Oh Hae-young Again: Episode 14

Oh thank goodness, some levity has been sorely needed around here lately. Bad decisions and forgotten trysts will eventually reveal their consequences, and if we’re lucky, the results will be as amusing as they are life-changing. But eventually reality must be faced, and fast, as time is running out.


EPISODE 14: “Silence all the other sounds that are not of love”

Do-kyung and Hae-young are practically giddy with happiness, having reconciled after Do-kyung’s heartfelt confession. They can’t keep their hands off each other, stopping to hug often as they walk, grinning at each other. At one point they find themselves at the scene of their first kiss, and Hae-young throws herself up against the wall and puckers up, hee.

Once they’ve calmed down a bit, Hae-young tells Do-kyung that if he hadn’t persisted, they would have been over for real. Remembering his vision, Do-kyung explains that he thought how he’d feel if he died, and decided that he should stop being cautious. “Let’s go as far as my heart takes me. Let’s not hold back, and just go.”

Hae-young likes the sound of that, and says that she never thought she’d be moved by a man who fearlessly pursued her. She warns jokingly that she’ll kill him if she ever catches him being cautious again, and Do-kyung promises that he won’t.

They’re adorably reluctant to part that night when Do-kyung takes Hae-young home, and stand outside waving and saying goodnight for way too long. Hae-young rolls around on the floor in happiness, squealing and giggling, and finally her parents hear and come out to yell at her for disappearing from the hospital and worrying them.

Do-kyung reports to Dr. Park about this new development, that he was able to change his visions by doing something different than what he saw. Dr. Park excitedly congratulates him, but Do-kyung is still subdued, assuming that he’s still going to die.

In his opinion, all he’s changed is that he has the chance now to love Hae-young before he goes. Dr. Park thinks he can change his death fate as well, but in the face of Do-kyung’s stoic acceptance, he calms down and tells him that for now, he should just love.

Do-kyung surprises Hae-young on her way to work and offers her a ride, and awww, seeing him smile so much just to be near her is lovely.

Jin-sang literally dances with happiness at breakfast, having had an amazing dream about golden stars that moved together to form a fish. He’d caught the fish when it fell from the sky, which excites Soo-kyung, who recognizes this as a conception dream. She’s happy to hear that the dream made Jin-sang feel calm and excited, which she takes as a sign that he’ll accept fatherhood well.

Jin-sang drives Soo-kyung to work and offers to take her out for steak that night, urging her to tell her family about the baby as soon as possible. He asks if she’s told the baby’s father yet, and he’s surprised when Soo-kyung tells him that her ex-boyfriend isn’t the father.

He gapes when he realizes the baby came from a one-night stand, but Soo-kyung tells him to shush, that she’s planning to raise the baby on her own anyway. She also plans to move out of the country, since she doesn’t want to be constantly pestered about the baby’s father. Jin-sang begs her not to leave, even offering to help with the baby as much as he can. Okay, he’s not entirely terrible.

As she heads into work, Soo-kyung thinks that if she tells him he’s the father, things will get really awkward between them. So she’ll just keep her secret and raise the child alone, and preserve her friendship with Jin-sang at the same time. She thanks him internally for having the conception dream, which she’ll treasure.

Soo-kyung sees Do-kyung dropping off Hae-young, and how happy the both of them look, and in the elevator she tells Hae-young not to feel awkward. She warns Hae-young sternly never to break up with Do-kyung again, ever.

There’s a strange moment when the other Hae-young congratulates our Hae-young, then quickly keeps walking. Hae-young remembers a time when she’d gotten her report card in the mail, showing nearly perfect grades, and her mom and dad had freaked out to see their daughter’s number one class ranking.

Mom had called all their friends and family to brag while Hae-young looked guilty, and she’d answered the door to find the other Hae-young there with her real report card — they’d been switched. Our Hae-young had asked if she could let her parents sign the wrong one and give it back tomorrow and, quickly guessing the situation, the other Hae-young had generously offered to have her parents sign the worse of the two.

She’d nervously presented the report card to her mother, who didn’t even care, only saying that she and Chairman Jang were getting divorced. Our Hae-young’s parents had found out the truth anyway, and Mom’s bitchy sister had actually laughed asif it was the most hilarious thing ever, that Hae-young might get good grades.

That’s when Mom had met the other Hae-young, and she’d assured our Hae-young that grades aren’t everything. The other Hae-young had been envious of our Hae-young’s mom’s unconditional love, and felt she’d always come in second.

Hoon is still moping at being kicked out of Hee-ran’s place, and he tells An-na sadly that he’ll never be a success because he loves her. An-na guesses that a powerful woman must have tried to seduce him, utterly unconcerned about it, and she coos that she’s proud of him.

Do-kyung learns that the barley field he needs to record wind in for a scene is being mowed down the next day, so he and his team have to go out of town for the night unexpectedly. Hae-young is genuinely horrified that she won’t be able to see him for a whole entire day, and she dramatically wonders if she’ll die. Heh.

So Do-kyung calls his sister and asks for a favor, to let Hae-young off work for the day. HAHA, is that actually a bit of aegyo in his voice? Whatever it is, it doesn’t work, so he enlists his team for an impromptu kidnapping.

They pretend to be police, here to arrest her, and she hilariously tries to tell them there are two Oh Hae-youngs who work here (“Yes, we know.” LOL). They manage to get her out, and tell her to turn off her phone when her smitten manager Sung-jin tries to call her.

They claim to see the “real criminals,” on the sidewalk — it’s Do-kyung and Hoon, and they joke that the guy in the hat (Do-kyung) has a sucky personality. Hae-young starts to get suspicious, especially when the guy in the hat jumps in the van and sits all close to her, but she’s thrilled to realize that it’s Do-kyung grinning at her.

They get to the barley field, where the movie crew is wrapping up and it’s time to record the sound. Do-kyung lets Hae-young listen as they record, and when they’re done, he sends his boys back and he and Hae-young stay for a little date.

Hae-young demands hugs the moment they’re alone, and Do-kyung dips her dramatically and makes her squeak. He cutely reminds her it’s still daytime, and Hae-young is all innocence: What did I dooo? Anyone buying it? Yeah, me neither.

Tae-jin goes to see his former partner, who’s done quite well for himself while Tae-jin was away. He offers Tae-jin his old job back, and he advises Tae-jin to go after Hae-young and make her a priority this time. Why, so he won’t notice when you back-stab him again?

Hae-young’s coworkers are worried so they call the police department, who of course have no idea what they’re talking about. Sung-jin takes the cops down to the security office to watch the CCTV tapes, who don’t recognize the guys who took Hae-young as police. They decide the kidnappers must be pros, ha.

They tell Hae-young’s mom that their daughter has been kidnapped, which really shouldn’t be this funny, but it is. She verifies that they’re talking about her Hae-young, and faints when they show her a CCTV still shot. Awww.

Hae-young is perfectly safe out in the country with Do-kyung, oblivious that everyone back home is completely freaking out. She muses about all the sounds she likes — snow being shoveled, a little boy running home from school, a music box — but there’s one sound she still wants to hear. She wants to hear Do-kyung saying her name, which he’s never done.

She asks if he still connects the name with the other Hae-young, but he says that he didn’t say her name only because he knew she’d think that. She admits he’s probably right, but she’s still Hae-young, and wants him to call her by name. She even promises to stop thinking of the other Hae-young herself when she looks at him.

Do-kyung asks for a favor in return, that no matter what Tae-jin may do to him, she won’t get involved. He admits that he’ll deserve whatever Tae-jin dishes out, because of what he did to his business (Do-kyung still thinks Chairman Jang pulled his investment on his request) and for ending up with Hae-young.

And one more thing: He wants her to stop distancing herself from him with how she addresses him. She asks what she should call him then, and Do-kyung is all, “You know, that.”

So that night as they lay in the swishing barley, Hae-young calls him “Oppa.” That is so cute. In turn, he calls her “Hae-young-ah,” and they repeat the endearments over and over, enjoying the closeness it brings. Do-kyung draws Hae-young in for a hug, then gets a mischievous glint in his eye and pulls her all the way on top of himself.

Hae-young is ready for some kissing, but Do-kyung whispers for her to open her eyes. “I want you to see the stars.” She does, and gasps at the glorious starry sky, and she breathes that she wants to die right now, while she’s so happy.

Her words mean more to Do-kyung than she knows, and he rolls over to kiss her for real this time. But as he leans in close, they hear a voice call out Do-kyung’s name (ha, the romantic background music literally grinds to a halt).

Pfft, what looks like the entire police department is combing the barley field looking for Do-kyung, assuming he’s doing nefarious things to his “victim” in the tall grass. I’m sure he had a few things planned, poor guy. Do-kyung and Hae-young pop up from the middle of the field, humiliated, and are brought down to the station with the whole crew of idiots who thought the fake kidnapping was a good idea.

They’d all cringed as Mom had screamed at Hae-young over the phone, but by the time she gets to the station, she’s resigned. Do-kyung apologizes, but Mom just says to him, “You keep her.” She starts to leave but stops, and I love how Do-kyung pulls Hae-young behind himself to protect her. But all Mom does is tell Dad to let Do-kyung have Hae-young.

Jin-sang makes good on his promise to feed Soo-kyung a steak dinner, hovering adorably when she starts to eat the wrong things. He tries to hide when two of his current conquests walk in together and right up to his table, then several more join them and surround Jin-sang.

Soo-kyung calmly invites them to attend to their business while she eats, and the first girl does exactly that. She notes that he has one girl for each day of the week but Sunday — is that his day off? The girls loom over Jin-sang menacingly, but Soo-kyung finally calls an end to it.

She tells them that it’s partly their fault for falling for his lies anyway, calling herself his Sunday woman and crowing that they live together. She advises the girl to look for more than looks or money, and to go for a guy with a good personality.

The lead girl makes the mistake of pulling Soo-kyung’s hair, and now it’s on. Even pregnant she delivers a frightening smackdown, and afterward, Jin-sang thanks her for saving his hide.

Soo-kyung’s silence makes him nervous, and he finally just apologizes. She says that he was so adorable in high school, that he was sensitive and helpful, and remembers how he and Do-kyung would wait for her at her bus stop after work.

She asks sadly why he changed, which makes him shy, and she goes into full noona mode to tell him to meet someone nice and get married. As she walks away, she thinks to herself that even though she’ll never tell the baby who its father is, she still wants that father to be someone worthy.

Jin-sang asks Soo-kyung and Hoon what it is that Do-kyung likes so much about Hae-young that he’d risk going to jail for her, even though Do-kyung is right there in the room (Jin-sang: “As if he’d tell us!”). When Hoon calls Jin-sang a name, Soo-kyung jumps up and pins him with just her feet, and everyone is shocked with how strongly she defends Jin-sang.

Suddenly Jin-sang clutches his head, as the pieces all fall together. He makes a weird whining noise as it hits him, and he starts to beg Soo-kyung to say it’s not true. He yells that they’ve never slept together, even as he seems to realize that they must have, based on Soo-kyung’s calm demeanor. Then he remembers his dream, and finally Soo-kyung says, “That’s right. It was a conception dream.”

Cut to: Do-kyung and Hoon kicking Jin-sang’s ass all over the house. Hoon barks that this is Jin-sang’s punishment for all his years of womanizing, and helpfully holds Jin-sang down so Do-kyung can whale on him.

Once that’s done, they proceed to get roaring drunk, and Do-kyung gets the giggles at Jin-sang’s distress, which is the cutest thing ever. Jin-sang starts to cry, and tosses his emergency condoms in the air, no longer needing them.

Do-kyung and Jin-sang end up wobbling to the convenience store, so drunk they’re barely awake. They blearily wonder if this will work, then lean on each other’s faces — are they trying to kiss? Because it really looks like they’re trying to kiss but are too drunk to manage it.

Jin-sang ends up leaning on Soo-kyung’s bedroom door, defeated, and he slumps to the floor. She’s inside in bed, listening to him bang his head on the door, but she doesn’t go to him.

Do-kyung drunk-dials Hae-young to call her “Hae-young-ah” a few more times, and she laughs at his drunken loop. She happily calls him “Oppa” back.

She breaks the news to Tae-jin the next day, that she and Do-kyung are together. She doesn’t ask his forgiveness for either of them, and willingly takes all the blame. This time when she walks away, she doesn’t turn back to look at Tae-jin, and he’s left sitting alone, gulping back tears.

The other Hae-young and Do-kyung run into each other, and she says that she’s on her way to a blind date, acting as if the news should upset him. But he says he’s glad, and agrees to meet her with our Hae-young one day for a drink. Hae-young barely gets out of Do-kyung’s line of sight before she breaks down.

Our Hae-young joins Do-kyung at work, enjoying watching how he makes the sounds match up with the scenes on the screen (and it’s interesting that he’s making the sound for an identical scene to the one that opened this drama, but with a different actress). He lets Hae-young step in and help, and after, they sit and just enjoy each other’s company.

In the morning, the landlord’s son finds Do-kyung and asks if he’s still interested in buying the house. Do-kyung remembers this from his last vision as the man says his father passed away, and starts to worry.

At the same time, Hae-young has a kitchen accident and burns her hand. When she tells him, Do-kyung has another vision of her with her hand in a bandage, and when she shows up at his place with food, she’s wearing the exact clothes and bandage as in his vision. He sees again his vision of lying in the street in a pool of his own blood, dying.

Dr. Park is shocked to hear that maybe, some things can’t be changed — someone gets hurt, someone dies. He wonders what this means, but Do-kyung doesn’t have an answer.

He meets up with Hae-young later and puts on a smile for her benefit. But as they’re walking, he suddenly yanks her to him and clutches her desperately. Hae-young doesn’t understand, but she hugs him back happily.


Show, you have to stop doing this to me! Every time I think I know what’s happening with Do-kyung’s visions, and start to hope that he can change his fate, you throw wrenches into things and I’m so confused I don’t know which way is up.

Let’s talk about paradoxes for a minute. A paradox is a situation made up of events that seem unable to coexist, but can actually turn out to be possible. I’m concerned about the paradox of Do-kyung’s visions versus his ability to change them. Logic would say that if he can change events leading up to his death, then he should be able to also change his fate, and live. But in that case, the paradox is that his death is what’s causing these visions in the first place. So if he uses his visions to stop his death, then he’d never have been dying and experienced the visions, and never have the chance to use them to stop his death. Despite my desperate hope, it doesn’t seem possible that Do-kyung will be able to avoid his own death, because it would mean he never had the visions to begin with.

I think the show is saying that while some things can be changed, either Do-kyung’s death can’t be avoided, or that at least, someone must die. I’m not sure Do-kyung would accept someone dying in his place as a desirable alternative. And I’m unpleasantly reminded of Hae-young’s early walk through traffic and her conviction that she can’t die even if she wants to — I’m not willing to trade Do-kyung’s death for Hae-young’s. Though if I am honest, I don’t think any of us have an idea what Do-kyung’s visions actually mean or whether he can avoid his fate, because this writer is wickedly deceptive, and I think we’re all in for a big surprise.

Off that topic for a moment, and onto Soo-kyung and Jin-sang. I think Soo-kyung’s decision to not tell Jin-sang that he’s the baby’s father was well-thought-out and mature, and that she really did have Jin-sang’s well-being at heart. She didn’t want him to give up his carefree life for a one-night-stand he didn’t even remember, and I can understand why she chose that route. She knows the baby will have multiple excellent father figures in Do-kyung and Hoon, and even Jin-sang as he promised, and that the child wouldn’t suffer from not knowing who its father is. It’s not her fault Jin-sang had a sudden realization and figured it all out.

I will say this in Jin-sang’s defense — he may be an immature twit and a womanizer, but the moment he realized that he’s the father of Soo-kyung’s baby, he considered it a foregone conclusion that he would step up as the father. He didn’t try to run away from it, or deny the truth (he had a moment of personal denial, but once she confirmed it, he believed her), or run from his responsibility. He may not have been happy about it, but he did accept that his life had just changed drastically. He’s got a long way to go before he’s a responsible family man, and Soo-kyung knows it… but she also remembers that sweet, caring boy she used to know. She knows him well enough to know that something happened to change him, and hopefully he can address that and work through it. And it may not be too far-fetched that they end up together — Soo-kyung may have been willing to let him go as a parenting partner, but she wasn’t willing to give up on him as a decent human being, which I think is as solid a foundation for potential love as any.

But back to the main couple — how lovely to see Do-kyung and Hae-young finally talking to each other, calmly and rationally, about their issues. The confusion over her name, his entanglement with Tae-jin, for once they just talked without excessive emotion and actually worked some things out. And how much do I love that Do-kyung wanted Hae-young to call him “oppa?” It felt like he was admitting a sort of vulnerability to her that he hadn’t been able to before, that he wanted to be that to her. And their discussion about why he never called her by name, and their promise to say and hear it as HER name and not the other Hae-young’s was so poignant. It’s a hard scene to describe how it made me feel, but after they worked that out, there’s no denying that they felt closer than ever.


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Yay! I've been waiting on your recap for this episode.


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Me too!


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mee three ! thank you lollypip for this great recap


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Ahh this episode was so much cute!


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And all the cute contrasts so well with Tae Jin, who has issues.

He's seemed like an okay guy generally, though a hothead who's kind of frighteningly physical when angry, but the way he seemed to view OHY in this episode was troubling. The way he brushed off any dating/marriage issues when talking to his business partner, and then this whole thing about viewing OHY's new romance as a way to humiliate HIM? Sir, you basically ditched her at the altar, which was ALL YOU. After that point you have no ground to stand on.

It's very worrying that he may have just seen OHY as another piece of his business plan - not in a malicious way, just not in the all-encompassing way Do Kyung views her. Tae Jin thinks he should be married, so he'll marry OHY. Tae Jin thinks he should be a CEO, so he fixates on that. He's a very entitled individual, and it's pretty clear that he's going to come after Do Kyung out of the same sense of wounded pride that got him in trouble in the first place. Quite honestly, it's probably what also got him in trouble with his business partner - he's the CEO, so he doesn't have to deal with the nitpicky sales stuff, and so all this stuff happens where he can't see it. If an outside investor was able to surface it, that indicates Tae Jin was not paying attention.


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Thank you for articulating the entitlement of TJ.


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+1 I agree


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Thank you! I was wondering why she even apologized at all. Also that vision that the right OHY were back where they belong was dumb as hell. I am hoping she doesn't go back to him.


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You nailed it.

Many have mentioned how Tae-jin could be the hero of his own drama and Do-kyung would be the villain. This is actually something I noticed and weirdly enjoyed since the beginning, but more because I liked the idea of exploring how a typically morally upright person would deal with committing a horrible wrong in a moment of weakness. The reason why Do-kyung is the hero is because he's proven to be someone attentive to those close to him. Even though he's a guy who has failed miserably at putting himself out there, he has always been observant of the people in his life and naturally took care of them.

But Tae-jin, the guy whose circumstances should make you sympathize with him the most, is beginning to seem like a pretty self-concerned & entitled individual. Honestly, it makes sense that a guy dealing with business failings and jail time would be more self-concerned, so it's not so much this that I take issue with. It's the more subtle way he seems unaware of how his actions/words affect those closest to him, when they should be of his greatest concern. I have a harder time connecting with someone like him for this reason, in addition to all the things you mentioned.


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@Chandler "The reason why Do-kyung is the hero is because he’s proven to be someone attentive to those close to him. Even though he’s a guy who has failed miserably at putting himself out there, he has always been observant of the people in his life and naturally took care of them."

Dokyung isn't good with expressing himself with the people around him but you're right about he's observant & attentive to the people close to him. When he told OHY1 why he doesn't call her by the name because he thought of her sensitivity thinking of it's the other Hae Young, I just gushed rainbow. XD


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Just Cute ? ... They were like two 33 year old teenagers! ... I was smiling and cringing simultaneously... i lub them :)

That said, it was a filler episode with the kidnap joke dragged too far.


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I giggled along with OHY so much when she was just laughing to herself. Seeing them together makes all the pain in the last few episodes disappear.


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Yes ! it was so cute and funny... we need an episode full of sweetness like this before we deal with DK scary death vision!


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i don't know about you guys, but aside from all the cuteness, i was really looking forward to the reveal of soo-kyung/jin sang's baby this entire episode LOL


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LOL me too..the highlight of the episode for me is jinsang/sookyung.

and it worth noted that he remember himself, and not the way around
and how cute of his conception dream and sookyung excited face hearing that dream.

but, it sad that sookyung silently crying while listening to jinsang banging his head at her door :/


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Highlight fo the episode, everything I wanted and then some. the condom shower, the kicks, the near kiss...which totally got capped by someone as and then they kiss the end :P


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Thanx for the recap.
Oh I can't get used to smiling, giddy PDK. I watched the beginning part by hiking up my shirt to cover my grin for my mom was around. Hee.
I'm glad that there's a psychiatrist hyung for PDK to confide with. This drama though, even the doctor is flawed.


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Squeeeeeeeeee???????????manse ????????????

Yeah,i don't have any coherent thoughts about this episode.


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I spent the entire episode with the most idiotic grin and giggled my ass off.


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i felt so happy watching them being so lovey dovey to each other ♥ i want a happy ending for this otp please drama give us a good happy ending !


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I love it!!! Thank you so much!!!


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-- The conception dream? So pretty.
-- The kidnapping scene? So funny. Loved how everyone insisted that there are two OHY.
-- The barley field scene at night? So romantic but I'd be scared of bugs if I were there at night.
-- Our OHY' s impulses? Leaving the hospital but not reassuring her parents after her disappearance, and going home ecstatic and loud? Her getting kidnapped and not reassuring her parents after? Granted , she might not have known that her co-workers reported it to the police... still... I agree with her mom: she's crazy, or she can drive her parents crazy! I felt sorry for her mom.


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OHY and her parents are both weird and relatable. Her mom is a wildcard who is endlessly loyal but also volatile enough that you might not want to confide in her too much. OHY is a weird blend where she broadcasts her emotions but conceals most of the reason behind the emotion. Honestly they seem like they have a solid relationship that probably does need to get a little bit of breathing room so OHY can regulate her disclosures and mom can regulate her knee-jerk reactions. They're too much in each other's hair right now (not that the kidnapping would have unfolded differently).

Donating OHY to Park Do Kyung is probably a good move all-round for that particular mother-daughter relationship. It's also pretty funny to see that Do Kyung's reflexively quiet nature seems to temper mom's outbursts. She runs out of steam fast when he just stands there and weathers it. His presence alone will likely cool down the OHY/mom firecracker action.


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"It’s also pretty funny to see that Do Kyung’s reflexively quiet nature seems to temper mom’s outbursts."

-Why do I have a feeling this is what attracted her to Papa Oh also? He's too accepting of her anger for her to keep being angry (most of the time).


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That is so true! I never though of it like that! And since Haeyoung and her mom are so alike, of course they'll clash. But they dearly love each other! I love how despite them being so weird and crazy, like how mom was AGAIN taking off her clothes to beat up the lady that was laughing at their FACES about Hae young's grades, there is still that fierce love.. So, of course it help to have Papa Oh and Do Kyung like that, to temper those fuses, and be there for them whenever. That's right, Do Kyung and the dad are very similar which is probably another reason why Hae young fell in love with him..
Aww, imagine if they become a family, and if the two females collide, the two males are the ones having to calm the situation down! ?

Loved, loved, loved this episode! I don't care if it seemed filler!


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Am I the only one that wants to see a drama of how those two met!? I think it would be hilarious.

Yes? Oh, ok. Back to my hole.


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I totally want one! There honestly aren't that many kdrama parents that I actively ship together, but these two are definitely one of the few!




I have a feeling Papa Oh also likes DK's quiet nature. They're just like a mirror of each other :)


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In her place I wouldn't think of calling my parents, but I would definitely call the office to reassure them and make sure they don't start inquiring about me.


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You know how I feel about this episode? The calm before the bizarre.
How much i've been giddy to see both of lead get happy, also being how much i worry about what will happen later..
Please show.. I need happy ending with all the things tied. Give me that. Promise me. You have 2 episode extend so don't let me down.


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Out of topic. I don't want to sound so pervy but this is my concern in this drama.

During skinship scenes such as hugging, kissing, drunk, etc, several times I saw Eric almost touch or grab Seo Hyun Jin's boobs. It's definitely not intentionally but I think the editing team should aware about this (Seo Hyun Jin didn't show any distraction's expression. I mean the girl looks so excited in all of the romantic scenes so I completely think this is totally an accident) since the camera was was focus on their hands. I totally understand that during acts those kinda 'accident' could happen though.

Anyway, the couple are so cute together. They match well and it looks like I'm witnessing the real romance.


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I actually noticed that too, but it doesn't seem intentional at all, just that she's got a remarkably short waist. In that situation a guy's got about a handspan between "hey, he's touching her ass!" and "hey! he's touching her boob!".

In this episode there's an early shot in particular that looks a bit dodgy, but on rewatch Eric is clearly grounding his fingers on his own opposite forearm - basically HE is completely aware of where he's touching (because he's touching his own skin) and being careful about it, it's just that the energy of the scene and the way it's cropped makes a viewer hyperaware of proximity.


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I know that. Eric is such a gentleman from the way he seems really careful to touch any parts of Seo Hyun Jin's body. It's not helping because Oh Hae Young's character is a bit agresive and 'wild' that's why I said the most safety way is the editing part should be more pay attention to avoid misunderstanding of the viewers. Just like in this episode during back hug scene where the camera zoom in to their hands and his hand accidentally almost grab her boobs, he moves his hands really fast, but it didn't help since it caught by the camera. And some k-netz talked about this in their short clips on korean sites. Viewers seems enjoying this situation being honest, but that's not good for the actor image (if people think he intentionally doing that).


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Re: short waist
I'm also very short-waisted and you know I never realized it before that it really is difficult for the hugger to not touch inappropriate places. In a backhug situation it's either almost touching the boobs (and I'm small-chested) or being to close to the crotch area. lol
Height difference also plays a role imo, if he's significantly taller chances for him touching the boobs are also higher. (Now I wish I had a bf to test this out. :-D )


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How can you expect he doesn't touch anything? It's romance scenes for viewers sake. And how can he predict which direction she'll move to not touch anything? Aigooooo... Eric isn't pervert to act like that though. He can point any girls he likes if he really want to do those kinda thing lol.

You're so narrow minded.


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I remember seeing in an early bts (of a scene of OHY handling drunk PDK) how Seo Hyun-jin told Eric that she might accidentally touch him at inappropriate places while acting and he jokingly answered "Same for me", so both are fully aware that things like that can happen accidentally when you're shooting more intimate scenes

And ngl I'm actually glad that they're both not holding back when acting as a couple. (I'm so tired of dramas where the OTPs' body language looks like the other one has the plague. Lol)


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I don't believe there are people who scrutinize these things. Geesh!


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Haha in the beginning they were so cute I wanted to puke... In the best way possible, of course.

Oh, show. I just realized yesterday that there are only FOUR more episodes left! What am I going to do with myself after it's over?!?


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If only there's no baby, I want Soo Kyung to marry another man rather than Jin Sang. She is a strong and independent woman (aside of her drunken habit), I think Soo Kyung's "normal version self" could raise her kid all by herself perfectly. However, it'll be better if there's someone (her lover, not only Do Kyung or Hoon or Jin Sang as her family) who stay by her side.

I felt sad for Soo Kyung when she was having a conversation with Jin Sang at the restaurant. I want to punch Jin Sang right there at the moment for her.
Jin Sang, you better throw your bad habit away for the sake of Soo Kyung and the baby !
She deserves a good man who loves her and makes her forever happy.


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That baby's gonna be the best thing that ever happened to Jinsang.

OHY and PDK - time doesn't matter if it's only a matter of time, right?


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The Soo Kyung Jin Sung love line has been coming for a while. I was wondering how the show was gonna bring them together. I wouldn't be surprised though if she decided to raise the baby apart from him.


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I really love Soo Kyung’s speech at the restaurant..seems like jin sang was a sweet boy in the past...now that he knows about her pregnancy i hope he'll change his habits and be a better man.


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It made me think that maybe he had a crush on her when they were younger and her going to France, then coming home and being so obviously hung up on another man, is what led to Jin Sang being a womanizer. (Not a good excuse in real life but it seems to be the type of thing that shows up in dramas.)


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Ah, mardy bum! Is that an Arctic Monkeys reference or are you from Yorkshire?


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I just like the song. (I do have great-grandparents who lived there.)


I know that many viewers have started to absolutely hate Other Hae-young, but I honestly can’t help but feel for her still. She is a selfish person, that is true, but I like that she is flawed in a believable way. So many second leads are just rude and mean with little to no reason.

I really enjoyed the flashbacks this episode. They really highlighted just how different the upbringings of the two Hae-youngs were. I think it just goes to show that you always envy what you don’t have. Our Hae-young was never the successful or popular one. She always felt inferior to Other Hae-young in that way… but she received much more love. On the flip side, Other Hae-young has always been envious of the love that Our Hae-young received. I think it would be really interesting for a show (not this one, but another one) to explore what would happen to two characters like these if the situations were suddenly flipped–that is, if Our Hae-young somehow lost the love the had been receiving up to this point and experienced an upturn in her career, and then if Other Hae-young lost her success and money while finding people who love her. I think such a show would have the potential to be quite poignant while exploring the familiar concept that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. Different people have different values when it comes to love/family and career/success, so it would be interesting to see how two such different characters react to their situations changing in that way.

Of course, a reversal of situations like that can’t change how you were brought up, but I think it would give the two a healthy dose of appreciation for what they have in life.

I really do hope that the two Hae-youngs can find a way to be friendly towards each other and have a healthy acquaintanceship (is that a word?). I think them becoming friends is out of the question, especially at this time in their lives, but I want to see them beginning to have a healthier relationship. But that, of course, can’t truly happen until they themselves heal and accept themselves. Maybe they could help each other in that way somehow.

I also can’t help but think that if things in this show were tweaked even just slightly, in another drama Other Hae-young could be the heroine. It’s interesting to think about. All of the characters are extremely yet realistically flawed to the point where just a slight shift in perspective could change how the audience perceives the characters.


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Absolutely agree with you.. I also have my simphaty for the other oh hae young.. She is selfish but that is how her surroundings made her.. She just doing whatever she can to get the love she wants, as for me Tae Jin get less simphaty than other hae young.. This is the first time i like second lead female better than second lead male.


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Haha.. yes that's so true.. i like second lead female better than second lead male too, and maybe i like her better than the main lead female..and it's my first time to feels that way, maybe because like Mindy said: Other Hae-young could be the heroine in other drama,.


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Ooh, very good point. I think this drama has done a good job of displaying the importance of perspectives. In any other drama, HTJ could have been the tragic hero who was trying to win his first love back. It's not mentioned in this recap, but OHY1 mentions in a voiceover how it's so contradictory that the love that brings her and PDK so much joy brings so much pain to others. Makes me wonder where the show is trying to go... Hopefully it's just a good lesson on life, that no matter how little you think of yourself, the person you envy might just be envious of you. So love yourself and love others and live life to the fullest.


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I wholeheartedly agree with everything you wrote, especially the part about wanting the two Hae Youngs to be friends. I'm probably one of the few people who isn't that into the main couple at all. Not that I have a problem with them, but I care more about the members of the central love square growing up and the pregnant sister finding happiness.


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Wanted to take a moment to appreciate Jeon Hye Bin. She said in interviews that she was stressed to take on the role of pretty oh hae young as its not a term she can see on herself. I saw the BTS for the bed scene with Eric and seriously this girl is soo incredibly beautiful overall. Perfect body, pretty face. She’s really amazing in Laws of the Jungle too. Lee Joon Ki is a lucky lucky man. If she wasn’t attached, she’s probably Eric’s type too (kim see sun, park si yen, na hey mi - tall, pretty, good bod). haha


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Is she really Lee Jun Ki's girl? I thought they denied it.


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Wanna add. Actually off screen Eric has better chemistry with her. Maybe because their age pretty close. She has very bright personality while Seo Hyun Jin is more shy type girl. I actually prefer her with Eric than Seo Hyun Jin. I think they match better. Seo hyun Jin always shy arounds Eric. But with Jeon Hye BIn, Eric and her really get along well and joking around freely.


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Either eric or seo hyun jin said they are always difficult to begin with new people in recent interview. Both are shy type. Seo hyun jin ever said her relationship is not that good. She said she always be passive one and always wait the man approaches her first. That's why she said she is not good in love. Eric just the same. He said it was really hard in the beginning. He find it difficult to keep in touch, call, and even talk to his crush. Haha..
And yeah it will be difficult to both of them even there is slightly crush.. it will be easy for them with more active person jeon hye bin and kim ji hoon (he and hyun jin attended park hee von marriage) for example.

But but.. the drama keep me distracted. They are so cute together. And eric-who-seem-can't- resist-to-look-hyunjin-lips makes me delusion. Hahahahha. What a dilemma...


The denial was kinda weak. They’ve been seen way too many times and its been quite a while already also. All that said, Lee Jun Ki has good taste. Watching her on Laws of Jungle, she’s completely unpretentious and so athletic. Gives Song Ji Hyo a run for her money too.


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To be honest, I do not even think the other OHY is that very selfish. Yes, she said she doesn't care if someone gets hurt as long as she knows that DK lived her, but don't we all have such moments? In the grand scheme of things, she DID accept DK's refusal and she DID congradulate our OHY, which seemed fully sincere. To me her level of selfishness seems just normal.

I really like the other OHY bc as you say, for once we have a second lead who isn't only not bitchy and deaf to any turn downs but also a fully realized character on her own. Yes, she is flawed and not all things she's done or said are good, but you can see where she's coming from. It's all organic.


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Yep, agree with you about her level of selfishness being quite normal BUT I think usually one stops at thinking it, we don't go around saying it. In that aspect I think she went too far, when she said that she didn't care how many lives were ruined. But maybe it was just in the heat of the moment.


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I think our OHY has on many times said things that most of us wouldn't .

Its a matter of perspective. We are far more forgiving/understanding of our OHY bec we love her. Honestly, the other OHY hasn't done anything terrible or awful.

In another show, she could have been the main lead. With the story focussing on how the love of the hero (who she once ditched) made her a more secure and loved person


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Agree. I don't understand why people can accept our HY when she barged to punch the other HY for no reason (at least to her, not the viewers) but quickly brand other HY selfish just because she felt relieve to know she was actually once loved by DK to the extent that he ruined someone's business/marriage.
Ps: I don't think she tried to get pdk jealous by mentioning blind date, more like she's trying to show him that she's okay and ready to move on eventhough she obviously wasn't.


@Lily: Relief is not the issue here. The issue is that she actually went to the guy who's already over her, in pain for his part in another person's downfall and so damn regretting doing something so terrible and then made it all about her. I don't care what you do, as long as you did it for me, even if you end up crushing yourself with guilt.

Thinking it is okay. We're not angels and we're not saints. But to actually go all the way there to say that out loud??

Too much.

And our HaeYoung didn't do well herself. But seeing how she was absolutely tortured, and blinded by an outburst of (32-highschool age) years of bottled anger and pain, it's understandable. It's not acceptable behaviour, mind you, but it's understandable.

For me, a beat down doesn't compare to ruining someone's work and love life (or being happy/glad that someone would do/ did that for you).


I agree. i've seen comments where people are quick to condemn the Other OHY for her selfish moments but gives free passes to Just OHY. Both of them are selfish in their own way as people inherently are. When the Other OHY said that she didnt care that DK ruined another's marriage for her, i felt that it isnt entirely true. In that moment she had wanted to convince DK that even though he had brought hurt onto another person, but for her, he mattered more than the other person. In this episode, HY said it as well, "i can't help caring more about my love (even if it is a love that brings other people pain)."


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Yes, I think this episode gave me a further insight to other OHY. I can see why she was so self-absorbed in the previous eps (wanting to be the most painful love, and "I don't care how many lives you ruined because it proved you loved me") because she didn't get any love and attention from her family.

On that note, she might have not been that generous in letting our HY sign her own paper -- she probably wanted to get a reaction out of her own family, but obviously failed. Especially with the part when Mum grabbed our HY and told her "Grades aren't everything", I really felt for pretty OHY. She tries so hard to be "perfect" to gain approval, only to find out when she (pretends to?) act out, her mum doesn't care at all.

Guess that's why she was so glad when she found out DK ruined a marriage: He cared enough about her to do that.


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We all know this is before all shit hit the fan again, right?

That being said ...

I want Eric to say my name, too.

And I'll call him Oppa.

Who cares if i'm older.



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LOL, so often in dramas the police are useless when a lead character disappears, but here they got a whole SWAT team organized in a matter of hours?! Priceless. Only the best results for Mama Oh.


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It's Mama Oh...my guess is she is intimately familiar with the police.


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HAHAHAHA. True that.


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I think it's because Mama Oh was a police hacker in her past life. ;)


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I really admired Mama Oh's acting in Healer!


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i instatly think of healer the moment i saw this comment. lol


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Well, atleast the police officers in this drama did their job properly. hehehe.


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I was more amused by the officers ranking on them via megaphone.



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Ahahaha. That was hilarious!!!


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LollyPip-nim, thank you~~~

I keep telling myself that they're only acting and it's only drama but PDK & OHY lovey-dovey.. I thought I'm going to have diabetes because too many sweet, hahaha

"Haeyoung-ah, Haeyoung-ah.."

I'm dead!


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I bet he does get hit by a car and lies there in the street bleeding like his vision, but lives anyway.


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Such a lovely couple, they should be honored with best couple award this year. I'm not surprised if Seo Hyun Jin really falls for Eric, I mean who can blame her?

So he still thinks he'll die. I'm also starting to have doubt that this drama will have a happy ending, but seeing that there are 4 episodes left, I keep telling myself that anything still could happen. I believe the producers and writers will not disappoint us viewers just for high ratings, I mean when bunch of people fall for this drama, their voices also matters. Try to consider that, PD and Writers-nim

But if, only if, this drama ends with sad ending, I will have my own ending in this episode (episode 14). I can watch it over and over again, but only till this episode.


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"When a lot of people fall for this drama, their voices also matters."

I couldn't agree more. Back then, I remember Reply 1988, which the ending was far from expected, and I believe a lot of people were disappointed, but its rating was really high. Yes, sometimes they did that to increase the ratings.

Well, hopefully it won't happen again with this drama, like you said there are still 4 episodes left, so anything can be possible to happen.


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I can't believe I get to comment early!

The episode felt like a set of perfectly set together vignettes and was MUCH better done then episode 13. The key accomplishment of episode 14 is that each set of romantic pairings had a genuine conversation (although in the case of Hoo/ana it was pretty slight because they have always been honest) about what matters to them. I love how right and freeing it felt to hear everyone admit to faults without blame or negativity. I'm going to break it down by character/pairings what I thought cause no one else has said it yet : )

Our Hae Young
You won girl. She was so cute the whole damn way through. Just as cheeky as I would be (cause yeah lets be honest who isn't gonna want Eric every second of the day) and yet she's sensitive enough to understand how much DK wanted to simply touch. Her admission about being sensitive about her name was probably the most raw moment of the episode for her. Here is a girl who is openly admitting her inferiority complex. She is saying that despite it all it's her name too. She want's to own her name and hear it spoken. Just wow... the fact that she can even take that step is amazing. This episode was her triumph not because DK is with her but because she took a step forward for herself and wasn't stepping back.

Pretty Hae Young/Bit Na
Poor Girl~ That's all I can say. Everything with the flashback and her collapse into tears after meeting DK reinforces my original estimation of who she is. Broken, lost and cracked though she may be at least she has a garbage disposal? It's all I got for her.

Do Kyung
He did it! This the episode where we finally get into DK heads people. He got some balls and opened the eff up! Dk didn't just open himself up to HY. He went all out just like he said. he went so far he willingly tried to bribe his noona for a little time with his girl. Say it with me boys and girls Awwwww~ That however wasn't the highlight. He literally says I deserve to be punished for what I did to TJ. He openly asks OHY not to involve herself. He admits to his failings and just accepts his wrong doing. Moreover he shows an enormous amount of sensitivity when he tells OHY why he has never said her name.

This is the kind of woman I want my girls to grow into (assuming I ever have daughters). Self aware, cool and capable of love. I have praised the acting before but god damnit she needs to be in a meatier role.

Jin Sang
I knew there was a reason he's such a dumbass now. Tell us what it is! Don't make me come to korea writer-nim!

Poor women, what her daughter does to her. I think we should all get her a drink or massage.


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Me during the kidnapping scene : Eric kidnapp meeeee !!!!! *scream*


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This is the first drama in 10 years of addiction that I've gone back and rewatched the kisses!! I love the chemistry there two have!!!
I also love how Hae Young loves. It's pretty reckless but it's kind of inspiring too. It seems like she relishes every moment of being in love and I think that an only be achieved by fully giving oneself away.
I was loving this episode until the end. It seems like since he is changing the future, she is getting hurt. I can see that as being a conflict where Do Kyung chooses to die if his living means that Hae Young is harmed. I hope I am 200% wrong and they live happily ever after and have loads of cute babies!!


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I think what doctor means, someone death can't be changed.

As for me, PDK so far only making an effort to change his relationship with HY1, but haven't change what makes the tragedy will happen in the first place. Since DK doesn't know yet why the car accident happen, He won't be able to change his fate with this one, SO he start to fear the worst. A good think he has HY beside him now.

He though he will die. But I hope he won't


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Last few ep have been not up to par then older episodes! Angst filled were so much better then lovey dovey. I dont know what is wrong with me!


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As much as I love to see DK and HY be a lover and make up, these too much lovey dovey scenes made me wary and jittery. And we still have 4 eps to go..

Thanks for the recap, Lollypip~!


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This episode made my heart flutter so much!!! Even though their interactions were bordering on sickly-sweet I still can't get enough of our OTP's cute interactions - feels like we've been through so much heartbreak and depressing emotions that we need so much more cute material to make me believe they are finally happy together.

I don't want to believe this drama is going to have a sad or open ending. I mean if it's marketed as a romantic-comedy THERE CAN'T BE A DEATH RIGHT???? Just no, show, please. But there were so many allusions to death (Hae Young saying she was so happy she could kill someone lol, or so happy that she could die on the cornfield) this episode that I can't help but feel there is a harbinger of doom coming our OTP's way. I think the accident could still happen, but I really hope someone doesn't die. My theory is that Hae Young will be the one knocked down in Do Kyung's place by pulling him out of harm's way (because her presence in his life now would change that exact accident moment, she'd be by his side rather than Do Kyung being alone). But she can't die!!!!! As long as Hae Young doesn't die and still is able to recover and end up with Do Kyung, I think I could be happy with that.

Also, Do Kyung better not break up with Hae Young again because of noble idiocy. I hope he confides in her regarding his fear of his potential impending death and be able to find solace in her. Please let there be a happy ending for our OTP!!


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" I mean if it’s marketed as a romantic-comedy THERE CAN’T BE A DEATH RIGHT????"

My thoughts exactly. C'mon, I've never seen a ROM-COM that ended in the death of one half of the couple! It may be angsty at times but I'm 100% sure neither of them will die.


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I have seen one. Worse, it was a sitcom ?


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I don't know what you're talking about. That sitcom was only 125 episodes...


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LOL I forgot about HIMYM! Still can't believe they did that. Terrible writing.


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I really have to once again applaud Eric and Seo Hyun-jin for being so damn convincing as a couple. I'm not sure how they managed to be so cheesy without making me cringe. Somehow they just made me melt because I really felt how much they needed to just act like giddy teenagers and not hold anything back. They actually remind me a lot of my sister and her new husband (just married last sunday!).

I just loved them openly addressing so many of the issues that have held them back. Especially Hae-young overcoming her insecurity over her name and Do-kyung helping her to do so by making it clear to her why he's been so hesitant to call her that way. For some reason, him calling her name and her calling him oppa was surprisingly intimate and sweet to me. Lol. Even if they overdid it a bit. They're allowed to do that! They've been so damn miserable. I really can't remember the last time I felt so much sexual tension between a pairing, by the way.

I take the hug at the end to be indicative of Do-kyung's resolve to treasure her even if his premonitions of death continue. I would love it even more if he confided his fears in her. They've taken so many strides forward, surely this can happen?

I also loved the Soo-kyung and Jin-sang development the most this episode. I'm going to rewatch their scenes and write a post for them too.


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Writer-nim....Producer-nim....Director-nim, please please please give us a happy ending and we'll be friends forever!

Thank you for giving me something to live for during Mondays and Tuesdays and of course... recaps for this show. God bless you show and Dramabeans.


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I agree with your view about the paradoxes - if there is no accident, then there won't be visions that Do-kyung has been seeing up to now. And I am quite certain that the accident will happen due to the revenge of Tae-jin and the dirty meddling of Chairman Jang. It will be a flaw in the plot if the accident that has been the explanation of the visions (and has become a main worry of us viewers) does not happen after all. My guess: The accident will happen, and while lying there slowly losing consciousness, Do-kyung remembers his memories with Hae-young.
But he will not die. He will survive after surgery. We will have a happy ending.


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This episode reminds me to a movie, "If Only". The guy get another chance (a day) to stop his girlfriend (Jennifer Love Hewitt) from dying in an accident. Turns out, no matter what he did, some things just couldn't be changed. He realize belatedly that the accident will happen despite his effort. What he did? He focus on spending the remaining time to love her, just fully and wholeheartedly love her.


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I totally thingking about the movie too....if only just one of the movie who I still remember until now


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That's too sad a ending for this drama to have, everyone will be so traumatized that the Cheese in the Trap piano love affair will be nothing compared to this.


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Who is having tooth decaying problem right now, please raise your hand!!


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Did anyone notice DK had on the ill fated "SURFING" shirt this episode. I was like, "take that thing off and BURN it!!!!!"


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Ikr. I was like, what's up with that? Was it a mistake or it was just Do-kyung not having a lot of shirt? But then again, I don't think any character in this drama has worn a shirt twice...


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I believe it's just a significant as if he's already change his fate. He's even wearing the different jacket than in the vision.


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The kidnapping had me ROFL!!!! His hoobaes are a barrel of laughs , poor foolish boys. I love seeing dramas with boys being besties and getting into stupid capers. One of the reasons I adores King of High School

Sunday Unni's fashion is the best in this series!!! I love all her eyewear . Anyone know who made the large , clutch handbag she was using during the dinner scene with Jin Sang???

As for out OTP, I love how straight forward Hae Young is with him. She wants him and has to problems saying as much. I can't stand mousy girls who pretend they're shy and act all innocent.


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This is obnoxious but... my jaw almost dropped, seeimg how your screencaps and my IMPcaps have almost the same images.

They must have been pretty...

This episode gave me the cavities and some needed chicken soup. HaeYoung's strong emotional dependency is such a boon and a bane for her and given that last episode was the bane, this one's the boon. I don't think I've ever seen any new-girlfriend as happy as her.

Things are starting to wrap up, which is great, since its now 'us against the world' and two is better than one.

I really want to see JinSang return back to his cute, nice person self.


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Thanks lollypip for the fantastic recap.
I am a massive fan of Eric and seo hyun jin and they are killing it on this show.
Eric seriously has the most amazingly expressive eyes!!
We need to applaud Eric and SHJ for being so convincing as a couple. I usually cringe when I see the "I' m so happy, cheesy couples" but they had me grinning and cheering for their happiness.
In my 7 years of kdrama addiction this is the first time I have actually hoped that the otp make it as a couple in real life...they are just so awesome together.


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The main leads chemistry is off the charts.makes me wonder if they have the hots for eachother irl.their kiss scenes were all take 1 so i heard,correct me if i'm wrong.or maybe they're just that good as actors.i replayed the reconciliation part or the last 5 minutes from ep 13 a loooot of times and will replay back the first part of ep.14 with no regrets.

I never thought i saw SHJ in a drama before called feast of gods.i didn't recognize her(i used to hate her character)i only realize this when i looked up her past works.i might watch eat2 for her.she's totally different in that drama from our cheerful OHY.

I feel like the extension is unnecessary and will end up dragging the show.


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This episode reminded me of why I continue to watch this show. The lawyer-sister scenes were fantastic, as was the mistaken kidnapping. I also like that we get the opportunity to pity Tae Jin and Pretty Hae Young, too. I found the "Oppa" stuff cringe-worthy, but I like the way the main couple bonded through sound. It would be nice to see OHY embrace her own career the way DK embraces his. She seemed enthusiastic about rice at one point, and I am still waiting for her to show some initiative and passion for her own work. Perhaps then he could spend a day with her co-workers while she shared the pleasures of her job with him.

This show can be quite charming without DK's visions and the angst that come with them. Unfortunately, I think we're in for more melodrama. Even when I can relate to Regular Hae Young's extreme feelings, I find her lack of self-control and consideration off-putting. I'm not sure I totally buy HY and DK's self-destructive devotion to each other, either. It feels too sudden and extreme, especially when HY was trying to physically hurt herself last episode. It's obvious that neither character was as emotionally invested in their previous relationships, which makes me pity their exes a little. Viewers condemned pretty Hae Young for delighting in the realization that DK actually loved her enough to hurt someone out of jealousy, but would regular Hae Young have reacted differently?


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~ It’s obvious that neither character was as emotionally invested in their previous relationships, which makes me pity their exes a little ~

every time I think about the lack of 2nd lead story,
I just think it because they didn't want the viewer to redeem them as another related and loved character,

The lead pair is too unbelievable in that short time when I think about their past relationship and how they said they were in love at the prev one.

I also think OHY2 is pretty believable and quite harmless, while TJ is pretty tragic and now had anger issue, I thought he supposedly better than that since he never shown violent when he was with OHY1


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Re: "The lead pair is too unbelievable in that short time when I think about their past relationship and how they said they were in love at the prev one."

For me, their consciously-stated decisions to go for broke in their next (i.e., present one) relationships are what makes the lead pair believable even in such a short span of time. OHY admits to herself after tossing her wedding album in the Han that she was formerly always guarded in love, and isn't going to love that way any longer. DK says that he's no longer going to live in a state of regret, and will follow his heart to what he assumes will be the fast-approaching end of his days. Instead of passively going with the flow and "loving" on autopilot, they're both putting their hearts on the line for a change.


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This, exactly.

Relationships involve different people at different times in their lives. Each one will unfold in it's own way. If the timing is right and the people are right, lasting bonds can form very quickly.

My mom married my dad pretty soon after her first marriage didn't work out, but they've been going strong for years because my mom realized that she needed to find someone who wanted the same things out of marriage as she did.
Sometimes knowing what we're looking for in a romantic relationship can make all the difference.


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Wait...I need a moment to gather my thought. Because the only thing I could do was squeeeeaaaaallllll!!!!

Wow...the reconciliation hugs.....so cute....
Oppa - Haeyoung-ah....so sweeeet.....

But, the best scene for me was when PDK-OHY talked to each other in the lake. Those was very much needed.


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I enjoyed this episode more than episode 13, which felt like fillers. The plot is moving forward more here, though I thought it could be tighter.

I am also now more interested in Noona's and Jin Sang's development.

Nobody mentioned it here, but some netizens thought Eric looked a little awkward in certain scenes. I thought his acting could be a bit better. He is nailing some scenes, yet some other scenes felt a little forced.


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What was the significance of Hae Young burning her hand? I feel like I missed that?


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I also like this episode better since episode 13 seems just full of their previous episodes.

I wish the noona get better man in her life. She deserves better than Jin Sang. But what to do, they'll become parents soon.

I thought before Eric looks awkward. But then I realized it's his character, Park Do Kyung which is like upgraded version of Oh Hae Young's dad. Both less talk but more their actions talk. However I could totally understand why few of us misundertand that he's awkward. Because Park Do Kyung mostly use his facial expressions and gestures. But in his past relationship, it's clear he was a happy person. That makes me hope after his bulshit visions solved, he might become more cheerful person.


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Fave scenes: ALL THE SOO KYUNG/JIN SANG ONE. Gosh. I was really rooting for SK, she's my fave character now. With the way she was acting, I was so sure that she wouldn't tell JS the truth and was wondering how he would find out... but the show went about it in such an organic way. And the moment of realisation was so funny but also sad. Guess JS didn't get a law degree for nothing, haha.

Hope to see more of scenes developing other OHY's back story! That gave another perspective to me and changed my opinion of her since her "I'm glad you ruined a marriage for me" scene.


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I'm torn between wanting DK's vision to never happened, and wanting the show to just get it over with already, bc waiting around for it to happen is worse. PD was mean, trolling us with the "SURFING" T-shirt. I hate having to watch every episode in fear that this one will be the one where he's dies. Yet I also love the suspense and sense of melancholy it adds to the show, so I can't complain. It makes the drama different from the standard romcom.

Next week has to be when it happens though right? ?


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1. My teeth hurt. So much saccharine sweetness. I'm embarrassed for them.

2. The kidnapping should not be half as funny as it is. But oh, I laughed so hard when the cops actually came looking for them.

3. The leads are in serious danger of having their spotlight usurped. SooKyung was fabulously hilarious this episode.

4. This episode felt like a return to the form of the earlier episodes where it had this over the top silliness that was gloriously charming. The drawn out depression eps were not fun watching (not that they usually are in kdramaland).

5. I am on PDK Wardrobe Watch in every scene now, waiting for him to put on the tshirt with the black writing and the black blazer so he can go off to his merry accident.

6. Let's talk about time and paradox. There's a lot of ways you can play with the mechanics of time "travel", but the easy way to think of them is this:


I think we're dealing with a case of a Fixed Timeline with a little flavor: if time is a bit elastic, that is you can bend and pull it with your actions, it will still eventually snap back to what is meant to happen. So we see PDK being able to change certain things, but still not seem to be able to avoid being hit by the car.

I'll note that we have not seen PDK actually die. He thinks he's dying, he's bleeding, injured, has felt the pain, but he also hears an ambulance.

I remain convinced that his Shrink is not real, but is a figment of his subconscious (or, for the faithful, a guardian angel type). if that's the case, PDK may be in for a pivotal moment of making a choice as he lays in the road. Before, closed off, depressed PDK would have chosen to give up, especially if OHY1 had gone back to TaeJin. Now, we see him with multiple reasons to make a more positive choice in that moment: OHY1, his impending niece/nephew, improving relationship with his dongsaeng, perhaps an improving relationship with his mother, cleaning up the festering wound that was OHY2, etc.

TLDR; Time is a rubber band, stretchy but still snaps back to critical moments; PDK hasn't seen his death, just an accident; and now he finally has positive context to make a positive choice while on the edge of death. Oh, and Shrink is not real.


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Thanks for your thoughts in #6. I'm on the verge of drop-shipping DK an ACME-brand tesseract so he can finagle the timeline and dodge the Auto of Annihilation.

/rant over

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who's noticed that we've never seen the final outcome of DK's accident visions, so he just might be jumping to the conclusion that he'll die. Another (potential) misunderstanding.

I wonder what would happen if DK were to attempt to keep watching the accident visions unfold longer to find out what actually transpires. Oh, and also keep watching the real-life manifestations play out to the end, for confirmation.

The questions that are bugging me the most at this time are: Why did DK not have visions when he was still with NOHY? If he's doomed, he's doomed. What changed? Is OHY a spiritually powerful person who conjured him into her life via resonance or magnetism, or was it mutual?

DK indirectly told OHY that he has visions (i.e., when he was asking her why she kept appearing in his mind during an argument outside the front door to her apartment). It didn't seem to register with her. As part of his self-disclosure to her, he needs to tell OHY about his visions. Two heads are better than one, and she would want to help him if she could. It would be a significant step forward in trusting her with his heart...

In case you did not see my comments in episode 13, take a gander at strands #46 (re: subtitles, in 2 parts - dealing with an important line by SK back in ep. 10) and #66 (Re: DK’s vision of impending doom — with apologies to Chandler in strand #59). The stuff I noticed blew my doors off last weekend.

Thanks for providing lots of high-quality grist for the mill. ;-)


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Heya, do you happen to have a blog where you post your thoughts? I find your posts interesting, I wanna read more. Saw your comments on the previous episode's recap, and holy shiz, I like how you go from quoting the Bible to discussing linguistic stuff and tesseracts. Like, whuuut?


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Pleased to make your acquaintance and glad you found the post useful. Writer-nim put the Biblical references in the story. I merely looked up chapter and verse -- discovered an Easter egg...

DramaBeans is the only place I comment on anything, anywhere on the web. (Before that, it was the Soompie forum for THE KING'S DAUGHTER, SU BAEK-HYANG, which was not recapped here.) I pretty much lurked before yakking in OT#444.

I don't usually watch a show while it's airing because it can be so exhausting, especially when it's as convoluted as this one. But I really appreciate the chance to hash out theories and fangirl with other thoughtful viewers in a civilized forum with a high signal-to-noise ratio... especially among native speakers of Korean who so kindly share linguistic and cultural information that enables me to better understand what's going on and why. (And explain the puns and wordplay and point me to lyrics of OSTs, etc.!) A million thanks to Madame javabeans and the DB recappers who faithfully produce stunning, detailed extracts twice a week for months on end -- and provide this playground for us to enjoy.

I never know what will pop out. We've got a wonderful community of viewers here who constantly bounce their observations and insights off each other. One thing leads to another as we sound the depths of the drama. I never had this much fun in English Literature class.

Re: tesseracts -- See Robert Heinlein's The Number of the Beast and maybe the folding box in Glory Road, and Madeleine L'Engel's A Wrinkle in Time.

Sageuks (fusion, fantasy, and straight historical) are really my bag, and I'm looking forward to SCARLET HEART: RYEO... so will likely be watching and kibitzing when it airs.


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I guess I'll watch out for your posts here on Dramabeans, then.

I've read A Wrinkle in Time back in high school and that's where I first encountered the word tesseract. Never thought I'd see it in a db comment.


You must have had terrible English Lit profs. I had some pretty fantastic ones tearing apart the social critiques in Romantics and Victorians and it just made everything that much more interesting.

At any rate, you hit on my favorite part of DB: the explanations of the cultural nuances and wordplay that gets lost in translation or doesn't resonate because foreigners don't have the same cultural base to understand it. (SIDE NOTE: This would be an awesome occasional feature for DB if they're looking to expand their variety of content!)

I saw your bible quote last ep and thought it interesting. Not being particularly religious myself, the reference passed me by, but now that you point it out, of course I know it. All writing has callbacks in it; to quote another Bible verse, "There is nothing new under the sun." It is also, generally in my experience as a writer, very deliberate.



It wasn't a matter of having crummy English Lit profs so much as simply not resonating to the social critiques until much later in life, after I started researching my genealogy. THEN social history came alive for me. Plus I was very much like DK in my younger days, and wouldn't have been able to articulate a feeling if it bit me on the fanny.

For me, the difference between vivisecting drama in literature class and discussing it here on DramaBeans is that I'm not getting graded on it. What a relief. ;-)

As for the Biblical passages, I'm not all that religious, either -- appearances to the contrary. I wanted to call them out for viewers whose background is not Judeo-Christian. I know that Writer-nim put them there for a reason. It would be a shame to miss out on the intended subtext, especially in relation to SK.


I'm also on PDK wardrobe watch for a different reason. I really dislike his tucked in style. He looks really awkward. What a shame, Eric is so good-looking, and has a nice upper body.


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Agree. I'm the furthest thing from fashionable, but even I can spot such a terrible style and cringe.


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Re: #6, Doc Park as figment of DK's imagination

The acid test for this would be DK telling OHY he's been seeing a headshrinker, and bringing her to meet the good doctor to enlist her aid.

Re: inevitability of fate

If DK really does croak, it could play out as in 49 DAYS. No matter what you do, fate is inescapable, but at least redemption is possible.

Yikes. I just remembered Scheduler.

OHY's statement of happiness could be taken as "Today is a good day to die," which sounds like foreshadowing to me. More shoes will drop.


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I'll settle for any character meeting the Shrink. Anonymous baristas could, theoretically, be figments of the imagination used to populate the dreamscape.


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I can't remember what episode it was, but one of the Dr's aids/admins/nurse/whatever gave him PDK's address.


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DK's visions aren't necessarily accurate anymore...right? In episode 13 we saw that Hae Young didn't pick up the phone and didn't hold TJ's hand like DK saw. So who's to say that the car accident vision is even true anymore. Maybe he'll make a different split second decision like the other two times and be able to avoid it.


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Rather than not being accurate, in the scenes you mention Do-kyung did or said something that changed what happened. He saw what he said in the vision to cause those events and so he decided to take charge and say something or do something DIFFERENT, which resulted in Hae-young not picking up her phone or taking Tae-jin's hand. As his doctor said, it seems he is able to change his own fate.

However, when it comes to bigger things like Hae-young's injury or the car crash, he still can't seem to change them. Whether he's not changing his course of events drastically enough or if it is actually impossible to change them has yet to be determined.


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DK's visions have never been accurate. They're being filtered through the brain of an increasingly unreliable narrator.


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DK's premonitions had been accurate as how he saw it, prior to EP.13 that's when he realized he can change it by doing/saying thing differently from what he saw in his premonitions. We also find out that he can not change injuries (as we saw Hae Young got burn on her hand). So the doctor thinks DK can't prevent injuries or death...


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I read today that they have a fixed ending, the same ending since the beginning so I think our voices are not really matter here. I just hope either it's happy or sad ending, the drama ends with satisfaction.

Like if they really need to kill Park Do Kyung, at least he died with no regret (in his and our end). We satisfied with what happened when he lives, and the characters left are effected by his death but not hurt by it. If you know what I mean.

Because the way I see it, he's really dying. BUT, BUT, Our OHY's hand is injured when the original vision there's no injury at all. I'm just afraid, the fate is in reverse where she's the one who's gonna die. Ok, that's not a good theory, just ignore it.

And Jin Sang, I hope he will accept and be responsible to Soo Kyung and the baby. Because I want them to be happy too.

I also kinda sad for Other OHY but I like how they wrote her character. She has everything a girl want - decent job, good looking, brain - but admit it, nobody is perfect. So when she got everything, she's lack of love and family's attention. The only thing she deserve to gain at the end of the drama is her mom's love. That's all.

As for Taejin, I don't know what to think about his fate, I think I'll just wait and see for that one.


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Oh I watched again, she really had some bandage in the vision too. I thought there's none before.


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To DK (if he dies),

"You get a strange feeling when you leave a place, like you you'll not only miss the people you love, but you miss the person you are at this time and place because you will be this way ever again"


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Thanks for citing that bit of dialogue. In which episode did it occur, and who said it? Was it Doc Park? I seem to recall when I first encountered it that it had a double-negative or something, and logically would have made sense if it were rendered as:

“You get a strange feeling when you leave a place, like you you’ll not only miss the people you love, but you miss the person you are at this time and place because you will never be this way again”

Is this another way to say we can never stand in the same river twice? Or that we evolve between lifetimes? Or that we are shaped by the energies of time and place that hold sway when we incarnate, along with everyone around us, and once we leave that particular field, the connections and resonance are lost? (I personally believe that this last item accounts for the differences between generations.)

I don't know about you, but I can look back on my younger selves and have compassion for them in retrospect. I'm backwardly compatible with myself -- as long as I can remember my own past. It gets more complicated between lifetimes and between other souls... but it is possible to trace karmic relationships.

JS's conception dream is a beautifully graphic example of an incarnating soul's relation to the music of the spheres, which is produced by the tones of the planets moving against the fixed stars of the firmament.


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Thanks for the recaps this week, LollyPip!

SK's heart-to-heart with JS after beating up his string of hussies was touching, and the opening to his backstory. Her earlier reaction to the conception dream was exquisite... The way she gave a little gasp and briefly touched his hand, and the look in her eyes, spoke volumes.

When he described catching the celestial fish, I saw it as him being with her to catch the baby. Soon he'll be trotting off to prenatal classes with her. He's that kind of guy.

I'm willing to bet that JS's heart was broken when Noona went to France and dated Mr. Brazil and the other guy. He probably had a noona crush in high school... if not before. Or he may have seen her as unattainable, given the 8-year age difference, which would have been like the Grand Canyon when he was in school, but now isn't as big of a deal. I expect that he'll fess up in a manner every bit as gutsy as DK's making his feelings known to OHY.

The scenes set in the barley field were lovely. Since it's about to be harvested, it makes me wonder how much time has passed. If barley can be planted like winter wheat, it would be harvested by June (if the climate and growing season is like Kansas)... That's still too late for cherry trees to be flowering -- unless it's another kind of tree with white blossoms that was visible as DK and OHY were walking around after leaving the hospital. In the words of the melancholy Dane, "the time is out of joint." Is Writer-nim playing with our minds again?

Back to the barley. Our OTP did sort of get a roll in the Hae Young after all. Too bad they had so much company...

Eva Cassidy Fields of Gold lyrics


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I think this episode give every one middle happy ending they were looking for and after this whatever happen I know that they were happy and in love.

I like how producer put these funny scene where u least expect it bcoz i never thought Jin sang will able to guess that he is the father and when DK and OHY making out in field there is police with gun ( Gun was too much)

Not gonna lie ,feel bad for TJ .(too much bad luck)

I like how DK holds/compose his character ,moments ,expression and dont know why OHY falls in love with guy who is soo stiff. I know he has his treads.

Right now I am very much invested in this drama and one more is Lucky romance becoz of RHY.

For this drama , i will give credit to producer,writer and then actors for making heart breaking but little funny and making everyone to fall in love with DK & OHY .

I like this drama but not over the top bcoz it is not funny enough but it made me talk to you guys.


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Finally! We finally have leads in dramaland who ACTUALLY talk and address their issues! *clapping excitedly*

I love seeing the maturity and honesty of all the characters this episode. They're like real people with real relatable issues and I feel like their life will still continue beyond our final episode. And I've never seen Do Kyung as happy as today's episode. It's almost so worth it to have him being all sullen and miserable through 13 episodes.


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This is the only drama that made me to replay the episodes from the beginning while waiting for Monday to come. Im so in love with our main lead PDK and OHY. This episode is sooooo gooood! Full of love, kiss and hugsssss.


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My favorite scene: When PDK and OHY and her parents are at the police station, and Mama Oh turns and gives PDK the "look". That look was priceless. It spoke volumes. Only a mother can effectively give a look like that. And only actress Kim Mi-kyung has the chops to pull it off. So funny!

Thanks Lollypip for the super fast recap!


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