Doctors: Episode 2

Hye-jung rediscovers a part of herself that she lost a long time ago, and starts to make steps towards living differently. Through her new relationships, she finds courage and motivation to change, and it finally looks like our spunky, lone wolf might find a pack who’ll cherish her. However, life needs its downs, but if her badass fighting skills are any indication, our protagonist won’t go down without a fight.

Doctors continues to do well in the ratings-game with episode two rising to 14.2%.



Hye-jung walks down the corridors of her new high school as the principal guides her to the teacher’s office while complaining out loud that Hye-jung is a troublemaker. She thinks to herself that living carelessly is the same as abusing yourself, and after a while, that abuse becomes entertaining. Hye-jung spots Ji-hong smiling at a bouquet of flowers, and she narrates that she wished he wasn’t her homeroom teacher. But life never gives her what she wants.

We return to the cliffhanger from episode one with Hye-jung prepping herself right as Ji-hong swings a rod down. She thinks to herself that even in this moment as she carelessly lives her life, a deep, remote part of heart keeps asking how long she’ll live this way.

Ji-hong stops right before hitting Hye-jung since there’s no point doing something he hates most in the world to a person who doesn’t even want it. Hye-jung notes the fact that he chose not to hit her so, technically, she’s already completed her punishment.

Ji-hong scoffs at her and asks why she isn’t working with “granny” when she clearly has a knack for negotiations. Hye-jung takes issue with the term “granny,” but when Ji-hong argues that she has no right to suddenly act like a granddaughter, she tells him that it’s a birth-given right since they’re family. Her words suddenly trigger a memory for Ji-hong.

In flashback, little Ji-hong sang in the back of a car with his parents when a truck rammed into their car and flipped it over. Barely conscious, little Ji-hong stared out of the window pleading for help at the two tow truck drivers standing outside. Despite the wreckage and his family dying at that very moment, the men only argued with one another about who should get this job.

Ji-hong: “People are self-centered. More than another’s death, their lives come first. That’s how I learned about people, and lost my family.”

With the punishment over, Hye-jung excuses herself, and Soon-hee rushes up to her. She reintroduces herself as “Yoo-ra,” but Hye-jung dryly comments that her nameplate says “Chun Soon-hee.”

Undeterred, Soon-hee clings to Hye-jung’s arm and talks nonstop about her life. Hye-jung tries to push her away, asking if she’s a lesbian. Soon-hee doesn’t understand what she means, so Hye-jung spells it out for her: “Do you like girls?”

Soon-hee gasps that she does like girls, but then wonders aloud if there are girls who don’t like other girls. Hye-jung is caught off guard by Soon-hee’s innocence, and offhandedly calls Soon-hee “sort of cute.” Soon-hee positively beams and follows Hye-jung like a duckling.

Grandma is meeting with Myung-hoon (Seo-woo’s father), and asks him for stronger medication. He tells her that she needs to have a check-up, but when Grandma asks how much it would cost, he ignores her to answer a call from his father.

As Hye-jung leaves school at the end of the day, Soo-chul waits by the gate with his motorcycle. Unfortunately for him, Hye-jung isn’t charmed and tells Soo-chul to stop being clingy.

Soon-hee ditches Seo-woo to catch up to Hye-jung, and she asks Hye-jung if she’s not going to buy a uniform. Hye-jung asks if there’s a secondhand store, and Seo-woo happily chirps about a place to get a free uniform.

Ji-hong is lost in thought in his room when Grandma enters and asks if he knows who Hye-jung’s homeroom teacher is. He chuckles that it’s him, and suddenly, Grandma gets on her knees to give him a bow.

She explains to him that she respects teachers and doctors the most in the world because others judge people’s past, but teachers aren’t supposed to do that. She asks him to look at Hye-jung’s future rather than her past, and Ji-hong tells Grandma that Hye-jung is smart. Grandma immediately starts to brag about her granddaughter, and Ji-hong laughs at how easily her mood changed.

Hye-jung tries on Soon-hee’s spare school uniform, and Soon-hee says that she’s jealous of Hye-jung’s boobs. Hye-jung lets Soon-hee in on a secret (her chest is lopsided), and soon, the two are goofing around and having fun. Looks like our lone wolf may have found her first friend.

On her way home, Hye-jung bumps into Ji-hong, but she doesn’t say a word to him. Up ahead, a little boy runs into his pregnant mother, and suddenly, she faints. Ji-hong takes charge and orders Hye-jung to call an ambulance. However, the situation takes a turn for the worse when the pregnant mother’s water breaks.

Director Jin (Seo-woo’s grandfather) pays a visit to Director Hong, Ji-hong’s adoptive father, in his hospital room. Director Hong tells Director Jin that he’s thinking of retiring and going to the US, but their conversation is interrupted when Ji-hong calls for help.

Ji-hong tells his father that he thinks it’s a cerebral hemorrhage, but there are no hospitals nearby with both a neurosurgery and OB/GYN department. All of sudden, the pregnant mother starts to vomit, and Ji-hong performs rescue breathing in order to get air back into her lungs. Ji-hong tells his father that the patient needs a tracheotomy if the ambulance doesn’t show up soon, but his father is adamantly against it because the risks are too great—if Ji-hong fails, he’ll never be able to practice medicine again.

Despite his father’s protest, Ji-hong intends to perform the incision and asks Hye-jung if she has a knife. She doesn’t, but she gets up right away to find one. Luckily, the ambulance arrives, and Ji-hong performs an intubation. He tells the paramedics to go to father’s hospital, and Hye-jung hops onto the ambulance with the son.

At the hospital, Ji-hong watches as the baby is safely removed, and greets Tae-ho when he arrives for his part of the surgery. Tae-ho says that the woman was lucky that Ji-hong was there, and then makes a pointed statement about how Ji-hong takes responsibility for every patient’s death. He playfully tells Ji-hong to pay close attention to what a real neurosurgeon does.

As Ji-hong stands on the sideline, he has a flashback to his intern days. A patient died during surgery, and the surgeon kicked Ji-hong and another doctor for not checking the patient’s condition beforehand. The other doctor blamed Ji-hong for neglecting his duties, and Ji-hong simply stood there shell-shocked.

The surgery is over, and Tae-ho tells the pregnant mother’s family that everything went well. Hye-jung watches from a distance with a smile, and Ji-hong suggests going home. On the bus, Ji-hong stares at his hands in a dull trance, and Hye-jung stares at him and grins to herself.

Back home, Hye-jung tiptoes to her room and cuddles next to Grandma. In flashback we see that the pregnant mother’s husband thanked Hye-jung for helping and asked for her name. He proudly told her that he was going to name his new daughter after her in hopes that she, too, will grow up to become someone who helps others. Meanwhile, the lights are still on in Ji-hong’s room as he pores over articles and watches neurosurgery videos.

Hye-jung goes back to the music store she shoplifted from, and hands over an envelope with money to the owner. The owner says he can’t accept it because a teacher named Mr. Hong came by with the CD and money.

She rushes home to talk to Ji-hong, but he tells her that his room is messy. Hye-jung’s jaw drops when she sees his room, but when she attempts to organize it, Ji-hong yells at her to leave everything alone: It may look like a mess, but there’s order to it. She gives him a skeptical look but gingerly places the book back on the floor.

Hye-jung asks why he abandoned being a doctor to become a teacher, and he explains that he never abandoned being a doctor because he sees teaching as another extension. Hye-jung then expresses her desire to turn over a new leaf because she’s finally found a purpose: to let Grandma live in luxury. Ji-hong isn’t as optimistic and says that failure isn’t the mother of success—only success breeds more success. Hye-jung asks how she can succeed then, and Ji-hong suggests studying for starters.

Hye-jung asks Soon-hee about the smartest person in their class, and that person is Seo-woo who shows up at a fast food restaurant to meet with them. Soon-hee asks Seo-woo if she can tutor Hye-jung, but Seo-woo doesn’t see why she should help, especially since Hye-jung is acting so guarded.

Right then, Soo-chul and his gang show up, and they join Hye-jung’s table. They notice Seo-woo and comment about her reputation and family background. One of the guys drapes his arm around Seo-woo, and even though Seo-woo attempts to push him away, he continues to overstep boundaries.

Hye-jung tosses the guy to the floor, and the rest of the gang starts to retaliate. However, Soo-chul tells them to back off because Hye-jung is his, but Hye-jung tells him bluntly that only she owns herself. She grabs Seo-woo and leads her group out of the restaurant.

Once outside, Hye-jung tells the others to run. Holding hands, they run down the street, and look more excited than worried. They run down an alley, and with Soo-chul’s help, they manage to lose their pursuers.

They stop to catch their breath, and burst out laughing. Seo-woo agrees to tutor Hye-jung but only after checking something with their homeroom teacher. Hye-jung and Soon-hee hug each other in delight, and the three girls continue to laugh.

Seo-woo finds Ji-hong and tells him that she’s agreed to teach Hye-jung for his sake. She confesses her feelings to Ji-hong and asks him to wait two years. Ji-hong doesn’t take her confession seriously, and tells Seo-woo that teaching Hye-jung was her own choice. Seo-woo says that she’s doing it to show Ji-hong that she’s just like the people he likes—a warm-hearted person—but Ji-hong advises Seo-woo to try to become someone she likes.

Myung-hoon tells Grandma that she should have come to the hospital sooner, but the good news is she’s old. Grandma asks why being old is good, and he says that the cancer will progress slowly then.

At home, Grandma manages her account books and says aloud that life needs its occasional downs. She checks to see if she has enough money saved for surgery, but hurriedly hides her account books when she hears Hye-jung coming out.

Grandma is at first skeptical that Hye-jung is going out to study, but states that she wouldn’t want anything more in the world than to see Hye-jung studying. Hye-jung asks Grandma what she wants her to become, and Grandma says a doctor. Hye-jung thinks that’s unrealistic, but Grandma scolds her for not having a dream. Hye-jung agrees to Grandma’s wish and says that she’ll show her that dream.

Hye-jung and Soon-hee are studying at Seo-woo’s house, and Seo-woo’s mother brings them snacks. She acts warmly at first until she notices that Soon-hee’s textbook is filled with doodles, and she doesn’t recognize Hye-jung. She asks to speak with Seo-woo outside for a moment, and begins to question Seo-woo about her friends.

Seo-woo defends them, and her father takes Seo-woo’s side because all she needs are kind friends. Seo-woo’s mother thinks differently and argues that Seo-woo can’t be wasting time like this if she wants to get into a good school. Hye-jung and Soon-hee can hear the entire conversation from Seo-woo’s room, and they decide that it’s time to leave.

Hye-jung continues to study throughout the night and even at mealtime. Ji-hong asks her how the studying is going, and Hye-jung tells him that her plan is to solely concentrate on math. He hands her banana-flavored milk, but when Hye-jung complains about not having a straw, he takes it back. Hahaha, he’s so petty.

Test day arrives, and Hye-jung actually seems to be solving the problems. Once it’s over, Hye-jung, Soon-hee, and Seo-woo hang out and de-stress by taking silly photos in a photo booth and belting out songs at karaoke.

Soon-hee whines to Hye-jung about their test results coming out today, and Seo-woo tells Hye-jung to not give up studying even if her grades are low. Hye-jung adorably salutes Seo-woo as her teacher. In class, Ji-hong says that the top score for the math test came from their class: It’s Hye-jung.

Hye-jung starts to tear up while Soon-hee congratulates her with gusto, but Seo-woo sits rigidly in her chair, shocked. Still in a daze, Seo-woo sits outside by herself, and a group of girls approach her saying that she raised a tiger. Seo-woo asks them about their math grades and that quickly shuts the mean girls up.

Hye-jung finds Ji-hong in an empty classroom and thanks him. She asks what he’s doing, and he tells her that he’s preparing a lesson about blood types. He lets Hye-jung see her blood sample under the microscope, and Hye-jung leans in closer to Ji-hong.

He suddenly turns towards her, and the close proximity flusters Hye-jung who tips backward. Ji-hong catches her and props her back up. They playfully laugh together, but through the classroom window, Seo-woo watches with a sour expression.

Hye-jung back-hugs Grandma when she gets home and tells her that she got first place in math. Hye-jung starts to cry, and Grandma tells her not to when she’s happy. Hye-jung points out that Grandma is cyring, too, and Grandma adorably says that these are happy tears.

Seo-woo gets a call from Hye-jung, and after a moment of hesitation, she answers her phone. She steps outside of her house where Hye-jung is waiting to return her stuff. Hye-jung promises to repay Seo-woo’s kindness, but since she’s still angry, Seo-woo asks if Hye-jung likes their homeroom teacher or if he likes her. Hye-jung doesn’t think their relationship fits in those categories, and Seo-woo leaves in a huff.

In the morning, Ji-hong asks if Hye-jung can ride and motions towards an extra bike. They bike around and decide to race across a bridge. Ji-hong lets Hye-jung win and watches from behind as she spreads her arms out, completely carefree and enjoying the moment.

They take shelter from a sudden downpour, and Hye-jung uses this moment to give something to Ji-hong: the CD he was trying to buy. Hye-jung tells Ji-hong that she was jealous of him that night, and he matter-of-factly tells her to do it, too, if she’s jealous. Hye-jung says that becoming a doctor requires top grades, but she only did well last time out of luck.

Hye-jung recalls being with her mother when she died, and wonders if she might have lived if Hye-jung were a doctor, then, or better yet, if Ji-hong was there. Ji-hong says that doctors can’t save everyone, and Hye-jung nods in agreement. The rain stops, and they hurry off to school.

Seo-woo walks with the mean girls from before, and they notice Hye-jung being friendly with Ji-hong. One of the mean girls starts to take pictures of them to put on the school website, but Seo-woo confiscates her phone.

Myung-hoon greets his father in the hospital lobby and hears the good news about his promotion. He grabs his father’s hand and promises to not let him down. The two can’t contain their excitement and even share a quick hug.

Seo-woo approaches Ji-hong in his empty classroom and asks if the rumors about him and Hye-jung are true. Ji-hong acutely deduces Seo-woo as the one spreading the rumor, and tells her that he understands if she’s doing this out of jealousy. However, Seo-woo has everything, and Hye-jung doesn’t.

He tells her to go study and get into a good college like her parents’ wish, but Seo-woo yells that she has emotions, too. She says that Ji-hong always smiles in front of Hye-jung, and her words must have struck a chord since Ji-hong doesn’t have his usual comebacks.

At home, Seo-woo writes a post about a scandalous relationship between Ji-hong and Hye-jung on the school website. The next morning, the whole school (including students and teachers) are gossiping about Hye-jung and Ji-hong.

Hye-jung confronts Seo-woo and asks if she’s satisfied. She tells Seo-woo that she has nothing to lose, but Ji-hong is different. Seo-woo says that Hye-jung has something to lose after all—she still has Ji-hong to protect. Later that day, Soon-hee runs over to Hye-jung and tells her Ji-hong could be fired, and to make matters worse, Seo-woo’s mother is the chair of the committee.

In the evening, Seo-woo follows Soon-hee to an abandoned building where Hye-jung is waiting to talk. Soon-hee says that she’ll make a fire and unknowingly knocks over a small container of gasoline. Hye-jung tries to reason with Seo-woo, and asks her to tell everyone she was wrong. Seo-woo says that she can’t stop now, and instead, threatens to write a second post about Hye-jung manipulating her friends to get what she wants.

Soon-hee interrupts and says Seo-woo is the one who doesn’t know how to treat her friends. Taken aback, Seo-woo tells Soon-hee that she’s always considered her a friend, but Soon-hee says that she was always an accessory to Seo-woo.

Seo-woo turns to Hye-jung and blames her for ruining everything. She tries to leave, but while trying to hold her back, Hye-jung gets flung to the floor. Hye-jung says that she knows how to be violent, too, and Seo-woo dares her to hit her. They start fighting, and Seo-woo is thrown to the floor, knocking her unconscious.

Just then, the gasoline on the ground catches fire, and soon the whole room is engulfed in flames. Soon-hee tries to wake Seo-woo to no avail, and Hye-jung looks at the flames in a daze. Tears flow down her face as she narrates, “Living differently seemed easy after experience one success, but it advertised that my surrounding environment was still the same.”


I’m pleasantly surprised by how much I like the show and the backstory. I enjoyed the setup of the characters and the attention to detail given to the minor characters. I do feel like the plot is a little slow, but despite saying that, I think the relatively slow pace works well in this case because it helps the audience experience each moment alongside the heroine. I also like the tone and color palette of the show so far, and think the soft hues and abundant use of white adds a tinge of nostalgia along with a feeling of innocence to the characters’ backstories.

Hye-jung is an awesome protagonist, and I find her to be a sympathetic character. I particularly liked how her transformation was caused by her sudden realization that she wasn’t alone. She’s a character with a lot of emotional baggage, and the way she dealt with her pain was through abusing herself and pretending none of it mattered. In episode one, she tells her father that she doesn’t cry because her heart died, but when she hears from Ji-hong that the brain controls emotions (not the heart), it triggers something in her. She seems to hold onto this phrase so dearly because, to her, it now explains these emotions she’s experiencing when she thought that part of her was dead. With this new meaning to her life, Hye-jung now has people who expect her to succeed, and she doesn’t disappoint. She pushes herself to meet the challenge, and Hye-jung’s tenacity is another quality that I love about her. What I also really liked about Hye-jung’s transformation is that the essence of the character was never changed. Hye-jung doesn’t lose her spunk, independence, or (quite frankly) her attitude after deciding to live differently. Her choices have changed, but her personality is the same.

Surprisingly, I found most of the minor characters interesting as well. In the case of Soon-hee, I thought she was going to be obtrusive and annoying. However, I really liked her character and think you have to have a personality like Soon-hee to get close to someone like Hye-jung whose gut-reaction to friendship is to push it away. Thus, it’s Soon-hee’s bubbly personality and her ability to let insults roll off her that allows them to have this budding relationship. They balance each other nicely, and it was sweet to see Hye-jung laugh and have fun with her peer in a mundane way that didn’t involve fighting or breaking rules. That being said, I also wished the show didn’t have to drastically alter the friendship forming between the three girls because they seemed so cute with each other. Like Hye-jung, Seo-woo doesn’t have friends, and it seems like this was the first time anyone in this trio may have actually had true friends.

Besides Soon-hee, I was surprised that I actually like Myung-hoon, who I was prepared to hate. Even with his first meeting with Grandma, I had a negative impression of him, but the more I see Myung-hoon, the more he reminds me of a man-child. The way he whines to his father or takes his hand in glee, really emphasizes that Myung-hoon isn’t some manipulative doctor who’s power-hungry, but actually a pathetic man who needs some honest self-reflection. I like him as a character because I find this dichotomy interesting.

I feel like it’s impossible to not talk about Seo-woo this episode because she was the catalyst to the all the angst. While I do understand what led her to write the post, it doesn’t mean I think she made the right choice. She’s being short-sighted and spiteful like when a child breaks his or her own toy in order to not let any other child play with it. It’s the logic of “if I can’t have you, then no one will,” which I find very selfish. Not only has Seo-woo ruined her relationship with Ji-hong, she’s also broken off ties with her only friends. Ji-hong’s metaphor of Seo-woo was apt; she’s being overly-greedy and is forgetting everything she owns because of her envy. In the end, Seo-woo is hurting herself though I doubt she knows it right now. She might be the smartest kid in class, but she’s still childish and only thinks of herself. Even when she confessed to Ji-hong, Seo-woo only thought about her feelings and never considered Ji-hong. Springing her emotions onto him and asking him to wait wasn’t an act of love, but I don’t think Seo-woo is able to distinguish that because she doesn’t understand her actions beyond their immediate results. Like her father, she needs some self-reflection and a good dose of maturing.

My favorite thing about this episode, though, was Grandma and her evident love towards Hye-jung. Despite her gruff ways, Grandma showers Hye-jung with love and was her biggest cheerleader when Hye-jung decided to change her life. The way she stared at Hye-jung with hearts coming out of her eyes was adorable, and all the cuddling and hugging between the two of them made me love them more. I was also impressed with how strong Grandma was when she heard about her cancer. While I wish she would tell Hye-jung, I understand why she would keep it a secret from Hye-jung who’s trying to change. I’m bracing myself for the tears because dramaland doesn’t introduce cancer and not wring tears out of it.


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first blood! :)
hooked! can't wait for monday
did you see the preview? looks like (SPOILER REDACTED)


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Sorry, episode previews fall under spoiler-y category.


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Actually, I din't want to watch this drama, but I give it a try. Until now, not dissapoinying at all, the pace was right and structured nicely. Thank you for the recap!


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I love this show!!

hey Lovepark...you wrote about everyone...except Ji Hong ;)

love the characters...love the chemistry


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The feeling uncomfortableness with the student-teacher relationship still does not go away. What with the scene riding cycle and eating ice cream together. Aha. ? However I decided to think it is a flaw of this drama, and nothing is perfect.. I actually wanted to see the friendship between the trio lasts a bit longer since these three actually had no true friends, and I kinda wished they will growing with each other a bit more. All of them having their own scars to begin with.

Hmm Lee Sung Kyung will not just a bitch type right? right?


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Yes! I loved the scenes when they were partying after exams. Made me reminiscent of the crazy stuff my girl friends and I did after exams. We were from an all girl school and it was awesome.


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The writer should show a bit more of their friendship. For eg Hye Jung managed to influence Seo Woo to 'rebel' a bit..Life is suffocating for SW with her mother is no joke. It is a bit regret since I think I will love to see them more. It will be better if the writer show us they are sharing their feeling, about their life with each other. But there was none.


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Ah well... It's not what this drama is about I guess.
I'd love to watch a drama with a bunch of girls in an all girl school and they crazy stuff they get into. I had tons of fun with my girlfriends before things got messy when boys got thrown into the picture ? Not everything needs to be about romance. What's the girl version of bromance anyway...? That's what I want to see more of.


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I've seen "womance" used :D


I call it sistership / sisterbond

That's the phrase I knew


Well, lee sung kyung need a bigger role. She will surely pull it off. She is the most talent between the three ladies ... Please writernim please? Well, She is not as talent as like Seo Hyun Jin or Kim Go Eun, but still


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I'm not sure if she is more talented than PSH since LSK still not doing much works but I do agree she deserves bigger role. With a right role, she can shine. I still can remember her playing supporting role in It's OK It's Love and even CITT. She shine in those.


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Well I don't rate PSH as an actress. Not that I'm her haters. She is good at fighting scene despite I really think she is posing abit too much. But just look at the last scene, She is struggling to emote a more difficult emotion, she is struggling to match lee sung kyung acting there. While i think it's one of the char that make her quit from her comfort zone, PSH is not quite there yet sorry. It's just my opinion. Acting preference can be differ.


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Well. You say you don't rate or you are not a hater. And Yet you keep reasoning out how park shin hye is a bad actress and lee sung kyung is so good.

At the end of the day, YES,Its just your opinion. You could have just complemented lee sung kyung and went on wishing for her role to be bigger.. but no.. You have to gush how park shin hye isn't. Kinda shows what your intentions are. Praising lee sung kyung seems more of a decoy.

I have seen lee sung kyung only citt and she was over acting the whole time. But that's it.. I havn't seen her in anything else and her performance in episode 2 was weak. But i felt its not enough to judge with it and leave it as such whereas i was mesmerised by park shin hye's performce.

Anyways, PSH is slaying and majority of her loved her performance and tuned in to watch for her. Salty ppl can stay pressed.


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actually in an ep of that taxi show lee sung-kyung was talking about how the pd of citt (the one obsessed with seo kang joon) told her to overact


This is the first time I'm criticizing anyone acting. But even a non-expert person like me can say PSH acting is mediocre. I know that she has a HUGE star power and Korean love her so much (maybe because of her personality or because she categorized as a beautiful actress in their culture), but she is still mediocre actress and her acting is the only weak point in this drama so far. Sadly, she can neither show emotion nor intimacy.


Since when was Dramabeans cosplaying Netizenbuzz and at each others throats at freedom of expression?


@persian rose

I do think that sh is not a great actors yet. But she's not mediocre too. I can relate to her character feeling here and I think lot of ppl feel the same way (at least the article writer)

And if u really feel "her acting is the only weak point in this drama so far" I suggest u to drop this drama since the main plot is about hye jung growth


You seem to be more sensitive abt any post not sycophanting PSH..



And oh..

Kim rae won about park shin hye in an interview for malaysia newspaper:

One of the main reason why I accept to act in Doctors is after i saw the cast list. There is no doubt about Shin Hye ability to act. So I have to accept this offer.
Shinhye is a good actor and she's the talk among male actors in Korea. Those male actors want to collaborate with her if they get the opportunity because they know her ability to act the roles given to her very well."


Well, i am sure, kim rae won knows more about acting and talent more than you or myself. ;)


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Sorry PSH fans, I only expressing my opinion, by no means I'm a haters, but even if I'm not an expert to know about acting skills, I know what define good acting and bad acting is. Kim Rae Won is surely only lip service. emoting is not easy, PSH can make a good chemistry with her costar, but acting is different.


Isn't it immature to assume or convey KRW is the GOD and his words are all there is to it :) .. and that of the thousands of folks who may read your comment are not equipped or talented enough to know about acting..

Maybe you have your talents clear in your head, which you definitely should, but too naive to generalize it for everyone out there..

No use trying to control others' likes.. learn to identify constructive criticism from malicious comments..


I totally disagree with you pov, PSH carried these two episodes jointly with KRW. LSK had a one-dimensional jealous look.


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I'm not a fan of hers either, but she still an actress to me, but not a great actress. But her huge star power overshadow her acting ability. Emm for LSK it is still early to decide. As much as I love her, I prefer for her to play secondary roles for now.. What I meant with bigger roles was I want her character has some significance too, and not only an accessory or a filler.


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PSH was cute when she was young

But now she is not cute anymore
Anh the way she talks really ugly
Unpleasant to watch


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Yes she is carrying the drama and getting good response from everywhere?
And what does being cute have to do with acting?


Why should she get a bigger role when SBS basically used PSH and her star power as the main promotion for this drama...lol...It's not LSK's drama or story, and it's pretty safe to say Koreans and most ifans aren't tuning in for her.

Fans of second lead actresses stay forever pressed and bothered, I see.


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Isn't it normal to want bigger roles for actors you like? Besides, just because PSH is the lead doesn't mean you can't hope that the second lead gets more time. Just look what happened in CITT! Haha. Everything's possible.

And you act like fans of second lead actors don't stay pressed and bothered. There are always comments from fans wanting their favorite second lead actors to get the girl, to finally get a lead role. Again, of course you would want an actor you like to have a bigger role.


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Spot on @Mindy, bigger roles doesn't mean more screen time than the lead, just wish their talent doesn't wasted by the writers. In other words, give talent actress many good scene to showcase their true ability to act


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Tbh, saying lsk is the most talented between them is bit too much. She's didn't do much work in this 2 episodes to be claimed that way, imo.

About sh struggling to emote emotions, irl, how would u feel if ur in hye jung place? When u think u finally have friends only to realize that one of them backstabbing u, how would u emote ur emotional state?

I thought sh did a great job here since, I at least, can feel hye jung pain just from her reaction


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"She’s didn’t do much work in this 2 episodes to be claimed that way, imo."
While I think she can't do much in 1st episode, She is showing depth in episode 2 to a character that will appear one dimentional if it's act with a lesser actress. She is enable to emote and show us audience her inner character struggle. PSH didn't.. she is struggle to emote more nuance. It's okay if you don't see what I see... Like I said, we have different way to judge acting


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I think LSK is talented and have potential but carrying a drama as lead is different story.
I remember people were saying how Krystal was a better actress than PSH in Heirs and they regretted not too long after.
LSK will shine since this writer is better at 2nd leads than the main leads in her previous dramas


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I'm not a fan of Park Shin-hye, but I'm also not one of her haters. Despite that, I could say that among all currently airing dramas, DOCTORS is the one I enjoy the most.

I will particularly state that the enjoyment comes from the HOT and very tension-filled chemistry between Kim Rae-won and Park Shin-hye. What a sunbae-hoobae relationship that hooked my heart instantly.

That being said, I think it is unfair to compare Park Shin-hye with Seo Hyun-jin. I MEAN SEO HYUN-JIN. She is one heck of an actress and I find her expressions unbelievable! I once named her "Woman of Million Expressions" when I watched Soo Baek-hyang. I mean she is limitless. I am still in Ep.8 of "Oh Hae-young" but I still wonder how does she freaking do her expressions?!

Seo Hyun-jin's talent is sky rocketing, and is not good for young blood comparison. I mean even veteran actresses who I love must be taught by Seo Hyun-jin. I hate Seo Hyun-jin actually because I don't know how she does it.


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Thanks Lovepark for the recap!
It's official. I'm addicted to the show after watching this episode.
Park shin Hye is great, and Kim Rae Won and her have awesome chemistry. And now I've got a new Oppa to swoon over.

I'm not weirded out by the student-teacher relationship, although I know some people are. They have a connection because they stay together, have experienced a crisis together. I'm thinking of it as he cares for her and she for him, but that's all it is. To me it's like a crush you do nothing about- It makes you happy to see the person and your day a bit brighter. I do like that they are facing the teacher/student issue head on instead of ignoring it completely though but I hope they handle it well next week. And I'm looking forward to when they get to meet as adults.

Can't wait till next week! But I'm thinking of starting Punch to get my fill of KRW Oppa in the meantime...


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I agree. It is very annoying when people assume a male and a female can not be warm friends. That opposite sex friendship is really just hidden desire to sleep with each other. Yes, it is not the same as same sex friendship, but the different point of view makes it appealing. It is possible to like someone, really enjoy their company, and not want to get romantic.


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I think the issue here is that it doesn't seem like it's going to be platonic. It is a romance drama, after all.

Besides, I'm of the opinion that students and teachers shouldn't be TOO close, no matter their sexes. It's just not appropriate and can breed favoritism. I've seen it happen before in school.


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I think important reasons for their closeness is for two reasons, they are not only teacher, student because they live in the same house and are close because of that. Also Ji-Hong takes interest in trying to give confidence, take time on getting a trouble student with high IQ, who needs friends to become better.

It will all depend on how Ji-Hong handles this in this high school flashback. I see only friends if he doesnt favour her in school.

That it becomes romantic 10+ years later is no problem at all between two adults. Maybe only special for the young girl who sees her crush later as an adult.


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I agree. They close because


Having a crush is normal when you're a teenager. That's what you do. However the male teacher on his part should be more careful. Surely that is in the teacher 101 teaching?
PSH and KRW have chemistry. It's the writer I am offended by- because it's how it's written. Writing about a young girl being impressed by the older figure especially a teacher is understandable. However making the said leadership figure ignore his responsibility of being a responsible adult. By protecting her emotions, his reputation and status as a respectable position; that should have been done. Being alone with her behind closed doors, bicycle outings and sharing ice cream conversations while at school is just nuts in my opinion. If you're a teacher of the opposite sex to your student. I've never witnessed any teacher who has openly done it. Those who did and more- aren't they the ones who end up in trouble? I hold the adult responsible or in this case the writer who chose to make it look romantic. It's not. It's icky.


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Well, I'm not defending teachers who have romatantic liaisons with students, but it's a bit different to me in this case because they do stay in the same house so eating together is inevitable, as is getting closer. So the ice cream wasn't the first time they shared a meal anyway.
And while favoritism isn't right, all teachers are sure to have their personal favourites, just that they aren't supposed to be blatant about it. It also doesn't mean however that they want a romantic relationship with their favourite students.
As long as the teacher knows where he stands and hasn't stepped over the line, I'm ok with it. In this case, I guess it's just differing opinions on where that "line" is. People think he has crossed the line, while I don't think he has.


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Also, well, in the next episode I'm sure both teacher and student are gonna get punished for their indiscretions, heck, the punishment has already started this episode. So the writer isn't condoning it at all, while acknowledging that they care for each other to set up for romance for next time.


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Agree.. in terms of how it has been written..

I always thought the love story angle was to come later in life..once they are doctors..and that would have really been easy (without any complicated perspectives) to accept


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Oh Punch...such an underrated show. But be prepared that KRW is absolutely nothing like how he's in Doctors and you might really wanna punch him from time to time. lol
And I hope you have a box of Kleenex ready, not that it's so much of a melodrama like the premise makes it sound like, just that every scene of him and the little girl who plays his daughter made me bawl my eyes out every single time.


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Ok thanks for the warning! Will prepare tissues- I'm a sucker for stuff like that and I'll definitely be crying...


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Punch really made made me rated KRW as one of the best actors. Still sad that he did not grab Daesang last year.


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Try some of his movies too: Sunflower; Mr Socrates; ...ing and My little bride give you an idea of the range of this amazing actor.


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Ok! Thanks so much. Movies are good when I don't feel like committing to too many hours. Will check them out once I have more Time...


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park shin hye and kim rae won actually have excellent chemistry. why did they have make him her teacher? in a couple months, i'll be a junior im high school. since i'm from a very small town, many of my teachers look out for me and other students like we're their children. a teacher-student relationship should never encroach romantic territory.


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When has she never had a chemistry with her co-star :P

Infact despite avg. looks.. she is quite (very) attractive


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She works what she has. In this drama in particular I'm impressed with how she has embraced this character. LOVED how she looked in that black top and pants tht she bought instead of a uniform, haha. She looked positively fierce. Like I said, girl knows how to work it!


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Prediction: Grandma dies before PSH becomes a doctor? Maybe her death prompts the heroine to become a doctor even more.


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Yes, I have said this before the drama even started. Lots of people on here were thinking Ji Soo's character would die but I always thought it would be the grandma. I believe it is now confirmed even though I wish it wouldn't happen.


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I'm afraid you're both right.

Can't believe I'd prefer Jisoo to have a tragic end again but... we rarely see this actress in a nice role. And now that she's a nice granny to PSH, she's gonna die in less than 5 eps (just a guess)?



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I remember how annoyingly vengeful she was in Kill Me Heal Me but I really find her character here endearing. She inspires and motivates the heroine. Ugh but I do live for Jisoo and his heartaches...


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I am surprised to see Kim Young Ae (grandma) portray successfully such a warm, lower class character. She was truly evil in Kill Me, Heal Me. I was uneasy when she first appeared on scene. There is a flip side to vividly acting a terrible character. They are so memorable.


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I like this drama I really do. And will follow it. But am I the only one who found it wrong that the writer chose to make the OTP aware of each other while she is underage? The whole bicycle scene and ice cream scene made me squirm. Didn't male teachers back then know not to go near their pretty students? Or is it considered ok to write about illegal topics on primetime dramas? I mean it's socially acceptable for the Korean audience?

Thinking about this in the 2016 context but even in 2006 it was unacceptable in my eyes.


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No you are not alone. I share the same feeling too. Apart from this thing, I am OK with everything else.

It will be better if they show Ji Soo more with PSH since it is their school days ??


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No I felt uncomfortable, too, and am sad that the writer really went the route everyone was afraid of when the teasers and stills about their past were released. I don't blame the student at all since it's not uncommon to have a crush on your teacher and come on, who wouldn't fall for such an amazing, young and good looking teacher, right? Hehe.
But he acts waaayyyyy too comfortable around her and seems to forget his teacher status, it also doesn't help that they live in the same house.

I love the chemistry between KRW and PSH and am looking forward to their characters' romance (as adults!) but right now no one should be surprised about the scandal. Sigh, I wonder if the original award winning script was written like that as well.


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The writer didn't make that bike and ice cream scene to start romantic vibe. i feel like even in the story it should look "uncomfortable" and "forbidden" . i don't want to say why because it's a spoiler but if you watched the preview you'll understand what i meant.


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The young boy had been so terrified and feared his Mother would die, but when that girl had hugged him he was put at ease. He wanted, someday, to be able to protect her the way she had him. Although he didn't see her again, he grew up well and waited for the day when they would meet again. Thirteen years later he found out she'd become a doctor, but upon finding her he discovered that his first love was actually a gangster. Nevertheless, he re-entered her life and continued to love and support her...

Oh, wait. This isn't 'I Can Hear Your Voice'. Damn.


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LOL! Thanks for the laugh.......I was like where is Lee Jong Suk?


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Please in name of the recap readers don't make us wait too long :( .

I'm frustated I can't watch it due to my slow internet right now, but I like PSH playing this bad ass girl.

I agree they should've shown a little bit more the trio friendship, they're so different from each other that their relationship is interesting (or could've been).

The age gap, the teacher-student thing is annoying me, not because is wrong but to me It's not built strong enough to make a huge deal at school. They should've work on it and later show us the bicycle and ice scream scenes. At least so far, that first place test is not a strong point not even the pregnant woman (to me those are moments that changes HJ choices in future, not a romantic line with her. Teacher)


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Dramabeans already does a good job getting out recaps in a timely fashion. What do you even mean "in the name of recap readers don't make us wait too long"? I for one appreciate these recaps bc it's obvious it takes a lot of time to write them and add images and commentary. Don't speak for us all, I don't feel like I'm being made to wait


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What I also really liked about Hye-jung’s transformation is that the essence of the character was never changed. Hye-jung doesn’t lose her spunk, independence, or (quite frankly) her attitude after deciding to live differently. Her choices have changed, but her personality is the same.

This! So true.

What can i say..I am totally addicted. I loved your thoughts on hyejung and the other characters. Park shin hye is nailing it. Amazing performance.

I was pleasantly surprised to see many tweets in twitter that ppl saying that they felt motivated to study when they saw hyejung working hard. What more is needed as a proof that the show has such a humane feel. The thing is one is able to relate to the characters so much,which i find amazing.

Also.. it is made clear in the ep 2 that there is no teacher - student relationship which many were quite concerned. The writer is well aware of it which showed with the subtle hints in the first ep where hyejung talking about loita complex and also the second ep where see woo says," We are teens. We are supposed to be innocent" and such.

The way ji hong treated the pregnant lady left me completely impressed. It was so realistic. Kim rae won, such a fine actor.

The part i loved was, When ji hong asks for a knife and hyejung gets up to get it and he asks,
ji hong;what if i mess up?
Hyejung:Can it get any worse?
Hj:Then it has to be done.
No words. Completely love hyejung's attitude. She never lost any spunk.

And what an ending note..

"I promised to live a different life.I thought it would be easy after a single success. I had failed to realize that the situation i'm in was still the same".

Goosebumps. Amazing.

Loving kim rae won's and park shin hye's portrayal of ji hong and hyejung.


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I'm really over the constant rehashing of people talking about how they find the PSH-KRW relationship suspect because of the student/teacher aspect.

If it makes you THATT uncomfortable to the point you need to bring it up in every article on db since the damn drama started promoting a month ago, maybe you should drop it because that's a completely valid reason, if it's such a deal breaker.

Some people can get passed it, while others cannot and I respect that.

Also, do the people who chose to watch think that by mentioning how it skeeves them out, yet still watching absolves them lmao.

Literally so much has happened in terms of other themes and relationships in this drama...yet the comment section gets hijacked by this constant debate and tired comments.

It's already two episodes in, so you know where the writer is going....either drop it, or find something new to talk about.


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Well, just let them be. The student-teacher arc of the story will be over in a week, most probably on Monday, so there won't be anymore complaints. If they still do even after this timeline, then that's their problem.

Anyway, I've always liked PSH though not all her roles, but I'm absolutely rediscovering KRW in here. There's something so fresh about his character that I can't really put into words. I'm so excited to watch the 13 years later timeline so they'll be on even grounds.


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Love Doctors after watching 2 episodes. Already fall in love with HJ and JH characters. Well done and congratulations to PSH, KRW, PD-Nim, and the crew for the ratings achivement.

For all critics go for PSH actings, or about JH/HY merely teacher/student relationship or more than that, just watch and see it first.
Why should take a weight of it.
Just shake it off, haters will always hate.


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i agree. the funny thing is. we all know that teacher-student relationship is never gonna happen in this drama.

so as much as i want to let them be. i find them annoying to bring it up every single doctors character there is.


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every single DOCTORS ARTICLE i mean.

And it's also annoying that everytime you read comments. That "thing" always pop out. It's been a couple of months since they promoted this and if you disliked this story so much, stop watching and stay away from recaps.


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A Park Shin Hye drama or article always spook some people. It's been like that for like years so a lot of people, or probably just me, just live with it and are just use to it. I don't like to argue or explain things coz it takes so much effort and time.

Maybe act like ji Hong?? When someone complains, say "Just because." You know, coz some people don't deserve a piece of our minds.


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yeah i notice that sometimes, people hates on PSH.

I like the "Just because" reference. I'll try to do it. haha!


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'she’s being overly-greedy and is forgetting everything she owns because of her envy' but is that not something most of us do? Were it not for the whole teacher context, how are her actions so bad? They are just written in such a way to make us dislike them. We are meant to like the heroine but her actions would be just as bad or worse sometimes, even if she repents later on. Is it bad that I find myself objectively disliking most second female leads (that perfect jealous woman) but somehow having a soft spot for some of them at the same time? Yet, I tend to get second-lead syndrome for the male guy and most people seem to. Is that a common thing? I may have conflicting opinions on DOTS but for once, I quite liked the second couple being independent from the main one. Is there any drama where people got second-lead syndrome for a female character (like second-lead syndrome for all the good guys who would be just as great for the heroine but are ultimately rejected as the main couple are meant to be)?


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Dr. Stranger, my heart went to second female lead and her arc but I did understand why they stick with main female lead since the whole back story would have been a bit pointless in that way.


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"Were it not for the whole teacher context, how are her actions so bad ?"

Except the context has everything to do with it in this case. Let me get this straight : for you putting a teacher at risk of losing his job, and setting someone who treated you as a friend, to be labelled as the s*** who seduced a teacher to get good grades are not despicable and selfish acts ? In real life, if it's proven that she lied, that's a solid case for a defamation suit.


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Well said and i would use stronger words than Ji-Hong if i wasnt her teacher like him. She betrays her friends, the teacher she says she likes just because someone got better grades in a single exam? Very greedy,very selfish, horrible act.

She ruins two lives just because she is a spoiled princess. I hope she can grow away from this later since Seo Woo was HJ second friend.


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I am relatively new to drama world (and english)so bear with me please.
I am not commending the 2nd lead for what she did- her actions were quite drastic but personally, the teacher situation here just throws me a bit. Even to someone just looking at the situation, it would not just give purely 'teacher inspiring student to learn' vibes. Here, just because that 2nd girl had a crush on the teacher and chose such a public way to disclose whatever lies she wanted kind of lessens what could have been a rather serious issue.
I guess because this is our heroine's story, the other girl actions are uncharacteristically worsened and the deeds of the heroine are tempered down. Some of the actions could have been explained, if not that the drama portrayed her doing it out of spite.
Sort of jumbled in my comment was also the fact that why do I also feel repulsed by her(2nd female lead)? That young boy chasing after the heroine does not appear markedly unappealing and I do not think that I will find the real 2nd male lead straight out disgusting in his first appearance. Since I am new to this world, I guess it is quite common to easily hate 2nd witch-type female characters but have a 2nd male lead whose heartbreak moves some of the audience. It is hard to find the 2nd girl character and mostly relationship arc have much of an impact. Having the 2nd-lead syndrome for lots of male characters is quite interesting in its own way. (Tbh i am quite looking forward to it in the scarlet heart adaptation which plays a role in the story)
From the few dramas I watched (maybe on the addiction pathway), I mostly feel unsatisfied and slightly frustrated with these characteristic 2nd female leads (I was kinda looking for a show-stealing female woobin character from the heirs). Here, in the gong-shim and ohy drama, the 2nd female leads have the potential to be great but some of their actions are just downright bewildering.But that's just the way they are written.


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Yes, there are cookie cutter character patterns in dramas. The second female lead most often gets a very limited character study. She is an obstacle to the lead couples happiness. The second male lead is usually more fleshed out as he has to be a believable contender for the lead female for purposes of dramatic tension. The second female is usually the antithesis of the favorite female lead pattern, which is underprivileged, hard working, giving to others and sweet. Selfish and entitled is an overused standard for the second female lead. She is only redeemed if the writer decides to pair her up with the second male.


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SO True, It's a shame because there is alot of underrated fmale actress who can pull off such a complex character.. such a shame. There is alot of female talent actress out there compare to male actor.. yet somehow, male population have given more juicy roles compare to their female costar


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My heart ached for Woo-jeong in "Will It Snow For Christmas?". The drama is quite old (2009) but I watched it only last year. Like you, I often get second male lead syndrome. Rarely though, I get one for second female lead and Woo-jeong was one of whom I get the syndrome for.

Woo-jeong made me think, if there were a parallel world where the female lead didn't exist -- OR where Woo-jeung had met the male lead earlier -- he would definitely fall for her.

I haven't watched Dr. Stranger (and the reviews here on dramabeans keep me from getting to watching it) but I can totally see Kang Sora being a plenty lovable second female lead :)


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I loved when he gave her the banana milk and when she complained, he took it back. I do that a lot to my siblings. Kekekekekek! It is so petty, but trust me it is satisfying *tongue out*

I thought the whole student-teacher thing was going to creep me out. But I am not actually bothered. And I really don't want people making excuses for seo woo that she's a lonely soul blah blah. I really don't like when a young lady is twisted at that age. Not allowed!

But so far, I'm loving this.... *fighting*


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I don't think excuses should be made for Seo Woo but I do think that her character had a great set-up for being who she is and making the decisions she made. Her father is constantly striving for attention and praise from his father because he could never quite live up to expectations. He has a mentality of doing whatever it takes to meet those expectations even if it means not being such a great doctor and person. Her mother seems to look down on her father and his lack of credentials. She puts all her expectations into her daughter and seems to view people as useful for gaining status or not useful. Seo Woo has never had a real relationship modeled for her by her parents so why should he be any good at building one on her own. She has been taught to think about herself first and others second. Still I am wondering how they are going to deal with her choice. I am hoping that in losing her friends and the trust of her peers she might begin to grow. Still this is dramaland so that might not happen for another ten episodes.


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Maybe I'm in the minority, but the backstory does nothing for me. I'm going to start watching the dramas starting at episode 4 or 5. So far the show is mediocre, hopefully it will get better.


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same here.. i hope it will get better in the present time


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After watching the 2 episodes i can say without a hint of doubt that i'm in love love with this drama...Hope it will deliver from here on as well because i liked what i saw...Really like the leads a lot


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Not liking it as much as I wanted to :(.

First off, the teacher-student relationship squicks me out. Even in college, I remember my professors were always very careful about not hanging out outside school with members of the opposite sex. Even one accusation of sexual harassment could lead to huge career damage. And in this drama, they're still in high school.

And the story is predictable too which makes it worse. Lead character who is a delinquent and never studies is a secret genius who ranks #1 in the class on the first attempt. Grandma has cancer which will change the lead character's perspective. Teacher is tormented about a past error as a medical intern.

I don't know. It's not bad but it's not great either. On the plus side, I think PSH is really convincing as a delinquent and I love watching that side of her. But I don't know if that is enough to keep me watching this.


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Oh there's another one. The storyline was revealed a month ago. Yet you made it to Ep 2 recap? if you dislike it from the start. You should've moved on from the very beginning. You shouldn't read recaps. Because like you said, it squicks you out.

I looked past that story line because eversince, i know THAT KIND OF RELATIONSHIP WILL NEVER HAPPEN. I'll wait for next monday if my guess is correct.


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You can also skip those comments if it annoys you. sea has a right to read the recaps and post what she feels about the drama without being told that she shouldn't have.

I know it can be annoying if you are a fan of the actors or the drama. I understand. Take it from someone who enjoyed Jackpot (that show that some viewers likes to make fun of :p).
It's ok, some are not doing it because they hate your bias or the drama. They just feel differently about it than you do.


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Agreed. DB is not belongs to anyone, everyone is free to express their opinions.

But some are over defensive. Since this is the article about Doctors, looks like everyone needs to agree that this is the best drama, no flaw. Whoever criticizing any flaw will be getting annoyed at. LOL this logic.. I hope they are not new to DB or just come because of their favourite actors or dramas.


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Aww Kiara, I thought we were just having fun with Jackpot.

This is very late, but I wanted to say sorry if those jokes hurt you.


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Mary you don't have anything to apologize for and there was nothing to get hurt over, really. I have my fair share of making fun of shows that I thought to be over the top.


I didn't read the storyline before the drama came out. I saw this show on Viki and decided to watch it. I was squicked out by the relationship. I posted my reaction to it here. I was originally only going to post about it once, by seeing how weirdly defensive it makes you, I now plan on posting about how this relationship squicks me out in every single recap of this show. Hope you enjoy!


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Defensive is not the right word, i guess. More of annoyed. But then, feel free to comment. It's not my time that will go to waste.


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You clearly have enough time on your hands to patrol the comment section for any opinion that does not conform to yours, so I'm sure you will see mine in the future :)


So...you're combating defensiveness with acting petty over one comment expressing frustration over the same tired, old critiques, when most of the commenters are in the same boat as you. Makes sense.

I also really look forward to seeing your comments in the recaps here on out...expect a reply or multiple replies from me to each. single. one.


The three of you are equally petty. It was embarrassing to witness this mess.


"my professors were always very careful about not hanging out outside school with members of the opposite sex"

What does this irrelevant, personal anecdote have to do with a fictional drama...lol..The whole basis of this story is that they have a close mentor-student relationship while Hye Jung is in high school and then rediscover each other almost a decade later...having a close, albeit platonic, relationship, is the basis of the main couple's romance later on.


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I think it was clear to most of the audience that the feelings and actions were not platonic, hence many of the repulsed reactions. If it doesn't bother you because they grow up, that's fine, but her anecdote does make sense. This is her comment, she's talking about how she sees the world work around her in comparison to the drama-world. That's the whole point of commenting! To let people know what you think and make connections to the story at hand.


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Cancer, cohabitation, orphan hero, truck(s)of doom, delinquent geeenius, chaebols...why not throw in the kitchen sink too.


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Kim Raewon looks so good as a doctor. My gosh. Who would not fall for him seeing him like that? The flashback is nice and all but I really want it to be present time already because I wanna see my baby Kyunsang the teacher-student relationship makes me uncomfortable. I don't know what to feel.


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I am liking the drama so far. I liked the first episode. the second episode with the teacher student 'romantic vibe' made me uncomfortable. I really really wished they had skipped it.

I am so so surprised by PSH. I don't usually like her but here she is totally selling the character

the show seems to have taken a light, breezy, happy tone


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I just can't stop swooning over Kim Rae won. Everytime he's on screen I start turning into a puddle of goo.
Purely started watching this drama because of him even when I was seriously put off by the teacher-student romance plot. But idk I think I'll just somehow turn off that logical part of my brain for the next 18 episodes and enjoy the show.

Ps: Kim Rae wons eyes are sooo dreamy <3 I bet in that Lab scene people were either squealing with happiness, or turing away in disgust. And then there I was, completely mesmerised by his eyes, just pretending that I was the one he was looking at.
Oh another quick tip to people who are bothered by the lead couple, an awesome trick that seems to work for me is just imagining that you're park shin hye ;) (only problem is if you're a high school kid yourself ??)


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I don't care about the student-teacher love line, because IT HAPPENS in real world, it shouldn't but it does. To me the thing is that I need more than that to make me think they have something going on. Grow the relationship between them.

I guess we'll just have to wait more ep to know If this backstory is barely the beginning for the future and not the beginning at "this" moment of their lives.


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^same, i definitely spent a lot of the episode just swooning over kim rae won <3 have to admit i'm already hooked on this drama!

all i have to say about the teacher-student thing is that i am cautiously optimistic about it and where it's heading. as we see it now, it seems only PSH's character has a slight crush on him (i mean who wouldn't) but KRW does not reciprocate or have any romantic feelings as of yet. yes, he may be fond of her, but teachers will always have their favorites, and there are always certain people you get along with better than others. plus they basically live in the same house so it's not surprising that they are familiar with each other.

so i'm cautiously optimistic that the drama won't lead us down too far along this arc and hopefully we'll wrap things up and head to the present soon :D


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every body who pLay wiTh PSH wiLL more shining afTer ThaT


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Okay, I am hooked!
I was worried about the whole student teacher relationship thing but so far I am not seeing it in a romantic way as much as two people who have been scarred by their past learning to connect and find their passions. PSH may be just becoming aware of him as a man but I don't think that KRW has romantic feelings YET. He is too dedicated as a teacher. As long as they keep it innocent until the present day I will be happy. He seems to be set up as such a moral character that I wouldn't think they would jeopardize that part of his character, but who knows in dramaland.
The plot is slow in developing but I feel that it fits the feel of this drama... we are allowed the chance to really get invested in our characters. Still no more than two more prologue episodes please! I want to see them as doctors and colleagues. I can't wait until next week!


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I was worried about the teacher student relationship too, but right now it still not in romantic level yet. So it's still ok. I think you are right about Ji Hong.he is just a dedicated teacher now, he can't distance himself from a student who just try to believe in teacher or people in general. The girl already has abandonment issue. We can't do anything if we worry so much about what other people say. And he was right, none of the students dare to do anything about him being close with Hye Jung except one student who has a crush on him. She confronts him about that but honestly I think he didn't expect her to go that far.


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Thanks for recapping the drama since I give it a try after read ep 1 recap . It's really slow and I think it's work for make us invested in the character. I just find it a bit lack in acting or maybe I should wait for another ep. It just the emotional moment of the heroine doesn't much affect me or my perception of hers. It's weird to feel that she is kinda carry the show but I feel disconnected when she has heavy emotion display, she is not convincing enough ,make me realize it's a drama which she act out and recap make me understand her more.
And this also goes to the male, he is so into it. Not that it's sad but he just too good into it then make me feel it's too much.

But I hope the show got better


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I love your reviews and do agree about everything you've said about Seo-woo however, I think you are being overly harsh on your criticism without really explaining or looking more deeply at the possible reasons of her actions unlike how you do other characters.

When you said she had a sour expression on when she saw Hye Jung and ji-Hong I actually think she looks more hurt than anything else.

I also think ji-Hong was wrong in how he handled the confrontation with Seo-woo. He immediately accused her of starting the rumours and I don't think that was the right way to start their conversation. Also I think it was more the mean girls that spread the rumour although I do concede that she probably didn't do anything to stop it either.

How can ji-Hong tell seo-woo that she has everything while hye Jung has nothing that way? That was extremely hurtful and I think as a teacher he was being very biased. It seems like just because of seo-woo's better financial situation and who her parents are or even having both parents, mean that she shouldn't have any hardships and always be a good and grateful child. I can't imagine how devastated Seo-woo must've been to feel as if the person she looked up to so much and felt strong emotional ties to think so little of her. I was especially taken back when he told her to study (like a dog being told to sit -.-), get into a good college like her parents want. How can he say that after having just told her previously to essentially be who she wants to be meaning do things for her own self? When she reaches out and tries to tell him her hurt feelings he just throws them back at her and tells her everyone hurts and although that is true I expected more from ji-Hong. He just sounded like a petty child when he could've been the teacher their pupils look up to and talked her through a tumoultuous time in her life. He could've helped her make the right choice as she is the child and he the teacher with more wisdom and life experiences.

Anyway that was a disaster of a conversation that only ended up causing seo-woo great pain which leads her to retaliate and get revenge. I think it's more an 'eye for an eye' rather than 'if she can't have him no one can'... At least I hope so as ji-Hong isn't the teacher I thought he was shown to be. And really I just don't like the thought of a anyone being as desperate as that for someone...(open your eyes seo-woo!! he ain't that great! you should've kept your friendship! T.T)

I was hurt for Seo-woo when son-hee told her she didn't act like a friend. She was probably right but she was also probably the only person seo-woo let close to her or means anything. Man I just hope those three's friendship would be given more development in the future episodes instead of focusing on a loveline.


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"He just sounded like a petty child when he could’ve been the teacher their pupils look up to and talked her through a tumoultuous time in her life. He could’ve helped her make the right choice as she is the child and he the teacher with more wisdom and life experiences."

This is where his character also really turned me off. Like, she's still a teen going through the motions. She hardly ever says or does anything "wrong" and this is how you treat her? This doesn't excuse her actions but Jesus Christ, I couldn't believe how incredibly harsh he was to her. It was shocking because he was portrayed as this well-balanced and all-knowing teacher. I'd like to think that it was just a slight flaw in his character (they can't all be perfect) but I see that it seems that most people didn't really see anything wrong with what he said... The girl is a complete brat, that't true without a doubt, but those actions weren't warranted.

Everything you said I agreed with. I also really hate it when they have the female lead act this way because not only is it overly obvious what the writer is attempting to do, but it feels insulting to me to have it be so blatant. "Ok, so I need everyone to love the main f-lead and hate the second one...hmm.. how about we just make her incredibly mean? I mean, she's rich anyways, what's she got to complain about?" It always rubs me the wrong way. I may not have money but I still know that everyone struggles in different ways.


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Looking back and reading some of the comments, I think the main reason Ji Hong says "Just because" a lot is because he can't explain things nicely in layman's term. Or rather, he just sucks at explaining stuff.


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Why does every doctor in dramaland have to be a neurosurgeon?? There are so many other specialities out there...

I''m already getting confused watching this and Beautiful mind, both having just premiered, and both with male leads whom I like, and who are neurosurgeons. I like Doctors better at the moment. :)

But, so many typical drama tropes.... grandma HAS to have cancer.... AS SOON as Hye Jung moves in she gets the diagnosis??!!? THe fire?? Seems like a whole lot of fires happen in abandoned buildings in Korea? Also, everyone faints as soon as their heads hit anything..... Haiii.....
I hope Grandma survives her cancer, but I have a feeling they will wring more tears out of us by NOT having her survive it. Sigh.


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Right. I want a drama about the high pressure cutthroat world of podiatrists! ?


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Thank you for the recaps! I actually really like this show so far. I don't find anything wrong with the teacher/student relationship as I don't think there are romantic feelings yet. Attraction, admiration/adoration, respect, but no l love you. And yes, living under the same roof, you naturally get close. They sorta got put together at important stages in their life and both learned to appreciate each other and happen to enjoy each other's company. Nothing wrong with that.

And there have been actual student/teacher dramas, i.e. Biscuit Teacher and that was fine then too... Eventually they will grow up and no longer be in those roles.

Really enjoying PSH and KRW! They are so natural together!


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This drama was good until the classroom "microscope" scene between the leads and it started to get creepy for me. I wish they kept their relationship as platonic in the beginning and they grew to love and admire each other over time instead of physical attraction from an older man to a young teenager. I hope it gets better in their reunion scenes as doctors then I'll forget this first part happened.


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Soo-chul's going to break my heart,
I have a hunch.


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Loving the 1st two episodes, and I'm excited for the upcoming ones. I don't have any problem with the student-teacher relationship of the two main leads as I think it is still platonic and haven't seen or felt any romantic tension just yet. I think they are just comfortable with each other (too comfortable for others I see)... they are practically living on the same house, had had an unflattering encounter even before they formally met, plus they have shared an experiece (w/ the pregnant woman and her child) that I think left a mark on their life especially that of Hye Jung. Her, having a crush is understandable... Him, being a good and sympathetic teacher treating her differently (with respect) from her previous ones. I don't feel that Ji Hong has any romantic feelings towards Hye Jung just yet. I do think he's sympathetic. He knows that she's a cynic and skeptical but who he believes have something to offer and has a bright future ahead of her if she let herself try and work for it.


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Thanks for the recap, lovepark!

I like PSH and KRW's rapport with each other, and it's great to see HJ and JH developing trust and being able to be honest with their thoughts. HJ really needs guidance and it's good to see JH being that mentor role. I think just like feeling responsible for his patients, JH feels responsible for his students' learning. So, while I understand that people might feel uncomfortable of their closeness, I also think it's quite natural as they live under one roof and even have meals together. You can't help but get to know each other better. Plus, JH really wants HJ to have a new life and he's doing what he can to get her there.

The scene of JH saving the pregnant lady was great. I love how it ended up being the pivotal moment when HJ realizes that she just might have a purpose in life. It was heartwarming to see the scene of the dad thanking HJ and asked for her name to name his newborn daughter. That elation was shown on HJ's face and she could barely contain that joy. I loved how she snuggled up to grandma when she got home. You can't help but root for the heroine.

The side characters are doing fine to complement the main leads. I also wished for more friendship development amongst the trio, but I guess they want to set up the plot of why SW and HJ would become rivals and no longer friends.

Sucks that grandma has cancer. I'm really enjoying KYA being in a kind, grandmotherly role. Her depth of love for HJ is what is gonna spur HJ on to focus on her studies and become a doctor.

SW gets no love from mom, but thank goodness dad is different. I can understand why SW would be so upset at HJ. Not only beating her to get no. 1, but also being jealous of her closeness with JH. And she was the only who had offered tutoring materials to HJ. No wonder she felt betrayed.

Jisoooooo!! He's only on briefly here and there, but I love seeing him on screen. Haha... Anyway, can't wait for next week.


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And so soon the drama shows up some flaws... Did there really have to be that whole contrived scene with the pregnant mum just to bond PSH and KRW characters. Suddenly, she just has this whole epiphany and is glowing with love and hope. Ooook. It was kind of too quick the way she suddenly gets a change of heart. They could have used a few more scenes to show her grow into a better person. Maybe another episode or two of badass nasty PSH before her change of heart.

That said, I'm glad KRW is somewhat flawed himself and with PSH managed to forget his very important principles of keeping detached from students haha! Well she's more like his neighbor and such which draws them even closer. So yeah, the student-teacher thing is not so icky.

Great recap, and I hope the show gets better.. It still has so much potential.


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Isnt she glowing because of the appreciation from the pregnant lady's husband? She's such a puppy when she hugs her grandma while reminiscing about how the husband thanked her and want to name his daughter with hers.


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How come no one is complaining about SW's love confession? Does it make it okay since she asked him to wait 2 years for her? No. It's still wrong and inappropriate of her. I have more of an issue with this than the supposedly romance that I saw through SW's eyes even though I saw the admiration myself and the truth of type of relationship HJ and teacher have for each other through my own eyes. We were there for each scene, SW was not. Just because one is kind towards another of the opposite sex, it doesn't always mean they want a romance. I know when I'm nice to guys, people always think I'm interested in them. But sorry, it doesn't mean a thing other than I was being nice.


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it's so impossible to learn all the achool math in just a week! either it's just stupid move from the writer or they have really easy math program in Korean schools... this disbelief ruins all the plot for me.


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I think you missed her IQ- which makes her pretty much a genius ... lol
This is kdrama too


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I'm really liking this drama so far...it's seems easy enough to watch and it's easy to root for Park Shin Hyes character. Only thing I'm not looking forward to is the kisses-I sound like a perv I know but Park Shin Hye is justttt sooo uncomfortable with kiss scenes with the exception of Pinocchio maybe


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I really want to enjoy this drama but I hope they keep the medical bits to an absolute minimum... the inccuracies did my head in and it was only the one sequence! Otherwise I found it pretty standard but entertaining fare :)


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I enjoyed this episode more than the first and quite surprised to see how people react to the non dating teacher-student relationship while Korea is so cool about it.
Ones would think we should be more open-minded...


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Psh is doing a great job so far as hye jung. The ending scene, i thought she acted it out accordingly and not being overshadowed by lsk. Seo woo is seriously determined to bring down hye jung without a single guilt to hold her back (i dont see her inner struggle at all while scheming all the bitchy things since the hyejung-jihong lab scene) thus, the aggresive act by lsk but it's different for hye jung. She just starts to open out to people around her after so many years and for the first time, she got friends for real. It's evident tht she's holding back herself (having inner struggle) when confronting seo woo since she has decided to live a better different life and she is still in shock with the sudden change in seo woo's attitude. Instead of aggresive approach like seo woo does, hye jung tries a more civil approach. Lsk being more aggresive is not an indication tht she acts better thn psh in tht scene as both emote just well accordingly.


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I laugh how everything is really unrealistic (esp the pregnant lady scene) but show the intubation is done really accurately :P I was like, oh? this is mostly correct

Liking the show thus far but yeah the teacher/student stuff is a bit weird. I wish the trio of friends had kinda lasted for longer, I still like LSK's character though...I can understand her frustration. Girl just swoops in and a) gets better marks with less studying and b) gets her crush's attention. Especially when all LSK's been doing is studying :\ I also don't think that portrayal does justice...you can't all of a sudden study so hard/diligently when you've never done it before...behvaiour isn't that quick to change.


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phew! I am saved.
The negativity here is no joke. Where are all the cool minded beanies?
Let's save dramabeans!


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My thoughts exactly.
I haven't been hooked in a drama that make me stalk DB and read the comment.
DB used to be my haven to feel good about watching a drama, but now it seemed like a tough place to be for such a weak heart like me.
I guess, the bigger the site, the more variety of the visitor, negativity is inevitable.
But I think, I'll stay off the comment section. It's bad for my k-drama obsession. Kekekeke


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I have nothing much to say about the leading lady and her coterie of friends. On the other hand, Kim Rae Won looks like a dream. I'm glad he's chosen a lighter role this time. I've missed him being all romantic and dreamy..That smile, it's so sexy.


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KRW is too good for this drama! the storyline is not hooking me yet. and PSH's character is too badass and too cool for school - if that's possible. Also, is it me or does PSH have problems creating chemistry with her lead actor? it happened in BOF, Flower boy next door etc - the 2 leads are miscast, seriously. Altho PSH and JGS were dymanite in you're beautiful. KRW seems more like a father figure to PSH than an oppa. sigh. ok, drama fighting - there's still time!


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sorry, I meant Heirs, not BOF.... same lead actor in both dramas lol!


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I am liking the show so far, and I AM a PSH fan, honest to god though, there are times where I think she can improve and why do I say this? Because I'm not super bias and I know PSH is just as human as I am and knows it herself that there is always room for improvement!

On that note though, PSH has improved so much! I am totally getting nostalgia from Stairway to Heaven those scenes of angst, the scenes with being beat, she is really working hard and the writing for her character is better than any other (drama) character she has played. The only downside is the coldness is not as consistent as I thought or wanted it to be. The whole idea about wanting to change and be a better person is amazing, although episode 2 she wasn't as guarded and cold it shows that you need to surround yourself with better people in order to not be bad.

The whole Teacher-Student concept is also not a problem with me, because who hasn't wanted their teacher before? and I remember watching a really old kdrama that had this exact relationship "Loving You" (1999). So clearly this is not a new thing!

LSK is alright for me she is definitely not bad. I've seen her other works and they are good its just, I don't feel like there is much for her to work with here, at least for now.

Ji Hong is a bit clueless and doesn't know when to set boundaries. But if there was no scandal there would be no drama. His method of teaching, I can see is as being very good or very bad. He is not strict enough. But nobody likes a strict teacher either. So, I don't know what to say. Other than he is just good to look at and is a little too nice. KRW is a nice addition beside PSH though, totally see the chemistry... I could even see them dating but that's only me.

Kyun Sang he didn't show up here. However, he is a good actor and I enjoy his presence. He just doesn't stand out as much as the other three in terms of posters, teasers, but skipping ahead (since ep 3 is out already) he is doing a fine job as always.

The storyline may just need a bit more of something... The emotional sadness department is just perfect. I just feel like It needs to be darker.... it's not dark enough... the intensity is not enough for me.. I just want more hatred and angst.. Especially from PSH because I know she has the potential But seeing from episode 3, the heat is just getting started. Ep 1 and 3 are the best episodes so far for me.


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Does anyone know what the song is when they're biking/racing across the bridge? I know it's not been officially released but I'd love to know the name!


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Can anyone answer her question?? I'd like to know too! The song is to good tho. ?. Thanks! ?


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What was the song that played when Hye Jung & Ji Hong cycling scenes? Does anyone know? Pleaseeeeeee ?


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