Sooyoung to don a white coat for new youth medical drama Polyclinic Doctor

Time to get excited for a new doctor drama on the horizon! Sooyoung (Police Unit 38) has been cast as the female lead in youth medical drama Polyclinic Doctor. Although she hasn’t been in a physician’s white gown before, Sooyoung is no stranger to hospital sets. In one of her first drama roles, she played a brain cancer patient in Third Ward. Additionally, she won the Excellence Award for her acting in My Spring Days, as a heart transplant patient and fiancée to a star surgeon.

Polyclinic Doctors is an underdog story about a pitiful group of third-year medical students who are about to fail out of a mandatory course. The drama tracks the obstacles in their way to becoming true doctors, both in spirit and in practice. They will work and learn together through arduous clinical rotations in the surgery, psychiatry, and emergency departments. Sooyoung’s character is an ace student, the envy of the entire student populace, who somehow becomes a part of this group. Oh, and of course there will be a complicated love story, but no details on that yet.

JS Pictures will be taking on the production of this 16-episode drama. I’m not quite sure what to think because they’ve had their ups and downs. They were behind some really enjoyable dramas like Twenty Again and the I Need Romance series, but they have also produced some duds like Moorim School and Ex-Girlfriend Club which initially seemed promising but couldn’t clinch viewers’ interest.

The screenwriter for Polyclinic Doctor is also relatively new. Jung Ha-na was the second writer for weekend family drama Five Kids, which was a ratings winner for most of its run. However, Five Kids and drama special Ballerino are her only recognized projects to date. They are from vastly different genres, but neither are doctor or youth-related, so it’ll be interesting to see how she approaches this miniseries about medical students.

Currently, the production team is in negotiations with broadcasting stations to find Polyclinic Doctor a home. They are also currently in the middle of finding a male lead. After hearing this news about Sooyoung confirming, I’m sure there will be plenty of willing candidates.

Via Osen




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Wait... New doctor dramas are supposed to get me excited?

I'm a future health care professional and even I think they're boring! Or maybe that's WHY I find them boring...


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It's funny you say that…I used to be such a sucker for medical dramas….until I became a medical professional myself….now I just find them super boring lol


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@mindy and @kay
Must be because you guys know the ins and outs of the cases/situations the characters in, and how far it is from the reality.
I learned psychology at college, and "Madam Antoine" got my eyes spinning (im exegarating the action of rolling eyes as it happened repeatedly) from the start.


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same. I try to avoid law dramas as much as I can. I remember I was so annoyed during I hear your voice when the female protagonist made senseless arguments which were presented by the drama as some convincing legal argument I nearly flipped the table. Not to mention her insanely fashionably but incredibly inappropriate attire at court. But aside from dramas who get it wrong totally there are also dramas that focus on the cool parts only and I guess as someone working in the industry we will just not to want to be reminded of work when we relax.


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Me too! as an almost licensed doctor with three years of medical practice in hospitals and clinics under my belt (we have a seven-year program in which the last three are almost fully practical), I can't seem to get excited by any drama that is related to medicine, hospitals, etc. I just can't and most of the time I despair by the seemingly magical recovery of some cases, the little to no professional attitude where almost anybody has access to somebody elses medical information because doctors are either very trusting and dumb or very ambitious and sell out their patients, and of course the fact that the super hot and sexy doctors that are the only type of doctors in dramas ( if you become a doctor because you see how glamorous the job and the people you see in dramas are you're in for a rude awakening) you don't see them in dramas truly suffering from lack of sleep like most of us are... for example when i was an intern i had days that would run into each other and I would only see the outside world after 48 hours on the job with snatches of sleep stolen here and there, makeup runny, legs in pain, and sometimes just so strung up on coffee that even when i tried to sleep i couldn't and of course you don't look sexy even if you're not ugly, you look like a meat sack that's been left to rot. but you don't see that in dramas, and I hate the over glorification and beautification of my job, because people outside of the medical field start criticizing when you're not this gorgeously put together doctor 24/7.


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sorry for the rant, but it's what i feel these days.


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I've been there. If it's any comfort it gets better... After a long while ?
But it is worth it. Because you do make a difference, even if it doesn't feel like it. And don't worry about not looking glamorous. I'm makeupless on most days, and when I work overnight I don't have time to bathe for 24 hours usually. Haha. Need to keep my energy for more important things like remembering how to save lives! ?


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I'm sorry but after having a particularly almost awful day, your rant gave me a chuckle!


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Pretty Doctors falling in complex love

Sounds like Doctors....all over again.....

Look I like Sooyoung but enough with Doctors! Don't other professions exist?


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Hell yeah! Us pharmacists need some lovin' too!


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I'm excited. Bring on the beautiful, smart and amazing screen presence.

And honestly I'm always up for doctor dramas. But I'd never go to those doctors, even the geniuses, kekeke.


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Geez... another lead role taken over by an idol. Sigh! No doubt she's an ok actress but there are better ones out there more deserving of the leading role.


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Agree, she is ok not great


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Why are people so up in arms about idols acting? I personally have absolutely no problem with an idol acting, as long as they are good actors. And there are some very talented idols out there. I agree that if an idol is not is a bad actor, they shouldn't be getting roles. But there are some actual actors in Korea that I think are bad actors who shouldn't be getting roles either. I personally don't care who gets roles in dramas, idols or not, I just care if they can act well and can give a good performance.


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here we go again with ppl whining about idols. it's not like they're ruining some masterpiece. unless it's a misaeng or a signal or something, chill ppl. doctor dramas are usually awful anyway. she is lovely though, i hope it's decent.


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Which is funny because the lead in Misaeng was *gasp*... an IDOL.


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Heol. Awkward... ?


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lol you completely missed the point. note the term 'ruining'. the lead of misaeng didn't ruin the drama.


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Ah, I was agreeing with you, I didn't miss your point. You're tired of people complaining about idols and so am I, and it's funny people complain about it when some acclaimed dramas have idol stars.


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oh okay lol, peppa's comment made me think there was a burn going on there. whoops!


@mindy - precisely!!!


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I am all for idol free dramas if they suck since I have no patience with bad acting, but sooyoung is a natural from all I have seen of her. I am on the other hand looking forward to this, I love watching idols who can actually ACT break through the stereotypes.


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Wouldn't "whine" this time because Sooyoung has proven herself capable. But I couldn't blame others for feeling burned after what has been a bad year for idol-led dramas. I think the backlash against inadequate idols being given leading roles AT THE EXPENSE of better but underrated actresses is understandable.


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Hmmmm. I suppose there were days as a medical student that were pretty exciting and interesting- especially when rotating through the emergency and psychiatric departments. Add a bit of school politics and a side of romance and I guess you have a drama!

Depending on who the male lead is I will cautiously keep an eye out for this. May end up to be a nostalgic watch. ?


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Doctor drama is okay if they can execute it well,
an enjoyable drama is still an enjoyable drama,

a drama with all the heart thumping and supposedly moral context will still a bad drama if it didn't execute good,

so that's my take, hope it will be good,


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Soo Young deserves more chances to shine..Hope she gets great partner to work with. Among the SNSD members and idol turn to actor, SY is among in the list that I like her acting.


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Can't we have Jung Kyungho as the male lead ? Plzz ? No. Okay ?


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Uggh, I would love that! But it's probably not going to happen since they're together. :(


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Or a cameo as a ... hated professor? lovestruck patient? vaporizer repairman?


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"vaporizer repairman" -- LOL!


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Vaporizer repair man, Lmao!!


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Netizens (both K-netz and I-netz) are so busy complaining about idol actors lately. An IU article even had 30,000+ upvotes on Naver asking PDs to stop giving lead roles to idols, which I agree on for some cases but should not necessarily apply to all idols. And as soon as an article about Sooyoung being cast was released, people started jumping on her again, as usual, not just about her acting but also because "she's not pretty enough to be a main lead", which is just honestly plain stupid. I for one think she's a pretty good actress and not just "pretty good for an idol". Most of the hate she gets isn't even about her acting anymore but simply because they don't like the way she looks. Anywayyy, I wonder who they'll cast as the male lead and who the other doctors will be. If written well, I can imagine this drama being an interesting one.


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Which is ridiculous because I have ALWAYS thought that she is the prettiest in SNSD!


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Wow, seriously? I hadn't heard of it, but then I mostly just lurk about Dramabeans instead of any other online outlets. I mean, here we've been complaining about idol castings but mostly in a "it sucks but whatta you gotta do?" kind of way or a "HAHA, AGAIN?" kind of way.
I like Soo-Young - when I first saw her in My Spring Days I couldn't guess she was an SNSD member. And it's funny that you said netizens have been complaining about her looks because the first thing I did when I opened this article was stare at her picture thinking "waaahh she's so pretty... *Q*


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Would have understood it if it was Yoona but Sooyoung has proven herself to be very natural and non distracting in the dramas she has starred in so far.

I do understand the emphasis on visuals since sometimes a pretty face is distracting enough that I don't give a damn about acting and only marvel about the actress' beauty. But there are cases (Kim Tae Hee, Lee Yeon-Hee) were even that couldn't save the performance.


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Sooyoung does not fit Korea's standard of beauty. People complain about how she's not lead material because she doesn't have pale skin or how her head is too big -- it's ridiculous. They constantly harp on how she "looks Southeast Asian". It's just sad really because I actually think she's one of the prettiest idols out there.


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Poor Sooyoung. Like many here, I find her to be the prettiest in SNSD also, and the best actress in the group. Haters to the left, please.

I'd actually put her on the same level as Jung Eunji when it comes to acting. She's really good in the dramas that I've seen her in and does not look awkward.


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Because we all know that being good looking is the ONLY thing important in life. *sarcasm* ?

Good grief. And it boggles my mind even more because she is pretty! So I really don't understand....


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Yeah. Right. They should stop bashing Sooyoung. She was so good in MSD and proved herself being more than an idol.
For the sake of Sooyoung and the other casts, I hope the drama is enjoyable and a little different than other doctor scripts.?


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Oh noo poor girl.

She is prettier than me though , lol. They just haters, who literally unsure what they want actually. Even if you give them a line of beautiful girls, it won't satisfy them as well.


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She's gonna play the straight and smart student to a class of "misfits"? Hehe I anticipate the dynamic already.


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I like her. Hope she proves her haters wrong!


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Those people that complain about visuals are the reason that 'pretty' wooden actresses headline dramas.

Sooyoung has worked herself up to lead roles, and she's way more deserving than other idol actresses and even some actual actresses that took lead roles this year.

Choi Sooyoung fighting!


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Oh, goody! Team 38 sorely underused her talents (and beauty). I sure hope they get her a worthy male lead. I hope she's not too straight while she's being the straight and smart one, she can do funny too.


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YES, I so want her to play a funny character because girl's hilarious and incredibly witty in variety shows!


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I am sick of doctors drama and time traveling drama and girl disguise as guy dramas - why can't be more original


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Can we have a drama about nurses, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, etc. too please? Doctors aren't the only medical professionals in the hospital.


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If they were to re-name this drama "Doctors: Intern Edition", and then cast all the people who were portrayed interns in "Doctors" and have them reprise their roles from the drama, I would totally watch it, because the interns of "Doctors" was the only thing that kept me going back and watching it week after wook....


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Whoops!!! I totally meant "week after week", not wook* lol


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Despite its dismal rating, I enjoyed beautiful mind because it focused on character development and the love triangle wasn't an irritating mess or even a focal point.

I do hope that the love takes a back burner, and they focus on the struggles of the characters in depth. Also hope for great co stars and male lead, because working with experienced actors has only helped Sooyoung grow in terms of acting.

I hope she does prove naysayers wrong and does well.


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I have no problem with her acting,but she does not have any special quality as an actor that stands out to be honest, for half of the drama I wished soo young was not there in the police unit 38, cause I wasn't sure why her character was included in the first place, either to create obstacles for the main team, or just for being a love interest to the main lead. And I have not seen her in anything else, so I am rather nonchalant about the drama. And yeah enough with doctors, and story seems somewhat similar to the one that choi jin hyuk and song ji hyo were in..emergency couple. Now if they throw in any favorite actor I might watch it.


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She seriously just had nothing to do in PU 38 though. Supposedly her character just played by someone new, or idol who cannot act.

She is good, I can say she is above than Suzy, IU or her idolmate, Yoona.

Among the idol- actress that can really act well, she, Uee, and Eunji. That's my opinion,


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Aaa I'm actually kind of liking IU right now in Scarlet. For her age she looks amazingly mature I must say. I know lots of people have problems with idols but in my opinion she is far better than suzy, I don't know about yoona though,only drama or part of that I've seen her in was love rain. Oh no yeah suzy is definitely better than yoona lol.


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IU definitely much better than Suzy and some other idols.
It is just I feel she is not reach Sooyoung, Uee and Eunji level yet.

IU & Mina has the potential to rise with a good script & directi g ☺IU really won me over in Producer but in SH sometimes they made her like a little unsure with her acting. I don't know maybe poor directing.


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Yoona is slightly better than Suzy.. With good directing she can perform.

Suzy, Hyeri, Soelhyun... I just don't feel acting is for them. Another one that I just discovered recently is Naeun (Ci derella and 4K).


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i now understand how others feel about yoona. i don't like UEE and Park Shin Hye no matter what others say.


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She was just underused in PU38, originally her character was supposed to become more villainous but the writer changed his mind later. She didn't look too happy about it as well.


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Oh, is that what happened? Jeez, I kept waiting for them to give her something to do and wondering why they hired her if they were going to waste her like that. It was a shame.


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2nd writer of 'Five Children'? I'm not sure. It's star with refresh and come more makjang after it. No, thanks!


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Five Kids makjang ? I didnt feel it at all ! Which parts ?
I loved the story until the end. The characters were all well written and even tho they could be annoying, they had a reason to. Plus, the family was so cute. My only regret is how it ended. I needed more bonding time between all of them but really nothing makjang. Maybe we got two different meaning for that term ?


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I like that they're focusing on the hellish road to becoming a medical professional because dramas these days don't even allot a minute to emphasize how hard it is to gain those extra two letters. Looking forward to Sooyoung because I honestly didnt know she was an Idol in PU38 until my friend told me!


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Is time traveling, doctor, sageuk is a trend drama on 2016??? hellllawwwww it's more interesting to adapt a webtoon or manhwa for me!


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Sooyoung is definitely better than other idol-actors out there. It's just sad that they are stereotyped (especially that there recent dramas with lots of idol-actors who are meh).

But really, what's up with all the doctor dramas anyway?


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I am so freakin happy for this casting news because dayum, she really was wasted in 38 Police Squad and so, I havent be able to fully enjoy it. (although it is a great drama lol).

Anyway, I can understand people getting bored by medical dramas about doctors. I like it because of Sooyoung but there is no denying that I am a little bit anxious. Too much is going to kill the trend (KDramas should really stop with thoses trends too !)
At least, the plot looks like Grey's Anatomy which is exciting ! I remember people complaining about Doctors because of too much prettiness so I guess the drama is going to be the opposite because it is mostly about interns and from what I understand, it is hell so no time for make up or any real social life ? Interesting, haha.

I like that she is the smart one among the misfits. I hope she can be funny and sassy too. I dont want her to be too uptight nor arrogant. I wonder what is the complicated love story with the male lead tho. In GA, the main character slept with her boss the day before she started working at the hospital. Not going to happen here, right ? Yeah, it would be plagiat and maybe a little too much if it is airing on a major network ? Lol.

I cant wait for the other actors. I dont care if they are not popular. I just want a solid cast full of acting talents. It would be amazing if she could be reunited with Park Geun Hyung. He praised her a lot in Third Hospital so I always wanted her to act with him again. Such a great actor !

And for the male lead, I recommand Lee Jung Hyuk or Sung Hyuk. She worked with the former in My Spring Days and had great chemistry and the latter is such a scene stealer in Jang Bori is Here.

Gosh I need more updates right now ! It is not going to air anytime soon, right ?


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to be honest, Soo young really doesnt have that screen presence unlike some idol stars like IU, Eunji etc. She and Yoona are the same in screen presence dept. But she acts much better than Yoona.

Another medical drama? I bet that there is going to be another drama of that same thing as doctors/medical theme as a rival drama.

lets hope this one rises above the expectations, which i had lost interest after Doctors.


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