Jealousy Incarnate: Episode 17

A deal is on the table, and these three are ready to jump into it, each with their own agendas. Na-ri tiptoes across the unstable balance beam that is her love life, as the boys continue to try to win over their crush. It’s not even the first time they’ve battled over the same goal, and we get a peek into Hwa-shin and Jung-won’s past. It’s almost like history is repeating itself, except with higher stakes, a very open relationship, and petty hijinks. Let the games begin.


Na-ri proposes that the three of them live together and quickly takes it back. She tries to shake the thought out of her head, but she glances at both guys before getting out of bed.

She kisses Jung-won on the cheek and tells them that only she’ll be allowed skinship (physical affection). Then, she walks over to a shocked Hwa-shin and gives him a peck on the cheek as well, effectively shaking both men. Rain begins to pour and lighting strikes as we experience this dramatic birth of this three-way cohabitation.

She tells the guys that this is the one rule for their cohabitation and a violation will result in ejection from the house. Jung-won jumps on board and offers his house as the location, and they look to Hwa-shin for his final word. Hwa-shin’s envy quickly overcomes his bewilderment as he realizes that the two may live together without him if he doesn’t agree to this set-up. Omg, this is happening.

The storm continues to rage outside, and Na-ri goes to Nurse Oh to request a pill for her stuffy chest. Hwa-shin and Jung-won both realize that Na-ri’s proposal is her attempt to break up with both of them for good, since she can’t choose between the two friends. Hwa-shin refuses to take part in her plot to alienate their attraction for her, but Jung-won suggests that they both play the game, since they can determine the end result.

Na-ri takes the pill, and speaking in metaphor, she explains that she swallowed something she can’t handle. “This is how to end things quickly. This way, we can decide quickly.” She’s determined to work hard, and Nurse Oh gives her an encouraging smile.

The next morning, Hwa-shin finds Na-ri sleeping at his bedside and glances over at Jung-won’s empty bed. He reaches out to touch her head, but a voice instructs him to stop. Jung-won walks over and grabs Hwa-shin’s hand, reminding him that skinship is off limits. Jung-won vows to get married to Na-ri within a month, and Hwa-shin vows to finish things within ten days.

Doctor Geum announces her entrance to “granny” as she escorts a new patient into the hospital room. Poking her head through the curtain, she asks “granny” how she’s doing. Hwa-shin does his best granny imitation and asks when he can start moving his arms again. Doctor Geum approves his discharge but, much to his frustration, instructs him to keep his arm still for another day and ask Na-ri for help.

In the broadcast station elevator, PD Oh offers Sung-sook and Ja-young tickets to a movie. He only has two, so he asks either one of them to accompany him. His lack of preference means that neither of them want to join, and he asks his next elevator buddy, Announcer Uhm. But the tickets are for a movie titled “Dear, Will You Stay By My Side,” and Announcer Uhm isn’t interested in watching this with PD Oh.

Na-ri walks in on Hwa-shin changing into his shirt with his bra on, so she stands off to the side to update him about his discharge. She offers to help him change, but Hwa-shin refuses because he doesn’t want to be treated like a patient. He confirms with her that their living situation will last a month, and he vows to himself that he’ll finish it in ten days.

Na-ri goes shopping with Jung-won for their month-long cohabitation, and afterwards, he brings her to his shop for tea. He purposely invited Na-ri over, knowing that his mother would be present. Jung-won announces to his mother that he’s going to marry Na-ri and proceeds to peck Na-ri on the cheek in front of his mother. Stunned, both Na-ri and Madam Kim remain silent.

As Na-ri angrily walks away complaining about Jung-won’s extra forward approach, Jung-won explains that he likes that she’s provoked the competitiveness and rebellious side of him. He wants her to treat him harshly, and she grants that wish by telling him to get out of her way. He stops in front of her to offer his limitless credit card, and Na-ri takes it, only to throw it in pile of boxes on the side of the road.

Before she leaves home for the next month, Na-ri cooks up side dishes for Chi-yeol and leaves him a note explaining that she’ll be spending the next month at the station. She tells him not to worry about his laundry and food, since she’ll be coming back on the weekends to take care of that. Aww.

Na-ri’s announcer partner arrives for the morning news broadcast wearing sweatpants with a suited up upper body, to which Announcer Uhm shakes his head at PD Oh about the youths these days. Hwa-shin arrives on set and watches at Na-ri with gaga eyes. Na-ri jokes about her announcer sunbae’s sweatpants, and he reacts with disdain that a contract worker like her could say that to him. Na-ri bows her head in apology, and Hwa-shin looks upon with disapproval.

Hwa-shin looks through his pile of mail and finds a wedding invitation sent from his ex-girlfriend, Soo-young. Sung-sook snatches it out of his hand, and he asks what this invitation means. She suspects that it’s the girlfriend trying to provoke him, but Hwa-shin just looks bemused.

Jung-won also receives that same invitation and asks Secretary Cha what it means to receive a wedding invitation from an ex-girlfriend. Aha, so these two really do like the same women. Secretary Cha presumes that she means to send the message: “I’m getting married, you jerk.” As they go about their day, both guys wonder what this invitation could mean.

The inaugural night of their cohabitation, Hwa-shin picks up Na-ri and loads her luggage into his car. He asks Na-ri if Announcer Park (sweatpants sunbae) belittles her and tells her to inform him if that’s the case, but Na-ri insists that he treats her well. Hwa-shin prepares for takeoff to hell, but Na-ri expresses worry that rumors will spread about them living together. Hwa-shin finds this rumor more fatal than the fact that a man has breast cancer, and they both seem ready to be done with this month-long cohabitation already.

When they arrive at Jung-won’s house, Na-ri gets right to business and pays Jung-won for the month-long rental. Hwa-shin assures Jung-won that he’ll pay rent, and Jung-won proceeds to explain their living situation. He suggests that Hwa-shin take the open space and leave the two rooms upstairs for him and Na-ri. Hwa-shin isn’t too keen on letting that happen and challenges Na-ri to decide.

But Na-ri is already fed up with these two bickering and walks away for a breather. We trace the boys’ rivalry back to their high school days in a flashback. Hwa-shin and Jung-won are on a double blind date with Soo-young (the ex-girlfriend getting married) and her friend, but they show strong interest for Soo-young only. Soo-young gets set up with Jung-won because she picks his white baseball cap over Hwa-shin’s glasses, and while Jung-won’s ecstatic, Soo-young looks back at Hwa-shin with some regret.

On their double date, they ride the disco pang pang carousel, and Soo-young holds onto Jung-won’s hand, telling him not to let go. Then, she slips her hand under Hwa-shin’s and holds his hand too. They secretly enjoy their little affair, but it becomes clear who she’s holding onto when the bumpy ride flings Jung-won and Hwa-shin’s date off the seats.

Hwa-shin and Soo-young hold onto each other tightly, much to Jung-won’s dismay. But when the ride flings them off, Soo-young ends up in Jung-won’s arms, leaving Hwa-shin to fumble on the ride alone.

On a snowy day, Hwa-shin greets Soo-young outside his house and seems doubtful that she came to meet him, not Jung-won. He brags about his test scores and declares that he’s going to Seoul University, to which Soo-young responds that her wish is to kiss a Seoul University student. She admits that she picked the baseball cap because she thought it belonged to Hwa-shin and confesses that she likes Hwa-shin more.

She’s fishing for a kiss, as she mentions that your first love comes true if you kiss them on the first snow day. Hwa-shin hesitates and comments that it snowed yesterday (ha!), but when she starts to walk away, Hwa-shin stops her. He gets close and closes his eyes to kiss Soo-young and make her wishes come true.

Back in the present, Hwa-shin and Jung-won give Na-ri the same choice of the white baseball cap and glasses to decide who will use the second floor with her. Na-ri picks Jung-won’s baseball cap, much to his delight, and Hwa-shin whines about how Na-ri didn’t know that he wore glasses even after three years of crushing. Jung-won leads Na-ri upstairs, leaving Hwa-shin to let out his rage on the table that’s too heavy for him to flip.

Na-ri gets settled in her room, and Jung-won knocks on her door to chat. She asks if he can actually marry her and teases him about being a momma’s boy. She wishes that she could just marry Jung-won without his baggage, and Jung-won asks if she’s implying that he’s better than Hwa-shin. Na-ri has no response.

Jung-won asks if Hwa-shin also received the wedding invitation from Soo-young, and Hwa-shin confirms with Jung-won also dated Soo-young at the time. They know that she was two-timing between them without their knowledge, and Hwa-shin says that he’s going to attend the wedding with Na-ri. He’s confident that two-timing sunbae Soo-young will choose him over Jung-won and intends to pass that knowledge onto Na-ri so that she can save time in making her decision.

Chef Rak meets with Pal-gang to finally give her Dad’s letter, and he tells her to make the decision for herself, since he sees both women as suitable mothers. The letter states that Ja-young will raise Pal-gang, but Pal-gang doesn’t reveal the letter to her mothers. Sung-sook enters Pal-gang’s room to offer her movie tickets, and Pal-gang agrees to meet her at the theater. Sung-sook leaves the room pleasantly surprised and runs into Ja-young, whose betrayed face shows that she’s overheard the conversation.

Right before the morning news broadcast, Announcer Park orders Na-ri to get a cup of coffee for him. She rushes out and gets warm water instead and explains that coffee will dry his mouth and hinder his pronunciation, but her well-intended gesture only incites complaints. Announcer Park chastises her for disobeying orders, and Hwa-shin steps in to offer his cup of coffee.

That fulfills his immediate needs, but he continues to be an ass to Na-ri when she tries to practice their opening lines with him. He tells her that a woman should just stay in her place and reminds her that she’s the one who needs to improve. As they begin to divide up their lines, he takes all of them for himself, and Announcer Uhm shakes his head in disapproval of the assholery and history of sleaze. Hwa-shin looks quite unsettled and holds in his anger, as does Na-ri until she lets herself cry in the bathroom stall.

After Hwa-shin concludes his news broadcast, Hwa-shin asks Hye-won if Announcer Park was an ass to her when they were paired up together. He doesn’t care to hear an answer, and as he leaves the station, he receives a call from his mother about Hye-won. She doesn’t believe him when he tells her that Hye-won likes him, but he assures her that he’ll bring home his woman in ten days.

Before he enters his car, Hwa-shin spots Hye-won kissing another man in her car. He seems thrown by her actions, and Hye-won sees his shaken expression after this man leaves. She pulls up in front of his car and rolls down the window to insist that she’s still not giving up on Hwa-shin. She blows him a kiss and drives away, leaving Hwa-shin stunned.

Sung-sook anticipates seeing Pal-gang at the movie theater, but she’s disappointed when she see Chef in her seat. She cries throughout the movie, and Chef offers her a handkerchief to wipe her tears. When that doesn’t soothe her disappointment, he wraps her in a hug, and she’s shocked that he’s capable of this physical affection.

Hwa-shin barges into Na-ri’s room and climbs into bed with her, worried that Announcer Park will call her for drinks and harass her more. He wraps his arms around her, unwilling to let her leave, and Na-ri clarifies that Hwa-shin’s the one harassing and bothering her. He tries to persuade her to leave this place and go home, but she’s unwavering. He then tries to convince her to sleep with him just once and suggests that they go down to the first floor. Na-ri nods and accompanies him to the door, only to push him out and lock it behind him. Ha, nice try buddy.

Later that night, Jung-won wakes up to answer the door while the other two sleep and is met with drunk Soo-jung, here to fulfill her promise. She begins to reveal what Na-ri used to do when she crushed on Hwa-shin, but Jung-won doesn’t want to hear it. She leans on him and claims to know Jung-won’s wilder past in the States, and Jung-won doesn’t know what to do with her.

The next morning, Hwa-shin asks Na-ri out to lunch in the elevator, and he brings her to Soo-young’s wedding. He greets Soo-young in the bride’s room and introduces Na-ri to her. He says that he’ll forgive her for two-timing and remember her as his beautiful first love if she answers one question: Did she like Jung-won or him more?

Soo-young hesitates for a moment, and Hwa-shin tries to persuade her that she liked him more, right? She admits that she obviously like Jung-won more because she’s materialistic. Na-ri then asks why she broke up with Jung-won, and Soo-young explains that Jung-won’s a dutiful son. He’ll always be a devoted son, and that’s not the best situation for women.

Hwa-shin claims that he’s not a dutiful son (does that make you better, bruh?), but Na-ri’s more interested in why Soo-young broke up with Hwa-shin. She explains, “Because he’s selfish. He doesn’t know how to give love, and he’s only used to receiving love. He’s more jealous than women, bad-tempered, and just claims to be a man.”

She adds that he’s pretentious, germophobic and a picky eater. She couldn’t imagine living with him and having to match his standards. She also reveals that the day she sent him off to army, she cried fake tears to assuage his proud declaration for her not to wait for him and went directly to the club to celebrate her freedom. The shrinking of Hwa-shin’s ego makes Na-ri laugh, and Soo-young says that she has more if they want to hear it. Hwa-shin accusingly asks why she invited him to her wedding, and she claims that she wanted to brag about her husband and rip money off him. That’s it. Haaa.

Jung-won cooks up a hearty breakfast for Na-ri and Hwa-shin before they leave for work. He asks Hwa-shin how Soo-young answered his question, and the silence is enough for Jung-won to know her answer. He teases Hwa-shin for possibly being the only go to attend an ex-girlfriend’s wedding. He tells Hwa-shin to attend an ex-girlfriend’s wedding again when he and Na-ri get married.

Chef asks Pal-gang if she’s made her decision, and Pal-gang nods that she’s always obeyed Dad. Chef realizes that Pal-gang set him up with Sung-sook because she thought that the other mother would be lonely, which is sweet of her. Sung-sook tapes the movie ticket into her notebook and labels it as her first gift from her daughter with extra hearts. Ja-young gasps finds the open notebook later and stifles her cries.

Hwa-shin calls Na-ri at the end of their day, and she says that she’s busy with a morning news team dinner. He worries and becomes even more suspicious when Dong-gi isn’t at the dinner. He calls Announcer Park, who quickly hangs up claiming that he’s busy, and Hwa-shin knows something is up. He’s right — sleazy Announcer Park is currently alone with Na-ri at the bar.

Announcer Park and Na-ri both take a drink, and he tells Na-ri that they haven’t had a chance to bond yet. Na-ri agrees and says that she’ll share everything she’s felt wronged by. Meanwhile, Hwa-shin searches through the nearby bars looking for Na-ri.

Na-ri and Announcer Park get drunk, but the camera zooms out to show that it’s actually a morning team dinner — they just haven’t invited Dong-gi. Na-ri starts the karaoke with “Wrongful Meeting” (the only song to sing ever), and Announcer Park stumbles out to the bathroom in his drunken state.

Hwa-shin spots him and follows him to the bathroom. He immediately throws a punch and holds Announcer Park hostage in a corner, criticizing him for treating Na-ri unfairly. Hwa-shin throws Announcer Park into a stall and kicks him while preaching that a real reporter should be weak to the weak and strong to the strong. He then flings a cigarette at Announcer (which he borrowed a few episodes ago) and tells him to be good to his wife.

After giving Announcer Park an unfair beating, Hwa-shin enters the room and finds Na-ri having a grand time with her morning news crew. She waves at him in excitement and invites him inside. He cracks a smile in relief and bops to the beat of the song.

Hwa-shin lugs drunk Na-ri home and carries her into her room. Na-ri smiles at him from her bed and says that he looks extra attractive today. She starts to question who Soo-young really liked and suspects that it was Hwa-shin. He offers to take off Na-ri’s socks, and she readily takes that offer.

As Hwa-shin takes her socks off, Na-ri lies in bed and explains that Soo-young still remembers everything about Hwa-shin and still seems to have lingering attachments to him. Soo-young even imagined how married life with Hwa-shin would be like, so she must have really liked Hwa-shin more. But Hwa-shin is only half listening to Na-ri’s explanation and comments that Na-ri’s feet are pretty.

Hwa-shin gets up to leave, but Na-ri asks him to stay. He refuses, knowing that she’ll treat him like a pervert the next morning. Na-ri clarifies that she’s not asking him to sleep with her, and that drives him up the wall. She has one request from him — that he wear his glasses in front of her — but he flatly refuses to do so and leaves.

He comes right back into the room and slips into bed with Na-ri. He tells her not to worry, since he doesn’t touch drunk women and says that he’ll just stay until she sleeps. Na-ri finds the warmth comforting, since it almost makes her forget her hellish day. She asks why Hwa-shin liked Soo-young and asks if he slept with her, but he doesn’t answer her questions.

Na-ri remembers Hwa-shin’s seroma and asks if she can see his chest. He jokes that she never asked before but says that she can’t today. He assures her that he’s getting treatment, and she reminds him not to drink alcohol, smoke, or eat dairy products. She says that she’ll die if anything goes wrong with him. Hwa-shin gets close and tells her that she’s draining the willpower out of him.

Unable to resist, he says, “Sleep with me.” Hwa-shin strokes her hair, and Na-ri doesn’t respond, so he leans in to kiss her.


This show is chock full of surprising humor, but there’s so much in the details that I can’t express, or else this recap would never end. That’s the beauty of a show that’s meant to be a show — when you can really express the essence of the humor and characters with just words, you know the show is doing something right. I’m trying, but there’s honestly so much in the subtle humor that would take too many words to explain. You just need to watch the subtleties unfold.

I find it hilarious that the guys think they determine the relationship when really, Na-ri is the one in control here. It’s funny how they entered this cohabitation deal with the determination that they can change their fates to end up with Na-ri. It’s just not true. They can fight all they want, but she’s ultimately the decider of their fates. She’s the one with the power to decide. Not that Na-ri is planning to fall for either of them. I think she really wants to dump the guilt and burden of her two hearts and show these guys that they’re just not compatible with her. But the laws of cohabitation simply do not allow for the absence of affection, no matter how hard you try.

It’s a fine line that Na-ri is balancing — between two-timing and openly trying out both relationships. She’s not taking advantage of Hwa-shin and Jung-won because they’ve all agreed to a very open relationship. There’s some aspect of the open relationship that still seems very unfair to Jung-won because the longing in Na-ri’s heart leans towards Hwa-shin. We see that in the last scene, we see it in the hospital, and we see it in Na-ri’s complete comfort with him. I think Jung-won is still in it but barely holding on. No doubt, his sweet demeanor, kind soul, and beautiful face are very attractive. He’s just not as interesting and charming as Hwa-shin, who you can’t help but love and hate.

I like how this show doesn’t paint women as the villains in the relationships, even though that’s the easy way to explain the complications. I’m a big fan of all the women in this show (including Hye-won, who’s underrated in this show). It’s quite refreshing to have the story on the side of the women who shamelessly care and cared for both guys. Both Soo-young and Na-ri have reasons for liking both men, and they’re given a chance to justify both choices with complete accuracy. I loved how Soo-young described Jung-won and especially Hwa-shin because she described them to the tee. I get the impression that the boys (mainly Hwa-shin) think that being more loved and being “better” makes them the perfect man for Na-ri, but that’s not the case. They both have their imperfections, and these imperfections are what caused Soo-young to leave them.

Watching Hwa-shin’s ego shrivel in live time was such pleasure. Soo-young had some heavy baggage to unload, and I’m sure Na-ri appreciated the complete honesty and the lack of nostalgia’s rose-tinted perspective. I love how Soo-young speaks to her as a woman to another woman because it cuts out all the bullshit that Hwa-shin and Jung-won have been proselytizing about themselves.

I miss the other storylines and characters that don’t get enough screen time because of this hilariously messy love triangle. Trust me, I do thoroughly enjoy the hijinks, but I feel like we could get a break from them from time to time. Pal-gang’s storyline with her moms was a good break, but it feels kind of contrived and stuck in there for the sake of it. There’s a beauty to her growing maturity and understanding of her moms. I want to see more of it, in conjunction with the whole building coming together. But maybe that’s just another drama. Ain’t nobody got time for that when you’ve got a trailblazing love triangle.


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Oh my god….that flashback scene of them in the ride trying to hold on is an absolutely HILARIOUS!! bwahahaha.

Please PD-nim, I beg you…give us the behind-the-scenes for that, I want to see how the heck they filmed that one LMAO.


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And I am dying when the commentator started to give his snarky opinion XD


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Haha, when I watched without subs, I had no idea he was actually commentating on their love scuffle. Everything he said was so funny!


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Apologies in advance for riding your comment! But I want everyone to see this, please delete it if you wish.

There is a JI whatsapp group chat with some of us from here and anyone who wants to be added, you are more than welcome, everything is written down on Comment 25 (I think?).

So if you want to spazz more on JI, let me know!

(I hope this is not spam?)


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I got serious mad love for this show and while I'm continuously surprised by the events that unravel in a mere hours time, I just can't help but notice the growing number of people who have decided to drop the show because the writer decided to take another route and abandon the ideal rom-com storyline. It saddens me that there are some that just can't handle the creative approach the writer has courageously taken to deliver a show that's fresh and is in a league of its own.

With that, I am just as amazed to see how the shipping wars have intensified and oh boy! some people are die hard shippers and would really go through hoops to defend their beloved ships. I don't think I'm actually there just yet, but I do see how it seems so satisfactory to speak ones mind as an obligatory defense for their OTP. It really is interesting to see how a show can bring people together despite the difference in opinions and beliefs.

So while this show is still aboard the crazy train, the story gets really simplified but magnified due to the intricacies and complexities of its characters. The writer does an amazing job in displaying a characters flaws in contrast to their strengths so it becomes taxing to a viewer to find a reason to dislike a character because they always manage to make up for it; eventually a viewer has to nitpick to the core or come up with either a vague excuse or a mountain of comparisons to justify their reasons. Its hilarious that the writer manages to get us to do such things on our own volition.

In all seriousness, there isn't a single character on this show that's flat and one dimensional. Its like they were all written to serve a purpose and they deliver it with so much gusto to the point that we tend to see a little bit of ourselves in some of them. Heck, even inanimate objects become relevant and significant to both the story and its characters. Its Amazing!!

I will continue to preach the good word for Jealousy Incarnate because it deserves the recognition. Whatever kind of Kool-aid was served to the writer(s), director, editors and the creative team must be one helluva drink, because its a rarity to have a show that can be complimented in all the elements of its production, that it becomes a caveat to what really makes a good show nowadays.


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I am not dropping the show and didn't think of it either because I've enjoyed the whole ride till episodes 13/14. But I guess in the last few episodes, the writer has not chosen an another direction, in fact I guess she is not so sure where she is taking the story. In all 4 episodes we have seen more or less the same thing. And how I wish she would have fleshed out the side characters more. I mean did she forget about Nari's step mother and Bum, I guess they have an interesting storyline too. The conversation between NR and her step mom in the first ep left me intrigued but never really was anything else discussed about them.

Plus, maybe my disappointment also comes from the fact that none of the guys love NR. Though I was team HS since the beginning, the last few episodes make it seem like it's just lust and jealousy on his part. And I'm a bit disappointed with that. He looked pretty much in love when he drove NR to JW but that does not come out now.


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I think the stepmother and Bum storyline was interesting too. She was intended to build up on Nari 's side and also unusual family.

I am inferring a lot but I think Stepmom was abandoned by dad. She doesn't seem to have financial support working all hours at a convinience store. Nari has also been raising her brother singlehandedly. They have formed a cohesive unit to raise the two boys.

It might also explain NR's attitude to men. HS was her first love/crush in her late 20s. Her push and pull relationship with HS because she is afraid she will ultimately be rejected and abandoned. Her trust issues run really deep.

Yeah too much psychoanalysis...


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At this point it might be hard for us to get Na-ri's stepmom and beom's storyline in, unless it's done via flashback! It would be nice to see their story too but with 6 episodes remaining, the chances of that are pretty slim. But who knows, right? This show has done everything to make what may seem to be a predictable storyline become so unpredictable.

Na-ri has so much agency right now over the two guys and I like the fact that even with such controls in place, Na-ri still fails to get her act together and you can see just how hard she's trying to act so coolly about everything especially with Hwa-shin. She's all too familiar when it comes to unreciprocated feelings and I'm guessing that she continuously fears she'll end up doing the exact same thing she did 4 years ago.

On the other hand, Hwa-shin's desperation is reaching alarming levels and watching him flailing around, unable to do what he wants even with much persistence is downright pitiful but hilarious nonetheless. He knows he's losing out to Jung-won but his attempts, as sensual and perverse as it may seem, actually counts as something more sincere, romantically and sexually appealing to me than Jun-won's pretty face and perfect life.


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this drama is really crap. sorry. a girl having a fling with two best friends and they think they can marry her after that and remain friends? And she throwing her dignity out the window...leading two guys on, not sure who she's in love with. Way to go. Wonder at the moral of this show.


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Aw, Zen. Well, I'm pretty sure you'll find another show of your liking.


i don't want to give you an spoilers, but watch episode 18! I think that show's a little more that HS does actually love NR, he's just a fool that sucks at showing it :(


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I will continue to preach the good word for Jealousy Incarnate because it deserves the recognition.

its a rarity to have a show that can be complimented in all the elements of its production, that it becomes a caveat to what really makes a good show nowadays.

Amen to that sister, Amen to that!


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I'm not dropping the show yet, but I am indeed truly disappointed with these four past episodes. My disappointment has little to do with how the show chose not to be a convencional rom-com, but because this turnaround, for me, has costed the essence of our characters. I know the vast majority just love this show to pieces, but I've been struggling with it since the very begining. The cohabitation added very little and just got me more irritated with the turn of events. I know this a comedy but it's hard for me to laugh when the setup to the situation makes no sense to me.
Aaaaaah, I don't know, I want to talk about it but I always sound so grumpy among all the other coments praising JI, lol. Guess I'll just stop commenting and be frustrated alone, haha


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For all those that dropped this show I for one started to watch it more closely. Originially I was going to dismiss it as a typical romcom and just watch for JJS because I seriously love that guy. But then it just got better and better and I'm sucked into it for good. For ll the reasons you said plus it just being hilarious.


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Welcome to the club, Quinze!


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i think for the ppl who are dropping the show since the past 4 episodes....that action says more about those people and their values than on the quality of the show, which according to the reaction of most ppl here, has vastly improved in the past few weeks (especially the quality of the writing).


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Go Kyung Pyo's white pants. Wish they were tighter. *giggling*


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Might as well free it


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Becareful what you wish for..
The show might give you what you want next episode ;)
No one knows..


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It was freed in episode 18 !! When his towel dropped.


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So it wasn't just me! And now that you mentioned it, I totally can't unsee it anymore?


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Still have a soft spot with all of his sweater outfit.
He is maddeningly gorgeous in every of them.


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Also... Hwa Shin's Halmoni voice is just freaking hilarious!

Oh.oh.oh.... Did anyone get serious Harry Potter vibes with Teenage Hwa Shin???


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Ha ha.. yes!
Omg, I didn't think of that at all. Now that you mention it, definitely harry potter vibes. Also is that only a frame with no lenses? because I have figured out that's how people wear glasses in kdramas. ;)


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His glasses had lenses in them....


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Oh! Thanks, yoyo.


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I saw that glasses in youth over flower..
Maybe that's originally belong to JJS?
And yes, I got a harry vibe on him, especially with his bang put down.


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LOL, you're not the only one!

Someone posted this on kkuljaem (anyone else notice that JI is weirdly popular there?) calling it Hwashin Potter and the Deathly Jealous, lol: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b4618a0eaedaf1104c7c7af865d42222d8f3432360c710b03bcb5d66a42f4573.jpg


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Hwashin Potter and Deathly Jealous.. Bwahaha..???

Some people are just so creative!!


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I CANT WAIT FOR EPISODE 18'S RECAP COS WELL... i want to talk about that ending!!!!!!!


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Don't worry, Hwa-shin~a, I would totally pick that glasses. Since I always have a thing with a man who wear glasses. ;-) ㅋㅋㅋ


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I'm surprised no one picked the glasses. I would have taken those in a second!


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lol I think the point was that Na Ri really assumed the glasses weren't his. Isn't that what she says or did I misread?


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Yup, she didn't know he wears glasses at all otherwise she'd have picked those. Both girls initially thought they're picking HS, ha.


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I thought of that too. She was genuinely surprised he wore glasses, so to me that said she thought the hat belonged to him and not JW.


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P.S. Wasn't anybody else reminded of Brainy Smurf in the Smurfs when Hwa-Shin wears glasses? Hahaha... Never knew Brainy Smurf would be so sexy in real life.


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Yay for megane (eyeglasses) characters! (~▽~@)♪♪♪
I always had this thing for tsundere and megane characters so my poor heart nearly lost it when Hwashin wore his eyeglasses.


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Though jung won is a good person, I am finding it really hard not to like hwa shin more. Especially when he has moments like the ending scenes with na ri, their chemistry is off the charts. Maybe its Jo Jung seok, if  anyone else had portrayed this character I don't know whether I would have felt this way. Even though as a viewer, I find hwa shin-na ri relationship more compelling and natural, but if I were in na ri's position, I would just be as conflicted as her. I mean, on what grounds can she reject jung won and choose hwa shin over him? Jung won is sweet, swoony, generous, tries to make her feel comfortable with him, patient and treats her well and most importantly, he has been like that from the first day he met her. Though its obvious she feels this irresistible pull towards hwa shin, she doesn't feel confident on starting a relationship with him just based on that.

Also, this episode was heart warming as well as heart wrenching on the mothers' front. I didn't expect sung wook to ask ppal gang to watch that movie with her and when   ja young cried over it, I felt sad. I am amazed that i felt that way because when the show started, I didn't care about them at all.

I laughed out loud when in the flashback, hwa shin told his ex girlfriend that "it snowed yesterday", lol, he has definitely not changed. Also, in the wedding, when the ex girlfriend told whether she needs to tell any more and na ri asked, " there is more?" Ha ha. This show has always been super fun to me!

And so true, dramallama about hye won being underrated in this show. She is one badass character and so pretty, hope to see her as a lead in some other show but with the same character.


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The wedding part is super funny for me too. SJ said he liked JW more for his wealth. Also, she spills out younger HSs' countless ill attitudes.
Later, NR very confidently rejects it, saying that SJ liked HS more just because she had thought on what is it like to marry him. Because she is in the same shoes? Whaha..So NR implies she has been thinking of marrying HS too.
First NR asks why break up with JW? Omo, she dumped him for he was a too good son (Do people really use this reason for a breakup?). Then why break up with HS? Omo, HS dumped her before military service. So, she never leave him for his antics???
NR must have gone into a deep thought, rite..


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JW is a mommy's boy. He has his rebellious phases but will ultimately make a decision in the interests of his family.

Doesn't mean he is weak or unlikeable. He is a very responsible character. Unlike HS who has always done pretty much what he wanted.


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In-law issues are a leading cause of divorce for good reason. The couple has to form a new family unit and that's practically impossible if one party puts their parents ahead of their spouse.

If you want some wild experiences try working or volunteering in an l&d ward. The security measures aren't for strangers, they're for crazy grandmothers whose children refuse to draw boundaries.


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Moose, thanks. Well, if you live in our eastern world, people would put parents as the 2nd after god. Being devoted is seen as the best way of expressing thanks for countless efforts they have done in raising the children. Even, when they are unlikeable, you need to show them respect too. I m sure you know what I mean, haha..

Thanks for clarifying, NurseJackie.
It's a new knowledge to me.


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I were in na ri’s position, I would just be as conflicted as her

Na-Ri is just buying time to convince herself why she should choose Hwa-Shin, the trio cohabitation is just a waste of time for everyone. When it comes to love, no matter what your logical brain is trying to tell you, and no matter how clearly you can see that the man is not the best boyfriend/husband material, the heart still rules. It is so obvious that NR's heart is already leaning toward HS too, she can compare their pros and cons and observe them for a long time till the cows come home, but ultimately, she still can't convince her own heart. She can't deceive herself when her impulse and urge to be with HS always emerge so naturally and uncontrollably. Just like his ex-girlfriend, no doubt he behaved like a jerk, she still did love him more than she loved Jung-Won, even though she could rattle on and on about his endless list of shortcomings. NR could so easily see through the façade put up by the ex-girlfriend, but why she herself couldn't see through her own mind?


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"NR could so easily see through the façade put up by the ex-girlfriend, but why she herself couldn’t see through her own mind?"

ha ha .. Good question.

I guess if she had figured out what her heart wanted by Ep 15, we wouldn't have enough awesomeness and plot development and conflict to reach 24 episodes.
So I'm kind of glad NaRi is a bit confused. (Though ep 17,18 clearly shows us where her heart lies - ha!)
NaRi's confusion means I get to enjoy the crazy JI family for a few more episodes. :)


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I actually feel the opposite, pebble. I think she started this whole cohabitation thing to choose jung won because hwa shin has an advantage, in my opinion (she liked him even when he was mean to her, now that he likes her back, its no wonder that she feels a pull towards him). To make her heart see how great jung won is. Because, we all know that jung won is the perfect husband material, no matter how what hwa shin does, his core nature will never make him be like jung won.


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I agree with Imbuk. I think she's trying to be out of love with HS. JW is one smooth guy. Everything The show shows us just proved he is a great guy. Maybe too great for NR is just an ordinary next to neighbour kinda woman, which i love so much about her. She is one extraordinary character not to take advantage if JW's generousity.


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I've spent 80% of show time to ship and fawned over Jungwon and his every sweet demeanor, but then shamelessly jump into Hwashin's in the very last 10 minutes without hesitation. It is just me, a viewer. I couldn't even imagine how conflicted Nari would be in this situation. To be really in between two men she swore would dump by the end of their cohabitation period.
My friend calling me a disloyal shipper for going back and fort between them. But I don't really care. It's not really any of the boy the one I ship. It's Nari. As long as she is happy I would accept any decision she makes.


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That Reply 1988 reference made my heart grow three sizes like the Grinch. ???


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Also, any time Jo Jung-seok and Gong Hyo-jin have one on one scenes together the chemistry literally seems to crackle on screen. SO good.


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Off the charts chemistry those two share!

Jo Jung Suk actually has great chemistry with all his actresses. Delightful with Park Bo Young in Oh my Ghost. And in King2hearts I was more invested in and enamoured (and eventually heart broken) by his and his pair's loveline than the main leads.
Got to dig up that scene in King2hearts where he and the princess sit on a wall and sing together..


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Ahhhhh! Sorry, that scene from the K2H you mentioned is probably one of my favorite romantic scenes ever. I have this uncontrollable reaction whenever I'm reminded of it.

Honestly, he even managed to have good chemistry with IU, despite the age gap.


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:) :)


Yes!! I feel like every person he acts with he literally crackles with chemistry. I get so invested in his ships. I'm still not over K2H and his storyline with the princess!!
I even endured the ridiculous 50 episode drama that I won't name because I'm so incredibly pissed at it for him because he actually had chemistry with IU.


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Please tell me where are the reply 88 references?!!!


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I could be wrong, but was it the 'kissing your first love on the first day of snow makes it come true' thing?

I think the movie Architecture 101 had a similar reference to the first day of snow as well.


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pretty sure that's just a common Korean saying haha.


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Did anybody else notice what the red colour object that was peeking out from one of the bags when jung won took the suitcases out of hwa shin's car? Does that mean anything?

Usually I don't mind about these things. But this show is full of them, I don't want to miss anything.


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Porcupine pillow? I noticed it too and that was my first thought. Lol.


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This week episodes are fantastic. I actually like these later episodes more than the first half and usually it's the other way around with earlier episodes being stronger than the later one. I'm also starting to take side when it comes to the ships.

I can see why NaRi is confused. On paper, Ju Won is the obvious better choice, but there is just something endearing about Hwa Shin that makes me gravitate towards him. He's childish and petty, but has this vulnerable sincerity when it comes to NaRi that's rather sweet. I give 90% of the credit to JJS for selling this character - one minute I'm laughing at his antics, the next my heart flutter when he looks at NaRi with that longing expression. I think GKP's limitation as an actor also plays a role here since he's can't quite match up to JJS when it comes to creating chemistry with GHJ.


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The later Eps are better. Early NR annoyed me. That beach one especially made me want to throw my phone over the balcony in frustration. I like her assertive and not whiny. We know it's a hard choice. The perfect millionaire or the puppy bad boy.


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Yes, that beach scene was one of the miss-steps of this series. It was played for laughs, but went on too long and have the unfortunately effect of making NaRi seems shrieky and shrill which probably wasn't their intentions.


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@killingtime "Yes, that beach scene was one of the miss-steps of this series."

WHAAAAATTT???! That scene where NaRi was hunting for squids and the boys come over to her (well, one walked, the other dragged) covered in mud to question who she loves more? I thought that whole set up and scene was hilarious! And it led to HwaShin's anguish-filled Octopus soliloquy (like someone here on db phrased it!). I thought they were all very clever, very entertaining moves by the writer/ director.

But then, I have rose tinted glasses on when it comes to Jealousy Incarnate, so...


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You may have missed the second part of the comment where I said that the scene went on for too long. It started out funny with the proverbial mud wrestling between the two guys then dragged on and on with NaRi shrieking/whining and just lost its charm. Of course, that's just IMO.


@ Killing Time

I get what you mean. I LOVED the scene completely when I first watched it and I still appreciate a lot about it, but I did actually think it went on a bit too much when I watched it again. That said, I still loved her for yelling "I don't like either of you!" in that moment, lol.


ugh agreed with both of you so much. that beach scene was nari at her most idiotic, which was a mistake. like you said, it was played for laughs, and imo did nothing to explore her character, and in fact, seemed like a completely different character from the assertive nari in these later episodes. i prefer assertive female characters, especially in korean dramas since they seem quite rare (at least in the ones i have watched). i love how she's bloomed into a person who stands up for herself and is trying to make the right decision by being pragmatic.


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I agree. The shrieking and carrying on SHE did went on way too long. The rest of the scene was gold.


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I've seen so many reactions accusing this drama of going downhill in recent episodes, but I'm completely with you. I'm enjoying it more and more. This is actually a rare case where the interactions between the characters continue to get me more & more invested as it goes on.


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This drama is pulling all stops on every version there is to Wrongful Encounter. I mean, an orchestral version?! (When Hwa Shin was upset and went on preaching why Nari should've chosen the pair of glasses instead) That was epic!


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Haha, isn't it the best? I first noticed them using it when they were fighting over Na-ri on the street in ep 15. They better release it!


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It was on ep 15 too?! Need to rewatch that episode to listen to it again.. Yes! They need to release it! I love it love it love it!


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The show has been treated Jung Won unfairly, IMO... NR has more skinship with HS and JW's screentime has gradually reduced.
I know HS is the male lead, but I am having a hard time in liking his character (I like him in earlier eps but switch to JW because JW is more consistent in his feeling). HS, on the other hand, keeps asking Na Ri to sleep with him (ughh), kicks announcer Park unfairly (and to me it seems he belittling NR's ability to solve her problem) PLUS how jerk he is with Hye Won next ep (wont spoil it untill next ep's recaps).
Poor JW... No girl likes him for who he is. He should just leave NR and HS, find his happiness with other girl and remember not to introduce her to HS.


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I agree! JW needs more screen time and interaction with NR. I know HS is the male lead and I think he's a good fit for NR but let my JW have his fair chance too. It's already bad enough that JW-NR don't see each other at work like HS-NR, all that in-bed-talk was as if JW wasn't home to break apart the HS-NR moments haha!

#TeamJW but HS-NR for OTP. Yes, I make life complicated.


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#TeamJW but HS-NR for OTP. Yes, I make life complicated.

ha ha.. :)


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Jung Won needs to sew her another dress, I think that was when he was the most swoon worthy.


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Was he unfair to kick announcer Park tho?

It looked a lot more serious than the hazing of a hoobae. The guy is a bully and predator. She may have thwarted him and gotten away with it once but its unlikely he would have stopped. That why HS warned her at the house that he is dangerous and to stay sharp and focused.


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Yes... That guy is a sleezeball and a predator. That is WHY it was Nari who should kick him, NOT HS. Does he really think NR wouldnt face the consequences later because of him?
Remember, Park is her sunbae, superior & partner..
It would be a different story if HS caught Park in the act for harassing NR.. Then he have a reason to assault him. But HS did it without any proof and ultimately diminished NR's effort to solve her problem with Park (which I think is a very clever move).


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NR can't actively kick Park herself. She's a brand new announcer with very little standing on her own. HS is a senior level announcer that's got more pull probably even over Park since he's a favorite. When he pulls stunts he gets a month suspension. NR could easily be fired. While it was a very clever move for her, he would have found other ways to harass her and possibly assault her.
I don't particularly think HS's hot-headed behavior is commendable but I do understand that he was likely afraid for her because of Park's reputation.


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I'm glad Jung won isn't going to end up with Nari coz I'm shipping him with myself ???


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Me too!! JW should run away from HS-NR's madness!! :D


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I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who thought of this. I totally agree with you that JW is kind of being treated unfairly, he is obeying all the rules that NR proposed and HS isn't(i.e the almost kiss in the final scene). I love HS, don't get me wrong, but I just really hate his attitude towards NR during the 3 years that she had a crush on him. That's why I can't completely ship him with NR. JW is more consistent towards his feelings and knows where his relationship with NR wants to go.


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Thank you for pointing that out... Yes, JW obeys the rules while HS keeps climbing NR's bed even when NR told him to go. JW cooks breakfast for NR AND HS... And what does HS do as JW's bestfriend?? I can't recall...
I want to like HS, but I just can't... Not when he is still a jerk, selfish and seriously-not-someone-who-you-can-call-a-bestfriend kind of guy...


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I actually dislike JW's pushyness as much as I do HS's. JW is more subtle but having marriage meetings when NR hasn't even agreed to it is really not sitting well with me. It's too forward. It feels like pressure on NR too because saying no to a guy who's introduced you to his mother is far more intimidating than doing it to him alone. Plus giving her his credit card. I get where he's coming from- wanting to spoil his gf but he knows what kind of person NR is (or he should by now) so he should have known she wouldn't find that a little insulting.
It was a lot more swoony when he was making her the dress than when he's just handing her a card with a carte blanche.
Not saying HS is any better but really NR has a lot of work to do with whoever she picks.


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You're right, Hwa Shin isn't any better. I'd take someone asking me to take their credit card (which she doesn't have to actually use) any day over someone that asks me to sleep with them and then gets pushy about it when I say no. That part rubbed me the wrong way more than anything else. And the crappy way he talked to/about Hye Won in front of his mom. That was awful.


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HS kicking Announcer Park was not unfair, it's not mentioned in the recap but Nari knew that sleazeball intended to be alone with her and she was actually the one who called the other crew members and was proud that the night must've cost him a fortune.
HS's only fault was underestimating Nari's ability to handle the situation herself and I don't blame him since he's only seen her meekness towards that guy and tbh he definitely deserved a beating for being such an unprofessional jerk.


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That is why, it is supposed to be NR who kick Park... And not HS. NR is never a damsel in distress, she is a strong and smart woman. Remember when she fought the other girls because they want to steal The blue dress made by JW? She knows how to handle difficult situation and it was a smart move of her to make Park paid a fortune for attempting to harrass her.
I cringe so hard when HS assault Park without any proof if Park really harass NR.. Is he so sure Park wont sue him?? Or Park might make NR's life more difficult because of him?
Is this show try to make violence a swoonworthy thing?


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Nari would be fired within a second if she touches that guy. She would've loved to kick him herself and is obviously not mad at HS for doing it, instead I think she saw it as a cherry on the top? I mean she asked him how much he beat him up later and laughed about it, so obviously she was totally ok with it, otherwise knowing her she would've taken HS to task.

I don't condemn violence and don't find it swoon worthy but it was in character for HS to do that, he's always stood up for NA even before he had feelings for her and it would have surprised me if he actually hadn't done anything this time. As we've already seen in the helicopter incident he'd risk his job for her without hesitation so I guess he didn't really give a damn if Mr. Jerkface sues him, Nari is his priority.
And in this case I'm not sure if that guy would listen to a verbal thread anyway. He seems to have a certain reputation already since HS also asked HW about her experience with him (even though she didn't answer).
And don't you think JW would've reacted the same way if he'd seen how that guy treated NR?


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Good points you make angieya!


Yup, to add HS only got suspended for playing loose with rules and professionalism so we know he's got enough pull to get out of this clean. NR, on the other hand, would be fired in a second even if she had a thousand witnesses showing Park assaulting her.


Announcer Park is very sleazy, demeaning and he invited Nari to drink with him with bad intention. I think he deserves to be kicked by HS


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100% Agree. I think she would have wonderful chemistry with Jung Won (remember the scene where he was measuring her -wow) but he's not given the chance. His screen time has been so reduced that I'm wondering where he is that he's not noticing or objecting to what's been going down in Na Ri's room.
And I guess I'm old enough to realize that in real life, Hwa Shin would be a crappy husband and Jung Won would actually make her happier. But, alas, this is drama land where the only thing that matters is who's the main lead. I'm still holding a shred of hope since this show keeps doing the unexpected. I'm sure I'll be heartbroken by the times it's over. But I've still loved it.


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I'm cried like a bucket for the last scene ( am I was the only one who cry for that last scene?) I'm just soooooo love all the conversations between Hwa Shin and Na Ri.

I love how Hwa Shin taking care off Na Ri when she having a bad day T.T

And, why is Hwa Shin 'sleep with me' is giving me a wrong sign/definition/explanation to my brain? Every time Hwa Shin said that its scream 'I love you?!' Am I the only one who think like that? Okay may be I'm weird!

This show is driving me crazy!



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'narang chaja' and he is completely honest, raw, passionate, vulnerable and sincere. It does scream 'I love you!'

And it came after she unloaded to him about her day and asked after his chest. Taking off her socks and admiring her feet sooo intimate. The tailoring scene and the way JW talked about her feet doesn't even compare.


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@YoesLee And that look in Jo Jung Suk's eyes when he places his head on the side of NaRi’s pillow and utters "As if". So much rawness, honesty and vulnerability in them. Another place where the look in his eyes just squeezed my heart was the way he was looking at Hye Won after he saw her kissing some guy. That puzzled, stung look.

And I guess another reason why he is using the ‘sleep with me’ line is to end this whole cohabitation thingy which he has explicitly stated is a torture for him. He reckons if NaRi sleeps with him that will be the end of it and they can go back to their own places (obviously now as lovers).


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i agree with you!

I think it's all a part of the whole "he sucks at expressing his love" kinda thing.

ALSO i like how this drama touches on that people in relationships have sexual needs.. its like dude the guy loves her, OBVIOUSLY he wants to sleep with her and its torture to have to live with her. I feel like people who think that's gross or "disgusting" of him are either younger or on the pruder side LOL haha jk but no jk

they're like grown adults, past 30. I think it's fine to be talking about those things


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That flashback added some new depth to the bromance. They dated the same girl for a year and they both suspected or even knew but didn't have a falling out over it.

So I don't think NR choosing one over the other would not have derailed them long term.

She got the low down on HS from sisters in law and Soo Young so I kinda feel like she is procrastinating at this point.


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The funny thing about the bar/drunk scene was that she drunkenly tells him that she knew jerk face announcer was up to something and called the team in. She's assertive in her own way and I like how the show portrays over and over how the logical choice is always JW but there's something about HS.

Personally, I'm in love with JW but when HS makes a gesture, it makes me crumble for him.


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The guys are not completely unaffected by Soo Jung and Hye Won.

I like that they are bit rattled by other women so we can question how much of their obsession over NR has to do with rivalry.


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True, I feel like all the main leads are in a love triangle of their own, lol.
1. hwa shin - na ri - jung won
2. soo jung - jung won - na ri
3. hye won - hwa shin - na ri


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Thanks Dramallama

Ja Young proves that being a step mom is not less affectionate than a birth mom. Yes, she did not give birth to PalGang, even a divorcee to her dad, but it did not prevent her from caring sincerely to PalGang. She was completely ruined into thinking that her daughter will go away from her. Indeed, she is just a loving mommy as well as the birth mommy.

Since they are perfect combo moms by now why do the writernim needs to separate them?


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I agree, they can stay like this always. Both moms have also become friends now. Why does ppal gang have to live with only one mom?


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Yeah, just because that note says "PalGang will live with Bang Ja Young" doesn't mean she has to live with her only. Why can't they just all live together forever? These two women are much better together, than they are apart.


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I also don't understand the need to split up the moms. They're awesome together. There's already so much unconventionality going on in this show, why not just let the daughter have two moms. Or are they afraid they're gonna continuously fight over PG's affection?


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I think this has to do with Korean family registry. In Korea, the registry will be the determinant of who is your family and who isn't. Say if an adopted son was on the registry, and a birth son wasn't, the adopted son is the real son, not the birth son.
Whoever Ppalgang chooses would be listed as her mother officially and if anything do happen to Ppalgang, that mother would be her official caretaker.


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I'd like to see her live with both mom's too - or even share the time if nothing else. I like their dynamic together.


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You guys have too see this making video. So funny! :D


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I saw this on IG the other day and never have I laughed so much watching a bts. ???

It just warms my heart to see how much off screen chemistry all the actors and the production team have. Especially in this one, I like that Jo Jung Suk and Gong Hyo jin are so comfortable and touchy feely with each other. Just makes me ridiculously happy. I dunno why!

Thank you for sharing this here, Imbuk.


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Though work is work and most production teams choose fun bts to show the viewers, in this show it actually seems they are having more than enough fun shooting. I mean look at the dialogues, how can they not laugh while acting them out.


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Thanks Imbuk. Btw could you spill, what did they say to each other?


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I wish I understood korean without subs, amelyia but I only understand a few words. I just felt happy to see them enjoying and laughing together while shooting, so I wanted to share it with you guys too.


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Lol.. Thanks anyway..


Dramafever's YouTube account has several behind the scenes videos with subtitles. But I'm not sure if the one you posted is there.


thanks for the info, will check it out. :)


"Omma, just wait for 10 days. I will bring you my girl." Ufff.. That confidence!


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Jung Won is sweetly romantic, but Hwa-Shin has swagger. The part where he said that one night with him and it would be game over for Jung Won had me sniggering. It would be funny if we actually get a scene of NaRi being unimpressed with Hwa-Shin's bedroom skills after their first time together. I'm not sure if his ego can take it.


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Pwahaha, I'd sooo love to see that, especially since the writer loves to torture HS. But Nari doesn't seem to have much experience, so I doubt she'd even realize lol, Hye-won on the other end... *snickers*


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You know, the fact that NaRi is not all that experience and is still unimpressed would make it 10x funnier. Just imagine all the expressions that JJS will make as he tries to justify/explain himself. Poor Plato got dragged into Hwa-Shin's shenanigans this week, one can only wonder which other Greek philosophers will suffer a similar fate as Hwa-Shin attempt to ramble his way of it.


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I would love to see that scene, too! Why, oh why, is it so entertaining to see Hwashin suffer? (*ノ▽ノ)


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Wow. Thought the show couldn't make the characters any more distasteful a few episodes ago. But they keep managing to surpass themselves.


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I'm always quite amazed by the facial expression on Nurse Oh's face, the way she always carried a "I'm unimpressed no matter how hard you try to mess with me and be funny" kind of nonchalant look is so cute. The actress's name is Park Jin-joo, I thought she looked familiar, and I got the impression that I saw her before in some sageuk, but just couldn't quite place her..


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can't she just keep both?? this show is so cute... both of them are so adorable, she should keep both.
; )


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I love love love this drama and wish it could be longer than 24 episodes just so that i can enjoy the trio on screen together. Never thought a show about jealousy could be as entertaining as this. I especially love Nari when she said out loud about her thoughts and insecurities to Hwashin in episode 18. That makes me relieved that she is not acting clueless and uncertain for nor reasons. To me, her actions are realistic and justifiable. Thank you writer nim for such a refreshing drama.


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The choice between the cap and the eyeglasses was very telling. It seems like Nari knows that it's not 51-49 anymore. There's probably a big gap already so I understand why some are frustrated with this wishy washy attitude. But for me, I admire her self control. The heart knows what it wants but it doesn't really think about consequences. "Follow your heart" is not always a sound advice.  It's not high school romance anymore where you can fall head first into a tricky,messy situation like love. I think with Nari, she loves Hwashin but she's scared that he'll hurt her again like before. Not to mention it's pretty hard to stay in love with a(n) (adorable) jerk like Hwashib. With Jungwon, not much passion but she's sure she will be loved. Considering that it's her first foray to love, it's pretty impressive she's able to hold out this long. People think that Nari is a 'stupid' character but she's quite pragmatic. Afterall, falling in love doesn't guarantee a happy ever after.

I like the scene when Hwashin said Nari's feet are pretty. It's a nice tie in with episode 9 where he was miffed that Jungwon got to see her feet first. This is also the second time we saw sassy Nurse eating something, first ramen, this time, sandwich. Is that PPL? Because it doesn't make sense. (Yes, despite the tons of good Kdramas and the start of American fall shows, and you know, that pesky thing called reality, I keep on rewatching past episodes that I remember the smallest details.  This is the first time a drama made me so obsessed. I probably need an intervention soon. Σ(゜Д゜) )


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Merin - your first paragraph. So beautifully explained. Yes, it’s clear which side the scales of her feelings are tipping towards. But I like how you said she is being cautious esp now that we have been shown that HwaShin has a tendency to nag, to be nitpicky, with borderline OCD and be absolutely useless around the house (omg, that black out scene!). ‘Love’ alone doesn’t guarantee a happy life together. And I love how you said ‘Considering that it’s her first foray to love, it’s pretty impressive she’s able to hold out this long.’ - Yes, given the fact that she is clearly in love with Hwashin, it is quite an impressive feat.

And I am SO WITH YOU on the needing intervention bit. I read and write about JI online, I watch Behind the Scene cuts over and over, I rewatch my favourite scenes before I go to bed, I am constantly thinking about it, dreaming about it…. The word obsession doesn’t even begin to describe what I am going through at the moment with this drama!


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OMG, i'm so glad i'm not the only one, i thought I was crazy for a bit there!! *hold hands and spazz***


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:) Rose..


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Oh no!! I'm the same.....We need to set up a JI club. Not sure how I'm gonna survive when this dram ends. I've not been so obsessive over a drama since The Master's Sun.


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I love when Hwa-shin notes how pretty her feet are too. Something very real about the execution/acting of that moment, what with her talking over him and not even registering what he said. There's just something so lovely & sweet about the whole exchange.


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YASSSSS to this *_*

JJS is soooo good at conveying the subtlest details... i think that's why I like HS's character so much. it's like he has tons of flaws (understatement haha) but he does these small things that just make you swooonnnnnn


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OMG, who wanna start a group chat so we can spazz about this show???? once again, team SHINARI all the way! and i need a bed scene to be happen yah!


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Omg that is such a good idea!!!

Drop me an email, [email protected]


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I'm totally up for a whatsapp group since I use it the most and we can talk in real time. I'll create the group if you all ok with it...my id is [email protected]


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So awesome! Thank you, I'll dl whatsapp and just tell me the group name to join!!!@


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Yes please! What do I need to do?


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i have no idea how to start one either!! :((( any expert???????


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Do you want a whatsapp one or does anyone have a better ideas? Because I can make a whatsapp group.

Or an email group? Like massive email group chat? Hmm


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Okay guys, I have a couple of messages with their numbers, if you guys message me at [email protected] I will create it tonight!!!


Haha, I know all the beanies dealing with their Scarlet Heart obsession have started one, but I am so unsavvy with stuff like this, LOL. I'd totally join though. I'm so appreciative of these recaps, whatever day they come out, but I admit that it's pretty much torture not to immediately be able to discuss this show on Wednesday. I need an outlet.


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WORD Chandler, I bother my sister and try to spazz with her so much that she said i need to be treat for addiction to JI! :))))! Ami seem like she know what to do! AMI help??!!


@ chandler for d scarlet group I wanna join. please how do I go about it.


@safeenah, I think there's a link posted in OT, it's one of the first comments.

@Chandler, yeah the struggle is real. I oftentimes also mix up if something happens in one or the next episode and either have to re-read the recap or watch the episode itself (if it's not in the recap) in order to not spoil.


this show is making me crazy...I also wanna be in the group chat...


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Email me! I'm creating it tonight!

Everyone who wants to be added in the group chat, message me at [email protected] and we can go crazy on JI together!!


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Yes, how do I sign up? I managed to rope my friend into JI and now, we're totally obsessed that we're thinking of flying to Korea just to watch GHJ's and JJS's new movies.


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Guys! I created it so just email me when you want to be added :)


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sorry if this sounds rude but can the recaps for this drama be faster. shopping king louie gets recapped in lte speed. but this drama which is winning the ratings always gets recapped so slow. infact the thurs episode only gets recapped when next episode is about to air.

i want to discuss the drama while the feelings are still there. but since it is uploaded so late people are less keen on discussions and it makes it look like this drama isnt being watched.

can u make JI a priority too,


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I think the dramallama and saya are doing this in their free time. So, its not that they don't think JI is a priority, its just they might be busy with their lives.

Sometimes, I type what I feel after watching the drama and post it once the recaps get posted. You can do that. Sometimes, I just read other people's comments and reply to them.

If you feel like you want to discuss it immediately, you can post that in open thread. Even yesterday, lot of people have posted about jealousy incarnate. I just feel grateful that its getting recapped at all so that we all have a space to share our thoughts, because i have no one else to discuss it with. :)


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Recaps are a privilege to have, not a right to demand. Let's just be grateful that there are recaps at all, because recappers are doing this out of goodwill and not obligation to anyone.


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I get your pain @alpha. Moon lovers also has a fast recapper. HeadsNo.2 if I remember right.

It would be really nice to have recaps sooner coz as you pointed out late recaps means only the crazy committed ones like us (he he) come on db to squee and it might give the impression that not many people out there care for the drama. And I guess that can seem unfair, especially for an awesome drama like JI, which we feel should be getting all the love and attention in the world!

But as someone said, if the recappers are doing this solely out of their love for Kdramas and blogging, without any sort of compensation for their time... well, then it's hard to argue against that I guess. :)

Have you tried soompi? I have been there and done some reading on JI, haven't logged in to comment or anything, so not exactly sure how it works, but you could give it a try? To discuss the drama while the feelings are still there, as you said.


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Have you tried recapping a drama? I imagine it takes several watching plus screenshots plus the time it takes to write up each episode....for the entertainment value only. These writers get paid nothing for their efforts. Just try to keep that in mind.
You're welcome to volunteer your time to recapping if you feel you could do it faster.
Trust me, I want to see recaps asap too but they don't magically appear. People have to put the effort in.


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Plus, for this particular drama, like dramallama said, there are a million details -- it would take me a week just to decide what to put in and what to leave out.

Dramallama and Saya, fighting! and thank you!


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I get you alpha. I rarely comment here at Db, but I always enjoy reading the recaps and the comments/discussions of fellow beanies for dramas that I particularly love. And just like you, I also wish that the recap for this drama could come sooner like for other dramas (some do come at lightning speed, indeed), but like everyone else's saying, the recappers are writing these in their own free time with no compensation whatsoever except for their love for K-drama, and imagine the effort it must take them to choose the right screencaps, to include as much details as possible, etc. that's a lot of work, so I think what we can do as readers is exercising some patience.

And seeing that at the time I'm writing this, the comments here have reached 200, people are still keen to discuss this drama even though the recap came a few days after it was aired ?


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these folks are doing this for free out of love for this show. maybe you can throw them some money since you need the recaps so quickly?


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I didn't notice it until this recap, but dramallama is right, Hwa-shin was shaken up when he saw Hye-won with someone else. Also, I'm not entirely convinced that Jung-won has zero feelings for the other announcer. Are their hearts going to waver for other people like Na-ri?! No one's 100% committed at this point and it's crazy.


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I don't always look at someone "being shaken" as a horrible sign. I actually like the show for acknowledging the fact that you can be attracted to multiple people at once. I know we all think that once we are in love, we automatically lose our ability to be attracted to anyone else. But our ability to tell the difference between temporary interest and lasting connection is what's really important. That said, while I do think that Hwa-shin is too far gone in his feelings for Na-ri to really entertain a serious interest in Hye-won, sometimes this show does make me wonder.


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I don't think it's horrible, it's more that I thought we were settling into our love triangle and the show caught me by surprise by adding two other contenders to the mix. Without spoiling anything, it makes me think that perhaps we're not going to do down just the classic misunderstanding route next week. Maybe Hwa-shin's going to realise there's some sparks flying with his co-anchor and that'll be another element our trio has to tackle.


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Yeah, agree with Chandler and Ren. The misconception that you won't be attracted to another once you find that lasting connection really needs to be addressed. (Lol, blame Kdrama for that). But for you to know who to go for, you need to tackle with yourself about your perceived connection with all of the mates you're attracted to. Ana I think Nari is doing it now. So I think it's fair if the boys feel conflicted that way (by having two hearts) to empathize with Nari and still choose Nari at the end of the day.


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Yea I feel like Hye Won is such an impressive lady in her own right it's hard not to be impressed by her confidence. For HS I feel like it's a little bit of his own swagger being turned back on him. It's a heady thing to be on the receiving end.

I love Hye won so much lol. Her deadpan delivery is great.


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I wonder if it wasn't just HS's ego that was "shaken up". I mean he was so offended (for lack of a better word) when NR went into the relationship with JW and repeating all the time how she can just get over a three year crush that easily that it wouldn't surprise me if it's a similar case here, of course to a much lesser extent. He can't make sense of HW making out with another guy when she just said recently that she likes him since he's so amazing. ?


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I dont think he was interested in HW. That was a surpraise look to me. She was just too brave to do it in parking area where people could spot her easily.


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I started watching JI bc I was totally curious what direction they'll take after Hwashin and Nari kissed. (I only read recaps before.) I'm completely loving that the show didn't go to the usual kdrama plot routine where the second lead is just in the sidelines.

I was just wondering why they didn't introduce the concept of polyamory. I was kinda expecting they'd mention this bc the show has an asexual character, which means JI goes beyond the heteronormative codes of Korean television. Or would that be really shocking to Korean audience?

Vicky Cristina Barcelona, anyone? I love that movie bc it first introduced me to polyamory. At first, I was utterly perplexed and couldn't wrap my mind around the concept but I grew to understand it now.


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Nothing wrong with polyamory for a short duration of time when you are young and childless. It doesn't last long for heterosexual couples. With time, people always start feeling more passionate and possessive towards one particular partner. As lovers grow older, they want an emotional and financial security of monagomy for themselves and their children. Especially females involved. BTW: Majority of Earth population practice polyamory in one form or another. I don't think polyamory could be applied to this show, tho. Both males are too possessive, competitive, don't like each other enough to share a lover. Also, they are severely restricted in their sexual and marital choices by family and society.


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This series let me down so bad in its handling of its OT3. I am always looking for the next awesome trio with poly-potential, & I can easily name at least 5 dramas with much better maturity, etc in their trio ships.. sigh. But this one gives polyamory a bad rep, implying that even "smart" ppl are ~incapable of being emotionally intelligent enough to respect their love interests & that everyone reverts to selfishness instead of just using basic sense. So disappointed.

At least the confirmed ~ace wasn't handled too badly, for a minor char (as of ep18). I've only had a vague one & other "could be" ones before. Good progress there! (as an ace viewer)


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Hwashin is really good at winking ?, it's difficult to wink like him...wink more


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I found the scene where Jung-won told his mom he'd marry Na-ri in a month, and then later when he told Na-ri to spend his money and waved his card in her face very offensive. I'm so glad she threw his card in the trash. Jung-won is seriously irritating in this week's episodes.

Love the bedroom scene between Hwa-shin and Na-ri at the end. The look in Jo Jung-seok's eyes... woah. Near took my breath away. How can Na-ri resist??


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I am just wondering why did you find that offensive? Arrogant, yes. Over the top, yes. But why offensive? I am only asking to understand your point of view.


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Offensive because he's flaunting his wealth in her face. It's how he does it. Maybe he isn't even aware of it, but he's trying to buy her affection with his money. He's showing off the one thing he knows is absolutely to his advantage: his wealth. It's insulting because Na-ri is not that type of person - that is, if Jung-won even knows she's not that type of person. He even says it himself, that he can't comprehend why she wouldn't let him spend money on her. I wonder if he really understands her or has put in effort into understanding what makes her tick. He says she arouses in him a rebellious and competitive spirit. That says nothing of love. She's his most convenient weapon for rebellion against his mother - case in point being that sudden proposal which put Na-ri in a spot.

I know a lot of people like Jung-won, but he's all surface work to me. A lot of the things he does make him look good, but offer little insight into the real Jung-won beyond being a mommy's boy. Pretty much his whole trajectory has been about his battle with his mom. I haven't seen him deal with real issues. This love triangle and the possibility of losing Na-ri is probably the biggest setback he's ever encountered in his life. It's no wonder Soo-young had nothing else to say about him when Na-ri asked her for her impressions about the guys.


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I agree with all of this and find that I have a like/hate relationship with Jung Won and his character. He reminds me again and again why I rarely get second lead syndrome.

I find him (and most second leads) to be surface level as you said and to really lack depth. On the surface Jung Won seems like the perfect guy (and he's been written that way to be a foil to Hwa Shin). He's rich, he treats Na Ri well, he cooks, he cleans, etc etc. He's the ultimate romantic ideal. However when you look at these and even beyond it, I find a lot of his behaviors to be very offensive and problematic.

Jung Won is very problematic (the passive aggressive way he refused to hear Na Ri break up and then was going to completely ignore it. At the hotel he too was going to interrupt Na Ri's pasta blind date but Hwa Shin beat him to the punch. Stalker like behavior of showing up where Na Ri is -after breakup uninvited interruption of the buy me late night snacks between Hwa Shin and Na Ri, early Moroni get show up at her house -she woke an hour earlier than normal to avoid him and he was still there- following her to work. Then you got the manipulated hijacked blind date. He himself has admitted that he knows Na Ri liked Hwa Shin more but still he injects himself in the middle. Now he's trying to entrap her by introducing her to his crazy mother who tries to take away careers and gives slaps like it's candy so who knows what she'll do at a rejection, that she (Na Ri) is his fiancé...) but he's rarely called out on his behavior the way the a majority of the audience rightfully call out Hwa Shin's.

It's because Jung Won is more covert in his problematic ways while Hwa Shin is overt. Also Jung Won's behavior is romanticized a lot and he's written in a way that has the audience fell sorry for him. I mean it sucks that his best friend betrayed him by kissing his girlfriend and basically having been in love with her. It sucks that said girlfriend is in love with his best friend. Sucksfor him that he most likely won't get the girl. But I don't understand why this means we have to feel sorry for him. I have found him post break up to be irritating in the way that he is writing the narrative to his own heart break and refuses to accept what he clearly knows.

People say Na Ri is playing him. No Jung Won is playing himself. He's trying to buy time and buy/will a love he knows is not there. So like you have found a lot of post I refuse to take a bow and step out this mess desperate to hang on Jung Won irritating and sometimes offensive in a lot of his actions.


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I feel same..


Spot on. His passive-aggressiveness is grating but it's all done behind this gentlemanly act and some overblown sense of entitlement. I really didn't like the way he kept insisting Na-ri talk informally to him - girl is clearly uncomfortable and yet he keeps badgering her as though it's some ultimate prize if she does. It's also telling that Na-ri seemed scared of Jung-won's overreaction when she tried to break up with him. However, she is used to Hwa-shin's anger and even matches him for it.

Jung-won hasn't thought of what this sudden proposal thing could do to Na-ri, if his mother were so inclined to continue messing with Na-ri's career. He can't handle his mother and she knows it. It's a childish way of showing off to his mom that he can break free from her, but he hasn't and is unlikely to because he doesn't want to face the music like a man. It's that same attitude he's been showing Hwa-shin after he learnt about Na-ri liking Hwa-shin. Jung-won's turning the cohabitation thing into a game where he won't rest until he bests his long-time friend for good. For some reason, I find his jibes and gloating at Hwa-shin especially irritating - they're no longer just teasing; every word, every action is out to hurt.


@Juny @Lin

What you said about JW were so spot on. I have always had trouble describing what I felt was wrong about JW, and then you decribed it so astutely.

I must be in the minority for not falling for JW even from the beginning, I found him too good to be true. Sure, he's rich, handsome and kind. But there's so much problem behaviors lurking from behind that seemingly perfect, swoon-worthy exterior. And beside the fact that his mother is a major turn-off, I found his "kindness" somehow burdensome, the scene in the movie theater in ep. 18 (hope this is not considered as spoiler) was a good example, that actually made me cringe.


I feel that none of the 3 are actually in a position to date right now. Too many mixed muddled feelings. They need to get away and sort their emotions.
It's clear nari is leaning towards hwashin for whatever reasons. I still don't understand why she had that crush on him for 3 years. Her behavior back then was more stalkerish than Jung wons and that too when hwashin clearly had no interest. So should we judge her based on what she did? No. She probably didn't think it through.
I think Jung won is problematic for a different reason..he seems to have a lot of repressed emotion. His perfect behavior was probably drummed into his head. He needs to be free of his mother to realise who he is. Once those pent-up emotions are out he may or may not continue being the good boy that he is now. I think he wants to be with nari because it adds some drama/conflict in his life. He himself said that she was bringing out the rebel in him.
Hwashin- this guy. He at least wears his emotions on his sleeve. Does that mean he's a better person? Not necessarily. Also,he seems to need love more than he needs nari. What if some other woman shows him the same amount of devotion and care as nari?
Finally Nari- most confusing person. I understand her present actions but I can't understand why she got involved with the 2 guys in the first place. Why did she like Jung won? With hwashin,I think it's mostly unresolved feelings that are messing with her head. I didn't see them have a proper conversation so far. Both of them have to work hard to make their relationship work because hwashin is not ur typical tsundere. He's more like a grumpy needy baby. Wait,maybe nari likes him because he brings out her mommy/protective instincts? Yeah that's what she does half the time..caring for him and fussing over him. But for how long can she do that?

Beanies...I don't know your personal beliefs and your take on love. I'm no expert myself. But I feel one should date around until we know what we want. Do we like the person because they seem perfect on paper? Is it purely attraction? Is it loneliness? To me,the best kind of love is where they are comfortable enough with each other and are able to get along. Constant bickering is cute only in dramas.


Great analysis gals..


Food for thought as someone that's been #teamjungwon so far. Thank you for giving me another way to look at it. I've already been overanalyzing this show, but I haven't looked at it this way.


Wow! I had never thought of it this way. Even though I am one of those people who liked hwa shin more from the start, I didn't attribute that to not liking jung won. It was mostly because hwa shin was more real to me and I had this pull towards his character. But, thanks for enlightening me, nice to know different points of view. @junny @lin @strawberry


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I second that Imbuk! Fascinating interpretations by @lin, strawberry and junny.

Every time I read analyses like these, I can literally feel my mind expanding, my analytical skills improving ha ha.. Well, at least now I have a reason to justify my drama addiction. Mum, are you listening?


I could be wrong but my guess is because it can be interpreted as buying her love with money? Not that I think it's the case with JW since he has the habit to demonstrate his love through money as we've seen how he sponsors HS's clothing etc.


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Oops, should be a reply to Imbuk.


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Oh.. I didn't think of that at all, angeiya. Now I get it, but I didn't probably think of it that way because I always feel jung won does things with good intentions.


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My father worked as a banker in business and he showed his love by giving money and material goods while my grandmother was a great cook and showed her love thru food and cooking our favorites. My aunt knitted and crocheted and made blankets and scarfs to express her love - none of them were wrong, just a different way of showing how they love!


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Plenty of (Asian) dads do that, and I do not have an issue with it. My own parents are not overly affectionate but show their love in other ways. But they don't wave a credit card in my face and tell me to go on a spending spree.

As I've explained above, it's how Jung-won does it that is off-putting. Flaunting his assets is not love, it's showing off. It's insulting to the other person as well. Jung-won will never understand because he comes from a place of wealth and hasn't had to work from the lowest rung up and suffer the kind of insults Na-ri has had to get to where she is today (and even so, her position is not yet stable). If he actually cared for Na-ri, he would not have waved a card in her face or pulled that marriage proposal stunt. The card thing is all about him - that she spends his money, that he knows her spending habits, that they have something to fight about. Is it even about her anymore?


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I agree that everyone shows love differently. There really is no wrong way to express it. But I think a person has to consider what another would feel in receiving it.

JW may express his love for NR by giving material gifts. That's not wrong wrong. But it's sort of wrong in the sense that NR is uncomfortable with it. Moreso because she has clearly refused but he kept on giving the card until she threw it away.

Learning each other's love languages and meeting halfway is important, I think.


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lol....the main difference is every example you gave was a family member. maybe i dont understand korean culture well enough but the last thing i want my bf to do is treat me like a daughter. not sexy.


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it was tacky and sexist and gross. good on na-ri for throwing it in the trash. i would have thrown it in his face tbh.


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Okay, sometimes (usually with Hwa-Shin and Nari's heart-grabbing, emotional and fierce dialogues) I forget this is a comedy rather than a romantic comedy. And I suppose those that have turned away from this drama of recent are the ones who watched the episodes thinking differently. The show is hilariously funny and the only reason it doesn't come off as light as it was scripted is probably due to the excellent job of the actors and actresses. Hwa-Shin is too real to be just a comic character. His macho actions (I read from somewhere which loosely translates to 'papery macho' - and which I've come to understand as a macho guy who lets himself be pushed often by the girl he loves, much like paper fluttering in the wind) are funny but the depth of emotions underlying those macho acts are so real and portrayed so well by Jo Jung Suk that I tend to forget that this is comedy at its best.

And maybe because Mr. Jo is so good an actor I've come to realize after having re-watched (yes, me too, fellow viewers) the episodes that Pyo Na-Ri has always loved him although she was going to end her one-sided love and start something with Jung-Won UNTIL she found out Hwa-Shin was (or believed himself to be) in love with her. She doesn't entirely trust him, yet but with Jung-Won seeming like such a two-dimensional character (and perfect as only two-dimensional characters can be)compared to Hwa-Shin and Na-Ri, how can the viewers not realize this? They say it's a triangular love relationship but only because Hwa-Shin didn't let Na-Ri know of his budding love for her.


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Thank you for putting this so well, I completely agree on all counts!


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I also rewatch ep 13, 14. She was shocked, cracked a smile, and then felt like splitted. Referring to her imagination scenes after finding out the pics, to me, she was worried because she FOUND herself shaken. She was aware that at the moment she was dating his friend so she shouldn't break the friendship. She was in a dilemma againts her heart and morality.

In another word, I didnt find her thoughts saying that she did not trust it that HS was in love with her. She was concerned with the consequences if she liked him back.

What happened after, she was in a defensive mode, chose pretending knowing nothing, till HS realised she d seen the pics and talked about it. Till this ep, NR was in defense mode by playing hard on him. She determined not to be an easy girl anymore.

With JW, even though he was super kind and looked decent and perfect, she didnt show clues as if she was in love. She was just a person who received love and grateful. Meanwhile, I believe that JW loved her sincerely.


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I like dramallama first sentence in the comment "This show is chock full of surprising humor, but there’s so much in the details that I can’t express, or else this recap would never end." This drama is really must watch drama!
All the details are hilarious. With all the sound effect.
See how the drama selects the background music when NaRi choose white cap to decide who should stay in 2nd floor. It is wrongful encounter in different arrangement. Hahahaha


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Tq dramalama,

I like all of JW wardrobe, oh ! GPK has done his homework excellent !

Why the scriptwriter is giving more dialogues to HS and NR and more kissing time for them and also they broke the house rules being intimately lovey dovey in the room ! Shish !

I hope JW find out sooner and chased them out ! JW go back to Milan and continue with your designer clothes and shoes, and sponsor your clothes to needy people instead of them that will be more satisfying dear young man!

HS acted like a ganster to the anchorman Park why is Nari now spineless these days and need HS to interfere with office "drama" ?

All i noticed about HS and NR always in a drunken state to get lovey dovey. Hey scriptwriter you run out of ideas !.


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Yess to all of your comments!!
Good point!!


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HS is not acting as a gangster. Nari seems to be weak to Park from outside so how is he supposed to know that Nari will be able to handle this problem by herself? What HS doing is very consistent to his character since he's afraid that NR will be harmed by Park. I find it very compelling for HS to be so worried by NR'a condition and to search through all the bars to find her. It shows that he really cares for her.


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I think it's fascinating that this drama has such strong polarizing sides rooting for both male leads! I definitely see how one man possess what the other doesn't and what I love about this show is that it forces viewers to confront what they value most in a partner.

Jung Won is safe, consistent and sweet. Hwa Shin is fiery, passionate and blunt. I feel that Na Ri knows that the OBVIOUS smart choice would be the wealthy bachelor who is smitten by you completely. But when you have another man, who can break your body and heart like no other, no wonder why she's at her wits end with these two.

And was anyone else sweating bullets during that ending bed scene?!?! OMO -- JJS's bedroom eyes and husky voice about killed me.... The romance and sexual tension in this scene was so palpable and utterly delicious. Bravo to these actors and this is exactly the sort of sizzling, raw romance that I've always sought but rarely found in kdrama.


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"I think it’s fascinating that this drama has such strong polarizing sides rooting for both male leads!"

- Right? Such fantastic writing/ acting.


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I actually dislike it when the 2 went back to fighting over their daughter Ppal Gan


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I actually prefered her to live with both mothers like now. One whole family. Peaceful n loving.

The lead trio lead loving together at Jung Won's big house is funny to watch. I know Nari's brain told her that JW is a better choice but her heart seems to be more with HS. It is like a dilemma that many of us often face: to follow the brain or the heart ❤ ?


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I am not even in this love triangle, yet EVERY time Hwa-Shin asks Na-Ri to "sleep with me", I find myself saying "yes."


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I'm with you sister. I thought I'm immune to swooning over characters but JJS as Hwashin is so maddeningly adorable. Gummy is so lucky to enjoy those intense gazes in real life.


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I am Team Jung Won. But, the end game is so obvious, no brainer. JW character does not need to be a bad ass as Hwah Shin but the writer must give him more meaningful n thougtful encounter with Nari so the shipping war is more thrilling.
I watched until the last eps, the story is going in circles, it is losing its spank. :(


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Any woman over 40 knows that JW is the one she should chose, HS is wayyyyy too high maintenance. Yeah, he does expose his soft side at times, but, mostly he does not. He is fun to fight with, but, those fights happen too frequently. If she choses him, they will have a tumultuous marriage and she will, eventually, come to her senses and divorce him. Just avoid all that ugly and chose JW, he will learn to argue with her:)


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If this were a real life situation and I was pursued by the two men HS and JW, I actually wouldn’t choose either.

I wouldn’t chose JW bcoz of zero chemistry/ connection. Plus with his perfect exterior I would be constantly worrying whether I am good enough for him.. He he...

And although HwaShin does have some very admirable qualities ( like loyalty) , I dunno if in real life if I could put up with a guy who nags so much, who yells at me so much, who doesn’t lift a finger to help with household chores, and who is a nitpicky clean freak. ?

HAVING SAID THAT, in this drama, however, I am allllll for Hwashin! It is a combination of JJS’s acting plus the way his character is written that makes me wanna root for him. ? Go get your girl, Hwashin ah!! ✊


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lol agree! With JW comes family and image consciousness and constantly worrying over showing and a being a perfect wife. With HS....well your house might be spotless but you'd be dealing with that nagging. I have enough of that from my mother lol.


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I wouldn't chose neither guy either.


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I'm still in my 20's but yep, my mind says Jungwon but my heart says Hwashin. I can totally relate to Nari's predicament. But if I were in that situation, I'll drop them both and go with the sexy voice chef. (σ≧▽≦)σ


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you know how we always talk about having to suspend disbelief when watching K Drama? RLD has hit exactly where I have to do it in this show. I guess I'm just too old to feel how Na Ri could choose the ups and downs and angst that will come with almost every minute of HS. Then again I had a flamboyant, dynamic father to whose personality everyone catered - and man, was he exhausting. My mom and I found happiness with her second husband who adored her 100%.

Gaaaaah, go to Jung Won, as RLD says: he will learn to argue with you ?


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If this were a real life situation, I would't choose one the guys, either. JW is problematic in his own way even though he seemed perfect on the surface IMO, and HS is just too high maintenance, as you said.

But, since this is fiction, I will choose HS above JW any day since he's more complex and much more interesting of the two ?


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I do too hehe..


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I was trying to reconcile in my mind between my own philosophy to prefer the good boy vs the importance of chemistry. Based on my philosophy, supposedly I should be team JW but it turns out that I am more of team HS now. Haha. As I reflect though, I realize that I have not been consistent with my own philosophy. I chose a more difficult guy (the one that I argue a lot with) as a husband and it turns out that after 8 years of dating, 6 years of marriage, and many hardships together, we actually become better people, stronger in our relationship, and happier together. So, there's always an exception...


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Random, but, during the flashback, I couldn't help but note that Jung-won completely ignored the other girl at the table when she said her name, while Hwa-shin actually acknowledged her and made a dorky attempt at a joke. He still only had eyes for Soo Young, but I still appreciated that. Haha, from that scene alone, I would have thought him the more considerate guy of the two. Of course, then he lost her on the disco ride moments later so...


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lol in his defense, Soo Young grabs his hand. Of course the guy forgot about everything else haha. At least he tried lol. Sort of.

I loved Soo Young listing his million faults though haha. Painful for him lol.


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Haha, that's why I don't hold it against him! But, strangely, I did get really bothered by Jung-won ignoring that girl. He was obviously going through his "bad boy" phase, but that sort of thing really bothers me.


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Yeah same, it's this dismissiveness of any girl that's not his target that doesn't show good character. Like you're only nice to the girls you want to get with...?


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+1 Excellent point Quinze.


I am glad you brought that point up Chandler. That Hwashin - though only had eyes for Soo Young - still acknowledged her 'less attractive' friend as well. Such acts of consideration (however, small they may be) really show what a person is made of. Good for you Hwashin ah! No wonder you have my heart! ;)


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Agree... that's basic decency right there. Especially in their teenage years when they were probably going through a 'bad-boy' phase as Chandler said, still able to show a courtesy like that, no matter how small, reveals what your real character is.


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While maybe many people dropped this drama after episode 14, I found this drama more hilarious after that episode. The writer takes this triangle love story into weird yet so funny direction and I really love it. This is one of few K-dramas that isn't boring near the end and it gets more interesting. I hope the writer can keep the good work. And I really adore JJS's acting. Can't wait for next week episodes.


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Glad to hear that you are still enjoying the ride with us! :)


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I am not sure why a lot of the comments here are for Hwa Shin's character. Most girls would like to pick the bad boy, funny, rough kinda guy. Honestly, in real life girls should choose the kind character, a person who treats you well in whatever situation like Ju Won. That is why Na Ri is doing the checklist because it is the sane thing to do. In real life you use both your head and heart. I hope the writers pick Ju Won as Na Ri's choice because that is the right person.


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unfortunately guys like JW are hard to find in this society, good look, rich with such awsome personality, i doubt we can find it :((((((


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Hmm I'm typically the type of person who would root for the good guy and JW is definitely a better husband material than HS. However, for NR, I'm not sure that JW is good match for her. They lack chemistry and transparency (I don't think they have shared their true feelings, insecurities, etc nor fight with each other). Marriage is difficult and it needs chemistry, complete transparency, and persistence to make it a happy marriage and I have not seen much from JW & NR relationship so far. I have seen so many marriage who looks good on paper failed at the end so I think we need to look at more than checklist of behaviors...


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THIS! Frankly, no matter how much better Jung-won seems as a husband, there's no getting past the lack of chemistry or strong emotional bond between them. You need to be with someone who you're comfortable enough to really talk to. Hwa-shin's biggest asset as a partner right now is that his blunt nature pushes Na-ri to assert herself in the relationship. Though they fight, they're able to get right to the crux of their issues. And that alone already means more than several of the pros in Jung-won's favor.


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agree with youu..




I hope that Soo-jung will be the one to make Jung-won finally show more of his deep down personality (by bugging him so much with her nightly drunk visits!)


1. [+6,472, -52] A true common sense destruction drama ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I long gave up on trying to understand it, I just watch it for the laughs ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Source: Kkuljaem

Me too, me too.
I just love the fun of this drama. I don't care about the unusual storyline, I just find this drama so funny and crazy and I freaking love it.


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Jung Won is the PERFECT GUY...
but HWA SHIN would be THE GUY who make me feels like riding in the roller coaster...and my heart keeps thump thump ...hehehe


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I just love this drama so much. Makes me happy watching it.


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Me too! Grinning like an idiot for an hour.


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The scene where Nari was at HS bedside holding onto his arm in the morning, so sweet cuz i think she was worry that HS might move his arm in his sleep! I need them to be together!!!!


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Ohhhh.. That is what it was? I did wonder why she was sleeping holding Hwashin's hand when she had promised the previous night to give both boys a fair chance.
It seemed a little, you know, not consistent with what she said she was feeling.

Now that I get what that scene was about, awww so sweet! You two idiots, just get together already! *happy tears*


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ohhhh! Was that why? I had a HUH? look on my face when I saw it for like 3 seconds and I didn't question it.
Awww, that's so sweet!!!


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Good eyes rose..


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That's what it was! Awwww <3 Thanks for pointing it out!


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I just want to add to all the comments above how awesome and smart was Na Ri when she invited all the co-workers to the dinner/party. That's a great example for viewers on how to protect yourself. On top of that, she was also able to take revenge by making announcer Park pay for all the drinks and food. Such a smart move!


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Perhaps the only episode I was not impressed with by far. So far I'm still shipping for hwang shin n na Ri. Storyline rattles everything and the back to back omo that was hillarious like everyone else I can't wait to see the making lols


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this show took a conventional rom-com formula and absolutely turned it on its head. i was pretty bored with the writing during the first 8 episodes but im really glad i stuck around bc the payoff has been incredible.

there hasn't been a single kdrama (other than dal-ja's spring) that i've watched when i haven't been frustrated by the predictable tropes, cookie cutter storylines, stereotypical female characters who exist only to make the stereotypical male leads happy, and conservative, sexist values. every once in a while, a drama comes along that's unlike most of the stuff out there, and i have to say this show for the past 4 episodes have completely surprised me in the best way. i'm so impressed with how the writer has revealed these characters, as well as the complicated realities of human relationships. watching nari's rant against hwashin in the 18th episode about how he doesn't really love her, but only wants to possess her.....wow that moment was so worth sticking around for. even if we know hwashin *does* love her, the fact that i got to witness a female lead in a korean drama speak with such courage and gusto against another male character like that was everything! i love all the female characters on this show, and for what it's worth, i feel like this might be the most feminist korean drama i've seen since dalja's spring.


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