Doctors: Episode 6

Sometimes the banal things in someone’s life can be luxuries to others. A happy family, a carefree attitude, or even the ability to forgive others can be privileges some people can’t experience. Despite Ji-hong losing his family and Hye-jung losing hers, this commonality doesn’t seem to be able to bridge the gap on their differing outlooks on life. However, maybe Hye-jung can learn to love again with Ji-hong’s help, and Ji-hong can learn to share some of her pain.



Ji-hong runs down a busy street and narrates, “The value of precious things can only be appraised after they’re lost.”

In flashback, little Ji-hong came home and happily ate food his mother left out for him. Adult Ji-hong narrates, “I didn’t know back then that the mundane things in life were the most valuable things people could enjoy.”

The flashback changes, to little Ji-hong watching as the doctors tried to save his parents. Adult Ji-hong continues his narration: “I lost [them] before my eyes, unable to do anything. I hate everything that destroys my everyday life.”

Ji-hong dashes into the boss’s room and sees Hye-jung sprawled on the ground wincing as a pool of blood forms underneath her. Yoon-do gets up and helps Hye-jung push the attacker off of her, and it turns out that the attacker is the one bleeding.

Returning to his senses, Ji-hong yells at Yoon-do for allowing this situation to occur on his watch, and Yoon-do yells back at Ji-hong that he tried. The two engage in a shouting match, and Hye-jung has to remind them that there are two patients needing their attention right now.

Uncle Pa-ran comes down to meet Ji-hong and Hye-jung since he’s been called to perform the operation on the attacker. He tells Hye-jung that it’s already their third encounter today, so on their fourth, they’ll be dating. He winks at her, and Ji-hong shoos him away.

Hye-jung thinks he’s fun, and Ji-hong says that his pick-up repertoire hasn’t changed at all. Hye-jung turns to Ji-hong and lets him know that Yoon-do tripped the attacker, which saved her. She says that she’s never seen Ji-hong that angry, and Ji-hong admits that he’s surprised over his own behavior, too.

Before she leaves, Ji-hong stops Hye-jung and says that this is an act from one human to another. He pulls her into a hug, and Hye-jung momentarily freezes. Ji-hong says thank you, and when Hye-jung asks what for, he calls her dumb. He lets her go, and Hye-jung walks away flustered, her arms stiffly dangling by her side.

Hye-jung goes to check on the boss’s condition, and checks the CT scans. There isn’t a need to do another surgery, so Hye-jung orders Kyung-joon to return the patient to his room and monitor him. Kyung-joon asks if it’s true that Yoon-do saved her, and Hye-jung asks Kyung-joon about the progress of his thesis. She scolds him for wasting his time on useless things when he could be doing more research.

Yoon-do walks absentmindedly in the hallway, and Hye-jung calls after him. He tries to hide his face and run away, but Hye-jung persists and catches up to him. She thanks him, but he thinks she’s mocking him because he was useless during the attack, and he runs away again.

She follows him and executes some fighting techniques, which make him flinch. She explains that she’s a professional mixed martial artist, so he shouldn’t feel ashamed about earlier. She tries to thank him again, but Yoon-do stops her because he’s too embarrassed to hear it. He watches her leave, and puts a hand over his pounding heart.

Hye-jung enters her office and lies down on the couch before getting up and opening a handbook. She takes out a card inside with a file number written on it.

Myung-hoon and his father Director Jin practice golf and discuss their plans for taking over the hospital. Director Jin says that he might not be alive to see the hospital become privatized, but at least Seo-woo will reap the benefits.

Seo-woo’s mother greets Myung-hoon at home, but he ignores her, much to her ire. She pesters Seo-woo to get married, so she can divorce her father. This seems to be a common occurrence, because Seo-woo casually tells her mother to get a divorce right now.

The topic changes to Yoon-do, and Myung-hoon joins the conversation, telling Seo-woo to decide on a date for the wedding. Seo-woo is against forcing Yoon-do to marry her, but Myung-hoon tells her that love is temporary. He reminds her that she has loftier goals than a happy marriage.

Yoon-do leaves his apartment for work in the morning, and next door, Ji-hong and Uncle Pa-ran exit together. Pa-ran greets Yoon-do, and though Yoon-do tries to avoid Ji-hong, Pa-ran ignores his nephew’s attempt to escape.

Pa-ran suggests carpooling to the hospital, and Yoon-do whispers to his uncle that he doesn’t like Ji-hong. Of course, Pa-ran tattles on Yoon-do, and Ji-hong says in banmal that they should carpool. Yoon-do is taken aback by the sudden informality, but Ji-hong reasons that a nephew of his friend is his nephew, too. Ji-hong and Pa-ran jump into the backseat of Yoon-do’s car with huge, goofy grins plastered on their faces.

Yoon-do drives grumpily as Pa-ran is passed out and leaning on Ji-hong, and he tells Ji-hong that they should return to their former formal relationship. Ji-hong just says he’s going to sleep for a bit, and then apologizes to Yoon-do for yelling at him last night.

Tae-ho is making his rounds and notices that a patient’s guardian is absent, and he tells Kyung-joon to explain the patient’s condition to the guardian later.

Hye-jung waits outside Ji-hong’s office holding a potted plant, and Yoon-do notices her since his office is right across the hallway. He stops to tell her that Ji-hong will come after making his rounds, and asks her random questions like where she bought the plant. He wonders if she isn’t curious about him, and says that it’s common courtesy to ask at least one question back in these situations.

Hye-jung asks why, and her blunt response flusters Yoon-do. He tries to escape by entering his office but gets his password wrong on the first try. Hye-jung watches Yoon-do and seems genuinely puzzled by his actions.

Kyung-joon explains his patient’s condition to a family member, but all his technical jargon confuses her. Tae-ho happens to walk by and witnesses the exchange. His expression darkens, and he tells Joong-dae to gather all the doctors in their department to the conference room.

Young-kook and Kang-soo hurry to the sudden meeting, and they wonder if it’s about Hye-jung. Once everyone arrives, Tae-ho orders Kyung-joon to repeat what he told the guardian, and everyone understands the problem after hearing Kyung-joon’s recitation. Tae-ho asks Young-kook to explain the mistake, but Young-kook refuses to point out a sunbae’s mistake, despite knowing the answer.

Tae-ho is mad at Kyung-joon’s use of medical terminology and wants everyone to talk to patients in a way that they can understand. He doesn’t want them to feel superior and act haughty by using complex medical terms. He tells them to not only learn skills but also the mentality of being a doctor.

Ji-hong is surprised to see Hye-jung waiting for him, and lets her into his office. She hands him the plant as a welcoming gift but also as a bribe. She hands him the note with the case number on it and asks him to look up Grandma’s surgery file, and he asks if this was the reason she took the job at this hospital. He rips up the note and tells her to forget it. Ji-hong thinks that as a surgeon, she should know that accidents happen, but to Hye-jung, she can’t understand the director’s behavior even more after becoming a doctor herself.

Ji-hong apologizes for ripping up the note, but he says he did it because he felt pity for her. He asks if she can’t live an ordinary life now, but Hye-jung retorts that an ordinary life was never a privilege given to her. Thus, if Ji-hong won’t help her, then she’ll find another way to retrieve that file.

Hye-jung sits outside, lost in thought, until Yoon-do interrupts. He wonders if she’s crying, and Hye-jung can’t believe he’s even more tactless than her. He informs her that the police are here to receive a report from both of them about the knife attack, so they should go together.

Ji-hong looks up Grandma’s file on the computer—the ripped note taped back together—but is also denied access.

Seo-woo walks up to Young-kook and comments about Hye-jung causing problems again. Young-kook corrects her and explains that the boss might have died if it weren’t for Hye-jung. She spots Hye-jung walking with Yoon-do, and when Yoon-do walks over to them, Seo-woo asks why they were together.

He tells her that they had to give a police report, and Seo-woo sighs about Hye-jung always causing trouble. She mentions Yoon-do’s previous wish to kick Hye-jung out, but he tells her that he’s changed his mind. Vexed, Seo-woo tells him that Hye-jung was the school gangster who bullied her, and also reveals that Hye-jung was kicked out of school. But Yoon-do says he already heard this from Hye-jung, and bets his car that Seo-woo wasn’t the only one hurt back then.

Seo-woo follows Yoon-do while he’s checking on the restaurant owner, and says that he owes her a car. She asks for an apology, and with the restaurant owner on her side, Seo-woo finally gets Yoon-do to reluctantly apologize. He tries to hide his face as he leaves, but Seo-woo shouts that he isn’t the one in power just because she likes him. The restaurant owner likes Seo-woo’s spunk, and asks her to bring that wretched girl to her.

Director Hong is surprised that Ji-hong is at work already, and Ji-hong jokingly points an accusatory finger at Tae-ho. Tae-ho denies the accusation and insists that Ji-hong is still on vacation, and Director Hong happily says that it’s okay, then, for Ji-hong to go fishing with him. Ji-hong complains that fishing is boring, and the atmosphere is jovial.

Soon-hee hands out flyers in the hospital lobby and runs into a woman—it’s Hye-jung’s stepmother. Half her face seems to be paralyzed, and her daughter, YOO YOO-NA, is with her. Yoo-na tries to help Soon-hee pick up her fallen flyers, but Stepmother stops her. She boasts loudly about how Yoo-na almost became a doctor, and Soon-hee rolls her eyes.

Once Hye-jung appears, Soon-hee loudly calls after her doctor friend, but they’re already gone, much to her disappointment. Soon-hee hands Hye-jung a bag of clothes, and the two high-five before separating.

Soon-hee pays a visit to the residents’ offices and offers Kyung-joon a flyer for her cafe. He refuses, and complains about security letting solicitors inside. Soon-hee yells that she has a doctor friend, and Young-kook intervenes, managing to stop their bickering.

Young-kook asks her age and comments that he doesn’t see anyone over thirty as a woman. So Soon-hee lies that she’s twenty-six, but when Young-kook asks if her friend is a resident, she can’t answer truthfully and decides to leave. She calls Kyung-joon’s face a mess as she exits, and he yells ineffectually at Young-kook to go bring her back.

As fate would have it, one of Hye-jung’s new patients turns out to be her stepmother. Hye-jung instantly recognizes her, but remains calm and tells the nurse to set up MRI scans. Stepmother barges back into the office, and she sneers at Hye-jung’s aloof attitude towards her own mother. Hye-jung sees through her stepmother’s petty tactics, attacking her while there are onlookers, but Hye-jung says she doesn’t care about what others think and that Stepmother will never be her mother.

The restaurant owner finally gets to meet with the woman she kept asking for, and spits in the woman’s face. Seo-woo enters, and restaurant owner tells her that she divorced her husband without a fight when she found out about his affair with this other woman. She regrets her docile past, and urges Seo-woo to fight for her man because there’s no point in living kindly.

Hye-jung stares at a couple of scans of her stepmother’s brain, and decides to call Ji-hong. He’s fishing with his father at the moment, and Hye-jung just tells him to have a good time before hanging up. Director Hong says that Hye-jung must be pretty because Ji-hong sounds different when he’s talking to her. Ji-hong says that’s nonsense, and then asks his father to look up Grandma’s file for him.

Hye-jung shows the MRI scans to Yoon-do and asks him to take this case. However, Yoon-do won’t switch because it’s against hospital policy. Seo-woo walks into the room she shares with Hye-jung, and wonders why Yoon-do is here. He doesn’t give much of an explanation, and wonders if Seo-woo has an inferiority complex towards Hye-jung. He comments about seeing a different side to Seo-woo lately.

Soon-hee is excited about the cafeteria food at the hospital, but Hye-jung doesn’t share her enthusiasm which makes Soon-hee wonder if Hye-jung is ashamed of her. Hye-jung explains that she saw her stepmother today, but she can’t hand over the case to another doctor.

Seo-woo and Young-kook enter the cafeteria, but Seo-woo sees Soon-hee and leaves. Young-kook follows her, and Seo-woo tells him that Hye-jung stole her old friend. He says that she’s suffering from a lack of affection, which is causing her to get emotionally attached to the restaurant owner. Seo-woo denies it and complains about Yoon-do being in the fellow room with Hye-jung earlier. Young-kook says that it probably had something to do with Hye-jung’s stepmother making a scene at the hospital today.

Kang-soo intrudes on Hye-jung’s lunchtime to talk about plans for her welcome party, and Soon-hee offers to host it at her café for free. Hye-jung tells her that she’s his superior, so Soon-hee suggests a fifty-percent discount instead.

Seo-woo walks in on Hye-jung changing in their room, and Hye-jung tells her to just come in. Seo-woo strikes up a conversation and mentions Hye-jung’s stepmother. She then asks about Yoon-do, and Hye-jung tells her that she only asked him to take her stepmother’s case for her, and doesn’t want Seo-woo to misunderstand. Seo-woo says she’s trying to have a civil conversation, but it keeps devolving into an argument and the air remains strained between them.

Kyung-joon is gossiping with Kang-soo and a nurse about Hye-jung, and they all agree that she seems to have a complicated family. Yoon-do interrupts their gossiping and asks for the stepmother’s charts. The nurse is ecstatic that Yoon-do is taking the case for Hye-jung, and he finally learns that the patient is Hye-jung’s stepmother.

Hye-jung tells her stepmother that she needs surgery but suggests that she go elsewhere. Stepmother brazenly calls Hye-jung her daughter and says that she’ll stay, since Hye-jung works here. Hye-jung says that Stepmother hasn’t changed, and her stepmother says that Hye-jung is still the same on the inside, too.

Half-sister Yoo-na catches up to Hye-jung and hands her a business card of their family’s restaurant. Though they aren’t rich, she says they make enough money to live and won’t burden Hye-jung.

Yoon-do leaves a voicemail for Hye-jung telling her that he’ll perform the surgery, and Seo-woo overhears him. She doesn’t like his change of heart, but Yoon-do thinks it’s normal for the heart to change.

Seo-woo visits the restaurant owner, who comments that Seo-woo’s the only one who visits her after her recent spat with the other woman. She tries to get up, but Seo-woo advises her to lie down so she doesn’t overexert herself. The restaurant owner claims that she’s fine, but suddenly, she starts to convulse.

Seo-woo tries to save the restaurant owner, but nothing she does revives her. Seo-woo refuses to give up trying, and Yoon-do has to step in. Kyung-joon declares the time of death, and Yoon-do has to come and physically hold back Seo-woo as she cries.

Hye-jung visits her family’s restaurant, but stays across the street and watches her father from afar. She has a flashback to when Grandma bought her the necklace she’s always wearing, when the two adorably bickered about which one to buy. Back in the present, Ji-hong calls Hye-jung, but she hangs up on him, promising to call back.

She watches her father talk with a customer, and Hye-jung has another memory of Grandma. Hye-jung asked if she should get rid of her mole, but Grandma said it meant she’d receive a lot of love from adults. Hye-jung dejectedly said that her father hated her, but Grandma said he didn’t. However, Grandma said she wouldn’t force her to understand him, because parents should love their children first.

Hye-jung meets with Ji-hong, who hands her an envelope containing Grandma’s file. He tells her that he had to ask a favor from someone to get it, and if finding out the truth will make her happy, then he’ll do his best to help her. He asks when he’ll get to see her “ten won” cheapness, which finally makes her smile.

It suddenly rains, and Ji-hong offers his jacket as an umbrella. They run side by side under his jacket, and end up in a telephone booth. The sudden rain reminds them of a similar moment from their past. Staring out into the rain, Ji-hong repeats a quote by Vivian Greene: “Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

He plays The La’s “There She Goes” (another bit of nostalgia from their shared past) and walks out into the rain. He starts dancing and twirling, and then pulls Hye-jung outside with him. They dance and laugh together.

They pause for a moment, and Ji-hong tells Hye-jung that this is an act from a man to a woman. He marches up to her, and kisses her.


I feel like Ji-hong has a tendency to think he knows what’s right for Hye-jung, and sometimes his advice comes across as overbearing. For example, I didn’t like how he ripped up the note, and thought he mishandled the situation with Hye-jung. He didn’t consider her perspective, and failed to realize that Hye-jung needed closure with her past to move on to her future. However, to his credit, he did rectify his mistake and told her point-blank that he would help her find the truth if it would make her happy. Though I sometimes find him a bit pushy and idealistic, I don’t mind his direct tactic in pursuing Hye-jung because I don’t think she would have known about his feelings otherwise. For the past thirteen years, it appears that Hye-jung hasn’t formed new, meaningful relationships and can’t pick up on social cues hinting at friendship or love. Even Yoon-do’s attempts to grow closer seem to have flown over Hye-jung’s head. As for Ji-hong, I think their thirteen-year separation made him realize that his floundering made him lose the girl, so this time, he’s determined to get his feelings across. Thus, he’s persistent, and Hye-jung is confused by this new emotional terrain he’s introduced in her life.

I’m disappointed with how the show is developing Seo-woo. I feel like they’re depicting her as a one-note character, and though all the other characters keep saying that they’ve seen a new side to her, to the viewers, it’s still the same jealous and insecure Seo-woo. I wish Seo-woo had more gravitas and displayed more professionalism as a surgeon, especially since she’s the only other female doctor we’ve seen so far (not including In-joo). It seems to me that the show does a bad job portraying her character as a doctor, and though others keep saying she’s superior to Hye-jung and has no reason to feel insecure, nothing has happened to support that claim. The only patient we’ve seen her interact with is the restaurant owner, but even then, she is Yoon-do’s patient, not Seo-woo’s. I also thought the death of the restaurant owner could have been better executed because everything happened so abruptly and the slow-motion took me out of the moment. It’s a common occurrence in dramas for second-lead females to be less developed than their second-lead male counterparts, and I think Doctors has that same tendency.

Up until this episode, I was still on the fence with Yoon-do because I thought his tactic last episode to get rid of Hye-jung was pigheaded. However, I completely adored him this episode. It was adorable trying to see him run away and hide from people because his height makes him easily noticeable, and I loved all his animated expressions this episode. Some of my favorites were his aghast looks as he tried to run away from Hye-jung, his frightened expressions when she showed him some fighting techniques, his look of horror when Uncle Pa-ran tattled on him, and his bespectacled thinking face. I’m really enjoying the different layers of Yoon-do we’re seeing, and it’s clear why Seo-woo is smitten with him.

On the whole, I’m ambivalent so far towards Doctors because I’m not sure what kind of drama it wants to be. For the most part, I enjoy the relationships and characters, and think the show is okay as a romance drama focusing on the growth of its female protagonist. Unfortunately, I’m a bit bored with the medical aspects of the show, and don’t really care about the hospital politics. Sometimes, I’m left wondering if being a doctor has any importance at all, and seriously think the show would still be essentially the same even if the characters changed jobs. It could be called Bakers or even Teachers, and the basic construct could stay the same. That’s not to say a drama about doctors has to solely be about surgeries and hospital politics (a la White Tower, which is in a class of its own), but I do wish I cared more about them as doctors because, besides Tae-ho, I wouldn’t want any of them as my doctor—they’d be too busy fighting with each other to even realize I’m bleeding with a knife wound in my stomach or making bets with each other while my life hangs on the line.

Another thing about the show is that it has a penchant for cheesiness. The ending scene, while cute, was really over the top. From the recreation of the iconic scene from the movie The Classic, to the multiple angle shots of their kiss, I found the delivery to be a bit heavy-handed. Also, both actors looked awkward during that kiss (or should I call it pressing their lips together?), and I’m assuming the director told them to do it that way. I guess the director was trying to represent innocence and purity, but he’s forty and she’s thirty-one. Am I supposed to believe that’s the best they can do?


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subway product placement in dramas is getting out of hand lmao i've lodt count of how many times i've seen it like when seo woo said "i brought sandwiches" i was like "haha she's not going bring out subway right" AND SHE DID


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Subway help produce like 90% of dramas. When I see their passive advertisements, I don't know whether I should be annoyed or grateful lol


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that is so true oh my gosh i even see it gongshim as well


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It's not stress causing Gong Shim's bald spot - a steady diet of tuna salad Subways have been causing her hair to fall out.


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@Miranda, your comment made me actually Laugh Out Loud


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It works though ?

I actually went out and drove one time just to go get Subway because the darn drama I was watching kept showing it.

Sigh. If only all the products are that affordable.

I would love to have that fridge from Lucky Romance.


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I'd call it Oppa Fridge.


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The traitor employees in Lucky Romance? Actually Subway's corporate spies, trying to destroy Zeze from the inside for refusing to put Subway branding in Genius II.


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I think it was always there in the background but subway ppl since prime minister and I is getting more and more in your face with meetings conducted there.

Also, pretty please can weigh a murdering sub way to so woo, kill her or just send her away to a subway and let hye jung and sun hee live a long 14 episodes with a haremof wonderful doctors/gangsters


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Since Seo Woo was the deliverer of the sandwich, it's clear that she and Subway are already allied, so she's probably safe.


All pretty face second leads are ppl tools..


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I think the only way to escape the Subway virus nowadays is to watch sageuks (but only those who don't have time traveling lol).


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LOL ikr? sageuks are the only dramas where you can't see any overt product placement.


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All the sword scabbards also contain footlong sandwiches.


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So now I'm thinking Kylo Ren actually kept a three-footlong subway sandwich in his lightsaber, for him to snack on, between kills.


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Imagine of Hong Joo's black magic suddenly conjured a Subway tuna sandwich? And Poong Yeon reheats it with his fire power? And they use Yo Gwang gigantic sword to cut it in half to give to Jun and Yeon Hui?

I'll probably stop watching kdramas for a while.


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Rofl...this sounds like a legit SNL parody. ^O^


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We've reached an important point in Subway product placement, I feel. For years, it's lurked in the background - sometimes subtly, sometimes absurdly prominently, but always there, watching. Waiting.

Waiting to lull the audience into a sense of complacency so it could seize its chance and straight-up murder a woman.

Is it dramatic to think that a Subway sandwich deliberately caused the death of one of society's most vulnerable, a recovering brain surgery patient? Perhaps. But I think we would all do well to take this for what it is: a warning.

Subway has killed. And it will kill again.


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*watches Miranda leave the stage with a mic drop*



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You know, I don't think she was able to get even one bite of it across before (abruptly) biting the dust, so subway's good there.


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You know how Subway pumps the smell of baking bread out near the entrances of their stores? It's strong stuff - strong enough to damage the delicate sensory areas of a recently-injured brain.

Don't you see? They just WANT to you think it's a coincidence, but it's actually vile murder!


When I saw the doctor giving that to a patient, I was lile wow...
I remembered a drama where the female lead I think bought/most probably received a piece of jewelry (too many similar dramas...) and in the comments people were saying she was not going to die because iit would be negative advertising. And she didn't die.
And suddenly this patient takes a bite and... I would like to see Subway's big bosses watching the scene ^^


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*like, not lile


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I am starting a rumor right now: the kidnapper in "Wanted" is a Subway Veggie Delight footlong.


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Huh? The ajumma didn't take a bite.

If there's a lesson to be learned here, it is to eat Subway or else you will die!


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Nope, it's like black magic - Subway carries a dark aura. That poor woman's system was weakened by lack of food and when the sandwich approached, her entire body seized in panic and horror.

...can you imagine someone giving you a Subway sandwich after you hadn't eaten in days? "Here, I've brought you some processed meats between some highly seasoned sponges. Enjoy." Only an enemy with blackness in their heart would do such a thing. Also, Seo Woo.


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Hmmmm, crossed over to the sub side, we have? Know what I am talking about, do you? Hmmmm....


An enemy... or Andatessi, and Gong shim enjoyed it ^^, but yeah, the situation was different.

They have already started to change the dinners with chebols from elegant expensive places to elegant Subways. Marrying a chebol is starting to sound more mundane these days, sigh...


Omo, omo! I had this sudden thought..., with more minions maybe it's time for dramabeans to create a weekly "Subway ads" thread, where we, needless to say, compare the different ads in dramas.

We could discuss how we would have liked them to be, how hot the lead was with the sauce leaking slowly from a corner of his lips (of course there would be a heated discussion where people would defend how much hotter it was leaking from Woobin's lips), how stupid the oroboni was for accepting a sandwitch that hongjoo had previously seasoned with black magic, how sexy was the shower brooming scene while sexy broomingly taking a bite...

I should stop here, let's just say, it could be a coming together of all the dramas, ah, the feels!


She didn't take a bite? Oh, ok, sorry. I think i was still in shock about the food and then everything happened so fast... I thoght she had :P


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I think if I didn't see a Subway placement in a Kdrama, I would be very confused at this point. I am waiting for them to start showing up in Saeguks.


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Hong Joo's magic black powder is actually scraped off the bottom of a Subway oven. When burned it smells slightly of 9-Grain Honey Oat.


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Honestly, I'm trying so so so hard to like this but it just keeps derailing. What's with the AWFUL music???? I feel like my head's being held in front of speakers and I'm being told to appreciate a scene...oh look...it's comedy time! Can't you tell by the supposedly comic music? Yikes, folks, here comes drama! Cue the gravitas! In contrast to the brilliance of the currently airing Beautiful Mind with Jang Hyuk, I feel embarrassed to be watching this. Everyone means well but the director, writer and editor are playing to the lowest common denominator of drama watchers. It's a ploy for money and viewers. Cue the Subway ads!! It's like a Korean version of American reality shows, which are always so painful to watch. The best parts (except that last bit!) is when the OTP is together, PSH is doing OK and KRW is yummy, but once again Moo-Hyul is stealing the show. I wish he'd use his sword on this one!


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I followed Beautiful Mind obsessively before checking out Doctors. And I gotta say, while Doctors isn't by any stretch a great (or even good lol) show, Beautiful Mind takes the cake in poor writing, uneven tone, confused direction, and infuriating characterizations. The problem with background music you described is present in both shows; I remember wanting to tear my hair out in BM's episode 2, when Jin Sung should have been spooked to hear the heartbeat of a sociopath ... but instead the PD choose to portray the moment as forced comedy, with forced comedic background music to cue us in on the "omg! we have comedy too! We have everything! Please, let the ratings increase!"

I don't like either shows enough to continue following them live, but one thing I observed from following the comment sections of both is that (some) BM fans can't seem to talk about the "omgz brilliance" of their fave show without bringing Doctors down. I find this kind of behavior infantile, flamewar-baiting, and plain unnecessary. The two shows are different enough that "to each their own" should apply here.

You can love or critique a show without hijacking another (more popular) show's comment section to advertise how your fave is soooo much better.


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The music is terrible... way too obvious. The plot is not helping either. I had high hopes for this show, but once they moved to the adult realm it's become like the Korean version of Grey's Anatomy. And I've watched about 5 seasons of that show. Will probably try to stick with this show for another week and decide.

Also, the Ji Hong-Hye Jung relationship still makes me uncomfortable even though they are both adults, because he is now her superior at work and that brings in the sexual harassment issue. Obviously we know she likes him, so we know it's not a problem, but after 13 years, HE didn't know that. When he got off the helicopter (again, after 13 years), the first thing he asked her it was if she was married or had a boyfriend. That's highly, highly inappropriate and unprofessional.


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100% agreed with the music.. do they really have to insert/cue it on every "moment".. makes the scene to cheesy to me..


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At least Grey's had fun sex scenes in random closets. What do we get? Whatever the hell Kim Rae-won was doing at the end of this episode.


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i'd personally rather have awkward kisses than sex scenes lol


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I read the recaps and just out of curiosity watch the latest, and my first thought was Korean Grey's Anatomy, but a poorly written one.

Seo Woo's story with the ahjumma patient especially felt very inspired by Grey's, but the patient's story lacked depth and the medical logistics lacked the credibility needed to make the situation dire and real. I think the jarring music was also taking cue from Grey's except it actually worked well in Grey's because it's already drawn the viewers into a scene before the dramatic song starts playing. It was novel at the time it came out, no other American medical drama was using contemporary music quite like this. Obviously it's been reused by other dramas so it's become more of a troupe now. And it definitely doesn't work well with the Korean sensibility in storytelling.

Another comparison I noticed is that Grey's, while jammed pack with technical and fast dialogue, works because of the very reason. It's not afraid to get technical, witty, and cheeky even if it's not how doctors behave in real life and that some of the medical problems are not accurate or plausible. Grey's works because it assumes their audience is smart, that even if they don't understand the difficult terms, they understand the context. In this drama, the writer dumbs it all down for the viewer, making the assumption that we can't read in between the lines or we don't care.

So while I enjoyed the romantic and personal side of the character's stories, I still find the back bone of this drama severely lacking. We all know that there's foul play in Grandma's unsuccessful surgery, and HJ will make a big stink about it. The two leads practically declared their love for each other, so anything else keeping them apart will feel artificial and unnecessary. Then there are the muddled secondary characters with ambiguous agendas and quirky but puzzling personalities. The show obviously wants you to like them, they are pretty, but you don't really care.


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It's sad that you feel compelled to bash one show to make another one look better. It's sad, childish, and downright petty.


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Very well said


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Thanks for the recap! Though I think I've never read such an unemotional recap before. It also never works when the recappers themselves don't like what they're doing (or watching). I guess I'll just stick to watching the drama first before reading the recaps coz the opinion of the recappers themselves somehow kills the joy of watching the actual drama.


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+1 agree with you. Last two episode recaps felt more like summary of events at many points.I guess recappers can't help much with that if they are not enjoying the show themselves
Normally for my favorite shows, iI follow recaps as well after watching the episode but this time around I feel discouraged... Kind of kills the fun


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Agreed on the "unemotional recap" part. I think the only emotion I can sieve out from this recap is what the recapper feels about the drama.

I used to look forward to recaps for this show.


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Totally. I have read some comments about people "really trying to love this show" but having a hard time fully investing. Why not move on out then? I would suggest to watch a show that you really like. Time will be better spent (so many dramas out there!).
I love reading recaps because of the shared experience with folks who are into a drama. The recapper doesn't have to praise every single thing, but it makes all the difference to be sincerely invested, even if the show is bad, crazy or both. That's the magic of the recap. Otherwise, the fun recap experience is lost for me. It leaves me wondering if the site is now just recapping for "buzz"?It's cute to be a snob, but overly annoying to advertise it so.

Love the drama and and all its cheesy. It's a hoot!?
OTP is ❤ but the kiss left me blank. Both leads are strong and confident, what happened?


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Kiss!!???-- more like lips to lips and.... freeze which made it even more awkward. ayah was so excited, but that's ok.. i love playing in the rain.. so loved the end scene!!!!

hopefully this isn't the last freeze kiss.. lol


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I've always been disappointed with PSH's kisses... akin to a dead fish kissing another dead fish while I'm playing with it in the kitchen. Some may not agree with me and I respect that.

Back in The Heirs that LMH kiss with PSH was hot (on LMH side only imo, PSH seems too scared to reciprocate, idk maybe i'm thinking too much but it seemed to me PSH was scared of the intensity of that kiss then)

I do believe KRW is a good kisser, man he makes all the cheesy lines work. I love Grey's Anatomy and I guess that's what makes me watch Doctors and live tweet reactions.

Can't wait for the EP7 recap because the episode was amaaaaaaaaazing.

Thank you for the recap tho!


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Ditto. I enjoy reading recaps especially the insights of both recapper and viewers/readers (as it fuels my mind and add dimension on my viewing habit ) but reading an unemotional one takes the thrill and giddiness I feel after watching.


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It does, right? It left me feeling cold right after reading the recap, and a bit frustrated after reading the recapper's thoughts. Not solely because I like the episode or the drama, but I think Lovepark's own frustrations got to me. That's the power of recapper's I guess, though it would be nice if she complained too throughout the recap coz that would at least make the recap a bit more fun.


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I wanted a glimpse of their thoughts when they make the main recap .. I know there's a comment section just for that, but ain't it better reading what they thought in between scenes? It make reading recaps more engaging.


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Oh! There are really fun ways to recap a terrible show *cough* jackpot * cough*


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I have to agree...no offense meant to the recappers though. I guess it is what it is.


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finally, somebody pointed it out. i also noticed that opinions of beanies depends on the recapper. the first four episodes the recapper is quite pleased with the show. and so thus, the readers. the last two one, not so much.

i'm not a regular here. but at first, i thought only one recapper per show. turned out not. thus, the varying opinions. i think it's better that only one person should do it because if ever he/she change the opionions. it is somewhat acceptable.


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They used to have only two recappers, Javabeans and GirlFriday, but they rarely recap dramas nowadays. It's nice that they are growing into this one big recapping community, but somehow I kinda missed the old recaps.
And you're right, two recappers are taking turns into writing Doctors, and you can definitely feel the difference between the two. Not saying one is better than the other, but I somehow find myself feeling disconnected because of the difference in POVs.
Yeah, I care about the recaps. I read every word. I deeply appreciate their efforts, especially that I feel like they're not really into the drama and yet they're still here to deliver every week.


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I miss old recaps too. I know the site has to grow and evolve, but definitely nostalgic for "the old days."


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Agree with you. Recaps do matter! I used to love reading recaps as it would help me understand the drama more or maybe catch something I missed. But lately it's true I'd read the recap and think, did we watch the same scene?? I agree recaps used to be more I depth and now some really seem bare bone giving you just the skeleton but not the meat! Still, is it better to have a recap or no recap? I remember way back then JB and GF would drop a show of they just couldn't get into it and really not have enough to say about it. I appreciate all the recappers but are we reaching a state of saturation? Too many shows too many recaps, maybe less is more? Less shows more insights? Still love this site, but can recognize the landscape is changing.


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I remember those times. Of DB suddenly dropping a drama coz they can't care about it anymore. That was really frustrating, but we respected their decision nonetheless. Maybe that's why they hired more recappers, cause who wants to start something they can't finish? I really do appreciate the effort they're putting into writing these recaps, but sometimes, when a recapper doesn't care about a drama, it shows in their writing and then suddenly we don't want to read the recaps even if we're here every week.


Imo less is more. I actually like that they would drop shows that they don't like to focus more on shows that they do like. I'm missing the old days that you guys are talking bout and I'm sad that I will need to at least for this show step back and not check recaps since I am one who enjoys this show so much.


I generally come for the conclusion comments as I don't read the recaps on a drama I watch, but I have gotten to the point that I won't check in on a drama I'm liking if it is getting dissed so much in the comment thread. This is true even if what people are saying is true, but - at some level - I am still enjoying the drama. It just brings me down.

It happens now on Lucky Romance (though it's toned down a bit) and previously on Scholar. Flaws galore, I get it but I'm having a good time. I am in no way saying people shouldn't share because it's on me to realize I need to just enjoy my show all by my lonely self.


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I have the same experience with the Scholar Who Walks the Night. They are trying to find logic in a "magical drama". i stopped reading recaps that time. i only went back here if i there's something in the show that i don't understand.

I thought i was just overly sensitive that time. Haha.

I'm not saying it's wrong. Different opinions helps you understand some things..sometimes. What i don't get is why would they still watch the show you don't like? And hate on it later. It's a waste of time for me.


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Me too. I enjoy Dramabeans specifically because the bloggers have intellectual approaches to storytelling and analyzing Korean dramas, and Dramabeans commenters (most of them, anyway) are witty and charming and funny too. As someone who doesn't enjoy over-the-top dramas, visiting this blog has been a great gauge for which ones to watch.

However, I enjoy it ESPECIALLY when we share our different opinions and recommendations about a show, respectfully engaging in a continued discussion in the comment thread inspired by the recapper. I like that both the people who enjoy the show and also those who dislike it can engage in a friendly, intelligent debate.

I hope that we can all continue to share all of our thoughts with each other, and that we can continue to appreciate the great work of Dramabeans bloggers.


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"Dramabeans commenters...are witty and charming and funny too."

Jesus Christ.


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Well, yes, isn't that why they have "beans of wisdom" every week.


Well, that was unneccesarily rude of you.


Completely agree. Thank you for your insight and sweet positivity about this incredible community!!!


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I find it interesting that the recappers are getting criticism from the comments about their apathy for the show.

I also remember the times when DB and GF would get so much backlash when viewers don't agree with their opinions on popular shows. I have been guilty for calling them out when I don't agree with their logic. (Boys Over Flowers was such a mess, but it was just fun watching them love a show that was just awful, imo.) To be fair, I've given them much praise for introducing dramas to me that I might've otherwise avoided.

So I agree that what makes this community different is even if recappers and viewers disagree on a show, they've always expressed and discussed it at length with passion. With this new wave of more recappers doing the work, I don't mind that we're getting more diversity in style and approaches in the recaps. I only hope that they do maintained the passion that DB and GF have inspired in the community.


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Yeah, I totally agree with you.... I've been loving this drama so far and i love reading recaps of dramas that I enjoy, but this time... idk... it's just not much fun to read :(


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Totally agree with you, no emotions at all. I always read the recap after watching the episode, it's kinda a dessert for me after. For the past episodes, feels like I should skip it and just pay the check.
Oh well...maybe next time.


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Hmmm, I don't think it's necessary that a recapper enthusiastically raves about a show if it doesn't meet their standard. I like reviews which try to offer constructive criticism, pointing out flaws or elements which could be improved, but still find the positive sides of a show.
I think DB is great because other than offering recaps and reviews, it is also a place for discussion. If the recapper doesn't share your view, there will always be commenters which share your enthusiasm and love for a drama. That's the beauty of this community.


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I generally love the comment section and the discussion that comes with it. I am, however, talking about the main recap and not the thoughts of the recapper. The recap section just seemed so straightforward. I know it's a recap of the drama, but I somehow missed reading their thoughts in between the lines. I missed catching a glimpse of the recapper's wit and soul and voice in there.

If you've been reading here long enough, you'll get what I'm saying. Those were fun times.


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100% agree with you.
I've been following DB since 2010~2011 and no offence to the new recappers but I do miss the old recaps by JB and GF. Whether they loved the drama or hated the drama, they'd always make side comments/reactions inbetween the recapping scenes which made it so much more interesting to read.


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i love the interactions between the commenters. it will give you a wide range of interpretations you never thought of. The tiny problem was the differing opinions of recappers. and like most of the comments of no.3 thread. Sometimes, the recappers are so detached you could feel that they are doing it just for the "sake of"....


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Second that. I like constructive criticism. I had high expectation for scholar before. Love the cast to bits. But cant deny that it was a mess. Recaps, helped me to stay on track with the story so that when i watched i could skip to the critical moments just to observe the actors' performances.


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lol i agree. the recaps feel like they're done out of obligation, so reading them is a bit boring because it's obvious that the recapper just isn't that into it. i would hate to have to recap a drama i'm not into.


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That kiss though... someone bring back Lee Jongsuk!!!


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+10000 I need better kisses! I mean come on, you have Kim Rae Won in front of you!
I think it is mostly the director's fault because PSH can kiss (evidence: Pinocchio).


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I think the way she kissed back (or I guess she didn't at all lol) makes sense since it was all of a sudden and she's obviously not ready yet to admit to her feelings for him. But hopefully later on, we'll see a good, good kiss ;)


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It wasn't the kiss per say but more the fact that the PD decided to focus and dramatize the most awkward kiss and make us watch it almost SLOW MOTION which was annoying like mad.
Usually when the kiss is super romantic and swoony I get all squeely and during the slow mo camera panning I imagine being the girl getting kissed... In this case all I wanted to do was rip the 2 of them apart and grab KRW and show him what a PROPER kiss is like! Lol. (Yeah, I'm totally fangirling KRW. Guilty as charged. ?)


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I don't get the PD's decision...hug was fine but that kiss was unnecessary ...and beyond pushy and became creepy.. where is his second time of questioning her about feeling towards him.. not only PSH.. but KRW looked so uncomfortable... A comfortable hug after a rain dance would have been more than enough...did I miss something she rejected his care and went with ji soo on bike and after 13 years she hasn't given a hint that she likes him romantically..


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What shocked me more was the PD's decision to let KRW imitate PSH kissing style (i.e. dead fish kiss). What was he thinking?! This is KRW ffs plus his character was waiting 13 years for this kiss...and you give me an awkward hunched lip press?! Excuse me?!

And truth be told in Pinocchio only the snow kiss (their first kiss iIrc) was good and that's due to good editing/camera angles and her face was mostly covered by LJS but there was a frame here and there were you could still see her frowning. All the other kisses in there were still typical PSH kisses and I've come around that she just doesn't know how to make it look on cam.


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Its not PSH's fault. I wish people would stop blaming here. If you look at the director's cut of the Pinochio kisses, you can actually see them kissing passionately. Even in the commentary, the PD says he didn't add those kisses because they were too much and 'innapropriate'. In Doctors, the PD forced KWR and PSH to do this type of kiss. Blame the PD, not Shin Hye .


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I've seen them and she just has the habit to frown even when she's responding to a kiss (passionately) thus why I stated that she just doesn't know how to make them look good even when she's comfortable with the kiss.


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Park Shin Hye kisses damn fine. I watched bts of you are beautiful and they are kissing beautifully there. Also many claimed Lee Min Ho forced himself on Shin Hye during kiss on basement. For me it was a passionate kiss of 2 young lovebirds in dire situation and shine hye kissed him back like she means it. No comment on Pinocchio kisses.
In this drama, of course first kiss would be innocent and subtle. Ji Hong doesnt know how she reacts and many things to consider.


You should watch the BTS of the final kiss scene of PSH & LJS in Pinocchio, cuz girl CAN kiss.


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And Yoon Shi Yoon. The FBND ending was awesome. Lol.


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They should bring Eric Mun to teach the real kiss.


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This is a classic PSH kiss. I am beginning to suspect she has in her contract how her kissing should be (especially with married men maybe).


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Ive not seen any of her kiss scenes other than You're Beautiful, but its not just her expression that is awkward- KRW's posture is weird, he is leaning too far forward and super stiff, the panning of the camera round them is irritating and pointless (in my opinion), and the whole scene lasts too long and becomes super uncomfortable.
So to attribute it all to PSH is rather unfair I think.


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Agree! Why are people so quick to throw the blame on Park Shinhye! This is clearly a case of questionable directing and editing. The actors are simply kissing the way they are told to kiss. I doubt Kim Raewon was like "I'm going to hold my head at a perfect 90 degree angle and hold this uncomfortable position for as long as possible for this kiss".

If it was not for the fact that the camera lingered long enough to make it awkward, the kiss wouldn't have bothered me so much.


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Because she has a looooong record of bad and awkward kisses? You can't tell me it's all on the directors.


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That might be true. However, I believe that in this case it is indeed the directing.
In her previous dramas, you could tell that the PD had told the male lead to kiss a certain way and Park Shinhye was either told to just "respond to it" and failed to do so or she was told to "act shock" and did exactly that.
Here, the position of both actors looks staged, so much that it feels unnatural. The way KRW grabs her, bends forward and press his face to her...it is like he is following instructions.
This awkwardness is heightened by the multiple camera angle and movements. The camera is moving which, in this case, accentuates the stillness of the characters, thus revealing its awkwardness.

The worst part is that I can see what the PD was trying to achieve...


I blame the PD 100% for the most awkward kiss I've ever seen in a Kdrama. It ruined the complete scene which was cheesy and random but somehow still sweet.

I got used to lip pressing kisses in dramaland but KRW's whole posture was the weirdest thing ever and he looks even more uncomfortable than PSH which is quite the achievement if you ask me lol and PD-nim needs some glasses if he thinks that looks good. (Can you tell I'm mad about the kiss? Haha.)


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Aside from the obvious awkard direction and way of PSH kissing history i wonder if it wasn't again(how come she always has it) somehow in the story line,i got the impression she never actually dated all this time,so she doens't have any experience with men,aside from the suprise kiss he planted on her the girl even if by age is a women didn't knew what to do,if she never experienced this stuff,i think many of us can relate to this type independed of the age if we think back on ourselves,no?...

Also thinking now,how come all her roles are of that of unexperienced women in love..all her stories are somehow down to her character being pure(not say virgin,yet not that can be a bad thing)


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"he looks even more uncomfortable than PSH which is quite the achievement if you ask me"

so funny, but so true


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LoL I really want to see the bts of this kiss to see wheather KRW yelled oh! My back it hurts ...


Dear fellow-beanies, it's fascinating how much controversy erupted over a kiss - I absolutely enjoyed reading all those different opinions. This is what I love about this blog's comment section :-)
However, before i join any of those opinions, I want to wait up for the beginning of the next episode. Because to me this kiss scene's quality (or the lack of it ^^) will be determined by how they actually resolve it.

a)Will she kick his butt/slap him/yell at him?
b)Will they be interrupted?
c)Will they just awkwardly pretend it never happened?

That would be more standard for dramas, but what if they surprise us with something crazy like:

d)Will he turn it into a joke? (Just like: 'Haha did I scare you or did you like that? Next time I'll make it count so better watch out girl') ;-P I'd like that hehe!
e)Will she blankly stare then grab his collar and pull him into a hot kiss (not likely but that would be hell of fun^^)

Any other ideas?


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Waaa, Kim Rae Won recently get married?


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I'm pretty sure he isn't married. It was just a rumour that ended up being false. You can Google it if you want.


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Haha! I can hear KRW say just like he did as JH "I'm not married"! Hmm...is this where reality surpasses imagination?


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Lmao, looks like it. I can already hear KRW using his JH line and griping cheekily at everyone "why do you want to marry me off so bad?!"


Both kim rae won and park shin hye had the same mirrored expression though. So, Its not right to blame PSH alone. Beside, the funny thing is i felt kim rae won's posture was weird. Basically it was just a liplock between them and the director panned a little too long.

I completely loved the whole rain scene and the kiss. I basically felt like floating cause it was all way too romantic for me. I am no kiss expert. So i was like coo-ing how its so romantic and perfect while watching the live broadcast as well with eng subs. But then, i see few ppl complaining about it blaming PSH..i am like guys, didn't you see how kim rae won executed it..and how the posture was..

But then, its just ep 6 and no real romance has started between them and the kiss happened without hyejung's consent. I want her to react or get angry or something.. Now that would make it even more interesting.


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I'm thinking that I shouldn't be watching doctors and beautiful mine back to back. In my mind the hospital politics are so convoluted with both shows that I keep on waiting for a serial killer to knock somebody off (which some how causes the net profit of the hospital to go up) while I'm watching Doctors.

P.s. I totally agree with Lovepark's analysis of the last scene; heavy-handed with the added touch of having two adults press their lips together (I kept thinking, this is not really a kiss. Humans don't kiss this way haha).


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The reason I'm only here for the comments (not even recaps) is because I'm watching Beautiful Mind.

I think I can handle only one medical drama at a time. Kind of like one sageuk at a time :)


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I'm having similar problems just that I'm mixing up the medical cases (sometimes the doctors as well) and wondering what happened to certain patients before realizing oops, wrong drama. Lol.


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Very True about watching both dramas side by side.... Very confusing and sometimes makes me wonder where characters from beautiful mind have gone :P


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Thanks for the recap Lovepark!

Soon hee and Kang Soo are adorable! Those 2 belong together. Am looking forward to seeing them interact in coming episodes.

I think for me, the disconnect with JH and HJ is because while JH is coming on so strong, I do feel like he hasn't actually sat down and gotten to know HJ- he is projecting his affection for her based on how she was 13 years ago. Which is why there is that paternalistic approach he has.
Fortunately, HJ is not going to let him dictate her life (I super dislike it when the female leads cannot make intelligent decisions on their own) and I hope moving forward we will see HJ trust JH more to open up to him, and JH will realise she is an adult and give her some space too.

Perhaps Grandma's case will bring them closer together? It'd be a cute touch for her, even though she has passed away, to help bring these 2 people together.

And 100% agree- I didn't like how the kissing scene was filmed. It isn't the fault of the actors, it's just badly directed and put together.


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Second lead syndrome has never strucked me before, even after watching countless of dramas, but there is something about Yoon Do and his simple mindedness that makes me want to root for him, and something about Ji Hong that makes me weirded out. I think it's his exuberance. And lack of flaws thus far, that makes it hard to relate to him.

Will keep watching though! I LOVE PUPPY DOCTOR


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I adore KRW's huge smiles and the abrupt jokes he makes, even though they're a bit strange in context. A defensive mechanism?


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Agreed, I root for YKS too, who become soo adorable this episode..
Someday, I hope he can get the girl..


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The thing is that despite all its faults I am still loving this show! Yes they hardly act as doctors and act like 3 year olds fighting with each other.
Yes the kiss was quite underwhelming and unexpected. I mean PSH should at least show some feelings for him first.

But somehow, I keep waiting for the next episodes. It is mostly because I love PSH and KRW. Plus I am loving the kickass girl character- Hye Jung. Yoon-do is adorable and so is Soon Hee is so cute.

Anyway, I am gonna keep watching it for the little moments of brilliance.


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I agree with you. There are many plot holes enough to warp spaces and much cheeseness enough to make pizzas, but I'm still waiting for the next episode.


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I'm getting really, really annoyed with Seo-woo's inability to move beyond her incorrectly remembered past. She clearly connected with the restaurant owner patient because Seo-woo felt like she was like the owner and Hye-jung was like other woman. Except Seo-woo lost nothing then and clearly still thinks that the world owes her everything....

And now Hye-jung's awful stepmother is back. I know that I'm looking at this with western eyes but I really had a problem with the stepmother raking Hye-jung over the coals and calling her a terrible daughter. I'm hoping that the half-sister doesn't turn out to be similarly awful.

So something really bad had to happen during Grandma's surgery if even Ji-hong can't access the files without going to his dad for it. I can't wait for Seo-woo's dad to be brought down by it because I find people in healthcare who just want to make scads of money to be reprehensible.


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That was the worst kiss, honestly! Krw was crouching and they weren't kissing, just putting their lips together !
Also, who is Uncle Paran? He's so good looking !


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I know, all the doctors are seriously gorgeous, even minor characters.
This will be that show you watch to (as the comic-book owner from My Lover From Another Star said) *purify* your eyes :D.


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Yes, casts are surely not hard to watch..
Uncle Paran is played by Lee Sun Ho, though I never watched his drama..


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Thanks! I need to look him up!


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I hope Doctors are immune to rain because that stuff is deadly


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Lol! Pneumonia for all?

Nah... its only when there is noble idiocy involved and forced separation... then one will be caught in the deadly rain and then faint/fall terribly ill and have to be nursed back to health by the other person... cue intense looks of longing and emotional pining...


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Only in k-dramaland you mean ??? in real life people don't get sick from getting wet in the rain. Since this is a medical drama it should be realistic at least on this front. We don't get a flu from rain, but we do get it from viruses passed on from another infected person lol


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That is true virus are the main cause of illnesses. Short wetness won't make you ill. Most rainfalls tends to be significantly colder than 98.6 degrees. When the body is exposed to too much coldness, blood flow tends to be slow. When the blood slows down, other body functions will slow down too including immune system. If the immune system slows down, the body cannot fight any potential illnesses. This is why warming up after a thorough drench is important. Another thing is if foreign particles get into the lungs, it can turn into pneumonia. If you're exposed to rain for too long, it is high probability the person can inhale the rain. If you inhale rain in highly polluted area like Seoul or L.A., there is a chance you inhaled bad bacteria or airborne viruses that got caught in the water. Not saying these are major causes of illnesses from rain just some probable ones.


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Lol! I've always said the same thing. In Korea you don't get wet in the rain because within hours you develop an incapacitating fever that prevents you from taking care of yourself. Of course, in Korea people go to the hospital for the smallest things, but incapacitating fevers must be taken care of by romantic leads, that provide bags of medicine and lovingly wipe foreheads with wet towels. Of course, in this case the doctors must be immune, because if they aren't they'll both faint and nobody will be able to take care of them.


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The myth of getting sick when being rained is an asian thing. I'm from Philippines. And people dread being caught in the rain because they believed it will make you sick. Lol.


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At least it is not as bad as "fan death." That I can't understand at all. If it was true I would be writing this in spirit.


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Fan death is the funniest thing. It's super hot where I live right now so if I don't have a fan on when I sleep, I would either melt or evaporate. xD


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I agree with the recap- all the criticisms made were quite sound. the death of the grandma was like what and was played out like some main character life changing tragedy when in reality all the ajumma did was to jump up and down- rather underwhelming. It belied how the rapport between seo woo and her was portrayed, which was an easy odd slice of life friendship. Kiss scene was terribly shot- too used to tvn' awesomeness in that field. If they went with the cheesy they should at least end it with a cheesy nice kiss really.

Anyway will hang on for a while if anything for how bad ass psh' character is in this and the chemistry between the leads. I hope both of those don't get written away at least.


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I do think that the death of the grandma, and how SW handled it from the beginning, would be part of SW's character development. In an earlier scene, Young Kook warned her about establishing too much rapport with the patient, but SW just dismissed it. SW continued caring too much for the patient that she broke their doctor-patient relationship. A doctor should, first and foremost, only discuss the patient's medical history and try to empathize w/o causing them too much stress that can ultimately worsen the patient's condition. But because she's so invested in the ahjumma's story and related to her so much, she failed to subdue the ahjumma's emotions and didn't help much in calming her down, hence the cardiac arrest.

SW's reaction also gives us an idea of how she views patients in general. She's not as uncaring and as cold as her father, mother and grandfather, but truly cares for them as a doctor and as a person. It will be interesting to see how she grows as a doctor, and how she'll break free from such a cold-hearted family.


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I hope Seowoo is truly a good doctor like you said, but I tend to think her bond with the restaurant ahjumma is only one in a thousand cases. Seowoo seems to only be able to form friendships with those who don't threaten her with their specs. First, it was Soonhee who was an adorable airhead and didn't care about being in Seowoo's shadow. Then it's the underachieving college friend who fell behind while Seowoo marched to fellowship. And now it's a unloved patient who is not cared for and also not nearly as accomplished as her. Too much coincidence? Idunthinkso.


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This is not the kind of kissing I expect in a Ha Myung Hee drama. They should've shot the rain scene without the kiss altogether.


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'He asks when he’ll get to see her “ten won” cheapness, which finally makes her smile.'

I didn't get the joke. Could somebody please explain?


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I don't get it either lol. Anyone thoughtful beanie care to explain? ?


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The English translations had something like 'when will you start confiding in me?'...makes me wonder what else was different :D


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Oooh, that line..
I don't see that joke when watching sub, so I think I just miss it..


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"Ten won" cheapness. My subs said "When will you start confiding in me?" Where they wrong? Did he say something else O.o


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Didn't refresh the page. so, missed your comment lol.

yeah same here with the english sub.


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I haven't watched the episode yet but only read this recap, hence why I didn't get the joke...but now that you mentioned it... it's different? This is why I like reading dramabeans recaps, sometimes subs are always translated wrong. :/


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It would make sense if you watched the subs from Viki. Back in Episode 5 when Ji Hong dropped off Hye Jung at Sooni Hawaii, and met Soon Hee, Soon Hee says to Ji Hong that, "Hye Jung's mouth is worth only 10 won (quick to divulge) to someone she likes."

And so Ji Hong is referencing to that in this episode. That's the literal translation, so I think other places just subbed it a different way, lol.


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I get it now..yay! :D

Thanks for explaining, Lorilei :)


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Thank you for the explanation....


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Thank you!! That's why we should all support Viki's subs. They're more accurate!


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I'm sincerely hoping that they only did the kiss that way because she's an awkward 31 year old who's never had a kiss in her life and Ji Hong is bent that way and holding her like she's fragile because he thinks she is fragile and will fly away like a broken bird if he doesn't tread extra extra softly. Otherwise, I'll be praying for a way to reach out to the show producers to beg them to hire Another Oh Hae Young's director to handle the kissing scenes. Like bring in a kissing scene expert director to handle the kisses because let's face it, PSH and KRW have excellent chemistry and all that chemistry can't go to waste when it's kissing time. It just can't.


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Yeah, I keep comparing this kiss with OHY Again, so understandably this kiss feels so tasteless..


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+1! I just finished watching AOHY and I couldn't agree more.


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Thanx for the recap. I love The uncle Pa Ran, Ji Hong ang Yoon Do together, they're hilarious.


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Is that even a kiss of mature people?! Drat! OHYA had ruined the standard of a good-believable kiss. -_-"


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Great another wide eyed confused kiss :/


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Now, now - she actually closed her eyes. There was even a moment when it looked as if she pressed her tightly closed lips back against his just a wee bit. My daughter and I gave a little cheer at this show of maturity in our leading lady's kissing prowess. ;)


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Lol.. clearly you havn't watched it. There was no wide-eyed at all. haha. ;) As soon as his lips landed on her,her eyes closed and she responded. Both closed their eyes..but it was just a liplock which was zoomed in for a long while.


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Well to be fair in her story context she might be mature by age and all but she has zero experience in dating and men like she let it understand so it's obvious she won't kiss like OHY who has tons of experience(not that we'll se such a kiss on a BIG 3 drama)...


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But That's tvn. We cannot expect it from the big3. Also, they are not actually in relationship. He kissed her without her consent.


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This drama gives me a DOTS vibe. Charming yet aggressive romantic lead, female lead feeling like she needs to keep her distance, and overall cheesiness. But while I never finished DOTS, I'm still around for this one because I like the female lead and some of the secondary characters.


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Ouch. That kiss...
was terrible.
I get it - she's not ready for it, he's coming on too strong because he's been waiting for 13 years etc., but did we really have to go the 'fish-eyed-frozen-still' route? It completely took me out of the moment and looks like it belongs in a cartoon. Why do the PDs constantly decide to use this move? Is it to reach a wider audience, like when Hollywood movies avoid getting the adult rating?
I've been enjoying the show despite all its flaws, but this made me leery of the show.
I'm also not looking forward to the development of the politics plotline or more eeeevil father-son(-granddaughter) conversations.


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They think its cute...it just looks abd. Plus the direction made it even worse. God I was disgusted after OHY level kisses at how low the networks go.


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Ughh, the kiss. i think this would be the worst kiss i ever saw in a korean drama. Yes, most korean drama kisses are just a smack on the lips, but it isnt this much awkward and weird. The director must be the one who told to act like that. Why couldnt they show him to pull her closer. hold her from back and kiss. These two have so much great chemistry and this awkward kiss just ruined it.


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No, my friend there are much terrible ones. Ha ji won and lee jin wook's ending finale kiss in "The time we were not in love" comes to my mind immediately. haha..

But yes, the chemistry is undeniable between the leads. It was just a simple liplock at this point and he kissed her without her consent. We might get much goodies once the relationship turns mutual is what i feel.. lol. And beside, the drama is fun and addictive for me and park shin hye and kim rae won's acting is amazing.


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Dropping this drama for now bc of the chemistry and that kiss....


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It guess it says a lot about you as a person...


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Why make this comment? What does this say about this person? Nothing.


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I want to rename this drama to Too Many Doctors, One Nurse.


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Spot on. LOL


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PSH trademark kiss is back.... *sigh*
I think at the very least, please don't make it so awkward to watch...
KRW is a good kisser, imo (e.g thousand days promise, with soo ae)
I've seen PSH in almost all of her dramas, and the first time I change my mind abt her is on pinnochio.
Omg, can someone kidnap lee jong suk again???

P.S i do agree it's not fully PSH fault, since I love her acting skill.


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Actually it is fully PSH's fault. Because when it comes to kiss scenes it's the female actress who leads the way with her body language and gives her male costar what to work with. In this case PSH gave KRW squat. Hence the mutual dead fish phenomenon.

I never imagined PSH could top her previous awful kiss scenes but she just went a step beyond my worst imagination. This is so bad, I wonder how either actor can live it down. She obviously doesn't pay heed to feedback from fans. And she definitely doesn't learn from past mistakes. Really sad.


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When will people stop blaming PSH?
Her character was clearly not ready if you actually pay attention to the show.
But it's easiest to blame on her I guess


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I don't really get why people are blaming PSH and KRW for this kiss. I blame the director, anyone in their right mind would look in the monitor and see that this was so bad.


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Nah.. Its always the inetz who actually complain about her. She is well- loved by koreans. And beside didn't you see both had the same mirrored expression. It was just a simple liplock and PSH is not the one to be solely blamed here.


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this is a pretty ridiculous comment.


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I see doctors as such an overrated drama while Beautiful Mind is pretty underrated.. Doctors got high ratings but seriously I kinda cringed after watching the ending of episode 6 lol


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Seriously it deserve the rating either you liked or not beside BM on KBS which didn't promoted well for the drama stop complaining


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The scene fits perfectly with the context of the drama and characters.
People needs to stop live in their fantasy when watching drama.
Korea has no problem with it because they could see it's supposed to be the 1st pure kiss.
But sure, it's overrated because you don't like the kiss scene.


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Overrated because you didn't like the drama? Why not put it this way,that it is well-liked by more people than BM and thus the ratings. :)

Besides, i for one felt Beautiful mind was poorly written and messy directing and dialogues and some characters were way too annoying(cue the female lead) and had to skip many scenes. Also personally i am too tired of typical arrogant jerk kind of male lead. That's why jihong as a male lead is so refreshing along with perfect hyejung. It all comes down to personal preference. And though i don't like Beautiful mind drama, i refrain from going around and calling it out as bad cause that's just petty.


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I posted this on a comment on Youtube, but I’ll say it again here. Regarding the kiss scene:

I think this kiss scene fits perfectly. As someone said on soompi: “To me the kiss was perfect… I think the kiss was meant to be tender more than one filled with passion Ji Hong is thinking about treating her gently teaching her slowly about love. He knows she has very little experience and understands & respects that.” I honestly agree with this. <3

Again, as we all know, Hye Jung has a ‘wall’ that she has built around herself for years. Aside from Ji Hong, Soon Hee, and grandma, she had not been close to anyone. She grew up being abused physically and emotionally by her stepmother, her relationship with her father became non-existent, lost her grandmother, etc. She internalized what her stepmother said when her grandmother died, as well as what In Joo said to her back then, which is why she doesn’t believe she deserves to be loved.

We can see when Ji Hong hugs her, how Hye Jung clenches her fist since she does have a wall around her. I feel like Ji Hong kissing her like that is to slowly break down her walls, to show her how much he cares for her. And heck, the kiss is like that because she’s never been intimate with a man in that way her entire life. He doesn’t want to scare her away, so this is the only way to do it. And to me, that’s really romantic and I love Ji Hong’s character.


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Honestly, I actually think I would have enjoyed the scene a lot more if he had kissed her on the forehead, for precisely the reasons you mentioned. It sounds cheesy and, perhaps, too innocent for their ages, but I think that it would have had a much lovelier effect.


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^^I second that!

Because aside from the kiss, the scene was completely innocent and cute.


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I agree! A forehead kiss would've been a way better choice.


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+1 A forehead kiss actually would've worked better. Or even a "stolen" peck on the lips - a quick one-and-done, if you will. But the prolonged lip press combined with the very awkward body position just ruined the moment.


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I think the kiss scene should have not been included at this early stage,like u mentioned ,a forhead kiss,as innocent as it sounds and a hug was more appropriate and better in their current relationship,alos somehow more romantic...Ji Hong comes way too agressive at least in my eyes in some moments in his approch of his relationship and he should let her make her choice and her heart as well,not barge by force...

Imagine a person like Hye Jung who has zero experience with men react to that sudded move,no wonder she was stone


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I don't think I'd prefer a kiss on the forehead.

I'd have preferred the camera not to linger that long on the kiss that happened. Like DramaMama described it, just a quick-one-and-done type.


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Yup, a forehead kiss will just reinforce the paternalistic vibe that some beanies have pointed out. I appreciate Lorilei's POV on this - JH wants HJ to feel protected for once whilst making it clear it's man to woman. Baby steps for now.


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I agree that a forehead kiss could read as paternalistic. However, the intentionally innocent kissing style that the director went with in this episode seems to have been designed so that we can view Hye Jung and Ji Hong as equal partners, which also doesn't quite work because they aren't being treated equals by the story.

In a lot of ways, a forehead kiss would directly fall in line with the imbalanced power dynamic between Hye Jung and Ji Hong (not just the fact that Ji Hong was her high school teacher, but that he's now her superior at the hospital and her fellowship adviser.) Leaning into the paternalistic vibe rather than trying to sidestep it is the best way for the production team to subvert the dynamic later on. Otherwise, it's like they're trying to ignore the elephant in the room, rather than recognizing that it's there and trying to do something about it.


i feel like the kiss was actually very short and the camera just lingered on it to make us cringe.


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In each new episode I feel more compelled to watch the drama to be faithful and not stop watching. Mostly I do not enjoy it.
The only scenes that I like are those of Yoon-do, apart from Hye-Jung, he is the best character created and represented.

On the other hand the rest of the main characters (Ji-hong, Seowoo, Soochul, Soonhee...) feel empty, and that because everything focuses on the female protagonist and the other percentage in the insipid political history of the hospital.


Btw, I am sorry for my bad English!


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Her kiss face looked like she was trying to swallow yucky medicine.


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Oh, and I would like to add that I love how Yoon Do's character is developing! So unexpectedly endearing!


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ikr! he and hye jung are my favorite characters. i hate that i'm already developing second-lead syndrome.


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Oh noooo.... what kind of kiss is that... that feet is good to go... i hope JH didnt get some slaps


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I was enjoying the episode until that kiss... it was so awkward and so wrong. It wasn't romantic at all; the posture and the slowmo is just not right. The show could have handled it better.

I now understand why some people felt off on how fast Ji Hong is coming, I was fine with it until this epi (yeah, that kiss is one big factor). I was thinking (and hoping) that he'll give Hye Jung time to think things through. He was straightforward and all but isn't it giving space for the other party the right thing to do after a confession? especially if she's unsure and reluctant?


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Yaaay, I saw Moo Hyul here


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Im ok with the force of ji hong. Hye jung need someone stronger than her. Mentally n physically. Yoon do is too weak for her.. onlt hye jung n boss is suitable for her. Others is mere a tool


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Seo Wo --> typical second lead woman (the bitchy type)

Yeon Do --> charming & adorable second lead man

Ji Hong --> I seriously want to like him.. But his attitude towards Hye Jung seems like an experience playboy/womaniser!! I have a surgeon friend whose personality similar like him.. Charming, calm, smart but also a hard-core playboy!!

Ji Soo's character (forgot his name) --> still don't understand his importance in this drama!! Is he just a cameo??? My Jisoo??????? *palm-face*


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I like familiarity of medical hmm, tradition hehe..
Like doctors should not use medical terminology to patients and should not get attached to one to keep objectivity..

THAT kiss though, is a disaster.. So unrealistic, it ruins the romantic moment..
Makes me root for Adorable Second Male Yoon Do more,
Or is that residual Moo Hyul crush?

Soon hee too, is soo sweet, I hope she will end up with one of the doctors that populating this drama, preferrably tSilver-haired Puppy


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Cant believe most comments here are about the kiss scene ?
I have to add that the dancing-in-the-rain scene is so old-fashioned, so cheesy, and so unnecessary. Besides it reminds me so much to QIHM, that particular scene was done poorly.
I agree with previous commenter, Doctors gives me DotS vibe as well. The characters are endearing, but the story is.....idk what happened to the decent plot I got from epi 1-4. I want something gripping slash worth to watch occurs, but I haven't seen it yet.


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No, no... there ppl subway comments and getting sick in the rain too... ;p


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The actress who plays Hye Jung's mother is so bad at acting. Even though it was supposed to be a serious scene, whenever the mother would say something I would laugh. Anyways I'm really enjoying the show :D


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Hyejung: That woman isn't my mother. She's my stepmother.

Stepmother: *wink wink*


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I was lurking reading comments but you made me delurk.. hahaha!!! :D :D


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Omg, lol! ?


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Agree. But her character pissed me off so much.


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I think Drama beans should stop recapping Doctors don't force yourself to watch drama you don't like and write negative thoughts seriously .


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The entire point of blogs like Dramabeans is for freedom of expression, made special by a community where we can all have input.

Whether you're a director, writer, blogger, or viewer--if anyone respectfully analyzing a produced work or simply having a different opinion bothers you, then the choice is to leave the blog NOT to tell us what and what not to write.


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when this drama started and the blogger keep negativity then why are you recap something you disagree with from the start the blogger direct the viewers to watch or not


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I don't think "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" approach works when it comes to journalism. The writers at Dramabeans have the right to talk about any of the shows that they want to talk about, even if they're not going to write rave reviews.

As you say, sites like this exist to help watchers decide whether or not they might be interested in a show, and that kind of journalistic relationship depends upon the reviewers being honest about their feelings. Unless the reviewers are being explicitly aggressive, insulting, or mean (which lovepark absolutely was NOT being), you shouldn't take offense just because they don't like a show in the same way that you do.


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How can people look at that kiss and think PSH was the problem lol. The most awkward part of that kiss scene was KRW, and if you can't obviously tell than you should seek an optometrist.

He leaned forward from what seemed like a foot away and then practically laid his lips on hers without moving his lips and opening his mouth, what exactly was she supposed to do with that..

Also, countless actresses have kiss scenes like this from the supremely awkward ones in Lucky Romance to that first wine kiss in DOTS, where SHk literally had her eyes open and didn't move whatsoever. DOTS even has a damn open eyed, unmoving kiss on one of their posters.

If you're constantly one of those people who get disappointed with kiss scenes and feel the need to blame the actress, then maybe you should think reallllly hard about why that is.


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+1,000,000, you took the words right out of my mouth.


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I'm a week late with this reply, bc I just watched the episode, BUT...

I've watched almost all KRW movies and dramas. The man can kiss and hella well. haha. He's one of the few korean actors that pushes the envelope on showing skinship (more in movies, where there are less restrictions).

So from his long list of kissing scenes and partners, I can say this was definitely one of the worst, but I wouldn't blame him. Maybe the way it was staged by the PD OR PSH. The flip side is that PSH also has a long history...of bloody awful kiss scenes until Pinocchio came along and helped her out.

I don't want to automatically blame the female in cases like this. I know the double standard. But in this particular case, I'm with KRW on this one. The whole scene was full on cheese fest and did not do them any justice...but I KNOW he can kiss better than this.


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Humm... This drama is like a half baked cake. Some parts of it are well cooked while others...no. So far I'm only watching it because of KRW, honestly. He is great and Muhyul's actor too :)


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The drama is quite OK... It may jump either way in future... But one thing I noticed is that recaps are becoming more and more indifferent.... The older recaps used to be so good.... Recappers' love for the characters and their happiness(if the drama goes good ) or their anger(if something bad happens / if the leads do anything stupid) is no more seen nowadays... I always watch dramas before reading the recaps... Recaps used to be like watching the drama again with a friend (who may / maynot have the same view as mine)....

Yoon Do is so lovely and cute in this episode to the extent that I wish I could have him for myself :P ( I know.... Second Lead Syndrome.....) Also the scene with Ji Hong, uncle and Yoon Do was super cute (rewatched it many times till I got tired of it).... The way Yoon Do whispered to his uncle "I don like him":P and his uncle telling it to Ji hong right away was way more than I could handle.... :) :) Really hope Yoon Do and Hye Jung don get together so that I could keep him for myself :P :P


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Am I the only one who actually kind of likes Seo-Woo?

I think they've done a pretty good job of giving her a personality that extends beyond the typical "mean second lead" trope. She's cold to Hye-Jung, yes, but is open and kind to her college friend, is jokey and silly with her mother and Yoon-Do, is respectful but awkward with Ji-Hong...she has a lot of different facets to her character, even if all of these different facets only have subtle differences.

I think one way to understand the character of Seo-Woo is that she thinks that she's the protagonist of this show. She thinks that she's in the right. Looking at her actions as those of a "righteous" woman gives the things she does a different weight: she's doing what I think many characters might do when trying to protect themselves and what/who they love from someone they perceive as dangerous.

However, I do agree that the longer Seo-Woo chooses to be stubborn about who Hye-Jung "really" is, the less sympathetic Seo-Woo becomes.

I'm predicting that Seo-Woo is going to remember that Hye-Jung was the one that carried her out of the burning building, which will force Seo-Woo to question her understanding of her high school experiences. Hopefully, that'll open the door to Seo-Woo and Hye-Jung (and Soon-Hee!) becoming friends again, and working together to fight the corruption in the hospital...honestly, Seo-Woo struggling with herself over her father's shadiness would be way more interesting, character-wise, than her fighting with Hye-Jung over a boy.


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Maybe Seo-Woo will see her scar and realize her friend got hurt. It would be nice if they had some girl power instead of it always be the stereotypical nasty 2nd female. You are right, she is more well rounded than a lot of others we've seen over the years.

I am okay with this drama. It is another case of me never understanding why some of these dramas become huge hits other than there are certain actors and certain genres (romance) that just seem to hit the mark. However, if the hospital/doctor dramas continue (thanks, no thanks DOTS), I hope they come up with better stories because the business aspect is boring and done to death. I am actually skipping all of that. I am in this for the relationships involving these people who just happen to work in a hospital.


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I'm also in the mood for more girl power in dramas! Thankfully, I think that's becoming more and more of a trend (e.g. She Was Pretty; [to a lesser extent] Oh Hae-Young Again).

It's been a long, slow road, but I think production teams are finally catching on to the fact that female second leads can (and should!) be dynamic, interesting characters who aren't wholly defined by an antagonistic relationship with the female lead...and that female characters can (gasp!) actually be friends with each other.


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Nah, I like Seo woo too.

She's a layered character, thank goodness. She has flaws, but strong points as well. I hope we can see more growth in her arc and she doesn't develop into the stereotypical second lead female "bitch".


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I may not like her... But she is not the regular evil second female lead.... She is just a person without any good influence in life.... With a father like that who gives horrible advises and has bad intentions, she just happens to turn out like that.... With good people around guiding her, she may have turned out to be a very good person... She is the only close to real person in the drama...


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I don't find her to be a one-note character, but that doesn't mean I like her. I dislike her atm for the way she continues to react to Hye Jung by acting like she is the victim, like she was extremely wronged even though she is the one who tried to ruin Ji Hong's career bc of jealousy and tried to get Hye Jung put in jail. I would even be a little okay with her if those mistakes she made stayed in high school, but she hasn't shown much growth/maturing since she did try to get Hye Jung fired :/

I find her to be a decently complex character, but I still don't like her. It is nice that she has a life outside of hating the protagonist, though, and I have hope that she will develop at least a little over the course of the drama.


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I think the kiss is okay.. the female lead is was too green about intimacy.. ibthink it would be rather abit too aggressive had the male lead made a more passionate one..
and aside from that I think the cast is fun and all...


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that's kiss scene... so lifeless, dead, awkward, stiff!!! WTH! You waited 10 years (13 years) and that is it? dead fish? PSH needs to learn how to kiss on screen..that's a part of acting , no?


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The only way they can recover from that super weird scene...is if at the beginning of the next episode we see PSH step back and slap him for kissing her so suddenly! - followed by KRW apologising for his abruptness and promising to do better next time.


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PSH is still tensed up before the kiss scene, and boy does it show! Not only that, but her tension communicates itself to her partner and KRW looked awkward by contrast.

Maybe someone should give her a few alcoholic drinks before the scene so she can loosen up and not look like the guy is trying to maul her when they kiss her lips. At least her eyes are closed this time, no bug eyes, thank Goodness!

But for god's sake, when a guy kisses you, either put your arms around him and kiss him properly or shove him the hell away! Why look like a victim?! Ugh.


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This comment is so ugly and pathetic.


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"ugly" and "pathetic"?

Who spit in your Koolaid?

It's an opinion. If you don't like it, that's perfectly fine. But to start insulting comments you do not agree with is completely juvenile in my humble opinion.


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You're the one that suggested getting an actress drunk so she performs kiss scenes to your standards, while completely disregarding the fact that her partner was equally, if not just as stiff and literally blaming her for him not performing to your standards either.

But I'm the one leaving insulting comments. okay. Your lack of any and all self awareness is amazing.

But, I'm glad you're standing by your ugly and pathetic comment, I appreciate that.


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I never said anything about her getting drunk. Let me rephrase my comment in the interest of being cordial. I said she could take a few drinks to loosen up, or relax before shooting the scene. I have known folks who were so tense before a presentation to take something to relax their nerves.

It is obvious to a viewer who watches the kiss scene that she was very tense - arms straight down and hands clenched. The body languages displays that she is very uncomfortable doing that kiss scene, which is very reminiscent of the kiss scene in Heirs with LMH, and as a viewer I find both kiss scenes in both dramas quite disturbing.

I would much rather that she either participates actively in the kiss a la UEE in Marriage Contract or the kiss scenes in Oh Hae Young Again where you can tell that they are willing participants and in some cases are enjoying the kisses. Right now, it appears forced - which is why they are so many complaints about how it looked. If a lady is so uncomfortable in a man's embrace, then she should shove the guy away, nothings says she should stay unwilling in a man's embrace.

Hope this clarifies my earlier comment. Apologies if my comments offended your sensibilities.


I have zero interest in your back tracking.


Have you ever thought that it's the character Hyejung that tense, instead of the actress PSH?
She was also tense ( holding her breath and hand) while Jihong hugged her.
She isn't in love with him nor ready for that kiss
How is it so hard to see?

And why does PSH get blamed for the Heirs kiss when the director and PD didn't notice her about it. It's unprofessional but she is getting all the hate

I'll just leave this here


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Well, what if she doesn't dislike him anywhere near enough to shove him away but also hasn't been certain enough about her feelings to kiss him back? Exactly.


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The kiss was super awkward!!!! I heard my heart break from watching it. I expected more. I wanted their first kiss to be good, but what did I get? The dead fish kiss??? And I just binge-watch "Another Miss oh" and I come here and get a dead fish kiss??

But at the end of the day, I felt something was missing. Hye jung feelings was missing. She hasn't shown any feelings yet, while ji hong is on a roll. I liked that he saw her sad and wanted to make her smile. I loved the dance in the rain. She laughed so hard and enjoyed it. They just had to ruin it with a lame kiss. A hug would have been better off. I get the whole separated for 13years gist, but come on, ji hong needs to slow down. They didn't spend much time together even when they were with grandmother then, so I don't know where all ji hong's feelings are coming from.

I want them to develop a rapport, spend time together outside the hospital and talk about anything not related to medicine or health. Then I'll root for their love. Now its like they are just forcing it on me.

Looking forward to episode 7.


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Just Okay with the kiss.
Maybe Director-Nim trying to show us HJ/JH pure and virgin Love. kakakaka... I'm trying to convincing myself about the kiss.
But just ignore it, and there's still remain 14 episodes of Doctors. Soo... chill off and just put hope that both HJ/JH will have more passionate kiss or more touchy-touchy scenes.
Love this episode, those doctors really funny. Especially YD uncle, what a womanizer.


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I'm enjoying Doctors for the development of Hye-jung's character, not the romance. PSH is doing a great job here. Although I like Ji Hong as a character as well because he just always looks so happy. I love his infectious puppy smile. It seems like you just have to like him because he'll charm you to death. :) The couple just don't seem to have the romantic vibe, maybe it will work better as a mentor and student relationship. Yoon Do is growing on me. His adorable side is coming out so I look forward to seeing him develop more in this series. It's an easy watch until W starts!


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Anyone else having severe second-lead syndrome? I've fallen for Jung Yoon-do <3 I can't choose between the two guys!!!


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Also... Soonhee's remark about her wanting a doctor husband in a previous episode has me thinking that she should end up with Kangsoo. Those two are my life right now lolll. We can have a ship name called Soon-soo couple! Meaning "Innocent" couple XD. I think it fits them! I cannot think of a ship name for Hong Ji Hong and Yoo Hye-jung. Ji-hye? It means wisdom... IDK my last name is also Hong so I personally know that NOTHING fits with Hong.


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Omg exactly what I was going to say! <3 Jung Yoon-do is increasingly becoming the most favourite thing about Doctors for me. I love how they introduced him as a no-nonsense-my-word-is-law kind of person and then we realise that he's just a fluffy dorky teddy or something of that sort. I really loved the interaction he had with his Uncle and Ji Hong, and with Hye Jung outside his office. It was super adorkable!!! I don't know if anyone would agree but at this point I feel that Hye Jung has more spark with Yoon-Do than with Ji Hong, which is sad for me because I always try to avoid developing a second lead syndrome ):


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