Six Flying Dragons: Episode 25

There’s nothing like a little (or in this case, a whooole lot) of blood, guts, and glory to liven up the holiday season. This is the kind of epic scope we watch sageuk for, and it should come as no surprise that even on the sheer unbridled violence front, Six Flying Dragons delivers. But it never skimps on delivering character revelations first and foremost, which isn’t something I would’ve thought to give it credit for during such a battle-heavy episode. But there it is. And up there is Moo-hyul, who I’m officially declaring my new spirit animal.


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Moo-hyul unknowingly prevents Bang-ji from pursuing Yeon-hee’s rapist (though neither know it’s him) by telling him not to gape so much at his expensive surroundings—he’ll look unsophisticated that way. At least, that’s what his own grandmother told him.

Over the banquet dinner, Bang-ji reveals that he’s been here before, though Moo-hyul thinks he’s kidding. Bang-ji doesn’t correct him, and later excuses himself to the outhouse. But it’s there that he brushes shoulders with Yeon-hee’s rapist, who doesn’t recognize him. Yet.

Boon-yi gives her people a pep talk over their meager feast, since most are disappointed that the land reform plan hasn’t yet gone through. She tells them that they don’t have the luxury of disappointment when they’re fighting against noblemen who don’t want to give up their land.

If even General Jo assembled an army in order to keep his land, they have to be ready to get that response from any noble, she reminds them. They have to fight to get what’s theirs, and whoever gets disappointed first loses.

Lee Saek tears into Jung Mong-joo about going along with the land reform plan because it’s Jung Do-jeon’s plan first and foremost, and he really does seem to hate him. If it were Jung Mong-joo’s plan, Lee Saek claims, he’d have no problem supporting it—but Jung Do-jeon has always been rebellious in nature, and he doesn’t like that he can’t be easily controlled.

In the end, Jung Mong-joo cautions his teacher to go along with the reformation or stand against an entire nation, which implicitly means he’s siding with Jung Do-jeon. He doesn’t like that the sides are so split though, and brings that issue up with Ha Ryun when they run into each other.

Ha Ryun thinks it very strange that Jung Mong-joo wants harmony so badly, since people will always have different goals and thus always be in a state of disharmony. He almost seems concerned for what he sees as willful ignorance on Jung Mong-joo’s part to believe that politics is this lofty, idealistic concept—because if it was, what use would there be for laws?

Still, Jung Mong-joo believes that Jung Do-jeon is working off the teachings of Confucius, and that he’s trying to reform Goryeo by establishing a basis of trust and harmony. Ha Ryun shakes his head, now openly wondering if Jung Mong-joo just can’t see the deeper machinations going on.

So when he suggests that Jung Do-jeon is likely planning to put Lee Seong-gye on the throne (which he is), Jung Mong-joo is absolutely scandalized by the outrageous idea. “Should we make a bet?” Ha Ryun asks confidently.

“Should we make a bet?” is also what Jo Joon asks Jung Do-jeon in the New Joseon Cave. He’s betting that they’ll never be able to create the nation they want by putting the land reformation on hold and negotiating with the likes of General Jo.

Jung Do-jeon asks if he’d prefer to spill blood instead, causing Jo Joon to snap, “Revolutions call for blood!” “If we can avoid it, we should,” Jung replies just as adamantly. He reminds Jo Joon that he’s first and foremost a Confucian scholar, and he’ll always try to resolve matters consistent with that ideology before resorting to violence.

Meanwhile, Lee Seong-gye and his party feast with General Jo, completely oblivious to the fact that the general has a roomful of murderers just waiting for his cue. He fully intends on killing Lee Seong-gye and everyone with him tonight.

Bang-ji returns to his seat with the boys, hardly able to contain his shaking rage (fear?) at recognizing Yeon-hee’s rapist. That man recognizes him not from their shared past, but because he’s the best swordsman in the Three Kingdoms. And they’re planning on killing him.

Luckily for our team, General Jo doesn’t give Moo-hyul a second thought despite his size, thinking he’s just another army grunt. He wants everyone to focus their attention on killing Bang-ji, as well as Lee Bang-woo, since he’s also quite skilled with a sword.

Having overheard the last of Boon-yi’s speech to her men, Bang-won realizes that the hold on the land reformation really must feel like a huge loss to her. He tries reassuring her in his ability to make it happen, and even tears off the strap, or goreum, which ties the outer layer (jeogori) of his hanbok together and gives it to her.

It’s a symbol of his promise to her, he tells her, and she can use it to present to him later should he not keep his word. She agrees that if she ever has to find him, she’ll also have to tell him to spit his bug/heartworm out. But Bang-won corrects her, saying it’s the bug she’ll have to order to spit him out.

Switching subjects back to the land reform, Boon-yi tells him how Bang-ji and Yeon-hee used to like each other, and how they likely would’ve continued doing so had their hometown’s land been taken by the dodang’s greed.

It all ties back to land, she says, adding that their lives (and hers) wouldn’t be so difficult had they been able to stay in their hometown. But what she’s truly disappointed about is less about the land reform and more about how thinking it would pass caused Yeon-hee to want to return to their hometown, and how happy that had made her brother.

“I think that my brother and unni [Yeon-hee] have to live happily together in order for me to be happy,” she says finally. Bang-won disagrees with that sentiment, claiming that no one should carry the weight of another person’s happiness on their shoulders. “But I want to do it,” Boon-yi replies after some thought. “That’s the kind of person I am.”

Jung Do-jeon goes to meet Ha Ryun, who somewhat unsuccessfully tries milking information out of Jung Do-jeon by speaking from one schemer to another. Isn’t it fun to hold powerful people in the palms of their hands? Like, maybe, how Jung Do-jeon has Lee Seong-gye in his grasp?

But Jung Do-jeon just laughs at what he sees as Ha Ryun’s inadequacy as a schemer, since he very incorrectly believes he can apply the same tactics of predicting trends to the human mind. Only it doesn’t work with people, and he can’t stress enough how much more difficult it is to read a a single person than the mood of an entire country.

He admits that his inability to read Lee Seong-gye’s mind put him into some hot water before, just like how he couldn’t always read Minister Hong’s mind. Nor could he predict how one young man’s actions could put an entire movement in peril (he’s talking about Bang-won, of course.)

Ha Ryun shrugs that there will always be rebels to cause trouble like that, only for Jung Do-jeon to reply that everyone is a rebel. The only difference is how they choose to use the rebellious nature that’s within all of them. “A schemer must be humble when it comes to people,” Jung adds.

Still, Ha Ryun defends that he does have General Jo in the palm of his hand, as evidenced by him taking his advice to pretend to rally his troops in order to bring Lee Seong-gye to the negotiating table. And he even took it a step further by organizing a banquet to reconcile with Lee Seong-gye, Ha Ryun brags.

The fact that the banquet wasn’t part of Ha Ryun’s plan causes Jung Do-jeon’s expression to turn from one of wary amusement into concern, especially as he thinks of the strange circumstances surrounding their invitation to the banquet. Not to mention the out-of-place soldiers that have come for a drink.

On the pretense that he’s going to bring them a special cinnamon wine, General Jo excuses himself to a back room where one of his minions pours poison into the wine to be served.

Erstwhile, the conversation at Bang-ji’s table seems to just wash over him as he grits his teeth in a concerted effort to not launch himself at Yeon-hee’s rapist, since he’s trying to respect Officer Nam’s wish for them to behave themselves accordingly.

Moo-hyul notices Bang-ji’s expression from across the table, and slowly follows his gaze to the man he’s been staring at. Remembering Yeon-hee’s description of the man in the straw hat and her reaction to seeing him, Moo-hyul puts two and two together and realizes that the man Bang-ji’s honing in on must be the one who hurt her.

Either Ha Ryun really is oblivious to General Jo’s true intentions, or he’s doing a very good job of making it seem as though he is in order for Jung Do-jeon to trust him. But when he takes credit for Jo claiming that he’d willingly give up one gyeol (about 2,450 acres) of land, Jung realizes something: If he’s willing to give up his land, why would he have mobilized his soldiers?

Ha Ryun thinks it’s because he told him to intimidate Lee Seong-gye into negotiating, which is when Jung Do-jeon asks him if it was his idea or General Jo’s idea for the two of them to meet tonight. If it was General Jo, which it was, it means he wanted Jung Do-jeon distracted from the banquet.

“If you came here to meet me because Jo Min-soo asked you to, then he used you,” Jung Do-jeon finally says. This seems to come as a surprise to Ha Ryun, and he only fully believes it when Jung brings his attention to one of the suspicious men near their table.

He asks Ha Ryun to relay exactly what General Jo told him, which was for him to meet him while the banquet was being held. Jung Do-jeon thinks it was just a ploy to isolate him, and all the men who’ve come to the inn are actually there to kill him.

Ha Ryun realizes all this very slowly, but at least he proves willing to help Jung Do-jeon make an escape by playing like he’s just going to the outhouse. So there is goodness in him.

While Moo-hyul begs Young-kyu to make up some excuse to take Bang-ji away from the banquet in order to prevent exactly what Officer Nam didn’t want them to do (fight), Jung Do-jeon makes it to Bang-won’s house to tell him about General Jo’s ulterior motives. They’ll need to take his father’s soldiers to Dohwa Manor posthaste if they want to save him.

The moment Young-kyu tries to get Bang-ji up and away from the table, Yeon-hee’s rapist descends upon them like a pushy partygoer to insist they stay by pouring them glasses of the cinnamon wine.

For whatever reason, the horrible excuse for a human being thinks the men at the table would enjoy the story of how he violently raped a girl from the west, which we (and Moo-hyul and Bang-ji) know is Yeon-hee. Surprisingly though, it’s Moo-hyul who loses his cool first by flipping over the table and the evil son of a bitch.

It’s when Moo-hyul notices that the man is wearing armor, and Bang-ji notices the swords hidden under the flipped table, that they realize it’s a trap. All General Jo’s planted men suddenly jump into action, and luckily, all the ruckus stops Lee Seong-gye and his party from drinking the deadly wine.

Having prepared to face the best swordsman, General Jo’s men tie their swords to their hands so that Bang-ji can’t easily steal a weapon from them. Hah, good luck with that.

The ax-wielding assassins take their cue to storm into the banquet room, with only Lee Ji-ran and Bang-woo to hold the throng back. Both Ji-ran and Bang-woo take multiple wounds from multiple axes, though Ji-ran’s look especially fatal. Oh no.

Lee Seong-gye sees his longtime brother-in-arms crash back into the room under the weight of so many assassins pushing in, and his convulsing on the floor doesn’t bode well for him. But while one assassin has his ax to Lee Seong-gye’s throat, Bang-woo has one to General Jo’s.

Outside, Bang-ji, Young-kyu, and Moo-hyul use only their raw strength and cunning to fight off their sword-wielding attackers. A whistle sounds, and all the mercenaries clear the courtyard, leaving three very confused boys behind.

…Until they look up and see all the archers who’ve lined up to take a shot at them. They try to escape the hail of arrows with differing levels of success—Young-kyu takes two, while Bang-ji takes one to the chest. He pulls it out in order to keep fighting as Moo-hyul bulldozes his way to break the line by using a table as a shield.

“Don’t be afraid! He’s just big, but he’s nothing!” Yeon-hee’s rapist tells his men when Moo-hyul barges into them. Ohhhh, you just wait.

Down in the courtyard, Bang-ji sustains a significant wound to the abdomen and two to his collarbone, as he just barely prevents them from slicing through his torso. Cho-young and Yeon-hee find out about the frackas at the same time as Boon-yi.

Separately, the old woman who works for the master of the Red Seal delivers “his” will to Jukryong and Gil Sun-mi, just as Bang-won goes ahead of the men carrying only his bow and a quiver of arrows.

Bleeding and unsteady, Bang-ji fashions two torches from the fire pits in the courtyard to use as makeshift weapons. He downs one of the men who attacks him, setting fire to his arm and thus the tie to his sword. Grasping the sword by the blade, Bang-ji pulls it out of the man’s grasp and into his. Now the best swordsman has a sword! Tell them what time it is, Bang-ji!

Young-kyu uses one of the arrows that pierced him as a small dagger while taking more and more wounds, but it’s a sword straight through the abdomen that looks like it really hurts. Bang-ji is able to cut another sword free and toss it to Moo-hyul, who wasn’t doing too bad without.

After ordering Moo-hyul to rescue Lee Seong-gye, Bang-ji and Young-kyu face off against a small army. It’s actually really touching when Bang-ji offers a sword to Young-kyu, and they both place one hand on the hilt. “Let’s live through this and go home,” Bang-ji says. They smile through bloody teeth.

The standoff inside is interrupted when Bang-won uses the secret entrance to shoot down the assassin closest to his father, which tips the scales in Lee Seong-gye’s favor. He uses his son’s quiver of arrows to load three at once, aiming toward the men as Bang-won escapes with Ji-ran.

Moo-hyul mows down a good number of men on his way to Lee Seong-gye, only to come face to face with a courtyard full of them. He’s hopelessly outnumbered, but roars, “Warrior Moo-hyul!” before he starts mowing them down with a sword in each hand.

He’s less a human and more an unstoppable force of nature as he cuts men down like wheat, enough to cause the pond in the courtyard to turn red with blood. I’m running out of ways to describe how awesome this fight is, but it is that good.

While Bang-ji and Young-kyu hold the line, an unseen assassin tears through the paper wall and plants an ax in Bang-woo’s chest. Moo-hyul makes it through the sea of soldiers to crash into the same banquet room, completely drenched in blood.

His entrance provides Lee Seong-gye and his sons a chance to back away slowly, all while General Jo and his men follow, hoping to find an opening to attack. Lee Seong-gye downs three men at a time with his three arrows, but for the most part, the path has been cleared by Moo-hyul.

Likewise, Bang-ji and Young-kyu are the only ones left standing (well, sitting) in the courtyard among a sea of bodies. It looks like the coast is clear for everyone to make a clean escape, until an arrow flies right into Lee Seong-gye.

Archers appear on the roof as General Jo and his men emerge to tell them to drop their weapons. Bang-woo knows he’ll kill them anyway and urges his comrades not to comply, which Moo-hyul agrees to gladly. “Yes, let’s charge together,” Moo-hyul adds firmly. “Those who will die shall die, but what can we do? I will slit that son of a bitch Jo Min-soo’s throat myself.”

Before they can, Bang-won quietly urges them to wait. Wait for what? General Jo gives the archers till the count of three to fire, but right as they’re about to, their throats are cut from behind by Bang-gwa and his father’s soldiers.

Now that they’re surrounded, Bang-gwa orders General Jo and his men to drop their weapons. General Jo has no choice but to do so. The day is saved!

Back at Biguk Temple, the Red Seal Grandma tells Jukryong and Gil Sun-mi that their master has made his choice. He’s going to abandon both General Jo and Lee Seong-gye and see what happens, having sent someone to the manor already.

Bang-ji searches through the dead to find Yeon-hee’s rapist, but spots him alive and fleeing over the wall. He gives chase as best he can, limping as he is, which conjures up terrible memories of how he couldn’t run fast enough to save Yeon-hee all those years ago.

Boon-yi catches up with her bloodied brother as Yeon-hee accidentally cuts her rapist off at the end of the deserted street. She freezes in place, remembering every traumatic memory from that fateful day.

The three of them are in the same place again, with Bang-ji lagging behind as the man runs toward her. He fully intends to run past her, but Yeon-hee grabs him and stabs one of her jade pins straight into his throat.

“Remember me?” she asks through clenched teeth. “From the buckwheat field. Look at me! Do you remember? Turbulent times are hell for the weak. Go to hell.” Even with the pin in his neck, he grabs Yeon-hee’s throat, intent on squeezing the life out of her.

That’s when Bang-ji makes his move, cutting him down from behind. He almost strikes again, but is reminded of how he let the rapist’s cohort live. Besides, the guy’s not getting up.

Sinking to his knees beside Yeon-hee, he asks, “Are you all right? It’s over.” But her face says anything but, as she stares into nothing and shakes. Bang-ji reaches out to touch her cheek, bringing her back to the present in a rush of tears.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers before pulling her into his arms. Yeon-hee allows herself to relax into the embrace, breathing out a long-held sigh.


Oh yeah, and Boon-yi’s been standing there the whole time. Forgot to mention that.

Man oh man though, did things take a turn. I was all revved up on all the adrenaline and oceans of testosterone from the battle sequence that I didn’t think they’d turn the tide toward finding justice for Yeon-hee at the end of it all, but I couldn’t be happier that the focus shifted the way it did. Maybe this isn’t the end, maybe it isn’t justice so much as revenge, but it certainly must help for both Yeon-hee and Bang-ji to get to almost relive the trauma from their past and defeat it.

Though Bang-ji wanted to kill the man for what he did to Yeon-hee first and foremost, with all the flashbacks there seemed to be a certain part of him that needed to overcome the fear that paralyzed him from taking action all those years ago. In a way, that man represented everything Bang-ji sought to fix within himself, albeit with varying levels of success—had it not been for Moo-hyul’s gallant outburst, it seemed very likely that Bang-ji would’ve just stayed rooted to that spot and his own memories of being a terrified boy.

Had it just been Bang-ji to attack the man and kill him, it wouldn’t have been nearly as satisfying as having Yeon-hee be the first to strike. Because try as the show might’ve to make it more about him than Yeon-hee, in the end, it had to be her. To have to confront her own rapist was already an unimaginable horror, but instead of being helpless and rooted in place like she has been every time she’s seen him since, Yeon-hee was able to act. She was able to defend herself in a way she couldn’t when she was a girl, and though I’m sure it won’t ever be over the way Bang-ji would like it to be, hopefully, Yeon-hee might be able to find some measure of peace.

Jung Do-jeon’s scene with Ha Ryun was both enlightening and fun, though I would’ve expected him to play a bigger role in the Battle of Dohwa Manor after finding out it was all an elaborate ruse. I can already tell I’m going to love his interactions with Ha Ryun in the future though, even if it’s unlikely that their views will always (or ever again) align. And I’m still not sure I buy Ha Ryun’s cluelessness, since it seems convenient that he assumes so much yet knows so little. He really could be an arrogant wannabe schemer, but there’s still the matter of the Red Seal, and so far he seems the most likely candidate. Then again, I always suck at guessing reveals ahead of time, which is why I normally try not to. But I can’t help it here, they’re really building up the mystery around the Red Seal perfectly. I want to know, damn it!

Last but certainly not ever least, the battle. I absolutely loved how they handled such a prolonged encounter by honing in on everyone’s individual stories throughout, since it would have been a shame to lose our dragons’ unique personalities in the throes of carnage. I loved the brotherly bonding that took place, the familial bonding too, and all of it tied together with the knowledge that they may all be destined to die, but none of them were going out without the fight of their lives. And/or without looking like Carrie at the prom.


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I guess I won't need to flip a table in this episode cause he did it for me.


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Finally! The best scene, the best episode, and we have Moo Hyul in it!


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I so approve of your name.


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I second that!


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Thank you :D


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I want to be disappointed because of the lack of sixth dragon title credits but Leader Boon Yi says it's a luxury, so be it.


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I got a kick out of his battle cry "Warrior Moo-hyul". Brought back memories from Tree and Jo Jin Woong. I'm loving Yoon too.

I almost spill my drink on my keyboard while yelling at my pc screen "Roar Moo-hyul roar" lol.

I like this episode a lot to rant about anything else :).


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I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE! For a second there, I even thought that he sounded exactly like Jo Jin Woong. Oh gosh, I really need Signal in my life right now.


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Oh my gosh! he sound exactly like Jo Jin Woong! Replay x 100 lol.
Signal is a must watch!


I was trying to make a side by side battle cry between Yoon and Jo Jin Woong but totally failed to put them together in one video :(.

Waaaaaaa I'm not worthy.


I honestly didn't see it coming, what with him trying his best to get Bang-ji away from the rapist but he's the one who lost his temper instead. :D


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I didn't either. I guess he was feeling for both Yeon Hee and Bang Ji enough to flip the table and that unimaginable bastard.


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No, I think Moo Hyul was ready to fight when he overheard Yoon Hee's memory of the rape. But then he has to sit at a table while that degenerate brags about raping a young girl. I fully expected him to go off. What I did find funny was Bang Ji's reaction to the table flip. His expression was like "What just happened?"


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I myself think that Moo Huyl decided to flip that table not because he lost his temper but because he was afraid that if Bang Ji did that, BJ would be in big trouble with officer Nam later. So MH rather did that from his pure kinded heart to help his friend.


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He is getting closer and closer to his grown up character in Tree. Moo-hyul has always been one of my favorite. He was the most fiercely loyal bodyguard with a heart.

(Spoiler) TWDR
When Bang-won gave Moo-hyul to his son King Sejong he told him that Moo-hyul can single handedly fight off 100 soldiers.

Watching him mow down these many people makes me think that his skill is already at that level.


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The way that guy was describing and relishing his rape - i'd have flipped a table too. Good on, Moo Hyul!


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It's the first time that Moo-hyul actually caught on what was going on! Good for him. I was amazed that
1) he noticed that Bang Ji was upset
2) and that it was because of the rapist.
3) And that he was able to link the rapist to Yeon hee's trauma.
4) That he was quick-thinking and caring enough to realise that if BJ blows up, he would be disobeying Officer Nam.
5) and clever enough to ask Young Kyu to take him outside.

Moo-hyul, I'm so proud of you! All this while, it was just his strength and fighting prowess we have seen. For the first time, we are seeing a different side of him.


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Go team Moo-Hyul!


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I was pleasantly surprised how quick Moohyul caught up what was going on. This shows warriors not only have strength, they also think fast as well. Go, Moohyul!!!


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This episode left me so high by the end of it. SO AWESOME.

How awesome it is that Moo-hyul understood the whole situation and to be the one whom actually flipped the table in anger on behalf of his new BFF Bang-ji.

How awesome it is that Bang-ji and Moo-hyul got to slay all the bad guys like there’s no tomorrow (and I love the part where Bang-ji passed Moo-hyul a sword).

How awesome it is that Yoon-hee managed to overcome her fear and gave our disgusting rapist a good stab on the neck!

And most awesome is the last part of closure that Bang-ji and Yoon-hee had. OMG.

Ah.. this episode is so awesome I don’t know if it can get even better.
Side note, one great thing about sageuk is you can kill the bad guy without worrying that you’ll go to jail for it. Hooray.


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Moohyul is such a sweetheart. And true, this episode was epic in every way you brought out!


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I love this show. It can be brutal and bloody and epic but it never loses sight of the characters and how their pasts, dreams, relationships and personalities drive their actions. Beautifully done episode, and a fitting half way point for the drama. I know the history is sketchy at times, and license is frequently taken, but as pure storytelling it's lovely.


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Agreed. This Ep has a lot of violence but not to glorify violence. Insteads through violence it proves the beautiful things as you mentioned.


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My goodness...these people can act.


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SO. FREAKING. AWESOMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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First time I've waited for a recap just so that I could read what other fans had to say. After watching it last night, I actually got upset when my friend didn't care to talk about it with me. But someone needs an outlet after something that grand. Now I'm just worried that I won't be able to re-watch this episode because of how much it took out of me. I loved every single minute of it though.

My New Year's wish is that we get a dramabeans podcast dedicated to this show.


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Yes, it's good the internet exists to discuss and share when something like this episode happens. Really powerful, in so many different ways, which is not something that is technically easy to pull off.


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I know right! This episode sucked all the energy out of me and I've been going through sites just to talk to someone about it. It was just THAT good.

A podcast would be awesome but I want Heads to do one. hehe


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Aw yeah! Heads to do this podcast sounds like a terrific idea!


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Myohmy I would love to listen to that podcast!

Among all the episode this one tops them all!


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this episode was AMAZING!! MY heart strings are worn out. Epic is an understatement. After watching, I didn't have someone to vent to either, and am SOO glad its up on dramabeans :')

I dont want to sound cliche, but i honestly feel like this is has become my top drama. :$


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Great episode. Reverse Red Wedding FTW.

How real where the puffs of body heat emerging from Bang-ji in the last escene?. I'm sorry that they have to film through the cold night, but it was dope!.

"Now the best swordsman has a sword! Tell them what time it is, Bang-ji!"
Ha...Hamer time?, (sorry, I'm old).


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"Reverse Red Wedding" LOL so true. I kinda bet on the fact that this is Korean drama and not something written by G.R.R. Martin (that grandpa is such a merciless killer) so not to worry about the characters here but god the whole episode is so awesome!!!

I really appreciate all actors, they probably filming for the whole night in the middle of winter and they still act their best i want to give each one of them big hug T_T


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"so not to worry about the characters here".
I'm terrified for the two girls.
Every time they made plans for the future, I think one of them is going to crack.

"i want to give each one of them big hug".
Yeah, me too, but for not so innocent reasons. ;-)


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One of the best episodes in SFD, and that's saying a lot. The build-up to one of the best fight scenes I have ever seen and YH and BJ's confrontation with that piece of scum were phenomenal. This episode belonged to the warriors and the survivor. The fight was just so bloody and I was afraid JR and YK would die, but I was so happy they survived. Normally, I'm upset when characters don't die when they realistically should, but I was begging for JR and YK to live (I wasn't worried about the others because, well, history). YK was really the only worrisome one because JR apparently lives to an old age, but his wounds were just so terrible and horrific. I think this was also one of the bloodiest fight scenes I've seen possible on channels like SBS, KBS, and MBC. It couldn't be gory like Ahjusshi obviously, but, man, there was a lot of blood. If this was OCN or a movie, blood would have been splurting out of that scum's neck like a fountain when YH stabbed him. Still, I loved how she stabbed him there. It may seem brutal, but women back then wore hairpins like that as a form of self-defense, and they always aimed for the neck or somewhere else with exposed skin.


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Don't forget...Yeon Hee supposedly is a pretty famous assassin. It was mentioned in a dialogue btwn Bang Ji and Yeon Hee when they kinda first met again.


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She can probably fight, just that shes trauma mode, cause of her childhood raper


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Jiran and Young-kyu existed in history so we kind of know that they wouldn't die this early but I was still nervous during the fight because the writers can change or twist the history any time.

Jiran also mentioned that his sword wounds was worse during the Battle of Hwangsan (1380) with the Japanese pirates where Seong Gye killed their leader Akibatsu in earlier episode.
Jiran is amazing, he is always leading the front line as the human shield since Seong Gye was the master archer.


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Not knowing this bit of history, I was crying, "No! NO! NO!" Don't butcher him! Jiran, you can't die!!!" It was the same with Young Kyu.

My son was asking me why I was making so much noise, and I replied,"They're killing off my heroes!"


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Ji Ran was awesome. That man fears no axes!


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This episode was all blood and tears, though I didn't mind. I loved it.
It also wasn't mentioned that Moo-hyul used two swords during his fight with the assassinators when he was on his way to protect Yi Songgye. It reminded me of Gil Tae-mi's style of fighting and how they both had the same master.


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That's right! Now that you pointed it out, I think Moo Hyul will becoming the best swordsman later like Gil Tae Mi ;)


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EPIC EPIC EPIC!!!! This episode left me breathless!!! Moohyul and Lee Ji Ran are freakin AWESOME!! I don't know what to say more, but this drama is truly a masterpiece.

PS: Congrats SFD for being chosen as the best historical drama in Beanie Awards :D


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I must confess to watching Jiran and Moo-hyul's part over and over like an obsessed fan-girl. I'd rewrite history and make Moo-hyul part of it if I could lol.


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We can just think of him as an unsung hero of that time. A fan can dream.


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A time travel dream where I'm sneaking into Ha Ryun's work room and adding Moo-hyul's name to Goryeo's history lol.


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I'm re-watching that scene for the 3rd time now :D


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"He’s hopelessly outnumbered, but roars, “Warrior Moo-hyul!” before he starts mowing them down with a sword in each hand."


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I want to rate this episode a 10. My 5 stars don't give it justice.


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I know what you mean! I kinda wish I watched this with all of you Beanies, it would've been a once in a life time experience, I'd think.


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Omg just imagine watching this in a big screen with like about 20 beanies. Heaven!


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@earthna Well now I want that. :( I imagined how expensive a Blu-ray set would be, if they did release one. In my dreams...


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Sigh. I've been wanting to buy a blu-ray of Tree but it's so damn expensive. And that drama is only 24 episode. Price would be doubled for Dragons.


Yes! Can we have a viewing party?


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YES PLEASE!! Can we make that a thing!?


I clapped during the battle when Bang Ji tossed Mung Hyul the sword, I cover my eyes for Ji Ran, I screamed when Bang Won and everybody else got hit.. I cried when Yuen Hee and Bang Ji hold each other... Am I crazy ?


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Yes..! But so do everyone who watch this...


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Noted, I said that in a good way, everybody would be not human if not feel what you felt when watching this.
I have not watching this drama, maybe will not watching this, not because it's bad, but historical drama is to heavy for me.
Just read the recaps but i still can feel the intensity.
Just Wow...!!!


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You should watch this instead of just reading the recap. As good as the recap is, you need to see the epic fight with your own eyes (complete with the cool background music).
I've watched this episode 3 times already and still loving it!


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As much as the recaps are so good, the drama is much better. You will not regret watching it! 25 episodes - and all good, with some excellent. This is not something that most dramas of a shorter-life span can boast.


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@loveycat... noted.. ^^
I myself think it's crazy... like everybody else said.. try watch... you will not regret it... it's adrenalin rush in every episode! really wish we can all watch and scream together.


Watched the fighting scene twice, and still gasp in horror each my heroes get sliced, axed and pierced.


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No dragon introduction for Moo Hyul again? Someone needs to send SBS a reminder. Awesome episode I am still hyped up about it!


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I'm going to start a prayer circle for Moo-hyul's dragon episode if it doesn't happen soon lol.


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I have a feeling that theyre not going to make him 6th dragon, and the final episode they will show the birth of king sejong/ baby sejong and giving him the title "greatest king of joseon" or something, then moohyul will just be there guarding him because it kida his role in "tree"


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I still hope they'll do it. He deserves it even though Moo-hyul is pretty humble.


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*joining for the prayer circle*

Moohyul is freaking awesome in here. I really thought he will be dragonized here but none -,-


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I've been thinking about it every week too! Is there a way for us to remind the writer/PD/SBS or whoever can make the shot? Where is Moo-hyul's dragon title? T_T


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They probably forgot about it and just lost the timing to do it now. lol


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It's remind me of game of throne
Its scare of me just to think who will die..


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Yes, this drama reminds me pf GOT too!


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OMG! Right after I was finished watching the sub version I just had to squee somewhere. Boon Yi! Love her! She's the best heroine out of kdrama I've ever seen! I love that she woke Yeon Hee up from her trance, "Unni! You have to kill him!" It had to be her, because she knew of the horrible act but she never saw it, so it didn't have the terrible impact that it did to Yeon Hee and Bang Ji. I can't believe I was practically screaming to my screen to tell Yeon Hee to kill the bast*** rapist. I'm so glad the writer went there. I kinda wish Yeon Hee had killed the rapist by herself and didn't have to have Bang Ji to finish him off, but I guess he had to have his past resolved too, so it's okay.

The whole fighting scene...wow...I just don't have enough ammunition of adjectives to describe it. Just wow! It was almost like an ode for each character in the drama. SFD, YOU ARE AWESOME!!! (writer-nim(s), PD-nim, all of the supporting casts, actors, actresses, all!!)


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I am hopelessly in love with Boon Yi. Stay away Ban-Won, she is mine.


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I remember she slapoed her older brother because he couldnt protect yeonhee, though she doesnt relate to it, she probably understands because shes a girl


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I absolutely love the ending for its poetic justice.

Firstly, Yeon hee gets to strike back. She was not able to as a young girl, but now she's a different person - stronger, and no longer helpless, despite the trauma she still undergoes.

Secondly, it gave Bang Ji a chance to redeem himself too. Back when he was a timid youth, he too was too frightened and weak to protect YH, but now, he too is a different person. And though, he too was somewhat paralysed by the rapist, he took his chance to strike him dead while the rapist was doing bodily harm to YH again.

Thirdly, Boon Yi gets to witness her brother, (whom she was so disappointed in years ago, when he did nothing), get to redeem himself before her eyes and YH.


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Yes, I hope Bang-ji will be much happier now. I love him as a realistic sourpuss but I would love to see a smile on his face once in awhile.


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Warrior Moo-hyul!!!
I live for you!!!


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Speechless. The acting is so superb it made me cry and I wasn't even aware I was seriously sobbing until after the end. The best episode so far. Thank you for the recap.


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This joins the hallway of fame line-up of best epic sequences ever. Alongside various Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones battles and that siege attack in Nirvana in Fire.

It was such a great balance as well, to be able to drive the personal stories forward, consolidate the interpersonal relationships - alongside amazing action sequences.

But that battle sequence really is a midway finale. Moo Hyul - they've made his fight scene so awesome. Whereas Bang Ji's skills have always been portrayed as being about skill, precision and a whirl of grace - Moo Hyul fights like he's been possessed, like a berserker, with all animalistic instinct and strength boosting his skill.


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I can tell you that Lee Seong gye won't be dining in a banquet without his armor again any time soon. He's a mite too trusting to be a good politician. Lol.

Moo Hyul was uncannily perceptive this episode. For all his simple ways, he tends to underestimate himself, and get underestimated too often. Though after this episode, I do see that changing. He fought surprisingly well this episode, better than Bang ji even, imho. I guess it's because no one really focused on him, but on Bang ji instead.

This must sound blood thirsty of me, but how glad I am that Yeon hee was the one who first struck the killing blow on her attacker! It was poetic justice, what with Boon yi calling "Unni, you have to kill him" (trust Boon yi to always put things in perspective), Yoon hee stabbing him in the neck and Bang ji striking the killing blow. They came full circle. Now, Ddang Sae can finally look Yeon hee in the eye, and they all can forgive themselves for the past and move on with their lives.

Loving this drama for its portrayal of stong women, sword fights, guts, glory and aldrenaline rush!!!!

5 ☆☆☆☆☆


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Yes, it feels that they finally get to reset to zero, and maybe re-discover the love they had which got twisted up by the one terrible event.


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The fight scenes especially moo hyul send shiver to my spine. still got goosebumps looking at that picure. I was breathless as if I was there with them. And the ending, when bangji cried and then hug yeonhee at the end, I was a mess.


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I also like how they showed Ji Ran in the fight sequence. Sometimes all we get is a character dressed in military garb with a weapon, and we have to accept he is a war-hardened chap. But watching how he threw himself into holding off, like what - 30, 40 foes while taking axe hacks - really showed that these military types are really tough. Love that scene later when he and the other chap are moaning and commiserating about their wounds...


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omgggggggg love it


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What is this about taking prisoners? Gen. Lee Seong-Gye should ordered them to kill Gen. Jo Min-Soo and others around him, take no prisoners.
I would like to see some ruthlessness in Gen. Lee. The killings here would have been wholly justified as Gen. Jo had betrayed them and were about to mercilessly to kill all of them.

Perhaps, that was why he (Gen. Lee) only lasted 6 years on the throne and failed to carry out the reforms. He had no balls and a misguided, rather delusional, set of principles about loyalty to the King. When a king is incompetent, it is obligatory to remove and replace him.

Not that I wholly agree with Jeong Do-Jeon's equally delusional communist land reforms without bloodshed. He should learn from a Mao Tse Tung of his times.

Honestly, who would voluntarily give up all his land for distribution? How would they feed themselves and their family. Get real, dude!


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Maybe that's why Lee Bangwon made a much better king? He never hesitates to get his hands dirty if he needs to. He has unerring and uncanny instincts and guts for politics, he can be ruthless if he needs to be. He's also to inspire the loyalty of his queen, even after he killed two of her brothers, that should tell us something.

There's really no revolution without bloodshed, but maybe what JDJ wants is a reformation? Who would one govern if everyone is dead? (tongue in cheek) Or looking at past history, the difference between France and Britain.


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Sambong dream of a revolution happened before he met General Lee. He saw the common people's suffering during his years of exile and he wanted to create a better world for them. He planned it out for years and then waited 10+ years for General Lee to get on board.

I'm pretty sure he knows that there would be a lot of bloodshed. He is trying to minimize it. He is being very careful not to turn it into a civil war. The only obstacle left is his friend Poeun (Jeong Mong Ju) the last Guardian of Goryeo.


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Bang-won was a better king than his father (no doubt). Can't blame him for wanting to rule with absolute power after watching the weak kings of his generation failed to run the country and give relief to the common people.


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They are following a bit of the history here. General Jo Min-soo was actually exiled.

I really like how they make General Jo strike first because in reality Sambong would advised General Lee to oust him anyway. General Jo was basically right when he said that he can not co-exist with General Lee. It's the same way if we look at it from General Lee's side. (Two Heroes can not co-exist).
We've seen General Lee chopped off a traitor's head in the first episode so he is capable of being ruthless but you are right. We need to see more of that side of him. (Personally, I think it has more to do with the actor).

The land reform will be a success. No one has to volunteer to turn in anything. They just need to burn all the land deeds and start over.
The new land tax law will completely destroy the ruling class's wealth and power. The tax money that they used to pocket will go straight to the government and the government is controlled by General Lee's side. All they have to do now is clean out Dodang and prepare to establish Joseon.


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I dont know much about korean history but, tries to read stuff in the internet., may i ask, if the land reform will be a sucess, how is it that dramas that are suppose to happen after this(historically) still have pitiful and poor people, who seemed to be chased out of their homes??


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Thats because because of weak later kings of Joseon the nobles became powerful land owners again. This land reform lasted about 100 years.

Nobles became rich,powerful owners of huge lands again and controlled weak kings. In other words the law about the lands that existed in those times of Joseon worked only under absolute Monarchy, powerful ministers who werent corrupt.

Thats why there are famous names like Taejong, Sejongs,Gwanghae other powerful kings, wise rulers because they controlled the power of the nobles, could change the laws, reforms for their people.


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True and that's why Sambong's plan would've worked better because there is no telling if every king will always be competent and have the people's best interest in mind like Sejong the Great, his father King Taejong and Yisan, King Jeongjo.


I was hoping no one would ask because there is a lot to explain when it comes to land reform and the new tax law and I don't want to write an essay on it lol.
I'm going to keep it simple. I'm mixing history and drama here and hopefully it'll make sense to you.

This is Jo Joon's land reform and it happened a year before the revolution. So it's about to happen soon. The old land deeds and registers will be destroyed (burnt) and the land will be distributed according to Jo Joon's plan. He is the expert here when it comes to the land, taxation and the economy.
There was also a vast amount of land that was kept by Lee Seong Gye to distribute to his merit subjects.

So here is what I think might happen.

-Bong Yi and her people will be allowed to return to Yiseo county and cultivate their old land that they were chased out from by the Dodang trio.
-Bong Yi and her people will be given new land to cultivate.
-Bong Yi and her people will become land owners as Lee Seong Gye's merit subjects.

Goryeo was built on an agricultural economy. The commoners were the majority of the farmers but not all of them were eligible to receive land from the state to cultivate. Some of them were cultivating the land owned by the rich nobles.Their condition was terrible. They had to pay taxes to the state and very high taxes to the nobles who owned the land. They were almost left with nothing.

This is a work in progress and there will be more land reforms later to improve on it.


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what if they eliminate the class system? through burning the land deeds, they will be able to destroy the power of the ruling class and also eliminate the class system?
it's so annoying that class system in joseon was similar to goryeo dynasty,and on top of that joseon becoming more like a patriarchal society to the point that it's scary.. wonder what JDJ was thinking?
Changing dynasty they could have start with eliminating class system , land reforms, and rights for women...


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And I thought I wouldn't see a fight as bloody as the one in Last. So bloody but oh so awesome!


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I looove that scene, where he mow his enemy like they are tree block is awesome. And when he roar "warior (musa) Moo-hyul"... awesome!

Love the word of "musa". It sounds so epic


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I guess vampire is so happy in this era because blood is everywhere:-)lol..
IDK what's the future of this 2 young dragons and their feelings for each other!!? ( BW&BY ) their conversation make me feel HUH??so it means after this things done they 're separating their ways? since BY realy wants 2go home,what about that loveconfession?thats it all??well,I'll wait en see!!

*hope that my fonytail master(LJR)manage to survived till the end.

*I realy love the bromance of BJ,MH & YK,!their fight scene was DAebak,,was MH earn his dragon title now?

*The scene between YH & BJ is always making me cry,heartbreaking!YH's acting is superb, I like how she confronted her rapist! This two realy need a happy ending. I dnt care about the prequel

OOT.. Am a lil bit confuse to the flow of the story since there is still hidden question about redseal,BY & BJ's mom,! I guess SFD will only show us how they succefully build the Joseon,I think The strife's of the princes is not included here,even how BW become a king,it is another story to tell,maybe (just my own opinion)
Thanks Head for the recap:-):-) advance happy new year


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There is 20+ episode left and only 1 more year before the establishment of Joseon. I think they might go all the way to the beginning of Bang-won's reign. Which means, it will cover both of the strifes between the princes. That's my guess.


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I think, with the way they portrayed Bang Won and the emphasis on how he thinks differently (ends justifies the means etc), and his relationship with Bang Ji and Boon Yi - they're setting up for the story to go on till at least Bang Won takes the throne. I'm quite looking forward to that, actually - to see how they'd show the shifts in relationships, and how we'd feel about Bang Won then.


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If they go that far then it's going to break up the dragons which is going to be sad after cheering for all of them.

On the other hand I wouldn't mind seeing Sambong's death and Bang-won ascending the throne.


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Yes, it would be really sad. :/ I was wondering, actually, if Moo Hyul gets his dragon when he finally becomes the 'best swordsman' but whether that would only happen if he beat Bang Ji - and I thought that might happen if the dragons split factions, so with Bang Won vs JDJ, Moo Hyul would have to fight Bang Ji. That would be really sad though... I'd rather BJ go back to farming the lands with Yeon Hee and retire happy and old.


in one of the shots of Moo Hyul's fight- it showed the pond or water feature was actually stained red with blood - literally, a blood bath!


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If anyone is looking for track names, I am able to help. Musaaaaaaa, MOO HYOOOL!

For Moo Hyul's Theme try searching for "성무를 뵈요리" in English it's called "A Fight For Heroes", appropriately named.

Yi Bang Ji's theme is called "하날히 달애시니", or "Ddangse's Vengance. This features traditional Korean style Pansori (the wild cries throughout the song), sung by Lee Bong Geun.

For Boon Yi's theme, try searching for "일성이어니" there's a video on YouTube titled "Bunee's Theme".

For Yi Bang-Won's theme, "불휘 기픈 남가" or "Bang Won's Nature".

Hope this helps, happy listening friends!


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Thank you!


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I think all my thoughts are already reflected in previous comments. This is definitely the best battle scene (and thankfully a long one too) ever. I knew they were all gonna live cause the first commentor on the video spoiled it.

I'm surprised no one talked about the eldest brother Bang-Woo. Of course (LITERALLY) EVERYONE on Team Joseon is amazing but give the guy some love. He was quick on his wits to hold General Jo hostage.

I don't know if I'm the only one but when Bang-Won was running on the street alone with his bow and arrow, I was actually scared there'd be assassins waiting to kill him or anyone else who didn't attend the party.

And ARGHHHHHHHHHH just so many great moments in this episode. Not a single second didn't have me on the edge of my chair.


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I love Bang Woo Hyung so much! He looks like a hamster. >< I love how he grabbed the sword from Moo Hyul's hand as if by instinct. Awesome!


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It took me back to QSD. General Al Cheon!!!


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So, I'm not the only one thinking that Bang Woo Hyung looks like a hamster :D


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He really does look like a hamster! And he's always wearing brown too. lol


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I was thinking about Bang-won, scared for him rather because of the wounds on his heart. I was thinking that it would be the cause of his death later?

(Possible Spoiler)
Historically he died early. Two years after Joseon was established so I would say he probably have 3-4yrs left.

I was wondering why Bang-won showed up with just 4 arrows? I was thinking ..."dude, is that all you can bring?"
Good thing there were exactly three enemies that General Lee had to kill on the way out lol.


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...thinking about *Bang-woo* not Bang-won.


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OMG this is soooooo GOOD!!!! This episode - just epic - have no words just LOVE it! The acting is over the top excellent, story fabulous, action scenes stupendous, writing perfect - :D Loving this :D


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A 40 minute awesome fight scene.

I in LOVE with this Drama!!!


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Yah! Bang Won! Why you showed up with the little arrow? ? Well at least it saved the family. I'm in love with uncle Jiran and Bangwoo. But Moohyul baby finally shone! Yay! We shall not forget the bodyguard Young Kyu. All in all, this episode is so EPIK HIGH!

PS: Waiting patiently till Bang Won turns to Darth Vader and holds another red banquet.


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I'm not looking forward to that banquet because I love Poeun./tears


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I will join you in a crying fest.


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Is there one in history like that? :( I really do like Poeun, and I believe that he would've made a great contributor to the reformation. I really don't like the teacher of Sambong and Poeun though, I think he's very hypocritical.


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Sadly yes. The drama is full of important historical figures like Poeun (Jeong Mong Ju) but it doesn't have enough time to go into detail with their life stories.

Teacher Saek pen name Mogeun was so much more than a great educator but I'm too lazy to write about him.

You can easily find information about them online if you wish to know more.


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It was given by Bang-won for Poeun. He was trying to convince him to support the revolution.


I don't think Moo Huyl needs an official dragon title anymore. Writernim has turned him into a true dragon in this ep when he roared "Wu sa Moo Huyl". He knows who he is and he no longer needs anyone give it to him.


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I feel like a proud mother watching moo hyul killing those bad guys!

Where can i register for Warrior Moo Hyul Fanclub??


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We seriously need one of those.


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Every battle and fighting scene in SFD is always breathtakingly beautiful and gives me shiver. I love each and everyone here (except the villains), from Moohyul to the Lees to Young Kyu to Boon Yi. They are all heroes ♥


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i love the episode.. but what i've been expecting is bang won's time to shine... i've been waiting for him to fight with his sword..and soaked with blood...well, i guess it's still early for that.:(..
do you guys know about the nameless organization? their purpose??


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He has two bodyguards and 3 master swordsmen on his side. That kind of make it hard for him to be in the spotlight with them.
He'll probably get to fight during the strife of the princes if they make it that far.

This nameless organization is pretty mysterious. They've existed for more than 14yrs. It's hard to figure out what their purpose is when we don't know which side they are on. They seems to hold a grudge against Lee In Gyeom and even Lee Seong Gye. But why?

My guess is that it has something to do with King Gongmin's assassination and Queen Noguk's death. I think In Gyeom was behind it and maybe he framed Bong Yi and Bang Ji's mother to take the fall for the queen's death.

As for Lee Seong Gye. Maybe it's something to do with his betrayal of his sworn brother Commander Jo So-saeng.


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Moo Hyul ! XD
Finally you got your own time to shine ! I'm so proud of you, Moo Hyul-ah..
Forget the 6th dragon title, I don't need it anymore because you are already a dragon for me

Congrats to Yeon Hee and Bang Ji who managed to overcome their horrifying past

And.. I love you SFD ! Thanks for bringing me a great sageuk this year


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There is this absolute joy of finding one's mind and heart in the hands of a perfect storyteller! How amazing was this episode!!!!!


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So, so good. Yes, it is a joy to watch a show like this.


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It's as if i'd forgotten that I could trust a kdrama writer to the very end. Last time this happened was with Misaeng and Grapevine. And it hasn't happened a long time in sageuks.


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SFD is making me crazy LOL
I watch raw twice and cried so much in the first time. I keep refreshing dramabeans to check on recaps because waiting for the sub feels like too freaking long. Thanks Heads always for the recap!!

Bangji is always awesome but this ep really allows Moohyul (MY BABY SO PROUD OF YOU <3) and Young Gyu to shine. The way they fight and even Young Gyu still managed to remind Moohyul to keep Gen. Lee save is adorbs. Bang Woo and Jiran too! Gah can they all just get awards or something because they are all freaking awesome.

So glad that writer made Yeonhee to attack that jerk. She needs to deal with the past trauma and she is much stronger and changed now compared to her younger self. And i love how Bangji finishes it off and apologized to her (FINALLY!!)

I jump on this ship completely committed while on ep 10 but even until now i am still amazed how this drama keeps its pace and being awesome all around. Crazy, isn't it?

Btw, anyone feels weird with the sudden slow-motion while Bangwon runs to the banquet? i'm sorry but i actually laugh so hard watching that LOL


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That slow motion was pretty weird lol. I thought he was about to engage in a fight.

The way that old lady speaks drives me nuts. Can she speak any slower? Argh! I wanted tell her to hurry the heck up cause I want to get back to the fight scene.


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That old lady!! Glad you mention that lol i find myself keep skipping her part after the first watch :p

She seems to be the middle person between Jukryong-Gil Sunmi and whoever behind the veil of secret organisation right? I do wonder how on earth she could deliver the message so conveniently like that. I mean, travelling at night back and forth delivering message....


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I laughed too, I actually thought "wait, you couldn't find a horse? why would you run there?"


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Bang-won slow motion was okay for me (seems like a movie-like effect), until he ran normally (when the editor stopped the slow-mo). That's what I called as weird.

But, I agree with your thought >“wait, you couldn’t find a horse? why would you run there?”< because I thought the same thing at different part: I chuckled at the part where ALL the warriors who were supposed to save YSG were running instead of riding a horse! Could they run faster at least? lol


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Isn't anyone gonna mention how Bang Gwa looked like a little boy when he appeared up there calling for his father?

I really wish there will be more interactions between the brothers sometime later

But on top of all,
This episode was a killer for me
It killed me inside out and YK and MH bromance was just too adorable
I want to say more but all of you had already mentioned what I had in mind haha

I really love your recaps Heads and cant wait for the next one :D

Dragons! Stay in the air!!


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wow that ending scene. after yeonhee stabbed the guy and screamed if he remembered her that scene was so powerful you just have to give props to her acting.


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Yesss this!
I always like Jung Yoomi but that scene really makes me feel for her character.

I read some comment of knetizen mentioning her unclear pronounciation and lisp (?) though but i didn't notice anything LOL. Anyone care to explain?


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She does tend to eat her words but that's nothing too bad for me (although I'm not native Korean so...)


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Yeah. She has a lisp and it really bothered me at first but I don't mind it now. She's obviously trying to fix it and her acting was really good. When you're crying rivers of tears while watching, I guess pronunciation and stuff don't matter anymore.


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I really didn't notice hihi thanks for answering me, Peeps and Earthna! Her voice is kinda husky (?) though and i like it that way. And her acting alone in here already made me cry.


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I JUST! THIS IS JUST! JUST SO! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *High pitched squeals*

How am I going to sleep now?! What kind of crazy idiot was I to think that watching this show right before sleeping was a good idea?

I am seriously questioning my morality now given how I'd been smiling and getting excited the WHOLE HOUR of bloodshed. When YeonHee was facing that rat, I actually let out a raspy, bloodthirsty "KILL!"

But, is it my fault? This drama loves me! It's a complete 50+ minutes of adrenaline-pumping, perfectly choreographed, beautifully directed, amazingly acted, fantastically written sheer battle and sword fights and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it closes with YeonHee relieving a long sigh in DDangSae's arms! How can I not fall in love with this drama?!

When it ended I was like "Eh? The end? It cannot be!" *Clicks on link to episode 26*


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"I am seriously questioning my morality now given how I’d been smiling and getting excited the WHOLE HOUR of bloodshed."
Hahaha...me too! I grinned and sat up straight throughout the whole bloody battle. I really enjoyed it. :)


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I am not big on historical dramas, the first and only one I watched was tree with deep roots. It was because I enjoyed TWDR a lot that I decided to give this one a go and I have to say I have not been disappointed. It's like every episode is trying to out do the previous one. The pace is totally fast and furious. This episode though was just WOW.....*mind blown*.

The fighting scene was amazing on all levels. Lee bang-ji was very good and lived up to his title. But for Moo-hyul totally stood out, he owned the fighting scene it was his time to shine and shine he did. Still looking forward to when he is officially introduced as the sixth dragon. I am still reeling from how the fighting began....Moo-hyul rocks


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I'm with you there. Sageuks are big commitments so I usually avoid them but because I love Tree so much, I went for Dragons as well. No regrets.


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Because of this drama, I've decided to watch TWDR. But I have to say that the despite TWDR being a good drama, SFD is much, much better!!!


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I agree with there, TWDR was good but SFD is just on its own level. I have feeling that other historical dramas in 2016 will have a hard time trying to reach SFD's level of awesomeness.


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I prefer Tree being all fictional. No one was bitching about the history so it end up being a thrilling ride from beginning to end.

I guess I'm all or nothing type of viewer lol.


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what do you mean fictional?
LD did create Hangul do you mean the process?

i actually liked that they incorporated women in the process
i read long time ago way bf i started watching kdramas
that one of the reason the ministers gave for dismissing hangul
was it was so easy even women can learn it
which ironically was mainly used by women later on


It was based on the creation of Hangul but the whole story was fictional except for a very few incidents like the execution of Sejong's in laws.


The other reason why I enjoyed Tree is because there were no history spoilers.


i have to admit it is sometime confusing at discussion time
if it is on real history or the drama
you might have noticed that a lot of time i confuse the 2

i like that it makes me interested inthe history and i ask question about it
but i treat the drma as if it is not really history related bc it confuse me and i hav to remind myself this is real this is not
also im afraid i will remember the added event as real events

so i just remember the answers to my questions and the history explained here and in other site as history
and the drama i treat as fiction in historical setting and background

so im always grateful for your explanation:)


nara you are not alone. I am easily confused when it comes to things that I'm unfamiliar with.


Awesome episode! And now I want Bang-ji and Yeon-hee to have happy life together. Can we just forget TWDR, and give them happy ending?


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*dreaming away with you*


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Damn.. This episode is super intense. I feared that I'll accidentally bite my hands cuz of excessive nail biting while watching the fight scene. I was mortified and worried for all of them. (I love all the characters in the story alright?.. haha.. still can't let go of them). I was really crying after the fight and wailing when the theme song came up... grrr best episode.ever.!!!


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such a great ep after reading all comments didnt have nothing to add - such a lovely bloody ep
MH getting his invisible (for now) wings

im not really for revenge but i do think it made a point here and did in fact cure TH & LBJ hearts


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This was the best episode of a historical kdrama that I ve ever scene. I knew they'd kill the rapist but the way it happened was so poetic: from Moohyul losing his temper, to Yeonhee stabbing him in the neck and asking if he remembers her, to Banji finishing him off and apologizing to Yeonhee.
The epic banquet fight was amazing. Moohyul did so well I felt proud of him. Banji and Youngkyu also were spectacular. I was so worried for Lee Jiran. I keep replaying to see how they eventually got swords.


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I'm speechless.
At first I was one of those people who were like, "Why the hell would they use RAPE of all things, for character develpoment?"
But now.... *mindblown*
They actually managed to make it a critical event that turned the tables on everything. That one 'unneccessary' event. *o*
Now, I'm REALLY interested to see how they turn my Bang Won into a brethen-killer and not lose me.
I bet anything they'll be able to do it.
Also, he's married.
So..... no future with Boon Yi?
Crap -_-


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This episode was really awesome, but It would have been done better if they made the ever-so-late-troop timing a bit natural (maybe, by trying to put a trap or something to prevent them to come earlier), because I felt it way too dramatic to make Moo Hyul and his warriors fellas shed the most blood. Also, when BW came to rescue them, I wondered why the enemy didn't try to attack them right away (since YSG's party lost in number) instead of giving them time to escape. Not to mention, the secret door in that room. These little things kinda bothered me, so, 4.8 out of 5 for this episode :D


I love love Yeon Hee and Bang Ji at the last scene!! They deserve a very happy ending!


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I have to agree with you on that but I would add that Bang Ji should have seized at lest one sword when he noticed them!


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SO satisfying to see the rapist stabbed by Yeonhee omg i love the Bangji-Yeonhee pair!! Also shouting with Boonyi when she shouted that Yeonhee has to kill the rapist. The final Bangji slash was awesome i had to replay it a few more times


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