Oh Hae-young Again: Episode 2

As Do-kyung’s and Hae-young’s pasts are unveiled, we gain more insight into why they are who they are now, and why Do-kyung ended up making that huge mistake. His premonitions are beginning to focus almost entirely on Hae-young herself, which raises a lot of questions about their origins and why they’re starting up now. Regardless of why, they seem to be pulling Do-kyung and Hae-young into each other’s orbits, whether they want to be or not.

EPISODE 2 RECAP: “A relationship due to willful negligence”

Hae-young fearlessly walks into busy traffic to retrieve Do-kyung’s wallet and returns it to him, saying, “I won’t die,” just like in his vision. But this time it’s reality, and as Do-kyung stares at her, mystified, she continues, “What I want most these days is to die. What I want never comes true. So, I won’t die.”

Do-kyung finally snaps out of his daze and thanks her, and Hae-young asks him to buy her a drink. She immediately takes it back, but snarks that she’s thinking of getting her nose done on his dime (since he smacked it earlier). Too bad, she was going to accept a drink as compensation, but he didn’t take her up on it fast enough. ~pfft~

Hae-young leads Do-kyung to a bar for that drink anyway, though he’s just drinking water (he doesn’t drink). She asks what her friend Hee-ran told him about her, which is tricky for him to answer, since he thought all this time that Hee-ran was talking about another girl named Oh Hae-young.

Do-kyung pretends not to remember, but Hae-young sees his eyes flicker and calls him out for lying. She harangues him for an answer until he finally yells over the music, “She said you’re pretty!” This makes Hae-young laughs at his discomfiture, then look at him with new, interested eyes.

Do-kyung sneaks looks at Hae-young while he gives her a ride home, but when she mentions that she was one of five Hae-youngs in school, two of them named Oh Hae-young, it triggers memories of the Oh Hae-young he remembers.

Hae-young asks why Do-kyung doesn’t drink, again pestering him for a specific answer when he’s characteristically vague, and he admits that he doesn’t like drinking and making mistakes. Hae-young figures that means he must have made a big mistake once while drunk, but he doesn’t elaborate. She says that women never make drunken mistakes, though she might if she knew she’d never see the other person again.

“Should we never see each other again?” she asks, sounding like she’s making an invitation. Do-kyung looks over and they lock eyes for a long moment, then he guns the motor. He screeches to a stop near her place, drops her off without a word, and peels out.

As soon as he’s out of sight, he stops the car and jumps out to vomit. He can’t untangle the images of this Hae-young from the other Hae-young in his memories, and yells in wordless frustration.

Do-kyung talks to Jin-sang, who just wants to know if he told Hae-young about the mix-up, and how they accidentally ruined her engagement. He swears he didn’t say anything, but Jin-sang warns him to avoid Hae-young in the future at all cost, just in case.

Curious, Jin-sang asks if Do-kyung knows how the Hae-young he used to date is doing, but he hasn’t heard a word. In fact, since they broke up, she seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. Jin-sang assumes she’s scared of Do-kyung, who just looks thoughtful.

Suddenly a woman comes slamming into the house, making noise and crashing into things, but this is apparently common enough that Do-kyung and Jin-sang barely even register the commotion, heh. Jin-sang asks in a whisper if Do-kyung has “seen” anything with his newfound powers, which Do-kyung describes as being like memories, only they haven’t happened yet.

Do-kyung wanders into the kitchen, where the woman stands in the fridge chugging a huge bottle of water, hair standing on end and clothes disheveled. Again he just ignores her and goes back to Jin-sang, who warns him not to tell anyone about his sudden clairvoyant abilities. He thinks it’s super-awesome, though.

The mysterious woman sits next to Jin-sang, hair obscuring her face, and we suddenly recognize her as Director Park! Oooooh, her name is Park Soo-kyung — turns out, she’s Do-kyung’s and Hoon’s sister. She’s also drunk as a skunk.

The house just gets sillier when Hoon comes home, his new girl An-na tagging along. Do-kyung actually makes her hand over her ID to make sure Hoon isn’t robbing the cradle, and she’s not even concerned that Hoon is twelve years her senior.

Do-kyung tells Hoon not to bring awkwardly-young girls to the house, but Hoon argues that Do-kyung gets to have a friend here, so why can’t he? Jin-sang runs with it and gets all handsy with Do-kyung’s pecs, hee, and An-na cheekily says that she and Hoon just kiss.

Cut to: Hoon and An-na making out heavily in his room. Just kissing, riiight. But Soo-kyung scares the daylights out of them when she rises up from under the bed, hair flying every which way and looking like something out of a horror film. She reaches out creepily to An-na, who bites her hand, ha.

Later as Do-kyung’s finishing some work at his own place, he has a sudden vision of Hae-young, simply saying, “Wow,” over and over. It looks as though she’s in his apartment, which unsettles Do-kyung, who is obviously alone.

Mama Oh makes as much noise as possible at breakfast until Hae-young snaps at her to use her words, and it turns out that she’s worried about the bruise on Hae-young’s face. She assures her mom that it was just an accidental collision, not that it calms Mama Oh much, and she tells Hae-young to wear a mask outside so the neighbors won’t see.

Hae-young belatedly realizes that her phone is missing, but luckily Do-kyung found it in his car and he’s waiting outside her house to return it. Remembering his vision, he asks out of nowhere if she knows where he lives, which is super awkward. He says he was just checking, and speeds off.

Soo-kyung is her familiar sleekly-coiffed self again at work this morning, though she’s still not happy with Hae-young and even offers to fight now that her cast is off. She makes it an open-ended offer when Hae-young declines, positive that she’d win.

Hae-young asks a male coworker his honest opinion of her looks, and when he says she looks pretty, she wilts in disappointment. She’s on her way to a class reunion today, and “a really pretty woman” will be there, and she’s thinking of not showing. She and this woman have the same name and were always being compared, and our Hae-young always came up short.

Our Hae-young says that she was so intimidated by the other Hae-young, who was smart, rich, beautiful, and sweet, that she barely spoke until after high school, preferring to blend into the background. In flashbacks we see how the other students were always calling for Oh Hae-young, but it was never her, it was always the other girl they wanted.

In fact, she was so used to ignoring people calling out her name, that when they really did try once to warn her that a basketball was coming right at her face, she didn’t react and was knocked out. But the worst part was that all the students called the other girl “the pretty Oh Hae-young,” and she’d been called “dirt Oh Hae-young.”

But she’d convinced herself that she’d never been hurt or jealous, because she believed that she was too strong to get hurt over such things. It’s clearly not true, but it’s how she’d gotten through high school. She hasn’t seen that Hae-young since she went off to college.

Hae-young’s coworkers are adorably loyal, and assure her that that other Hae-young sounds horrible. They tell her to go to her reunion — people change, and the other Hae-young may be completely different.

So Hae-young bursts into the restaurant to the sound of her name being chanted by all the men, only to have them hilariously trail off when they realize she’s the “wrong” Hae-young. At least they all remember her and common on how much prettier she’s gotten, and she smiles to herself when she hears that pretty Oh Hae-young didn’t come tonight.

Nobody really knows much about her these days, except that she had a boyfriend but broke up with him. They can’t even connect with her through social media — she’s just gone.

The conversation goes south when one old friend asks how Hae-young’s honeymoon went, but Hae-young coolly informs him that there was no wedding, managing to hold her head high. She stands to explain for the last time why she called off the wedding, then has everyone cheering as she dramatically talks about how much she loooves men, and couldn’t spend her life loving only one.

Hae-young’s cousin is planning her own wedding, and Mama Oh gets more and more frustrated as her nerves get plucked by Auntie’s complaints. When she turns down the custom hanboks that Hae-young and Tae-jin never wore, calling them bad luck, Mama Oh actually strips off her apron and sweater as if gearing for a fight. Heh, I love how Dad knows she’s about to blow her top, without her saying a word.

As Hae-young fends off a harmless drunk schoolmate (who swears he always liked her better, no really), a latecomer approaches her with a flower, and his face falls when he sees that she’s the wrong Hae-young. She yells defiantly that she’s sooo sorry.

Do-kyung nearly catches Hoon working on his movie script when he gets home that night, and they both go still when his phone rings with an unknown caller. They seem to know who it is, and Do-kyung refuses to answer when when An-na whines. Later Hoon tells her that it could only be ”that rude woman,” the one who left Do-kyung at the altar.

Apparently she never showed up on their wedding day, and nobody’s heard from her since then. Do-kyung had looked for her everywhere, and Hoon worried he’d go crazy when he couldn’t find her. Now the name “Oh Hae-young” is forbidden in this house.

We see Do-kyung in his wedding finery, repeatedly calling his Hae-young, who never answered. He’d frantically searched hospitals and even walked the stormy streets, but he never found her. The only clue he got was a picture of her on social media in Paris, with another man.

Hae-young stuffs her face when she gets home after the reunion, not noting her mother hovering in the living room like a hollow-eyed ghost. Repeats over and over, “Thank you. At least she eats well. Thank you,” to nobody, in an eerie voice.

Do-kyung is summoned to lunch with his mother and her boyfriend the next day, though he’s pretty grumpy about it, calling his mom a gold digger. She denied it, then fawns all over Chairman Jang when he arrives, and Do-kyung’s eyes nearly roll out of his head.

Chairman Jang brings up Han Tae-jin, and ooooh — he had been planning to invest in Tae-jin’s business, but Do-kyung used his connection to convince him to withdraw, and ruin Tae-jin. Do-kyung looks pretty nervous, especially when he hears that Tae-jin asked Chairman Jang why and he told him Do-kyung asked him to do it.

But it’s news to Do-kyung that Tae-jin is in jail, and the boyfriend figures that he really did get his revenge. Mom asks what made Do-kyung go to such extremes, but we don’t hear his answer.

A flashback shows us that it was Jin-sang who talked Do-kyung into getting revenge, when they ran across Tae-jin in a restaurant. Do-kyung hadn’t been sure that he was the guy in the pictures with Hae-young in Paris, and had been willing to just move on. Jin-sang had told him to get drunk and see how he really feels.

Do-kyung had downed several shots, and Jin-sang had goaded him into action. He’d decided to make a bet with himself – if he throws a dart and makes a bulls eye, he’ll seek revenge. It’s up to Fate.

He’d backed as far away from the dartboard as possible, but despite the distance and his shaky hands, the dart flew right to the center of the board. Though he’d been trying to take the high road, Do-kyung couldn’t hide his satisfied little smirk.

He aims that smirk right at Tae-jin later, when he enters an elevator with Chairman Jang, ready to take Tae-jin down. Tae-jin had looked confused, but returned Do-kyung’s smile nervously.

Now Do-kyung asks Jin-sang to find out why Tae-jin is in jail — when news of Chairman Jang revoking his investment got around, all the other investors did, too, and filed lawsuits against Tae-jin for fraud. Do-kyung tells Jin-sang to find a way to get Tae-jin out of jail, no matter what it takes.

Whatever he does, it works, and soon Tae-jin’s lawyer tells him that most of the lawsuits are being dropped and he’ll be set free again. Tae-jin’s first question is to ask how Hae-young is doing, consumed with guilt over how he broke things off with her.

Hae-young can’t sleep that night, so she puts on music and dances this hilariously dramatic flailing dance. Mama Oh finishes the dishes and looks at her daughter in exasperation… then joins her in the dance. This is the best thing ever.

The very best part is that Dad is just watching them, like this happens all the time, and Mama Oh eventually sits with him and says she should call a fortune teller. Something ain’t right with that girl.

Jin-sang attempts to do some damage control and visits Tae-jin in prison, telling him that Do-kyung really only told Chairman Jang to be careful with his investments. He’s willing to help Tae-jin get out of jail, but Tae-jin says that he can take care of himself.

Poor Tae-jin still has no idea why Do-kyung did this to him – he never even met the guy. Not that it matters now, but Jin-sang brings Do-kyung the news that when he’s out, Tae-jin wants to see him. His advice is to be honest — oh now you decide honesty is the way to go.

Hae-young’s sadly romantic, moody bike ride in the park is ruined by a wayward soccer ball, and she’s forced to stagger home covered in scratches. It seems like the whole neighborhood gathers to point and laugh, especially when they see her skirt tucked up into the back of her waistband, heh. Poor Mama Oh, she can hardly bear the shame of her daughter’s life these days, and she quietly suggests to Dad that it’s time to let go of her.

So the next time Hae-young arrives home, all of her belongings are on the lawn, including the unused wedding gifts. There’s a note from her parents that she’s on her own now, and she finds that the pass code to the house has been changed.

While she’s trying to decide what to do, Hae-young runs into Tae-jin’s lawyer, and she asks him if Tae-jin is okay. She tries to stay cheerful, but once he’s alone, she bursts into tears, wondering how he can possibly be okay.

Do-kyung finally breaks down and answers one of the calls from the unknown caller, and just as he hoped and feared, it’s his ex-fiancee Oh Hae-young. He’s instantly angry, saying that only she would be so brazen as to call him as if she did nothing wrong, but all she says is, “I miss you.” That’s more than he can stand, and he throws the phone away with a furious scream.

He breaks his own rule and heads to a bar, downing shot after shot like a man on a mission. The loud music in the bar hurts his sensitive ears and he blows up, yelling that this is more noise than music, demanding it be turned down. Only now does he notice that Hae-young is at a table nearby, also drowning her sorrows.

He remembers her wish to go back to being strangers, and starts to leave, but he can’t ignore the tears he saw in her eyes. He goes back and demands to know who made her cry, and they end up sitting on some steps under a fall of cherry blossoms.

Seeing as how they seem to be equally miserable, Hae-young spills her guts – she was dumped the day before her wedding. She repeats that Tae-jin hadn’t been confident of his love, and laugh-cries at the absurdity of him saying that he couldn’t stand watching her eat. It’s almost a relief to finally say the truth out loud, though she’s unaware that she’s talking to the person who made it happen.

It’s like a dam bursts inside her, but Hae-young admits that it feels good to tell the truth just once, especially to someone she’ll never see again and who’s just as miserable as she is. She asks Do-kyung’s reason for being so downcast, but when he’s not forthcoming, she says again that they should not see each other again, and starts to leave.

Do-kyung finally speaks, saying a simple, “I’m sorry.” Hae-young asks him why but he clams up again, unable to tell her that he’s the reason her life was ruined.

Hae-young goes but stops in the street, overcome with her emotions and the alcohol she’s consumed. A hand reaches out and pulls her out of the road — it’s Do-kyung, and he hails them a cab and takes Hae-young home. He can’t explain why he’s doing this, he only tells her half-angrily, “Even if it hurts, still, live. If you survive, it means you’ve won.”

The words seem to change something in Hae-young and the next day she hires movers to remove her things from her parents’ lawn. Dad looks miserable and Mama Oh bursts into tears the moment Hae-young drives away, but they both know it’s time to push the baby bird out of the nest.

Hae-young finds herself a tiny little apartment, and she pep-talks herself the whole time she’s moving her stuff in. She ends up shoving her dresser halfway into the wall and starts ripping away the cheap drywall, and finds a small hidden door behind the hole. On the other side of the door is… Do-kyung’s apartment.

Unaware of where she is, only seeing the fancy sound equipment and mice furniture, Hae-young wanders into the room ooohing and aaahing. She gets an eyeful of chocolate abs when Do-kyung comes out of the bathroom in only a towel, and smiles as she breathes, “Wow… wow,” and Do-kyung gapes as another of his premonitions comes true.


I’m really liking how this show is shaping up, with both Do-kyung and Hae-young fighting the pain of their romantic pasts, and how they experienced almost the exact same rejection yet have reacted to them in entirely opposite ways. The plot isn’t complicated but it really doesn’t need to be, with such great characters in such competent acting hands, who make Do-kyung and Hae-young so real and immediately relatable. In fact I’d venture to say that we really don’t even need Do-kyung’s clairvoyance visions to make their interactions and eventual love story interesting, as much as I like dramas with a supernatural element, but I am looking forward to seeing how it enhances their relationship now that they’re realizing that they seem to be too intertwined to keep doing the “we’re only strangers” thing.

At least now we know why Do-kyung set out to ruin Tae-jin and Hae-young’s wedding – he thought that Hee-ran was talking about his ex-fiancee Oh Hae-young, and since she left him at the altar, he wanted to see the same thing happen to her. So he interfered with Tae-jin’s business investor and that caused Tae-jin to cancel the wedding. The only problem is, it was the wrong Oh Hae-young, and Do-kyung ended up ruining the lives of two people who never did anything to him. It’s a pretty despicable thing to do even if he had gotten the right fiance, not that I blame him for being upset enough to do it… it’s barely been a year since his planned wedding to his Hae-young, and he thought she had already moved on and planned a life with someone else. But being upset enough to wish ill on someone, and actually acting on those wishes to the point that an innocent man goes to jail, are two different things, and it’s not a good sign that Do-kyung actually went so far as to seek revenge.

I do think that Do-kyung regrets it, now that he knows that it wasn’t his Oh Hae-young at all, and that his actions hurt two innocent people. He’s still not excused, because he only decided to make it right when he learned the truth — back when he thought it was his ex-fiancee who’d been jilted, he was fine with his decision to seek revenge (in his defense, he didn’t know Tae-jin went to jail). Maybe not completely fine, because he’s clearly miserable, but not uncomfortable enough to try to fix what he did, or even stop before actually doing it. He’s got a lot to answer for, on multiple levels, to make this right.

This show has some of the quirkiest, silliest, most hilarious characters I’ve seen in quite a while — there’s not one that I find boring or bland. Do-kyung’s family is particularly ridiculous, which makes his straight-man demeanor stand out that much more. It makes me wonder if he also has a weird quirky streak, but that whatever happened with his Oh Hae-young killed it. Luckily, I know just the Hae-young to help him find his wild side again — our girl has enough eccentricity for herself and him both. I really hope that’s where Do-kyung’s character goes, because I would love to watch him find his sense of fun and silliness as he falls for the New Hae-young.

The reunion scene so perfectly outlined what it is that I love about our Hae-young so much — in so many dramas, that scene would have been heavily played for sympathy. Hae-young would have been deflated and embarrassed to be remembered as the “wrong” Hae-young, the one everyone thought of as plain and boring, the one they wilted to see show up. But our Hae-young didn’t take offense, or let it get to her, and in fact she even had them in awe of her transformation and cheering for her awesome resilience and sense of humor within a few minutes of arriving. That right there is what makes her such a great character, that refusal to let the world beat her down. Instead she stands up and demands respect, commands their attention, and has them eating out of her hands, even to the point where at least one guy tries to ask her out. She’s an amazing, strong, feisty and funny woman, and she knows it, and she’s determined never to go back to being “dirt Hae-young” ever again. Let’s hope that spitfire personality stays lit once she’s actually faced with her old nemesis.

I really love both families, in fact, both Do-kyung’s and Hae-young’s. Do-kyung’s family (and Jin-sang by extension) are certainly free spirits, unafraid to show their artistically odd personalities to the world, which makes them extremely fun to watch. Ye Ji-won as Soo-kyung in particular is so interesting, as we’ve seen in her interactions with Hae-young so far — she does high-kicks for no reason, and holds a grudge for months just because she was looking forward to the food at Hae-young’s wedding. She’s so weird and mean, and yet I sort of think she’s awesome. Hoon is also delightfully immature and doesn’t care who thinks so (in fact he’s very reminiscent of Heo Jung-min’s Marriage Not Dating character, Hoon-dong, which can’t be a coincidence — he makes the immature man-child oddly endearing), and Jin-sang fits right in with the rest of them, silly and carefree despite being a lawyer. But Hae-young’s parents are just as adorably odd, with her mother who can hardly bear the shame of her embarrassing daughter yet goes all Mama Bear the moment anyone else criticizes her, and her father who seems to have resigned himself to his life with these strange women. I luff them both.

I think the show is so great as=is, that I almost don’t want to ruin what’s already a good thing by introducing the other Hae-young. I’m nervous about how her reappearance will get in the way of Do-kyung and Hae-young’s tentative new friendship, and send Do-kyung back into a spiral of pain and guilt and undermine Hae-young’s confidence right as she’s learning to stand on her own two feet. I feel like I’m bracing myself for a storm and wishing that she’d stay away a bit longer and let them bond, but I suppose the reunion with her is inevitable for both of them.


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Like mother like daughter hahaha the tango scene was awesomely acted i'm hooked in this great drama ❤ thank you Lollypip for your wonderful recap.


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Thank LollyPip for the recap.
Ah that first picture...why so dreamy Eric-ssi why?


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But No screencap of Eric in a towel! Why oh why?? ?


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I know this is probably wishful thinking and the law of dramas dictates that it won't happen but I was hoping that the second Hae Young shows up and People are like oh... Hae Young. Hi. And then move on to our Hae Young who is an awesome bundle of quirk and spunk. Seriously, that scene when she owned the break up of her engagement and lied about it being because she looooves men, I just stood and clapped. Pure awesomeness that girl. Pure awesomeness. Candy sweet is nice but give me a girl with spunk, quirk and flaws and I'm in love ?.

Oh, and more of Do Kyung's abs please. That way we can keep saying Oh... Do Kyung.


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Now that we know that Hae Young's boss is Do Kyung's sister, her anger at HY for "cancelling" her wedding actually makes a little more sense. She probably thinks she abandoned her fiance like the other HY did to Do Kyung.

Everyone's family is hilarious BTW, but I was sad when HY's mom kicked her out basically out of shame, when she seemed so secretly protective of her before. Though I am looking forward to the upcoming neighbor shenanigans! :D


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Oh! Good point! She's very tough but I can feel that she's a caring person, at least to her family.


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It probably doesn't help that Hae-young has the same name as the fiance who jilted him, lol. It's actually hilarious because I knew the Yeh Ji-won was supposed to be playing Eric's sister in this so when I watched the first episode with partial subs, during the drunken kicking scene I totally thought she was talking about him getting jilted when the music got all serious...and then she was just talking about buffets. Pffffft. It made me laugh really hard at the time.

Anyway, Do-kyung is still in the dog-house for me right now, despite all the reasons I have to love him, so I hope when his sister finds out the truth she gives her brother one of those kicks she's been holding back.


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In other dramas I would probably find the music selection in this show weird. I've seen it use serious music in funny parts.

But for some reason it really works. Feels like some sort of black comedy when it really isn't.


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Exactly. It definitely added to the hilarity for me :P


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I think Mom kicked her because she wants Hae Young to have a fresh start and move on. With that kind of mom's tough love, no wonder Hae Young is spunky!


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It seemed to me like it was out of shame. It was really sad. I think it was the saddest part of all of this for our heroine. She is hurting because of her ex-fiance and now mom also, in a way, rejects her.


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Noona boos is wacky and unreasonable some times but she doesn't give me the vibe she keeps OHY at the company just to torment her over ditching her fiance like the other OHY did to her brother. Somehow I though noona boss actually feels empathy on OHY1 despite her hash words


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"She probably thinks she abandoned her fiance like the other HY did to Do Kyung."

I had not thought of that. Great point


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When Oh Hae Young and her mom were dancing, I was laughing my butt off. I'm at work and was watching it during my lunchtime so I know I looked like a maniac. :)

I enjoyed this episode better than the first one and am definitely looking forward upcoming episodes. I concur with your point re: the addition of pretty Oh Hae Young. I'm looking forward to it yet dreading it at the same time.

On a totally superficial note- Eric is so hot ;)


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Not superficial. First time watching Eric - Prognosis: HOT!!!


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this show is an unexpected pleasure. i wasn't expecting much from it, given who the leads were. i can't remember ever liking a drama that eric was in, and i didn't know who seo hyun-jin was, so i wasn't too interested.

but man, seo hyun-jin is a scream. i don't know if she's a good actress or if she just happens to be a really good fit for the character, but she cracked me up several times, and the impish look she gets on her face from time to time also adds another dimension of playfulness to her character.

all the other characters are hilarious, and i love all the little moments that are scattered throughout. i like the pacing. it's been giving us enough but it's not too rushed and it's not at all introductory-ish. i was hooked from the start. good sign!


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I recommend you to watch Let's eat 2 with Seo Hyun-jin and Yoon Doo-joon of boygroup Beast. She was so great in this drama. No, you don't need to watch the 1st season as it didn't has correlation with one another.

If you like sageuk, also try watching Three Musketeers. This is my first Seo Hyun-jin's drama. And I liked it and her character.


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haha i actually downloaded let's eat 2 yesterday and am watching episode 1 as i type! i rewatched splish splash love last weekend and was missing yoon doo-joon, and then this show happened. coincidence?

i hadn't bothered to check out let's eat 2 because i hadn't liked the first season... food porn is all good, but somehow i was grossed out by lee soo-kyung's eating scenes. that was just me. and then her dog went and tried to eat vomit, which really triggered my very sensitive gag reflex. season 2 looks a lot better.


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Does anyone feel that his noona was mad about the her employee's wedding because of her brother's cancelled wedding? I mean, she was on the verge of tears?


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That was my immediate thought as well!


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It made sense now why she seemed to take it so personally that Hae Young was the one who called the wedding off. Of course, it doesn't make sense that she actually uses her power to act on that unreasonable hatred, but still...there's a reason. I know this might even be cultural, but I really despise how people keep on gossiping behind people's back. I don't care how spunky you are, that is just not cool.


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Um, yeah. It makes just a little more sense than "I was looking forward to the buffet." She's quirky but that's quite a grudge because of a buffet.


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I said this above, but I totally thought that was what she was telling Hae-young last episode when I watched it without subs. I guess, technically, the show hadn't made it clear that she was Do-kyung's sister yet until this episode.


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I am surprised by how immediate my desire to spend more time with these characters was between episodes one and two. DramaFever mistakenly put up a notification that read, "New episodes every Monday!" and I flailed for a couple of minutes before checking every source I could to make sure this wasn't actually a once-a-week thing. I tend not to like Eric Moon in things; I go into his projects with an open mind, but I never find his acting compelling. But there is something about this character from his intense passion for his job to his monumentally devastating mistaken identity revenge mishap and the impact its had on him, that either has me really digging Eric's interpretation of the character or really overlooking whatever acting flaws I think Eric has.

In my mind, Do Kyung has regretted ruining Tae Jin's business since he did it. He's even stopped drinking because of the last terrible choice he made while doing so. But he hadn't figured out until he met our Oh Hae Young that feeling sad about ruining someone's life is not enough--which fits with a character privileged enough to have that apartment and go for casual drinks at that bar--and I am looking forward to seeing how Do Kyung develops from this admittedly (and yet still fittingly) late revelation. Finding out that saying "I'm sorry I put you in jail" is a shitty and non-helpful thing to do is a good first step! lol

I could write a million words about how much I like Seo Hyun Jin and Oh Hae Young, but my shock about liking Eric Moon in a thing has taken up enough space.


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IMHO : This drama is fundamentally flawed. The first lead ruined several peoples lives in a manner that can not be fixed. How do you give back a wronged person's "time"? His actions setup a sequence of events that sent a man to prison. In addition, he trampled on a woman's happiness. His actions in any other drama, would be that of the antagonist. He is a fundamentally flawed person. What if Tae Jin was the sole bread winner in his family? What if Tae Jin had a mother that was very ill and needed expensive medical treatment? He did not even bother to check that he had the correct couple, yet he was willing to financially ruin a man. He was playing God! There is a saying that is very applicable to this situation “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”. He should spend the remaining episodes climbing into his...


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But doesn't that make you more interested in the show and that character's development?

One of the biggest reasons I'm interested in this show is because Do Kyung's mistake has wreaked such havoc, of known and maybe unknown proportions, that seeing how the writers will deal with the consequences of that mistake while developing a believable, meaningful and potentially healing friendship between perpetrator and victim has captivated me. At least for now.


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Unfortunately, the writers went too far. Tae Jin appears to have worked in the financial arena. After all he had investors. The charges were dropped, but is he really cleared? Trust is the key for someone who works in the financial arena. Would you invest your money with a broker who was once charged with multiple counts of fraud? Do you think that his business competition will not use this against him in the future? His career is ruined. He will be negatively affected for the rest of his life. The damage that Do Kyung caused is just too severe to be so easily forgiven. Though any woman who would fall in love with him knowing exactly what happened would truly deserve him. And hopefully, he dug that second grave big enough for her too.


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The kind of consequences you’re describing are why I watch tv and movies in the first place. But I can understand having different thresholds for devastation or clumsy moral depravity or accidental ruin. I’m going to give the writers a chance to handle those consequences before giving up on the show.


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I hear ya but I wanted to chime in with my point of view.

Firstly I agree with some of the other commentators that the story needs conflict and the issue of revenge is the catalyst for our two leads to meet.

Secondly, I generally think of myself as a nice person but I also feel like one can make really awful decisions in response to another human beings betrayal and they can be even more emotionally screwed up when it involves marriage.

Do Kyung, was planning on spending his life with someone, who didn't feel the same way and not only left him but from the picture he found cheated on him as well.

That kind of situation turns your world view upside down. It can make you extremely bitter and I who was in a similar situation had irrational fantasies about getting 'justice'. I didn't actually on them, but the again I am not a drama character. After time passes you come to your senses but when the betrayal is fresh you are just so hurt it is hard not to lash out.

Also his ex keeps contacting him which makes it even harder to begin to heal. It's like you keep picking at a wound that is only in the early stages of healing.

Thirdly, I watch this show on drama fever so maybe the translation was wrong but do kyung's best friend, the lawyer said that oh hae young'son fiancee's business transactions were some what opaque. I don't know if that means it wasn't 100 percent Dog Kyung'so fault that things escalated so quickly resulting in jail time because his mother's bf pulled funding.

I do agree with you that what Do Kyung did was morally reprehensible but I think he wasn't his best self in that moment and as human beings we are all flawed. If he had known what the fall out of his actions would be, he would take them back.


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That was really bad but then if he didn't do that, we will not have a drama to watch. Dokyung did look devastated with what he did because now that he realized it, he's doing what he can to undo what he has done (at least on what's fixable) and he knows that drinking lead to a huge mistake and is keeping that in mind.

I actually want the original couples to end up with each other but I'm hella mad at the other Oh Haeyoung right now. lol


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I don't care about Do Kyung ending up with anyone, but I do want Good Oh Hae Young to find her way back to Han Tae Jin. And this is mostly because I want Lee Jae Yoon to be more prominent in the show. Lord knows I have no idea how compatible those characters were before they called off their wedding.


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I agree with this comment so much. Eric may be the main, but I would love to see him right his wrongs, including fixing the relationship he broke between Hae Young and Tae Jin.


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I agree, I feel it's appropriate for Hae-yong and Tae-jin to be back together to figure their relationship out before she moves on to Do-Kyung. It would be more realistic if she doesn't end up with either man, an open bitter-sweet ending would be befitting this mess of relationships. Though, I don't think Hae-Yong and Tae-Jin have a strong foundation. I sympathize with his reasoning of breaking her heart to spare her the burden but I guess, in a healthy relationships, he would trust her enough to share the his problem, burden or not it's for her to decide...


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If Taejin & OHY1 relationship was that good at the start, why he didn't tell her about his trouble but rather breaking up wth her and OHY1 doesn't know about Taejin being in jail and why she didn't bother to find out why he broke up with her over such silly reason as "he hates the way she eats"... Would it be very out of character for him if she knows him well?

I understand may be Taejin didn't want to be seen a a failed person to his fiancee (ego), or worried she might leave him, or he simply didn't want to drag her down with his failed venture.

Whatever the reason from Taejin, they (both TJ & OHY1) make me wonder if their relationship is really that strong to start with.


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I think OHY believe the break up because he is determined, he even didn't move when the mom called him, she knew it wasn't the reason, he said he can't trust himself to love her forever,
he didn't want to give her shame that her husband goes to jail after marriage,

if you are tae jin that just doesn't know where it goes wrong then will proceed to the bottom his life, will he invite the girl she loves? his life is almost over and he didn't want to end her life either,
if people can understand how devastated do kyung looked after marriage, then why people can't comprehend that even tae jin didn't sure how he can get out and still want him to marry?

for OHY, it shocked but what can she did if the man determined to not showed up on the D-Day, if the man you believe and trust determined to call it off, there's not so much she can do.


But EVERY human is a fundamentally flawed person. The issue isn't with a drama that has characters who demonstrate that, it's with dramas that fail to acknowledge it and rather than using that little tidbit for yunno, development, they instead focus all the narrative effort into what is essentially a non-issue and when it's solved spend the rest of the airtime spinning wheels.

Yes, Do-kyung effed up MASSIVELY, I'm actually impressed the drama had the cojones to go there. Now all it has to do is, exactly, address your what ifs, address the consequences of being petty and sending my poor handsome Tae-jin to jail. The fun will be watching him futilely trying to climb out of the grave he dug. If characters always did the sensible, high-road thing, there would be no drama and we'd all have to find a new hobby.


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The problem is that thoughtlessly triggering events that caused an innocent person to go to jail can NEVER be fixed. The writers may try to later reveal that Tae Jin was engaging in fraudulent behavior. This would be their way of making things right. However, Do Kyung would still have acted without this knowledge and would still be scum. How about we ask someone who has been falsely imprisoned? We can let them decide. There is a very good reason that romantic comedies do not and should not use false imprisonment as a plot mechanism. Denying someone their basic human rights is NEVER funny. I think I learned that in kindergarten, along with the other basics.


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OOPS! Posted in wrong place. It was really meant to be a reply to Jessi's post.


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Haha! No worries. I did the same thing earlier!

I understand what you're saying, but I regularly watch pretty devastating shows. I'm watching season 2 of American Crime as I type this, so I think I just have a higher threshold for what I'm willing to witness in a show. If the writers handle this badly, then I'll agree: they've done something too terrible to a character to justify.


I know it's a lame excuse but I have a feeling Do Kyung didn't intend for it to "go that far." I feel like his friend is more of a jerk for purposely taking advantage of Do Kyung by getting him drunk and making him go for revenge when he was actually trying to distance himself from it. It almost makes me wonder if Ji Suk's character is using Do Kyung to make his own power play for some reason.

Also, it's honestly kinda refreshing to see a male lead recognize his mistake and be so guilt ridden right away (to the point of vomiting), rather than being petty and indignant for 5-6 episodes like most MLs.

Part of the suspense of the drama is knowing that the two main characters are going to form this heartwarming bond over their shared heartbreak, and him having to push her away because of this HORRIBLE thing he did is looming over them.


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Well, we still don't know until we get to see some of development from the story. It just 2 episodes though. It could be twisted hard. It was so wrong to ruin someone's life. But again, that's the reason why this drama happen from the first place. Misunderstanding. If we see from poster, it seems later on, the show might focus on Park Do Kyung and the two Oh Hae Youngs. So, let see next epsiodes before making conclusion.


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I got the impression that, at the time he did it, Do-kyung thought Tae-jin was the guy Oh Hae Young #2 ran away with while he was left searching hospitals for days after their wedding. At least, that's the impression I got from what Ji-sang said during that scene. That would make both those people guilty of causing some pretty serious emotional distress (OHY2 is still guilty of this). I don't condone Do-kyung's actions, but I recognize how he might not have considered Tae-jin entirely "innocent" at the time he committed them.

Obviously, he didn't have enough justification (or confirmation, for that matter,) for the kind of revenge he sought and this is why it wasn't something carefully plotted, but rather a snap decision he made at his lowest point. I like that this drama is having me question whether I should define Do-kyung by his better parts or by the decision he made in his weakest, most miserable moment. There are certainly not many rom-coms that have me thinking this deeply about it's characters within the first 2 episodes.

I think this is precisely why I like this setup. This is like a cautionary tale on revenge. If you try and get it, you could end up just becoming the bastard who deserves all he dealt.

I also fundamentally believe in giving people a chance to make amends and I like Do-kyung enough to give him that chance. There are certainly not many rom-coms that have me thinking this deeply about its characters within the first 2 episodes so I, for one, am impressed.


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Lol, oops. I meant to cut and paste that sentence at the end. But it seems I copied and pasted instead...

It's been a long day.


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Seconded. Great comment.


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I love your comment! I agree for Do-Kyung to have a chance to correct his mistake. I would love to see him being honest with OHY1 about the whole thing and redeem himself. But why do I have a feeling that he's not gonna be honest and can be prone to jerk-like actions out of guilt? Man, then that'll be difficult to stomach, even if he is a male lead


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There are scores of stories be it in print or on screen about atonement. I believe in second chances. Anyone can make a mistake. It is easy to say "I would never do that!" but difficult to predict the accuracy of that statement without being in the same exact position yourself. What is important is how people act once they realize they made a mistake (and here by mistake I don't mean "ruining" the wrong person but ruining anyone to take revenge). Sure, there are unforgivable sins, but usually they involve people who deliberately hurt others and who don't feel guilty afterwards because they don't have a conscious. I think we will watch Do Kyung's remorse and how he acts afterwards and I don't consider a drama that tells that story "flawed". He may not be your ideal romanticized perfect hero but that's exactly what makes his story interesting to watch as a viewer.

We have no evidence that Do Kyung wouldn't eventually feel remorse for what e did even if he didn't do it to the wrong person.

If there s a flaw in the story for me it is how a businessman is ruined with just one person's word. I wonder how sound his business was for it to collapse completely because one person decided to withdraw their investment. I find the business side of stories always too simplified for dramatic effect to be realistic.


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And PS about romantic comedies and what's funny: Recently the term "romantic comedy" is used almost as a catchall phrase that encompasses anything that has some comedy and some romance in it. But we are finding more and more the blurring of lines between genres that they attach 4 or 5 tags to a show to accurately describe what it actually is.

To me Oh Hae Young is not a romantic comedy in the classical sense and the repercussions of Do Kyung's actions are not funny at all (and are not at all played for comedy in the drama). If anything, the first two episodes were more sad than funny. Both Hae Young and Do Kyung's heartbreaks are incredibly sad. I can best describe this as a drama with a serious subject that has some truly comedic bits.


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I thought team production stated Another Miss Oh is mystery romance at the first time they announced it. I guess they change to use rom-com because it's easy to attract people to watch.


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Dokyung made a bad decision when he goes along with Jinsang's advice to make his ex-financee to pay back when she stood him up at the altar on their wedding day.

He should not had gone along with Jinsang's plant. Very bad decision but I don't think he's fundamentally flaw or a bad person (at this point). That because when he didn't go with Jinsang's revenge plan at first. Jinsang got him drunk and Dokyung eventually let a dart to decide it. Sure it's something you should not let a dart to decide such decision but there, it shows he's not comfortable with the idea. AND their original plan was to have the Chairman to withdraw just his own investment in Taejin's business. Both Dokyung & Jinsang didn't know this would send him to jail when other investors pulled out.... The moment Dokyung found the guy is in jail and his lawyer friend got the wrong info on OHY, he asked Jinsang to get Taejin out.

For all that reasons, I don't think Dokyung is fundamentally flaw person. Mistaken identity, bad circumstantial events that led to that bad decision. But had Dokyung's bestie lawyer were more competent with his info and double check on Oh Hae Young's identity, there would be no revenge, no drama...


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I agree with you. "No. Freaking. Way." was the only thing going through my mind when it was revealed what the leading man did. It was just way too much. The premise would be okay for a heavy drama with him being presented as more of an ambiguous character than a guy to actually root for. But this is a romantic comedy, why should I even hope that this guy should get Haeyoung, the fiancee of the innocent guy he ruined? There would be no justice there at all. I'm trying to think of a scenario when that would be okay. Maybe if he also gets jail time, Taejin gets all his assets AND the precious gold Haeyoung (I remember Jeon Hyebin once played a second lead I liked, and she would be more than a good consolation prize)--MAYBE, then. But the protagonist would still leave a bitter taste in my mouth.


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i agree doe, we could rename a prelogue of this drama 'wrong oh hae young' where do kyung is an evil antagonist that plots a cray evil plan to wreck tae jin up and then cry and kill him self in the end cus he did a grave mistake.. but no... i guess that didn't happen and we are now at 'oh hae young again' and i really hope he gets hit by karma in a way for doing such a stupid act


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The kind of consequences you're describing are why I watch tv and movies in the first place. But I can understand having different thresholds for devastation or clumsy moral depravity or accidental ruin. I'm going to give the writers a chance to handle those consequences before giving up on the show.


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oops! Wrong place.


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I just want more episodes right now. Monday, come fast!


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Yup, pretty much.

I really desperately need to know how this drama unfolds. If this is how the wait feels in the first week, I'm dreading how it's gonna feel when things really get going!


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This is the kind of heroine I can get behind. Plus I'm relieved that her relationship with her coworkers and friend(s) isn't the usual pile-on of misery for a female lead with her type of issues. I found Heo Jung-min annoying in MND but for whatever reason his brand of wimpy silliness is a hoot here. Ji-sang's a dumb douche but at least Kim Ji-suk isn't a nice doormat again. I'm flip-flopping on how I feel about the mom and the boss though. In all, I can't say I'm in love but the humor has its moments and I'm curious to see where the drama's going with this.


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I planned to not watch any drama after DOTS and Comeback Ahjussi to focus on my studies but this drama totally ruined my plan!!
This drama made me amazed and more noticing the back sound-i never really cared before- that is not that natural but reliable. "Aah, so this is how they made it."
The both family are just so fun and interesting, I wonder how will they interact in th future. I cant wait it. I want episode 16 now. oh, please-,-".
When haeyoung went home with his bike really killed me out xD why im the one who felt embarrassed to death. I almost cried on my laugh
It is bit weird how haeyoung's new house and dookyung's house related. Dookyung seems rich but his house made from carton(?) It's not his house actually which made me from carton but still it doesnt make any sense-_-" im so curious how their house ended up like that xD
I hate monday but this is such dilemma, I want monday come fast so I can watch next episode but I dont want monday xD


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Was anyone else confused why hae young's apartment was so small and dingy and do kyung's was nice and spacious? Considering they're separated by a flimsy wall so they're in the same building?


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Maybe his mom owns the building and cheaped out on anything her kids weren't living in. She seemed kind of like that sort of person.


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They need to explain that real good coz I had a WTF face when it happened. I don't have any reason I can cook up except "coincidence". This director's style (comparing it to MND) is throwing off the viewers. You think you're right but you're oh so wrong.


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It could just be that she rented a smaller, more affordable room. After all, Do-kyung's whole family stays in his.

Also they actually aren't separated by a flimsy wall, but rather a flimsy piece of wood was used to cover a secret door between their apartments, lol. I definitely think there's a story there. Maybe Hae-young#2 stayed there at some point and that was her secret passage into his abode? It'll remain a mystery for now :P


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Seriously tho. What luck. Where can I find an apartment with a secret door that leads to a half-naked Eric?! Sometimes life just isn't fair.


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Agree, OHY's tiny room is probably part of the Park's property that Dokyung now uses as his home or work space and rent out the tiny apartment as there's obviously a connecting door between the 2 places.

Hope to see more 'incidents' now that OHY1 is right next dore XD


We need more of a dimensional warp than a secret door. OTL I'm confident on making every versions of "Wow"though. ERICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC


"Where can I find an apartment with a secret door that leads to a half-naked Eric?! Sometimes life just isn’t fair"

Seriously. I'd be tempted to check out all my walls, but I already know my neighbors.


Seriously though. I don't know that I could handle all that hotness coming towards me :)


right, that was the one of the biggest thing i had a problem with, even though i adore the cast and especially oh hae-young's character and i'll definitely keep watching- how can such a cheapo room be connected to his luxurious apartment? i'll buy the wild coincidence of them happening to live right next to each other since his supernatural abilities and their similar past point to ~fate~ and ~karma~ and these coincidences will no doubt keep cropping up.
the other qualm i have is how they did absolutely no research before jumping into enacting their revenge. having the same name is a fairly common thing, and they had no picture evidence either.....i'm not sure if i missed it, or if they just connected the dots based on oh hae-young's friend mentioning her by name and the picture the other oh hae-young uploaded of her with another man in paris....which seems so incredibly flimsy to me, but maybe i have to take into account how desperate and angry he was at that time.


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I would like a legitimate explanation, but for now I've decided that it was originally one unit that has been split up for whatever reason and Hae Young got the tiny side.


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Maybe Do Kyung has the room next to Hae Young rented as his studio and has an apartment somewhere else? Idk it was unclear.


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Soo-kyung is not just angry because she didn't get to eat the delicious buffet food!! She didn't eat dinner the night before in anticipation and she only found out the morning of and had to stave off hungry with instant noodles! I empathize with that, man. Although, actually, you get full faster if you skip meals.

I still think she's funny and a rather cool. She's pretty good at high kicks, lol. And I kind of get the feeling that she's going to hook up with Kim Ji-Suk's character?


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Yes, Soo Kyung and Ji Sang are supposed to have a love line and I am so curious to see how they will bring that in the drama, since Ji Sang seems to already know Soo Kyung drunken madness behaviours lol


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and from their individual poster, both Jinsan & Sookyung are holding baby bottle! YAAAY!!


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Ohh nooooooo, haha.


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Does anyone realise Do Kyung doesn't talk much? He's sometimes has a puzzled, serene, worried, angry, questioning looks but hardly with more than 3 lines. I'm ok with it though, I think it suits him.

The last scene was unbelievable (fate and weak wall next to posh neighbour?!) but who cares when ogling hot bod takes precedent. Heh!

Can't wait to see what happened to pretty Hae Young.


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I think Park Do Kyung is the most character that will be suffered for more in this series because of his own mistakes. It's clear that he can't drink. And he made huge mistake while drinking. It was obvious he wanted to let everything go about the wedding but his friend assured him to get revenge. And Ji sang seems also didn't know what they both did would become a big mess. Again, from the first place, they just wanted to broke Tae Jin financially but it made him got into the jail instead. Soon after Do Kyung knew that the target was wrong, he asked his friend to make Tae Jin out from the jail.

About Do Kyung has apartment beside small 'home' of Hae Young, I think he needs that home where he can focus on his work. Because in the begining of episode, we saw that he likes to go to several places for getting inspiration of sounds. So, I guess, it's his 'working' home.

I like how Hae Young turns to "wowwww!!!" when she saw half naked Do Kyung. She isn't hypocrite. I think she has 'a thing' for Do Kyung already and that's the reason why she asked drink for compensation breaking her nose lol.

I like to see another Hae Young to hear from her perspective. Who knows something bad really happen to her in that day. The story seems more complicated than I thought but fortunately we have silly side characters to balance it.

Most of people in this drama acts so hillarious. But I notice one thing. Do Kyung rarely speak in this two episodes. I still can see his painful being 'betrayed', feeling confused because his new' deja-vu talents' and feeling so sorry to Hae Young because of his huge mistake. He didn't say anything rather than "I'm sorry" to Hae Young but I can feel that he felt so regret about it. And the wedding scene is also painful to watch. As much as I love Seo Hyun Ji and Yeh Ji Won quirkiness, I must say Eric did very good job to potray someone broke to the very basic and still having 'a mourning phase' in his life.

Looking forward how the writer makes this messy story become more clear and please make them fall for each other faster XD.


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I hate when people push blame and punishment onto the person who "stole" a cheating SO. If (significant if) they knew they were involved with an involved person, that's not great on their part, but still! Blame the cheater! Be mad at the cheater first! Don't ruin some poor random dude's life because he fell in love with some girl. Yeez.


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Hear hear. I never get that! Unless it's your best friend or something the other person has no commitment, loyalty or any similar feeling towards you. Yes, they are a lousy person but that's it. It is your partner who was supposed to be committed to you, who might have promised you their fidelity.

This kind of action also reduces people into objects with no will of their own that can be "stolen" by others.


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Especially when the "stealer" could also be a victim who got played and had absolutely no idea the other lover existed! I have a very poor opinion of the protagonist--the hurt that Oh Haeyoung caused doesn't excuse him from what he did to Taejin even if the man had been the same one with his Haeyoung--they didn't know each other and Taejin likely didn't know Haeyoung had another man.


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In a lot of cases I agree with this, but I find it hard to believe that someone intimate enough with Hae-young to whisk her off to Paris (conveniently on the day of her wedding? Come on.) didn't know that she was engaged at the time he did it. That indicates to me that he knew he was running away with someone else's bride, which I consider shady behavior. Of course, there is always the possibility that he really didn't know, but I don't think that's the conclusion I would come to in an emotional state of mind if I were DK.


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OMG that hilarious mother-daughter combo dance is awesome! It's what I would do with my mom actually who would always be silly with me so it cracked me up so much. Damn I just love Seo Hyun Jin. She just makes you root for her character at the get-go. After Signal and SFD ended all dramas have been so-so but this one is my new crack! I'm looking forward to this and I missed TVN romcoms so bad I'm happy that I have something to look forward to every week.


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I didn't expect to love this show, but I do! The first episode was so quirky, and the second one was even better. I love all the characters and am both looking forward to and dreading when the other Hae-young shows up. Things are going to get mega complicated! I've never wanted a Monday so badly! (Also, the tango dance scene cracked me up. This mother-daughter duo is awesome.)


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Hahaha Seo Hyun Jin and Eric have chased all my Monday blues away.....

These two leads are so good, caught me by surprise. They already gave me goosebumps after just two episodes.

Monday please come quickly!


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I like it. I really really like it. Lately I don’t get addicted to dramas and don’t have much time. So I watch a few and don’t read recaps or comments even though I check Dramabeans several times daily, read news pieces and have a quick overview of first episode recaps. Oh Hae Young made me want to read and write.
The premise of the show was interesting enough, I enjoyed Marriage Not Dating and I like the actors so I knew I might like it but it delivered much more than I expected. It has colorful characters and an interesting story. Both episodes delivered surprises. There are many secrets from many people and we can look forward to how each will be revealed and what the fallout will be. I think withholding how Hae Young’s wedding was actually cancelled from the viewer until almost the end of the first episode was brilliant. Very few characters in the show know it, even Hae Young’s parents don’t. That first surprise immediately changes the way you look at Hae Young. She is hurt very much and needs healing but very few people are aware of the fact. Her wounds are still fresh. She doesn’t know it but this is all due to sharing her name with the other Hae Young. And she already lived through enough because of her. The reaction of her classmates to her when they were expecting yeppun Hae Young was very sad. She needs a lot of healing!
But the bigger surprise for me was Do Kyung’s role in it. He also had a similar experience to her, even worse. At least she got a one day notice and an explanation (as lousy as that was). He literally got stood up at the altar in his tux with no explanation whatsoever. But, and that is a very big but, his hurt does not cancel out his responsibility in wrecking her life. And he is aware of it. His hurt is not fresh but he is not healed by any means and now on top of it he is feeling guilty for what he did to her because he has a conscious. So now we will wait with baited breath for Hae Young to find out what he did and react. Looking forward to waching them heal together.
Not showing yeppun Hae Young yet was a clever move. We saw her through both Hae Young and Do Kyung’s memories but her addition to the mix will stir things up even more. Especially considering the fact that in spite of what she did two years ago she still seems interested in Do Kyung - please show don’t come with a terminal illness type of an excuse for what she did! Whatever her reasons though, I’m not expecting her to act like the typical evil second lead. We may sympathize with her at some level! Our Hae Young’s ex fiance also seems like a decent guy and wanted to protect her with his actions. So we will have quite a love square in our hands once he gets out of jail and wants to right the wrongs.
Another unexpected development was Hae Young moving next door to Do Kyung. He will have trouble staying away from her now. *evil grin* And she discovers this through a sight of his after shower wet abs!
So many connections between characters. So Hae...


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So many connections between characters. So Hae Young works for Do Kyung’s sister? Do Kyung knows Hae Young’s friend. One could almost say they are fated but that never happens in a Korean drama!
I love Hae Young’s mom. That tango scene was equal parts heartbreaking and funny.
All this before we even add the supernatural elements to the story! So I like it, really like it so far.

Thanks for the recap Lollypip!


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Mama Oh is awesome! That tango scene was unexpected and hilarious.
Her scenes with Hae Young often made me laugh.

I hope our Oh Hae Young has some more time to bond with Do Kyung before the other OHY shows up too. But I'm not sure if I want to see them as a couple or they reunite with their original partners or what. Cuz I want to see a good outcome for Tae Jin too, unless he wasn't so innocent after all.

So yeah, I'm really liking this show and I'm curious to see how the rest of the story develops. :)


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Correct me if I'm wrong but from this episode, Do Kyung just wanted Tae Jin to fail financially by pull out his investment, not more than that. Unfortunately, the others follow him that makes Tae Jin had bankrupt and perhaps because of some debts (?), he ended up in the jail. Of course Do Kyung still very bad to act like that but again, he was drunk, frustated etc. People sometimes did huge mistake under alcohol control especially he said he can't drink (and I think he really can't drink because he vomit after giving ride of Hae Young to her home).

I hope we don't judge Do Kyung and pretty Oh Hae young before everything gets clear.

I would prefer they back together to their original pair since I think it's all misunderstanding but perhaps during the way they try to solve this mess, they could fall for someone else.


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"Just" ruining someone financially pretty much ruins their whole life. Money makes the world go round, sweetheart. Have a look at what a life of poverty is like. I have already judged Dokyung, as I would judge anyone who would ruin another person's life.

I reserve my judgement of Gold Haeyoung.


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Do-kyung destroyed Hae Young's life? I think not. I place the blame totally at her ex's door. He could easily have just told her the truth why he was leaving her. I'm going to jail, will have to pass on the honeymoon trip so might as well just cancel the whole thing... Yeah, that would have made her feel less worthless. But telling a girl you love that you just can't stand her anymore, just to break up, is sicker than Do-kyung sending a man to jail out of jealousy.

Definitely love this drama, which is heavy on the comedy and that's rare in romcoms (most are hardly ever really funny). This is straight up hilarious and I love the 'Just' Oh Hae Young character. She rocks! And so does the recap, so thanks LollyPip!


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Dokyung still has a part on it since he basically started it but I do agree with what you said about Taejin. He totally could have told her but he chose to be a jerk (thinking he's doing a good deed, sigh) instead. You'd think he'd trust her to understand considering they're supposed to get married the next day. Haeyoung, on the other hand, is awesome. She handles herself well (except for the drinking) even when she's really hurting inside.


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May be Taejin didn't tell OHY1 about what happened to him because:

1. He didn't want to be seen a failed person (ego)
2. He thought she might leave him if he told her.
3. He loved her much that he didn't want to drag her down with his failed venture....

I also wonder why OHY1 didn't question further why her fiance canceled their wedding just like that over something very silly reason (he didn't like the way she eats, if I recall correctly). Isn't it a bit out of character, even if cold feet? And later she didn't know he's in jail either. OHY completely shut him out after being rejected or their relationship isn't that strong for her to question more.

I'm actually want to see the pretty OHY since there're lot of questions/things her character might shed some light on.


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It clearly wasn't strong.

On Tae-jin's side, if he couldn't trust Hae-Young enough that she would understand him, then it meant that he wasn't THAT into their relationship to get married. On Oh Hae-Young side, she didn't understand him enough to see the signs.

It seems to me that Oh Hae-Young has a tendency to try to date as many people as possible regardless of whether she likes the guy or not. She at least is that way after her breaking up with Tae-Jin. She did it to the random dude on the blind date, and she tried to do it with Do-Kyung.

I think a part of the dialogue implied that she wanted to marry Tae Jin because she was hoping it was a way out of her misery.


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I'm thinking OHY1's tendency to date people on a wimp as her way to nurse her breakup? Some people tend to that in real life.

"I think a part of the dialogue implied that she wanted to marry Tae Jin because she was hoping it was a way out of her misery." ~ Interesting thought! Not saying she's a gold digger but the relationship may be a a way to get a more comfortable life than real love since she just took what Taejin told her and didn't see that was out character for him.


I agree. Yes, Do Kyung owes Tae Jin a lot, but Just Hae Young's misery is all on Tae Jin.


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Wow. That does NOT absolve Dokyung of any blame at all. Taejin was the real victim here and Dokyung the perpetrator. Haeyoung was just collateral damage. Just because Dokyung didn't directly ruin Haeyoung's life doesn't give him a free pass--he did ruin Taejin's life after all.

I already knew that people would bend over backwards to justify this dude and his loveline with Haeyoung because he's played by Eric, but denying his guilt completely is just absurd.


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I'm not sure why you sound so angry. People agree that Dokyung and Jinsang ARE guilty toward Taejin regardless of the circumstances.

It's not because it's played by Eric (or any other actor) that he should get a free pass (if you read other comments) for what happened to Taejin. While Dokyung's mistake is largely the cause for Taejin and OHY1's break up, it is Taejin's decision to call off the wedding instead of telling her about his situation.


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@ Phi

Exactly my point - I'm not excusing Do-Kyung. I just think that Oh Hae Young could have handled the (inevitable) breakup better, if it didn't have to do with HER lacking in some way. So if Tae-Jin had confessed the real reason he had to call off the wedding, OHY wouldn't be this messed up in the head (the binge drinking, binge dating, the solo tango etc). I hate seeing her suffer so much from thinking she failed somewhere as a woman.


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" because he’s played by Eric"
Discovery of Romance 2.0, I'm sick of this, I'm sorry because I really don't want to be rude, I just can't take it anymore, can you read people's mind or something ?
You know people can have a opinion without being biased or fan ^^"


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Have to say, I've never liked Eric in his dramas although I've only watched a few. I've also never thought of Eric as KYAAAAAA material (sorry fans!) coz he's not your typical now so trendy "so-pretty-you-can-be-a-girl" kind of ikemen NOR is he the ruggedly tall strong and handsome type (ok some of you may beg to differ but well.....).

But I really like his characters' quietness here. Like some said above, I agree that he's hardly uttered 5 sentences in 1 episode except maybe when he was angrily shouting (which doesn't count as talking). He has this silent strength/softness both rolled into 1 kind of aura, if you get what I mean. He's obviously good at his job, is strong mentally (he may vomit etc. but basically he is strong enough to live on), was happily in love before and probably doted on the other Oh Hae Young. It's the 1st time I find Eric good at a role coz it really suits him.

On the other hand, I've never watch Seo Hyun Jin and didn't know her until now. She just..... BLEW me away with her sassiness! She is obviously hurt a lot of times, being ignored in school and a broken wedding. She may also be mildly (or maybe not so mild) suicidal but the way she picks herself up when being insulted/pushed/ignored is something that I feel we need to learn. She retorts with such fun/positive spirits! She looks very much like a beautiful FOX in her nosebleed look-back-at-Eric scene when they knocked into each other that I'm so in love with this woman!!

Overall, I agree that the theme of this drama, that someone actually ruin another person(s) life with a misunderstanding like this, is rather heavy. Because it is just a drama, I think somehow Do Kyung will pay for his mistake and get another chance at happiness. However, I really want to see how he does this and why the wronged ones will forgive him. We all make mistakes. Even murderers can repent and be given another chance. It is the journey to this repentence that makes a difference to me.

PS. Okay can I say too, how HOT Eric is? I've never been attracted to him before but this silence, this sadness..... he is HOT even without the after-shower half naked scene! Rawrrrrrr....


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For me Eric is hotter in the rain scene where he's wearing suit tried to find his bride everywhere and looking very sad. I don't know, I find it's much more sexy than his towel scene lol.


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It's cause his hair is off of his forehead.

Darn those ever-present drama bangs! :(


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Eric in a suit running, looking, looking sad and lost...he did that in the video for "Venus."


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Eric definitely made me do a double-take with his slicked hair wedding look. Now he just looks geeky, sound technician geeky.


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I agree he looked hot with his hair in the rain scene ..I started out the drama not liking the hair style they chose for him but it has grown on me now..Eric doesnt have the typical "handsome" "Sexy" look but something about his aura is very manly and sexy...


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Meet the towel, "wow" indeed !


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Oh how I love that Oh Hae Young's reaction to seeing Park Do Kyung half naked is a simple "WOW" (ok, well, a couple of WOWs) LOL.

(a bit of a back story: Eric said he did not work out much, because his character is a sound director, which he feels need not be overly muscly).

Regarding his revenge move on Han Tae Jin, I do think that both him and Ji Sang had been looking at the wrong person to carry out their revenge. Shouldn't they find where pretty Oh Hae Young is and get revenge on her instead of going after Han Tae Jin? Although I know he did that because he can't find pretty Oh Hae Young anywhere.

I am going to come to Do Kyung's defense, however, on how he did not expect to screw over Han Tae Jin that badly. All he ever said to Chairman Jang was to take out his investments in Tae Jin. He didn't know that it will lead other investors to lose trust on Tae Jin at all (think about his line of works - he is in movies so might not know how much influence Chairman Jang's actions are to other people).

Lastly, am I the only one who think that Do Kyung's mom is a bad actor? I cringe watching her in episode 1 and she's barely tolerable in episode 2. I hope she wouldn't have much screen time.


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i agree about do-kyung. it's not like he intentionally set out to send the fiance to prison. wasn't there a scene where his friend told him that the fiance had been jailed and he looked all "news to me"/surprised/dismayed?

technically, all he did was persuade his mom's boyfriend(?) to pull his investment. at least, from what we've been shown so far. it's not like he had some complex intricate revenge scheme mapped out. it was an emotional, spur of the moment decision. i'm more surprised that the chairman took him seriously while he was drunk, though he wasn't exactly wasted. that is, IF do-kyung did speak to him that same day.

his actions weren't exactly commendable, but i wouldn't condemn him either. and honestly, for kdramaland, the "events" that ensued were quite tame. if this were a makjang drama, people might have died, families tossed out of their homes, someone might have lost a limb or two, etc. it could have been really dramatic. this is actually fairly realistic.

the chairman pulling his investment doesn't mean the fiance would have gone straight to jail. it sounds like his company had other stuff going on, and it just bubbled to the surface right after. do-kyung obviously had nothing to do with that.

just my two cents!


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I love when I find surprise dramas that do not have any hype. I did not know anything about this drama; started it entirely because it was something new and got bored most of ep 1 but held on because felt something something and then was so very glad that I held on. My patience started paying off in the last 10 minutes of ep 1 and lasted throughout ep 2.

Clearly, the consequences of a bad decision weigh very heavily on the dude and that is why I like the drama. Because, that is the plot. Else what is the drama about? It is about that particular decision he made to ruin someone ...

I really find that really interesting and love the plot because of it. Because he is not evil. He had no clue how bad the consequences were and now he does, there lies the point of the story.

So, yeah, I really am looking forward to this one.

I like the dry humor with her mom too. It is kind of giggle worthy every time she wants to kill her daughter for being so brazen. It is cute. She is being a true mom rather than a drama mom. That is why it is so funny.

Another reason I like this drama is because of the heroine. I love it when they own something that makes them insecure. I love that confidence in all characters. I am hoping she stays that way. I have learnt something during my life time. The only things that make you feel bad are the things that you make yourself feel bad about. If you can own them, no one can put you down. this heroine fits that description.


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Oh, Seo Hyun Jin, how do I love thee... I watched Three Musketeers because of Lee Jin Wook and Let's Eat 2 because of Yoon Doo Joon and I just loved Seo Hyun Jin in both dramas. This time I'm watching Oh Hae-young Again solely because of her. She just seems to understand the characters she is playing that her acting, the quirkiness and all, looks so natural. I think I've just found my new favorite Korean actress.


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Ok I totally forgot to add this : does anyone else feel that Oh Hae Young is too calm when Tae Jin wanted to call off their wedding? She just asked him once for the reason, and then she's all "OK but let me be the one dumping you".

I think she's not really in love with Tae Jin and all the tears she's been showing is more because she felt that people are looking down on her and probably feels like she's not worthy of any guy's love than it is about Tae Jin dumping her.


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This drama got me hooked from the get go. Like others, I honestly wasn't expecting much. I tried the drama since there's nothing really to watch ever since Come Back Ajusshi ended. Well, I was so surprised when I watched the first episode. Even from the first few minutes, I was intrigued and fell in love. Especially with the heroine. This drama has been the only drama in a while that has me emotionally invested. I only watched CBA for its comedic aspects (and tend to skip most of the romance aspect). But this drama hits me right in the feels. I genuinely laugh and cry my heart out. Maybe it's because I relate with the heroine. All I know is, these 2 episodes have been a gem in my book (the very first in 2016 IMO).


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can you tell me the tittle of this drama ost , played in first episod in the opening??


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That dance scene was priceless! You could tell Hae young was dancing to release her stress and depression (successfully, I might add), and mom was dancing to relieve her anger, albeit, unsuccessfully. It also showed that this was the established method of relieving stress by mother and daughter.

Kim Mi kyung rocks!

Dad is a hoot! Amazing how he never says a word, yet he knows, sees and reacts to all that happens in that house.

I did think it was pretty extreme for them to kick their daughter out of the house just because she had a failed wedding and was acting weird. But I guess we needed that as a plot device to get the two lovebirds together. Lol.


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Yah I didn't like that she gotten kicked out either for a lame readon like that, i like the scenes between her and her mother now we're gonna have less scenes with her family


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Lollypip, or anyone else who knows Korean, what is the romanization of the word they use to describe the "wrong" Hae Young in the reunion? I know the sound of the word but have no idea how to write it.


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They called her "그냥 오해영" / "keu-nyang Oh Haeyoung" / "Just Oh Haeyoung"


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Thanks a lot Enkeys! I know the word means "just" but had no idea how to spell it.


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See, that's clearly what I heard, but people on comments calling her "Dirt Oh Hae Young", so it confused me.

Where are they getting "Dirt Oh Hae Young" from?


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Actually korean word is 'Heuk Spoon' which is opposed to 'Gold Spoon(=born with silver spoon)'. So Dirt Oh Hae Young/ Heuk OHY means opposite of 'born rich' -like 'plain/ordinary'
I heard they used both terms (Just OHY, Plain OHY) for her.


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Ah, that makes sense.

I probably missed the part where that was said.

So Heuk means "Dirt"? The part where it's a pun on the "Heuk Spoon"(ordinary) gets lost in translation, huh.


They don't call her "Dirt" / "Heuk" Haeyoung as much in the drama, but her character poster and teaser uses the word "Dirt" Haeyoung and "Gold" Haeyoung to differentiate the two Haeyoung. They mostly call the two of them "Just" Haeyoung and "Pretty" Haeyoung in the drama.


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I was laughing so much when she busted through that false wall over the door. She opened the door to a Narnia that was half House Beautiful and half Men's Health after Eric appeared. (Like a fantasy magazine spread.)

This show has a lot of laughs but it doesn't take anything away from the seriousness of the wrongs. Great balance between quirky and moody. Love the music and like someone else mentioned, I pay alot more attention to the added sound effects.

I think its Karma that's making Do Kyung have these visions. He can't sleep and is wracked with guilt and anxiety. He knows now he must atone in a big way and Karma is shoving our Hae Young in his path to force him into action.

Isn't it possible that pretty Hae Young had something catastophic happen to her or her family that made her run away. Something she couldn't tell him about at the time. Of course the pictures of her in Paris with another guy make her look pretty bad. Just a thought.


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It was mentioned in the first episode that Do Kyung's mother was against the marriage (very quick mention that if you blink you miss it.) I think his mother may have something to do with the missing Hae Young.


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She is literally busting down all his walls.

(Just another random thought)


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"In fact I’d venture to say that we really don’t even need Do-kyung’s clairvoyance visions to make their interactions and eventual love story interesting, as much as I like dramas with a supernatural element, but I am looking forward to seeing how it enhances their relationship now that they’re realizing that they seem to be too intertwined to keep doing the “we’re only strangers” thing."

You are right Lollypip, there's so much in this drama that we don't need the supernatural element but I think the fun for us will come from his resistance and attempts to prevent what he sees from happening. I feel sorry for the poor guy. What he did was horrible, and he realizes that, but he simply didn't think it through. He didn't intend to ruin the life of an innocent woman, nor an innocent man. He didn't think of anything beyond taking revenge for what was done to him. He feels so bad about what he did especially after seeing how miserable Hae Young is that it's difficult for him to even see her. But what can a poor Do Kyung Do when KDrama fate keeps pushing them together?


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You're totally right. Also, for me, the supernatural theme is more about the comedy of it. I find Do-kyung having all these angst-inducing visions of his unwitting victim, only to have it be of her ogling his abs in his apartment, to be hilarious. Pffft, I don't know, I just find the sheer difference in their mindsets comical.

The hilarity also comes out in the way he awkwardly tries to stop his visions from happening. That "Do you know where I live?" moment was priceless, especially with the crow sounds.


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I agree. There's just so many funny things in the show that they play so subtly that I can't keep track of them all. I also laughed at the part where Do-Kyung unhesitatingly rushes out of the bar to escape his fate with Hae-Young, only to instantly rush right back in. That was two instant gags within seconds of each other.


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I'm actually kind of glad that they're introducing the "old girlfriend"early in the series so that they can get to resolving it quicker. Nothing annoys me more than a sudden ex-lover showing up towards the end of the series only to create drama after the main couple has already created a foundation. I just hope they don't drag it on for too long.

But I'm loving the series so far! Thanks for the recap!


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I love that Eric plays such the straight man when we know he's the 4D leadernim in real life. I do hope Oh Hae Young brings that out and get to see them both dance.


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I'm totally hooked with every single character in this drama. Most of my opinions on this episode was already stressed out on some of the comments, so the only thing I want to add is how much I LOVE that Jin Sang accepted Do Kyung's odd visions of the future so easily. Do Kyung told him and he accepted it as a fact. No weird judgment or disbelief of any kind. I think that's beautiful. It shows the kind of trust they have with each other. Great bromance.


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Yeah, I thought that was awesome as well and I was floored by the lack of disbelief by Jin Sang. They must really be best friends.


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Right?When he found out, he just asked more details about his abilities. I thought that was so awesome.


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I think Eric's eyes are gorgeous but in the bar scene where they're both drowning their sorrows, I thought the actress's eyes are lovely too. So much of their interactions are just through the eyes.


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I definitely made a mental note of that reunion scene: I want to be JUST like the "Other" Oh Hae-young, who I consider to be the Special Oh Hae-young, when faced with obstacles that threaten to push me down.

She faces conflicts head-on with spunk and realism, unlike "Pretty" Oh Hae-young, at whom I already tsked-tsked after having disappeared on her wedding day without explanation and then called her ex-fiance time in what I consider a semi-delusional greeting. Really? "I miss you" after leaving a loved one never to know whether you were dead or alive?

Special Oh Hae-young really spoke to me in that reunion scene. I might have shed some tears in that same situation, but I'm now inspired to face the world with her admirable spunk.


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I can't like any of the characters!
All of them are horrible people especially in the work area. Oh Hae Young talks about her boss in that spiteful disrespectful way, that is a no no! Even when the boss is actually making a valid complaint she's upset with the boss.

The boss is a horrible boss who typically throws stuff at people, and hits people.
Same with Eric's , he slaps people on the head, shout at people, geez I wouldn't want to work with/for any of them seriously.

I get that the scenes are meant to be funny, but they're all so immature. And don't say that it's just in work, they're better people outside, because they're not. They should be consistent, a good guy as a life partner should not be a guy who also shouts and knock on people's head as a boss.


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Hear hear! I cringe at the boss throwing papers and food at her subordinates and the main girl badmouthing behind people's back. Just the kind of company where I will hate to be employed to. But seriously though, where I live, there are people who badmouths and bosses that throw out your files in front of you. Still a bad thing, I'm just saying that it happens in real life.

I will just have to accept the fact that this is the drama's flaws and enjoy the rest of the story :)


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I don't think they are funny too,
in contrary I feel irritated,


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I love this drama. It's refreshing and funny. And after long time I can watch the very interesting and crazy characters like in this drama again. And I think one of the key to enjoy comedic drama, we also need to be an easy going person. otherwise, we would say they're overacting, rude, etc...etc...

Love Seo Hyun Jin. She's really good in this drama. And Eric is one of the finest korean actor that I've ever seen. Yeh Ji Won rocks!!! Waiting for more about her and Kim Ji Suk since I started to watch this drama because of them.


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When HY is dancing to the Tango music, I teared up cause I could feel her pain ?


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As soon as i read the show's brief i was waiting for it but didn't remember when it is airing and suddenly i picked 1st Episode of it after watching the Title and i got attracted towards Our Oh-Hae Young in 1st 5 minutes itself.

Our Oh Hae-Young has done brilliant job with her actions and expressions.
2nd thing that attracted most of my attention was Sound Recording of movies. I like this Job Profile and it actually fit perfectly with the storyline.

Oh Hae-Young's mother has done a commendable job and father is silent yet quite attentive.

Do Kyung did wrong and source of it goes back to Pretty Oh-Hae Young. Oh My.
This Pretty one always pithes in to create troubles for Our Oh Hae-Young.

1 Mini Action of Do Kyung caused pain to Whole of Our Oh Hae Young family + female boss.
1 thoughless action caused so much mess and trouble and involved so many people and has almost ruined the life of man though His company was also involved in some shady business as per Ji-sang.

I don't think this is a Comedy Romance show. In this show we laugh at characters and we grin with sarcasm and pain when we see how miserable Our characters are.
It is Hysterical smile of characters that get to your heart.

Let's see what other things Our Oh hae Young do to make us smile,laugh and cry.


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You know what I think about this show? Park Do Kyung was the one who broke Oh Hae Young's heart at the first place with his mistake revenge but he will be the one who will fix it. Comedic apart I think this drama will turn so wonderful and sweet love story.


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I think this drama is really make me mad, I can't even feel it's funny.
The things I can't get is why do kyung thinks it's okay to ruin Tae jin life bc he supposedly engage with his Haeyoung?
don't even bother to check the wedding picture when he is so detail about the sounds of leg breaking,,
don't even bother to know what happen after his mistake ,
it's not the guy's fault,
there's so many ways to ruin someone wedding, you can go to their wedding and sing panty song or saying she is cheating, it almost give the same result and heart attack and you can even saw her reaction to that....
I can't understand how it looks okay no matter what Tae Jin did behind the scene, do kyung didn't knew him at all. Tae jin should be the lead.
This isn't because humanity or anything but Do kyung didn't change or even have a decency to know that what he did is wrong no matter to who, he ruins Tae Jin's life.

Then for Taejin-Haeyoung relationship that people think wasn't strong enough.
It actually more realistic,
who will marriage if the husband will attend to jail the next day?
The feeling is never gonna leave since they are marriage, he can't handle the responsibility, they'll have this stain follow them for the rest of their life, Haeyoung job will get ruin too...

Why Haeyoung didn't said anything? it bc one day b4 marriage, the man said that and didn't even want to back to his word, with unbelivable reason that obviously made up bc he just doesn't want to marry her, what kind of woman would not believe that,
he will not go the wedding hall, it's clear even when HY mom calls him.

what I find uncomfortable is the set up on how Dokyung x just Haeyong when what need to be done is make him to repent himself for what he did,
the not knowing or wrong person is really out of character when he can remember the sounds so clearly and when he knew he never meet just Haeyoung,
I undertand people has flaw but this is just ridiculous way to make plot,
he can go to the hall and make announcement that he'll marry haeyoung or meet Tae Jin to let she feel the stood up moment but he choose to just play with something he can and never bother to know how it happen,
yes he feels bad now, but it doesn't undone what he did and can't be undone just bc "I want justice for myself" reason.


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"It actually more realistic,
who will marriage if the husband will attend to jail the next day?"

Someone who actually loves the husband. That's who.


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this is in the husband perspective,
I didn't write it quite well before posting,

I think it hard for a husband who will go to jail and face hard life to just marry someone,
it will give the girl a burden and responsibility she didn't deserve,
Marriage will follow them forever, he doesn't want to give her a marriage that only bring hard work after it happens, it's like he already abandoned his responsibility if he leaves her in their marriage week.

it wasn't just about love but it will affect her when he thought that it's all on him,
he wants to make her happy but this situation will not make her happy, his situation is different than just the power of love to solve it all.


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He was drunk and he realized his mistakes. Do Kyung didn't do any criminals. What he did was take out his investments, which unfortunately makes other parts of business did the same which make his business collapse. I will do the same if my business partner is someone that I don't like/ hate/ suddenly not match with me. Why should I support my enemy's work? The one that makes Tae Jin got into jail was not Do Kyung. We still don't know the real reason. So, people stop to make assumption before everything's clear. And the one who canceled the wedding was Tae Jin, why blame on Do Kyung?

This is why don't make any decisions while emotionally unstable.


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It still wrong to do that even if he did steal his OHY cause Tae Jin didn't do anything to him, it's his OHY,
Tae Jin is completely unrelated person,

he knew his mom boyfriend is the biggest investor since they talk about it and he begged about it but he didn't even feel bad about Tae Jin after. He just feels it bad when he knew it was the wrong person. And he didn't even bother to check the result?

he completely selfish and unreasonable when he choose to trample someone life like that, but what I don't get is when he is so detailed and he didn't even bother about knowing who is wrong here...

I blame do Kyung for the initiation Tae Jin's hell when he perfectly knew his mom bf if the biggest money for TJ investment,
then make OHY the collateral damage for his action, it wasn't about a marriage, it's the unfair life he created bc his selfishness that can't be redeemed just by
"I am not emotionally stable when I begged your investor to mix up personal relationship and business bc I am jealous"


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I'm enjoying this drama but I don't fully agree with the opinion of our author. Despite the fact that I love Kim Mi kyung I really dislike the overbearing parent meme. I just can't stand to see the Korean parent so often portrayed as a slap happy harridan that is more worried about what the neighbors think than the well being of their own child. Obviously to be forgiven later because they believed they were "doing it for their own good". The Park Soo kyun character isn't doing much for me either. While we see this meme a lot in Kdrama and elsewhere, pulling off the over the top quirky character requires either a lot of charm or a lot of subtly. Otherwise it just looks like "weird person inserted here with no reason". I'm hoping as the show progresses this character at least will begin to appeal to me. Right now it just seems forced and not very funny.


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I was in Korea for few months stayed in my friend's home and I saw korean parents usually shouting or hitting their kids if they don't wanna do what their parents asked. I think it's part of their culture we like or not. We watch their show and of course their culture is part of it. Same like how they handle alcohol every time they have problems or hang out with their friends. Because it's cultural things or maybe we should call it more 'their habits'. I got why her parents asked her to move out. That's the best way for avoiding gossips not for the sake of parents but for her. If she stays in their area, neighbors still gossiping about her and parents surely sad (her mom) but if she moves out, at least she can't hear what people say anymore.


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<3 eric...


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1. Oh how fun this show is!
3. Only one bar and one apartment in Seoul. *eyeroll*
4. This show has such a nice light tone, fantastic editing, and sound work. Love it.
5. What a collection of quirky characters.
6. "I like ALL The men." *slowclap* Go big or go home, honey.


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