Drama viewership ratings for the week of Oct. 3-9, 2016

While Moonlight Drawn By Clouds is still the undisputed champion of the Monday-Tuesday circuit, the slight dip in its ratings seems directly proportionate to the rise of its competitors. Woman With a Suitcase rose considerably in its second week, and it may not be too far off from reaching 10% if its current trajectory continues. The rise of Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo hasn’t been as dramatic, but compared to the numbers it used to pull in, 8.2% should be considered quite successful. Watching the numbers at the beginning of the week has been interesting to say the least, and it seems like we’re only in for more surprises in the weeks to come.

The odd episode of Shopping King Louis was pre-empted this week, but the show only seemed to gain viewers in its absence, and netted 8.4% for the single episode it aired. On the Way to the Airport saw a significant rise between its odd and even episodes, ending the week at an impressive 9.1%, while Jealousy Incarnate remained in the lead at 12.6%.

Over on cable, Fantastic continues to perform well at just under 3%, but it’s The K2 that’s really pulling ahead at 6.6%, its highest numbers yet. Otherwise, it might be a tight race between Flower in Prison and Laurel Tree Tailors for the top spot now that Flower is nearing its end—I’m way behind on the show, but am very much looking forward to catching up.

Drama viewership ratings for the week of Oct. 3-9, 2016

Ep. # Station Rating
Monday, Oct. 3
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds 13 KBS 18.5%
Woman With a Suitcase 3 MBC 7.9%
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo 12 SBS 7.9%
Drinking Solo 9 tvN 3.6%
Tuesday, Oct. 4
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds 14 KBS 18.7%
Woman With a Suitcase 4 MBC 8.6%
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo 13 SBS 8.2%
Drinking Solo 10 tvN 4.4%
Wednesday, Oct. 5
On the Way to the Airport 5 KBS 7.5%
Shopping King Louis 5 MBC Pre-empted
Jealousy Incarnate 13 SBS 11.9%
Thursday, Oct. 6
On the Way to the Airport 6 KBS 9.1%
Shopping King Louis 5 MBC 8.4%
Jealousy Incarnate 14 SBS 12.6%
Friday, Oct. 7
Fantastic 11 JTBC 2.6%
The K2 5 tvN 4.6%
Saturday, Oct. 8
Laurel Tree Tailors 13 KBS 22.9%
Blow Breeze 13 MBC 11.6%
Flower in Prison 42 MBC 21.0%
Our Gap-soon 13 SBS 7.2%
Second to Last Love 16 SBS 7.3%
Fantastic 12 JTBC 2.7%
The K2 6 tvN 6.6%
Sunday, Oct. 9
Laurel Tree Tailors 14 KBS 29.2%
Blow Breeze 14 MBC 12.8%
Flower in Prison 43 MBC 21.7%
Our Gap-soon 14 SBS 8.3%
Second to Last Love 17 SBS 7.8%




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Yay that the numbers are looking better for Moon Lovers.
Fantastic was a drama i dint expect to grow so fond of. The last episode had me weeping and i so heart the friendship of the 3 lady musketeers.
I think the ratings for K2 is directly related to finally more scenes and interaction between JH and Anna.


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This week was too good for Cable dramas.

Drinking Solo Hit 4%+ Fantastic 2.5%+ The K2 surpassing 6% mark.

Woman with a suitcase is going quite good. Competing against 2 overhyped dramas.

I'm quite happy for Drinking Solo and Fantastic.


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I love my cable dramas with the exception of K2. I had actually expected K2 to be good because it was on tvN. So far, tvN and OCN have always done dark thrillers right. But I'm disappointed with how the show is turning out.

I tried Woman With A Suitcase but I couldn't finish the first ep. Thought I might get round to it but it's not reeling me in. Does it get better?


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Yes, it gets better, but I kinda expect it to get worse in the 2nd half. Good case-of-the-week stuff, but it seems to have one of those evil chaebol with unstoppable power as the Big Bad that they will have to overcome somehow at the end. I've seen that far too many times.

Seems like Neighborhood Lawyer 2.0 -- good early on case-of-the-week and then I dropped it about 2/3 way thru when the Big Bad became a bigger part of the story.


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I really enjoyed Neighborhood Lawyer but the drama got more and more ridiculous so I dropped it.


Woman with a suitcase each episode has few scenes of bad editing and inconsistent script. Acting is so-so. Nothing spectacular. Rather than heavy it is an easy watch.

Mr. Joo was too predictable but everything made sense in that show but here out of the blue things happen and then writer forget about them. all 4 episodes are the same. I expected better things from it but so far i'm disappointed and characters also lack personality. They are for now just Cardtboard cut designs.


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Yay for Moonlight!

Hope On the Way to the Airport will reach 10% remark because this drama is unexpectedly so heartwarming. It feels so wrong but so good at the same time ?


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Exactly what I want to say...Among these airing dramas I love on the way to the airport the most...." soon wrong but soo good"


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K2 pulling 6.6% rating in Ep 6 just shows you how much Korean ajumas( and public in general) love a good old martyr storyline. And if there is anything Yoona is really good at ,it's playing a victim.

I expect story to completely shift form YooJin to Anna after this, its obvious that Korean audience prefers Anna -Jeha love line over politics and action.


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then i would be sad, cos i'm watching it for YooJin?


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K2 ratings have increased episode by episode due to the JeHa + YooJin noona interaction. We all know that noona romances have been the trend now for several years, as it is just mainly ajummas watching and they identify more with an older female lead. Episode 5 was about JeHa saving YooJin using the umbrella, and ajummas would have told their ajumma friends to watch this noona interaction in K2. That is why the ratings jumped in episode 6.


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That's hardly true. Even in episode 4 and 5 highest rating was during infamous ramyeon scene. There was a steady increase in ratings but this is a first huge jump for this drama and it happened on Saturday when its traditionally a lot tougher competition than Fridays.

Ep 6 was pretty much 80% Anna , so its obvious she is the heroin people identify with and want to follow. At least in Korea. International audience would maybe identify more with YooJin.


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According to The K2 official facebook acc, the highest rating in ep5 is when Je-Ha is on his way to Cloud 9. Not the ramyeon scene.


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And the highest rating for ep 6 is.... watch it yourself, I don't want to write up a spoiler. But it's enough to say the highest rating comes when Je Ha and Anna together.


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You do know K2 airs on a cable channel, right? i.e. ajummas are not the primary demographic.


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I think girls between 18-24 watch more cable tv than ahjummas.


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Agree. In my opinion it's the ahjummas enjoying the noona romance vibe. The romance with Anna has not really started yet.

I feel they should have made 2 dramas of this story...this would also save us all the discussions on which woman should have the spotlight in the show :D :

- 1st love story between the bodyguard and the tormented and pure young girl. They share how emotionally damaged they are, so I see possibilities here.

- 2nd story about the ambitious heiress and her bodyguard, which could be full of action and intrigue (I would not mind the romance being skipped as long as the relationship between the two keeps being that intense). Moreover, you know that sexual tension that never materializes has always been the secret of success for a TV show.

Although I might watch both, I have to recognize that with a good execution I would choose the second version ;)


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Yes I will agree with this, and I will without doubt will choose the second story if only it is executed well and someone like Song Yoon Ah as the female lead. I will only watch the first story if both leads are my favourite.


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Although I'm watching for Song Yoon Ah, I don't think viewers watching this drama because of noona romance.

The knets probably is more curious on Anna's story, and ppl want to see more of Yoona ( this maybe due to her popularity as well). Unlike some of international audiences will probably wanting to see more on action and political plots including myself. This drama is very heavy with action, political, revenge and romance plot. I hope it will be done right until the end.


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Yeah, I'm guessing we'll get Anna/Je-ha down the line and that makes sense for both characters, but I would be perfectly all right if they flirt with both ships and never board one.

Episode six was very promising after the doldrums of episode five, so I think we might be getting a political/action-oriented angle on Anna as well as Yoo-jin now. There are some holes in their characterizations, but I think Yoo-jin is very interesting and Anna has the potential to be as well, and so far Je-ha's interaction with both has been more about teasing out the peculiarities of all three of them than foisting an OTP on us, even in scenes that seem standard issue on the surface. Fingers crossed it can maintain that balance to the end.


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I don't know why I yawn a lot in epi 6. Lol. Maybe I need more of SYA's scene that I keep yawning on Yoona's scene. That's just my fangirling self.


If they could've combined the SYA scenes in episode 5 with the Anna storyline in episode 6 and gotten rid of all the filler, it would have been great. I agree that this show is at its best when it's about SYA's character, but I'm glad Anna is filling the gaps now.


Then I wonder why the Korean audience is demanding for more Jeha-Anna scenes as well as Anna-scenes in general....


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tbh I am actually waiting for Anna story for kick in cause Yoo Jin already fleshed out so much and the politic also already drawn out longer than I expected.
The problem with the politic story even if it's amusing is viewer need the hero they can root.
So far no one like the election.


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Oh come on Yoona was good in PM and I too. She barely gets any screen time here. And Yoo Jin aka Song Yoon-Ah, I didn't know you could channel disgust and anger the way she did in that church scene with her facial muscles. I felt repulsed by her. Usually church scenes make even the worst villains appear vulnerable with a hint of humanity but this church scene actually made her look like the demon she is.


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Maybe the uptick on the ratings was due to viewers hoping to see more half naked men fighting in the shower?

More skin, more fun.


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Or it could be that adorable purring kitten?


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Nope. Couldn't possibly be that :)
(says the guy with 3 cats -- all formerly hungry affectionate strays)


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I think Yoona has strong support in Korea. Probably more than Song Yoon Ah and even Ji Chang Wook.

Obviously her acting isn't Daesang worthy but given the little screen time and ridiculous things she had to do, she's actually alright. How can one look normal in a Dance with Ramyeon scene? Or run a ultra marathon in the streets of Spain barefoot in a white gown? The latest stunt they had her do was wearing a habit and singing Amazing Grace! Btw, I read that scene won lots of raves.

If there's anyone I want to criticize, I would for SYA and JCW. SYA's acting is the best of the three but then why should I expect anything less from her. Yeah, I was suitably impressed in the beginning but she's not the only actress in this age group who can pull off this role. JCW has the body and is good in the action scenes but I realized it wasn't his cheesy scenes which bothered me. I just couldn't buy that he's a tough as nails top gun in the Special Forces. I get that he has PTSD but he doesn't have that glint in his eyes. For this reason, I find Je Ha more compatible with Anna. Both can frolick with cute kittens and eat ramyeon while smiling at each other. Just leave Yoo Jin with the sharks.


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Well, I agree on the part about PTSD not being properly depicted on the show but I necessarily don't think that failure there has anything to do with Ji Chang Wook. I've seen him acting delusional and out of touch with reality before in Empress Ki so he can perfectly pull that off. As for his eyes lacking tinge of helplessness, I feel that too especially in his back story with the girl who died, I can't connect to that. I tried but I can't. I have a question to the writers here, why must there be a girl to cause PTSD. War is awful as it is, choices that you make while in active duty is no joke so plenty could be done to sell his PTSD. The conclusion I reached that it might be too much to digest for the viewers. Also. I can't exactly say why they suger-coated PTSD so much and they shouldn't have done it. I mean they don't really realize what it encapsulates the term, its just a fancy word to throw around to justify our heroes aloofness, apathy to live life and inability to kill.


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I didn't mean that JCW couldn't portray PTSD well although I agree with you that the drama didn't do a good job with it either.

Despite his buff body and rippling muscles, I don't find JCW's Je Ha dangerous or badass enough. He was believable in his role in the Healer but as a hardened soldier who used to kill without batting an eyelid, I don't buy it. This is why I find him incompatible with Yoo Jin. What others are seeing as chemistry and fatal attraction, I see it as a one-sided thing from Yoo Jin only. She will play the part of a cougar well but Je Ha will look more like a lamb than a younger but equal partner. I don't know if JCW will have better chemistry with Yoona than SYA but I don't think he can pull off a sizzling noona romance either.


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I mean, I mostly agree but I also think that's kind of the point of his character? He's pretty naive and straightforward, and seems determined to remain so (based on his conversation with his boss before joining JSS and his talk with SYA this latest ep, it's clear that he sticks to old-fashioned/unrealistic ideas about loyalty in a mercenary world, he longs for purity, he's completely indifferent to people playing the game, so to speak, but gets too involved with the weak and innocent, etc). So while I agree that JCW would be totally out of place in a role that actually required him to be a hardened badass, I think this particular character requires a softer touch, if that makes any sense. The PTSD stuff is dumb, though, can't argue with that (Anna's social phobia isn't being handled well, either).

I don't think anyone in the cast is knocking it out of the park (well besides Kim Kap-soo <3), but I agree that Yoona is doing fine. It helps a lot that she fits the character perfectly (and I feel like a lot of better actresses would have looked even stupider in the scenes you mentioned lol).


he doesn't look like he has PTSD, more like he dissociates his personality for whatever is needed at the moment.

feed kittens - be cute and calm.
feed anna - be cute and jump for joy when that stray accepts food (basically from his hand, lol.)
save yoo jin - be bad-ass. and carry an umbrella.
be cupid - stay down and moan, lol.

no one can be on all time, not even someone who went through hell. he can be bad-ass when he needs to be, and the rest of the time he can be normal. after all, how many toughened up ex-soldiers ready-to-kill PTSD-ed people get on to wash windows?!


Well said! The ramen scene made me cringe. I actually fast forwarded. Nothing against Y, but the scene did not connect with me, and I agree do not buy the special force training, no glint, no focus on the job...


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I was one of her doubters TBH. I never understand the hype about her. She's not ugly, but she's too skinny. I watched her in Love Rain.. Her acting.. Meh..

I watch the drama because JCW. And then SYA's acting made me more tuned in. Yoona was not present much in earlier episodes, I thought good, they better keep it that way. She was only running, screaming and crying. The Ramen scene, basically an Ads. Lol..

But she did suprisingly good in church scene. Gotta give her credit for that. Even I was touched watching her sing amazing grace, such mixed emotion. She got potential I think. Gotta say, yeah, she's better than many idol-turn-actresses, like that girl from C4K. She made me speechless.


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@missmatched your comment made my day especially the part were u said" like that girl from C4k, she made me speechless"...I laughed out loud....


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Scarlet Heart's ratings were just starting to rise, but with the likely pre-empting tomorrow, it's going to lose its momentum. Sigh.


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I-I-It's being pre-empted?! Both episodes?


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No, just the one for Monday in favour of a baseball game. It's not confirmed yet, but likely to.


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I guess SBS figured they already have the foreign money in the bag and since the domestic ratings aren't great they can afford to shelve an episode.

Which I wouldn't care about except for the fact that I'm, you know, WATCHING this drama. And why on earth aren't there dedicated sports channels in Korea, it's not like the scheduling of these games is a last-minute thing.


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So funny!! I'm right there with you.


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noooo I've been waiting in anticipation all week. I wonder if the international version will still air.


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But there has been no annoucement of schedule changes on ONE TV Asia which means it will still air as usual on Monday. Since the drama is simulcasted, I expect it will still go on air in Korea.


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Sigh I wonder if it's the case of SBS wants to go back to finishing a week on even episodes since well 1 of MoonLovers had 3episodes.
I wish they wouldn't take away my Monday fix. So far production said depends how long the baseball showing will last. If it runs long then tonight's episode is cancelled


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*twiddles her thumbs after another way too early refresh of certain sites still doesn't reveal if the pre-empting is happening today or not*


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Happy Fantastic didn't affected by K2 because they maintained in their rating, not decreased. Hope it can reach 3% before it ends.

K2 was increased a lot from epi 5 to 6. Koreans probably do not fond with action and political drama, now with the story in epi 6 is more on Anna -Jae Ha &after this their romance story, it is increased and probably will continue increase. Whatever it is, I'm still staying for Song Yoon Ah. I keep yawning at other scenes and hope it won't continue.

Hope other dramas which still struggling below 10% like Shopping King, Woman with a Suitcase, Moon Lover can reach two digit. Hopefully.


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I want fantastic to reach 3% too. I feel like its underrated for such an enjoyable and heartwarming drama.

Also about k2, I don't think people could have predicted anna - je ha story line will start In this episode. Maybe I think Its saturday, so a lot people watch tv? I am just guessing here. I am not really familiar with the ratings.


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The rating for FantastiC is decent for jTBC, but I agree it is quite underrated. If it can settle at 3% I will be the happiest (of course the higher the better).

Not sure, but I read here and there (not sure on the accuracy) but the netizens want more of JH-Anna scenes. Let's see next episode on next week, if it continues to increase or decrease.


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Yes, it should get 3% atleast once before it ends. It deserves the recognition.
Oh. I guess, because they both are attractive and popular, if there is no romance, the korean audience may feel cheated, I think.


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Happy for Jealousy Incarnate that it's holding firm in the ratings. It's been an unexpectedly watchable show. Jo Jung-seok and his kiss! *fans self*


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Yahoooo!!! :)


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Speaking of JJS - That locker room scene w/ GHJ - WOW!!! Just WOW!!! Guy knows how to kiss... ?


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Yes! That kiss was so hot! He's a sexy kisser for sure.


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The Moonlight dip is likely because these are the breakup episodes. Live ratings soared at the end of episode 14 when the OTP reunited.


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I have to be honest here, MDBC is AMAZING drama but the politic is boring af. Earlier episodes are magic but it lost its spark a bit when the melo started. The best thing about MDBC is the leads interaction minus HY and the dialogue so its understandable rating took a dip because the moustache three musketeer are getting more screen time now. I do hope the rating rise again tonight since we will focus back to what makes MDBC great, its OTP.


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I guess I'm the minority that actually enjoyed the politics in Moonlight, I don't usually like politics in sageuk but in Moonlight, it's not overly done, just enough for me to feel panic and anxious for our OTP. I think many put off watching both episodes this week because it's separation week, the ratings soared during reunion scene.


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Same here. IMO the politics in Moonlight enhanced the story rather than detracted from it.

But I understand why some people would put off watching it at the moment until a happy ending is secured or something squee-worthy happens (like the aforementioned episode-ending reunion).


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Is it possible to have TOO MUCH cute and NOT ENOUGH angst? I'd never thought I'd say that, but that is how MDBC feels to me. Last week's second ep is just a lengthy re-hash of OTP's relationship, and the politics just seem to drag down the high that earlier eps created. The show doesn't need 18 eps, there is enough story for 16, which should give us enough to want more. Don't create MORE angst, just give us LESS cute, 'cuz that's enough to create angst in and of itself. Neat little bows by the end is sometimes warranted, but an ending that leaves the audience wanting more cute is much more memorable.


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I don't think episode 12 was a rehash. If anything, it showed an OTP who is so very in sync and comfortable with each other, a far cry from the earlier stages. I don't think episode 13 would have devastated me as much as it did had episode 12 not happened.

I'm not sure what you're saying about not enough angst, because the last two episodes were pretty angsty. The preview also promises more angst.

I miss the cuteness of the earlier episodes - it's what sucked me in - but I appreciate the contrast. I felt the loss of Yeong and Ra-on's hope and innocence. I doubt it would hit me as hard if the earlier episodes weren't as cute as they were. It's a mark of good directing that the transition didn't feel jarring at all.

There are some fans who'd disagree with you about the length because they think the show warrants the two-episode extension just to flesh out the secondary characters. 18 is just the right length for me.

But feel free to disagree.


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I like the politics, actually, since the show needs some sort of conflict to keep it interesting, but I do agree that the extra two episodes were unnecessary. Some of the scenes feel slow and redundant. I've actually gotten to the point where, as much at I like the main couple, I don't need to see them staring lovingly at each other. It's sad that I feel that way, because I couldn't get enough of them at the beginning. I feel this show would have had much better pacing if it was kept at 16 episodes.


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there is no extra epiaode, the drama is 18 ep from the beginning and imo the pacing is alright,
now we have 4 ep for all the politic to ends.


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My mistake. I misunderstood the early announcements about the show's supposed extension and assumed 18 episodes resulted (instead of the usual 16). Sorry. I'm glad there was no extension. What on earth would they have done for two more episodes? I still feel the series has gotten a bit draggy and the story could be told in 16 episodes.


The pacing feels just right for me, but we'll just have to agree to disagree then. :)


Ohh I'm curious about 1% of Any thing's rating as well. Why there was no rating on this drama?


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Isn't it a web drama? Correct me if I'm wrong though.


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It is aired on dramax, I think new cable. Not sure. I always thought it will be on MBC lol


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I just checked it, it is aired in dramax. Is it new channel?


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Because it's a web drama, it's not airing on either main channel or cable,


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Saw on Daum that the second episode on Dramax netted 0.529%. Then again, AGB doesn't seem to keep tabs of ratings outside TVN, OCN or JTBC and its three competitors.


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Dramax is not a new cable channel. They are a specialized cable channel dedicated for airing new dramas and drama repeats that they acquire from the networks. In fact, it's older than JTBC.


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Woman with a Suitcase ratings increased?!
So its just me who din't like the editing and flow of scenes :/
Too many clues in the flashbacks just makes my head dizzy and I wish they could just handover the male lead's back story. Keeping his history in the dark makes me lose the interest in his character. Still reading the recap trying to find scenes engaging.


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The rating is not super high to begin with, for it not to have some flaws. Even the highest rating drama won't be exempted from flaws. I have no major issues on this drama yet.


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yup....I also like woman with suitcase. I dont mind with slight flaws within. It is still acceptable. The chemistry built between main lead and second lead is worth watching. You should check it out. I'll keep stay tune on this drama.


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Am am enjoying the two leads of Woman with a Suitcase and the supporting cast. Simple, not too heavy and a little romance maybe happening all works for me.

Still Enjoying Scarlet Heart redeux, for the main lead alone.


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The 6th episode of the k2 is my favourite episode so far. I don't see the romance between Jeha and Anna that everybody is talking about tho. Like the romance isn't that prominent in the drama and it focuses more on the characters. I'm glad that the ratings keep climbing.


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I don't see the romance Je Ha and Anna either, so I agree with you on this.


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Headsno2 No no no.... TAKE your time to catch up with Flower in Prison, this drama is just one of the slowest I ever watched..each time you think something, anything will finally happen and speed up the narrative, you are back to square one. This drama makes me feel like I am running in circles, I could forgive its countless loopholes if it was redeemed by the pace, but no.... I feel I will expire of old age before reaching the 50th episode....


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Want to age faster, dear Rose? Watch Horse Healer during the weekday while waiting for FiP over the weekend.. ^^

When I watched it few years ago and now FiP (that I'm not so religiously follow), my mind keep remember Rod Stewart old song that my mom likes and sang:

I am aging, I am aging
So fast, so ungracefully
I am running, in a circles
to be with Go Soo, to be free..


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LOL! I'm not watching FIP but I know the torture watching Horse Healer. It is from the same writer (if I'm not mistaken). Only Princess Sukhwi and her interactions with the male lead made me watched until the end and just ff other scenes.


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Same director different writers. Sounds like Horde Healer as predicted.


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Thanks, I got confused.


Literally only held it out for the cast(Jo Seung Wo is too stingy with dramas!).


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I think he loves being on stage more. I wish I could watch him perform live. I've only seen most of his shows online or dvds.


He is too stingy :( I want to see more of him in dramaland. I just checked he had drama festival with Park Ha Sun, how can I missed this! Hope can find it with subs.


Me too! @Sera The Ms Temper what is the title of the drama festival? From which channel?


Oh dear, Horse-Rear Healer. Why did you remind me?


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Oops, sorry, dear friend... But I'm glad to know I'm not alone to get the scar from HH. And my love to JSW and LYW plus SHJ never diminished after that traumatic experience.

Speaking about SHJ, did you watch King's Daughter? She's so spunky and witty there.


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Everyone suffering the same scar, Gaeina. lOL ?

Speaking of SHJ i cannot even remember her in Horse. Was she cameo ? I can remember Jo BoA but not her. Hmm.


@Sera: Asianwiki lists SHJ in a cameo. I totally don't remember her -- and not about to slog thru 50 episodes to find her :)

@Gaeina: caught a few episodes of King's Daughter near the end. Nothing made much of an impression except that the plot didn't do anything for me.


Too bad it's nothing like director/writer combo's earlier work. Sangdo was a great sageuk with Kim Hyun-joo as the leading lady.
Who in their right mind thought that Jin Se-yeon and Go-soo would pull this off? I guess it wouldn't matter much, Jo Seung-woo couldn't even make Horse Healer watchable.


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I liked Go Soo in some of his modern works, but I don't think he should do sageuk anymore. With a partner like Jin Se Yeon, more of his weakness comes to the light. Probably i will watch current episodes, not to see the story but more to see Jin Se Yeon's acting. This story probably has potential if it is done right.


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The one actor that is taking advantage of being around sageuk veterans like Kim Mi-sook is the king (Seo Ha-jun). She is fantastic and he reacts naturally. I love their scenes together.


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Hope to see more of him in the future.If his agency doing great job, he can shine more. He has a package, talent and good looking.


Me too. I like GS in modern era: all masculine, attentive, caring, awkwardly head over heels in love, and shirtless preferably... *LOL*
*off to re-watch Love 911*


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LOL but yes. Some actors shine more in modern world and do not belong to old era. Have Jeon Ji Hyun, Gong Hyo Jin ever touched sageuk? And as much as I love Lee Yo Won I don't think I want to see her in sageuk anymore.


@Sera - Assassination (set in the 1930s) is as close as Jeon Ji-hyun has ever come to a sageuk. Are stories set in that era even considered sageuk, I wonder?

But yeah, it's not necessary to go near sageuks to prove yourself as an actor, like you said plenty of great actors have made their reputations off modern dramas and stayed there.


I REALLY do not want to get only one episode of Moon Lovers next week.

The sad part is, if it were doing better in the ratings I'm pretty sure SBS wouldn't try to touch that time slot. Which makes me want to go /Hulksmash on Kim Kyu-tae and his blasted early-episode closeups and edits and OSTs all over again.


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They should still air 2 episodes next week. SBS needs to do this - as an appreciation and gratitude to the loyal viewers nationally and internationally, despite of the flaws.


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Me too. I do not want only 1 ep next week.

I need my weekly LJK dose in timely manner! Do you hear that SBS? *lol*


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I don't like it when shows get pre-empted so that we end up odd/even episodes split apart. It seems to ruin the flow of, especially with the cliffhangers.


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but if they pre-empted just one episode, wouldn't they be on the normal odd-even numbers that should have aired?...

though i do want my LJK dose, too...


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Darn, I am more disappointed than I thought I would be. I have a strange relationship with this show :D


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Still hoping episode 14 will be broadcasted tonight. Understand that SBS may air 2 episodes back to back on Tuesday should they pre-empted on Monday.

No changes on ONE TV Asia yet. I don't think the folks at SBS care about the ratings anymore by now. They have made tons of money from this drama from the international market, so let's just pleased the audiences outside Korea and give us Lee Jun Ki. LJK making my Monday so much more bearable.


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Yay K2 finally broke 6% ratings, ep 6 was really superb. My favorite scene Yoona sang Amazing Grace, she sang it so beautifully and emotional and it always gets me a goosebumps everytime I heard this song. And I never think that CPR thing was so sexy. I guess this because Yoona's impact so the ratings gets high. Now we will wait for JCW and Yoona will serve the coffee for lucky audiences.


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OMG me too....I loved that scene, so beautiful. & how she kept on looking at the dad was very sad. I really don't understand the father! Does he care for her or not? Smh


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I hope they will not pre-empty SKL next week again. Sigh.


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I hope so too...I went back watching Squad 38 which I dropped becos the plots was kinda dragged and boring for me....but I'm now continuing from where I stopped ... all becos of SIG :)


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Pardon me! Am new here..... Hello!! I have a question too. How come ratings on KBS and MBC can get to 30%mark but tvns can't???


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Cause tvn is cable channel/pay TV which normally has a relatively smaller audience compared to free-to-air TV/public broadcasters like MBC,SBS and KBS. I think somebody said that public channels have three times the audience of cable channels.

So for comparison, getting 6% rating on cable channel is similar to getting approximately 18% on public channel.


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Actually, overall ratings nowadays are irrelevant. That is because all TV stations, whether Public or cable, are now looking at the demo ratings.

Sure, it's just normal for MBC and KBS to rate well because they are free to air networks. But they are lagging behind the 20-49 demographics, which is essential for advertisers. Last year, KBS1 was the No.1 TV channel in the overall ratings, with around 6% ave. ratings. They are followed by MBC with around 4.5%. tvN just had rough 1.2% overall.

Sure, that sounds for the networks. But seriously, that doesn't give them a reason to celebrate. Because when it comes to demos, MBC was the first place, but they only had a 1.6% rating in the demo. KBS1, which was No.1 in ovrall ratings, was No.4 in the demo, with 1.2

tvN, on the other hand, had an impressive 1.1 rating in the demo.

So basically, regardless that tvN doesn't rate well overall, they sure are making so much money, because they can kick the network's a**es in the demo.


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As you may have noticedPublic channels rate really well in overall TV ratings, and that's normal.But cable dramas like those from JTBC, tvN and OCN, gain so much buzz online as compared to their public network counterparts.

And who do you think are those who usually go online? Of course, those people in the 20-49 demo. Advertisers would love to invest on a TV station that rates well in the demo and makes buzz online. I mean, how you can sell lingerie, clothes, smartphones, cosmetics, etc. to a 60-year old?

So regardless that they have good overall ratings, if they don't appeal the demos, their ratings mean nothing.


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Awwie thanks a lot liki


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That increase in ratings for On The Way To The Airport is not surprising.

It is a very, very good drama and obviously viewers are finding this out and tuning in.


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I know right! It's so good. I mean, really really good. I didnt tune in when it premiered, I'm glad I only had to catch up for 6 episodes lol

Why so heartwarming, especially Dowoo-yaaa


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I dropped Airport part-way thru ep 4. 1st week was great, then it just got boring. I might tune in again if anyone reports a threesome with the 2nd leads and a certain truck.


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Since this is about ratings, let's talk about tvn10awards. Have you seen red carpet pics? I'm glad so many cast members from their previous dramas show up. tvN deserves all these good ratings that have come their way. They had several of my favorite dramas. Answer Me Series, Signal, Misaeng, Hogu's Love to name a few.

Keep them coming tvN, Contents trend leader.


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Thank you for making me look! So glad it's finally here and see so many of my favorites!

Seo In Guk, SIGNAL casts, OHY casts, OMG casts..

I don't understand Korean so I only look at the random clips available on Insta, but I really hope Jo Jin Woong wins something too.

And this is the only award show I really really hope for a subbed version - no chance right? :(


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I would like Dramafever to subbed the awards show. That's the only site I'm thinking would do so. But I have not heard news about it. So no luck for now.


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Just finished watching the show on tv.. I am a verrry happy tvN fan right now!? aside from the other well deserved awards for the evening, the top awards made me fistpump!!

Best actress: Kim Hye Soo (Signal)
Best actor: Lee Sung Min (Misaeng)
Acting Daesang: Jo Jin Woong (Signal)
Drama Daesang: Reply88 (tho the cast of the entire Reply franchise went up the stage, awww)

Sooo ecstatic as Misaeng, Signal and Reply88 are some of my fave dramas of all time ???


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Can't argue with that I guess, but no awards for Answer Me 1997?!!

If there's any one drama that built tvN to what they are now, it's 1997. 1994 and 1988 would never have got the buzz they did without the love of the original.


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True about Reply97. People started noticing tvN because of this show. Seo In Guk and Eun Ji won best kiss and the Reply franchise team was awarded a Bonsang award, along with Nine, Another Oh Hae Young, Dear My Friends, Oh My Ghostess, Rude Miss Young Ae, Misaeng and Signal.

Also, the duet of Seo In Guk and EunJi brought back reply97 feels!!! It was too short for my liking tho, hehe.


Seo In Guk and Eunji received best kiss for AM97 and another award for In Guk. Both also performed.

It still looked like it was the year end award, rather than a decade worth of awards. But getting to see AM97 together with AM88 in one stage is always good.

I wish Kang Ha Neul, Kang Sora, and Byun Yo Han was there.

But you know who are obviously missing, the cast of Cheese in the Trap.


awwww @the 1997/1988 cast all being on the same stage. I'm glad 1997 at least won something even if I think they should have won a bigger award for the entire drama. And I wish the Misaeng team and our kid were there too :(

also I'm not surprised Cheese cast is missing lol. tvN must be keen for people to forget how badly that drama screwed up.


I'm so in to On The Way to the Airport while I know that it's so wrong. It's so heartwarming.
And for K2, I have to admit that I'm waiting for JeHa and Anna scene while i feel something with YooJin to JeHa from the beginning ep.


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I am happy for JCW as it's his last drama before the military, apparently.


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Yup, seeing The K2 do so well makes me very glad for JCW. At least he's going to leave on a high note (even though it'll break my poor heart to see him go).


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MDBC and OTWTTA are my dramas of the week now.
While waiting for the dramas, rewatching bits of R88 and Liar Game for PBG and Lee Sang Yoon. These dramas are so good I wouldn't mind rewatching them entirely, but time is a factor.
Watching SKL and K2 too, but current episodes are not too impressive.


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I like to see rating and sometimes it shown what people preferred.
MDBC took a down because everybody knew it gonna be sad and it is sad so it seems like people doesn't like sadness that much, for me I like that they did it, it needed.

Moon Lovers is rise and it's I think it's due to more prominent role of LJK in the drama, I think ML can easily gain 10% if LJK is always in the ep since he is belivable in acting. Just like all the comment from the 1st week, sadly the ep 13 is become choppy again.

I hope drinking solo can reach 6%, and OTWTTA can rise higher, along with SKL,
watching drama in Wed give 3 set of relationship, the innocent one, the conflicting one and the affair,

K2 rating is fantastic, who knew it gonna get 6.6, I think it because Anna finally have stories so it feels like we got everyone on the screen . Yoojin already has too much going on and we need to have more for Anna and his dad for now.


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Wow. The increase of K2's rating to over 6% is great. Who would have thought. It's rare for cable dramas to achieve. 3% is already very good.


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Crossing my fingers SKL gets double digits soon. ❤

I actually kinda hope the episode of SH:R will get preempted... it'll fix the even-odd order that was messed up by airing three episodes the first week, it's been bugging me! ?


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I hope that SKL's rating will go up too....love the light-heartedness and cute scenes of it....and SIG <3


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Me too chingu! I also hoped that SKL ratings will go up this week! Despite negative comments about SKL being too cliche and all, I find SKL are truly fun and entertaining to watch, as SIG and NJH was truly the gems of this show. SIG really knows how to get along with his female leads, which had me thinking; SIG should have won the RomCom King award at TVN10 Awards last night, he played romcom so solid in HSKOS(I've still had butterflies running in my stomach whenever I re-watch HSKOS). But all is well. All the best Louie-yaa!


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Watching SKL and Squad 38 currently becos of SIG....dropping Jealousy Incarnate and Moonlight cos the former is too dragged and the latter is getting too melo.....


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Just to add....I always got problem with Korean period dramas, the only ones I've managed to watch them from beginning to ending are "Gu Family Book", "Arang and the Magistrate"...


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I can't believe the K2 has got that %. I was so excited to watch it since I love action dramas, TVN is usually great and JCW is one of my fav actors. I knew it would be difficult to surpass Healer, one of my top 3 dramas of all time but I am so disappointed. The plot is boring and slow. Only first ep caught my attention.

I am dropping The K2. Can't stand it anymore and dramaland is big luckily.

I am enjoying Moon Lovers. There are obvious editing problems and some acting is just ok but the story is good and I need my dose of LJK. I wish it was a more round drama, though, as his dramas usually are.


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