Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

Team Dramabeans, reporting for check-in!

We’ve cleared a few shows from the slate and welcomed new ones (with several more on the horizon), so it feels like we’re starting a new season, which feels appropriate to the back-to-school season we’re in now (at least here in the States). Are you ready to jump on the new bunch, or are you still wrapping up finales from the last round? Or, if you’re like me, maybe you’ve quietly just shoved those unwatched finales into the drawer, freed yourself from the paralyzing guilt of completism, and moved on. (Hey, there is no shame in walking away from non-compelling dramas!) –javabeans



Currently recapping: Moonlight Drawn by Clouds

Age of Youth: This was a charming, understated show that started off a little slow but soon became a highlight of the week. I still wish it were directed differently (it felt low-rent, and while I suppose low-rent worked for the low-key story, it didn’t have to look like it was strung together on no budget), but story-wise I loved the development of the characters: They all felt like thought-out, real-life people, and together they shone.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Technically this shouldn’t be on my list since it’s a show I’m recapping, but I didn’t weigh in this week since girlfriday covered the last two episodes, and boy was I jealous about that. When it premiered last week, I thought the show was cheeky and youthful, with a heavy comic bent. This week, the show matured a few degrees, got lovely and poignant, and balanced out its tone. The background soundtrack is beautiful, the acting is spot-on, and the whole package is fresh and charming.

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Something very strange is up with the graphics in this drama. I was so confused when girlfriday complained that this show looked cheap and visually terrible, because I thought it was lush and visually breathtaking. But after some testing, we figured out that on television screens, this show looks like it’s shot on video using palace sets from the ’90s… and on computer screens, it’s a whole different drama, all sumptuous and breathtaking. What the hell? This is the only show that does this, and I’m scratching my head over it.

Jealousy Incarnate: This show sounds cute and funny and I totally want to watch it… but I’d barely gotten into the first episode when I had to shut it off because the swirling, whooshy camera work made me violently nauseous. Can a show be cute and vomit-inducing at the same time? I’d rather it not.

W—Two Worlds: This show has gone from excitingly complex to downright convoluted, and it makes me feel like a dummy. I want to tell the writer, You can’t keep changing the rules before you tell us what they even are! I feel like I either have to think a lot harder, or stop thinking altogether, and I haven’t decided yet which tack to take. (Path of least resistance says stop thinking and just enjoy the excitement and the pretty. It’s a persuasive argument!)

Uncontrollably Fond: You had months and months to pre-produce your show, and this is the best you could do? This drama didn’t fail because it was pre-produced, or because it cast Suzy, or because it aired at the wrong time, or because it had strong competition. This drama’s downfall is its writing, which wallows in the gratuitously miserable, delivers no payoff, and is lazy to boot. I will watch the finale, even though I’m pretty sure it’ll make me pop a blood vessel.



Currently recapping: W–Two Worlds

Bring It On, Ghost: Things were getting pretty draggy in the darker stretches of the show, but I was happy to see a return to the lighter tone in the end. I wish Taecyeon could’ve matched Kim So-hyun in the emotional department, but he matched her in cuteness, at least. It was a satisfying conclusion, and college-student Gu Dae-young was a highlight in the cameo parade.

The Good Wife: This was an engaging show with a stellar cast that never dipped in quality, but I’m not really satisfied with the ending. It just… ended… and I feel like I didn’t get the answers to the questions I had. It’s not a show that’s slated for more seasons, so why did the ending feel like a season finale, but not a series finale? It’s a flaw in the American-to-Korean adaptation framework that I think still needs to be figured out.

Age of Youth: This was a delightful little show that went off the beaten path. It was often tonally darker than I anticipated and overly obsessed with death, but the success was in the friendships among the young women, and the massive character growth we witnessed. This show always made me feel like a mama hen—proud and nervous, but mostly proud.

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: I think I just don’t like this director. This show feels dated, and everything feels static to me. Except for Lee Jun-ki’s hair, which is always flowing perfectly in the wind. Seriously, I think it’s someone’s JOB to hold a fan to his mane of glory just so, and I’m not at all sorry that someone is being paid to do this. So far my engagement level with this show boils down to: Lee Jun-ki onscreen = 100 percent. Anybody else = 25 percent.



Currently recapping: Cinderella and the Four Knights

The Good Wife: It’s over. Say it ain’t so! This show was consistently stellar from start to finish. The direction, the subtle yet powerful performances, the writing…just top notch. All class. As much as I would’ve loved a few more episodes, I also know it’s sometimes best to end on a high note even if it feels like there may be more material to mine. I’m going to miss the sharply dressed, whip smart (or manipulative) characters so much, especially the main trio. And Myung-hee. And David Lee. And…fine. I’m going to miss the entire cast (except for the girl who played Hye-kyung’s daughter). I looked forward to this show the most every week, and every week I wasn’t disappointed. When will the trifecta of Jeon Do-yeon, Yoo Ji-tae, and Yoon Kye-sang ever grace our screens again? Maybe when the stars align…hopefully in my lifetime!

Age of Youth: Another good show that came to an end. I wish Ji-won had a weightier episode that focused on her because I found her “terrible secret” to be rather anticlimactic. So she lies/lied. That’s it? Oftentimes, the cheeriest of people are the ones fighting the hardest battle, and I wanted her battle to be as trying as the other girls’, but it honestly didn’t seem like she had any major issues. There were quite a bit of unanswered questions, but I have to say I was generally satisfied with the way it ended. Ending with Edith Piaf’s “Non, je ne regrette rien” playing over the scene where the elegant landlady (#AgingGoals) applies her red lipstick and puts on her diaper led me to believe that the girls’ “Belle Époque” continues, through the good times and the bad.

W–Two Worlds: I’m a few episodes behind, but I’m having such difficulty tuning in to this show. I feel so detached from the characters and not at all invested in their peril.

Moonlight Drawn by Clouds: I just saw the first episode, and I feel like I would’ve liked it if I were twelve. Maybe I’ll give it a few more episodes just for Jinyoung…

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Episode 1 was so-so. Episode 2 was GREAT. Episode 3 was even better, so I hope this upward trajectory continues. Those close-up shots of Kang Haneul’s gazes? They make my knees weak.



Cinderella and the Four Knights: Park So-dam is a bundle of energetic charisma. I’d love to see her more in Dramaland. Also, second lead syndrome has struck again. I’m totally Team Hyun-min, despite his initial douchebaggery. Even after six episodes, Ji-woon still seems like a jerkface who can’t seem to recognize the gemstone that is Park So-dam, right in front of him.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: So many expectations. Hopefully, it improves because so far I’m not so over-the-moon about it.

Our Gap-soon: I’d rather have started the So-rim romance from the beginning, than from the middle. I feel like I’ve missed the best bits, and am left in the post-oxytocin-rush days when there’s nothing but lukewarm passion.

W–Two Worlds: Okay, I’m still here, but a lot of the delicious suspenseful tension is gone, now that I’m pretty secure in the fact that no matter what happens, our two main characters will survive. Remember, there’s no story if there are no characters (according to W and real life).


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Cliche FantastiC is indeed Fantastic in its 1st week


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>>This drama didn’t fail because it was pre-produced, or because it cast Suzy, or because it aired at the wrong time, or because it had strong competition. This drama’s downfall is its writing.

Miserable Viewers. Misery would have attained its objective if it wasn't extremely Nonsensical.

W - Two Worlds is just watch it and forget it. As Mr. handsome hero has become superhero of 2 worlds and teleporting here and there at wish.


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I second that!

Loved that even though there's a cancer diagnosis in there, it doesn't mope around. Life's too short for that. Better to spend it with friends you haven't seen in a long time! (Also, I did a recap on the first episode on my blog, *coughcough*


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The scene of Our Heroine with teary eyes spending hours in car affected me and then 3rd friend is turned into slave just boiled my blood.

Show looks comical but it is clearly packs heavy subjects.

Though Our Heroine is quite sensible and intelligent which i liked the most. The hero is funny with all bad acting acts.


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Yes, you nailed it!

And the second episode just gives me more confidence to continue with this, even though I fully trust Kim HyunJoo's projects.


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I am also loving JSW's take on his character. He's hilarious in this and matches up well with KHJ.

It's also great to see Park Si Yeon again. How can she still be this pretty after all these years? Can't wait to see her tough gal scenes and her love line with Ji Soo.


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UF - next ep 6 why can't it be on Viki?! DF and me are acquaintances at best.
W2W - next ep 14, I love Soo Bong & Doc Hyung's interactions
TF38 – next ep 14 *paused. I'll probably marathon the week before SKL*
C&4K - on ep 6. Wow, I love this drama! The OST is amazing. I'm slowly becoming a fan of the OTP ship. But Hyun Min needs to be happy. I want Bodyguard or maybe even Seo Woo.
I'm fast-forwarding Hye-Ji. Thanks DB for the recaps so I can read it instead of suffering through her scenes. Never been a fast-forwarder so it's huge news.
Why does everyone have a dead close family member? What is the story with 5th wife & Bodyguard?
JI - next ep 4. What was up with the cast in white scene? Freaking love the youngsters trio.
LiM - next ep 5. My take: Prince & Me Meets You Are Beautiful. Also I want Yeong to know the secret but tease her about it. I want Byung Yeon. And Chae Soo Bin needs to make her appearance.
Moon Lovers - paused on ep 1. Deciding whether to watch or keep up with recaps.
Full House - next ep 2. It bored me the first time I got 5 minutes in. But when I rewatched, I got all the way through the first episode and just needed to meet the OTP to fall in love. Their chemistry is daebak!
Second lead is hot!

Overall, I realized I've moved on from falling in love with the lead and having sporadic SLS. It's all about the 3rd leads now.


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Oh I took off one by accident.
FantastiC - on ep 1. Got 10 minutes in at 29% translated. But I was at work so I haven't had a chance to make it back yet.
But I'm already smiling at the leads.

I'm not allowed to get to 10 kdramas at once while school is in session. I'm still going to watch other countries but no more than 10 from Korea. I hope stating that will help ?


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You are enjoying Cinderella With The Four Knights?

I can't. It has everything on extreme scale and pretty bad writing + Editing. I want to enjoy it but i just can't. Forced relationships to Forced skinship and awkward scenes. Rest of the damage is done by badly written characters and lack of coherent plotline.

On the Other hand Similar Cliche show FanTastiC looks far more funny and better done. Again Thumbs up to JTBC.

Suggestion - You better drop UF. Save time and watch some better show.


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I was going to make the same suggestion. For many of us, it's been a waste of time but we kept watching because we got invested after watching so many episodes. I suggest waiting till the drama is finished, then on a day of nothing better to do, watch the whole thing with finger on FF button. That way you can get some KWB or Suzy scenes without having to slog through the 80% inactivity of most episodes. There is honestly not enough substance here for a two hour movie, let alone a twenty hour drama.

Don't the actors or their agents in Korea get to see the script before doing a drama? Why KWB or Suzy signed up for this is beyond me.


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Woo Bin is doing all the job and sometimes Su Ji supports him and even Woo Bin starts to shine from 11th episode.

Writer fooled the company and channel and audience and i hope not many viewers will fall for this drama.

If you are interested then read recaps, listen ost and watch some Fan made videos of the show on youtube but don't waste the precious time of your life on this kind of tv show.


@CatoCat, what happened to simple "I mind my own taste, you mind your own taste". Why badmouth drama and ban it from people and hope people to not like it. Hard work was put into it, some people will find UF more enjoyable, than your masterpiece, to which we should waste our "precious time". When you say your opinion, for god's sake, think about what you're saying.


I love the big, dramatic parody that is C&4K. It reminds me of Ouran High School Host Club & Monthly Girs' Nozaki-kun. Having done my basic kdrama time, I get to sit back and check off the tropes. I don't mind the editing. The plot is basic but coherent in my opinion.

I think the characters could be real people. Even if I hate everyone's nosiness in the boys feelings. Just because you think they had a good life, doesn't mean they didn't have struggles. It's frustrating that they aren't allowed to have negative emotions because they are princes. The boys are selling their personas, cliché as they might be.

I haven't had a chance to get back to FantastiC because of family and such. But I will by the end of the night. I love all of the male cast.

I understand the suggestion about UF and I'll probably regret not listening. But it's my cleaning drama. So when I don't have time to pay full attention, I can still understand what's going on with my kdrama language tone, and music. Plus, Woo Bin is life.


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Cinderella With Four Knights has uneven direction and writing. Ep 1-2 are pretty bad, 3-4 average 5-6 below average, 7 bad, 8th the best episode of the show in terms of story,direction and editing.

I just watched episode 8 and liked it. story flowed from 1 scene to next and made some sense. There was too much cheese again and all the budding butterfly feelings have build up too fast but still it makes sense.

I feel OST of the show is far better than the show itself.

Naah, Nozaki Kun is superior content with all the jokes on shoujo magazines.


I also like C&4K because I don't think they want us to feel it seriously.
Like just enjoy the view if you like it, stop if you don't and take care of your OTP.
It's cliclr and full of trope but it never promised anything beside that.

Just if Nozaki character can meet this cast, he'll pull them apart because they look so childish... or Seo would just told Ha Won how to deal with boys and The prince and Hyun Min would be the best buddy.


@Sancheezy I want that crossover lol


"cleaning drama", lol. That's sounds reasonable.


@Peeps yeah, I have a category for all myshows, Korean or foreign*. When I start a new one, it has to fill the category of the most recently vacated. That way I can at least pretend I'm being productive.

*I'm a black American and my go to is anything non-Korean is foreign. What has happened to my life? Kekeke, I'm fine with it.


Sorry. I didn't close my bolding. Just the title needs to be bold. That's what I get trying to listen to music, type and clean. Lol


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I can also comment on javabean's comment for Scarlet Heart. Usually kdramas on tv have a rather different quality compared to watching them online. It usually feels slow on tv while it may feel normal on the Internet. But I haven't watched Scarlet Heart yet, so maybe it may be different.

I really need to catch up on some dramas, but college just started for me, and for some reason my college internet blocked this site! I reported it to the Internet administration, so maybe it will be fixed soon. At least I hope...


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This is true to a minor extent, and I'm pretty familiar with how dramas appear on TV, especially all of the ones currently airing. But the gap with Moon Lovers is much, much bigger than normal, and quite distracting.


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I'm pretty sure it has to do with tv/computer settings.


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It reminds me of the problem that was High Definition Makeup. We suddenly had gorgeous stars turn up on the redcarpet with huge white streaks on their faces. And in HD camera images that same makeup was flawless

So even i was confused when some people said that production values were cheap because on my computer the visuals are breathtaking

In fact lots of sagueks have these standard 2-3 locations they shoot in -> same palace, same forest, same marketplace.

But here there are so many locations and i can clearly see where they spent all the money.


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It could be how the video itself was shot vs. the settings on the television. Internet streaming has a way of auto-tuning the picture according to the data encrypted in the stream and the strength of one's internet signal for the best viewing. Thus something might shift from a 480 image to a 1080 picture or vice versa. If the broadcaster is showing it live at a lower setting than what the video was shot in, then there will be a degradation in the quality when the viewer watches it. Similar if you try to watch those super-HD programs through a standard definition set.


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This effect has a name. It's called the soap opera effect. Film looks like cheap video on a lot of modern tvs because the tvs are overthinking. They add in blank frames to make the scenes transition smoothly with the result that the lush show on the internet looks like cheap soap opera on tv. If this isn't happening with all shows, it might be SH was filmed differently. On my sister's tv, we turned off Auto Motion I. Problem fixed. Hope this helps!


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Thanks for mentioning you are seeing different picture qualities. I am going to check out the show on my tablet and older TV and see if it looks better. I'll also play with my smart TV settings.


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Can't thank you enough for pointing this out. I've been watching on TV and the quality of the visuals has been off putting...especially with the quality of the original and the expectations for the remake.

It was paining my heart to see LJK and KHN stuck in a seemingly low-rent production.

Gonna marathon it on my laptop tonight to reset perceptions.

Again, thanks!


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I agree with Javabeans & Girlfriday about the gap in quality between the two mediums. Could this be why the drama was so poorly received in Korea?

Presumably the majority of the Korean audience was watching live via the Digital Television stream and not through the online portals or on mobile devices. If this is the case perhaps that is why the reediting/re-airing needs to take place so that they can send out a stream with better quality that corrects these problems.

I for one found the show to be quite entertaining. I became completely engaged with the Soo/So story in the second episode. While there are definite little things that are cropping up as issues-mainly editing-the costumes, some of the original music, and the wide shots are fabulous. Hopefully before the next airing SBS will look across the platforms they use and address the issues that have presented themselves over the past week. PBS/WGBH/BBC edit their content regularly when they bring it to new distribution channels, perhaps that is part of what is going on as it is a globally distributed series.

As the drama is pre-produced bringing in a new editor or another set of eyes to look over each episode before it airs would be a smart move by NBC/Universal in protecting their international brand. The problem with having several very different production/distribution houses (YG, SBS, NBC/U, Dramafever, etc...) is that they often have two or three very different ideas of the final look/feel of the show and I wonder if this is contributing to the disconnect between the visions. Perhaps this is why some aspects of the production feel rich, indulgent and sophisticated while other parts feel juvenile, artificial, and without depth.

This should not excuse inconsistencies, but I doubt that a multi-billion dollar business (NBC/U) will let their first major foray into the very lucrative Korean Ent. market fizzle out on bad press when they can send someone in to make the necessary edits/changes that would be required to improve local ratings.


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Great reply! I agree 100%, and I too enjoyed the story much more than it seems JB and GF do.


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Dramabeans is blocked on your school Internet? Or a drama watching site?

Either way, I'm sorry. I hope it's fixed soon.


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Maybe they read our comments about SIG and JCW and decided, "Nope, this site isn't safe for school."


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LOL. Not to mention shower scene screen caps.


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Dramabeans itself was blocked. The sites I go to for watching dramas are still fine on the other hand. I know, what the heck, right?

And thank you! Hopefully I can come back without the pain of typing comments on mobile...


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Hmmmmm. Why not start a 'Drama as Literature' Club and say you need access! The recaps could qualify as springboards for Literary analysis. And credential-wise, JB and GF have lectured at university.


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It you can get a club going, let us know. It sounds like it would have interesting discussions. Pkys, it's just a really cool idea


*Plus - I don't know how that turned into pkys I know the letters are next to each other but still.


If I watched Scarlet heart over the air -- although I don't even know if they are airing it that way -- it would only be in 480P and wouldn't look that good. However, I watch it at 720p upconverted to 1080p on a 55 inch television and the panoramic shots look great, especially the shot of Lee Jun Ki riding his horse as the eclipse recedes in the distance. It's a gorgeous, amazing shot.

The village shots look pretty good too, perhaps a bit more video-like than film like. The colors look good as well. It could very well be what sort of television and/or source you use to watch the drama.

While I'm not totally invested in the show just yet, I plan on continuing it because the instrumental music sounds so good, so I actually have the volume up a bit from where I normally watch dramas.


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I donno,but after watching some shows on kbs, they more felt like documentaries, the HD effect that I usually get on internet was not there. Also,have to say there are some sites who maybe have their own filters which makes the visual treat more exciting, like dramafever has this dark and warm vibrant image to their shows, so I prefer to watch shows that are airing on df...though their subs come a bit too late.Nevertheless this is why maybe scarlet heart looked pretty to me.


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kbs tv I mean.


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I agree I though I was the only one but it is true that watching dramas on the computer feels and looks a lot different than watching them on Tv. There have been point in the past were I would watch a show online then when I would watch it on tv I would be confused because it would feel different. I thought I was going crazy. :D


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May I ask who is recapping Moon Lovers if JB is going back to Moonlight?

Also it seems like everyone is slowly weaning off W. I thought it was just me because I was getting tired of waiting for the episodes (binge watched until ep9). I wonder if it's because the romance between the main characters feels a bit stagnant. The only thing that keeps me coming back is just how smart KangChul is - but even the novelty of having a smart lead wears off pretty quickly when it seems like there are no established rules.


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The thing with W is that it's not character-driven at all, it's plot-driven. And I don't think they truly moved beyond making Kang Chul feel like a construct - a self-aware construct, but still. And while I enjoy the difference from Lee Jong-seok's previous roles, and his and Han Hyo-joo's more comedic scenes, I'm not really invested in their romance. They vibe well together but I don't get the 'omg you two should just kiss all the time!' vibes from them as I did from certain other previous drama couples.


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I'm slowly loosing interest in W as well. The plot is still mostly engaging, but the characters are not. The romance felt really off for me this week, like they're not clicking anymore, but forcing themselves to? Dunno, but I'll keep watching till the end.


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One reason why I dropped W is that I feel like watching two actors kissing for the sake of filming a kiss scene! I know that this actually what it is, but am I supposed to feel them acting the kiss scene in addition to the fact that they are actually acting a kiss scene?!!
I don't think I'm making a sense but this is how it felt XD.


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I watched a BTS video of LJS filming a kiss scene and he seemed really uncomfortable with it. You could see him hyping himself up to do the scene before hand. And then scurrying away from the actress as fast as humanly possible when the director said 'cut.' LOL


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Maybe he's shy XD


Actually, I know what BTS your talking about. I think it was the 3rd eps. LJS pulled away in embarrassment after realizing that he "leaned into" the kiss when he wasn't supposed to. He was supposed to be shocked and stand there fish faced but leaned into instead. He said it must have been instinct.
I think that BTS actually shows off their real life chemistry.

However, I think recently their chemistry has stepped back a notch. Maybe they're tired and irrated from life shooting and being around each other 24/7.


I totally get what you mean. Funny how the kdrama couples who I'm invested in didn't get to do tons of kisses, while those I'm not really invested in did it a lot. lol Or it could be that there's a cap on the number of kisses then it starts to feel bland.


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Or it could be that there’s a cap on the number of kisses then it starts to feel bland.

but look at Oh Hae-young Again. No caps on the # of kisses there and yet they never felt bland.


"They vibe well together but I don’t get the ‘omg you two should just kiss all the time!’ vibes from them as I did from certain other previous drama couples."

Oh Hae Young Again has spoilt me.


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Ditto. Oh Hae Young's kisses were all priceless!


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I agree. The writer clearly focused on the plot and not on the characters. The romance felt rushed the first time and it felt flat the second time.

While I think LJS and HHJ look cute together and they generally look great as a pair, I've seen more chemistry between LJS and his previous leading ladies (way more). I don't know if this has something to do with how their characters were written and how their scenes played out.


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I know what you mean, this isn't even remotely close to what he had with Lee Bo-young or Park Shin-hye (and early in his career, Kim Ji-won).


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To me the whole issue is the pace in W. Which in general is awesome, but it doesn't take its time to properly elaborate things.
Usually these plot-driven fast dramas have little speed-bumpers, where they slow down for some scenes to let us bond with the characters.. and bam! pick up speed and shock again. That is oddly missing here..

I feel as if the writer constantly promises me candy but in the end puts it in his/her own mouth lol

I was really disturbed at how they were boiling dinner in their hideout and instead of finishing stuff he shows her the manhwa and they leave the comic-world...water running, water boiling, all unfinished. No satisfaction.

Same goes for their dates, he gets no-face arrested and returns to the real world telling her let's finish our date... do we ever see that? Nopes....
*end spoiler*

In this short time the drama is trying to bridge action and romance/melo.. look at how many episodes it usually takes to handle memory loss of loved ones (we've seen it many times). They need to angst it out and stuff, but there is literally no time to do that to make it feel substantial or meaningful. Of course it feels odd to us, since they skip on things we are used to see.

On top of that Lee Jong Suk has to play a cool action hero while sometimes being lovey dovey emotional ... Dunno, but to me this feels close to a contradiction? Don't 'standard' action heroes usually do that stoic 'come here baby, I'll protect you while I shoot that bastard' romance? LJS literally tries to combine Bruce Willis with Hugh Grant of course that will feel odd especially short time at hand.

I wonder why an ambitious show like this didn't get 20 episodes... I think that would have changed a lot for the better. To me there is no lack in chemistry whatsoever, but a lack of time to elaborate.
Still love that drama, I just fill the holes with my own imagination^^


I liked the first 2 weeks or so of W, but I feel like the storyline just doesn't make sense to me anymore. A lot of stuff happens, but in the same time it leads to nothing. And I know I'm in the minority, but I'm not feeling the chemistry between Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo. It feels awkward to me.


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I'm recommending Jealousy Incarnate for now because from your comments on other shows we think alike. Jealousy Incarnate didn't grab me until the mammography scene in Episode 3. I've had breast cancer and been through many of these, but this scene just caught me off guard. It was hilarious. One of the funniest episodes I've seen in dramaland. Episode 4 just out not as good but solid and amusing. What I like most about this drama after things like UF or Beautiful Mind is I feel like we're in good hands. The writing is usually good, sometimes stellar, with a random creativity that distracts but in a good way. I found the main female lead really wimpy the first two eps but that was misleading, I think. She's much stronger than at first view. The two male leads are great, and I can see some of the side stories with the two ex wives being hilarious as we settle into the drama. Or not. I'm not quite sure. There's a bit of an editing problem with this drama, mainly for location transitions. Anyway, I'm recommending mainly for episode 3, which was comedy gold, and I think we'll see a lot more as the 'jealousy' kicks in.

I like W too but it's time for some hypotheses to pay off because it's getting slightly tiresome always being , like WTF? I want the real story, not the imposed crime story or love story, to start clarifying for those of us really making an effort to follow along.


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You have written everything about W that I wanted to say in such a nice way.
I don't know how much everyone including javabeans have watched till now but episode 12 pretty much clears all ur doubts which have been building up from all these episodes.

W is the best K drama I have watched so far


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Yes to all this !!! ?


I really wished "W" was tightly written and engaging till the end, but it is not going in that direction *sigh* As JB said, we didn't even know what the rules were and they changed them. I know it is a brain twisting show but in the end it is about entertainment, not using your brains too much. The mysteries and twists should have been kept to a decent level but now they are being over used. I really loved it from the beginning, so I will keep watching it till the end even though it is not what it was supposed be.


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@LK,I stopped watching W,when at one point yeon joo told her dad's assistant to just add a scene on the broken tab depicting a speedboat on a rescue mission for kang chul. It just seemed so absurd to me that the writer would make the story so simple as that. I mean for a drama which so far seemed so complex suddenly did not make sense anymore, as the purpose of kang chul hanging in there was okay,but what made it ridiculous was that a speedboat can just be inserted into the scene to bring him back to life. I was like ...really show? For a story who made it necessary to show us how yeon joo would vitally be responsible for each and every important turn in kang chul's life,suddenly when they used a silly element as a speedboat to make the story running again,just made the overall experience a little bit dull for me. May be I expected more from the writer..yeah.

Also I come back to my previous dilemma with the loveline, can you be in love with your pseudo creator? I felt like we were crossing some borderline of do's and don'ts here. Or may be I'm thinking too much between the lines lol.. or I am the only one who's having this thought in mind. But anyhow, moving to my next minor objection is that han hyu joo may be has little to no chemistry with le jong suk :S. She is awesome in her lines sure, but some how the romance does not come off naturally, I don't see the chemistry either. So till the time I stayed with the show, it was mainly to see how the story unfolds. But now there is this feeling close to 'inception', and suddenly I don't want to get boggled anymore. So like jb I would probably just watch the finale.I do read the recaps from time to time..but that's just it.


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I feel the same way about the creator-creation pairing you mentioned. It reminds me of Pygmalion, only it's somehow worse because Kang Cheol is too bound by webtoon conventions to fully exist as a human being.

I am glad people have been mentioning how flat the romance is. I think most of the viewers put off by this have stopped watching, and I feel like a troll for contradicting the enthusiastic fans who gush about each episode. I keep wondering if the romance is actually intentionally bland, and fans are just too enamored with the male lead to notice.

Yeon Joo's will seems to be the overlooked catalyst for many plot developments, and I can't help feeling she is going to have to realize her relationship with Kang Cheol is nothing more than an escapist fantasy at some point. I'm also disturbed by the compliant way he indulges her whims, as if he has nothing better to do since he lost his raison d'etre. They are strangely undeveloped as characters, and I keep wondering why they do not ask the questions I would ask.

For such a supposedly clever series, everything seems a bit mindless at times.


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I felt like I was the only one (or one of the really few) who thinks the romance is flat because I've only seen a couple who commented on it in the recaps. I thought there probably something wrong with me because I can't see what the others are seeing about how great the romance is. lol I still like KC and YJ though and I want them to have a good ending, but I'm not sold with their romance.


Hmm..I am not as excited about W as the first weeks but the chemistry between the leads are totally still working for me so I am quite suprise that others feels the romance feel flat. So far every one of their kisses sizzles.


I'm not really in it for the romance anymore. I actually like what's happening now better than what happened before the reset but even still it's flat. Like we're still still reading a two dimensional webtoon rather than a three dimensional drama. I give the writers the benefit of the doubt because I am hoping this is intentional. I think of him as a captured spirit (from when YJ was a little girl not a teenager) from another world, free to live his own life though until the crime story and the love story were both imposed on him. I do think he has a very deep connection to YJ as a soulmate of some kind, but they keep bending things into forced love scenes as if in a webtoon.

More than anything, I'm ticked off that YJ isn't more proactive. I loved it when she took charge but now he's back, it's all Kang Chul being the hero, figuring things out. But she's a doctor, she's not stupid, she's not helpless, why is she just taking direction from him when they are fighting a common enemy and have a common goal. I'd like to see them brainstorming together.

Still, I love the show because I want to figure out what the hell is happening! I hope it has a believable explanation in the end, something simple that we go, oh of course, that's what is going on!


I do think how flat the romance is, is due in part to the lack of character development of both characters. Yes, it is plot-driven, but the relationship isn't assisting the plot and the plot isn't assisting the relationship. As someone said before, the romance feels stagnant even though both actors have great chemistry to work with. The relationship feels sadly forced rather than a plausible development.

Still sticking to the end because I loved the beginning!


I'm wondering about Moon Lovers too. I was planning to keep up with the recaps. But I don't want DB Staff to overwhelm themselves.


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I think many kdrama fan is not gonna like W as much as I thought. W reminds me of anime when all the skinship and the romance thing is not happen in maximun when they kiss but when they do a normal thing.

I don't think the romance feel the same with kdranma because they actually don't play the long separation, you are the only one, other love partner, and you are the 1st.

They choose to let it unconfirmed and flow like the action than having it focus ala kdrama.

It's like the turn around effect when Kdrama used Love to solve everything and W doesn't. Yes W fall in love but that's not how and why we need to solve our proble.

That's why I think it feels different


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Hm. Everyone is weaning off W? That's news to me.

I thought everyone was still head over heels over that show and I am the only one getting annoyed by it. I couldn't pinpoint why I was getting annoyed by the rule bending...until JB out it into words for me.

Seriously, seems like the writer is just going out of her/his way to keep changing the rules (before they were even clearly established, nonetheless) to keep things "unpredictable" and one-up the audience.


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Definitely not everyone is weaning off. There's still a huge following both local and international. It is still getting rave responses. It seems those who do not like or stopped watching it are commenting more here and not in the recaps where there are tons who are loving it.


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I kind of expected this from everyone. But didn't guess how many people have been off put in recent episodes.

This show really does needs us to take mental gymnastics to get the whole picture and when we try - it does make sense. In a very mind blowing way marveling at the writer.

But at same time, I do wish this drama was 20 episodes and all characters and scenes are paced out - having time to breathe, settle in and live a bit. The romance and the emotional part of the show would have sunk in more and rules would made more sense easily. Without us having to twist ourselves.

But still even with its flaws, I trust the writer. I believe she has answers to all our questions and concerns, its just she is playing it brilliantly in a way holding it close to her chest. Even though its frustrating sometimes, damn if I didn't love every minute of it!

I just utterly love the way it leaves me gasping for air at end of a episode with no clue on what is gonna happen next ! Especially this week !


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I'm not that active on the recap thread anymore. I was successful in dragging my sister into the whole W train, but both of us felt like half of the last two episodes were rather weak. Like in the last one, for example, how many minutes were spent on Yeon Joo daydreaming? I mean, she and Kang Chul were cute together and all, but that entire daydream sequence felt like fillers. Some parts did pick up because of the suspense, and the cliffhanger is still gripping. But all in all, I feel like honeymoon's over. haha!


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About how Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo looks. This is what a film producer @Susan ?????????? said:

There’s a lot of framing problems with the shots. I wish they had gone cinematic – done things like a film. What they did was choose a half measure – not TV scale, not film scale. So everything looks off. Then, when they do close ups, they are closer, but not compelling. The whole point of a closeup is to get ‘inside the circle’. To basically feel as you are part of the moment the characters are having.

So many things wrong with this from a cinematographic POV. The colors are also off. And the lighting! It should be pretty, but it often either looks washed out or harsh. Such a soap opera feel!


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Snickers, I sort of feel like a stalker now, but i'm glad to see you comment on one of the regular posted thread and I wish you, GB and Susan post more stuff here, as I find your opinions really insightful. Yes, I have been silently looking at the ot thread where you guys hang out and I totally get why you guys avoid commenting here and prefer a secret corner on db.


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Because we talk about everything boring and mundane under the sun 😉, why inflict that onto others.


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"Such a soap opera feel!"

YES! This is exactly what it reminds me of! I said it looks like a stage play in one comment but Soap opera is a much more on point description. It's absolutely odd that they went this route.

Very enlightening comment, thanks to you and Susan for sharing!!


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HDMI from computer to 1080p TV, which is a few years older than my external monitor. Streamed parts of ep 3 again. Looked better. Then again, all HD videos look better on this TV.


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I watch it on tv for ep 3 and rewatch it on screen.
I applaud the editing but I think the plot also not compelling enough


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The first week of Moonlight Drawn by Clouds does feel like the typical crossdressing sageuk for 12-year-olds, but episodes 3 and 4 really pick up on the chemistry and emotion (and they are also likely to ruin any thoughts of Second Lead Syndrome, because, well, look at the lead!).

Scarlet Heart: That detail about it looking cheap on tv but good on devices is so bizarre, but I think it's possibly deliberate since they sold the drama's foreign broadcast rights for a fair chunk of money and they know most viewers will probably watch it on a device of some kind - so it's better to make it look extra good on devices.

Also, I believe the director's cut (i.e. the one without the horrible OSTs) of episodes 1-3 are out now, and apparently better than what was aired. If SBS has any sense, they should be going over the unaired episodes and fixing the issues I'm pretty sure those probably have too.

I know the drama has its faults, but I'm still a sucker for Goryeo Lee Jun-ki and will watch this through to the bitter end. He's so good at this, it's ridiculous. And I definitely feel what YY said in the recap - when IU is around Lee Jun-ki, I end up wanting So/Su to be together but when she's with Kang Haneul, I end up wanting her to be with Wook. I suppose improvement is a slim hope, but there's enough good stuff to give this a chance.


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Yep, it's bizarre to hear that it looks so cheap on TV, because Scarlet Heart looks simply stunning on my laptop screen and the cinematography is one of the things that drew me to the show.
I had very low expectations of it and then the first episode completely won me over. I'm so invested in it that I can't be objective at all. I literally see no flaws and am fully enjoying the show.


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If Scarlet Heart looks cheap and weird on actual tv, the low ratings on conventional tv in Korea actually make a lot of sense. Another case of extraordinarily sloppy planning by the production - it looks absolutely GORGEOUS on my laptop but our devices aren't the thing driving Nielsen ratings /sigh


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@pogo Would you happen to know where I can watch the Directors cut of Scarlet Heart episodes 1-3 ? Preferably with English subs. Thanks in advance.

I agree with you, I hope SBS has the sense to fix the issues in episodes 1-3 for the remaining episodes as it seems SBS desperately wants the domestic audience to like Scarlet Heart.


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No idea, yet - I haven't seen it either.


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You can watch it over at SBS site. Register for an account. Its free till monday.

-The music is definitely much much better

-they pruned some of the scenes of the younger princes making it crisper

-There is a scene of HS and WS interacting before he goes on a tarantino rampage. Its basically her missing her mother and him telling her to stop whining and that you can depend only on yourself and no one else. Telling scene about how disillusioned he is with the idea of family/love

Overall it seems more pulled together.


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And also, there was a scene of her remembering the history . So she might not be a walking talking historian but i'm guessing she will know/remember enough to become a player in the game of thrones.


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Help a beanie out here - do you have a link to the site where you can sign up for SBS video on demand?

I googled and got an SBS site that appears to be Australian, and somehow I don't think that's it...


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Never mind, I found the link and signed up. Now off to watch!


thank you!


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@bips99 thanks for info. However I can't seem find it, can you please send me the link? Thank you!

Do the videos have English subs by any chance?

Thanks for all your help :)


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Never mind I found it. Thanks for all your help.

Aww it doesn't have English subs :( I hope Dramafever or some one else will eventually sub it.

But now there are two different versions of the first three episodes out, which version are we suppose to treat as canon?


Scarlet Heart put a spell on me. I inexplicably love this show, faults and all. The crappy editing, jumpy zoom-ins, chirpy background music, clueless heroine, excessive bathing - don't care. I can't wait for Monday to come!


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What excessive bathing? It's just the right amount of bathing, with orchestrated entrances, slow-mo flexing, and casual self-touching (who needs a sponge or a washcloth when there are glassy-eyed fans out there?) XD.


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Well, yeah, I guess you're right, who needs a prince when you can have a bathing prince. Princes should always come with(in) a bathtub!


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" casual self-touching" I don't want to tell you where my thoughts went when I read that line.


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I keep getting annoyed, but I'm still completely sucked in and watching. And yeah, I'm praying for Monday too!


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They had all the time in the world to do editing etc etc that live shows don't have. Instead they went all out on promotion when they should be fixing the obvious first.

Making dramas to appeal more to the overseas market hardly do well domestically and they shouldn't be surprised at the ratings.


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I'm so annoyed on oppa's behalf - how could they be so sloppy? They've had every last bit of footage since the end of June, but it didn't occur to them that there was a purpose to that other than 'get this past Chinese censors'?

The thing is that this may have been an overseas cash grab but unlike certain others of the same kind, Scarlet Heart had all the ingredients to make this good or at least take care of the way things were presented. Instead everyone involved in the production side seems to have taken a nap and forgotten about doing anything more than the bare minimum.


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I am too. I'm disappointed 100 x more with this production than Scholar.


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After completing Giant, mom and I jumped into rewatching History of a Salaryman which is just as fun the second time around.

I started Moonlight and really like it. It's a typical plot but still pulls me in. The whole cast is so strong and such a delight to watch.

I finished two episodes of Scarlet Heart and I'm really not very invested. It feels like Faith which I eventually dropped but due to the 'curse' of LJK, I know I'll end up finishing Scarlet Heart regardless of how it turns out.

W is crazy and I love it. There's just no spoon. I love that it's so unpredictable.


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Thanks for the vindication javabeans... for not finishing those dramas!


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Anybody watching Blow Breeze, it's weekend but the first two episodes were nice. The subs are so late that it's frustrating. It would be nice to have some people around with whom I can whine about it together.
Also, about Scarlet Heart, somebody in another site compared the opening shot of Lee Jun Ki riding while people were crawling away in fear to Frodo being chase by Nazguls in Middle earth and now I can't stop laughing at the horse riding scenes. On a brighter note, the re-edit addressed some issues. Hopefully next week it gets better.


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I actually liked the introduction shots of So riding across the red sun, they're gorgeous.

I hope SBS or whatever is in charge has got in through their skulls that just fixing three episodes is not going to actually make anything better.


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Hi Pogo,
Not the gorgeous eclipse but the reaction of people to the riders with that shot. I went and watched again and it does resemble Fellowship of The ring scenes and now it's permanently stuck on my brain, what do I do with it?


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I was actually thinking the same thing! So looks just like a Black Rider.


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I was actually thinking about the Ghost Riders too, lol. It doesn't mean it's a ridiculous or badly shot scene, because many of the Ghost Riders scenes were beautifully shot too imho.


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I don't know but I'm watching Moon Lovers on my computer and it looks old and cheap.

I was surprised to read that Javabeans thought it look amazing and high-quality. But it doesn't really concern me anymore as I dropped Moon Lovers. Sadly though.

I love Moonlight so far. I love the balance between the humor and the emotional scenes. :)

W - Two Worlds I really don't understand where this drama is going. I loved it from the start but now I'm not so sure anymore. :( It makes me sad!


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This drama looks bad on my external monitor too. Might have something to do with the computer graphics cards and monitors.


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Oh help. I've gone from 2 dramas/week to 8. Moonlight, W, Jealousy, Cinderella, Fantastic, Gapsoon, Laurel Tree. That's FOUR dramas I have to watch on Saturdays. Maybe I'll get bored with one of them and be able to stop watching...

JB, the answer always is: turn off your brain.


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Wow, you started 2 X 50 episode shows? ? Respect!

Well at least you won't ever be bored on a weekend!


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When I learned gap was a 50 episode show, I didn't bother to watch it. Unless it's W, then I wouldn't mind if it were even 100 episodes. So kudos, Binmom!!

Fantasic was off to a good start!

Cinderella - I just watched episode 8 and I was throwing pillows at my tv. Ha-won went from cute to annoying in an hours time; Hye-ji just used up all the tolerance I have for her and god save the sinking team Hyun-min ship!

Mondays are definitely my Moondays.

3 more episodes for W. I'm never gonna get over this show!


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I agree with everything you said about W and Cinderella. I'm not watching the other shows but I'd most likely agree with you haha.

Back to Cinderella- uh I can't stand Hye-ji, and what confuses me is I think the writer wants us to like her??? She's definitely poised as the end game for HM. How could we possibly be on that ship after she walks around like a victimized zombie doll and is nice to only people that she can use to get close to her obsession. I really hate her character type. Watching it play out rings in my mind like nails on a chalkboard.


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I won't be bored, but I'll probably start getting pretty mad every weekend starting sometime in December. Although, they started right up with the crazy in Gapsoon, who knows where it'll go from here. We'll see!


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Haha. I'll check back with you in a few months regarding Gapsoon and then decide if I want to watch. ? Then at least I can watch while judiciously using my FF button.


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Scarlet Heart: yesterday i watched 3 episodes back to back and yep the drama does look cheap and the zoom in some scenes ruins the fun nonetheless i can't drop the drama yet because of lee jun ki and kang haneul sexiness :D

W two words : this drama is still very much amazing to me and i can't wait to see the last 3 episodes "crossing fingers" for a happy ending for the otp ❤


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Just finished:
God's Gift-14 days. Wow. it was my first time watching Lee Bo Young and Jo Seung Woo. She is beautiful and chic and I find her a good actress, now I can't wait to start with I Can Hear Your Voice.
Jo Seung Woo: its true what they say, talent is the best kind of sexy! Plus he can sing! With a guitar!
I'm still not sure about the end because my CD started cracking and the subs just stopped appearing half way through. so a whole bunch of scenes( more than half) that I missed. I think it was a good thing,looking back because it spared me the heartbreak( or outrage) so I was prepared. I think after I look it up on the online and watch it fully, I'll have better thoughts on it. But so far, so good, it was quite a ride I don't regret watching!!


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I watch a few dramas in a year and barely any live. W is the exception. Also going to be my first drama for a rewatch because I feel like I can articulate my final thoughts only through a rewatch. I like it most for the writing, even though I am not board everything I am intrigued by the way the writer conceptualizes and structures her dramas.

I might give Age of Youth and The Good Wife a spin once I have some time freed up post W.


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I'm fully invested in Cinderella and Moonlight at the moment. Both funny, sweet and cute. And I'm officially dropping W because the storyline is just so messy.

I'm still unsure whether or not to start Jealousy and Scarlet Heart. Both dramas seem to have a lot of mixed opinions.


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I'm loving all three of the shows you mentioned, especially the funny moments. So I don't know if my opinion will have much weight. But I recommend Jealousy over Moon Lovers. Jealousy Incarnate is at 4 episodes so you can do the 4 episode check and if you don't like it, give Moon Lovers a try next Monday.


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I am glad there are others who felt the detachment from W. I mean I still love the show, but it has gotten a little too convoluted for me. I tune in for the pretty and just stop trying to make sense out of it.

And no, I don't think I am too dumb to understand it cuz I do understand it pretty well. But somehow I feel that in Sci- fi there are supposed to be rules that aren't meant to be broken and W is breaking them. I wish I could pinpoint exactly what it is about the show that has gotten me suddenly disenchanted. But hey, LJS and HHJ are still awesome- so is our fellow fan Soo Bong! So I tune in, watch the show, turn off the laptop, and forget everything.

UF is another case. I feel irritated at the writer. But I don't think the writer has gone wrong from her (his?) already planned out story. Kim Woo Bin just chose a very sad (and idiotic) story (yet again), but he is nailing it! I mean there must be something about him that is so magical and mesmerizing that I eagerly wait for UF every week, and after the episode ends, i am always left with an empty feeling in my heart. KWB has proven that he is an ace- someone just give him an awesome script now that could do justice to him.


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The thing about UF which I think I finally nailed is its Makjang melo meets our reality in a bad way. No, real life cancer patients are not that stubborn, they don't refuse treatments and if they do it means they need to be treated for clinical depression, no mother wishes loudly for her son to die because he became a successful actor instead of a prosecutor and the list goes on. These are melo tropes as old as the universe that meets the reality, that is harsh reality that shitty assholes get away with their wrong deeds more often than we'd like them too. So what we get is the show in one word. Uncontrollably Frustrating should be the name of the drama in my opinion.


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I think that Joon Young refusing treatment is what makes this real for me. Recently a client of mine died from breast cancer. When she died, I found out she was diagnosed a year and a half prior. She refused treatment. She didn't even tell her family until a few months before she died. She wasn't depressed, she was quite the opposite. Encouraging and optimistic for the futures of those around her.


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I think part of the reason is that W prioritises plot over character, and recently the plot itself has gone off the rails even though the story still has plenty of shock value.

I feel like a lot of the show's appeal would be lost if we thought about it too closely, I'm not even going to pretend I understand why thinking of someone from the manhwa pulls them into Yeon-joo World but damn if moments like the one where Kang Chul saw So-hee, aren't exciting for the 'wtf is happening?!' factor. I still enjoy that and the show's humour (Kang Chul and Su-bong, awwwwww. Actually, Su-bong in general.)

I really hope Kim Woo-bin gets a better drama, the next time he does get one. Looks like his role and performance are awesome, but the drama was not.


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So far, I'm really loving moonlight drawn by the clouds. KYJ and PBG are a joy to watch. Even though there's a bunch of things going on, it never feels out of balance or fake.

On the other hand I feel like my interest in W is slowly fading away. I love the setup so much but I don't feel invested at all in the romance which makes me sad bc HHJ and LJS are Super cute together. To me, it feels like there's a very clear divide between the romance and the plot? When the romance picks up, the plot stops and vice versa. W is a great show but I wish it could've deal w/ this better bc I've started to skip the romance scenes in favor of the plot scenes.


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I forgot to add in scarlet heart which I'm surprisingly enjoying. I think it helped that I went in w/ super low expectations since I Love the original bu bu jing xin. I think the show has its flaws, many many flaws, but its entertaining to watch and more Lee Jun-ki is always a good thing.


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It's not a show I could talk about at length, but so far, it's proving to be a show that I can just sit back and enjoy. The first three eps were entertaining enough to keep me hooked, despite the flaws. The next few eps will determine whether I continue with it though, depending on where they take the story. IU's character, whilst adorable, may turn annoying for me due to her shortsightedness, and her gradual kindling of romantic feelings for married prince is making me feel a little unsettled. So far so good though.


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I get annoyed at her too, sometimes. In the original, the main female lead is incredibly quick-witted and clever so it made me sad that IU's character seems to be a more stereotypical drama heroine.

And I completely agree w/ you, I'm a little weirded out by the budding rs between her and the eighth. In the original, the eighth prince had multiple wives so it wasn't too big of a deal in addition to other circumstances but that doesn't seem to be the case in moon lovers. I hope the script manages to deal with this in a good way.


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Ah, now see I've never had the pleasure of watching the original, so I can't compare, but just hearing that the female lead was incredibly quick-witted and a lot more purposeful as part of the narrative, I can imagine how frustrating it must be to see the characterization so diluted. Pity, that.

Ditto, I'm hoping they deal with the love line between the 8th prince and Hae-su in a sensible manner - well, as far as time periods go, I guess they could tame it to some degree.


Just finished up the original myself and had a very different opinion-- Ruoxi didn't start to mature until she began her work in the palace. Before that I think she did plenty of stupid things. But I havent started Moon Lovers yet so don't have a good idea of the comparison--I just remember being very annoyed with the Chinese version of the character until about episode 8.


W - Two Worlds gives me a head ache trying to follow the plot. I'm getting Dr. Stranger vibes. Thanks for the recaps, I was going crazy trying to follow it.

Moon Lovers - so many princes. I hope they give them something to do than take off their shirts. Not buying IU's acting. This role is out of her league, but I'll watch it for Lee Jun Ki.

Our Gap Soon - Why did they make Song Jae Jim's character such a loser and a cheater to poor dweeb girlfriend Kim So Eun? Can't stand it so will drop it.

Moonlight Drawn by Clouds - Stupid plot but I just love Park Bo Geum and Jin Young in it.


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I think girlfriday is my soul sister. YSY's sparkling eyes, LJK's flowing mane... that's really all I see.


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good wife ended, age of youth ended, and so go the main highlights of my drama-watching life. only W left now. not really into any of the new crop of shows, both weekday and weekend. i'm determined this time not to check out any of the weekend shows, because those suckers are all formulaic and predictable and yet still have a way of reeling you in week after week. best not to even look in.

but there's still two majorly buzzed projects yet to air soon, lee young-ae's and jeon ji-hyun's shows. so there's still stuff to look forward to, as well as the as of yet unaired shows that will inevitably capture my interest.

cinderella and the four knights- really liking this! it's very cheesy, dated, and predictable. it's so been done before. but i still find it fun and light to watch, and the cast is charming and the overall execution is not bad for such material. and ahn jae-hyun is so adorable! never thought i'd get to say this. he still seems like the main lead over jung il-woo, who isn't acting very well in my opinion, but i have a soft spot for him from high kick regardless. holy cow, was high kick really 10 years ago already?! and park so-dam is so cute.

W- i agree with javabeans. they keep changing and shifting the rules and even though i've not been thinking very hard about the drama like other fans, it's been impossible for me to ignore. my brain can't keep up. what the hell's going on? and kang chul reminds me of the male lead from queen in-hyun's man (boong-do or something wasn't it?), who was also very clever at utilizing the time dimensions.

moonlight drawn by clouds- watching this to admire park bo-gum, though i'm not too interested in the story yet. i'm trying to watch all the episodes again to make myself get into it. park bo-gum is too good to miss. and... I WANT HIM FOR MY BABY BROTHER!


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So does everyone else on the planet. (Except for those younger than him, then I imagine that they want him for their elder brother. Either way, he's so adorable you just want him.)


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Everyone wants PBG in their lives! Depending on age difference-

Older Brother
Younger Brother

Will accept them all! Lol.
But seriously, it's true.


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Omg exactly how I feel about Park Bogum!! I really really want him to be my baby brother and our age gap is not that even big!!lol!...

So far I am really enjoying moonlight...and maybe I am one of the few here but I am still loving W! ?


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Well, I've officially run out of time to comment on recaps this week. 8/14. That's right. I am watching more than half of the currently airing shows and actually enjoying all of them to varying degrees. It's a good thing classes don't start for me until the end of September...

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds- I feel the need to write a lot for this drama simply because of how much I underestimated it. I’m not sure why, but I think I may have kept my expectations low for this one, maybe because I wasn’t actually sure about the pairing and I was afraid the drama would be pure fluff. I was always planning to watch because of Park Bo-gum, but I guess I wasn’t expecting it to make me this giddy and excited? I just adore a mischievous rascal like PBG’s character here. And Kim Yoo-jung’s character is lively and fun. Together, their chemistry is fantastic for their ages. Everything about this show is so vibrant and engaging, from the pacing to the ensemble of characters and all their actors. And it’s also surprisingly moving. I like that. I like that a lot.

Moon Lovers- I actually managed to write about it this week on the recaps so I’ll keep this short. I’m finding I’m enjoying the drama for many reasons, while it’s faltering here and there in certain ways. But, ultimately, I’m in for the ride, barring any huge missteps. I love Lee Jun-ki here and I’ve just missed him after not making it through his last two dramas. Episode 3 has me pumped for what happens next, so good move, SBS.

W: I’ve taken a break on discussing this show. I just can’t right now. I can’t.

Jealousy Incarnate: Wow. Well, considering the first 2 episodes only got me tentatively interested, I’m shocked by how much I enjoyed 3 & 4. The show really stepped it up for me this week and became a lot of fun. I’m finding the interactions to be really refreshing. Can’t wait for next week.

Age of Youth: All that’s really left to be said: I loved it, flaws and all. The characters felt alive to me, so while I’ll miss them, I feel as if they’re still going through their ups and downs, even if I’m not there to witness it.

FantastiC: There are some really promising things in the first episode, even if it didn’t grab me completely yet. All I’ll say is I definitely have no problem with Park Shi-yeon getting with Ji-soo. The sooner, the better, I say.

Laurel Tree Tailors: Why am I doing this? Oh right. Choi Won-young…as a rockstar.

Cinderella & the Four Knights: Why am I doing this? I don’t think I have an answer this time...


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Park ShiYeon doesn't even have to get together with JiSoo. I just want her out of her husband's family! (Of course, I'm talking about the characters they play)


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Oh, I totally agree. As long as she gets out of that family, I'll be happy. I just know that a few beanies were already writing off her character for cheating with Ji-soo before the drama even started and I wanted to make clear that it's definitely a non-issue now.


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ooh! i'd forgotten to check out fantastic. i figured age of youth would have a successor show, but i'd forgotten what it was.


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"Laurel Tree Tailors: Why am I doing this? Oh right. Choi Won-young…as a rockstar."

Wait, so LTT is no good??


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Oh no. I actually quite enjoy it, it's just that I hadn't considered adding a 50-episode (?) family drama to my watchlist right now. CWY's rockstar character is just the factor that makes it a must-watch for me.


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Somehow, I missed this news. Choi Won Young as a rock star? Now that's something to witness!


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Yeah, and he rocks at that role. Haha! \m/


Jealousy Incarnate is a funny show, in that I feel like it's Miss Korea all over again, which I dropped midway despite really liking it. I don't like any of the leads in JI, nor do I care about the plot, but I enjoy the dialogue and delivery (oh the delivery in this one!). Miss Korea was pretty much the same, I hardly cared about the characters, but their interactions felt down-to-earth, funny and fresh, making a compelling watch. Sadly, if I don't care about the characters, I kinda forget to tune in, even if I know I won't regret it later.


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Haha, I actually get exactly what you mean because this happened to me with Miss Korea when I first watched it. Still, I went back and enjoyed it later on, maybe because I was more in the mood for it? And I actually got invested in the characters, even though I never loved them.

With JI, I think I may be starting to care for the characters though. I have a really hard time not loving characters played by Gong Hyo-jin and Jo Jung-seok so I'm not sure how much of this is due to the acting.


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We seem to have the same impressions, Chandler, and we're watching the same shows (except Laurel Tree). I am now memorizing your name so I can look out for your posts. One of the reasons I come to the comments section is to find people with the same taste as me so I know to trust in their recommendations.


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Awesome, I'll look out for your posts too then! Always nice to find another beanie I can trust :)


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Choi Won Young as a rockstar? Ok that's it i'm gonna start on Laurel Tree Tailors :P


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I agree with just about everything said. I couldn't get into any of these dramas except Ghost was so cute. I'm giving Scarlet time to get better but you're right about the 75 to 25%! My favorite character right now is actually Yo? The evil brother. There are several new dramas coming up that look to have possibility. In the meantime I have 50 kdramas in my queue! 25 favorites to re watch and 25 highly recommended new ones.


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"You can’t keep changing the rules before you tell us what they even are! I feel like I either have to think a lot harder, or stop thinking altogether."

You took the words right out of my mouth javabeans. Perfect to describe my feelings with W. I still have to replay from episode 9 to get a good grasp of the rules. And like some commenters, yes, I'm not fully invested on the characters or their loveline. The possiblity of them ending up together is just not possible for me because: (1) if we stick to the original premise, OYJ is human, while KC is really just a comic character who can travel to the real world, or (2) even if OYJ has a manhwa version of herself, the premise of the webtoon is not about the lovestory of them both, and it defeats the original context of the story (just like what javabeans pointed out in the latest recap.) The plot of this drama can either have a real mind-blowing ending or a disaster. I am still following the series because I'm curious about the writer's way of thinking heeee.

I'm also watching Moonlight ( the first time I've watched saeguk btw), and it's not my usual cup of tea (especially after watching the spectacular "Signal") it definitely pales in comparison, story-wise. But, I do appreciate the young actors in this drama, but I don't know how long I can continue watching this since it doesn't really make me anticipate for the next episode. We'll see...


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I really hope you give Jealousy Incarnate another chance javabeans because by the end of the fourth episode I was squealing like a little girl. The show is giving me some serious Bridget Jones vibes, it's so gooood. It's been a long time since a heroine made me root for her so much. Gong Hyo-Jin is just wonderful. And Jo Jung Suk is great in the role. Actually all the older actors are great. The love triangle looks to be a really good one. I hope you're able to watch it JB!


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I still love W to bits, just that my heart is still bleeding now from the last scene. This is the time when i wished there was no olympics preemption, if it ended on even number episode we would have ended with ep 12 on a high and the wait for next wk would be much easier. Ending with ep 13 on a heartbreak, the wait for next week just feels too bleak.
Even though i liked good wife at the start, i somehow just lost interest after episode 7 and never came back. Maybe its the hair cut, maybe it's the kiss that feels too much an affair to handle. I never thought one can actually look better without fridge than with see through bangs, aren't those bangs supposed to work better for anyone?
Uncontrollably fond, let's just say that was uncontrollably wasted. Dropped at the halfway mark, try every week but can't bring myself to resume. Think I'll just read the recaps on the last episode and spare myself from misery, and my hp from danger of wall damage. My hp is more precious and is necessary to work OT for the other dramas.
No issue with moon lovers for me, maybe because i watch 3 episodes together and on my hp. The soundtrack does sound too modern for the show, wrongly placed soundtracks that distract from the show. The sword actions are smooth and cool.
Love moonlight ep 3 and 4, it's finding its groove nicely. Park bo gum awaking from slumber is so cute. Definitely only first lead syndrome from this show. Noticed the show likes to flashback scenes to reveal more to it though. Hope they don't do that too often. Its interesting to peel onion but not fun to keep repeating the same scenes over and over again.
Jealousy Incarnate is quite an easy watch, maybe it's Gong Hyo Jin magic. Even when she talks to her brother or herself i also find it entertaining. Scenes without gong hyo jin are not so eye attractive for sure, lol :p


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Oh, and Age Of Youth was an addictive gem, binged watched in 2 days and caught up to the final week. Culprit for eye bags and loss of sense during the day, lol. Thanks db for this great recommendation! :D


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Im watching tons of dramas and my exam week is coming up. So many dramas, so little time.

Moonlight - is to my taste and is currently the drama I still need to watch despite exams week.
Moon Lovers - watched all 3 episodes but Im still half convinced if Ill continue watching despite my LJK.
Monster - I stopped at episode 41... Female lead is getting on my nerves.
UF - I just watched my favorite "parent" in the drama became the most hateful character.
W - I lost interest but kept on watching for the sake of finishing it.
Flower in Prison - Enjoying the cat and mouse game.
JI - So-so. Don't have either favorable nor negative impression. Will have to watch more episodes.
Our Gab Soon - Introduction of characters and family dynamics. Also, yehey for Lee Wan's drama comeback.
Cinderella and the 4 knights - Park So Dam is cute and feisty but Ahn Jae Hyun's lips is distracting.
Lets Fight Ghost ended with a clean and tidy ending.
Just One Smile Is Alluring is a gem. Its about 90% patterned from the novel. Love the chemistry of the OTP.
Ice Fantasy - Im watching it for the bromance.


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OMG I found someone in DB that watches the Chinese Drama Just One Smile is Very Alluring 微微一笑很倾城 with 杨洋 (Yang Yang)!

This is one of the very few Chinese dramas I got caught up with recently and just couldn't let go! I usually don't watch Chinese dramas but this! Not only is Yang Yang very charismatic and cool in this role, I like the entire group of friends/colleagues/circle around him. Of coz, anyone into RPG online games will find it beautiful and fascinating visually! Only minor thing I don't like is how skinny the female lead is.... and she looks old during some shots (after her plastic surgery).....

All in all, very good drama and highly reommended.

I, too, watch Ice Fantasy 幻城 for the bromance AND Ma Tian Yu 马天宇 ^^


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How come you guys aren't recapping Jealousy Incarnate? GHJ and JJS are really good, and I like how the show is tackling the issue of [SPOILER ALERT, SPOILER AVERT EYES!] male breast cancer [/SPOILER] which I hope will get more more public attention, especially the way that hospitals treat the disease with PINK EVERYTHING.


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What do you mean? :/

It's listed there in "Recapped series - In progress" at the bottom of the page (for desktop layout). And episode 1-2 recaps were out a while ago. Episode 3 is the next recap coming up. (It's also listed there in "Next recap to post")


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I'm sorry for this comment, mary.

I don't know if the OP didn't notice all this because they're on mobile instead of desktop. I hope that's the reasoning, though that's not reason to scold for not having a recap. Especially, Lollypip & Saya did a good job with the first two eps. It doesn't appear they looked for the tag.

I want to share my appreciate for the "Next Recap to Post". Idk when it started but it makes me super excited. Almost as excited as watching the drama. I'm waiting to watch JI episode 4 until the recap for 3 is out so I won't accidentally spoil.

For some positivity because I know you had to take out the spoilers and read that - thank you!


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Aww thanks Purple Owl! And it's okay. ♥ It's easy to miss the features in desktop layout hehe~ Even I don't know when the Next Recap To Post feature started. Just thought I'd point it out to OP.

And I totally understand waiting for the in-between recaps because I get confused about what happened in odd vs even numbered episodes too >___<


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Yup, it's easy to miss the desktop features. I didn't know a few of them until you pointed them out. Now I know to switch to desktop layout when I open (the preset icon) Dramabeans tab.

I want to discuss Go Kyung Pyo and the rest of the cast of every opportunity, especially with that dance scene. But with our new reminder on commenting I'm being careful, kekeke.

I really ought to be reading for class. I only have 2 chapters. I keep finding myself on DB instead and stalking this post, lol. Ok I promise I won't be back until the JI recap. As soon as I respond to beanies here.


So many dramas, so lttle time. I was sorry to see Age of Youth end - it was a delightful surprise drama that I watched on a whim. I'm also sad at the loss of the ghostbusting team. It was a cute show that made me laugh out loud and jump in fright more than once.

I am currently watching:
W - curious how they are going to end this one

Moonlight - PBG, 'nuff said

Jealousy Incarnate - this show is not what I expected - it is just odd. But funny. Male breast cancer...pfffft. Its a thing, I know. I think it is funny (funny strange AND funny ha ha) that he has it for some reason. And I am a breast cancer survivor, so I can laugh at it. How can there be no mention (or did I miss it) of the entire male mammogram scene? I almost peed my pants laughing through that! Those cruel mammo techs who tighten it down just a little bit more... OMG!!

Second to Last Love - I think I am the only person watching it but I like it. Maybe because I am old?

Scarlet Heart - I had a hard time following some of it - like how did she end up in the bathing pool the second time? But I shall continue watching.

I stopped UF after episode 15 but am reading the recaps. I don't mind melo or stories with sure-to-die main characters. I LOVED Marriage Contract even though I ugly cried almost every episode. But something about UF neither makes me cry or care much. In fact, the only thing I feel is bad for the actors, who are doing the best they can with a lousy story. I had such high hopes when it started too... :(


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Sorry, meant to post this here...!

Scarlet Heart – I had a hard time following some of it – like how did she end up in the bathing pool the second time? But I shall continue watching.

Lol, I was asking that very question after the episode had ended! Seriously, how did she end up there the second time!?


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It showed her sneaking back through the hidden pathway (the one where her servantgirl had led her away from the first time) to return to the bathing pool. She wanted to see if the portal would open for her to get back to her world.


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Was that mammogram scene true to life? I've only ever had the doctor check, not a machine. Breast cancer is in my family and that was a little scary.

JI is the perfect mix of life to me. It's tackling serious topics: cancer, teens with parents in the hospital, child of divorce, familial obligations. But it's also funny. Life is like that, serious yet funny at the same time.


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The machine was correct and the process they showed was true. Basically, your breast is smashed as flat as possible between two pieces of plastic. It doesn't hurt but can be uncomfortable. I think smaller breasted women may experience more discomfort, as they have to pull a little more of the tissue from the chest wall.

As for men, I don't know if they actually get a mammogram or not if cancer is suspected...i would think they would just biopsy the lump. I don't think they could even squeeze a muscular man's chest enough to get a valid picture. Either way, it was still true enough to real life to be hilarious.


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Speaking for those of us who... ummm.... have less material to smash, it can get quite painful. Although not quite as much as JJS depicted in that scene, thankfully.


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Yeah I'm not looking forward to my first mammogram for this exact reason. They gonna find it hard to find anything to smash. ?


I've learned so much. Dramas really are educational. Or is it our discussion and the shows have nothing to do with it?

So it shouldn't hurt but just be uncomfortable. If it is possible for a muscular man, it would make sense that it was worse for him, especially because he didn't get it before his symptoms starts. Is that reasonable?

I was under 4 when my mom got diagnosed and unlike Gong Hyo Jin's character, I haven't gotten much knowledge on it. I just remember the self exam instructions when I started to develop. And my doctor asked me if I wanted professional checks beginning at 18. I hadn't realized there was an advanced examination with technology. It makes a lot of sense though. I have a slight complex about my chest, but I'm happy I have a bit more (triple D/E cup) for the eventual mammograms.


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Hey Purple Owl:
Regarding the mammograms

If you are below 40 years old usually you won't get a mammogram because the breast tissue has more collagen so it's more dense and a mammogram will be less accurate in picking up cancer. Usually ultrasound is the method used, coupled with self breast exam to pick up any lumps.

Just wanted to clarify since some readers here are likely below 40.

I think there may be a movement to shift screening mammograms to an earlier age (30-39) but as far as I know it's still a bit controversial because of what I said above.


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Okay so under 40, ultrasound is more effective than mammograms. I can see why shifting it would be controversial with the science behind the current age.

Thank you so much for the further information. I feel like this would have been a good topic in 7th grade health. Can't believe I came out of that class without this knowledge or knowing that men could get breast cancer. Even though it makes sense that it would be breast cancer, I just thought it was chest cancer for them, sigh.

What do they teach at school? Lol


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I was diagnosed with Fibroadenoma at 18. Benign tumor. My doc said no need to get exposure to x-ray radiation at my age when a ultrasound and FNAC would suffice. Weirdly even I didn't no men could have that.


Below 40 the risk of breast cancer is generally low so unless there is a strong family history, or known BRCA gene usually there isn't a need for routine screening unless a lump is found... Im not a specialist in this area so I'm not 100% sure but ultrasound is generally good for checking out lumps that are found. I need to check regarding its efficacy as a screening tool though. Nowadays there is also MRI (although much more expensive) so that can be used if risk is high and breast tissue is dense.

I actually found this very informative even though it's for males- it describes the tests done very well. And they all are applicable to females too. Check it out if you want more info ?



I am more and more surprised with Cinderella every week, because I've never thought a show so silly in its premise could be so engaging - it just gives me this cozyness and familiarity of old dramas, this whole show is just so... pure? I don't know how to describe it, but I love it. It's just that everything is clicking in it - I even like Hyeji to be honest and the OSTs are simply amazing, my favourite drama of the week as of now.

Moon Lovers didn't pull me in as much as I hoped in first week, but it got better with every episode, so I hope it continues to climb like this. Also, I don't have a problem with OSTs like a lot of people seem to have, sure, they sound modern, but not out of place - especially For You by Chen, Xiumin and Baekhyun, simply beautiful and very fitting in my opinion.

Also I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way about W. It's like I have to force myself to watch it every week, because seldom do I give up on dramas halfway, especially considering it's ending in 2 weeks. But the characters seem to be the biggest problem for me, it's the opposite of Cinderella - I connect on emotional level even with Hyeji, but I can't do the same with Yeonjoo. It's not the fault of actors, but more of the way the characters were written.
Such a shame, because when I finally have enough patience and time to watch it, I find myself scratching my head with the constantly changing rules and too much twists that instead of making me more excited, make me even more disconnected with the show.


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"I am more and more surprised with Cinderella every week, because I’ve never thought a show so silly in its premise could be so engaging – it just gives me this cozyness and familiarity of old dramas"

That's the word! It most definitely leaves you feeling cozy.


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Yeah, this definitely pinpoints why this drama is still on my watch list.


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Totally left Cinderella of my list of what I am watching by accident. Your description is dead on. Its like a comfy set of pj's and slippers and a glass of wine on Friday evening after a long week of work...


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Scarlet Heart – I had a hard time following some of it – like how did she end up in the bathing pool the second time? But I shall continue watching.

Lol, I was asking that very question after the episode had ended! Seriously, how did she end up there the second time!?


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She was trying to find her way back, i think she asked the servant how to get to the bathing area again. Did that scene not come out where you were watching?


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wow. No one on your team is watching "Fantastic?" I loved the first episode (and it is not usually my genre, but it was surprisingly good), and it had 2.4% ratings too.
My shows: The Good Wife (so good... but I am behind, because so sadly neither Viki nor DF licensed it. (what a shame). Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Cinderella and 4 Knights. W- Two Worlds (I am still waiting for the scriptwriter to wow me the way she had we Nine Times Travel. Sadly, I like the concept much better than the execution. I find the drama itself pretty repetitive and borderline boring. I watched the first 2 episodes of Blow Breeze (Legally subbed on On Demand Korea). I am not super excited about it (yet), but will give it more time; I am intrigued with the story-line, and I like Han Joo-Wan, as well as some of the other cast members. I am going to start today Laurel Tree Tailors, and also Moonlight Drawn by Clouds.


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Not all the recappers talk every week. Could be one of them is watching Fantastic but didn't appear in WWW this week.


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It's been a while since I started a drama. Somehow, it feels like there are so many dramas (seems like they're okay dramas) but nothing seems to get me interested.

Of course, I'm only about what other people think of the drama but yeah, I guess that one drama that will make me fall head over heels with is not out yet.


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Re Cinderella and her 4 knights - 6 eps in, and Ji Woon's smile is everything I could ever hope for in a knight in shining armour. He definitely knows a gem when he sees one - I'm just glad he's starting to loosen up!!



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Shows that I need to wrap up once I have time are Uncontrollably Fond and Bring It On, Ghost. I only have time for 1-2 shows per night, and depending on when subs are out and how tired I am, I pick what to watch. =P And whew, I just had time to comment on 9 recaps though I got to read them earlier. XD


Moonlight Drawn By Clouds - Really love PBG and KYJ in this!! Their chemistry is undeniable every time they come onscreen. I like the other characters as well. This week's ep's were much more heartfelt on an emotional level and I enjoy the balance of comedic and touching moments.

Moon Lovers: Watching all 3 ep's made it a catch-up game already in week 1. I had no idea there was such a huge contrast in cinematography since I used my phone to watch and it all looked fine. I'm fully invested in watching this show cuz LJG is so amazing in it already. I totally feel for So's character and wanna see him happy. Puppy Jisoo is a bonus. He didn't have much to do so far besides acting cute. LOL So, I wanna see meatier scenes with him showing more emotional intensity.


W--Two Worlds - This show is not for the weak-hearted, that's for sure. Agree that it continues to tease our brains and can't seem to really settle on the rules. I think it's the first time I felt awkwardness with that car kiss scene between YJ and KC 2.0. But I do love this show and it's my go-to series when it airs.


Cinderella and the Four Knights - Despite the familiar tropes, I continue to enjoy this show. I think PSD is awesome and I'm waiting for all the boys to step up. I've been liking HM more than JW in how they treat HW so far, but I might change my mind soon if JW becomes less jerk like. Still gotta watch this week's ep's.

FantastiC - Waiting for subs to complete before I watch this week's ep's.


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If people are starting to enjoy the Cinderella OTP then my investment is about to drop so fast because I'm only in it for Hyun Min and Hyun Min/Ha Won. Dammit, even after years of dramas, I still keep hoping the story wouldn't go as I know it will.

Really invested in Scarlet Heart and the discussions are so much fun. It's been a while since I've been interested in a drama for the story and want to talk about it. Good to hear the director's cut of the first three episodes is much better, I hope they edit the other episodes too.

MDBC: Is it impossible to re-shoot the drama and have it be nothing but the interaction of the four leads? They're so great and fun, why do you need that 50% boring filler material per episode of them doing anything but interacting with each other. But my real takeaway is, someone needs to cast Kwak Dong-yeon in something stat, that boy grew up fine .


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We have the same sentiments to Cinderella and MDBC. I'm on Team Hyunmin and I want to drop it because they are partnering him to the other girl who doesn't know how to act. Love the Moonlight because of the cast and the story. Watching The Tailor shop too.


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Lol, after watching episode 7 my investment is already down by a lot. For the first six episodes, I was so into it that I watched them the minute they were subbed, but now I'm like "eh." And surprisingly it's not even ship related. The family and friendship narrative is starting to bother me so much, that I can no longer ignore it. I just don't like that this shows idea of family is stream-rolling through everyone's history and individual traumas in order to pretend at familial love. And I don't understand why the dead fathers are treated so differently as compared to the alive mothers, when it seems they were equally bad parents, but the father getting a rose symbolizing "respect" even if undeserved is something to be happy about.

Ha Won giving herself missions, aiming at succeeding in them by hook or crook, taking no one's feelings into account at all, constantly forcing the issue, and then basically threatening to leave if she's not successful is not a story I'm enjoying. Which is sad because I was loving Park Sodam's portrayal of the role, and still do. Of course it's her right to leave whenever she wants, or if she feels she's not doing her job well, but if she'd really leave with just a note and no warning even, then let's not pretend that any of them care about the other beyond the minimum that they want from each other. Nothing till now has made me feel like the Kang cousins feel even the slightest bit differently towards each other than they did in episode 1, just that they feel differently towards her. Which is definitely an odd place to be in 7 episodes of a show that is so hell-bent on its family narrative.

Oh well, I guess Scarlet Heart shall be my replacement heavy-investment crack!drama.


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I think what bothers me the most is that Ha Won is actively involved in every aspect of the family life of the Kang cousins, despite not knowing them at all, and not making any efforts to. Relationship with dead fathers check, relationship with estranged mother check, relationship with controlling grandfather check, relationship with barely-acknowleged cousins check, relationship with ex-girlfriend/first love with whom you may share a traumatic past check (re: Hye Ji's dead brother). Abandonment issues, who cares.

These are all so incredibly personal that even thinking about an outsider interfering in these matters, that too someone who's known you for about a month, completely overlooking how deep and complex family and scars caused by them can be, just makes me v. uncomfortable.


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Oh Zoe. Did you throw air punches or drop any f-bombs while watching episode 8? Because I did.


These are excellent points, and help explain why I was so annoyed by this show. I watched only the first two episodes, and mostly because of Jung Il-woo. I was shocked to find myself squeeing over Hyun-min, and Hyun-min alone. I hadn't seen Park So-dam in anything before this, and was underwhelmed by her acting and charisma here; I've read comparisons of her (fair or not) to Kim Go-eun, and I'm sorry to say I think it's no contest at all.


@Yoyo: I haven't seen episode 8 yet but your comment is making me not want to watch it at all, lol. As re: Hyun Min, honestly, coercing or kidnapping someone you've just rejected on a trip with you and someone else with whom they share a complex history, and usually try to avoid, just shows such a basic lack of respect for the person and their feelings that it really annoys me. Even as a friend, without the slightest romantic inclination (which, after all, is not an obligation), it's an awful thing to do. I was already screaming "don't do this" during episode 7 itself lol. And not just Hyun Min, clearing up Seo Woo's schedule through outright blackmail? That's his job . Casually interfering in that esp from someone who has a million part time jobs and should value work, again doesn't sit right with me. I don't at all mind protagonists who are selfish or not perfect, but there has to be some awareness in the narrative that they are so.

@lindl I think what I dislike in any show is when there's a disconnect between my reading of the character and the show's understanding of them. I actually accepted the premise as it was in the beginning and thoroughly enjoyed the show, but I genuinely thought it would change track eventually. That Ha Won would realize her methods to "make" the Kangs a family were both pointless and didn't come from a place of understanding about them, and that she would have to understand them better and come to terms with their history to succeed at all. And that she would be emotionally invested enough to not think of it as "succeeding" in a mission. Currently, with half the show over that's not the case at all. The only thing Ha Won is yet invested in is her own understanding of family and doesn't allow for any individual feelings or trauma or nuance. The show still has time to change this narrative, but it feels like it just buys into it.

I like Park Sodam though! This is the first thing I've seen her in and she seems fairly natural in the role, problematics aside. I'd like to see her in more roles. Kim Go Eun though is my favorite! They don't have the same vibe imo.



As always I love what you have written. So spot on. The heroine has to be a "nice" girl, that i can understand. We can't actually have a complex, grey lead, can we? Heavens Forbid

But Self righteous ones are annoying as eff! The boys have serious issues and actually legitimate grudges. But she just wants to push them into a pre-designed box so she can complete her "mission".

And I honestly don't know how those issues can even be solved since neither the mothers nor the pesky grandfather admit to their fault in this mess nor are they doing anything themselves to reach out to the boys.

Sometimes i just want someone to show HW the mirror and tell her to take a hike. Plus as HM's screen time decreases, my interest falls proportionally. I'm still not convinced of JW even with the showers, ab scenes, saving the damsel or the kisses. This character just doesn't work for me

And i will agree b/w PSD and KGE, no freaking contest. KGE wins by a mile. If you notice, PSD when trying to act cute gets a whiny tone in her voice. I noticed it when she camps out in HJ's place and is convincing her that HM and HJ make a better couple. And i was yelling - sound mischievous, or teasing, why are you whining? Weird. Or maybe the character is starting to annoy me, bec i liked her in BM perfectly fine.


@Zoe , @ Yoyo , @bips99
I'm looking forward to read your opinions on C4K ep7/8 more than the recap itself.

I'm so frustrated with myself for watching it in the first place and getting obsessed.


sad and cute hyun min ñed to get more of screen time
seriously, hyun min just rocked


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Haha, true, I can't believe even that stepmother/stepsister duo had more scree time in 7 than Hyun Min!!


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Yes, that's screen time is just lost to me, why do we even watch these two? And now in episode 8 I start to dislike the scenes with Hyun min in them as well because they also show Hye ji. -.-'

"I think what I dislike in any show is when there’s a disconnect between my reading of the character and the show’s understanding of them."
You put it very nicely, I also don't like it when the show is providing me with a character but then altering them to fit the plot and I feel this is happening in this show far too often. The plot is what should change the character and bring on the development, not the other way around.


"But after some testing, we figured out that on television screens, this show looks like it’s shot on video using palace sets from the ’90s… and on computer screens, it’s a whole different drama, all sumptuous and breathtaking. What the hell? This is the only show that does this, and I’m scratching my head over it."

I'm guessing javabeans was watching it in True HD? Most kdrama TV streams (including chromecast) are 720p. I watched it on my computer but on 720p and it looked like it was a stage play in some scenes.

Just feels amateurish which really surprised me. I just take it for what it is at this point, I didn't buy into any of the hype and made sure to lower my standards just in case.

I feel like stations now assume that pre-producing a drama with a star cast will automatically mean high ratings. They will learn the hard way. At the same time, I think China and the potential $$ is their ultimate focus.


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I will always remember W as a drama that got too smart for its own good. I have to admit, my interest has waned and I cannot wait for the next drama.

I was halfway through UF - ep 11 actually,
when I realized that the writing was crap and no amount of good or bad acting could save this mess, so I bailed. Do I have any regrets? Absolutely none. Just hoping that my Woobie doesn't get scared away from drama land. I could deal with Suzy's whining, it didn't bother me much. But a nonsensical plot is a waste of my time.

So glad I didn't turn off Cinderella and the 4 Knights, it's gotten even better with successive episodes, it has depth and a warmth to it that is so appealing.

Moonlight is da bomb! Enough said. I want to clone Bommie and Kim Yoo Jung and keep them for my very own.

I survived ML ep 1 through gritted teeth and sheer force of will. IU wasn't the weakest link in that drama despite all the criticism she got, even with the constant doe eyed expression, it was the princes' acting that sucked, Ji Soo was especially horrible, and the music and editing equally bad. Thankfully episode 2 grew on me. And by ep. 3, I was hooked!


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Same sentiments about W.


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Totally fell behind on dramas the last two weeks because of traveling and real life in general. Could hardly go on DB as well, le sigh. So what I managed to watch....

Age of Youth: I want a season 2. *pouts* I've mentioned after the first 2 episodes aired that this looks like the college version of Dear My Friends and after finishing it I had an epiphanic moment that even the characters from one drama show similarities with the other. Let's see.
Eun-jae = Hee-ja
Jin-myung = Jung-a
Ye-eun = Nan-hee
Yi-na = Young-won
Ji-won = Choong-nam
How amazing is this? If you haven't watched DmF yet, this would be the perfect follow up show.

W: This drama has some serious good side characters/actors (Su-bong, crazy dog, killer). But I'm really worried now we'll not get a happy ending without pulling a deus ex machina...
I'm just floored by the writing (in a positive way) and I want to see a special episode a la Misaeng's second special which really showed the making of the drama mainly from the PD's perspective and included writing, filming sets, music, CGI etc.

Moonlight: Only managed to watch ep.1-2 last week but omg how insanely cute, charming and hilarious are our leads? As expected PBG and KYJ have amazing chemistry and I'm already invested in their characters (and this just after the first week, take note other shows ?). Excited to hear it gets more mature and emotional this week. And shall I ever get a puppy I'm considering calling it Mung-mung. Ha. ?

So, still have to watch the final week's episodes of TGW, Doctors, BIOG, catch up on MDBC episodes.. oh and start Scarlet Heart and Jealousy Incarnate. That's 16 episodes in total! ? I need to go into W-world, watch all of them then come back and only half an hour has passed.

At least I think I finally found a reason to drop UF since I'm 4 episodes behind now anyway and don't really care what kind of cowcrap this starwriter comes up with next. I've never watched any of her dramas before although Thank You and Nice Guy are on my to watch list since forever but I first need to recover from this drama first.

Was also watching Cinderella and Second to Last Love but I don't mind catching up on those whenever (if at all).


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I love that Age of Youth + Dear My Friends! This convinced me to watch AoY rightaway.

Re W I think the happy ending is kind of ironic because it is always subverted. It also calls into question what exactly is a happy ending. But the writer always ends positively so who knows.

"I need to go into W-world, watch all of them then come back and only half an hour has passed." - tagline for all viewing.


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Laurel Tree Tailors - Anyone else watching this show? Gosh, the 4 male leads are devastatingly handsome especially Choi Won Young. The female lead Jo Yoon Hee gets on my nerves and why does she always get these unappealing hair cuts on dramas? You Who Rolled in Unexpectedly, Nine and now Laurel... I hope she's not being typecast for those type of appearances.. And because of that, I can't even tell if she's a good actress or not because her appearance is distracting... Yes, I admit I am shallow... I can't help it :(

Uncontrollably Fond - Depressing snoozefest...

W—Two Worlds - I'm only focusing on the plot since I find myself skipping the romance scenes now, the 2 leads just don't click, they make a really nice image but lack chemistry.

Moon Lovers - I don't get the point of each prince having a different colored outfit especially the pastel colored ones!! They look ridiculous and I don't find it realistic.. That's really the only gripe I have with it along with subpar acting from supporting actors and the blatant fanservice.. The bath scene is definitely in the running for most cringeworthy scene of the year. How anybody was able to sit through that is beyond me... *pats myself on the back for accomplishing such a feat*

Jealousy Incarnate - I find Jo Jung Suk's character similar to his Lee Soon Shin and Oh My Ghost portrayals. Still adorable though.. And Gong Hyo Jin is working her magic again.. Oh, how I love her! Can't wait for the love triangle to go full force ;)

FantastiC - Female lead is savage lol I'm expecting great things from this drama

Moonlight Drawn by Clouds - It's fun and fluffy.. Very easy to watch, the main leads are such charismatic actors but I'm not fully invested in the plot yet. I don't know how they're going to keep the momentum going until episode 18, do they even have enough content? And I can't believe KYJ is just 16? I rewatched the 4 episodes after I knew that and I'm just amazed by how well she emotes in comedic and emotional scenes.. 1 & 4 were definitely her episodes while 2 and 3 were PBG's.


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I keep forgetting that KYJ is only 16 bc she's just so good in MDBC. Every time I remember her age I get shocked at how good she is.


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Moonlight the novel and history to work with. There is plenty to be revealed especially with Ra-on and Byung-yeon's family background. Yeong and Yoon Sung and there's a crown princess to add to the mix.


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Is it me because after watching episode 1 of FantastiC, Kim Hyun Joo would be a nice Hae Soo IF she was 10 years younger? I'm by no means bashing IU (I find her okay), but people have been saying IU and Liu Shi Shi look similar to each other, and I don't see that at all. I think it was later episodes of SH C-version that LSS really gives off a mature vibe and that reminded me of Kim Hyun Joo.
Of course Kim Hyun Joo's voice right now definitely would not suit Ruo Xi or Hae Soo. I find her voice pretty nice though.

FantastiC so far have been fantastic! :D Really loving So Hye and Hae Seong.


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Speaking of Kim Hyun Joo, she actually looks somewhat similar to Son Ye Jin.. And Son Ye Jin when she first debuted... man, that would've been the perfect image for Rouxi


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Hearing about IU, I keep thinking of Kim Hee Sun's character in Faith. Now that heroine was funny and reacted realistically, at least how I imagine I would too if I ever found myself in similar circumstances. She too at first, doubted her location and where she was, she found it surreal and hard to believe but you followed her thought process. Faith has many flaws as a drama( especially that lukewarm, resignation greeting in the end *still pissed, no kiss,triumphant smile,relief, NOTHING!!*) but I remember it fondly and still enjoy the occasional re-watch.
I loved IU in Dream High and the little I've seen of Producers so I want her to do well. I really hope they develop her character and make her important in the story.


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That's strange, I was actually thinking about it too when I watched FantastiC. I think Kim Hyun Joo and Park Shi Yeon are both good actresses. If they were younger, they could definitely save some drama that air right now.


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love how you explained it.

I also am still very in love with W! This show may not be perfect but it's satisfied so many parts and even parts I didn't know I wanted in dramaland.
Love story disguised as a thriller!
that uses love as a plot device
sci- fi to delve deeper into the world of world building (writing, existential ect.)
Clear lush cinematography (Movie level)
Tension building acting and sound directing (Signal sound director makes movie level)
still have room for humor
And transitions through all these elements smoothly within each episodes.

Writernim your script is ready for an American debute! Or movie! Cause the bar is Kdrama was just raised!

Seriously though. While trying to stave off W- syndrome I finally watched secret garden and city hunter to fill some excitement holes that W left but even these famous shows didn't leave me as satisfied...felt bored...production wasn't as good.. They were good just not..that umph.oh man I really hope for the best for the last few episodes! XD


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W is still my crack statice drama!

It may not be perfect but this show has really raised the bar for me in Kdrama land. And no matter how it ends (fingers crossed) It will still be in my top 10 Kdrama shows.

Love story hidden inside a thriller.
Parts that impressed me:
- romance as a plot device (Chemistry! I felt it and the awkwardness that comes from LJ having no memories and YJ having the Memories is so refreshing to me and well acted out)
- Sci-Fi to open our minds to questions and wonder about diverse things (life decisions and uncontrollability, writing, world building ect)
- Acting is on point (especially the two polar opposites Sam bong and Dad/Killer *Gripping!)
- Lush world building cinematography (movie quality)
- Mood amplifying Sound (no wonder it's The same sound director as Signal. movie level too)
- and still transitioned Smoothly between all these genres to deliver an impactful cliffhanger. Stunningly painful
- writernim you are ready for American shows and movies now. New Fan!

Seriously ruined me for some other shows. Tried to watch some famous dramas like secret garden and City hunter to stave off W fever. But they either felt lacking in the production (could be better) or got too slow, or female lead lost its potency. While HJ was always weaker (she's normal) and gained cruder for her bravery, smarts, and emotional strengths (similar to Queens Man).

Good luck to the last 3 episodes and I will except the writers will cause this was such a fun ride!


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All other dramas might seem slow to you from now on if your bar is W because the pacing of this one is fast and it dropped bombs early in the series which is normally seen in the middle or latter portion of other dramas.


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I agree. Even though I like "Secret Garden" but it is an older show, so don't expect the higher directing quality and pacing, and also it will feel dated in some aspects. I know that if I were to watch "Secret Garden" now I wouldn't be able to get into it, because I'm not in the mood for it now. "W" is on its way to becoming my number 1 favorite drama, of any dramas, but we shall see. However I would say once you've calmed down from the "W" fever, and are in the mood for something slower, you might want to give it a second try.

Now back to "W", the directing and music and acting and writing are all top notch. "W" is fantasy thriller/romance/drama with some comedic relief and some horror elements. I love the romance (it feels like YJ/KC are soulmates, always connected). I like the meta, and the exploration of the writing process and the storytelling process. I really like the idea that the W world is an independent (real?) world that exists in a different dimension, and it seems like YJ's father was messing around with that world unknowingly, because the table is a portal to that world (like a radio that might pick up some unknown sound-waves). But I have to wait to see if my theory is correct.

I like how the H/h are literally fighting for their happy ending or more accurately happy life, despite all obstacles. I like the focus on free-will/agency/will-power, as I said in my previous post. I wonder what twists still await us, as with this show I am afraid to overlook any small detail. Why does YJ not remember that she was the one who drew an initial portrait of KC? I think maybe she met KC during that time, because he had crossed worlds without knowing, and that is how she came to draw him? or did she really just dream him up, and he came true?
Another little detail that I think might be a twist about YJ (when it ep 7 YJ fell asleep and suddenly woke up in the W world, I think that there might be a detail there that they skipped and that will be revealed). The last detail is the corpse with the ring, I really hope that the corpse with the ring will simply be a red herring and not KC, or will be the fake corpse that they inserted and not KC.

Anyways I ended up writing a mini-essay, when I was trying to avoid writing essays till the show ends. In conclusion, I agree with you, and I love how this show is unique, and has a great hero and heroine, and it is a romance/love-story inside a thriller.


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SCARLET HEART - i decided to love this show eversince they cast LJK and KHN in it. Sound shallow, but in this show that's the reason i have. Good story is just a bonus. Lol. Story-wise, so far so good..

Cinderella and t 4K- Too much cliche but it's so easy to watch.

W- i stopped watching this but i still read the recaps. I dropped it the moment the girl forgive KC for shooting her dad. (Dang! I can't evem remember the lead girl's name).

38 - loving this show. It gave me that Misaeng vibe. Hubby and i are marathon-ing it.

With regards to Scarlet's screen quality. I can't tell the difference. But for me, the best way to watch it, is on Dramafever app on PS4 with a 4K TV. And it was awesome. ?


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So interesting to read all the comments! I see more mixed responses about W this week, and I am still in the same mindset of how much this show excites me. My mind is always blown at the end of each episode, with a mostly "What is going to happen?! What just happened?!", and I mean that in such a positive way because of how it engages me. I cannot take my eyes off the screen once I start watching and I really love all of the characters... I do agree that it is tough to keep the balance of romance and action but that also reflects the nature of the manhwa W, I think... and I really continue to hope that it goes all the way.

Also, I feel like there are SOME rules the drama sticks to! But then again, why do we always need rules? I think if you can do unpredictable in a compelling way, it really works. It is great to read what people have to say too!


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I had a very intense watch list this week as I was mostly confined indoors with a cold. Being sick really has its merits!

Just to clear my head from ALL those princes (really, I never thought there could be too many princes, knights, bodyguards and butlers, but I'm starting to feel dizzy), I turned to jdramas for a change.
Just starting out as I haven't really watched any previously except for Nodame Cantabile, but I stumbled upon From Five to Nine and laughed my ass off over the crazy monk - English teacher pairing. So, naturally I picked up the Yamapi route with stops at Operation Love and Nobuta wo Produce (sooooo lovely) and now I'm testing out Buzzer Beat. Ep 3 and I still can't believe I'm watching this. I mean, I never watched so much baseball in my life, lol!


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Yamapi is not the best actor for drama but I always love his drama,
sometimes I want to thanks him for having so much popularity and make all of that drama happen.

5->9 is a fun ride with enough angst when you know that our monk start with no hope


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I find his comedic timing pretty awesome, especially in 5->9. That show's just nuts!


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I marathoned all episodes of From Five To Nine in one day - it was so addicting and hilarious hahah. I've only seen Yamapi from Dragon Zakura before, so I was looking for more of his dramas. Thank you for the recommendations!


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I'm getting tired of Kang Chul as the only one who gets everything right. I'm not even sure if he's just good at analyzing or he has the power to make things up, because we don't even know the rules.

As much as I love a smart drama I don't like it when it becomes the drama's mission to outsmart its viewers just because.


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I am still fully addicted to W. If the 1st half of the show focused on "context", the 2nd half is focusing on "variables".
That's why the rules are changing. But Kang Chul explained the rules pretty clearly in ep12 and ep13, so this does not bother me.

I do feel the strong chemistry between LJS and HHJ. LJS lost all his memories due to the reset at the end of ep8, so it is meant to be a little awkward between them in recent episodes. But at the moment when KC said "I am her hisband", all my feelings come back. That was the most touching moment of ep13.


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that slow confession after that happened for KC and actually strike me as the most genuine one


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I couldn't have said it better. I agree with you 100%.


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I like how you pointed out that first half was about context and second half is about variables.


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Now after reading the editors comments, at least I don't have to feel guilty about dropping W two worlds after watching 9 episodes of it. So everything is just a dream? What the ....


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Hey Prettysup! *waves both hands!*
Haven't seen you in a while.

It's not so simplistic as a dream... Can't remember exactly what happened in epi 9 but the excitement kind of starts after they make it a dream and it all Falls Apart... I don't want to spoil but you may want to give it a few more episodes.

It is very much plot driven though, so don't expect many emotional beats or deep philosophical questions in the show. It's more like- what do they need to do to survive and make everything normal again??

That being said I hope it ends satisfactorily because I'm not sure how the writer is going to tie up loose ends while keeping the storyline coherent.


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Hi Michykdrama! Yeah indeed long time no see.

I actually stopped both W after watching ep7. Then i picked it up again recently but after watching eps 8 and 9 I am really ready to give it up. It is sad coz I really love Nine which was written by the same writer.


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Actually been enjoying Jealousy Incarnate and Fantastic the most. Maybe I've been starved of romantic comedies that aren't about teenagers. (Even though the youngest trio in JI is *___*).

I really liked how Fantastic introduced everything off the bat. I felt like the emotions in Ep 1 usually take a good 4 episodes to settle into. It was quick and refreshing, because the set up is nothing new, but it's still legitimate. Less zany and annoying than the teasers made it out to be.

JI .... It probably is the cast that makes this so winsome. Whatever. I love it.


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What does the emoticon about the youngest trio in JI mean?


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It looks starry-eyed...


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Oh. I didn't notice the eyes. I was staring at the straight line.

I get it now.


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I was gonna post on last week's article but never found time. This summer, being my last summer off I was actually able to follow many dramas at once. School is starting now so I'll probably have to cut back...but theres so many good ones out right now, my plans to only keep on 2 may be a bust. *sighs* Thank you Javabeans for reassuring my drop drama problems. But here is my summer recap!

Sungkyunkwan Scandal - I started slowly watching this a little after DOTS ended for my SJK fix. Turned me into a YAI fan and gave me major SLS.

Doctors - I adore PSH and was excited to see her in the same drama as YKS again. Could not get into the main couple though. Stopped halfway. Can we have a Yonghwa x PSH multiple drama repeat but with YKS and PSH now?

UF - It's kind of a depressing watch. I found i watch it best when half watching on my big TV while commenting/reacting dramatically out loud to myself when absurd things happen. On the plus side, this drama has given me amazing OSTs to study to. Haven't watch this weeks episodes yet, but considering just waiting to watch the last 2...i need happy in my life.

W - watched one episode, kinda complicated story to follow. I don't really want to think when watching right now, so maybe another time.

Cinderella - Love the nostalgic feels! Takes me back to when i fell in love with dramas. Has its up and down episodes. I am not against HJ character as a lot of people. Trying to decide HM's feelings about her. Wouldn't it be nice if we had 2 couples instead of a square? I mean we already know the OTP i am assuming.

MDBC - LOVE LOVE LOVE. This is the drama I anticipate every week right now. I was never a PBG fan, but he is great in here. Although some say it's childish, I just enjoy it so much. Its beautiful, cute and funny. I am conflicted between wanting him to know and to wait a bit more. Awesome filling to my missing SKK and a plus, no SLS here!

Moon lovers - was considering waiting to binge this but gave in and watched it over UF this week. School started this week and I must have been really tired cause I fell asleep and woke up with my iPad still on and apparently it played all three episodes for me. lol. I rewatched them the next couple nights though and enjoyed them. may keep it on for my W/T drama slot. LJK is just too pretty to look at.

Upcoming - I am excited for K2! Probably the only drama I'll consider adding on to the 3 I am currently keeping...with med school picking up though, this may not support my watching plans. :/


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Oh and I forgot:

Good Wife - stopped midway not because I did not think it was good but I was not in the mood to watch such a serious drama. I wish there was more of LWG in there. I know they had big stars that shines, but I really love LWG. He could have learned so much from the experienced cast! I did not like the route they took his character.

Bring it on Ghost - I liked it but stopped midway as well. So hyun was cute and I liked her character. Could not envision Taec as a college student though. JYP/TVn did not hear my silent prayers about Got7 Jinyoung as a better match. Will maybe go back to it one day.


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Recently Completed: Age of Youth, The Good Wife

Currently Watching:
Moonlight Drawn by the Clouds - Kim Yoo-Jung and Park Bo-Gum have good chemistry.

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Lee Jun-Ki, IU, and Kang Ha-Neul. :)
Yeah, when I initially watched the 1st episode the graphics didn't come across as lush and visually breathtaking. To say I was disappointed with the directing is an understatement. I kept thinking about all the beautiful feast your eyes on this posters they released.

W - Two Worlds - enjoying the excitement and the pretty.

Uncontrollably Fond - this drama??? The characters, plot, with its storyline tropes, etc. all point to melodrama but it doesn't trigger the feels of a serious gut-wrenching, heart-rending memorable melodrama.

Jealousy Incarnate - Not sure I'll keep watching but I am glad the show is shining a light on breast cancer awareness and exams for both men and women.


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