lame sequel) After reading the novel I just thought the author really liked to see her readers bleed ; - ;


I'm late to the discussion... we finally got our calligraphy scene... I'm going to be losing is soon, aren't I??!!

I bawled my eyes out for the C version. Would it be too much to ask, if they gave us a happy ending here? I mean we had to deal with bad music, awful editing, Baek-ah's girlfriend... I mean come on, people. Throw us a bone!!!!!


@cherryarrow: I replied you down at 39.1.3 because I'm a dumb and clicked on the wrong button lol.

@Dodgers: When Su started tracing over his poem I was like THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END OMG NOOOOO. But... I personally would like it if they stuck to the original ending, because that's the core of what BBJX really is. She didn't come back in time to make a name for herself, or to find true love. The cold, harsh truth is that she was merely a vessel for a causal loop to happen, and history cannot be overcome. The original novel ending was fantastic because it showed exactly that, while the drama ending was more hopeful. I guess for everyone's hearts, it'd be good if they went with the C-drama ending? I don't knoooooooow it's only BBJX if it's tragic, right?



I recently watched the ending of BBJX again (why did I do that to myself) and I bawled my eyes out. THE CALLIGRAPHY SCENE IS EVERYTHING AND HAS SO MUCH MEANING


It's ok lol. If this KBBJX had original novel (not drama) ending, it'd be bittersweet. But I would not be satisfied, I need to see some closure. I'm never over the ending of the novel seriously. That's why I've only read the book once because the ending was so heartbreaking.

I'm so happy about that calligraphy scene YET IT'S BREAKING MY HEART INTO MILLIONS OF PIECES.



"I don’t knoooooooow it’s only BBJX if it’s tragic, right?"--- Of course, you're right... but, but... I don't know if my heart can take it. I'll have a box of wine ready just in case. Just kidding... no, I'm kinda of serious. I mean, can you imagine how LJG is going to be in that scene?! He's going to freaking rip out my soul... I imagine he is going to be everything.

How much did you love it when Su caressed the paper and said something to the effect of "she didn't know how beautiful his handwriting was?" Why does the calligraphy scene affect us so?! When she started copying over his characters, I squealed. I'm a nerd.



"I recently watched the ending of BBJX again (why did I do that to myself) and I bawled my eyes out."--- Tell me why I did the same thing this past week while waiting for Monday to arrive? We have problems...


For me, this version is so poorly made, it wouldn't have the same impact emotionally even if they did keep the same plot


Never seen the original but that scene hurt hard enough without even that knowledge, I don't want to see it as a precursor to tragedy!


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If I had to describe it, it would be like a final uppercut after being knocked out in a particularly grueling boxing match. Like, this was the cherry on top of a particularly tragic cake in the original, but in some morbid way I also liked this aspect of the original show the best.


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you're scaring me!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Butttttttttttt it's also so bitterly good in terms of writing and payout??? It's ok let's just all hold hands and cry together when the time comes :(



that drama was so epic, made the author famous, made the actors mega stars, OTP got married in real life and the casts were bridesmaids/best men


I'm in. Bracing myself for the weepfest. TT.TT


I will be here crying my heart out like the masochist I am.

I mean, I'm still watching despite all the ways in which the drama has disappointed me, it still has my heart and Lee Jun-ki can make me cry even on a good day.....and I will be right here for the group hug when it all goes down in flames. /sob


@cherryarrow: That ending was so odd because I thought it undermined what Tong Hua wanted to do with the novel ending, but at least it was more hopeful? And argh that second season was the WORST, mainly because Tong Hua had nothing to do with it and they had to remove all mentions of time-travelling because of censorship reasons. Which made it devolve into a makjang and well, it was horrible TV anyway.

I was so impressed by the ending though, because I thought Tong Hua was a genius for understanding that happy endings are close to impossible in an era like that. And I loved her notion about history superseding everything else, because it's true. No matter how much Yinzhen loved Ruoxi, she was destined to never appear beside his name in the history books because he was meant to be an emperor. So/Su will inevitably go down the same route, and while my heart hurts, the tragedy of the events to ensue also makes it morbidly beautiful.

Random sidenote: only one emperor in the entire history of Imperial China was monogamous. The Hongzhi Emperor of the Ming Dynasty loved his wife dearly and had no concubines, but his line died out within two generations. So it's true, you get zero happy endings if you're an emperor.


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Argh reply to the wrong thread!


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Oh I just saw your reply!

Omg, do not get me started on the horrid sequel. I hated it because it was SO bad, and had nothing to do with Tonghua. The sequel totally defeats BBJX's purpose!! I rather not have the "happy ending" of the sequel, it just ruined the series.

This is why I'm never reading Tonghua's books again, she tends to go through the tragic route. And Tonghua knows her endings have an effect on people. ; _ ;


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The only thing good about the sequel was that theme song by Mayday, because dang that song was great. The plot was ALL over the place and I was like don't even make me go near it with a ten-foot pole. You're right, it totally ruined the entire meaning of BBJX. No idea how they managed to get Nicky Wu and Liu Shi-shi back for that one.

Tong Hua is SO good at what she does. I love that she doesn't ever take the easy way out, and BBJX was the novel that she best demonstrated it in. Can you believe it was written almost ten years ago now? Amazing.



The book was a friggin legend. I can't believe it got adapted into a movie, cdama, kdrama, a lame sequel, otp got married etc. I'm gonna laugh if LJG and IU gets married down the road. Tonghua will be the matchmaker god for sure.

I bought the book last year b/c I found out they released a new epilogue.. I can't believe the book was an online 'fanfiction', I'm sure tonghua didn't know she would be this famous back then.

I know, I can't believe Nick and Shishi agreed to do the sequel, it was a train wreck wtf. It was like the idea of 3rd season of Huan Zhu Ge Ge or something. BLEH.


@cherryarrow: I KNOW RIGHT if anybody from this cast gets married later in life, Tong Hua has one more couple to add to her successfully matchmade list.

I don't think it was fanfiction though! Just an online novel that she published through Jinjiang, which is a site for budding novelists to post their novels on. I think lots of popular online novels are still published there, though I don't really read them hehe.

Seriously they must have paid them a lot to make them go through that sort of ordeal. What a waste of talent and pretty.


@cherryarrow - I was going to say no way re: LJK/IU but then I realised even the couple from the OG didn't start dating until two years after the drama. So maybe we should all keep an eye out for a few years, haha.

Though I can't even imagine how that would go down.


@pogo: That would be pretty awesome and also kinda funny hahaha.


@pogo: you never know!! Anything could happen down the road!! ;)

@kumoiwa: oh i see, i thought it was a fanfiction somehow haha. Either way that book was too epic ; _ ;


Whoa, that's for that. So bleak! But it makes so much sense, and why this show if it were better, would be a legit Asian Game of Thrones contender


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*thanks! that's what I meant


If they had a better editor and more episodes, I do think that this would have been a significantly better show. The nature of the Goryeo line of succession would have made for more well-developed characters with significantly more shades of grey in their moralities instead of the random whiplash character growth (?) we're getting right now. And they could have added in more historical figures (i.e. Wang Gyu because I'm never going to get over how they're literally giving the stuff he did to Yo just because Yo needs to be the Bad Guy but there are more ways than that to make him thoroughly evil BUT NO) that would give the plot more sense, so to speak.

But because we cannot change what has been done-- :(


@kumoiwa : I think that's what kills me too. Is that the K-version had the potential to be amazing. As you said, all the ingredients were there.

With that said, this drama still has me obsessed. It's like love, there is no explanation, just is.



I agree, I honestly expected this show to have ratings over 15%, if only they had better editors...


+ 1000000000000000

YASSSS!!! Finally a comment that isn't full of disdain and hate for the Show =)))) I feel like for a majority of the show, many of the comments (and even the commentary from within the actual recaps) have been filled (not filled to it's entirety, but still, filled) with a lot of hate and disdain for the show... Because really, if you dislike a show so much, why bother continuing to watch it, read the recaps for it, follow it, or even bother continuing to recap it at all? It's not like the Dramabeans crew hasn't experienced dropping dramas in the midst of recapping them before, right?
By no means am I bashing anyone or anything that has expressed negativity for this Show, but seriously, I think that it has gone too far while we're this far into the Show for all the negativity to be expressed as "critical thinking" anymore while watching/recapping, and things have gone out of hand T....T Just my opinion...


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I feel you. It's like SWWTN once again. People will watch the show they don't like and go to this thread and hate on it. I find it stressing. I'm so excited and happy to watch the show. And then you'll see the complaints and i was like am i that stupid because i'm still enjoying this?

But then, it's their opinion and we have different preferences.


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honest answer :
it's ep 14 people need a payback and if it didn't satisfy, people have right to complaint, we only have 6 more and it doesn't a lot when some already sacrifice to not watching other drama to believe this,
and for the people who later come to this thread, they'll some realism in the thread that it can't be all rainbow when the flaw is glaring


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There are some stuff that I don't like about the show (i.e. jumpy editing, bad editing from idols that should perhaps try comedic roles first), but mostly I try to comment on the things that I actually like (Lee Joon-gi, the cinematography, Kang Ha-neul, some plot points that involve hidden significance)

That's how things work, I guess, that everyone has their own different opinion on things. And if they do, they're more than free to express them on DB. That's what I like best about DB, because it's a given that we're all entitled to an opinion, popular or otherwise.


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YES about the hairpin! I swooned when I saw she was wearing it, last week's @PineappleGongzhu brought up a really good point about the contrasting nature of So and Wook even being reflected in their gifts to her - Wook gave her a bracelet made of jade, which was commonly used as a betrothal gift back then, but the bracelet itself is small, easily hidden under her sleeve, and given to cover her scar.

So's present, on the other hand? A hairpin. Which is worn in the most visible part of any Goryeo lady's styling - the top of her head!


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Yes! Great analysis by @PineappleGongzhu, and I'd like to add on to it that while jade is beautiful, it's also very brittle. So's hairpin is made of silver, which can also be used to test for potential poison. It's a lovely juxtaposition of Wook and So's feelings for Su, in that Wook's is as fragile as the jade bracelet he gave her, while So's is so tough and hardy that you can dip it in poison and it'll come out unscathed and tell you that it's just been soaked in poison. Maybe I'm reaching but I like the notion of that.

But yeah, gotta love that So gives her something she can wear proudly in public. It's so, so him, and so cute.


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oh god I'm swooning all over again

and I am SO NOT READY for this drama to end, especially if it ends in tragedy - we have only six episodes left, that's like no time for So and Su to actually be together and happy.


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So is such a low-key romantic, I swear.

I'm actually pretty conflicted about this: on one hand I really want So/Su to be super happy together, but on the other hand I acknowledge that tragedy is an essential part of the storyline and I do like the bittersweet ending because it makes so much sense in the writing department. So do I want SHR to end the same way BBJX did? Yeah... kind of... but they really need to step up the So/Su game right now if they want it to have the same kind of emotional payoff that the original did.

Mostly just give me more cute So trying to make Su happy. That is more than enough!!


@kumoiwa - I've spent years reading sad shoujo manga, so I know I'm just masochistic enough to welcome the pain of an epic tragedy at the end of our love story. But oh my god, I'm still dreading it.


It's awful that So-Su scenes were actually a highlight of this episode because it'll make their unfortunate end so much more painful. This show has its glaring flaws, but considering that they were able to make Lady Oh's death as emotional as it was despite her relatively small and short relationship with Su, I'm scared of what this show will throw at us.

...but I'm hoarding tissues, so I'd like to think I'm ready. ;A;


@pogo: I'm just half looking forward to it at this point, because why prolong our misery right?? But mostly I want it to be well done, and like if you're going to break my heart, break it damn well or else. I already can see Lee Joon-gi's heartbroken face in front of me and nooooooOOOOOOOOO but yeeeEEEeeeEEEEEEEs all at the same time?? The Lee Joon-gi/IU pairing does sorrow so well though, I'm willing for this pain.


@pogo & @kumoiwa - Oh, I wish I were as clever as all that with my comparisons! I merely stated I noticed how consistent Wang So is in giving hairpins to the women he loves. I do think it is a very "traditional" gift of affection. Also, several commentators (including LJG himself) said that Wang So transfers the love he wants from his mother to Hae Su. So, giving the same gift is really him giving his love to her, and then hoping/asking that she accept him through accepting the gift.

But, the ones who were really clever, contrasting Wook & So were @Maui and @Barbrey!


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After seeing the ep 15 preview. i immediately went to Open Thread where you posted your research about Wang Eun's backgroud and re -read it again. And you're right, Wikipedia removed a big part of history by not mentioning Wang Eun's maternal clan. Thank You.


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You're welcome! I'm still a little sad that they didn't use Wang Gyu as much as they could, but I guess they were bent on making Yo into this Big Baddie that they could transfer Wang Gyu's deeds onto him. Also I suppose history made Yo/So too close for the storyline's liking, so that had to go.

No matter what, I suppose that history still played out the same it did in the end, so technically they're not wrong? I don't know, but poor Soon-deok. :(


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i went to search for your explanation on wanggyu and eun.. thank you so much!

now i understand why soondeok was so reluctant in letting eun to give his last greeting to the late king. i guess wanggyu had been constantly advising for the yoo clan to be expelled from the kingdom.
during that scene, when soondeok said that the king would kill any princes that tried to grab the throne, i kept wondering then why should eun be scared as well?

also, i think its important to add in the recap that the appeal that wook was reading to king hyejong was made by wanggyu as well...


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So the appeal was actually from Wang Gyu?I was planning to rewatch that scene but it slipped thru my mind. Lol. Thanks.


You're welcome! Soon-deok has always been more politically aware than Eun (then again, who isn't?) since she's the daughter of an important general, and generals are usually the first ones to get the cut if a new king is enthroned. So it wasn't a surprise to me that she'd know what to do when Mu ascended the throne. She's very astute, really, because it's better not to get involved if a king ascends just after a revolt.

YES it's very important. Wang Gyu did petition Mu a lot historically, but not because he wanted Wook to be king--more like Eun so he could be regent. Though it seems like they're going to whitewash Wang Gyu here and pass on whatever he did to Yo and Co., because he needs to be the Bad Guy.


"Anyhow, Su wearing So’s hairpin for her is the ultimate admission of love, in my opinion....Somebody has finally returned his love now, in the purest and simplest and best way possible. I was so happy when I saw that Su was wearing it in her hair."

Was it the same hairpin she held to her own throat and threatened to kill herself if he went forward to search her room? If so, that has a very symbolic meaning (killing herself with his love-token)!

And if it was the same hairpin, did Jung keep it when she fell asleep in her room and he was all gooey with his crush on her?

I hope some sharp-eyed Beanie has the answer!


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The hairpin Su threatened to kill herself with was NOT So's love token, this is a different and less ornate one.

She seems to have saved So's hairpin for special occasions, going by the fact that she wore it on her day off to meet him - it's not for use when she's on official duty.


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Yeah it was her sang-gung hairpin that she used. Made sense that she would use something that was related to her duties as court lady, because her feelings for Jung will never progress beyond that. She's no longer Jung's friend (in the way that they were before) because Su now somewhat recognises the situation they're in? Her keeping him in her room was more of a not wanting So and Jung's relationship further deteriorate thing to me than anything else. It's nice how everything she does is with So in mind now.


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Yeah, her whole demeanour is different from what she was like when she first got to know the princes. There's a certain degree of maturity and no-nonsense that's quite a contrast to the excitable kid she used to be.

It's also sad to me that Su's efforts to stop the relationship between So and Jung from deteriorating, are coming to nothing because Jung still resents So and So still knows Jung was in that room anyway.


It was a great way of showing how she'd matured into her role as head sang-gung, and how she has changed from just wanting to be friends with everybody to realising that it's impossible to do that in the palace. Su's experiences have shaped her, and it was good to see that in her way of dealing with people and situations, even if it was to save Jung by way of threatening to cut herself.

Yeah... isn't it so sad that the blood brothers have to end up this way? But I guess it's all Queen SMSS' doing, because she's the one who scarred her son, used said son as flaming arrow target practice, demonised said son to his brothers, and threw said son away in the first place. If she didn't hate him, would Jung feel such negativity towards him? She frustrates me so much because of her literal inability to admit that she was wrong for doing all of that to So. Ugh her comeuppance better be savage.


Oh, phew. Thanks, pogo and kumoiwa!


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in the international version, there's a short scene between Jung and Su.. (iirc, it should be in ep13, first 3-5min of the show)

Jung was sort of updating Su what he had been doing the past year and what he wants to do for her.. And told her that he going call her by her name in future..


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I still don't understand why queen Ss hates Wang So to the extent of torturing him while he was still a child. He is your child for god's sake!! Was this explained yet? Is it because he is one of King Taejo's most beloved son??? But why..


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She hates him BECAUSE she sees him as a symbol of her failure as a wife and mother, it's a screwed-up and misplaced version of guilt. It's a pretty well-known phenomenon, apparently.


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I've been wondering if, instead of her misplaced guilt (because does she have any at all? I think some people don't), she hates So because he wasn't enough to keep the king by her side--so yes, a symbol of her failed gambit, but also a symbol of how she (and her children, but especially him) wasn't good enough to be loved by the king. So wasn't good enough, in her mind: an inferior product. Maybe, in her mind, if he were a "better" son, Taejo would not have remarried? She blames him for her loss of Taejo (instead of Taejo, whom she still loves passionately). So she throws her son (only that son) out.

I don't know; I'm just trying this theory out.

Poor So was a hostage then (in his crazed mother's arms), and then was sent away to be a hostage to that other clan. (After that flaming-arrow scene, maybe, just maybe, Taejo sent him away for his own protection?)

How is So not a psycho after all that?


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yeah, I think it's a combination of both - guilt that she absolutely refuses to feel, and transference of blame onto So. And after the flaming-arrow scene, I can buy that Taejo did send So away for his own safety.

How is So not a psycho after all that?

The same way Harry Potter ends up relatively normal after being raised by Dursleys? But yeah, I'm amazed too.


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I felt so bad for So seriously, I couldn't believe his mother had the heart to tie him up and let people shoot arrows at him. That's just horrible! Worst mother of the year


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Yeah she has the db end-of-year award for Worst Drama Parent sewn up and locked, I call it now.


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One can always use the flaming-arrow scene to lend a little perspective to one's life: well, at least my mother never had me tied up and shot at with flaming arrows.

Goes along with at least no one ever sent me into the mountains to fight off wolf packs by myself and at least no one ever put mercury into my bathwater.


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Yeah, I'll do that everytime my mother refuse me a new gadget


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Exactly, lol.


Yeah. That pretty much stripped her of her humanism.
"Let's have a bbq party! Tie my scarred face child to the balcony and throw flaming arrows at him while I get my minions to grill us some prime beef. That's enough entertainment for me while I wait for my food."
Such a classy queen. Damn.


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you know, the more I think about it, the more I can actually believe Taejo sent So to Shinju at least partially for his own safety from Mommy Dearest.


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IIRC, that was the rationale for So's exile to the boonies in SHINE OR GO CRAZY. In that version of the story, So was allegedly born under a bad sign... but it was also to get him out of the murderous politics at court so he could become a skilled swordsman able to defend himself and without without ties to any particular faction. I got the impression that the king in MOON LOVERS had similar intentions, at least in part.


This writer/director combo have the most cruel imaginations against kids. Did they really need to go that far? What the heck did he do to deserve such treatment at his age? All because of a scar?
He was a prince of Goryeo for heaven's sake. Sons were a blessings to their mothers because they could elevate their status and stabilize their position in the royal family.

In a more traditional Goryeo sageuk (Taejo Wang), a young Baekje prince (Goryeo's enemy) lost one eye in battle and he was praised for his bravery. Years later, he became the crown prince.

I don't get the obsession over scars in this series and the cruelties that is being inflicted on a person with scars.
The fact that this didn't happen to the real Wang So is a relief.


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Honestly this was a pretty bad episode. I get that the time jump was necessary since we don't have episodes to spare with King HyeonJong's reign but like it could've been done better. Just seems like everyone wasted 2 years at this point except the baddies who manage to see through their scheme. I was actually okay with the first time jump, what with So being sent away and Su slaving away as a miserable water maid, not much could've happened that would've interested us, but it seemed that the time had just stopped for 2 years for our heroes.

The thing with the writing I feel is that it's great in individual scenes, like the dialogue is just brilliant. I watch back certain scenes from previous episodes and I still get chills and feels from them. But overall as an entire plot it doesn't seem to string together well, as transitions are jumpy, certain story arcs seem confusing, some actions of the characters are confusing too. There seems to be a lack of fleshed out development as a whole and a lot of implied things. I'm blaming the writer on being overly ambitious here.

That said though I still really love a lot of the characters. They're basically nothing like their Chinese counterparts, but they have all somehow somewhat endeared me to them. Which I think is maybe why I keep coming back cause I need to see how it ends for these characters I've come to love, however depressing it may be.


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On another note: how beautiful was today's episode?! From the stargazing to the boat ride to the dimly lit damiwon. It was so breathtakingly beautiful. Gotta admit, MLSHR has a lot of problems but cinematography ain't one of them.


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agree 100%. I feel like I'm inflicting pains on my brain every time I watch this show, but I care so much for Junki as Wang So (and to a certain extent, Yeon Hwa, maaaaybe Soo, and other princes) that I just HAVE to tune in. Funny the things dramas do to you o_O
Cinematography is great when the people aren't involved LOL those close-ups...


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Same!! The individual scenes are stunning. I find myself watching old episodes and getting chills from specific scenes that I like. Especially ep 12's laundry scene, it's done SO well, the pacing is perfect, the music is perfect, and the actors are fantastic. If they can perform to that level all the time, this show would be like the most popular show in the world.


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Same thoughts, I feel like the time skips are use to hide the lack of cohesion as a whole. Chinese version only have 3.5 more hours than K version. (its 35 ep of 45min but has intro and outro song)

The characters relationships are poor and viewers are left to think that ahhhh...2 years have past...it must have develop in that time frame.......that we didn't get to see. Just how Hae Soo met Seohyun (cant remember the name).

14th prince story/snsd seohyun is the worst...like they can srsly erase it.

Like you said, they might have been over ambitious with their projet. The biggest problem for me is...they seems to be conflicted about writting their own story and taking the original storyline.

It ends up just being a story that we can barely call a BBJX adaptation with some classic scenes from the C version plug in.

For me this version is a total flop. They missed out on all the importants elements that made the C version so popular..

- No Ruoxi,Hae Soo / King relationship
- 8th/14th brotherhood no where to be found
- 4th/13th bromance randomly force, awful to watch
- Hae Soo being weak take off the charm of a strong female lead

On a positive note, i think LJK is a fine actor


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i do not understand so much of this episode.
but especially, the mercury poisoning. why was it wook's plan when he knew soo could be blamed AGAIN? why do we have the same exact plot point again.

in the international version wook said that he was doing this because of soo. maybe it was revenge for her rejecting him but he did say he'd "make her come back to him" & i'm not sure how framing her for a crime fits into that plan...

WHY would chae ryung go along with this plan?! they better explain her motivation tmrw.


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Yeah, the international version had that scene with Wook, his mother and Yeonhwa and him confirming to the Queen that he was doing it because of Su..... which really makes no sense because he supplied the mercury and Chae-ryung, does he have NO idea things were being carried out in a way that would implicate Su yet again?


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I think Wook just pulled a Haesoo card as an excuse for his hidden plan of becoming king.
He said he did it for the family, they didn't believe him and asked if he did it coz of haesoo, so he admitted. coz you know, wook will never admit he does it because of his own desire


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I'm guessing no smh. I mean it's so obvious to us and to his women that Yo's going to end up ditching him someday, and he's all oh no we still have use for each other. There's so much hubris that he's going to be always on top of things that I think it makes him careless. He might have outsmarted Yo once, but Yo's never going to forget that.

Going back to Chae Ryung he probably thinks he can spin this in some way that absolves Soo of all the blame and Chae Ryung the fall guy/girl.


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Wook assumed he was going to be king. He didn't know his brother was alive so worrying about whether Soo would be blamed wasn't apart of his plan. He was probably just going to blame the maid if anyone found out about the poisoning and marry Soo to solve everything. Hubris is his downfall and lack of creative thinking.


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Is it possible that the mercury poisoning is the price Chae Ryung has to pay for her freedom?

And they expect us to buy CR-Won love line from this? Yeah sure... I will ship them to be executed together...


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I wonder, what Hae Soo expects?, in general. She doesn’t want anyone to get hurt, but, how is she going to do it? she can’t control what happens, she doesn’t have the power, and what happened today is a sign, they began to kill each other, so there is no hope in this matter. On the other hand, what she expects from a relationship with So?, I mean, after all what happen with Wook. So is different, I get that, but he's still a prince, and more important, she's practically certain that he will be king. Based on that, it's obvious that he won't leave the palace, and he will have to live with all the conflicts that this involves, and it’s a very complicated situation. But it feels, that deep down inside, she expects the same she expected from Wook, perhaps not in the same way, but still. And the thing is, So and Wook, are in the same twisted situation, so she knows how things are, and apparently how it will end. Then, what are her expectations and hopes here? ...I'm just curious...


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Whoa, I thought the time skip part was not well done, and the "sudden" change of heart for Soo --> So is kind of random? Not that I'm complaining to see our OTP together though!I feel like we should get an episode 13.5.

I can't believe SHR used the same poem that was in BBJX, idk if I should feel happy or sad. I'm definitely happy they included this scene because it means so much, but also sad....

I'm not ready for the ending T_T


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I agree the time skip brought some things upon us way too suddenly.

but Su falling for So wasn't one of those things since they've been in this weird friendzone limbo since well before Taejo's death - they're friends and she trusts him completely, but they both know he's in love with her and is kind of waiting for her.

I mean, literally the last shot before the time skip is of him crying in her arms, and I think she was already halfway in love with him then (and I can buy that she fell deeper over the course of the next two years). And she's still unwilling to admit it until she's shocked by the news of his marriage.


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Yeah, I could feel Soo is wavering and her heart was pointed towards So in the last few episodes. Oh well, I get why they did the time skip though, they can't change the history and have to make the timelines match.

This drama will be the death of me, I know it ; - ; Thanks Tong hua for ruining my life 3 times ; - ;


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yeah, I liked that they had the foundations of that relationship already in place before the time skip, and began laying them really early on when Su was still a noble agasshi.

This drama is going to be the death of me too, and I haven't even seen BBJX.


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BBJX was legendary, and I don't even like cdramas lol




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/sigh it makes me really sad that he's against So. I want more scenes with Lee Jun-ki and Ji-soo!

Also side note: I really like IU and Ji-soo together, I wouldn't fight it if they were cast again in a future drama.


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Me too. I am Jisoo IU shipper...


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They'd be super cute together, they both do emotion really well too. But it has to be a modern drama!


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I knew I always hated Chae Ryung for some reason. Greasy and slimy like her Prince Won. Close up shots were unkind to Yo this episode, I can see the artificial netting on his fake mustache.


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Funny you should say that cause I didn't notice that but did notice Woo Hee's braided bun was quite obviously not her own hair in her own close-up. That kind of thing is distracting. More production woes. Hair and make-up seem to be really good is some scenes, terrible in others. But why didn't anybody catch this stuff? Continuity, B tape editors - it's just so sloppy for a show that had so much money put into it.


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I assumed Goryeo women used hairpieces for their more elaborate hairdos, which is why I can live with the hairstyles where one section is obviously a different shade/texture from the next.


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Nobody reeled the director in. Costumes and makeup would have been fine if somebody had just told him to hold it there with the closeups on people's pores. You're right about how inconsistent it was though, Wook at the throne room scene had a super greasy sheen on his wig, then it looked ok the next time. All the editing was probably done after the shooting was finished, then it was too late to get better shots.


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Yeah, it's like no one told Kim Kyu-tae "yo these sageuk dramas have actors needing to wear fake hair and different makeup so maybe dial down the closeups just enough so we don't see the individual eyelash clusters on IU's fake eyelashes"


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Wow you guys are so observant! I didn't even notice lol


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Someone mentioned seeing a huge white velcro peeping out of So's wardrobe. Its in that scene where he was conversing with Su about astronomy.


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I agree! Chae Ryung always seemed too "nice" to Soo and fake.

Yo turned into Hagrid from Harry Potter, especially with that hair. :O

There are other issues besides Yo's new hair and facial hair though, which we point out in our blog. *Cough* He shouldn't have survived a cliff fall and a deep knife wound in the first place. *Cough*


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It's been 3 years since the demise of Lady Oh, Soo should be wiser now but she's still an easy game. She should have been more careful around Chae Ryung knowing she's somewhat related to Wook. I am getting annoyed with her. Thank goodness So's one-sided love is finally being reciprocate.

Now 2 out of 3 kings are dead according to Soo's premonition, can't wait for the 3rd to be dead, hope it will be soon.

Wang So rules. Long live Wang So.


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I'm dead ... hopefully to be resurrected to read other comments


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As I watched S-One International airing ML:SHR, and after that download a copy from other site....I've notice that their back to 2 version editing...again -___-"
Ep 13, download version cuts Jung visiting Su at Damiwon while she making tea for Daddy King
Ep 14, download version cuts So standing infront of Damiwon the night Jung slips into Su room

What is with poorly executed time slip?
I kinda waiting for jade bracelet smashing episode last night :p

Thumbs up to LJG! XD
His expression when Su deflect his kiss, and another attempt to steal kiss also no can do. His dejected puppy gesture is freakin cuteeeee!!!! XD


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"Noticing her tight grip on the boat’s edges, he tips the boat to and fro as a joke, unaware of just how much Su fears falling into the water."

I dunno - seeing how mixed up this place is and how many folks are threatening her life, if I'm Soo, I'm jumping in the water every chance I get, trying to go home.


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I've watched the episode 14, that kind of poligamy story is not romanti to me. Now I prefer Wang Wook over Wang So! Wang So dissapointed me a lot!!


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