Oh Hae-young Again: Episode 7

There’s more to a relationship than simply attraction — there has to be mutual respect and understanding as well, and those things are a lot harder to come by. And one person can’t shoulder all the burden… both have to be all-in, or it will never work out. Unless both people in the relationship are willing to be open and honest, all the chemistry in the world won’t help them be happy together.


EPISODE 7: “I wish I was the only woman in the world”

Hae-young lies in bed contentedly watching the lamp from Do-kyung clicking on and off, until he calls through the walls that it’s noisy. On his side, Do-kyung suddenly has another premonition of Hae-young, soft-eyed and smiling, and saying that his hand is warm.

Way too early the next morning, Hae-young creaks out of bed and tiptoes out to do some grocery shopping. She takes it to her parents’ house and starts frantically making a packed lunch, and Mom immediately knows it’s for that handsome neighbor. She rushes to help, and even Dad pitches in like a pro chef. They send her home again, wondering if sending out two wedding announcements in one year is tacky.

Hae-young presents the lunch box to Do-kyung, calling it thanks for the lamp and an apology for breaking his window. She’s adorable about it, and after she leaves, Do-kyung pokes at the lunch box like it might bite him.

He leaves for work without the box, then has this hilariously awkward minute on his steps where he waffles over whether to go back for it, but nah… then rushes up to grab it. Awww, so cute.

Hae-young falls asleep at work, exhausted from her busy morning, and she nearly topples out of her chair just as Soo-kyung is walking past. She doesn’t see her boss behind her and asks Sung-jin to wake her up again when she arrives. She lays her head back down, and Sung-jin immediately gooses her awake.

She lays down again so Soo-kyung knocks on her desk and whispers that she’s here, giving Hae-young a little neck-rub, ha. Once she’s truly awake (thanks to the help of some PPL coffee), Hae-young’s coworkers notice that she’s in a particularly good mood today.

Do-kyung and the guys are in the field recording some sound when it comes up lunchtime, and he hems and haws about going to a restaurant to eat. When Hoon presses him he finally shouts, “I have a packed lunch in the car!!” Smooth, buddy, smooooth. He shoves Hae-young’s lunch box at them and stomps off, embarrassed, pretending not to be the slightest bit interested in what’s inside.

Impressed by the food, the guys correctly guess that it must have been made by the woman they saw him twirling outside the restaurant that time. Do-kyung says it’s not like that and refuses to eat, and Hoon quips that there’s two things Do-kyung won’t do — wear a party hat on his birthday, and eat a packed lunch made by his girlfriend.

He points out that Hae-young will ask if Do-kyung liked the food, so he’d better at least taste it. He does, which only makes the guys tease him more, but apparently the food is delicious because soon Do-kyung is tucking in with gusto.

Hae-young made enough to take to work to share with her friends, and Sung-jin astutely guesses that she did this for a guy. He even guesses who the guy is, and gets all hurt about it. He definitely has a crush.

The other Hae-young joins them, and they all talk about our Hae-young making food for a guy. The other Hae-young knows it must be Do-kyung, though she covers well and just says that Hae-young’s box lunches have been famous since grade school.

But when she gets home that night, she digs into her box of memories and pulls out that cell phone again, the one with the message that Do-kyung’s mother sent her before the wedding. She plugs it into her laptop, looking determined.

Do-kyung is still playing it cool when he and Hoon arrive home, but Hoon makes him take the lunch box back to Hae-young to tell her it was good. He doesn’t look thrilled about it, but then he sees Hae-young right across the street looking shy. (And ooohh, the way his eyes go soft when he sees her makes my tummy all melty.)

As they walk home (slowly, I notice), Do-kyung manages a curt “Thanks, it was good,” but Hae-young knows that that’s high praise coming from him. They find themselves under a magical fall of cherry blossoms, and it’s so beautiful that Hae-young tears up.

The moment is nearly ruined by drunk Soo-kyung stumbling towards them, so Do-kyung grabs Hae-young’s hand and they run to hide in a dim alley. Hae-young notices that Do-kyung is holding her hand while they hide, though he seems oblivious.

Just when they seem to have avoided being caught, a scooter comes by and lights up their faces in its headlight. Do-kyung swings around in front of Hae-young, their faces and bodies very close together, and he stays there for a minute even after Soo-kyung moves on.

“It’s warm… your hand,” says Hae-young, and Do-kyung sees another vision come to life. Hae-young asks why they had to hide from his sister, but before he answers, another hidden figure breaks away from the wall and lumbers up behind them. HAHA, it’s Jin-sang.

He’s caught sight of the lunch box and when Do-kyung gets home, he walks right into a lecture about the stupidity of getting involved with that woman, of all people. Do-kyung swears nothing’s happened, that they were just hiding from Soo-kyung, but Jin-sang has a good point — if there’s nothing going on, why hide?

Jin-sang doesn’t buy it, he knows Do-kyung too well and he can tell there’s something going on. He calls him crazy, and reminds him about Tae-jin sitting in jail ready to kill him when he comes out, and that’s before he finds out Do-kyung has been dating his ex-fiancee.

Do-kyung stays calm until Jin-sang insults Hae-young for dating so soon after her wedding was called off, and that’s more than Do-kyung can take. He screams for Jin-sang to stop, but when Jin-sang asks if he likes Hae-young, Do-kyung’s silence is all the answer he needs.

That night, Hae-young sits watching her lamp and music box, innocent of Do-kyung’s internal struggle. She calls out a “good night” when she hears Do-kyung come in, while he stares at her door and wonders what to do.

Hae-young is practically giddy the next day as she tells Hee-ran all about Do-kyung, and Hee-ran wonders out loud how he could seem so innocent when he dated the other Oh Hae-young. Our Hae-young shuts down that line of conversation quick.

Do-kyung finds an email from the other Hae-young and debates whether to open it, but curiosity wins out. It’s a copy of the recording that his mother sent to Hae-young on the eve of their wedding, and we finally hear what caused her to disappear without a word.

It’s Do-kyung’s voice, sounding angry, yelling, “How would I know what love is? I was never loved!” He’d been arguing with his mother, who’d said that at least one of them should know what love is before getting married. Hae-young doesn’t know, because her parents basically abandoned her to her grandmother.

Do-kyung had responded, “I can’t dump her, because I feel bad for her. How could I dump someone whose parents abandoned her?” He’d gone on to say that she’s extremely kind to other people so she won’t be abandoned, and compared her to a playful puppy.

His mother had says that wasn’t love but pity, and he’d screamed, ”I don’t care if it’s pity!” Oh nooo, that’s terrible, and we see that Hae-young had been devastated when she heard it. Now Do-kyung collapses in pain and regret, to know that this is why Hae-young never showed up for their wedding.

In the email, Hae-young says that triggered her first panic attack, to feel that her greatest weakness had been exposed to the one person she wanted to hide it from. She’d pretended to have had a happy childhood and loving parents, and desperately smiled her way through life. But he’d seen right through her.

She goes on to say that after she left, she would get angry every night from the humiliation, but in the mornings she always cried from missing him. She’s spent the last year thinking of the person she loves most as her most humiliating memory. But now, she says, she can’t do it anymore.

Our Hae-young practically skips home from work, stopping to buy vegetables from a sweet old granny and smiling to see Do-kyung’s name on a movie poster. A man randomly stops and asks her to eat with him (hi there, Yeon Woo-jin! And HAHA at the familiar music).

Hae-young assumes he’s some sort of religious nut and declines, but the guy seems to be sincerely interested, if a little… intense. He says she’s just his type and offers her his business card if she wants to check up on him, which says his name is Gong Ki-tae, PFFT.

Hae-young finds herself agreeing to eat with him out of sheer shock, honored when he says this is his first time approaching a woman this way. She asks what he likes about her and he starts talking about vibes and connections, and Hae-young agrees with him though she’s clearly thinking about someone else.

She admits that she really only came because it was so awesome being asked out right on the street, but she’s already got a man at home. Ki-tae says he didn’t hear anything about a boyfriend, and wait… what? He looks suddenly nervous, and Hae-young asks if it was really a coincidence that he asked her to eat.

Oh wait, he’s a lawyer! Jin-sang set this up, didn’t he, that rat. Hae-young marches Ki-tae into Jin-sang’s office and demands some answers, specifically whether Do-kyung was in on this little scheme.

Jin-sang admits that he acted alone, but he fibs that it was out of concern for his old friend. When he claims that he just wanted Hae-young to date someone more attractive than Do-kyung (what??), she stops him right there — if that’s so, why make the guy pretend to meet her in the street?

For whatever reason, she knows that he was just trying to get her away from Do-kyung, but Jin-sang sticks to his story that he was just trying to fix her up. Hae-young grows angry, accusing Jin-sang of looking down on her, and Jin-sang finally admits that he thinks she and Do-kyung are ill-suited.

Hae-young pushes until Jin-sang yells that she has the same name as his ex-fiance, implying that that’s the only reason Do-kyung is drawn to her. That hits Hae-young right where it hurts. Now that his true love is back, Jin-sang claims, it will be over with our Hae-young.

Hae-young screams, just wordlessly SCREAMS in Jin-sang’s face, just to make him shut up. It works, and she storms out of his office, leaving him to voice his own frustrated scream.

Do-kyung asks Soo-kyung for the other Hae-young’s phone number, but just as she sends it to him, he gets a call from our Hae-young. Her voice is soft, and all she says is, “Don’t go see Oh Hae-young.” She steps out of their entryway in front of his car, and asks him not to start seeing her again.

Do-kyung asks why she cares, and Hae-young says it’s because she hates her, and she might end up hating him. He asks if everyone should hate someone just because she does, and she says that she would hate anyone he hates. Do-kyung asks why she would do that, and Hae-young is bluntly honest: “Because I like you.”

Do-kyung gets out of the car, and reminds her angrily that he told her not to be so forward with men, and that he’s not so fickle as to go from one Oh Hae-young to another. Our Hae-young asks if he’d date her if she had a different name, but he says no man would date a woman whose life was so tangled up with his ex’s. He would always be reminded of the other woman.

She asks why he was so nice to her then, and Do-kyung says he felt bad for her. Ooof. But Hae-young accepts his explanation, and figures that at least he felt something. But Do-kyung wants to be perfectly clear, and yells, “I’m saying I don’t like you!”

Hae-young calls him a fool, as if pitying him for not being able to feel normal feelings, and Do-kyung has another premonition of her saying, “You will cry because of me someday. I want you to cry.” And immediately, she says those exact words.

She heads inside and Do-kyung starts to follow her, but he’s hit by another vision, this time seeing all of his past visions at the same time. It takes his breath away and he doubles over, gasping for air.

As soon as he collects himself he storms up the stairs after Hae-young and demands to know: “Who are you? Why do you keep showing up? Why?!” he insists that she move out or he will, and Hae-young calls him childish and slams the door in his face. Good for her.

Do-kyung goes down to his siblings’ place to stew in his fury, while Hae-young meditates to regain some calm. She assures herself that there’s no shame in loving someone, but she can’t quite convince herself, and cries from embarrassment.

Her parents show up (dressed to the nines in hopes of running into Do-kyung) and scare Hae-young half to death when they just let themselves in and start cooking up pork belly. They all freeze when they hear Do-kyung slam into his place, and he can hear the sound of the cooking pork belly. He stomps over to barge through the door and finds himself right in the middle of family dinner, pointing an accusing finger at Dad, whoops.

Mom and Dad don’t take no for an answer and insist he join them, literally dragging him through the door, and for a moment Dad and Hae-young are actually playing tug-o-war with him. Mom finally yells and Do-kyung sits, while Hae-young snarls at her parents.

Mom spends the meal fawning over Do-kyung, but when she pretends their family isn’t poor, Hae-young bursts out that they most definitely are. Dad presses Do-kyung to have a drink, and he’s forced to accept even though he doesn’t want it.

Hae-young explodes and yells that he doesn’t like her, and after a long, long uncomfortable silence, Mom asks if Hae-young likes him, though. She can tell by her daughter’s face that she does, and Mom reaches across the table to smack her upside the head, yelling at her for liking a man who doesn’t like her back.

Then she turns on Do-kyung and demands to know why he doesn’t like Hae-young, so angry that Dad has to drag her out. Such a Mama Bear, I love her. On the bus ride home she’s so upset that she rips several buttons off her shirt, then forbids Dad to pick them up.

Do-kyung is back on his side of the door, but he paces and frets, and finally snaps through the wall that guessing wrong about someone must run in Hae-young’s family. Now that was just mean. She doesn’t respond but storms out and gets on her bike, but she doesn’t get far before she’s nearly run over by a car.

It’s Jin-sang, and Hae-young orders him not to mention their argument to Do-kyung. He agrees, relieved to let the whole thing go.

Hae-young rides for hours, singing along to her music, and thinks to herself that she wants every other woman in the world to die. That way she could be the only woman in the world.

Do-kyung waits on his balcony for Hae-young to come home, worried about her despite what he said to her earlier. But he sees another vision of Hae-young, seeming drunk and saying that she ran into her ex-fiance. The reminder of what he did to Tae-jin is not a pleasant one.

In the morning, Soo-kyung is squeamish about Jin-sang walking around in his undies, though he swears it’s his pajamas. She flips her top over her head, baring her bra, and chases him around the house ordering him to “look at it!” HAHA, these two are hilarious.

Do-kyung asks Jin-sang to check if Tae-jin has been released from prison, while Hoon is more worried about food and wants Hae-young to pack them another lunch. Soo-kyung overhears and asks Do-kyung who he’s dating, guessing that it’s Oh Hae-young, though nobody will give her a clear answer.

There’s a mix-up at work when a package for the other Hae-young is delivered to our Hae-young, which doesn’t make our Hae-young feel any friendlier towards her nemesis. The other Hae-young sees that her email to Do-kyung was read, but she’s disappointed to have received no response.

Do-kyung’s mother grabs one of his employees to ask how her son’s been lately, confused when she hears he’s been in a good mood. But she overhears another employee say his bad mood is back, but the guy is smart enough not to give her any details.

Do-kyung is truly in a black mood, yelling at Hoon for using wave sounds from the wrong coast. He apparently took An-na on a romantic getaway to the West Coast when he was supposed to be recording on the East Coast. Wow, his hearing is really incredible.

The other Hae-young texts Do-kyung to ask why he hasn’t called her yet, and he remembers having the fight with his mother that she heard recorded. Yeah, it still sounds pretty bad. He agrees to meet with Hae-young, and she smiles like nothing ever happened between them.

Meanwhile, our Hae-young replays the humiliating evening last night, beyond upset and frustrated. A car pulls up beside her and the driver gets out – it’s Tae-jin, who has indeed gotten out of jail. Hae-young is shocked to see him but stands as he approaches her, his heart in his eyes.


I’m concerned for our Hae-young, because while it’s been obvious for some time that she likes Do-kyung, this episode showed that right now, it may not be a very healthy emotion for her to be having. It’s easy to forget that she’s very recently out of a serious relationship, so serious that she was getting married, and she fell for the very next guy who was nice to her. Whether or not they’re meant to be together, the way things are right now isn’t good — Hae-young is so fixated that she’s actually wishing death on every woman in the world, while Do-kyung has a lot of repair to do with what he did to Tae-jin, and with his own past regarding the other Hae-young.

But at this point in the story, I’m about ready to tell both Hae-youngs to kick Do-kyung to the curb. He’s pretty much being an ass in every possible way, and it’s so frustrating. I get that he’s got reasons for not wanting to get involved with our Hae-young, but he didn’t have to be so cruel when she told him she liked him. She’s a mature and intelligent woman, she doesn’t need to be hurt in order to understand… if he just said he didn’t like her that way, she would have accepted it. But he had to be mean about it, when there was no real reason to be, and I think he’s just still twisted up about his own bad breakup and taking it out on our Hae-young. And as for the other Hae-young, I don’t blame her one bit for being horrified at hearing him say he pitied her. That’s a terrible thing to say about the woman you’re about to marry and are supposed to love. I think that both Do-kyung and our Hae-young need to back up, handle their past relationships and get closure, then find each other and start over in a healthy way this time.

That said, I commend the show yet again for subverting yet another trope, of the fiance who leaves without a word and just expects to be welcomed with open arms when they finally decide to return. It seems like they always have a terrible reason for it, and for once, instead of finding the excuses flimsy and frustrating, I agree that the other Hae-young had every reason to no-show her wedding and disappear. Now that we know her personality and how fragile she is, her instinct to escape makes total sense. What she heard him say that he felt pity for her and not love, it must have injured her to the core and I don’t blame her for just running. It still would have been nice if she’d left a note or a message, but for someone as sensitive as she is, I completely understand why she would just want to get as far away as she could, as fast as she could.

The other Hae-young is such a great second lead, in that she’s not bad, or evil, and she has no nefarious intent or ulterior motive. She’s just a girl who’s lived a really lonely life, whose heart was shattered when she learned that the man she loved didn’t love her. What she wants more than anything is to be liked, but she’s so busy making sure she’s likeable, she has no idea who she really is. She’s created this persona that she acts out constantly, pretending that nothing is wrong, but this time it’s caused more problems than it’s solved. By pretending to have the perfect life, she shut out her innermost secrets and fears from Do-kyung, so there was never a chance for him to love her — he’s never known who she really is.

Which is another reason why I think our Hae-young is so amazing — she’s been speaking her ugly inner truth from the beginning, telling Do-kyung all of her hurtful secrets and letting him in to the core of who she is. No wonder he’s fallen for her, because she’s been giving him her true self from the very beginning. The problem is that he won’t admit it, or give her the same of himself. Which brings me back to what I said before — the way things now between Do-kyung and our Hae-young is very unhealthy. It’s time to take a break, handle their individual issues, then try again if it’s what they both want.


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Han Tae-jin is back!! Time to step up the game.


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side note: why DB's website tend to load slower than usual. and I always got this note about unresponsive scripts. Anyone have the same problem?


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i do too...


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I have difficulties to read DB as usual :'(


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I think its one of the ads script. I use my phone because my pc browser stopped working everrytime i open dramabeans.


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I had big trouble connecting ever since they changed of hosting company (http://www.dramabeans.com/2016/02/odds-and-ends-how-not-to-run-an-internet-company/). I hope they can fix it !


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No such connecting problems for me though, even after the change of host, whether desktop or mobile.

Though on mobile, I see ads.


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I do too when I open in my computer.. So now I only open it in my phone


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I have met the same problem..


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in my case, only the Adobe Flash plugin has crashed, but it is really irritating to get the notification and have to reload the page in order for the site working.


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I don't have that problem tho many ads do appear. But been only using phone for accessing DB.


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oh man, han tae-jin's eyes look like they are swelling with words. I wish we get to hear his side of the story too!


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Yes! I feel like we need more of his story like we have on other Hae young. Those eyes tho....my heart melts. I hope he will make Do-kyung took an active steps to Hae-young.


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Full disclosure I'm praying for shirtless Han Tae-jin so badly....


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Same he's so hot!! Hahah


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i love her mom and dad soooo much! they're the best!


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They're really the BEST!! The thing that other HY didn't have is parent's love.


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I think the other HY is jealous of our HY because of them too. Her memory of how her mom came up to the school to fight for her and how her parents waited with a warm lunch for her aren't things you would remember about someone if you weren't affected by it in some way.


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Have you guys also noticed that alot of times pretty Hae-Young mainly brings up the topic of Our Hae Young's parents as well. Everytime there is like a gathering of sorts, she will mention our Hae Youngs parents, because it seems to be the main thing she remembers the most regarding pretty Hae Young. This really shows subconsciously how much she pays attention to them.


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Yes that's a great thing you pointed out! She probably admires our Hae Young for having such loving parents.


Agree. they are the best parents one could ever be blessed with ! they love her so much and protect her all the time. they want the best for her i just love OHY family ♥


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me too, me too! I love her parents relationships. Her dad is quiet, and seems so accepting to the quirkiness of the women in his family. I especially love some scenes in the next episode!!


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Yahhh, ottoke PDK still not aware of his own feeling, heart disabled wkwkwkkw

I really want to see PDK jealous over HTJ, the game will be more interesting,

When their face so close in the dark, my heart beat fast too, ??


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I think he is aware of his feeling but decided not to give in since he felt that it isnt right after what he did to her ex fiance that eventually cause her so much pain...its the guilt.


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It's more than just that though it is a large part of it. He's not exactly recovered from the last time he opened up and from everything we have seen DK has probably the most warped idea of what love is (Pity? really?).


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"I don't know what is love because I never experienced it"
That's true in every way.. With a mother like that.. He truly deserves more pity.. Not the other oh hae young..

He was all over the place.. And I'm with our oh hae young I want him cry because of her.. (at least 15 min since there is extension ) for insulting such an awesome family

Best part was his realization that he like our oh hae young ( if he had denied it .. I would have punched him through my laptop screen)
And his shock to realize that Te-jin can come out of jail.. Dude this possibility never occur to you..

He was such a ass in this episode Yet he didn't call other oh hae young first (he such an obedient puppy) that makes me stay in his team..

Acting is top notch.. Every character is likable.. Directing is spot on.. Balanced comedy(do-kyung pointing at dad was hilarious ).. Even cameo is used right (his eyes with background music I missed them too)
I love this show... And truly deserves its high rating...


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Nah! he is aware ... he just knows that he started the whole mess that screwed up her life so he wants to keep a distance .. but failing miserably


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The guilt is consuming him he knows he can't love her after what they did to her fiance that's why he is fighting his feelings and is pushing her away .


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This romance has doom looming all over it. I cringe everytime a romantic development happen - it's like watching a car crash in slow motion
Just think about the fallout when she finds out the truth. Ergh.


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Yeah, I haven't forgotten him puking his guts out from guilt not too long ago.

He was like the kid in the movies/books throwing stones at the wild animal he took in as a pet and is now trying to "set free" back into the woods. Cuz he knows she wants nothing more than to be with him, and he knows he wants to be with her (remember he told his therapist he believes he could fall in love with her if he stays around her).


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dang it! didn't get to finish my thought(s)...

dokyung's noona really grew on me. she's awesome. girl sure knows how to make her point!!! hahahahaha

i've always had this growing crush on the actor that plays taejin. when he walked out of the car with that suit on, it made me melt. he's such a cutie!

this drama though...tears are always getting in my eyes. it's supposed to be a comedy! stop being so heartfelt because i don't wanna keep crying. i think i've just jumped aboard the seo hyunjin wagon. she just plays her character so well that she keeps tugging at my heart strings. either that or i'm just having a really emotional week...


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Seo hyun jin really did an excellent job potrating the charcter. Tae jin indeed is uber hot!


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You guys really should watch Cool Kids From The Block then.. in the Swimming session he literally strip off every episode...


a little note: lee jae yoon can speak english (not konglish) well.


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His english is awesome agreed. Honestly I loved him since I saw the drama where he played a cop in love with the lead (ah god the name escapes me but the lead girl was a shut in)


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Heart to Heart! I loved him so much playing as a kind-hearted cop who finally fell in love with the male lead's sister


He also had this hilarious cameo in Witch Romance (in episode 4 I think) where he was a super weird (yet still super hot) blind date --- I love him ! I wish him a lead role soon !


Where can I see him speak English? Can you share the link pls.


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from minute 7:29..

it is weird he did not get a lot of gyopo characters.. like there were countless of actors playing gyopo but speaks bad english (LMH in The Heirs is the biggest offender)


He is Canadian, I believe.


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I've seen episode 8, so my mind is a little too occupied with that to really comment on this episode thoroughly. All I can say is that waiting for episode 9 is going to be torturous! :D

Some good drama-related news, OHYA just surpassed CITT in ratings for tVN's highest rated Mon-Tues. drama. There's rumors floating around that there might be a 2 episode extension, which I don't particularly care for.

With ratings jumping by nearly 1% each episode, I don't think it's too unlikely to say that the drama should reach 10% by episode 12ish.


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Uh-oh. I think we may officially have an extension on our hands. I just saw a post on soompi confirming it. It's such a shame because this drama really doesn't need it. The progression of the major events has already been plotted out so hopefully this doesn't drag things too much. What a bummer.

On the bright side, this writer was able to write over 100 episodes of awesomeness for I Live in Cheongdamdong so I'm going to hold out hope that she can give us two satisfying additional episodes.


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I think an extension may help mroe than you think. The progression of the story gives me the distinct feeling that there will be character depth in the part of Tae-Jin and other supporting characters that won't get screen time. The extra episodes will let the writer give them the time they need and hopefully give us more breathing room with the drama of our main couple. Plus fuck all I wanna see Tae-Jin shirtless....a lot.


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I've actually come around to it after reading the post here on dramabeans. I do think that this team can make valuable use of the extra episodes and, yes, give us more breathing room and character depth. We could end up with an even better story than we would have gotten :) Haha, and many more shirtless scenes...


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Thanks for that tidbit. I, too, hope it means more back story and development for the supporting cast. Any idea how many episodes? Wouldn't that mess up timing for the next drama taking over the time slot?


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Watching Mama Hwang's bodice ripping on the bus, I suddenly realized that she's rending her garments in the biblical sense (expressing grief).


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I think it might be ok. The cameo by Yeon Woo-jin was originally going to be in the previous episode but they had to bump it for time/structure. Yet, it doesn't feel like a gratuitous thing at all. It's completely reasonable that the lawyer friend would be flipping out with guilt and trying to separate them before she finds out the truth. If they're THAT pressed for getting the content in they may really have another week's worth they can use. For one thing, I'd like to see more of her ex-fiance. He's prominently shown in the credits as the second lead but has had just a couple scenes so far. And really, looks wise, he's serious competition with Eric so...


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Idk what should I do on monday when it's end :(


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The Oh family is the BEST. Love them to bits.


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best part of this and the next episode :P


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Yup, I wanted to comment more on this episode, but they made me so emotional after episode 8! After all the laughing & crying, I could barely type last night.


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its my crack drama of the year. But i didn't like this episode all that much

Our OHY has just been dumped on her wedding day. its been a month ? And she is already falling head over heels with someone else. Honestly, in this episode she came off as ....... clingy. Don't meet her, don't talk to her, i'll hate her too etc etc . too much too soon.

As for the 2nd Ohy. I understand her reasons and my heart goes out to her. But whatever your reasons are, you don't just disappear on the day of the wedding. Forget about trying to talk, just call and yell and break up. But disappearing without a word, thats just pathetic.

And our hero - not so heroic in this episode. He was mean to OHY. And he pitied the other one ? Though i will reserve judgement on that bec lots of time we say stuff in the middle of an argument that makes no sense or is just vicious . So who knows what he actually meant and what his mom recorded

Basically none of the leads came out looking good here


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"Basically none of the leads came out looking good here."

I actually really appreciate this about the drama. They allow the characters to be downright ugly at times. And it makes them feel much more real.

As our heroes, Hae Young and Do Kyung are both deeply flawed human beings. Hae Young's insecurities make her somewhat bitchy at times. I think I'm more forgiving of Do Kyung's actions in this episode because I considered her act of throwing the rock at his window last week equally petty and low. She still has that teenaged misogynistic "hate-the-pretty-girl" mentality (made more sympathetic by the extremity of how badly she is treated in comparison), and while it's not a particularly attractive trait, what woman can't relate to those feelings?

I don't think Do Kyung only pitied Other Hae Young. I think the flashbacks make it clear that he was in fact in love with her. From his “I don’t know what love is, I’ve never been loved,” line, I just don't think he trusted his capability to love. He didn't have enough confidence in his feelings to tell if what he felt towards Other Hae Young was pity or love. And now he's pushing away Our Hae Young for the same reasons, unsure if what he's feeling is the beginning of love or just guilt.

To me, this drama is really about 4 people who failed at their relationships, not because of a lack of love, but their failure to express their own insecurities to the people they were supposed to spend the rest of their lives with. Tae Jin left because he was scared of HY finding out about his financial transgressions and was ashamed. Other Hae Young left because she was afraid that Do Kyung could see through her mask and only pitied her. And Do Kyung failed because he was scared and didn't know if he actually could be in love.

Basically, none of these characters are great human beings at times, but it makes me love them even more.


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Thats a lovely analysis. And it is wonderful that the heroine is not a mary-sue and the 2nd lead is not a bitchy person. The men don't have the usual kdrama alpha trope going on... Nobody is blameless. They all messed up.

And that is beautiful writing.

But i do think that the writer hurried with the part where OHY fell in love with dokyung ... maybe they should have had their initial setup start around 6 months after she was dumped.

bec right now she has just jumped from almost marrying one man to falling in love with other And sounding possessive and clingy. It makes dokyung look more like her rebound than true love


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I've pretty much accepted that the passage of time means nothing in dramaland unless it's contingent to the plot i.e. time travel. The time frame is always way more condensed than what I would deem acceptable so I've learned to ignore it and just with whatever amount of time I've decided in my head.


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*mentally adjusting time frames in my head*

Ah!!!! ... its all good now :)


I was confused, at first episode I remember reading after a month line in subtitle.. I was shocked when she went to that restaurant saying I would have been one month after wedding (I can't. Re-watch because I streamed it damn) Its more than a month right.. If Te-jin knew if it was this short I doubt it would have canceled the wedding..


Has our OHY been incredibly clingy, though? She's responding to him most of the time - he's the one who comes flying through the door to protect her from the delivery man, and who gives her gifts, and who seems to be psychically able to figure out when he should be present. Our OHY just honestly responds to that, because she likes it and she likes him.

Hearing that Do Kyung doesn't really know what love is is both understandable and simplistic. It's a match made in hell, him and Pretty - she's too fragile to dig and he's too stoic to make up the gap. And I'd love to say that our OHY would've been different, but she let a man break up with her over food, so.

Maybe that's the story here: everyone has to get over the idea that love is a static emotion that is easily recognized and defined, and something you know instantly and viscerally. These breakups could be good for them because the lack of someone crystallizes how vital they were to you. Do Kyung appears to have been VERY in love with Pretty, but for our OHY to bounce back quite as solidly as she did, maybe she wasn't as in love as she thought?

Love's different every time, and our OHY is right to fling herself into it this time, especially the way she's doing it. No matter how much DK implies otherwise, she's not doing this one-sidedly and her gestures are not the type that expect response. She's really quite restrained when you think of the ploys she COULD use to hit on him.


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I have questioned how in love OUR Oh Hae Young was with Tae Jin. She just let the relationship go. It seems she was more hurt about the embarrassment of calling her wedding off so late than losing a great love.

She did say that from that breakup on she will become the kind of person who digs in and loves with reservation.


I don't see our OHY clingy. In earlier episodes, i remember she promised herself that she would give her 100% if she likes someone again and follow her heart without hesitation.


But Do Kyung is her rebound. We know Do Kyung is Our Oh Hae Young true lover because we are the viewer and know they are the OTP.

But if I am Our Oh Hae Young, after dumped unceremonialy by my fiance one day before my marriage, I probably will also fall in love with someone that know all my secret and accept it. And he also hot, why shouldn't she move on? Our Oh Hae Young didnt even know what happen to Tae Jin.

And her possesiveness also make sense. Other Oh Hae Young is something else for Our Oh Hae Young, its not only because Other Oh Hae Young is pretty or Dae Kyung ex, she's also the cause of Our Oh Hae Young insecurities for being compared continuously.

Add with how she dumped (she said herself that she is third tier, and her ex with Do Kyung and Other Oh Hae Young as first), no wonder she scared that she will lost Do Kyung easly to Other Oh Hae Young.


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I was on that same thread of thought and then it suddenly struck me
- am I being punked by the writer and the OTP isn't our Oh Hae Young and Do-kyung?
That plays true to the logic of the two romances right?


iirc our Hae-young got dumped and then the story picked up again with her moving out of her parents' house/running into Do-kyung three months later, not one? Tae-jin's definitely been in jail longer than a month, too.


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This comment exactly captures how I'm feeling about this drama and its characters right now. Perfect analysis :)


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Other HY had a panic attack after hearing the recording. I do not know whether you've ever had one, but those are SCARY. You cannot function normally when you have a panic attack. Yes, obviously those do not last for days (at least usually, I suppose), but being the first one it must have scared the s**t out of her. On top of it, panic attacks do not come alone - I would bet she had a huge mental break down at that point and only thing in her mind was escape. You do not think about message or talking at that point, the ONLY thing you can think about is getting away. It's self preservation at the face of imminent destruction.

To put it shortly, she was mentally incapable of "talking things through" with DK or even leaving a message.


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you are right, i don't know much about panic attacks. .. i know about the physical condition but i am not sure what exactly are the mental/ psychological effects are. But Its been a year ... she could have called - after a week, a month ... something ... if talking was not something she could handle, then left him a message, left him a mail .. or would that not have been possible in her condition?


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Plus her future mother in law harassed her.i'd do the same and get out while i have the chance but will prolly leave a note so that DK wont be worried


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yeah tbh i think it was the culimination of the violent harassment of his mom, compounded with a lifetime of insecurity and loneliness and do kyung's statements (taken out of the greater context he was speaking from) filtered thru her state of mind at the time...well. not surprised she totally lost it. esp since pretending to be Happy and Perfect all the time must have been exhausting to boot.

Aside from him looking very guilty after hearing that recording, it doesnt seem like Do Kyung is too upset on her behalf. and ofc he doesnt know about the harassment OHY endured at the hands of his mother either. i'm hoping he finds out and while i ofc want him and our OHY to be OTP. the issue with other OHY feels rly unfinished right now. esp since i need DK's mom to get read to filth at least once.


as someone who has had them, i felt so so bad for her and altho what she did on paper is absurd and lacking sense. emotionally and mentally? i totally get why she freaked and ran. better she did it then than go to the wedding chapel trying to hold it in and then failing to.
as for panic attacks, you feel like you are DYING. literally suffocating to death, cuz your heart rate speeds up and you start to have trouble breathing.
its basically a false alarm ur brain sends to ur body to act on the flight or fight response. hence why ur heart rate goes into overdrive. and in this case she does "run away" but after that experience again i dont blame her.
when i had mine i didnt go anywhere near the thing that caused it for MONTHS at least. (it was not a person or relationship but imo it doesnt matter the reason)


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This is a beautiful analysis and yes, I also love these characters for those exact reasons. They are not great, they are not even good - they do stupid, even horrible mistakes by accident because of their insecurities and their attempts to hide those insecurities.

I get that. That is how we are, at least so many of us. Just big piles of insecurities.


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a whole hearted second on this!


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I agree with your comment about Do Kyung's lack of confidence in what it means to truly love someone. It doesn't mean he didn't care for the other Hae Young or believe he could live happily with her.
I am uncomfortable with the use of the word "pity" in the translated subtitles. It is often used in Korean dramas exclusive to other words like empathy, sympathy, or compassion. To me, pity has a harsher connotation than compassion as it implies a condescending distance rather than a desire to connect through understanding. We pity various victims we read about in the news, but we feel compassion for those close to us who are hurting. I wouldn't feel affended if someone said they felt sympathy or compassion for me as that implies a sharing of emotions. I would be annoyed by pity. "It must suck to be you" Gee, thanks.


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Agreed. I hate that word "pity". I have a friend that said that to me, and honestly I'm amazed that I can still consider him a friend after that. Perhaps because I'm older so I don't really care as much...


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idk korean but yeah i felt like emotionally he didnt pity her at all, but it was a deep kind of empathy which ofc OHY in her insecure heart could HEAR as pity or sympathy at best. (not the same). and even when he tried to clarify to her that he feels that way for his brother n sister too....yeah it sucks to have been so strongly misunderstood by someone u loved so much. and yeah im glad to hear from someone that Pity as we eng speakers know it isnt rly how DK was communicating when he said that to his mom. i'll be interested to see if anyone else agrees or not. since both DB and Viki translated it as "pity" but that may be more interpretation ofc.


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I did indeed watch one subtitle where DK said "compassion" first, and then Evil Mom used "pity."

NOHY was so attuned to "pity" that she couldn't hear "compassion" -- let alone recall DK's loving actions and non-judgemental attitude toward her show of simulated happiness. She also didn't understand pity in the sense that DK does. It's part of the spectrum of feelings he experiences in relation to the people he loves.

Pity isn't all bad, as it indicates the capacity to at least feel something for another. Self-pity, however, is an emotional dead-end in which one spins one's wheels while ignoring everyone else.

Empathy and compassion for oneself as well as others make the world go 'round. They are keys to forgiving our younger selves for making questionable choices so that we can evolve into better human beings. I'm hoping we get to see lots of cultivation of compassion by the characters in the show.


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Just a bit of info - Eric did say "bulssanghan" means he said "She's (pretty Haeyoung) a pitiful person" and then his mom said "How can you call that love? That's just (cheugeunjishim)".

According to naver dictionary the word means "natural compassion, pity, sympathy".

I just feel bad about all 4 of our main characters :(


Hi, enkeys!

Back from Episode 8 recap...

Thank you so much for clarifying the Korean wording!

The shades of meaning can be so tricky. I'm grateful to all the folks who produce subtitles. As a translator by training myself (German), I can appreciate what goes into it. But then having it fit in the time and space on the screen -- a whole 'nother level of complexity.

Thanks again, enkeys! ;-)


Great analysis! :) Love what you wrote.


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Sometimes that's how it works.

You think you love someone till end of the world and then when things end in really bad way, you are more shattered about yourself rather than losing him.

Frustrated, angry, hurt, broken over who you are. This becomes bigger than the hole of losing him.

Then you realize you never loved him that much in first place. At end of day, being in love is a lot linked to who you are at a particular moment. So I understand her extremely well and the love/relationship/break up feels so real life like


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Our argument makes no sense.. Yup I learned that lesson after that illness trope backlash... This show can turn everything around in seconds...


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I think she's aware of how she's coming off, but she made herself a resolution and is determined to follow through and I find it quite admirable that she's trying so hard even though it's against her nature. If this had been before Tae-jin she would have given up already, probably the moment Do-kyung said he didn't like her even though she's not blind and can tell that there's more to the story. The fact that she's being open and pushing despite the fact that she finds it embarrassing and the fact that she feels humiliated is... it's something new. And I'm curious when watching. There are limits, of course, but right now I'm not judging her.

And I agree that, responsible or no, leaving without a word was not kind of the other Hae-young. I understand her instincts based on her past, but that doesn't justify her behavior for me. Not at all. Especially the fact that she was gone for an entire year. And I agree with you in that I want to know more about this recorded conversation. I need context and the thought processes behind those words before I make my final judgements.


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Somehow I also still find the other HY annoying. When she tells the other co-workers about her parents waiting outside to give our HY her lunch box so it'd still be warm, I dunno...it's like...it's not her place to say. Perhaps I'm over judging, but I do find that she's crossed over the lines too much in hope to have real friendship with our HY. I just wanna say it in words to her, "u know what? I don't particularly like you, so get lost, would you?"


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Hi, nomad...

We're on a similar wavelength. It fried me how NOHY cut off OHY at lunch just as she opened her mouth to reply to team leader Sung-jin's raves about the food and query as to whether her folks were in the restaurant business. ARG!

As others have pointed out, NOHY seems to appreciate the warmth of Daddy Oh and Mama Hwang. Her way of blathering about OHY's family, however, makes her a buttinski. She might think that her anecdotes are some kind of praise for them, but it comes across to me as being out of line. Talk about your own family! Oh, right... Well, don't go stealing someone else's thunder. It's the verbal equivalent of getting OHY kicked off the elevator. Pfft!


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I will admit that I think that after this episode, he's on level with Tae Jin with how they have treated our Oh Hae Young. They were both trying to push her away for her own good and were hurtful to accomplish that end.


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DK was shitty to her but for some reason i am still more bothered by what Tae Jin said, it wasnt even just the callous statement. (DK was more hurtful by aggressively pushing her away, he never directly insults any of her personal traits/looks/habits etc. and she seems to not even rly believe him either which is what makes it more frustrating.)
but like the cool detached way he said it? DK in comparison looked rly worked up on every occasion he was rly harsh to OHY. and ofc then he'll directly contradict himself later with his boyfriendy actions lol. idk DK has alot to answer for even before ep 7 but i think in her place it'd be harder to be told smth like what TJ said (and esp WHEN he ssaid it!) vs DK's actions/words. plus i feel like DK has more reasons to push her away than TJ rly did. altho tbh if DK REALLY wanted to push her away, all he'd have to do is come clean to her, yet curiously he has not done so yet. hmmm~

in both cases i just hate that they tried to make it seem like there's smth wrong with HER and thatd why they cannot be or w/e. and again it was def more obv a shot at her (albeit he didnt Mean it) when TJ did iit. whereas DK was more I DONT LIKE YOU LIKE THAT rather than I dont love you that much also u eat gross yikes bye. by her fiance! i mean....apples and oranges tbh


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i just have to say once again that all the actors in this drama are absolutely slaying their roles, even the supporting characters! while eric has a relatively quiet character, he portrays so much with his expressions and the silent stares carry a lot of emotion... tbh i've never really watched either of the leads in dramas before but they are just flooring me in this. all the actors! i love it!


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I think it's better the OTP needs to back to their original pair before get involved more deep since we know Hae Young and Do Kyung started to fall each other where they don't understand whether they feels are real or not.

I'm happy Han Tae Jin and pretty Oh Hae Young back to their life so both can conclude their feelings toward each other. I don't think pretty OH Hae Young is bad but I got negative feelings toward Han Tae Jin (and I hope I'm wrong).

It's clear Oh Hae Young already fall too deep for Do Kyung while the guy still confuse about what he feels.

I wanted to slap Do Kyung when he was so meany with Hae Young but I could understand why he rejected her in that way since he was so afraid that time when Hae Young knows the truth, she might broke worst than her cancelled wedding.

I think Do Kyung's loves for pretty Oh Hae Young is bigger than Oh Hae Young loves Han Tae Jin. That's why she can move on faster than Do Kyung. Again, why Do Kyung thought he feels pity, because he doesn't really know the meaning of love since he never got it from his parents.


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LollyPip-nim, thank you for recaps..


OHY: "Don't meet (Jeon) Oh Haeyoung," then "Because I like you,"

Me: *sigh* Oh My... What I'm going to do with our Haeyoung?ㅠㅠ She's so bluntly honest about her feelings. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

PDK's stern rejection on her sudden confession.

PDK: "Am I a pervert? Dated one Haeyoung then move to another Haeyoung?"

Me: "PERVERT OPPA!" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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She is bluntly honest. But i think the writer should have spent at least another 2 episodes on the neighbourly fun they had going on before diving into the serious stuff of i-like-you, do-you-like-me


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But I'm so curious about Park family and Oh family reactions when they found out PDK & our OHY as couple ㅋㅋㅋ I wish to see Isadore's face and Oh Mommy's face ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Isadora likes to abused our OHY and Oh Mommy already disappointed. Is it Rom-com or Makjang I don't know anymore ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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i want to see the evil mommy and oh mommy clash ... oh mommy will probably rip her hair out


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Honestly it's not that hard to guess. The Oh family despite the comic nature of some of the reactions has been really supportive. They allow Our Hae-Young to make mistakes and learn from them. As for Noona I think despite her crazy breakup reaction she is the most mature out of all the Park siblings. She feel's like the mom DK deserves and look at her reaction to the Other Hae-Young at work. She hates her but treats her professionally and with relative courtesy. It speaks to her maturity and ability to act with thought.


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She hate her but treat her professional but she also take out the hate she feel for oh hae-young to our oh hae-young, she abuses our oh hae-young because she has the same name as her brother ex-fiance but when it comes to her brother ex-fiance that she suppose to abuse her , she treat her nice that's just not fair to our oh hae-young


Maybe because some 'unwritten' rule about step up thr romance on ep 7/8? LOL


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Thanks for the recap! Your whole paragraph about the other Hae Young took the words out of my mouth. It makes for a second lead that's so interesting to attach to as well, and not make any damning judgement from the get-go. All the nuances that this drama offers is what really makes it so good so far and I wish it could continue.


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This drama is the best at painting its characters. Now I feel thoroughly frustrated with Dokyung. I know it must be hard for him to constantly see a future flash about our Haeyoung after the truth about his wedding hit him and Jinsang continuously reminded him about his biggest sin. But the way he threw those words to our Haeyoung was borderline hateful. But I also wondered if maybe he was questioning his own feeling toward our Haeyoung all over again because of that recording. That maybe he was suddenly unsure whether it's pity or the beginning of love and he didn't want to ruin another woman's life because of that. Ugghhh, now it just makes me hate his Mom more.


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I completely agree with you that Do Kyung words to OUR Oh Hae Young was hateful. He knows exactly how she feels about the mix up. She just threw stone in the window After hearing similar words. Why would he say the exact same thing?

Typical noble idiocy where the hero says the one thing that will get the heroine to back off.

But this isn't any different from Tae Jin saying he hates how OUR Oh Hae Young eats. He pushed her buttons to get her to leave him.


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I don't think it's very typical though. I think it's all a vaneer for his own (as our hae-young says) inability to feel properly. He doesn't understand himself so he lashes out in pain.


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Hey, at least it's nice to hear that he's said to his own mom that he doesn't know what love is. I was worried that he was letting her get away with the Mommy routine, but it sounds like he's able to truth-tell to her face.


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Loved it ❤


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What I'm still trying to understand is what has changed? A year ago, other Oh Hae Young and Do Kyung nearly got married till she heard what he felt for her was pity not love and bailed. And now, she's back, saying she wants to go back to the way things were, she wants to fight (thanks to the encouraging words our Oh Hae Young had blurted out to her during a marathon) and start all over and I'm over here wondering, but what has changed? He couldn't have fallen in love with you in the past year since you left. Matter of fact, a man you think pitied you (and honestly, I don't think it was pity. Do Kyung loved her, but just snapped when his mother kept pushing. It was like a worse case scenario, what I feel is pity not love. But he shouldn't ever even said it) would have moved on. So what did she come back to?

Enough said, now I want other Oh Hae Young to heal. First things first though, she has to discover herself and show that self to the real world. In other words, don't jump into another relationship just yet. Heal and find yourself first.


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That's my issue with the other OHY. Also, it's not like his Mom has changed in one year. She's going to be more spiteful.


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Exactly. Thank you. Unless maybe what she's counting on is his mom's marriage to her former stepfather and she believes she can hold it as leverage against the woman.


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"honestly, I don’t think it was pity. Do Kyung loved her, but just snapped when his mother kept pushing. It was like a worse case scenario, what I feel is pity not love. But he shouldn’t ever even said it"

- I agree. He kept stewing in all those memories of OHY2 and he didn't love her? Yeah right. This is a classic example of what miscommunication between a couple can cause. Personally, I think OHY2 was more bothered at the thought of having her weaknesses so clearly visible to him and the fact that they weighed on his decision to be with her at all mattered to her, even if he really did love her. She only wanted him to love the happy person she put forward on the outside, not the more pitiful sides of herself. I find this very sad and I personally am pulling for her to break free of this. You're supposed to treasure the pitiful sides of the people you love, which I believe PDK did, even if his wording in his fight with his mom didn't convey it well. I still think leaving the way she did is unacceptable, but I'm looking forward to seeing these two get closure.


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Exactly. I totally saw that as well. And it's sad though. That she would prefer he saw her only at her best and not at her worst. Like you, I'm hoping she finds that strength and breaks away from that thinking. We all have flaws and some of us come from families as dysfunctional as they can be. But we accept it (you can't change somethings. Family being one) and rise above. It's her parents loss that they didn't get to know and love their little girl. And I'm hoping she ends up realizing that, realizing that she's worthy of love, warts and all and heads out into the world, truly confident, and not just the smiling, happy facade she shows the world.


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That was exactly my proble with the other OHY's explanation. We heard the word 'pity' in the recording, but that didn't seem to be the part that bothered her. She ran because she felt EXPOSED. Her fiance had seen through the facade she'd lived her entire live behind, and she couldn't handle that.

It does make me feel sorry for her, but what kind of a relationship was she hoping they would have if she wanted to keep barriers and secrets between them. Honestly, if I found out someone I was close to knew my secrets, but hadn't thrown them in my face or used them to hurt me and instead had accepted them and stayed by my side, I might just fall in love a little. Even if they did it out of pity.

What I love about this drama is how clearly they show that this past relationship really fell apart due to the internal problems between PDK and other OHY. Miscommunication and lack of trust and honesty was what broke this couple, and that's not something that can be blamed on either one of them alone.


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The problem with DK and Pretty is that while they connect on all other levels, they SUCK at communication.

We've seen that DK's default is stoic silence, even when it would be much better to say something. We're a little blind to it because our OHY tends to goad him into action or speaking, so we get a practically chatty version of him. When you think that stoic DK was paired with superficially bright Pretty, who likely actively avoided any sort of negative conversation, you end up with two people completely unprepared to handle a conversation about the nature of pity within love.

I think it's especially interesting that Pretty claims she smiles through tears because DK doesn't like her crying. That's not something we've seen in his interactions with our OHY - he silently tends to her and sits next to her, but doesn't offer any overt comfort. Maybe Pretty is so hyper attuned that she read that as rejection, whereas our OHY seems to know exactly what it is: sympathy and care taking.

If you envision a relationship as a sphere, it feels like DK's natural setting is to only color in a small portion of his half. Pretty seems to have filled her half and expanded into his to make up for the gaps, but our OHY basically insists that DK color his own damn half in. She is not afraid to point out his flaws and his shortcomings, and I think Pretty's instinct was to cover DK's shortcomings. That a good trait when presenting a united front as a couple; it's not so good when it's happening inside the relationship, because then it's fragile and can be easily shattered.


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"But our OHY basically insists that DK color his own damn half in. She is not afraid to point out his flaws and his shortcomings."

I won't spoil, but THIS becomes a particular point in episode 8 that I think the drama handles very nicely and shows off not our Hae Young's "clingyness," but her strength.


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beautifully said. I love this.


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While I love reading recaps here I love the insights offered in the comments here. You beautifully summed up what i was thinking.

Our Hae young even admitted that somehow she could open up and confide to DK. DK is typically quite keep it to himself stoic type. Look at how he behaves with almost everyone. With the exception of his best friend he's a man of few words and stick to listening to sounds. Then come our HY who is direct and frank and becomes an open book for DK. She's different and completely shake up his calm existence and unwillingly he opens up to her. Although the time frame seems to make HY seem fickle to jump from one relationship to the next., I think when you have feelings that just come. You can't quite put rational thinking into it. It's a matter of heart not brain. It was almost love at first sight for HY upon meeting DK


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Miranda your comment is simply genius.

I agree with what you've said. DK is a very taciturn man who suddenly finds a woman who won't hesitate to speak out to him (to no one else, i've noticed) about herself and her feelings.
I feel particularly identified with DK's personality because I am somewhat like that, I tend to listen to ppl more than I speak.

I think DK and OHY share a very particular human trait... they tend to lash out when they are in straining situations. I think that's why he is being perceived as 'mean' on this episode. OHY screams, or throws a rock to his window; DK becomes verbally cruel, or hits the nearest car window. Those reactions are very human, and usually seen in people whose feelings run very deeply. I mean if they love, they love hard, if they hate they hate to death. I've witnessed this in real people and I commend this show's writers for doing such a great job about portraying feelings in such a believable way.
About OHY falling for DK 'too soon' ... I have mixed feelings. I concur with Lollipip on the fact that both of our leads need closure on their past relationships; however I believe that OHY feelings for DK are genuine, even if somewhat warped by her convoluted past with OHY2 and her former boyfriend/ husband to be.

That said, I love this drama So MUCH :D.

P.S.: The actress playing DK's mom is doing a great job, I mean everybody hates her. lol


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Pity requires one to care. His voice on the recording was very passionate. For her to take it as anything other is on her not him.

From her own explanation, IMO, she fled because she became exposed. Not because she thought he didn't love her.


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Yikes - I gotta think you wouldn't want to marry someone who didn't or couldn't break up with you because they pitied you...I know I wouldn't!

I really identify with the other OHY, having lost my mom and grandma to an accident when I was 16. It's a different kind of abandonment but it still leaves you lost, alone, and feeling unloved. I can imagine hearing her fiance's voice on that recording was just another grief-filled moment of betrayal and if I was her, I wouldn't trust him or his words any longer and there's no way to build a marriage without trust.


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my take is that pretty oh hae-young has had time to cool off and think things through. the way i see it, it was a side of herself that she never ever wanted him to know about, or at least wasn't ready for him to know about. i think it came as a huge shock when she discovered that he knew about it all along, and not only that, but that he said that he didn't care if his feelings for her were based on pity.

so she's been wrestling with anger and heartbreak all year, and i think she just needed time to recover from that shock. i think many people, definitely myself included, have sides to ourselves that we never want the people closest to us to see.

i also agree that DK loved her, and that his mother is a very trying woman who pushed him to say these words in the heat of the moment.

i also think it's pretty great that he was able to see through her and still loved her for her, without her having to say anything. if it wasn't those words that he couldn't break up with her because he pitied her, i think she could have come around earlier. but no woman ever wants to be pitied.


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<so she’s been wrestling with anger and heartbreak all year, and i think she just needed time to recover from that shock.

Sure. But she hasn't changed. She wants to pick up from where they were before and she still things to fakely smile at everyone, including Do-kyung, is the way to go. See ep. 8 – she's not showing she wants a relationship that's any different from what they had before.


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Well to be fair, we don't know what she wants since she's not been able to get DK to talk to her and so most is speculation - she may just need closure to move on. I actually think since it's the start of her panic attacks, she is hoping to clear things up and "cure" herself of them!


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Well, we already know she wants to meet with DK and DK has told her very clearly to never talk to him again.

Ep. 8 also reveals a number of things she wants, without consideration of other people – her attitude is that she seems to believe she has a right to everything she is asking, but she doesn't. DK doesn't have to play according to her fiddle just so she gets her closure, ever talk to her again or even forgive her. Nor does Our Hae-young have to give her blessing.


Exactly, what changed that she came running back ? His mother is the same, she still thinks that he pitied her and not loved her ... then why come back and meet him and question him on his relationship with our OHY ?

I'll put in my vote with - he loved her. He went crazy trying to find her. For a year he has been living in some sort of a limbo. He basically lived in flashbacks. He barely smiled till our OHY showed up. Like she said - he reeks of misery

When you are arguing and angry you often go offtrack or say stuff you never ever mean or you word it all wrong. I think thats what happened. and his mom took advantage


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I would not be at all surprised if what DK said was actually a dig at his mom. Given she was ready to record it, she also may have introduced the entire idea of pity versus love and he was rephrasing it back at her. But whatever he said, it seems obvious that he was aligning himself with Pretty over Mom.

For Mom to be ready to record, she must have known what kind of statements she was looking to get out of him. Maybe said something about marrying his father out of pity? Something like that.


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It also seems to me that DK was at a disadvantage since he'd just been forced to point out that he'd never been loved himself - to the woman whose job #1 should have been loving him. And it didn't even stop her (like maybe to apologize or acknowledge it?), she just kept arguing against his fiancé. Ooof.


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Or mom could've stole the recording he left in his room all day and edited the 'pity' part for the other OHY. Did they have the conversation in his room though?


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That's a good point about DK's getting a dig in at Evil Mom.

My impression was that Evil Mom staged and manipulated the conversation with plenty of malice aforethought. We've only heard the part she recorded.

The woman behaves like a no-holds-barred sociopath.


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Yes! I was thinking exactly the same!

The Other Oh Hae Young is back and wants back what she used to have... but that really doesn't make sense.

I don't sympathise with her now that I know why she left, because it was a highly manufactured conversation with a poisonous person (DK's mother) so to believe in those words rather than to talk to the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with is why their relationship failed – not because DK saying he "pitied" her (which I don't believe he did either). Communication is everything in a relationship and they would have made it if they had TALKED to other other and TEAMED UP, like one should team up when in a relationship/marriage.

One year on, how can she expect what she's expecting? Because what she is expecting is essentially to go back to the day before the wedding and pick up from there, as if nothing had happened at all. But if she really believes he pitied her, how would that have changed? And how can she think that her actions (disappearing without a word) will have no consequences? And also that other than DK's feelings about her disappearance there's also the issue of simply "time passing" – meaning other things happen, feelings change, other encounters are made, etc etc. As in, life moves on (though it never seems to in kdramas!).

I also agree on what the Other Oh Hae Young needs: to learn to actually be and like herself, warts and all. She doesn't need a boyfriend. She needs to be okay with the fact that she's not just a pretty face with a fake smile but that she has flaws and that that makes her still worth loving (whether that love is from friends or a partner).


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y'all are missing something here. an emotionally healthy person would absolutely have done the sensible and mature thing u just said, after that recording. ur going from a logical standpoint, when the person involved in question is incredibly emotionally fragile on top of being mentally compromised at the time as it is becuz of DK's mom's terrorizing her.
DK's mom knew EXACTLY when and where to hit her hardest. it was highly calculated yes, but what DK said wasnt a lie, she just totally misread his intent (which his mom knew she would, she obv knew her son loves her, but she dgaf about her son) and yeah if other OHY was a fighter like ours or had even ONE friend to talk sense into her, she woulda been able to shut DK momma down real good or at least keep it together long enough to talk to DK. but she clearly was not capable at that time to do so. and had no idea he even knew how lonely/sad she felt inside. that was in itself a shock to her. her pride was hurt as much as her feelings were.
i dont think DK really blames himself for her leaving either, just taht he felt shitty when he heard the recording realizing how she must have heard those words. cuz he knew her character p well. (which is why he should prob go at his mother but that's another topic)


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i think i get what shes trying to do actually. she spent a year away TRYING to get over DK and move on. but she couldnt. she missed him so much and still felt so wronged. and eventually her missing him won out over the latter emotion. and ofc she prob didnt fully grasp how much he was hurt and despised her after she left. (esp considering she didnt think he truly loved her to begin with) and so she decided to go back to SK and try again with renewed determination.

and ofc she showed some of that when she sent him the email (finally!) and approached him again on her own despite his very cruel rejection/statements to her earlier. altho she may have finally understood after seeing him lose his shit at her Twice how much she hurt him and thus how much he likely DID love her. and she is hoping ofc that he still does. we know he doesnt anymore but despite his statements in ep 8 i think there is still a wound there that needs healing. and i'm proud of OHY trying to confront him, her fears and their past head on at last. yeah it took a year and that sucks. but idk i cant hate her for it. i hope if nothing else they can finally be Okay together again and not a huge scar in their memories.
if nothing else DK Momma needs to get her comeuppance alrdy.


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Thanks for pointing out NOHY's attempts at getting over DK. It did take guts to contact him after such a long silence. (I just wasn't expecting the role he was maneuvered into playing by Mommy Dearest that caused her to cut and run.) I have to admit, panic attacks can be a powerful motivator... until you identify the trigger, you'll keep on hyperventilating.

Her attempt at waltzing back into his life when she returned to Seoul really had me gritting my teeth. It came across as her being oblivious to the pain she caused him by standing him up. Heck, she'd had a year to mull it over. She could have written a letter, for Pete's sake.


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Can't lie. I was -a bit- frustrated with some of our two leads in this episode. I guess I need to re-examine how I'm interpreting our characters and just accept that they are terribly damaged. But for me, at the time that I watched it, some lines were crossed and it became a bit too weepy. Well on a positive note, I can empathize with the other Oh Hae-young a bit more. She may be a bit clueless and self-absorbed at times, but as we've seen, so is everyone else. Right now, Park Soo-kyung is my favorite character. Ironically, she's the least crazy.


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I too, and hung up on the latest episode with the cliffhanger the way it is. But I actually really like this episode too, with the way that they've explained the reason the long-hair OHY broke off the wedding. She lacks trust even to those she love since she can't even reveal her biggest weakness to her finance. I think it's a pretty universal issue with loving someone and giving yourself away to someone. The show's been exploring that theme with the way our OHY has always been the one who love more, and even in the side character story of that free-spirit girl who isn't afraid to love or try many different types of love while she's still young.

The other scene I absolutely love was the hand-cringing moment when her parents barged in not knowing that DK rejected her. It was so difficult to watch, but also hilarious, and so bone-achingly embarrassing. This cast has great chemistry, and I suspect it's partly why they were able to pull it off so well in addition to the acting. The look of shame on HY's face was perfect.


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Honestly Im starting to "hate" (or maybe not really hate maybe just not like) Do Kyung. Im starting to really feel bad about Tae jin and Our Hae Young. I agree with all the other comments. She doesnt need those harsh words. She had enough. After what Do Kyung did to ruin Tae jin that made him gave up on d marriage, he had the nerve to hurt her. Now i want him to feel pain. The guilt and jealousy now that Tae jin is back. He desrves that for ruining tae jin and our oh hae youngs lives.


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Yah. I agree with Pretty OHY... she ran. But then, I think she should have brought it up during the drive home when DK asked what's wrong. I can't believe he said those words...
I like how flawed and fleshed out these characters are.


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What a painful episode! The only winning characters in this episode are Oh Hae Young's parents.

But I think we needed an episode like this. I've always liked how relatable this drama is and it shows again in this episode. Everyone handled their own emotions in absurd hurtful ways, which we have all been guilty of doing once or twice in our life (or maybe more than that). I think all of them meant well, except for that instance where Do Kyung was talking to Hae Young with the wall between them. That was harsh and totally uncalled for. It felt like he was taking out his embarrassment on OHY. He seemed to do that with other people, but never with OHY until this episode.

I agree with Lollypip on how unhealthy OHY's emotions are, but it doesn't lessen my sadness when she couldn't find a "happy place."


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he did that hurtful remark because he wanted our Oh Hae Young to forget about him and move on with her life. but he's lying though


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I totally sensed that with Park Do Kyung's response on Oh Hae Young's confession. But not with the remark after that disastrous dinner. He was pushing her when she didn't need to be pushed. I think we can agree that Park Do Kyung likes her, and knows it.


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I still dont feel he should be that harsh...keeping in mind that he indirectly hurt her with what he did to Tae jin dat caused him to call off the wedding...he is nt qualified to speak that way regardless of his intention. He knew how hurt she was that time and his words could hurt her the same.


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It was harsh on both instances. But the reason I can deal with his words during the confession and not the latter half was because of what he said. With the first one, he reasoned out his conflicts and Hae Young's moment of weaknesses while the one after the dinner was about the kind of family she had. And she wasn't even saying anything! Also, it's not like Park Do Kyung has such a model Mom.


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yeah shit talking her family was beyond the pale imo. altho at least on several occasions when he was being a jerk he did it out of distress more than calculation. it was more like an outburst. it doesnt make it less shitty, esp not the family comment. but it has a diff feeling to me than TJ's statement. but its like that saying, its not what u say but how u say it, and i guess for me the way TJ said what he saId was so cutting. even i who was jsut watching was like OUCH. esp since we see how she eats with such gusto. twisting it into smth ugly....well ne way. i'm interested to see how our OHY reacts when TJ is finally back in her life again. the show made me feel so bad for other OHY so who knows maybe they can do the same for TJ.


Gut busting episode. The arguments and heartbreak here are sooo deeply effective, I was crying the whole time, without mercy. Makes me want to see more of our OHY and PDK.

Every week I always have to ask myself why the one hour watching this feels like five seconds, but five minutes exercising feels like five years.

Great recap, Lollypip...


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i am loving this show so much. i really appreciate how thoughtfully everything seems to have been planned out, and nothing is just there for kicks. i was half expecting pretty oh hae-young's reason for being a no-show at her own wedding to be a flimsy one, but it was quite solid and one i could comprehend and get behind. it fitted with her character, and gave her depth.

ideally of course, she should have let DK know beforehand, but she was probably angry and hurt and shocked and sad and confused all at once. it was probably easier to disappear. i totally get it, and i can get behind it. the mom is the awful person.

the parents are hilarious and embarrassing and i would be so furious with them if they were mine... but they love their daughter so much. the fact that they would even bring her fresh lunchboxes to school right before lunch! i think pretty oh hae-young might have envied that bit about our ordinary OHY, know that we know about her dysfunctional family life.

one thing i absolutely didn't like was when jin-sang exploded at OHY, saying that there was no reason why on earth that DK would ever like a woman "like her," and that the only reason why he was attracted to her was that she shared the same name as his ex.

i don't know how unattractive this OHY is supposed to be, but that's harsh. saying that DK was attracted to her because of her name, okay. that's fair enough, though we know that's not true. but to say that typically there's no way on earth that he would fall for a woman like her? no matter how pushed to the breaking point, why on earth would you say that? and has jin-sang forgotten his little part in being the little devil on DK's shoulder, prompting him to cause OHY's fiance's financial ruination? i do love his character, because he's obviously there for comic relief, but i was not happy with him in this particular scene.


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Jin Sang got caught conniving and in his mortification tried to push the blame on our Hae-Young by belittling her. So immature, but unfortunately very human behavior.


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YUP. idt he actually thinks she's lacking at all but he trying to weasel out of his responsibility in this whole shit show by trying to make her feel bad about herself. why didnt he try to spin DK into a bad match for HER? just so rude. i did love when she did taht blood curdling shriek at him. just too angry to even form words. i know that feel girl.
also JS's statement makes no sense when our OHY is nothing like other OHY. like...at all. is dating someone with a similar name even a thing ppl do intentionally?? THIS LOGIC ELUDES ME


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Completely agree with what you said aboutique her family. There's a lot of live there and a lot of embarrassment. Personally, I would not be able to handle it in real life, but it's great to watch and I like how the show doesn't gloss over the fact that they are embarrassing.

As for the Jin-sang conversation, it seems to be a habit with the males on this show. He, Tae-jin, and Do-kyung have all done that to her now. She's smart enough to ask questions and not buy their BS when their reasoning (or lies) aren't good enough so they hit her at her weakest spots and try to embarrass her or insult her into backing down. It's childish and mean, but unfortunately the move usually works.

I liked her response though. The scream was completely unexpected, but it worked for her character. She had no response as these were probably fears she had too, but the scream served the dual purpose of letting go out her frustrations and shocking him into shutting up.


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One thing that's particularly frustrating is how most of the women hate on pretty OHY. She's been through a lot but everyone else thinks she's lead this perfect life (that's she's so good at playing it off). Knowing what happened to her and how weak and fragile she is, it hurts that our lead OHY is so mean towards her ): I don't think pretty OHY ever had any ill intentions toward her, if anything even from the earlier episodes, I think she really envied lead OHY and wanted to be accepted by her.


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Friendship is a two way street. If you want people to be your friends, you also have to give a part of yourself. You have to be willing to show your insecurities and trouble AND be there for others when they need you

She was aware what our OHY went through. She said it to DKY that men in the past used our OHY to get to her. Did she ever make an effort to stop it (that would probably make her many admirers angry with her) or talk honestly to OHY about it ?

She was happy being the pretty popular one. She is not evil. She just wants to live in that state forever.

The pretty OHY has basically had only superficial relationships. Even her relation with dokyung collapsed bec of this. I don;t think most of the women hate her. They might dislike her momentarily but not "hate' her. They don't care about her enough to do so.


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She's happy to passively watch Our Oh Hae Young be mistreated just so she can stay on the pedestal others have put her own. She's well aware of this... she's not evil, but as she's not someone who stands up for others, I'm not sure I'd want to be her friend either. Definitely not close friend – superficial acquaintance at best. And definitely she shouldn't expect anything from Our Oh Hae Young. Given that Our Oh Hae Young is constantly being treated as a non-person because of this, I can't blame her for wanting to keep distance from Pretty Oh Hae Young either. Is she mean to her? Is not going for drinks mean? Pretty Oh Hae Young is suffering, but Our Oh Hae Young has (indirectly) been the punching bag for her for years, why does she need to be the Pretty Oh Hae Young's saviour?


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In the school flashbacks she had just as many girl friends as boys hovering around her. She was popular. Only our Hae young disliked her, though never openly.


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Was she supposed to like her then? A girl in her position would like the other OHY? That's highly unlikely, let's be real.


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I think that Pretty OHY's behaviour in the past towards Our OHY stems from insecurity. She didn't have her parents' love and attention the way Our OHY did, and as a result she thrived on the adulation of the other people, especially knowing that Our OHY was stepped on/ ignored/ used, etc in the process. It was rather mean, but I'm not sure if she saw it like that. She was probably afraid that if she made an attempt to stop it, her admirers would go away...or if she were nice to Our OHY, then she'll have less attention. She had deliberately built up this fake persona to boost her confidence, not realising that it was going to be her downfall.

Our OHY, on the other hand, has to learn to appreciate what she has. True, it is infuriating and it hurts to be treated the way she was...but she has to realise that these people who hurt her because of Pretty OHY are shallow and not worth being friends with. She has to realise that she has two very loving and supportive parents, albeit a little crazy sometimes, and good, loyal friends which the other OHY does not have (at least the friends, as Pretty OHY covered up the part of her parents so well) if she had overcome her insecurities and bothered to look closely.


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Thank you Lollipip for yet another wonderful recap !

I really like the setup of this drama : it is interesting how little the Do Kyung's premonitions actually influence the story - it forces him to care about the new girl despite his best efforts (but "regular" dramas don't need supernormal tropes to do just that) but has not lead to any major plot point yet (maybe soon?). Yet how lovely to have a hypersensitive guy as a lead for once !

And I wonder what it would feel like if like Do Kyung I kept having spoilers / trailers of my coming love life: if it were me, would I embrace it ? Get resigned to it ? Try hardly to change it ? Accept life as fate or never stop trying ?


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<3 yeon woo jin / ki-tae...


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and that marriage not dating BG music :D loved his cameo !


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Do Kyung is going through the kdrama "denial" state which should clear up with the reappearance of the Han Tae Jin. Despite knowing OHY2 is a faker than a fake, DK still proposed to her which shows that he really did love her. But i think that ship has long sunk. His heart (and mind) is already filled with Oh Hae Young...


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1. How fortunate is OUR Oh Hae Young to have such parents?

2. I'm still sympathetic towards Noh Hae Young. Good job writers.

3. I don't in any way excuse Noh Hae Young for not speaking to Do Kyung especially knowing the bearer of the news.

4. I wish OUR Oh Hae Young was as open and honest with other people like she is with Do Kyung.

5. Jin Sang is the biggest meddler alive. Unfortunately, He tends to causes more problems.

6. The food scenes were amazing. From the preparation, her falling asleep at work, Noh Hae Young joining her lunch table, Do Kyung and his boys melting over the food.

7. Alley hiding is my new favorite pastime. SIZZLING CHEMISTRY!

8. I can't wait for the fallout to happen because I trust the writers to handle it well... Plus there's the resolution to look forward.


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Jin Sang annoys the hell out of me. He seems to think he has all the answers and that he's the one who should be decide other people's lives but he needs to mind his own business!!!

And, it's so obvious he's going to end up with DK's sister. (Which I don't mind, but I really wish he'd stop meddling or even just voicing his opinions.)


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I do mind them ending up together, what has he done to deserve Isadora? He's a sleazeball and I agree w you completely that he has no standing to be telling anyone else how to run his or her life. Honestly, why are he and DK even friends? They've probably just known each other since childhood :(
I'm very down on Jin Sang.


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I guess I don't mind so much because I'm not really invested in Isadora (unlike everyone else).


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Next episode! That is all I will say. He's more than he seems and to give him credit his meddling is mostly fear that his friend will be hurt.


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Totally agree about JS's brotherly concern for DK. A solid-gold case of misguided loyalty.

He may come off as an inept meddler, but there is more to him than meets the eye.


i agree with you, i think they'll have drunk one night stand and Isadora will get pregnant. ( teaser pictures gave me this idea) :D


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Jin Sang's greatest talent appears to be for digging the hole deeper. I'm pretty sure every thing he's done so far has just added to the issues that will come to light as the whole Hae Jin story is revealed. I loved the look of controlled fury on our Hae Young's face when she confronted Jin Sang in his office.


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Jin Sang is the worst. But if it wasn't for him we wouldn't even have a story


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This show is just incredible in so many ways. I appreciate how real and flawed all the characters are. While some people may brush our Oh Hae Young off as being possessive and petty (wanting to be the only woman in the world), I appreciate how expressive she is with her insecurities because come on, who hasn't felt inferior and jealous of other women before?

The only grouse I have right now is that it is quite hard to believe how quickly our Oh Hae Young can fall so haplessly in love with Do Kyung a month after her wedding got cancelled. It kills me to think that she's going for him as a rebound, rather than realising he may be her true love (realistically speaking, I don't think it's possible she can get over her ex so quickly).

Which is why perhaps I appreciate the writers bringing Tae Jin back into the mix so early, something I did not expect. If Do Kyung and our Oh Hae Young had gotten together before Tae Jin came back, it would paint Do Kyung in a horrible light because it would mean him choosing to deceive Hae Young intentionally while romancing her by withholding the truth about his part in her cancelled wedding.

At least having Tae Jin return with their budding feelings (and having the reason for pretty Oh Hae Young's disappearance explained) allows for both our leads to resolve things with their exes, re-evaluate any lingering feelings they still have before deciding if they want to take a risk and try a new relationship with each other. I can only hope that they both realise their exes were never that compatible with them, since obviously lack of communication was a similar issue for both their previous relationships.


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I quite like this drama, mostly because I think Our Oh Hae Young is a wonderful character (I'm not worried about her – I think she's strong and she'll be just fine, even if she has developed feelings 'too quickly'. But this does happen, it's just that in real life it would be a rebound relationship only).

One thing I do wonder about – how do people in this drama get so hung up about the Oh Hae-young name? How can they be so insanely rude and basically treat Our Oh Hae-young as a non-person because of the Pretty Oh Hae-young?

The reason this – the driving force behind a lot of the story – doesn't make sense to me (other than the fact that people should have some basic manners) is that of all countries in the world, Korea surely must have lots of people who share names, e.g. three Lee Min-ho's (actor, actor, director) are listed on Hancinema, and that's just the entertainment world.

We all know there are millions of Kims, Lees and Parks (apparently there's only some 250 different surnames), but it's not like Korean first names are particularly varied and unique either.

So really, identical names should be a non-issue because people will have encountered it all the time?


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Whoa, that's so true! LOL of all the countries, Korea should be where this is most likely to occur.


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LOL the funny thing is that one of the writer's name is PARK HAE YOUNG. When I found out this I laughed out loud, cause I felt like this drama came about because maybe she'd experienced this kind of situation.
Must be a Korean cultural thing to be so fixed on wether one is prettier or the other is more beautiful (regardless of the name), I mean every Korean drama I've seen tends to mention whether "she's pretty" or not. Variety programs as well. As a foreigner, it was very weird for me (in the beginning), but now I sort of expect to see it on every kdrama.


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This! We would never think about saying to someone, ANYONE that he/she is ugly by default. I don't care how thick skin you are, I think that's a very hurtful thing to say.


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I do feel like it's exaggerated. I have a classmate with the same name back then in junior HS but we are fine bcs people doesn't treat us any different.

For this drama, i think everything was based in high school. You know, the time when girls are concerned to likability, getting known by friends and teachers, and every little things.

Pretty OHY was painted as pretty, smart, rich girl eversince HS; everyone loves her. While our OHY was still this awkward teenage girl seeking for approval and a bit insecure. More than pretty OHY's fault, i think our OHY is also annoyed by how other people treats her less than what she believes she deserves just bcs she is considered less than the pretty one. From too many hours watching drama, i can pick up that the society has a tendency to value beauty, physical appearance and social status; which kinda worsen the whole situation. Maybe it's drama thing only but it is totally understandable. Remember how classmates react to her differently when she is now a pretty, confident, funny adult woman?

Bad things happen but those things happen when they are teenager? That mostly probably will scar her for life. and i totally get that. High school can be so messy imo LOL


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I think in HS these scenarios can play out – but not as an adult. I can see how both OHY's ended up where they are now (scars from their childhood and HS experiences), but this doesn't excuse every single other character in the drama that treats Our OHY like a non-person.

I just can't buy into grown adults telling another grown adult "Take off your scarf b/c only the Pretty OHY gets to wear that scarf". (Well, one especially immature individual might say that but apparently this happens again... and again... again?)

And if one more person argues along the lines of "You only like Our OHY because she has the same name as Pretty OHY" my eyes are going to fall out from rolling so hard. Since when are feelings and a relationship based exclusively on a name? The most a name will do is draw your attention. But the two OHY's don't look anything alike. They don't act anything alike – their personalities are vastly different, as is their background story. If DK likes Our OHY it is for everything except her name.


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What makes you think it isn't a rebound? I've been avoiding voicing the opinion but honestly it looks like it is. I don't think our hae-young is as invested as everyone thinks.


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What makes me think it isn't a rebound?

Because it's a kdrama. 'nuff said.


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Although the ordinary oh hae young is a bit childish with the way she handled her emotions, her pain is so relatable. She is able to truly show her emotions. What I love about this character is that, her feelings are shown with realistic misery that one faces when love never gets returned. Another thing I like about her is that she's not afraid to speak her mind. Although embarrassing, I thought her face to face confession to DoKyung was brave. She showed her true emotions. Ordinary oh hae young is a strong character. She's like a crazy puppy in this episode and although some funny moments are injected into the drama, it really ended on a sad note. The thing is, our ordinary oh hae young is going through a tough time and finding comfort in the presence of our manly park do kyung who broke her wings without her being aware of it is such a heartbreaking story. I have sympathy for the pretty oh hae young but not as much sympathy I have for the ordinary one. Pretty oh hae young should have confronted park do kyung instead of running away without any words spoken. Did they ever fought when they were in a relationship? She was always willing to keep it all in and when she couldn't take it anymore she flew like a bird and just disappeared making it more hurtful and confusing for the people who truly cares for her. I understand her pain too but I couldn't give her full sympathy because I don't believe in solving an issue by being quiet. Is she just going to run away every time she goes through a painful trial? Although our ordinary oh hae young's rejection was done with good intent by tae Jin, it is still rejection and it caused her a lot of pain. I don't believe in this kind of relationship too. You are supposed to be together when overcoming trials. And if it still didn't worked out then at least the honesty was there and the pain is probably a lot lesser than just being rejected for a stupid reason. All the other rejections that ordinary oh hae young is facing now all adds up to the existing insult. I'm not sure if it's right for her to still end up with Do Kyung. She's a great character, very lovable, very cute that it breaks my heart to see her so sad. If she's gonna end up with Do Kyung, he better be worth it for our ordinary oh hae young. It's only episode 7 so I'm still hoping for great developments.


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I agree...do kyung messed it all up. I just feel bad for Tae Jin...he ruined his business, went on jail, ruined the wedding...do kyung would really be a ass***e to get his girl. If she ends up with do kyung...he should really be worth it


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Do Kyung messed it all up?

Tae-jin chose to break up with his girlfriend himself (using very cruel words at that), rather than tell her the truth about what was happening and give her the choice whether to stick with him through good times and bad.

I don't know if Tae-jin really did something criminal (which, if he did, is not Do-kyung's doing), but he made some choices and he's responsible for those, not anyone else.

For me the ships of those past couples have all sailed, because these people didn't communicate with each other. Now, Our Hae-young is communicating, and Do-kyung has to fess up, SOON, if he wants me to cheer for them in their relationship-to-come.


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Exactly! Tae-Jin made choices knowing nothing of DK. He made those choices. he hurt her and did it to save himself. Our Hae-Young let him go which is a story in and of itself but damn if he didn't make a mess to.


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Don't blame other people for what you have done. Han Tae Jin chose to cancel the wedding. And now, Do Kyung got blame? Oh well, Do Kyung ruined his business but the decision for cancelling the wedding was all in Tae Jin's hand. Both Tae Jin and Oh Hae Young didn't even try to know each other. What kind of relationship actually they have/had? At least Park Do Kyung and pretty OHY still has connection like Do Kyung still remembering his moments with the pretty OHY and mourning for one year, or pretty OHY still tried to call him. But not even once I saw Hae Young tried to search informations about his ex lover. In fact, she's busy for setting blind date and fall to the boy next door.


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True. Both DK and our He'spast relationships are dysfunctional. For a relationship to work especially those reaching to stage of marriage other than chemistry, you need communication. Both the other HY and Tae Jin chose to end and run away without explanation. That's the biggest disrespect of love in my book. Any bad things that happens to me of small or large scale first person I call is the boyfriend (now husband) because he expects me to tell him when I need him and I feel better when I share my pain with him. So really for the failed relationships those who choose to run are the ones who gave up and DK and Our HY 's ship at the dock is about to sail off (regardless DK lying to himself n HY, his heart and mine is moving towards her)


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I agree but I also see another side... You do the best and try to make the best out of what life throws at you. I don't blame TJ for ending things thinking he was bankrupt and going to prison - I would probably choose to end a relationship if I was in the same position. The position he was in is a direct result of DK and JS's manipulation of his business ventures so I do believe they should bear some of the responsibility...in the US, you could probably sue for damages, I don't know what Korean laws would be applicable in this scenario.


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TJ had every right to end the relationship, but lying and being cruel to HY in the way he was is another story.


Do-kyung! Start taking advice from your therapist again, not Jin-sang. We'll love you better that way.

I was actually understanding of his rejection, even if it was too harsh, but his dig at her family crossed the line for me. Boy better settle down.

He really was adorable at the beginning of the episode...


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I agree...it was jin sang advice that caused him to meddle with Tae Jins business so its best not to ask his advice. I wonder why jin sang doesnt even feel any guilt on this and continued to hurt OHY.


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Honestly, I thought Hae Young was kind of annoying in this episode because she was so clingy. Even though he was mean, she was making too much assumptions and i felt like she was kind of shameless and forcing him to say he likes her. i get that he doesn't express his feelings, but i just don't like the way she is going about it

Secondly, I found myself rooting for the other Oh Hae Young. I think she had a justified reason to be mad even if her reaction might have been much. I genuinely believe that she just wants to be friend with Park Do Kyung but people hate her so much already that i think it's too late to salvage their image of her.

So glad Tae Jin is backkkk!


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I seriously feel the chemistry of the leads and i want them to be together but in the other hand i feel so bad for Tae Jin. I mean if i were Tae Jin...my thoughts woul be ... you ruin my wedding bec u made a mistake and now you want my supposed to be wife...how bad can do kyung be.


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Do Kyung doesn't want Tae Jin's 'supposed to be wife'. That's why he used harsh words to reject her. He really know what kinda mess he did.


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When Mama Oh bluntly said "I like your eyes", I found myself repeating her words unconsciously..


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This episode was painful to watch, it started out sweet and funny when she packed lunchbox for him but ends up bitter sweet. I LOVE this show, the actors are amazing, the director is on point and the OST is out of this world. I love Oh Hae Young, she is flawed but so lovable. I hope she gets her happy ever after with Eric, even though it is not gonna be easy. Hwaiting !


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Some comments say our oh hae young was clingy...i thought her actions were just brought upon the pain it caused her during her interaction with jin sang. I can surely understand her immediate reaction


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I think Do Kyung did love the other Oh Hae Young, the problem was the other Oh Hae Young couldn't put herself be vulnerable in front of Do Kyung, she always had a facade because she wants to be liked by everyone, she's a people pleaser. Do Kyung saw all of these and still loved her even though he was not sure if it was love or pity, but the other Hae Young running away that she's been found out is exactly why they don't make sense together, she is not comfortable enough to show her vulnerability to Do Kyung, or who she really is, while our Oh Hae Young is just herself, no pretenses, imperfections and all, she does not apologizes for who she is, and that's what makes her an awesome character.

It makes sense to me why our Oh Hae Young was able to quickly move on from being almost married to falling madly in love with Do Kyung, because she said it herself in the past episodes, she never truly loved someone because she was always afraid of loving more, it's her own insecurities, but this is one thing she wanted to changed and that if she's going to love again, she's going to be full on in love does not matter if she loves more or only gets dumped. Also, it's kinda not hard not to fall in love with someone like Do Kyung in this show aside from the fact that he was a jerk in this episode, he's a pretty solid good guy.

I'm really loving this show, inching up there to my top favorites.


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It makes sense to me too. In fact, our Hae-young's monologue in episode 3 made it pretty clear to me, from that very moment, that she was going to throw herself fully into pursuing Do-kyung the moment she started realizing her feelings for him:

"I was only knocked down for a little bit… When I think about it, I’ve never given myself one hundred percent to love. I was always cautious and nervous. I worried if I liked the person more. Let’s not do that anymore. If I meet someone I like, I will love him all the way until I get dumped. I’ll never turn around crying because I was told to get lost. I’ll hold onto the man and not let go, even if I get beaten up. I’ll give it everything. Shouldn’t you fall in love once in your lifetime?"

While it may not be wise to be putting her heart on the line so quickly, I recognize that her perseverance in liking and pursuing him comes partially from her belief in her own self-worth. Her insistence on putting herself forward so fully comes from a place of courage that she was never fully able to tap into with Tae-jin.

I think this is what sets her apart from the other leads in this drama. This episode, during the confession, Oh Hae-young says she doesn't mind that Do-kyung feels pity for her situation because she aptly senses that his feelings for her run deeper than that (which its pretty clear they do). The other Hae-young and HTJ couldn't handle pity from their partners, even when they should have had much more reason to believe in their genuine love and commitment.


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Hi, Chandler...

Thanks for supplying the monologue. I was thinking of that very scene as the reason why OHY was stepping up to the plate and going for broke with DK.

I hadn't thought of Tae Jin being unable to handle pity from OHY so much as wanting to spare her the public shame and guilt by association... but I may have missed that.


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Yes! Exactly this!

I had an odd thought. How much is her understanding of Dk based on her father? Silent Dad meet Silent Man?


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Is that why our Hae Young liked him so quickly? They do say you tend to pick partners similar to your parents (in this case, a man like her dad)


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The first subtitles I watched used "compassion" instead of "pity." It has a less perjorative connotation, and in my mind is one aspect of love. If you cannot feel compassion for another being, there's no way you could ever truly love them. The difference is just a matter of degree.

Later in those same subtitles of the scene, the word pity was also used. At first I was taken aback by DK's acknowledgement during that conversation staged by Toxic Mom that he pitied NOHY and would not abandon her the way her parents had.

When I thought about it some more, I admired his loyalty towards NOHY. He could see through her window dressing and accepted her as she was anyway. Surely that has to count for something. Perhaps it was a stepping stone for her to learn to accept herself.

NOHY's realization that her cover was blown, and her reaction to that revelation, said a lot more about her than it did about him. I do not doubt for one minute that DK loved her -- with full awareness of her facade -- and was ready to make good on it.

This episode reminded me of the Johari Window... a handy tool for improving communication and figuring out one's blind spots. It's probably easiest to look up the diagram.

In the long run, NOHY's running away was probably the best thing that could have happened to them. The hole in her soul could never truly be filled by another person's love. Until she gets to the bottom of it and learns to love and accept herself, she'll always be walking on eggshells and living in fear of abandonment. And trying to be perfect.

PS to LolliPip: Thanks for your recap!!


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I agree with you. Pretty OHY needs to work on herself first. But then again it's easier said than done. We all can give advice easily how much do we use it on ourselves.


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It depends on how motivated you are -- and whether you can afford to NOT do it.

DK has gotten himself into therapy because he wants to get to the bottom of his premonitions.

OHY is going the DIY route by committing to go for broke in love (36.1) because her old ways of behaving were unsatisfactory.

Actually, the whole lot of them need to bench themselves until they get their heads together. In some cases, going solo is the only way to ensure the time, energy, and peace & quiet to put the focus on yourself...


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Our Oh Hae Young's mom is awesome! I love her!

This episode really made me feel like Our Hae Young is moving way too fast with Do-kyung. I do like them together but I agree that they need to chill and settle their feelings from their past relationships before they can be together. And Do-kyung ruined her wedding. He needs to come clean.

But tbh, I don't blame him too much for that because Tae Jin is the one who hurt Hae Young like that. He did not have to break up with her like that. That was pretty damn harsh.

I really like other Oh Hae Young too. I have been feeling like there was something about her that I liked and this episode really put her in a new light for me. I think that she is human and I don't blame her for dipping out on Do-kyung and his crazy mother. I do think she could have left in a better way but I get it now. If I had heard the man I LOVED talk about me that way, I would be devastated!

Overall, I am loving how the characters are being portrayed. I really can't wait to see more of Tae Jin. I want more of his story next!


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Tae-Jin is too shallow. I need more shading but with the extension this will take a while...


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I love that this drama does not shy away from confronting the awkward, no matter how much it makes you cringe. Whether that's with Do-kyung lashing out in an unnecessarily mean fashion to cover his own guilt, our Hae-young going full tilt ahead and admitting her own feelings to him and surviving the storm of Do-kyung-induced wincing afterwards, or Mom going full Mama Bear on Do-kyung, it's kind of fantastic.


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It really is kind of fantastic, isn't it?

Uncomfortable, but impactful and wonderful in all its awkward, cringey glory.


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Not to mention OHY's worshipping at the porcelain throne...


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lol yes, that too!


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I'm still wondering about the circumstances of NOHY's return to Seoul. She was headhunted. I had a sneaking suspicion that SooKyung had a hand in it -- so she could exact revenge on behalf of kid brother. But now I'm not so sure.


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Don't fall for the trope trap! Every time I think I know where the writer is going she twists. Look at what she did with the Other Hae-Young. I even sympathized with her for a while (god damn you writer). In fact out of all the people the most sympathetic in this episode was Other Hae-Young the damn bitch :P


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It's the twists that I anticipate with the greatest glee. ;-)

I wasn't expecting that NOHY took a powder because of something DK said. I'm of the opinion that she took the word "pity" at face value, freaked out, and neglected to reflect on his loving actions and apparently unconditional acceptance. (Which was Evil Mom's intention.)

In this episode, NOHY did come out smelling like a rose in comparison to some of the other flawed characters on display.


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That scene in the elevator after OHY received a package from the guard in the lobby really got my goat.

Big Boss chews her out for having her packages delivered to work. Whereupon she tells him it's not her package, and hands it to NOHY. Big Boss then says it's okay because she lives alone and has no one to accept deliveries at home. OHY points out that she lives alone, too... but he just bulldozes past her. GGGRRRRR!

He doesn't even have pointy hair...


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I love this drama so much. every episode so much fun, hurt so bad. episode 7 makes me hate DK a bit. that was bad DK. HK be strong. I love this girl so much.hope she will get her happy ending and this time it will last.
is it wrong that when HY's mom rip her cloth while mad I was like laughing so hard. how can she be cute and looking frightening at the same time? love mom and dads. wish my mom and dad like that.


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tbh I always think that the lead OHY is pretty much selfish bc she puts herself in all of the things as 1st.
it's not that it's all bad, it's needed to a certain degree, but I think for her, the important thing is her stand on the situation,
her clingy-ness is about her, that's how I start to understand the miss information when tae jin broke the wedding and she just didn't know (somehow) since what matter is her own self not "how he came to that conclusion", how she gonna looked after this accident not "did he really mean that?", and he most likely person to thinks others 1st.
Sometimes I feel like the show dialog is harsh but didn't really understand that you can't really blurt out that words if you never actually think about it in the 1st place, that's why the audience is also taken aback.
I still think this show is weirdly showing people's flaw but not starting to realize that the wrong behavior should be fixed or realized that they are wrong unless somehow get confronted by people from the past. Like they should have known what they do is wrong, like tae jin, do kyung, OHY even without knowing the after effect. The problem is not the event or people around them but themselves.
I just hope they all will understand this by themselves when they just think about it.
I still empathizing with the character but it seems kinda comical/typical, it just the actress/actor is good at their job.


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"Sometimes I feel like the show dialog is harsh but didn’t really understand that you can’t really blurt out that words if you never actually think about it in the 1st place, that’s why the audience is also taken aback."

Exactly! A lot of the relationships on the show are flawed because they have had the thoughts but never dealt with them.


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I was really bothered at some point in this episode, especially the part with JinSang and HaeYoung.

What JinSang did was a major insult to HaeYoung. Who the hell throws a man (who might as well be as interested in her as a fly is interested in perfume) at a woman just to ward her off from his best friend? And then he doesn't even apologise or give a proper explanation (did he? I don't remember) and gets frustrated when she won't let it go especially when he continues to insult her. Like, how does one offend someone that bad and still expect nothing to happen?

When Yeon WooJin came up... the only thing I could think of was "CUT OF ALL THE HAIR. ALLLLLL THE HAIR!" *facepalm*

DoKyung's another one. Don't eat her mother's pork if you have no intention of being with her daughter! And then turn around and accuse/insult them of/for jumping to conclusions.

Mom: "salt or sauce?"

DoKyung: "salt"

Even HaeYoung shot him an incredulous look.

(PS: DB has been eating my comments... give it proper food please.)


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yeah, Hae-young's a lot more restrained than I would have been with Jin-sang - yes, we know why he's doing it, but just throwing another guy at her in an attempt to entrap her, is straight-up insulting, and I would have been throwing things.

(and oh god yes, please send Ki-tae to the barber! I almost didn't recognise him at first because of that ajusshi mop on his head, Yeon Woo-jin's about two decades too young for it)

and to be fair to Do-kyung, Mom and Dad basically forced him into sit-down samgyeopsal with the family. That particular one isn't on him.


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I put it on him the moment he replied "salt".

And he most certainly didn't do himself good by accusing them afterwards.


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That he definitely didn't.


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<Who the hell throws a man ... at a woman just to ward her off from his best friend?

No one. At least not in the way it was done here. It's just very much a fictional scenario.

Did make me think about how strangely superficial love is presented in kdramas: like it's completely interchangeable and manufacturable, where you swap in one good-looking person with an impressive job for another. As if personalities and individual preferences had nothing to do with relationships at all.


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I think it's a bit heightened but not fictional. Think about what we know concerning this guy and his knowledge of Our Hae Young. I thought he was of the opinion that girls on rebound and clingy, throw some romancey type dude at her and viola no more problems.


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I think the guy knows nothing about Our Hae Young and very little about girls. Random guy on the street trying to pick you up --- many would have just run!

I think he was using high-school-boy-logic IMO, with 1% chance of success at most...


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I chalk it up to surrealism. Or a new twist on sacrificial virgins.


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"a new twist on sacrificial virgins"

Kekekekekeke. Good one!


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I love this drama so much. This analysis definitely clarified some of the conflicted feelings I've been having about the main ship with our OHY and Dokyung. I've kind of rooted for them but at the same time didn't really feel that comfortable with it...and I think the point about them needing to really repair themselves first is really important. I think it was more obvious to me that Dokyung was denying his feelings to a rather far extent, but it's true that our OHY's emotional state is pretty dire, too.

I'm so excited to see what the arrival of Tae-jin will cook up!!


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My lovely drama is now in havoc.


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Does anyone know the title of the song in this drama? A guy is singing, just a guy. It's not the song with the girl, with the lyrics "I dream of kissing you" or something like that. Hehehe.

I think I've heard of this guy song in other dramas. And it has "eopseosseo" in the lyrics, the only word I caught in the song LOL.


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It's not released yet but keep an eye out.


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I read somewhere that it could be Jung Seung Hwan's (from KPop Star) voice


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It's Maybe I by Roy Kim :) OST #4


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I would say it is Roy Kim.


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Last weeks new song was by roy kim. This weeks is i think by jung seung hwan (of kpop star).


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I've been thinking a lot about loyalty as a theme that runs through the show.

Sometimes it is expressed in a healthy manner (Daddy Oh comes to mind, whereas I have some trouble accepting Mama Hwang's generous applications of dope slaps).

On the flip side in the family loyalty department, Toxic Mom counts on DK's filial piety to run her shakedown racket. Maybe he can take a page from Noona's play book and liberate himself from her clutches, perhaps with the help of his shrink.

Then there's JinSang's misguided loyalty to DK. I truly think he means well, but his schemes are hare-brained. I wonder how he got through law school.

DK's employees, for all their grousing, were touchingly concerned about Evil Mom's financial predation.


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Best line in this episode:

"This isn't a bomb. It's a lunch box."


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LoL! I loved that too!


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Oh the amount of second-hand embarassment while watching this drama is unbelievable.
And i hate everyone on this episode lol. Altho i guess Do Kyung takes the cake. That was harsh, man, even when you said that without knowing your fiancé will hear it.

Something's been bugging me abt our OHY & DK, thanks Lollypip for your insight. They indeed have unhealthy realtionship. Not only these two being together, but them with their previous fiance in the past is also unhealthy either. Really, all leads in kdrama need Communication 101.

I do wish that writer will make these two confront the problems with their previous fiance and make all out in the open before, let's say, having kiss scene or whatever. And then they need more time to actually being together in normal situation just to make sure that it's not rebound, or relationship built on guilty, pity or any other feelings other than mutual respect and love.

On the side note, how amazing is our OHY??? I really root for her and her happiness. I never saw Eric's work and honestly even until now he isn't that attractive to me personally (please don't kill me). But wow the actress is amazing. And her character is fleshed so well. I love her <3


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it's the damn hair and clothes. I honestly think the costume and makeup is on point for the show but god damn I hate the incessent need for bangs. Eric looked so much better in Discovery of Romance. people can have more than one style of hair!!

Although it does show that he's one of the rare kpop folks not afraid to look bad if it fits the character.


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I got a glimpse of Eric's previous appearance in his former drama 'Que Sera Sera' and 'Discovery of Love'. And I think his look is better in this OHY drama, idk he looks much younger with this recent style. I guess it's just my type.. kekeke.. XD


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I'm not attracted with eric with his previous dramas.make it i'm not attracted to him at all but here in OHYA i just...it's not the hair its prolly his character... idk... but i get eric's charm now.wow,i just felt like melting inside everytime he's on screen.argh,totally fangirling here shfjfjgffks.i'm now a fan.and i just felt giddy everytime OTP is on the same frame together.


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YEAH.Time to clean up the mess with both their exes first and just then will both Do Kyung and Our Hae Young should go back to their blossoming relationship.


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I think a lot of people are expecting the classic kdrama hero/heroine without serious flaws. This drama though doesn't work that way. I've been saying since the beginning that everything about the characters is very layered. The writer is trying to create this idea of how the superficial aspects aren't true. I think there is a meta level comment on the Korean ideals of presenting a good front (Our hae young lying about her wedding was the start).

Take a look at how the show builds it's characters. Practically everyone looks one way but dig even an inch and they are so different underneath. Dk is silent but so passionate inside, Other Hae-Young is pretty but broken inside, Noona is a mature businesswomen who's completed shattered by a breakup etc etc

The writer/drama is making a distinct point about the need for truth in relationships. Not just honest communication but honesty with yourself. People cause a lot of damage when they lie about who they are both to themselves and others.

There is also an undercurrent of what it takes to truly recover from a broken relationship. How do you move on? Can you move on? What gets left behind?

I can't wait to find out.


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i know in this episode our have young seems little clingy with her request for him not to go back to the other haeyoung I actually understand her.she only knows the fact the other hy leaves him she knows he has feeling for her she doesn't want them to hide there feelings.in my eyes she isn't selfish come on she live her whole life being compared with other ohy and her boy friend break up with her at eve of her wedding.she just want to get attention and feel she is in the same situation With dk.I didn't like jinsang action it was really rude and there is no excuse for it.the other ohy I don't get her she want him to break up with ohy(she think they are dating) come back 1 she is underestimating ohy 2 she is asking him to pity her.


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