Teddy bears and high school uniforms for Uncontrollably Fond

Aw, don’t they look like sweet kidlets in the first stages of puppy love. Here are Uncontrollably Fond stars Suzy (Gu Family Book) and Kim Woo-bin (Heirs) dressed in school uniform, looking so young that for once the “high school phase” of the romance backstory doesn’t even really feel like too much of a leap backward, does it?

The drama features Kim Woo-bin as a cocky top star and Suzy as the documentary producer assigned to filming him, who were once youthful sweethearts until they were separated by “a heartbreaking twist of fate.” We see them as teenagers in these stills that were taken back in January (Uncontrollably Fond will be entirely pre-produced), though they’ve only been officially released now.

The two characters meet as adults in a reunion that’s both emotional and prickly, probably because of the unresolved issues that split them up in the first place. I know this kind of childhood-separation storyline is de rigueur in dramaland, but I have to say I’m particularly looking forward to it this time because I’m putting a lot of trust in writer Lee Kyung-hee. She’s probably better-known these days for the romance melo Nice Guy, as well as early-Hallyu classics like I’m Sorry, I Love You and A Love to Kill, but my favorite show of hers was actually the lesser-watched Will It Snow For Christmas. That had a really lovely teenage segment, and my pressing desire — no, need — to see them reuniting kept me going through so much.

And if the teasers are any indication, this show will have a lighter, more humorous touch than Lee’s previous shows, which suits me just fine. All the better to showcase Kim Woo-bin’s trademark god-I-wish-I-could-smack-that-smirk-off-your-face-if-only-you-weren’t-so-damned-charming appeal. It’s like his signature. He should patent that.

Uncontrollably Fond premieres in July 6.

Via My Daily


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Suzy looks very young but Kim Woo Bin... Not so much. Not really complaining though, I'm happy to see him in another drama. Here's to hoping he can pull off this new role and that the drama won't disappoint me.


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Although... "Cocky top star" He does play the cocky characters pretty darn well. The top star part is dubious though.

I want to see him play a role where he's an puppy. That's a whiplash I'd love to deal with.

Oh! Is this his first time having a mutual love interest onscreen?


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What about Vampire Idol?


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if you vant to see Kim Voo Bin as a puppy you should vatch Vampire Idol, he vas such a dork there and his love line vith Lee Yubi vas beyond adorable, even when she vas vearing a giant rabbit head. And it vas totally reciprocated!

(sorry for the veird spelling, my keyboard is broken and von't let me type the letter after v in the alphabet and I never realised before it is in SO MANY VORDS)


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(also maybe ve can pretend I am typing in a vampire accent instead of having an embarrassing keyboard malfunction)


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I thought you were doing that and making some Vampire Idol reference XD


@mary - I vish!


Lol. Your keyboard troubles have at least given us something to laugh about! Though it is funny as I haven't had to use a single 'w' in this comment! I guess the need arises once the means end!


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yeah it just vouldn't type at all, I have to get better at leaving out vv's from comments

but I suppose nov I can't comment on posts about Lee Jong-seok's upcoming drama, I can't even type the name anymore! VV?


But you typed "when" just fine.


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because that is the one time it actually came out right, the rest of the comment I had to go back and fill in the v's instead of blank space for the missing alphabet.

(it's a lot of effort trying to phrase comments to leave out the letter after v)


Try to copy and paste the alphabet; hope it helps! :)


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Thanks for the idea, I hope I remember to do that! It's likely to go for a toss because I cut-paste bits of comments as I type so the 'vv' vill likely get lost, but it's vorth a try.


I actually really thought that you were intentionally being "vampire-y" with the "v" instead of "w"!
Hope you fix your keyboard soon!


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Me too. I thought she intentionally misspelling w and v to give fluent Vampire accents. lol

@pogo thanx for giving us good laugh. Your keyboard error made a cute mistake. :P


omg. i'm sorry your keyboard's broken(i've been there—on my old computer i couldn't use g, h, z, x, c, v, m or any punctuation) but this comment is hilarious xD


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This is hilarious; a bit like reading your comment in a German accent!


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Definitely looking fwd to this drama. Love both of them I love Will it Snow for Christmas too. Didnt knw its the same scriptwriter. Now I am Really looking forward to this.


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I like Will It Snow for Christmas too. Go Soo was so hot in that drama, and I liked his chemistry with Han Ye-seul. And the childhood portion was fantastic.


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Totally agree with you. Can't watch it, I'm depressed already and I don't want to add more sessions with my therapist.

Light and fun drama only for me. And all funny comments from all Beanies.


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I can say A Love to Kill was the worst drama that I have ever watched, I hate love triangle between brothers & the rest of story wasn't anything better especially its revenge theme.
I chose I'm sorry I love you because I love heavy melo dramas but sadly I never get the process of falling in love between the main leads to become depressed by their separation, so I prefer not starting any other of her dramas to become disappointed.


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I also thought A Love to Kill was horrible. I couldn't believe I ended up finishing it and the ending sucked. I just needed to know what was going to happen but everything went bust after ep 5. I stopped watching K dramas for awhile after that bad experience, but am glad that I tried again and I learned to choose more carefully.


The real trouble is that ALTK had great, really intense chemistry in the beginning betveen Rain and Shin Mina...... and then vasted it completely in the last 4-5 eps by separating them and focusing on all the useless older brother angst (maybe this is heartless but I really didn't care for him at all).

I actually think her later dramas are a lot less heavy-handed and a lot slicker – Nice Guy p much tortured Maru all the time, but it vasn't the kind of maximum angstfest ve sav in MiSa/ALTK. I feel like the tone of her dramas post-2010 has been shifting avay from the AAAANGST days, even if she still likes last-minute stabbings or Trucks of Doom (I also liked Thank You)


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Yep, I see what you're saying. I have to say I kind of miss her earlier excesses and shock tactics, though, even if they made me cringe. Well, actually, sometimes because they made me cringe lol--she had a way with repulsion and disgust that made her characters' angst seem so visceral and immediate (Gong Hyo-jin's character sharing food with her dog in Sang-doo, everything So Ji-sub ever did in MiSa). Nice Guy was just as dark and fucked up imo, but it felt sanitized.


@juniper - yes, that's exactly vhat her earlier vorks vere like- you really felt them hard, vhether you like them or not.

I feel like for early LKH dramas, I alvays reacted to vhat vas on the screen really intensely, vhile for Nice Guy I felt Song Joong-ki's pain but at the same time I vanted to sit back vith a tub of popcorn and see if Eun-gi vas going to tear Maru or Jae-hee's hair right off their heads, or if Maru vas going to pull clever corporate tricks on anyone or Jae-hee plan a neu murder. VVho knovvs hovv this vill turn out?


@Pogo. Yeah, me too. It's funny, because Nice Guy had some of the best acting her dramas have been graced with (SJK was lovely), but I felt disengaged from the characters in a way I hadn't before.

I don't have high hopes for this one and Lee Kyung-hee tends to be hit-or-miss for me, but maybe it will surprise me. If it doesn't work out, though, I might go back and check out Wonderful Days. The thought of a 50 episode LKH drama is pretty intriguing...I'm guessing it would be more in the vein of Thank You than her crazier stuff but who knows?


agree so much with you... really excited about what will the story of this drama..really want july now... this drama really will hit daebak..


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He could patent that "god-I-wish-I-could-smack-that-smirk-off-your-face-if-only-you-weren’t-so-damned-charming appeal" but then Seo In Guk (and many others whose name I can't recall right now) might try to sue him for it. :D

I so hope this drama works and I will definitely be watching it. But I think part of his charm was that he was never the main lead, and so I wanted him to get the girl (or the guy- School 2013 anyone). I wonder if I would like him as the hero!

Oh I want him to come on Running Man to promote this. It has been too long since he has been there.


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Him and Suzy need to visit. :)

Haha's wife only allows him to go back to his playboy Haha jokes if it's Suzy.


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I like the post marriage Haha more though! I still remember that awesome kimchi episode where he tripped Han Hyo Joo. That was soon after his wedding.

Still I quite like the idea of Suzy coming on RM. Her pairing with Haha is legendary!


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Man, Haha was so "bad"to her that episode. (Actually most of the guys, even Kwangsoo.) Good on HHJ for going with the concept.

Me, it was first time seeing Go Soo in action and he's such a dork. I like that about RM. You can see the actors who want to look cool at the start but eventually give up because can't overcome their own heodang-ness. :D


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I don't think any other guest has been so lazy on Running Man! Go Soo really was "Go Slow"! :D


Omg yes to the Running Man. Whenever he has been on RM its been so fun. My favourite has to be the spy episode.

And the end when he went 'Naega. Spy. Da' it was cool


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That episode was so cool. But somehow it looked a little scripted. I still love that episode as KWB was just oh-so- smooth in it!


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i think running man only promote the drama that will airing in sbs only... runningman in sbs channel..so i guess they will promote drama from the same channel.. like doctors from sbs in runningman sbs..


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He should learn to do the cute/sveet thing better if that is vhat this drama requires, it really does not vork vhen he tries to play some nice college boy, he just ends up coming off like a dinosaur vearing a Totoro costume. And not even in a cute vay, just a bit.... defanged.


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I'm really sorry about your keyboard situation but it's making my day ?

Now when I read your posts and I see the "v" instead of "w" I automatically hear it being said in my brain in Dracula's voice. Or maybe it's the Count from Sesame Street (I blame my kid). It's hilarious. ???


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I admit, my first thought vas 'vhy did it have to be this key that's busted, vhy couldn't it be the q key?'

Glad it amuses you though, at least this situation is good for something!


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Kim Woo-bin’s trademark god-I-wish-I-could-smack-that-smirk-off-your-face-if-only-you-weren’t-so-damned-charming appeal. It’s like his signature. He should patent that <<<<can't agree more ???????


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This drama will be a flop, MBC and SBS has better dramas in the same time slot.


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judging a show and calling it a flop before it has even started...Nice!
Sometimes the way some people comment here and just call any show BEFORE it has even started is so appalling. Why not judge the show after it has started?

*sigh* oh well... to each his own.


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IMO the other two dramas may have better cast in acting department & better plot but UF has suzy's huge popularity in Korea, LKH, pre-producing & also hype to benefit it too, so I don't think this one will be a flop.


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last time I check her movie flopped despite her huge popularity. lmoa. media play is strong on her side.


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She has huge popularity, this isn't media play but real lol.

Even that and other well known actors (Ryu Seung-ryong Kim Nam-gil) the movie couldn't be saved.

The plot was the problem, It was slow and boring. Nobody wanted to know about a pansori's life :( sadly.

Her dramas all had good ratings btw.


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Last time I check Movie=/=Drama! And Story>>>Cast, no matter if the cast is popular, if the movie is bad then people don't go watch it... There are MANY BIG STAR who had FLOP movies in their career!
Oh and among them, there is Song Hye Kyo (for example), her last movie has flopped too but look at her last drama...


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Yeah there is a difference in the box office drawing abilities of a CF model and an actress with skills as well as star power.

Even Song Hye Kyo's last movie which is considered a flop, did 5 times as many admissions as Suzy's big budget flop movie but you got people trying to drag her too? lol.


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Arguing what drama seems to be better is useless anyway since we all know better dramas don't infallibly equate with better ratings, sadly. I have the lowest possible interest in this drama out of all the newer ones, but I can't say I'll be surprised if it does well even if it does end up being weak.


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It may or may not, but it is one of the dramas that I am LEAST looking forward to. I don't think I have managed to make all the way through any of Suzy's shows yet. Perhaps if her acting skills have gotten better, I dunno.


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Cassandra, nobody will believe you, as many centuries ago. It 's so sad.


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ahh im so excited for this! can't believed there's less than 20 days until it airs. they look so cute together. really looking forward to their chemistry!


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I'm still very hesitant about this drama. I'm ok with Suzy, and I love Kim Woo Bin, but...I don't know. I'm just very cautious with my expectations right now.

Maybe its because the past-romance storyline bores me, or the last teaser I saw was pretty stale... it's just not exciting me. Anyway, low expectations. Hope everything will turn out ok. I'd loove to be wrong.


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Yeah, we have only had what.. 8 of those "past love" plots this year so far?


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When we will get to see more of the Ims?


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why they look so matching together.. so cute for highschooler lover.. what happen with that bunny doll?.????
oh my god... i really like the main cast.. such a perfect pairing up couple.. 6 july soon. .. i can't wait.. really curious about the detail story..


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"All the better to showcase Kim Woo-bin’s trademark god-I-wish-I-could-smack-that-smirk-off-your-face-if-only-you-weren’t-so-damned-charming appeal. It’s like his signature. He should patent that."

I died. You hit it on the head, Javabeans!

Besides being excited for Kim Woo-bin (loved him in The Con Artists), I am looking forward to this drama. It sounds sweet and looks pretty. :)


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I really hope this turns out to be good...not because I'm a Suzy or WB fan but simply because I want a GOOD romantic drama...something slightly cracktastic that'll make me want to keep watching...

And yes, I am watching OHYA - sadly, it's missing the crack factor for me


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Yup, OHYA held me up to around ep8, then it got to the "maybe I will just watch it later" stage. I fear this will be the same - 2-4 good opening episodes, then a descent into the usual hackneyed tropes and mediocrity.


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Oh JB, it's amazing that you can still say so much about this show that feels like it has been in production forever while it's not even pre-produced, I assume?


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It actually is completely pre-produced. Thats why its been in the media for so long. Ugh, I remember when I first heard about Descendants of the Sun... and then when it started airing... I was like 'REALLY? I waited this long?'

Thats the downside of preproduced I guessed. Too much time spent in anticipation


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At least their uniforms are well designed and their makeup is well applied. How are these two the ones to follow Song Joong Ki and Moon Chae Won ? (as LKH weekdays drama leads)


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LOL after loosing the girl to eternally annoying Kim Tan, Choi Young Do got his initial wish to date Suzy instead.


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I still can't wrap my head around Suzy portraying a ''working professional", and an 'experienced PD" at that... It might be because of the age thing: In my head, she's still a kid in real life and a baby in the actual K-pop world, even though she's 21 and technically a legal adult, and it's already been 6 years since miss A's debut....


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This strikes me as one of the biggest mis-castings. I can't see where she will be remotely believable in that role.


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I also can't help but compare her to GHJ in Producer who played a similar role as well.


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I read the title as "teddy bears in high school uniform" and had to double take.

I was wondering what kind of drama this is. lol


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OMG. That's the exact drama for that kind of title.


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Suzy & Woobin look good together in pictures above. I can feel the chemistry between them. It's funny how the previous 3 teaser videos gave me zero chemistry, but I can feel it through those pictures.

Anyway.. this:
"Kim Woo-bin’s trademark god-I-wish-I-could-smack-that-smirk-off-your-face-if-only-you-weren’t-so-damned-charming appeal."
I know that some people keep saying Woobin isn't that handsome and he looks like an alien or dinosaur. Well, Woobin himself agree that his face resembles a dinosaur. lol
To me, his face is uniquely gorgeous. Not a conventional handsome type like Lee Minho or Wonbin which general public prefer more, but he is definitely charming and gorgeous.
Not to mention his 188cm height. Tall men always have plusss point in my eyes. Haha.

About Suzy & Woobin to appear in Running Man, yesss please.. a BIG YES!
Both of them have already appeared many times and they're sooo hilarious.


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Girl, I really hate to tell you this but.... this is KBS drama... I don't think the big boss in kbs would allow them to appear in their competitor show.


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Girl .. This is KBS drama and SBS would not that stupid to promote their compeitor drama.


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Girl.. I guess you're new to Running Man or not a follower of that show, rite?
Sometimes actors / actresses from other channel's dramas appear on that variety show.
Suzy & Woobin doesn't need to promote UF during that show. They could just appear to enjoy the game.
SBS will never say no to the two's immerse popularity.
And KBS know that RM is so popular overseas esp China, it's a win-win solution for both channels.


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Awww come on girl...
How could you say that? I'm like running biggest fan! And I never missed any episode!

And yeah I remember the second lead of drama of the year and most popular drama to date, dots did came to the show but only after their drama is finished airing.

Well if only this drama can achieve half of what dots did, there is maybe tiny chance that they will appear in rm together.


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That's why I said that they don't have to promote UF on RM. I just wanna see them on RM, enjoy the game and messing around with the members, not promoting this drama.
Suzy & Woobin could even appear separately after the drama finish airing. Not a problem for me.

As a loyal fan of RM like me, don't you wish those two to comeback to the show? :D


Maybe because I'm fairly neutral on the two leads I'm barely moved by most of the promo material. I just hope this is a decent drama, really trying to manage my expectations so I'm not too disappointed but can still enjoy it reasonably if it allows me to.

KBS is really hyping it up so I really hope it's good for the sake of everyone involved. It would be sad if it flopped on all fronts.


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Why you should not watch this drama
A. The plot is boring!
B. It's suzy... and her overated acting skills
C. Woobin, he is hot and tall, but lead material? I don't know...
D. All of the above

P/s: I love Woobin though. His bromance with LJS is the best!


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I am going for D. I don't see a compelling or believable plot here, and Suzy has never impressed me as an actress.


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stop trolling srsly. why judge the drama and call it boring when u havent seen it? idk about suzy but im giving her the benefit of the doubt and she could have improved,


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All of them but to tell you the truth most of it is because of KWB....


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couldnt agree with u more...its all about kwb...as for suzy ...i hope she will improve her acting


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I'm going for D. I already watched the latest trailer and Suzy acting is really bad. She's too overacting, especially her voice tone. I thought she's already improved her acting skills but I guess I'm wrong ... So disappointed.


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or (E) Because you're obviously one of the fans of LJS that bashed Uncontrollably Fond because they are the biggest competition of "W"

See the reviews or watched the drama first before judging the drama. Your bias has a good friendship with WooBin but you choose to hate something.. Shame on you!


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for the love of Woobin & MISa writer. I'll give it a try.


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The couple looks good together.i hope drama goes well n not boring..i hope the drama wont be like heirs or inheriters..i hate tht drama so much its just full of pretty n handsome casts n nothing more..the storyline is just like rich chaebol kind of story..its just so ordinary..i hope suzy improved her horible acting like in Gu family book


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woobin suzy is the best couple... but in reality suzy couple is Lee Minho (best couple too)... how can she always get the best beautiful boy..???..theres im joo hwan too..this drama really doing big promotion..i hope it will hit daebak.. really excited about the detail story.. and in that picture woobin suzy really cute together as highschooler with beardoll...i have to watching this drama..sadly this drama is not airing in my country...


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Woah.. WooBin and Suzy really oozed chemistry in the photos. I will definitely watch this drama.


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