Chae Soo-bin offered lead for high school mystery drama Solomon’s Perjury

Ooh, Chae Soo-bin (Moonlight Drawn By Clouds) may be getting her first leading role, which would be great news because she’s a promising new talent who could definitely handle taking on a lead in a serious high school drama about bullying and school violence called Solomon’s Perjury, based on a Japanese film of the same name. Infinite idol L (She’s So Lovable) is likewise in contention to join the cast, and well, let’s just say that I’m not quite as excited about him as I am about her, but I’ll keep an open mind.

The project was recently announced by JTBC for production this year, and the plot sounded intriguing and made me curious to see what direction they’d take it in. (Serious drama? Genre mystery? High school thriller?) With this casting news (albeit still unconfirmed), I see that they’re casting a bit older than I’d initially expected—he’s 24, she’s 22—but they both look young and could pass for high schoolers. In fact, it wasn’t long ago that they both played high schoolers, and were pretty great at it: Chae Soo-bin often stole the show as the desperate and manipulative high school villain in Sassy Go Go, while L had an angsty bromance with his buddies in Shut Up: Flower Boy Band, which is the best he’s been, acting-wise.

Maybe it’s a bit ironic that Chae Soo-bin’s heroine character is the complete opposite of her Sassy Go Go breakout role; the character is sympathetic to the weak and tough against the strong. When the school is rocked by a classmate’s death, the police rule it a suicide while the media sensationalize the story, and the students lose faith in the system. Instead, they decide to get to the bottom of the situation themselves, and Chae Soo-bin’s character is one of those determined to uncover the truth. The character L is in contention for is described merely as male lead. I’m not very familiar with the original property, but Chae’s potential casting is being called a solo lead, so we can expect her to have far more prominence than his character.

All in all, it sounds like a meaty project for the actors, and as a JTBC show, I feel safe entertaining expectations that it’ll be well-made and thoughtful. Solomon’s Perjury is being planned for premiere late this year, and while a timeslot has not been confirmed, it seems likely that it’ll take up the Friday-Saturday slot in December, after This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair.

Via TV Daily, Newsen


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I hope L is resting enough since he was also casted in 2 other dramas earlier this year. Also in one of the dramas chae soo bin was the female lead so I guess this will be their second project together. Hopefully it will reflect in their chemistry. I love both leads as I'm a shallow human lol and an inspirit. Can't wait for this!


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I hope he has too many other things going on to accept it, frankly. His work since Shut Up FBB has not been good, his range is very limited. Chae Soo-bin, on the other hand, is obviously a well-trained young actress and her recent work has been excellent - I really admired her acting in both Sassy Go Go and Moonlight Lovers. She is good at making her characters relatable, showing their vulnerabilities.


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Chae Soo-bin is fantastic, I really hope she has a hit drama sometime (one in which she plays first lead), I think she's one of the most promising of the newer lot of actresses. Plus she tends to have great chemistry with costars.


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I'm worried about L's workload as well. He seems to always get super busy whenever Infinite is promoting, which I find insane. He always looks so overworked and tired, his company doesn't manage him well at all.
L's acting leaves a lot to be desired but he definitely attracts attention (viewer ratings are important and all). If he ends up accepting this role, I hope he's studied hard and improved. l fighting!


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NICE!! (her casting at least....at least L is very very pretty). I am a bit bummed that she wasn't used much in MDBC BUT I am happy she isn't a regular bitchy 2nd lead and actually is one of my fav characters in the drama. She's a great actress and her chemistry with PBG is actually nice.


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Yeah, she's been a really nice second lead in Moonlight and I felt kinda sorry Ha-yeon wasn't getting any affection at all from the crown prince.


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This is good for her. She was starting to make me not like her as an actress by playing bitchy 2nd leads and hahahahahhahaa for playing competition to our Ra-on Moonlight Drawn by Clouds. Lol

Even though her character was really mean and crazy in Sassy Go-go, I liked her! But, when I saw that she was second lead in Moonlight, I was like: Oh~~ not again!

But, so far, epjsode 16, she hasn't turned evil yet, so I will hope for the best.

Anyway, good for her...just dont make this fan dread more bitchy roles they might cast you in.


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she played an antagonist, like, once. all of her previous characters outside Sassy Go Go have been good. so i really don't get where this ~she keeps playing bitchy 2nd leads~ is coming from (and this isn't the first time i've seen ppl say something similar about CSB).


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Yeah how?? I guess her GO GO character was so evil it made every other role she's ever played forgettable. This BTW is just part of that silly habit of hating on (young) actresses.


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- and in this case, young actresses unfortunate enough to be cast as second leads against other far more famous and beloved young actresses = second lead is always mean and evil. Even when she isn't (and god help her if her character had actually been that way)

I mean, we never saw this kind of nonsense against Chae Soo-bin while she was in the middle of Sassy Go Go and actually playing the bad girl in question.


The premise sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind if L gets casted, what can I say I'm superficial like that and he's pretty to look at. I'm not familiar with the actress work.


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Seems like her career has really taken off after Sassy Go Go and MDBC.

Good for her! I'm not a fan of hers, but I'm glad that her talent is being recognized.


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I am excited to see how they will turn a two part film into a 16 episode drama.
I wonder which role they would give to L. I hope not the hiroya shimizu's because that is beyond his capability. I haven't seen chae soo bin yet, I just hope she really is good.


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Naaah...i think he's gonna play kanbara role. Subtly i think his personality and acting range is quite believable for Kanbara's role. Hiroya Shimizu's role is too much for him I think.


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I actually really like L, he's pretty and charming, but I'd love it if Jinyoung was cast. He can do both fluffy and melo equally well. MDBC has turned me into a fan!


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Omg yes. If it were Jinyoung and Chae Soo Bin I would be watching this for sure!!


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Yay! Excited to see chae soo bin in a lead role And also in a JTBC drama. I liked her In sassy go go but love her now in MDBC. Also the story seems interesting. Can't wait!


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Chae Soo Bin sounds good for the female lead, L on the other hand... I'll just hope he's not Ooide. He will probably play Kanbara, the boy who helps with the investigation and plays a big part in the mystery. He's the closest to a male lead in the original movies.


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Please change L, he's useless as actor, he's only a pretty face nothing more.


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I feel the same way, especially if he were to be given a lead role. He isn't a good actor let alone fit to be a lead actor


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*breaks out party balloons*

Chae Soo-bin has been fantastic in everything I've seen her in, right from the cameo in Spy that had me rooting for her to be the lead instead of a cameo. And her desperate, vulnerable villainess character in Sassy Go Go brought out my Loki feels in full force.

I'm glad she's got a shot at lead here, she's exactly the kind of young actress who should be getting breakout lead roles. (I hope the Big 3 and movies consider her for prime time sometime too, she's new but her performances have never seemed green)


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I am not crazy about her, and I am tired of seeing her everywhere, as if there are no other young good actresses.


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Oh so you admit she is a good actress at least.

And you are tired of seeing her "everywhere"? In her one drama this year where she only the second lead?


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You know, you don't have to watch the drama if she accepts.


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I'll echo @pigsnout - "everywhere"?

A rookie actress who's had only one acting job this year, and that wasn't even a lead role - dare I take a guess your being "tired of seeing her everywhere" has to do with that one role, and if so, I must say that's just sad.


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lol ok. her screentime in MDBC is like less than 5 minutes per episode but ok


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lmao, only 5 minutes per episode?

That's even worse, that shipper Kool-aid must be strong if the actress is being begrudged roles because that five minutes constitutes "seeing her everywhere". Like damn.


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"Everywhere" WHERE?? Please enlighten us you wizard.


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I hope L is not the lead. But yes for cha soo bin. I loved her in bluebird's house, her and lee sang yeob were the ones that I watched for. Glad that she's getting some recognition.


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I wonder if they are going to combine parts 1 and 2 of the Japanese version into one?


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She has talent, I liked her in Sassy Go Go even as the mean girl. Do well! I actually like good second leads unlike some people who develop a complex against second lead actresses for 'spoiling' their otp or whatever.


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Yay! I hope she takes it because she's totally lead material. She has this knack for making her characters sympathetic and interesting. Can't wait to see her career flourish!


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I really like her!! I'm sad she doesn't have much to do in MDBC because given the right script, I think she could create good chemistry with her co-stars.

I hope someone like Lee Won Geun plays opposite her. Although they didn't have a love life in Sassy Go Go, I felt like they'd make an interesting pair!


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yay! for chae soo bin, hope she's accept this but errr.. no for L. i'm not really a fans. besides i was hoping this drama will gonna be a breakout session for promising new actors. teen actors who's been around with good performance but still under the radar. i wish we can found actors like park bo geum or ji soo in this.


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Can we get Lee Hyun Woo instead of L? I don't hate L, but LHW is a superior actor by far, even if he hasn't made the best drama choices lately. He has an emotional range that a story like this could highlight.


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I saw her for the first time in Moonlight. Almost had me ill with Second Lead Syndrome despite her little screentime.

Soo Bin is quite easy on the eyes (read: heartachingly beautiful) . So I'm happy just looking at her (guy and all), no matter her role (yea, I'm superficial like that).

Excited to see her getting an opportunity to try her hand at a lead role.


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Oo, I agree with the "heartachingly beautiful"; saw her half wet in a hunky t-shirt with towel on top of her head in Running Man, and she was still so so pretty!


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Acting skills aside, just don't feel like these two look very good together.


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Wait, what is that from?! They actually did that planned web drama and it didn't get cancelled by THAAD or something?!


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I'm happy to see both these actors getting casted (they are indeed already acting in the web drama black cat or smth tgt!!) maybe that's why they were cast tgt haha but anyway i dont get the L hate apart from his stint in MLG I've been pretty impressed with his skills so far + I feel like he emotes in a unique way reflective of his real life character so I just hope this drama will be a chance for him to convince the mainstream public that he's actually capable! his drama schedule this year is crazy though he's been so tired filming the 2 dramas lately since the filming occurred at the time of his cb with infinite


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I like L as Infinite L and his Myungsoo dorky self but as an actor, not so much.. So pretty but so wooden... Wont mind if they replace him with someone else. How about they look at those teen actors? We have our lovely and source of pain Kwak Dong Yeon, Seo Young Joo, Oh Jae moo etc? Oh maybe Lee Hyun Woo, as a redemption for that mess Moorim School?


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I wish they'd given this role to the second lead from Page Turner, who was also in SGG with Chae Soo Bin. He's such a promising actor, and he would do well in a school thriller like this one.

I love L in Infinite but I don't think he is cut out for acting. If he really does want to pursue acting he should take up supporting roles to build up his resume and experience. Oh well, I'm going to give him a chance in this one because it seems like he's serious about an acting career since he signed a few projects recently.


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Jisoo? That would be Argggh-mazing, I ship them hard in SSG


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She and Ji-soo were giving off some serious vibes at her lakeside scene in SGG episode 5, I know they never really went there with them but in an AU I could totally imagine their characters connecting more even though her blackmailing his bff over him was the thing that sets the whole cheerleading plot in motion.

I've always wanted a Ji-soo/Jung Eun-ji reunion but a Ji-soo/Chae Soo-bin reunion would definitely have me perking up my ears and going 'GIMME!'


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ANY GO GO reunion would make me jump of joy! (Also, L, really??)


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haha same here! Lee Won-geun/Ji-soo, Eunji/Ji-soo, Lee Won-geun/Eunji, Chae Soo-bin.Ji-soo, Eunji/Soo-bin, Ji-soo/Soo-bin, I will take literally any permutation/combination you can dream up!

Lee Won-geun and Chae Soo-bin are apparently starring in the same movie but in different portions (he's in flashbacks, she's in the present day as the daughter of his love interest?) so I don't think that's a true reunion. I would take them working together again too!


I wouldn't mind Ji Soo either, but boy needs rest. He came off a serious illness and went back to shoot a drama. They need to put him on house arrest.

Random thought, but the Sassy Go Go actors are taking over TV this year. Now only Eunji needs to sign something. Like please Dramagods!


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Yeah, I mean I don't want her with Ji-soo at the cost of a life-threatening medical condition!

I hope he takes the time out to recover properly after he's met his obligations to Fantastic, he's worked more than enough this year. At least Scarlet Heart was pre-produced so we still get to see him without risking his health.


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Yeah, Shin Jae-ha is really good, I wish we saw him in more prominent roles too.

But I can live with L as long as Chae Soo-bin takes primary position (kinda like Kim So-hyun and the boys in School 2015 - they were male leads but she was THE lead).


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Shin Jae-ha! I'll remember it from now on. I love Ji Soo, but Shin Jae-ha stole the show in Page Turner. It's a shame we only ever see him in side roles apart from Page Turner.

Yeah KSH ran the show in Who are you (I still refuse to call it a School series) but I'm hoping L is at least decent in this one. A Taecyeon type of non-distracting performance in Bring It On Ghost probably won't work here because it's a thriller not a romcom so that's why I'm kinda iffy about his casting.


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yeah that drama does not deserve to be called part of the School series, it started off addictive but was so messy by the end.

(funnily enough, Sassy Go Go was actually produced by the same company as School 2013 - I wish it had got the benefit of the franchise name and aired at a time that wasn't in the middle of Korean entrance exam season)


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Holy God, I can't believe I haven't think about Shin Jae Ha, he is soooooooo good! OMG, it would be perfect!


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I like her a lot in MDBC. Her character was well written but it's to her credit that she made Ha Yeon someone we can empathize with.

I am really bad with faces and kpop, I thought L in the picture was Baek Seung Hwan. BSH is the boy who acted as the young Young Oh in Beautiful Mind.


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Oh they do look similar.

Have you seen The Master's Sun? L played the younger version of So Ji Sub, though it was a very small cameo.


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YES, CHAE SOO-BIN. Definitely one of the most promising actresses in her age group. She's great, I really hope she takes it. L, not so much. Him, I could do without. He was tolerably cute in Flower Boy Band and then predictably awful in everything he's been in since. He has the emotional range of a plastic fork.

Fingers crossed that she takes it, and he doesn't.

Though I guess I won't mind him as much if his role is secondary to hers.............. Jokes, I'm lying, I totally would mind.

Dear production team, casting director, drama gods, whoever... please... don't cast him... please...


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"Fingers crossed that she takes it, and he doesn’t."

I second that! *praying emoji*


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excited for chae soo bin. not so much about L.I've watched the original and funny how i thought that the actor who played kambara looked a bit like L.


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This girl is a brilliant actress and I wished she could be paired with someone better than L, who I simply LOVED in SUFBB but hasn't impressed me ever since.

Kwak Dong Yeon is younger than she but it doesn't show and it would be a dream to have both of them together. Yook Sung Jae too. I'm not even going to say Ji Soo because I'm clearly Ji Soo trash since 2015 and having him with Chae Soo Bin would be the ultimate dream ever. Though all, we all always want Ji Soo to be in everything, right? It's a feeling that I have. He is always a cast suggestion in the comments section of upcoming dramas.


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yeah, getting her back with Ji-soo would be a dream, I want to see how their chemistry would play out because they vibed so well in SGG when their characters were together. Like I was actually interested in seeing these people interact, and I didn't get enough of it!

I wouldn't mind her reuniting with Park Bo-gum at some point in the future, either, once she's worked her way up to Big 3 lead roles (since he is too huge a star after Moonlight). Preferably after he's gained some distance from playing Yeong, so as not to ruffle certain feathers.


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Remember when Jisoo had to choose his ideal type and it was between Jung Eun Ji and Chae Soo Bin, he chose Chae Soo Bin. Talk about ultimate pairing, right? lol


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To be honest the original Japanese version was not all that great. Not sure I care about seeing this.


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Please, NO.....
She is already in a Chinese drama with him.
Why can't they get him a different leading lady?
When Korean entertainment zero on someone, all of a sudden they are all over the place. There are other good Korean young actresses, and some are far more attractive than she is.


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