Doctors: Episode 5

Confessions come with baggage and old rivalries, and it’s no secret that Seo-woo feels threatened by Hye-jung’s presence. Though both of them want nothing to do with their rivalry, the battle seems inevitable, especially with the hint of some growing feelings around them. While thirteen years have passed, our characters still have plenty of growing to do — in acceptance, in compromise, and in love.



Determined not to be beat up again, Ji-hong holds Hye-jung in a choke-hold, and Hye-jung narrates, “In dangerous situations, the body reacts first instinctively, by habit and practice. The body’s everyday habits are adopted throughout childhood, and once your childhood passes, you can’t replace them.”

Hye-jung proceeds to flip Ji-hong over and impressively holds him down until he surrenders. And then it’s Ji-hong’s turn to get her back, and he gets on top of her. Their closeness becomes awkward, so they both sit up and Hye-jung suggests that they not engage in physical combat again. Ji-hong agrees and then asks why, and she responds: “Just because.”

Seo-woo and Yoon-do check on the restaurant owner, who’s just awoken from her surgery. She responds well to their orders, so Yoon-do leaves the room with a list of instructions for Kyung-joon.

Seo-woo follows Yoon-do out and confesses, “I like you.” She didn’t want to confess this way, but she’s decided to just do it anyway. Yoon-do rejects her by explaining his type and claiming to have matured from heartbreak, but Seo-woo still can’t understand why he likes girls with colorful backstories.

He asks if she’s worried about Hye-jung, who clearly has a complex backstory. Seo-woo denies it, but Yoon-do can tell that she’s clearly bothered by Hye-jung being her rival. He assures her that he has no interest in Hye-jung. Besides, he thinks she’s disrespectful, unskilled, and defiant — he wants to kick her out of the hospital. Seo-woo wonders how, especially with Tae-ho still around, and he says that a brain aneurysm is all they need.

As Ji-hong walks Hye-jung home, he tells her that she’s shown him how reality can exceed imagination — he’d never imagined that she would be a doctor. She says that the world is a decent place, since she was able to climb the social ladder through education. Suddenly, a motorcycle zooms by, and Ji-hong pulls Hye-jung around him to protect her.

Ji-hong breaks the tension by offering to teach her how to insert a catheter without navigation, and Hye-jung excitedly agrees. He tells her that there’s something else she really needs to learn and puts his hands on her shoulders before saying: how to accept protection. He knows that she’s always independent, and he’s right. She takes his hand off her shoulder and claims that she can take care of herself.

Ji-hong tells her that protection is the foundation that will save her when life gets rocky, but Hye-jung argues that protection is a special childhood privilege. The past can’t be altered or saved; it can only be accepted. Ji-hong seems impressed and jokes that she still doesn’t listen to him as always.

He says that circumstances can’t change, but hearts can. He wants to teach her that and intends on planning a curriculum for her. She asks why, and he responds: “Just because.” As Hye-jung turns around to walk in, Soon-hee rushes out to greet her teacher. She congratulates him on his marriage, and they have to clear the misunderstanding once more.

In the morning, our tardy residents, Joon-dae and Kang-soo, rush through the halls and get scolded by Kyung-joon for oversleeping. Kyung-joon asks for England (Young-kook, which is also translates to England), who’s just waking up in the surgery room.

Young-kook leisurely walks into the meeting room, claiming to have checked on patients all morning, so he’s excused from reproach. Meanwhile, Kyung-joon orders Joon-dae and Kang-soo to complete menial tasks to help with his thesis. Kang-soo complains, so Young-kook graciously takes on some of the tasks to make himself look good.

Ji-hong drops by the hospital and checks on patients, but he assures Tae-ho that he’ll leave soon to take advantage of his vacation time. He also claims Hye-jung as his fellow, acting fast to make sure she isn’t taken from him.

Tae-ho sits in a meeting, where director Myung-hoon awards the general surgery department with an extra spending card for bringing in the most profit. He targets Tae-ho’s department and criticizes him for objecting the geriatric center. Tae-ho advocates for an organ transplant center instead, but his low revenue performance only gets his vacation days cut.

Director Hong and Director Jin discuss the future of the hospital as they play golf. Director Hong suggests that they train another person to take their positions, since Myung-hoon is too business-oriented. Director Jin silently takes offense.

Director Jin meets with his son, Myung-hoon, and hands him documents to deliver to President Jung. He tells Myung-hoon that it’s time to send Director Hong home.

An unknown man enters the hospital and heads toward the VIP rooms, but he quickly hides away at the sight of the gangsters chasing coins down the hall. The gangsters bow as Hye-jung passes by, and she enters the hospital room to check on their boss. She asks if he needs the whole gang around, and he confirms that he does because he’s created many enemies. She nods and says that you meet those you’re destined to meet eventually.

Hye-jung exits the room to the gang loudly bowing to her again, and she orders Kang-soo (whose hair keeps changing colors, ha) to keep checking the boss’s surgical wound. She’s headed to the ICU, and Kang-soo is back on call in the ER.

Yoon-do and Seo-woo check on the restaurant owner, who keeps asking for that wretched girl. They don’t know who she’s talking about, but Seo-woo optimistically tells her that given her improvements, she’ll be able to see that girl soon. Yoon-do notes that Seo-woo seems invested in this patient.

Then Yoon-do gets a call from Kang-soo in the ER about a patient. He rushes out with his resident, leaving Seo-woo and Hye-jung in the ICU. After evaluating the scans, Yoon-do prepares for surgery and orders Hye-jung — not Seo-woo — into the operating room. Kyung-joon is all dramatics as he tells Seo-woo the news: The war has begun.

Yoon-do finds Hye-jung in her regular lab coat and asks why she’s not dressed for surgery. She says that she’s not interested in what he’s teaching, so he gives her the option to perform the surgery herself. If she succeeds, he’ll leave her to do as she pleases, but if she fails, she could get kicked out of the hospital. He compares her behavior to that of a bully and suggests that she leave because she’s disrespectful, unskilled, and unwilling to learn. Hye-jung looks back at him with a new fire in her eyes.

Ji-hong settles into his new office, and Tae-ho drops by for a quick chat. They briefly talk about hospital revenue, and Ji-hong continues his playful banter about how there’s no strict good or evil but how humans will get what they want no matter what. Their conversation is cut short by a call from Seo-woo, who updates Ji-hong on the difficult surgery that Hye-jung is about to perform.

Ji-hong ends up in the operating room and negotiates with Yoon-do. Hye-jung is Ji-hong’s assistant, but Yoon-do says his term doesn’t begin until the following week. When Ji-hong argues that he’s beginning his term now, Yoon-do argues that he has no control over the surgery because Hye-jung is the primary surgeon, not the assistant. Ji-hong insists that this surgery is far beyond the level that a fellow can successfully complete.

As they argue, Hye-jung steps in and reaffirms that she’s performing the surgery. Ji-hong says that he’s taking charge anyway, so Yoon-do walks away to wait for the results. Now that it’s just the two of them, Hye-jung tells Ji-hong that she doesn’t avoid a fight that comes her way and only fights a winning battle. He reminds her that he’s by her side and will be ready to help at any time. He gives her a quick nod of approval, and she enters the operating room.

The surgery begins, and Hye-jung takes the reins as Ji-hong stands by as her assistant. Yoon-do and Seo-woo nervously watch from above, but the surgery seems to go smoothly. Suddenly, blood floods the area, and the patient’s vitals become unstable. Yoon-do realizes the gravity of the issue and orders Hye-jung to hand over the surgery to Ji-hong, but she insists on continuing it herself.

Ji-hong tells her to focus, and she calmly continues the surgery even as the patient’s blood pressure plummets. Fortunately, she finds the site of the hemorrhage, and Ji-hong encourages her to finish off the surgery herself, which she does successfully.

After the surgery, Yoon-do immediately bows his head in apology to Hye-jung and promises to respect all her decisions going forward. She’s caught off guard by this quick change of face, but he admits that he’s a bit strange and quick to concede. She likes that he’s simple, like her grandmother, who used to be satisfied so easily when she got what she wanted.

He notes that Ji-hong must have liked her more than Seo-woo back in school, but Hye-jung denies it. She presumes that he treated her better because she was so misbehaved. In fact, she was even expelled. She throws mini punches to explain her point, and Yoon-do reciprocates with little twisty fists, claiming that he also played a bit in high school. She looks amused and figures that he played at the arcade.

Yoon-do looks awestruck as she walks away, and another doctor approaches him to knock him out of his reverie. He’s Yoon-do’s uncle, JUNG PA-RAN, though he looks far too young to be that much older. Uncle asks Yoon-do if he can stay over at his place tonight because his current model girlfriend has taken over his place after asking him to marry. He has no such interest, especially after his first divorce and a family history of messy relationships. Uncle also tells Yoon-do to treat his bestie Ji-hong well, but Yoon-do says it’s already too late for that.

Hye-jung sits with Ji-hong on a bench outside the hospital with drinks. She updates him that she assured the patient’s guardian about the surgery and recovery. Changing topics, Ji-hong asks Hye-jung if she’s going to continue living this way. She’s too competitive and should learn to enjoy the luxuries, he says. He asks how many hours she sleeps, and she responds that ten hours a week is enough. She insists that she’s used to it and says that she wouldn’t be here if she slept and worked like everyone else.

Ji-hong asks the real question: “Are you happy now?” After a pause, Hye-jung says that there’s no way she’s happy. The reason she wanted to turn over a new leaf was for Grandma, and now that she’s succeeded, Grandma is no longer with her. Ji-hong tells her to just accept it, since he can’t help her with that. Hye-jung wonders if Ji-hong keeps wanting to help her because she’s his former student, but he calls her dumb for thinking that.

He’s more straightforward with his expression and confesses that he likes her. He says that whenever he thinks of her, he remembers their last moment when she rode away on the motorcycle. He regrets not holding onto her then. Hye-jung suddenly gets up and spills the drinks all over Ji-hong. He asks if this is a rejection, and she says no; he then asks if they’re dating now, and she also says no. He asks if her instinctive response is always no, and she says no. Heh.

Ji-hong decides to ask later and blames her for always making their initially serious interactions end comically. He promises that he’ll ask again, and he jokes that no matter what, her answer has to be yes.

President Jung visits the hospital hoping to see his son, Yoon-do, but he’s busy in a surgery. He’s here for another matter, regarding the hospital investors. Myung-hoon is hoping that Director Hong will resign peacefully, but he’s preparing for a possible impeachment process in case things don’t go his way. Myung-hoon asks for updates about the possibility of the hospital becoming a private entity, and President Jung tells him that there is a lot of pushback on the idea. They agree to meet with a representative to lobby for this privatization.

Joon-dae hesitantly calls a sleeping Kyung-joon to ask about a patient, and he gets yelled at for calling for something so detailed and obvious. Kang-soo gives him a little “I told you so,” and then they run over to deal with the yelling psychotic patient. Seo-woo gets called this time, but by the time she arrives, the whole ordeal is already settled. She calls Kyung-joon and scolds him for making her do his job, and that scolding gets passed down to the minions who were too afraid to call him.

Young-kook asks why she called, and she admits that she’s been avoiding Ji-hong’s calls. She’s not sure why she’s avoiding him, and Young-kook advises her to call him back. She follows his advice, and Seo-woo meets with Ji-hong. He admits to liking Hye-jung, and Seo-woo expresses relief because she was afraid that Hye-jung would take something away from her again. She admits to liking Yoon-do and says that Hye-jung was always the one to provoke her. Seo-woo adds that she misses In-joo (who was also hurt by Hye-jung, she says), and Ji-hong realizes that this isn’t an issue that can be resolved.

From afar, Uncle Pa-ran approaches the two and tells Seo-woo that he, In-joo, and Ji-hong were besties in college. Uncle playfully pulls Ji-hong into a choke-hold, and they run off to day-drink.

Hye-jung watches surgery videos and thinks about Ji-hong and Grandma. She can’t help but cry at the thought of Grandma’s last moments, and she gives Ji-hong a call. She catches him as he’s about to leave with Uncle Pa-ran, who tries to get Ji-hong to set him up with Hye-jung. Ji-hong sends his friend out ahead of him and listens to Hye-jung’s request to look into the hospital records. But she doesn’t finish her thought and chases after the unknown man she recognized lingering by Boss’s hospital room the other day.

She runs into Boss’s hospital room and finds an empty bed. Then, she hears the toilet flushing and looks relieved to see Boss return to his bed. She asks where his gang went, and Boss tells her that he ordered them to leave, just as she ordered. He admits that he’s listening to a woman for once, and Hye-jung looks pleased by his obedience. She leaves, having checked on his safety. But as soon as she leaves, the mysterious man enters the room.

Kyung-joon calls Yoon-do as he’s leaving for the day to ask about the restaurant owner, whose vital levels seem to be off. Unable to trust the resident, Yoon-do returns to the hospital. Meanwhile, Hye-jung runs into an exhausted Kang-soo in the elevator, and he tells her that he’s yet to eat. She gives him a break and offers to redress Boss’s wound for him while he takes a dinner break.

In Boss’s hospital room, the man who sneaked in approaches with a knife and threatens Boss. He says that he’ll save Boss only if he saves his sibling. When Hye-jung enters the room, Boss is tied up and gagged, and tries to warn Hye-jung through his muffled yelling, but the man with the knife attacks her from behind.

Yoon-do checks his patient and orders Kyung-joon to call Hye-jung, who’s on call that night. She doesn’t answer, so Yoon-do hesitantly puts Kyung-joon in charge of the restaurant owner.

There’s a new gas deliveryman to Soon-hee’s bar, and it’s Soo-chul! She looks at him with familiarity, but he doesn’t seem to recognize her. Anxious to get Hye-jung here to see Soo-chul, Soon-hee calls Ji-hong because she’s worried about Hye-jung not calling her back. It’s uncharacteristic of Hye-jung not to call or text back, so Soon-hee asks Ji-hong to check on her. Ji-hong remembers Hye-jung chasing after someone after noting something strange, so he abandons his friend and runs back to the hospital.

Yoon-do asks Kang-soo about Hye-jung, and he reports that she’s redressing Boss’s surgical wound so that he can eat. Yoon-do decides to be merciful today and tells Kang-soo to get food. He’ll talk to Hye-jung directly.

In the hospital room, the revenge-seeking man shows Hye-jung the scars on his stomach and tells Boss that he’s waited for this day. He gives Boss a chance to talk, but it only further provokes him. Just as he’s about to stab Boss with his knife, Hye-jung stands up and stops him from hitting Boss’s head. He points the knife elsewhere, and Hye-jung calmly tries to persuade the man to stop. If anything goes wrong, he will end up in prison, and the gang won’t leave him alone once he’s in there.

She tells him that putting Boss in danger is sufficient and points out how Boss is trembling in fear. Hye-jung assures him that plenty more indignant people will come after Boss, and he shouldn’t throw away his life for this. Slowly, the man begins to hand over the knife, but the door opens. It’s Yoon-do, and he tries to leave after seeing the complicated situation.

Of course, Yoon-do isn’t allowed to leave because the man feels even more threatened. Hye-jung sees her chance and attacks the man and disarms him. Yoon-do tries to intervene, but he’s easily kicked aside. As Boss rolls off the bed, he hits his head and begins to tremble uncontrollably. Hye-jung tries to assist him, but the attacker takes the opportunity to grab the knife and head for her. Yoon-do grabs his leg, and the man falls on top of Hye-jung while holding his knife. She screams.

Ji-hong runs to the room, and he finds Hye-jung stuck under the attacker, with blood spilling out beneath them. Hye-jung sees him and narrates: “People say that forgiveness is not for others but for yourself. They shouldn’t say such things. Forgiveness isn’t as light as it sounds.”


This grim turn of events isn’t as shocking as it is revealing about our doctor trio involved in this incident. It’s interesting to think about the different motivations and actions taken by our three doctors. Hye-jung exhibits an acute instinct for danger, which is probably a manifestation of her learned childhood instincts. Those instincts have been unusually helpful for her as a doctor thus far, but I think that these physical instincts also represent how guarded she actually is emotionally. It’s something that Ji-hong knows has been inhibiting her from connecting with people. Ji-hong running all the way back to the hospital speaks to his commitment to protecting Hye-jung. He’s trying to teach her how to trust and accept protection, and I believe his dedication.

But ultimately, I think Yoon-do wins with his cowardly reaction to the situation. It would have been pretty despicable if he’d just ran away, but it’s so endearing how he announces his observations and tries to casually slip away. And then he tries to help in the fight, only to get knocked down in the first few seconds. You tried with your twisty fists and failed, but I actually love you even more because of it.

Despite the cheesiness of the narrations, I think they serve their purpose in setting an appropriate tone or theme for the episode. Maybe the quote about instincts wasn’t as relevant going into the episode, but by the end, I’m left with thoughts beyond what just happened in the episode. Childhood instincts played a huge part of the story, and I’m not sure I would have picked up on that intentional theme without the starting narration. Yes, it’s a very obvious way of telling the audience what to look for, and I know there are far more clever and subtle ways to get the message across. But so far, it’s been relevant and useful.

Speaking of obvious, how blatantly obvious and forward is Ji-hong with his feelings? Like damn, Ji-hong coming in STRONG with his confession. I’m still iffy about it, and maybe I’ll stay ambivalent about it for the whole run of the show because the romance keeps insisting that it began with a “forbidden love” of some sorts. There’s still no clear distinction of the teacher-student and man-woman dynamic, but I’m expecting that blurry in-between in the relationship. I do think it can be an interesting transition to watch, but I’m not too confident it will happen smoothly. Realistically and dramatically, it’s not a comfortable issue to address, so I’m not expecting some magical element to resolve it.

That’s not to say that I don’t like their chemistry. I like the rapport and balance between Hye-jung and Ji-hong. But I don’t feel connected enough with Ji-hong to invest fully into their relationship. I can’t really tell if I’m falling for Ji-hong the character or Kim Rae-won the actor. I’m falling for him either way, but I’d rather fall for Ji-hong because it would tell me that the drama is doing its job. For the sake of the show, please let Ji-hong be a better and fuller character.


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That confession though... so smooth.


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Hong³ is one smooth bastard. Basically since the moment he slo-mo exited that chopper, he's been Don Juan-ing after HJ. Except in between all that Don Juan-ing, KRW acts with such sincerity and tenderness that I coo all over him and forgive him for being such a smooth bastard.

But 13 years though. I don't believe for one moment he's been pining after her like a chaste nun. He seems way too experienced and smooth to not have dated around in those 13 years. (Side note: I find Yoon Do's inexperienced awkwardness so endearingly hilarious, juxtaposed with JH's smooth know-how).

I'd find it more convincing, for both story and romance, if JH did attempt to move on during the 13 years. Given he's hot + brilliant + a neurosurgeon, it's a given women would've flocked towards him. It'd be interesting if he dated different people ... but each time found that he can't forget JH, so that his feelings for her remains uneclipsed by the prospect of a different romantic partner.

Also, I'd find the 13 year separation much more believable if JH felt the timing was wrong to romance HJ (she being so young and not yet finished with school; he being overseas) and tried to move on. Because, if he was itching to date her all this time, how am I suppose to believe the only thing keeping her from him is that he can't ... LOL ... locate her. Like really? He holds a Md-PhD from Johns Hopkins but can't locate someone in a country as relatively small as Korea?


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I was avoiding saying exactly those things. The plotholes and suspension be real...


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was it really necessary to imply that he dated (or slept..sorry) women on those 13 years? can it be just that you saw the girl/boy you like, found out that you're both available and go for it?

i stopped looking for logical explanations on things that happens in drama. because if i do. i'd go crazy. haha!


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Especially since someone else managed to Google her.


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You're so right, lol


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Kang soo already know she was a famous doctor where she was but Ji Hong didnt. He didnt expect her to become a neurosurgeons


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my take on Hong Hong Hong's fast, smooth, straightforward confession is that maybe..maybe..that the "early relationship/ confession" will just create conflicts in the future. i'm so sick of push-pull love story.


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Perhaps I have missed it, but I don't think JH (or the show) has ever said that he didn't date anyone else during those 13 years. On the opposite, I felt that he might have dated the other doctor lady (I forgot her name) in the US, but she broke it off, because she knew his heart wasn't there.

Could JH actually have learnt that HJ was hired by the hospital , and thus decided to come back to Korea? I could see him aggresively (?) pursuing HJ, by fear of losing her again.

Last, does anyone guess/know why HJ has him as Hong Hong Hong on her phone?


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I've been dying to know why. Was there a moment between them that we haven't seen? I thought Hong Hong Hong was pretty funny and wondered if HJ just made that up. *patiently waits for explanation*


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Well, his name ~IS~ Hong Ji-hong. That's already two for ya. Knowing Shin-hye/Hye-jung's character, she was probably just being her cheeky self. But I'd love for her to endearingly call him that in one of the episodes, though. How cute would that be?


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I have a sour feeling that he may have asked In Joo to help him look at some point. She didn't seem like the type to cede the field gracefully.


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... Why do I get the feeling this whole conversation might get on Beans of Wisdom? XD lol


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I thought Hong dated In Joo but they broke up because he couldn't forget HJ in a particular rainy scene..or am I mistaken?


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No, I think you're right. In-joo was always pretty straightforward about her feelings towards Ji-hong, so I guess he tried to make it work with her, which it didn't because her gut feeling was always that he still had lingering feelings for Hye-jung. So, yeah, he probably most likely did date other people, but was never able to get over Hye-jung...


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Lol @ Hong³!

I pretty much agree w/ everything you said! Tbqh, I don't see what's wrong with how straightforward he is towards Hye-jung about his true feelings. In fact, I actually find it refreshing and oftentimes swoon-worthy. It's just always nice to see a positively strong-minded character who's in charge of their own life and speaks their mind. Sure, he's full of cheese and can get, but gosh darnit, like you said, he's so sincere and respectful--I can't help but swoon when he's on screen. I mean, like others have previously mentioned, he may not have been able to control his feelings, but he was capable of controlling his actions, and he did... he chose to let her go, despite regretting it for 13 long years. Now that she's back in his life, I'm rooting for him all the way.


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I'm enjoying to sparks of humor and fun interactions. I was surprised that they went the fall in love quickly trope with the 2nd lead. The obvious twists and dramatic endings a la Grey's Anatomy style I'm enjoying less.

I haven't quite settled on what aspect makes this show watchable but it certainly is that.


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Dramallama, thank you for quick recap!

1, yes, smooth confession. I didn't see it coming so early in the game. Ah my heart, iIlove Hye Jung's expression, and her awkwardness that followed
2, Yoon do is so funny. I cringed for him.
3, I am glad that the writer make Hye Jung stepsister more civil than her mom.
4, I think of one of beanie comments in one of Pinocchio episodes, Park Shin Hye should only kiss Lee Jong Suk. ?
Maybe next week I will be proven wrong.. (more skinship please)

I love this episode.. Can't wait till next week.


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Kim Rae Won - every time he opens his mouth to speak, I swoon! Haha
I feel what makes this drama appealing to girls at heart (me included) is his unyielding faith and love for the female lead :) I mean, who doesn't want a KRW ??


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What i really like about jihong is that he's so positive! So cheerful, but not to the extent that his character isn't believable or annoying. It's quite balanced, he's serious when the situation needs it. But I can't count how many times he'd made me smile like an idiot to the screen of my laptop when he was smiling.

And the scene in the 6th episode (SPOILER REDACTED) I couldn't stop smiling!! ❤ then the last scene ruined everything to me, but about that in the comment under the next recap ?

Also hi! The first time commenting here though I've been lurking for couple years! Thought it's time to do the step and post a comment here ?


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I wonder how many more reunions will there be and would it over complicate the plots.

That said. I'm sold on Doctors. It's layering of character works for me thus far. Except ... Yong Doo. I do wish he kept his grumpy self towards Hye Jung abit longer. Just so it's not too obvious second lead set up for the sake of. :)


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I dont think yoon doo is already falling for HJ it might starting but not completely.
He already mentioned that he liked girl with colorful past and said that he will respect her if she succeed this surgery. Will see more next week


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As long as the seo woo doesn't flip the edge ==" thought I bet the product placement ads that she will. :p


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Kim Rae Won's character is coming on way to strong and for me its annoying. He was my main reason for starting this drama but after 6 episodes I'm starting to root for the second male lead wich will always lead to dissapointement. All in all an easy drama to watch and similar in style to Grey's Anatomy.


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The Grey's Anatomy thing is what's drawing me in. The only problem is I keep expecting to see more queer relationships and it just never happens.


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I'm shipping Hye Jung with Soon Hee :D.
I think bromance and galmance (is there a better term?) is as far as dramaland goes, with a very few exceptions (The Lover and Life is Beautiful).


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I adore Soon Hee.


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It's a kdrama and not on cable so that's not going to happen. But we can expect lots of romantic complications :)


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Oh I know belive me! It's just watching all the Shandaland dramas gets you expecting some things.


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Yeah - I flip-flop back and forth. On the one hand, I like how JH is honest and laying all of his cards out on the table right up front. He couldn't do that 13 years ago (for obvious reasons) and it cost him the girl. So now he is going all in.

But realistically, unless he has kept tabs on her the whole time (which I guess could be possible), how would he even know what HJ is like anymore to still feel the same way? After 13 years, people change and it would be expected that HJ is not exactly the same person JH fell in love with. It would make more sense for JH to sit back a little while and watch and see.

But then again, I guess that is just not his personality - he did almost declare his love for a student despite a brewing scandal...

See? Flip-flop, flip-flop! I should totally be a politician...


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The flip-flop struggle is soooo real.

Though for me it's these polar opposite reactions:

1. omigahd KRW, how have I not noticed your charm until now? How are you so much hotter than you were a decade ago? Some of your lines/actions in this show is disastrously cheesy ... but how are you selling it like a pro? Oh wait, you are a pro. I love u.

2. But when I turn off the KRW fangirling, I find the JH-HJ setup highly problematic. Why does the writer insist on giving JH so much direct, literal power over HJ each time? In a society as Confucianist and hierarchical as that of South Korea's, JH's position as her homeroom teacher and supervising/attending surgeon is no joke. I wish the writing allowed JH and HJ a period to get to know each as as people, in a setting where the distribution of power is more-or-less equal. I say more-or-less because he by default has power over her, by virtue of being older and more experienced/worldly. Thank god Doctors occupies a fluffy corner of dramaworld populated by puppies and angels named Soon Hee. Because if this was a darker show, JH's actions could equal workplace harassment. IF HJ was in fact not interested in him, his being her direct supervisor would have made it very difficult for her to reject him without fearing negative repercussions. Or alternatively, in a even darker universe HJ may have struggled to turn him down knowing how much power he has in the hospital, and knowing how beneficial it'd be to have a 'protector' such as he.


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Drama viewers are conditioned by repeated exposure to believe the confession equals eternal love. I am too pragmatic to buy that conception entirely even in a fictional world. But, a handsome man looking into your eyes and saying "I've thought of you all these years. I like you. Let's date." That is certainly romantic enough for me.

I'm sure he has noticed how much competition, even casually, he has from other men hoping to attract her attention.

What hasn't changed is their rapport and that was restored immediately. As you go through life you will come to realize how rare that true connection with another person, male or female, is and come to value it all the more for that reason.


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The mental twist comes because of that connection. Here is a person who achieves the kind of rare rapport with someone. His first reaction isn't to treasure it and value that rapport enough to let things flow out simply trusting in that connection. Instead he confesses and pushes as if that is just how it must be or else! It feels so much like despite his happiness he's acting out of fear rather then love. That's never a good reason to confess (I was so happy she poured the drink on his ass) Meanwhile the girl is clearly dealing with loss (grandma) and trauma of mega proportions. She has stuff dude! Help her instead of pushing yourself!


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Yeah....I'm flippin and floppin all over the place too--although I think I'm mostly forcing myself to do it because I don't want to not like JH. The way he just barrels through kind of brings out the flight instinct in me. Really. I catch myself being anxious when he's being so blunt with HJ--while my brain is on a loop of "It's KRW, you like him, he's adorable" vs. "Run away from that pushy man."

After reading your comments and everyone else's in this thread, I finally put my finger on it: It's all about Ji Hong, all the time. How he feels, what he wants to say, what he wants to do. More and more, he's flopping for me.


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Yes! I thought so too, with the many characters and relationships and how they deal with patients among their own struggles, attachments, and ego. Its really a people drama not a medical drama, the characters just happen to be doctors. Although this drama, like most dramas, is definitely less sexy. AHAHAH. (For those of you who already saw the end of episode 6, you know what I'm trying to say)


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OMG! Thank you. That ending part of the commentary was exactly what I was thinking. I love this show and the leads and their chem but I don't feel all that connected to Ji-hong in this romance just yet. I feel like we need more from his character and we haven't got it just yet.
But its okay... I'll wait...


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I got so excited when I saw Ji Soo's character reappear ?. I need more Ji Soo in my life.
YGS is also pretty adorable here, all prickly and bumbling at the same time.
I'm thinking of just waiting till this finishes and marathoning it - the show's nothing groundbreaking or particularly interesting, but it's satisfying nevertheless, if only for all that eye candy.


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Now, why do I have the urge to pair the flamboyant cum womanizer doctor uncle with the simple minded and bubbly SH? They're going to make a unique pair indeed.. haha

JH is definitely not wasting his time since the second he reunited with HJ. If I were him, I might do the same. 13 years separation is very long time, no second worth to waste. Go JH! But please... don't go to cheesy land, ok? ^^

Thanks for the recap, dramallama!


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She would end up chaining him up in a dungeon beneath her cafe. I'm pretty sure guys like him are the reason crazy stalkers exist. You don't damage the cute ones without consequences.


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It will be his karma, dear friend. Perhaps he would enjoy his time chained in SH's dungeon.. Who knows? He's a bit a weirdo, thus he'd find it amusing and loved I presume.


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This conversation is gold xD


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Im actually not watching for the PSH and KRW romance (although I don't deny their appeal, especially Oppa!), but I'm really enjoying a heroine who isn't the innocent candy type, but who epitomizes what I think a modern woman should be.

She is tough as nails, she speaks her mind, she is as good as if not better than the boys and they treat her as their equal. She is confident and competitive and can give as good as she gets.
And despite it all we can see the vulnerabilities and insecurities that make her human, and I'm looking forward to we her learning that though she can survive on her own, she doesn't have to, and she has people around her to take care of her and help her.
That's actually exactly what I want to be.

Tho it's unbelievable I don't mind that almost every male is falling for her- I think the count is now up to 5? 6? (Ji Hong, Kang Soo, Yong Do, Soo Chul, Gangster Boss, Gangster second in charge... Maybe even Ji Hong's general surgery friend... Not even counting Soon Hee and her super adorable girl crush) because if I had a daughter and she was growing up and she needed a Kdrama girl to model after, I can think of many worse ones than Hye Jung. To me, there is nothing wrong with a drama sending the message that guys like tough independent girls.

And I also want to say I love that there isn't any issue with her being female- the show is about prejudices against her background/education, but has never been about her gender. When in reality, a lot of surgeons are male, and prejudice does exist.

So it isn't a perfect show, but I'm really happy it's getting good ratings and I'm going to enjoy the ride.


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I didn't pay any attention to the casting so I thought Gangster Boss was going to be like 2nd lead at first. He reminds me of a younger So Ji Sub, anyone know who's playing him?


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It's Lee Ki Woo. I only watched him in FBRS and Memory. He's awesome in FBRS.


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OH MY GOD. I did not recognize him. Lord. His shower/towel drop/omgABS scene in FBRS is seared into my memory.


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It's Lee Kiwoo. He was second lead in Flower Boy Raymen Shop and spoiled chaebol with anger issues and a baseball bat in Memory :)


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LOL bless you for your succinct summary :'D


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I had to look up what succinct meant lol
but you are welcome :D


Have not watched Memory, but "spoiled chaebol with anger issues and a baseball bat" ... lmao. Some one should hire you to write back-cover summaries.


Oh and he was also the guy with the sometime bald head who fainted all the time because he was "too tall" in the movie The Classic (which is a wonderful movie btw).


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OMG, that was him?! ?


LOL at this one too. Bless your soul.


Lol, what?!


He's played by the actor Lee Ki-woo.

Btw I've just realized that PSH has acted opposite the tallest guys of dramaland in all of her recent dramas (with KRW being the "shortest" at 6' lol, it's crazy).


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Tallest guys? Who are they?
I just notice that Yoon Kyun Sang is HUUGE, not grasped yet what Heads said in SFD's recaps until he act here
He's towering other male actors


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Basically all her co-stars from Heirs, Pinocchio and Doctors (LMH, KWB, LJS, KYK, YKS, Ji Soo) are all in the 6'1-6'2 (or 1.86-1.88m) range, with Lee Ki-woo being the tallest at 6'4.


I think his name is Lee Ki Woo. he was the "pillar" in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop and he was also in the movie "The Classic". He recently came as a guest on Running Man.


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Lol I like how 4 people gave the same reply at almost the same time.:)


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Haha. I was going to answer then I got distracted and my browser hung. Then I refreshed and wow! 4 answers. Lol.


ohh and he was also in miss korea as the chaebol stalker manipulator guy


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He is quite pretty to look at, and seems like a decent actor. Hope he stays alive for some extra eye candy. He does give off the Ji Sub vibe, and I like it.


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Love your POV! :)


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And I also want to say I love that there isn’t any issue with her being female- the show is about prejudices against her background/education, but has never been about her gender. When in reality, a lot of surgeons are male, and prejudice does exist.

so true!


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My favorite scene was when Jung Yoong Do tried to slip away. He was so cute ♥
I have a bad case of second lead syndrome


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Me too, but... What is that weakass fighting, Yoong-do??? Your ancestor Moo-hyul is turning in his grave.

(But seriously, he's so cute in this.)


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I love the role reversal in general. The guys are all playing the cute/funny parts while the girls get to be pretty bad assed. It lets me enjoy the dudes more. Less tropey more fun!


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In my fantasy world, when things get too angsty and painful for the second lead, Yoon Do will simply shuffle back a step and go "Things look quite complicated here. I don't want to get involved, so I'm going to leave." And find a better job elsewhere with less shifty hospital politics and a girl who doesn't have 124820498309 guys chasing after her.


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Lol at "a girl who doesn't have 124820498309 guys chasing after her" xD

I'm gonna do some math with all the guys who openly and secretly have had an interest in Hyejung:
1. Hong Hong Hong
2. Yoondo
3. Jisoo da Puppy
4. Kangsoo da New Puppy
5. Yoondo's uncle
6. Tall and cute Gangster Boss

Meanwhile, Seowoo can only be friends with an underachiever nerd because she feels superior and secured with people who has less specs than her.


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thank god someone pointed it out.
I was waiting for the seo woo bashing to start and was surprised when I did.t see any.
Honestly this is the first character I took such an intense and instant dislike to in such a long time.

She might be well written but her superiority and unapologetic hatred without a valid reason rubs me raw.
She destroyed a person's life due to her so called crush as far as she knows and still her first thought on seeing her is how she will ruin her life.
I don't get it her crush must not even be that great if she was ready to ruin him too and saying bye jung destroyed injoo and her lives is the joke of the century.

I would like to give her a nice walloping and talking to. Girl needs to know that people who are far less blessed than her, have been hurt by her are far better persons than she could ever be if she continues playing the superior victim.


Aside from feeling she's such a big shot besides feeling very insecure...She thinks Hye Jung had nothing better to do with her life than getting a job in the same hospital to torment her or win over her aside for her thinking she came for Ji Hong,so twised...She's so self centered...Also what she had for Ji Hong was infatuation and the she liked being special and that he was like she pointed the only one he treated different in her eyes before Hye Jung came...I think part of the problem comes as well in her family enviroment and how she was raised,that she needs to be no 1 and that she is above others,she does look at others from above even if she doens't say it all the time...so she never had till then suffer defeat and learn how to coupe with it...In life people need to experiment this thing as well...


He was cute even in Running Man. I now want to marathon Six Flying Dragons because of him.


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Same. But I already read the recaps for it! :(

*eyeing Pinocchio*


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He was such a nice hyung in Pinocchio. I hadn't recognised him immediately when I saw him in Doctors. I was like why does he look so familiar...?
While I was waiting for the eng sub of ep 6 yesterday, I saw few of his clips in Six Flying Dragons and there was this vid of 2015 SBS drama awards where they played a clip of his scenes with Yoo Ah In. Made me want to watch SFD all the more but i heard its over 30 ep long..


Just watch episodes 20 and 25 in Six Flying Dragons if you want a glorious eyeful of Moo-hyul in his total badass cute magnificence - and you will understand why we all adored him all through SFD. It's actually hard for me to watch him being so sort of windy here. Does not compute.




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That was my favorite. Somehow I feel that Kim Rae-won looks a little awkward saying cheesy lines. anyway I am still wondering why this show has such high ratings -it does not look too much different from other (romcom) med dramas -like Bong Dal-hee).


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What other drama that have a female lead like Hyejung and male lead like Jihong ? I can't think of any
I'm not saying it's something completely new but it's fun want and definitely has its own favor- And Korea loves the chemistry between KRW and PSH


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I was expecting him to tell the knife dude he was a Dragon in another life,that meta would have been gold...


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I love this episode to pieces. I'm enjoying the honesty of the main characters and the supporting casts are just so likeable especially in the next episode. And Im sure we'll all see a different side of Ji Hong once that issue with the hospital starts. Actually I'm excited for the larger conflict to start because it will surely throw the balance of Ji Hong's life. Kim Raw Won is killing it with his smooth talks and moves but I'd really like to see a Ji Hong's more serious nature.

And although I really liked most of PSH's main leads, KRW is hands down the best one she's acted with yet. I'm aware that a lot were disgruntled by how the last scene played out yesterday, but I truly believe that it has a good reason behind it and (SPOILER REDACTED). I have complete faith in KRW in this area. ?


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I also hope the writer will continue like now and not make her main especially Hye Jung more sweetly in terms of her personality just for the "fear" of how the public might react to her choices...I loved till now that Hye Jung is a strong women with scars and weak spots and doesn't try to comply when she does't find it right or her family problems,doesn't try to be a nice girl...what i fear the most is making her all goodie goodie and forgive her good for nothing father or step mother just along the lines because we know how koreans are with family and stuff..Might be cruel but they don't deserve and hope she stays away from them,they never were her family nor wanted her as one and what his Dad did to her i for one wouldn't forgive it ever...


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Finally, this is the episode I part ways with the show. We have 2 doctors putting their ego before a patient's (a child's) life!

YD truly believes that HJ cannot do the surgery yet he has no problem letting her do it (and fail) so that he can throw her out ... And according to YD and JH, this surgery is way above HJ's level, yet she takes it on just to prove a point.

On top of that I'm pretty sure that nowhere in the world can a junior get away with the sass HJ gives to JH when she tells him that he is joining next week and she is free to what she wants till then even though he expressly told her that he (her senior by leaps and bounds) will do the surgery.

And she ignores both JH and YD when they tell her to hand over the surgery to JH when she ruptures the blood vessel

I think surgeons are competitive but i certainly don't want to be treated by one who is doing it to win a bet. And if such things happen in real life, I at least don't want to root for a protagonist that does so. I wanted to smack all 3 of them - HJ and YD for starting it all and JH for indulging her bec, you know .... tru luv

This whole show is about "look how awesome HJ is" .. She does impossible surgeries, gives attitude to seniors, beats up gangsters (you are a surgeon, can pls protect those hands!) and has all men falling in love with her.

I almost feel sad to give this show up because it is the first show that I liked PSH in. She is truly wonderful here. And the supporting characters are fun. But overall, its bye bye


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Ethics!! Ethics!! A doctor shouldn't toy with patients' life... And yes surgeons should protect their hands for God's sake!!


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the hands ... god! i have a distant cousin whose husband is a surgeon. And he won't work with heavy tools because he is so careful about his hands .... Everytime she goes all 'xena-warrior princess' , i'm yelling don't use hands, kick kick kick!


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I know! Surgeons, artists (painters, illustrator etc) and string instrument players are usually very cautious with their hands.


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I totally understand where you are coming from. But I don't think the show is making Hye Jung out to be totally invincible/awesome- in fact in the surgery scene you can see she is visibly distressed when the vessel burst and she was almost panicking. And she knew she was in over her head. Only because JH gave her support could she gather herself together and work through the problem. And she was so exhausted after the clipping of the vessel that she wanted to leave the rest up to JH, but he forced her to finish it up- I saw that him punishing her for her being too rash and cocky actually.

For the sake of excitement/drama, they are going to exaggerate things, and in this case YD has been directly challenging HJ's capabilities since day 1. So I think its entirely in character for her to take his bait and want to prove him wrong. I actually like that she isn't written as perfect, she is rash on occasion and has to deal with the negative consequences. Doesn't make what they did right of course, but just my 2 cents :)


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Yes to everything! :)


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Thank you! I was looking through the comments to see who else was bothered by the way Yoon Do wanted to kick her out. Plus these doctors are way to self absorbed for my taste. And although I can't say anything here, the beginning of ep 6 does not do anything to redeem Yoon Do and JH in my eyes.


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At least someone agrees with me :)

.... Come to think of it, what authority does YD even have to kick her out ? If surgeons start getting thrown out for a botched surgery, the hospitals will become empty ...


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Maybe it was about hospital's pecking order?
Permanent staff>fellow>residents
I am a medstud, and know that medical seniority is a nightmare


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I think you're taking the drama a little too serious for what it is. Lol part of the reason why people watch dramas are for the cheesy lines and the near impossible situations the main characters are put in. I say continue watching it for psh if you like her character. Who knows maybe it'll surprise you and ep 6 will grab your attention again. But at the end of the day, we all know that surgeons don't behave that way. Why let one situation ruin a fun drama.


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I really wish i could continue. You know I would never like PSH in the past - i used to find her in the perpetual woe-is-me crying mode. I honestly did not see her as this kick-ass ex gangster character. But she is seriously playing the character with a great attitude. She has been amazing for me here.

And KRW, who i seriously love, just annoys me bec his character seems to have no other purpose except to give true-epic-love glances to PSH.

The writing is just so wishy washy that i just can't continue. I'm also watching 'beautiful mind' and b/w the 2 medical dramas i prefer BM


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I'm so happy to find someone that has the same problems with the drama that I have. About that surgery: I not only wanted to slap all three characters I also wanted to slap the writer.
I usually like Kim Rae-won but here I can't stand his character at all. And all this "epic love" does not give me an "epic love" vibe at all but an "epic obsession" vibe instead. Especially because that writer never even tried to recreate a new relationship between Ji-hong and Hye-jung (which would have been possible after 13 years...) so that they still seem to have the same teacher student relationship like before. But because Hye-jung is grown up now that behaviour is kind of patronizing.

That was my very last attempt to watch a drama written by that writer! I should have known better!
Sadly I can't stop watching doctors so easily, because I have that stupid Moo-hyul obsession that forces me to watch everything every actor who ever played Moo-hyul stares in... :(


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lol ... you have a moo-hyul character obsession? so cute!

Especially because that writer never even tried to recreate a new relationship between Ji-hong and Hye-jung
THIS. its been 13 years ... they are 2 very different people now. why would the writer not go into this? In fact what was the need to have a love/crush story carry on from the past ... they could have been 2 ppl who met after years and NOW fell in love ..

I googled the writer ... I realised I haven't seen any of their previous dramas ... but i had 'high society' on my to-watch list because sung joon! ... i'll skip it now


Agree with you Anon7! It's a drama, why expect it to be real life? Just like dramas where girls pretend to be a guy (hint hint) and everyone in the drama goes with it so us the viewers go with it too! Of course in real life it would be absurd, but that's why there is TV, and Kdramas! You either buy it or you don't! Well I'm sold on this one! Yes, there are scenes where I think "I can't believe this is happening at a hospital" but that's not why I'm watching this show. I'm not watching because I want to know what goes on at a hospital or how a surgery is done. Watch a documentary! I'm watching for the characters and their stories. Come on, it's about their journey at a particular time of their life, I personally don't care what happens to the hospital at the end of the show, but want to know what happens to the characters. And we've all seen patient confidentiality go out the window at every hospital scene in every Kdrama! It's a drama! You either enjoy it or you don't. It doesn't always have to make sense, it just has to keep you coming back.
Anyways, I am liking this show but understand it's not for everybody. That's why there are other dramas out there! You find one that speaks to you and stick with it or not.

As for this episode, my favorite line I think was when YD opened the door and said it looked too complicated so was going to leave. I mean, who would think of saying that in such a situation?! As others have mentioned I really like the honesty in most of the characters. Saying it like it is.


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Of course in real life it would be absurd, but that’s why there is TV, and Kdramas! You either buy it or you don’t!

I don't think i'm looking for realism in kdramas ... most people are not ... i mean we have shows about witches, gender bender, people seeing the future etc etc ... so realism is not a priority :)

but like you mentioned - you either buy it or not...... I can't seem to buy it. I have bought weirder scenarios than this one because the writing or the actors or the show as a whole was selling it perfectly. I can't seem to here. Somehow It all feels .... off to me. Obviously given the very high ratings i am in a minority


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But the surgery is not above HJ's level because she's done the same surgery in her previous workplace. I think you're forgetting that Hye Jung was a former staff member in Daejeong Hospital, which makes her position in Daejeong about the same as Yoon Do's in Gukil Hospital.

I do understand that it seemed petty to put a patient's life in danger just to prove someone's point. But if you consider that HJ has done it a number of times (hence her refusal to be trained by YD cause she already knows his surgical techniques), then it's easy to understand that HJ only allowed herself to be in that operating room because she's confident in her abilities. Yoon Do's unnecessary nagging over the speaker just made the situation look worse than it actually was, but if no one actually was there to nag, I think the outcome would still be the same. Hye Jung would still succeed.

What better way to prove a doctor's skill than inside an operating room? How do we expect Yoon Do to believe and recognize Hye Jung's skills as a surgeon if he couldn't prove and see it for himself?


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This is my thought as well. Hyejung clearly can handle this procedure but it's just a very risky procedure for every and any skilled surgeon. I don't think Hyejung is irresponsible to take on the surgery because she knows what she's doing and she's done this many times before. When Yoondo interferes by giving her orders, I think Hyejung refuses to switch with Jihong because she reasonably believes that it is not safe to do so after the blood vessel burst. Her professional judgment justifies her going against orders.

If anything, I blame Yoondo. I know the show makes him out to be petty and cute but I find his unhealthy competition very unethical. It must be a blessing because I know I'm not going to be tortured by the Second Lead Syndrome.


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True, she took sort of a demotion. But i don't think the show ever mentioned that she has done this type of surgery before .. And i believe that in any surgery you are supposed to first assist multiple times and then finally get to do it yourself and not just jump in yourself .... In fact b/w all the doctors conversations - YD, JH, the sidekicks - the show seemed to project that this was a very complicated surgery, way beyond her skill set..... If nothing else there should have been a scene where JH dresses down both of them for behaving like teenagers.


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In episode 4, when Kang Soo looked her up on the Internet, he read that she had done the surgery herself and stated that she and YD would probably not meet eye to eye because YD uses a different surgery procedure when treating cerebral aneurysm.

I think it's because HJ is supposed to be a fellow like SW and like JH said, it's a complicated surgery for a fellow to operate on. But if we consider that she has done the surgery herself and excels in that procedure, then there's no reason to question her skills in that area. It's just that SW, YD and even JH don't believe that she can do it because she's too young (reference to Kim Tae Ho saying it's hard to be a success story like her in that age), and because a fellow isn't supposed to operate on such a complicated case. But Hye Jung knows she can, and only she knows she can, thus the disbelief and unnecessary drama. LOL


Ryan mentioned episode 4 when Kangsoo searched her specs on the Internet, but I want to add that in episode 5, Hyejung first refused to assist Yoondo because a. She's not his assistant and b. She had enough practice with this procedure. Hyejung could be seen as arrogant for a fellow but she is also truthful. Saying that she had enough practice with this procedure and already moved on to an alternate procedure suggests that even though she's lower in ranks at Gukgil, she's not any less skilled than Yoondo. I believe this is why Yoondo was so flabbergasted because that hurt his massive ego.


I can't leave because I actually haven't started it. I normally read recaps first. I'm often hesitant about watching medical dramas and it's often due to things such as this. I read the recap, got to this part and thought, "wth? This is horrible!" I don't care how great she is supposed to be. This was a horrible, unethical moment. It really shouldn't have happened.


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If you watch the drama carefully, then you'd pick up that HJ is already a skilled surgeon, though not yet done with her specialization. Sure she's a fellow in Gukil, but she was working as a staff member in another hospital before transferring to Gukil and accepting a lower position. She's actually more skilled than SW who's still a fellow.


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I personally found it WTH! ... but as you can see, i'm in a very very very tiny minority .. so you should check out the show yourself for a couple of episodes and see if it works for you

btw, don''t you find the excitement gone from the show if you read the recaps first ? Any time i have read the recap without watching it first, i have zero motivation to watch it


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wow this drama is good from others psy dramas love shy keep the good work


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I was wondering.... I thought Ji Soo supposed to be PSH's first love who died... But instead, it was the grandma who died. So, what is the purpose of Ji Soo's role here and in Hye Jung's life?
I also find the story is kinda absurb that Hye Jung is Ji Hong's first love.. I mean come on.. He's hot AND a surgeon!! Surgeon = women magnet!! In my country, almost all the surgeons that I know are playboys with lots of girls chasing them.. (I am also work as a health worker). No way Ji Hong couldn't find another nice lady in 13 years... Might be another story if it was not a long time, let's say 2-3 years??


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I agree about the whole first love thing. and it is kinda icky if she is. You never forget the people you love but it's unrealistic to believe he never dated anyone. As you highlight, he is a doctor and doctor means lots of interested women.


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I actually don't see much of a forbidden romance angle in this drama in the present day at all. It might go there but it seems a lot of the drama is going to be brought in via certain patients and the boring hospital business.

I like how KRW's character came on very strong with the "are you married" "do you have a boyfriend" but he is not being obnoxious with it. Just a guy who had the wrong timing in the past and itsn't going to let something external get in the way. So what I want to see is them learning about each other.

I do have to give a shout out for keeping PSH's character the same blunt, strong gal. I am over the candy and the timid and even the obnoxiously over the top sassy characters. She seems a little rough around the edges... good. Her character is fully fleshed out but KRW's character isn't yet because they, frankly, haven't spent as much time on him so I hope to see more later.



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~Spoiler~ You are right about the last scene. He looked ridiculous and the director did film it for waaaay too long. To me, it looked like they (PSH and KRW) were forced to do it :D. (SPOILER REDACTED)


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How many PSH drama did you watch? She's been always like that. Except maybe the FBND and Pinocchio. But even that i'm not sure. Haha!


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Nah. I don't think its something to blame PSH. In fact,both kim rae won and PSH had the same mirrored expression in that scene. (SPOILER REDACTED) though director panned into it a little too long.


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I won't give any spoilers but that it should've been filmed better, I blame the directors. The pose was weird... and it had such a sweet moment right before too. I was very disappointed and embarrassed watching it, had an wtf feeling throughout.


Seo woo is a bit annoying with her victim mentality only she was wronged only she got hurt. Her friend didn't abandon her but she treated her like a dog threw bones when convenient for her other than that I love everyone even the yelly resident even if he is a bit of a bully


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- Ok say what, Yoon Do? I was *not* impressed when he used a patient's life for his plan to get Hye Jung kicked out of the hospital. You do not put somebody's life on the line just for your own satisfaction! And then afterward start to freak out when things in the operating theatre start to go downhill (like as though you weren't hoping for that to happen). Props to Yoon Kyun Sang though because you could literally see and feel the panic in Yoon Do's eyes in that scene. But no, no, NO.

- I don't know if anybody is as iffy about Ji Hong's speedy confession. I mean I was ok with the teacher-student camaraderie in the past few episodes because it did not feel overly... romantic. It was still ok. But... they've met for what, a week or two? And he's confessing immediately. Which to be honest turned me off quite a bit (though yes, his lines and delivery were swoonworthy). I find it a little hard to believe that he held onto that little spark for all of 13 years. Even Seo Woo moved on from her crush. Is it just me?

- Just had to give a little mention to Jisoo's reappearance because anything Jisoo makes the episode better.

- I like the friendship that's developing between Boss and Hye Jung, it's cute.


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I find it understandable to feel iffy about Jihong's speedy confession after a week of meeting his former student again, but I disagree with the comparison with Seowoo. My take is if you have closure, it's 1000x easier to move on. Seowoo had closure because she knew Jihong was disappointed in her, Soonhee no longer wanted anything to do with her, Hyejung moved to boarding school, and Jihong packed up to study abroad. All the people in the past parted way with Seowoo with no positive feelings or promise of reunion whatsoever.

The same can't be said about Jihong and Hyejung because they had feelings for each other and the said feelings never blossomed into anything. A dating relationship never started, so the suppressed affections caused both parties restlessness: Hyejung can't find happiness, Jihong forever regretted not being there for her. I believe there's a name for the unfinished business syndrome, but I can't remember it at the top of my head. Basically the more time passes, the stronger the feelings.


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Oh, I forgot to add that Seowoo believed Jihong married his college friend Eunjoo. She found this to be a decent match, so because in her mind a. her love interest is taken and b. she likes Eunjoo, this is the ultimate closure for her.


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Oh and - this slipped my mind earlier - Soo Chul seems to be the only character to have aged backward. While the others do look like they have grown up/grown older over the past 13 years (it seems more like 3-4 years, because really, who looks like they aged in a Korean drama even after 10+ years?), Soo Chul could possibly pass off as a surly teenager in this episode. LOL.


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I really think JYD was going to step out to get help, not just run away.


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yeah same. That would have been the smart thing to do, instead of trying to overpower a dude with a long knife.


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Absolutely, he walked into a dangerous situation and was trying to get out of it. Obviously he was going to go for help. It would be ridiculous to think he wouldn't (in fact I'm kind of laughing at the though). Like what else was he going to do? Just sit around outside and wait for her to take care of business?


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But this ep made me CRAZAY. The hospital appears to be run like a McDonald's Play Place! #1. Comparing revenue? OF COURSE there will be more patients in need of general surgery than neurosurgery. Should we fix the problem by going around bashing people in the head to give them brain injuries?! #2. Putting ppl’s lives at risk to prove a point “You do the surgery yourself!” #3. Wrestling pink haired flowerboy doctors! #4. 10 hours of sleep per week? No surgeon should perform on next to no sleep! #5. What was that about the country not wanting private hospitals? 94% of hospitals in Korea are private. #6. Our "thug"/tough gal surgeon who sees the bloody insides of people on the daily is wincing at that guy's belly scars?!!!!!! Icing on the cake! ...and oh yeah the end scene was just OUT. OF. CONTROL. Sigh. /end rant./


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Lol that wince at the scars was illogical and really took me out of the moment. She was literally playing around in someone's brain just 10 mins ago. -.-

The only way I could get over it was that it was out of sympathy and/or empathy and not because she was woozy at the sight of scars.


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Actually... I don't know if you guys noticed how the scars looked like the scars one gets after a kidney transplant. I don't think the armed man was showing off his scars. He was probably trying to show her how mafias/gangsters work (forced organ donation, torture...) Just a thought coz it seemed that the man wouldn't show off superficial scars.


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Now that you mention it, it makes more sense! Anybody would wince at the idea of organ harvesting on a living being.
Thank you for pointing it out


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A-ha! Thank you. That WOULD make sense. Way to dig deeper!


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Good point!


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I took it as her working the situation, pretending to be complient and sympathetic while waiting for an opening to disarm the threat. Her primary concern was for the safety of her patient.


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Illogical inconsistencies make for good dramas?

It's the only explanation I ahve for most of the choices medical/work place dramas make. The whole story-line about privatization is ridiculous form both business/medical perspective.


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I actually have no idea about how corporations work but I think the struggle against the pull of money for some doctors is real. And as much as I HATE SW's dad and grandpa (and I REALLY REALLY cannot stand them at all), I'm sure such people exist in hospitals. As much as I agree with you that privatization of hospitals may idealistically seem unsavory- medical therapy should never be dictated by money- there are too many rich people looking for cures to their conditions for people (doctors and businessmen) not to want to try to make money out of it.
Not sure if this is what you meant, but just my thoughts.


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Oh no I was just commenting that the business plan they had stank like shit. Sorry but if I was going to privatize a hospital I'd come up with something beneficial to the community and use it as a means to take controlling interest not this bullshit they came up with. Really blackmail? It's unreliable and it can backfire. There are so many better ways to bankrupt/takeover a public corp with limited protections.


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I just meant that they were acting like there aren't many private hospitals, like it's a very rare and unwelcome thing, adding to the challenge of privatizing it. In reality, MOST hospitals in Korea are in fact private!


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That's why I try so hard to not use my brain when watching medical dramas. It must be hard for people who are actually doctors to watch this.


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Unfortunately (or fortunately?) many doctors won't have the time to watch kdramas lol. One of my good friends is now a resident at a major hospital in NYC. When we were college roomates, she was watching kdramas 24/7. But now she barely has time to sleep.

I know as a classical musician I couldn't stomach 2 minutes of Naeil's Cantabile.


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Lol! I like having heard that perspective!


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Haha. On the contrary, I have a lot of friends who are doctors as well who are watching and enjoying this show. Lol.
I think we just don't worry too much about the details because the focus clearly isn't on 100% realism.
Actually just because docs can look at a human body part or operate on it in a controlled environment of the operating room, does not mean that we wouldn't panic/be frightened in a emergency situation where our patient is being threatened by a knife. We are human too you know. ?
I'm not working right now (on long leave) and that's why I have so much time to watch stuff and comment. I need way more than 10 hours of sleep a week. ?


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I don't know where the drama is going with Jihong's confessions. The fact that everything is happening so fast in the romance department makes me wary of what is to come..

This hurry to have them be in love makes me sad because it doesn't give me the time to really invest and care in their romantic relationship. Kim Raewon and Park Shinhye have great chemistry and I like their characters' interactions...but where's the build up? Hyejung and Jihong have not seen each other in 13 years. There needs to be a period of re-acquaintance or else their primarily dynamic will always be student/teacher because they never took the time to redefine it.

I guess I was hoping we would see them establish a colleague relationship before jumping into the romance. I want to see an evolution, some growth, something like a journey...Please no more fast forwarding.


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Given 90% of romantic kdramas have the follow structure:

1. Meet-cute, initial banter/conflict/love-to-hate/bickering
2. Mutual feelings established
4. STUFF KEEPING THE OTP APART (parental disapproval)
5. STUFF KEEPING THE OTP APART (birth secrets/ omo his dad killed her dad)
6. STUFF KEEPING THE OTP APART (tragic illness)
7. STUFF KEEPING THE OTP APART (fate/supernatural forces/curses/serial killers)
8. Overcomes the above
9. Happily ever after

So ... the fact that JH is like a fully charged battery going after her full-speed makes me worried too. What on earth is the writer going to throw out to occupy the next 10 episodes? I sure hope it ain't angst, tears, and Seo Woo turning into a psychopath (i.e. how to write a female second lead: give her riches, wealth, and social standing-- but inflict her with both narcissistic personality disorder and/or antisocial personality disorder LOL).


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ahhh stereotypical second lead females (You poor psycho plot devices) LOL

Well as long as Seowoo does not end up pushing Hyejung into upcoming traffic and then skipping off into the sunset with doctor turned pianist Yundo...I think- I think I'll be ok.

(Is it too obvious that I am still bitter about something?) lol


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That was a scary accurate summary by the way
Love it!


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I think they're establishing the dynamics between HJ and JH early on because all those issues (HJ's family, hospital politics, JH's issue about stress and stuff) are coming towards them in the coming episodes. Once JH's father is ousted in the hospital, all hell will break loose and JH will need to face the tough realities of life. No more time for grandiose confessions and whatnots.

I actually like that the romance has been established early on because we won't have to go through misunderstandings and unproclaimed emotions. It goes well with JH's characteristics, who wants everything running smoothly and doesn't like complications. With his feelings laid bare, we'll see him react to situations he probably haven't foreseen. It will be really interesting to see JH dealing with all situations that mess with his daily life.


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I don't think we would run out of materials for the drama to have to resort to injecting superficial conflicts. There are a lot of issues that could be addressed in the remaining episodes: the hospital politics, grandma's death, Hyejung's family, Seowoo's lies, the girls' friendship, what happened to puppies...


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What happened to the puppy! God, I can't believe they're still not telling us whatever happened to that poor little love!


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Lol, I died at "what happened to puppies..." Omg.


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Yes, puppies in plural form! The one who used to curl up to Hyejung and grandma and the one wi greqt hair who rides motorcycle xD


SO well-put! :D


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I know right...can't believe it took them longer to show their backstory than the buildup of their romance. What is this?

@Sylvia, not trying to jinx it but I'm afraid this is where we're heading towards because it's not just 10 but 14(!) episodes left since this is scheduled as a 20 episodes drama (omg, who knows if the ratings continue to rise like that we might even get an extension, eek).


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It's like they have some really great ingredients, but decided to serve dinner before the appetizer. And because I'm spending so much time thinking about the appetizer I didn't get, I don't fully enjoy my dinner even though it's pretty delicious. And then that's taken away before I'm finished and I'm already eating dessert?! Ultimately, I end up leaving feeling hungry...

I probably went too far with that analogy, but it really describes how I feel about the romance here.


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All the awards for that wonderful and hunger inducing analogy!


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yes for the food analogies!

Am I rubbing off on you?


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-- the boxing scene (beginning of episode): I think JH wanted to linger more...
I saw the BTS and was impressed that they did the scene quite well.

-- YD asking HJ to perform the difficult surgery in hope that she would fail (and thus, putting someone's life at risk): I'm much more bothered by this than the straightforwardness/rapidity of JH in pursuing HJ.


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Actually YD asked HJ to assist him in the surgery..... She was the one who took it up as a challenge which is because she very competitive and all... No Offence.... Just a thought.... :)


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I'm beginning to really like watching Yoon-do. His mannerisms are so funny to me, and there is something about him that makes him just very watchable.

I think this drama is making me a Kim Rae-won fan. I've only ever watched one old drama with him in it. He has the cheesiest lines, and his character comes on way to strong, yet something about his acting makes him so believable to me. It's just so very natural, that I feel as if I've met him before, or met someone like him. He just seems like a real person.


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I really think we are all falling for KRW rather than Ji Hong...... His delivery of lines are so smooth and swoony that we are mesmerised by KRW.... Anyways only the story with Yoon do has progressed so far..... I don't see much story development with respect to the leads..... And Yoon kyun sang is doing very good job in portraying the Yoon do character ""Second Lead Syndrome"" I guess :P...

Was very happy to see Ji Soo here.... But it is breaking my heart to see that his character is the only one who has not improved financially and remains poor.... Still waiting to see what importance his role holds in this drama... Coz so far his role has been only to take PSH for a ride or so.... Really hoping that his character will leave a mark in this drama......


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I second what you said about Jisoo having a significant role, I mean, he wouldn't just show on an episode just for no reason. Especially when Soon Hee saw him when he delivered, she was trying to call Hyejung coz she said it was something urgent.

Wonder what happened after he took Hye Jung for a ride and then 13 years later. Hmm..


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It's like watching a well acted slowmoving train wreck. I can't stop watching even though there is so much wrong with the storyline. From the creepy love line (couldn't he have not loved her when she was a minor and then fallen for her as an adult, he could have just admired her spunk as a kid, just sayin' - it didn't need to be love!!!), to the prideful need to one up the doctor by performing life or death surgery that you may not be 100% qualified for. I would be pissed if I was that patient and found out that happened to me - woman, don't toy with my brain just to prove you're hot shit. So much is wrong but so much is terribly right...

...let's face it, the real reason I'm sticking with the show is for the snippets of puppy Ji Soo....


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...omg that's it!


I've been trying to get into my head why I want to watch this show. It's a trainwreck in motion! Thank you so much.


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Ditto for me 1000%. This is actually painful to watch - and I don't want it to be. I'm enjoying watching PSH stretch a bit and KRW is dreamy but they had to go and pull a typical PSH scene, reminiscent of all her previous dramas (except Pinocchio) and it was so awkward and weird and well - watch ep 6 and you'll see.
But I'm really here to complain about the awful music!!!! What other drama did this recently too? I can't remember - but the music choices, editing and LOUD ridiculous placement is so crass and cehhey and insulting - like they are FORCING us in the moment to go .ooooo- a romantic scene, or.oohh haha - laugh now because the music is telling us to, or uhhhhh - big dramatic moment here - can't you tell by how your eardrums are getting blasted??? Please, drama, please pul yourself out of the toilet before you are flushed. I'm also watching Beautiful Mind right now, with Jang Hyuk - a really dark and serious medical melodrama and it is brilliant in every way. What a painful contrast in my daily life - but then - that's the wonderful world of k-dramas. Not complaining. Just wishing for the best.


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That's another thing I hadn't considered. Despite the Grey's vibe the music on this show really is meh.


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Re: music
Are you maybe thinking of DOTS? The first episodes were absolutely horrible and people were talking about it in the recaps as well.
Then there's also the first episodes of Lucky Romance which was the polar opposite with almost no bgm at all and it was just weird. Luckily both improved in later episodes.


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Honestly, I'd choose Hong Ji Hong over Yoo Shi Jin anytime. Kim Rae Won is God-sent. He made all those cheesy lines seem so normal & real that instead of cringing I found myself swooning for the man. Where can I get my own Hong Ji Hong???


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In the first four episodes, I confess to being delighted by Ji Hong's straight forward approach to confessing his feelings to Hye Jung. But now, it makes me feel wary, like he's coming on too strong, too soon. I wondered why the dynamic between Ji Hong and Hye Jung felt off, because as much as I love Ji Hong, I realized that, if anyone has noticed, Hye Jung isn't particularly responding to Ji Hong's advances, and I find it quite troubling.

She's not out-rightly rejecting him, but not accepting him either, she seems more flabbergasted and astounded that he could even have that level of interest in her, so she's just passively accepting his advances at this point. I see her as someone who's just observing and soaking things in. So there's still the Student - Teacher dynamic between them, where he does most or all the talking and she just listens or goes with the flow.

I much prefer her dynamic with Yoon do. Whether they are adversaries or become friends, they are more or less at the same level and she treats him more like an equal and doesn't put up with crap from him.

I notice that Ji Hong is always telling Hye Jung what to do, how to feel, how to behave. And I feel like yelling at him to back off and let her be her own person. It boils down back to that Teacher/Student dynamic, where he feels he knows what is in her best interest. So, on the long run, I'm not sure how healthy this relationship is going to be, unless Hye Jung doesn't mind being the submissive personality in the relationship, and though it works for some couples and is not necessarily a bad thing, I feel with her fiery personality, she might be better off with someone who she can relate with as an equal.


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*nods* Agreed!


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I'm only discussing your last paragraph:

I don't think Hyejung considers herself submissive to Jihong's supposedly "preaching." If anything, she still considers him a reliable mentor and inspiration as he was when she was young and she appreciates his insight about life, competition, and working relationships. However, now that she's educated and successful, Jihong and Hyejung are both aware that she is an intellectual equal to him, especially when she disagreed with him on whether a person needs protection by others. It was a lighthearted but intelligent conversation and both clearly enjoy having their argument challenged by the other.

This is a thing that I noticed about Hyejung's character: she doesn't shy away from arguments. When the Gangster Boss was being sexist and discriminated against female doctors, she fired right back that he isn't a special patient to her because of his gender. When her dad (informally) disowned her, she spoke back that he's not qualified to be a father in the first place because he abandoned her for his new family. Same with the teacher who expelled her and everyone else.

Unsurprisingly, it's the witty and argumentative people that wins Hyejung's heart: that's grandma and Jihong. Whether the arguments are petty or intelligent, they converse well with Hyejung because they're up to speed to challenge her. This is the way they earn Hyejung's respect. Others are usually offended and avoidant, they resort to criticizing her impoliteness or abusing authority to slap her around, so they didn't earn her respect.


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... This is to say that as someone who enjoys argument, Hyejung may disagree with Jihong but she enjoys having meaningful conversations with him.


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Hmm... on the contrary, I think Hye Jung likes Ji Hong, maybe not as much as he likes her, but she's getting there. She clearly liked him back in high school and it was obvious that those same feelings reawakened after seeing him stepping out of the helicopter. If anything, I think she's just not quite ready to be happy or, as the first scene in episode 4 said, she stopped thinking of having a family of her own, which may translate to giving up on romantic love too.

I think it's the past that's stopping her from fully living in the present and accepting Ji Hong's feelings for her. She just wouldn't allow herself to be happy until she gets down to the real reason of her grandma's death. Maybe that's why, when she thought back to Ji Hong's confession, she also recalled the last time she saw her grandma smiling and still alive.


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Omg, yes to what you're saying, too! I'm gonna stop agreeing w/ everyone b/c you all make such good and insightful points that I'm basically just sitting here reading it all and being like *nods* Yes, you make a good point! Oh! You too! Wow, you too!


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Anybody notice how off the eyebrow makeup was? T'was some kinda greenish-brown shade....


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Lol, priorities!


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After reading some beanies analysis in the past episodes about why JH is riding the "Maglev of Romance" I've come around to accept his behavior (and because it's KRW duh lol) but this week's episodes made me cringe so much.

I'm like slow down buddy, if you continue like this you'll propose to her by the end of your first official week at work. It's just too much that I can't take him serious, also because it always looks like he's joking around even when he's not. I know it's supposed to make his straightforwardness look less creepy but is there no other way to convey this? (I can't believe I'm wishing for a slowdown in the romance department in a kdrama lol)

And I don't blame the actor at all (coz we all know KRW knows how to act and can be very nuanced) but the director and writer.
Sigh, sometimes I feel like the production team wants to create/imitate the success of a male lead in the manner of Big Boss come hell or high water. But as fluffy and unrealistic DoTS was at least Kang Mo-yeon made it clear from episode 1 that she's definitely attracted to him whereas we haven't been given any real response from Hye-jung coz girlfriend has no romance on her mind at all.

They're very lucky that KRW is playing JH otherwise I'd have checked out ages ago.


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Ji hong has been way too direct with his approach to win over hyejung from the moment he landed from the helicopter. lol. Completely loved hyejung's expression and her awkardness following jh's smooth words in the park. Shin hye's acting range really amazes me. Without dialogues, Her expressions alone adds more depth to the story. Like in the operating room.. Kudos to her. Although i didn't like yoon do for betting on a patient's life just to make hyejung fail. Only When hyejung succeeded the surgery i let out a sigh of relief which i didn't even realize that i was holding in. Also i am liking the fun samchoon doctor,jihong's bromance buddy and also his flirtatious advances on hyejung. Jihong better be watchful of him.. haha..

I found yoon do's action hilarious in the last scene. Thought he would help but he was just trying to escape.lol. And ofcourse I love that uri hyejung doesn't need a namja to save her.. You go girl...! Any scene with hyejung just wins. I just have to add that i can see why shinhye lost all that baby fat.. She is looking very mature now and oh so beautiful after loosing it,which perfectly suits her character as a 31yr old doctor.


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I'm glad Yoondo turned out to be THIS kind of character. I was getting mad at how he has this ego that won't let him accept Hyejung as a good doctor (even considered to risk a patient's life!). Anyway, I'm hoping for more cute stuff from here on.

I like Kim Raewon and I swoon from time to time but something just feels off in that relationship.



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Please don't hate me but I'm not really liking the Ji-hong- Hye-jung couple, I don't mind it so much for now but I would want hye-jung to develop feelings for either Yoon-do or soo-chul I think that both of them could make an adorable couple with hye-jung; and ji-hong should get back with his doctor friend (don't remeber her name) that wanted to marry him, I actually liked them together.


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There's no reason for me to hate you, but you're in for heartbreaks, mate xD. So far neither Soochul's, Yoondo's, or Eunjoo's feelings are reciprocated and I don't think it's going to change.


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Even I want hye jung to develop feelings for yoon do. Yep, in for a heartbreak :( ; in the end the second lead never gets the lady


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Even I wanted a strong second male lead but Yoondo turned me off so much by betting on a patient's life and hoping to kick a fellow out. Here's hoping for more swoonworthy third, fourth, fifth, and sixth male leads. XD


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Yaaaaay Ji Soo doesn't look slimy anymore!


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Haha yes! He looked SERIOUS though. Like he's been through a lot. Are we going to see more of him in the future?


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Piping in as this is the only show I'm watching. The drama or KRW is just like his Love Story in Harvard role. Accomplished. Persistent. Never really forgot the girl Kim Tae Hee. PSH is as strong as KTH but for different reasons. Even the second male lead here looks a bit, maybe just the build, like the second male lead in Harvard. Yes to Gray's Anatomy feels. Probably no deep pulls; still a joyful watch. KRW, ahhh, you are timeless.


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Thanks for the recap, dramallama!

So much discussion with JH-HJ confession... JH is pretty smooth, but he's sincere and honest. Gotta give him props for that.

HJ knew what she was doing with that surgery, but it's hard to believe YD gambled a patient's life even though he was immediately apologetic. Serves him right for being so full of himself. And I knew he was gonna screw things up at the Boss scene when he showed up at the moment HJ was about the have the situation under control.

So happy for Soochul to still be in present times!! Was keeping my eyes glued to the screen for Jisoo's appearance after I read the news that he'd be in this ep! XD Need more Soochul!! Heehee...


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I'm still mesmerized on how smooth Kim Rae Won is able to deliver all the cheesy lines and gestures in this show.
Song Joong Ki also did fantastic job in DoTS.
But while I watched both actors first time on the said show, SJK leaves me a giggling fangirl but KRW makes me a swooning fangirl.

Now off in search of KRW older dramas!


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KRW is my type of Dr. McDreamy and McSteamy.
I haven't been this anxious for a Medical Drama since ER with Clooney.


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The more i watch this drama, the more i reminded of Grey's Anatomy.

And i got shivers since the Grey's ending is not my cup of espresso at ALL!

Don't you dare to do that to me, writer-nim.
I hate to be wobbly in tears like when Punch ended.



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I'm really enjoying everyone's insights!

Would like to add a thought. While Hong Ji Hong's feelings and approach do appear charming and sincere (though yes, rushed) there is one thing in KRW's portrayal that does not at all sit well with me!

When unfortunate events and topics are present, he is always bursting out in these huge, deep, laughs with ginormous smiles. I can buy that he'd want to stay smiling and take things in stride, but those immense laughs are so inappropriate over little things or frankly humorless things, that they seem like they can be nothing other than awkwardly insincere or else, since he seems a sincere character - sorry to say it guys - quite overacted!


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Can't understand at all... really. Hm. I can't find any clue about jihong feels romantic feeling toward hyejung for 13 years. I still think that his feeling is about teacher student and now kinda look like sunbae hoobae, looking her as someone who need his help-a mature person helps-. And so hyejung imho she looks him as teacher and now sunbae, her pause when she is still high or now as a doctor when she is asked about her feeling toward jihong makes me wonder. But again i cant find a scene when they are attracted toward each other. Some moment that move their heart.

Maybe anyone here can help me?

I'm not against shinhye and raewon. Age gaping is fine by me. But the most important for me is understand the story to encourage the pairing.


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thanks soo soo much for the recaps....:-P


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I think Lee Sung Kyung is doing a great job too. Initially I was skeptical about her casting as the lead female's rival, right after Cheese. I thought Seo Woo would remind me of Baek In Ha. But I'm liking her portrayal of spoilt, insecure, result-of-upbringing villainess (?)


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