Shopping King Louis: Episode 4

Both Bok-shil and Louis are beginning to discover who they are, both literally and figuratively. As they each focus on their individual problems, their friendship grows stronger by the day. They begin to rely on each other, not just because they have nobody else, but because they truly care for one another.

A note: MBC has announced that Wednesday’s Episode 5 will be pre-empted next week for a music festival, so there will likely only be one episode aired on Thursday night.

EPISODE 4: “Memory”

Little Louis plays in his bedroom, listening to a music box with a penguin on top. He writes the word “koboshi” on the bottom of the toy, then takes it to a small attic room, and stashes it in a hidden spot under the floor. Grown-up Louis narrates that there are secrets hidden in memories that have disappeared.

Bok-shil sits up late at night, stroking her missing brother’s tracksuit — the only thing she has of his. Louis watches her grieve, then shuts the curtain to give her privacy.

Back in the present, Bok-shil finds Louis out in the street, sounding as if he’s calling her name. She approaches him, wordlessly furious, and he looks at her, thinking that he wants his memory back.

Louis points out the stray dog, and tells Bok-shil that he keeps remembering it, and that its name is Koboshi. But the dog’s owner shows up, and croons “my precious!” to the dog. That sounds familiar to Louis too, and he asks the dog’s owner if she knows him. She doesn’t, of course, and his face falls.

Bok-shil confronts Louis about getting scammed out of the rest of their money, and he explains that he thought the guy had his ID. He says he really wants to find out who he is and get his memory back, so he can help her find Bok-nam. He tells Bok-shil that he keeps having memory flashes, and that he feels he used to be someone who could spend that kind of money without even blinking.

Bok-shil listens then stomps off, and Louis calls after her that he’s hungry. Aww, he’s so pitiful that Bok-shil relents and takes him home. She’s extremely angry, but Louis is so hungry he follows her inside.

Bok-shil slams into the bathroom, and Louis gets himself some food, trying not to make a peep. Bok-shil comes out while his mouth is full and glares at him, and the poor guy looks like a whipped puppy. She sees the pile of things Louis has ordered, and glares again as he ekes out a tiny, “I thought I needed them…”

Everything he bought was just for him — a shirt, an electric razor, a watch — and Louis seems to shrink with each newly opened box. By the time Bok-shil opens a set of fancy headphones, he’s out of reasonable excuses, and he wisely runs outside where it’s safe. He nearly bursts into tears when he realizes he left his shoes inside, hee.

He takes refuge downstairs with In-sung, who feeds him dinner. In-sung says his mother used to be nice like Bok-shil, and that his dad was just like Louis, which made his mother the grouch she is today. HAHAHAwhoops.

His mom goes up to talk to Bok-shil, and says that she thinks Louis is lying about his memory loss. She’s worried because he doesn’t seem to know the value of money and takes advantage of Bok-shil, but Bok-shil defends him. In-sung’s mom asks what Bok-shil will do if Louis never gets his memory back, which leads Bok-shil to a hilarious daydream.

Old and wrinkled, Louis is still lying around doing nothing, surrounded by boxes of stuff while Bok-shil does all the work. He sees a luxury apartment on TV and wants to buy it, then whines that he’s hungry. Bok-shil shudders, then reassures herself that his memory will come back soon.

Downstairs, In-sung asks Louis what he’ll do if Bok-shil leaves him, and tells him again how his mom used to be nice like Bok-shil. Louis has his own daydream, of an older Bok-shil nagging at him for never working or helping around the house.

In-sung turns on the TV to an interview of Director Baek of Gold Group. Louis thinks he looks familiar, and In-sung says that he’s Bok-shil’s boss, and that he’ll be inheriting the company since the true heir died. Louis can’t get over how familiar he looks, and wants to go to Gold Department Store tomorrow to see if anything there jogs his memory.

Bok-shil meets with her detective friend (whose name is Nam Joo-hyuk, har), and he tells her that getting her money back from a voice phishing scam is nearly impossible. Detective Nam says that he’s worried about how innocent of the world both she and Louis are.

Bok-shil takes Louis some ice cream, and he promises to buy more for her later when he makes lots of money. She just smiles at him, and tells him not to fall for another scam. Ouchie. Louis scoots back to his side of the room and closes the curtain, and offers Bok-shil a muffled, embarrassed apology.

Ma-ri’s mother has organized some of Ma-ri’s old clothes, intending to throw them away. But it gives Ma-ri an idea, and she says she’ll take care of them herself.

Joong-won finds Bok-shil contemplating the Gold Group logo outside the building, and tells her it’s a gold coin. She says she’s getting more comfortable with the technology, but Joong-won says that’s not why he hired her. His team needs to come up with a new product for the fall, and he tells her to work on the project as well.

Ma-ri gives Bok-shil the bag of her old clothes, making sure to do it in front of the whole team for maximum effect. Bok-shil asks Ma-ri for help coming up with an idea for a product, and Ma-ri offers to answer any questions Bok-shil may have.

One team member, Hye-joo, mentions that someone’s been posting on their website under the name “Shopping King Louis.” He’s been posting negative comments, and they assume it’s a kid playing pranks. Joong-won overhears and checks the site, and all the comments are on items that Louis has bought.

Louis and In-sung go to the Gold Shopping Mall, where Louis says he feels right at home. He finds the store of the company that made his underwear, and sits down like he owns the place. He asks the saleswoman if they can track where an item was shipped, pulling down his pants to show her, and the saleswoman shrieks and shoves him away. They call security, refusing to listen to Louis’s explanation, and he slinks out.

He mopes around the mall (to the tune of Memory from the musical Cats, ha), bereft that the one possible clue to his identity won’t be able to help him. He ends up pouting at a store window, until a scream shocks him out of his funk. It’s Jae-sook, Ma-ri’s mother, and she recognizes Louis right away.

She screams over and over, sure she’s seen a dead man come back to life, and In-sung finds Louis and ushers him out of the mall. He yells at Louis for scaring that woman, and leaves Louis to finish passing out the Bok-nam flyers by himself.

At midday, Louis makes his way to the Gold Group building, and texts Bok-shil to meet him outside for lunch. She runs out, and the team wonders if she has a boyfriend. Joong-won overhears that, and follows her out.

He sees Louis sitting on the steps and immediately recognizes him from the time he chased him out of the bathroom and through the building. Louis remembers Joong-won as well, who asks him again which department he works in.

Jae-sook calls her husband, Director Baek, and tells him in a dazed voice that she just saw Louis. He doesn’t believe her, but his car drives past the front of the building again, and he sees Louis talking to Joong-won. He orders the driver to stop the car, but Louis runs from Joong-won again, and Director Baek barely misses him. He asks Joong-won breathlessly who he was talking to, But Joong-won says he doesn’t know him.

Director Baek meets secretly with his head lackey, who was in charge of getting rid of Louis the day he got to South Korea. Lackey assures Director Baek that Louis died, but the director wonders if Joong-won sensed something wrong and switched Louis with someone else.

We see that Joong-won had been outside Director Baek’s office when he ordered the hit, and that he’d looked nervous when Director Baek saw him there. But he’d acted like nothing was wrong, and Director Baek had sent him on to Louis’s welcome party alone while he went to the airport.

Baek’s lackey thinks that Joong-won is on the director’s side, but Baek says that he’s also on Grandma’s side. He says that Joong-won saw Louis up close today, but he pretended not to know who he was. Director Baek orders his lackey to learn everything he can about Joong-won, and report back. He also sends Jae-sook to Busan to see Grandma, and tells her to let him know if she sees anything strange.

Louis finds an old chair on the curb outside their apartment, and he somehow recognizes it. He lugs it up to his porch and makes himself comfortable, convinced that sitting in the chair will help him recall some more memories. He goes over his few recovered memories — the scary boys, the music box, Koboshi, the fire hydrant, and even this chair.

He complains about the sun and asks In-sung to hold an umbrella for him. In-sung complains that he’s not a servant, and that Louis treats Bok-shil like a maid. Louis just smiles and teases, and In-sung grumpily agrees to hold the umbrella if it will help Louis recall something about his past. Dang, these two are adorable.

Louis is fast asleep in the chair when Bok-shil comes home after dark, and she sighs when she sees the house is a mess. Louis comes inside to find Bok-shil cleaning up, and she barks at him for laying around while she works hard to earn money.

Louis deflates, and he plucks at Bok-shil’s sleeve and apologizes. He gives her his very saddest puppy eyes, and Bok-shil lets it go this time, but only because he’s so handsome. Then she snaps at him for smiling, and he just smiles even bigger.

She teaches Louis how to do dishes, and though he says he doesn’t think he’s ever done this before, he really applies himself to learning. When he’s done he flops on the floor in exhaustion, and Bok-shil hands over a coin for his hard work. She offers to put ointment on his mosquito bite, then smacks him when he yanks up his shirt right in her face, hee.

At the house in Busan, Jae-sook looks around Louis’s childhood room. She finds the watch that was found at the accident site, still crusted in blood, then a box containing his baby teeth. She takes one of the teeth, then throws the box back on the shelf when she hears Butler Kim coming upstairs.

She says she’s taking the watch to be fixed, but Butler Kim’s eagle eye notices that the tooth box is on the wrong shelf. Meanwhile Director Baek’s lackey keeps an eye on Joong-won’s parents, taking secret photos of them entering their son’s house.

Joong-won’s mother spots a shoe box on the table, and finds the cute little pink heels inside. She assumes the shoes are for herself, but they don’t fit, and Dad wonders if Joong-won could be seeing someone.

Bok-shil takes over umbrella-holding duties, while Louis tries to recall more memories. Bok-shil gets a call from a spammer offering her a loan, and suddenly Louis is the scam expert, warning her not to fall for it. He immediately regrets lecturing her, and hangs his head.

In-sung delivers a couple of huge bags full of garlic — Bok-shil has found a way for Louis to help make some money, hee. He whines that he doesn’t know how to peel garlic, but Bok-shil says he’ll figure it out.

Louis tries his hand at garlic-peeling, though he’s hilariously prissy about it. He gets garlic in his eye and shrieks in pain, then tries again while wearing a ski mask. By the time Bok-shil gets home, he’s fast asleep, surrounded by piles of half-peeled garlic.

She’s furious, because he spent several times what he earned buying the mask and a massager for his sore neck. He doesn’t seem to understand that that’s defeating the purpose, and Bok-shil tells him to think first before buying something. No matter how lavishly he lived before, he has to think of how he’s living now.

Poor Louis just shrinks under Bok-shil’s anger, and she takes pity on him and makes him dinner. He tries to make her feel better by saying he got a discount on the massager by reviewing it, but HA, Bok-shil just levels a death glare at him.

Later over coffee, Louis says again that he thinks he used to be rich, because he just doesn’t worry about money no matter how much he spends. Bok-shil says dryly that they’ll see how he feels after peeling a hundred kilos of garlic, PFFT.

Louis asks how her job is going, and Bok-shil frowns, saying that she keeps getting scolded. Louis offers to teach her boss a lesson, and Bok-shil grins at him, glad to have someone on her side. Louis suggests bottles for her project, explaining how companies make signature bottles every year that become collector’s items.

Bok-shil runs the idea past Ma-ri, suggesting a clear bottle with the Gold Line name embossed on it, and the cap made to look like the gold coin logo. They could even create a myth that drinking from their bottles brings the consumer luck with money. Ma-ri’s reaction is lukewarm, but I have a bad feeling.

When it’s time for the team to present their ideas, Joong-won shoots down every single suggestion. When it’s Ma-ri’s turn, she pulls out a bag, and presents a prototype of the exact bottle Bok-shil designed. She even uses Bok-shil’s idea of spreading the myth. I knew it.

Joong-won likes the idea and compliments Ma-ri, though he does seem to notice that Bok-shil looks upset. He watches closely as Bok-shil freezes when it’s her turn, and Ma-ri comes to her “rescue,” saying that Bok-shil helped her with her proposal.

Bok-shil is quiet that evening when the team goes out for drinks, recalling how Ma-ri had confronted her in the ladies’ room. She’d acted like stealing Bok-shil’s idea was no big deal, since she did thank her, after all. Ma-ri had said that the bottle would never be made if it were Bok-shil’s idea, so really, Bok-shil should be thanking her. You utter bitch.

Bok-shil excuses herself from the celebration, saying she has to catch the bus. The team talks smack about her after she leaves, calling her names and saying she’ll be fired soon enough. Ma-ri asks them not to talk about Bok-shil behind her back, and they all say she’s too nice.

Joong-won arrives at the bar, and the first thing he does is ask after Bok-shil. He insists on paying for the evening when he hears that Ma-ri planned to pay the bill, seeming almost offended at her offer. Ma-ri takes a good long look at Joong-won, seeming to size him up.

It begins to rain as Bok-shil rides home, and when she gets off at her stop, she resigns herself to walking home in the downpour. Just as she sets out, an umbrella shields her from the rain, and she looks up to see Louis beside her, smiling that dimpled smile.

He asks how her day went, and something in Bok-shil snaps. Her face crumples and Louis starts to panic, but she says through her tears, “I’m so happy.” Louis laughs and teases that she’s confessing to him, but Bok-shil says she’s just glad to have someone on her side.

Louis smiles again, then wraps Bok-shil in a big, warm hug. He says that he’s happy too, and grateful to have her on his side.

They walk home, Louis’s arm wrapped protectively around Bok-shil’s shoulders. But the spell is broken when she sees that all the designer clothes from Ma-ri got left out in the rain, smacking Louis even when he says he only forgot about them because he was worried about her.

They bicker so loudly that it disturbs In-sung downstairs, and he yells at them to stop the lover’s quarrel, hee. Finally In-sung’s mom screams, and that turns Louis and Bok-shil’s arguing into giggles.

Louis is already up when Bok-shil wakes the next morning, and she finds him in the bathroom drying her shoes with a hair dryer. Awww.

When she gets to work, Bok-shil finds the pink heels on her desk, and her teammates assume they’re another gift from Ma-ri. Bok-shil packs them back up and leaves the office with them, and Joong-won follows her out.

He stops her before she throws them away, and she says (still thinking the shoes are from Ma-ri) that accepting them could lead to more trouble. We see that Joong-won saw Bok-shil sleeping on her desk one night, with her plans for the Gold Line bottle sitting out — he’s known all along that the idea was Bok-shil’s.

Now he tells her that not everyone is nice just so they can stab her in the back, that some people are genuinely rooting for her. He says the shoes are from him, so she should wear them and work hard.

She does wear the shoes, and the designer clothes from Ma-ri. The Gold Line bottle is a big hit, and as time goes by, Bok-shil grows more confident and competent in her job. Joong-won keeps his eye on her, but maintains his distance, letting her grow on her own.

One night, Director Baek decides to buy a neck massager, and he goes on the company website to check reviews. He sees a review by someone calling themselves “Shopping King Louis,” and grows worried.

That same night, Louis realizes that Bok-shil is sick and he runs to the pharmacy for medicine, and sits up late into the night putting cool cloths on Bok-shil’s forehead. Eventually he falls asleep, curled up on the floor next to her bed. In-sung brings some porridge from his mother up the next morning, but Bok-shil is gone.

Director Baek’s lackey had taken the bloody watch and Louis’s baby tooth for DNA testing, and he finally gets the results. Strangely, the blood and the tooth are not a match.

Louis goes to the Gold Group building looking for Bok-shil, just as Director Baek discovers that whoever died in that car crash, it wasn’t Louis. He looks up from his call to see his worst nightmare — Louis, alive and well and standing right in front of him.

Louis walks up to Director Baek, and gives him a small bow. “Hello.”


Again, I’m surprised with how quickly events are moving in this show, though I’m glad because it means we have a lot of content to cover. I wasn’t expecting Louis to be found so soon, though I’m guessing Director Baek will fight tooth and nail to keep Louis from discovering who he really is.

I’m so confused when it comes to In-sung (his name makes me giggle every time) because while he’s definitely a gold-digger hoping that Louis will get his memory back and send some money his way, he’s also not really a bad guy. He may be lazy and looking for a handout, but he’s also been a real help to Louis and Bok-shil, giving them good advice and guidance. If he keeps this up I won’t even mind if Louis does make it rain on In-sung a little when he gets his memory back, because ultimately that’s everyone’s goal, if for different reasons. And if In-sung keeps being a friend to them like he has been, then who’s to say he doesn’t deserve a little monetary thanks when Louis is back to his old self?

I haven’t been very complimentary in regards to Joong-won’s character, so I was pleased when he was allowed to step forward more in this episode and started to be relevant in Bok-shil’s life. What I particularly like about Joong-won is that he’s doing what he can to help Bok-shil better her situation, without just stepping in and doing it for her. He’s giving her opportunities, but allowing her to sink or swim on her own, and in the process Bok-shil is gaining confidence and capability without being rescued like a damsel in distress. Romantically, Joong-won doesn’t have a ghost of a chance up against Louis, but what he’s doing for Bok-shil, in helping her gain marketable skills and knowledge, is immensely valuable.

What I’m mostly curious about is how Joong-won fits into Director Baek’s schemes. He seems to be Baek’s man as far as business goes, but how much does he know about the plan to get rid of Louis? Did he overhear Director Baek ordering Louis’s death? How close is he to Grandma, and has he met Louis before? If so, why has he pretended not to know him? Joong-won definitely gets a strange look on his face whenever Louis is mentioned, and I’m anxious to learn how much he knows.

It’s so interesting to watch Louis’s original personality come forward the more he remembers his past — he hasn’t changed that much, but he lost a lot of confidence and self-possession when he lost his memory. But when he’s in his element, like when he was in the department store, he just seemed to stand straighter, to carry himself more confidently, and you can see the old Louis in his body language (and Seo In-gook’s performance as Louis is so on-point, I had to see it happen a couple of times before I realized why he seemed more “Louis” in certain scenes. His body language in particular is incredibly nuanced and really just projects what the character is experiencing perfectly). He may not remember, but he feels that this sort of place is where he belongs, and he knows instinctively that he came from money. He’s even defaulting to treating people like servants, though he doesn’t mean it as insulting or demeaning, it’s just the only way he knows how to be.

But it’s obvious that when he screws up and spends too much, that he really does feel terrible about it. He’s really trying to get a sense of what it means to value money, and seeing him trying to do better, asking Bok-shil to help him learn to help out, just tugs at my heartstrings. It’s really not Louis’s fault that nobody’s ever let him lift a finger (in fact, he even complained that nobody ever let him do anything for himself, not even drive) so we can’t really expect him to know how to cook and clean. But just the fact that it upsets Bok-shil is such a strong motivator for Louis, I can see him quickly doing everything around the house while she works to bring home the money, once he learns how. I really love the gender role reversal in the show, and can’t wait to see Louis as a competent little house-husband.


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Thanks for the recalp Lollypip. And only 1 episode next week? That would ruin the whole flow of the show! I hated when it happened with W2W and now it's happening again! What is MBC's problem! Does it not want it's shows to do well????


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And this episode! Wow! This show will now make me wait for Wed and Thursday (Thu and Fri) even more than I ever did! Seo In Guk is just perfect as Louie. It's like he has embodied the character completely. I know I shouldn't be surprised but I can't believe he was a conman just last month!


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This drama is now in my top list becos of my favourite SIG and becos this drama is so good ! But oh no, only one episode for next week ?! Why ?!Wae?! Ottokare?!


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Did anybody noticed that detective oppa? total hunk.


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Totally noticed him and he is a total hunk. But LOL at Nam Joo Hyuk. By the time this show is over we're probably gonna go through a lot of star names. We already have Jo In Sung, Song Joong Ki and Nam Joo Hyuk.


we need some females!!!! perhaps Kim Yuna...oh, would it not be hilarious if there were female characters called Lee Bo Young & Song Hye Kyo hihihi


Uh-oh, darling, you keep saying that SIG is perfect in any role he portrayed since few years ago... *lol*


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Hehe. You caught me! :D


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Haha that's inevitable with happy pill seo in guk. Once you pop, you can't stop. Once you google him, you'll discover a whole new world. Unbelievable sites, indescribable feelings...


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LOL! I got your disney joke!! hahahahahaha!!!


When he acts as a know it all in TF 38 I believed him..
Now he doesn't know the basics of living I believe him...SIG is awesome...


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It's too bad. The show has found its rhythm and the ratings are going up. I'd hate for a pre-emption to ruin the momentum.


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IKR!? Actually, I wouldn't mind if they just show us 1 episode the week after the next week, just so that the episode pairing doesn't get ruined. The even-odd routine was one of the factors which really ruined W2W for me!


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I read somewhere that two episodes will air on Thursday.


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Oh that would actually be great if it happens!


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that would be good!


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Raise your hand if you think that Bok Shil's brother was the one killed?


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*sadly raises hand*


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I think so too :(

And I am thinking it is Joong Won who rescued Louis and put Bok Nam's clothes on him.. Maybe he really is on Grandma's side..


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I am curious about this too! Why did Joong won not recognize Louie? He seemed sincere when he didn't recognize him in the bathroom.


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*prepares rolls of tissues for when this storyline unravels* :'(


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I vote for not dead. I think he went into hiding after his gang assaulted Louis and stole his car and possessions. If Louis was stripped of his fancy suit, the brother may have given him the track suit before disappearing.


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I'll go with your theory. Because even though we've just only seen snippets of him, Bok Nam seems adorable and I can't bear to imagine him bleeding inside that upturn car. Let's protect the puppies.


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I vote for not dead too. The implication seems to be that Bok Nam died in place of Louie. But that makes the show so dark! I don't think they'll actually going to go there.


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I agree, I'd be very surprised if a writer turned it this dark, after putting this much thought into creating a laugh-out loud story, complete with on-point (still don't tire of the Whole New World jaunt through the sauna, snicker)


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That's "on-point music" - sigh my kingdom for an edit function.

One more thing, I'm wondering why Joong Won should be able to recognize Louis? He obviously didn't know him from childhood as Mari did, and the story suggests that Louis grew up in France for at least a decade. And it's not like he was the heir apparent in terms of the company, considering the surprise among everyone when Grandma wanted Louis to take over the company.


I think he is hiding from the gang.


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NOT raising hand. I think it was one of the other gang members.


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I literally gasped when I read this!


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The Louis/In-sung bromance is so adorable, especially after the frenemy relationship these two had in Police Unit 38... is it too much to hope for a Ma Dong-Seok cameo???


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OMG! I knew that I knew him from somewhere but I couldn't place it. He is a great actor tobe able to play both parts. They are so different.


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I know. ANd his role before that was a gangster in Come Back Ahjussi. I was pleasantly surprised that his role in this one is not evil and that he is rather enjoyable as a sidekick.


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Yes to that!!! Ma Deong Seok from his train to busan character hahahahahaha... more free promotions anyone?


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*imagines MDS popping into BS & L apartment to ask: "Did a zombie just hide in here?" and the two puppies shivering in fear outside all night* - hmm, great excuse for skinship though.


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Or or or or he goes out to shop for tacky outfits and louie gets to be his stylist. Kkkkk


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Ma-ri deserves a big slap on the face. Cunningly evil butt face Ma-ri.


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*raise hand* I will volunteer to slap her. Haha.


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*hands you a fly-swatter*

Your hands are too precious to touch something so disgusting.


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Ooooooo. She makes me MAD. Especially the scene in the bar. But at least Oska knows what she's doing. Hopefully he's planning some epic revenge scheme for Bokshil.


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Oska will always be oska ?


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as an artist who has had ideas stolen, I want her to fully embarrass herself and out herself in public like fall into a trap set out for her


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Her name was Ma-ri? xD I somehow didn't catch that while watching the show. It's funny to me cause of Big, that annoying girl there was also called Ma-ri. She was my first Hye ji so to speak. Liked to call out her name in frustration, it rolls right of your tongue: Ma-ri! Nobody cares about you Ma-ri. Just go away Ma-ri! (sorry to anyone irl named Ma-ri, your name is actually pretty, kdrama biachtes are just going around ruining names for me) ^^'


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I'll hold her still for all of you. Slap away.


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She is really trash. She went out of her way to manipulate when she didn't need to do anything. I mean she makes the evil sister on Beautiful Kong Shim seem reasonable.


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She got it from her daddy. At first I found her mourning Louis' death because she won't be able to marry the heir funny. Tsk. too bad she had to turn into a snake in her ambition.


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Ooooh she fits the typical evil second lead to a tee but very one-note. At this point she's not very redeemable - which is why I'm ff her scenes. Her and her family can go somewhere miserable and I wouldn't care at all.


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Grandma Bok-Sil and grandpa Ji-Sung made my day


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Louis has an EPIC sad puppy-face. Impossible to stay mad at.


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When he did the puppy face, I thought, "Nope. It's game over for you Bok Shil-ah".


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Thanks for the recap, Lollypip. BTW it is Butler Kim who ordered the neck massager, and I think he will find Louis soon as Butler Kim recognized the written word pattern that the review Louis posted.


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I think Butler Kim is very smart & observant to notice who is the baddie n changes in the placing of stuff n so forth n I think he will be a BIG help to Louis in gaining back his position just like how he had looked after him since he was a kid.


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He is also the one who saw Louis' online review. He will definitely help!


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That actor is waaay too prominent for a small role like he's had so far, I'm sure he's going to be getting right into the thick of things very soon.


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That actor gives me whiplash XD He alternates between taking good and bad roles and he always acts them out fully.

Corrupt minister in sageuk -> adorable father -> unethical remorseless doctor -> loyal butler

(I'm sure he had other roles I've missed but those are the ones I can remember chronologically for now)


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Terror math teacher (undercover Yoda) Uhm Force in School 2013. lol.


LOL I remember now! Ah, School2013 was so much fun! (And angst, but the fun kind)


He so much good in bad roles that the moment he sent Louis alone to Korea... I immediately suspected him to be on the bad guys side.. but I'm sure he is not...


Tbh the dectective looks like a better 2nd lead possibility, I honestly can't see Joong-won that way. He looks too old for her and to me he's not really attractive.


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I agree. I think he also sympathise with Bok Shin being new in a big city having to take after a stranger guy who have lost his memories.


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Correction : I mean look after.....


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OHMY totally agree. The detective totally caught my eye the first time he came out! I know they wont make him the second lead but hoping the actor getting bigger roles after this drama! Give him a name writer!!!!


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LollyPip mentioned that his name is Nam Joohyuk, ha.


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How did I miss that??? Well Detective Nam Joo Hyuk, please come out more on screen! Come on writer-nim! You gave him the name! Make it happen!


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I'd love for Joongwon to be a mentor for BokShil more actually


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I really think Joong-won has more of a kind older brother vibe not a romantic vibe.


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Hahaha I thought I'm the only one who noticed the detective. I'm also hoping he will be one of the guy who fall in love with Bok Shil because he's face was too handsome to be just on an extra role.


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Yes to 2nd lead police detective! Apart from being pleasant to my eyes, I get this feeling that he legitimately cares for bok sil. I mean why does he even make time to watch her eat ice cream? Also, more competition for Louie, the better. (1) Louie is naturaly attracted to rare items and is used to competing for it (cue: numbah one); (2) I just want to see him lose some just to see how he'll man up. I hope the drama veers away from the predictable and adds more of the unexpected...


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I need to sue this drama for distracting me from working. *gathers all will power not to comment until she is done*


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redfox -- that garlic scene reminded me -- I told my mom your garlic trick and now she's constantly walking around with cloves of garlic in her ears, LOL. She claims it really works.

Louis should have gotten online and bought a garlic peeling machine. Surely one exists for less than what he paid for the ski goggles and the massager?


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I pricked my finger, so am I allowed a break? i cant make the pillow bloody. right?

haha, garlic... my main problem appears to have been the nose though and thats why my ears were stuck. but garlic definitely kills all germs and affects the nose too. I now tested sea salt solution, dripped it into my nose and it doesnt feel snotty any more. the solution cannot be too strong though.

LOL I am the teacher of weird tricks.


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There are much easier ways to peel garlic, and you don't need a machine. YouTube - search for peeling garlic.

And no, garlic in your ear does nothing but give you smelly ears.


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Whoa, I looked it up and just tried the putting the garlic in a jar and shaking the crap out of it. It works! My life is forever changed. *cue angel choir*


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LOL at this. Let´s turn this thread into Life Advice corner. to feel more bonded with Louie and Bok shil


Life hacks, more like


*pats @redfox shoulder sympathetically*

Hang on there, my dear friend. I guess we better sue the owner of that boyish face to compensate by accompanying us working. Uhh, can one even work or concentrate better with him physically around?


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**pops head up and looks around furtively. Whispers "I am reading this while at work...shhhh...."

**puts head back down and gets back to work...


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Lol at the servant part, totally forgot that one hahah. It's funny how fast he's getting comfortable in the poor surrounding and even making people to hold umbrellas for him, just for the sake of getting his memory back. And poor bok shil, but they do match each other a lot, don't they and complements each other.It would be too bad though if the brother is dead, since he's the only family left to bok shil. And all these time when louie kept telling bok shil how he's going to keep his promise and bring her this and that, I was thinking these would probably come back a lot in later episodes as flashbacks.
On a different note, certainly digging the graphics and little add ons on the drama, like the fairy wings or the bunny ears.


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the insane thing in this episode was that I was getting upset at how useless Louis was. I was thinking "no matter how cute, I don't think I could put up with him" and then, he does something cute or sweet and I just melted, and was like "aw... i can't abandon him"

it just kept repeating like that. I'm now an official Louis trash


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Yes, I get so frustrated on Bok-shil's behalf! I'm like eugh why is the house a mess?! I swing between dump this hungry money draining guy on the kerb already and oh, I can see why'd be nice to have someone to pick you up from the bus stop with an umbrella...


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Urgh. I know. I was starting to boil up on behalf of Bok-shil, and then that umbrella scene at the bus station just melted me like a poodle of goo. Suddenly my world became bright again just then, all other problems forgotten. I was like if someone could look at me like that and fetch me an umbrella, I don't need any thing else and went insane for a bit.

I hope to God I never meet someone as charming and cute as Louis or I will end up having to work all my life to support him. T___T

I'll just content myself with the cute in the drama. And boy are they cute. I have never seen two characters who are so purely good and innocent as Bok-shil and Louis, without being boring or bland. They're just sweet, sweet, sweet and cute, cute, cute.


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Still, he should not have access to her bank account. At all. Just allowance.


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yes. yes yes yes. yes yes yes yes. I was aghast at him having enough access to their money to spend it on whim and be scammed out of it. Cut. Him. Off.


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My speculations that Director Baek has smth to do with the accident is right n I did think that Bok Nam was the person who died in place of Louie but it might also be another gang friend of Bok Nam who died and Bok Nam might be the one who was in hooded outfit n watching them secretly nearby. I will tear for Bok Shih if her only family ends up dead too. And yes I'm so hating backstabber-and-act-like-an-angel Mari. She is as wicked as her dad.


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I Keep trying to remember that his name is Joong Won but still I call him OSCAR ^^ he's always oscar for me


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I love love love the gender role reversal!!! And I have to commend Bok Shil's patience with Louis. If that was me, I would've already gone nuts because I can't stand people who spend a lot of money that they don't have.


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Yeah me too......I don't have patience for such ppl but just seeing his cute smile made anything bad melt away <3


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Any actor with less charm would have ruined it for me but SIG shows how innocent and helpless he is when it comes to money & I believe him... also he's willing to change for bok- shil.. it might take a bit time to give up an old habit..


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I wish they'll just let Joong-won be Bok-shil's mentor and not make him a potential love rival because as Lollypip stated he really doesn't stand a chance against Louis.
The scene where she ran into him in the elevator felt very forced to me and I don't feel any romantic vibes between them at all or rather it feels very strange that he'll be interested in her romantically and this has nothing to do with the age difference. Instead I could actually see Detective Nam in the love triangle.
But the best thing would be no love triangle at all because our lost puppy and flying squirrel are a match made in heaven.


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And can't they just air two episodes on Thursday? I hate it when they break up the episodes, it always affects the show.


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i wouldn't mind if joong won takes lessons from joon ki's (fantastiC) book on how to play the best 2nd lead everrrrrr!!!


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Ugh. Kim Tae Hoon laying the adorbs thick on that one. -.-'


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I dont mind Jong Woon to like Bokshil. But I dont think there is really a love triangle here because it is more like BokShil and Louis already have affection to each other.Jong Woon is totally out of the picture. But I think it will be better if Jong Woon existence will make Louis feel threaten and make him more responsible and manly enough for BokShil


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i feel bokshil, having terrible day at work then there someone waiting for you (someone who genuinely care about you) when you got home, I would be so touched too.

But the preview for ep 5 !!! did bokshil change her style, not just her clothes but her hair too, I wonder did louie make her do it because in ep 3 she obviously not the type to care that much with what she's wearing even though she does feel inferior when she arrived at work and the way she dressed is so old fashioned lmao

The way this story is going, I got the feeling that louie will learn the poor world learning money value etc, while the opposite Bokshil will adapt to the city life (appearance wise). become the city girl while still maintaining her kind personality


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Those 4 episodes didn't make me to lose interest to watch.its nice going plot?


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It's hilarious that Louis WORE the underwear to the dept store instead of just carrying them. If I were that saleswoman, there would have been a different ending to that scene. ?


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This. He really doesn't think things thoroughly lol


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you're funny:)

in a way it shows the innocence of louis that he wouldn't think of such things. remember he didn't also hesitate to show his body to bok shil so she can apply the anti-itch meds, hahhahaa...


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Haha yes. It can't be the only undersear he has by now right? Or is it simply a favorite? Hahahaha


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Agree that Joong Won does not have any chance with Bokshil at the rate Louie and Bokshil is going right now. Even the premise of this show is actually to show this two characters unless the writers want to make it a bittersweet ending.

Usually I'm the type of viewer that always rooting for the 2nd lead but Seo in guk and Nam Ji Hyun chemistry is amazing and I can understand their relationship better. Why they come to care for each other etc. Though Joong Won affection for Bokshil is not out of nowhere. We've shown how he does not like women who is dolled up and too 'pretty'. For him, Bokshil is so different. Also her pitied her for her poor life.


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It's interesting that in this drama it's the second lead that is the jerk who will get nicer with time, usually that's the first lead's job. And Louis and Bokshil don't play any games about liking each other, which is not usual at all for an OTP. So I'm interested to see how the triangle will play out, as it doesn't even feel like a triangle to me at the moment.


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I'm finding the neighbors very annoying and distracting to the point I don't like this show. Get rid of the neighbors and I'll be back.


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The background music at the ending scene sounds similar as the bgm in PU38. And suddenly, Baek Sung Il comes and tell that evil frustrated murderer that his taxes has been paid in full. Apparently, Yang Jung Do has scammed him into thinking that he is the dead grandson of the chairwoman. Hee.


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I was thinking the same thing when I heard that music! They should have just played the PU38 theme straight out. Also, they should have had SIG playing Yang Jungdo to scam Louis out of that $2000.


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That would be epic, lol. So many nods to tropes, names and other dramas in this show already.


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that would have been brilliant, but alas it was a drama for a different network


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the small beats when louis came to pick up bok shil at the bus stop was precious:) She didn’t want to cry but was so thankful that louis was there when everything was going bad at work. louis on the other hand was so generous to give her a hug, I wish she would just hug him back, but kdrama heroines are condition to just stand there without moving their hands, hayyyy…

I do luv their affection of each other, plus the fact that they correct and help each other, well mostly louis’ shopping, hahhahahaa. But time & time again bok shil finds solutions to teach louis how to live. He in return gives out suggestions, his bottle idea was great!

Also like the fact that although these leads are ‘new’ in the city, they are not portrayed as stupid people. They just fall prey to bad people but their experiences once learned will make them better people, if not the best!

thanks for the recaps lollypip!!!


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I was hoping that she will hug him back too but as a country gal maybe she is more conservative n shy...lol.


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nahhhh... this also happens when heroine get the kiss, internally i would shout, please move your hands, it can't be just there at your sides, hahhahhahaaaa...


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Anyone else scream 'KISS!!!' in that bus station pink umbrella scene?

I swooon at them both, sooo hard. I swear I usually rolled my eyes at those cliches but idk why those 2 always look so sincere that I could easily relate to all the love, the way they care to each other, and sweet emotions from them. Oh how I love it!

I find it so touching and romantic that Louis picked up Bok Shil and hold her shoulder then just being mad n silly at each other, plus those 2 downstair neighbours, def what we need after a rough day at work. Can I be neighbour number 2? Haha.

The meta again lol when Bok Sil said 'I'll forgive you because you're handsome', how did the writer read my mind? Omg I'm so glad that SIG picked this role. You rock, Gukkie!

Now I can't wait for ep 5 next week!


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Lol I was actually wondering if Seo In Guk gets embarrassed by the constant reference to his good looks! I mean they are clearly focusing on his good looks every episode. It must be funnily embarrassing for him!


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he might find it funny instead cause he used to be referred to as not the traditionally handsome lead, he very unusual foxy face but it is very attractive.


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IKR, and actually SIG him self said that he doesn't think he's handsome. Oh I'm truly happy that finally drama refer to SIG as a good looking namja. I'm so happy for you, Gukkiya. My preciousss! Haha.


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Am I the only one confused on how fast Louis' deliveries come? I mean, it's either he suck big time with peeling garlic that it took him days on that scene that the goggles had finally arrived or package delivery has some sort of 30 minute guarantee like pizza.


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It is possible to get express delivery in Seoul, but it costs a LOT extra. I have an Amazon distribution center about 4 miles from my house, so I sometimes get things same day if I order early in the morning.


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Thanks for the recap LollyPip!


The story is interesting and fun - and the characters are played very WELL!


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OMG you guys, there were SO many squealworthy moments in this episode! Like, the whole ep was basically just one giant squeal, it sounded something like 'Seo In Guuuuuuuuk, staaaaahppp'.

I just love it that the show seems to care so much about its characters, or at least about Bok Shil and Louis. For me, they are the ideal blend of quirkiness and down-to-earthness (shhh, of course that's a word). Like, they give us the comic relief but at the same time it's grounded in realism and honesty. We get Louis who is hilarious in his beggar-chiqueness (yeees, that's a word too) and poutiness in one moment and then the next, he's drawing the curtain between himself and Bok Shil because he's so embarassed he cannot look at her while apologizing and that is just ackkk.

Also, a little off-topic: while watching I randomly kept thinking of adjectives to describe the show and the homely vibe Bok Shil and Louis got going on had me thinking of 'warm... and cozy'. And then it hit me: this show is what 'Warm and Cozy' should have been. And THEN it hit me again: this show is on its 4th ep, so it can still besome another 'W&C'... And then I hit myself for thinking such blasphemy. Fingers crossed show, fingers crossed.


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No no no.. Don't curse this pretty little show! It can never be W&C. I repeat- it will never be that. Do u hear me show? You can't ruin SIG's last drama before army!

Also, beggar-chiqueness is such an apt word for Louie's persona :P


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While I did finish that drama, the first four episodes in that one wasn't as fun or as cute as this one. Kang So Ra and Yoo Yeon Seok should have been paired in a steamy infidelity drama--that would blow the mind out of dramaland.


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Ermagherd, I'd pay a lot of money I don't have to see that drama!!! O.O


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Ohhh, I love the way you describe this drama. 'Seo In Guk, staaahppp!' I literally said that while watching the show with my hands and legs and face doing weird things, between clapping n air fist pumping, in full pouty Louis style, oh boy, I turn into crazy lol.

And down-to-earthness, realism, honesty, warm, cozy, homey vibe, did you read my mind?

That moment when Bok Sil cried on her brother's tracksuit and the look on Louis before he drew the curtain is SO TOUCHING. Every emotions from Louis feels new and raw, but that's what make it so sincere and poignant. I LOVE IT!


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I can't get enough of giant pouty, cheeky puppy Louis!

And Bok-shil is a saint. I have no idea where the girl gets her patience to put up with him. (You gotta admit though, with THAT much cute and hot in one heck of a pretty package called Seo In Guk, how could anyone resist?)


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I am pretty sure that Joong Won suspects the team leader of something nefarious - he may not know the whole story behind the bottle but it sure seems like he suspects something, especially with the backstabbing comment.

Our pretty team leader might be on the downhill slide, which is fine with me - she seems way to phony anyway. And I hate how the others are sucking up to her so much, but sucking up seems to be such a common k-drama trope I will ignore it.


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Imagine if Louis was as passionate about finding a good deal as he is about shopping in general. It'd be hilarious to see him take all that energy and invest it in extreme couponing or something. ?

I really hope the show will stay as light and heartwarming as it is now, and not dive into overdramatic birth secret shenanigans and angst like Beautiful Gong Shim did. They've been reminding me of each other a little in the early episodes. I want this one to stay fun.

Haha, I also kinda love how even though Bok Shil and Louis were shivering in horror at their daydreams, they both were basically imagining being married to one another. ?


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He might not be an extreme couponer but we do see that his eye for trends and shopping help BokShil with her first "item." I was afraid Louis might become useless since all he knew was how to shop but our puppy Louis will not be useless!!!

And i really didnt think of it that way but Louis definitely sees himself with BokShil till the end ?


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LollyPip ~

Thank you for the recap.

Bok-Shil's smile when Louis hugs her..

She's so lucky. Well she was Queen Seondeok in another life.


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And he was crown prince gwanghae.... kkkk therenmay be nonconnection at all, i just totally wanted to point out a sageuk parallel. Kk


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Glad to find sageuk lovers in this drama thread.. The connection between those two is well, they played emperor/empress to be at one part of their life. ^^


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The product placement is working, found myself non Amazon reading reviews about Maxim Gold, and wondering if it was worthwhile ordering a box.


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For instant coffee, it is about the best I have found, and convenient. I usually keep a few sticks around for road/camping trips. Better than any American or Euro brand I have tried (but of course I have not tried every one).


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By your comment, I'm going to run to the korean convenient store at the next block.


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Wow..seo in guk knows how to promote the coffee brand..i think i better try mysel one..


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I was afraid BokShil seemed too forgiving of Louis for the past couple episodes but with the scene of Louis peeling garlic and attempting to wash the dishes I've fallen for this couple once again :)

Louis is definitely the puppy in this relationship. A adorkable human puppy that BokShil is training with baby steps. He's constantly is waiting for BokShil to come home, only has eyes for her, and makes her feel exponentially better just by him being by her side no matter what, just like a puppy! Can we just fawn over the sleeve tugging moment and umbrella scene again?

Watching dramas nowadays I can't help but have a sort of distant approach... have been burned by too many drams that it keeps my heart safer, you know? But every time there is an inkling of me thinking, "Come on... really??" This writer changes things around. Thank you writer-nim let's hope BokShil and Louis stays this way :)


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I'm going to think of this drama as the real Kimi wa Petto adaptation. lol


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Just looked up Kimi wa Petto! I never saw the original but if SIG was on sale as a pet, I wouldnt hesitate to buy him ?


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Can the detective have a bigger role? Please please please!


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I'm sure the detective will prove to be of bigger role ... Maybe not romantically but I got a hunch that he should be of great help to apprehend Director Seok for his evil murder plans. He is not just there to help Bok Shih find her brother but also to arrest Director Soek ! Lol.


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I think they formed Bok Shil character in a well-thought out manner.

She's used to working in mountains, cook everyday with a furnace, have no electricity so no home appliances, etc. Not to mention she was the bread family of her household, and had to take care of an elderly grandma, and a brat-ish little brother.

It makes her perfect to be able to put up with the demanding role of taking care of puppy Louis. She's used to being the noona in many ways. ^^


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True! Not just the gender role reverse, I also love that Bok Sil and Louis doesn't play any games in their relationship.

Yes, at some point we all must follow the standard to make a relationship and society works, but sometimes we just need someone to be on our side. Waiting for us to come home, smile at us, hug us and say everything is allright, eat meals with us, those simple things without having to measure and calculate what is fair and what is not. Just follow what your heart said.

Oh well, this is drama, not reality. But then, this is why we love drama, right, as it reminds us of those kind of things we sometimes forget. See, I talk too much. I must really love this show. Oh.my.gad. (in Louis style haha)


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That moment in life when you realize you could watch someone peeling garlic for hours....


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Done watching fourth episode and damn, what a cute little puppy Louie is! Haha my personal favourite scenes? That would be too much! I love Louie scenes with In Sung Hyung, I love the scene where Louis trying to get his memory back at the department store, and I am totally loved his scenes with Bok Shil!
I remembered how worried I am when I first read the news about SIG receiving the lead role for this drama. The synopsis is so damn cliche, and what's with this never-ending story about chaebol anyways? SIG already made a great impressions with his Yang Jung Do character and I hate it if this chaebol drama will tarnish any of that. But boy I was so wrong! Louie is such a refined and well-thought chaebol character that I've ever seen in my K-dramaland history. He's a chaebol with personality, not your typical cliche chaebol who only knows how to wear good suits and good car, but doesn't know how to emotes real emotions to the viewers, particularly me. So kudos to SIG, whom has definitely proves his acting ability on taking various roles and played them so damn well( Yoon Yun Jae, Lee Min Suk, Lee Hyung Suk, Gwanghae, Lee Hyun, Yang Jung Do and last but not least, Louie!)
And lastly SIG! Why do you have to be so damn talented? Haha!


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maybe....noona romaces produce more talented kids? with his mom being 6 years older than dad... aint that good news for dramaland


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@redfox oh yes! i remember seeing it mentioned in some variety show where SIG and his mom were guests in and they mentioned how his dad was younger than his mom. I think his mum also revealed something about SIG's birth secret which was really funny lmao.


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Thank you for the recap, Lollypip!

I like this drama, and I like the leads too. Though Louie's character does irritate me at times. I can understand his naivety coz he had no exposure to the outside world. But, he can try to do something to help her around the house. Even the most clueless person can try? And the cleaning supervisor's son irks me too. He doesn't seem bad and kinda care for the leads but why is he getting $30 everyday for distributing like three flyers? I hope someone recognizes Louie fast, and he goes to his luxury world simple to create more conflicts.

I really like Bok Shil. She is hardworking, kind, and caring. I hope she gets back at the high school kids who took her money.


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it hasnt been mentioned yet: Louie is a guy who can sincerely apologize without delay. That´s very rare. And he does honestly regret! It is almost painful to watch, it is like a disobedient puppies´ shame, hanging his head and hiding out of site.


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That is why Bok Shih (and we) find so hard to be angry with him for long. Haha.


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May i know the song that played in last scene for ep 4?please help me..that song rock..


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It's by Monsta X. But idk the title yet. Probably it'll release next week. ?.
I like the song, somehow it's remind me of OST PU38.


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Thanks..hope the song will release soon..


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SIG must have hit it off with Oh Dae Hwan cos they're together again immediately after task force 38


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They even did a photoshoot together. You know Seo In Guk has mad skills when it comes to bromancing XD. I saw the pictures up on Instagram


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That was on Dazed magazine rite? I saw it on SIG in stage am and damn, SIG looks so good in that photoshoot, as well as Oh Dae Hwan haha. I've always wonder about this though; even though SIG, he was not originally a model but he sure can acted like one! I've keep a lot of his shooting videos, particularly VOSTRO and ISENBERG and he never failed to steal my hearts everytime he aimed those sharp looking faces and eyes to the camera. Sigh. I sounded like a crazy fan again. Hahaha.


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Why does President Baek call the grandma, mother?


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I'm not sure either, he shouldn't be the grandma's relative right? If not, how could his daughter be engaged to marry Louis? From what I've watched from Kdramaland, I think that most Koreans call other peoples' mother "mother" too if they are close enough....maybe Director Seok is one of the close friend of her son (ie. Louis' dad) .... pls correct me if I'm wrong...


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Ooops, I mean Director Baek (I'm not so good at remembering Korean names)


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I like this show, with it's underdogs. I want to strangle Louis though, because of all the money he wastes, but it just means that SIG is a good actor. I'm just hoping he doesn't spend Bok Sil into bankruptcy -- er homelessness I suppose would be a better term since she'd never think enough to claim bankruptcy.


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I think this is another typical like a "growing up process" storyplot for our lead couple, Bok Shih to know the evil and wickedness of humans in everyday life and Louis to know that money doesn't drop from the sky and we need to work in order to earn a living etc....in the end both them will 'grow' and be smarter and more mature in handling everyday stuff, work, kinship and also their romance.


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which the name of the song that plays at the end of the episode?


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Ok. So maybe the leech neighbor is alright... maybe. I'm less pleased with Louis this episode, except that he obviously cares a lot for Bok Sil, and he's willing to learn how to work... he's just terrible at it. Our second leading lady is a bad word though.


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