Cinderella and the Four Knights: Episode 8

All right folks, who’s ready for a vacation? Ha-won is determined to make these cousins bond, but she might end up having a little too much fun herself. It may be a mission, but this trip is packed with pouty princes, grumpy Cinderellas, and cuddly knights. Throw in a few trusty drama tropes and some rice wine, and anything is possible. What happens in dramaland stays in dramaland, right?


Sleeping Beauty Hyun-min slowly blinks awake to find himself not only no longer in bed, but aboard a plane. Just as he starts to panic, a cheerful Ha-won calls to him from her seat, telling him to calm down.

This does not have the desired effect, and Hyun-min pops out of his seat, looking around to see Bodyguard Lee, Hye-ji, both his cousins, and Ha-won’s friend, Ja-young (who’s happily gazing at Seo-woo) also aboard. Hyun-min demands to know what’s going on, but no one seems particularly concerned over his plight.

As Hyun-min continues to freak out, two large male flight attendants literally pick him up and plop him back down in his seat. All Hyun-min can do is fuss and futilely toss his slipper at them while Ha-won cackles.

The group arrives at the Kang vacation home and Ha-won excitedly welcomes everyone, though both Seo-woo and Hyun-min are decidedly miffed, having both been tricked/kidnapped to get there.

They all start to go their separate ways when Ha-won yells at them to hold up. Bodyguard Lee joins the group and deposits a bag, from which Ha-won pulls out a black bomber jacket with her name monogrammed on the back. Hah, she got one for everybody and fully expects them to put them on.

Ignoring the eye rolls, Ha-won also whips out the schedules she’s drawn up for their stay, portioning out their entire vacation into half-hour blocks. Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t go over well, and soon Ha-won is left standing by herself.

Bodyguard Lee checks in with Grandpa Kang, reporting Ha-won’s progress, but Grandpa just tells him that he doesn’t need to update him constantly. His words worry Lee and he asks after his health, but Grandpa just tells him to relax and enjoy himself, instructing him to treat this as a vacation for him, too.

Apparently Bodyguard Lee’s worries are not unfounded as it looks like Grandpa Kang has checked himself into a hospital. His new wife, Hwa-ja, admonishes him for being so secretive, but Grandpa just sighs that he’s not sure his grandsons would care about his health even if they knew.

After he hangs up with the chairman, Bodyguard Lee checks a text from his mother. In it, she agrees not to contact him anymore, but asks to eat one meal with him, just once.

It seems the change of scenery does nothing to diminish Hyun-min’s desire to sleep, as he finds his room and immediately falls into bed. Looking up at the ceiling, he notices some old glow-in-the-dark stickers. The sight clearly affects him and he murmurs, “Looks like this place hasn’t changed one bit.”

Undaunted by everyone’s lack of enthusiasm, Ha-won proceeds to tack up copies of her vacation schedule all over the house. She marches downstairs and eagerly calls for a house meeting, but you can practically hear the crickets.

Finding Seo-woo playing his guitar, Ha-won grouches that he’s by himself on a vacation with other people, but he insists he’s happy. He tells her that he doesn’t even get ten days of vacation time a year, so he’s having fun with his personal downtime. Ha-won can’t believe it and peevishly yanks his headphones out.

On a walk by herself, Hye-ji comes across a bench. She peers closer and smiles to see the words Hyun-min ♥ Hye-ji carved into the back of the seat.

Still trying to get everyone active, Ha-won pounces on Hyun-min who’s relocated to the pool deck. He’s still grumpy so she apologizes for kidnapping him, and “making him the laughing stock of the country.”

Hyun-min finally breaks out of his shell to ask what Ha-won meant about reflecting on his heart and all that, asking what would change if he truly liked her. Ha-won starts to answer that lots of things would change when two people really care for each other, but Hyun-min interrupts, saying that she’s someone who has old-fashioned dating standards.

Hyun-min scoffs that he must have been crazy to think he liked her and asserts that he’s not the type to be too serious. Ha-won is indignant that he called her old-fashioned, but Hyun-min just shoos her away, wanting to go back to sleep.

After Ha-won leaves, Hye-ji arrives at the pool to swim. The noise catches Hyun-min’s attention, and his face falls to see her. She climbs out of the water and asks if he remembers swimming together, but Hyun-min denies it and walks past.

Hearing a splash, Hyun-min turns and sees a struggling Hye-ji calling out to him from the water. Without hesitation, he leaps into the pool to rescue her.

Knowing right away that Hye-ji’s leg cramped, Hyun-min automatically starts massaging it. He even remembers exactly where on her calf she used to cramp up. Hye-ji starts to thank him, but Hyun-min cuts her off with an “Anyone else would have done the same thing.” He strides off, but stops for a moment to look back with longing in eyes.

Ji-woon walks through the house, laughing at Ha-won’s multiple schedules. Arriving outside Ha-won’s door, Ja-young emerges from the room. She asks if Ji-woon’s looking for Ha-won, but he answers with a “No, of course not! Did she, uh, go somewhere?” Smooth.

Stepmom and Stepsis are busy planning a way to get Ha-won away from Sky House (and out of their lives for good) by finding her biological father. A text comes in with the location of Ha-won’s real dad and they cackle as Stepmom swears she’ll “screw over that girl we’re not related to,” and get back all the money she wasted on raising her.

Ha-won sits by herself, feeding a herd of goats and lamenting that they’re the only ones that want to hang out with her. She wistfully remembers a happy time with her mother and father. The three had gone on a picnic and father and daughter were so cute together that it makes his present day treatment of her even more heartbreaking.

Back in the present, Ha-won resolves that even if no one else wants to follow her schedule, she’s going to have fun on her own. Gumption restored, she heads off to the horses.

Not far behind, Ji-woon is also on his way to the barn, following Ha-won’s schedule in spite of himself.

Ji-woon finds Ha-won feeding the horses and waves the schedule in her face, asking if this is what she means by horseback riding. Ji-woon moves to open the horse’s stall, but Ha-won pushes the door shut, admitting that she’s never ridden before and is scared. He asks all innocently how she can go against the schedule she made, but when Ha-won pretty much begs for mercy, he just smiles wickedly at her.

Soon they’re both astride the same horse, Ji-woon gripping the reigns and Ha-won holding onto the saddle with a death grip. After some slow walking, Ji-woon asks if she wants to go faster, telling her to trust him when she worries. Before long, the two are cantering along the countryside.

Meanwhile, Seo-woo gets a call from his manager and finds out about the pictures of him in a schoolgirl outfit. His manager sends him the photos and he gasps in horror.

Seo-woo wastes no time in confronting Ja-young, shoving his phone in her face and asking if this was her doing. Ja-young does a literal spit take all over him, and it’s cute how he’s being all serious and Ja-young is totally unrepentant, happily admitting that she gave the pictures to Ha-won.

Bodyguard Lee shows up with a bag of charcoal and drops it in Seo-woo’s arms, instructing him to start the grill. At Seo-woo’s confusion, Lee just point to Ha-won’s schedule which calls for a barbeque that night.

Finished with their ride, Ha-won and Ji-woon are walking back from the horses when she realizes that her necklace (the one from her mother) fell off during the ride. She tells Ji-woon to go ahead and tears off back towards the field. Ji-woon mutters that she keeps making him worry, then follows after her. Hee.

As Ha-won combs the field, Ji-woon asks if it’s really that important. She tells him that the necklace belonged to her mother, and Ji-woon asks her what she’ll do for him if he finds first. At her look, he says that if he finds it, she’ll have to grant him a wish, then stoops down to help her look. Awww, he’s getting nicer by the minute.

Ja-young and Seo-woo prepare skewers for the grill and Seo-woo uses the opportunity to ask about Ha-won’s home life, wondering if it’s really that bad. Ja-young easily reveals how Ha-won’s family never gives her any money and forces her to sleep out on a balcony. Seo-woo gets adorably riled up and both are startled at his fervency when he slams down a skewer.

Hesitantly, Seo-woo asks if Ha-won has ever dated and what her type is. He grins to hear she’s naïve in the area and thus has no type, though he quickly feigns indifferences when Ja-young gets suspicious.

Ha-won and Ji-woon are still busy looking for her necklace when Ji-woon happens to spy it in the grass. He surreptitiously picks it up and asks her again about what kind of wish she’s planning to grant him if he finds it. First proposing laundry and cleaning his room, Ha-won quickly amends it when he starts to walk away, saying she’ll do whatever he asks.

Crouching down in front of her, Ji-woon holds out his hand… and lets the necklace dangle down in front of her. Ha-won grabs it with a happy squeal and hug-tackles Ji-woon, knocking them both to the ground.

Cue the angelic choir as Ha-won and Ji-woon realize that they’ve landed in each other’s arms. They both freeze for a moment, then suddenly spring up and away from one another, trying to act like nothing happened. Hehe, why so cute, you two?

Stepmom follows the lead on Ha-won’s bio dad, tracking him down at a construction site. Confronting him, she immediately dives in, telling the man that she’s been raising his daughter for him. The baffled man has no idea what she’s talking about and denies having a daughter, until she mentions Ha-won’s mother’s name.

The man obviously knows her and looks shocked to hear the name, but he still maintains that he doesn’t have a daughter. Stepmom just talks right over him and soon they’re both shouting at each other, the man yelling that she’s not his child, and Stepmom screaming at him to take her out of Sky House. The mention of Haneul Group gives him pause, and Stepmom tells him to take his daughter and go.

Stepmom stalks off, bellyaching about how she’d wanted to get money out of the man. After she leaves, he receives a phone call and promises someone to deliver the money by the end of the month. I really don’t like the pensive look he gets.

Now that she’s found her necklace, Ji-woon asks what was so special about it. Ha-won says it’s actually a ring, pulling the covering off to reveal a silver ring. He asks if it was her mother’s wedding ring, but Ha-won doesn’t think so since her dad doesn’t have one. All she knows is that her mother was holding it when she died.

Ji-woon remarks that his mother didn’t leave anything, but Ha-won corrects him: She left him behind. Ji-woon just smiles, teasing her for the corny line. Ha-won grimaces and leaves first, but Ji-woon petulantly calls, “Let’s go together,” following after her. I love Cute Ji-woon.

At the house, Hye-ji find’s Hyun-min’s wet pajamas and muses that he probably doesn’t have any spare clothes (not being able to pack a suitcase, what with the kidnapping and all). Hyun-min emerges from his room wearing a robe and grabs his clothes from Hye-ji’s hands.

Hyun-min turns away, but Hye-ji calls out that she came on this trip because of him. She asks if he feels anything, being in this place with her. She says she went back to the wooden bench and the words are still there, but even though they’re both here together, he’s still the same. Hyun-min answers that he won’t change, so she should stop trying already.

Happily walking side by side, Ha-won and Ji-woon come across Hye-ji on their way back. Clocking the looks the two share, Ha-won awkwardly flees, leaving Ji-woon and Hye-ji alone. Ji-woon asks her what’s wrong, and Hye-ji says that she had high hopes for this trip, but things aren’t working out. Ji-woon tells her to just be herself, and that’s good enough.

In the hospital, Grandpa Kang meets with his company lawyer, Lawyer Kim, so he can have his will rewritten. Hwa-ja listens eagerly just outside the door as Grandpa says he’ll have to choose a successor soon.

Stepmom has some new chaebol customers at the spa. The ladies gossip and one of the women shares some juicy news: Hwa-ja had been married once before, so she was not the blushing bride she pretended to be for Grandpa Kang. Stepmom files away the info.

Bodyguard Lee and Ja-young unpack the food for tonight’s barbeque. The vacation home’s housekeeper gives them two bottles for the fridge, one milk and one rice wine; the two jugs look identical apart from their yellow and red caps.

Ji-woon splashes water on his faces, trying to break his mind from thinking about the “hug” he and Ha-won shared. Hyun-min comes into the bathroom and both boys realize the lock on the door must be broken. Ji-woon leaves, forgetting his phone in the bathroom. Soon after, Ha-won enters that same bathroom with the broken lock to take a shower. Oh dear.s

Stark naked in the shower, Ha-won panics when she hears Ji-woon enter the bathroom. He came back looking for his phone and assumes Hyun-min is the one in the shower. Freaking out, Ha-won stays silent and backs into a corner. Ji-woon calls out to who he thinks is his cousin, but when there’s no answer, Ji-woon notices “Hyun-min’s” feet in the corner of the stall.

Asking if “Hyun-min” is ok, Ji-woon pokes his head through the shower door… and a desperate Ha-won chucks a bar of soap right between his eyes before he can see anything. (Good shot!) Stumbling back, Ji-woon yells at the door, but freezes when Ha-won calls, “Sorry, but could you get out?” In total shock, Ji-woon barely ekes out a quick sorry, and makes a hasty exit as Ha-won cringes in embarrassment.

Ji-woon sprints out of the bathroom and paces outside the door, still stunned. Minutes later, Ha-won emerges (fully dressed) and Ji-woon stutters out that he was standing guard because of the broken lock. The two walk together for the most awkward six steps ever, then share a brief “You go first,” “No, you go first,” before Ji-woon flees.

Completely mortified, Ha-won is blushing hard when she runs into Ja-young. Ja-young helpfully suggests having some cool milk, saying there’s some in the fridge. Thankful for the excuse, Ha-won dashes off too quickly and misses Ja-young saying that it’s the bottle with the yellow cap.

Ha-won runs to the fridge and, of course, grabs the red-capped bottle and starts chugging the rice wine.

Seo-woo and Bodyguard Lee are having fun at the grill when a very tipsy Ha-won – wearing her monogrammed bomber jacket – bounds up, grinning and finger-gunning at Lee. She immediately launches into a pouty lecture about how he never uses banmal with her.

Everyone else arrives on the deck to see Ha-won trying to coax Bodyguard Lee into calling her Ha-won-ah. Poor guy, it looks physically painful for him to try and drop his speech. The whole group is grinning while Ha-won waves her empty bottle front of Lee’s nose. Smelling the alcohol, Lee grabs it and says she drank the rice wine, making everyone snort.

The group laughs while Ha-won adorably gripes at Seo-woo for having his “personal down-time” and not wanting to hang out with everyone else. She grumps about how she never went on a retreat with her classmates and always wanted to wear matching jackets with her friends.

Cut to everyone outside, all sitting around a buffet and wearing their monogrammed jackets. Awww.

Ha-won starts a drinking game, and while no one is interested at first, soon Ja-young and Seo-woo join in. Ji-woon and Hyun-min hilariously join in at the same time, only to get each other out by saying the same number. HAHAHA, Ji-woon actually pouts at Hyun-min.

Eventually, they’re all well and truly plastered, including Bodyguard Lee, who yells out Ha-won’s name (in banmal!) only to collapse backwards. Is Seo-woo playing air guitar with Lee’s leg?! That’s amazing.

Seo-woon starts playing “I love you.” (Korean drinking game where you go in a circle telling the person next to you that you love them — they have to either pass it on the next person, or respond with “Get lost,” at which point they reverse the order and go the other way. The goal is to say it with a straight face.)

They go around the circle until Ji-woon says “I love you” to Ha-won, and she answers with a “Get lost.” Omo, Ji-woon’s face! I can’t even.

Ji-woon says it back to Hyun-min, but his goofy smile gives Hyun-min the chills and he moves to sit next to Ha-won, calling her his girlfriend again.

Ha-won takes issue at the title, saying that they were never engaged, which is when Seo-woo learns that for the first time.

Suddenly, Bodyguard Lee starts gagging, and then he projectile vomits all over the place! PWAHAHA! Ha-won screams, Hyun-min flees for his life, Ji-woon looks like he might throw up himself, and I’m pretty sure a good bit of it got on Seo-woo and Ja-young. I can’t breathe. Laughing too hard.

Post-vomit, Ja-young goes looking for Seo-woo in his room. She snoops a bit and finds a folded page in his notebook with partial lyrics. The words give her pause, and when Seo-woo emerges from the bathroom (presumably after washing Bodyguard Lee’s upchuck from his hair), she asks him if he likes somebody.

She recognizes that the tone of this song is different, having been his fan since before he was a big star. Ja-young tells Seo-woo that he has a huge fan base who all love him, so he can’t get a girlfriend and disappoint everyone. She leaves in a huff and Seo-woo unfolds the page to reveal he’d written, “To Eun Ha-won.” He dedicated the song to her! Oh, sweetie, you’re too cute. Can I keep you?

Hye-ji goes for a walk to the bench again, but this time she finds Hyun-min sitting on it. She sits as well and starts reminiscing about when they used to visit this place as children. She talks about her brother, and this finally gets a smile out of Hyun-min. Hye-ji says she keeps thinking about the old days, wanting to go back to them, but Hyun-min retorts that he doesn’t.

Grabbing Hyun-min’s hand, Hye-ji pulls out a pen and draws a smiley face on it. Hyun-min stares at her, flashing to a memory of when they were little and Hyun-min had drawn that face on her hand, then swooped in and kissed her. Clearly remembering the same thing, Hye-ji leans in close to Hyun-min, her face right next to his.

Hyun-min slowly turns his head and Hye-ji presses her lips to his in a… kiss? Hyun-min’s eyes drift closed and his hand tightens in hers, but then he springs up. At his rejection, Hye-ji guesses that he doesn’t remember after all. She asks if it’s ok then for her to date other people, like Ji-woon, for example. Low blow, girl.

Speaking of, Ji-woon and Ha-won are the only two still left on the deck, Ha-won nursing a glass of wine and Ji-woon pouting at her, both well and truly wasted.

Hah, Ji-woon keeps trying to complete the “I love you” game, but Ha-won responds with a “Get lost” every time. He follows each attempt with a tiny heart, then a bigger heart, and finally a giant heart. Oh. My. God. His pouts are epic!

Ha-won finally responds to the last one by asking, “Really?” Ji-woon stares for a moment, before they snigger together, totally out of it. But then, Ji-woon abruptly leans in and plants a solid kiss on her. (AHHH!)

They both laugh and Ji-woon takes the wine glass out of Ha-won’s hand. He drains it (spilling most of it down the front of his shirt), then grasps Ha-won’s face and brings her in for a deep kiss. He pulls back and asks if she just kissed him, but Ha-won giggles and points out that he kissed her.

Ji-woon answers, “Alright, let’s do that one more time.” Then he leans in and kisses her again.


I don’t… like, what… how do I respond to that? I’m not even sure I can stop laughing, swooning, or cringing long enough to type! GAH!

Seriously, that was the best thing ever. I could very happily just watch another eight straight episodes of this group getting drunk together. Who knew what a cuddle bear Ji-woon turned out to be when you get a little booze in him? One thing’s for certain, I think Jung Il-woo had a great time filming this episode, and not just for the drunken antics. There were a bunch of little moments where he really shined through, like when he mimicked Ja-young’s “I dunno,” or the awkward “You go, no I’ll go” with Ha-won after the shower incident. They all felt more ad libbed than scripted and I love it. It was like, until now, the story hadn’t been giving the actor anything to work with, then this week they said, “Go, have some fun,” and he totally went with it! There’s finally chemistry flowing between Ji-woon and Ha-won (in spite of the well-timed angel choir), and I’m no longer flinching every time he’s in a scene.

Sadly, in contrast, it looks like the show is now pushing Hyun-min into that same box they just let Ji-woon out of. The moping and tragic Hyun-min from the last episode was hilarious, but Episode 8 slipped into sullen territory.

I do appreciate — strictly from a storyline point of view – how Hyun-min and Hye-ji’s characters complete each other: Hye-ji is stuck in the past and Hyun-min keeps pretending the past never happened. It was a really good setup in that Ha-won would come along, get Hyun-min to open up emotionally, then Hye-ji would swoop in and together they could heal the scars of their past and move on, potentially together. The problem is, the two of them lack the phenomenal chemistry that made Hyun-min and Ha-won so great to watch. Instead of the powerful angst that I should be feeling, the most I get is deep sadness from Hyun-min, and a bland emptiness from Hye-ji. The show really needs to reveal the backstory between these two. If I had the history then I could understand them better and maybe feel more, but without any context, all I have to go on is the actors’ expressions, and they’re not giving me much.

The other mixed signal I’m getting is from Stepmom and Stepsis. Are they evil? Are they hilarious? Why do they keep reminding me of a pair of fussy kittens? It’s weird because the two of them say such nasty and cruel things, but they’re so crazily cute with each other that it makes you forget that they’re plotting the demise of an innocent girl. They have such a great mother-daughter relationship that I find myself rooting along with them, only to stop and think, “Wait, what did they just say?” It’s like I want to strangle them, but then they laugh, and I want to be friends again.

The crazy goofiness of this episode almost makes you forget that we actually learned a lot about our characters. Seo-woo has finally well and truly fallen for Ha-won, only to be told point-blank that his fame prevents him from getting the girl. Poor thing ran into heartbreak before he even got a chance to start his romance. Stepmom may have found Ha-won’s real dad, or she may have just yelled at a total stranger for a while and given him a really bad idea of where he could get some quick cash. We also even got a little window into Bodyguard Lee’s closely guarded private life, in the form of a text from his mother (who may or may not be Hwa-ja). Personally, while his backstory is intriguing, I’d be content to just watch him get drunk some more, because that was comedy gold right there. Maybe next time we can position Stepmom and Stepsis in front of him when he spews? Two birds, one stone.

I do have to say that this episode was a real turning point in the show for me, since before now, I’d been waiting for some kind of deep and meaningful plot that took a unique view of a classic tale and gave us something to think about while looking at all the pretty. Unfortunately, I don’t think that is going to happen. But, while I don’t believe this will become a great show, it’s still a solidly good show. It may not be the most original, but we can definitely expect some laughs, a few heart tugs, and a whole lot of cute. Plus projectile vomiting, and who doesn’t love that?


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Thanks for the recaps... :) i am looking forward to watch it... (because of exams)


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I love the barbecue party scene ! :D Seems like Bodyguard Lee can't hold his alcohol well. Haha....

This drama has its moments. These images entertained me so much :

1. Stiff Bodyguard Lee in party hat holding birtdhday cake
2. Heartbroken Hyun-min squatting forlornly by the mini stream
3. Drunk Ji-woon making finger heart.

Oh, and the Stepmom-Stepsis duo are just so ridiculously delusional, they're really comic relief instead of villains (ep 7 & 8).


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Projectile vomiting is a skill.

One proud moment for Secretary Lee. #oneshot ?


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@ Yoyo, you made me snort my water out of my nose. #oneshot indeed


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I absolutely loved it when Hyun-min was wallowing and lost, it was pretty cute and fun to see him feel so confused for awhile.


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You find Stepmom and Stepsis CUTE????!!!

I was all Hell, Dang, No. Get Away From Me.


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About as cute as crocodiles.


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Come on, there was a tiny moment where they squealed while graping each other that was definetly cute. At least, that's what I thought and then I remembered they were always acting like b****es and so this tiny moment sure disapeared but it was here anyway


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Really, they remind me of Pokemon's Team Rocket (sans the rhyming): trying to be evil, totally ineffectual schemings, and absolutely sucking at being baddies.


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It's so light and fluffy, I can't find better word to describe it than 'cozy' as I said in some other article I don't remember. It's engaging but in a 'guilty pleasure way', like you think you don't care about it, but when you actually start watching it you realize that you can't stop watching.

I mean, you don't have to think a lot while all the stuff in this drama happens, all the characters are likable (even Hyeji in my opinion, but girl could use a hobby other than pining over Hyunmin, because apparently fashion doesn't make it for her), plot is almost nonexistent so you don't have to follow it as closely as let's say W (ugh, actually plot in this one turned into mess now so dunno if it's a valid comparison, lmao) - anyways, all this makes me anticipate for every episode because that coziness is exactly what I need after a long week to relax.

Also, the OST is absolutely fantastic, I love all the songs released so far, especially For You by BTOB and Without You by Bomi from Apink.

PS. I hope Hyeji doesn't actually do what it looks like she will do in next episode as seen in the preview, because she is still salvagable as I said, but if THIS happens, I'll be heavily disappointed in her.


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So true, watching this drama is just cozy, I don't need to think too much, but still leave a smile on my face. It's an easy watch for a weekend relaxation ?


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The show reminds me of candyfloss, quick and sweet for digestions haha


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Yes! This is pretty much everything I was going to say. It's kinda dumb, but in the best possible way and I just love it to pieces. I'm watching a ton, and honestly, it's my favorite drama right now.


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It does seem like this is the episode where the story fully embraced its juvenile self and just let the tropes flow: accidental viewing of nudity, accidental drunkenness, birth secrets, yet more birth secrets, drunk games, drunk kisses, matching outfits, pouting, stalking, vomiting -- it's like a crazy college party that absolutely everybody is going to be embarrassed about in the morning. With the clunky writing and missing transitions and cardboard characterizations it's a good idea for the show to just go with the one thing that works: fluffy.


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You have scored 10.9 right away with the - missing transitions and cardboard characterizations.


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I second that!


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All that was missing was a monkey in a leather jacket.


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I didn't like episode 8 but I loved reading your recap CandidClown. You really know how to re-tell a story to make it enjoyable.

About Hye-Ji, I don't get "bland emptiness" but a severe case of allergy to the character. The more I see her, the worse it gets!


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Haha I'm allergic to Hye-Ji too!
I can't get past her for only being nice to others when it benefits her- and using everyone to get to the HM - AND mopping around like a suicidal zombie when things don't go her way.( *see truck of doom scene for reference*) but I guess some people like that sort of thing.....

I enjoyed the parts of the episode that she wasn't in. Silly and cute for days.


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Me too. I turn all hate when she's on screen. I don't like her. Good thing I wasn't exposed to gamma rays or else I would literally turn Hulk everytime I see her. I am actually thinking of dropping this show because of her.

Whatever the history there is, she's really just coming strong to HM. Girl. Let. Him. Come. To. You. I really don't want HM to end up with her.


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My ship already sank nevertheless I'd still watch this show for Hyun Min but I can't stand Hye Ji. I've already dropped this show because of her. The only thing that can make me pick it up is: if they get someone else for Hyun Min who is NOT Hye Ji.


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Me too. No hate,but it's worst acting performance ever. And she takes too much on screen!


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You know that feeling when she was supposedly drowning in the pool and you know she's faking it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


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She was not faking it - everyone knows that even world class swimming champions can drown in 4 feet of water in Korea.


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LOL. My reaction to the majority of drowning scenes in dramas is: "Gah, just stand up!"


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??? seen more than one where you could see the actor's concerted effort to keep his/her butt under water!


Unless I was reading the subs wrong, she confessed later that that was intentional.


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And I was too slow to get the joke. ? I'm blaming it to no-sleep-finals-approaching. ?


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Hye-ji has become the death of this show.


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Drunk Secretary Lee is trying his best to save it


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Projectile vomiting and all! I've officially started fast forwarding her scenes. Life's too short.


I don't like Hyeji either, and can't tell you why. I mean, she's not as bad as 99% of all the other 2nd leads out there, sometimes she's even sincerely nice to Hawon, but something about her just rubs me the wrong way.


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I think she rubs me the wrong way because I feel like I've known people like her. People that pose themselves as true friends but are not. She'll be nice, unless it cost her something. She will throw you under the bus if you're in the way of what she wants.

Or in Hye ji's case, love you unless you pose a treat to coming between HW and herself.

Personally, I'll rather someone be blatantly mean then have the appearance of friendship only to stab you in the back later if the opportunity presents itself.


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HM not HW*


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Maybe because of the way she rolls her eyes everytime things dont get her way?? That's my reason for hating her btw... She doesnt seem sincere at all!!
I was wondering if it's the character or the actress who cant make HJ likeable... :(((


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I've said before the character is boring (looks like she is her own melodrama while the others having fun) but the actress also not give the character a justice.

I don't know how to put it but we supposed to dislike her character but we cannot do it sincerely because of the way she portraying it. LOL. She just make her character tjas no significant totally.


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Both I guess? LOL. HJ is unlikeable for sure. And Naeun make the character even worst with her acting. I'm sorry I have to say this. It's the first time I see her in KDrama. I guess it will be my last time too.


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I don't like Hye-ji because she's pathetic. I wanted to strangle her when I saw the flashback scene and finally realized how young they were when she supposedly fell in-love with hyung min. Oh geez! C'mon woman, you were just what, 9 years old?? And you can't get over it?!! Such a pathological puppy love then.


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Ouch, but again you did point a thing here. I really don't understand why she is being so obsessive with Hyun Min and why no one is telling her that this is kind of wrong. I can understand first love and all but you are right they were like 9 so she is going a bit too far. What bother me is that she is acting like she owns HM when he was, well till now anyway, very clear about where he stands. I read others comments and that's right, the actress doesn't do a good job in portraying HJ. I think that the way she is holding on to their past is kind of heavy and not justified enough. I really hope that there is going to be some explanations that can make me understand her because for now I just can't stand her.


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it's actress, that's what (!!)
(or should i even consider her as one?)


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Me too. While JW redeems himself by being cute and having chemistry with HW, I still can't stand HJ and the way she behaves. So much that I thought for sure that she was pretending to drown haha. No more seriously I just go "beuh" when she is on screen and it somehow feels uncomfortable to see her with HM. Like CandidClown said, they have a nice balance regarding the way they approach their past but when they are together there is no chemistry, this is just dull. I don't think that it's HM's fault since the actor was quite good with HW.


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I'm with you about HJ, every time she is on screen I just want her to get away ASAP, the kissing scene was really awful to watch.
Her crush in HM seems more like an obsession to me because she is in love of the childhood friend not the current womanizer that keeps crushing her selfsteem... I mean, it's been years since they cut ties and she's still there sulking around him waiting to be the chosen one... this girl really needs a psychiatrist ¬¬.
Until I don't get more info about hers and HM's childhood frienship with a meaningful backstory, I think her plotline and character is just stupid and badly written.


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Kinda like how she's stuck in the past and moved on right? I don't think she really loves him the way she thinks she does. It's like katiamon says, it's more an obsession.


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Where can I join this AA (Allergies Anonymous) support group? I have a bad case, which worsens on a weekly basis.


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When was it that JW mimicked "I dunno"?

Anyway, thanks for the recap.I love your writing, Cue the choir.ahahhaha


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After he asked Ja young where Ha won went in front of her room. It was even funnier since Ja young always speaks in an overly cute way >___<


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i didnt like the episode jiwoon and hye ji are annoying and i feel like jung il woo is too old for this drama like im just not buying angsty jiwoon or fun drunk jiwoon. i feel like ha won doesnt take the boys feelings into consideration with these misson, like she doesnt care that hyunmin might want time alone after the heart break stuff.


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And yet he is just the same age as Ahn jae hyun, if not a few months younger.


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I feel the same. Sorry if I sound like a broken record, but I am not feeling JIW here. Too forced to be cute...and yes, he just appears too old for that kind of role. Or maybe he just doesn't match PSD. AJH and PSD not only have great chemistry together, but they also really match visually. I felt th editing in this episode was really off...no smooth transition. Suddenly we have drunk HW and everyone is all smile. I can hear the director "smile everyone, look like you are having fun"..HM went from being sulky all episode to all happy and smiley for this scene? Even JH has a huge smile on her face...that was just an odd scene to watch. Suddenly everyone is happy when moments before they were all grumpy? Ok.. I guess HW succeeded in her mission..the. We are back to sulky HM and JY?? Sorry, no flow, just cut and paste. Oh well, I guess it is an easy watch, let's not think too much and just accept everything that is happening.


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Ahn Jae Hyun is not cute either, Jung Il Woo is way better actor than him, why are you rooting for AJH just because of his looks not the acting skills, oh come on you havent watch JIW in his other dramas, so you dont have the right to comment about him


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Hyun min is more annoying than Ji Woon, you are just looking for actor's face or appearance not the acting skills, you should not watch korean dramas!


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This show may be fluff, but it's delicious fluff. Perfect lighthearted fare to watch at the end of a busy week. It looks like it had a ratings uptick as well.

If this week's good bits were from Jung Ill-Woo going offscript and improving, he needs to just make up his parts from here on out.

Choi Min as the stiff secretary Lee is giving us such great humor AND suaveness, he better be in a lead role pronto after this.


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Yup, JIW needs to ad-lib everything for this drama if it's gonna make his character like he is in this episode. So much laughing from me from this episode; glad I was watching this during the day so my husband wasn't trying to sleep!


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+1 for Choi Min


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Hey, this recap really made me view the show in a different light ( kinda 'Stop-over-thinking-and-go-with-the momentum'), all thanks to you, but I'm still pissed with the show.

True the show has its funny moments but this not a Teen Comedy central.I really hoped for some character growth and none of them showed it except HM. His behavioural change was gradual unlike JW who jumped from having 'anger management issues' to being a 'happy camper'( Not that I'm complaining about this cute smiling Jung ll woo ?)

I feel so betrayed that the director used HM as a bait to lure in viewers only to rake in the ratings and after getting it, he reduces AJH's screen space ?


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I actually admired Ha won for being bold , mature , compassionate and capable of handling herself in any situation which makes her a stand-out from other eye candy heroines but her arc is developing into an pestering little kid.

When she can perfectly summarise the connected gaze between JW and HJ on the bridge and excuses herself from the private conversation, why can't she get the family issues of other two knights? SW is passionate about his career and to spoil his business by blackmailing him and not considering giving HM time to recover from the rejection, makes me go GRR?


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Those last few minutes... GAH! Jung Il-Woo! GAH! those kisses (which looked so natural in their progression)... i feel like the wicked witch of the west because i totally melted into a puddle of goo thanks to Jung Il-Woo's hearts parade... i need to make a gif of them but i don't think i'd survive it on repeat. How can you be so goofy, cute and swoon-worthy with that much cheesy aegyo?! Howww?!


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While I agree with most of your comments I am the opposite when it comes to the assessment of the show. Overall I like it and the previous weeks didn't bother me but, this week took a nose dive for me. Pacing, pacing, pacing.

I keep wondering does this show realize it only has 16 episodes and we just watched 8 of them? They keep introducing plot lines and not revealing already existing ones to the point I worry we'll get an information dump at the end or worse no resolution to things they tantalized us with in the beginning.

Why is it so sloooow?! For me the way that the man reacted means he obviously isn't her father. I would prefer that the president's wife is the bodyguards mom instead of the feared love interest I once suspected. I'm with you on my reaction to the stepmom and daughter. I was so against them and then they started laughing for real and enjoying each other and I'm like wait...I'm supposed to dislike you.

The kidnapping while meaning to be cute to me undercut the hopeless damsel they painted Ha-Won as during the school assault to me. She's too weak to take on two girls restraining her but not too weak to pick up 6'1 guy and put him on a plane?Everybody knows you are twice as heavy when you're sleep than awake! Am I suppose to believe that? And both these people are the same girl who kicked butt in the first two episodes?

These characters are so inconsistent especially Ha-Won and that irks me. You made her strong! So in order to aptly justify making her weak and vulnerable sell me on that reality. I didn't unfortunately buy it. Thus the immediate herculean act that defied the odds which followed made me roll my eyes and check out mentally.

It's a good thing Ha-Won and Ji-Woon has such great chemistry. This show had so much potential and quickly got in it's own way.


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As for Ha-Won's lack of strength towards the bullies I'd like to think that standing up for yourself towards strangers is always easier than to stand up to the people that know you.
It was probably a non issue for her to just say "F you!" to the jerk delivery people and the two cousins before. But her classmates and her family are a different realm of people. They're the ones that know her and she knows them and it's like I want her to judo throw her ridiculous sister across the street like she deserves but she wouldn't have the strength of will to do that because they're family, which she's stated before. Same goes for her "friends" at school. She tried to talk/reason with them because I think she still viewed them as "friends" in her head the same way she still views her step mom and step sister as family in her head. So while she obviously could have and SHOULD have just shut those bitches down, she didn't have the strength of mind to do so.


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Yeah, it's like she is REALLY slow to "get it". It goes beyond naive.


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I agree with your take. The pain that friends and family can inflict is felt more deeply and we don't react the same way when attacked by them. She is naive in giving the benefit of the doubt to those undeserving of that label. But, that is one of the themes of this drama. What is a family? What do you offer the members of your identified family and what do you receive from them emotionally? She doesn't have it all figured out, yet unlike the cousins, she realizes the importance of not going through life alone.


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I get that; and it makes sense. I've even been there. So, for that I have to amend because I wasn't of the frame of mind she felt those girls were friends. I do understand her acting that way towards family however. It was hard for me to see it that way because she semi-stood up for herself demanding the girl apologize for what she said. Something she's never done to her stepmother and stepsister.


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For some reason a very common trope in k-dramas is that family - especially siblings - can get away with ANYTHING, no matter how much trouble it causes. And this even shows up recently in C-dramas, such as "Love by Design" where the sister steals from the main constantly, and screws her over time after time - yet she puts up with it (and the stupid mother always seems to support the "least likely to succeed" one:.


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I felt it was a slow episode too.
I did like the ending, but something was missing from the previous episodes.


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I too enjoyed the end but, it just seems they're teasing more subplots than they have time for given their pacing. If it was 18 episodes I'd be less anxious but with 16 and we FINISHED 8, it's like whoa more should have happened by now.


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Aww i hope there will be a gif on Jiwoon making the hearteu-hearteu signs. <3
Its so cute and sort of like a good medicine after a long bad day.
I can't resist his lovey-dovey acts throughout the episode.
Its like a total make-over from a character in eps 1 to 6 :D

We have reached the mid of the series. I hope hyeji did not go far with her wishy-washy acts, and can someone save seowoo from a heartbreak?? Huhu..


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I may be in the minority, but I can't help but cringe every time there's a 'cute' moment between JW and HW. I'm just not invested in them as individual characters or as a couple, and I feel like the show has done a disservice to its own characters by making them all surface and no depth.

It's episode 8, and I should somewhat understand/feel attached to these characters by now, but I don't.

For instance, with HW, the show repeatedly tells us she's this noble character with pure intentions who cares about these boys, but undermines this characterization by having her callously and repeatedly disregard their (perfectly reasonable) feelings in the interest of 'cute' and pushing forward the OTP. It's like the writers decided that if they wanted to convince us that HW cares about JW romantically, they had to also show how much she doesn't care about SW/HM. HW is supposed to be a caring character who helps bring the family together, but instead seems like someone who cheerfully labels everyone a friend while not understanding what friendship is.

I think it comes down to this: HW is a bad friend. And that makes it hard to like her. If I care about my main character, I can suffer through a whole lot. But when I am actively annoyed by the character I should be rooting for and there's no real introspection or chance of character growth, there's not enough pretty and cute in the world to keep me watching.

Sorry for the rant! I know a lot of people still like this show, and I can totally understand the appeal, I think it's just not for me anymore. Happy watching folks! :)


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The only reason I really cringe when there is a 'cute' moment is the angelic choir. Seriously, they should just let the actors do their job.

I think we actually need HW to undergo some character growth. She's plucky, bright and I would ship her with any of the guys (except the secretary, he's mine) but you're right that she's not been a great friend, especially to HM. On the other hand, refusing him so directly probably was good for him, don't you think?

Really enjoyed this recap by the way - I love it when the recapper is at a loss for words as well. Drunk+kiss scene totally had me cringing, squealing and smiling at how ridiculous it was. So I'll stay with this for the cute - though am slightly worried there is way too much time for melo in the next 8 episodes. If they manage to subvert the birth secret trope that'll be amazing. Too much to hope?


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@WishfulToki: Haha, I'll admit the angel choir is probably a major contributor to my cringing.

And yes, I totally agree the direct rejection was good and I applauded her for it! I guess what I was more annoyed with was how she expected him to forget about the rejection as quickly as she did, kidnapped him for a trip he didn't want to go on (without even packing him any clothes!), and treated him like she knew his own feelings better than he did, and even more than that, I was disappointed that the show rolled with this narrative and decided to go the route of "Well it turns out she was right, and she did know his own feelings better than he did, so she's justified in her actions!"

And I think I'll actually keep up with the recaps as well, the moments I don't love in the show I mostly end up finding cute in the recaps :)

And lol, let's not keep our fingers crossed for that birth secret subversion


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You are not a minority. There are as much people who like the show as much as those who question it!

Ha won is "someone who cheerfully labels everyone a friend while not understanding what friendship is. "

Spot on!


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Drunk JiWoon + Drunk HaWon = Super Cute + Fun to Watch

That's all.


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I really wish they would let us know who Ha-Won's father is since they have alluded to the possibility she is related to the grandfather. I found it really suspicious in this episode where he met with his lawyer in order to make changes to his will due to locating new family members (Ha Won or Ji Woon?) If she is related to them then it makes the kissing scenes really disturbing.


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No worries, K-dramas looooove to hint that characters might be related somehow, but it never ends up actually being the case. There's a 99.99999% chance these two are not related.

Also a 65% chance she IS related to the other boys but Ji-Woon is actually not, which in addition to riches for days for our heroine, has the added benefit of disqualifying all rivals in love and letting us know Ji-Woon is her one true love and she was fated to be with him.


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If the 65% Theorem comes true it also requires a very interesting side effect: it means Secretary Lee IS also related; possibly his mom is the Chairman's new wife making him his step-son and *smirk* uncle-in-law to the actual Kang cousins.


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Plot twist:

The evil stepmother and stepsister(?) in this story is actually Hwa-ja and Bodyguard Lee XD


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I love cute Jung Il-woo xD


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I feel HJ is the consistent character in this whole series as her only motive is to get her old flame HM. She either doesn't care about anyone who gets in the way of her goal or uses them to capture the big fish ( She is definitely going to play JW to make HM jealous in the next ep). I should at least give her that much credit.

Step-mom and Step sis are rather a bunch of buffoons than the evil villainous type to be taken seriously. I see their screen presence as merely show fillers.

Ja-young is sometimes annoying when she comes off as a nosy die-hard fan of SW. Even though she helped SW escape the school, how could she just barge into his room and take a look at his lyrics?

I'm really must stop scrutinising each character and focus on guessing the mystery that interlinks HW and the Kang cousins.

JW's dad is actually a Kang and Granpa may have spread rumours about HW's mom having external affairs with JW's dad, just to make his son abide his orders. That would make sense as to why Ha won's dad was angry when he was really sweet with her in the flash back. Also HW's mom and JW's dad may have been friends and he would have handed her the ring to safeguard it till the time he proposed to JW's mom!? I feel the locket scene between HW and JW is important to their history or maybe I read too much in between the lines.

Anyway this show should be named Cinderella and Ji Woon because, I don't see the director giving equal importance to the other knights or allow HW to harbor feelings for HM/SW/Secretary.

P.S: I'm okay with HM x HW ship sinking but I won't be okay if they destroy HM's character by making him get back with HJ.


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Park So Dam is really beautiful!! More so in this episode. I'm watching the screen caps and I keep thinking how fresh she looks. The countryside background, the hair cut and colour, her outfit, especially the sky blue colour just blends well to really bring out her face.
JIW too, looked fresh and revived, not the wish-to-die look his been sporting.


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SHOUT OUT the most ridiculous kdrama plot device EVER - ~~~random pool cramps~~~

I would like a list of all drama heroine who "almost died" because of random leg cramp in a pool they can all CLEARLY stand in. Then I would like a list of real-life cramp-related drowning in public pools. And then I'll email this to every drama writer ever, just to hopefully make them NEVER EVER EVER use this ridiculous ploy again.

You know what would be more likely than cramps? Slipping on the pool edge and hitting your head on the edge. Not only would the hero get to rescue the heroine, but she would also have amnesia (obviously)! Two drama tropes in one movement.

You are welcome drama writers.


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Hero then takes heroine to the hospital, where the brain scan for her head injury reveals that she has brain cancer, and has less than a year to live.

This combined with the amnesia causes much angst.

BUT LO, 3 months of suffering later, it is discovered that THE DOCTOR MIXED UP THE TEST RESULTS AND OMG SHE'S ACTUALLY OKAY. Huzzah for inept medical professionals! The joy of this news returns heroine's memory.

Hero is so ecstatic about all of this that he runs to the hospital disregarding pedestrian crosswalk signals, and is hit by a white truck of doom.

Now HE has amnesia.

To be continued...


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I looove this! ?

(cue angelic choir... )


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Hero meanwhile meets a simply stunning and caring doctor who he can't help falling in love with while recovering in the gloomy hospital.

He regains his memory and his torn between his past love and present love. Throw in a mix of kisses/tears and screen pauses dramatically by zooming in on their frozen faces.

Who will he chose? ?


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The stunning and caring doctor is actually the chaebol-ess sister of the original heroine who actually stood to inherit the gazillion dollar empire. The doctor had rubbed oil on the swimming pool edge in hopes of drowning the heroine.

#birth secrets


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and there's 2nd lead who helps the doctor poured the oil for a cash part time,
after enough money to save , he also developed software to find a face recognition software that free to used to find a missing person,
he becomes a gazillionaire , the highest in the list under 30 of the business magazine,
he has this idea because he once was saved by the heroine when he played in the theme park and get lost, he wants to meet her but find no clue,
one day he comes to the hospital to update his missing person database and voila *choir Esque
he meets the heroine who asked him to find the missing hero and recognised her as his girl instantly


Our poor hero realizes the chaebol doctor's plan due to a convenient fact she mentions in the first 5 minutes of the episode that is then used to solve the whole mystery.

Hero ~miraculously~ regains his memory jjuuuuuuuussstt as his past love is getting attacked by numerous gangsters, and defeats them all with fighting skills all hero's automatically have.

He reunites with his first love because #firstloveistheonlyreallove. In Korea people only really love once. The first time. Everyone after is just a reminder of what they could have had.


Just as our hero miraculously regains his memory, his latest Samsung handyphone rings! It's his past love calling him to say she survived the attack and that she was on her way to see him.
Past love hails an orange taxi cab and instructs the driver to go to the hospital.
Meanwhile, our hero tries to put the pieces together and recalls that it was the simply stunning and caring doctor that mixed up the test results but is discombobulated because of his feelings for her. Now torn between feelings, our hero calls his best friend for advice. His best friend happens to be his past loves first love whom he has never gotten over.
Best friend is a first generation chaebol who is being pressured by his parents to find a girl to marry or he shall not inherit anything. Best friend answers the phone, stunned to hear our hero got his memory back. Our hero informs him of his dilemma, best friend takes advantage of the situation and lies to him saying that he and his past love have been dating since our hero always pushed her away.
Past love arrives at the hospital, finding our hero in distraught. Hero fumes angrily at his past love accusing her of being selfish. Hero makes a beeline to sweet and caring doctor while infused with several bottles of soju, they share a kiss which leads to them spending the night together. Past love catches them the morning after and weepingly leaves the apartment they shared. She ends up bumping into the best friend and they make out... 2 months later she gets pregnant and gets engaged. On the wedding day, our hero shows up asking her back. Best friend hears the confession, pulls a gun from the drawer and aims it at our hero. Then.......the chyron appears




Writer-nim decides that he doesn't like how the Hero was created. So, he resets the story by making everything a dream. When the Hero awakes, he finds that he is now a two-dimensional stick figure.


I'm fairly positive that there is a drama out there with this exact plotline. Lmao!!


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The Mask of Cinderella's Sister?


Haha omg i laughed so hard at your words i got teary-eyed. While i had the same thoughts i was like kdrama doesnt care what real or not. Convey emotions and thats all. I could clearly see HM stand in the pool and rolled my eyes. How stupid could a writer be by filming the bottom of the pool and see people stand on it. Why not just from above where no one knows how deep it is. Such stupid logic! ?


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As much as I enjoyed the drunk antics, I still feel that hawon and ji woon's story is too forced. More importantly, I don't like that hawon loses her spunk everytime ji woon is within close proximity. I get that they're endgame but I still am holding out hope that they balance it with her strength and fierceness.

Hyunmin-ah, stay strong!

Seowoo, can you be mine? hihi

PS thank you for the recap! :)


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I hope it's a fluke but I can't read DB except the comments.... this fangirl will be very sad when I can't read my recaps:'((((((


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Are you on mobile?

There should be a "Read more" button a bit after the recap intro. I don't know why WordPress changed this. It used to be the Read More button goes away when you're inside the post itself. But I noticed it changed here and in other blogs I visit. :/


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I didn't mind Ji Woon in this episode as much as I hated him in the previous ones. But man, it took me a while to get through this episode, because I felt no driving force for me to finish it in one sitting. I hate how callously everyone is treating Hyun Min. And I don't like Ha Won that much now. I wish they'd just introduce someone awesome to Hyun Min, and they'd fall in love and live happily ever after. Just don't give him away to Hye Ji. Jebal. T_T

And Seo Woo is totally Jeremy, and we know where that one-sided crush ended up. T_T

On the other hand, I like drunk, tousled Smexytary Lee. lol.

Also, as I mentioned before, I have this weird hunch; they cramped in two kisses in this episode. Why do I get the feeling that the Hyun Min-Ha Won kiss would happen for real? O.o


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Aww, Jeremy! My heart still ache for the memory of the tear-filled song in the bus. T.T

100% agree with you on smexytary and non hyeji ending for hyun min.


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Ya, @erratic! Stop putting thoughts into my head. I've finally accepted Team Hyun-min's fate. Hahahah.

Would it be pathetic for me to think that this show is just scratching the surface, be it tat it's already episode 8.

A girl could only dream so much.


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Lol. Maybe there's a reason why TVN took this up. Let's hope that's the reason. XD


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Shout to @Muriel, and few others (sorry I forgot)... so agree with you about the recap.

HyunMin HyeJi pool scene: @CandidClown reading your recap makes it easy to just treat it as it is. But watching it acted was a pain in the eyes.... Argh. #speechless
Director-nim, please do better next time. I am afraid those two need more chemistry to begin with.

HaWon JiWoon leaping scene at the field after the fall made me squeee in the middle of the night when I watched it. It was really satisfying though.

Also thank you for SeoWoo in white crisp shirt screencap, soo haawwt.. (off to fanning myself)

HyunMin HyeJi lip press scene: I refuse to call it a kiss, it is a lip-press scene. HyunMin can kiss, remember when he kissed HaWon in his dream/imagination? That was much more emo then than this. I know it supposedly a stolen kiss by his first love, but where is the emotion, each has had the other in their minds for a good while yet when their faces were this close, there were.....no sparks? #slapownface

I like Jung IlWoo better in this episode than before. Well, he is more likeable now. Before he was so aloof, Park SoDam is seriously good actor. She made whomever her sparing actor of the scene shines, on the contrary scenes with HyeJi just made me want to fast forward :( doh!


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I wanna think that after the low-pressure kiss HM realizes that his feelings for HW are the real deal. That's my story and I am sticking to it (or I will be very depressed :/ ). I can't stand HJ.


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SAME. Even more so because blockhead JW is till hung up on Delusional Princess and is bound to break Cinderelly's big heart. The forecast is grim.


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I like goofy jiwoon.


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The best thing about this drama currently is that they finally released the OST I've been searching for since ages now!! Younha's I Believe.


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I cannot believe you screencapped Bodyguard Lee mid-barf. CandidClown +1, my gag reflex 0. When I marry Lee, he is not allowed to have any alcohol.

Still enjoying this mindless plot (?) but I can tell I'm not going to like the angst that will surely be forthcoming from Hawon's fake dad.


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so . . . Idk why the character seems changed but I get the idea so let it flow,
hyun min still adorable,
and I seriously thin PSD really cute without meaning to be one, she just cute


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It's cotton candy. And if taken as such it is still fun

It's not Boys over Flowers, it's not You're Beautiful .... It's in a league all its own in terms of its fluff factor and lack of concern about sustaining any serious narrative development

But it's still fun. It has some likable actors who are very watchable ...


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For AJH, PSD, and actor playing the Bodyguard's sake I hope the ratings continue to increase. Because they definitely deserve to get more good acting roles based on their performance here


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This is funny.so ji woon is a back up plan for hye ji.ha won and ji woon at the end of the episode is funny.when they wake up the next day,it'll be too awkward for them.im sure they'll try to avoid eachother and think about the kiss every minute o the day


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"when they wake up the next day,it’ll be too awkward for them.im sure they’ll try to avoid eachother and think about the kiss every minute o the day"

Excellent... excellent *rubs hands in glee* Can't wait for that part.


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I feel like we've hit the stage where we can now live through their second hand embarrassment as they start to "fall in love" with each other. I quite enjoy squealing and laughing at those parts teehee


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LOL but why do I feel only HW will remember those 'embarrassing moments'. Ha Ha ✌?


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When I said that "what's worse than episode 7? ....episode 8" I should have included.. Episode 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Here's to hoping something better happens in the upcoming episodes.


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Any luck on abandoning ship, Yoyo? XD


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Still here. Still hoping. \^0^/


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I like unexpectedly seeing \^0^/ in different recaps, it's like bumping into an old friend somewhere unexpected xD


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Lol. \^o^/


Based on previews, I think the plot will only get more outlandish. Five dead parents (who all died suspiciously 10 years ago) and one conniving parent and an evil step sister/an evil step mother/and possibly an evil past first love and an evil false dad, not to mention maybe 4 or 5 different possible love lines, will do that to a story. :-)

But I think I might be here for the duration - if just to see how outrageous / hilarious / fun it gets. You can pick the adjective :)

I am so engaged by AJH's Hyun Min character that I seriously welcome HyeJi going to Jin Woo if it will just give AJH some screen time without her?

Bring on the over the top antics Show! After this week I think I know better what to expect going forward


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i love their filming location, isn't it the same house from the heir? and where is the location in korea? the location where JW and HW looked for her mom's necklace? it is so beautiful!


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Yes! I too want to know because it was really beautiful! I want to go ride a horse there some day!!

Does anyone have any idea? Is it Korea? Jeju? Did they go overseas to shoot?


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I love EVERYTHING (well, maybe we can leave out Hye-ji) about this drama - angelic voices n' all!! As a commenter said above, it simply leaves you with a cozy feeling!! It may be cliched, but that's the whole point. What you see is what you get, and I'm pretty sure it was intended that way. And yes, something cliched can also have a plot, it may not be a plot that tickles your fancy, but it's still a plot, and a pretty straightforward one at that. God knows why people harp on about logic or a lack of it, or inconsistencies that are simply not there - seriously, it's not that difficult a narrative to follow. Just sit back, and enjoy the cheese, is what I say!! Bring on the next episode!



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Yeah, sadly I had the opposite reaction to this episode. I firmly abandoned the show now, since it's clear they're pushing HMxHJ and HJ is on the same level as the stephorrors characterwise.

She is unrepentant and uses people only for her personal gain and I just don't see the connection between her and HM. It's fine if JW and HW become the main couple, I expected this, even if I'm not a fan of JIW in this role and I could accept it more if the show wasn't trying to force HM/HJ down our throat.


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Since the other drama i am currently watching is Uncontrollably Fond, i am personally very happy for the silly fluff, and i love all of our main actors except for the girl playing HJ. I will watch JIW in almost anything!


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The only thing i simply could not understand was why she didnt bother to pack a suitcase for HM!


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Haha yes! I mean if not her, they even have a whole house of staff that gets payed to do stuff like that. Could not someone, anyone pack him some clothes?


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Yes! Haha. I thought the same. I wondered if it was for an obligatory shirtless post shower scene (since he had no fresh clothes) after falling in the pool, or maybe PPL for some kick ass washing machine but nope. Lol. He just has no new clothes.


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Which is sad. LOL.

At this point, I think the writer missed this part! And then no one wants to take advantage to use this missed part, for a better use.


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I know. Why didn't Jagga-nim take advantage of Hyun Min not having any clothes for an aptly-timed, gratuitous shower scene of Ahn Jae Hyun? Lol.


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Things that happened on this show that future kdramas should take note of:

1. Its okay to be cliché for as long as it's cute.
2. Narratives don't matter for as long as it's portrayed as cute.
3. Storylines can have no context for as long as it can be related to as something cute.
4. Characters having no depth and serving no purpose is fine for as long as they're cute.
5. 16 episodes based solely on cuteness.

To have a successful show, just overload everything with cuteness. #WinningFormula



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I caught the sarcasm but I think you hit on a really big point. There's at least a few HUGE hits (DotS, Girl Who Sees Smells, Heirs) that had major plot holes and gaffs but got away with it because there was so much cute to hide their downfalls.


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Agreed! This episode was so fun and happy. When they all put on the jackets and were playing drinking games I think I was beaming even more than Ha Won! In fact I WAS, because she was cute-surly drunk by that point!

Nice points on the dynamic between Hyun Min and Hye Ji, as well as for the step mom and sis. This show really doesn't seem to know exactly who they want the steps to be!

Poor Seo Woo. As the third male lead he just sweetly pines and writes loves songs, while barely getting any screen time. He reminds of of Jeremy from You're Beautiful.

Loved secretary Lee this ep too.

Last thought, I loved how Ha Won and Ji Woon came together for those tipsy smooches. Something about it seemed much more realistic than most kdrama kiss scenes!

Good vibes!


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Can we take a moment to appreciate the love & hate relationship between JiWoon & Hyun Min? LOL especially the scene in the bathroom. I don't know but they had become closer a bit recently, maybe because they met everyday! Let's make HW busy to find her birth father and sent HJ to exile ( where is suitable? countryside? this girl seriously need to find something better to do, than keep chasing HM!). I want more of JW & HM scenes together and I want to know more about Mr Bodyguard too!


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Yes to HM and JW scenes! That needs to happen, the scene where JW said I love you to HM lol Those guys could become friends, they just don't know it yet. Honestly, I think I would like more scenes between the male cast in general. Let's get the girls on a ladies night out and have the focus on the guys. I know they are just avoiding each other cause they don't like nobody but isn't the whole point of Ha won's missions to make them warm up to each other? So let's get to it already, writer, you can just fill in the plot holes with tropes as you have been doing all this time. Just show us some bromance. \^0^/


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I love dramas that give relationships time to develop and breathe. Dramas like Girl Who Sees Smells, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Ex-Girlfriends' Club and even Mask did a really nice job taking time developing the individual characters and then slowly grow the relationship as the approach the end of the show. For me, this means that a friendship is formed before we link the OTP romantically. When things occur that way then the viewer can feel comfortable about the fate of the OTP. Thus far, Cinderella seems to be following the same path. We're getting a nice blend of character development and relationship growth so we can feel secure that when everything goes to pot, our OTP will come out stronger.


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I like these recaps more and more because they really are objective and aren't made based on ships.

I loved the episode and I still counting down the days for more (It will not be much, thank god)

Each of the scenes of HW and JW were beyond perfect. This couple with alcohol is the BEST!


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Where can I get one?!


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I've said it in the previous recap and I'll say it again, Hye-ji's misplaced sense of entitlement to Hyun-min's affections just because they were childhood friends (or childhood sweethearts maybe, the show ain't very clear) just pisses me off big time.

Like girl, yes I get it, you have history but you can't expect that to be enough to make him fall for you in the present. Obviously something happened to make Hyun-min this way towards her but instead of doing something proactive about it she just sits around and sews and pricks her finger all the time. I want to go all Maleficent on her and curse all her needles so she'll just fall into a deep slumber because honestly her character has no character anyway. My soggy ramen breaksfast has more personality than her.

On a positive note, everyone else is upping the fluffy. And I love fluffy! Drunk Ji-woon ftw! ?


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Methinks she watched too many dramas.

Shared Tragic Past = Instant Loveline


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"My soggy ramen breakfast has more personality than her."

LOL. Agreed. My burnt bread for breakfast has more personality than her :P



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Agreed. My milk-saturated cereal breakfast has more personality than her.


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Thanks for the recap, CandidClown! What an enjoyable read and love your reactions!!

We're at the halfway mark and I'm at the point that I just wanna keep watching this mindlessly no matter how good or bad it gets. LOL

I do agree with how some of you pointed out that HW doesn't seem to be very sensitive to what HM is going through. The focus on missions and her personal desires seem to be too much in the way the plot developed in this ep. I did like the cute JW-HW moments such as the necklace scene. But this drama is just all over the place. HM has been reduced to the sidelines and his scenes with HJ make me grimace. At least SW continues to be a beam of sunlight and Bodyguard Lee is my fave. XD

The BBQ drunk scene was hilarious!!!!! Bodyguard Lee drunk and puking is the funniest thing ever. Poor guy is probably constantly stressed and deserves a break. JW doing the cute three hearts at the end made me laugh. At least dorky, drunk JW is better than "get lost" unresponsive JW.

That Kang dude can't be HW's dad, for sure. And looks like he's gonna pretend to be the dad just to scam some money from HW and the Kang family. Grrrrrr...

HJ... I can only take so much of this girl!! Feigning drowning and using JW as some sorta ultimatum is so low.


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He, so I'm not the only one that thought she faked the leg cramp.


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LOL She totally did! She was so far from the edge of the pool. Probably slid in to prep her act before yelling HM's name. XD


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It seems that the production team is aware of the annoying angelic choir music because this time, they only used it once when JW and HW fell into the grass AND they cut it off before it started. Good timing.

At the rate the cliches are coming out in this show - amnesia, truck of doom, birth secrets are not far behind now.

Doesn't matter because the show is so darn cute! I'm embarrassed to admit that I repeated the scene where JW makes those hearts. Awww...


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I feel like hwang ja is lee's mom. Maybe lee is grandpa's son. Thats what hwanja keep on saying about other child


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A big shout out to CandidClown

I stopped watching this show after ep 7. Reading your recap made me pick it up again. And after watching it, nope, still dropping it.

ummm .... What i want to say is that you have an amazing way with words. The way you express yourself completely reels the audience in. Your recap made the show sound 10x better than it actually was. Thank You for a job done awesomely. It was truly a fantastic writeup.


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I think grandpa paid Ha-won's dad to throw her out. He was acting very strange in that scene, and then to tell his wife and stepdaughter later "don't let her back in the house, no matter what..." was really weird. And why is he looking so hard for this (suspiciously named) Kang guy? Looks to me like he's been trying to find him for quite a while. Hired by grandpa, perhaps?

Anyone want to take a bet that Kang-construction-worker is actually JI-WOON's dad, supposedly dead but actually missing after someone saw him go over the side of a bridge/boat/rooftop, with amnesia ever since? And/or on the run after being implicated in a fire that killed at least two people?

Hye-ji... I was SO hoping she would be the Fairy Godmother (better than sewing mice!) I want to believe there's more motive than we're seeing for her actions. Hyun-min does run hot and cold with her, ignoring her one minute, kissing her the next (to scare off a potential wife... but was that really the only reason?) Looks to me like he DOES still care about her, however much he denies it, and maybe she's picking up on that. I think he was really stunned after admitting to the plastic surgeon that HJ was his first love, not from the confession scene.

As for Ha-won bossing everyone around, I think she means well. She has been good at picking up on what's really keeping them apart, and trying to help them deal with issues. She's over-reacting a bit because her family has just self-destructed, perhaps, and she can't understand why they don't appreciate the chance at the family she's lost.

Both Ji-woon and Hyun-min show pretty obvious attachment disorder symptoms, which makes a lot of sense, given their circumstances. I'm not saying the show gets this 100% correct, and I don't expect that of a drama anyway, but maybe their characters seem more credible to me because I've got some direct experience with those issues.

I'm sure we'll have a bunch of misleading birth info next, and couples trading partners temporarily and glaring at each other, and probably someone will disappear from the group for a bit (again). We've already had the Lost Item, Swimming Cramps, Deadly Diagnosis, Mystery Parent(s), an overdose of Parents Died Young, Horseback Riding (when did JW learn to ride?), multiple Pretty Woman scenes (lampshaded), Overactive Part-Timer, 2 flavors of Mama's Boy, etc.... I need to make a Bingo card to watch dramas, I think. :)


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Thank you, this is hilarious and I think I will enjoy ridiculous dramas with it a lot more now. ^^


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Ah, thanks. ^-^ I think I'll need one of these for each episode. A few of these seem to show up in EVERY kdrama EVER. ;)

Should "Fake Marriage" include "Fake engagement," do you think? I would say a repossession of goods should count as "loan sharks." Also, should we count Ha-won abducting Hyun-min as "piggy back ride"?

I refreshed the bingo card a few times, but didn't see:

- Thrown glass of water in face/salt on head
- Girl forgets she has a black belt/is a badass
- Business runs itself
- Young man stuck in rock-throwing stage (the best way to get the girl's attention is to drop worms on her, right?)
- Thirty and never dated
- Sins of the fathers (or mothers, as the case may be)
- BGM Shortlist (Boys Before Flowers, I'm looking at YOU)
- Enemy of my enemy is temporarily not my rival


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You're right, some of them should be changed to be more generic like the fake wedding to fake (engagement/wedding/dating)!

I'll update the tropes with your suggestions. Thank you very kamsa~ ^_____^


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You can add
Really fancy cars (rented, but only for 1st ep)
Misplaced cellphones
Cellphones turned off
People going missing; search for same
Reading messages not intended for the reader
Hidden identity

We haven't had amnesia or sudden hospitalization or truck of doom yet.

That said, loving it.


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Well a truck of doom almost hit HJ a few episodes ago... so that means we've had another cliche: saves girl from incoming horse/truck of doom.

But still loving it.


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Add the lack of lockscreen passwords. I think Cinderella was the first I saw who broke that trope. Haha!


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You're Beautiful had a scene where Go Mi-nam was going Hwang Tae-kyung's password XD


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I really like the cute couple so much. But I love hyun min so much , he might be my favourite.. But I don't want him to end up with hye ji...he doesn't need a girl. He's awesome all by himself. Also I wish son naeun could emote better...somehow the casting failed there... I can think of other idols/non idols who could do a better job.


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One of the worst kiss scene I've ever seen. I'm not an hater, just I didn't like the context and Jung Il Woo acting. It could have been cute, if Ji Woon wasn't soooo drunk to not being able to speak an to watch Ha Won streight in the face =/


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The boys were all pretty good this ep. They had their funny, cute and goofy moments, exactly what I signed up for. Secretary Lee's special party trick (aka projectile barfing) was a bit more than I signed up for, but I was still glad to see him loosen up and have fun (since we know his secret and whatever connection he's got with the Chairman & Chairman's new Archwife is gonna blow up soon).

On the other hand, my gripes:
- Ha Won: does the girl have no flaws at all? Even when she's apologising, everyone's reactions makes it feel like she's done nothing really wrong - and I find this really annoying! (I agree with #fancyramen at 14, she's rather insensitive when dealing with people around her, even though it's presented as being pure/naive/well-intentioned).
- Hyeji: everyone's said it already.
- Mom & StepSis: this duo may have a cute side, but they're so unrelentingly anti-Ha Won and so silly that I lose all patience with them. Seriously, have they nothing better to do than hash out ridiculous plots to insinuate yourself into Haneul Group? We already have to put up with Hyeji - why do we need so many "baddie" characters?
- Finally, Chairman Grandpa: he's being nice to Ha Won now and he suddenly wants his heirs to get along like a family, but he's neglected them (and his sons) for years, and he's pretty ruthless when he's out to get what he wants (like when he paid off Ji Woon's co-workers and buddies to cut him out of their lives). He may have a terminal illness or whatever, but he ain't a Nice Guy.

Fingers crossed that Ep 9 gets better! Thanks for the recaps, CandidClown!


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