Six Flying Dragons: Episode 43

Beards and torture are so in this week, though we’re not left to wallow in angst when we have the cunning and intrepid Bang-won to see us through. Plus, there’s a focus on togetherness now that our favorite prince and bodyguard have returned from the other side, and I’ll take any scenario where Bang-ji does more than mope around—because he’s better than that, and totally has the ability to light up any scene he’s in. Why they haven’t used him to his full potential all these episodes is beyond me.


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Moo-hyul turns to face the voice that called him, and encounters another similarly bearded visage in Bang-won. He immediately kneels at his feet, only for Bang-won to kneel with him and bid him to rise.

After embracing his bodyguard and friend, Bang-won has a non-reaction to finding out that the capital has moved from Gaegyeong to Hanyang. Wherever it is, they’re going! And luckily, he gets Judy Zhu Di’s permission to take Moo-hyul back.

Fresh from the Hidden Root meeting, the sadaebu who took part in it busily pat each other on the back for a job well done. Jung Do-jeon now has his sights set on military reform, though intel that Bang-won is on his way back from Ming could put a hiccup in those plans.

Boon-yi is still reeling from what was said at the Hidden Root gathering about the people being the roots of the nation when she encounters her brother, to whom she gives the letter originally stolen from Jung Do-jeon. Naturally, their mother comes up when Nameless does, but Bang-ji again decides not to tell his sister of their meeting.

He does tell her that Bang-won is on his way home though, and how that both gladdens and worries him. Boon-yi agrees that there is something frightening about his return, but she’s glad he’s alive.

Jung Do-jeon has a moment with Yeon-hee where he admits he wants her to have her own life outside of this cause, much like Boon-yi has done. Besides, he’s no fool, and has seen the way Bang-ji looks at her.

Speaking of, Bang-ji returns with the letter stolen by Nameless, with a warning that it means Nameless has returned. He’ll be sticking closer to Jung Do-jeon’s side for protection from here on out, though his master can’t help but wonder at the “coincidence” of Nameless and Bang-won returning at the same time.

At court, Jung Do-jeon and Jo Joon argue for a more centralized and standardized military, as opposed to everyone having private armies that can’t be unified should the country have need of them.

Turns out they don’t need to do much arguing, though—King Taejo is of the same mind as Jung Do-jeon on the issue of military reform, and knights/gifts him with a new sword and armor as a show of his support, as well as a show of Jung Do-jeon’s new power over the military.

Jung Do-jeon’s first order of business is to create one flag to signify the one army of Joseon, and he plans to make that change during an official ceremony. But since all the individual flags differentiating each private army must be burnt, Jung devises a secret plan to have certain military officials arrested.

Looking spiffy in his new suit of leather armor, Jung Do-jeon attends the flag-burning ceremony attended by no one but his closest supporters. All the military generals who were supposed to attend, like Ji-ran, have purposefully boycotted. The princes have also bowed out.

It’s of no matter to Jung Do-jeon, who proclaims that he’ll put the military reform on an accelerated path now—the Goryeo military system will burn away with the flags in front of him. His preparations to make arrests pays off when he sends men to arrest any and all officials who didn’t show up, including many under Bang-gwa and Ji-ran’s employ.

At long last, Bang-won’s party arrives at Sukjeongmun, one of the four great gates leading into the new capital. There, he’s greeted by Da-kyung and Daddy Min, both very happy to see him returned. Boon-yi watches from a distance with tears in her eyes, happy as well.

But all’s not well in the land of Joseon, as we find Jung Do-jeon impassively watching the bloody torture of the military officials who dared not to attend his flag ceremony. Young-kyu is among them, and couldn’t be happier when Bang-won makes his grand return after hearing the news from his wife.

It’s cute that Bang-won and Young-kyu can make light of the current situation, though it becomes very clear that Bang-won is pissed to see his treasured friend so. (Though I’m almost positive, and don’t quote me on this, that part of the torture is just to have buckets of blood thrown on you.)

Ha Ryun presents King Taejo with a letter from the Emperor of Ming which states that envoys from Joseon will now be allowed passage, which is a great diplomatic accomplishment on Bang-won’s part. King Taejo is happy. Jung Do-jeon just pretends to be.

Grandma is overjoyed when Moo-hyul returns home, and completely passes Master Hong up to greet her oldest grandson. She embraces him after he gives her a formal bow, and gives Master Hong an absent “I did miss you!” when he mutters that his noonim must not have pined for him while he was gone.

Da-kyung catches Bang-won up with what he’s missed with the military reform, revealing that its true intention is to abolish all private soldiers. Having foreseen this, she’s already hidden all their family’s weapons near Grandma’s tavern in Banchon (the servant village of Sungkyunkwan), since no soldiers can enter.

Because of the laws protecting Banchon, government officials and scholars have taken to holding their secret meetings within the village walls. Boon-yi’s people inevitably overhear these conversations and report back to her, and she, in turn, writes everything down. She hopes she never has to, but she may need to use what damning information she’s written as protection one day.

Master Hong relates the story of Moo-hyul threatening Zhu Di’s life to Grandma and the rest of the Banchon gang, which includes a strangely engaged Bang-ji, who keeps sending goofy smiles Moo-hyul’s way. Huh wha? When did Bang-ji start caring about stuff? Is Moo-hyul’s beard also an aphrodisiac? Because in that case, I’d totally understand.

Having secured Young-kyu’s release from relentless torture off-screen, Bang-won follows him to the weapon storage shed near Grandma’s place, and to the secret basement underneath. Though the law states that no weapons can be brought into Banchon, Young-kyu snuck these in as the village was being revamped due to the capital move.

They both know how dangerous these weapons will be to Boon-yi should they be found (she doesn’t know about them yet), but they also know that should they ever have need of them, they’ll all be pretty much dead anyway.

Bang-won finds Boon-yi outside, and they speak for the first time since his return. Happy to see her, Bang-won gifts her with an ornate hair ornament he bought from a craftsman in Ming. When she’s unable to stick it into her hair herself, Bang-won steps in to secure it in place for her. Aw.

He sort of vaguely references the conflict to come, but phrases it in a way where it all seems hypothetical. In reality, he’s trying to make sure she’s prepared, since she’ll need power in order to protect herself if she wants Banchon to remain neutral.

Moo-hyul sees what looks like Sa-kwang in the village, though she disappears just as quickly. He can’t even be sure that he saw her at all, now that he thinks about it.

Bang-ji finds him hiding out on a rooftop and offers him a drink, and after a bout of small talk, Moo-hyul slips right into the heavy stuff with: “What will happen to us now?” Bang-ji has no idea, and when he asks Moo-hyul why he’s chosen to side with Bang-won, he doesn’t have a real answer outside of “That’s just how it happened.”

“Will we end up fighting each other someday?” Bang-ji wonders forebodingly. That’s when Moo-hyul mentions a warrior from Liaodong who told him that those who live wielding a sword shouldn’t try to see more than two steps ahead when just one will do. So that’s what he’s going to do—take it day by day, one step at a time.

“But you could never see more than two steps into the future anyway,” Bang-ji interjects, effectively breaking the tension with a joke. Then he adds an even friendlier, “I missed you.” I don’t know when this new version of Bang-ji happened, but I like it.

Ha Ryun is arrested for trumped up charges having to do with the time he spent in Ming, but he’s not alone—Moo-hyul is also arrested. Young-kyu runs to Bang-won to tell him that all the envoys who went with him to Ming have been arrested.

It’s torture to watch our baby Moo-hyul be tortured, as well as Master Hong and Ha Ryun. Apparently, they’re being charged for allowing officials in Ming to believe that Bang-won was the crown prince, which they assumed because Bang-won was so authoritative that they thought he had to be heir to the throne.

A clearly ailing Queen Sindeok believes Bang-won to be guilty of high treason if he went around calling himself crown prince, and urges her husband to bring him to account. Jung Do-jeon is clearly looking at this as an opportunity to get rid of Bang-won, and so is Officer Nam.

Master Hong tries to use the very real defense that he and Moo-hyul weren’t in Nanjing when all this talk was going down, since they’d been kept in Liaodong. But when asked if Ha Ryun didn’t relate the story to them later (which he did), they’re more or less stuck.

Master Hong admits that Ha Ryun may have said that the Ming ambassadors mistook Bang-won for the crown prince, which seals Ha Ryun’s fate. It does Master Hong and Moo-hyul no favors though, since they’re submitted to the same amount of torture as before.

Even though the official word is that the Ming ambassadors made the identity mistake first, there’s no way of knowing whether Bang-won corrected them or not. Officer Nam doesn’t want this to stop them from getting rid of Bang-won once and for all, but Jung Do-jeon looks too exhausted for such complicated machinations.

Queen Sindeok knows she’s dying, and entreats her husband to protect Bang-seok in his tenuous position as crown prince. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she asks King Taejo to do something about Bang-won before he can do something about Bang-seok.

Unaware that Nameless has a nasty surprise waiting for him, Jung Do-jeon continues with his plans to oust Bang-won by bringing them to the king. But the queen, having overheard their plans to just send Bang-won to the countryside rather than charge him with a crime (so as not to anger his allies in Ming), has a bone to pick with them.

All she’s concerned about is protecting Bang-seok, and because she sees Bang-won as the biggest threat to her son, she’s willing to do and say anything to remove that threat from existence.

Bang-won finally decides to take action, and his entering the palace with Young-kyu and a mysterious package sends the court into a flurry of speculation—everyone’s first thought is that Bang-won is carrying in a hidden weapon.

The fact that he was last seen heading to the crown prince’s residence is enough to make Queen Sindeok all but jump from her chair, so sure is she that he plans on doing something terrible to her son. But the package that Young-kyu proffers is anything but.

It’s actually just a mat, which he unrolls for Bang-won in front of Bang-seok’s official residence. Bang-won, in turn, strips down to his white jeogori and baji and lets down his hair, because that’s just what you do when you make an official plea.

In this case, Bang-won is playing it very smart by making a public show of how he is just sooooo sorry about the mixup, and how it’s all because he’s soooo incapable. He wishes for his younger brother to punish him for his misdeeds and sobs while asking, which causes the little prince to come out just to pardon his poor hyung.

Naturally, this is the reaction Bang-won wanted, even though he acts like he couldn’t dare accept such an act of mercy from Bang-seok. But Bang-seok is so taken aback by his hyung’s tear-stricken face that he entreats their father to forgive Bang-won, and to release his men. Bang-won’s look of veiled triumph is priceless.

He makes such a good show of it too, even refusing his little brother’s efforts to help him up until the very last second. Oh, he is good. I love the pitiful look he sends Jung Do-jeon’s way when he comes upon the scene, because he knows Jung knows what he’s doing. Mwahaha.

In private, Bang-won keeps up the act and tells Jung Do-jeon that all he wants is to repent for his wrongdoings and live quietly, just like he and his father want. Jung Do-jeon sees through him, and when Bang-won reiterates that he’ll be loyal to the crown prince from this point forward, he can’t help but grit out “Bang-won-ah,” which is not the way you address a prince.

“Do you wish to ascend the throne? Do you dream of a different nation than the one I am creating?” Jung Do-jeon asks, his tone and expression filled with earnest concern. Attempting to level with Bang-won, he puts all his cards on the table when it comes to what he knows of Bang-won, and how he guesses Bang-won would rule.

Basically, his entreaty can be boiled down to, “If you become king, what will you do?” If he abolished the rule about royal relatives staying out of politics, then he’d have family members vying for power. If he took absolute power away from the official advisors, then he’d be removing the checks and balances system made to keep the king in check.

If he did away with the military reform, Jung Do-jeon adds, then he’d have to allow for every prince and general to have their own private army, which is exactly how it was in Goryeo. But he knows Bang-won wouldn’t allow for any of that, only that he’d want to appoint every official personally.

And, he adds, Bang-won would probably do that using the same reasoning he himself has been using, about how rules can be bent in the early stages of a country’s development. Other than official appointments, there’s no difference in opinion between them over the reforms Jung Do-jeon has made, and they both know it.

Bang-won loses the pretense, admitting that Jung Do-jeon is right. That’s all Jung needed to conclude that Bang-won’s ideals for a nation are no different than his, it’s just his own interests, motives, and dream getting in his way.

“Is it wrong for someone like me to have their own dream?” Bang-won asks solemnly. If Jung Do-jeon sees how much they agree, why can’t he be crown prince instead of his little brother then? Jung says they’ve gone too far for that, and so Bang-won says that he’ll just go in the direction of his dream now, without caring for how windy or rough the road gets.

“You ask if I want a new nation? You ask if I hold different beliefs? No, I do not. Why must I have those? To me, you were janteugareu [the strongest man/man among men]. My dream was to look after the beautiful nation you created. And now… I will make sure to fulfill that.” Bang-won says all this with remarkable composure, though he can’t help the few tears that snake down his cheeks.

Jung Do-jeon compares him to Bidam, who led a revolt against Queen Seondeok near the end of her reign. Both were very cunning men who couldn’t control their ambitions, and both were slaves to their personal quests for power. (And both were characters written most famously by this writer, but that’s neither here nor there.)

But Bang-won adds an important difference between Bidam and himself: Bidam lost. Jung Do-jeon admits that as truth, but thinks it very likely that Bidam didn’t know he was going to lose until the day he was executed. He leaves as Bang-won shouts that their game is far from over, since he has yet to play his finishing move.

All the captives from the envoy mission to Ming are set free thanks to Bang-seok’s intervention, which means Moo-hyul and Master Hong can return home to Grandma. Of more pressing concern to Moo-hyul, however, is to ask Gab-boon about Sa-kwang.

Thanks to her information, he finds Sa-kwang hiding in Banchon with two of the king’s children. Sa-kwang only asks that he look the other way and not out her for who she is, which of course he agrees to do. He never harbored any thoughts to the contrary, because he’s Moo-hyul.

Before he can go, she echoes the chorus of everyone else who’s seen him this episode in noting, “You really have changed.” Just fall in love already, guys! We’re running out of time!

Thanks to whatever Yeon-hyang did while in Ming, Bang-won knows in advance of a letter from the Ming Emperor that is read aloud to the Joseon court. In it, the emperor states that despite (or because of) Joseon sending envoys for every traditional holiday with gracious letters, he finds the words written within insincere and superficial.

The poor bastard tasked with reading this missive comes to a stuttering stop when faced with the next sentence, which calls for the man responsible for the letters—Jung Do-jeon—to be sent to Ming for punishment.

That’s when Jung Do-jeon remembers Bang-won calling after him that he hadn’t yet made his finishing move… and knows now that this is what he meant.

And judging by Bang-won’s smile, this is exactly that move. Check and mate.


Just when you think Jung Do-jeon has learned his lesson when it comes to underestimating Bang-won, he goes and does it again, much to his own personal detriment. How is it that he thought nothing of Bang-won’s threat after their little chat? It’s not like Bang-won is all bark and no bite, or that he’s ever been more bark than bite. Jung Do-jeon should know better than anyone at this point that he’s all bite.

It’s been interesting to see the evolution of their relationship, which has been one of the more complicated pairings the show has presented to us so far, and to see how it’s all come down to this. There were periods of time where both men seemed to be in denial when it came to each other, and times when they thought they knew everything about the other. But that sort of thinking has bitten both of them in the behind at this point, which is likely why Jung Do-jeon finally sat Bang-won down for a real talk.

However, he approached that talk like an adult reproaching a child, a tactic that might’ve worked in their earlier days, when Jung Do-jeon meant the world to Bang-won. All that they’ve become is no one person’s fault, though I’d say that Bang-won has a better understanding of what brought them here than Jung Do-jeon, who still doesn’t seem to know that he’s lying to himself. Though he did seem a bit closer to realizing his own hypocrisy when he admitted that he used Joseon’s fledgling nation status as an excuse to get things done, he didn’t get close enough—because as long as he believes that he can do and say those things because he’s virtuous, then he’s not seeing himself for what he really is.

And with the way the show has set these characters up, regardless of history, it does seem as though Bang-won has been unfairly discriminated against just because he dares to dream. (I know his dreams aren’t always the rosiest, but they’re not just death and damnation, either.) Even if we regarded history, King Taejo’s decision to enthrone his youngest son as crown prince when he had so many eligible older sons makes very little sense, and we don’t need to be living in this time period to have seen that situation as a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

So if we look through the admittedly skewed lens of this show, then yes, Bang-won has plenty of reasons to rebel. He has plenty of reasons to feel hurt and betrayed, even if some of those boil down to very personal reasons due to very personal ambitions. All I know is that he was brilliant in those scenes where he relied most on his duplicity and cunning, and that watching him succeed in situations like the crown prince dilemma is satisfying in ways I can’t even explain. I mean, just look at that face and try to not feel like you’ve just gotten away with something big, or that you’ve just found Jesus. ‘Cause it’s gonna be one or the other.


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MUSA MOO-HYUL <33333333333333333333333333.......


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I was so upset about Moohyul being tortured.


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I know I was cursing the queen so much for that!


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I don't know how many times I browse dramabeans since yesterday,because
I want to read your awesome recap and hear your opinion about this week episodes..


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Me too


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Moohyul really has matured over time, and it's funny how everyone has been telling him he's changed but he doesn't think that way. His friendship with Bangji is the cutest (and most angst). Honestly dreading the day when they'll be fighting against each other :(


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That closing comment... Haha

I love your recaps :) Thanks!


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That crocodile tears by Bang Won is so chilling and the shift of expression changes were so subtle. Amazing.

Glad that the bromance between Moo Hyul, Ban Ji, Bang Won and Youngkyu are alive and well for god knows when.

Ha Ryun has to be a veteran when it comes to being tortured. I lost count how many times I've seen him strapped in that chair. He's still a little hilarious, thanks to his facial expression.


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Ha Ryun is hilarious but I hope they'll give him something more to do. Freaking Nameless is taking away part of Ha Ryun's role. I wish they'd disappear already for good.
Ha Ryun was the mastermind behind Bang-won's bloody path to the throne.


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He did quite a lot to do in the last two episodes, so probably the writers need to re-focus on the other characters. I'll accept what I can get.

Plus, Moo Hyul is finally reunited with Sa Kwang. They wore matching coloured clothes. Shipper heart be still.

Maybe one day we'll get a drama that focuses on Ha Ryun's life. Until that day, we'll have to keep the hope alive.


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The main conflicts is rather boring and repetitive. It's so one sided and I can't get into it like I used to. Just kill each other already.

Moo-hyul looks great with facial hair. I can't blame Bang Ji for crushing on him lol. I love his transition from boy to man.
I think he is in love with Sa Kwang but she has 2 kids to protect. If they didn't have chemistry I wouldn't care but they really do.

Did you watch the older Ha Ryun in "The Great King Sejong?" I think that is the most we will get of Ha Ryun. There is not a lot of historical information on his early life like Sambong.


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True, about the main conflicts being repetitive. But we're so close to the end. So, I'll just bear it out. Watch it for Moo Hyul and Ha Ryun.

That piercing gaze at Sa Kwang. It looked like the gaze of silently pining for the one who got away, to me anyway. I ship those two with the intensity of 16 million burning suns, in my barely floating raft.

I haven't watch "The Great King Sejong" yet. Now I know what to watch after this drama ends.


Ahhhh it's tragic no matter which way I look at it. I'm shipping them hard I really do but the Wang boys are going to die (they were suppose to die together with their father) and she might die trying to protect them. Moo-hyul will get his heart broken I can feel it.

Ha Ryun is all cheeky and cunning still in TGKS. Choi Jong-Won (Lee In Gyeom) was the same actor who portrayed Ha Ryun. He is really good and he made me love Ha Ryun there.

If you are looking for a sageuk that picks up where SFD left off then The Great King Sejong would be the one to watch. The first half covers Bang-won's rule until he dies then Sejong takes over from there.


"I want to own the beautiful world you created"- Bangwon


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I was laughing hysterically at the scene where BW was cry on the mat to his younger brother the crown prince. The look on BW's face was indeed priceless! Especially the look he gave JDJ! Lol
My guess is the first Strife of the Princes will be in the episodes next week with the Queen dead. I love Yoo Ah In in this! He's slaying it in SFD!


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It's around 1396 now.Just 2yrs away from the first strife of the princes.


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You know, I was trying to feel the intense situation there...until Yoo Ah In turned his head to the camera with his "shampoo CF" style :D


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I was thinking that exact same thing, "Wow...he has a beautiful flowing black hair! I wonder what shampoo he uses?" LOL!


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The last pic of Bangwon in white robe and hair let down is classic- It's really like 'passion of the Christ'...LOL!

We sincerely hope the day of Bangji facing off with Moohyul will never come...these two are too cute to be sword fighting each other.

I see there's not long to go before First Strife of Princes- after the Queen's demise. The era of Taejong is coming... :D


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"The last pic of Bangwon in white robe and hair let down is classic- It’s really like ‘passion of the Christ’…LOL!"

I thought he looked eerily familiar with his hair down like that! Now I know who he reminds me of. LOL.


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"The last pic of Bangwon in white robe and hair let down is classic- It’s really like ‘passion of the Christ’" LOL~ exactly! Heads already said that we've just found Jesus :D


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Heads, this recap is hilarious!


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I thought so too!


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Question: how many people need to comment that Moo Hyul has changed for the viewers to know that Moo Hyul has indeed, changed?!

We get it! Moo hyul has changed.

He's lost his adorable puppy innocence, and in his eyes are a tired, world weariness, that comes from seeing too much and doing too much. He's exchanged gravitas for enthusiasm, and I hate to say it, much as I love Moo Hyul's new beard and facial hair, I miss the old Moo hyul :-(

The scene between Bang won and Boon yi, is again tender and heart warming. He lets down his guard for her and no one else, I loved how he thought to get her a clip for her hair.

Bang won, the master politician has made his move. Now I would like to see JDJ's counterattack.


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I think we will always miss puppy Moohyul because he's honestly the most precious and endearing thing on earth, but he had to grow up, inevitably.

I'm starting to see his character start to line up moreso with what we got to see in Tree with Deep Roots, so we always knew he would have to "grow up" some time... but yeah it's still hard to get used to. It's ok we can still go back and flick through old episodes xD
(I'm also a fan of the facial hair like oh my goodness he looks GREAT)


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Speaking of puppy dogs...the first scene, when Moo-hyul hears that Bang-won has returned, it reminded me of a faithful dog waiting for its master to return. (The hopeful look in his eyes.) The dog has now grown older but is still as faithful as ever. When he met BW, and knelt down before him, it was like the faithful dog going up to its master and sitting before him. Then the master lowers himself to the dog's level and pets it and hugs it, both happy to return to each other. One of my favourite scenes in this ep.


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IKR! He adores Master, and he's adorable! I'm happy BW knelt down, patted his head and hugged him :)


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I loved this episode. Yoo Ah In's acting is once again incredible and goosebump inducing.

The bromance was beautiful though! Bangji's usually a tsundere so I was so taken aback when he actually said "I miss you" to Moohyul. Like what? Those words actually came out of his mouth I couldn't believe it. I have so many feels. Byun Yohan's smiling face is gorgeous it's like his eyes sparkle as well. ;~;
It really takes us back to the start where Moohyul was the one that wanted to ask Bangji for a drink & expressed that he wanted to be friends, but Bangji said no. LOL oh how the tables have turned, it looks like Bangji is more attached to Moohyul now. :P

Honestly though I think Byun Yohan REALLY loves Yoon Kyunsang's new look because in the Making of videos, he was trying to kiss him LOL he couldn't get his hands off! It was hilarious lol. They have such wonderful chemistry I really hope they get to reunite in another drama someday! XD


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I don't blame him. If I were him, I'd try to kiss Moohyul too. That adorable puppy with a beard. ><


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lol Byun Yohan being the literal representation of Kyunsang fangirls (& living out our dreams). It's amazing, I want to live vicariously through him. XD


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Hail the bromance!

Bring it on!


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"Honestly though I think Byun Yohan REALLY loves Yoon Kyunsang’s new look because in the Making of videos, he was trying to kiss him LOL he couldn’t get his hands off!"

He's trying to recruit him to BYH48. XD


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HAHAHAHAHA. Bangwon's act in front of Bangseok. Oh gosh, he's so mean but so genius. Poor Bangseok, it was nice to meet you little guy.

It’s torture to watch our baby Moo-hyul be tortured.

I love how we all just have this mental agreement that Moohyul is our baby.

Just fall in love already, guys! We’re running out of time!

I know, Heads! But it seems like we're going to have a hard time. I freaking ship him with everyone! Jo Jin Woong will be so jealous of all this lovelines.


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OMG the bromances! Bang Won & Moo Hyul hugging~~ aawww.... and then Moo Hyul and Bangji. My heart! *squealssss*

Yoo Ah In's one-man-show acting is creepy and yet so good! Gah that teary face changed to smiling face in a split second...that's just so so superb!!

And yes, I know MH has changed with all those hairs and grown up demeanor but I don't need another brooding warrior, Show! I want a stress-reliever that is Moo Hyul!


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Are you still using that Goryeo namesake? Cause Goryeo's already dead and it's all Joseon now.

It might be scarier if you changed it to I Will BangWon You.

Sigh, our baby MooHyul...


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I like it though. It's not about Goryeo the country but the beginning of the bromance between Moo-hyul and Bang-won.


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Wow you read my mind, Kiara! When Moo Hyul asked Bang Won "please, goryeo me to be your bodyguard", and Bang Won replied, "I will goryeo you", I knew this was the beginning of MooWon bromance and I just had to keep the line! Hee! :D


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Ah, haha! Okay then.


i really love yoo ah in!
he's really the best :)


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Believe it or not, this is actually my first time watching Yoo Ah-in's drama. Though I didn't really like Bang-won in the beginning, now he's becoming my fave, thanks to his superb acting too. Team Bang-won all the way!

Now I have to start watching his other shows.


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Stay away from Fashion King for your dearest life and newfound love on YAI. I mean it.


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Haha yeah I heard nothing but bad stuff about Fashion King.

Gonna do a marathon on Secret Love Affair instead~


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Secret Love Affair is amazing


Watch Sungkyunkwan Scandal. Just do it.


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SKKS is AWESOME! His bromance with Song Joong Ki was as a great as his bromance with moo hyul here <3


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Fashion King is one of those shows where it seems like the writer(s) just woke up one day towards the end and said, "What can they do, fire me?" *shakes head sadly*

I adored Secret Love Affair. I thought both leads were fantastic, and I'm not a modern heavy drama fan unless the story or characters is worth sitting through them.

Sungkyunkwan Scandal was my first K-Drama ever, and it was a bit of a high marker in some respects for a few genres down the road that it covers. I developed SML syndrome watching that before I even know that was a thing.

If you can, also watch Sky and Ocean (movie). It's quirky in its own way, but worth it in spades if you like that sort of movie.

There's really not much I've seen him in that I haven't liked or better except for when FK drop through that hole of whateverness.

I did recently watch Sado, and although I liked it a lot, I love SFD far more.

Haven't slept, so I'm rambling. Hope you enjoy some of his other work!


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Dear God. Secret Love Affair. First time I ever was invested in an adultery-themed drama, because damn, Yoo Ah In making Sex faces while playing the piano is a sight to behold. XD


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GUUUURL, I watched Secret Love Affair with my mom and let's just say, I made my mom a YAI fangirl for live, just based on those faces


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Sigh ~~~ So good ~~~~ SFD is just SOOOO GOOD!!!!!


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... ...he gets Judy Zhu Di’s permission... ...

Pfft! I make one comment and this goes on for 2 episodes...

I may have a heart of rocks but I honestly had no pity when Queen SinDeok was wailing about protecting BangSeok. "He'll be a rabbit among wolves!" she said and here I was going "well then, why'd you put that rabbit there in the first place?!"

That mat-weapon was expected for me because BangWon is so deliciously cunning.

This whole fantastic experience is a prime example of a good drama meeting a humorous, snarky recapper. I am in bliss, I tell you.


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Also, also, that military honour given to Jung DoJeon is gonna bite him in the ass sometime sooner or later. As a former renowned and loved general, Lee SeongGye should have kept that directly under his control because a scholarly politician has no business running around with military power when the scholarly and the military think and work on the very extreme opposite ends of the spectrum. People fear those with considerable brute might. He is already ticking people off my holding so much power but having THIS power is going to push people to action. In my own opinion, Jung DoJeon cannot handle it - both his internal strife and the external threats that are sure to come his way.


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He needs that power to dissolve the private armies. That is a good thing for the country. Goryeo was bombarded with invasions and the government didn't have a strong military power to counter the attacks. Thanks to Choi Young and Lee Seong-gye's army and combined effort for rebelling most of it.
The one that totally abolished it was Bang-won. That's how he ruled with absolute power so their conversation is foretelling of what's to come in the future.

Did he abolish the rule about royal relatives staying out of politics? Heck no, he was against it only because it restrict him from accomplishing of his own dream lol.


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I meant that Lee SeongGye should have done it himself. Having military power just makes Jung DoJeon a huge walking target.

abolish the rule about royal relatives staying out of politics? LOL, yeah, I know. That was what started the ball rolling in the monster called The Moon that Embraces the Sun.


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Lee Seong-gye's health wasn't in top shape as we saw in earlier episodes before Poeun was killed. It got worse even after his beloved Queen Shindeok died.

I think that is one of the reason why he had no problem handing it over to Sambong. He is his right hand man and probably most deserving based on what he has accomplished so far.

That doesn't mean that Jo Joon has no power over the military. He is the minister on the left and can move part of the army under his command. Combine that with Lady Min's army and Bang-won wins.


Eh, my point was that giving military powers to a guy who already has an unnervingly large control over the nation's affairs is just gonna end badly.

That was just one more bad move in the series of bad moves the two of them have been making since Lee SeongGye took the throne.


This Lee Seong-gye doesn't make much sense from the beginning anyway. From the Jo So-saeng incident to the crown prince selection etc.
Military commanders are at their best on battle field. Running the country and balancing power is not what they are good at.

Maybe he didn't want all the hate from the ministers and nobles who owns these private armies to be directed at him.

Maybe he trusted Sambong that much. He supported him even after he chose Bang-seok as crown prince. He wouldn't give that power to Jo Joon because he was against his choice as crown prince and his sworn brother Lee Ji-ran was always defending Bang-won.

I really think that Queen Shindeok had something to do with it. She wanted all the power to be given to Sambong so he can protect Bang-seok.

I also think that Sambong's biggest mistake was getting too involved in the Lee family's feud. It's kind of hard for him to get away from it. He is being asked to support, protect and educate this young prince against his better judgement. Sambong's choice would have been Bang-won like it was shown in earlier episodes.


"Sambong’s choice would have been Bang-won like it was shown in earlier episodes."
I wish he had done that. They would have made a dynamic duo as they actually shared the same vision. Sambong could have been less rigid in his 5 rules and accommodated BW's intelligence and ambitions (to a certain degree). After all LSG seems to have quite a large say in the governing of the country since he became king. He should have and could have trained BW better, especially since BW had held him in such high regard.

So sad that they are both so strong-willed and stubborn.


I was so angry with the Queen for telling the king to kill Bang-won. That's someone who once saved you and your son's life, damn it, and you're blatantly asking the king to kill his own son?!


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She's obviously as greedy and unappreciative as JDJ.


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Lol, that lack of gratitude is not something high on my list of grievences for her since this ain't a lets-all-be-happy family.

It's the "kill that son of yours so that MY son (with you) can live!" that gets my goat because after all that, she expects BangWon to sit still and play/ actually-be nice with/ to her and her son(s) even when she's 3/4 the way into a coffin? Woman be nuts.


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Of all the ironies. She was asking the King to kill his son so her son could live. She's not that deluded surely? Even JDJ for all his scheming would never go that far! She must realize they are still both his sons right? And the other princes will just sit by and watch calmly while their brother is murdered?? Is she crazy???

If she was going to be so worried about her son's welfare when she is gone... idk.. maybe she should have never schemed to put him there in the first place! . I've little sympathy for her and her plight.


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Her son's death seems like a self fulfilling prophecy,the more she tried to make it not happen the more she set events in motion that assured it would happen. LBW with all his pride will not forget having to plead for his life to his younger brother.Payback must be extracted in spades for him to feel things are even. While I am rooting for him in this show,this is not a character i would want to know on a personal level. he could mess you up in the worst way if you crossed him.


The Queen is that deluded and it is the King's fault for favoring her and her children over his older children by his first wife.


Yup! I'm with you about Queen Sindeok. Made the same comment when she said that Bang-seok would be a rabbit among wolves. Since she is so worried about his fate, she could simply take the Crown Prince title away from him. It's so ironic that in wanting to live a long life, they make BS crown prince, only to put him in great danger of losing his life.

I also think that she's getting out of hand when she interrupted the King's meeting with JDJ and Officer Nam and scolded them for wanting to take greater care of BS.


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yes the Queen is the one who put a target on her innocent young son's back by trying to give him power he is too young and inexperienced to handle


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Exactly. What was she thinking? She's insane.


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Sorry, it's too late: he's Judy for life :P


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Zhu Di, thy humble servant begs your eternal benelovence...



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Who knows? Besides forgiving you, Judy might upgrade you to Fan v. 2.0 as well! :P


Also, you probably shouldn't say 'thy', since that's the old English version of going banmal with Judy ;) Then again, if we're already calling him Judy...


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ROLF every time I read "Judy" l laughed. PS: I just found out the actor who plays "Judy" is an award-winning musical actor.


@I Will Goryeo You:

Yes, yes he is. But his mandarin isn't award winning, which is how one of the greatest kings of the Ming empire is now getting a girl's name.

*cough* *shady eyes*


But Judy is cool enough to rock that girl's name and take the throne from his nephew, and become one of the greatest kings of the Ming empire :P

...He just can't get his name right ;)


Dis ep is superb..am loving it...bang won acting was wow..kip it up


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How could Jong Do Jeon compared Bangwon to Bi Dam? Both of them is my favourite character in both drama. Sure they have similarity in personal reason and that personal reason is awesome enough to be fighting for. But both of them is uniquely different. I love Bi Dam's Love and I really love Bang Won Ambition, Confidence and neverending hardship to prove that He's the one.

They are respectable in their own way.


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I agree with you. Bi Dam and Bang Won are both respectable in their own right. There's no real comparison unless Jung Do Jeon view Bi Dam's revolt as his(Bi Dam) greed, ambition and dream to rule and nothing more. Which is really by the book kind of thinking and quite honestly disappointing. And here I thought he's perceptive in a way.


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I have to admit I was always on Team Yu-shin. But year, DJD is so blind to his own faults - he always has been. He may be good at spotting other people's faults but when it comes to his own....

Think about that speck of dust in your eye....

Slight spoiler for Ep34 - apparently the girl that follows BY (with the notepad) is a spy for DJD>


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Bi-dam has nothing on Bang-won, political, ambitions, intelligent etc. Bang-won can separate his love life from his political life. Dreams and country first then women after.


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One question:

How many more episodes until Sambong gets it?


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I guess 6 more?


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If they are going all the way to the 2nd strife then Sambong will die earlier on the 1st strife.
They will probably go that far since Bang-gan (3th prince) and his partner in crime General Park are both in the show.


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*Bang-gan (4th prince)*


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love...looveee...loveeeeee it. Love head’s comment, love others comment, love the beards, love the bromance, love the hair pin, love the smirk in Bang Won’s face... as he raised his eyebrow toward Sambong...ouch...falling love again with YAI.
Few episodes left and am nervous, i just hope that there will be another great drama where i can see you guys again and have a great discussion.
*others comments


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Yes, Head. I’ve just found Jesus. Yet another great episode. Episode 44 is even more interesting with some key persons starting to make some moves. Team Bangwon all the way! 6 more to go, Show^^


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"Is Moo-hyul’s beard also an aphrodisiac?" I think so coz I'm smiling ear to ear seeing MH with BW and MH with BJ. The way BW held BY's head with his hand to stick the hairpin into her hair~ I love it!


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"Da-kyung catches Bang-won up with what he’s missed with the military reform, revealing that its true intention is to abolish all private soldiers. Having foreseen this, she’s already hidden all their family’s weapons near Grandma’s tavern in Banchon (the servant village of Sungkyunkwan), since no soldiers can enter."

...Is this going to backfire? Is this why there's a slave village there in Deep-Rooted Tree? o.O


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I wonder if this is the reason why Bangchon Village was moved to the location in Tree. I'm pretty sure Bong Yi will find out that both Sambong and Bang-won's people are using Banchon for their own purpose.
She is pretty smart to write everything down in order to protect herself and her people. Her documents will come in handy later.

If I remember correctly, the weapons were actually hidden in Lady Min's family home. They are changing the location to connect with Tree.


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So much love for the drama, the recap, and the comments.

And so much lovely bromance in this episode; my favorite bit was in the first torture scene when Bangwon appears and calls out "Cho Janggun (General Cho)" to Youngkyu.


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So many bromance in this episode. I like! Look at Moohyul puppy eyes when he looked at Bangwon. Aww. Yoo Ah In is just so good. Kim Myung Min too. But he's the sageuk deity afterall. Yoo Ah In is mesmerizing for actor of his age playing the role like this.


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"You changed."

While that line got annoying, am I the only one who saw that each person said it differently? Some said it with wonder, some said it with pride, but the one that stuck out to me was Sa-kwang's. She said it...sadly, as if Moo Hyul lost, rather than gained something. To me it was actually pretty powerful, as opposed to everyone's platitudes about his new facial hair.

That conversation between Jung and Bang Won was VERY telling about both men. While you certainly covered Jung's hypocrisy very well, HeadsNo2, I feel you glossed over Bang Won's. We saw first hand that there is nothing, NOTHING that he'd do differently, from rule bending, to policies, to the end goal. He just wants to be the one to DO it. He keeps hiding it behind 'dreams' and whatnot, but let's not forget he's going to kill his brothers, two of whom are CHILDREN. He's doing this because, as Ha Ryun pointed out, he hates being powerless. He's doing this because, as Hong-in Ban pointed out, he's just an insecure sociopath hiding in a noble-person's visage ("You are just like me!")

For all his vaunted talk, he's still the little kid who was forced to burn his books, was locked in a crate for several days, and was humiliated by his teacher in front of his peers since childhood. Jung Do-jeon recognizes this, and that's why he talks down to him like a child. He IS a child, just an exceptionally clever and dangerous one.


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I think you're not being fair to Bang-won because he was forced into striking. If Lee Seong-gye hadn't made the ridiculous decision to make a child Bang-seok the Crown Prince, stripped all the older princes' powers right after they contributed so much to the founding of the new nation, sent Bang-won on a dangerous mission to Ming (in which JDJ practically hoped that Bang-won would get killed from), and basically cornering Bang-won into striking, never in his dreams would he think of killing his own brothers. He was the one who saved the Queen and his half-brothers in Dohwa-jeon, he's not a heartless, cruel person.


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Oh no, I'm being quite fair to him. Making a child the crown prince was CERTAINLY fool-hardy, but nothing excuses the murder of children, let alone his own family. Sorry, that's one point I won't give up. He has been SHOWN to be a heartless, cruel person...he just likes to play the victim as well.


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Well said.


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I personally think they are ALL heartless and cruel. Is killing your young brothers, one of whom was unfairly made the crown prince and has the backing of some of the more influential leaders more cruel than killing the entire Wang family because they represent the last royal family from Goryeo? How about sending your son/'disciple' on a 'death' mission just to get him out the way so that you can work out your political ambitions? Was Queen Sindeok also equally cruel and manipulating in asking that BW be killed especially after he helped her and her sons to live when they were held hostage by Gen Choi, just so that her son could be king?

We are frankly in no position to judge, but I feel that the MOTIVE and CIRCUMSTANCES which pushed them to do what they do is an important consideration.


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I'm not gonna judge him, but I think it's best to bear in mind the different perspectives people had in those days.

BangSeok is not full family to him - he's just his half-brother which means that both of them grew up with different loyalties (barring loyalty to their father) since most children in those days grew up under their mother's care. That's the probable reason why BangWon couldn't/wouldn't/didn't slaughter his full blood brother BangGwa in the Second Strife of Princes.

Back in those days also, status was worth more than the age of the subject. Therefore, BangSeok was not a child to BangWon but simply the (Former) Crown Prince who HAS to be killed.

Anyway, it's not very fair to judge them based on today's perspectives of ethics and morals when their own code of ethics and morals are not the same as ours.

(And it's kind of laughable to demonize someone back then for killing a (royal) child when 30%- 40% of the country back then were slaves and probably ill-treated. but that's just my heart of rock talking.)


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These writers are very good at twisting the history to expose Sambong but very vague when it comes to Bang-won's real ambitions. They are riding with the majority of the viewers like they usually do.


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I think she glossed over BangWon's hypocrisy because... it was obvious. Even the drama's own characters have acknowledged it with BangWon admitting that the "bug has swallowed him" or "he has swallowed the bug".

Honestly, Jung DoJeon's biggest mistake was to treat BangWon as a child. This person, is no goddamned child, not even in the least. Yes, he is egoistic and brash and prideful, even selfish, if you will, but he is not uncontrolled or unreasonable like a child. Jung DoJeon never gave Lee BangWon a reason good enough for him to back off and let go of his dream. If Jung DoJeon couldn't let go of his dream with PoEun, how does he expect BangWon to let go of his and just accept the unfair status quo where he can't do a thing even though he CAN and he WANTS to just because Jung DoJeon says he can't.

BangWon wanting the throne, and the power that comes with it is not the issue when practically, him being the king serves the same ultimate goal as Jung DoJeon/ the nation's - that fledgling nation NEEDS a strong leader, be it King or Prime Minister, and BangWon IS the best candidate. What the heck is having a child for a king when you have a fully grown guy skilled in both politics, diplomacy AND military affairs? What kind of lame reasoning has Jung DoJeon given to stop a person with ability and willingness (even stronger - desire and passion in this case) while letting somepeople who don't even want to be there sit where the person WANTS to be?

Does BangWon have the choice to sit quiet and let his young half-brother rule for the rest of his life? Sure! Of course! Just the same as Jung DoJeon had the choice to reform Goryeo with PoEun instead of bringing it down. But, no, both cannot do either because they each believe that their method was better.

And because BangSeok was the Crown Prince, if BangWon took power, BangSeok is never allowed alive because of all the people who may support him and oppose BangWon (especially those people who are like "you have to keep the status quo!").

Jung Do-jeon recognizes this [BangWon being a child]

No. Jung DoJeon did not recognize this. He wrongly concluded this. BangWon is not a child but a man you HAVE to talk reason with, not dismiss.


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This is solely in the context of this drama.


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I think JDJ major mistake was his dismissive way toward Bangwon. Bangwon was obviously on his side 100%. If anything initially he was overtly eager to please and would have done anything to follow JDJ and even to change and be a better person for him.

But what did JDJ did? He seems to simply use Bangwon when it's convenient and yet cast him aside every time anything important comes up. He never truly let Bangwon in or truly "teach" Bangwon. Had they have a more trusting and "loving" relationship as teacher and student (e way Poeun and JDJ) had. They might be able to talk things out.

But as of now. Bangwon is done being used by his Father and JDJ. And he will only do things for his own benefit. What is so wrong in that.

The irony is what strikes Bangwon when JDJ and King Taejong asked him to go to Ming.

Again. All this in e context of e drama.

I Guess it's plenty obvious I'm 100% Team Bangwon. Lol


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What use-as-convenience? JDJ has gone on record as saying that he wanted Bang-Won to be the crown prince. But the murder of Po-Eun made him damaged goods; the Confucian scholars would never accept that man as their leader, and indeed we see what happened. They had to be threatened, cajoled, bribed, and forced into government posts because of Bang-Won.

And now they (JDJ and Taejong) know he is actively engaged in subversive politics for the sole purpose of over-throwing and taking over a government who's current policies and goals are things he not only agrees with, but whole-heartedly endorses. Bang-Won only wants to be at the head of the ship for the sake of being at the head of the ship. That's the very definition of childishness.

At the risk of spoiling something in the next episode, JDJ gives Bang-Won all the response this "deadly move" deserves.



Therein lies the irony. The would be no Joseon if BW had not killed Poeun. Because there would be no JDJ, and LSG's powers would have been greatly reduced. Someone had to do something...and there was no other alternative, or was there? Could BW have done something else or than killed Poeun? Could JDJ, Jo Joon and Nam-eun's death be avoided?


They had to be threatened, cajoled, bribed, and forced into government posts because of Bang-Won... by BangWon

This is already a testament to his ability and suitability to be Joseon's leader. A leader is not just someone people look up to. He's also someone who gets things done regardless. So far, in their treatment of BangWon, they've utilized him to solve problems they don't have the guts to handle, faffed about to the moment of their almost death and declare him damaged when he solves their problem (that they have no courtesy of providing other answer to) and proceed to cast him aside. Use, damage, throw. Isn't that the definition of use-as-convenience?

... ...sole purpose of over-throwing and taking over a government... ...

Taking over the government I agree (as in having a say in everything), but over-throwing? Nah. What he wants to overthrow is not the government but the crown prince position. Because there's a freaking, foolish kid in that place when he (and his brothers) are so much more qualified age-wise, experience-wise, politically-wise, intelligence-wise, goddamnit, even in terms of birthright.

Bang-Won only wants to be at the head of the ship for the sake of being at the head of the ship.

No. He wants to be the head of the ship so that he can better people's lives the one true way he knows how. That is what distinguishes a dream/ a cause/ an ambition from simple, foolish greed.

That’s the very definition of childishness.

If that's your definition of childishness, then I just showed you how BangWon doesn't fit that label.


Well said!


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I agree, I think Bangwon's own greed and hypocrisy has been thoroughly shown in the drama. Even in this episode they showed him fake crying and changing expressions when he saw JDJ. The viewers are fully away and shown what Bangwon is capable of doing to achieve his goals.


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Well said peeps!


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For those beanies who haven't seen King Sejong the Great before Six Flying Dragons, you definitely have the advantage over those who have seen the 2008 drama first.

Having seen Sejong first, I could not bring myself to watch SFD even though Yoo Ah In is a great actor.

If any of you watch Sejong after this, I wonder if you would agree with me!


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Kim Young-Chul is my Bang-won. He is fantastic! One of the few that can play a sageuk king with power and authority. The best portrayal of Bang-won would be by the Amazing Charismatic Yoo Dong Geun in Tears of the Dragon.

Here, I gloss over YAI because he is not at that level yet but he fits this kind of fusion writing.


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But this is a super-young TaeJong though? One who hasn't even moved to sit on the throne.

The Sejong in both Tears of the Dragon and King Sejong are in very different experience-wise and in social standing/ power-wise.


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Tears of the Dragon started with Bang-won in his early years before he became king. The focus was strictly historical.
The Great King Sejong would be between SFD and Tree (sort of). Bang-won was already ascending the throne in the beginning.

I think her point is that once you've seen Bang-won portrayed in that manner you wouldn't want to go back and I totally understand.


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I'm a sageuk junkie so I'd watch any sageuk (most of it). Hated some and loved some of it (thank you Jung Ha-Yeon).

I really enjoyed Tree and I can not pass up Kim Myung Min and the lovable Moo-hyul. SO here I am bitching and watching at the same time lol.


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Oh, okay then. Well... if it entertains you...

Why think so much? It's just a drama, haha!


By the way, aren't both King TaeJong and Young SeJong from Great King SeJong over at Jang YoungSil reprising their roles?


Yes they are both reprising their roles in Jang Young Sil.


Oh this episode!! All the beards and new hair and bromances!!! I was clapping like a seal, especially when Bang Won was doing his thing.. oh and yes, I found Jesus! I feel so blessed, lol!


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I feel the most sorry for the crown prince. He has been put in a very dangerous situation all because his ridiculous parents thought it was appropriate to make their favorite child the heir to the throne in spite of him being too young to rule and having many older more capable brothers. Plus the fact that these other potential heirs have a different mother, control armies and participated in the revolution that helped their father to the throne. It is a recipe for disaster.

I really dislike the Queen, she is playing the victim when it was her own greed that put her child in danger. Taejo is a really ineffective king, all the decisions are made by JDJ and the one decision the king is shown making iwas the one that doesn't make any sense, putting the underage child by his second wife on the throne.


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Well said! The king and queen all but signed their favorite child's death certificate by choosing to put him on the throne. And the worst parents of the year award goes to......


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Oh MAN! I usually read recaps but can't resist the cliff hanger so I watched ep 44 instead and it's TERRIBLE! The cliff hanger is even worse/bigger. I want ep. 45 now!!! I really really want to know what their decisions are and how they are planning to go about it >.<


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Someone asked what Bang-won would give Lady Min if he gave Boon-yi a hairpin and I'd say considering he gave her the queen title and all the princes and princesses, why begrudge Boon-yi a measly hairpin, right?


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