Answer Me 1988: Episode 16

This episode made me look like a crazy person today, because it’s one of those laugh-cry-laugh-cry-laugh ones. Some of our characters face major life decisions, while others become completely engrossed in the singing contest that comes to town, pitting neighbor against neighbor in a battle of tiny proportions.

Don’t forget: Next week there will be no episodes of Answer Me 1988, and the show will resume the following week with Episode 17 on January 8. It’s really not the best time to be taking a week off (there are lovelines needing a kick in the pants, and some of us don’t deal with withdrawal very well!), but I guess we don’t really have a say in the matter.


Noel – “함께” (Together) for the Answer Me 1988 OST [ Download ]

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EPISODE 16: “Irony of life, Part 1”

Now that Taek has picked up on Jung-hwan’s feelings for Deok-sun, he starts to notice every little look on Jung-hwan’s face, like the way he immediately shows concern when Deok-sun has a bout of indigestion. But when she gets up, it’s Taek who follows her out.

He gives her medicine and asks her to leave next Saturday night free. For the big confession? She knows that he has a big match that ends the day before and thinks he should rest a day, but he insists on Saturday.

Sun-woo tells the other boys about Taek’s big movie date, and how he’s coming home straight after his match just to see Deok-sun. Dong-ryong suggests that they go too, and when Sun-woo nudges Jung-hwan to ask, he calls them crazy. They all laugh it off as a joke, but the way Jung-hwan’s fake smile fades when he turns away twists my heart.

The moms all stand in the middle of the street staring up at something that makes them wary. It’s a sign for the TV show National Singing Contest that’s coming to town, and they wonder if they could try out again and suffer the humiliation. They wonder what got into them last time…

Flashback to five years before, when the ajumma trio had formed a girl group, crimped their hair, and put on hanboks for their big audition. They were so nervous that they were shaking, and one by one started pulling out bottles of soju just to help calm their nerves.

At first it’s just one shot, and then another, and then another, and by the time their number gets called, Jung-hwan’s mom falls over drunk, Deok-sun’s mom is already passed out, and Sun-woo’s mom has somehow gone all the way home to pass out in her living room. Hahaha, these ajummas.

The dads are gathered in Jung-hwan’s dad’s hospital room, watching the latest news story about rising stock values. Taek’s dad wonders if he should start investing some of his money, and Jung-hwan’s dad says his friend suggested a few stocks, including an electronics company called Samsung. They all balk at the price of one stock (30,000 won back then) and Deok-sun’s dad says that stocks are a foolish investment and will never stick around, and tells them to put their money in the bank.

Jung-bong walks Mi-ok home after their date and they agree on a secret code for his phone calls so that she knows when he’s calling. He notices the way Mi-ok covers her mouth when she smiles because of her braces, and tells her that she’s prettier when she smiles wide. She finally smiles openly from ear to ear, and it’s adorable.

She’s surprised that Jung-bong knows her birthday is coming up, and he jokes that he’s developed the ability to read her mind because he likes her. But of course we see that he wrote down all the things Deok-sun told him about her friend, and that she suggested a birthday gift from the heart rather than something material.

So Jung-bong begins folding tiny paper cranes, which Jung-hwan walks in on one night. When Hyung tries to hide what he’s doing, Jung-hwan tells him he knows about his girlfriend. Jung-hwan clearly doesn’t want to hear the whole story of why he’s folding a gazillion paper cranes, but Hyung wants to tell it anyway and explains that he’s going to fold a thousand and grant her any wish she wants.

Jung-hwan offers to help and grabs an origami paper, and then folds an airplane because that’s the only thing he knows how to fold. I luff these brothers. They’re both a little wrong. Hyung draws their faces on the wings and remembers that Jung-hwan’s dream is to become an airplane pilot. Jung-hwan corrects him: He wants to be a fighter pilot. Lol, you just wanna be Top Gun.

Jung-hwan’s dad has heard about National Singing Contest coming to town and laments the horrible timing of his broken back, because he and Deok-sun had big plans to try out. He asks Mom to take his place and sign up, and though she hesitates at first, it doesn’t take much to convince her.

Sun-woo talks to Bora on the phone and hears about how busy she is with all her bar exam prep work. She makes plans to meet on Friday night, and he starts to pull away a little, offering to meet less frequently if she’s too busy. But she insists on keeping their date, and he agrees happily, though he still looks heavy-hearted when he hangs up.

Deok-sun’s parents announce that Bora will be studying for the bar, and Deok-sun is mostly excited that Bora will be staying at a gosiwon during the weekdays to focus on her studying. Deok-sun laughs at Dad’s new dress shirt (from Bora) fitting too tightly, and right as he argues that it’s the perfect size, a button goes flying off.

Bora runs out to the kitchen, embarrassed, and feels a pang of guilt when she overhears Mom and Dad tell the others that they can’t enroll in tutoring academies for another month because of the gosiwon fees.

Taek and Dad sit down to breakfast and Taek asks if it’s okay that Sun-woo’s mom keeps feeding them. Dad says he’s always grateful, and then starts to bring up something else… but decides against it. Tell him! Tell him you lurve her!

Dong-ryong has his sights set on a dance contest and ropes Jung-hwan and Sun-woo into going with him. He’s convinced that he’ll win first place in a snap and figures they can watch a few acts just to check out the competition.

Cut to: Dong-ryong walking out of the club pale-faced, as Sun-woo and Jung-hwan marvel at fellow contestants Hyun Jin-young and Park Jin-young (aka JYP), and wonder where they came from. Ha.

Deok-sun stares at the school form that all seniors have to fill out, asking for their dream colleges. She’s envious that Ja-hyun knows she wants to be a hairdresser, because Deok-sun still has no clue what she wants to be when she grows up, let alone a college to write down that she’d get into.

The boys cuddle up in Taek’s room to watch Dirty Dancing, and Dong-ryong says that if they had seen this movie before Top Gun, Jung-hwan might’ve wanted to become a dancer instead. Jung-hwan says defensively that he wanted to be a fighter pilot way before then, but Sun-woo points out that he wanted to be a soccer player in grade school and Taek remembers that he wanted to be a basketball player in middle school, heh.

Dong-ryong’s dream is to be famous enough to be on the front page of the newspaper, not that he knows what he wants to be famous for. He just plans to be even more famous than Taek.

They ask what Sun-woo’s going to be, and he says he’s decided on med school because it’s Mom’s dream for him. He doesn’t really want to be anything in particular, so he figured that was good. Dong-ryong scoffs that Sun-woo can “settle” on becoming a doctor, and says he suddenly misses Deok-sun.

The dads drink beers in the hospital and make bets on the upcoming baseball season, while the moms watch Jung-hwan’s mom practice for her singing contest routine. They worry that her tape has stretched out from overplaying, when Jung-bong shuffles out of his room, puts the tape in the freezer, and tells them it’ll be good as new in fifteen minutes. He makes another gross sandwich and continues folding paper cranes though he can barely keep his eyes open.

The boys head home and run into Deok-sun out in the street, and she raises her voice to tattle on them for skipping night class and hanging out at Taek’s instead. Dong-ryong tries to cover her mouth and gets bitten for his trouble, though he’s appeased with a pastry.

Deok-sun stops by to give the rest of the pastries to Taek, and makes sure that they didn’t watch another racy movie. She asks if Taek’s teacher is coming along on his match to take care of him, and he tells her not to worry, and that he’ll call before their date on Saturday. He hands her Jung-hwan’s wallet and asks her to return it on her way home, because he dropped it while he was here.

Deok-sun drops the wallet off and it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but once she’s gone, Jung-hwan sits in his room staring at it like something important just happened. Hm.

Mi-ok stops by Deok-sun’s classroom to share the vitamins that her dad gave her to encourage her studying, and they worry about what her dad will do if she doesn’t get into college. Apparently Mi-ok’s grades are in even worse shape than Deok-sun’s, and she sighs that she half expects Dad to get her a bunch of tutors for her birthday.

The girls look forward to music class, but then their homeroom teacher enters and says that from now on, all their PE and music classes will be study hall. They all groan, and Teacher tells them that someday they’ll look back on this time and see how great it was. She sighs, “How could you possibly know now, how great now is?”

Deok-sun looks out the window with a sigh, and over in the boys’ classroom, Jung-hwan picks up his paper airplane to fly out the window, but decides to save it.

No-eul forgets to bring his recorder for music class and lines up to get caned as a punishment, but when his teacher’s cane breaks, he tells No-eul to sing a song in front of the class instead. He looks terrified and begs to be hit instead, but he has no choice and braces himself. We cut away before he begins.

Sun-woo’s mom brings over some abalone porridge for Taek before he leaves, and as they eat, Dad finally brings up the thing he wants to tell Taek. Taek sees Dad hesitating and assures him that he’s not a kid, and that Dad can tell him anything.

Dad finally gets up the nerve to say, “I’d like to have a good friend by my side, like you.” It’s painfully difficult for Dad to get the words out, but he says that he’d like to live the rest of his life with a friend like Sun-woo’s mom by his side to talk to.

But he quickly adds that if Taek doesn’t want him to, he won’t, and that he hasn’t said anything to Sun-woo’s mom because he wanted to get Taek’s permission first. He swears that he’d never do anything to make Taek uncomfortable and that he won’t make friends if Taek doesn’t want him to.

Taek finally puts Dad out of his misery and speaks up, thank goodness. I thought Dad might crawl into a hole next. Taek’s voice is choked up but he’s got a big smile on his face, and he says, “Dad, I’d like it if you ate warm rice even when I’m not here.” Great, now I’m crying.

Dad’s eyes well up with tears, and Taek says warmly, “It’s your life, Dad. I’d like it if you were happy. I’m okay with anything as long as you’re happy.” Dad smiles back gratefully and they finish their dinner in good spirits.

The next morning, Deok-sun and Dong-ryong are both late for school and catch the bus together. He asks what she’s doing tomorrow and when she mentions maybe meeting up with Taek, he says cryptically that Taek has to win today. Deok-sun scowls and says that Taek doesn’t always have to win.

Dong-ryong tells her that Taek isn’t good at baduk because he’s smart—it’s because of his competitive streak. He says that there are two guys like this on their street, and Deok-sun readily names Jung-bong as the other. Dong-ryong says that one time Jung-bong was obsessed with Galaga and finally got to be the top scorer, but when he came back the next morning, someone had already beaten him and taken over first place. Jung-bong staked out the arcade until he discovered that it was Taek.

Dong-ryong says it was the day of a baduk match too, and Deok-sun calls him a crazy bastard. Dong-ryong agrees: “He’d rather die than be second place.” He declares that Taek will definitely win today, because now he has a goal.

Taek arrives for his big game surrounded by reporters, and Dong-ryong listens to the radio while the other boys study. They ask if Taek is winning, and discover that Dong-ryong has been listening to music this whole time, knowing that the results won’t come out until later.

Dong-ryong has decided to give up on dance and try out for the National Singing Contest instead, and busts out his best Stevie Wonder impression in the middle of class. Jung-hwan is skeptical that he can beat his mom, heh. Jung-hwan’s dad coaches Mom on her routine, and swears that she can beat Dong-ryong with her dance routine.

Taek’s dad brings Jin-ju over and tucks her into bed once Sun-woo’s mom comes home from work, and he lingers at her front door like he wants to tell her something… but he chickens out and scurries away.

Dong-ryong is the only one who notices that Jung-hwan has been working on the same math problem for days now. He tells Jung-hwan to just move on already, but we know it’s not math that’s got him stumped.

Jung-bong is bleary-eyed but has a big pile of cranes now, and he calls Mi-ok to make plans for her birthday. They’re interrupted when her scary dad picks up the phone and asks who this is, and Jung-bong hangs up and hides, terrified.

Deok-sun waits by the phone for Taek to call, wondering whether he won and why he isn’t calling. Mom is wrapping up new blankets for Bora to take to the gosiwon, and tells Dad to come home from work early tomorrow so they can see Bora off properly. He grouses that it’s not like she’s leaving the country, and thinks it’s not a thing they need to make a fuss over.

Taek wins his match, and afterwards sits alone in his hotel room, deep in thought. After a while, he picks up the phone and calls Deok-sun, though we don’t get to hear the conversation.

Sun-woo waits by the stairs for his date with Bora, but she’s studying late and doesn’t realize the time. She runs over out of breath and feeling terrible, and Sun-woo says that he’s okay and she doesn’t have to feel bad. She looks like she’s near tears though, so he just hugs her.

The day of the National Singing Contest auditions arrives, and Sun-woo’s mom comes over to be Jung-hwan’s mom’s manager for the day. They stop to go buy eggs from the egg vendor who drives by, and when they notice that his tape (chanting for people to buy eggs) is slow, Jung-hwan’s mom offers to stick it in the freezer and make it good as new.

The egg ajusshi gives her an extra crate of eggs to thank her and grabs his tape before leaving… but uh-oh, there are two identical tapes in that freezer. This is going to end very badly.

They run into Dong-ryong at the audition, and Jung-hwan’s mom gets hilariously competitive with Dong-ryong as they practice before their numbers get called.

Bora packs up her car and doesn’t get emotional about saying her goodbyes, though Mom regrets that Dad had to work late today. Mom makes her promise to call once a week from the gosiwon and Bora drives off, and Deok-sun comforts Mom as she lingers in the street trying not to cry.

Bora seems okay, but then when she gets down the street, she finds Dad standing there waiting for her to drive by. Hang on, I’m gonna need tissues. She’s already near tears when she stops to ask what he’s doing here, and he just quietly hands her a grocery bag. She opens it to find all sorts of medicine, labeled so that she knows which one to take when she has a cold, or a headache.

She says in her gruff way that they have pharmacies near the gosiwon too, but he just nods and hands her a wad of bills and tells her to eat some meat from time to time. Bora begins to cry, and Dad tells her to go on.

They argue about who should leave first, and Bora drives off before she bursts into tears. It’s only when she’s already out of earshot that Dad shouts after her to call if anything happens, and Bora breaks down as she looks at Dad getting smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror.

Dong-ryong and Jung-hwan’s mom finally get called in to audition, and the contestant ahead of Dong-ryong is a black man who can speak Korean, and lol, he picks the exact same song to sing. Dong-ryong has the unfortunate luck of having to go right after him with his Stevie Wonder song, and the judges cut him off after one line.

Jung-hwan’s mom and Sun-woo’s mom crack up from the sidelines, though they try not to laugh in his face about it. Jung-hwan’s dad is surprised when the egg vendor returns to the house, saying that there must’ve been some kind of mix-up with the tapes.

Jung-hwan’s mom, aka “Singing Cheetah,” is up next and waits for her cue in the most awesome pose ever. Sun-woo’s mom starts the tape and Jung-hwan’s mom starts dancing, but there’s just silence… followed by the egg ajusshi singing, “Eggs are here! Come and get your eggs!”

The best part: Mom starts slowing down her dance to match the egg song’s rhythm, hahahaha. The judges tell her she can sit down now, but Mom insists that she can do it without accompaniment, and proceeds to perform her dance song acapella. It’s as terrible as it sounds, and Dong-ryong and Sun-woo’s mom have to literally drag her off the stage like it’s a gong show. I’m so mortified for her, but I kinda want to rewind and rewatch it.

Dong-ryong is too traumatized by his audition to think of anything else that night at the library, and Jung-hwan continues to be distracted by Taek and Deok-sun and his wallet, for some reason. Sun-woo decides they need a break and they head out.

Jung-hwan’s dad gets the full report on the auditions and can’t believe that no one from their neighborhood made it. But Mom says that one person did: No-eul. Dad is shocked to hear that No-eul can sing, and we see in flashback that he was the final contestant. He showed up with his classmate who played guitar for him, and he sang “Sad Relationship.”

We flash back even further to No-eul’s punishment in front of his class, when he was terrified of being forced to sing in front of everyone. But then he balled up his fists and sang this ballad, and he wowed everyone, surprising even himself.

Back in the present, the boys leave the library and are surprised to see Deok-sun on her way in. Sun-woo asks why she isn’t with Taek, but she says that Taek had an important meeting and won’t be back home until tomorrow. She trudges up the stairs muttering that nothing’s going right for her lately, and Jung-hwan stands there for a long beat just looking conflicted.

Flashback to Taek’s phone call the other night: He told Deok-sun that he couldn’t make it to the movies because an important meeting came up, and she sounded disappointed but told him that it was okay and they’d see the movie another time. He said he was sorry, but she told him brightly not to worry about it, and to get some rest and not take any sleeping pills that night.

Taek held the receiver long after Deok-sun had hung up on the other end, and then when we finally panned over to him, a single tear trickled down his face. Awwww, Taekie.

Flashback-within-a-flashback to the night that Jung-hwan dropped his wallet in Taek’s room: Taek found it on the floor and opened it up… and tucked inside was the picture of Jung-hwan and Deok-sun at the radio concert. Taek asked Deok-sun to return it to Jung-hwan like it was no big deal, but looked distraught after she had gone.

And then we return to the hotel room after Taek’s phone call with Deok-sun. He asked to have his flight changed for the next day, clearly having lied about the important meeting. He asked not to be disturbed because he was going to sleep for a whole day, and then took a worrisome amount of pills and then passed out in his bed.


Ack, quit with the pills, it freaks me out! That’s just mean, making us worry about Taek for two weeks. I mean, I get why they do it, but it’s not like I actually believe they’d kill off his character or anything. I just worry about him dealing with this alone and hiding his feelings. I should’ve known that Taek and Jung-hwan would choose to protect the other in exactly the same infuriating way. Can you just choose each other and be done with it? I don’t think anyone would be mad if you guys just loved each other and left the girl out of it. At this point it’s the stronger loveline anyway. Just sayin’.

In all seriousness though, the bromance is really the thing getting more narrative oomph this season, because this love triangle has a lot more to do with how much Taek and Jung-hwan love each other (and I do mean platonically, unless you’re writing fanfic), and less to do with Deok-sun. It’s not inherently a bad thing, because you get two really strong characters on equal footing with unrequited loves and all the attendant angst. But on the flipside, you get less of an actual relationship and very little insight into how Deok-sun feels about either of them, and after a while it feels like they’re getting ahead of themselves by going through all this bro-drama when the girl hasn’t been asked out yet.

I know, teenagers overthink this stuff, and that’s why I do find that the conflict is realistic in that regard, because at that age friendship is just as important as love, if not more so. I’d consider them more foolish if they thought that their first love would stand the test of time better than their friendships would. But if they never let the girl into the love triangle in the first place, then it only ensures that nobody gets to date, and what good does that do?

I did expect Taek to confess and make his move in a way that was consistent with his competitive nature, so the twist landed with me when he chose to step back for Jung-hwan’s sake. It’s still flawed thinking on both boys’ parts, but it made me think more of Taek that he wouldn’t let Jung-hwan put him first just because he would and always had. I had gotten used to everyone else taking care of Taek, but it was nice to see in recent episodes that he takes care of his friends just as much, in his own way. It makes me feel better that he doesn’t take Jung-hwan’s love for granted. I mean, you’re still both dummies; you’re just lovable, impossibly good-hearted dummies.

But the moment that brought me to tears was Taek’s conversation with Dad—the way he was so accepting and encouraging of Dad moving on and finding love again. He really is more mature than anyone gives him credit for, and it was so cute how Dad seemed like the little boy in that moment, over-explaining and asking for permission, and Taek was so measured and matter-of-fact about it. I can’t wait to see how Taek’s dad proposes, now that he has a green light.

And I knew that the Bora and Dad moment would come at some point, but agh, those two really get to me with their gruff, unshowy love. Sung Dong-il makes me cry the most when he’s not crying, when you can tell he’s trying not to cry, like a real dad would in real life? That never fails, and then when Bora does the same thing because she’s exactly like him, it just makes for a beautiful scene. This is what this show is best at—the simple, true-to-life moments where all of the emotion is under the surface, not spoken in words, and it’s evident that people are saying one thing but mean another. Oh, and of course, the other highlight was Ra Mi-ran and her awesomeness, which knows no bounds. I could watch an entire drama just about these ajummas trying to make it as a girl group. Spinoff, please!


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Ah I m dying waiting for subs!


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And how are we going to go 2 weeks without the adorableness of this show and Taek's cute eye- smile.


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oh, that smile!
I'm going to forget he cried and just remember his smile for these 2 weeks!


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I think I might just need to go re-watch I Remember You.


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I think I will follow you there! :P


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I might also get around to watching Admiral: Roaring Currents and Coin Locker Girl too.


Ooh I haven't seen those. Are those dramas or movies? And are they any good?


I replayed Hello Monster - I remember you so many times.
It's so meaningful and raises a question like "to be good or to be bad?" It reminds you to select your right choice everytime you are going to commit a crime. One of the best scene is when In Guk showed the death certificate of the son to his father who committed a crime and created pains to the victim's family.....

The cast is so good and the drama is certainly underrated.
Seo In Guk acts well and cool (remember that he's in a life where all his family is dead and he lost part of his memory and lives alone...so he character can't be "exposive" in showing a loveline with Jang Na Ra and therefore Jang has made it good enough for both.
But In Guk's eyes showed his cool personality and passionate love for his "partner".
Well done!


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I forgot to mention that Park Bo Geum is so good too.
A young boy but very sotiphicated in acting.


I've been wanting to say for weeks, that I'm so over-awed by Park Bo Gum - smile or no smile, tears or hidden tears.... I can't believe sometimes that this is the same person who was the psychopath. He is so utterly convincing as an eighteen year old boy with limited experience and a sweet nature.

Yes, I need to re-watch I Remember You! :)


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I've finally caught up with everyone on this series!

Man Taekkie hurts my heart in a sweet way. I'm rooting for him but I don't want to ship him or Jung Hwan, because I just love this both.

Bogummie really does an incredible job with Taekkie, he plays the characters so so well! Like every little expression on his face protrays innocence, cuteness and vulnerability - like that scene in episode 14 where SW asks how many painkillers did he take and Taekkie just points out 2 fingers...he was so cute with his babyish expressions ❤ Taekkie just makes me want to hug him in the same way that his character Lee Min once did in I Remember You.

It would be great to find a fan made video once all of this is over of ALL of Bogummie's scenes. I'm torn...I love Junghwan just as much too.


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@ Bongsookie?

Yes what you said precisely... "every little expression on his face protrays innocence, cuteness and vulnerability".

In a second he can make us smile or cry. Amazing!


ikr everyone should go and watch i remember you during this week lol


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Agree. Park Bp Gum is so great...what an actor at his age, and what a future ahead. SIG said recently somewhere that he'd like to act with him again in a bromance. Such talented young men, both of them.

Yes, time to watch IRY again in full, instead of isolated episodes or scenes. Such a gem of a drama, as is Reply 1988. I started out commenting that given the first episode, I may not have chose to continue had I not known the previous Reply series. Was I wrong, is this great of what? Almost on equal footing with 97.


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I need to rewatch Reply 1988 over the next 2 weeks for more PBG.


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LOL I'm already doing that...re-watching IRY AND bits of Answer Me 1988, over and over :-D


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Thanks so much GF!

LOL @ ObsessedMuch

I used to die too, but decided that I'll watch raw and read recap and then catch the bits I did not get the nuance of (which I realised from the recap) by re-watching those parts. What to do, no time to re-watch the whole 1.5 or so hours of each episode!


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Ah I wish I could do that! But I would understand absolutely nothing in raw! And I don't want to miss out on any surprise that the show gives us. Though I still read the recaps (mostly skip through them with quite a lotta time devoted to PBG stills :P) and so the surprise element doesn't ever come. I think I to will go re-watch I Remember You this week! :)


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the Three Ahjummahs reminded me of our very own Dim Sum Dollies. (you know what i mean right? wink wink in a respectful way.)


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Thanks so much for the recap. I was really hoping that Taek was not the type to go noble idiot on us, but it looks like we might be in for a long road of angst for the next couple episodes! /sad panda that there are no episodes next week. what will I do?


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Ack, Taek better be ok ?


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I can't stand seeing poor Taek be forlorn and defeated sitting in his hotel room after his BIG victory. I can stand it even less when a tear falls down his check after he puts down the phone.

Please find a reason to break into that huge grin again, and soon, with or without DS.

Taekie, fighting!


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Yes! How about his appa marrying SW's mom, I'm sure we'd see his huge grin again on that occasion. Plus him and SW as real brothers, at last!!


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Yes! Taek is so mature and understanding in his conversation with his dad.

Come on, Taek's Dad - go, go, get your rice warmed!


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Believe it or not, the scene that got be most teary is the one between Taek and his father, when dad tried to tell Taek he wants a good friend by his side for the rest of his life! I cried like a baby there.
This father and son pair is real precious.


Taek, you beautiful boy. That conversation with his dad gave me such warm and fuzzy feelings. So very mature and lovely of him. The words, the delivery, the emotion expressed with his eyes and smile, everything is perfect.


Love this episode. I laughed so hard when JH's mom sang and danced at the audition. I was even bursting into tears because I laughed so hard. Yet, the highlight of this episode is when Noreul sang! Oh MY GOD, his voice is so wonderfully melodious that I replayed it thousand times. His voice is precious!


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the ajummas were so cute as a girl group I can´t even. They were almost as cute as Bok-Gil.


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Oh how many times I refreshed..!! I look forward to the recap


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I have no idea why this episode makes me so frustated, is it because i have to wait TWO WEEKS or because this drama is about to end?

Seriously, I need to watch another frustating drama like this that makes me sign up on soompi forum, refresh dramabeans then check any realated article.


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So Taekie knows!! This is the final chance Junghwan, go grab it!! Thanx girlfriday!!


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I am really sorry, I really am, and I might regret this, cause everyone will attack me, but I have to say what my true thoughts are. I don´t route for Jung-Hwan. Not because I would prefer Taek, but because JH is turning out kind of a sissy. I refrain from saying a loser, but it has really come close to that. Not yet, but close. enough is enough. He should at least talk to Taek, talk it through, open up about it and just come clean and say, this is the deal, what are we supposed to do? but no. why lye your hopes on someone who just sits around and stares at the wall.


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His stares are like Chinese water torture: constant, repetitive, and wears you down


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sorry I take it back. i love u JH but please stay strong


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Taek is no different. He gave up too.


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The hypocrisy is strong in you, my friend. No need to put anyone down. I actually find both Jung Hwan & Taek's actions justifiable. Even if I didn't, I would not go to the extent of calling them names such as 'sissy' hahaha...


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I am not putting him down as is, but I dont like his inaction.


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To Farida:

You may not know this but Redfox is not a native English speaker, I believe. So please do not ever ever think everyone in this forum is fluent /native in English. Her English is great even though her words can be strong at sometimes but it might be due to the fact thatEuropeans tend to learn Britisg English thus they use different English words to express certain things. I admire her English skills.
your words are a bit harsh and you also need to learn some manners.


To Atz:
What does being fluent in English got to do with being polite? In general, not being a native English speaker is no excuse for being rude and inconsiderate.
Wait till she disagrees with something you say, and you'll find out how it feels to be insulted unnecessarily.


At what point did she insult the poster? She used strong words to express her dissatisfaction with JH's inaction. Pretty sure it is a sentiment shared by many people on here, who may understand him, but really wish he would hurry up and take action before it is too late. Even both GF and Javabeans have said that the main love line is the weakest atm and needs to hurry up before no one cares anymore. At no point though did she attack or insult the poster, simply said she cannot root for JH...


Just because you love Teak doesn't mean you need to put down junghwan! Loser 0.o seriously?? what a hateful comment.


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*shakes head* Taek could have approached Jung Hwan and talk it through as well. Taek didn't do it either, did he?

Did you forget that Jung-Hwan punched out a senior for harassing Sun-woo in an earlier episode. Is that the action of a "sissy"?

As someone who went through a similar situation as a freshman in college, I can totally relate to Jung-Hwan--and now Taek. Lel, the over-thinking, the awkwardness and the indecisiveness was pure torture. I totally understand their decisions.

Base on your comments, I can see that you are a Teak supporter. That's fine, but beware of those stan-goggles. And I don't think you are that sorry.


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think whatever you like. I only do speak what IU truly think though. don´t tend to lie for my convenience or be diplomatic just to save my skin. I must say how I feel.


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Chill out, everyone. Quick reality checklist:

a) We're talking about fictional characters on a thread about the drama these fictional characters inhabit. On this thread, we talk about every aspect of the drama, including the characterisations - ie. their behaviours, choices, personalities, relationships. Sometimes we even speculate about their futures, including their future spouses, fame and deaths. No need to implode/explode.

The joy about discussions about fiction - is that it supposedly gives us a safe shared space to reflect on what we like, dislike, value about people and life. It's not like speculating about real people, which can gives cause to slander and other less than good-natured things.

b)Everyone is allowed to think what they think. We can disagree, but if you are going to disagree on a public forum - try and be interesting. It's a bit boring to say, "Hey you, I don't like what you think, therefore there must be something wrong with you." It's more interesting to say, "Hey, I really disagree with why you think this. Why is that? Or here is why I think what I think."

c) As a native English speaker, I can tell you all, typos aside, all of the English written on this thread is not perfect. That includes you, Farida. But so what, as long as you're actually making a point.

And Farida, the only point you made was "was there a need to put down teenagers", the rest of what you wrote is just ranting.


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all the commotions about fictional characters amuse. How old are you people???


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That's a real proof of how this drama has a certain effect to the viewers .... hahaha...


waiting for two weeks ugh that killing me . after watched raw it was like a hit and run, then left with two boys with noble idiocy attitude. poor uri Deoksun.


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thanks for wonderful recap


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The writer really loves torturing us!!!

There is no progress on the love line.

We are must be the most patient shippers in KDrama history.

This drama is good, except the loveline part. Messs.....


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That's what i say. The one that we have to blame is the writer....it has been 80% into the drama, but we're still in 1989 with that puny pace...
Actually the main drive in the reply series is the loveline. I understand they want to show the heartwarming side of family life but it overshadow the things that we expect. I don't know how is it with others, but i found myself skip forward all the family things just to see the progress of the OTP after ep 14.


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Forget "end game", forget "main otp", forget "love triangle".

Taek is the best kdrama character I have ever encountered. The end.

For this I'll always be grateful to R1988.


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I am agree with you


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Agree. His character so fresh. That'a why i am rooting for him


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"He makes another gross sandwich and continues folding paper cranes though he can barely keep his eyes open." I beg to disagree with you, GF :) It's not gross. It's good :) I am from one of the Asian countries too and had this kind of sandwich-bread with butter and sugar :) and It was so good that we could have this on a daily basis. Besides, that was much cheaper than the jam. :) I totally could relate to Hyung!


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Haha, I used to eat those when there was nothing else around. And I am white and grew up in the US... Different strokes...


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Agree. I'm Asian but I find it really gross.


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A single slice of bread spread with butter, with sugar sprinkled on top, and toasted and immediately eaten is DA BOMB.


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my mom ate that when we were remonting the apartment and couldnt cook. had to replenish the energy somehow, cause remonting is hard work


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I like it in old Asian coffee shops - you get your nice thick strong coffee, a soft boiled egg and a plate of white toast with butter and sugar. The sugar melts into the butter, and you dip the toast in the egg. Delish.


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Great! Now I'm hungry again.... and I just had lunch!


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hahaha same here, @GB unni.. I just had lunch and now am craving for white toast with butter and sugar lol


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Or toast with kaya (sweet coconut and egg jam)!!! Yummm.


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Or sekaya, as some would call it.

Hi, GB!It's been a while! :-D


Oooh....I like kaya toast - dipped in egg, it's really good too.


Hey @patinalee!

Nice to see you here! It's been too long. I hope you've been fine. The Healer thread is still going strong and the Healer Beanie Google Group too! Read ya again!

*Hugs!!* :)


Love kaya too!


OMGAH. Growing up in the Philippines, our version of that sandwich was margarine with sugar, since butter was expensive (and so are mayonnaise, sandwich spread, peanut butter, jelly and jam). For a long time, it was the only kind of sandwich we had! The upgraded version was margarine mixed with calamansi and sugar; I remember making tons of those sandwiches as a teen on kitchen duty with our high school delegation at the athletic meet because that was what we basically sent with our athletes as after-game snacks!

Brb, making one of those sandwiches now.


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That kind of sandwich always makes me feel a little bit nostalgic, my late grandma used to always make me that if I wanted to eat while I visited her. :( I can certainly make it by myself now, but I don't cause it never tastes the same since...


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the sugar that JB put is still too much tho lol


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Have you watched the film "The Breakfast Club"?

In it, one of the characters puts sugar, corn pops, crisps in two slices of bread. It's awesome...


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I am an Asian, and i am used to eat sandwich that way, i like them than using jam, if you toast it ( i mean two slice sandwich with butter and sugar) it gives yummm. in asian countries its common, and there are some other ways, like butter with pepper and mustard cream. that one also so good.


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yes agreed buttter sugar sandwiches are da bomb.com!!!


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I liked that Deok Sun is finally mulling over her ambition in life, and putting more effort in her studies.

Considering that this is an important year for the seniors, it is ok for having less development on the DS-JH front, though narratively it is more agonizing since there are not many episodes left.

It would be good if DS could tell JH about her worries, and maybe he could offer to tutor her. That is something she needs most right now, and something that Taek would not be able to help her (for now)...


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true, I was waiting for her to start living her own life and making some decisions that didnt involve liking someone. after all, you can survive without being liked by someone, but it is hard to survive, if you dont like yourself. thats where real trouble comes in.


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Yeah for someone as outwardly cheery and outspoken as DS, it seems sad that she's not really as confident as she seems. =((( And she always tries to hide her tears in front of the boys and pretends to be strong and nonchalant. Why, DS? You make me cry...

Can't wait for her to grow up and discover her strengths along the way.


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I second that.


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She has class pres to tutor her, I don't think she's going to bother with JH. Even before the weirdness they didn't have that kind of relationship.


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Thanks so much for the timely recaps.

This episode really pulled between laugh out loud sequences and some heart wringing ones. I nearly died when the Ahjumma girl band were on screen, especially since after a bottle or two of soju, they had little round pink cheeks, like wedding girls in hanboks. So adorable...

That whole bit with Dong Ryong and Jung Hwan's mother flunking out the competition - it was side splitting! Cue loudest goat sounds ever.

With Taek and JH, I guess the narrative is really more about showing us how great these friendships are. They really care about each other, and they're super loyal to each other. Although it is a wee bit annoying that the girl's choice didn't come into it - I think that's how really good friends would have acted back in teenage days. They're wise enough to know it may just be teen crushes, and they don't want to risk their lifelong friendships and jeopardise the group either.

I suspect we may not really see any real romance developing in the 89 days. Doek Sun's biggest problem is figuring out what she wants to do, or even having some confidence in her future. JH is also figuring out if he's actually passionate about anything. It may be one of those situations where it all doesn't get said - and some day, after quite a few year, when the whole three way dynamic no longer pulls in the same way, that two of them reunite.


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@ Dramapanda


I was thinking that in this situation of so many choices, the girl's choice should come into play. However, as we've seen, Deok Sun is still immature in the dating field and in self-awareness. She seems to see more clearly when recognising the needs of others than understanding her own desires or abilities.

So it does not surprise me that the shift has move away from the loveline and is now focused on the wonderful groupings and community of that street. It feels right that the romance should develop later when DS has become more mature and as you say, when the boys' dynamic changes somewhat. Since we already know that DS will be a happily married adult, some part of the romance conflict with regards to DS has already been resolved.

After giving us the different relationships of the parents, and the various groupings of friends in the larger community, perhaps the end game of this show is to say that romance is not the only main thing, it does not necessarily matter who the husband is, and that happiness can be made in any marriage especially where the couple began as friends, and that community love is so important too.


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Agreed. I think the show has done so wonderfully well to show us, no, actually make us fall in love with a community.

Beyond who she ends up marrying, I think I just want to know that in the present, everyone is well and happy. And it's going to be heartbreak after the show ends, cos I'll miss them all. :/


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You know, initially I felt very frustrated that Taek decided to back down, and last night I went to bed feeling decidedly unimpressed with this development. However, after mulling over it for a day, now I think that this actually works out for the better. Even if Taek bulldozes his way through and goes on with the confession now, nothing substantial is going to come out of it since DS doesn’t have the slightest idea of where her heart truly lies. And she has other priorities to worry about at this stage of her life, such as studying and more importantly figuring out what she wants to do past high school.

So now that everything is reset back to zero, let the time skip happen, let everyone step out of their comfortable inner circle, go to college, meet new people (friends, boyfriends, girlfriends) and by the time they re-unite, hopefully DS will be more mature and settled; and if JH and Taek still feel the same towards her, then they can both try winning her heart again fairly.

I just wish that this happened at episode 12 and not 16 (1 episode for JH’s noble idiocy and another one for Taek’s). That way, regardless of who the husband is, we can have 8 more episodes of finding out what the kids grow up to be. Because I really do care about SW, DR, JH and DS’s dreams and I’m more curious about how they’ll navigate life as young adults. IMHO, I thought that would make a much more compelling story. Now we only have 4 episodes left and so I guess yeah, you can’t have everything.


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I agree with you in all the points you make. I was kinda frustrated watching this episode because there was no actual progress. Well, some characters had some progress.. But most of it felt a bit fillerish (we could have moved on in time a bit and use some of the scenes then as well) there's only 4 episodes left and I cannot really see how they're going to fill all the gaps with only that much time. Or are they going to make the episodes into 2h episodes now? Or are they really just going to stay in the year 1989? I love this show with all my heart but felt a bit disappointed after watching this episode.


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jung hwan's mom > beyoncé


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Dong-Ryong and Ra Miran were hilarious. Today's episode was one of the funniest things I've seen in a looong time.


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I laughed so hard when they compete singing in the waiting room and laughed even harder during their audition.


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uggghh. Why must this happen? I need my weekly dose of junghwan and taek. haha even if they make me angry too, I do think the writers just want to stick with being realistic. T_T

Thanks for the recap girlfriday!


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At this point, I just want more scenes of Jung-hwan. It seems like every character has more scenes and character growth than he does.


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1 noble idiot + 1 noble idiot = 1 lonely girl


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At this point, I'd be rooting for anyone who confess first. Or maybe I think it'll be more fair if Deok-sun do something first as the heroine and save her own love story.


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I am with you. My ideal solution is for Deok-sun to figure out what she wants and chase after someone. I would be good with anyone atm


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Honestly, up till now I still believe that Kim Joo-hyuk's younger version is Taek. But really, I don't care anymore, I just want the plot to move lol


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I also want DS to be clearer what she wants and the thought that hit me and made me laugh, is that the 'wise' Dong Ryong who shows up, and somehow says something thought-provoking or who gives advice, might end up being the right guy for her!


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Wouldn't it be hilarious if both JH and Taekie step aside for the sake of the other, leaving the coast clear, and then Dong Ryong steps in and gets the girl? It'd be both hilarious and sad, mainly hilarious for DR, but sad for the other two.

If that were the case, it'd still be hard to sympathise with JH cos he hasn't done zilch, not so much as ask her about her crying or her studies, not even as a friend. Not every kind gesture between friends has to be related to courting.


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@ KDaddict?JCW

Yes, that aspect of Jung Hwan is troubling. He's so intent on keeping up the appearance of aloofness that he even fails as a friend at times. At the very least, he could try to keep from hurting the poor girl, even if he can't be warmer or express anything in words.

A lot more growing up to do, that boy!


Soo true. Part of the issue I have with how JH acts towards her is he doesn't even treat her as a friend. He can actually still do that without "stealing" Taek's girl.


Exactly that is what make me can't like him anymore. He doesn't do anything to help the girl that he likes. There is no reason for DS to choose him actually, but let see what happen in next episode.



She should totally save her own love story!

I do love how the guys care for each other, but she deserves some agency too. Really, I think the drama shines when everyone is allowed to grow, not just the noble idiots.


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I think that's the main reason that there's been no movement on the love line for an OTP. We are all waiting for DS to get some emotional growth, and move from a crush on JH to knowing who she really likes, more than a crush. At that pt, there can be movement.


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I don't think this is her love story really. That's where people are confused. It's the story of this group of people and her growing up. Her love story isn't that important. I'd rather know what she wants to do than who she likes.


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I think that's just as interesting too, but in that case the writer made a misstep when she focused on the love triangle in the first few episodes.

The show definitely focused on it in the first few episodes by dropping all those clues left, right and centre. I couldn't help trying to figure them out and that's how I got invested in the love story :)


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Yes ep. 1-10 had a better balance. It's like they are obviously putting it off since they don't want to finish the triangle until the end.


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"This love triangle has a lot more to do with how much Taek and Jung-hwan love each other [...], and less to do with Deok-sun."

Taek didn't give up on his confession easily... Since episode 6, we've witnessed his feelings for DS grow from crush to equal importance as Dad/baduk to perhaps more important than life itself. Beyond his sense of determination and competitiveness, there's an instinctual love for DS above all. Even after finding out Jung Hwan likes her, Taek didn't hesitate to follow DS out when she wasn't feeling well. I didn't interpret that scene as his competitive urge showing; but rather the most important thing at that moment is DS-- she isn't feeling well so he should offer her medicine, everything else be damned.

Also, Taek's noble idiocy isn't simply grounded in "bro code" or "bros before hos". His glance at their childhood photo is the most revealing clue. What's at stake here isn't merely JH's feelings, but the entire squad dynamic. If he and JH were at odds with each other, it'd implicate DR and SW in the conflict too, since they won't be able to pick a side. DS too. It would be brutal for her to lose JH just to date TK, and vice versa. So in this case it really is a choice between preserving squad!love or dating DS. And I think Taek knew that it would be a selfish crime to rob DS of her place in the squad, or destroy her ability to bask in squad!love of days old.

This perfectly layered build up, plus the awesome direction, pretty much left me sobbing like a baby when I got to the end of the episode. My god did I cry.


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Also, while I so wished the writer didn't touch noble idiocy, now that she has, it makes sense for Taek to back out too.

Think about it in terms of thematic consistency:

The whole point of episode 15 was to establish DS as an *individual*. What's the point of DR's pep talk if she gets two confessions from the boys and has to choose one?!?! Now the onus is ON HER to find her heart and go after the boy she likes.

And if anyone needs time to figure out her heart, it's DS. The girl suffers from middle child syndrome and has layers upon layers of insecurity built around her. Her romantic overtures so far has focalized around this hunger for validation and attention. JH-DS may be cute, but you have to admit it's troubling how DS keeps on "testing" him with all these rituals just to see if he likes her back. Plus a lot of her interactions during those scenes mirror SW too closely for comfort (she crushed after SW from ep. 3-6, JH from ep. 11 - 14. 4 episodes each. Scenes of primping, aegyo, and dress-up are all similar).

Doesn't matter if husband is TK or JH. Both boys are deserving and capable of making her happy.

But our girl really needs to step back, grow as a person, and fall in love independently.


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@ Yvian


That's on my mind as well. The last few episodes or more we have no longer seen the 2015 versions of Deok Sun and her yeo-bo. That was the initial teasing of viewers. I believe, in actuality, the real focus of this show is community. Taek did the most mature thing ever by considering the group and not just ego or individuals. A competition over Deok Sun among the boys would tear the group apart and Deok Sun would be guilt-ridden.

At 18 years of age, Deok Sun should not be in a hurry to have a bf (just because people do so at that age), without first gaining in awareness of herself and recognising or even realising her potential as herself and without a partner. I feel it is right that her loveline should take its time, because she needs to. :)


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We've all been tricked and the main loveline is SW's mum and Taekie's dad..


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Agree with all you said, Yvian.
I also noticed the brief highlight on their childhood photo before we were shown Taek noticing JH looking at DS. I didn't get that at first, but I've watched that scene for idk how many times now (great scene) and it dawned on me that if only I noticed that picture sooner I definitely would have thought that the drama will show Taek trying to preserve the squad and not going ahead with his confession, at least for now.

Great analysis on DS!


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You wrote everything perfectly!


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That's it. You lay it out beautifully.
Taek is a super smart fella. He knows very well what is at stake, for all of them. I cried too.


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I really love this point of view. It seems some don't treat DS as if she's actually an integral part of the squad, but more she's just a girl causing the guys problems. DS does have a lot to do with why Taek and JH act like they do. To say she doesn't means you don't really think she matters much to them at all. I really do think for both of them, they are doing it not for each other, but for her as well.


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Wow this episode sounds sad but hate the wait!!!!?how can they expect us to sit patiently for 2 weeks!!!?thats just unreasonable!!!!


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I should watch 1994 before 1988. So that I can learn about patience.

I don't know what to expect anymore. Seriously, I'm too pissed off to quit this drama.


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Despite my frustration bcs of the last episodes...
I still believe that the husband is Taek.


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based on Jung-jae giving up for the sake of his hyung and Taek giving up the same way, could be, but I wouldnt care.

just Taek, stay put.

I want to know their individual development more. what life will all of them lead later. what they will become. I am really really curious now


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I doubt it, but giving up makes his chances better than if he had gone after her. They are now equal and it's up to DS.


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beside of my never ending frustation about the main loveline,

does anybody know what song played at the end of episode 16? it's just instrumental though


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슬픈 인연 - 나미 (Nami - "Sad Fate"), recorded in 1985



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What's the name of the song that played when Bora and her dad were saying goodbye? It really brought up a lot of nostalgic feelings.


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I hope Taek and Junghwan win the couple award. I mean-Deok-sun who?????????


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either those two, or Taek and Sunwoo (more cuddles, anyone?)


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Taek and SW will be brothers, and then they can spoon every night! LOL. Only these two can do that and have no homo vibe whatsoever. So cute.


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I can't wait two freaking weeks for the next episode!!!


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omg ra miran's audition! the way dongryong failed was so funny already but what followed had me doubling over in laughter. it's the funniest scene in the whole series.
i already accepted that the main love line probably won't get resolved until the last week, so deoksun, taek & junghwan doing nothing didn't bother me. i also liked that the smart guys like sunwoo & junghwan don't know what they want to do with their lives just like deoksun. overall this was one of my most fav episodes <3


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I want Ra Mi Ran´s poster for my wall. The end.


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yeah, I've learned to accept it as well, after shouting angrily at the show at first for making Taekie cry in pain LOL

The audition scenes were hilarious! I felt such second-hand embarrassment when Ra Mi ran sang and danced omg she's awesome!


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Same here... Add to that refreshing dramacool for 2-3 hours just to watch raw episode as soon as it comes out.... Even though it don't understand korean language ? Though taek is gonna be ok right? That's all it want to know at this point..?


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Where do you go to watch the raw episode as soon as it comes out?


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Is Dramacool up in your area? It seems they have a pending case so they're down. Can anyone recommend another site that streams the raw episodes?

If Reply 1988 happened in my high school, Mi-ok would have told Jung Bong that Deok Sun has the feels for Jung Hwang who would have told his dongseng who would take it as the push he needs to confess. Happily ever after. The end. :)


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They moved to dramacool.one because ABS_CBN filed a lawsuit case against dramacool... because of "On The Wings of Love"...


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Who knows actually DS already know JH likes her? Who knows she opened JH wallet when she gives it back to junghwan. Maybe taekki suppose ask her to do it so that DS knows JH feelings towards her


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have you tried myasiantv?


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The dad- Bora scene made me cryyyy so hard. This so happens in every family. Two years back , my brother left for another country for his studies and Dad used to cry during meal times. It reminded me of those times.
AH this show <3


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Loving this drama so much! I am in a triumvirate of bliss these days between Answer Me 1988, Oh My Venus and the absolutely AWESOME "Remember-A Son's War".


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I'm completely with you on those three dramas ❤❤


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I guess I may have missed the point of Oh My Venus. The story seems pretty fluffy and not really a lot of genuine OHTP moments. Maybe I was hoping more of Master's Sun moments.


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Yeah I don't get Oh My Venus too. I can't quite put my finger to what's amiss. I kept watching it for Ji Sub and Min Ah but eventually gave up. Such a shame but I'm glad others like it.


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I'd say that: What's amiss is the flimsiness of the story, which isn't enough to hold attention.


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at this point, i want taek to win her over because i feel like we've seen more about how much she means to him and the lack of jung-hwan scenes plus lack of any action from him are just starting make me feel indifferent... (i still luff jung-hwan though!)


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If they have something bad happen to Taekie, I will burst out flames and burn their broadcast station down.

but Bora and Daddy (Imma call him Boras´ Daddy from now on) really killed me. That´s how it is, you can´t TELL, when you can barely DO. Slightly SHOWING is like crossing the ocean swimming. what the hell, are they estonians or something? they must be half estonian.

oh man, now I can´t continue. just wait a moment.

but Taekie... we need to have a certain person drop by for a cameo and shake Taek into reason.
I am going to have to watch all of Music Bank to survive now.


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I'll be watching IRY for a meanwhile because my thirst for Bo Gum is too much lol


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Watch his scenes in "Wonderful Season" and "Naeil Cantabile" too.

I'm a classically trained cellist and have played in orchestras all my life. I loathed "Naeil Cantabile", and disliked how PBG's plot-devicey second lead was injected into the show to make Joo Won jealous. But Bogum's cello and conducting scenes were mind-blowingly fantastic. He was actually convincing as a classical musician (while the rest of the cast looked like kindergarteners in a school play during music scenes... Joo Won's conducting = hilariously inept). I was so amazed I came to respect him as a serious actor.


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He said in an interview, he actually learnt how to play the cello and could play two pieces. I was pretty impressed with that as string instruments are pretty tough to learn.


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I learned both of his pieces (prelude from Bach g maj. Cello suite, and Faure's Sicilienne) when I was young, and can tell he's actually doing all the correct fingerings for the pieces. Impressive when Chloe Moretz had to use a body double for her weepy cello movie.


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yeah, I know conducting cause I have travelled with my dad, he is actually a choir conductor and now a singer, and I have seen world famous conductors standing before the national mens choir, I have witnessed the practices and stuff and I can tell when people just wave their hands around and when they actually know the meaning behind every movement. if I hadnt known it was a drama I could have nearly been fooled he is a real aspiring conductor. actually the style was similar to Paavo Järvi... Kristjan is more emotional... and his cello playing, how musicians go along with the music with their face and their body! he did it so well


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Yes, and plus Leonard Bernstein's Mambo from west side story isn't exactly the easiest piece to conduct... given all the mixed meters and polyphonic texturing


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OMG!!! I said then...I'll say it again... Thanks to you friends... I actually thought Park BO Gum is a music student who looked good so was roped in by the drama producers to play a part after training him in acting a bit... I saw him as Kim Ha Neul's younger brother in a film but since the role was so small that though I though he acted well and was cute, I totally forgot about him.
After Naeil's Cantabile, I did a lot of search on Park Bo Gum and my respect for him grew ten folds and since then I am a huge fan! I am classical music fan and follow any films and dramas on western classical music so I can definitely say that Park Bo Gum is a method actor and the best of his peers and maybe even seniors because he got depth and has great control over his micro expressions,. He will gooo very far in his career.


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Wow. I think he mentioned wanting to attend college for jazz piano? But even with prior musical experience, stringed instruments are a different beast so I'm surprised and impressed by his dedication..

Would you happen to have any links to clips of his cello playing and/or conducting?


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Here one of him conducting in the drama, plus some from the rehearsal:


He definitely got the moves... :-D


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Of the roles that I've watched him play, Taek is definitely my fav. Of course watching him in various roles adds to our appreciation of his acting.


Thanks for this clip! Yes, looks very professional and accurate.


I agree. Park Bogum was the best actor in the entire Naeil Canta cast. I, too, play classical instruments and watch choir conductors conduct a lot so I know how fake/real the acting are. Bogummie really blew my mind away in his conducting scene. It's so realistic and I bet he actually understood what his movement means. So much respect. I've been a fan since then. He's just so so good!


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I'm still having PBG withdrawal!! (It's been 2.5 weeks since the last episode & I'm not over it yet. Ottoke?!!) Almost done re-watching Reply 88. Already watched IRY during the 1 week off. I watched Nodame Cantabile before & didn't like it. Should I try watching Naeil Cantabile now just to see his acting skill?


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Okay, now I'm tempted to re-watch his scenes in Cantabile...
Yay, with IRY, CT AND starting over with Answer Me 1988 from ep 1, I hope two weeks of time will go by faster :-D


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Here's a Taekie treat! Christmas Day on Music Bank - Bo Gum and Irene singing and dancing to "Jingle Bell Rock"!


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haha I've thanked you in the other page, dear @Lunatic4KD, didn't know you have posted the same link here before, so thank you again :-D

It seems like he's having a lot of fun! I'm glad he wasn't in MuBank while filming IRY. I can somehow imagine Taekie dancing, but the lawyer?? LOL it would be weird. Weirdly adorable, though hahaha


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but that´s exactly what I imagined - Min dancing to jingle bell rock. Don´t you think he would do anything if it was Hyun who asked him? probably watching in the first row


His pronunciation is so clear and accurate.


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I already done watching coin locker girl, IRY & few parts of PBG in wonderful mama. thats 4 days weekend & PBG withdrawal can do to a person...
right now, still deciding whether I'm brave enough to watch cantabile....

and I also watched raw latest episodes & totally cried at Taek/dad convo & the phone call~
pls dont let anything bad happen to Taek...
and I said it again... Im fine Taek is not the husband but I'll be pissed if they recycle chilbong's plot on Taek...


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am not really "reply's shipper". but hop in for fun.
think Park Bo Gum is very gifted to play gifted roles, from "Naeil Cantabile" where he was a volinist then hurt his hand and became maestro. he then became an Artist before he goes killing in "I Remember you.". and here at Reply, he is a Baduk player.
all very fine talented young men, gifted in music, art and chess....
maybe PBG himself do have certain gift. in fact right at Nael Cantabile, i prefer him than my "all time fav JoonWon".

i am not a fan of Reply. but i will cheer Taek for you all.


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OT3 anyone?

(Also, the husband did say in earlier episodes that they dated others during college right?)


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me! me! although my main ship is ot5 heh

(adult deoksun said that the husband dated many girls before they got married it wasn't mentioned that deoksun dated other ppl)


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Such a roller coaster ride, this episode.
My most favorite moments were Taek-his dad and Bora-her dad. I just knew that Taek would be the mature teenager that he is to accept his dad's feelings towards SW's mom, but the their convo was just so heartwarming.
And Bora and her dad is just like me and my dad, so I can really relate to that scene. *ran out of tissues so my shirt got all wet*

Aaandd... so much for all the speculations that Taek will not back down LOL I was sooo angry with the writers at first, how could they DO that to us??? And they made him cryyy!!! I hate them for that! But then I thought, of course the writers did that to us because they knew that we would all think that he won't go that route so they went for the opposite.
I agree with girlfriday that while Taek's decision to step back seems rather inconsistent with his competitive nature, but it highlights his love for his friend, and I remember the age when I also felt that between friends and love interest, friends comes first.

But still, he cried... :-(
And they're leaving us with that to dwell on for two weeks! Mean, but clever lol

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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I like it that the writers are able to show that each character isn't only one way, but quite able to be self-contradictory - like real people.

Like Taek's Dad is "super man", right? Strong, silent etc - but we saw him leaping on the chair when there was a mouse.

Similarly, Taek is said to hate asking and giving favours most of all, especially with his fame. But he did not hesitate when it came to helping Jung Hwan's dad.

I think it's similar here - he is very competitive by nature, but when it came to a question of possibly hurting his friend and risking the clique's happiness, he was able to let go.


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"Similarly, Taek is said to hate asking and giving favours most of all, especially with his fame. But he did not hesitate when it came to helping Jung Hwan’s dad.

I think it’s similar here – he is very competitive by nature, but when it came to a question of possibly hurting his friend and risking the clique’s happiness, he was able to let go." --- exactly my thinking!


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I totally agree that:
It's cos Taek is super competitive by nature, yet he backs down in consideration for JH's feelings, and it's cos Taek never uses his celebrity to ask for favors, yet doesn't hesitate to do it for JH's dad, that it shows how much he loves JH. So it's super consistent, rather than inconsistent.


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Nicely put, @Dramapanda!

I love that this drama and the discussions about it gives us a lot to think about, not merely the plot or any mysteries or anything but everyday stuff that we can all relate to.


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Yep. That's how I viewed it too.

Taek is super-competitive to the point of being obsessive.

However, when it comes to his friends he's able to make painful sacrifices. I know that noble idiocy can get annoying, but this adds a lot to Taek's character imo.


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Yeah that was me and my dad too. I ugly cried during that scene and teared up again when I read the recap.


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Well this drama can't be only 20 episodes, right? I mean at this pace and with so many main characters, i don't get it how can they wrap everything nicely in 4 episodes left, where in 16 episodes we have had the same character development that other dramas have in 8 episodes. Is it more heartfelt? Yes, but it feels also like their stalling. Character - wise why do we need to see another scene, even though hilarious, of the moms competing in talent shows or whatever, while we still don't know much about Doek sun inner struggles about the school, her future and the guy she likes. I mean yes there were some scenes, but they are so few, and it's like she's not the main character anymore. Same goes for Jung hwan.
This episode should at least showed the guys knowing about each other noble idiocy . It's the only way the love line can progress. That or Doek sun finally finding out who she really likes. I'm sorry for my mini novel here, but too much frustration.


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Listen to Take words that's he need sleep remind me of Seo Jung Hoo after he lost his teacher. It broke me down.

Thanks God Taek tell not to disturb only for Saturday not for 6 days ??

Sometime I feel Reply 1988 more scary than mistery drama ?

What am I going to do in 2 week ? How about rerun Healer ??✌✌


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@ Anjaely

LOL! I am a great lover of Healer, but even I did not relate Taek's need to sleep with Jung Hoo's. But you are right, healing is needed and sleep does heal, however, those pills are worrisome!


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Baby, I like it the way you move on the floor.


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Ahh! Can i just have taek, i really love him!
Well, 2 weeks without this show is really hard so i hope that ep 17 will be something great :)
Merry christmas and advance happy new year dramabeans! <3


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I think there is a lot more to be said about the fact that JH was working on that math problem for so long. DR called him "답답해" or frustrating, and urged him to move onto the next problem while taek was being shown as super competitive with galaga.

I think highlighting both of these parts of their personalities is only gonna break our hearts more later when DS chooses her husband, bc JH will actually move onto the next problem (or girl) while taek is going against his competitive nature of using hard work and persistence to obtain his goals, and concede.

The story telling in this show knows no bounds and I'm really so sad to see his show go in four episodes. I'm choosing to welcome the week break because that means we get to see cute behind the scenes moments and appreciate the cast and staff more while we are still living in this universe but GOD BREAK THEIR HEARTS ALREADY SO WE CAN SEE EVERYONE STEP UP TO MEND AND STRENGTHEN THE RELATIONSHIPS IN ALL THE HEARTWARMING WAYS THEY DO


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LOL I've been readying myself for heartbreaks, anyone's heart, for quite a while now, because there will be a point when that will surely happen right?
I think it won't happen before the time jump...


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Well put.


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I'm choosing to see the week's break like how I feel when I'm nearing the end of a book I don't want to finish...

sometimes I just pause before the last chapter, and go back over the earlier bits...just to stay in that world a bit longer before the big finish...


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Also 110% Yvitt I'm so glad they are being so nontraditional in 1988 and I think the focus on the families for one thing and letting the love triangle play out the way it has so that deoksun can realize and choose her husband of her own accord is not only the smart thing to do for entertainment but also respecting storytelling as a medium and using a national platform to support female independence and self empowerment without being too directly didactic

Reply 1988 I LOVE YOU


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"Can you just choose each other and be done with it? I don’t think anyone would be mad if you guys just loved each other and left the girl out of it."
- I saw one of their BTS, where JH and Taek laughing and smiling at each other. It was so adorably cute that I kinda agree with girlfriday not minding if they just choose each other ?


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I'm shipping #TaekHwan liekwhoa.. #pleaseplease #prettyplease

Can they just cuddle up & agree to take care of each other & equally share their love whenever their Deokie is ready for it?? #OT3

That would be the best twist- an adorkable trio-shippy ending.. #ifonly



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I knew they'd choose a really evil cliffhanger for the two weeks w/ no new episodes.

The Drama Gods are cruel. :'(((


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my feeling getting stronger ?
at this rate i think dongryong will be the husband ,


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Taek wont die right? I will go to korea and slap the writer if she/he kill Taekie that way! T_T


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This show is just so heartwarming XD The scenes with Taek and his Dad, and Bora and hers were so powerful. I don't mind the slow and kinda frustrating romantic development, because romance isn't central this time around - it's so much more about the friendship, and the family relationships - and I love 1988 for that.


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Also nice little throw backs - Tongari Corn and Cat's cradle...


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