Shopping King Louis: Episode 1

Shopping King Louis makes a great case for itself right out of the gate, with wonderful, rich characters, and a zany story setup that’s pretty out there, but leaves you wanting more. We’re given just enough of the wacky plot to whet our appetites, while the show lets the characters shine, pulling us in and making us care for them right away. It’s been a while since I cared this much, this quickly, and I can’t wait to dive into Louis’s bizarre but fun fantasy world and explore.

EPISODE 1: “Pick Me”

The show begins by telling us how connected the world is these days. The internet, computers, and smartphones allow people instant access to information, and one of the things people love to do most with that connection is shop. You can buy nearly anything you want, from nearly anywhere, and have it delivered wherever you are.

A well-dressed man, CHA JOONG-WON (Yoon Sang-hyun) explains to his staff that they’ll be using the brand Louis Ssaton as PR for their new luxury hall of high-end brands. In particular, a tracksuit recently worn in a drama by Lee Min-ho has been attracting a lot of attention.

The man’s assistant BAEK MA-RI (Im Se-mi) asks if it’s a good idea to use this tracksuit to publicize their high-end brands, and she gets a scathing glare in response. Joong-won asks if the others think the same way, but they all decline to respond, and Joong-won moves on with a smirk.

One hundred special editions of the tracksuit are about to go on sale online, and people all over the world hover over their Enter keys, eager to be the first to buy one. Each jacket will be inscribed with a number corresponding to the order in which they’re sold, and everyone wants to be Number One.

The tracksuits sell out in seconds, and Lucky Number One is a man whose face we don’t see. He does a victory dance while his butler looks on indulgently, used to this behavior.

The promotion is declared a success, but Joong-won remains calm and thoughtful. His staff wonders who the lucky Number one buyer is, but the whole world knows him — he’s the internationally-famed Shopping King Louis.

LOUIS, otherwise known as KANG JI-SUNG (Seo In-gook), grandson of the CEO of mega-brand Louis Ssaton. He’s been up all night, shopping online as usual, in what seems to be his very own luxurious, fully-staffed French castle. He heads to the couch for some shuteye, asking BUTLER KIM to bring him brunch later, and Butler Kim reminds him that he has to be at a certain boutique by noon today or the sunglasses he wants will be sold out.

That gets Louis up and moving, and he seems a happy sort of fella as he splashes in his bubble bath, appreciates the view, then dresses in a nice suit. He heads to breakfast, but complains that he has no time for the vast Korean meal set out for him.

Butler Kim patiently says he has to have rice at least, because his grandmother says so. That stops Louis, and he fidgets while the maids prepare his meal for him. He takes a few big bites, complaining about the huge portions, then declares himself finished.

Butler Kim hands Louis an herbal tonic, which gets spit right back out, heh. Louis refuses to drink the tonic, but it’s Grandma’s orders. Butler Kim actually chases him around the house and out onto the vast lawn, brandishing the cup of tonic, HAHA. The entire staff comes out to giggle at their antics.

Butler Kim finally sits on a low wall, out of breath, and Louis cautiously approaches him. He says he’ll drink the tonic, but before he gets to Butler Kim, he chickens out and runs again. I could watch this all day.

Butler Kim can’t run anymore, and he calls out that if Louis doesn’t drink the tonic, he won’t take him shopping. Wow, he knows where to hit so it hurts. Louis gives in, but he trips over his own foot and falls flat on his face in the grass. Butler Kim rushes to catch him, but he trips as well and lands right on top of Louis, face in his butt.

Louis gets a nosebleed, and the news immediately reaches his grandmother all the way in South Korea. GRANDMA is horrified that her grandson is bleeding, and she falls out of bed and calls for the doctor to be sent to Louis. Her assistant JUNG-RAN runs out, and Grandma snuggles Louis’s portrait, crooning, “My Precious!” (Heh, the portrait sticks his tongue out at her.)

Louis is more concerned about missing out on the coveted sunglasses than his nose, and gripes at Butler Kim for calling his grandmother. Butler Kim sasses back that it’s Louis’s fault for running away, reminding him that it’s his job to follow Grandma’s orders and protect Louis.

Louis snaps that Butler Kim is too stubborn, and that’s why he’s still single at his age. That hits below the belt, and Butler Kim trails after him, feelings all wounded. He whines that he’s so devoted to Louis that he has no time to date, and Louis complains that he can’t date either because Butler Kim is always around.

He even blames Butler Kim for his being bullied at school, since he followed Louis everywhere, and that just about breaks the poor man. His face crumples, and Louis feels bad, so he proposes that they stop fighting and go get themselves some sunglasses.

They cook up a scheme, and they video chat Grandma while Louis pretends to be crying in his bed. That convinces Grandma to cancel the doctor, and the two silly boys head out to do some serious shopping.

They visit a posh boutique, and Louis is in his element. He peruses the jewelry, and the best pieces actually call out to him to pick them. The boutique manager compliments Louis’s exquisite taste, and Butler Kim explains that Louis possesses something called “inframince,” the ability to spot even the most infinitesimal differences between goods. In other words, he knows quality when he sees it.

The manager gives Louis a special gift as thanks for his patronage — a pair of (no kidding) custom-made, diamond-studded underwear with his name stitched on the back.

Grandma visits the Louis Ssaton building, where the staff gossips about her difficult life. One woman, HONG JAE-SOOK (Yoon Yoo-sun) tells acquaintances that the lady lost her husband at age 42, then her son and his wife died only ten years later. Louis, her grandson, is all she has left.

Grandma frequents a particular fortuneteller, who said that her own fate is so strong that it’s killing her family. That’s why she and Louis live far away from each other — she’s afraid her fate’s strong energy will kill him as well.

The gossipy employees are startled to realize that Ma-ri was in the restroom with them, and overheard everything they said about Louis. She calmly tells them that the matriarch’s grandson is 25 years old, and that he’s also the famed Shopping King Louis.

She actually knows the King himself, but he’s not eager to take her call when she tries to reach him. Butler Kim thinks they’ll eventually marry, but Louis calls that insane, having no desire whatsoever to marry Ma-ri. Butler Kim smugly says that she’s determined, so his money is on Ma-ri getting her man, and he accurately predicts that she’ll call again. Louis takes the call, and she asks questions as if she’s reciting a memorized script.

Louis is not amused, and he asks if Ma-ri’s in love with him. She’s always calling and asking after him, so he tells her flat-out that he doesn’t like her. He says not to even think about marrying him, and hangs up, while Ma-ri’s mouth hangs open like a fish.

But he’s right about her intentions, and she declares that he’ll marry her soon enough. Interestingly, Butler Kim notes that she always calls Louis at the same time every week and asks the same questions, which leads him to believe that her calls are more of an obligation than anything else.

Louis goes inside and turns on the TV for background noise, and the channel lands on a documentary about a girl who combs the mountains for medicinal herbs to support her family. Something about her grabs Louis’s attention, and when she bravely flips a snake then beams into the camera, he looks positively smitten. This fact does not go unnoticed by Butler Kim.

Eyes still glued to the TV screen, Louis asks if people really live in remote areas like that in Korea. When the girl on the show mentions an herb that’s good for nasal inflammation, Louis orders Butler Kim to get him some, but Butler Kim says this is a documentary, not a home shopping show, hee.

We switch to the girl, GO BOK-SHIL (Nam Ji-hyun), as the cameraman follows her up to her quaint mountain home. He asks if it’s hard living without electricity, and she agrees that it is, but her grandmother won’t live anywhere else.

Bok-shil takes care of her grandmother and younger brother, and what she wants most is a refrigerator. She tells the camera that she cooks every day in the summer, because the food won’t keep.

Louis has a burst of generosity, and tells Butler Kim to send Bok-shil the biggest, fanciest fridge he can find. Butler Kim points out that she has no electricity, and anyway, the show isn’t a fundraising drive either.

Joong-won’s parents let themselves into his home, and his mother gasps in horror to see his fridge filled to the brim with the last batch of food she brought him. His father indulgently helps her replace it all with new food, though he comments that Joong-won never eats at home anyway.

He tells Mom to stop doing this, because their son is picky and will never eat it, and she figures out that he doesn’t like her food, either. She demands to know which things Dad hates, and he clarifies that he likes her cooking, but the combinations are weird.

Mom scans Joong-won’s place with (literal) laser eyes, looking for any evidence that there’s a woman in his life. She’s worried that he’ll still be single at 40, so Mom drags Dad to a fortuneteller to hear Joong-won’s fortune.

The fortuneteller informs them that he’ll meet someone in one month, but for now, both men and women are out of his reach. Mom asks what he means by mentioning men as well, but the fortuneteller doesn’t know exactly.

Joong-won is currently berating his staff, unhappy with their suggestions for increasing sales. They mostly seem terrified of him, and cringe when he throws their folders at their feet. Only Ma-ri’s suggestion gets the barest of compliments, but that’s rare enough that she basks in his approval.

Bok-shil celebrates when she finds a wild ginseng plant that appears to be over fifty years old. A plant that old could net her nearly five million won, or about five thousand U.S. dollars, but Bok-shil plans to give it to her grandmother, who’s been ill ever since her younger brother BOK-NAM ran away.

She blames the documentary for making Bok-nam want to leave the mountain, but her digging companions assure her that he’s a survivor. One of them offers to buy the ginseng plant from her, but she refuses, and rushes it home to her grandmother.

When Bok-shil arrives home, her grandmother doesn’t respond to her calls, and Bok-shil suddenly notices that she’s sitting terribly still. Oh no. She cradles her grandmother in her arms and begs her tearfully to wake up, but she’s already passed away.

Butler Kim rushes to shut the window and close the curtains when Louis gets a little rain on his face, and Louis grows irritated with his hovering. Louis asks if it will still be raining in the afternoon, because he’s not allowed to go out when it’s raining, and perks up when he hears it could clear up.

Louis tells Butler Kim that he’s going to his friend’s birthday party, but Butler Kim says that Grandma won’t like it. Louis sighs and asks why his grandmother keeps him locked up, and seems saddened when he’s told that it’s because she loves him.

He remembers his first Christmas after his parents died, when he’d cried to his grandmother that he didn’t want presents — he wanted his parents back. Grandma had said she can’t bring his parents back, but that she was there for him.

Little Louis had prayed to the stars to bring his parents back, wanting back the little everyday things like eating with his mother, and bathing with his father. He says that he loves his grandmother but he’d rather have his parents back, and behind him, Grandma’s heart breaks.

Remembering her sorrow, Louis can’t go against Grandma’s wishes, and he backs down on going out today.

Bok-shil takes a train to Seoul to look for her brother and tell him that their grandmother died. Bok-nam appears to have taken up with a motorcycle gang, and wears his knockoff copy of the Louis Ssaton tracksuit proudly.

Bok-shil takes out a rice ball to eat, and the ajumma across the seat from her licks her lips hungrily. Bok-shil shares a rice ball, and the ajumma asks for some water when she chokes. Bok-shil goes to the cafeteria car for her, leaving her bag behind. Uh-oh. While she’s in line for the water, the train makes a quick stop, and sure enough, when Bok-shil gets back to her seat, both her bag and the ajumma are gone.

Joong-won travels from Seoul to Busan for a blind date, but he pays more attention to his ice cream than his companion. His date says she’s glad she canceled a trip to Japan to meet him, and Joong-won vaguely says that she’s beautiful. She simpers, until he adds that she’s not his type.

When she presses him for details, he says her eyes are too round, her nose too high, and her lips too red. “You’re too doll-like.” His date is offended (well, you did ask) when Joong-won says that she’s too perfect for his liking, and she storms out.

Bok-shil sits at the train station clutching her bottle of water, having been told by a cop that there’s nothing they can do to get her bag back. She doesn’t even own a phone, so filling out a report would be useless since they’d have no way to contact her.

Joong-won is at the same station, heading home after his disastrous date. He calls his mother and threatens to run away if she ever sets him up again.

Bok-shil gets an idea, and she begins to scan people as they pass by. She nixes several people as unsuitable before she spots Joong-won, notices his nice clothes and expensive appearance, and locks on him as her target.

She steps in front of him, throws her arms out wide, and refuses to let him sidestep her. Joong-won starts to worry that she’s a psycho when she grins and yanks up her shirt — but she’s just pulling out her wild ginseng root, which she’s kept strapped to her torso. Smart girl!

Bok-shil demands that Joong-won buy the ginseng, dragging him aside to talk. She shows him the ginseng and explains that someone stole her bag and that she needs the money. He seems impressed, but he turns to walk away — then something desperate in her voice makes him stop.

He asks how much Bok-shil wants for it, and she agrees to sell it for only one million won (about a thousand dollars). Joong-won squints at the price, thinking she’s lying about the ginseng’s authenticity, so Bok-shil swears on her name that it’s genuine.

Interspersed with their discussion is Louis, explaining to his staff that you know something is quality by its price tag. The more expensive an item is, the more a consumer feels reassured that it’s the real thing.

Joong-won obviously agrees with this way of thinking, because he’s tempted to buy. But he lectures Bok-shil for not even being able to prove her name since her ID was stolen. He gives her a few bills and calls it a down payment, promising the rest if the ginseng turns out to be a real wild root, but Bok-shil shoves his money back and refuses.

She changes her mind when it looks like Joong-won will walk, and offers to sell it to him on those conditions if she can see his ID. He says that’s unfair since he can’t see hers, so she accepts the down payment and his name, and hands over the ginseng.

Joong-won asks for her phone number, then gives her his when she admits she hasn’t got a phone. Bok-shil promises to call him every day, and begs him to pay her the balance as soon as he verifies the ginseng. He asks what happens to his down payment if it’s not genuine, but Bok-shil swears it’s the real thing.

At home that evening, Joong-won takes a closer look at the ginseng, and wonders if he’s nuts to have bought it. He thinks about Bok-shil — I have a feeling it’s more about her than the ginseng.

Louis dresses like a cat burglar and tries to sneak out, though he nearly immediately walks into a cabinet and makes a huge racket. He hides while Butler Kim investigates, and makes his way to a locked door downstairs. He successfully picks the lock (he wasn’t kidding — he’s literally locked up), but an alarm goes off, waking the entire household.

Louis runs back to his room, and takes a good look around at all the expensive toys and electronics. Butler Kim follows him, and Louis gives him a resigned look and tells him to take care. He jumps out the window and races away into the night, Butler Kim calling after him.

This is apparently all a nightmare of Grandma’s, and she also calls out, “Don’t go, Louis-ya! Don’t leave. Come back!” She wakes with a start and her assistant Jung-ran rushes in, and finds Grandma burning up with fever. Grandma says that she dreamed Louis was running away into a dark forest, then passes out. She’s taken to the hospital with pneumonia, where the doctor tells her people to be prepared for the worst.

When Louis hears of Grandma’s collapse, Butler Kim drives him to the airport to go to her side. Butler Kim is nervous to let Louis fly alone, but there was only one seat left on this flight, and he promises that he’ll be on the next flight out.

The plan is for one of Grandma’s company directors, DIRECTOR BAEK, to pick up Louis at the airport. Director Baek is slated to be the next chairman of Louis Ssaton, and his vulturous cronies congratulate him in advance on his promotion. He politely reminds them that Grandma is still alive, but there’s a greedy gleam in his eye that I don’t like one tiny bit.

Grandma finally wakes, crying out weakly for Louis, and Jae-sook, Director Baek’s wife, rushes to her side. Grandma calls everyone in, and announces to their shock that she wants Louis to inherit the company. When she hears that Louis is on his way to Korea, she asks Jung-ran to prepare a party to welcome him home.

Louis stays awake for his entire flight, and by the time their landing is announced, he looks exhausted. He fastens his seat belt, then lays his head back and closes his eyes.

A short time later, Bok-shil canvasses the streets passing out flyers, still looking for her brother. She hears female voices exclaiming over a man’s attractiveness, and wanders over to see the back of someone with her brother’s same build, sitting on the steps of a building surrounded by garbage. The man is wearing the same knockoff tracksuit Bok-shil’s brother bought just before he ran away.

She calls her brother’s name loudly, and runs over to grab him. The man is filthy and looks homeless, and it’s not Bok-nam — it’s Louis, and he peers at Bok-shil’s face closely, almost as if he recognizes her.


What an interesting cliffhanger. What on earth happened to Louis? I notice he actually isn’t wearing his own tracksuit, which has a giant “01” stitched onto it in gold thread. The jacket he’s wearing had no number, which means it’s not one of the limited edition jackets. I had assumed that the special jacket would provide a clue as to Louis’s identity once he lost his memory, but apparently that’s not the case.

But let me back up — first of all, this show is absolutely gorgeous on a purely visual level. I really love the soft colors, warm lighting, and interesting angles used throughout the episode, and I hope that keeps up. It gives the show a very unique feel that sets it apart, and I kept rewinding scenes and pausing certain shots just to get the full picture of everything that was happening on a visual level. If nothing else, it’s very pretty, and that’s before we even mention Seo In-gook’s face, heh.

The characters are wonderful already — they all seem fully formed and complex, and the relationships feel real and genuine. I appreciate that this first episode focused on introducing everyone to us, leaving the business information for later, just giving us enough so that we know who is who and how they relate to one another. It’s a smart choice, because letting us care about the character first draws the audience in that much faster, so that by the time we get to the company machinations, we’ll actually give a damn about how the company business affects everyone.

The show did a very good job showing not just the personalities involved, but their care and concern for one another, which just makes me like everyone that much more. You can feel, for example, the affection between Joong-won’s parents even as they bicker, Grandma’s vast love for her grandson and his for her (even when they haven’t even shared a scene together, which is truly impressive). We can even feel the long history of frustration and fondness between Louis and Butler Kim. You get the sense that they have these disagreements all the time, but they rarely get truly upset with each other. And when they do, such as Louis hurting Butler Kim’s feelings, he backs right down and goes to great lengths to make it all better. Honestly, I’m worried about Butler Kim once he realizes that Louis is missing — he’s going to be beside himself.

Louis himself is a great character already. I love that he’s completely spoiled rotten, but it hasn’t made him rude, arrogant, or otherwise superior. His staff seems to genuinely like him, and his relationship with Butler Kim is positively adorable. Louis appears to enjoy life, and though shopping is his addiction, he’s not a jerk about his money and treats people well. There’s a deep sadness in him left over from the loss of his parents and his separation from his grandmother, that I suspect fuels his drive for shopping. He’s trying to fill a hole in his heart that can’t be filled with things, but he hasn’t figured it out yet. Still, he’s a sweet boy with that trademark happy-go-lucky cheekiness that Seo In-gook does so well. It makes him really fun to watch, and I can’t wait to see him and Bok-shil interact.

I really like how Louis and Bok-shil were allowed to be their own people in this first episode, so we got to know them individually before seeing them together. It’s interesting how they live such vastly different lives, one in luxury and the other in near poverty, yet they have so much in common. Both were raised by a loving grandmother, and though the settings are different, they both lived in relative isolation (though ironically, it’s Bok-shil who had more personal freedom in her mountain home). Both seemed to thrive in their environment, but it’s also rendered them innocent in the ways of the world, so coming to the big city will be quite the shock for them both. I’m very curious to see them learn to navigate with only each other to lean on.

I really enjoyed this first episode, outlandish comedy and all, and the way so much vital information was withheld from us just makes me anxious to see more. What happened to Louis? Why does he look so ragged and filthy? We know from promos that he loses his memory in an accident, and I’m dying to learn what actually caused the memory loss. But most of all, I can’t wait to see him and Bok-shil together, learning to survive with nothing but one another in the big, scary world.


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Yay, yay, yay, yay! Is what I actually said out loud when I saw this recap pop up. Thanks, LollyPip!

I am loving this so far, SIG is fantastic of course and the butler is hilarious. It took me a while to remember that he was in Doctors. I like Bokshil and Oska too. I didn't have very high expectations for this because of the ridiculous premise, but it all works. Yay!


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He's going to be forever Oska to us, yes? ?


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I second that!


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"Goes to sock drawer and pulls out a pair of Oska socks".


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Yes, he will always be Oska to me, because I can't remember names, so when one sticks, it stays forever. Also, great character. :-)


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I love this show already!
Seo In Guk never fails to make me swoon.


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Falls over and dies from the smiles


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I wondered why this drama reminded me of Brilliant Legacy/Shining Inheritance and just realized it's the same grandma. That plus the memories issues.

On another note, I came for Seo In Guk, but am staying for Nam Ji Hyun. She's freaking perfect in her role, and absolutely loveable as a character. I fell in love at first sight for her just like Louis. ^^ She's even better her than when she was in WISFC. <3


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Is she also Coffee Prince grandma?


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She is Gi Tae of Marrige Without Dating hero's Grandma.

I watched 1st 25 minutes and it was torture. It was boring and they wasted too much time on nonsense. Scenes were uselessly dragged.

I will force myself to watch 1st 3ep and then it will be clear whether this show has any merit or not.


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I admit the first 25 minutes was sort of iffy with brighter moments here and there, but it becomes more real and closer to life later. But you dont have to FORCE yourself to watch, really. Read a few more recaps should they appear and then go back


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I agree with you. As much as I love SIG, I also felt kinda iffy watching the first few minutes, but I'm glad the story got more interesting towards the end.


Yes she is the same. her name is Kim Ok Young. She is my favorite drama grandma.


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It's not the same grandma for Shining Inheritance though, different actresses. ? Yes for Coffee Prince.


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I think its a different grandma with the Brilliant Legacy..
But yes, same with the grandma at coffee prince.. :)


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My preciouuuuuussssss


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Hahaha, the random English phrases coming out of SIG were funny, but this coming from the grandma totally cracked me up.


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Lol - everytime SIG says "Oh my god" I just die laughing. So funny!

And Grandma made me think of Lord of the Rings with her "my precious" line. But I totally missed the picture of SIG sticking its tongue out at her. I caught it on replay and busted out laughing.

I hope this show can keep up the hilarious gags in a fresh way. It is nice to genuinely laugh out loud at a show like this.


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At first I am a bit confused on what the show's focus, until Halmoni said this and I realised. This drama is gonna be pure (or at least 80%) comedy and in which I should view it as such and drop the whys and whats I have in my mind.

Unlike Lollypop, I am actually having a hard time connecting to the characters but hey it's still early. And if I need encouragement to download the next episode, I will just go back and see the second last photo of this recap. SIG's expression is so comical, how is he so hot in one scene then so cute like a lost little boy in the next.

One major annoyment though, who dress the second male lead? He's like an ahjumma. I don't know if the characters are supposed to have this wide age gap but him and the female lead are 20 years apart IRL and his styling just make him look even older.


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(blame the auto correct) ?


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I'm trying to keep my lowest expectation and enjoyment until at least half of drama, because so many drama made me disappointed this year.

For now i'll enjoy the drama, and yes Seo In Guk as Louis - purrrfect! Nam Ji Hyun is cute.

Cannot wait to see epi 2. ;)


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Yup - reluctant to get too enthusiastic just yet - Cinderella started off pretty good also, then just deteriorated into yet another mini version of Boys Over Kumquats or whatever. If she turns into yet another Candy Girl I am personally going to infest the producers office with rabid badgers.


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Love your comment!


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agreed. cinderella four knight is overrated.. i stop watching after the 2nd episode, and stop reading recap after the 3rd episode... guess i'm gonna start watching SKL and decide later if i should stay or not


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Cinderella and 4K not overrated though. They are still many viewers but... we all cursing it more than we enjoying, but still watching it. Weird.


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Hands up! I'm one of those who's still watching Cinderella and cursing it a lot than enjoying it.


Don't judge me but it has become a show I just love to curse on it, you know like back then with dramas like Secret Garden or Heirs. The whole drama drives you nuts and your rational self tells you it's a big waste of time but once you accept it for what it is it can be kind of fun. Lol ?


Well, the best thing about Cinderella is the snarky comments. So it's sorta kinda worth watching the show to increase your appreciation of the snark.


HAHAHHAA, thanks for this comment windsun.

Yes. Im trying to be neutral with all shows at least until half way of drama. I'm trying, really.


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Cinderella Started good? The 1st 2 ep were terrible from any point of view.

Though i'm still watching it. It's always best to drop any drama in 1st 3-4 episodes. That's what i have learnt now.


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Yeah, I couldn't even watch the whole first episode of Cinderella. So much in that already made no sense to me.

I did manage the whole first episode of this one, but I didn't care for it. :-/


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The basic plot is not all that original - chaebol heir loses memory, falls in love with Beggar Girl - but this one has some differences that I am liking. Such as the chaebol heir is not a total jerk, and is actually a nice guy - just totally clueless. Regardless, I usually give new dramas up to ep4 to prove themselves.


Imma need a "Boys over Kumquats" starring Park Bo Guava, Jistrawberry, Lee Won-Grape, and Yook Sung-Jujube, stat. (They run a fruit stand, of course.)


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+100 This comment is gold! :P


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I assume the fruit stand would destroyed by the Watermelon Truck of Doom.


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Of course! Haha "my cabbages!" Different fandom, but it's what popped into my head :)


Maybe also including Lee Jong-Sugar apple, Won Binana, and Ji Chang-Wootermelon. You know, for added variety.


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How come I just found this thread!!!!!


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@Purple Owl - I'm EVEN LATER to this crazy magnificent FRUIT PARTY!! Sigh!! Ok, let's get off the FRUIT TRUCK although I'm laughing so hard now!!
The point is I AM MISSING SKL so much ...


You get a chocolate velvet cupcake....that was an awesome idea.


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Such a sweet, funny show! Hope it stays that way. Seo In-gook definitely has a knack for picking interesting characters.


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I had my doubts about this show at first, but as it went on I started getting into it. The characters seem like they have actual personalities, and are not just "roboting" through a string of cliches.

I am guessing at this point that somehow the Clueless Chaebol Heir and the Cheapskate Ginseng Buyer will somehow both end up circling around our heroine. This could be interesting.


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yeah, that´s what I like: it is not just hijinks, but Humans. Humans trying to live. That´s the sentence that seems to be the slogan in this show: doesn´t everyone just want to live? they all have issues of personal freedom vs loneliness.


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So happy to have Seo In-Gook and his dimple back on my screen so quickly! And to see him acting like a little kid in a grown man's body is just so freaking hilarious! It is going to be fun watching him grow up - I just hope he doesn't lose too much of his child-like exuberance.

I've never seen Nam Ji-Hyun before. I'm liking her so far - can't wait to see how the two leads play off of each other.


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Same here - she is a new actress for me (or at least never seen her in a lead role before). Curious to see how it goes.


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I love the quirky pop up animations. ^^ So cute.


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Oh dang it, I swore I wouldn't watch this show based on Oska's styling and the hick girl character and then came the long preview and now here's Lollypip recapping ...
Plus, I thought I'd hate the second lead in Jealousy Incarnate based on his haircut and look how THAT turned out ? LOL
I guess I'm in!


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Seo In Guk with his foxlike, mischievous grin is about equally as hot as him with his Dave demeanor and his Healer-like vibes in that black outfit. Lol.

I like this. I like this a lot. The interactions are adorable, especially the ginseng trade. Thank goodness the writers didn't have the heroine leaving the root in her bag. Also, I thought the story would be rather shallow, but as far as I can say, I don't feel that way. Hopefully that would continue.

Also, is it possible that Louis doesn't have amnesia, or that dude isn't really Louis? Hehe.


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my first thought (as with anything w. SIG Post-38Squad): he might be conning us and doesnt have amnesia. He is just trying to break free from his confined lifestyle. But there is stuff that overturns that theory. That he might not be Louis? Also overturned by a flashback in ep 2. I guess that´s just who Louie really is inside: a wild raccoon baby. His longing look at the documentary already showed he belongs in nature LOL


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It did cross my mind - what if the homeless guy is his doppelganger? (I haven't watched epi 2 btw)

And I don't normally fangirl out loud (or umm type), but SIG in his Healer wardrobe was so hot!

And for anyone who doesn't follow SIG on Instagram, go on now and scroll down to his last few photos. You're welcome.


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For making me look through his IG....I send many blessings your way.


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His veins! @_@


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I thought the side story of how the doting mother buys all kinds of inedible organic junk and makes up weird concoctions and then wonders why nobody likes it was pretty funny.


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it was. oh gosh, so familiar even if she doesnt have my key and barge in unannounced. but the food! too much of it. and everything I eat is wrong. "But I am eating the food YOU made!" - "Well, throw it away it didnt turn out good, I made something better! Why are you still eating that?" hahaa


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This drama is like cotton candy; fluffy, sweet nd oh so addictive!!! I got a sugar rush just from watching wacky soe in gook...


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Your description of the show is exactly what i'm looking for in a drama.

I'll give it a go!


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I might be biased for all things Seo In Guk, or I might just absolutely adore this show already. It's one of the two things and I hope it is the latter, but I wouldn't mind even if it is because of the former.

I guess it is early days to completely love all aspects of the show, and seeing the classic kdrama story, the show might face many pitfalls, but I am all in. SIG as Louie is purrrrfect, and I liked Nam Ji Hyun as soon as she came on screen. I haven't ever loved Oska but I don't mind him too much. I guess as long as I have SIG on my screen, I won't mind anything at all. And I loved the random French and English words thrown in. I hope this show becomes "Maaaiii Precioussss" :P


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Seo Inguk yeay! I watched episode 1 for the 3rd time already, and it never failed to tear up my eyes everytime I've seen Bok Shil crying upon her grandms death. She cried so honestly, no overreacting sobbing or mourning whatsoever, and the BGM added so much more.
On another note, can I say Seo Inguk played chaebol so wonderfully that it even outrun Kim Tan or any other caebol characters in Kdramas history? He was spoiled but lonely, and the thing Seo Inguk did with his eyes made that melancholy scene where he was staring to the rain and feels frustrated due to unable to go out and live his lives as he pleases make him seems so ordinary and humane. It is amazing how Seo Inguk can tackle this character since we all know, he's not coming from a well-fed family. This drama just makes me love Seo Inguk even more, and like I said before; Seo Inguk acts with his whole body, no need to mention those eyes of Seo Inguk(am I sound like a crazy fan here?) I can watched them a trillion of times without even feels sick! Haha so move aside Kim Tan(I wonder why that Heirs drama got so popular, Lee Minho doesn't even radiates any Kim Tan charisma to me, but then yeah that's probably just me) here comes a well likeable and well built chaebol played by my number 1 bias, Seo Inguk! Well done Gukkie-ya, I was not wrong in putting my faith in you. I love you Louie, to the moon and back!


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Nicely put words that I'm incapable of putting together to describe Gukkie's acting. I so agree with you that Gukkie acts with his whole body and I totally love that. And no, you're not a crazy fangirl. Those eyes are indeed mesmerising. xD


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Heee thanks a millions nds.cookie! It does make me happy that we shared the same thoughts and craziness about Gukkie! Haha Seo Inguk eyes is indeed his most precious assets, well apart from his sexy collabones though!


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Yes to all and I kinda have a thing for the back of his head and nape. I find it so sexy. Hahahaha....


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You're forgetting his jaw.

And his shoulder especially when in suit.


Hahaha I second to this a million times! Seo Inguk is jjang!


If we're going to start naming body parts -- I like his... mole... on his face.


I'm crazy about his lips argh....he's such a good kisser!


Them arms on Instagram!


Repeating this again. HIS VEINS!


Arghh I just love them all. Haha even his legs looks so sexy to me. Have you guys seen his video on his instagram doting on his niece? Such a winning points for me! Oh, I do feel slightly jealous of Seo Boram, for being able to be beside him up close and personal! Uh, I'm afraid I'm showing my crazy fan-self again. Ugh.


lol looks like separate fan clubs are formind for most body parts. what about the hair, then?


His fingernails! Seriously. I have a thing for his beautiful hands... fingernails included.


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I'm totally second to this! Yes his hands!


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getting funnier and funnier how everyone has a fetish item about SIG.


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Just start watching ep2 .It gets so so better. And a big yay for the knight in shining armor bok sil for lui. I can't stop saying how cute lui is, cuteness overloaded! And yes the story is not cliche at all, it is interesting and clever at parts, and look out for the second lead heroine. She's refreshingly funny and materialistic lol. And I think I can watch the rants of lui and bok sil for whole 16 episodes. No problem there at all.


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not just a knight, but she gives him allowance LOL who´s the candy here?

also, in Bok Shil, Louie, who misses his mom and dad so much found a mother-like character, and in Louie, Bok Shil found a brother-substitute

I know I am getting way too exited over just 2 episodes. or man, please let it continue to be as good!


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Show seems fun.... but I almost dropped it in the first few minutes. That scene chasing around with the drink was so bad I almost turned it off then and there.

Which reminds me, I think we would be doing the kdrama-verse a favor if we tell writers and directors how to avoid driving us away. Here are some the no-talent flags that drive me off.

1: Excessively evil/unlikable male leads. That's why I dropped Drinking Solo after ep 1 -- lead was just too obnoxious. Then there was Entertainer a while back -- as soon as the lead plotted to infect smart-phones with malware I knew I wouldn't stick around. Of course you can get away with some unlikability, especially if you give us something good before the unpleasantness. Master's Sun was a good example of doing it right. Ji-woon in Cinderella was another good example -- show him rescuing a lady's purse before you show him being a jerk.

2: Too many hard-to-keep-track-of characters in the first episode. Scarlet Heart & Jealousy Incarnate. Cinderella almost lost me that way too, but I can't drop everything.

3: It seems that Korean police officers, when armed only with an underpowered, inaccurate 5-shot snub-nose revolver and confronted by at least 5 really bad guys, will invariably waste one of their five on the ceiling -- possibly because that's the only thing they can hit. I've seem that far too many times, but if you must resort to it, wait till you've given me some good stuff and I'm invested in the show. I think it was Triangle a few years back that lost me by pulling it in ep 1.

4: Terminal illnesses: after a few episodes of 1000 Days Promise and one episode of Uncontrollably Fond, I didn't even start Fantastic. Maybe next year, if the year-end reviews are super favorable.


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Hey @LordCobol
Regarding point No1, I suggest you give Drinking solo a second chance. It gets better with ep 2 (But I liked it in the 1st episode itself). The male leads arrogant shell is cracking little by little. There is great scope for character development unlike Cinderella and four knights which is a disaster per se.


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I was about to drop the show in after watching 1st 15minutes. Most of them time 1st 15minutes rule works for me. But this rule mostly raised false flags for me whenever any korean content was in the picture.

I'm gonna try Drinking Solo too. There are no characters in Cinderella. They are just cardboard cut designs.

I also hope Louie builds up something sensible in next episode.


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Ditto on Cinderella - somehow the characters just got lost amongst the forest of robotic cutout reciting cliches. Was sad to see it go downhill so fast and so far. Hope that does not happen with this show.


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I actually loved Entertainer. Yeah, Ji Sung's character is a total ass in the beginning. But that's why his turn-around is so much more important and dramatic as the story progresses.
Of course, I mostly loved the show because it was a giant mix of stupid/silly and angst. I like to laugh a lot, but I also LOVE watching movies that make me cry. Maybe I'm just crazy, but I enjoy sulking in a pit of despair for the characters.


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#3 - and they never actually shoot anyone. They have a 98.5% chance of losing their weapon completely. And Korean bad guys always ignore guns because they know how inept the cop actually is.


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I am so surprised, it is so much more than I expected. Such real, tangible characters, level-headed and sincere heroine played surprisingly ( maybe not surprisingly, but she is unknown to me) well by Nam ji Hyun. Seo In guk as the bratty but earnest and lonely amnesiac chaebol and situations which have an ironic undertone? As expected, he might have played a conman right before, but you can trust him NOT to con you in picking a smart drama with a heart and a sense of humor. He never fails us, even when the choice seems very "HUH?" at first. And how does he just jump into a different skin and become one with his character so much it feels like a documentary not a drama? That he was born as this character?

The beginning was deliebrately over the top I think - like the french comedies of Louis De Funes? But by the end of ep 1 it got so stunningly human and touching?

Louis is such an endearing baby raccoon. Can´t wait for Oh dae Hwans´ character.

and his name is JI SUNG and he turns into a DIFFERENT CHARACTER after losing his memory. why, isnt that...

Ratings rose from 5,6 to 6,2% and I hope they keep rising. This is more than just cotton candy.


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I also noticed the name Ji Sung and me and my cousin looked at each other with that all too knowing smile that only kdrama lovers have, which basically says: "I am gonna love this drama even more now" :P


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I'm going to hang in there because I adore Seo In-guk but I have the opposite reaction to the visuals of this new drama than LollyPip did. I don't like the muted color palette - especially after the deep color drenched glory of W, Moonlight Drawn by Clouds and Scarlet Heart Goryeo. I kept thinking something was wrong with the film - or the broadcast - or my laptop screen - and I actually refreshed my browser a couple of times thinking that my connection was funky due to the strangely muted colors. I also embarrassingly confess to my very first dislike of a heretofore unseen actress. I'm trying to withhold my judgment but there's something about her looks - her teeth - which seem so unnatural to me and it's so distracting that I feel guilty and wrong for my immediate reaction. What was her dentist thinking??? Other than that (so shoot me now) I love the story premise and I have high hopes that this drama will be wonderful.... OH!!! Love love LOVE seeing Yoon Sang-Hyun from Secret Garden and laughed out loud when they played the song "She" that he sang in SG!!!!


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Her teeth reminded me of Park Bo Gum's teeth, or was it her smile? Anyway something about her mouth reminds me of Bo Gummie, which for me is not a bad thing at all :P

Hope you like the next episode better :)


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Their teeth are super white and straight and when they smile, their upper and bottom rows of teeth curve in at the side so planar-ly, from the front, their teeth-row seem smaller than their lips. And those "gaps" at the two ends just emphasizes the curls and corners of their smiles even more.

That makes a winning smile.


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Haha.. you seem to be well versed in teeth :P But yeah, that's exactly what I meant! Thanks :)


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Lol, no, I'm no master in teeth, not in the least.

It's just that their smiles left huge impressions on my mind. So mesmerizing and yet so, so rare.


I think their smiles are completely different! Her teeth just seem very unnaturally even and straight across the bottom of her top row of teeth- with no definition tooth to tooth. PBG's lovely smile is very white but his teeth look more natural. I know this is ridiculous of me - and I apologize for offending anyone - it's just bizarre how it has affected me. I will tune back in after several episodes and good reviews!


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the colors will return, I think, once Louie gets more familiar with Real Life.


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I feel a bit guilty that I had the same reaction to the actress. I guess we have gotten so used to super-hot perfect Korean Beauty Standards girls that anything different jars our senses. But within 20 min or so I had gotten used to it, and on thinking about it more, I applaud the producers for going out on a limb by NOT using one of the usual Vogue model perfect heroines. And I have to admit that this video had something to do with changing my views - I find it just sad that so many Korean schoolgirls think that looking like XX is the key to happiness https://youtu.be/btsmhyp7IZI


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I think they colored her skin darker due to her role as an outdoor mountain woman. The fake tan makes her teeth appear more white then they normally would.

Of course, she could have gotten veneers like many American actors. I am not a fan of the overly white veneer look myself - on anyone.


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I found Shopping King Louis to be rather cheesy. It watches like a teen drama. The "Buy me that. This is not a home shopping show. Send her a fridge. This is not a fundraising drive." had me laughing out loud, though.

I give Bok Shil the benefit of the doubt since she lived in the sticks, but how can she be so sure Louie's tracksuit is her brother's when apparently everyone in Korea owns one? How old is her little brother anyways running away from home already?

Unlike you, LollyPip, I can't stand the filter used to film this show. The muted colors make it look outdated. It's like it's following Jealousy Incarnate's footsteps. Lastly, that train ajumma is the reason I never trust people.


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she embroidered his brothers´ name in the suit.


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I also want to say, this show requires you to read between the lines / hijinks a little. If you dont have a grasp over irony, you probably just find it really weird.

the only thing I wish for is for them to hold back just a little with the white line special effects. It makes it seem like someone filmed it with their iPhone and put some weird filters on.


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I watched the 2nd episode today.This drama is cute and hilarious. I love the Multilingual, Spoiled and Sheltered Seo In Guk. Louis/Ji Sung is such a puppy.

I love the scene where he was watching Bok Sil's documentary. ?


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SIG!!! It's fun and I will continue to watch. No verdict yet. Just enjoying.

Just one thing (and I saw some of the comments above with the same sentiment), I am not feeling the washed out/muted look. Not a fan of the filters they used. I read that it got better in episode 2 which I have not seen yet.


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I must have been the only one who didn't like this. Louis was on one end of extremes (kdrama's ever-favourite world of super-super-super rich), and Bok-shil another (the super-poor, super-naive candy, from the countryside to boot).

I just couldn't connect to anything... and, yeah, not a fan of the colour palette. I literally thought it was bad quality filming, esp. because I watched this right after On the Way to the Airport & Jealousy Incarnate.

Bok-shil's countryside tan looked like make-up too me, which I found distracting.

I keep hoping for Seo In-guk dramas I'll enjoy but it's really hit-and-miss for me with his project choices – all the ones with the super silly humour I just don't get.


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he is nothing like the usual rich brat at all. and she aint no candy when she starts taking care of him. the humor will get more layered too. Seo In guk is very very "in character" by ep 2. trust me on this. the preview for ep 3 looks a lot more mystery and a lot less comedy.


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Both Gukkie and NJH act so fluidly. Both acting skill doesnt end up overshadowing one another. Such a pleasure to watch these two 'dancing' effortlessly together. So loving it!


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My problem isn't that he's a rich brat (nice or not) – and I don't have a problem with his acting or anything. I'm just tired of ostentatious wealth in dramas, I prefer more reality.

I wasn't laughing at all, I was actually bored by some of the 'funny' scenes (though I liked the voices speaking to him). It's just not my kind of drama or humour. Not sure I'll give it any more episodes – no time to watch ep. 2 (or any other drama) until next Wednesday, and then I'll probably feel more like catching up with other dramas. But enjoy!


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all right, fair enough! enjoy your favorite dramas well, I myself really enjoy this one though. I grew up on similar style of humor, maybe thats why. Feels nostalgic.

but not just that. Seo In Guk has this ability to live the character instead of playing it. Like he just slips into a new skin. There are no seems to be seen. He becomes one with the character in soul and body. I just love seeing that. I only see Louie and not a crumb of SIG


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At first I thought the same thing - but he is nothing like the usual chaebol heir jerk - in fact he just seems totally lost in a world he has no understanding of. And I don't find Bok-shil candy-like (so far - we know how fast that can change in k-drama land). So far I am liking it, but most dramas seem to start falling apart about halfway into ep4, so we will see.


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Promising storyline. Will probably still stick to my 5 episode rule, but I dont like the color of this drama. It looks so.... ancient. And sleepy. Im used to seeing bright colors because my eyesight is very bad and I love to paint, but these tones make me feel sooo sooo sleepy.


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I'm watching this for Seo In Guk but i really liked the first episode, quirky and very cute.

I love Louis and butler Kim together, they are so adorable, they both care for each other and are just sweet. I don't know how well he'll take the news of Louis missing and what would happen to grandma? She loves him so much that she's willing to keep him away from her to keep him safe even though she misses him, I just hope the news doesn't kill her, I want to see more of protective grandma!

The moment Bok-sil left her bag I knew it's gonna get stolen, but I'm glad she had the wild ginsaeng wrapped around her stomach, that was smart and very funny, I laughed so hard at that!

What exactly happened to Louis and why is he on the street and how did he get Bok-nam's tracksuit? Will be looking forward for the answers and cute interactions between Louis and Bok-sil!

Thanks LollyPip for the recap.


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I love Seo In Guk but I sadly I couldn't stick till the end of the first episode. The colors are too pale for me.


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concentrate on the content and acting. by ep 2 you wont notice the colors


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Thanks for the recaps


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I guess only a minority of the viewers din't like this episode (including me). The color tone used in this drama reminded me of Barbie animated movies I used to watch with my younger cousins. I feel I can stare at a dull worn down grey wall all day long than watch this candy filtered show.

IMO the characters are not that great, the heroine's make up is worse than the guy playing second lead (who should be giving romantic vibes instead of an uncle vibe).

Even the cliff hanging doesn't make me want to catch the next episode, but this was the same condition with Reply 1997 which I liked only in the 3rd ep. So giving this show two more episodes to get me invested.

Thank you for recap.


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I have yet to watch this drama. I like SIG and I like NJH since QSD. And I hope DB will also recap On The Way To The Airport. Good luck to both dramas.


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Watched On The Way To The Airport. Very good drama.


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Nam ji-hyun has grown so much...she is def. not a child actress anymore but I do miss her as the small seondoek :(


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I am just ROFL with all those times puppy Louis just barely escapes being recognized jaja and then I have to mention that I hate that baek girl, and her dad doubly so, I mean i have such throwback hate for him I can't even function right! he's uncle Toad from bad family!


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Am I the only one who was disappointed with this? Just wondered. A mile wide and an inch deep ... sigh.


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I'm not sure I'm 'disappointed' because I had no expectations to begin with (for no reason other than not paying attention to the promos) but I didn't enjoy it either (see comment 22).


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You not the only one....deep sighs...wondering if I should continue or not.


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Yeah - this may be one of the few dramas I will stop watching now and wait to see how the reviews and comments progress here in DramaBeans. There are so many great dramas on now (and K2 starting!) that my drama-card is full. It will be a pleasure to keep tuning in to DB to see what all of you have to say. I love Seo In-guk....but....um...


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I'm actually wondering about what you expected....

I don't know if I expected too little from the drama, hence the pleasant surprise come first episode.

I can say however that I'm at that point where I like the thought of clicking for the next episode so perhaps I actually like it.

I didn't expect the humor to get me (i still think some were too slapstick) but I actually laughed. But The minute Louie came out as a refreshingly new type of chaebol, i became convinced the writing will be promising. Still getting adjusted to the editing though...


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I was looking for something with a bit more substance. It's cool, I'll search elsewhere and hope that Seo In-Guk picks something more along those lines for his drama after this one.


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You were looking for something with substance in a drama named Shopping King Louis??


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I see. Well, I wouldn't drop it too soon just yet. It did thoroughly discuss materialism and commercialism like a declarative premise: that these are social issues the drama wants to digress so I'm still looking forward to that. Somehow, when a drama starts with a significant social issue at the onset, it sets off my curiosity. SIG and Ji Sung-BokShil OTP aside i think that's why I'm eager to stay.


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I like this drama. I have dropped quite a few currently airing dramas as I couldn't get through the first episodes, this one was good enough to keep me watching. Will keep watching for now.


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I think I have more unfinished dramas this season than anytime in the last 3 or 4 years. Just almost nothing that grabs me. Hoping some of upcoming ones will be better, but so far this is the only one that I have actually gotten into. "Airport" I have not watched yet - from the description it seems a bit off, but may catch up this weekend.


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Yes, I had a hunch Lollypip's gonna do the recap. (You know you hang around DB too much if you guess who's going to recap which show before its premiere ☺️)

Sigh, I'm gonna miss SIG's chaebol hair and suits but he looks so darn cute as a beggar that I'll forgive you show.

Never seen NJH in anything but I love her Bok-shil already. There's just something very warm and sincere in her portrayal that I buy from the very first second when she appeared on screen (ok, her teeth are way too white and veneer perfect for someone who grew up in the mountains but I can overlook that, maybe there's some whitening plants out there? Lol). Normally I roll my eyes on candy characters but here there's at least a reason for her naivety and she isn't just plain dumb. And she definitely ain't no damsel in distress which she proves later but more on that in the next recap.

And we have another "I'll do things with my eyes through my lenseless glasses"-character here, that one office lady who drew eyeliner with the glasses on, pfffft.

Not sure how I feel about YSH yet, he reminds me too much of the Hong Kong actor Pal Sinn here but I hope it goes away once we're further into the show.


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I guessed LollyPip tpo. I wish I got a reward. She keeps being my guess and I keep being right, lol


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Well, to be fair, if you guess LollyPip, you'll be right 75% of the time. ☺ How she manages to pump out so many quality recaps is a mystery. Perhaps SIG could solve it in his next drama.


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Haha, yes on Pal Sinn. I hadn't realised it until you mentioned it, btu that hairstyle and glasses really do up the resemblance factor.

I only caught the first episode by chance and found it fairly watchable, but mainly for Bok-shil. She's such a sweetheart, but not afraid to stand up for herself.


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My Mondays and Tuesdays are complete with Park Bo Gum and now Seo In-Gook will complete my Weds and Thurs....Can't ask for anything more!


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So happy it's finally here and yay, we get recaps! *happy dance*

While I'm not too sure about the plot yet and really not digging the filter used, I'm completely head over heels with Louis. And not just because it's SIG. Okay, so he has something to do with it, but not everything. I think.

It's just so nice to have a male lead who isn't a jerk with a heart of gold just waiting to be dug out. Instead we have a giant softie, a big ball of cotton candy who'll do anything for his grandma, treats his staff really well and just wants to be free and happy. He's silly and fun while also being sad and lonely and SIG portrays it all so well.

I haven't seen NJH in anything before, but I'm liking her so far. Yoon Sang Hyun I usually always like, but he kind of fades into the background for me so far. Maybe it's because Siggie's there lol, he'll always steal my focus away.

On an end note, can we just talk a second about the best "shower"-scene ever? It was so sweet, he was like a little kid playing around in the bubble bath lol :P


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The SIG conversation continues.


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I think episode 1 is okay. I wasn't engaged much, and there are few parts I felt annoyed. Overall, just good. Currently cautiously optimistic about this drama...


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I think that is where most of us are at actually. Seen so many recent dramas go downhill lately. But giving a chance up to ep4 at least.


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Lollypip is recapping! Does that mean I can hope for Saya's recap next for the usual Lollypip x Saya combo?


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Yes please, I love LollyPip × saya combo!


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Why is everyone not talking about how reply 1988's sunwoo mother is so cute with her 2 plaids??? OMG and it is the grandma from 'Marriage not dating'!!!


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I have actually been re-watching Reply 1988 and I got a major shock in seeing her so well- dressed, with so much make- up. But maybe it's because of familiarity but I love her simple look more. And that grandma has been the grandmother in so many shows! She also did a cameo in Reply 1988 as Deok Sun's grandmother in the 2nd episode I guess.


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Well the grandma is in everything but I totally didn't recognize Sunwoo's mom! Wow.


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That's it...I've decided, I'm marrying Seo In Guk. After watching episode 2, I've made up my mind, stick a fork in me, I'm done. This man is just perfect. How does he go from a serious conman in Squad 38 to a big puppy in Shopping King Louie? His acting is just...ugh. He's just so good and soooo adorable. To those who are complaining about the color of the show, it changes in episode 2. To those who are on the fence about continuing after the first episode...continue to watch it. It's so adorable/quirky/funny. I like that our leading lady isn't a damsel in distress -- instead SIG is, and she does a pretty good job holding it down for the both of them. SIG is love *sigh*


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All I have to say to this is- get in line missy! :P


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I haven't watched or even read the recap. I'm trying not to read the comments beyond the gratitude and aimed at a specific recapper.

Thank ypu, LollyPip for recapping. I'm glad the first episode has been recapped. We'll see if it continues needing recaping. I know you especially are overwhelmed with dramas. Idk how you do it. It sounds like this drama has mixed reviews. Hwaiting! Can't wait to see what the rating are post - W2W & UF.

I freaking love Seo In Guk. I will finish this show for that reason alone. But I also like NJH & YSH. I'm cheering loudly for my oppa, eonnie, and ahjussi!


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The French! I wish everything that's in Engrish is in French instead. Mon prévieux and OLV! Sacreblue(?) sound just as funny. Missed opportunité!
This drama is hilarious, it's exceeding my expectations. SIG NJH are the best. Cried from laughter and sadness; halmon! We barely knew you, but love you nonetheless RIP.
The tracksuit stint is so brilliant, a jab at those you see in tons of dramas. And I kinda wish it was LMH in that drama. The online sale of that limited edition reminds me of that desperate time when I tried to get tickets for an Adele concert and seeing in the news that only a small percentage of people were lucky to get them while the rest of us got the dreaded "please wait" and eventually "SOLD OUT" on the screens. Good times.

Many thanks for the recap Lollypip!


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"....she wants Louis to inherit the company."
I seriously read this as "...Louis to inherit the KINGDOM." I am taking this King of Shopping title too literally. LOL!


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Not far from the truth, I mean did you see the p(a)lace he lives in ALONE with servants everywhere he goes?


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I knew it would be good, didn't expect it to be great!

I basically inhaled the first two episodes. I love the interactions between every single character. And of course, like LollyPip pointed out, everything looks so freaking good onscreen.

I'm really happy I didn't stall with watching episode one like I almost did, after equally inhaling two episodes of On the Way to the Airport. If Ji Chang Wook's drama K2 is even just as good as these other two, then I've hit the jackpot this year!!!


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Well, this will we the first time - and not the last - for me to post a comment here in dramabeans.

I already watched this episode on KissAsian, with English subtitles.

Now here's my observations:

SIG - I watched him in The Master's Sun (which was dubbed in my native language - I'm from the Philippines BTW). As usual, his acting drawn me to watch more. He portrayed the role of a rich kid - slash - online shopping addict very well.

NJH - This one some people call "Kid Deokman(?)" also did a great job, and her acting resembles that of a currently famous young actress in my country.
Someone here reacted about her look in this drama, so here's my two cents: maybe the (production, and maybe wardrobe) team made her look like that because of her role, that of a woman born and raised in a community of poor people.

YSH - I see that his role might be a catalyst to the story. As someone who is an executive of a big company (online shopping at that), there are times that he can be strict and caring at the same time. I loved his interaction with NJH on the scene at the train station.

ISM - Man, I'm worried that her role might be another stereotype (fingers crossed). As of this episode, it seems that she is capable of being manipulative and obsessive. ISM is another promising actress (alongside NJH and some of their contemporaries), but please, PD-nim and writer-nim, don't make Ma-ri another bitchy stereotype.

Other characters - Grandma and Butler are both kind and loving despite of age, Director Baek is another soon-to-be-villain character, and well, the employees of the online shopping company were well-dressed (maybe, in my perspective).

Not a fan of the color arrangement though. I agree with some here that it was kind of "muted". Hoping that this aspect improves over time.

Overall, I am satisfied by this drama. I will watch the next episodes, then anticipate the recaps here.

God bless.


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thanks lollypip! for the recaps!!!

this is cute, of course partial to SIG:) but NJH has always been good, based from her past projects and this is no different. she usually grounds her character and can't help but root for her in this drama also...

the butler has good sense, louie should keep him forever!!!


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Her leaving the refrigerator doors open throughout that entire conversation tore my nerves up.


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GO BOK-SHIL's character is giving me mega vibes of Eugene's Yeo Bong-soon from I, Really, Really, Like You


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She reminds me of Eugene too!


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It's the wide eyes and the hair at first glance


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The main leads' chemistry is so adorable. It's true, they may have lived in different worlds but their similarities are astonishing.


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rmmbr how we kinda get an idea when it comes to chaebeol? we are happy inguk took his first chaebeol role.... at the same time kinda worried coz at first it sounded cliche as hell.. n then we were like..... but inguk's drama usually have a unique intake to it... so we kinda trust tht this role here also as unik as it will be? AND WE GOT IT. a different chaebeol..... n most of the time instead of charismatic chaebeol we gonna get cutey puppy homeless guy. yahoooooooooooooo


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GoGod and the fact that the puppy in the track suit commercial was named Bok Sil (or was that translated roughly?) hahahhaha i'm dying


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