Age of Youth: Episode 6

I agree, ladies. This episode is most definitely a 10/10 for me too. I’ve been enjoying our five heroines as they gradually shift from housemates to girlfriends, but it’s always nice to check in with the boys and see some improvement with the romantic relationships. And the great thing about having five heroines is that we get five romances (or lack thereof, in Ji-won’s case) to look forward to. And no matter how awkward or even scary each romance goes, the girls will always have each other to fall back on.

EPISODE 6: “In retrospect, it was foreshadowing #starting point”

The Night of Men seems to be a complete success—the entire Belle Epoque house is filled with guys. Everyone’s having a blast as Ji-won dances wildly with the basketball team, ecstatic to be in a room full of so many potential suitors. And then everyone freezes in place as Ji-won narrates that this is what should’ve happened.

In reality, the basketball team flaked due to a last minute scrimmage. Her foreign friend had changed his number and couldn’t be reached. And classmate Sung-min couldn’t even get out of bed due to a hangover. One by one, every boy disappears from Ji-won’s perfect fantasy, until…

“Hey, come to your senses! You have to face reality,” Yi-na’s voice wakes Ji-won up from her dream.

Ji-won evaluates her surroundings: The room is almost entirely empty, save for Jong-yeol, Doo-young, and the Yi-na’s stalker man. Gah, why are you here?

“Reality?” Ji-won says dejectedly. She can’t have that. She’d rather go back to her fantasies. The girls hold Ji-won back as she tries to make a run for the wall. “That’s not a wall,” she thinks. “There must be a door to Hogwarts somewhere!”

The girls retreat to Yi-na’s bedroom. Doo-young and Jong-yeol try to make some friendly conversation, happy to hear they’re around the same age. “I’m a late ’68-er,” Yi-na’s stalker, Oh Jong-gyu, cuts in. Aaand it’s awkward again.

Ji-won can’t believe Yi-na actually dragged someone that old here, but Yi-na counters that there was never an age limit. Then Ji-won turns the spotlight to Ye-eun and asks why she brought douchey Doo-young when they were supposed to be over. Ye-eun smiles, saying it just turned out that way.

The boys call out from the living room, so the girls file out and join in on the awkwardness, sitting across from them. Ji-won breaks the silence, unwilling to let her plan fail. She springs up, blasts some music and hands everyone drinks.

They all toast with higher spirits, and Ji-won crowns herself as the party king since she’s the only one without a date. She points to Jong-gyu and asks what kind of relationship he has with Yi-na. He responds that they just meet every now and then, and he came as a favor to her.

Ji-won asks him if he likes Yi-na. Jong-gyu’s eyes grow dark (eek!) at that question and he doesn’t answer. Doo-young is up next for interrogation. Ji-won asks him how he and Ye-eun made amends.

In flashback, we see the rest of the couple’s conversation, after Ye-eun had burst into tears. She apologized to him, saying everything was her fault.

Back in the present, Doo-young tells Ji-won that he was the one who begged for forgiveness. Ji-won warns him not to do any more stupid things that require forgiveness. Doo-young scoffs and takes a swig of his drink, taking note of Yi-na’s disapproving face.

Ji-won turns to Jong-yeol and asks how far he’s gotten with Eun-jae. “In your imagination,” Ji-won clarifies. Jong-yeol downs his entire can and crushes it in his fist, saying his answer would be rated NC-17. Whoa there. Eun-jae’s eyes are as big as saucers.

Now that Ji-won’s interviewed all the men, she changes the subject to herself. She continues dancing, pointing out she has it all—the face, the body, the personality—so why can’t she get herself a man? She asks the guys to admit the type of woman they don’t like. Jong-yeol: “Women who talk too much!” Doo-young: “Women who are too nosy!” Jong-gyu: “Women with no tact.”

In other words, Ji-won. Everyone points at her, laughing, and Ji-won just dances along, keeping the mood up.

The party seems to have found its natural flow, and everyone sits in a circle to play a “Most Likely” game. Someone asks a question and they all point to who they believe is most likely to do so. The questions start off being the typical college stuff and with every question, all fingers hilariously point at Jong-yeol.

So Jong-yeol brings up another question: “The person most likely to have a really shocking secret.” Eyes get shifty.

Jong-yeol counts off: “One, two, three!” And everyone points at Jong-yeol again. Ha!

Jong-yeol curses and whines for them to stop singling him out. He then catches Eun-jae pop a peanut in her mouth and starts freaking out. Eun-jae just stares at him until she says she doesn’t have a peanut allergy—she just doesn’t like to eat them. Her brother’s the one with the allergy, she corrects, her face falling.

Ji-won comes to the rescue and gets in Jong-yeol’s face. “You like Eun-jae, don’t you?” she asks with a knowing smile. Eun-jae tries to reject this again, but Jong-yeol quietly says he does like her. Ji-won tells him to say it louder, so he barks, “I said I like her!” Eun-jae is more than stunned, while everyone else goes crazy and starts congratulating him for his love.

At Jin-myung’s restaurant, the manager checks in on how she’s doing at the register. He talks to her as he caresses her shoulder.

From the kitchen, Jae-wan sees it all happen on the security camera. He’s so distracted that he leans against the hot stove and burns his hand.

The party keeps on going with a dance competition between the boys, with the girls as their judges. Once it’s Jong-yeol’s turn, he does this interpretive martial arts dance that finally gets a genuine smile out of Eun-jae. Jong-gyu performs a rather beautiful shadow puppet show, which seems to touch Yi-na in particular. He gets a solid 10 from all the judges.

At the end of work, the manager calls Jin-myung over to the register, claiming there’s money missing. Afterwards, he takes her out for drinks, and tells her even if it was only three thousand won, the amount left over has to be exact.

He starts getting angry when Jin-myung keeps checking her watch for the next train: “If you’re going to be like this, just go!” But he calms down when she doesn’t. Out of the corner of her eye, Jin-myung catches a man and woman ride off on a white motorcycle. Is that Jae-wan?

While everyone dances, Jong-gyu pretends to answer a call in Yi-na’s room. He searches the room until he finds the florescent bracelet in her jewelry box.

Alas, the party must come to an end, and the girls send the boys off. Ye-eun gives Doo-young a big running hug, which he doesn’t return wholeheartedly. Jong-yeol tries to do the same with Eun-jae, but Ji-won suddenly switches to Mother Hen mode and blocks him.

They all head back inside, where it’s a complete mess. Ye-eun asks if the party was a success and if the ghost is gone. Ji-won’s eyes bulge as she stares at what we can’t see. Apparently, the ghost is now red… meaning rage. She runs off to her room, saying that the ghost’s anger is hurting her head. So they all decide to clean tomorrow. Once everyone’s gone, Eun-jae turns toward the shoe cupboard. “Dad?” she calls out quietly.

Ji-won’s head hurts too much to fall asleep, and she can’t help but feel uneasy about the events of the party. Why was everyone acting so weird? She remembers Jong-yeol’s question about secrets and how everyone looked guilty. “Well, everyone has secrets,” Ji-won thinks. But she can’t shake the image out of her head of Jong-yeol asking the question, and then pointing right at her.

Jin-myung comes home to find the mess, accidentally setting off the disco ball. She’s entranced by the lights and she envisions how the night might have gone had she been there. She sees herself dancing, laughing, and just having a good ol’ time. With Jae-wan. She clicks off the disco ball, clicking her fantasy off in the process.

The next morning, the girls get to cleaning, and we hear Ji-won’s voice narrate how the excitement of the party died down and everyone went about their boring everyday lives.

Ye-eun stops when she picks up a bag of peanuts. She turns to Eun-jae: “You said your brother had a peanut allergy?” Eun-jae says yes. Ye-eun reminds her that Eun-jae said she didn’t have a brother. Eun-jae’s expression darkens. “I had a brother,” she corrects. He had died because of his allergy.

Ji-won’s narration continues: “The impact that this celebration had on us—…” Ye-eun: “Stop it already!” LOL, Ji-won peeps over the couch, revealing that she’d been narrating out loud this whole time.

Eun-jae and Ji-won take all the empty cans and bottles out to the recycling bins. Eun-jae turns to her sunbae, wondering if guys always says things like “I like you” and “Let’s date” when they drink. Ji-won nods, and Eun-jae actually looks disappointed.

Ye-eun and Doo-young return to being a happy couple, grocery shopping together and preparing food at his place. However, when Ye-eun’s in the bathroom, Doo-young quickly searches through her phone until he finds Yi-na’s number.

He smoothly returns Ye-eun’s phone to its place and slips his own phone in his pocket seconds before Ye-eun comes out. She pulls him into a cozy back-hug which he accepts, though his face doesn’t look too happy.

Over a fancy dinner, Yi-na’s buddy Dong-joo asks who she brought to the party in his place. Yi-na recalls Jong-gyu’s puppet show, and this time we see what Yi-na saw—the man had been crying.

Jin-myung gets visited by two loan sharks at the restaurant. They want her to pay up for her mother’s debt, but Jin-myung refuses and argues that it’s against the law for them to bother her for someone else’s debt. It looks like the men are about to resolve to violence when Jae-wan cuts in. “Aren’t you going to get ready?” he says to Jin-myung. She accepts his gateway out and leaves, Jae-wan right behind her.

At the end of the day, she goes to the break room to change. Now that she’s alone, her tears threaten to spill out. She tries to stifle her cries, but they come out anyway.

She finds Jae-wan waiting for her outside. She tries to walk away, adamant that she doesn’t want him being nice to her. She wants him to know saying that wasn’t easy for her. Jae-wan pulls her back to face him.

“Do you think this is easy for me then?” he says, his voice growing more desperate.

He’s embarrassed that she rejected him and hates that she keeps pushing him away. Jin-myung looks at him, trying so hard not to cry again, and tells him to just stop. She frees her wrist and stalks off.

Eun-jae gets ready for class the next morning, and she just can’t get Jong-yeol’s confession out of her head. She looks down at her jeans and decides to go with a cute skirt instead. Oooooh, are we trying to impress someone?

Of course, she can’t get past Ye-eun and Ji-won without the sudden change being noticed. Eun-jae almost turns around to change again, thinking it’s too weird, but Ye-eun pulls her back. Ye-eun can tell this must be for Jong-yeol, so she drags Eun-jae into her room. Ji-won smiles as she watches them leave, but a high-pitched sound in her ear makes the smile disappear.

Ye-eun gives Eun-jae a touch of make-up and even lends her one of her precious handbags. Ye-eun offers her seal of approval, so Eun-jae heads off to class. She looks as self-conscious as ever, but she’s also glowing with anticipation.

But Jong-yeol isn’t there. Eun-jae slumps in her seat with disappointment, when he suddenly bursts in the room and takes a seat on the other side of the room.

She fixes her shirt and tries to meet his gaze, only to get pouty when she sees he’s too busy looking at another girl’s textbook. She’s unable to get his attention all period, and by the time class is over, he’s already gone.

Her oily ex-crush finally makes an attempt at wooing her and compliments her new look, but she could care less about him and his hair flips now. She leaves him to search for Jong-yeol, but she’s unsuccessful.

Eun-jae shuffles through campus with her head down, defeated. Her head snaps up when a voice calls out, “Did you drop something?” Jong-yeol imitates her hunched posture and tells her to square her shoulders a bit, making the two girls walking with him laugh. Eun-jae glares at him as he leaves.

Ji-won finds Sung-min to brag about the party, and she hears that same high-pitched sound from before. Hm, is this the resident ghost acting up?

Jong-gyu broods in his home, examining a newspaper article with a picture of a soaked Yi-na wrapped in a blanket, clutching the bracelet from her jewelry box. The headline reads: ’The Bracelet Brought Me Luck,’ Survivor Kang Yi-na. Jong-gyu tosses the article aside to examine the very bracelet, and we see a picture of a young girl sitting on his desk.

Meanwhile, Yi-na gets a text from Doo-young asking to meet up. He wants to talk to her in person. Yi-na looks like she’s about to shut him down when he adds that it’s about Ye-eun. That reels her in. Yi-na meets Doo-young at a bar and tells him to get straight to the point. Doo-young: “You don’t like that I’m dating Ye-eun, do you?” Yi-na: “Was it obvious?” Doo-young admits he doesn’t like that he’s dating Ye-eun either. He wishes she could be with a better man.

“You could just become a better man for her,” Yi-na says. (*slow clap* Thank you.) Doo-young sighs that he can’t do that. He can’t break up with Ye-eun either. Then, out of nowhere, he confesses that his mother had committed suicide when he was young. His father had been cheating and married again afterwards, only to cheat on that woman as well.

Yi-na doesn’t understand why he’s telling her this. He says it’s just because he felt she must have as many scars as she does. He places his hand over hers, and that’s the final straw. Yi-na calls him a terrible bastard and storms out.

After getting exceptionally drunk, Doo-young returns home to find the place clean. Ye-eun comes out wearing an apron, happy to see him back early. His eyes fixed on hers, he slowly embraces her. But he’s unstable from drinking and his weight sends them tumbling down.

He buries his face against her chest and mumbles, “Why do you like me? What do you see in a bastard like me?” She asks if something happened, but he just hugs her tighter and cries into her shirt. Ye-eun pats his back with a comforting hand. Ah, dammit, Show. I so didn’t want to feel bad for this guy…

When Ye-eun gets home, she’s surprised to see both Yi-na and Eun-jae looking pretty down too. Ye-eun asks Eun-jae what’s wrong. Eun-jae blames Ye-eun and Ji-won for getting her hopes up—now she’s fallen for Jong-yeol and he’s not even showing any interest.

Later, Eun-jae gets a text from Jong-yeol saying they should go to the movies tomorrow. Eun-jae scoffs and shoves her phone away.

The next thing we know, she’s standing in the movie theater with Jong-yeol. They fall into their usual bickering, though there’s something different in the air. Jong-yeol asks, “Why aren’t you wearing a skirt today? You looked really pretty wearing a skirt.” Eun-jae’s pace slows. She watches Jong-yeol hand over their tickets, and the most hopeful smile spreads across her face.

The movie is very romance-heavy and both Eun-jae and Jong-yeol gulp at the intense kissing scenes. Afterwards, Jong-yeol walks her back home. As he talks about the movie, Eun-jae freaks out in her head, scared he might try to kiss her.

Once they reach the house, they smile shyly at each other and play the “You go/No, you go” game for the longest time before finally deciding on Eun-jae going first. Jong-yeol slowly leans in, but Eun-jae flinches away and says he can’t do this here.

Jong-yeol picks a leaf out of her hair with an amused smile. “I wasn’t going to,” he says. Eun-jae lowers her head in embarrassment while he laughs. “I wanted to go slow,” he continues, “But if you’re in that much of a rush…” Omo. He leans in again, this time with more intent.

Eun-jae lowers her gaze again, causing them to bonk heads. She runs into the house and leaves Jong-yeol there clutching his forehead.

Eun-jae is a blushing mess when she gets inside, making Ye-eun and Ji-won suspicious. Judging by Eun-jae’s aura, Ji-won guesses that she must’ve locked lips with Jong-yeol. Eun-jae claims they didn’t and hurries off to her room.

Ji-won’s laughter is interrupted by yet another high-pitched sound. “That’s weird,” she says. “What is this? I feel like I’ve forgotten something important.” Ye-eun stops what she’s doing and looks at Ji-won with a devious smile, as if she figured out what it must be.

The next day, all the girls, Jin-myung included, drag Ji-won to the park. Ha, it’s time to perform her punishment for showing up to the party dateless.

The girls tell Ji-won to just get it over with and even cheer her on. “All right, all right! I’ll do it!” Ji-won shouts. She finds a safe spot near a tree and takes a deep breath, gripping her coat. Then, in the most epic way possible, she spins behind the tree and comes out wearing a full-fledged Wonder Woman costume.

The girls laugh and take pictures, but Ji-won is far from embarrassed. She chases the girls around, trying to capture them, and smiles erupt all around her, from giggling high school girls to excited children. All the while, Ji-won takes pictures with many passersby and, of course, her four adorable sidekicks.

That night, the girls look over the photographs, the atmosphere the brightest it’s ever been.

Ji-won hears that sound again and it seems to intensify as her eyes fall on the shoe cupboard. Her expression slowly changes from confusion to recognition, until it finally lands on horror.

“Now that I think about it, the signs were hidden everywhere,” she narrates, “A small joke. A passing glance. The meaning behind a sigh that you thought meant nothing. If only I’d known what they’d meant back then.”

We’re shown all the small signs like their first conversation over the ghost, Yi-na’s special bracelet, and Eun-jae’s deceased brother. Ji-won continues to narrate that just like foreshadowing is only made visible in hindsight, one realizes the weight of each passing second only after it’s gone.

Ye-eun breaks Ji-won out of her trance to ask what’s going on. “That thing over there,” Ji-won says, “is the spirit of someone who was murdered.” Everyone looks surprised, but it’s Jin-myung, Yi-na, and Eun-jae in particular who look the most guilty. Ji-won narrates that though she didn’t have any bad intentions, she might’ve been the one that set all of this up.

Epilogue. All five girls are interviewed about each other’s style and are asked to rate everyone’s looks. Yi-na gets the highest rank, while Ji-won and Jin-myung get the lowest.


And my curiosity just keeps growing stronger. Because the show only delves into the mysterious ghost every once and a while, it makes me so much more anxious to find out who the heck it is. Some comments in earlier recaps mentioned that the melancholy edge that the show started off with seemed to be a sign that more than a person, and that the ghost could’ve been the representation of all the girls’ pasts clinging onto them. After thinking about it myself, that theory sounded totally plausible, and even now, it still seems plausible. But then there’s this feeling in the pit of my stomach that’s telling me the show is trying to trick us. With this new information that the ghost is indeed someone who had been murdered, that feeling is only getting stronger. And if one of the girls really is “responsible” for the death of this spirit, which one of them could it be?

I’m also intrigued by the mystery surrounding Yi-na’s stalker, Jong-gyu. Whenever his character makes an appearance, I still get scared out of my mind and I want him to go away. Yet, at the same time, I want to see more of him. And the more we see, the more fascinating his storyline gets. With the clues we were given, I assume that Yi-na got into some sort of drowning accident with another girl. Perhaps Jong-gyu’s daughter? Perhaps Yi-na survived and the daughter didn’t? If that were the case, I could see why Jong-gyu is so obsessed with Yi-na and might even want to harm her. But it doesn’t seem that simple. Why does Yi-na believe she “killed” this girl? I like that the show is withholding so much information since it creates a good amount of tension, but gah, I’m just dying to get some flashbacks that show what happened that day.

But back to what I loved most about this episode: the boys. Now, I love watching female friendships play out onscreen—especially since we don’t see too much of them in dramas—but, y’know, I like my romance. So I was practically bouncing with joy to be given an episode completely chock-full of it. We got lots of great angst between Jin-myung and Jae-wan, but the real couple of the hour was definitely Eun-jae and Jong-yeol, because how freaking adorable were they? Jong-yeol almost turned me off when he made fun of her posture (it just seemed way too preschool of him), but he managed to get me swooning again throughout their movie date. I sincerely hope it works out for those two. Because though I love seeing Eun-jae’s confidence grow, her awkward shyness around Jong-yeol is the best. As for Ye-eun and douchey Doo-young… Er, get back to me next week. Not so sure how I feel about that yet. For now, I prefer Ye-eun smiling with these four goofs.


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Friendship between the girls ❤❤❤

EunJae-JongYeol (can they get any cuter) & JinMyung-JaeWan - my real otp❤❤❤

So much love for YiNa & JiWon. For me their characters made this drama alive.❤

Looking forward to see the next episode ❤


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I just wanna add that I'm totally on board of jiwon + her newspaper (?) colleague ship. please, show, don't let him be just a "cameo" for the party story lol


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I'm pretty sure Sung-min is the name of the newspaper guy?

He did show up in episode 2 so I think he's more than just a cameo. I really hope we get more of them together too.


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I am also totally on board on Jiwon Sungmin pairing.......
Let's share the paddle, chinguuu!!!!!

Please writer nim, do not wasting their cute chemistry....


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Him and Yi Na's fellow sugar baby friend.

I want more of them.


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I love that guy and all his interactions with Yi-na.

"Friends shouldn't Photoshop the reality of each other's lives"

Words to live by.


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True that. People who accepts you for who you are are truly a gem.


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Me too!


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*boards the ship and throws out all doors*

I'm sinking with this, whatever happens.


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guess I'm too early I wanna reads the comments >< here in deramabeans I enjoy reading the comments more than anything else


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so cute, the narration from the sofa instead of it being a voice-over...
: D


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agree! hilarious! only ji-won could pull that off...lol


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I don't know how they can keep a straight face while filming that scene.


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Oh my god!! I can't believe we're halfway there! So sad that this will only be 12 episodes, but I also like that it's that short, so I can keep re-watching it in the future! I love the four girls, I'm just really wishing for Jin Myung's happiness the most! I feel like she'll be better with Jae Hwan but she doesn't see that and instead feels like she'll burden him. Please make her imaginations at that party real! We need a happy moment between the two of them! And get rid of that pervy ass boss!
Eun Jae and Jong Yeol are just SO CUTE! As soon as she started liking him, I was like *angel voice* "HAAAAAAH" she finally sees the light! I'll miss Heechul 2.0 and his hair flippin though.
Ye Eun and her bf. I really was hoping she would break it off with him, but I'm kind of thinking that she's probably better for him. She can help him grow and help him become a better person, since he can be a pretty shitty one. But, either way! FIGHTING!
Yi Na, my sexy loves! I really hope she didn't do anything, because I'd still like for her to be happy and be with someone who doesn't want anything from her and will love her for her. I really was shipping her with that guy friend she always eats with.
Ji Won! Don't worry... you'll find someone who will love you. I'm single and you're single.. we will be okay! Let's hope we find a sunbae or a chef to be with.
The Ghost Who Hasn't Been Named... I'm scared of you, whoever you are. I hope you leave the five girls and let them be happy.
3 MORE WEEKS TO GO... I'm crying, but excited!!


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Ye-eun is good for her bf, but the bf is bad for her! :(

I don't think Yi-na did something bad. I guess it's some sort of accident. Possibly the kid drowned while Yi-na was saved. That's why ajusshi is on a revenge mode.


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Heechul 2.0 should go join the Soondae Soup Club boys over on Let's Fight, Ghost!

He can wax poetic about how a ghostly girl is like the pale glow of a moon embraced by clouds or something ...


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Agree with Hee Chul 2.0 should join Sondae Soup club with Chun Seong and In Lang. Just can not wonder how hilarious that club would be.

Love Eun Jae and Sonbae Oppa.. Waiting for more cuteness from them. Teen romance is in the air.. <3


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Ji won is the driving force of this drama!I forgot counts of how many times she made me laugh lol.Also I might be getting punished for this later...but I wish do young reforms himself for the sake of ye eun.He does seem to have a back story too...But seriously how cute is eun jae!She is totally one of the biggest break of 2016...at least for me.Also the guy who's her senior is also I should say the sanest person of the lot when they were playing the choosing game lol...poor boy.It's funny how during these kind of incidents,the most innocent ones get the greatest share of blames lol..talk about irony.
Finally I think the ghost is just a fig of imagination from ji won's mind.She's such a quirky character but she tends to act like a hypnotized person from time to time too..as if stuck in a zone. As if there's lot more to her than what's on the facade.Ehh whatever.But definitely this ep gets a 10/10 from me too.


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Ji Won is freaking amazing, she literally just dances off the guys' comments that they don't like nosey loud women with no tact like her. She didn't even have one moment in that situation where she doubted herself or thought to change her behaviour. Even if Ji won comes across as desperate of whatever, I think ultimately she's someone who's very secure in her own skin.


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I love that you pointed that out - Jiwon might be ~forever alone~ but she wont change herself to make herself more marketable. I love that Jiwon loves herself so much. I love that she doesnt blame herself for not having a boyfriend.

I think the YeEun-focused ep clearly shows that she will. And its not something shes proud of either.


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I'm usually rooting for the heroine to fight her own battles and not needing a man to solve her problems but I need JW to save JM; I want her to have the Cinderella ending... She needs and deserves to be Cinderella ?


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I found it interesting to note that we had some narration from Ji-won in this episode...and yet, I'm not really sure it was "her" episode? I'm starting to wonder whether there's a lot more going on with her simply because she spent so much of the episode focusing on the others and wondering about their secrets. How fitting is it that her inner voice is like that of a storyteller. I found it hilarious when it became apparent that she was actually soliloquizing that one time, lol.

But all of this made me realize that, apart from her desire for a man, she is actually the character that withholds most from the audience. Being the 'ghost' communicator, she is often the one relaying messages/feelings to the rest of the girls and we're always shown how THEY react. But she has never once given us a clue that she may also have scars.

The main reason I'm thinking so much about this is because of one of the most important scenes in today's episode. When Jong-yeol asks about the person most likely to be hiding a secret, the seriousness of the moment is undercut by the group continuing their running joke on him...but it didn't slip my notice that, of all the characters, Jong-yeol pointed at Ji-won, the one character that, until then, had seemed the least burdened to me. Later, when we got a look at her inner pondering of the night's events, she also flashed to the moment when he picked her, and it curiously seemed to stop her from musing any further, as if there's a secret she's hiding even from herself. I'm really intrigued. I'm hoping the drama is going to give us a real look at her inner thoughts, not just on our girls, but on herself.


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Wow! Thanks so much for pointing out these details to me. I don't think I've been watching closely enough, but so appreciate you sharing your thoughts. What an interesting moment that the show shares with us in terms of Ji-won's own back story.


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Exactly my thoughts!


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Me too. I was wondering if he just chose her because she was across from him or not. Other than her boy troubles, there doesnt seem to be a serious burden on her when everyone has one, and she is the most chatty and bright one of them all.


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Crazy to think the show's already half way done. ☹

Jin Myung looks so different all smiley. The show needs to resolve the stuff between her and Jae Wan quickly! Because I want time for them to have cute scenes like Eun Jae and Jong Yeol (who continue to be uber duber cute ?).


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That imagination scene broke my heart. She deserves to wear that smiling face all the time :(


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(Have you seen the preview for episode 7? All of the cuteness has me simultaneously do flaily dancing and plastering myself to the wall while cringing. Hahaha)


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Where did you watch it ? I cant find it anywhere :(((


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It's in the jtbcdrama page in youtube. Sorry I can't link it, though, my internet is wonky ?


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This is the link of the episode 7 preview



Jong yeol and Eun Jae are soooooo cuteeee....




Han Ye-ri is a remarkable actress. I'm so impressed with her acting skills. Sometimes I don't really mind these things as long as there is something else for me to enjoy in the show but Ye-ri is really, really capable. Even though she's not the only one being focused in this drama.


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Her crying scene in this episode was a work of art. It just felt so raw and real. I'm in awe of her talent.


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So am I.

She's one actress whose work feels completely real, so I don't feel she's acting at all. I feel instead, that I'm peeking into someone's life in their most private moments.


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I for one, hopes that Jae Wan doesn't back down and continues to tear at her walks until Jin myung realizes and accepts that she needs and deserves some sunshine in her life. That a relationship could make her stronger and not crumble. I haven't given up on this ship yet. They care so much for each other, I'd be happy to see them as a couple.


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I shipped eun jae with sunbae since the start and i cant believe we've come this far theyre by far my favourite ship but im so excited and anticipating ji wons love line, i love all the guys in this show except that annoying boyfriend

Ive been waiting my whole life to see such a feel good drama about friendship with cute romances and i cant believe we finally have such a good show. Im so sad it only has 12 episodes but as long as each one is good im fine with it. I wish all these girls a happy ending especially jin myung


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I do have feeling that Jong yeol will have love line with Eun jae since Eun jae lend her bolpoint to him. I have same feeling when Sung min pushed away Jiwon suggestion on their meeting.....

I can not help to love this 2 pairings, they just too cute too handle...


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I feel like the Wonder Woman scene was the perfect summation for everything good about Ji-won--she takes moments that would normally be miserable and embarrassing and makes them okay, which seems magical to anyone who has a hard time socializing and just getting through everyday interactions without wanting to crawl into a hole. This episode, she invited tons of guys and not one of them showed up for her, but she turned an awkward failure of a party into a fun experience through sheer force of will, and while she designed the punishment specifically to torture the other girls, she ended up making it a blast for everyone involved.

I am wondering if she's going to get her own episode at all, like other people here, because she seems like the glue that keeps the girls together, and is often a catalyst for them confronting their problems or digging their own graves. She's even the voice of reason sometimes lol. It could be that she'll always be prominent in other girls' episodes, but never really be the focus.

Really really loving the OST. It was a nice surprise when they played Mary Hopkins' Goodbye at the end.


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I totally agree about Ji Won being the glue of the group! Really, every word you said hihihi


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I love the OST too. I just found a youtube playlist with a bunch of the songs.


One song I found that isn't included: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V674Hzpmjjo&index=5&list=PLquoqgFdS2wYiuTxw0C9bsvqOG563Q-wh


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On Your Collarbone is on loop on my Spotify playlist. ?


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thank you for sharing this. i noted to a friend the other day about how much i've enjoyed the soundtrack. i was just worrying about how i would be able to find it and then this showed up.


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Thank you for this, Chandler!


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Loving all of it. Thank you so much <3.


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If Clara C sings "Lucky" I'd think she's Colbie Caillat.
Love love love Indie music's simplicity makes it more relaxing.


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OMG thanks for this! :)


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Wow, thanks for the links! <3


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Gah!!! I love this show so much! ProbablywaymorethanW. *hides*. It makes my week better. Thank you so much for recapping this!

JM's imagination made my heart hurt. Girl deserves all that happiness and so much more :(

And Ji Won <3 Oh Ji Won. Something tells me that we haven't had a Ji Won centric episode so far on purpose. She definitely has some huge secrets of her own and I can't wait to find out. It'll be a big reveal.

(On a sidenote, I could not stop thinking of Park Bo Gum when the 'Bomastic' song played in the party scene, heh. That song will forever remind me of him)


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In the previous recap, I talked about Ji Won's looks or rather styling. But this Wonder Woman getup suits her to the tee! Her hair, poses and personality just make it more awesome :D

It looks like Ye Eun won't be breaking up with her bf anytime soon. It's not that I don't empathize with him but most of the time, people like him make very difficult partners. He'll have this cycle of behaving badly, feeling guilty, being good and then back to bad and all over again.

By the way, did anyone feel sorry for Oily "Hee Chul" lookalike? He must be flummoxed.


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I did feel sorry for him. It's not that he didn't notice Eun jae, it's just that his timing was off, cause the other guy had already made his move.


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I just hope he stays around because every time he appears onscreen, I involuntarily break into giggles.


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Heh~ I also wish to see him in the background being weird as usual.


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I didn't. She only had a mild crush on him and didnt get to talk with him long enough to get to know him. Who knows how that would've worked out.


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I know people are (rightly) creeped out by Yi Na's stalker, but is anyone else also unnerved by Jin Myung's restaurant manager boss? At first I thought he was just the third part in a love triangle, but all his inappropriate touching screams more "sexual harassment" than "second lead". When he mentioned the register being a little bit short I thought to myself, "If Jin Myung rejects him and/or officially chooses Jae Wan, I can totally see him getting pissed, saying the register is short again, accuse her of stealing, and fire her."

Yeah, I don't trust him.


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He gives me a different kind of creeps. This actor usually hams it up in comedic roles so it's refreshing to see him in something different here and so understated.


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I think Jin Myung's manager is waaaay more creepy than Yi Na's "stalker". To be honest Yi Na's Ahjusshi friend does not give off harmful vibes to me. I think once we see his back story, we'll understand more of his motivation as to why he follows Yi Na around and why he stole the bracelet. But this show's magic is to focus on the present day friendship and relationships and keep us guessing at the secrets until the very end.

Jin Myung's dickhead boss on the other hand, needs no back story. He's just plain creepy. If Jin myung were to decide to get a sugar daddy, (and I'm not saying she should), she could do a lot better than him.


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That restaurant manager needs to back the eff off!
Seriously the thigh grabbing already had me fuming but the shoulder rubbing on full display...you gotta be kidding me!
He doesn't even try to hide his intentions by now, you'd think maybe touching her in a more "harmless" way like "accidentally" brushing her hand, arm or putting his hand on her shoulder will bring him closer to his goal but nope, let's go all in.
I wonder what they're trying to achieve with this character tbh, just to show he's a creepy superior who needs to be kicked in the balls?


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I think it's more to do with Jin Myung's vulnerability and growth than him being a creep.

This show is all heart to me ..."don't judge until you walk a mile in these girls' shoes."
It makes me feel and look at these girls with my heart and not just my eyes.

Dang it, this is just a tv drama .....why is it so real?


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The subtitles I've watched the show with sometimes translates things vastly different than what SailorJumun mentions in the recap and I am so confused...like, it's not stuff that's big enough to affect the plot but it does strongly affect how I interpret Jong Gyu so I'm just really lost lol.

I'm very fascinated by how Jin Myung and Ye Eun's stories are similar yet different. Ye Eun's affection for Doo Young prevents her from letting go of an unsatisfying relationship and she can't open up to him about her problems. Jin Myung on the other hand is afraid of her affection for Jae Hwan and refuses to allow a relationship, similarly preventing her from opening up to him. I hate it but it's done so well.


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+1 I've noticed some differences between my own watching of the drama and the recaps left here. It's so disappointing because I want to truly understand the gist of the show not dumbed down for me, but with accurate subtitles! I guess I need to worker harder at my Korean language studies...


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I can't wait for the next episode... I am actually fine when I found out that episode 8 of W will be delayed. But, please, please, please, don't delay any of the AoY episodes.


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Okay, I'm just gonna be here, quietly chanting Jiwon x Sungmin, Jiwon x Sungmin, whom I will now call the Exasperatedly Fond couple.? Please, please let there be something between them when the Jiwon episode comes! (But how it'll develop I have no inkling!)

Also: I was cringing and watching behind my fingers during the last Eunjae and Jongyeol scene. When he smiled while holding out the leaf that he took from her hair I was dying from I'm not sure what exactly: secondhand embarrassment or excitement that they're getting together, there's no misunderstanding of feelings!!! I enjoyed that scene so much I was hitting the replay button a LOT.

And of course even in fantasies Jaewan would be swoony. When he pointed to himself first, and then when Jinmyung still lost and he just casually took the can of beer she was drinking?? GEH SWOON.


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Exasperatedly Fond couple, omg, I'm dying! That name is perfect. I would watch the hell out of a drama with them as the main leads, just sayin'. At this point, even if they don't get together, I'm just going to believe they do in the future. They better not bring in another boy out of the blue (sorry Ji-won. I can't let you go off with any guy off the street when this guy's right next to you.)

Ugh, that ending scene with Eun-jae and Jong-yeol is one of the most awkwardly adorable, giddy-enducing scenes ever. There's just something so heart-fluttering about a moment when I could be embarrassed on the girl's behalf, but know I don't need to be because it's clear the guy is already so in love and that seeing her like that is probably making his day.


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Hahaha! I'll join you in watching that drama. I think that them getting together would be a sure eventuality, whenever it would happen. And I do think it'd be much easier for the writer to just let someone who already knows Jiwon realize that she's amazing, and not some other person that she'd still have to introduce. :D

I know! I love their fledgling romance so much. I love the fact that we know all of the points of view but we also have an understanding of how each character feels. This is the very reason why I love the drama, it's universality. At least all of us have identified with at least one of the characters, and with at least one of the perspectives in each of the situations that unfold. This is also the reason why I love slice of life so much. Just. So much love.

(Ah I love this so much I have to go hug my stuffed shark and nuzzle its nose.)


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This show doesn't do good thing for me, Everytime there's a new episode that center each female's story, that female becomes my favorite, now I'm confused, I don't even understand myself. Hahaha


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Yina's story seems to mimic Chilling Romance/Spellbound, with the jewelry drawing attention her way and saving her, doubly so if it turns out the bracelet was originally the other girl's. Except instead of a stalker ghost, she has a real-life Stalker Boy, though maybe the ghost is hers as well?


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I had exactly the same thought!


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My favorite ship is the one we saw less of: Ji-won and Sung-min! Bring. It. On. I just love her and he seems cool enough. Their interactions were adorable!
Next comes Eun-jae and Jong-yeol. How cute can they be? They are feeding me rainbows.
Jin-Myung and Jae-wan just need to get together like now. It's frustrating! And sad. Really really sad.
Talking about sad: Jung-Myung clearly appears to be a sad characters but I love how all the others girls are pretty sad too. Yi-na (who I don't know if I should ship with her friend. I'm loving their cute friendship but I guess I wouldn't hate it at all if they got together), she pretends not to be a sad person but she really is, I think it's the same for Ji-won, there's more than meets the eye, Eun-Jae has a dark past too so yep sad and finally Ye-eun is probably the only one without secrets but she has an awful boyfriend who she's not able to get rid of, and that's really sad too. I just hate her boyfriend! I hope they don't go on and make him redeem himself for her. I just want her to break up with him once and for all. Since they kind of gave us a back story for him, hopefully the break up will make him mature but away from Ye-eun. He had his chance and blew it. She deserves better.
Anyway, yes they are all sad and the friendship growing between them is making them stronger.
A show with awesome, unconventional female characers is such a bless. I love all the girls, seriously, and I want them to be happy and I just adore the friendship. My favorite friends must be Yi-na and Ye-eun: I love hate to love friendships even more hate to love romances.
I need to point out just how funny this show can be too. It has everything, really, even a ghost story. 10/10 for real.


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This drama is my favourite among all currently running shows. Love, love, love the writing and all the characters.


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eunjae and jongyeol are so freaking adorable they make me squeal hardcore. my heart totally broke when jinmyung imagined herself and jaewan at the party. it's so simple but she's tied down and not living her life at all :(


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I thought Ji Won's mysterious punishment would have been to go streaking.


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Thanks episode for confirming that JI-WON is Wonder Woman!


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i think Eun Jae thinks she killed her brother by giving him nuts, when he had very bad allergy to that.

like everyone, i love ji won's character. but i love all actresses here, perhaps except the ex Kara girl. hwa young also does a good job, i didn't think she had a background as a member of an idol group, had i not browsed for her info... lol.

but han ye ri... totally broke my heart with her scenes.


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I think Eun Jae feels responsible for her brother's death too. I think she doesn't eat nuts because it reminds her of him and how he died.

It's hard to pick a favorite because most, if not all are doing a fantastic to decent job with their characters and they are all relatable.

Han Ye-ri <3.


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Viki, that's what I think about Eun-jae too! And she keeps saying that "I murdered someone" line so it's probably how her brother died.


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I thought it was Eun-jae's brother, too, but then I got confused because she looked at the shoe cabinet and called out: "Dad ...?" Who does she think she killed?

I love these quirky touches in the show - how utterly mundane but intriguing to put a Ghost in the Shoe Cabinet!

I had a soft spot for KARA and Han Seung-yeon in particular since she was on Problematic Men, so I'm glad she took on this role, and I'm rooting for Ye-eun to find her misplaced self-esteem, regardless of whether she stays in the relationship or not.


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I've been waiting for a show like this since forever! I really am enjoying all the interactions between the girls and I know that I'll be really sad once they part ways in the end.


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My one big complains about this show is that Friday doesn't come around fast enough. This should be daily show.

Enjoying all the songs while waiting impatiently for tomorrow.

And where should we go?
And where should we go?
And where should weeeeeeee go?


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It's tonight Kiara. Yes! *happydancing


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Lucky you :). It's tomorrow for me :(.


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It amuses me no end that when Eun-jae just had a one-sided crush on Heechul 2.0, she went to such daring extremes in her imagination that she was thinking of their childrens' names.

Now she's got an (almost-as-good-as) BF in the flesh, she can only express herself in her adorkable Eun-jae way. But who knows, maybe there'll be a bit of "bold and sexy adult romance" from this couple?!

As for Doo Young contacting Yi Na on the sly ... Doo Young might have a complex. Fine, he's 99% a**hole but could be 1% human. But if he tries to use Yi Na to play around and hurt Ye Eun, imma break his arm, or something worse.


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qual o nome da música que toca logo quando começa o episódio, a que ela ta dançando na festa e carregam ela???


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Gosh, is it possible to adore someone soo much#jiwon...!!
Love all the girls- eun jae's a cutie, yi na and ye eun creates liveliness, and jin myung's just adds drama with her presence!! And yet, they all seem to be hiding a secret....;)


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Can someone tell me the name of the song played at the part that old man was making stuff with his hands pleaaasee


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