Lucky Romance: Episode 8

If I hadn’t already fallen in love with Ryu Joon-yeol in Answer Me 1988, I surely would’ve fallen for him now. He makes this character so much better than what’s on the page, and he makes it so that every time he’s mortified, I’m mortified, and every time he swoons, I swoon. It’s so immediate that I forget that the heroine often makes no sense to me whatsoever; because when seen through his eyes, she seems like the prettiest, most wonderful girl in the world, and I forget the madness of her debilitating superstition. If only he could make her forget it too.



Both boys are in a panic at the thought that Bo-nui might be off somewhere trying to end her life, and run around in search of her. Gary thinks that waiting at home is best, since he has faith in his noona not to do something that extreme, while Su-ho gets angry at the mention of faith, arguing that sitting there believing something and waiting doesn’t make it true.

Su-ho’s anger is clearly directed towards Bo-nui, and he argues that things wouldn’t have gotten so out of hand if she hadn’t believed in such crazy predictions in the first place. He calls that kind of blind faith pathetic, and the boys split up to find Bo-nui their own way. I’m surprised their team effort lasted as long as it did.

Meanwhile Bo-nui is at the river looking utterly dejected, and she starts to inch forward towards the water’s edge. Su-ho runs around the riverbank looking for her, and Gary waits on the roof of their apartment, trusting that she’ll come home but growing nervous by the minute.

Su-ho calls the long-term care facility to ask after Bo-ra, but he can’t seem to locate her either. He rereads Bo-nui’s goodbye letter and argues at it: “You said you couldn’t give up! You said you’d do anything to save her!”

When morning comes, Bo-nui is simply sitting by the river, lost in thought. Oh phew, she just went there to think? I was really upset at her until now.

She writes her sister’s name on a piece of paper and folds it into a boat, and sets it out on the river with a request for Mom and Dad to look after Bo-ra until the end. Bo-nui promises to protect her and go with Bo-ra when it’s all over. (What? So you do intend to die? I don’t even know anymore.)

Gary comes out in the morning still waiting for Bo-nui to come home, and finds Su-ho parked outside the building doing the same thing. Su-ho is relieved when he spots Bo-nui trudging up the street in a daze, but when Gary starts to rush over to her, Su-ho stops him and suggests letting her rest. He says that it’s enough that she came home, and just leaves without seeing her.

Bo-nui worries when she sees missed calls from Bo-ra’s nurse, but when she calls and rushes to the hospital, she finally gets some good news for once in her life: Bo-ra’s finger began twitching in the ambulance, so they turned around and brought her back to the hospital, and they’re confident she’ll begin to recover.

Bo-nui is ecstatic as she flutters through the hospital thanking the hospital staff, and she even stops to talk to flowers on her way out like a Disney princess.

Gary tries his best to ignore the fact that Bo-nui is ignoring all his missed calls, and tells himself she must not have seen them. He still jumps when she calls though, and Bo-nui eagerly relays the good news about Bo-ra and says she’s off to do something important, not giving him a chance to say a thing.

Su-ho paces around his office wondering why Bo-nui isn’t at work, and begins to have a Jekyll and Hyde conversation with himself about whether it’s totally within reason for a boss to call an employee if she’s late, or whether that’s way too clingy and beneath him.

In the end he accidentally dials her number before tossing his phone on the couch, and dives like a madman to end the call before it picks up. The moment of horror as he realizes that the call went through? Priceless.

Needless to say, there’s a lot of flailing involved. He tells himself to calm down, which he does for about two seconds until he hears one of the staffers say, “You came?” and he’s suddenly leaping over furniture and scrambling for the door.

Su-ho flies out of his office like he’s wearing a jetpack, yelling at the top of his lungs, “Why are you so late?!” Everyone turns to look at him, and the mailman hangs his head in apology and says there was traffic. Wah waaaaah. Su-ho’s voice breaks as he tries to claim the package delivery as his, and ends up just flustered and yelling at the staff for no reason to cover up his embarrassment.

Bo-nui runs over to her fortuneteller and bear-hugs him before telling him the good news about Bo-ra. She’s grateful for the miracle since she thinks she failed her tiger mission, but he tells her to think carefully about that night.

That’s when Bo-nui realizes that she did technically spend the night with a tiger, and she laughs and thanks the fortuneteller. Really? I’d be pretty pissed about having gone on life-threatening internet dates for one-night stands right about now.

Bo-nui clasps his hand and thanks him sincerely, saying that she wouldn’t have made it this far without him. He shoos her away gruffly, but he seems to have a soft spot for her and says a prayer for Bo-nui once she leaves.

Dal-nim worries about Su-ho and reluctantly goes down to the coffee shop to look for him. Ryang-ha doesn’t miss the opportunity to tease her relentlessly about her crush, even quoting passages from her flowery diary entries about how she’s always smiling at him from afar.

Dal-nim gets caught up in the moment and ends up finishing her own sentence, and then is horrified that she just outed herself as the diary owner. Ryang-ha already knew, of course, but enjoys rubbing it in. Dal-min shouts that she hates him and he returns the sentiment as she runs away from him, mortified.

Dal-nim asks Su-ho to reconsider Bo-nui’s resignation and try to bring her back to the team. She tells him about her sick sister Bo-ra, which he already knows, but adds that Bo-nui has just started to overcome her Zeze jinx. Dal-nim tells him that Bo-ra’s accident happened on the day of Bo-nui’s employment test at Zeze, and it’s only since she started working here that she’s living like a normal person and not completely immersed in superstition.

By the time they return to the office, Bo-nui is there to see Su-ho, who asks her quietly where she was last night. When she says she was at the river, that just feeds into his worst fears and he gets all riled up as he asks how far she’s going to go, and what he needs to do to make it stop. Su-ho: “I don’t know what else you’re going to do. It concerns me. You concern me, and it’s making me crazy!”

That’s practically a confession of love right there. But Bo-nui only sees it as anger and assures him that he needn’t do anything else because Bo-ra is awake, and it’s all thanks to him. She explains how their innocent sleepover was the thing she’d misunderstood to mean sex with a tiger, and he stands there numbly trying to process how she thinks he’s responsible for Bo-ra getting better.

Bo-nui thanks him and says she won’t be bothering him ever again, and that she’ll disappear like she promised. Su-ho practically cuts her off mid-sentence: “No! Don’t do that.” He reaches for excuses and says that if Bo-ra’s still in a semi-comatose state, her recovery could take a very long time and the hospital bills will be even higher.

He crumples up Bo-nui’s resignation letter and throws it in the trash, arguing that these things shouldn’t be written so lightly. She points out that she’s cause for concern if she sticks around, and he counters, “Yes! So stay in front of my eyes. It’s unfortunate, but my imagination is very good, so when I can’t see you I’m imagining all the bizarre things that you could be doing, and I find that time very wasteful!” LOL.

And then he adds, “So always stay where I can see you.” Aw, look at you, being all swoony. He forbids her from writing any more resignation letters or missing days of work, or not answering his messages. When he’s finally done rambling a mile a minute, she agrees with a smile and says he’s a really great tiger, and that she’ll do well at work from now on. Once she’s gone, Su-ho finally shows his relief over the fact that Bo-ra woke up.

Dal-nim asks cautiously if anything is going on between Bo-nui and Su-ho, and is relieved to hear that they’re not secretly dating or anything. She hugs Bo-nui tightly, insisting that a day’s worth of bad luck is worth it to hug her right now. I do worry about Dal-nim’s impending heartbreak though, because she goes straight to her desk to write more diary entries about Su-ho’s awesomeness.

Su-ho, meanwhile, is trying to work but constantly distracted by thoughts of Bo-nui complimenting him, which makes him break out in involuntary smiles. He does his best to squeeze his lips into frowniness, but he’s so giddy that he can’t hide it, and Ryang-ha gapes to see Su-ho looking so unabashedly happy.

Amy chooses that moment to come up to Su-ho, and Ryang-ha is even more confused to see Su-ho greet her pleasantly. He watches the two of them leave together and wonders what changed so drastically between them.

Amy brought her bike too but forgot her shoes, and angles for a ride on the back of Su-ho’s bike. Urg, just take the bus! He leaves without her, but she insists on following in her stiletto heels, and then of course goes crashing down.

Su-ho brings back ointment and bandages, and Amy pouts for him to tend to her wounds. He mutters that she hasn’t changed at all and always does whatever she wants, but she argues that it’s the reason he liked her in the first place. She says that being concerned and worried for someone means you like them, and that she misses his constant nagging.

Her words echo in his head as he rides off, combined with Ryang-ha’s surprise that he was worried about Bo-nui, and his declaration earlier that she concerned him. Su-ho is so lost in thought that he gets off his bike and fumbles when he sees that he’s ridden all the way to Bo-nui’s apartment.

He pushes his bike away like it’s got a mind of its own, and yells at his legs for bringing him here. Heh, naughty legs. But as he’s about to ride off, he wonders if Bo-nui has eaten yet, and heads out to pick up some porridge for her.

Su-ho sees Bo-nui heading home as he waits for his dinner order to be ready, and he races to meet her. But Gary gets to her first and wraps his arms around her in a hug, relieved that both Bo-nui and Bo-ra are okay. She hugs him back, and in the distance Su-ho glances down at his porridge dinner with a long face and rides off.

Gary brings Bo-nui a cake and she makes a wish for Bo-ra’s recovery and for Gary to find his father. He asks if she wants to go see Bo-ra together, but she says she has to be extra careful (to keep her bad luck away). Gary asks if everything is over with that tiger, and is happy to hear Bo-nui say it is.

At work the next day, Bo-nui greets her co-workers with their own personal jars of salt, and Su-ho is disgruntled to overhear the others ask if Bo-nui is dating someone because she looks so happy. It’s salt to his wound when he learns that Bo-nui is going alone to Gary’s first shoot for the video game, at Gary’s request.

Su-ho acts totally put out to be given a jar of salt, but he gives it a home on his desk next to his cactus while muttering, “She just smiles at everybody!” He grumbles that nothing ever goes according to his plans, and sighs when he can’t even get rid of a popup ad for “proof that a man is in love.”

Gary is terrible on his first shoot for the virtual reality video game, which includes virtual dates and other activities beyond tennis. It’s not until Bo-nui gets up to interact with him behind the camera that he loosens up and is able to deliver lines like, “You’re pretty,” and mean it. At the back of the room, Su-ho enters quietly and frowns deeper and deeper the more Gary smiles at Bo-nui.

During a break, Bo-nui reads Amy’s fortune, and Amy is disappointed to learn that in olden times she would’ve been considered a bad woman based on her fortune. Bo-nui assures her that nowadays she’d be considered pretty and popular. Amy is relieved and grumbles that Gary and Su-ho don’t see that, and she mentions to Bo-nui that she and Su-ho knew each other long ago.

Bo-nui already knows and refers to it in terms of fate, which Amy likes—she says she and Su-ho must be fated to reunite after all these years. Bo-nui looks a little subdued as Gary guesses that Amy made up with Su-ho because she seems happy.

When they return to set, Su-ho is there, and Amy assumes that he came to see her. Bo-nui just watches as Amy points out the bandage he put on that she refuses to take off. The director asks Bo-nui to be a stand-in for the date portion of the video, but before they can start, Su-ho walks in front of the camera and says they can’t use Bo-nui—she’s their programmer and has to collect the footage. Amy asks who’s going to be Gary’s virtual date then.

Cut to: Su-ho slinking his arm into Gary’s and going on a date walk, complete with snuggles. Hahahahaha.

The director asks for a back-hug and Su-ho gets hilariously into the role, posing suggestively for the camera with Gary’s arms wrapped around him. Best date ever. Bo-nui takes pictures and smiles at the shots she gets.

After the shoot, Amy wants to get drinks and Gary wants to split up so he can be alone with Bo-nui. So of course Su-ho puts a stop to all the fun by declaring that Bo-nui has to turn in all the footage they got by tomorrow morning. I can’t even describe the awkward and funny maneuvering he does to get away from each of them before they can argue.

That night, while Bo-nui pulls an all-nighter, Su-ho finds himself smiling at just the memory of Bo-nui smiling earlier that day, and he’s so shocked at his own behavior that he goes to the internet and searches “when a man likes a woman.” Hee.

He finds a list of behaviors that indicate if a man likes a woman, and the first is being curious about her. Su-ho: “Well OF COURSE I’d be curious when she causes all those accidents and walks around with salt bottles!” The second is that he keeps looking at her even when she’s not there. Su-ho: “I open my door and her seat is right there!”

The third indicator is a shaky voice, and he scoffs, “Shaky voice! My voice isn’t shaking at a-a-a-a-a-llllll!” It continues this way all the way down the list, until the last one says he’s purposely denying his curiosity and interest, which he argues isn’t denial since he’s not interested. Uh-huh.

The next morning, Bo-nui catches Su-ho trying to close the elevators doors before she can get on, though he denies that too, thinking he can just quietly press the open button after the fact and make it true.

When they get to the office, the whole staff is running out because one of the team members has been drinking that Miracle Water that Bo-nui’s ex-boss brought over, and is sick from it. Bo-nui blames herself again, but Su-ho yells at her to stop doing that.

Gary and Amy come by for an interview about Gary’s life for the game, but things come to a screeching halt when Su-ho presses for family background information. Gary doesn’t want to include any family stuff, but Su-ho harps on the matter pretty obtusely, until Amy has to ask for a break.

Amy assures Gary that she’ll protect him from having to reveal any family information, like she’s always done. And that’s when Gary finally tells her that the real reason he came to Korea was to find his father. He just doesn’t want the game to include what a hard life his father had and what a bad son he’s been.

Su-ho doesn’t see why Bo-nui is mad at him over this, and argues that the reason why everyone was excited about their game idea was the chance to peek behind the curtain of Gary’s private life.

Bo-nui argues that Su-ho doesn’t answer his mother’s calls either, and lets it slip that the talisman she stuffed in that book was from his mother. She also alerts him to the fact that his father was injured recently, and points out how she wouldn’t care if her parents bugged her or hated her—she just wishes they were alive.

She says that there’s plenty of story in Gary’s life without family history, and Su-ho asks if she’s asking as Gary’s friendly noona or as the person working on the project, and then decides he’d rather not know the answer.

Su-ho’s dad discovers that one of his precious carp juice boxes has gone missing, which Mom has stolen to give to Chicken Ajusshi Oppa. Su-ho hems and haws before calling Mom, and she wonders if something is wrong since he never voluntarily calls her. He just asks if everything’s okay and asks to speak to Dad, and Mom has to lie that he went out so that she doesn’t get caught flirting with her old flame.

When Bo-nui is yet again the first thing Su-ho sees when he comes out of his office, he decides that she’s a bug in his system. He thinks to himself, “It’s because she’s a bug that I want to catch her, and because she’s a bug that I want to fix her. That’s it.”

Ryang-ha sees him lost in thought and offers him a choice between a dark coffee drink, which he calls the femme fatale, and a sweet drink, which he calls a fresh bit of luck. Su-ho isn’t paying attention at all, but absently sticks his straw in the sweet one.

Su-ho chases Bo-nui down and tries to stop her from going to see her old boss, who’s sure to try and get more money out of her. She’s very forgiving of her old boss though, and Su-ho pouts that she’s so nice to everyone else, but always nagging him to call his parents or be nicer to people.

She tries to explain why she’s forgiving of her boss, but Su-ho is so enraptured by her face that he doesn’t even hear her. He just openly gapes at her and has this Big Revelation right there in front of her, which she ignores entirely before walking away.

He stumbles around with his hand over his heart, wondering if his rapid heartbeat is stress-induced. In the process, he discovers Mom waving goodbye to Chicken Ajusshi, when she’d clearly said she was at home.

Bo-nui meets her old boss at the chicken shop, and buys him a meal when she notices how hungry he is. He’s been conned again, but that’s no surprise.

Ryang-ha teases Dal-nim some more by offering her the drink Su-ho left behind, and he gleefully mocks her lovelorn reaction. Poor Dal-nim.

That night, Su-ho goes to the chicken shop, but Ajusshi has closed for the night. He’s in line to get the latest gadget, and one of the Zeze team members notices that Chicken Ajusshi is friendly with a CEO of an IT company.

Su-ho gets up in the middle of the night and just laughs when he sees Bo-nui sleeping on his floor, just like the night she stayed over. He must be used to the visions by now. He peers down at her, completely smitten, and then wakes up on the floor in the morning.

He swears he went to sleep in his bed last night, though he clearly spent the whole night in Bo-nui’s spot.

He goes to her house first thing in the morning, and it cracks me up that he has trouble just exiting his own car. He is such a spaz. Bo-nui is surprised to see him, and Su-ho just walks up and asks where she’s going and what she’s doing, and says that he was just passing by. Smooooth.

She continues on her way, until Su-ho just finally stops playing it cool and asks again where she’s going. He takes her to the cemetery to see her parents, and stands by as she thanks them for watching over Bo-ra and gives them the good news.

On their way back, Su-ho asks about the song she always hums, and she says that “Sad Fate” was her parents’ favorite song. He doesn’t get why she doesn’t have pictures of her family if she misses them that much, but Bo-nui explains that she is her family’s sad fate, and that her bad luck is the cause of all their misfortune.

She says that it’s okay if she never gets to see Bo-ra again; she’ll be happy just watching Bo-ra’s shadow if it meant she could be healthy. Su-ho now seems to understand her overwhelming guilt complex about her sister and her parents, and drive her to the hospital without a word.

He leads her down the hall towards Bo-ra’s room, and when Bo-nui hesitates, he reminds her that she called him her talisman. She knows he doesn’t believe in that stuff, but he argues that she does, so he’ll be her talisman so she can go inside.

With that, he stands behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders, and she gains the confidence to go inside Bo-ra’s room. They slowly walk through the door and Bo-nui refuses to look, but Su-ho prods her to open her eyes.

She’s overcome with tears at the sight of her sister, and Bo-ra’s hand even twitches when Bo-nui reaches out to her. Su-ho makes sure to keep a hand on her shoulder the whole time, and Bo-nui happily tells Bo-ra to wake up because she can come see her now.

He leads her back out and shows her that everything is still okay. Bo-nui just bursts into tears and thanks him, and he pulls her into a hug. Su-ho: “Tell me whenever you want to see her. I’ll come with you.”

EPILOGUE. When Su-ho was doing his internet research on “when a man likes a woman,” he scrolled down to the end of the page of telltale signs, where it said that it didn’t matter if you’re denying that all these things are true, because if you imagined all of the above in relation to one woman, you’ve already fallen for her. He gasps.


He WOULD need an internet quiz to tell him that he’s in love, right? I’m surprised he didn’t find one with more math involved, like the number of hours spent thinking of her, divided by the hours spent doing other things, minus the time spent sleeping. It seemed fitting when he called her a bug in his system, like a computer virus he could catch and kill, not knowing how far gone he already is. Su-ho’s denial and discovery made this a really enjoyable episode, because while we knew he liked her, it was so fun to watch him wrestle with the feelings and come to terms with the real root of his obsession with all things Bo-nui.

Granted, a lot of things about this show still bug me, like the flippant way we’re just going to gloss over the fact that Bo-nui spent a month throwing herself at strange men and putting herself in harm’s way over a semantic misunderstanding, and how she seems not to care at all that she went through ALL of that horribleness with skeevy dudes when the fortuneteller could’ve just TOLD HER from the start to have a sleepover and hold a tiger’s paw. I mean, WTF, old man.

I just wish that Bo-nui were a little more sensible and levelheaded, and that she looked out for herself in a basic way. But her guilt and self-loathing is really, really unhealthy, and I spend most of the time just thinking, She should really go see a therapist about that! Preferably one that doesn’t make her think that everything that goes wrong in the universe is her fault. But the romance works because Su-ho is trying his damnedest to be that influence on her, because he genuinely cares about her well-being and her happiness. It would be nice if she thought more of herself too, but I’m hoping that will rub off on her the more time they spend together.

It’s a big step for both of them when he offers to be her talisman so she can see Bo-ra, because he doesn’t believe in that stuff and hates perpetuating her faith, but is willing to play along so she can see her sister. It’s not a huge sacrifice, but it is a compromise for them, and it opens the door for her to start trusting someone and letting herself get close to people. Most of the time Bo-nui seems extreme and completely illogical to me, but I do get her fear on a base level (maybe just not the way she deals with said fear), and there’s just something very protective and admirable about Su-ho pushing aside everything else to just stand behind her so that she feels safe and unafraid. It’s not a show that runs very deep, thematically speaking, but I appreciate that Su-ho has decided that if he can’t get her to give up on her faith, he’ll get her to put her faith in him.


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only watching the show for him. he's so adorkable. but i really don't like his cholo shirts...he KINDA makes it work somehow, but still....


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I am starting to thinking that the sole reason why I am still watching this show is due to Ryu Junyeol/Je Suho. Found myself skipping other scenes but his!


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Someone posted on soompi with quotes from the director (i think) of the show - Apparently they are having problems in the editing room because they don't want to cut out any of his scenes. So there is a problem of what to keep and what to discard.

Don't know how legit that post was bec it (badly) translated from korean. But given what RJY is doing on screen, i'll believe it


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do you have a link? i might be able to translate it myself if i can find the original.


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I just saw Episode 9. I found Jung Pal cute, but I was Team Taekkie all the way in AM88. OMG. That cuteness in AM88 was multiplied a hundred-fold in this series. Holy shiznit, how could he be so freaking, unbearably adorable?


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But don't you think a CEO with casual shirts and always riding a bike toward his office is more refreshing than a typical CEO in a suit who usually appears so often in kdramaland? :D :D


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Seconded. I actually super love his casual outfits!


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At a scene with Dal-nim he was reading something on park bench... CEOs should have freedom to work where they want


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+1 i actually come to believe that maybe there is someone really dressed like him as CEO. And i can assure that Jun Yeol is really great in acting because Je Su Ho is kinda alike with Jung Hwan but also so different. And i like them as two different charm.


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there is one in indonesia, just google it bob sadino, he is the ceo, and infamous for always wearing casual shirt ^^


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There are a lot of CEOs in tech. Mainly because it's easier to build a tech startup than others, you only need a computer + brains to build a program as "product" whereas in other fields you might need physical prototypes. And as such, you have a lot of regular guys walking around in simple clothes who can be tech CEOs. I know I've seen lots of them :D


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He comes across as completely appropriate for a tech startup type firm!


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My thoughts exactly. I kept thinking why are they dressing him like an 80's gang banger?


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Most tech CEOs dress like this because they find dressing up a waste of time. There are even others who end up wearing the same clothes for days (ewwww) because they're too engrossed with a project. Some also sleep with/close to their computers because they need to code/test as soon as new ideas pop up lest they forget them.


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A wonderful episode at last. We had much less of the superstition nonsense and much more of SH helplessly flailing around with the idea of a crush. SH being Gary's Girlfriend needs to be watched in a loop. He is a hoot ! I can watch his antics and ramblings all day. They need to give him some flaws because being a little gruff does not count.

Dal-nim continues to be her usual adorable self. I would pay to watch her and SH date bec i'm sure it will be a disaster of epic proportions. I'm not sure what Gary is doing in this show. On hearing SH's supsicion that BN might harm herself, gary decides the best action is to wait at home! Really!

A note about the acting -

Essentially all the heavy lifting of the show is done by RJY. He comes up with the laughs and tugs at your heart at the same time. His comic timing is impeccable. And his emotional scenes hit you hard. This is my first show of him and despite questionable writing, I am hooked because of him.

After watching 4 shows of HJE, i can conclusively say that she does nothing for me. She is not a bad actor by any stretch. But she just doesn't get me to feel about any character. Even in the sweet last scene, I just don't get anything from her. In 4 shows, the only 'scene' of hers that has connected with me was in KMHM when she stops him on the roof from killing himself.

And LSH and LCA are pretty much wasted here.


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yes, especially LCA is wasted in here.
I wish they could write her character and story better.
Even Dalnim and Ryangha is more interesting character...


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The entire work team is completely fantastic. They aren't wallpaper, I love the way they interact and have their own entire story in the background, and the whole Dal Nim/Ryang Ha thing cracks me up.

There's one moment in the last episode where the major shareholder's on the phone with Su Ho and one of the other team members comes up to drunkenly pester him and Ryang Ha kind of mutters for a bit and then mimes shooting him, and the other guy instantly clutches his chest and staggers drunkenly away... That whole exchange was just a perfect summary of why the Zeze staff feel genuine. They're getting all the micro moments right within the broader moments.


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yes i love them! this is one of the very few dramas with a workplace that i actually want to spend MORE time in vs less.
if only the drama writers felt the same. (there's been alot more scenes there in this ep but the introduction of the love triangle rom com hijinks is ruining it. can the secondary leads jsut go away for a few eps....pls?)


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I missed that staff scene. They really need to cut out the flab (chicken ajhusshi anyone) and tighten the writing. Bec i love crazy co workers scenes in general. They are so much fun. And there is so much they can do with the actors they have.


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I noticed that! Also love the 'player one' commentary that one of the staff members does and the way they all interact in general. Especially the gossip about the boss, that's so realistic! Ha! Love them!


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I have to say I disagree. The first six episodes were almost completely carried by HJE. Unfortunately, RJY was muted - mostly because his character was slowly finding his story. Compared to HJE's past projects (inarguably overacted), she's really hit some good emotional notes despite her character's frustrating decisions. Not to say that RJY has been subpar, but really HJE found her stride in a persona full of absurdities.


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Given that she does so many shows obviously a lot of people like HJE. Thats why i said "she does nothing for me". She can't get me emotionally invested in any show.

As for the earlier episodes, frankly i was bored out of mind. I continued on a whim bec i had too much time and nothing in particular to watch. Its only when they started focusing on RJY that i got interested.

Like they say - different strokes for different folks .


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She does absolutely nothing for me either.
In the previous episode, when she decided to transfer her sister some place else, and get herself to the Han River , presumably to kill herself, I can no sense of sorrow, grief or hopelessness from her acting. She was saying goodbye to everyone, wishing them good health, as if she has found another job.
My take is that if she is not yelling, she means her character to be in pain.


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THIS. You said it. One of the reasons this superstition crap irritates me is bec i cannot get a sense of sorrow or grief from her. People commented that she has given up on life and is self destructive. But i just don't feel it. I don't feel her pain.

I was re-watching IRY today and the scene where jang nara discovers her dad's body and breaks down, i was crying in that scene. Even though i have seen it before, i knew what was going to happen but she sold me her pain.

I don't get that from her


I understand. But I guess what I'm saying don't blame HJE for all of that Bo Nui denim & more.

... if you know what I mean ;D


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Maybe you can't connect with her acting, but there's a lot of people can. For me her acting was remarkable, her emotion and act was so on point. When she cried I burst into tears, when she laugh I smile from ear to ear. She is one of the most capable actress in its industry. You may search her award list. She often take difficult character to challenge herself, maybe that's why some people hate her since her character was built as an odd one.


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Actually, i like HJE more in this drama rather than her last two project (SWP and KMHM). Her acting is very good in this drama.
The problem is not on HJE, its on Shim Bo Nui character...


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+100, I is quite disappointing that most of the praises are given to RJY (although I am also in awe of his great acting ability) when HJE carried most of the heavy scenes in all the episodes so far, maybe because most of the drama viewers are females and we cannot help but to swoon over these male charming leads,but so far I think this is her best performance after secret.Episode 7 showed her great emotional display, the reason why acting awards are flooding her doorway.


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I couldn't argue that she is taking on such a difficult role, and she's acting quite convincing, which means as much as she tries to be more like the character for real, the less people loves her. Because the people does not like her character at all. And awards flooding her doorway has got no connection as to whether her character should get love or hate, and the actress get both.

The point is, we all love to hate a quite convincing villain. And here in kdramaland, we also love to hate on an irritable character. I hope those who appreciate and love her don't take it to heart, and be all defensive.


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The point raised here is not about the character,I myself is not very fond of SBN character coz her decisions are somewhat irrational, but sometimes I don't get it why there is so much prejudice on this actress.I have seen a lot of negative comments on her SWP performance, making me think that maybe it is true she overacts.I was swayed by that popular opinion that she didn't do well in that drama, but when the Baeksang Awards came, she was nominated as one of the best performers last year. In the eyes of those who are already biased to her, she is not good, but for those who are very critical and without bias (Beaksang critics), they saw that her SWP performance is one of the best last year.

My point is, we cannot change the mind set of people who are already off with her.No matter what an actress do, no matter how good she is, if you don't like her ,you will never like her as opposed to actresses who just smirk, laughed, frowned and cried with a deformed face were hailed as best performances.


100% in agreement here. Thank you.


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HJE doesn't do anything for me either.. I also followed her 4 shows because of her leading men and second lead..but I'm definitely sure that she will not ruin the show...


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Exactly. Even when she is ridiculously ott like in 'pretty', i still watched the show. She doesn't spoil the show. I just wish i could feel more for whatever character she is playing. Like the last scene - i'm a total cry baby at the movies. that scene should have had me bawling out but no. nothing.


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I've had to quit a couple of the shows that she was in, despite liking her costars, cos her yelling gave me a headache, and her overacting was really a pain to watch.
In this drama, she isn't as ott, but it shows me that her range of expression is rather limited. Next to RJY, there is no comparison.


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Just because you cant cry then you have to say "HJE does nothing to me" ? Oh please.
Just push FF button and squee over RJY.


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cant agree more with you. I almost drop this drama on the first episode but i give myself change and i ended up till 4th episode when i decided, but this guy can act. and i cant help to drawn into his character more than i supposed to feel.
his eyes can speak..and when he said "jibe kaja" with that voice, i wonder how this word means more than kisses in AOHY (I KNOW this is my own opinion...)
trying to watch R88 but when i check the comments the ending was bizzare, so i ended up not watching.


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I want to watch Reply88 but i obviously know the ending by now. And if RJY reels me in like here, i'm going to end up feeling sad for days with the ending. So i am holding out but I want to see him but he hasn't done any other show soooooo ........ i'm conflicted


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Maybe you can try watching his cuts in reply 1988? You should give 'Glory Day'(movie) a try.


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He did a movie I guess. Glory days


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Honestly, I think knowing the ending going in would be a better way to watch R88. For all that I was rooting for Jung Hwan, I liked the message that sometimes if you let things pass you by, they pass you by. And it wasn't as if I disliked the end game couple. I was just pissed at the trolling from the production company. And knowing the end would go a long way in negating the trolling.


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What's AOHY?


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Another Oh Hae Young :)


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Just try and watch his confession scene in Reply 1988... even if its 100th time tears still flow for me


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That scene with Bo Nui humming drunkedly was so touching... And Su Ho, "let's go home" was so indescribably sweet. I like HJE, but I agree that Jun Yeol's character and acting are the bigger draw in this so far. That date scene (that hand over Soo Hyuk's arm and that head! Wahahahaha! Reminded me of how the three of them hammed up that performance at camp in AM88), every time he contradicts himself about liking/not liking Bo Nui, and the way he kept touching Bo Nui in the hospital. Also, for the past three endings, I could have sworn they're going to make out. O.o


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Have you seen her in Secret???..She is awesome...I highly recommend it.


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I loved her in Secret.


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I really thought she was awesome in can you hear my heart and I could feel her although in all her roles she is always slightly annoying (but that's the way her characters are written)


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Je Su-ho/Ryu Joon-yeol is so dorky! #teamjunghwan

I was giggling constantly from start to finish! The directing may not make the drama as funny as it should have been, so props to the actors for making it fun for the audience. :)


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#teamjunghwan all the way!!!


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#teamjunghwan forever and ever!!!
Just gonna leave it up here


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Yay for #teamjunghwan


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Where can I get one suho for myself...
This guy doesn't have any filter whether it's something in his heart or mind.. He speaks it out... I love him...


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OMG such a beautiful episode. But GUYYS that ratings fell for todays episode. I'm so sad because I thought we would make it to 10%. But I still have hope because Ryu Jun Yeol is so lovable!!!!


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Well, if Director-nim and Writer-nim cut out all the annoying side characters and made Bo-nui more tolerable and interesting, the ratings would be better. It's very telling what people are responding to based on episode 6 (ending) and 7's ratings. But the end of episode 7 was such a bad cliff hanger (suicide?), less people wanted to to tune in. But they really missed out because SH was simply adorkable in episode 8.

I loved all of his scenes and Dal-nim and Ryang-ha's. They're the most engaging characters. I can do without everyone else.


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That 'suicide cliffhanger' really pissed me off. I'd have quit if it weren't for the fact that there is nothing else to watch mid-week.
I'm glad I tuned back in to see RJY playing a nerd in love so fantastically well. I'm watching just for his antics.


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Actually, i already predict that the ratings will be drop.
Because in ep 7 Bonui character is so.. so.. frustrating and iritating?
If its not for my love for Je suho, maybe i'll drop this drama too... But this ep is so cute, once again RJY as Je suho save the episode. His reaction is so epic.

I really really really wish in the next episode, they made us can connect with Bonui more.
From the preview i thing Bonui will start to feel something for Suho, ameeen....


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LOL I also think that was why the ratings dropped as well. I just hope it goes back up again because I really want this drama to do well. But seeing Ryu Jun Yeol is enough for me too. I think based on the preview Bo Nui seems a little more tolerable but I guess we'll see.


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So sad the ratings dropped! I was really hoping that this will reach 2 digits ratings...I want RJY to be the one to succeed and break the reply curse!!...well anyways Hyeri's drama did not do well either and I am sure Park Bogum's drama will not be any better either!! #teamjunghwanforlife


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Why do you say so?

I thought the storyline of Bogum's drama is pretty good. And its on KBS who is flying high after DOTS, so budget should not be a problem


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because the competitor is scarlet heart. it has IU, baekhyun, jisoo and the best of all Lee Junki


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i completely forgot about that ... but Moonlight starts 2 weeks before it. So you never know - they might build up a loyal base in 4 episodes


Let's not jump into conclusion unless proven otherwise!


AWWW don't be like that to Park Bogum. I also really love him and I hope his drama does well too. He can also act as well. Let's just hope for the best for these two lovable actors :D


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Why drag hyeri and Park Bogum into this?? Let's stop being salty over matters that ended already!! Let's just focus on RJY and the drama shall we?? As a RJY and PBG fan this makes me mad. And even if the drama did not ended the way I wanted it I wouldn't wish for the other actors to fail and it's not even their fault! Let's show some class here!!


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It's just that all main actors from Reply series are known to flop in their next drama. Of course we need to see how RJY, Hyeri, and Bogum drama fare after Reply to decide if that curse could be broken.


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So lets not assume anything until it happens! and I don't see the need to bring other actors in a drama they're not even part of!


I had seen Park Bogum in I Remember You, so before Reply 1988, and I was really impressed by his multi-faceted character. I thought that he was a veteran actor and I was amazed when I discovered how young he was. So I really believe there is no "curse" to be broken for him.


how funny it is that many beannies are so pissed with this whole superstitious S --t , but believes that Reply 88 casts are cursed, what an irony ,really.whatever is the outcome ,there are factors that must be considered,e.g. timing, story line,director,writer etc.and actors are just a portion of the cake.


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I admit it, you made me laugh.

What I don't get is that folks are annoyed about the superstition being the basis for "this female lead has pathetic and is not interesting", yet I've seen scores of other kdramas where the exact same type of personality exists, yet the reason for said pathetic and uninterestingness is something else like they're poor, or they're an orphan in a family that mistreats them or whatever.

At least it isn't my least favorite of that type...the one who starts off independent and spunky and then as soon as the male lead shows interest, they become a shell of their former selves who can only be whole again if the male leads them by the nose (usually while being a jerk in the process)--ugh. Of course it gets written off in most of those scripts as they've always had these self issues, and their cheery public persona was just a cover up, so now that this one true love loves them, they can be a simpering pathetic emo dish towel.

Still chuckling...thank you for that.


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Yes, what you said +1


lol YEP. thank you. idg the curse thing, esp since mediocre ratings does not = a flop. a flop is the kind of disastrous ratings that Moorim School pulled or at most under 5% ratings.
i'm also tired of R88 being brought up. I never watched it or the other Reply series and the writers infamous trolling and the continued whining of fans (first from 94 and now 88) cuz their ship didnt wasnt end game has p much made me never want to watch any of them. i wish y'all would just move on already. like take a page from Elsa's book and Let it Go. this drama isnt R88, is nothing like R88 and it isnt even on tvn. like I would rather hear about nearly ANYTHING ELSE at this point.


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Exactly...thaaank youuuu... people need to MOVE ON!!! I actually watched R88 and was even disappointed at the ending because I stanned Junghwan's character so frickin' hard (darn it RJY-- it was a trap!)... but some Reply stans annoy the heck out of me lol. Also enough with the #TeamJunghwan and #TeamTaek crap (sorry y'all... I cringe a lil' whenever I read that honestly)... The "curse" or w/e is bs too. Even though Hyeri's and RJY's weren't hits, they still have a bright future ahead of them (heck, RJY's already racking up the movie roles) and I'm pretty sure Bogum's drama will do well, kid's got the looks and talent (though personally, I'm mostly looking forward to Donghwi and Kyungpyo's dramas)


Yup! There are still a lot of them who can't move on from R88 always whining and still being salty about it! Even attacking other actors just because their ship did not sail! Sigh! Talk about immaturity! Lol


Hmm in the end game if the story isin't good or has that IT charm to it to draw the public in all those names won't do much,because thinking the names aren't that big there as one might think...(for some time netizens hate IU,hate Suzy acting,don't think foundly of idols acting)so we sould wait and see....I for one don't think Uncontrollable Fondly will do well,aka break the 15%,only if the story is indeed good...


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I don't know what to say about the rating... Maybe as others said, just make Bonui character with more relatable, less frustating, and more positive attitude type heroine... Is it possible? I understand that she is pitiful and it's an important point so that Suho grows some concerns about her. But, the drama doesn't need to remind us about her intent to sleep with a tiger four times in one episode then followed by going to a river to (not) die. I am still watching this drama and I hope there is a development soon in her character to be a heroine that we can all admire.


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What happend to the grade? Has that idea disappeared?


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Some people complain about it, so I think they might decided to drop it. I personally think dropping it is a better idea especially when they put the grade above the recap, it may ruin the mood even before we got the chance to read the recap since it's already decided whether this drama is good or bad judging from its grade. Imo, we can't judge whether a drama is good or bad since one drama can be consider good for some people but bad for others, different people different taste. All we can do is just giving some personal thoughts/opinion about it. People may read the recap and judge themselves whether it is good or bad for them :) .


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Maybe the denim fiend in the wardrobe was exorcised for Episode Seven. That's the only explanation I have for the fact that denim was used with relative restraint. Sure, there were a pair of jeans with rocks bedazzled along the hem, but the remaining wardrobe team had rallied and mostly concealed them with an outrageously frilly dress, and the director conspired to shoot them only in frame with a hideous socks/sandals combo that was cinematic shorthand for "this outfit selection was made by someone who should be institutionalized". Sure, it became clear that the set department had been conscripted to use up some denim on Su Ho's beanbag furniture, but whatever. I could live with it.

But now it appears the denim fiend is back, and taking no prisoners.

It is summer in Korea, right? So why is Bo Nui wearing a full-length jean smock over a voluminous shirt and loooong skirt? Is she part-timing at a kindergarten and teaching art? I thought that would be the end of it, but no - she then puts on a dark blue unhemmed denim skirt/top set, the skirt part of which looks truly like it has been stitched together out of the remainders bin at the factory. Not only does she put this on, but she actually stops to look at herself in the mirror and then APPROVINGLY PAT the denim. Has she gone blind? Is she trying to pat the denim to appease it, so it won't engulf her head and neck, the only parts of her still free?

And then - AND THEN - it turns out that this was FORMAL DENIM. Bo Nui thought "I should look nice today... Ah, I know, two-piece unhemmed dark wash denim with an uneven hem." Hasn't her poor mother suffered enough?

To whoever called Canadian Tuxedo a couple of episodes ago, I salute you. I didn't understand how that could translate into boho Korean fashion. I wish I could still say that I don't, but it's burned into my mind now. Bo Ra, don't open your eyes yet. It's not safe.


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"Bo Ra, don’t open your eyes yet. It’s not safe."

HAHAHA. and it was me who called the canadian tuxedo! im sorry for my dark prediction coming true. i knew not my powers.

her clothes are so goofy looking but tbh i at least like that she has her own distinctive style. and it would look downright cute if it was just adjusted a wee bit....but srsly, where are they getting all that denim fabric from anyway? does HJE live near a mill of some kind? (are denim mills even a thing omg?)
her clothes dont distract or offend me but they make crack up so hard. i see why they had to tone it down in ep 7, or ppl woulda been giggling at her clothes instead of feeling her misery and woe. (little did they know, that some folks feel misery and woe everytime they see her outfits haha)


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They have the name of sponsors at the end of the show. I was trying to figure out which one sponsored her "clothes" so i can stay the hell away from the brand. But sadly i couldn't figure out the source of these monstrosities.

Miranda, i'm sorry but your fashion sense is not with the times. What you ignorantly called a smock over a shirt and a skirt (pfft) is actually ......... denim Hanbok !!! The stylist decided to celebrate the great korean culture with a dash of denim. Please acknowledge the absolute genius idea.


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I'm guessing that she's the female version of the geek with all her superb programming skills and thus they thought she should be dressed badly.


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At this point the only logical explanation for this much denim is BN's superstitions...perhaps if she is covered in denim, then the unlucky juju is less likely to pass on to other people, like the salt or red beans!! Yes, that's it, her denim is a shield but the show just hasn't gotten the chance to tell us yet! I'm sure they will cover that next week!

JSH mistakes a woman at the Han River for BN because she was wearing jeans - otherwise she didn't look like BN at all!


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So a fortune teller told her she must look like the underside of a cowboys ass at all times?


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Has to be...you can't convince me that the director, stylists, and producers of the show thinks it's a good idea to make their heroine appear like she's coming out of a 90's line-dancing bar with Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus playing on a loop in the background!


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Unless of course they think denim is comedy gold...then I would say, no show, we are laughing AT you, not with you!


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I made a concerted effort this episode to pay attention to the bad denim fashion. I know! I'm really fashion blind to have missed it all this time. I noticed it more this episode but clearly am still far from being as sensitive to it as Miranda is.


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It's like an allergy: massive exposure to nonsensical denim through those damn bicep skirts, and now I have a violent reaction to any further exposure. And feel like I'm going to die.


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Haha, I laughed all the way through your comments. Why can't she be superstitious and still dress relatively normal?
(Plus she wasn't really superstitious till her sister landed in a coma. If she had been, she would have heeded her sister's dream warning without a second thought). The only answer I can think of is because she a candy, and by definition candy's have to dress like they purposely picked out the ugliest lest form- fitting thing they could find at Goodwill.

Having said that, I'm always pleasantly surprised when she decides to wear something pretty. It's refreshing.

In nearly every drama with a candy girl, I always like the second lead's wardrobe so much more. Maybe they should switch it up, just one time and have the lead girl wear the nicer clothes.


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She ~is~ dressing normal. She doesn't show up to work in a stuffed head animal outfit. XD

I'm sure the writer wanted that...but the producers said, "We need the sponsors. So, no."


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Best comment ever! You had me biting my lips so I don't wake sleeping children with my LOL-ing.


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I kinda feel like HJE's stylist, or even HJE herself, is TRYING to copy Gong Hyo Jin's style... but failed!

But GHJ is GHJ! She is super stylish and fashionable... and HJE is just not the same!


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Eugh I think the whole point of drama fashion is to style an attractive cast as badly as possible and see whether then can pull off the ugly clothes through the sheer power of their hotness. The denim doesn't irk me as much as Bo Nui's terrible haircut, which judging from the actress' past dramas, she's really attached to. I don't understand it, WHY BO NUI WHY.


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As if the denim wasn't bad enough, I have to call out those awful smock/apron/over shirts. They are starting to look like hospital gowns worn by the patients. Just so formless and ugly. I guess I'm glad they don't tie in the back.
On the other hand, maybe she has been influenced by spending so much time at the hospital. Girl needs to shed those layers and live free.


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Is that the in thing in Korea now? I noticed that OHY was dressed in an apron in the latest episode too.


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That definitely was an apron... I really don't get their fashion sense..


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Don't be glad: it ties in the back. With a long white ribbon. IT TIES IN THE BACK.


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Well I guess we should be grateful that her tushy wasn't showing ala an actual hospital gown or bannered with "superstitious" like Gary's shirt with his "lonely" ass sash.


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Those are not smocks. They are X-ray robes that she fetched from her sister's hospital room!


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My new working theory is that the denim is very much like an X-ray smock, but in reverse: rather than deflecting radiation away, it bounced Bo Nui's bad luck back in. So if she TOTALLY covers herself in denim, then it contains the bad luck, which is why she wore full-body denim to embarra... uh, to VISIT her parents.

Next up: denim burqa.


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I'm convinced the show is sponsored by some sort of Korean Denim Council. The touch, the feel...of denim...the fabric of our drama.


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@Miranda, please type Instagram #hwangjungeum and you will see that most of the clothes she wore in this drama is sponsored by different clothing brands,they even put the name of the dress and its price ^-^.


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Btw her green denim dress she wore in episode 6 was from United Colors of Benetton,my fave clothing brand. I'm gonna hunt that denim style and buy for myself.


Hahahahaha me and you are on the same wavelength. When she ran out of the house in that smock-dress I thought, "no honey, you haven't finished changing. I know your in a hurry after baking your invisible cookies but we can't have the neighbors think your crazy"

And then she puts on that awful (is denim easily flammable?) denim shirt-skirt combo and then had the AUDACITY to look back in the mirror and think, "ya i look gooood"...my head felt like Su-ho and was just utterly baffled by her logic. *facepalm*

I think my shock has worn off on trying to decide which denim pieces look the worst and I vote we should all play a game! It goes like this:

Everyone should try and guess how many times she will wear denim on the following episode. each piece will count as a number (ex: a shirt and skirt=2 pieces). Winner gets a various sort of prices ex: a cactus, a candle ect...

You should play too Miranda, it will ease off your blood pressure a bit lol


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My guess is 3 (but I was tempted to guess 5)


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I absolutely LOVED this episode^^ RJY is such a good actor. I love that he adds a little something different to character and makes it his own.

He makes Su ho wayyyy more attractive and relatable. Making Su Ho attractive is an absolute feat especially since its based purely on acting not in how RJY looks irl (not saying he's ugly but he ain't no Kim Soo hyun either).

Basically RJY is an amazing actor and I have waited for him to be the main lead since Reply 1988 (#TeamJunghwan) cause he's a gem.


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Aw man, I thought for sure that the Gary backhugging Su-Ho would be the cover picture for this episode. Such a LOL moment.


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I really love this episode mainly because of Je Suho, Ryu Jun Yeol. All his little details in gestures and expressions are priceless. Not to mention the way he talks. While I'm really appreciating GF's and JB's great recaps, words just can't capture how great his acting is. If some of you only read the recaps, I suggest you to watch this drama to see what I mean, especially this episode. You might want to give it a try.


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Agree! For example, the scene in the morning, when Suho with bed hair has to go and have a wee. Priceless.


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Haha, right, and his struggle in putting on his sandals. Priceless.


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Alot of my friends dont understand how could i love RJY (they only see his picture, havent see LR and Reply 1988).
Because all this time alot of people only see Korean Lead Actor who is so handsome and good looking, you know like Hyun Bin, Won Bin, Gong yoo, Lee min ho, Kim Soo Hyun...

But i insist them to see atleast a few scene of him in Reply, and they say "Wow sure this guy have some magic and charisma"...
Or is it helped with his last two character is write so nice and lovable by the writer? Je suho and Junghwanie is so so so lovable...


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This will sound terrible but he has what I call pancake face. If you look at it's flat and simple. If you eat it tastes like joy.


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Ryu Jun-yeol is a human marshmallow and has a pancake face. Hahahahah.

I just love his all-rounded portrayal of Su-ho. He can do comical, emotional, geeky, silly etc. Ryu Jun-yeol is a truly natural actor!


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His face does not fall in the 'conventionally handsome' category. But the more you look at him, the better he gets. And i don't mean it in the sense that his acting Covers his face. I mean his physical features look gorgeous. Sexy too!


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Could not agree more with your statement. Su Ho has grown on me and now I just love every scene with him in it.


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Some people have faces that look best in motion. A still is not so good, they're not "photogenic". But a clip of them bursting into a smile? Dynamite. Ryu Jun Yeol is one of them. I can't believe he's TWENTY NINE. He looks like he might possibly be 24-25 tops. All his flouncing around in shorts, jumping on furniture in frustration and panic reads even younger.

I would like the Shim Bo Nui character to change some. She's at this sustained, low emotional state barely not-crushed by despair. It's wearying. Good acting, but tiresome.


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Yes. good point. Some people just don't "still" well. He has a thousand expressions and that makes him amazing to look at .


So my daughter joined me when I was watching episode 7. She sees a scene with Bo Nui and Su Ho and she comments: That's not good at all, she's like 30 something and he's 17, 18 at the most! I laughed and explained to her that his character was 17-18 in another drama, but she just didn't believe me when I told her his real age!


It's my first time seeing Ryu Yun Yeol in a drama and colour me impressed! No, he doesn't really look like the other leading actors in rom-coms, but as Girlfriday says he looks at the heroine like she's "the prettiest, most wonderful girl in the world." At the end of the day you can't really beat that.


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i wish i could upvote you...yes, thats what i feel. the way he look at HJE...and when he was sad, we want to break the screen and hold him to protect from all the haters in the world


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nope..not just the writer. if you watch REPLY88 script you'll know that the script didnt do that much. it's the actor factor. why do you think the hajima songetting is more memorable in that drama..well because the way he act it. same way with how he said "jibe katja"


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Yeah his most memorable line from Reply is definitely :
"Dont go..." and "Come home early " (while giving the umbrella) ...
Simple line, but make me fall in love with him...
I think he use magic with his voice and his gaze, hahaha...


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I know he's not pretty but hey it's not like he's completely hideous either (h/e i do think that sometimes the camera catches him in some horrible horrible angles). Anyways, I'm the most superficial person I know and I actually think he's the most adorable thing ever (especially when he smiles -- his eyes disappear and his little dimples poke out of his cheeks awww it gets me every time).


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About the studio shots - isn't it a meta on the Marie Claire shots taken by RJY and HJE Su-ho a while back? He has copied her poses to a T, from the head leaning on Gun Wook's shoulder to holding his hand in the back hug!

I was laughing till I cried. So much.


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OMG, you are probably right! I thought I saw this pose before somewhere...


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omg i didnt know that. tbh i was still laughing at how resolutely he conducted himself. like he wasnt grossed out or distracted. just was totally proffesional with it while Gary was like WTF. just made the whole thing funnier. im so happy he chose to do it instead of putting AMy in there. i never thought for a second he'd volunteer himself. y cant the drama lways be THIS funny.


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You are so observant! I totally forgot about that.


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I had forgotten as well.

Good call!


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i really like what you said in the beginning, about how seeing bo nui through su ho's eyes makes her more appealing as a character. i totally agree. i really like bo nui, even if she doesn't make that much sense to me half the time but during that half i see her the way su ho sees her and it makes me like her regardless of how i don't necessarily understand her actions.

ryu jun yeol's smile is going to be the death of meee


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I can't remember the last time a KDrama made me smile/laugh so hard that my cheeks hurt at the end of the episode.

Scratch that, not the drama, but RJY made smile and laugh like a crazy person. It makes me regret being team Taek............forgive me lord, for we know not what we do.


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After saying how I'm not as turned off by BN's superstitious behavior as most of you seem to be, I found myself a little disgusted with her when she ran to the shaman first thing to thank him (?) or tell him about her sister's miracle. For some reason I have no problem getting behind the idea that there's some merit in/truth to her superstitious behavior and that the shaman has some powers but something about that scene rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it's the influence of other people's opinion...

I've never agreed with how she handled her search for her tiger but I could get behind and understand her desperation.

His mother and the chicken ajusshi's love story, I couldn't care less about. I'd rather have more filler scenes with Gary (cute), Amy (dull), or the Zeze employees than have to watch married mom flirt with her old flame.

SH continues to be the best thing about this show. I could get rid of all the other characters and just watch him being his awkward self all day.


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I thought the second scene where he came to her apartment was an accident as well. I don't think he realized he came there until she asked what he was doing there. I burst laughing at his reaction. RJY does subtle well.


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OMG! Ryu Joon-yeol is killing this role. I was practically on the floor, rolling at the date night with Gary. He's so head over heels, he even made a love confession and didn't realise he was doing it! This guy is amazing.

Dal Nim, freaking hilarious and adorable. I really like the coffee shop owner teasing her about her crush.

I felt like Bo Nui was kind of sensing Su Ho's interest (partiuclarly at the 'stay in my sight' confession) but is resolute in NOT noticing it.

Amy is not annoying me but I'm finding myself frustrated by how she's getting in the way of the potential love connection (by presumably confusing Bo Nui about Su Ho's actions - it's not for you Amy!). But I'm laughing at Su Ho trying to stop his imagined Bo Nui/Gary loveline so I can't be too mad. I like that she's not a bad person and that she's trying to make amends but I don't get why she thinks that she can just pick up where she left off. It's not just anger, he's clearly not interested in her. But I guess she'll work it out over the next few episodes.

So Chicken Ahjusshi is a computer whiz (somebody said that in the ep 7 comments but i thought it was a guess). Still allowing room for a birth secret but at the same time it honestly doesn't even seem like Chicken Ahjusshi dated So Ho's mum. More like Su Ho's mum had an unrequited love but that could just be the vibe I'm sensing not truth. Anyway still hoping that doesn't happen.


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the face Suho made while watching Bo Nui with Gary during that photoshoot/test thing. was so funny. i was ready to roll out of my chair. he was a wee bit too childish on occasions in this ep but he's been a p good egg so far so he gets a pass from me this time. esp if he keeps making faces like that hahaha.


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All his faces are hilarious. There was a bit where he started grinning (was it in the elevator?) and you could see him force himself to make a straight face. And all the flailing, so adorable.


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I enjoyed this ep alot! and yeah I have to echo others that RJY and his character JSH are the best things about the drama. but I do like Bo Nui alot, and i'm glad the thing with her sister is dealt with so now we can see her start to live normally again. I hope also we get some genuinely fun times between her and JSH. since everytime they are together, something has gone wrong or its for work or its painfully awkward...etc. let them have a cute impromptu date coding in her house idek, just give me cuteness!

Speaking of cute tho, I love every second of every scene we get with Ryang Ha and Dal Nim and Ryang Ha with Suho...or anyone tbh. he is hilarious. esp whenever he tries to assert his importance to the company by announcing that he is a "major shareholder". like dude if it hasnt gotten u any respect by NOW....Also i hope DN and RH realize tht the more they fight the more likely they will be married in the not so distant future. but also I just love RH being a supportive older bro to petulant younger bro Suho.

my only complaint about this drama tbh, like my biggest complain is 1. idgaf about chicken ahjusshi and his past with suho's mom or his maybe being suho's dad. i wish that makjang nonsense wasnt a thing period. the drama doesnt need it. U CAN JUST BE FUNNY AND FUN DRAMA. ITS OK.
2. the secondary leads. Amy continues to have no purpose in the story but to be hopelessly delusional re: Suho and his non feelings for her. and play romantic spoiler. she has practically no characterization beyond that. and no being Gary's agent doesnt count. speaking of Gary
3. i care THE LEAST OF ALL about his daddy issues. why do the writers we should care? why does he get a whole stupid story arc about a long lost dad and Amy got bupkiss?
4. Gary's actions would be a bit more endearing if they were truly motivated by brotherly concern, except they arent and havent been from the first ep. his inevitable role in trying to chase off Suho and keep Bo Nui to himself. is something i am not looking forward to at all. ITS ALL SO NEEDLESS.

Hopefully, if the writers do INSIST upon keeping all these threads going, they at least devote a good amnt of airtime each week to the stuff that is enjoyable and not cliched tripe.


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@Tai you talked me down re: Bo Nui and her actions in the last thread. I agree with you, fingers crossed that Bo Nui can actually start living well again.

I think with Amy, her back story is all the Je Su Ho stuff (and the brother/Dad stuff), so its not bupkiss.

Please let the chicken ahjusshi story die? It's boring, give me more Dal Nim!

Agreed on the Gary stuff as well. Let her be your Noona and stop with the loveline!


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aww thank you! and i'm glad. I was sad seeing all the Bo Nui critiques. I just felt so bad for her. and I'm glad that part of her story seems to be wrapped up now at least. XD


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ugh cant edit comments. but now that she's feeling a little better, i can properly root for her to start having feelings re: Suho. we got tiny hints of it today alrdy.
with him having to maintain physical contact so she could feel comfortable entering her sister's room...i got some Master's Sun flashbacks haha. I hope this is used as an excuse for consistent skinship as well.


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i thought Chicken Ahjusshi (i love how he gets his own capital letters lol) is supposed to be Gary's long lost dad? i thought that was obvious..


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The pictures don't match though (we've seen pics of Gary's Dad and its definitely not Chicken Ahjusshi).


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But but without makjang it wouldn't be cooool! How could actors just be funny?? How could they be just cute? They must SUFFFER! Where else will the writers go to feed themselves on pain?


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I hope by the time the leads get together, Dal-nim had already developed feelings for Ryang-ha - because I wouldn't be able to take the imminent heartbreak she would face when her best friend gets together with her long-time crush.

Because anyway, Dal-nim and Ryang-ha would be so cute together!


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"He makes this character so much better than what’s on the page, and he makes it so that every time he’s mortified, I’m mortified, and every time he swoons, I swoon...when seen through his eyes, she seems like the prettiest, most wonderful girl in the world, and I forget the madness of her debilitating superstition. If only he could make her forget it too."

You said it all. There's nothing left to say. I especially felt this way when he showed up in front of her apartment and asked her why she was there (lmao) and then when she was explaining herself, he started giving this lovesick smile and in that moment, I felt like I was in love with Bo Nui too because i started smiling back at him dreamily, lol!

This week's episodes were soo good and Bo Nui seems to be taking interests as well. I can't wait till next week <3


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I forgot to add that the last scene when he offered to be her talisman, I squealed.

His "I don't believe in it, but you do" quote is the most romantic thing i've heard in drama land in a while. Ugh so cute!


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One of my favourite moments of the show was actually when BN got quiet when Amy was talking about SH and when both of them interacted. I was shouting FINALLY in my head. It's about time, show. We're at the halfway mark already, and that was the first and only time we see any glimpse of BN having any kind of interest towards SH. I can understand that she just doesn't have any space in her heart or mind to think about another guy. But really, coupled with her ridiculous moments, it has been a real frustrating wait for her to be abit less annoying and more interesting. Which is a shame really. Because i really really like both actors. This is my fourth HJE drama, and i'm not regretting. But please, show, do BN's character some justice. At this point, i feel like i want to love her character more than her character wants to be loved.


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I also noticed that as she took pictures, she focused on Su Ho not both Su Ho and Gary.


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I think someone may have said this on the last recap, but I'm disappointed that BN superstitions have turned out to be true, because following that logic (or lack thereof) that means that she really is a serverly unlucky person. She has to continue living her life in this awful self-loathing/crazy way because of her luck. If her bad luck is real, (which the show is saying that it is) than everyone around her is really in danger because of her, and I'm just finding that hard to accept. How do you overcome that storyline....guess we will have to wait and see.


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that's the whole tiger catch thing - JSH as a tiger will be the lucky charms for BN and BN is the lucky charms for the bad luck of JSH's, their reunion is like jing jang sign

by the way if there wouldn't be any of the catch a tiger stuff before they wouldn't be so entangled together, that's why it was necessary


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Yin and Yang (dark and bright) sorry about my jing jang transcription


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but so far she is actually Su ho's lucky charm.. so the romantic factor here is they're both each other lucky charm lol


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I love this episode, je suho is love .. lol at the time he woke up and realized he slept at bonui sleepspot some night before, his face so troubled yet cute ..
Ahh RJY ottoke?? My heart already full of you but you keep fill it with more and more charms ..


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The best episode so far because RJH is hilarious. Can't stop laughing of his dorkyness XD

I just hope that he get an award because of his acting despite the rating is low


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i cant stop smile watching him smile!! :D me also hopping this drama will get award and will get high ranting fr upcoming episode!!


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Who else is also in love with the scene where he was searching online, and he was SHAKING HIS FOOT???

Hahahahaha... OMG I'M SO IN LOVE!!!


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LOL.. love the scene when suho and gary shoot..puhahaha His dorky is hilarious..but seem really match those character on him.. how cute!!!

i getting the tickling nervous every time im scrolling the recap...

i am just keep saying to myself..'WHAT GONNA BE AFTER THIS...WHAT WILL HAPPPEN???.. (O-o)

tq so much for the recap...really appreciate it...


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ryu jun yeol's smile makes me smile .. ?❤️


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he is <3


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Now I know why all the supersticious stuff is needed to draw these two together:

"Duality is found in many belief systems but Yin and Yang are parts of a Oneness that is also equated with the Dao. A term has been coined dualistic-monism or dialectical monism. Yin and yang can be thought of as complementary (rather than opposing) forces that interact to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts.[2] Everything has both yin and yang aspects, (for instance shadow cannot exist without light). Either of the two major aspects may manifest more strongly in a particular object, depending on the criterion of the observation. The yin yang (i.e. taijitu symbol) shows a balance between two opposites with a portion of the opposite element in each section.

In Daoist metaphysics, distinctions between good and bad, along with other dichotomous moral judgments, are perceptual, not real; so, the duality of yin and yang is an indivisible whole. In the ethics of Confucianism on the other hand, most notably in the philosophy of Dong Zhongshu (c. 2nd century BC), a moral dimension is attached to the idea of yin and yang.[3]" (wikipedia)


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Je Suho is love. Ryu Junyeol is love. Ryu Junyeol is everything.


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Ryu Jun-yeol is your father.

Just kidding.


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Soo hoo look like puppy in love.


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This drama deserves a MUCH higher rating! I really enjoy the sweet scenes in this drama. The last drama I watched had a GREAT double digits ratings.BUT it's overdose"cuteness" (not convincing for me) made me cringe sometimes . In this drama I DO care for the leads. So my point is, not every show can bring out the loveliness . Sohu is naturally adorable and I can Repeat watching his scenes over and over again.
I REALLY I hope the "lucky romance" team can get better ratings. I dont get Koreans and their taste. When I watch a drama which is insanely popular in korea, I usually think is overrated!!


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+1, I don't understand korean taste as well


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can someone help me identify the song at the very end of the episode and into the epilogue? thank you in advance!


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so . . am I the only one (ofc not ) who like that bo nui hasn't start falling over heels for su ho

what viewer knows and what she knew is different.

Sometimes it baffles me when the heroine fall in love easily then proceed to that love even it's not her priority at that time.
Her priority isn't falling in love or anything concerning su ho, but bora, so it makes sense that she doesn't take suho gesture in another meaning,

suho in bo nui life is a tiger that just appear, her care more for gary and not thinking too much about su ho words totally relieve me.

Memories play important parts in life, no matter how ridiculous that shaman is, he gives her answer when no one can provide one. And if su ho suddenly replace all of that, it break her characterisation, she needs to break for the lucky shaman that she depended so much and it will be done by meeting su ho.

I think HJE nailed this drama
RJY is great but I've read his praise above and agree


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wow... a little positivity for HJE.. thank you
i am more a fan of Jun yeol but , this is drama is team effort

and i this comment section talk more about their fashion more than the character itself
hello there are people that unable to dress themselves properly in real liffe. please stop talking about it so seriously

sorry for hijacking your reply... hee


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"hello there are people that unable to dress themselves properly in real liffe"

thing is they're wearing brand name clothes provided by professional stylists xD


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Although HJE is the best I've seen in 5 of her dramas RJY is the reason why I am still watching. BN is un unlikeable heroine and I've never liked silly females. But his acting is so nuanced that if it was anyone else- don't think I would feel for JSH as much. He emotes at the turn of a dime. I know he doesn't have the conventional Kdrama good looks. But gosh could spend the whole episode just watching him contort himself into knots over BN
His not- confession has been one of the funniest scenes I've seen on tv. Made me swoon yet laugh so much.

I am very happy I watched R1988 and it made me discover all the actors there.


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"BN is un unlikeable heroine and I’ve never liked silly females" +1
Ppl here are saying the show should have better ratings. I think it might have if they had made BN less extreme, less stupid. We all understand desperation can propel ppl to superstitious behavior, but even in desperation, there should be a modicum of common sense, which she doesn't have. And going to the Han River to drown herself, when she is a capable IT game designer, has friends who care about her, is young, pretty and healthy?? Really, now? What kind of message does that send to ppl out there?
Go see a psychiatrist, get some counselling and medication would be more like it.


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I think it pretty much clear that the message is not to be her cause it doesn't solve the problem.
I think that's work

the whole IT and superstition are a different situation
not everyone regards talent and job as the best thing they can value in the world

live is a different question than how the job/work is,

no logic can make up a fate when you think about it, you just choose to believe in the logic and she choose to believe in the fate,

calm down


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"live is a different question than how the job/work is"

That is your reading by taking things out of context.
I said: She has friends who care for her, she has health, talent, looks, ability....there is a lot to live for. Why contemplate killing herself unless she is suffering from depression? But then, with sb who is willing to put herself at such risk to sleep with strangers from the internet, why ask why? I don't mind if you sympathise with her inclination to kill herself; you don't need to mind that I and many others here find it pathetic.

If not taken out of context, nothing in that comment suggested I need to 'calm down'.


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Her lives revolve around Bora,
she has no one that can give her enough space in life,
geon wook just move in,
su ho just appear,
dal nim has just visited her home recently,

she is depressed and I agree

what I want to say is not all logic you implement is work can be implemented in live just like her.

even is she is work in IT that full of logic, it's not the same problem she suffers in life, there's no answer in life when she is alone bearing the guilt for over 2 years,

yes she needs helps, badly and that's how she is written, but her choosing the thought of suicide is not outside her character or utterly stupid,
suicide is a stupid decision but there's a breaking in someone's life when they can think that suicide will ease them, and that's what she's been dealing with


I love this episode. Epilogues are so and It.


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That damn smile...


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I really enjoyed all the Su Ho's scenes. Ryu Jun Yeol is such a fine actor. I still remember AM1988's director saying how RJY had already started auditioning for the role without him realising it, because he was such a natural.


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Miranda got the drop on me about the denim again. Is she pregnant? Because not only is this denim like we've never seen before outside of a recycle bin it's just volumes of denim on a tiny woman. I'd also like to point out that all RJY needs complete his LA Mexican Gangbanger look is a do rag in some color that won't get him murdered in a drive by. Somebodies fashion sense is stuck in the 80's yes, I'm talking about you bedazzled jean jacket too.


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Do you mean Gary Choi's jacket. Damn that was awful. I can't believe Lee Soo Huk was made to wear it. His character was not a wierd one, and so there is no justifiable reason why he was carrying it.


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I will take the bedazzled jean jacket over having LSH's ass advertised as "LONELY".


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I find Ryu Joon Yeol so captivating on camera. He has a charisma that draws the audience to him. Having watched him now in Socialphobia, Glory Day, AM88, and this show, he just becomes the characters. While dramaland has only given us a chance to see more stoic characters like those in LR and AM88, his movie roles show that he can play other types of characters. Also, it doesn't hurt that he has a million megawatt smile that just sucks you in.


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sigh, people praise OHY and take a pity when she almost chooses suicide and neglecting her life out of love but then curse Bo Nui who suffer from the guilt of being the only one alive in her family,

talk about favoritism in actress


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they always act like this to her especially ..i dont why... it seem she's not that screechy as her previous roles, she's a genius yet superstitious....a desperate and lonely superstitious lady, who has no one she can rely to except for that shamans advice before the appearance of suho and gary.


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well to each is own! That is why they are called opinion! just because it's oppose to yours you will accuse them of favoritism! And why make this OHY vs BN? they are totally different characters from a different drama!


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I've seen enough on this website, how pitiful it is for an actress to be the "favorite' of scornful remarks from the same people (they are so bold in their observations) , as if the subject of their "praises" have no feelings and doesn't read at all, while those who think differently are silent and tolerant of this some kind of ciber bullying.


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I think its not because of the actress, its more of the writing of the characters.
In OHYA alot of people resonate with the main female lead, when girls break up with someone she truly love, its so hurt until we feel no more, and life become miserable...

But in this Shim bonui characters, alot of people cant resonate with her.
I really wish the show could show us more, why bonui cant believe superstition MADLY like that...


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i already fall in love with him again after drama R88. He to details when he acting, makes me really into this drama although the story line fr this drama quiet similar drama She Was Pretty. but i'm sure this drama will DAEBAK!! #TeamJungPal #TeamSooHo


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I love how even though SH doesn't believe in superstition just as much as before (I actually like him to stay that way wrinklesnose* even though he seemed thrown off by the... mmmm coincidence) but he's learning to give in/adjust a little bit for the sake of someone else-- to be considerate. He's not trying as forcefully for BN to accept that her superstitions are wrong; instead he is willing to "meet her halfway" for her benefit. He offers himself as a "talisman" not because he believes the BS but because he can't bear how BN is so crippled by fear that she can't even see her own sister, despite how much she loves her. So ok, fine, if I have to throw out the "talisman" BS so you can start to heal I'll do it.

It's like the stopper's come off-- BN has received JUST enough breathing space and hope that she allows herself to be healed... to ponder that maybe, just maybe I don't have to wall myself off from everyone. For now she's relying on SH's "tiger aura" as her crutch to venture, but I really hope the writer will let her believe in herself again. I mean you know what-- SH's aura is also his firmness in NOT believing in BN's curse.... how much of BN's suffering is self-fulfilling prophecy? Her ostracism when she was in school... what would have happened if she stood her ground and didn't let other people blame her for freak accidents/their own accidents? Other people believed she was bad luck and are all jittery around her, well is it really that surprising for them to hurt themselves like that? SH, on the other hand, stands his ground that her bad luck is BS, he's not going to be harmed by her for that... and BN needs that firmness/superman/invincibility to knock her out of it-- compared to sweet Gary who just gently indulges her (out of just letting her feel more comfortable) even though he believes that stuff only half-way. In that sense, I think BN's attraction to SH is partially that "invincibility" he portrays... the confidence he has and stubborn insistence that she's not a curse. SH's almost her therapist here LOL so she can get out of that unhealthy obsession with the superstitions... BN's so broken in her self value... I mean SH wasn't that far off about BN being suicidal-- "I'll take good care of her until she goes... and then I'll follow her." BR not being absolutely dead was the only reason she didn't friggin walk into that river...

BN's also affecting SH positively... SH knows she's not wrong when she points out how carelessly he treats his parents... he can't deny it coming from someone who's lost her own parents. It's awesome how after the conversation he bucks up and calls his mom and has that awkward/indirect conversation with her to check if they're ok... parental issues are there... but when you grow up into an adult... you just gotta learn to buck it up and give the other side another chance because that's how adults have to deal with problems-- you face them, not run...


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i like how interpret their character..thank goodness for some positivity mindset


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I'm just so happy that they made it this way. They act like real people. For someone BN is a crazy character but sometimes life turns in the directions we would never believe in before. If you've ever lost somebody so precious to you like she did and there was a blame which fell upon your shoulders there are lots of if and questions rising above and if there's a pressure and other factors your personality can crack like an earth by a strong earthquake and you flip in a second. My mum when she lost her mum started to be extremely religious and disoriented. She can't focus very well and it's already 12 years when my grandma passed away. It annoys me but there is no other way to get her back. Suho is doing so well so far. He is like a pillar she needs to hold her straight to face the goodness of being.


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@BC +1, that's one of the reason I fell in love with this drama, because it looks so real. Maybe people need to experience one to understand Bo nui's action. No logic would work no matter how logic you were before if you have somebody whom you love might die and the doctor has given up, not to mention the guilt and burden built up in your heart when you thought it's your fault. Bo nui literally have no one to support her, mentally, morally, financially since her youth age, it's just amazing she could survive till this point. You described it so well @BC, thank you


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@ BC you describe it very well, I myself think that If this happens to me and my family,I may have already landed in the mental hospital by now. SBN character for me is so strong. For two years she is in constant fear that her sister will leave her anytime .She lives her life like "thank God today my sister is alive ,I hope she will tomorrow" and that is for two years...gosh...and nobody to share her grief, her fear, her misery and even poverty.That is too much for a person not to go insane or to stop living her life. Sometimes we feel that suicide is wrong ,based on the morals the society set for us, but I feel and understand those who commit suicide ( although I am not celebrating it). When one is pushed against the wall, and you are hanging by the cliff, facing death - all humans fear death don't we?-is the most courageous of all.


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sorry to hear about your mom....stay strong dear :)


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I already know that I am going to rewatch all of Ryu Junyeol/Je Suho's scenes more than a thousand times when the series is over. I am complete trash for them. His little mannerisms, his ramblings, his crazy antics and his priceless expressions are giving me so much life. I stayed up till 2am last night because I couldn't get myself to turn off fangirl-mode and calm down. I've been smiling like an idiot all morning and trying to contain the flailing (like Suho-accidentally-calling-Bonui-type of flailing) so I don't look like a complete lunatic in front of my coworkers. I should be embarrassed.

Ryu Junyeol's acting will be the death of me. Can it be Wednesday already? I already miss is goofy adorable smile.


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I almost passed out the first time he smiled. He's amazing. I have to go watch his other stuff. This is my first viewing of this actor and he's mad wonderful. This character is a highlight of my viewing week.


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It's so hard to believe that he just started. His debut was just last year in the movie Socialphobia! (He's great in that btw although it is a small role).

You have to watch him in Reply 1988. That's where I (and most others) fell for his acting. Junghwan is one of my favourite kdrama character ever. Ryu Junyeol is the first actor who made me cry (cry is actually an understatement, more like heart-wrenching bawling for a week) when his character was neither sick or dying. That says something.


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Did you notice how he clenches his hand against his waist when he has his outbursts to cover up being embarrassed. So cute!


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Oh remind me bout that dive or plunge to the sofa for accidentally calling Bo Nui, that was so cute.


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And I'm so happy I get to talk about LR with my co-worker who watches this show too! We squeal happily away when we talk about the endless charms of Je Su-ho.


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Only watching for RJY.

Also, what the hell is Bo Nui wearing? Did HJE pissed off the stylist?


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There is this thing named sponsorship. Perhaps you forgot, kdrama is a part of industry, when you thing you cant handle it but you have to do it because they have paid you to.
Its not a stylist offering. Its a producer's order.


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I'm totally in love with this drama .... Ryu Jun Yeol is undeniably a very good actor ... the same thing goes to Hwang Jung Eum as well ..they both have awesome chemistry together ....


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"Su-ho isn’t paying attention at all, but absently sticks his straw in the sweet one."

That seems like a much more risque metaphor when I read it than it did when I was watching it.


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I don't get why all the hate to Bo nui's character? her life is so misarable, she lost both her parent at the same time, she had to be the one who makes money and become Bora's substitute parent in her youth age. She got no friend since they think she gave them bad luck and because of it she's afraid to have bond with anyone.
And now when her only family might passed away, who blames her for taking self destructed way? Maybe ppl should experience one to understand her? there's a lot female drama character who take suicide way when they lost their boyfriend but no judgement to them like ppl judge bonui here, so losing your boyfriend is more than losing all your family? I just don't get why ppl become too judgy like this to Bo nui.
I'd like to praise HJE as well, her acting was so on point, I love RJY too but he's already got such an overload excitement here. Great job HJE & RJY, Hope for more upcoming drama from both of you, fighting!


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yeahh...people in this thread are so judgemental..it make me sick..urghh...

never i seen a character beaten down like this from commenter from her fashion to her personality...


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I know right, It's just their wardrobe, they got sponsored, so just get over it please. Why do they keep criticizing it over and over, each and every episodes. As if they're the fashion king or something.


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right...they focus more on the fashion than the plotline...
and seriously superstitious does exist in asian continent..please think from asian mindset and not from your western mindset...


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Ppl not just judgy about BN, but HJE herself. Why cant these ppl be realistic? Its just a drama, ohplease. And they have no right to badmouthed HJE as if they were actresses


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+1 In real life, do you think someone like HJE would wear these clothes even at home? For those who are very familiar with her (Her fans) she even run and managed an on line fashion store years ago (I don't know what happen to that) and she modeled all those clothes on sale. She even hosted a fashion related show on tv that is why she is regarded as one of 'fashionista' celebrities in Korea.She fits them all to a T , that is why I am convinced that these clothes she is wearing is for the character's sake and people are making a big fuss about it. SBN character has a reason for wearing all those clothes and HJE is just reliving the character.


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good words

she may not the best actress in universe, but at least she can emote properly...
she may not make you cry, but she done her best


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I think HJE is a kind of actress who would love to jump from cliff if the director says so. So these denim thing thrown at her, no offense, are just pieces of cake for her. Most actresses are only want to look pretty on cam, even when tears stream over their beautiful faces. HJE's face on Secret, since in almost all episodes she cried, swollen badly.


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Why are acting like you know her personally? Are people not allowed to criticize characters in a drama? If most viewers are not connecting with a main character it is because there is something wrong with the script. Or maybe people are uncomfortable with her being so casual about almost being a victim of rape.


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"Why are acting like you know her personally? Are people not allowed to criticize characters in a drama?"

Ppl criticize HJE personally, not only BN. And praise RJY all the way, left alone SH.


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I don't get all the criticism against Bo-nui either. You talk of her debilitating madness, but since it has been established that the superstitions are real in the show's universe (Bo-ra woke up when she spent a night with her tiger), why is it madness? I don't believe in them, but the show is presenting them as real. Also, now that she has that as proof that they are real, isn't it normal and even logical for her to keep doing the same thing? Bo-ra woke up when the doctors said she wouldn't, science failed her in that sense and magic or whatever that is brought Bo-ra back. I don't think judging Bo-nui's actions against our reality is fair at all. I get that Su-ho is incredibly swoony and him being so rational in comparison makes it easy to see her as slightly deranged but... girl has it tough.


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The reason why I am watching this drama is because I have to see that in an alternate universe without Deok Sun and Taek. Jung Hwan became happy.

To be honest at episode 8, I'm already finding most scenes difficult to watch. Even the part when Je Soo Ho accompanied Shim Bo Nui to see her sister was just out of my comprehension. How could Je Soo Ho do that for Bo Nui when clearly Gary Choi was the one so certain that he love and cares for Shim Bo Nui. It was like seeing Je Soo Ho transitioning from crush to love in a span of a second. I can't blame the unconvincing plot line and quirky characters that's hard to love. I know for a fact thay when Hwang Jung Eum signed in, I will be in for a hard to watch drama, because this actress tends to pick out only the wierdest roles and turn it to something irritable. Then his leading men would follow suit. I loved Ji Sung (Save The Last Dance) but the Ji Sung that apprared in (Secret Love and Kill Me, Heal Me) was unbearable. Choi Si Won has never been my cup of tea but he was downright annoying in (She Was Pretty). Then Park Seo Joon was cute and lovable in (Witch's romance) whereas I never figured out what the nystery between his relationship with Hwang Jung Eum's character at (Kill Me Heal Me) because I could not watch any more. But I'd have to say he was quite unbrotherly like with his affection for her. Usually incest don't creep me but this one was not the tasteful kind. And let's not even talk about how he was completely unrelatable in (She Was Pretty) with his hard to breath moments everytime it !@$/^&* rains, what kind of ape does that?

Gosh now that I've let it all out. I realized that I've been suffering to watch this drama only to have some bite of my Jung-Hwan-pie, Jung-pal-pie, and little bit of Ryu Jun Yeol.


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put your suffering to rest dear ^-^


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guess I ought to


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The screen shots of RJY you've used here are so cute, especially the one in which he's squatting beside her. he looks like a kid!


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