Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 2

The high school versions of these characters are much more endearing than their adult counterparts, but I guess that’s the point—to really highlight how much they’ve changed, and to make us wonder what on earth happened to them in the intervening years to make our present-day characters so prickly. Love? Loss? Lobotomies? Or just good old-fashioned loss of innocence, with a side of parental baggage? Ah, growing up.


In 2006, a young Noh Eul runs to school in the winter and stops when she sees the neighborhood granny pulling a cart up a hill. She gives the granny her mittens, scarf, and hat, and offers to take the cart the rest of the way.

Eul is apparently this kind to everyone in the neighborhood, much to the ire of her father, who’s been laid off and now runs a street food stand. When Eul tells a little boy to eat to his heart’s content and not bother paying, Dad sarcastically calls her Jesus and cries that he’s not made of money.

Eul’s classmate runs up to announce that another friend is about to get beaten up by the school bully, and Eul goes running to save her. Dad calls after her that she’s not the police and she should mind her own business, but she willfully ignores him. Dad mutters under his breath that she should slip and fall on a patch of ice, and immediately she skids and falls.

At the same time, Joon-young and his friends walk up to a bulletin posted in the hallway, announcing his impending transfer as punishment for school violence. (Some things never change.) Joon-young’s mom bursts into the principal’s office with a girl in tow, insisting that Joon-young saved this girl from being attacked by some other boys, and they’re the ones who should be punished.

But the girl hangs her head and doesn’t say a thing in Joon-young’s defense, and Mom is horrified to learn that the girl testified against Joon-young, lying that he started a fight without provocation. Mom asks the girl if her parents taught her to side with the rich boys instead of the poor one, and slaps the girl across the face angrily.

Mom comes to her senses and gets on her knees to beg the principal for another chance. She cries that Joon-young is going to be a prosecutor someday, and he can’t have something like this on his record.

Joon-young only makes matters worse by seeking out the rich kids, who are feeling pretty superior right about now. Joon-young points out how lame it is to get transferred for roughing them up a little, and suggests that he might as well beat one of them to a pulp and just go for an expulsion.

Next thing we know, Joon-young is being berated by a cop at the police station, sporting fresh bruises on his face. The cop says he took pity on Joon-young because he was raised by a single mom, but that just stokes Joon-young’s anger and he mouths off.

Thankfully, Ajusshi shows up to defend him (the restaurant ajusshi that Mom kept calling oppa). Ajusshi warns the cop to back off because if he brought Joon-young’s father here, no one would be able to say a word against him. Joon-young asks Ajusshi to stop it with the Dad talk, and finally erupts in a scream: “Stop it!”

Joon-young looks pained as he stammers, “How can a dead person come here?” Does he mean that, or is he just saying it because he knows Dad won’t come?

In case we hadn’t picked up on the clues, we cut straight to Assemblyman Choi, who in 2006 is Prosecutor Choi. Joon-young and Ajusshi watch him on television, giving a press statement on a murder case, and Ajusshi asks what Joon-young will do if Prosecutor Choi really is his father.

Joon-young scoffs at the notion, but when Ajusshi presses, he answers, “I’ll kill him. He threw me and Mom away, and eats well and lives well all by himself.” Ajusshi argues that his father was never told about Joon-young’s existence because Mom cut and ran while she was pregnant…

This is news to Joon-young, who asks what on earth Ajusshi is talking about. Whoops. Ajusshi realizes what he just let slip, and has to stop Joon-young from running out of there to interrogate Mom about it, for fear of her wrath.

Ajusshi tells him that his parents met while Dad was working a part-time job as a waiter in a bar, while hiding the fact that he was in law school. Mom was working in the kitchen of that bar, and they fell for each other. But one day Dad’s older brother showed up and told Mom that his brother was destined to be a prosecutor, and that someone like her wasn’t fit to be with him.

Joon-young trudges home with all this weighing on him, remembering Ajusshi’s plea not to let Mom know he told Joon-young about his father, insisting that Mom was really soft-hearted and fragile underneath her gruff exterior. Ajusshi said she probably would’ve died for his father if he’d asked her to.

Joon-young finds Mom sitting outside on their front stoop when he gets home, and he smiles sweetly for her benefit. She scowls in return, and wonders why the cops let a criminal go so easily. Joon-young jokes that the jail was too crowded, and he was told to cause some more trouble and come back next time.

Mom isn’t amused and refuses to feed him, so Joon-young just carries on in his casual way, eating out of her bowl and declaring that he’s not going to go to tutoring anymore. He doesn’t see the point of living in a basement apartment just to pay for an expensive tutor.

They tussle over the rice bowl and Mom hits him a few times ineffectually, frustrated that he stepped in to save a girl, when that’s not really in his character to do. He doesn’t disagree that he’s normally the type to walk past a dying person, but he says he must’ve just gone crazy that day, since he found out that Mom is serving drinks at a bar in order to pay for his tutor. Oh.

He tells Mom to give up on her dream, because he takes after her and is too dumb to become a prosecutor. Mom yells at him to live however he wants then, because she’s done caring whether he goes to jail or not.

Mom cries herself to sleep that night, but Joon-young rolls up his sleeves and cracks his books, determined to make Mom’s dream come true on his own. He stays up all night studying (or many days?) and reads flash cards on the bus to school, when a talent agent sidles up to him and hands him a card. Joon-young just crumples it up and goes back to his flash cards.

Everywhere he goes, girls fall over themselves to get a better view or pass him notes, but he ignores all the attention and buries his head in books day and night. One night at the library, Eul stops him on his way out of the bathroom and asks why he’s ignored all seven of the notes she’s passed him.

He looks her over and says she’s not his type, and she shouts that he’s not her type either—she’s here because her friend is lovesick, literally in a hospital bed and not eating, wanting to die because Joon-young dumped her.

Joon-young says she can just die then, so Eul threatens to kill him if her friend dies because of him. He wonders if she’s getting paid for this and suddenly walks up to her and puts his hand on her forehead. Eul is startled but shakes him away, and he declares that Eul isn’t in her right mind.

Eul goes to visit her friend in the hospital, armed with tissues and snacks. But her friend refuses to eat, no matter how much Eul tries to console her and remind her that Joon-young isn’t the only boy in the world. Her friend cries that Eul is lucky that Joon-young isn’t her type, though judging by the look on Eul’s face, that might not be the whole truth.

As Eul walks home that night, a girl bumps into her as she runs past. The girl looks back at Eul, and it turns out to be her past self in a flashback, running to the hair salon in a big hurry, excited about finally confessing her feelings to her crush.

Eul looks into the salon window, seeing herself in flashback, giddy about looking her best for the big day, and calling her best friend to borrow a dress. She’d walked to her friend’s house while practicing her big speech:

“Shin Joon-young, I’m Noh Eul, and I’ve liked you for a long time. I know you’re totally popular, but your fate is me. You can’t… get away from me…? You’re not going to confess this way, are you, Eul?” Yeah you might want to rethink your strategy there.

She laughs at herself and rounds the corner, where she comes upon Joon-young pulling her best friend into a hug. Aw, no. Present-day (er, 2006-present) Eul watches her past self with a wistful smile, and continues on her way.

Eul calls Dad and cutely calls him by name, and he wonders if she’s been drinking. He’s suspicious of her aegyo and guesses that she needs money to save yet another friend of hers, and Eul mouths along to Dad’s song and dance about how they’re not chaebols, and have nothing but debt.

Eul asks Dad to buy her a drink, and he calls her crazy and hangs up. But when she heads down to meet Dad on his way home, he’s holding a bag with two bottles of soju, having caved to his daughter, like always.

Eul sees that and happily tells her little brother over the phone not to wait up, since she’s going on a date with Dad. While she’s turned around to tell her brother this, a car comes careening down the street, and then there’s a loud crash. Gack.

When Eul turns around, she sees Dad lying in the road, his food cart overturned, and a red sports car stopped up ahead. A young woman gets out of the car, horrified at what she’s done, but when she sees blood spilling out of Dad’s head, she panics and gets back in her car.

What the driver doesn’t realize is that Eul has seen everything, and when she hears Eul screaming, “Dad!” the driver peels away from the scene. Eul races after her on foot, screaming at the car to stop. It’s useless, of course, and Eul is left standing in the street, watching the hit-and-run driver just get away.

In the middle of the night, Prosecutor Choi gets a call from someone he addresses as Assemblyman Yoon, who says that his daughter got into an accident and he needs Prosecutor Choi’s help.

Joon-young stays in the library till closing and packs up his things at the end of the night, pausing to stare at the magazine article featuring his father.

Eul’s father is in critical condition and she runs out of the hospital as soon as she gets a call from the police. They say that the hit-and-run driver has confessed, but when Eul goes to confront the driver at the police station, it’s a man, not the young woman she saw last night.

She says that they’ve got the wrong culprit—that the driver was a woman, which she saw with her own two eyes—but the man just cries and begs forgiveness, insisting that he was the driver.

Prosecutor Choi heads to work one morning and pauses at the subway exit when it starts to rain. He’s about to step out and just get wet, when suddenly someone steps up behind him and holds an umbrella overhead.

It’s Joon-young, who acts like he recognizes Prosecutor Choi from TV. As he walks his father to work, Joon-young says that his dream is to become a prosecutor too, and he’s planning to go to the same university that Prosecutor Choi attended.

Thinking that Joon-young is just a nice random kid, Prosecutor Choi muses that he’s unlike other kids these days, who have no ambition and motivation. He calls Joon-young smart and driven, and says that he’s envious of Joon-young’s parents.

Joon-young tries to keep his emotions under wraps, but he can’t help but smile at that comment. Prosecutor Choi thanks him for the walk to work, and holds his hand out for a shake as he says he looks forward to seeing Joon-young in the prosecutor’s office someday.

Joon-young shakes his father’s hand with a tentative smile, and then Prosecutor Choi turns back to ask Joon-young to wait here ten minutes, because he wants to repay the favor.

But Prosecutor Choi gets waylaid when Eul shows up at the courthouse parking lot to throw a rock at his car. She gets taken in by security, and when Prosecutor Choi comes in to ask what his car ever did to her, she says she’s tried to see him twenty times, but he’s avoided every attempt, so she’s resorted to this.

Eul says that according to a detective on her father’s hit-and-run case, ever since Prosecutor Choi got involved, everything started to change, from culprit, to witness testimonies, to the prosecutor assigned to the case. The detective told her that this wasn’t a fight she could win, and suggested she just agree to their terms.

Prosecutor Choi calls her theory pure fiction and says she came all this way for nothing, though Eul picks up on the fact that she never told him who she was or where she was from, but he seems to know already. She guesses he’s been avoiding her all this time, and that makes him drop the nice act, and he coldly tells her he’s run out of patience.

Eul is surprised to see Joon-young standing outside in the hallway when she comes out, and she’s annoyed that he seems so happy when her friend is still in the hospital because of him. She picks another fight, muttering that she doesn’t know what her friend sees in him, and that if that’d been her daughter, she’d have broken her legs. Joon-young sticks his foot out to trip her in retalitation.

She points out the absurdity of Joon-young dumping her friend because it interferes with his studying, when he’s not even in 200th place at school. She says that someone with rocks for brains like him wanting to become a prosecutor is what’s wrong with this country, not realizing that Prosecutor Choi has overheard, mortifying Joon-young in the process.

Eul has no idea and just continues, telling Joon-young not to ever date or marry, and surely by age eighty he ought to pass the prosecutor’s exam. Prosecutor Choi pretends not to have heard and offers to sign a book for Joon-young and asks his name. Feeling sheepish, Joon-young says he’ll pass the exam and come claim the book then.

Eul limps onto the bus with her bloodied knee, and she cringes when Joon-young catches the same bus just before it takes off. He walks right up to her and asks the girl sitting next to her to move so he can sit with his friend, and despite Eul’s protests that they aren’t friends, the girl gives up her seat and Joon-young climbs in.

Every time Eul tries to get up and move he yanks her back down, and he challenges her to seduce him then. He points out how ridiculous it is for a guy to dump a girl he’s madly in love with and would die for, just to study—it’s only because he wasn’t crazy in love with Eul’s friend that he dumped her, he explains.

Joon-young: “So you try and seduce me. So that I’m so crazy about you that I can’t study. So that I can’t even dream of becoming a prosecutor. If you can’t seduce me, I’m going to seduce you.” Understandably, Eul tries to move away from him like he’s a crazy person. He doesn’t let her though, and keeps yanking her back to the seat beside him.

After that day, Eul spends every night handing out flyers asking for witnesses to come forward regarding her father’s hit-and-run. She tapes the flyers to lampposts and store windows every single night, and shows up at school exhausted in the mornings.

She’s thinking of picking up a part-time job on top of it all, because her dad’s hospital bills are stacking up. Her friend asks why Eul doesn’t just agree to let the hit-and-run driver off the hook for a payout, but Eul doesn’t want to let them get away with swapping drivers on her.

Her whole school is aflutter that morning, and Eul sees why when she spots Joon-young standing by the gate holding a giant teddy bear. They assume he’s here to get his ex back, but as Eul walks by him, he sticks his arm out and grabs her, startling everyone in the process.

He gives her a cheeky look and says he skipped class in honor of their 100th day (of dating), and Eul doesn’t have a chance to process what on earth he’s talking about before he shoves the teddy bear at her and says, “Happy 100th day. I love you, Eul-ah!” Pwahahaha. He’s nuts.

Eul looks around her, horrified, because right now it looks like she’s been sneaking around with Joon-young behind her best friend’s back, and everyone at her school is witnessing it. To add insult to injury, Joon-young waits until Eul’s lovesick best friend shows up, and he pets Eul on the head playfully as he says that he can’t study because he can’t stop thinking about her.

He slings his arm around her and says they shouldn’t hide anymore, because he’s the bad guy and she’s not to blame. You ass. Eul calls him a crazy bastard, but before she can argue with him, he clamps a hand over her mouth and smiles, making them look awfully chummy and effectively ridding himself of the clingy ex, all in one go.

Afterwards, Joon-young cackles to himself like a madman, thoroughly amused by the stunt he pulled. Ajusshi wonders what’s come over him, and Joon-young gasps in between laughs, “Ajusshi, why am I such an awful human being?” He practically falls over laughing.

Eul complains about Joon-young being a son of a bitch to her comatose father, and little brother Jik chides her for swearing. Eul asks Dad to wake up and get revenge for her besmirched honor, while precocious little Jik calls her need for revenge childish.

They’re busy arguing when Dad flatlines and his monitor starts ringing an alarm. Eul and her brother stand by helplessly as nurses and doctors rush in. They can’t revive Dad, and Jik breaks down in wailing sobs, demanding that they bring his dad back. Eul just quietly sheds a tear and whispers that she’s sorry.

At school, Joon-young overhears other boys talking about Eul’s father, and how he died after his hit-and-run accident. They say that Eul and her brother couldn’t even stick around for Dad’s funeral, because he left them in mountains of debt from Mom’s old hospital bills, and loan sharks came to collect. They ran away in the middle of the night, and the boys wonder why Joon-young doesn’t know any of this when he’s dating her.

Joon-young goes straight to the funeral, where he witnesses a stand-off between Eul’s neighbors and the loan sharks. The neighbors are trying to protect Eul and Jik, but the loan sharks say that the kids ran off with their money, and they ought to sell their bodies to pay it back if they have to. Joon-young quietly pays his respects to Eul’s father.

Prosecutor Choi dines with Assemblyman Yoon, who is pleased to hear that his daughter’s accident has been taken care of. He says he sent his daughter, YOON JUNG-EUN (Im Joo-eun), abroad shortly after the incident, because the poor thing was shaken up. Assemblyman Yoon calls it “a small mistake” that shouldn’t get in the way of them becoming in-laws, and Prosecutor Choi agrees.

Joon-young finds one of Eul’s flyers in the street and tries calling the number to get a hold of her, but there’s no answer. Winter passes and spring arrives, and Joon-young manages to jump up a hundred places in his class ranking with his latest test.

Joon-young’s mom and Ajusshi are hard at work hauling a bunch of food somewhere, and Ajusshi berates his son Gook-young for being a lazy bum, and Gook-young’s sister Man-ok doesn’t seem to think very highly of him either. (In the present-day timeline, Gook-young is Joon-young’s manager and Man-ok is his stylist.)

It turns out that the food is for the teachers at Joon-young’s school, and Mom makes a big embarrassing to-do about Joon-young’s recent jump in class rank, and thanks the principal profusely.

Joon-young, meanwhile, re-posts Eul’s signs asking for witnesses of her father’s hit-and-run. He tries her phone again and gets hopeful when a girl answers, but she’s not Eul and she gets annoyed that this guy keeps calling and asking for Noh Eul.

He decides to cross out Eul’s old phone number from the sign and starts to write his number down, but then he stops and asks why he should be getting so involved. He tears the sign down and is about to walk away, when suddenly he gets a call from Eul. She says she heard about Joon-young carrying her father’s picture in the funeral procession (which would’ve been her duty), and thanks him sincerely.

Then we fast-forward to the snowy road in the present day, with Eul trying to convince Joon-young to do the documentary. Joon-young cuts the crap and shouts, “Noh Eul. Don’t you know me?!” She answers, “I know you, you son of a bitch. If I say I know you, will you shoot the documentary? You won’t. If I say I know you, you’ll be even ruder and meaner, like you were back then.”

She thanks him for the money he threw at her feet and walks past him with a formal bow. He turns around and watches her hobble down the road, and as she winces in pain and collapses, he thinks to himself, “There’s no way that is Eul-ie. That can’t be Eul-ie. There’s no way that that’s my Eul-ie.”

He starts marching over to her, and breaks into a run.


Well so far at the end of every episode I’m dying to know what went on in the years that these two characters have been apart, so they’ve done a good job of making me curious about where their relationship (heck, all of Joon-young’s relationships) went awry, and invested in the story and its characters. I prefer the high school versions at this point, but that’s probably a given, since it’s before they’re both jaded and hardened.

Noh Eul is the one who changes the most drastically, given how cheery and giving she was when her father was alive, and it struck a chord when Joon-young was so insistent that this couldn’t be the girl he remembered from his youth. I’m expecting more of the past timeline to shed some light on their connection, because so far their only real interaction they’ve had amounts to a few unfortunate run-ins and a punking, which made for an amusing beginning to their relationship, but doesn’t really explain the depth of his disappointment in present-day Eul.

The backstory did provide insight into Joon-young’s character, especially in relation to his parents, which was sorely needed after that introduction to his strained relationship with Mom. I’m glad we’re not dragging out his birth secret when they were dropping anvils about his father’s identity from the start, though I’m assuming that he’ll continue to keep his identity a secret from Dad. It’s an obvious setup, to be sure, but I couldn’t help but feel for teenage Joon-young when he looked so hopeful about walking in his father’s footsteps, like he somehow had to earn the right to be his son.

I do wish the past timeline had been a little easier to follow, because we were left to infer a lot—like whether Joon-young actually transferred schools (he didn’t), or how many days or weeks pass between run-ins with Eul (who even knows). Are they purposely trying to be oblique, or is that giving the show too much credit? Right now there’s mystery built into the way the story is told, but I wonder if it’ll start to drive me crazy.

In any case, I appreciate that Eul’s feelings were made clear from the start, even though I would’ve preferred it if she hated Joon-young off the bat, to be honest. But I was left wondering about Joon-young’s feelings—did he start caring about her only after he heard about her father’s accident and debt? Or was he actually interested in her before, and his idea of pulling a girl’s pigtails is to ruin her reputation and her friendships? Because that’s some serious asshattery right here.

It makes me wish for a big reversal in the present day, except I know that won’t be the case—he’s gone from neighborhood celebrity to global star, and we’ve already seen adult Eul cave on her principles for money. But maybe if he chases her and she keeps rejecting him, I’ll gain some satisfaction from it, especially if he’s the one who’s been pining for her all these years. Yes, I think that’ll do it.


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Thanks for the recap Girlfriday. i really loved the second episode as we were given much more details. Btw how are the subs out so early for UF? Kim woo bin and Suzy must have a nreally dedicated fanbase! Subs were out in almost 4 hours I guess. This hasn't happened with any other show.


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The sub were probably ripped from drama fever which were screen 1 hour late than Korea


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I think since it is pre-produced Dramafever gets the episodes ahead of time to sub. I wouldn't be surprised if they have already subbed the whole thing.


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The subs are fast because, this time, the drama is pre-produced and apparently pre-sold to the likes of DramaFever. They should already have all 20 episodes, and subtitles ready-to-go for all of them, waiting to be released for each episode one hour after it airs in S.Korea. I gotta admit, that's a trend I like. Not too sure about liking the drama itself, yet, though I'll admit it has an addictive quality (the episode endings, especially).


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Thanks for the info everyone. Now I can look for the episode just one hour later rather than waiting for it to be subbed. I really like this trend too. Hope it happens with the other pre- produced shows too :)


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A big motivating factor for me to keep watching this is that it's ready for me first thing in the morning.


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I am really enjoying fresh k-drama with my morning coffee!


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I guess episode 2 didn't do too well. I'm sad because I actually didn't think the first episode was THAT bad. I mean, the writing was messy and I didn't get much out of the leads' acting, but I was curious at the end of part one. The ratings dipped down pretty low for episode 2. I'll still keep watching and hope the story improves.


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The ratings are the same as the 1st episode. Enjoying the drama so far. It has ended both times with me wanting more so it's basically doing its job


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For AGB they are the same
for TnmS they dropped to 9.6 %
I was actually surprised


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Ahh can I ask whats the difference?isnt it the one that counts theAGB one?


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The one that is most used and standard for rating report is AGB so 12.5% it is.


AGB covers more household than the other rating company.


Oh really? I'm not too sure how the ratings work in South Korea. I'm only going off on it on the ratings on Dramawiki. There are four different rating scales, and it seemed like it went down for two of the rating scales, but pretty much stayed the same for the other two. I don't know which scale the actual ratings are based on. >_< Sorry!


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Look for AGB nationwide. That's for the whole country and not just Seoul.


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Thank you! That helps a lot! :D


I am not sure if it is the writing or directing or editing that is messy. My initial concern for this was the fact that I am no a big fan of Suzy, but now the plot itself seems kind of choppy. And I still don't have a clue why she thinks he is an asshat.


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If you're referring to the past, she initially thought he was an asshat for the way he dumped her friend and showed no remorse or concern. Perhaps she was projecting her own feelings for him before and he wasn't what she expected. And then afterwards I think it was just the heat of the moment that she insulted him after the injustice she faced with his dad/the prosecutor. I don't think she genuinely disliked him.

You have to remember they both don't know about each other's backgrounds at the point. |

As for in the present, well we still have to find out because that's what the rest of the episodes are for.


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I'm confused about something, if Joon-young is younger than the prosecutor's other son Ji-tae, then does that mean JY's mum had an affair?

And another thing is i think the reason why they were both pretending not to know each other in the present day is because of how Eul approached him. When she first goes to his house she pretends not to know him so Joon-young was taken aback probably thinking she didn't recognize him so he didnt say anythig about it and was probably confused for a bit if it really was her. And then after that as seen in the last episode and this he couldn't keep it in anymore and burst out if she actually didnt know him.


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Ji Tae is the prosecutor's stepson.


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Great recap as usual girlfriday! I am very glad I read it because honestly I found this episode to be somewhat jarring and didn't know whether it was a translation problem. That whole you seduce me or I'll seduce you thing came right out of the blue for me; also I couldn't believe either of them could have for a second not known who the other was or believe the other didn't know; and I was further left with the impression at the end that that was it for the flashback to youth. I am sincerely hoping that there is more flashback to come, because I got very little sense of a bond between them from the past (some guilt on his part; a shattered crush on hers). Either the writing is off, the acting is off, my understanding is off, or there are revelations to come that will make sense out of the story.

On the other hand, there are some strengths, as you mention, in the content, and over and above everything I find myself fascinatedly watching the two stars because they are so good-looking and charismatic. I hope though the show proves more than just eye candy as that won't carry my interest throughout.


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This can't be the end of the flashback, there is some in college too, right? But I want to return to the present day, the user who said Joon Young is cuter with his dog is right.


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The college part i saw is in the present timeline,i think he makes her be his girlfriend to back off his fans and go to law school in peace...


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I wonder in what time will No Eul go berserk.

Her dad's dead. Orphan with a brother

Her inheritance is a big loan

Joon Young treating her crap

She needs Pororo


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Probably transaltion problem then..

Hospital scene i think, but the translation was.. suzy asking his brother..

"go fee pororo"

And I was like..Kyaaaa...is the dog's suzy's too..and KWB has it now :O


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It's go see/watch Pororo (cartoon show), not talking about the dog.


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I was hoping for a more intense plot. But that expectation was not reached. Ep 2 left me confusion why the two got separated. I'll still keep watching and hoping that it will become better.


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It was easy,she run away with her lil bro because the debt her father had,more likely over the years the loan sharks tracked her down or she payed to regain her normal life for his lil bro..still asking myself were her father might use such a HUGE loan,or if the mobsters added to it...There wasn't that much of a great bond between them to make her keep in touch with him now more important than her brother and herself nor did he agve such a good impression with how he treated her,like a jerk,except the funeral thing she thanked him


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The father borrowed from loan sharks because her mom got ill. How come you guys don't catch this things? It was pretty clear in subtitles?


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Guessing you didn't watch any of the previews or see any of the promotional poster/material.

It's something that's still to be answered. You need to have a little patience.


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Its not like lee kyung hee previous work. I am fell asleep watching this, so i am give up right now.


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I nearly always give any new drama 3 or 4 episodes unless it is REALLY bad. So far I am sticking around just to see WTH is going on, because I am really confused.


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Why didn't he recognize her when she looks exactly the same as she did in high school?


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i think he did recognized her. i remember him saying "so do i". when somebody reported that they foung No Eul.


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He didn't recognize her when she came to his house. It was only after his lawyer said he found her (and probably described her and her situation in detail) before Joon-young connected the dots and figured she was No Eul.


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i think he recognized her but was confused bec NU acted as if she didn't know SJY.


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How can that be when she looks exactly the same as 10 yrs ago? That's the part that doesn't make sense for me.


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Lol it doesn't make sense to me too. If he recognized her when she was at his doorstep, like others are saying, he could've just opened the door and asked her if she was No Eul. But no, there would be no drama if she didn't stop him in the driveway and got in his car, and he didn't drive the car really fast until she threw up then disrespectfully threw money at her. In the laws of drama land, this is required. Lol


He did recognize her, it's just that she was pretending not to recognize him. Hence why he asked the "don't you know who I am?" line at then end. If you recall her love actually cards. It said something like "I know you must be shocked to see me".

I didn't think it was hard to guess that they had some sort of falling out. Then she just suddenly turns up on his doorstep with perfect timing. If they had a falling out you think it'd be so easy for him to be "Oh hey come in and have a cup of coffee".

He's been looking for her cause she was the one that got away and he wants to know what she's been up to since he's dying. But he also told the guy searching for her not to ever let her know he was looking for her.

I mean I feel like you guys should remember these details first before being all like l0l kdrama writing sucks and not my observation skills. They haven't answered why they are no longer in touch yet, who left who and why but people are already making judgments.


He recognized her which was why he stared at the screen but I think he felt that its impossible that she is there on his doorstep knocking on his door. Something must have really happened in the past for him to think it ridiculous that she will come looking for him. So I think if we all hold on for a bit we will find out...I hope...


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It's really funny when I read all these comments on whether Woo Bin's character recognised Suzy's character.

If you observed when Suzy came up to the doorstep, although he was staring blankly quite a bit at the screen, his expression was more of a 'who the heck is this girl and what the heck is she doing' rather than a 'Omg, is that who I think it is?'

The question of him not recognising her even though she looked exactly the same 10 years ago is redundant. It's not like it's the first time you watched K-dramas. Heck, who on earth wouldn't recognise Yoo Eun-hye (Coffee Prince) or Park Shin Hye (You're Beautiful) as females.

It only happens in K-dramaland and there's no point arguing whether he had recognised her before or not.

If you insist on arguing, the (not-so) subtle hints had shown that he didn't recognise her when she first came up to his house. Obviously it was from that 'detective's' call that Woo Bin finally knew that it was her.

While I too feel that the pace is rather slow and the editing and acting is quite choppy, but I'm still gonna stick around to see what happens next.

But if they're gonna keep up with this, Doctors would flat out beat them in terms of ratings. Heck, I'm not even watching Doctors & the fame it has over social media is incredible.

Uncontrollably Fond? Not so.



He recognized her. He's stupid if he didn't because she even showed her ID.

When He talked to his lawyer. He said he has no intentions of talking to her. He just want to hear news about her. Thus, he pretended not to recognize her.


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I'm sure he recognized her from his front door.
He may have pretended to not know her and be cold to her because of his terminal illness... he didn't wanna get emotional involved? (just like when he asked the Lawyer to find out about her but not disclose to her about him).
I think it wasn't until he heard on the radio that there's be an accident that he decided to confront her~


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He knew who she was from the start,he just pretended not to because she did it first,taking all polite and so,more likely he was hurt she did it and he did it as well to see how far it goes...They look the same as in their yourh and heck she even showed him her identity card


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Am i the only one who actually loved this ep???


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No, you're not! I'm loving it all!


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I actually love it. And makes me want to watch the next one. I'm glad i gave this show a chance. Tbh. I did not watch the later half of ep 1 because i got bored. So today. I went straight to episode 2.

Given that. I might rewatch the ep1 because i don't want to miss a detail. I just need an hour to waste. Haha!


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Well I think this one is better than ep 1.. Still predictable premise and plot, but shows some promises.


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i am also enjoying it. i love the slow take on the story and am willing to sit through more flashbacks to understand the relationship between the leads in the present day. the ending of each episode so far have been so heart-tugging that i went back and watched it so many times. i've never really watched melos before but i like the emotions coming off of this drama and paired with that really nice soundtrack in the end i can't wait to see more. i feel that once after the backstory is finished and we can focus more on the present it might start to get more interesting for others but so far I'm really enjoying it


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I wonder if there's a problem with editing. It's so weird how the drama sometimes seems disjointed. Like when she saw herself having a crush on him, that seemed so random at that moment. And how did she know he was studying to be a prosecutor? It's not like they had much of a conversation. Also, it seems like they know each other deeply when he asks her if she remembers him, but their backstory did not seems to indicate a strong bond in their high school years.


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I really am liking this show but that is a big problem for me. I know that they were pretending to not know or remember each other but how can the other doubt it? Especially after an intense connection (I do think there's a lot more to their past romance that we will get to see in flashbacks). Your looks don't change that drastically between your late teens and late 20s (not under normal circumstances, anyways).


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Yes, it could be the editing, crystal, that's making it feel disjointed, or as I put it earlier, jarring. I never comment on the acting much because I watch in translation, but it's not Suzy's character that is confusing me, it is KWB's. Maybe he needs a few more reaction shots? There was no build-up to the seduce me statement, for instance - perhaps a short scene got cut? I dunno, but it could be the editing as you say. I also agree that we aren't seeing a strong bond in their high school years. It makes me wonder if he'd had an earlier crush on her like she did on him, but then what's the sense in leaving that out? And the two of them act like they don't know each other in high school, even though she had a crush on him. I'm just writing out loud here. The drama seems to have all the right ingredients but they don't seem put together well. From others' comments on here, it sounds like they'll meet again in college so the backstory isn't complete.

I'm curious about what happens next so I'll be sticking with it next week anyway.


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I think NE's crush on JY is that distant kind of crush and they never really had a proper interaction until later in high school. Also judging by how all the girls were swooning over JY, it wouldn't be a surprise that news got around about his latest exploits, aka, hardcore studying to be a prosecutor.
The flashback is probably not finished either. It feels weird compared to other typical dramas, but don't lose hope! Everything so far seems very intentional, tbh.


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They were flat-out just acting like they didn't know each other out of pride/response to one another/just because. He was playing with her brain with the "seduce me" comments. He wasn't used to meeting a girl who wasn't fawning all over him, and he was pissed at her for humiliating him in front of Prosecutor Dad and was already messing with her and scheming a payback.


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These are the assumptions I'm making too pickledplumtree, but that reasoning is pretty trite romance stuff, and makes him look like such an asshole.

I'm rather hoping there's more. Somebody above said that she's been an amnesia victim (maybe he/she read other spoilers). The flashback to the school years felt like it was full of gaps and badly edited - maybe that's what's left of her memory of him during those years? If that's the case, the episode goes from faulty to brilliant for me.

But I won't hold my breath.

I did watch I'm Sorry, I Love You and it's pretty much the only Korean melodrama I've ever finished and enjoyed (except for the final, final end of it - I almost threw my tv out the window not knowing whether to laugh or cry). It's the same writer, and now I think back to it, it was a little disjointed at the beginning too till it sorted itself out. And So Ji Sub's character was just as much, actually a bigger jerk, than Kim Woo Bin's character before discovering the big joke misunderstanding and fate had for him. Oh yeah, and he was dying too. Hmmm.


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I think joonyoung said seduce me because he feels mad at noeul for embarassing him to his father, he knows that noeul wouldn't agree so he wants to make her life hell - by making her to be a boyfriend snatcher.
And I don't think joonyoung knows noeul before she stops him outside the toilet. He seems to be a neighborhood good looking guy that every girl fawn over and she just likes him from afar


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Oh what a coincidence! some one who thought exactly like me, i basically thought the editing was messy like they chopped various scenes and added it together. For a pre-produced drama.. This is just utterly diappointing.


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i think they all knew that SJY's mother wants him to pursue prosecutor bc his mother was bragging it, right?


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While the flashback within a flashback was a lot, it was there because she was thinking about the event after seeing her heartbroken friend. It also revealed something important to the viewers. She knew about him wanting to be a prosecutor because she commented that his reason for breaking up with her friend was to study for it. And though they made it seem like that was the sum of their past relationship from the episode ending, this production likes that surprise factor: Surprise! He's acting, not being shot. Surprise! They know each other. Surprise! She had a crush on him. Surprise! That's his mom. Surprise! That's his dad. Surprise! They had a courtship in college. etc etc etc


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This is an average drama. Nothing more. It's come from a average writer (i not watch previous works of she). Nothing special.
People should watch something instead, get others a chance.


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You cannot ask people to watch other drama if they love this average drama written by this average writer. Just like you said, people should give this drama a chance.


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You can not dictate what people want to watch. If they just watch this "average" drama because of suzy. It's their life, and their time.

Same goes to you. Why do you have to watch this? Obviously you don't like the cast. Why waste your time? Why even bother to comment?

But then again, it's your time to waste. Lol.


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I love the constant underlining melo streak in both episodes. I love how each episode shows our two leads in opposing situations.

Ep 2 has NE being tired of living and wanting to curl up and die but can't while JY is actually dying but wants so badly to live he can't accept his impending death. At the end of the 1st episode she shrugs it off and tries to stand uo again while he starts to settle his affairs (looking for her).

Ep 2 opens with her energetic and loving life itself, her world was beautiful and sunny, but by the end of the flash back she's forced out of her comfort zone and inherits baggage that she can't deal with or dump. While he was aimless and angry he eventually finds his path and works towards it.

I think one more week and anothet two episodes to set up the rest of the story and then we'll focus entirely on the present.


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I didn't mind this episode, but honestly everything we saw could've been condensed down to 15-30 minutes. We didn't need a full hour. Especially when tragicness of the characters' back stories weren't anything ground breaking.

This is where the plot's dependent-ness on flashbacks worries me. I'm hoping they'll be shorter in the future, or at least more interspersed with the current storyline, because I'm much more interested in the people the leads are now.

High school Joon Young is unfortunately a lot less sympathetic when he isn't dying and doesn't have a cute dog. High school Joon Young also looks 30...but I suppose that can't be helped ?


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I suppose there must be more tragic backstory since the college flashbacks are left?

But I missed Pororo this ep. That dog is so freaking cute ♡♡♡♡ they should give him a love line with a cute female dog too, melo should not apply to dogs ♡♡


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Agreed with this comment, I'd much rather have the flashbacks done and over with asap because I'm more interested in their interactions now. Any other backstory could probably be interweaved in the show on a as-needed basis. I do think we're in for a few more flashbacks though because otherwise their anger towards each other doesn't seem to make sense based on their few hours of high school interaction...

That said, I'm kind of enjoying the show right now even though it's nothing groundbreaking. The whole melo aspect did put me off a bit, but I'm giving the show a chance to find its footing in its early days.


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I honestly don't know how much time they still need to make the viewers like me be satisfied with the pace. I don't know what it is but something feels weird watching this even from the first episode. If they continue it like this, the story will really drag during the 3/4's of its run.


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SOMETHING feels weird? I think everything is weird here. Girl's dad get's hit by car and her first reaction is to CHASE the car. Main hero has conflict with female lead and randomly decides to make her life hell....by giving her gifts and confessing love? then he decides he loves her and his newfounded crush is so serious that even after ten years he is looking for her, when he finally finds her he doesn't recognise her BEFORE he lives her in a middle of rode (nobody can make me believe he recognised her from the start but acted like he didn't)
This drama is full of weirdness and unlogical things


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Oh and male leads acts all dissapointed in her while knowing her situation and it's not like she is that bad


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Kim Woo Bin owns bad boy/rebel characters like no other. It's like his patented trademark role.

But at least here we see Shin Joon Young is not really evil human being, just a mean, jerk boyfriend although underneath rough exterior, he is quite nice person. JY and NE only date for few days at most and he helps the funeral process and he doesn't seem to resent his father based on their interaction under the umbrella. Now I wonder why his mom is determined to disown her only son?


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mom definitely wanted JY to become a prosecutor may be because
JY dad knew about the child and told her to make him a prosecutor...or
By making JY prosecutor and getting his father's acknowledgement so she hoped for getting dad back..or
JY dad cheated on her so she wanted JY to become a prosecutor and take revenge...(that's all I could think of)
None of the above happened so I think she wants to disown him...
As much as I pray dramagods to have ji soo get the girl once....I equally pray for kim woo bin to have a loving mother once....(where is oh hae young's mom when you need ..?)


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the prosecutor is such an ass!!


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Hmm, haven't watched either episode yet, just read the recaps, and I'm not sure if this is a drama I'll be picking up. Initially I was very excited for it, mostly because of Kim Woo-bin and his smirks and the idea of two people meeting again later in life--a much different sort of story than the dramas I've been watching lately. However, from the general reactions this show is getting, I may pass unless things really get better. I haven't seen Suzy in anything other than a cameo, and so many people are bashing her acting, yikes! The pace seems slow, and to have an entire episode dedicated to a flashback only seems to make it slower... Still going to read the recaps, but I really don't know if I'm going to watch this or not. :/


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You shouldn't let others' opinions discourage you completely (especially this early on). If you liked what you read in the recaps, I would recommend that you try watching one episode so you can decide for yourself whether you want to watch the drama. (Honestly, I think the criticism is a bit harsh. Probably a backlash to the hype, which is unavoidable).


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I'm not a fan of Suzy or Woo Bin, wasn't hyped for it and I had the exact same doubts as you with the reactions everyone's shown.

But I watched it anyway because I have nothing better to do today. And guess what, I really liked it. In my humble opinion :^) everyone is just being dramatic and shooting it down either because they expected too much or they're riding on everyone else's reactions. A lot of the complaints about the story I have seen are from people who don't seem to have even paid enough attention in these two episodes (like thinking they didn't recognize each other lol) or are expecting things (like why they fell out) that will be answered later to be answered now.

Fuck other people's opinions. Heck fuck mine even. But you should really at least try to form your own before dropping it.

As for your fear about pacing cause of the flashbacks, I'm not sure why it strange for them to dedicate time to the origins of their love story. They're falling out doesn't seem like it was done pettily. You saw the promotional material right? We're not even at their college days yet lol. A lot of shows start out with flashback arcs though.


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Am not a fan of Suzy either (or KWB for that matter, although I appreciate his hotness & their chemistry is what drew me into this show initially), but her acting has improved compared to her heydays in Dream High. Funnily enough, I was just marathoning the series these past few days haha, so I can honestly say I'm pleasantly surprised by Suzy's acting improvements. (Haven't seen her in any other shows, other than Dream High & the cameo in YFAS.)

I'll probably watch this show for another few eps to see if it'll improve likewise :)


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I am reading recaps instead of watching this because I fear the acting might get to me. And I'm confused too regarding the directing of the past and present storyline. I hope it picks up the pace so I can enjoy the present timeline without too much flashbacks to confuse me.


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Thanks for the recap! Only 2 eps and I'm hooked already. I'm so happy about this new approach of revealing the mains' past. I'm guessing there maybe an ep or 2 more on the flashback, slowly feeding us, which I welcome, unlike any other dramas.
I especially like in ep 1 intro, we found out right off the back about the main's terminal illness~!
A drama written from the writer of my fav drama ("Innocent Man"), it did not disappoint!


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Watching this because of the writer. Far as I know her dramas take time to build and though she uses typical drama tropes there is always more to it beneath the surface. Expecting this to be similar as the series builds up.

Unfortunately with this I think there is way too much focus on the lead stars and their performance and competing dramas and their stars. I am more interested in the drama as a whole and how it stacks up with the writer's body of work.


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I actually liked the second episode better than the first :)


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Me too?


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Meh. I'm a fan of Suzy's but I really can't watch her act even if the story's good. Dropping this!


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For those who are unfamiliar with this writer's past projects, you can watch I'm Sorry I Love You, Will It Snow for Christmas, Innocent Man and Thank You (among the best melodrama in my list ).Just a suggestion.. So probably you will understand how this writer write her drama and understand too, why ppl make fuss about the leads in this drama. Since this is melodrama, for those who unlike this theme will easily feel sleepy?.??


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i love her past project and like you said, best melodrama on my list. That why i can feels this drama. Really like it. BGM.music is the best to make me fall for the story


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I expected this drama to be good - not because of the hype - but it was pre produced, had names associated with it and it has KWB in it.

I am actual fan of LJS but WB is my second bias. I do not spend a lot of time on him. But for me #1 LJS, #2 WB.

So, this drama was something I was looking forward to with trepidations that it was against W.

Confession time: I did not want this drama to be great. 13-15% rating. I expected KWB to act well. What I hoped was that the drama was not good enough.

Now I feel bad.

I do not think KWB brings his A game. His acting needs major treatment. He definitely has not improved. So, there is that.

Suzy not too bad but she is not experienced. She does not know certain emotions and that is why she can't emote.

The drama itself - so far - kind of sucks!!!

Both KWB and Suzy need to imbibe something in to their characters to make them relatable. Right now, she is whatever and he is a jerk.


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I think the acting is alright in this drama. There are moments that get shouty, but everyone is still serviceable. I actually appreciate the subtlely of the acting.

It's the editing that's really confusing, especially as GF mentioned, with the timeline. Which is such a pity, since it's a pre-produced drama, you'd think they could've put more effort in editing and directing.


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Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!
Anyway, I think this drama is okay. Not that sucks. And the actings are fine for me. Well, maybe because I set a low expectation and W hasn't aired yet. But still, I cannot wait for next week ep!


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I honestly don't know why most kdrama writers wait till 5-6eps to develop their story. the first ep needs to be engaging for viewers to anticipate the next one. but instead,they write sloppy script in the first ep,then it picks up later on. how do they expect viewers to tune in for ep2 if the first one wasn't good enough?


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Lucky romance., entertainer and many other dramas have the same problem... they take so much time to set the actual premises that it becomes boring but once set it becomes fun to watch...
as far signal and MOW is the only two dramas from this year which was engaging from starting and hasn't waste a single episode....


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lobotomies ..... it always lobotomies


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Second episode made me love this show! hope it 'll stay that way!


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--- can't wait for the next ep!!!----
Too bad its not until for another whole week :C
i hope someone can upload the preview for ep 3 with eng sub on youtube soon!
Gonna be re-watching this for a week!!!
OTP is definitely here!
Does anyone have any thoeries about why the relationship went sour between suzy and Woo BIN>>>???
[my theory is that he realized that his father was the one that concealed the hit and run accident and decided to help him cover his backside.]
Really want to see how this drama goes! Been such a long time since a kdrama has appealed to me like this !!!
HAHAH im just greedy for more...


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Doubt it,that is one of the central secrets of the story...Years and harshness,they weren't friends to begin with and she had a bad impression of him before she left with all he did and he didn't think fondly of her as well,except when he found out about her Dad and maybe realized he acted like a jerk to her in those days her father died...Present day,she still considers him a jerk so no much there...


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preview showed them meeting again in college.


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YESSS i was right ahahahha
He ends up accidentally making suzy go to hospital


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Young do is back again.. I mean our joon young. lol. He is still the same arrogant jerk but much less charming than young do ever was(was it because of the absence of slick gelled hair like in heirs,i wondered for a minute..as i completely loved that youngdo and those eyebrows haha..)..and also this time i am unable to take in the uniform look. Suzy as no eul feels like a miscast as the girl certainly needs to work in the acting dept and improve atleast by a little. For both the leads,who have good experience and considering this is a pre-produced drama,with plenty of time, i didn't expect the acting to be on this lower level.

No hee kyung dramas has always had a way in selling the leads and their chemistry but this time its surely failing,as the story or neither one of the leads acting isn't that engaging to me.. I feel that is also because the scenes felt disjointed and was dragged. I was just left with a weird feeling..like something was completely off putting by the end of the episode. The editing was messy like they chopped various scenes and added it together. If it was live shooting..i would certainly understand. But for a pre-produced and well marketed drama.. This is just utterly diappointing.


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Oops.. its lee kyung hee.. typo* Noh hee kyung ssi forgive me. And thankyou for giving me "My dear friends"..


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The father is there to magically cure him at the end, who else agrees.


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checked it out of curiosity. it seems I needed a dose of gloominess since I managed to watch it without getting too upset.


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It's certainly taking a tried and true route. Hopefully the next few episodes flesh things out.


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Terminal illness, amnesia, birth secret...


Also, I'm loving the fact that people on this site give all kinds of crap to actresses for playing the same characters over and over again and not challenging themselves, yet when KWB does his Choi Young Do lite impression for the hundredth time, it's his "trademark."

Sure thing. Being a one note actor isn't a trademark.


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amnesia? did I miss something?


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I don't want to spoil you or spell it out, but if you've seen the first two episodes and all the previews...it's pretty obvious what happens during their school days and why they get separated.


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of course, keep being tone deef, when people drag him for playing same character, but act like "that's double standard" claiming, that actresses imaginary get's it's harder, 'cause it's excuse for everything, even hate, lately.


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many people have been saying that KWB is playing choi young do again


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Jerky high school guy with a hidden streak of goodness? It isn't a stretch for them to think so. Shoulda done more dramas after Heirs to erase that image.


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Actually actor/actress should act well. Kim Wo Bin can play Young-Do thousands of time or Hyeri can act Deok-sun in all dramas...I don't have problems, I wouldn't call them good actors but that's it. But if actress/actor is "chellenging himself/herself" and felling miserebly, showing shitty or dull acting then I would of course be mad, they are getting enough to not study on set


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Hi, wasn't that man "Samchun" and not "Ahjussi"? I thought Choi Moo Sung was Woo Bin's mom's brother.


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They're not related but know each other since young/or school. Mom and ahjussi relied on each other a lot. Samchun is for family but close older male usually samchun.


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I love this episode :)


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anyone who knows the english song played in the background?


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across the oceans - new empire
a little braver - new empire
the fact
midnight youth - golden love

im not sure which one your specifically asking but these are all the english songs used, enjoy!


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ignore "the fact" it accidently got typed


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Not sure I want to see another melodrama where one half of the OTP dies at the end...but seriously, folks, what mostly asymptomatic, otherwise healthy young man dies of Parkinsons within a year these days (as an example, look at Michael J. Fox, who has been living with a Parkinsons diagnosis for maybe, two decades now)? Looks like Dramaworld needs some new medical consultants.


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No idea why you think, that he is dying from Parkinson, when they didn't even reveal his diagnosis.


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I agree with you. As far as I've seen of this drama (which is the first two eps), they haven't revealed his diagnosis yet. So when I read the above comment I was wondering if I missed some part of the drama, or if something was missing in translation.

I just hope that his diagnosis will be something convincing, and I hope that there will be a plot twist, and that he will live a long and happy life with the heroine.


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But I did read Parkinson's too at the beginning, same as LizJ, and wondered the same thing as her. Parkinson's is debilitating but you can live for decades later. I wonder if there is a translation problem on the tv site I was using. This is why I always read the recaps on dramabeans.


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If that is the case, then I will get ready to drop this drama. However I guess I will watch a few more eps, until his diagnosis is properly revealed.


I both hope and hope it isn't Parkinson's. Hope because yeah he can live! But hope it isn't because that would be the dumbest oversight by the writer to give him a terminal illness which isn't terminal LOL.


The doctor mentioned Parkinson's when he was talking to a nurse about another patient. He hadn't even noticed Joon Young was in the waiting room at that point.

The patient had a name similar to Joon Young though, so I'm not surprised that people are confused. But so far we haven't been told what Joon Young's illness is yet.


Thanks for clearing that up Peach. I just went back to see and you're right. OTOH, I don't blame myself for being confused! Thank goodness for this site.


The doctor mentioned "SYJ have Parkinson's". But i got confused when he said 1 year to live. Like the hell? Michael J Fox is still alive. Haha!


You're right. I read Parkinson's too and 1 year in the first episode. Maybe the subs were wrong, but it is unusual that he has no symptoms at all of Parkinsons, and he seems very young to get the disease. Pretty strange. It has to be a different disease -- but since he seems to be getting zero treatment I wouldn't have a clue.


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he probably has Parkinson’s like symptoms, not necessarily he has parkinson. I am betting on incurable/inoperable brain tumor or aneurysm. I hope I'm right one this. Other diagnosis seems like impossible as he looks healthy.


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first of all Suzy is so pretty I can't even. she + Kim Woo Bin look super good together and that makes me ship them already since the last scene of the first ep.
Honestly, for me, if they made the high school flashback as the first episode, I would've dropped it because I'm not a big fan of the dad's accident story, how SJY's dad have something to do with it and how the girl who hit the dad seems like going to fall in love with SJY, or how NE is in so much debt because of her dad's death..
but because they have showed me Noeul and Joonyoung in present day beforehand, it keeps me watching it makes me really want to know what happened to them - especially since both of the characters seem to have lingering feelings for each other. So yeah, waiting for ep 3!


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The storyline is intriguing but dear Suzy.....how I wish that she could be less animated. I seriously have nothing against her, i neither like her nor dislike her so my opinion is solely based on what I see on-screen. Kim Woo Bin is fantastic but Suzy overacted and I cringed most of the time whats with her endless pouting. I just wished she acted more natural and let the emotion runs from there.


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I have not watched d drama bcoz I was waiting for d reviews to see if I would like this drama or not...I was so happy when I heard that kwb will be in this drama(also it's his first role being in d lead) but I don't think I will watch this drama bcoz d story is not that refreshing & I think that d pace of ep 2 is slow like they could have unraveled much more plot of d story in d 1hr long episode..I am sure that something bigger happened between joon young and no eul to make no eul hate him I wish the plot can become more clear so that I can watch it


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Doubt it it's more,if u watch the episode you get her point that he's a bit of a jerk from how he behaved with her back in the days...He tossed her down,he made that fake ass proposal to use her to get rid of her friend and more likely break her friendship in the process...so for all she knows she doesn't have anything good except what he did for her at her Dad funeral...Meeting in the present she concluded by how he acted that he remained the same jerk...It's not like any of them can read the other motivations if they don't talk...


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No, the early previous showed that a lot more went on between them in their youth.


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I'm part of the minority that actually enjoyed this episode and the premiere per se;loved the tone of it,the music and even the acting,didn't find anything bothering me...I bet it will be a very hard slap for Joon Young when he find out that the man that is his father,who he looks up too,that he wanted to be like him and be proud is such a corrupt man even more when he finds out about No Eul father hit and run case..Curious if his Mom ran away because she found out it was an affair...Based on the preview i see he maybe asks her to be his fake girlfriend as a condition to film that Documentary...

Having watched the highlight trailer a few days ago i'm sure i'm in for a fun ride and with lots of intense melo to fill the 20 episodes...The writers story might not be everyones cup of tea and is fine,u can't please everyone...I'm also anticipating more of Im Joo Hwan...


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I personally loved every moment - I thought that the shots and frames were executed in a way that strengthens the tone of the drama. It's artful and melancholic, the characters are layered, and it seems that there's a lot of nonverbal acting going on, all sorts of little things that you have to have a keen eye for to be able to find.

I agree with some that Suzy's acting needs improvement, but whatever she lacks in the acting department isn't looming enough to take me out of my enjoyment of the drama. Even with her acting, I still find the drama immersive. There are a lot of things that are subtle and you have to find out yourself - like how No-eul knew that Joon-young was studying to be a prosecutor (Joon-young was painted as a popular heartthrob in their school, and so with a lot of fangirl detectives around, it can be deduced that him wanting to be a prosecutor wouldn't be much of a secret) - and everything adds to the intrigue of the plot.

Not everything has to be spelled out for the viewer; some things are meant to be like gems that you have to dig out yourself, which is all part of the allure. It's one of the things I love about Uncontrollably Fond.


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i 100% agree with you. i hate how everyone wants all the answers given to them in the first episode already, i like the slow reveal and how they didn't start with the flashbacks first but went from the present to the past. It's obvious that the flashbacks arent over and theres so much more to tell and i really like the pacing of the show and dont see anything wrong with it. I think the backlash is due to how the teasers were constructed so people didnt expect it to be like this


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Lee Kyung Hee previous works cast : so ji sub, im soo jung, gong hyo jin, jang hyuk, song jung ki, moon chae won, ko soo (A list actors /actress). Even with the simple plot they did a good job, try 'Thank You' lee kyung hee drama, it was well receive, and nice guy, a bit makjang but worth watching. But UF, suzy & woobin still no experience yet in acting. Thats why people said that this drama 'boring', this is melodrama, you should cast the actors who can deliver the emotions to viewer.

Noo Hee Kyung penned some hit melodramas like its ok thats love and the winter the winds blow, and cast the real actors, not because of his/her fame.


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is am the one who thinks the problem is not they acting but it was the story and editing that mess up...idk but i feel their acting for me its convincing enough that i can relate to their character..


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I'm uncontrollably fond of this drama. 'Nuff said.


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I may be the only one, who thinks that Suzy and Woo Bin not the problem of this drama and they actually pretty good, with what they were given. Main problem is directing and writing. Surprise, LKH far from being perfect here, seems like she or/and director is trying to experiment (not in a good way), but instead harming main leads and overall tone of the drama. In some parts they went in too old fashioned way and editing in somehow also feels off. But instead leads are getting dragged over stuff, that should be taken care by director and writer. I can't feel, that anyone (of her pervious leads) could do better job, than KWB and Suzy. IMO, but at this point, looks like it's easier for people blame leads, instead of admitting, that sometimes production crew more at fault.


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You're not the only one. Lots of us have noticed it - see upthread - and wonder if it's the editing that's jarring us.


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I was hoping that this will not be Lee Kyung Hee's version of Heirs, since Lee Kyung Hee's writing has more heart than Kim Eun Sook.

Hopeful, Lee Kyung Hee prove me wrong. However, I feel like this drama needs a stronger writing and editing. The editing is not coherent at all.


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Honestly, I was disgusted w/ this episode.
*She insists he stay w/ a girlfriend of hers who is so broken hearted he ended the relationship that she can't stop crying and is in the hosp from not eating. That is her girlfriends problem, not his. It was an insane request.
*Then decides to confess to him that she has always liked him, hoping he'll like her back; and tells her hairdresser that she is going to confess to a boy and may be engaged soon. What The ___k?
*While at a food vendor's she has a little boy blow his nose into her hand, then just shakes her hand, as if that'll get it off of her, and drops her arm by her side. She is standing at a food cart, why didn't she ask for a napkin/TP to, at least, get the gunk off?
*Then she picks up some chicken on a stick, using the same hand and eats off the stick. I don't care if it was on a stick, she used the hand she didn't clean the snot off of.
*She watches her father get hit by car and runs after the car, instead of running to him and calling 911/119.
*OH! Lets not forget the mother that refuses to feed her high school son because she's mad at him. One of the most basic and unarguable facts of parenthood is you are responsible for providing food for your child, whether you are mad at them or not. You don't sit and selfishly eat in front of them and not provide food for them when they say they are really hungry.

I just was appalled, perplexed and grossed out more than I was entertained during this episode. The writer is an idiot. I won't be watching any more.


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Yeah, actually that is gross. You comment probably wasn't meant to be funny, but it made me laugh.


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I had the same feelings... the story lacks somehow, details aren't good enough and the dialogs are not well written ( seems like acting can't make it any better... )
well I'm someone with high expectations but this drama started weaker than I could imagine ... though it might get better later... I dont know, I'm not fan of any actor in the drama, so I guess I should not bother much...


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Well said, that mucus is filled with gems. Geezzz what message the writer want to convey.
This drama has so many plot holes I don't even bothered to comment anymore.


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I agree that the request about her friend was unreasonable, and when she blew the boy's nose I was waiting for her to actually clean her hand and I was thinking is the production team so poor that they can't afford napkins and she ate with that same hand, that was pretty gross. About the confession, it was a flashback, enough said. About the hit and run, I actually liked that she ran after the car cos then it seemed real at least to me, but I also think she should have stopped earlier and go to her dad. About the mother a lot of mothers do that and she did let him eat. A lot of things didn't make sense in this drama and I was thinking it would be boring but am hooked


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I'm glad you mentioned the snot thing because that took me aback too. I wondered if that was a class thing in Korea, people using their hands to wipe someone else's snot shows the girl is lower class? Or is it supposed to be an individual personality quirk on her part? Or do Koreans in general not worry about snot germs? I just don't know and would be glad if someone who knows Korean culture could clarify?


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Um I think you misunderstood. The confession scene was before her friend started going out with him. They showed us that flashback (notice suzy following her own figure into the barbers.................) she remembered that in response to her friend saying "You'r so lucky you are immune to his charms". The flashback was meant to show that no, she wasn't, it's just that she set aside her own feelings after finding out that he was already together with a girl. I can't recall if the girl he was hugging was Na Ri though.

I don't know I'm a bit conflicted about the car thing. While I thought the same thing as you I think it was good that she managed to get the license plate and description if it weren't for the whole police and the law are corrupted part. maybe they should have shortened the running sequence a bit.


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The confession:

I realize the confession was all part of a flashback..but the sequence is what led me to interpret it as I did:

1) She insists he stay together w/ her friend because her friend is such a freaked out mess from the breakup.

2) She is at her friends hospital bedside as her friend blubbers away, hooked up to an IV, because he's broken up w/ her.

3) She's at the hairdressers to get a smokin new hairstyle (freaking shoulder pigtails???) for her planned confession of liking the same guy her GF is so messed over.

I assumed she decided to do this after he told her he was NOT going to stay involved w/her GF even if the girl was in such bad shape from the breakup. He's now fair game and she's throwing her hat in the ring.

*As far as his Mom eventually feeding him, no she didn't. He had to grab the bowl and stick his chopsticks into it, as she tried to bat them away. She was being ridiculously childish and mean. She should have her "Mom" badge ripped off her shoulders immediately. This was a flash back that showed us that her refusing to feed him that spicy soup at her restaurant is something she started when he was a young kid. Plus, she wanted him to become a Prosecutor so SHE could show her ex-lover who, who may not even know the kid is his son, that she raised him so well he's now a Prosecutor too. I feel no sympathy towards this woman because of how she validates her bitchy behavior towards her son.


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Wait not sure if you're still not understanding cause you're just repeating what you said

The timeline events is meant to be

1. She was going to confess and got a haircut
2. She saw that he was going out with someone/her friend already so she held back
3. After some time he and her friend "Na Ri" broke up and Na Ri was broken hearted. She visits Na Ri in the hospital who then says that No Eul is "lucky she is immune to his charms"
4. No Eul leaves the hospital and recalling what Na Ri said she passes the hairdresses from the past and sees a literal astral projection of herself (not sure how you missed this). This is to show the audience that Na Ri was wrong with her assumption and that No Eul was no different from other girls in liking him.

The sequence on the show was more like 3, 4, 1, 2 but the timeline is 1, 2, 3, 4. Don't know how to explain it any clearer. You might need to just rewatch it lol. But to clarify no No Eul's character isn't a backstabbing bitch. She did the exact opposite, she hid her feelings and then stood up for her friend when she was dumped.

Also I didn't mention anything about his mother? But okay.


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Forgot to add the astral projection part is meant to be a visual effect that tells you the confession scene is further in the past, if that wasn't obvious.


Ok, maybe I mis-understood the memory sequence. I'll take your word on it as a possibility because I do not intend on re-watching that episode to clarify it. I didn't like that episode for many, many other reasons too. The female character just comes across as way too glib for me to really care about.

I was starting to like the male lead, have never watched him in anything before and was just starting to appreciate him. But, this ain't gonna be the Drama with which I become familiar w/him.


*She watches her father get hit by car and runs after the car, instead of running to him and calling 911/119.
*OH! Lets not forget the mother that refuses to feed her high school son because she’s mad at him

THESE, I scrolled comments for someone to comment about that.
Noh-Eul's reaction is unlogical on SO many levels. Her dad wasn't even dead, for hoe few minutes of running she could maybe save her dad

And no dumb excuses can say that mom is a good person-eating right before your hungry son, telling him he should be unfair-not protect people in need, and making him be lawer without even asking if he wants or can do it


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not hoe *those and lawer *prosecutor....sorry for my bad english


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And within the next two weeks, KWB best bud joining the war with his drama, W..

*i smell bloody-rating battle here*


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I just wanna say that no matter what anyone says about this drama am loving it. It doesn't make sense but it also makes sense. I haven't stopped thinking about it since I finished ep2. My eul ?


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Oh I like it too - I expect most people posting on here will continue watching it. We're just perplexed by some of the writing/editing/directing choices that don't make much sense and hope things will get better or the whole thing might fall apart. Maybe it will be a REVERSE of Cheese in the Trap!


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I've read the comments about how is it JY and NE didn't recognize each other. Am I the only one who got it? When she first showed up at his house, she acted like she didn't recognize him, speaking formally to him like stranger. It's probably for reasons that will be tell later in the episodes. JY who's taken aback by that just played along. That's why he said the last line "NE, don't u know me??" Clearly something must be happen to both them. We thought it's during their school years but they barely had any important scenes so it must be in college. This show is 20episodes, so I predict the first 4 episodes will be about the set up and backstory which is fine by me. About the editing, I don't know if it's on purpose or what but this show tends to do"show the event first and explain later" thing going on. Just like how they show the future first and the past later. It makes me watching it twice just to catch up the missing puzzle when i watch first time. Also as someone who's not following any dramas for the past 2 years, I'm actually okay with the pace. I don't know how the current trend is. This drama makes me think and with the beautiful sceneries it's calming to watch. It reminds me of the writer's previous works which i like. It's like an old school melodrama. I'm going to continue to watch this as I'm curious as whatever happened to them.


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I agree about slow pace. I've watched at least there dramas where they rushed things and when it comes to 6th or 7th week the episode felt like final episode which leads to unnecessary angst afterwards. Well it could be more intriguing at first but it makes plot weak as a whole. Considering this one as 20 episode melodrama to me pace is just right and I liked the feel of it.


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