Cinderella and the Four Knights: Episode 7

Our heroine has been successful with previous missions, but this new one comes with new challenges. Namely, a heartsick knight who’s moping around and not making things any easier for her. How do you snap a miserable knight out of his funk when he doesn’t want to be helped? Nothing heals a broken heart like time, but with the new mission looming, Cinderella doesn’t have much of it.


We resume where we left off last week. Hyun-min agrees with Ha-won to end their fake relationship, but proposes that they start dating for real this time. Hye-ji overhears all this and drops Ha-won’s bouquet to the ground, fuming. Ji-woon follows her as she storms out.

Ha-won looks up at Hyun-min and asks him point-blank, “Do you like me?” He’s hesitates to answer and averts his gaze, discomfited by the question. Ha-won continues, “Take a good look at what your heart feels, regarding your family and women.” And with that, she walks away.

Ji-woon catches up to Hye-ji and assures her that Ha-won and Hyun-min had nothing going on, but Hye-ji’s already aware; she’s upset for another reason and simply wants to be left alone.

At school, Seo-woo is trapped inside an impenetrable ring of fangirls. Every time he tries to escape, the circle closes in on him, heh. He feigns sickness and then shouts, “Hey, it’s CNBlue!” — a meta wink to Lee Jung-shin’s band — and in that brief moment of distraction, he makes a run for it.

The rabid fangirls chase him, but Ja-young pulls him to cover and says she’s got an idea. Cut to Seo-woo running toward his manager’s car dressed in Ja-young’s uniform, skirt and all. (Hey, he’s got a nice pair of legs there!) His manager spots a “crooked-legged weirdo” approaching and immediately locks the car. Seo-woo frantically bangs on the windows, and the manager finally lets him after a double take. Meanwhile, Ha-won sullenly walks along a sidewalk, her phone battery running low.

Ms. Beolgyo shows Bodyguard Lee and Seo-woo Ha-won’s farewell note; they’re all concerned about her disappearance. Seo-woo asks Ji-woon if he’s seen her, and he replies with a brusque “I don’t care.” Lee gets up to search for Ha-won, and Seo-woo volunteers to join since he was close to Ha-won, too. Aww.

Hyun-min walks out of the school, and the hushed giggles and amused stares of passersby strike him as odd; it’s not the kind of attention he usually attracts. He gasps when he sees his friend’s text: a viral video of his confession to Ha-won, recorded unbeknownst to him.

Bodyguard Lee visits Stepmom’s house to see if Ha-won’s there, and Stepmom cackles upon hearing that Ha-won left Sky House so soon. Seo-woo pulls up to a cafe, masks his face, and asks for a worker named Ja-young. The person he’s speaking to turns out to be her, and she immediately recognizes him. He relaxes when she promises to keep his schoolgirl exit a secret, but unfortunately she doesn’t know where Ha-won is.

Ji-woon spots the white roses Ms. Beolgyo’s arranging into a vase and asks if they’re from Ha-won. She replies that they are; Ha-won figured colorful flowers would be inappropriate after the memorial. She goes on about how thoughtful Ha-won is, but Ji-woon leaves abruptly to go find her, suddenly reminded of her reason for living at Sky House, which was to protect something important to her.

Seo-woo hears from Bodyguard Lee, who also wasn’t able to locate Ha-won. He looks over at his scrawled lyrics: “Where could she be? Why?” Meanwhile, Ji-woon stops outside the convenience store and smiles at what he sees: Ha-won sitting inside with three bowls of instant noodles.

She happily digs in, acting as if her parents are eating with her and celebrating her graduation. But she starts to cry when she tells her mother that she’s unable to go to college. Ji-woon observes all this and jokingly calls her out for eating three meals all by herself.

Ha-won hastily wipes her tears as he joins her at the table. He suggests she stop starving herself and return home to Sky House. He reveals that he attended his father’s memorial, which means she completed her mission after all. Her face lights up, and when asked if she was the one who left a rose by his mother’s urn, she replies that their mothers are like neighbors in a way.

Ji-woon shyly admits that he gave that rose to his father, and Ha-won praises him for that gesture. She excitedly asks if they’ll be heading back home together, and Ji-woon nonchalantly orders her to hurry up. Aww.

Bodyguard Lee and Seo-woo remain worried stiff, but Ha-won bursts through the doors with an enthusiastic, “I’m back!” Ji-woon follows close behind her. Lee, Seo-woo, and Ms. Beolgyo are relieved and overjoyed by her safe return. Seo-woo scoffs at Ji-woon’s supposed indifference, and Ji-woon heads to his room, feigning disinterest.

Ha-won enters Seo-woo’s room, and he greets her with a little ditty. She’s beams and remarks on how touched she was by his forty-nine missed calls. Seo-woo apologizes on behalf of the three dingbats for making her suffer.

He states how impressive Ha-won is for rejecting Hyun-min so easily. She’s shocked by his knowledge of that, and they both notice Hyun-min’s empty bedroom. Ha-won watches the confession video with her mouth agape, and Seo-woo tells her not to worry; it was his first rejection, but he’s probably out seducing another woman. Ha-won frets that she may have been too harsh on him.

Hyun-min’s at a PC bang, furtively checking out the wrath of his viral confession, heh. The view count keeps rising, and the netizens’ comments are pointed, calling him “Korea’s #1 Douchebag” and remarking that money doesn’t buy everything. He’s fed up and humiliated, and the availability of subtitles in multiple languages only adds to his distress, heh.

He takes an obscure route home to avoid being seen. He reflects on Ha-won’s question of whether he likes her and is perplexed by his unfamiliar emotions. And as luck would have it, it starts to downpour. He arrives home drenched and silently enters his room without acknowledging Ha-won’s presence. So emo.

The next morning, Ha-won wakes up in high spirits. She looks over at Ji-woon’s room and watches him tinkering with a toy car. He catches her gaze, and the two stare and smile at each other before Ha-won turns to her phone and texts him.

She asks if he slept well, and he writes back “Nope.” He smirks and warns her not to act like they’re close now. He also decides against bringing up the topic of her fake engagement with Hyun-min. She points out he’s no longer ignoring her, and Ji-woon gets back to tinkering. Ha-won waves her arms to grab his attention and direct him to his phone again. Her “Thank you” text brings a smile to his face and hers. Adorable.

Seo-woo walks toward his manager’s car, but his manager stops him first to check that he’s not dabbling in a school uniform fetish again. Seo-woo tells him to stop with the ribbing since he’s in a great mood. His manager assumes it’s because he’s making progress on his song, but Seo-woo declares that something even better happened. Aw!

Not everyone’s merry, however. Bodyguard Lee spots Hyun-min outside, twirling a blade of grass and crouching by the stream, looking rather pitiful. Omg, this image of Hyun-min is just so hilarious. I can’t!

A luxurious feast is laid out on the dining table, but Ha-won’s in the kitchen sampling Ms. Beolgyo’s simple side dishes and watching her mix up some bibimbap instead. She gushes that she returned to Sky House because she missed Ms. Beolgyo’s comforting meals and remarks that the fancy spread doesn’t taste like home.

Bodyguard Lee appears and Ha-won feeds him a little something, interrupting his speech and taking him by surprise. Cuute. Ha-won mentions that Hyun-min’s been acting odd lately, and Lee agrees; he’s never seen Hyun-min like that before, but isn’t too concerned. Ms. Beolgyo giggles about his new nicknames: variations on #RichDouchebag.

Stepmom is painting Yoo-na’s toenails when suddenly, Yoo-na jerks her leg, sending her mom flying. She can’t handle the comments left on the viral video, which include calling Ha-won the next Cinderella because of her good fortune.

Stepmom blames her daughter for digging her own grave with that story she wrote, and Yoo-na angrily trudges to her room. When stepmom shouts that an uneven pedicure is bad luck, the door opens slightly, and Yoo-na pokes her foot out so her mom can resume painting. Pfft.

Ha-won meets with Grandpa Kang, who shows her that he laminated the white rose Ji-woon left for his father. This rose signifies that Ji-woon is changing, he says, and he gifts Ha-won with several flight tickets; her reward is a vacation this time. Grandpa says she can bring whomever she’d like, adding that a vacation usually brings bickering people together. He looks forward to seeing just how skilled she is again, and Ha-won surmises that this won’t be an ordinary vacation.

Ji-woon’s outside Hye-ji’s studio, but she doesn’t seem to be in. Hwa-ja answers a call during her massage with Stepmom, and it sounds like she’s arranging a date for someone, providing details on the type of girl she’s looking for. Stepmom memorizes the number on her screen and calls Yoo-na to let her know that she’s one step closer to marrying a Kang; the plan is to swap Yoo-na with the girl Hwa-ja had in mind. Oh Stepmom, you have it all wrong…

Bodyguard Lee drives Ha-won back after their meeting. She’s unsure if the boys will go on vacation with her, but Lee believes she’ll make it happen and flashes his biggest smile to date, dimples and all. Just then, he answers a call and his face falls at once. He responds with a terse “No, thank you” before hanging up. My guess? He just rejected a date set up by Hwa-ja.

Ha-won tentatively knocks on Hyun-min’s door before opening it. She sees him in bed, fast asleep, possibly ill with a severe case of broken heart. Ji-woon’s not in his room either, so she calls him and he picks up. He’s right behind her with the phone to his ear, wondering why she’s calling someone who lives in the same house as her.

Ha-won hangs up her phone and addresses him in person. She excitedly requests that they all go on a trip together, and Ji-woon’s face says “No” loud and clear. He hangs up his phone and shows her that this conversation is over.

Ha-won calls Ja-young next and visits her at the cafe. She thanks Ja-young for keeping her diploma safe, but Ja-young says there’s no need for thanks; she shows Ha-won a stash of photos featuring Seo-woo in all his schoolgirl uniform glory. This is so great.

The fact that Seo-woo wore the very uniform she wore everyday for three years gives her such joy, heh. Ha-won’s weirded out by this, but Ja-young claims that if other people saw this, trouble would brew. Ha-won’s lightbulb goes off and she asks Ja-young for the photos.

Seo-woo’s manager arrives at an abandoned warehouse to settle matters with someone who purports to have incriminating photos of Seo-woo. That someone is secretly Ha-won — oh, I LOVE where this is going! — and she shows the manager the goods, aka photos of Seo-woo in Ja-young’s uniform. The manager’s rattled and demands to know how much money she’d like to keep these photos buried, but Ha-won merely asks for Seo-woo’s schedule to be cleared for the next three days, and he gets right to work. Success! Ha-won exclaims that she’s got one down.

Hyun-min’s first interaction with civilization post-heartbreak takes place at a plastic surgery clinic. He begs the doctor to fix his entire face due to his “very serious situation.” The viral video keeps him from walking outside with the face he currently has, HAHA! The doctor suggests he grow out his hair and seek therapy in lieu of surgery to get over his first love.

But Hyun-min corrects the doctor and informs him that his first love was someone else, and it seems this realization just occurred to him. Next, we see his first love Hye-ji at home, looking depressed. She finally turns on her phone and reads the texts from Ji-woon and Ha-won, but she responds to Ha-won’s first since she asked to meet. Hye-ji suggests they meet at her studio.

Oh Hyun-min, you poor thing. He meekly plucks at a bundle of leaves, doing the whole “I love her”/“I love her not” spiel to determine where he stands. Ha-won tries to snap him out of his depressed funk, bringing up the vacation and even offering to post a public apology on YouTube, but he tells her not to talk because she’s distracting. She wonders who the girl in question is, but he doesn’t answer and continues to pluck the leaves. Ha-won snatches the last leaf from his hands, thinking it’ll shock him back to reality, but Hyun-min merely picks up another branch and starts all over again, LOL.

Hye-ji doesn’t answer Ji-woon’s calls again, so he heads to her studio. Ha-won is already there to meet with her. She sheepishly admits that she’s back at Sky House and assures Hye-ji that there’s nothing going on between her and Hyun-min, but Hye-ji commends her for rejecting him since he should know how that feels, too.

Ha-won tries to explain what happened, but Hye-ji interrupts and tells Ha-won that she shouldn’t feel sorry toward her since she didn’t make the confession. Ji-woon calls again, but Hye-ji ignores it and returns her attention to Ha-won, who came to ask Hye-ji for a favor.

Ha-won says she has to get all the boys to go to the Haneul Group vacation home, but it’s proving to be difficult. She figured that if Hye-ji went, Ji-woon and Hyun-min would too. Just then, Ji-woon arrives, and he’s none too pleased with Ha-won’s plan. He wonders if she has to take it this far, but Hye-ji states that she’ll go, and suggests Ji-woon does as well. He’s dead set on not going, however, and utters that he was worried about her. Ha-won takes this as her cue to leave.

Ji-woon asks what Hye-ji’s intentions are for going on the trip, and she answers that she wants to visit the Haneul Group vacation home again; she went there a couple times with Hyun-min and their families. He’s not sold on the idea, but Hye-ji admits that she doesn’t have the confidence to face Hyun-min by herself just yet. Hook, line, aaaand sinker!

Stepmom calls the number she got from Hwa-ja’s phone and tries to sell her daughter as a real catch, but when she falters at the occupation question, the person on the other end wraps up the conversation, no longer interested. Stepmom scolds Yoo-na for failing to get into college since she couldn’t even call her a student, but Yoo-na just whines about Stepmom’s broken promise of getting her into Sky House. Then, Yoo-na’s father arrives unexpectedly after his job fell through.

While grabbing her husband’s belongings from his car, Stepmom discovers a suspicious text on his phone: “I found out where Kang Young-jin is. You’re definitely paying me right?” She also sees a missing person poster on the floor.

She shows Yoo-na her findings and determines that her husband is secretly looking for Ha-won’s biological father, a Taekwondo Master named Kang Young-jin. The poster includes information regarding a fire that took place at Yeongak Apartments in 2006, which is how and where Ha-won’s mother died, and also Kang’s last known whereabouts. Stepmom thinks she can use this chance to make some money and end Ha-won’s Sky House days, which is music to Yoo-na’s ears.

That night, Ha-won bangs on Hyun-min’s door, but no amount of noise wakes him from his slumber. She’s surprised to hear from Bodyguard Lee that since he’s such a deep sleeper, he wouldn’t notice if someone carried him on his back.

Ji-woon has Ha-won on his mind, thinking back to the sight of her crying at the convenience store and when he interrupted her meeting with Hye-ji regarding the trip. He watches her continue to bang on Hyun-min’s door and asks if she’ll be able to complete this mission. Ha-won answers that everyone will go on the trip except for Ji-woon. He wonders if she’ll bring Hyun-min by kidnapping him, but she’s in no mood to joke.

Ha-won’s ecstatic to hear Ji-woon’s had a change of heart and will only go on the trip if she can get Hyun-min to go as well. She makes him pinky-promise to that, then enters Hyun-min’s room to rouse him from his sleep. She tries begging loudly and poking his face, but he’s still sleeping like a log. Ha-won’s reminded of Bodyguard Lee’s comment about Hyun-min’s deep slumber and Ji-woon’s quip about kidnapping, and a mischievous grin breaks out on her face.

Seo-woo packs his suitcase, and his manager sends well wishes for his Thailand gig. Sure… the “Thailand gig.” Hye-ji looks at an old photo of her and Hyun-min as kids, and texts Ji-woon to ascertain whether he’ll be going on the trip tomorrow. He types out “I’m not going,” but his finger hovers over the send button. Meanwhile, Ha-won approaches sleeping Hyun-min. She rolls up her sleeves and brings her smiling face close to his.


She’s not going to carry him herself, right? The notion of Ha-won kidnapping Hyun-min while he’s asleep is just too funny. Quite a lot happened in this episode, but even though some of it was setup for Operation: Kang Family Vacation, there were some surprising, sweet, and downright hilarious moments.

There was a major shift in Hyun-min’s persona; he went from pompous playboy to mopey Tigger (see: orange and black sweater worn during the excessive harming of leaves). Who knew he’d react like this? The unexpectedly sudden and extreme (plastic surgery was an option!) change in his mood made for a very enjoyable watch. I was so used to seeing Hyun-min as this unflappable Casanova who goes through girlfriends like Kleenex, that I figured one rejection, despite being his first and a very public one at that, probably wouldn’t shake him all that much. But I was wrong, and I’m really glad I was, because Hyun-min’s misery and suffering was so fun to watch. Harmless schadenfreude can be fun like that, okay?

Ever since Ha-won came into his life, he’s been forced to reckon with his emotions. His messy, confusing, and unfamiliar whirlwind of emotions. It’s like his true feelings started bubbling up to the surface after years of being pushed aside and ignored. And because he’s so overwhelmed from feeling so much all at once, he’s bewildered, fatigued, lost, and down in the dumps. His rejection allowed us to see a new side of Hyun-min that’s fragile, insecure, and vulnerable, but also revealingly true. We’ve all felt insecure and vulnerable at some point in our lives, and while it’s not the most pleasant feeling, it is what reminds us that we’re human. We’re not made of armor, and we all get hurt. And we process emotions in different ways.

Ji-woon continues to win points in my book. I love how every time he does something good, like bringing Ha-won home for instance, he tries to act like it was no big deal and that he doesn’t care, but that forced air of nonchalance just makes him even more endearing because we know the opposite to be true. In the beginning, it may have seemed like we were being forced to accept that Ji-woon and Ha-won were the OTP despite Hyun-min being the more compelling knight, but now their pairing is starting to make a lot more sense to me; it looks right and feels natural. Their easy banter and coy smile exchanges show that at the very least, Ha-won and Ji-woon feel comfortable around each other. Although, I do realize that a heartbroken Hyun-min made Ji-woon appear that much more ideal. It also helps that the steal-fiancée plan has been dropped since there was no fiancée in the first place.

The only thing that troubles me about Ji-woon is his odd relationship with Hye-ji. He’s willing to go out on a limb for her, especially if what’s upsetting her has to do with Hyun-min. Oh, she can’t face Hyun-min by herself yet? Not to worry, because Ji-woon will be her moral support, and will also renege on his decision to not go on the trip. He is always at her beck and call whenever she’s unhappy, almost like he’s her boyfriend. But he’s not. So, why is he trying so hard?

Hye-ji confuses me because when she’s talking to Ha-won, she’s completely civil, understanding even, and quite reasonable. I wasn’t sure who she was mad at this time, and whether or not she considers Ha-won her friend anymore. She seems to go back on forth with her dislike of Hyun-min and/or Ha-won, and I can’t keep track. I like her (ish) when she makes sense, but I can’t stand when she’s being needy and using Ji-woon to get what she wants.

I loved when Ha-won used Seo-woo’s schoolgirl uniform photos to coerce the manager into clearing Seo-woo’s schedule. I thought it was clever and cheeky of her, and I hope we get to see more of her thinking outside the box. It’s nice to see that the inhabitants of Sky House are becoming her makeshift family. It’s pretty clear she feels at home there. She lights up the mansion when she’s present, and when she’s missing, her absence is felt, and everyone worries about her. She’s finally getting the love, care, and eye candy that she deserves.

There was a small development in the missing person storyline, and I’m guessing Stepmom is correct in that the man in the missing poster is Ha-won’s biological father. I’m curious to see how she uses this knowledge to her gain. It seems she and Yoo-na are bent on ruining Ha-won because they can’t fathom the idea that she’s living in the company of rich people at Sky House. They were cruel during the high school graduation, and I’m sure they’re capable of way worse.

But first, a vacation! Grandpa Kang said a vacation brings people together, and I’m sure his words will ring true. Will people be brought so close together that sparks will fly? I’m wagering a resounding “Yes.”


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Man, Hye-ji needs a new hobby. Fuming and whining don't count.


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Hye-ji is nothing but cunning.


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Hye-Ji has to be the MOST BORING character ever!


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Hye-ji is...just... ugh. Ji-woon possibly genuinely liking two girls is worse than Hyun-min fooling around with a dozen.

I'm gonna stop myself from ranting and just end by saying I also want to feed Smexytary Lee.


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I don't thnink that jiwoon actually likes hye jin in a completely romantic sense, I feel as if he somehow has got it in his head that he has to take care of her, as if she's this fragile little piece of glass that can be broken easily. I do feel as if he's slowly noticing Ha Won more and more but he's still a bit oblivious to his own feelings and since he's been Hye Ji's black knight for who knows how long he probably feels that he can't back out of the position just like that. anyways jung il woo is jung il woo and he is <3 JA JA JA


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I think there's some backstory there that we don't know about yet. He seems to be almost under some sort of chivalrous obligation to her. I don't get a romantic vibe from him at all, almost more like a very kind brother. It doesn't seem like guilt, but it does seem like pity.


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Well i don't know if you remember the scene where "hye jin" put her jacket on his shoulders when he was alone in the rain (I put her on commas because he sees someone's back not exactly her). There is more to it I'm sure but the show just started lol. I feel like he felt that she somehow saved him in that moment, he needed someone kind and there she was. I don't think he sees her as fragile, but almost like seeing her hurt herself over a an unrequited love hurts him. I mean many of us have been there, seeing a friend hurt themselves and it hurts us to see them like that.


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its probably because when he first came to skyhouse he ended up running across hye jin who was crying (because of hyun min) and she reminded him of his mum, also because she became his only friend. there were spoilers/info released before the show aired.


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Hye-ji and Ji-woon sitting on a tree, H-I-S-S-I-N-G! #snakes


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Haha!! I hope you come up with more funny comments for ep 8 that had us on our wits end.


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"Smexytary Lee" is my new favorite thing.


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I have been shipping Smexytary Lee since the beginning!! Frankly - I want HW to end up with him and not any of the 'bratty' rich boys.


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While there are elements of this drama that I love (I didn't think I'd like Hyun-min and his dramatics so much) so much about this drama confuses me. Something feels off, whether it be the writing, acting, or editing/directing but I don't understand the attraction our two leads have for each other.

I noticed it more in this episode as well as the next. I just don't feel the chemistry. I'm not emotionally invested in the romance, but would be perfectly content if the story got rid of the romance and focused on the building of a family relationships.

Also some of the story logic is pretty, flawed or at the very least, juvenile. Grandpa and his missions seem like something dreamed up by a grade-schooler. Maybe some of the problem is that the old fashioned feel to this type of narrative no longer entertains me the way it used to.

Despite my criticisms though, this is an easy watch and I find myself coming back to it each week.


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Yeah this week's episodes were especially hard to take in with all the forced scenarios

But then W already ate my brain and UF took away my patience so it worked that I just blanked out and consumed this drama


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Lol, I get what you mean.

Cinderella is like my system refresh. I watch, roll my eyes, laugh and some more rolling of my eyes and am all set for my next serious drama. ?


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But then W already ate my brain and UF took away my patience


I love this!!



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same here! literally! I actually paused with W for now as it's really stressing me out. Cinderella keeps my mood light and balanced.


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Yeah, the romance between JW and HW was a giant leap considering even by K-drama standards ?


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The writing is SO clunky. It's like a playground set instead of a house, every nut and bolt exposed.


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First, thanks for the hilarious recap chicka.
Eyes I agree that there is a juvenile, BoF, old-school feel to this drama, but that's what I like about it. It's got a nostalgia element to it, and like everyone else said, it's a comforting show to just tune into and relax with.
I want more Bodyguard grins!!


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word! definitely agree. it's a lot better than BoF imo, but in general it's in that same department. makes you swoon at the right moments, makes you angry at certain characters.. sad/feel bad for the 2nd male lead... etc. that feeling of aching for the 2nd male lead hasn't started yet but i hope it's gonna happen real soon. we haven't seen HM play his role of 2nd male lead yet... he's just been this cool character that you find attractive... and thats it. hope he starts displaying more genuine feelings of 'love'/interest in HW and eventually feeling jealous and hurt b/c HW --> JW.

the bodyguard is seriously the best BF material. where are all the yoonsungs at in this world?!


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haha yeah! Every episodes, Secretary Lee always surprises me (cooking, gentleness, fighting, smiling...). I just don't understand how can HW prefer JW to this perfect guy here... A real mystery if you ask me...


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Hmmm!!!!ha won might be a kang.i wonder who she's related to out of the three cousins.kang no 2 is changing.he is smiling a lot more than in previous episodes.hope ha won kidnaps hyun min.it will be fucking hilarious.seo woo is adorable like a puppy.i have nothing to say about evil step mom and daughter.they are rotten to the core


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I was laughing so much at HM this episode. What a reaction to rejection!


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He was hilarious. Loving AJH in comic roles.


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Thank you for the recap. I have been waiting for DB to post it since this is the only page where I discuss my opinions and enjoy reading other's opinion.

I just can't phantom why Ha won can't decipher Hyun min's feelings.She wants him to go on a trip with people who he dislikes and with that one person by whom he got rejected. That's really not the therapy he needs to get back on track to being normal.
Maybe I'm delusional because of my HMxHW ship, but HW seems not to care about either HM ( or SW for that matter) and have her eyes only on JW.

Atleast I can understand why JW is turned on by HW as he had seen her vulnerable side and know about her history better than HM/SW but, HW being all giddy about JW when he din't even open up to her is beyond my imagination.

I'm saving my comments on Hye Ji, Step-mom and step-sis for next recap.


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That's what i and many others feel too. Forced Skinship to Forced interactions to Forced romance. These is no logic in this show. It is big advertisement of Kdramas cliche and contrived romances. It is like a booklet for the newbies to make sure they understand what they will be served in future. And this is a pre-produced drama.

Writer had time + Novel and result is this. Either Writer was forced to write his 1st script or The novel itself is pretty bad. Rest of is done by Editing.

It also feels like they spend all money on locations and director did all the work of editor and sound director. whereas Writer did the side job of hair stylist+makeup artist.


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same, everything feels empty and unearned, little emotional depth and the romance is done in a clunky way. and im not even into hyun min x ha won either, its too candy type for me given how fast he developed feeling for her as well.


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That's exactly how I feel. While reading the recap I was honestly thinking aww, these moments are so cute and funny (I like the recap better than the episode!) but while watching the actual show, that's not how I felt at all about the scenes. It annoyed me a lot in fact. It really bothered me that only Ji Woon went on the trip on his own terms because only his POV was prioritized by Ha Won. When he said no, Ha Won essentially didn't try to get him to go, till he made a condition re: Hyun Min going, and she fulfilled the condition by negating Hyun Min's POV entirely. Both Hyun Min and Seo Woo were essentially coerced and had no say at all. They would actually have legitimate reasons for not going if they chose not to (unlike Ji Woo, who was just deciding according to whim); Hyun Min might not want to be stuck with the girl who just rejected him and the girl he's been trying his best to avoid in a place that holds memories that he may not necessarily be happy to be reminded of. Similarly, Seo Woo's schedule is obviously not just contingent on him, there are going to be other people responsible and involved.

Maybe I should just completely suspend disbelief, and all this wouldn't ordinarily bother me as much, but the problem is that with a show that's selling its 90's happy family narrative so hard, it's weird that I don't get the sense that these people are actually even friends. You can't have good friendships where the emotional involvement is entirely one-sided. Like Ha Won was worried about Hyun Min for about three seconds, but she only actively took interest in him when it concerned her directly. Which is not an issue per se, because obviously people are not obliged to return anyone's feelings or even be friends, but I just don't find this idea that they're turning into family believable in the least.


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I totally agree with you all and I'm really angry.I seriously don't like how the writer treated Hyun Min. At the beginning they made him one of the main characters, he probably was one of the most well written in C&4K, making some fans (and me) root for him.
Now they turn him in a village fool? The public doesn't love him anymore, he got shocked very badly, so I'd have liked more if his shock was taken seriously, not seeing him acting like a mentally ill man who doesn't notice people speaking to him while doing "she loves me, she doesn't love me" game!

He was a prince who wore a carefree mask, but we knew he was a deep character, with a very serious true side of him. In ep 7 he was a totally different character. A comical side character. WTF? And they ridiculized and questioned his true love for Ha Won. He's a 20+ playboy, not a teenager!

Moreover, his new condition wasn't taken seriously at all... Another evidence he really is the most lonely character in here. Ha Won too didn't care for it much. WTF?


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Yes, I totally agree! It seems that the romance is supposed to be about HW and JW but someone in the production must really like AJH or something as doesn't it feel like episodes usually start and end with him and HW??!! Like the swirling embrace (episode 2-3) and then this one...either they are trying very hard to frustrate us tempting us with both HM and JW or someone just likes HM or realize he is the best thing in this show! Anyway, agree with everyone that right now story/interactions feel forced, and it's worse in episode 8! So I hope it doesn't continue like this... I was getting a bit annoyed with HW--rather than clever I thought that was kind of low of her to be so manipulative...I understand she has good intentions but they tend to disregard other people's feelings...just to get to her goal...


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Self indulgent Hyun Min is having a sulky time out. Ha Won challenged him with her "do you really like me?" to look in his heart and find out what he really feels about his family and his women. He is a very lonely character, but it is mostly self imposed. He pushes people away or holds them at an emotional distance. He needs to do his own homework and figure out if this is really how he wants to continue to live his life.

Though it was a plot contrivance, I don't have a problem with Ha Won kidnapping Hyun Min for the vacation. Would it have been better to leave him behind sleeping away his funk while everyone else enjoyed a change of scenery? If he was really that bothered he could have just left.

It is well within her right to reject what she felt was an insincere confession. She isn't responsible for the fact it went viral. I still can't get over the fact that he did it just after she got assaulted without really any attempt to comfort her or understand what she might have been feeling at that moment.

I like the character, Hyun Min, too, but come on....don't gloss over his behavior by making it Ha Won's fault.


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What happened to Hyun-min was blasphemy!

- He went from promising shipper to downright loserville.
- I get it that he was rejected and all, but for him to completely lose his spine? Ugh. #notbuyingit
- So they made this happen all for the sake of shipping him with the most cunningly useless character, hye-ji?
- #iwantmymoneyback


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Hah! I knew this was going to happen. It is so easy to read this story, because it is so cliched and simplistic, that I knew the writer was going to manipulate the audience just as Ha Won manipulates those boys - for their own good.

We can't have anyone throwing shade on the hero, but at the same time he has to have his angst and the darkness that the heroine will cure, so the other contenders have to be dealt with. Each of them, in the ham-handed way I associate with this writer, is dealt with in the same way: by making them an object of fun. Seo wears a dress, Hyun becomes the "douchebag" and even Sec. Lee will get cut down to size. Really, a truck of doom has more subtlety that this story.


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I used to watch this show despite its cheesiness because it was fun. But this was the episode I finally washed my hands off it.

The problem is that the show sucks in dealing with serious themes. Everything is reduced to "missions". I honestly cannot see HW genuinely care for any of the boys. If tomorrow another mission fails she will easily walk out. Again.

The entire focus is that these boys are wrong and need to be set right. Though the reality is that despite money, they ended with crappy parents and grand parents and their anger is justified.

HW listens to their issues but just bull dozes ahead irrespective of what the boys actually want. Her way is the right way and no one else's. Kidnapping someone or blackmailing someone to go on a trip with a bunch of people they abhor doesn't sound funny to me. And frankly she has no right to do so either. She is self righteous and whiny and turns into a damsel in distress whenever it suits the narrative. She is in short everything that irritates me about a lead.

HM is the most interesting character for me despite him being a complete player. So as his screentime reduces, my interest in the show reduces. And frankly i am not that invested that i will tune in for 2 hours every week just to watch 10 minutes of him.

JW is just boring.
HJ is annoying
Grandfather needs to be punched.

So in all, goodbye show. You could have been fun but it turned out be a very short ride


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For me the first two missions sorta made sense. The 3rd one.. not so much. You are not going to get people to be happy by forcing them into situations they hate.


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Maybe the whole trip was a ppl for the airline and the resort they stayed at haha


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Episode 7 was where all logic and common sense was lost. It's not baaaad acting, it's really poor writing. And because of that, you get to nitpick on these characters. That is unavoidable because its so apparent here and when you're in a position to want to make sense out of something, what you watch doesn't really justify it.


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Serious and this show should not be uttered in the same sentence. There's nothing serious about this show. It's a lighthearted farce, almost to the point of parody, and I think that may be intentional.

I like that this show doesn't take itself too seriously, so I won't either.


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I completely agree with all of this. Zoe discussed this a bit as well, in comments for the latest "What we're watching."

I'm only following this show through recaps. I would love to keep watching for Hyun-min, but the plot and the characters (especially the lead girl!!!) make me so angry that it's just not healthy for me anymore. Hahaha


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Yes, this.

The show has so much pretty and at first I enjoyed it for the pure fluffery of it, but at this point nothing can save it from its own awful writing :( It's like the writer came up with a bunch of ideas for 'cute' scenes and haphazardly threw them together with no regard for plot or characters, which in turn makes it incredibly hard to understand or root for our leads. I kept hoping there would be more depth by the halfway point, but it still feels shallow.

I'm sorry show, but I think it's time we went our separate ways. (Is this an appropriate time to say 'It's not me, it's you'?)


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I feel you. HW just gets more annoying in every episode. I lost interest in her along the way.


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I know I might be in the minority here, but I really felt like this week sold me on the romance between Ji Woon and Ha Won. (granted, I knew they were likely the OTP from the beginning and so I receptive to the pairing to pre-empt chances of second lead syndrome).

Ji Woon is the only knight who comes from a similar background as Ha Won, he understands having a difficult relationship with a father and losing a mother. I feel like even the missions Ha Won is sent on brings them closer together as Ji Woon has also been manipulated and given tasks by his grandfather (though he rebels instead of seeing Grandpa Kang as a fairy godmother the way Ha Won does).

On a side note, I am shipping Seo Woo and Ja Young! He is nearly a carbon copy of Jeremy from You're Beautiful (though a bit less fun, sadly, but Hong Ki is one of a kind), and if Seo Woo ends up alone, without even a dog like Jeremy, it will be too much for my poor feels...


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I consider myself on neutral grounds so let me say a couple of things:

- Ji-woon's character showed some improvement. Unfortunately his hair hasn't.
- Ji-woon should stop salivating over hye-ji. Until he does, I ain't buying into his earned brownie points.
- The writers made it so darn easy for him.
- Compatibility trumps similarity in all aspects.
- Ji-woon would probably be dead by now if he was Goryeo.
- Ha-won went from cute to annoying
- Hyun-min went from lovable to forgettable
- Seo-woo saved this episode
- Hye-ji ruined it
- Stepmom and stepsis are comically hilarious at their attempted evil plots.
- Bodyguard/Secretary Lee is still hot and shady.
- TVN better re-produce this show with better writers.


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LOL! i have to agree. his hair.

I'm not so sure what to make of his feelings for HJ. he looks at her with concern when she's sad + delight when she appears in front of him... but it seems like HJ was his only companion, really... since the day he appeared @ the sky house/sky group-family. so he's probably attached to her. maybe idk if it's just me but i dont think he's ever felt.. truly 'jealous' about her feelings for HM. he's always helping her. maybe he's altruistic for HJ but.... idk i'm still uncertain about him. maybe with HW entering into his life... he'll straighten those thoughts/feelings out


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Based on past thread, I don't find you being neutral, yoyo. Forgive me to say so.

And I don't think TVN shall reproduce this drama. What for? This drama is not for competition for best and good drama etc. Please don't forget that TVN is the last one who picked up this show after other stations refused to do so. There might be probably because of lack of TV slot / plot whatever it is. Let us enjoy the drama without overthinking.


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Alls fair in the shipper war, @serathemstemper ✌?


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This drama is an exercise in controlling an impulse to screen talk back at aggravating scenes; like every one Hye Jin's character is featured--what's with the slo-mo close ups with soft twinkly music -- are these attempts to fill in the blanks to capture some semblance of emotion or even acting talent in this idol-singer who is best left with her girl group duties. She is the weak link in this cast, if they used a still photo prop of her superimposed with moving lips, that would have sufficed.


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I also don't mind Ji-woon too much. :D And love your Jeremy comparison hahaha I hope he ends up with Seo-woo too!


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The girl who plays Jayoung was super annoying in Imaginary Cat. Kind of like Hyeji but even more annoying. But I like her here, and agree that Seowoo should end up with her.


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I think they're super cute together, the height difference makes it even sweeter. As long as she doesn't turn into a jealous friend who betrays Ha-Won, then it'll make things smoother.

We've already got the annoying step sis, we don't want HW's only friend to turn her back on her too.


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I don't care about everyone else but I am #temhawonjiwoon from the beginning. ❤❤ No force skinship.

Hyun Min & Ha Won interaction more like best friend, but they never shared anything about their feeling so much. I mean their past story etc. Hye Ji probably is the one who probably knew about Hyun Min. The thing that I mad with the Director, is they didn't cast someone who is better actress for Hye Ji. If they casted someone who is better, then probably Hye Ji will be a little endearing and less boring.For now, she is just having the Same expression all the time. In this case, I cannot wish for Hyun Min to end up with Hye Ji.


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Having watched the previous episode and from the way HM was dealt... I had a feeling that they will mess with his character and screen space so that they can shove JW down our throat. Skimmed through this episode to see if I was right... Lo and behold I was right.

The one character that is a saving grace for the show... Is going to be sidelined.

I can't bear to see them mess up HM character. Disappointed that HM will end up being paired with a delusional, obsessed childhood friend.

It would have been nice to see her get over her childhood crush/ love and move on with HW, who seems to care for her.

Bet there is going to be some lame reason like HM thought HW liked her and hence backed out... Only later to find out that HW has no romantic feelings.

I don't want to see this, hence opting out of the show.

P.S: fingers crossed I am wrong.


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As much as I want to rant, I don't think the production anticipated how popular HM would become. I mean on paper he is just one of the pretty, played by an actor who gets bad reviews, the lead is well loved JIW. Who would have thought that more that half the viewers would want to see more of HM over the leads?

I'm losing faith in pre-production one show at a time ..


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This is a clear message to future show writers... As much as an actor is loved... It is the character we viewers connect with and love in a show... Hence character depth and growth is important, irrespective of who the actor playing is.

Totally disliking pre produced shows... They can't make corrections to the script... Like in this case. :(

Worst still is instead of working on JW character, it seems writers have chosen to assassinate JM character.
As a viewer this hurts.


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Honestly though... real talk, it seems like a lot of people prefer HM over JW b/c he's more attractive than JW. but are putting the blame to other factors.

I personally felt sad that JW was the first lead (b/c for me, ahnjaehyun > jungilwoo) but I started this drama knowing that.

Had HM been played by il woo and JW played by ahn jaehyun.. would everyone still (negatively) feel the same way about this drama?


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Ordinarily I would agree that that that's what the deal is often, but in this case Jung Il Woo is actually really beloved and considered v. attractive, I'm pretty sure 90% of the Dramabeans community wouldn't even have dreamed that they might prefer Ahn Jae Hyun (who wasn't exactly known for his acting prowess before this) over Jung Il Woo. Case in point:


^ pre-airing, everyone was v. excited over JIW, and wondering why AJH was cast at all since he can't act.

I watched AJH in Blood and I could barely make it through the drama (and didn't eventually), regardless of how he looks. So I do think that this one time it was actually the character and the actor doing a good job with the character that turned the tide in his favor, rather than his attractiveness.


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I can't speak for everyone but i personally cannot fanthom a majority of people thinking that AJH is more attractive that JIW. I mean its JIW! He is like the poster boy for flower boy.

In fact I have yet to meet anyone who said that they tuned in only to see AJH. Though many people checked out this show purely because of JIW

As if the actors were switched would it make a difference?
- People love HM because of a combination of the way the character is written + the way it is acted

- Since the beginning HM was a better written character with his flamboyant ego but some surprisingly softer touches
- JIW despite being a better actor that AJH sleepwalked through his role in the initial eps while AJH was unabashedly having fun

So how it would have turned out is anyone's guess.


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I have not watched either AJH or JIW's drama. I came to know about them only after this drama and did a bit of google search. So I wasn't biased with any actor when I started this show.

Almost all started watching this drama for highly appreciated JIW (After noticing his sweet smile, I say that he really is attractive). Later even JIW fans started praising AJH for improving his acting.

This only shows that AJH has put in more effort than JIW and not solely because of his appearence. Even with role reversal I'll be inclined to whichever part AJH acts as he has stepped up his skills.

The outcome of a character not just depends on writing but also on the level of emoting it.


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I too was not aware of both actors... I am pretty much a newbie to K dramas.

Hence I not fussed over who gets the girl... But after having watched the first few episodes... I felt connected to HM character and his growth.

In fact there was one scene... I just love it... I thought it showed growth in HM character... where JW takes the drinks from HM and he didn't mind it, after their conversation over the childhood friend.

I felt that it showed an insight that HM is just talk over not accepting JW and fighting for his position of heir.

Also his reaction to JW making a move on HW on her supposed birthday... I thought that was a growth in his character and his reaction was subconscious... That at last he was serious about something.

Then the writers gave us a u turn... How r we supposed to like JW when he was willing to make a play at HJ coz of the childhood friend.

Looks like JW character got short changed in the first half of the series and HM character will get short changed in the second half of the series.

The story has no flow... It is scenes meshed together with unnecessary cozy scenes... Wish the writer and director focuses on the story.


I'm enjoying only by trying to guess which con, felony & or misdemeanor our character(s) will commit to accomplish the newest mission. We have kidnapping & blackmail covered.


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Probably forgery...identity theft...money laundering.. You never know!


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Welp, I'm officially dropping this drama. Will still read the recap, though.

Don't really like how HW is set to kidnap HM for the sake of the mission. HW is too callous to HM and I feel she never cared for him beyond the missions, which kind of defeats her character arc. HW never tries to consider the boys' feelings and why they never consider themselves as family, opting instead to devise various schemes to complete the mission. Which is why her blackmail and would-be kidnapping in this episode made me uncomfortable, because it seemed more to serve her needs than the boys'.


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I don't think she cares for any of the boys beyond her missions. Everytime she says "mission" with a determined voice I want to smack her. And the lousy grandfather who came up with the missions strategy.


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I really had some good and fun times with this show. I also tried to view it with a different perspective; but holy guacamole! Episode 7 was a character assasination scheme that has completely changed my views for this show.
Yes, its still funny but now everything feels so fake..fake..fake..fake..fake..fake..fake!

You know what's even worse than episode 7?

.....episode 8


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I have the same feelings. The show was always tongue in cheek - kind of spoofing romantic tropes. But there is a difference between winking at the audience and patching together random plot developments and portraying characters that don't feel true in any sense

fake is how it feels to me too

I still enjoy watching the show but I think that is going to change with Ep 8

Hyun Min saying to himself over and over - "I love her / I love her not " (when it's supposed to be, she loves me, she loves me not). Best line on this episode!


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When the producers were having so much trouble finding a station to broadcast this show in May (after they'd shot 10 episodes) it seemed strange because the show seemed to have good ingredients,. but now it makes sense to me

I don't hate the show but it's kind of a discombobulated mess -


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This show is all fan made videos of all rom-coms put together in 1 hour segment to milk the novel whatever value it has or had.


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For me, this is the ultimate cliche spoof.. but even that is going a bit far with the last episode. It is almost like the writer is not aware that there is more than one path in life.


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Tell me about it! How is it a good idea to write such pathetic and manipulative characters and pass them off as likeable?


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I love spoiled, selfish, self-righteous, manipulative characters as long as the narrative recognizes them for what they are. I never need my leads to be good, but I do need the narrative to be aware of who they are. And in this I feel like there's such a disjunct between how the show sees some of its characters and how I see them, because the show seems convinced they're do-gooders.


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THIS is my biggest Kdrama pet peeve. Hell the whole time I've been rooting for more screen time for the Evil Step family, and less for those two.


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Manipulation demands usage of brain and neither the writer nor the characters have it enough to properly utilise it.

They all are actually inconsistent characters with no personalities. they are here for the sake of drama.

This Writer is much more bad than Yoon Jeo's father.


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More creativity and better execution. That should've changed things.


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Really? It gets worse? How is that possible? Let me guess - HW whines till people are forced to have fun? too much of HJ? the pathetic grandfather lands up at the trip?

Which one is it?


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Let's just say they tried so hard to make it romantically funny but failed. There are some really funny parts though, you shouldn't give up watching it if you're just in for some laughs. ????


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'You know what’s even worse than episode 7?

…..episode 8"

Lol this made me laugh because it was so damn accurate.


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I agree! Episode 8 is worse! And yes, now the acting seems fake--that's the word! It's like HW is trying to be too cute and too sweet. And JW too. Their smiles feel fake, the two of them slowly falling for each other... Sorry, I feel/see no chemistry between them but just acting sweet... The phone scene when she sees him through the window... Trying to be cute. I agree, since they lack chemistry they have to overcompensate and it just comes out unnatural...fake. I will probably continue to watch but the excitement is gone... I am not rushing to see the new episodes ... Oh well, at least the beginning was fun. The latest ploys--not my cup of tea.


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Ha won's possible real dad is named KANG Young-jin?? Oh my, how I wish it's Kang Ji-woon's dad too...or at least one of the Chairman's sons. Dead-son/dad-not-really-dead is not a bad plot twist IMHO. That would make the knights her own big family she's always wanted.
I just love how Hyun Min copes with heart break and humiliation! Taking naps and not changing from his pjs? A Dream! Who knew. He actually went to a psychologist of all things. He didn't do much this hour but that made him only more likeable. Damned ships!
Anyhow, I wish for Broody and Whiny to head out in the sunset hand locked to never appear again. Poor HW does not deserve to get her heart broken by j*face.


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First off! Thank you for the recap - really appreciate the time + effort put into this.

This is such an easy watch - no complex plot, fairly readable characters (except when they need to resolve their own hearts), and tons of funny moments.

I loved all the silly moments - esp the ones with Hyunmin and his state of menboong lol! We rarely see hyunmin become so lost. he's always the overly confident, good looking guy that steps in and saves ha won and makes us viewers swoon. I agree - his visit to the plastic surgeon was hilarious. and someone that arrogant and cocky... is not immune to embarrassment. when he's embarrassed @ a global scale.... that's what it took to realize his image can shatter that quickly. lucky for him, his exes cared more about his wealth/fortune than exposing him as being a jerk that being given a farewell gift at that scale appeased them.

I do have to say JW becoming all nice and sweet to HW happened more quickly than expected, but I mean... if you're always around a girl who's just has a lot of positive energy and is genuinely well-meaning... who wouldn't warm up to her?

I'm personally confused by HM mainly b/c I dont know what happened between him and HJ! What happened?! can't wait to find out more....


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I would like to stay with this piece because I totally agree with this.

HW & JW relationship is more natural and their bickering are 100% adorable. The chemistry of both actors plays a big role here.

I'll not play the game of "I'm Team X" or "Team Y is much better".
I don't suffer of second male syndrome here. That insufferable evil that blinds many people and not allow them to enjoy a drama. Luckily I'm far from being in that place. =)


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Plenty of funny moments in episode 7 but episode 8 was a mess imo.
From now on, I'll read the recap first to decide if the episode is worth watching.


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Thank you for the recap! I've been following along because C4K is still an easy watch and even though it's predictable, I still enjoy it! I'm okay with predictability though, since I don't think the show takes itself that seriously - I mean the title is "Cinderella and the Four Knights" . . .

One thing is there seems to be way too many cliched characters running around - I could do with Hye-ji and the wicked stepmother/stepsister duo going away. I think I'm super unimpressed with Hye-ji/stepsister duo because while lovely, the actresses are just bad actors. Our plucky heroine seems to have enough to deal with without those three.

Also, I'm SUPER impressed with Park So-dam. This isn't Oscar-worthy material she's working with, but she has a very natural, believable, uninsipid way of acting. I'm not sure who she reminds me of, but I'm really looking forward to seeing her professional growth.


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Park So-dam is impressive given that she is a newbie in dramaland, even she has done quite a number of movies. I wish she will back to movie after this, and comeback to dramland after found a really good script.

I have been praying for the day one, to replace Hye Ji with other actress, if I could. She is too emotionless and expressionless.


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Honestly, the shipping issue is secondary to me. I'm the resident Patron Saint of Doomed Ships, I almost always have Second Lead Syndrome, so while that does hinder my enjoyment a little when the OTP narrative gets going, I'm so used to it, that I just soldier on and enjoy the show regardless. So despite Second Lead shipping since the first episode, I would have been willing to settle for a fun show.

The biggest issue I have with this show is narrative. I can't buy these characters, apart from Ji Woon, being anything more than a job to Ha Won, because of her actions, which really hampers the found family dynamic for me. I cannot be expected by a show to like its characters and then to ignore their subjectivity entirely. I just don't understand why Ha Won gives herself missions (the grandfather hasn't given her any since the first one) and then is personally affronted or hurt when they aren't completed to her satisfaction, as in the case when she thought Ji Woon hadn't visited his father. The whole thing just comes off as extremely callous, because it seems like she's doing it for their benefit, but I genuinely don't see what they're getting out of it. What did they get from eating together? And I didn't even get if anyone except Seo Woo actually felt deeply about visiting their fathers either way. It just seems like it's set-up after set-up for the grandfather to say that his grandchildren are finally becoming worthwhile people because of her.

And even more frustratingly, what growth or development has Ha Won shown in eight episodes? This show is ripe with backstories to challenge her worldview and understanding of family, so why is she never challenged at all? How different would Ha Won be if the events of the drama hadn't happened? And if not at all, as is currently the case, then how good can a character be if they remain static throughout the course of a narrative? This drama is doing a huge disservice to its female lead who is the supposed emotional centre of the show.

Maybe I'll head over to Drinking Solo instead if I want this story, because that series actually does found family ridiculously well.


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The Whole drama is too superficial and fake to make any kind of emotional connect between characters. leave alone the thought of anything substantial for viewers.

What is motivation of Eun Ha Won is the big concern and how objectives are called for and how they are achieved and what result they yield have no effect at all.

All those back stories are to build some sympathy towards characters but almost all of them actually annoyed me and Eun Ha Won is a big disappointment.

I don't think we can expect much character growth from this kind of show.


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And why has she never tried to find out more about the backstory? The housekeeper seems to know the whole story, but it seems she prefers to remain clueless and just carry on with her missions without any understanding of what makes the others tick.


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The way Ha Won is treating Hyun Min I wouldn't mind if they don't end up together. Writers, don't you dare force Hyun Min x Hye Ji couple on me. I think I need to steer clear of episode 8.


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But ep 8 is so much fun !


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This might be harsh, but I feel like the plot of this drama is the storyline of most fanfics. Now we've just got to wait for that birth secret to pop up!


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I wanna explain something in the name of everyone at the comment section who is cricising the way our characters are written or the inconsistance of their actions or the storyline in general. Are being accused of not being objective or being too bitter about the fact that Hm and HW ship has sank. While some of those people are shipping HM and HW some of them is not and If you read those comments carefully yes we might have feel bad or dissapointed over the fact that our ship has sank but i really think the critisim is very objective and fair.
Of course nobody was waiting Oscar worthy storyline. But at the beginning most of the viewers thought that this show was gonna be sweet, cheesy and nostalgic it can be cliche at times but it the cast and the couples will make it none important for us like in She Was Pretty. A cliche storyline can be very enjoyable with sweet cheesy moments a fun cast and fun secondary characters we saw that in K-drama a lot. And lots of people with second male syndrome contined to watch their show even after their ship has sank just because they enjoy the show so much anyway . So this is not about shipping wars and we have a right to complain if we don't enjoy it ( not in a rude way of course) and if you enjoy it good for you please don't get upset because we don't . It is just a show at the end of the day


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My problem with the show so far is the acting in general and i want to believe that i know one or two thing about it as i have took many of acting classes for years . I feel like the male lead is failling to pass his emotions to me ( and i really liked him when i was watching the FB Ramyun shop) . So those the actress that plays Hye Ji and omg the step mother and sister is just a noisy stupid and mindless that makes me cringe . another issue the minor characters. First of all most of them are not written very well like the step family or HW's father or HM's mother or grandpa or step grandma and most importantly Hye Ji they are every stereo typical k-drama charater we crinche and skip while watching . And the ones that are interesting or sympathic like the other 3 knights do not have enough growth or screen time instead instead HM screen time is getting less and less and his character started to look like a joke. Secondly the relationships are not belivable not just the OTP but all of them the only one that made me believe that HM relationship with his mother and HM's little crush on HW this is because they can't handle writting and they are rushing them like the main OTP it takes time to make us believe but not unnecessarily long . Another one of my issues that this missions does not work at all. The guys might be more open about themselves to HW because of her. Not because those missions worked so far the only thing that is working for them is HW and for their family relationship 0 movement it might be too early for it but i just don't HW method is working she is just being a little bit pushy and inconsiderate at times .


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I can't understand why so many people are having a hard time dealing with the way the story is going. I, for one, am loving every minute of it.

It's one of those dramas that's not too deep, so if you're looking for that, you're in the wrong place. It's a formulaic, mindless watch.

I don't like mean girl second lead. She's a pretty useless character to me, but again, it's a formula drama, so we HAVE t have a mean girl second lead.


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As perky as she is Park SoDam looks too old for that high school grad aspect.
I started off liking this show but it's bogging down now. SOSO


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First, thank you for recapping. It really is appreciated, especially since so many of us get a place to rant, question, and discuss the show.

I guess I'll out myself a bit: I'm in the writing industry. The writing on this show seems to be not so much disjointed, as immature. Not the characters, or even the basic story line (which could both be fine if written correctly). It's the way they are carelessly finding ways to contrive putting characters together via "missions". Eat together? Really? Vacation? Seriously? Okay, I actually understand the funeral "mission"; it was deep, it was a definite changing point, and it made sense. The rest don't. It feels like the writing is being done by a person/persons who is very new to the industry, who is having trouble finding ways to naturally bring the characters together, and ways for the characters to grow organically (and now you're picturing them all planted in the garden). It's very much "plug and play" with generic characters and situations. It's also way too contrived, and the audience knows it. Maybe I'm wrong, it's just how I feel.

I won't stop watching, mainly because I feel like the actors are really trying with what they have. And, yes, it's "brain off" entertainment that is lots of fluff and bunnies, which I need at the moment. I just won't expect the writing to pick up so I won't be too disappointed. If it does get better, it will be a happy surprise.


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I loved this show up to around ep6. Now I am having doubts about it moving forward.

1. The chairman's gold digger 5th wife - why so little movement on her part? What exactly is she here for?

2. How stupid can the step witches be? I realize this is intended to a farce (it is, isn't it...?) but that whole deal with the supposed biological father was just really dumb. She had zero evidence, yet just makes 93 leaps of logic and comes up with that. Seriously, nobody can be that stupid and survive past the age of 13.

3. Are we really expected to believe that an 18 year old high school student has the talents to pull that failed not-really-a-family together, when she was kicked out of her own house because everyone hated her?

I am a sucker for Cinderella plots, but this one seems to be going off the rails as of ep7-8.


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This is a funny example of the logic in this show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2-KFYfIcjw


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I agree.


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1. I think she has her own agenda to take over the company. And maybe she is Mr Bodyguard's birth mother? I wish to see more of her character in next episodes. Maybe more of her than Hye Ji. Hye Ji should be sent to exile until final episode. LOL

2. The step witches are too stupid. I mean plainly stupid.


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This was the first week that I thought that Kang guy Ha Won's father is looking for actually isn't anyone's Dad. I started to think maybe he started the fire.


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this is getting better, but bodyguard Lee rules all.


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Thans for the recap! Idk if theres many anime fans here but I swear HM reminded me of Tamaki senpai from Ouran Host Club! Only the black gloomy blackground was missing~ I was expecting his reaction -because weve noticed hes got his poker face on and only rarely reveals his true self - but I never thought hed made it so funny. Same with SW's high schoolgirl antics! what didnt make me so happy was JW and HJ... at least we know Hawon's StepFamily are mean but really, whats their deal?? Both seem to have 2 personalities going back and forth just because... I really wanted HJ to grow up and be HW's friend -cuz both need some friends- but then she behaves like a crazy gal. JW, he suddenly got aaaall the 'chemistry' with HW and Idek when that happened...! It seemed like we missed something!
Also, his weird relationship with HJ -hes got a crush or is he her personal knight?- where even when he thinks HM is bad for her -he advised HW to not get in HM's game-, instead of telling her shes being needy, he goes out of his way to please her... Thats crazy imo.


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I love love Ouran Host Club i watch the anime and read the manga whenever i feel down so funny so sweet and so much fun and now that you mention YES Hyun Min really does reminds Tamaki Senpai :D and also Secretary reminds Takashi


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Omg YAAASSSSsSs now that you said it! Their personalities are so dang similar, no wonder I like hyun min more LOL. Even the way they hit on her with cute straightforwardness but trying to impress her at the same time- IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW


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I really didn't expect to have another second lead syndrome with this drama! Is it too foolish of me if I still hold on to hope that ha won will end up with hyun min?


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The two people in Eun Ha-Won's family I cannot stand:
step-mother (Park Soo-Kyung) and step-sister (Choi Yoo-Na)
The scenes of these two people pop up on; these two get muted. . . . due to their scheming plans to destroy Eun Ha-Won.


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Thanks for the recap, chickachunga!

HM moping around was the best thing this ep! The harsh reality of being rejected for the first time. LOL

JW smiling and developing a better relationship with HW and not just saying "get lost" to her is an improvement. I still don't get what's the deal with him and HJ. Why does he need to protect her so? And if she keeps being ignored by HM, why does he have to nurse her wounds? I really don't buy how they can have such a close, deep friendship.

HW using those SW pics to get him to go on the trip was amusing, but I don't know if that really was the best way. I actually don't think it's too difficult to convince SW to go since he's already crushing on her. XD I do like SW with JY.

I'm glad JW was the first one to find HW and he got to witness another one of her moments. I guess out of all the cousins, he can probably best identify with HW's loss of a mom. I hope he'll eventually stop being nonchalant and actually show that he cares about HW.

Bodyguard Lee continues to be the gem and I love that dimpled smile.

As for KYJ being HW's biological dad, I'm not too sure at this point. Given HW's memories, if the dad she grew up with isn't her real dad, he surely never let on since he seemed like a loving dad and husband. This Kang guy also has no idea what Stepmom said about a daughter and having a relationship with HW's mom. The fire and the fact he's a Kang do seem suspicious though.


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Emo Hyun-min is hilarious :D


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This is the episode where I'm finally starting to warm up to jiwoon, mainly I think because Jung il woo doesnt have "im-dead-inside" eyes anymore. But after growing affectionate to hyun min the last few eps, I really don't like how his character was downplayed to introduce the first lead into our plates. Jiwoon seems to like hyeji so much already why can't those two just get together and leave hyun min for hawon? (And singer boy gets bff girl and secretary gets to finally marry his boss lmao jkjk.)
Unless I'm getting some emotional-ass back story about hyunmin and hyeji, I'm not buying it and nor will I think she's deserving of a sweety like hyunmin mm-mm.


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i agree with everyone sentiments here, i was enjoying the show for its fluffy, cheesiness but as the more episodes aired, the more i realized even for a story like this which as been done a lot of times, their isnt much feeling to it, like i dont feel much from the characters or the way the story is progressing. everything does feel forced and im not sure when ha won is gonna learn to try to understand the boys and the situation rather then force her way to fix everything. there isnt much nuance tbh and i was hoping that this show might look extra cliche but turn the tropes upside down and bring something different and have a nice slice if life

also this might be a spoiler*****

but hyun min is avoiding hye jin because he feels responsible for her brothers death, i think there was a car accident or some sort of accident and ever since then he has been pushing her away out of guilt. but he still loved her from when he was a child. there was some info released before the drama aired and its in the book, to bad they havent really done a good job of hyun min being conflicted over hye jin or his blooming feelings for ha won.


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Hop HM wins HW in the end


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