Lucky Romance: Episode 5

He smiles! A smile is a face he knows how to make! Today we finally start to get to see more of what makes our stoic genius tick, and it’s not just all gears and computations. (Although he’ll never be without his comforting computations.) We also get a bit more of the light sensibility I’d been missing in recent episodes, which I’m glad to see, even if it does also come with a more emotional serious side as well. Still, it’s a promising improvement in my book.

Episode Grade: B+



As Bo-nui and Su-ho’s first contract date comes to a close, Bo-nui proposes to use some extra time now, asking him to sleep with her tonight.

Su-ho isn’t sure he heard right, but Bo-nui adds that if he spends the night with her, they can end the three-week agreement now and save his precious time. Su-ho clarifies that when she says “sleeping” she actually means sex, and that the hotel room dinner was just an excuse, since sex was what she was after all along. He does have a way of distilling facts down to the coldest, plainest version, doesn’t he?

Bo-nui owns up to it, and Su-ho asks incredulously if she’s man-crazed. She asks him to consider her just a stranger he picked up at a bar or a club, since men supposedly consider sex as sport.

Su-ho agrees that it’s certainly possible for people to behave that way, and that he’s in no position to judge her for her actions—but he also wants nothing to do with it, since he’s not that kind of person. He turns to go, and she literally gets down on her knees to beg.

He tells her to find some other guy, but Bo-nui says earnestly, “It has to be you.” He stops and stares for a long moment… and then silently walks out the door.

Outside, he leans against the wall for a long moment, looking pretty rattled from the encounter, and her plea rings in his ears as he drives home. Bo-nui thinks of his rejection and sighs that she’d like to date like ordinary people do too, with someone she likes.

It’s a testament to how perturbed he is that Su-ho braves a nightclub to find Ryang-ha, then sits numbly at the bar with a drink. Su-ho denies that anything’s the matter, but it’s pretty obvious that’s a lie, even if Ryang-ha’s assumption is that his behavior is a reaction to the sudden reappearance of agent/first love Amy.

Su-ho denies that and fiiiiinally works up the nerve to ask how a woman can just propose sleeping together like it’s nothing, and Ryang-ha leaps up and crows, “You slept with a woman?! For the first time?!” Su-ho shushes him, and Ryang-ha works out that Su-ho rejected a woman who made the first move, shaking his head in disappointment. Su-ho protests that it’s not at all weird for him to reject someone he doesn’t care about; going for it would make him no more than an animal.

Ryang-ha shakes his head and asks if she was drunk, or high, or pretty, and Su-ho mindlessly answers no-no-yes. Haha. Ryang-ha tsk-tsks that he hurt the feelings of a pretty woman, arguing that it isn’t easy for a woman to make the first move, and doubly so if she were sober. Su-ho thinks back to Bo-nui’s proposal and counters that she made the proposal pretty easily enough.

Ryang-ha guesses that Bo-nui was the woman, wondering if this was part of her bucket list. Su-ho argues that she’s not dying and that it wasn’t her, which doesn’t convince his buddy at all. Instead, Ryang-ha just says it’s okay to be scared his first time, and that he’ll wish him good luck. Ha.

Gary finds Bo-nui out on the terrace brooding, and asks if her boss was very angry with her. Then he asks with a hint of jealousy whether the boss is a tiger, asking what exactly she needs from a tiger man.

Bo-nui answers plainly, “Sleep with him.” She knows it sounds absurd, but when her sister’s life is on the hook, she can’t just ignore the fortuneteller’s words without giving it a try. She sighs that she ruined things with Su-ho by rushing them, though, and now has to find a new tiger man, which is a daunting prospect.

Gary thinks it over a minute, then grabs her wrist and suggests going “to a good place.”

While washing his hands in the bathroom, Su-ho catches a glimpse of the protective symbols Bo-nui had drawn on his hand, and suddenly imagines her standing right there, saying, “It has to be you.” It spooks him and he scrubs the writing off his hand, muttering that he doesn’t like her.

Gary takes Bo-nui to an empty tennis stadium, stating that working the body is the best way to clear an overworked mind. He sends her running all over the court, and she accuses him of teasing her and chases him around in mock outrage. They run around the court laughing until she trips and falls, and he rushes over in concern.

Bo-nui shakes aside his helping hand and blinks back tears—it wasn’t a hard fall, but seems to have set off her emotions, and she buries her face in her hands, choking back her sobs. Gary just sits next to her and encourages to cry it all out until she feels better.

Bo-nui starts crying audibly at that, then lets out a scream. Gary shouts out Bo-nui’s name, calling her frustrating, and she shouts out his, calling him a dummy. Then Gary adds, “Choi Ho! Where are you?” Must be his father.

Bo-nui adds one last plea: “Bo-ra! Wake up!”

As Su-ho arrives at his building, the security guard stops by with a gift carton of carp juice that had been delivered for him with notes written all over the box. Mom, perhaps? Su-ho gives it to the guard, uninterested.

He imagines hearing Bo-nui’s voice one more time, then turns on the TV to watch Gary… and only now puts things together, realizing that the guy he fought accidentally, who’s friendly with Bo-nui, is the guy he’s been courting for his video game.

Lying down on the tennis court, Bo-nui asks if Gary ever wants to return to a previous point in his life. He replies that he’d want to go back to the night before he left for Canada, when his father had suggested living together (rather than splitting up so that Dad could support them from afar). At the time, Gary had said no.

He asks her the same question, and she replies that she’d want to go back two years to that morning before Bo-ra’s accident. She’d do anything to go back, she says wistfully, and Gary starts to reach for her hand consolingly.

Just then, squeals break out: “Oppaaaaaa!” A group of teenage fans run up to ask Gary for his autograph, and it’s only now that Bo-nui realizes that her plain ol’ childhood buddy Gun-wook is also the world-famous tennis star.

She asks why he lied about his identity, and he points out that she just never bothered to ask. She beams at him and thanks him for growing up so nicely, and he puffs up in pride, saying that he’s got lots of money now and can help her with anything she asks for. Of course, then Bo-nui starts to ask about his Canadian tiger friend (which he’d offered before knowing what she meant to do with the tiger), which replaces his smile with a grimace. Heh.

That night, Bo-nui crosses Su-ho off her list of tigers and notes that she failed. Then she writes her resignation letter.

In the morning, Su-ho’s arrival is greeted with the usual chorus of hellos, but he throws up a hand to block Bo-nui from sight and hurries into his office, where he closes the blinds. “Okay,” he assures himself, “You acted natural.” HA. Natural like a Twinkie in outer space, maybe.

Then Su-ho peers through the blinds to see Bo-nui on her way toward his office, and trips all over himself trying to run away and/or act natural, which he does about as well as we can expect, which is to say not at all. He fakes an angry phone call just as she opens the door, indicating that he’s busy, and then assures himself again that he acted natural.

Bo-nui keeps one eye on Su-ho’s office as she works, trying to catch a good moment to deliver her resignation. At one point Su-ho literally jogs out of the room to avoid her… and then gets cornered on his way back from the bathroom. He makes up an excuse to hurry off (in the wrong direction, no less), then skulks around to avoid her.

Bo-nui asks him if he’s avoiding her, which he denies, though at least this time he invites her in to say what she’s been waiting to say. She hands over the letter and apologizes for last night, calling her resignation her way of taking responsibility for her mistake.

You’d think Su-ho would welcome her decision based on all his complaints, but he turns it around on her, saying that she isn’t showing proper responsibility or attachment to her creation. Insisting that she honor her responsibility to the If game, he returns her resignation letter and orders her to get Gary for the project. Bo-nui asks if he’ll be okay seeing her around, and he replies (without looking at her) that he respects her personal life

Bo-nui agrees, and adds that she truly does care for her game; she merely thought it would be overstepping her bounds to take a more active role. She hopes the game will do well and allow its users to experience a really wonderful life through it, which was why she created it in the first place.

After she leaves, the most adorable smile breaks out onto Su-ho’s face, which he quickly hides.

Amy sets up shop in the same building as Zeze Factory, where a delivery is blocked at the gated lobby because of security. Ryang-ha points out that she’ll have to move the boxes herself, and Amy turns her brightest smile on him instead.

He ends up carrying the boxes all the way upstairs, and lets her into Zeze’s office (using his retinal scan) so she can greet her new neighbors. He doesn’t realize who Amy is until she introduces herself to the employees, and he belatedly sends Su-ho an apologetic face, knowing he’s screwed up.

Dal-nim drags Ryang-ha out to take him to task for bringing the antagonistic femme fatale in when he’d bragged about being Su-ho’s guardian angel before. He lies that he totally did recognize her but just didn’t want to address the CEO’s personal life with his staff.

Then he chides Dal-nim for being overly into her job and urges her to have a life outside of it, date people, and remove her braces. Just to nettle him, she huffs that she’ll neeeeever take them off and smiles extra-widely. Hee. If ever a person could smile violently, she would be the one.

Su-ho remains stiff and avoidant with Amy, and asks why she moved into the building. She asks if he thinks she did it because of him, as though that’s a silly notion. He replies that she’s taking her time persuading Gary about the game, so they’ve started looking into alternate avenues, which is news to Amy. She reminds him that she handles everything for Gary and urges him to trust her. Moreover, she says that she consider this reunion to be more than coincidence.

Su-ho avoids eye contact and dismisses her, but Amy wheedles anyway, dropping the jondae speech and talking like his old noona friend. She proposes that if she gives him Gary’s approval, he’ll give her a pass into Zeze. He tells her to start with Gary, and she takes that as a positive sign.

Su-ho flips through a book idly, and finds the talisman Bo-nui had snuck between its pages, at his mother’s request. He crumples it up, grumbling, “Mother.”

Gary continues his search for his father, printing a missing persons flyer to post, telling Bo-nui that he’s hopeful that it’ll yield results. Bo-nui broaches the topic of that game offer he turned down, asking him to reconsider and explaining that it’s her company’s project.

Gary’s put out to realize that the guy making the proposal is the jerk who punched him the other night, but Bo-nui says that her boss picked up her game that others had discarded and calls it a good project.

Gary takes that in, but apologetically declines, telling her to find a better, cooler person to base the game on. He says a little shamefacedly that he’s a son who’s searching for his father for the first time in ten years, and that he’s not at all that great.

Bo-nui tells him he can find his father now, and he agrees—but that means he has no time for her project.

Su-ho’s mother finds her husband brewing up a fresh batch of carp juice and comments on his habit of holding back one box (aha, so it was a gift from Dad, not Mom). She heads out to see Su-ho, ignoring Dad’s advice not to go, ready to sneak past security. But when the gate beeps in error, she slinks away quietly.

Mom pouts outside the building, just as Bo-nui steps out and recognizes her. Mom asks after that talisman, which Bo-nui assures her she hid successfully in a book. Mom wonders why it isn’t working, since it was meant to chase away the “raccoon” preventing him from being close with women, which she’d hoped would also allow her to get close to her son.

When Mom sighs about the wily raccoon that’s supposedly harassing Su-ho, Bo-nui thinks back to her game presentation—when she’d donned a raccoon head. Mom worries about the raccoon causing Su-ho to fall and hurt and feel mentally harassed, and Bo-nui thinks of all the encounters she’s caused that fit that description.

Bo-nui makes the connection, but she doesn’t admit it to Mom and tries to excuse herself hastily. Mom asks for her phone number, and despite her reluctance, Bo-nui can’t quite refuse. (Mom enters her into her phone as “Girl who has a clue.”)

Then as she’s leaving, Mom spots an older man pulling up on a delivery bike, and her eyes widen to recognize Chicken Ajusshi. She gasps, “Young-il… oppa?”

Bo-nui continues her tiger hunt online during her lunch break, but finds that she’s been banned for inappropriate posts. Conscious of her ticking clock, she frets at this added stress, just as Su-ho drops by her desk to ask a question.

But he doesn’t voice the question he really wants to ask, thinking to himself: “When you asked to sleep with me—was that really with no feelings attached?” Bo-nui thinks to herself, “Why am I agonizing like this when I’ve got a tiger right in front of me?”

Aloud, all Su-ho can do is ask what kind of sandwich she’s eating, and then promptly rejects her offer of the other half. Heh.

He’s distracted throughout Dal-nim’s presentation, asking for things she’s already sent, and when he returns to his desk he finds a sandwich left on his table with a note from Bo-nui. He eyes it like it’s the world’s most confounding mystery, wondering why she’s acting like this. He’s too distracted to focus on work, and when he drops his pen underneath his desk, he bends to retrieve it and sees… the talisman she stuck there on her first day.

Dal-nim guesses that Bo-nui did more of her weird luck habits to bother the boss, and calls to ask what she did this time.

Bo-nui walks up to her building just as Gary comes tearing down the street, flustered because he’s just gotten a call locating his father. All he has is an address and no sense of direction, so Bo-nui offers to go with him.

Su-ho contemplates the talisman all day, trying to puzzle it out. He recalls running into Bo-nui in his office early that first morning, and also how he’d interrupted her when she was fiddling with that book.

Bo-nui and Gary arrive at their destination, and he pauses nervously outside the house, wondering if his father will recognize him. The good news is, the landlord knows who he is, but the bad news is, Dad doesn’t live here anymore. Gary’s shoulders slump in disappointment.

The landlord shows them Dad’s old room, still containing the belongings he left behind. Bo-nui steps aside to give Gary privacy, and takes a call from her gambling ex-boss, who seems to be at it again; he pushes her to lend him money, which she flatly declines.

Gary reads through his father’s diary, which had followed his life and career diligently over the years. Gary furrows his brow to read the entry where Dad describes leaving his last rented room and buying a plane ticket—as far as he knows, Dad never came to Canada.

In flashback, we see Gary winning a junior tournament and Dad waiting nearby to congratulate him. But Gary had waved at someone else and run past his father to his mother, her husband, and the rest of the family, not even noticing Dad standing right there.

Flipping to the end of the diary, Gary reads the entry: “He looked happy. That’s enough.”

Gary breaks down into tears, and Bo-nui comforts him. He’s subdued on the bus ride back, and Bo-nui says reassuringly that his father will be fine. She encourages him to sleep, and he rests his head on her shoulder. Just then, the bus hits a bump in the road and her mirror goes flying into the aisle, shattering. Not a good sign.

Su-ho heads to the bookstore to raid the fortunetelling section, selecting a mound of books to study. Back at the office, he examines Bo-nui’s workstation and all the figurines and charms she’s placed around her—and comes across her notebook and the page with the note “Zeze Tigers.”

Flipping through the pages, he reads list after list of names with their corresponding birth years, all crossed out… and his own name, circled.

Putting the pieces together, he considers Bo-nui in light of this new information: her talismans, superstitions, tiger hunting. He computes this all in coldly calculating terms, and lands on the conclusion: sacrificial offering.

Arriving at their apartment, Gary thanks Bo-nui with a heartfelt hug, and heads inside. That’s when she gets a call from Su-ho and heads outside to meet him, and he confronts her all worked up over his revelations.

Insisting that she answer honestly, he asks if the reason Bo-nui said “It has to be you” was because he was born in the tiger year. That is to say, if it’s true that like the barbarians of the past offering women and beasts in prayer rituals, she was using him as a sacrifice.

She apologizes, hurriedly explaining that she should have told him everything but thought he’d treat her like an insane person.

Su-ho calls her frightening, asking how far back her scheme went, and why she’d said he was a warm person and that it could only be him. He raises his voice, and Gary suddenly appears to step in between them, asking why he’s so angry when nothing ever happened.

“It couldn’t be that you thought she loved you, could it?” Gary asks. From the stricken look on Su-ho’s face, I’d say he hit the nail.

Gary leads Bo-nui away, and Su-ho stares after them looking shaken.

But Bo-nui pulls away, feeling the need to go back and explain to Su-ho her reasons. Gary points out how Su-ho had accused her just now, saying he’d never understand her. Talking to him now will only result in being insulted.

But she says she wants that—that she wants to give Su-ho the chance to express his anger, which she considers justified. She sends Gary on without her, and runs back to Su-ho. He’s sitting in his car, looking defeated, and looks up to see Bo-nui approaching again.

Epilogue. Su-ho takes photos of the two talismans in his office and looks them up online. The one in the book (from his mother) is meant to ward off what’s getting in the way of an earnestly desired thing. And the one under his desk is meant to seduce a man.


Okay, so I’ve figured out that I really only have one broad grievance about this show: the tone. Everything else is workable, but for a rom-com based on a zany premise, the show feels shockingly serious-minded. It feels like the director either didn’t get the memo that he was supposed to be filming a rom-com, or the director has no sense of humor.

Lucky Romance actually feels more like a romance melodrama to me (one on the lighter end of the melo spectrum), and the editing, music, and mood are all in that vein. That seems like the strangest creative choice to make, because Bo-nui’s despair feels so heavy and real compared to the screwball things she does, and it’s like the show doesn’t acknowledge the comedy inherent to the premise.

This was a pretty grave disappointment for me in the previous weeks, because I kept seeing what the show could have been—it felt like the show was missing such obvious moments to be bright and enjoyable and trading them for somber realism instead. Why sign up to make this drama if you didn’t find it funny?

But now that we’re in Week 3 and the tone has been established and consistent, I figure this is the point where we accept things and move on, or don’t accept them and leave. So with that in mind, I think I’ll have more success adjusting my expectations and seeing this as a romance drama with a few humorous moments, rather than a comedy.

To be honest, I’m not sure I would have been willing to stay onboard if not for the latest development with Su-ho’s feelings, because until that point I didn’t really feel an affinity for the characters. I thought Hwang Jung-eum was doing a pretty credible job making Bo-nui feel grounded in some truth rather than some random crazy person, and Gary’s a cute puppy with a crush on his noona, so nothing to hate there. But emotionally, it’s Su-ho who finally made me feel something with his contradicting reactions to Bo-nui’s proposal—you’d think he’d have been glad to be rid of her, but he was oddly reluctant to accept that resignation, and that’s when I knew I was in.

The show has done a good job (by which I mean mostly Ryu Joon-yeol has done a good job) making Su-ho’s curt, brusque mannerisms part of his defensive (and socially stunted) personality and not so much a jackassy trait. I’ve enjoyed seeing him being cool and logical and unmoved one moment, and then struggling to contain his panic in others. So my curiosity was piqued to see him get so angry with Bo-nui’s plan, because he could have just written her off as a weirdo and been done with her.

So the minute I realized that he was actually hurt, that he felt offended and betrayed that he isn’t someone one-of-a-kind and necessary… well, that just hurt my heart. It isn’t that he’s disappointed that she doesn’t love him, but I can see how he started to wonder about opening up his feelings the teeniest bit, only to have reality slap him in the face: You’re not special after all. His conflict and reaction feel real and interesting and something worth exploring, and when you get me good like that, I don’t care (…as much) that the joke opportunities are flying away left and right and that we’re in a heartfelt coming-of-emotional-age melo instead. I guess that’s really the true law of K-drama: Just make me care, and I’m yours.


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Haven't read the recap yet but JB seems to be all smiles for this episode


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Damn Lee soo-hyuk is cute.


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Geon-uk's crying actually made me feel sad, rather than Bo-nui's


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Seeing HJE cry all the time.. She is good but I don't feel it anymore... Not her fault may be I hv seen too much of her drama..
I want to avoid but her leading men are too awesome to avoid...


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I think with HJE i am just fatigued .... Too much of an actor kills the anticipation .. and she seems to be constantly filming one show after the other.

i'll second you, i would give her shows a skip but, but, but, the lead actors just don't let me go


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As soon as he tackled Gary last week I was all, "Oho somebody really LIKES someone a little..." and it just deepened this week. I'm glad they lobbed Gary's identity in such a low-key manner. The more predictable angle would have been for him to swoop in with the big reveal later on both helping her at work and muddying up the romantic angle.


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I was shocked of his denial too.. Felt real for some reason.. And bo-ni didn't push it .. Which is good...It will be awesome if he stayed as caring sibling. A girl and boy can have many relations it doesn't always have to be romantic one to care for someone.. (KMH & PSH was best thing about heirs)


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ok show u got me i'm officially hooked. i hope the upcoming episodes are just as good. a little worried about how lee chung ah's role in this is going to play out. as of now she seems to have no purpose other than pursuing suho and the intentions behind that aren't exactly clear yet. i hope gary and bo nui maintain a platonic relationship. i know his crush on her is inevitable but i really don't want it to interfere with the main couple. i was waiting for the chemistry to be as obvious as it was in their promo photoshoot and thank god some of that spark was evident today


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OMG Ryu Jun Yeol looked so hot when he was yelling LOL. I'm really warming up to this drama and I can't wait for more :D


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I don't disagree with this recap one bit. I actually enjoyed this episode better because RJY finally started to react. I rather like that they have him bumbling about and I'm happy to see him willing to do it. I also tolerate HJE so much better when she isn't doing slapstick screamo comedy. She's very pretty and I like her voice. She just often over acts. Anyway, LSH is a big sweet baby in this drama. He looks so young without the guyliner and scowl. It's a lot more fun since our idiot savant hero catches feelings so quickly. I'm in so far too.


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Agreed with you javabeans, rather than romcom, it's romance-melo...but the story is getting better every episodes.
First time to see LSH cried and it touched me, i feel his sadness. BN too, HJE is jjang... BN isn't ORJ from KMHM or KHJ from SWP.... totally different.
As for Suho, i do feel his emotion, his anger.... all actors are doing the best to make this story feels real...
But, I wish, the don't make Gary brokenheart bcoz he's too cute, like litte puppy...
Forget about comedy enjoy the romance...


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I loved you analysis about the tone of the drama and i find that i'm getting used to it as well. I realized how sad this drama felt when Bo Nui was crying with Geon Uk and also when Suho got uncharacteristically mad at the end. Also thought your analysis of SuHo in the last paragraph was spot on.

I really liked this episode but indeed, my favorite scenes were the scenes with Suho and Bo Nui together (especially when ryang-ha asked him if he thought she was pretty and said yes and then did that cute little whine, lol!).

I don't feel invested in Geon Uk as a character so I was uninterested in the scene with his back story but i guess I'm starting to like him.

If anything, Im curious about this Young Il oppa and Suho's mom. What's that about??


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A+ commentary, javabeans! Agree ?


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Your commentary was spot-on, javabeans! LR is turning out to be a melo, than a standard rom-com. I don't mind that really, as I think both HJE and RJY can handle both spectrum really well.

And yes, RJY is doing a great job with Su-ho's character. I feel his pain, his joy, his embarrassment, his denial. Gosh I just love RJY to bits.


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You're right! It's definitely not a rom-com (or what most would consider as one), which is probably why people were let down at first when the comedy just wasn't happening. Weirdly enough, I can't stop watching. For the first time in my 5 episodes of watching this drama... I can actually say that I'm dying to know what happens next! (Is it the RJY effect? maybe.)

Bonui's wardrobe seems to have also improved this episode, as well as the background music/OST. Maybe the production team is listening to some of our complaints. haha. Hopefully they can make BN's desperation somewhat easier(?) to watch because that first scene made me uncomfortable... But that aside, I quite liked this episode.


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I cried during Gary's scene when he saw his father's note... And, I felt scared when Suho got mad and yelled at Bonui. I don't think I want to be on his bad side...


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I really like this show, and this is not a criticism (rather, it's one of the reasons I'm interested), but I do not know how this couple is ever going to get together romantically.

Neither of them would easily admit that they're in love, either through stubbornness or priorities--neither is so immature OR sexually experienced as to take the first step or snap and jump on the other--and neither is so mature that they would accept their feelings at face value.

Which means someone will probably mature or regress or become SUPER in love before anything happens.

I'm SO INTERESTED to see what they do.


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No way in hell can this premise be funny. We have a desperate heroine with a dying sister, begging a man to sleep with her whom not only does she not love, but she hardly even knows. There is just nothing funny about a woman selling her body. The first five minutes was utterly painful to watch. I was cringing as Bo Nui got down on her knees and threw away all her pride. I must have missed that part where the fortuneteller told Bo Nui it had to be Su Ho because I'm pretty sure it can be any tiger.

As if that weren't depressing enough, we have two male leads with equally depressing daddy issues and unrequited feelings for their noonas. There was even two breakdowns today. Everything is played so straight and serious, this has to be a melodrama. I can't believe Gun Wook went along with Bo Nui's nonsense. In any other drama, Rich Second Lead would have sent Bo Ra to the States for treatment. But here, has he even visited Bo Ra in the hospital once? There is just no excuse for Bo Nui to have never seen a picture of Gary Choi when the team was freaking developing a prototype of him. Since the terminal illness and her liking him assumptions are out, I thought Su Ho would jump to the conclusion that Bo Nui was a gold digger looking to get pregnant with Je Su Ho's genius baby for child support.

Thanks for the recap and thoughts, javabeans!


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We must have been typing at the same time! I feel the same! Ok, it's not just me...


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This, however, was hilarious: "Instead, Ryang-ha just says it’s okay to be scared his first time"

The EXPRESSION when he said this, and the GESTURES? I burst out laughing and had to rewind immediately to watch again, it was completely out of left field and so weirdly graphically mimed but absolutely perfect. And, from Su Ho's spot, kind of horrifying.

I'm laughing right now, thinking about it again. HA!


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I just love how inexperienced Su-ho is at everything. My favorite scenes are always:
- Su-ho and Ryang-ha
- Su-ho and Dal-nim
- Su-ho and Bo-Nui

in that order.


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mine are:
Ryang-ha's gestures
Su-ho acts naturally
Su-ho contemplates a sandwich

This episode was really cute


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I think the fortune teller told her there was a tiger at the company when she was struggling to find one in the building. He was the only suitable tiger there.


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I actually like this drama in a whole, even with the almost serious tone. Ryu Jun-yeol make it works for me with how smartly he portrayed Su-ho and make the character believable and lovely. I just love Su-ho to death. His hurt after realizing that Bo-nui needs him just because he's a tiger actually broke my heart.

Aaannnd, now that the secret's finally revealed, I wonder how it would be played out. Will Su-ho receive Bo-nui's proposal and agreed to sleep with her? Or will he let her go after this?


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He's hurt, Suho-shii. He's dying to know if she is just really want to sleep with him without any feelings involved. Suho's not really a big fan of a certain song "Making love, out of nothing at all"...lol ?.

I like this ep better than the previous ones. Suho's "wae" at the end won me. First time to see Ryu Jun yeol acting angrily that even though I did not understand it as a whole on what he's saying, I can feel the pain and disappointment on his face. He's really good with facial expressions and body language.
Also, his scenes with his friend are one of my favorites. Haha..love him when he introduced Suho with the girls in the club. "he's my friend. He's uglier than me" hahaha

I' m enjoying this drama a lot. Is it just me that I dont want it to be a full romcom drama. I'm not really into dramas forcing their way to make scenes funnier and ended up being slapstick comedy and unnecessary to the drama's plot.


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RJY this is my first drama of his(not a reply series fan) I'm glad that he is worth the hype he gets.. He is selling this drama for me...
Man he plays the dorky character perfectly.. bo-ni is pinned to ground while he wanders all confused like a helpless girl with first crush...
With all the reluctance he showed in date.. He actually cares what she thinks about him... He is attracted to her(pretty yes! LoL), likes her and cares about her...
It's a good thing he has good friend and advisor....
They made HJE character to deep for the drama to be light.. But when you scratch comedy it becomes a decent show..
It's may not be the best show right now but it's worth following...

I like JB and GF recaps fast hehe.. ?
Thank you..


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I couldn't agree more. Suho's character is so interesting that it makes me care so much for him and can't wait to see the development of his character. And I do really hope that this drama will be getting funnier each episodes. Ugh I want to see more of suho. Tomorrow please come faster!


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Ep 5 surprises me. It is good. I watched from start till the end.

The drama is getting better and the leads chemistry is also growing. No wonder its topping the Wed-Thu slot.


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Hmm... I am not sure how I feel about this show. I only got to the beginning of this episode when she is asking him to sleep with her and I just found the scene so disturbing. Is it just me? It actually felt sad, there is no love, lust, just ...desperation. It almost felt like prostitution. Sleeping for gain? I understand why she wants to sleep with him but at the same time I just can't "enjoy" watching this. It just feels ...wrong. As much as she believes in the guru, there must be a point when you must think for yourself. It's like being in a cult or something when you just do what they tell you because you believe whatever they say. Hello??! Anyone in there??! Maybe I'm just overthinking... At least Suho sees reason... for now? I don't know, I will see if I can get past this... Or maybe I'm getting too old to find this cute... Ok, don't think ...just enjoy...


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I see her hope for a chance to save her sister and yes, a healthy dose of desperation too! But it didn't feel wrong to me...people pin their hopes on all sorts of things. I really liked how raw, open, and honest she was with him knowing it sounds crazy to another person...it was my favorite scene!


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divination is scary..

what I get is she desperately wants to do something for her sister and he did it all in term of medical and physical but it doesn't work.

She needs to keep doing things to ease her guilt and he choose the tiger spell (whatever it is) that only work on some period of time.

she knew she is crazy but that lessen her heart than waiting her sister to wake up,


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Yes people want to believe that they have control over things like this when in fact none of what happened to her or her sister is her fault! But it's hard to give up and let go so we push on and try to 'cure' others or fix things...I hope she does come to find some peace with her family's accident!


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I'll agree with everything you said.

In our country, we have thousands of these 'guru' 'reincarnated self proclaimed gods' 'fortune tellers'

And the more famous they get, the more corrupt they become. Almost all of them face sexual abuse charges at some time

... I remember a case where a mother made her teenage daughter sleep with one bec he promised that it will bring her wealth .... its beyond horrifying

And thats why, like you said, i don't find this cute/ funny by a long shot.

Btw, was this the premise of the original webtoon ? I can't find its english translation. But i remember a DB post saying that the shaman told her to "stay close' to a tiger to change her misfortune ... which sounds miles better


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what i meant by telling about the case was - i don't find her desperation heartbreaking. It makes me angry. No matter how superstitious you are, you have to draw the line somewhere. Allow some brain function at least. At some point you say - this is not right.


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Yes, it is desperate and sad. I think she feels that way and given the reaction of the guys who find out, like Gary, they don't find it funny either.
I find it painful that the fortune teller has convinced her that she is an unlucky person. That she is in some way responsible for her parents' deaths and her sister's accident.


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I like how the drama is taking logical steps as to why Suho is curious about Bo Nui. Even if he wasn't going to like her in the end, it would naturally bug someone if someone asked them to do something like that. the writers are pretty clever not to drag the entire process, ep 5 everyone knows that Bo Nui needs to sleep with a Tiger.

i just hope they continue with what they r doing (improving it as well) and not screw up the last few episodes.
BTW- why is mothers stupid first love story coming in? I d rather see something happen with loyal employee and major shareholder


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I agree about the mother's stupid first love as well. I don't know why they had to bring that in as well. I rolled my eyes at it. And yes i need more dal nim and ryang ha bickering together scene. They're really cute :D


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yeah im with you re the i want more ryang ha and dal nim! i wish we got more of them and less of the secondary characters tbh. i dont care about mom's past love, i dont care about amy's anything (what is the point of her aside from being a complication to plot and couple?) and im barely invested in gary's daddy issues. i know i should care, but i DOOOOONT. and i'm bout to just start FFing everything i dgaf about in order to improve my viewing experience.

DN and RH are the funniest things in this drama, wehy cant we get more of their cute shenanigans? or more of the game developers/ment stuff? tahts more refreshing by far.


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Don't care about Gary's father. Although yes, it is sad. But isn't this supposed to b a rom com? And AMY! At first, I kind of liked her, now, the more screen time she gets , the more I wanna push her off.

And I really wish actors would better their English. If you are going to put English in, can't you make it sound more realistic?


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^ Yessss! Ryang Ha and Dal Nim are the only interesting side characters!! I'm hating the boring side stories too but if they needed some filler they could make a whole side story out of Dal Nim's crush on Su Ho & it would be 10x more entertaining than whatever they're trying to pull with Gary and Amy (Gary's dad issues were touching, yes, but it just felt so out of place to me). I tried to care for Amy and Gary's characters, but honestly, I can't help but FF through their scenes either (especially Amy, like girl it's so obvious how uncomfortable you're making Su Ho feel -- leave the poor guy alone for pete's sake!)


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Yay! I'm so glad the recapping tone has turned. I came to the conclusion last week that despite the fact that this show wasn't as advertised (Bo Nui's pain is just too real and the show doesn't seem interested in making it wacky and funny) it was still a really great show. Thanks mostly to RJY for bringing soul to what could have been a cookie cutter cold, rich, tsundere leading male. There's something very vulnerable to Su Ho that really lifts the character, and as Bo Nui spotted last episode his actions speak louder than words and show he is a kind person.

I was really starting to dislike Bo Nui's actions until episode 4 and I'm really glad episode 5 saw her ready to atone and explain herself to Su Ho. I too have HJE crying fatigue but I still feel very sympathetic to the troubles she suffers. I do have to try very hard not to roll my eyes at her belief in superstition but it's not like the show isn't hinting that her worries may have some credence (e.g. Bo Ra warning her about that day and her parents demise). I still think the shaman is a shyster but I understand Bo Nui's desperation. What else can she do, afterall?

Gun Wook/Gary is pretty adorable. I like the noona/donsaeng friendship and will be happy if this doesn't veer off into typical unrequited love land. It would be perfect if the two supported each other and become each other's family (since they actually don't really have anyone left).


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yayyyy...finally..spark been there. i knew it... love how he react calmly outside but inside the office he kinda...rarwwrr...^_^ (tiger appear LOL)


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I got into this drama because the premise sounded promising. It's still good but I admit I was expecting some zany, hilarious stuff as well. I mean, the whole fortunes and superstitions thing promises so much.

I am in love with Suho's character though. Kudos to RJY for playing him well. This is the first time I am watching Hwang Jung Eum and Ryo Jun Yeol and I find them really good.

I wish Amy's character doesn't turn out like the usual female second leads and does something different. Coz I absolutely love Lee Chung Ah (and wish she'd be a main lead again :))

I also like those little moments between Ryang Ha and Dal Nim and I suspect they'll be involved in a love line somewhere along the way.


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It really is not helping me to ease my beating heart at the fact that the second lead is Lee Soohyuk and he's sucha good-looking guy with a low manly voice and nice broad shoulders, which makes it so hard not to root for him too!!! Although, I love Ryu Junyeol equally!!!

Is it just me or Lee Soohyuk's acting has improved soooo much in the past year? If not, he's definitely the better actor among the White Christmas boys!


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To be honest, Ryu Jun Yeol and his feelings are all I care about this drama. I really love this drama and Im sure it is because of Ryu Jun Yeol. ☺☺ I do love his character. He aint a jerk. He is kinda funnily sqeaky clean and seems to be very sensitive contrary to his cold computing. I love his facial expressions and also dialogue. He always asks questions from Boni very sweetly curiously and it is clear he cares about her. :))
This dialogue hurts so bad when I heard it "When you asked to sleep with me, you didn't have any feelings?".. He is adorably trying find hint about Boni's feelings for him. But Boni doesnt love him. So I really wanna know how and when she is gonna start her love for him. Because now she is all obssessed with her sis. While, Ryu Jun Yeol is all distracted by her.. :))) such a sweet romance drama
Love it!! ❤❤❤❤


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love it :-) love it :-D love it ^_^

I don't know what Bo Nui means in korean, but I'll go with the french Bon Nuit! for good night, because she really seems to be living her whole life in some kind of dream, especially in an awfull nightmare which leaded her to get supersticious.

I think the director chose the right tune of this series for the korean society. A dorky and quirky rom com would be ok for the western world, where sleeping with somebody out of love just because you need to it's not something shocking neather for men neather for women, it wouldn't have this pervert label, the heroine could be a classic weirdo and I could really imagine the french making it in the way it would be funny, dramatic and adorable in the same time...

RJY is so good actor and so handsome, he is making it real even his parents are not living in a kind of terrible tacky château like typical for all of this rich famillies with no taste. Can't wait for today's night!


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When I read about the synopsis, I didn't feel it at all. The story didn't interest me and I was never able to finish any of Jungeum's drama because I can't stand her acting (maybe more of her characters) at all. Even so, I knew this is gonna be Junyeol's drama in which he'll actually get the girl, so I decided to tune in.

After watching all 5 eps, I agree with you. Je Suho (and Junyeol) is all I care about. His characterization is this drama's biggest strength; his character has a solid foundation, and I love that. I understand him, I feel him, and I care about him. Junyeol also portrays him with so much implied honestly that makes me cry at times. He can say all those harsh things in a beat, but his eyes never lie. You can see that his words never really match his eyes, and that's when we know what he actually feels. Guilt, a hint of affection, surprise, and even insecurity. All of those present in Suho's eyes, and that makes me love him so much. I'm seriously adding Ryu Junyeol to my favorite actors list, he's awesome.

Bonui has some serious concerns, but at the same I can't really feel sorry for her. I know how desperate she is to save her sister, but somehow I just can't feel for her the way I feel for Suho. Jungeum plays her well, I guess it's just her character that doesn't appeal to me.

Geonwook's character is made from a very basic second-lead recipe, but Lee Soohyuk plays him with such earnest that makes me smile and sometimes cry. I can feel his heart, and I think that's what Bonui can't make me feel.

Amy is the least interesting character because not only she's also made from a very basic second-lead recipe, the drama also hasn't really given her a chance to 'explain' herself. And the way she acts all mighty doesn't help either. I know she was sincere with Suho, and she does want to make up for her mistake, but I often see 'ego' printed all over her eyes. That also applies when she interacts with Geonwook. Maybe they'll give her a chance later, I hope so. I love Lee Chungah!


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I don't have problem with the show's tone...I think this is not a rom-com rather a slice of life drama with people facing difficulties in their life...Sure it's got it's share of comedy,but then there are serious grave problems like bo nui's sister in coma,so that takes the show into something more than just a rom com.


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I'm enjoying the show, especially Su-Ho and his awkward reaction to feelings and curiosity over Bo-nui.


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I love Suho. The look of disappointment when, at the start of the episode, he realises that she only went through all that effort just for sex, made me feel for him.
The way he says things, it is harsh but his honesty is what makes him and it's what kept me until this episode.

The part I especially liked is when he says he understands that some people can have sex without feelings, but that's not him and to leave him out of it, was something I admired and respected.


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I'm with JB. Please find the humor and stick to it. The show has such great actors and a fun premise.


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Once you take off the label 'romcom' its actually a really good drama. I like the tone right now because sleeping to save dying sister can never be full comedy.
I like that this show is balancing both serious and humour side. Her desperation is serious but how they will fall in love eventually is on funny side.

Well done team!


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too deep to back out now :))))) thanks for the recap JB and I agreed with you too :)) it has the melo tone but I'm actually very fine with it


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I'm really loving this show. It isn't necessarily coming from my rational reasoning as to why a drama is good, but it's just one of those dramas that touch my heartstrings and warm me up without the need for specific reasons :).

Ryu Jun Yeol is doing such a good job. His acting this episode really moved me. The confusion at the beginning and when talking to his friend about the why of her actions, the awkwardness/clumsiness when trying to avoid Bo Nui, the stoic/dettached reaction to the 2nd female lead, the genuine hurt and vulnerability at the end... RJY is indeed a precious gem and he makes Suho shine.

I think the whole cast is doing a pretty good job.

I agree that I though it was going to be more of a romantic comedy but I actually personally prefer it how it is now - dramas with a lighter melodrama tone and with brushes of comedy, warm/fuzzy moments... A bit à la Queen Inhyun's Man!


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So here is what I'm not getting.
Bonui is an amazing programmer and a great game designer.
Zeze is in crisis under a time crunch SuHo bought the game she designed and had to hire Bonui as a part of the deal.

Yet for all the crisis deadline and crunch time I have not seen Bonui work on the game and Suho hasn't been working that much on it at all.

Has the game been perfected and they can take a break until Gary signs on?

I just don't know what's going on and I'm very concerned about it.


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That was my exact question too...
Are they not working?
Esp suho since he is such a workaholic...


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right??? shouldn't they be pulling all nighters?

why does everyone seem so relaxed at work?



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lol THANK YOU. i mean the other developers/programmers etc are prob working on it regularly but we havent seen anything. and i'd much rather see them scramble around doing that than watch half the other stuff this drama seems to care about. Gary is fine but idg why he had to have a whole story arc to himself. like am i suppose to care about the secondary lead that much and why? he's very pretty yes but i need more ok. idk this is a good drama but sometimes it veers into the very Kdrama Tropes 101 territory and it takes the spark out of it.
I'm willing to suspend my disbelief show but u gotta give me more t owork with here. idk am i lame cuz i wanna see bo nui and jsh bond while working on their project? and yeah i hope gary signs on alrdy so we can move on from that plot point.
i mean its only ep 5 but i am getting impatient lol.


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Ryu Joon-yeol's smile is life.


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I really like the drama from Suho's point of view, but the one from Bo-Nui's point of view aggravates me so much.

When you start doing nonsense things because of your religious beliefs, when you start stepping on other people's feelings and rights because of them, that means your religious beliefs are just a bunch of BS. Then you're not just a "believer", you're an awful person.

The show playing it out seriously makes it worse, not better. It would be fun if the show was making it out to be something really silly but no... Bo-Nui's conflict seems so fake.

Invoke Occam's Razor or something, Bo-Nui.


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The only reason i'm still watching this train wreck is bec of RJY ... He is totally reeling me in (and i say this as a person who has not seen reply88)

The first part was so cringe worthy that i wanted to throw something at my screen. There is nothing, nothing remotely romantic or funny about the way the basic premise is written/shown.

i'll say it again - reverse the genders and have the guy desperately wanting to sleep with a tiger woman no matter how much he disliked her - no one would have watched the show past the 2nd episode

This show makes me so mad. i should drop it then instead of ranting here but damn you RJY! ... i just want to spend time watching what makes su ho tick ... Maybe i should just watch Reply instead. Someone here said that he plays a similar role there


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Nooo totally big no..really different role..give it a try to watch R88 before lucky romance ended cuz probably later you'll gonna need it or maybe not. Just give it a try and good luck to not fall to him harder :)


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Lol ... He is literally the only character that i care about in this show, so have to credit the actor. I will watch R88 as soon as my schedule clears up ... he has got me all curious :)


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You guys need to check out Youth Over Flowers in Africa too after you finish the Reply 1988 series. I dare you not to fall in love with him even more after that :) You'll love all the boys after watching that~^^

RJY is life!!!


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no, different role. he's a highschooler who keeps himself to himself and doing everything for everyone around him .
while Suho is antisocial, Junghwan (RJY in R88) always surrounded by his friends and a guy who's too kind.
off course haters called her jerk bad boy or whatever to justified themselves that he didnt get the girl..

but i let you decide by watching the drama yourself.


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I wanted to quit this show last week, but I guess I'm staying on because of RJY /Su Ho, who is seriously the light of my life.

For the rest, I feel like the show has finally found its footing a bit and the "get every character to the point we need them to be to get the romance thing started" is finally over.

I also agree about the weird tone and I guess it's a good thing they're toning down the over-the-top weird stuff Bo Nui did, since that didn't mesh really well with the tragic place her actions come from. (idk I'm still not on board with how they're treating the entire premise but oh well)

I'm actually a bit excited for the next episode, because I need more Su Ho, who I fell a little in love with last episode.


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I am such trash for Ryu Junyeol. It is embarrassing. How can he make me fall in love with all of his characters? My heart can't take it. I hope the drama only gets better from here.

Also I died laughing at Suho trying to avoid Bonui while still trying to act "normal". RJY acting was spot on with the little nervous ticks and awkward speech. Priceless.


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I agree with all Javabeans' comments, except for lauding Ryu Junyeol's acting. He finally showed emotion, cracked a smile and yelled... I don't see that as great acting. Hwang Jung Eum not only carried this episode, but has done so for the entire series so far. Her vulnerability, comic timing, emotion has really been impressive, particularly compared to her past performances. She's the only one who really seems more genuine. Not to say Ryu has been subpar, but definitely not at her level. I find that we often overlook female actors because of a male leads' character's supposed charm or muted/hard-to-come-by overtures for the female character. In this case, it's her charm that brings the best out Ryu. Anyway, my thoughts...


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I was too was beginning to believe that RJY was the problem, but I think he pulled it off this episode. Now I'm thinking it was the direction. This episode they allowed him to smile, just once, and he even took a bit of pratfall. Well executed I might add. I've enjoyed HJE this time because I like her in melodramas and more understated performances. I cannot tolerate her when she overacts.


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A lot of people are asking HJE to do a melodrama...so here it is ...as pathetic as Secret's Kang Yo Jong character, I think she nailed SBN character really well.I love the subtle emotions and you can really see in her eyes the desperation, the humiliation and emotional unwillingness to sleep with any tiger man.That's definitely pure talent.


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he;s not supposed to show emotion because, well, according to his character he is genius that should be only thinking and not feeling. you should know the story before criticize.


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the show would have doe just fine without the second leads, they have no story and some of the worst dialogues are given to the female second lead. their story arc fall flat, it feels like they are put in the screen time just to kill it to somehow make the episode last an hour.

also, i was expecting some zany humor, but i got a melodrama.

still watching it for RJY and the female lead, they are doing more than given to them.


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Back to realms of common sense... good for you show.
And poor Je Su Ho...


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I can't help but really really like this drama. Thank you JB and GF for not giving up on this. I love your insightful comments!

It's funny how Kdramas changed me. They helped me to enjoy dramas even if they aren't perfect. I actually feel like OHY for PDK does for this drama. I'm easily watch them and enjoy them to the fullest. Can't say that about everything in my life.


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This show is strange....it's like every character plays in a different genre. Bo-nui and Gary are in a heavy melodrama, Ryang-ha and Dal-nim still think this is a romcom, Amy is the lead in her own drama(world), and for Su-ho this is just a makjang. ;-)


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That smile! You're killing me Ryu Joon-yeol. XD


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I completely agree with you that the tone is more melo type. However, it does have its funny moments and I like the balance between the two.

I do also agree that RJY is what is making this drama less cliche and more real. His acting is soo blessed omg.


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I will only give this drama a chance till ep6 today i'm going to decide . Because yea ,its kind of a melodrama with a really heavy sadness in there and there is no way for it to be funny ! She cant be funny or else this will be really weird ..jung eum is not bubbly as usual or as we thought and her face is totaly covered with a deep sad expression which is makibg me uncomfortable..aside from that "Dal nim" or something ,the girl with glasses is getting on my nerves !
But as I said I will watch ep6 to finally decide >.< i might be the only one complaining but Thats what I think :/

NOTE/ tbh this drama is not supposed to be competing with Ddanddara for the first place really ..Altgough its just started but they all compare the 2 and no.. ddanddara is awesome so no comparison in my opinion ..just wanted to say .


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Did anyone notice Suho calling Ryangha "Jung-pal-i gateun nom" when they were talking at the bar? Reply 1988 feels~!


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