Age of Youth: Episode 10

Unique and lively Ji-won may not have a ghost hanging over her head like the rest of the Belle Epoque girls, but she still plays a very important role in the house—much bigger than just that crazy friend everyone has fun with. She could very well hold the group together. I was worried when the show didn’t give Ji-won her own episode to explain whatever past she might have, but now I see that the show was simply waiting until now to start unraveling her secret.

EPISODE 10: “We believe because we want to #lie”

At a school newspaper meeting, Ji-won fidgets in her seat and then admits that she can see ghosts. She points one out right above their heads. Uh, why are you bringing this up here?

Everyone just waves it off, while some even play along, asking if the ghost is attractive. Ji-won thinks that this is exactly how people should react. So she wonders why her housemates had asked such serious questions when she told them there was a ghost in the house. The fact that they overreacted has her going crazy.

After the meeting, Sung-min asks her why she lied then.

*blinks* What.


Ji-won drops her head on the table, saying it was just a white lie—a joke as a way to bring some tension into their lives. But now the lie’s gone so far that she doesn’t know what to do. She sighs, and then she hears that high-pitched noise from before.

Ji-won walks into the house like a little kid about to be scolded and finds the girls (minus Jin-myung) busy doing their own things. In her head, Ji-won tries to figure out the best way to come clean, crossing off begging for mercy and treating it like no big deal. She decides to go for a mix of both options. She takes her sweet time bringing the subject up, and just as she’s about to mention the ghost, Eun-jae cries out from her room.

The girls come rushing into the room and their jaws drop along with Eun-jae’s. It’s past 10 p.m. and Jin-myung is still in bed. They get Jin-myung out of bed and out the door for her convenience store job, but she doesn’t even seem to care anymore if she’s late or not. Once she’s gone, the girls all hit themselves on the head for getting Jin-myung’s hopes up for the company position. But they’re sure Jin-myung will overcome this. “Because she’s Yoon Sunbae,” they all agree.

Only, Jin-myung doesn’t seem like her usual self at all. She’s stuck in a daze throughout her whole shift, barely touching her homework. The next day at school, she comes across a group of classmates congratulating one of her juniors – the other girl from Jin-myung’s interview. Jin-myung congratulates her too, though her smile fades when the girl leaves. Jin-myung turns her attention to a few posters mentioning other job opportunities, including working abroad.

Eun-jae meets up with her aunt on her father’s side for lunch. Well-aware of the visit from the insurance investigator, her aunt is also curious about how Eun-jae’s dad got into an accident when he was supposedly a good driver. There was an accident before that too, a fire in which Eun-jae’s mom got hurt. Her aunt says she wants to re-investigate the dad’s case, and Eun-jae gets that scared look on her face.

Also having lunch, Ji-won tells Sung-min she doesn’t need to tell the girls the truth. She believes there are certain lies that can just flow on and eventually disappear. Then she hears the high-pitched noise again. Shaking it off, she points to Sung-min’s book (Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty) and asks what happens because of the small lie.

“Someone dies,” he says simply.

If that doesn’t give Ji-won enough stress, she gets even more when she and Ye-eun find Yi-na packing up all of her luxurious bags and shoes, hoping to sell them. Ji-won starts to ask if Yi-na’s sudden change of heart is because of the ghost, but chickens out and says never mind.

Yi-na brings all her stuff to a store with the help of Dong-joo. Lol, it takes Dong-joo several trips to bring all the handbags and shoes in, but he’s a good sport about it. Yi-na spots the pair of black heels she’d wanted to give Jin-myung and snatches them off the counter, insisting she’ll keep them.

Dong-joo gives her a ride back, and he seems somewhat peeved as Yi-na counts her huge wad of cash. When he drops her off, Yi-na tells her to call him, which surprises him. Aw, were you worried she’d want to get rid of you too? He smiles faintly as he watches her leave.

At home, Yi-na sees that Jin-myung is still out of it. Yi-na hands over the black heels and tells Jin-myung to wear them for her next interview since Jin-myung’s old shoes might’ve cost her the last position.

Jin-myung stares at the heels, wondering if it was really because of her shoes. In a worn-out voice, Jin-myung tells Yi-na that a girl in her major ended up getting the position. The girl was in the same, if not worse, financial situation as Jin-myung, and the girl’s shoes probably weren’t any better.

“It was my fault,” Jin-myung concludes. More than the qualifications or connections, Jin-myung thinks she just needs to be a little better. But she doesn’t know how to do that.

Yi-na wants Jin-myung to take the heels anyway, saying it’s a present because Yi-na feels grateful, though she doesn’t tell Jin-myung why. Later, Yi-na finds the shoes back at her door, but instead of taking them back, she just places them on the shoe rack.

Ji-won comes trudging out of room after having a nightmare of getting sent to hell. Ye-eun says she always has nightmares of retaking the college entrance exam, and Eun-jae says she always dreams of a dog chasing her as a young girl. Ye-eun points out that her dad comes to rescue her at the end, so wouldn’t it be a happy ending? Eun-jae doesn’t seem to think so…

“Attention!” Ji-won interrupts. Ji-won needs to make this announcement so she can have some peace of mind. She starts to bring up the ghost, but the sound of the doorbell cuts her off. Eun-jae opens the door and is greeted by her wailing mother.

Eun-jae brings her mom to her room to see what’s going on. Mom tells her through angry tears that the insurance investigators ruined everything. What makes Mom even more hurt is that Stepdad had asked if she was hiding anything from him. “He thinks I’m someone who would kill their husband!” Mom cries. She’s decided that she can’t live with a man who doubts her like that.

Welp, looks like Mom is spending the night. Which means Jin-myung will have to crash in Yi-na’s room. Eun-jae lets Jin-myung know about the situation via text and Jin-myung replies with a mere “Okay.” Jin-myung comes back late at night and takes a seat on the couch, lost in thought. Inside her room, Yi-na makes sure there’s enough space on the bed for Jin-myung, but Jin-myung never comes in.

In the morning, Yi-na finds Jin-myung fast asleep on the couch, her backpack still on. The other girls come yawning out of their rooms, so Yi-na quickly hushes them and motions towards Jin-myung. They all try to maneuver around quietly when Eun-jae’s mom bursts in and bids them good morning in a loud, cheerful voice.

Eun-jae pushes her mom into her room, but Jin-myung’s already awake. Jin-myung looks around in a daze, but listens when Ye-eun suggests she sleep more. Jin-myung borrows Yi-na’s room for a while, and wakes up when she hears a delivery man drop something off. She goes out and is greeted by Eun-jae’s mother, who tells her someone named Yoon Soo-myung received certified mail. Jin-myung initially tenses, but replies that the letter is hers.

Yi-na gets a job at a clothing store (after lying she took time off after school because she was “sick”) and tries to leave in a taxi. She gasps at the taximeter and has the driver drop her off at once. She sighs that that short ride cost her what would be two hours of pay. So she opts for the subway instead, though it’s obvious she has no idea what she’s doing.

Ye-eun and her friends play around with an online dating app, and Ye-eun muses who her ideal type might be. She happily describes her perfect man, only to realize her descriptions match up to Doo-young.

Ye-eun assures her friends she’s over Doo-young, when she spots him on the street, looking like he’s waiting for someone. For Ye-eun? She pretends not to see him until she’s right in front of him and acts happy to be seeing him after such a long time.

Doo-young starts to ask if she’s had lunch yet, but Ye-eun cuts him off and runs along with her friends, laughing about what they should eat. She laughs all the way down the street and then sinks to the ground once Doo-young’s out of view. Her friends tell her she handled it well and she looks up at them with hopeful eyes. “Really? I was so nervous, I thought I’d die,” Ye-eun says.

Eun-jae gets a call from her stepdad in class and gets up to leave, running into Jong-yeol in the hall. He asks if she’s not attending class, and she just says that something came up. He doesn’t ask any further and lets her leave. Man, I miss them being cute and happy.

On her way to the hospital, Jin-myung catches the loan sharks harassing her mom, but she just walks away from the scene. She waits until Mom goes up to her brother’s room and then gives her the letter—a military draft notice.

“You didn’t apply for disability benefits?” Jin-myung asks. Her back to Jin-myung, Mom says it’s because Jin-myung’s brother could wake up anytime, whether it be tomorrow or the day after that.

Jin-myung lowers her head and says she understands before adding, “You wanted to believe, right? Not because you had reasons to believe, but because you wanted to believe.” Jin-myung looks up and asks if her mom knows that that kind of hope usually only brings misfortune.

Mom stops at those words and finally looks away from her son just as Jin-myung walks out. Mom rushes out of the room and calls out, “Jin-myung-ah!” Jin-myung slowly turns around and Mom shakes her head, looking nervous. Jin-myung doesn’t say a word and keeps on walking. Unni, you’re scaring me…

Outside, Jin-myung walks by some young boys playing soccer. She watches their high energy and flashes back to her lifeless brother stuck in his hospital bed.

Jin-myung goes straight to the restaurant, and though the petty waitress informs her the whole wine ordeal was a mistake and that the other staff will stand by her (aw), Jin-myung marches up to the manager and quits. It takes the manager off guard, but after seeing there’s no changing Jin-myung’s mind, he agrees to let her go.

Jae-wan asks Jin-myung if she’s really quitting, looking more frustrated than relieved. Jin-myung reminds him he first told her to quit. “And if you do quit?” Jae-wan asks. Jin-myung doesn’t answer. She changes the subject and asks if Jae-wan can get time off tomorrow.

Eun-jae’s mom has Yi-na, Ji-won, and Ye-eun hard at work making dinner, and the girls rejoice when Eun-jae walks through the door. Eun-jae steps aside to show that she brought her stepdad along, making Mom drop her chopsticks in shock.

Like some cringey romantic movie, Stepdad presents Mom with some flowers and says that they should go home now. They go in for the big kiss, giving the girls the cue to get the hell out of there. Hahaha, as soon as the girls shut the door, the music that had been playing in the background muffles as if they just shut the couple’s romantic moment out.

Eun-jae sees her parents out and the girls get ready to feast on the dinner Eun-jae’s mom left. Jin-myung walks in carrying fish cakes and ddeokbokki, and the girls all gape at her. Ye-eun: “No way.” Ji-won: “Who are you?” Eun-jae: “Sunbae, is something wrong?”

Jin-myung says she just felt bad for being such a downer lately and wanted to eat this together with them. The girls excitedly push the food Eun-jae’s mom made aside and set the table with Jin-myung’s. They all apologize to Jin-myung for getting her hopes up for the job, and Jin-myung insists it’s not their fault. She wanted to believe.

In fact, she says if it wasn’t for that hope, she wouldn’t be able to handle it. Unni, you’re really scaring me right now.

Yi-na breaks the sad moment by suggesting drinks. Ji-won grabs everyone a glass of beer and they all toast to Jin-myung. They all happily dig into the precious food Jin-myung bought everyone, while Jin-myung watches the scene with a smile.

Jin-myung’s eyes fall on the shoe cupboard and her smile falls. Ji-won catches this, but Jin-myung clinks her glass with another smile before Ji-won can say anything.

That night, Ji-won dreams that she and the girls are strolling through a wide, open field. They come across a door and they all go through it, but Ji-won notices that Jin-myung is no longer there. Ji-won looks all over, but Jin-myung has vanished.

Ji-won bolts up in bed, the high-pitched noise returning to her ear. “What is this?” she mutters to herself. She goes out to the living room and nearly has a heart attack when she sees a figure sitting on the floor. Ji-won yells at Jin-myung for startling her and Jin-myung apologizes, saying she came here to think.

“About the ghost here…” Jin-myung says, “It’s my younger brother.”

She continues that her brother is unable to live or die—she’s sure it must be terrible. And with that, Jin-myung heads back to her room, planting more worry into Ji-won’s head.

The next day, Ji-won visits Sung-min for reassurance that this ghost thing isn’t her fault. She stops him from running away by holding him back with a wedgie and tells him that Jin-myung’s been acting weird lately. She thinks back to the night before, but shakes her suspicions off. “It’s nothing. It must be nothing,” she convinces herself.

Elsewhere, Jin-myung visits the bank to close her account, and she delivers the money her loan sharks have been wanting.

Later, Jin-myung meets with Jae-wan as planned and tells him she just wanted to spend some time with him. She just wants to drink coffee and talk like others do. Jae-wan’s worry melts away and is replaced with a smile instead. He fulfills her wish and lets them do what most couples do, like eating ice cream and watching a movie.

As the sun sets, Jin-myung (wearing Yi-na’s heels) and Jae-wan walk along a pier. Jin-myung allows herself to grab hold of Jae-wan’s arm, and Jae-wan takes it a step further by grabbing her hand instead. Ah jeez, this is hurting my heart.

Eun-jae comes home while on the phone with her mom, who tells her to thank the girls, especially the “scary one” that got a letter for Yoon Soo-myung. Eun-jae stops when she enters her room to see all of Jin-myung’s belongings totally cleared out.

Ji-won comes in at that moment looking for Jin-myung and looks at Eun-jae with sudden dread.

Jin-myung rests on a bench while Jae-wan places a bandage on a cut on her foot. He tells her to wear sneakers next time. “Next time…” Jin-myung sadly repeats.

Jae-wan tells her they can take their time and do everything she wants to do next time. His words move Jin-myung, and she takes this chance to lean in and kiss him. When she pulls back, she smiles and explains that she doesn’t think she’d be able to do that next time.

They smile softly at each other and turn to look at the sunset.

Ji-won and Eun-jae find out from the landlady that Jin-myung plans to move out, and Yi-na notices that the heels are missing. They all jump at the sound of the doorbell, but it’s just Jin-myung’s loan sharks, here to deliver the IOU Jin-myung forgot. Ji-won asks the loan sharks if they know which hospital Jin-myung’s brother is in.

The girls (minus Ye-eun) take a taxi to the hospital, Ji-won a puddle of nerves in the front seat. “No, it’s not my fault,” she narrates, “How is that my fault? People aren’t that simple. She wouldn’t have made a decision like that because of one reason.” And at the same time, Jin-myung parts ways with Jae-wan and takes the bus. She waves goodbye happily, and has to hold in her tears until the bus takes off.

Jin-myung beats everyone to the hospital and makes it up to her brother’s room. It takes her a moment to open the door and then… we see her brother flatline.

The girls soon arrive just as the hospital goes hectic. The girls follow two running security guards all the way upstairs, just in time to see the body of Jin-myung’s brother being wheeled out and Jin-myung’s mom getting arrested. Jin-myung comes out of the room last, and the girls hurry to her side. Yi-na and Eun-jae bring Jin-myung into a hug, and Ji-won collapses to the ground with relief, grasping onto Jin-myung’s wrist as she cries.

The girls all pile out to the front entrance – Ji-won never letting go of Jin-myung’s arm – as Jin-myung’s mom is escorted to the police car. Right before getting in, Jin-myung’s mom turns back to look at Jin-myung one last time, her eyes red with tears. Mom gets into the car and Jin-myung leans into Ji-won, her own eyes filling with tears as well.

The girls take the bus back, all of them looking completely exhausted. Jin-myung blankly stares out the window and just lets the tears fall.

And from a church, Ye-eun silently prays for her family and for her housemates. She prays especially for Jin-myung, knowing she needs the most help right now.

Epilogue. Ji-won is interviewed about her lie, and she insists that even she doesn’t know why she said it – it just happened. She’s asked if she has any secrets, but she firmly says no. The high-pitched noise returns and she ominously looks up. “Hyo-jin?” she quietly calls out.


I… am a mess. Both my brain and my heart. Like Ji-won, I was a total nervous wreck throughout the entire episode, and I was just waiting for Jin-myung to snap like she did in the restaurant last episode. After that breakdown, her defeated attitude in this episode had me terrified that she would come to the decision to end things once and for all, whether that be by committing suicide or pulling the plug on her brother.

And again, like Ji-won, I was so overwhelmed with relief to see Jin-myung walk out of that hospital room alive that I just had to stop and cry. But after that moment was over, more questions flooded in: Did Jin-myung pull the plug? Is her mom trying to take the blame? Or did Mom actually do it? Or is it something else entirely? From what I got out of the episode, it seemed like Jin-myung was fully prepared to end her own life.

The way Mom stopped Jin-myung in the hospital after the “believe because we want to” speech made me think that at that moment, Mom got the feeling that her daughter had given up on life. And perhaps after years of taking care of her comatose son, Mom decided to do something for both her children by just letting him go. This is what I think for now, but there are honestly many possibilities the show could choose. And at this point, I almost always expect the show to surprise me in some way.

Speaking of surprises, I cannot freaking believe Ji-won lied. I trusted you, girl! You were always my favorite! Though I feel somewhat betrayed, I also feel that this was a brilliant move made by the show. Rather than being a cop-out, the fact that Ji-won’s ghost-seeing ability was all just one big lie fits well into the story, so much so that everything else makes perfect sense. From the moment Ji-won’s character was introduced, I fell in love with her and always thought she was the glue that kept the show together.

And now with this twist, I think she really does keep everything together. It was her lie that reminded the girls they couldn’t just bury their “ghosts” away forever. It was her lie that got the girls to open up their wounds one by one so that they could allow themselves to heal. So even though Ji-won may blame herself for being the final straw on the weight on Jin-myung’s shoulders, I don’t think it’s her fault at all. She did lie – and I really hope she eventually tells the truth – but the “ghosts” haunting these girls have always been with them, whether they knew it or not, and they have to deal with them sometime.

As we go into finale week, I’m praying along with Ye-eun that everyone will be okay. I doubt our girls will get neatly tied endings, but I at least hope we get the sense that they could have those neatly tied endings sometime in the future. I’m sincerely believing because I want to.


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Ugh, I really want to know who pulled the plug. In this episode, surprisingly, Ye Eun touched me the most. When she dropped to the ground after seeing Do Young and when she prayed for her roommates


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That prayer almost made me cry! I mean, I'm admittedly religious so maybe it's more personal for me but seeing the roommate we tend to judge as shallow and self-centered so sincerely reaching out to God on behalf of her roommates was really moving. *single tear*


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Ye Eun is always there for the other girls. Yeah she judges things so easily without giving much consideration but overall Ye Eun is a nice girl.

Koreans don't have their own gods or any specific religion. South Korea literally is a pope's cosmetic country. Even japan has its own traditions and religious philosophy. On the other hand Korea does have many shrines. Still too much Church culture there like pop culture


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I am not sure what you mean. There are people of many different religions in South Korea.


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I know that but it is hardly visible in any of tv media. At best we see are only hanbok dresses and that's it. I would like to see more of other religions than Church Ppl in each and every show.


But we see a lot of Buddhism too in dramas though.. like recently Let's Fight Ghost, and Lucky Romance, and I think I saw many other religious acts in many dramas... and they're vary.. so im not getting what ure saying by wanting to see other than church ppl..


That prayer reminds me, Wow, this is so Seungyeon (Ye-eun) - since she seems a devout christian in her real life. Long time ago (5-7yrs ago) - she flooded her cyworld account with bible's words :) and she shared some of her bible pics on her twitter (around 2012-2013). She isn't showing it anymore, except one small cross bracelet that sometimes she wears it until today on airport / daily activities.

She's my bias - and I watch this drama because she's there :)


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Her prayer makes me cry, it wasn't sad tears like when i saw jinmyung, it was moving(?) tears.


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Although there is no confirmation as we know, I think Mom is the one who pulled the plug. She felt that Jin-myung had just had too much and that she was about to take a drastic step and she just did it so that she would at least be able to save one of her children..

Well, whoever did it, this episode turned me into an emotional wreck!! Jin-myung's expressionless-ness throughout the episode just broke my heart!!! Poor girl :( :( :(


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I didn't expect to but I am totally loving this drama. I initially thought that this drama would be all fluff, but boy it has heart and depth.


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The fact that Ji Won lied was shocking but made perfect sense - she totally would! But in the end while her lie caused issues and brought out fears and the traumas in the girls' lives, maybe it's helped them overcome them. Just because you can't see your ghosts doesn't mean they don't need exorcising.

I loved that little bit of Ye Eun praying for her housemates at the end. All the girls support and care for each other in their own ways and it's great to see (also, I was surprised since I'm so used to tv characters generally being atheists).


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I wouldn't have minded if this was a 16-20 ep drama! It's so well written.


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Same here. This is my favorite show for the year! I doubt anything will top it.


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I'll just rewatch the 12 eps aft...er. I can't believe it'll be ending this week.


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This show..... It breaks my heart, lets me put it together again just to break it again. T.T


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If we are being led to the conclusion that Eun Jae's mom was responsible for her husband and sons death just for insurance money thats really dark. And if Eun Jae knows what she did and is hiding it then thats crazy. Even if she is your mother, if she contributed to the deaths of your little brother and father you should tell the police.


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I actually think Eun Jae killed her Dad. Probably because she thought it would protect her Mom. Maybe her brother accidently got killed too in the process?

When the insurance guy tried to bring up the fire they had, Eun Jae corrected him by saying that only her mom got hurt in it...so maybe she tried more than once? Idk.


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Why would she need to protect her mom? It never once implied that her dad was hurting her mom. Her mom is the one that has all the insurance policies on her family members. Eun jae wasn't even aware that her mom had the policy on her. I'm thinking her mom had a home insurance policy and tried to burn the house down but got burnt herself. She may have only intended for her husband to wreck but not die. Either way if she was creating accidents to get insurance money its still a crime. I think Eun Jae is saying she killed her dad and brother because maybe she knew what her mom was doing but didn't speak up so she feels guilty.


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Her mom is very shady. I wonder if her immature behavior is just a cover up.


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Oh I forgot about this detail... but in one of Eunjae's weird dream sequences, there seems to be the voice of her mom and dad shouting and fighting over something. I think it's around the scenes where a stove is displayed.


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I think mom killed dad.. I don't know about her ELDER brother (and he couldn't have gotten killed in the process - the insurance investigator told us that dad died 5 years ago whereas oppa died 7 years ago), but I think her mom had a hand in dad's death, grandma's death and even tried to kill stepdad but failed.. Although we are yet to find out the whole truth, but if that is the truth, Mom is twisted as hell!!! I mean, for money!!??!! that's just sick!!


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Right, that would be so so dark. But I somehow feel like Eun-jae is actually involved with her father's death somehow because of the shot of the pink thermos and him in the car, and also how she thought before "mom, you should be grateful to me" (still not sure what she meant by this!!). I was guessing that her dad was not a good person and she found out and was somehow involved in his accident and she thinks her mom should be grateful because she gave her the chance to be free from him and marry stepdad, someone she actually likes.


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Yes i agree but I think she was involved to the extent that she knew what was happening but didn't speak up. Hence mom you should be grateful to me. When they police investigated the accident she went along and covered for her mom. I haven't seen one scene in this drama that paints her father in a negative light. Most likely her mom drugged the drink in the pink thermos to make her husband get into a car accident but probably didn't mean for him to die.


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You only know what the show wants you to, just because they havent show any negative light about the father, doesnt mean he cant be the bad guy. After watching the mother and stepdad relationship, its unlikely that shes behind her husband death. If anything, the show tried hard to show us its impossible for the mother to do anything shady, she leaves her heart on her cheek basically.


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I never got the feeling that in Jin myung was about to commit suicide? Rather she was planning on pulling the plug on her brother and either skipping town or going to jail for it.
I agree tho that the mom did it because she realized her belief kept both of her children from moving on.


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I also thought she was preparing to pull the plug on the brother and suffer consequences. And I'm still not sure if it's the mom who did it! *biting nails for next ep*


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Honestly, mom did it but just happened to beat her there. Everything that comes nexts happens too fast for her to have ran in there and pulled the plug.


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Mom and Daughter had thought the same and i think instead of letting daughter do this Mom did it.

Still it is 65% Mom and 35% Jin Myung for me. I don't think writer will pay much attention on it now as happened in earlier crucial situations too.


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I don't know, too. At first watch I thought she was preparing for jail, but I watched the scene with Jiwon's dream and then thought that perhaps suicide wasn't too far off.


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I think the mom beat her to it. I don't know if Jin myung would let her mom take the fall for it.


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I mean for something that she did.


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I was worried she was going to commit suicide simply because one of the biggest warning signs of a person committing suicide is giving all their belongings away because they feel they don't need it anymore.

She gave the loan sharks the money, quit her job, and packed all her things.

Followed by the scene where Ji-Won and the roomates walked through the door together and Jin Myung was gone on the other side as well as the comment about a small lie leading to someone's death.

But as the episode progressed I thought maybe she was preparing herself to go to jail for killing her brother.

I really want to know what happenes next.


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I absolutely thought she was going to commit suicide to the point where I sobbed through her date with Jae Won and felt dread for almost the entire episode (from the moment she quit). Can't this girl just catch a break? Ugh.


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This drama has managed to balance that line between two extremes, light and heavy, so well. I'm so full of emotions right now, I just want these lovely girls to have the perfect ending. brbcryingsomemoreYUGFYU&^TR&^Y^*&Y*YF


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Guhhh this episode!

I can't believe Ji-won lied, lol. Actually, I think it's more accurate to say that I was surprised to hear it was a le, but at the same time I'm not that surprised, haha. She just has that kind of personality where she would make up something like that just because she was kinda bored &wanted to make things more interesting.

After last episode with Doo-young looking at Ye-eun's social media and this episode with him trying to talk to her, I wonder if that couple is being set up for a reconciliation (I really hope not tbh). And I loved seeing Yi-na taking steps toward making a new life for herself. #goals (not necessarily working in a clothing store but like... letting go of guilt and past memories keeping me down &working towards being a happier person).

But, oh, Jin-myung. I've been really nervous for her in the last few episodes, first with her interview and feeling that it went well, and then with that asshole manager watching her so closely at work—I was so convinced last episode that he was looking for reasons to fire her, and then was so scared when he started yelling about stolen wine I was honestly afraid he had planted it in her locker or something haha. Based on her conversation with her mom and her shocked expression at the end (when she spent most of the episode acting resigned), I think her mom really might be taking the fall for her. She spent the whole episode like her last day alive/free. I really do think she intended to end her brother's life and go to prison for it, so on her last day she did all the things she wanted to do (quitting her job, going out with Jae-wan) and getting her affairs in order (paying off the debt and packing up all her stuff to make it easier for someone to pick up later). I wonder what she'll do now.


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I'm with you! I really hope Doo-young isn't redeemed. Or rather, Ye-eun isn't used to redeem him. We need to rid girls of this notion that they can fix bad guys. There are far too many relationships that end with emotional abuse based on this flimsy hope. :( I know a lot of kdramas are based on this premise, and I turn off my brain for those, but Age of Youth is a different show! I don't want it to be one of those! T____T

If Doo-young wants to change, I'd rather he realized his mistakes from Ye-eun and apologize. Then just find a new girl and start a better relationship with her.


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I get what you mean. Drama speaking, I am a little open that the two could get back together after he finally learns his lesson, since they look good together.

Realistically speaking, there are reasons why they broke up in the first place. Getting back together will only remind her of the distrust she felt, and the hurt from his actions and self-centredness.

At this point in time, he only wants to get back with her because he feels empty, and she had been trying to get his attention by posting those instagram pics. She is on the rebound and just needs time on her own to learn to love herself.


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Ah! Was mom's final disintegration preventable?

Applying for those disability benefits would have gone some way in easing the financial strain on mom and Jin myung. I'm reminded of the saying "a stitch in time ..." Why oh why did mom wait until she sensed that Jin myung was on her final leg to act? Wasn't there a legal way for mom to switch off the life support without resorting to murder? So sad, the way it played out, mom acted because she knew if she didn't, she'd lose her daughter. I hope Jin myung doesn't blame herself for this.

Eunjae's mom is a piece of work, I feel so sorry for Poor Eun jae. I laughed when the roommates said Eunjae's mom so closely resembles Ye Eun in behavior and Ye Eun adamantly denied it?? Drama queens!

I do wish Eun jae would come clean with her Boyfriend and discuss her mom issues. Though, she's protected her mom for most of her young life, so keeping it secret is most likely a habit.

So there was truth to Ye Eun's claims that Ji won routinely lies. Unlike most viewers I was never really vested in the Ji won character which I find too brash and loud for my tastes so I feel little more than indifference to the revelation that she lied, and only mild curiousity as to who Hyo Jin could be.

Sweet Ye Eun, praying for her friend in her hour of need. I don't know why, but that scene really touched me. I could forgive Ye Eun for all her flaws because she houses a caring heart.

I'll say it again, Yi Na rocks! I love seeing her tackle the issue of her future and a new job as she gets out of The Business. And I'm happy to see her keep ties with her lose friend/ ex coworker.


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I think Hyo Jin is that roommate in the beginning. The dancer that left the house and they were all hush hush about it and when Eun Jae bumped into her she got startled. Definitely think there is some story there. Maybe guilt by Ji Won?


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I thought that too but why would she think that Hyo-jin is floating up in the air unless that Hyo-jin is dead...?

I wonder if the twin story she told about Ye-eun was actually her story and Hyo-jin is her twin?


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Usually siblings would have similar name so I don't think Hyo Jin is Jiwon twin..


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Oooh, I forgot about her. She must've been mentioned for a reason. Despite her open nature, Ji Won is still a bit of a mystery, and I want to know more before the show ends.


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Jiwon can lie again,
but when i first heard about the girl who get kicked out from the house because she invited her boyfriend, i thought she was pregnant but later on have miscarriage or abortion.


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Should I try this? I just want to admit, up front, that the only k dramas I usually like are rom coms (I can get everything else without subs here in North America I feel), and then only when the female characters aren't complete wimps and there's an actual plot. Loved Healer, Emergency Couple, Masters Sun, Cheese, Greatest Love, Dream High and even BOF, for instance but couldnt stay the distance for You're Beautful. Recently I'm enjoying W, Bring It On Ghost, Cinderella and 4, Legend of Chusen, but really hate Uncontrollably Fond (a boring mess to me though I'm still watching cause I was 10 eps in before deciding it wouldnt get better), and also gave up on Descendents of the Sun, Oh My Venus, and Doctors because despite starring good (and beautiful) actors, there was just no suspense to keep me wanting to see what happened next. I realize I'm in a minority here, but if you think like me, would you recommend Age of Youth? I usually give a drama a few episodes to catch my interest, but I'm beginning to not even want to give up a few hours of my life for a drama that doesn't have a strong plot and spins its wheels too much (and is it me, or is this happening more frequently recently?).

So what do you think, Beanies? Knowing my preferences, should I give this one a shot?


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you have the same choice as that of mine.GIVE THIS SHOW A TRY.....This show won't disappoint you.You 'll get a sweet rom-com between eunjae and jong yeol,melo rom between jin myung and jae hwan,lively and the awesomest jiwon .You will see in Ye eun how hard it is to leave the person you love even though the one whom you love is idiot....Last but not the least,understand the world from Yi- na perspective.She has her own thinking,her own thought which no matter what you 'll respect.Watch this show for the amazing friendship.You won't get to see those bitchy 2nd lead actresses sowing hatred everywhere.This show is the best.You have to watch this. No ,you must watch this. PLEASE ... watch it.Well the decision is yours Chingoo


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How can I say no with those singing praises? I will give it a shot. Thanks!


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I liked some of the dramas that you mentioned, but I think you should give it a go, plus at 12 episodes I don't think you can go wrong. If anything at all, I think I speak for most fans that wishes it could be a bit longer than that. I was half heartedly watching when I started watching, then realized I was already 6 episodes in on one weekend.

The characters (all 5 of them) are well-thought out and each has a story to tell that is compelling to watch, which is rare especially for a 12 episode show! What's most appealing to me is that they made me identify with them so much and the struggles they go thru.


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I think you should give it a try. Based on your tastes, I also recommend Ex-Girlfriend Club!


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Thanks Miho, Masimono and Tina. I think I will try it based on your recommendations. Maybe ex-girlfriends club too ...


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We share almost the same dramas (except for Oh My Venus, I really enjoyed it) and I'm really enjoying Age of Youth. I've laughed, cried, screamed, with this girls. They are #squadgoals and they have a couple of interesting love lines. So I hope you decide to watch it and if you do I hope you enjoy it like I am! ?


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Is it really ending next week? TuT The characters here completely have my heart right now and ill be so sad to see them go.


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The first time I watched this episode, I thought Jiwon lied. And then when I rewatched it, I thought maybe...she didn't. Maybe Jiwon doesn't really see a ghost, but she has some unique spidey sense that was tingling at times and she genuinely freaked out because she couldn't explain what she was experiencing. In order to calm herself down, she makes up stories and gets others to care about them so that she doesn't seem so alone in her experience. Maybe that's her very secret.

But I can understand if it's revealed that she lied and everything she said about the ghost was complete BS. Maybe she's without secrets and just wants the attention. At the Male Vibe party, Jongyeol was the only one who chose Jiwon as The One with Secrets, and it might have been a pointer that Jongyeol is silly and almost always wrong at guessing.


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Yeah, I'm also not sure whether Ji-won lied. I mean, I believe she was lying about seeing ghosts, but I agree, she seems to have a sixth sense. The shifts to black and white and the sound in her ear and the epilogue (was she just trolling us again there?) seem to imply there's something going on she can't explain, and she almost has a look of foreboding when these things happen. She could be acting, I guess, but it's often when no one is really watching her.


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Yes! So happy someone shares my thought!


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I'm really sure that Ji Won lied.I don't believe in Ghosts so I assume that she was just trying to prank the girls. Tbh, I find it ridiculous everytime they look at that shoe cabinet and had me thinking, did they really bought JW's joke that there's a ghost in there?

So i was surprised that some people actually thought that "it's true".


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But this is a drama so you really never know if the ghost was part of the premise...


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I don't believe in ghosts in real life either, but I have no difficulty accepting magical realism in fiction. Whether or not she actually sees it is secondary, anyway--the ghost is just a catalyst to talk about the deaths that haunt the other girls. Ji-won telling us she was lying did come as a surprise to me, but weirdly enough I feel like the reveal tapped into Ji-won's encounters with the uncanny even more. For one, it seems like she interprets the ringing in her ears as an omen of some kind, based on her fear and confusion in reaction to it. Not to mention that no matter how strange she finds the girls' reactions to the ghost, she is also able to pick up on them and interpret them pretty accurately, which says a lot about her own perspective imo. Like this episode, she jumps from "Jin-myung is depressed because she failed her job interview" to "Jin-myung is going to end her life as she knows it because of the ghost haunting her" almost before Jin-myung herself makes that decision.


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Don't get me wrong i like supernatural dramas. If you'll asked me what are my favorites. The top 5 will be mostly magical ones. It's just that AOY didn't give me that vibe. So when JW blurted out that she can see ghosts. I took it as a joke because she's drunk.

With all the instances that you pointed out didn't happen until the few later episodes. Except that ringing on the ears ( which i have ocassionally ), i thought JW is smart and perceptive and just being methaporical whenever she mentions ghosts. ^^


Okay, I can see where you're coming from :) I tend to just take things at face value until the drama tells me otherwise haha. I'm pretty gullible.

I have ringing in my ears too, but I don't react the way Ji-won reacts. She acts like it's something otherworldly.


Yep, AoY always struck me as being "grounded in reality" - so didn't take Ji-won's claim too seriously.

But would be a hoot if Ji-won ends up "believing" like the other girls.


Like I said, Jiwon may not really be able to see ghosts, but she must have some unique and inexplicable sixth sense that causes her to react the way she does. That is why I said she didn't "lie". She can sense ~something~, which could be a sign from the universe, people's vibe, or an actual ghost etc. She might just not know what exactly it is and how to explain what she experiences to other people. So, she made up wild and familiar stories people can understand and either believe it or laugh it off.


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Yes.. and that 'Ting' sound she heard.


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I thought maybe that the white noise was supposed to indicate her lying actually. Lately, whenever she says something that seems like it could be a lie or a half true, she gets that ringing in her ear. It almost seems like an audible manifestation of her guilty conscious. I could be wrong, but I'm expecting a big twist involving Ji Won next week. We all think she's an open book, but I think her "out-there" disposition could actually be masking something.


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I totally noticed the correlation between that noise and her lying! There has to be more to it than that though, and whatever it is has to have something to do with the mysterious Hyo Jin.


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Oh that makes more sense than what I thought (which is that it was an indication of spooky stuff happening). I've clearly been watching too many shows with supernatural elements.


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I thought Ji Won lied about the closet but not necessarily about her spidey senses (because we keep seeing her being distracted by that sound that indicates 'something' is happening).


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I agree with you. Ji Won said it was a lie. Maybe she herself thought it was a lie.

But, as other beanies have said, she's uncannily accurate about picking up on people's moods and situations, and it's something more than just having a vivid imagination!

I think she might actually have a kind of sixth sense, even if it's due to a medical problem, that gives her these moments.


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i wasn't expecting much from this show and i started watching very halfheartedly. This show is so wonderful in almost every way. the depth in each characters back story other than Jiwon is one of the reasons that stories likes these to happen more often in K-drama world, don't get me wrong i'm all for Rom com and fluff drama troupes but solid emotionally poignant dramas like this need more love!!!!
I have a soft spot for all the girls and the different personalities make this one of my favorite dramas of all time, the fact that this is an unabashed take on life for college students makes me so happy.
Sh*t happens, you have to deal with school, work, sexist bosses, stupid customers and co-workers, classmates and job rejection, the common misconception is that you can come home and de-stress but in actuality it is just as stressful (if not more) at home with roommates or family members. Even though the interaction with family was limited the few times it still gave us an insight into what it was like for a few of the girls.
I cried for a long time after watching these 2 episode, every girl speaks to me in a different way, each trying to navigate through their own demons ghosts.
I'm waiting for the final episodes with tissue box in hand. Thank you as always for the recaps I wait for them religiously, and i love reading them.


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I'm such a puppet in this writer's hands. I just feel what she wants me to feel!

When she makes Ye-eun annoying, I hate everything right down to her pink frilly clothes.
When she makes Ji-won pervy, I'm laughing.
When she makes Yong-gyu pitiful, I'm crying.
When she makes Jin-myung lifeless, I'm worried.
When she makes Doo-young an asshole, I'm cheering for Ye-eun to stay away.
... and now when she make Ji-won a liar, I'm so frustrated. She's always been honest to avoid of tactlessness so I was extra frustrated when she was being wishy-washy about the ghost.

I know some folks didn't like Ji-won so this probably is a no issue for them. But I feel like the writer set her up to be (generally) likable in the past eps so she can tear the character down in the final week.

The writer is always showing us the other side of the coin.

The "slutty" roommate turns out is looking for meaning in life.
The judgmental roommate turns out is ignoring her own demons.
The shy roommate turns out is compensating for her mom's immaturity.
The party-pooper roommate is trying to hold herself together to avoid hope and disappointment.

So I'm afraid it's Ji-won's time to be "flipped around" and I'm not gonna like what I see... *biting nails* But I hope it's all resolved well by the final ep because I wanna walk away from this drama with good feelings toward them all. Please please please be good, Show!


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That's a good explanation about the character. But i think the spirit across the drama is that there are reason why people act certain way, it may not be pretty or righteous, but it's humane. So i believe the series will not fail us on jiwon. #JiwonTroopsUnite


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I'm with you Mary and it's very rare for a tv show to bring out the best in me. This one hits home in so many levels.


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I'm wondering how they're gonna wrap up everyone's story in two episodes? It seems they just opened a door for Ji Won now, since she seems to be hiding some sort of secret, plus her ringing ear issue. And Eun Jaes family issue has barely even developed. I also want to know what's gonna happen to Jin Myungs mother and what really went down in the hospital. And we also have Ye Eun and her ex boyfriend issues which seems they might get back together although I hope not.
Only person who really has their story fully resolved is Yi Na. This show is so great so I'm honestly hoping for a good ending that wraps up all questions. Really hoped this was 20 episodes or even 16.

Also they never really explained what happened to Yi Na when the older guy was choking her on the ground a couple episodes back. I guess she got saved obviously, but it was such a cliffhanger and they didn't really explain what happened in the field. Like shouldn't he be facing chargers for almost trying to kill her? Or did he come to his senses and let her go?


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Unfortunately I don't think they'll wrap everything up neatly. I fully expect open endings for all the girls and a number of unanswered questions. The show's focus on the messiness of life (and the lack of simple answers). In that line of thinking there are always things that go unknown (I actually think Ji Won made that point with her friend - that not all lies are revealed in real life) and in the end everything just continues on.


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Han Ye-ri blew me away, yet again. I love her portrayal of Jin-myung. This episode hit me right in the gut. Once again, the relationship between the housemates is what makes this show special. And how much do I love that Jin-myung was wearing a shirt that had the lyrics to the Sailor Moon theme song. Five female friends facing life together, always having each other's backs, battling evil (and yes, cruel boyfriends & managers count as evil) - yeah, I can see the similarities between that show and this one. :D


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I wouldn't go as far as saying her mum's manipulative, but would definitely agree that she cultivates that cute, helpless demeanour (especially around guys) and avoids responsibility/reality/whatever that way. She wasn't even sorry for taking Jin Myung's bed!

I drew comparisons between Ye Eun and Eun Jae's mum before, but Ye Eun looked really good by comparison this episode. Mianhae, Ye Eun!


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Was anyone else like ... really REALLY annoyed by Eun Jae's mom? I was thinking about it and I think the reason she irks me so much is because she reminds me of my mom lol. Sometimes I feel more like a mom than her, and I wish she would be more mom-like. You can be young at heart, but don't be so irresponsible that you're daughter has to grow up faster to compensate. Just my 2 cents lol


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I didn't like the mom too. When she raised her voice while Jin-myung was sleeping and even if Eun-jae was shushing her she's like "WHAT? SO?" and then roping in the other girls cluelessly to "help" her cook that huge spread. Tsk tsk...


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She pretends to be clueless, but is really very manipulative. There's a term for this in Pdychology, only I don't remember what it is. I'm dying to know her back story. But alas! We have only 2 more episodes left!


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Yeah, I agree that she's manipulative. There was a moment when she was talking to Eun-jae where her childish facade slipped a little and she became legitimately angry/confrontational (sorry, can't remember what at what point this happened but I swear I saw it haha). That totally creeped me out.


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Was it when she was saying she couldn't stay with the step-dad anymore?? Like she was complaining one second and then she got really serious before complaining again. I thought I was just reading too much into it, because she changed again right after.


I remember when i came across this drama, i don't know what to think of it because I only know Park Eun Bi. And then i read reviews and everybody was calling EJ stupid and The rest of the girl's are mean. It was just 1 episode that time so the reactions are pretty understandable. For some reason i got curious (i called EJ stupid too..LOL) and then by the end of episode 1 i'm hooked.

I wonder if those people who got disappointed gave this show a chance. Because if not, they're missing out big time.


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I was ready to drop it, because I couldn't stand what EJ was doing. I couldn't understand her. But by the end of the episode, I'm like, Hmmm. That's interesting. So I decided to continue with episode 2. And I have loved every episode since.


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guys here's the preview.. i watched it and don't know what the heck just happened...



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Whoa. I didn't see it coming.

Thanks. But i regretted watching this preview because it's just wednesday (hawaii) and i'll will have two sleepless nights thinking what will happen. Lol.


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Dammit. To watch or not...your comments may already be cryptic enough to drive me crazy with curiosity.


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LOL! Watch at your own risk..


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Oh dear.

Well. You warned me.


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Oh dear!

And I applauded the writer for not going into Makjang territory. What is this? Oh well, until Friday! (Fingers crossed).


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I hope it's just one crazy dream. It's so bizarre like someone switch the writer!


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Do not watch! Me: wha--? What the--? What the fu--??


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WTF?!?! Thanks for the link. O_O


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Woah!!!!!!!!!!! That was like a huge truck of doom that you never saw coming.


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I half expected maknae to cut that bastard into pieces but then I was wrong.

By the way, I always thought that jajangmyeon is kind of gross. Finally, someone use it for torture!


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I know it's your opinion but the way you said that jajangmyeon is gross is kind of offensive, atleast to me. And i'm not even korean.

Jajangmyeon is good. Especially if paired with tangsooyook. I hope you'll give it a try when you have a chance. ^^


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wha-? that was sooo sudden?!


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Wow I wasn't expecting that.


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As always, a wonderful episode. I love that the writer is showing us growth in all characters. The slutty roommate who was stuck in the past is finally trying to move forward with life despite her traumatic experience.

Jin-myung giving up on life, only to be rescued by her mom. I hope she finds hope and a way to deal with all the madness that life has thrown at her. I started bawling my eyes out when Jin-myung got on the bus after the date. Seeing her fighting to hold back her tears while forcing herself to take the next step (end her life or her brothers) was so heart wrenching. I just want to hug each character and let them know everything will be okay.

Ye-eun praying for her roommates was unexpected. Makes you so thankful for friends who may not be able to get you out of a tough situation but will keep sending up prayers on your behalf.

I wish the show was longer. There is more material here for 20 (even 50) episodes.


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Going to take issue w/ the characterization of Yi-na as being the "slutty" housemate.

Sure, Yi-na had an unconventional "lifestyle," but there was a good reason for it and it's not like she just "slept around" - she was quite picky (and not just superficial like Ye-eun's take on men).


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Honestly, Ji-won has been such an enigma to me. I actually suspected a few episodes back that her "secret" was just lying to the girls about the ghost. So when I figured out I was right this episode, I wondered if that was really all there was to it. But then that fishy noise keeps popping up & making me jump to the strangest conclusions -- like she's terminally ill or something (Lol, I don't think it's that anymore, thank god...). That epilogue, though, is really throwing me. Who is Hyo Jin!?! Just what is going on with this girl?!?!

As much as I want this show to have an extension, I'm glad I'll be getting my answers this week. I just hope I'm satisfied with the resolution.


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So, this is absolutely the best thing I've seen since I've started watching Korean tv. I can't believe it is almost over. I would love suggestions for more things of this quality, if they exist. Though I have my doubts-Korean, American, whatever,I've rarely seen something both so good and enjoyable. But suggestions, please. I will note that I've been pretty thorough going through the list posted on this website. I'd really appreciate it, because I'm sick, getting worse, and going to need surgery soon. So I need something to distract me from my self-pity and woe is me feeling. Any help is much appreciated.

Side-note-could she be planning to work abroad, so that's why the big production? I will be both relieved and annoyed if that is the case- I loath red herrings and intentional misleads like that.


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Have you watched "Dear My Friends" or "Misaeng"? they kind of fall in the same genre "Slice of life".


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I second these. And maybe add Yoona's Street for something more fun/fast-paced.


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Sorry to hear that, Hope you get better soon and good luck, FIGHTING!!!!


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Take care!! Hope you have a great team of doctors to help you get well and recover ASAP, and I'm sure the Beanies here will be more than happy to give you suggestions. You can ask everyone on Open Thread on Friday and say what genre you like. Many people watch jdramas too, which are better at slice of life stuff so you may consider those as well. ? I don't really watch many slice of life dramas so I can't offer much, but hope this helps you!


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Okay, I'll try to rec some things that aren't mentioned much on Dramabeans...

If you're enjoying this drama a lot, you can't go wrong with anything this writer (Park Yeon-seon) has done. She's worked with a variety of different genres, but at the end of the day most of her stuff is about characters and human relationships, like this show. My personal favorites are Evasive Inquiry Agency and Alone in Love (which is admittedly heavier but has the same lighthearted charm as Age of Youth). If you're in the mood for a trendy Ms. Kim's Million Dollar Quest is flawed but a lot of fun, while White Christmas is a great example of psychological horror. Wild Romance is just a great character drama.

If you're looking for heartwarming, well-written character dramas not by Park Yeon-seon, you could try Kim Woon-kyung's stuff. He's a master at slice of life--he just really gets people and values all kinds of perspectives, and his characters are so full of heart and life that they feel like old friends within a couple episodes haha. Golden Apple is one of my very favorite family dramas, but The Duo is a lot of fun and Yoo-na's Street is wonderful as well.

You could also try some vintage Noh Hee-kyung. More Beautiful Than a Flower is a wonderful drama that takes very flawed people at very dark moments in their life, and makes their story beautiful and heartwarming and life-affirming. (It has a young Kim Myung-min, too ;p). Goodbye Solo is heartwarming as well--it's about lonely people finding human connection, kind of like Age of Youth except different haha.

A Wife's Credentials is also great, definitely in my top 10, but I always hesitate to rec it because adultery is such a sticky subject. But in reality I think it's an affirming story about a beaten down middle-aged housewife's journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment. For anyone who feels comfortable watching, it's a must-see and a truly unforgettable show.

If you want to watch some slice of life, you could also go for some anime. Cross Game, Touch, and Ping Pong are all wonderful shows (they're all "sports shows," but they're really about the athletes as people and their friends/families).

Good luck with everything! Keep fighting <3 I hope there's something in this comment that can help.


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I've only seen The Duo from Kim Woon-kyung. Is it worth checking out his earlier work?


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Well, as already noted, you can always try AoY writer Park Yeon-seon's other works (personally haven't seen them, but have them on my "to watch" list).

Love AoY - for its combination of entertaining, but intelligent writing and an awesome cast.

Regardless of what happens in the last 2 eps - think AoY will join "Joseon X-Files" (one of the 1st tvN shows to get a following) and the recent "38 Revenue Collection Unit/Squad 38"(OCN) as being on my list for the best combination of script/acting, the latter being a slick written con caper.

"X-Files" (aka "Secret Investigation Record") is a fusion sageuk (sci-fi/fantasy) - which has an underlying mystery to go along w/ each episode's story-line.

Just beautiful cinematography as well and the middle eps will just blow your mind.

For more heartfelt slice of life dramas - there's the "Answer Me/Reply" Series (starting w/ 1997, but one can really go in any order).

Not as tightly written as AoY as the writers had to increasingly fill airtime, but the heartfelt emotions and humor, like in AoY, is all there.

Haven't yet seen "Dear My Friends" (older generation) but have heard good things about.

In terms of well written romcoms, the gold standard probably is "Coffee Prince" (a little slow at the beginning, but once the coffee shop gets up and running, all the characters start to shine).

Would also try "The Man/He Who Can't Get Married"

For something light (but may make you hungry) and fun, there's also the "Let's Eat" series (the 1st one is really humorous and the 2nd one has the better romance).

Speaking of LE, would also check out the short 2-ep (shown as a web drama) "Splish Splash Love" which stars the male lead from LE.

For other well written shows like "Signal" (mystery/crime) or "Liar Game" (about a high stakes reality show game).

Some people didn't like the female lead in "I Need Romance 2012" since she had her faults (which I liked rather than having the all-too seemingly "nice girl"), but thought INR2012 was a fun watch (did a good job with female friendship after college and has what I regard as the best depiction of the 2nd male lead/romantic rival).

Hope this helps and hope you get better soon!


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Also some good news for those that have been bummed about the low ratings for this show: For the past few weeks, this show has been the 3rd most discussed drama online after W & Doctors. I saw the percentages and it's really not that far below Doctors in terms of online popularity. W & Doctors are the big hits & ratings successes these days so it makes sense that they would top discussion. Age of Youth, on the other hand, has been struggling against The Good Wife and popular weekend dramas. Because of this, we don't really get to see the success in the ratings, but I'm glad to see it's becoming a talked about drama that's garnering good word-of-mouth. I like tvN's batch of dramas right now, but this one has my heart and I just want it to be recognized for it's awesomeness too.


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Hmmm. I actually thought that Jin Myung was going to commit suicide, not kill her brother. Because she is upset at her life, she feels like despite struggling so hard, she is a failure and she has lost hope that her life can be improved, for even her mother cares more for her comatose brother than her.

I actually thought she was going to say good bye to her brother and then kill herself. But mom was there and mom had already "killed" her brother.

So the ending scene emotions were not just shock at her mother causing her brother's death, but also from realizing that Mom is able to let go of the hope her brother will recover and try to move on. Even if it wasn't in exactly the right way. And maybe that will give her courage to move on with her life too.

Albeit it will be very very sad, because well mom is a criminal and bro is dead, but at least they will be able to move on with their lives instead of being stuck in limbo.


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Whoever guessed she was lying last week in the comments, a big virtual cookie for you good job :). I like the turn YN is having, she truly needed that wake up call and the fact that it came from the father of the girl who died makes it more meaningful. It must have been a very sad feeling to find out that the person who survived in place of your daughter was in a way throwing her life away and not taking advantage or being grateful for the second chance she got. If they do end up having a relationship I hope is a daughter and father one, although I do wonder were YN's parent are.
It was so hard to see JM's character in this episode. If there was ever a time I wished I could reach into a Tv show and give a character a big hug and reassure them that everything was going to be alright it was during this episode. I too wonder who pulled the plug, my guess is that the mom did and I completely agree, I think she did it for both her children.
I wonder if that high pitch noise we hear with JW comes from a hearing aid? I mean she touches her right ear every time we hear that noise and she seems to turn a nob and fix something.
Anyway I keep saying this over and over again but I absolutely love this show. I enjoy shows like this, and this is now one of my favorites of the genre along with, Misaeng and Dear my friends. Seriously keep them coming Korea. Thanks for the recap SailorJumun :).


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What is that noise? And who is Hyojin? And are we ever going to know the reason why the roommate Eunjae replaced left?


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I've been patiently waiting for the roommate reveal, trusting that this writer would not forget about this dangling thread!


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JiWon's lie didn't really shock me, to be honest. I mean, she's the type to leave a suicide letter and skip off just because she's bored!

And I don't understand how mom couldn't have taken her brother off life support legally. I mean, it's been six years... sure, there are miracles, like [spoiler]HyunJi in Bring it on Ghost [/spoiler] but surely there's something in the law for families who decide that they just cannot see their loved one suffering any more? It's not like the dude shows even any sign of being alive other than having a heartbeat and breathing through a machine. So what's with the police?


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You are talking about euthanasia.
It is legal in some places in the USA/Europe I think, but in most countries it is still illegal.

However, there is such a thing as the family deciding not to resuscitate a patient in the event that their heart stops, and there is such a thing as non escalation of care- meaning that a "limit" is placed on how aggressive the medical treatment will be for a patient- for eg no ICU treatment, not to be placed on a ventilator, only to be given medications and no CPR. So for example previously when Jin Myung's brother had gotten worse and the doctors went in to save him- they could have chosen not to do that and to "let nature take its course" and let him pass away.

But actually performing an act to end a terminally ill patient's life (euthanasia) is a very controversial topic still.


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I have also wondered about that. They have said that he was brain dead right? I believe that here in the US when a person is brain dead they are legally dead right? So doesn't the family have the option if they are kept in life support or not? I don't know if it is different in Korea, i don't think it is though because you can look at the case of the actor that died recently. His family decided to get him out of life support.


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hmm that's what i've been asking too.. JM said once that her brother's considered brain dead. i think there is a legal way to remove brain dead patients off life support, especially when they've been in vegetative state for years already.. but i guess you need to take proper steps for it to be legal and in this case mom just decided to pull the plug all on her own. and yes i believe that Mom did it, for both her children's sake


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@blue ribbon and siesta
Going to answer your questions with some facts because I happen to know about this because I deal with it IRL.

I don't think Jin Myung meant brain dead in the medical sense of the word, because brain death is actually a legal form of death- ie, the doctor will declare the patient to be dead. It has a very strict criteria- one of which is that patients who are truly brain dead cannot breathe on their own without a ventilator machine. This isn't the case for Jin Myung's brother- he was not on a machine for breathing.
it may vary slightly country to country but when someone is suspected brain dead, 2 doctors who are not involved in the care of the patient will do the clinical tests to see if the patient fulfills all criteria. If the patient does, then the time when the tests are done is declared as the time of death of the patient- and the patient is legally dead. So you can't keep a person who is declared dead still in hospital for 6 years for sure.

More likely is that the brother had severe brain damage and is in a comatose state- ie he cannot respond but he does not fulfil the criteria to be declared brain dead. Since I don't understand korean I can't confirm if the translation/subtitles were correct but this is my interpretation of it.

For those interested:


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Also, because I just could not let this one go:

Not applying for disability benefits is just utter stupidity to me. You just sacrifice practicality for sentimentality, mom? For six years? Despite the fact that you had no money? Then you take out numerous debts from questionable entities and let yout other kid, who could have graduated earlier and gotten a job and helped more significantly than taking on part time jobs everywhere, pay for all of them? Sure, he could have woken up the next day, but it would not have affected the disability benefits in any way. However meager those benefits may be, it is still help, and goodness knows you were in dire straits. So frustrating.


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Exactly!! That's been bugging me too!

I've been wondering how the brother got into the coma, and whether mum blamed Jin Myung for it - or for being healthy while her brother wasn't (the mum always acted like she hated JM and didn't want JM anywhere near her brother).

This is the same daughter who's been working countless jobs and denying herself even the most basic joys of being young and alive, in order to support her brother's medical bills and her mother's 24/7 bedside vigil, all while being ignored and practically disowned by her mother.

@mary commented about the Jiwon & Sunbae similarity with Jane Austen's "Emma" and Mr Knightley (in the Ep 9 recap)

Now I can see another Jane Austen theme: hopeless parents!


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I was thinking that she blamed Jinmyung, too. Either that or at the start Jinmyung was working all the time that she almost never visited her brother, which led to the mother resenting her. But your second proposition--that she blamed Jinmyung because she was healthy--made me more incensed. Because goodness, Mom, how illogical and irrational is that way of thinking. You have two children, not only one. Why blame Jinmyung (if indeed she had no direct hand in the cause of the coma) and treat her like that when she's the one keeping you afloat. Just ugh. I know I might be preempting the reason why their relationship deteriorated, but their family would have survived this intact if they communicated. And applied for those benefits in the first place. Tears and stoicism do not keep your son alive, mom, hard earned money that does not add to your piling problems does, as callous as that may seem.

Indeed, frustrating, impractical, illogical parents! I'd also add Eunjae's mom to the list, she's certainly as flighty as Mrs. Bennet.


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Case of the mother here "sacrificing" for her comatose son, but at the same time, totally ignoring (and even worse, being a financial burden) her actual living other child.

Just hope that it was the mom who finally became cognizant of Jin-myung being at the breaking point and needing her mom to sacrifice for her.

Yeah, it's irrational for Jin-young's mother to have acted that way for 6 yrs, but when it comes to one's children, parents can act irrationally (esp. if it's a life or death situation).

Can't decide if Jin-young really allowed herself to enjoy her date w/ Jae-wan or if the sadness of it being the last time and of what she was planning to do prevented her from enjoying the time w/ Jae-wan to the fullest.


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Yes, I could not let that go either, and I will put that on the writer as a bridge too far. You can still have hope and then give up the disability. This makes no sense, especially as she went to loan sharks.


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I feel I have to make myself clear, and I'm truly sorry for not mentioning this earlier (and for this very late reply, too!) but I am recognizing the fact that this kind of irrationality, and specifically this illogical parent does exist in real life. What I'm raging at is not the fact that the character or the writer is not being realistic, because I think that they are. I am angry at the decision itself, and at the person who made that illogical decision, whether it be done in this drama or in real life.

Thanks for reading this, if ever someone did return to this recap. I for one am itching to discuss the last two episodes with all of you lovely people! :D


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I am way to late and just catching up on this awesome drama so came here to go through the comments.

As for the disability benefits,what i took was that it wasnt monetary benefits or anything. The letter she recieved was a drafts letter for the brother to go the manadatory military service. The mother didnt apply for disability exemption hoping he will just get up anyday. Thats why they got a letter calling him to take the service like a healthy normal guy.

Yoon sunbae asks her mom why she didnt mention that 6 years ago while filling the application and when she realises how disillusioned her mom is and in no way she is seeing and acceptin the reality of the situation. Thats why she says at the end that hope is a terrible thing.


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Come to think of it, maybe it's a consistent theme for this writer. The parents in White Christmas are also less than dependable and utterly clueless as to what their children are going through, leaving the students to band together and rely on each other for their very survival ...

Haha, yes, how could I forget the insufferable Mrs Bennet?!


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Thank you for the recap! I was a late-comer to Age of Youth, and I really enjoy it. It's such a thoughtful slice of life drama, with none of the tropes familiar in many kdramas.

I googled the writer and it turns out she also wrote Mixed-Up Investigative Agency (http://www.dramabeans.com/2007/10/mixed-up-investigative-agency-case-1/) from 2007, which I LOVED, so I'm really glad to see Park Yeon-Sun continue to put out great material!


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I just cant with jin myung's mom...Like, she could have applied for disability benefits and the girl could have, say, left that horrible restaurant gig with the pervert manager and live life like a person and not some ghost. I really thought she would kill herself but then, I thought it was more like she'd kill her brother. We still dont know what happened to him and I'd like to know but theres this "you have to die for me to live" theme that is strong and difficult to understand. I still wonder if euthanasia isnt a thing in SK... like, dont they ask family members if they want the patient to continue using life support or not? I cant believe every person gets arrested for that or thatshe got arrested because she did it without paper work.


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The look on Yina's face when she hugged Jinmyung... The pain! Hwayoung is doing a really good job.


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