Dramabeans Top 10: Korean dramas whose endings are better left unwatched (trust us)

javabeans: Sooooo, we’ve been wanting to bring back the “If You Like…” series of reviews, where we take a theme or motif and recommend other shows like it. We really liked the idea when we first brought it out…

girlfriday: But then we got tired. Mostly, it was just daunting because we wanted so much to be all-encompassing, and never leave out a drama.

javabeans: And as many shows as we’ve seen, there’s just no way we would be able to write about every single workplace romance drama, or makjang tearfest drama, or drama about heroes with good eyeliner.

girlfriday: Wait, I might still want to do the one about eyeliner.

javabeans: But then it occurred to us that we could cap our lists, instead of trying to name every single applicable title ever made.

girlfriday: Hence, the birth of Dramabeans Top 10. Because ten is a number we can handle.

javabeans: Plus, it sparked a wave of fun future list ideas to tackle, so we’ll roll those out in due course. We promise! I’m pretty sure we said that about If You Like, but we mean it this time! I feel good about this. Because Top 10 means Not Top 100.

girlfriday: For our first Top 10, we decided to start at the end—or more specifically, with endings.

javabeans: And for better or for worse (mostly just worse), drama endings have lacked a little something recently. I still haven’t seen the finale of Yong-pal, for instance. I know all about it, and I just can’t bring myself to sit through that.

girlfriday: I think you’re better off skipping it.

javabeans: But I have to finish it! I invested 17 whole hours already, and even loved 6 of them! I can’t NOT see the last one!

girlfriday: … And therein lies the perpetual problem that we face, time and again. To finish, or not to finish… that is the question.

javabeans: Would you rather preserve a pleasant memory despite harboring a gaping hole about the ending, or would you rather tarnish the whole experience so as to save your curiosity from expiring?

girlfriday: We’re here to help out! If you choose the gaping hole, feel free to stop reading here.

javabeans: However, if you choose the red pill, we’ve got a whole list for you below, so you can read up on the ending but not waste your hour.

girlfriday: Oh, and SPOILER ALERT, because of the obvious.

javabeans: These are in no particular order, if only because how do you measure the weight of one heartbreak against another? *sob*


1. 49 Days (2011)

javabeans: The ending for 49 Days may be more polarizing than universally decried. But it gets added to this list because for those to whom the ending felt wrong, it felt really, really wrong. The crux was this: You gave your heroine a second chance at life, she earned it, and then you killed her anyway! What in the WHAT.

Dying wasn’t the problem, since this whole drama was built around finding new meaning in life via death. After the heroine was killed before her fated time, she was given the chance to win back her life if she could find three people who truly loved her. If she were to fail, we all knew she was taking that big elevator up to the sky, so we were always aware of the threat hanging over her head. The problem was in giving her all these narrative plot hoops to jump through, awarding her the victory, and then declaring that she had been fated to die soon afterward anyway, claiming her life for a wholly unrelated reason. That’s not just withholding a cookie from you; that’s giving you a piping hot cookie, describing all the ways in which it is delicious and gooey and mouthwatering, then snatching it away before you can eat it. And throwing it on the ground. And crushing it under a dirty, heartless boot. Stomp, stomp.


2. Who Are You—School 2015 (2015)

girlfriday: I swear, my resentment for this show’s ending isn’t all about being on the other romance ship—it’s also about not giving our twin heroines a proper resolution as sisters. On the one hand, this show’s ending isn’t actually offensive premise-destroying anti-matter like some of the others on this list. But the ending still took all the wind out of my sails when I really enjoyed the ride up until the finale.

Who Are You—School 2015 put a fantastically tense twist on the usual high school drama, with Kim So-hyun playing two diametrically opposed twin sisters who swap fates. It repurposed melodrama tropes—amnesia, hidden identities—to intensify high school drama, which made for some crack viewing through its run. But in the end one sister basically took over the other’s life, becoming her stand-in rather than gaining a relationship with a sister. Where was the sisterly bonding, the character growth for unni? And don’t even get me started on the romance, where we watched the hero pine over one sister all series long and then suddenly love the other one, reinforcing that whole replacement motif (which I find worse in principle because they’re identical twins). Or set up the second lead to pull all of our heartstrings to the bitter end, only to kick his heart to the curb. Ugh, I take it back. I’M STILL MAD AT YOU.


3. God’s Gift—14 Days (2014)

girlfriday: This one actually pains me. Because this show was so good. SO GOOD. I actually wish I could tell people to watch only 15 episodes and imagine the rest, because the ending you picture in your head will invariably be better than the one the show delivers. But the problem is, you can’t not find out what happens at the end of a mystery thriller where lives are at stake… so then you’ll just have to watch and join the rest of us who carry the rage in our hearts.

God’s Gift was a brilliant show that wove together two mysteries—a dead girl and a killer on death row—and put a heart-stopping, sweat-inducing ticking clock on the story by sending its two lead characters back in time 14 days so they could stop their loved ones from dying. It unfurled in tense, gripping action and suspense as a mother stopped at nothing to save her daughter. The problem, of course, came in the final episode when our hero discovered the role he played in the girl’s death the first time. He could have just not killed her the second time, but no, he decided he had to sacrifice himself to Fate (that bitch) to save the girl who was already saved. Sadly, Captain Awesome was not also Captain Smartypants. Worst. Gift. Ever.


4. Surplus Princess (2014)

javabeans: I can almost excuse Surplus Princess for its off-the-rails ending in light of the meta knowledge that the show was being suddenly cut down by two episodes, with barely any time to adjust for the new timetable. But knowing why a show flipped everyone the narrative middle finger doesn’t magically make sense of the narrative chaos, so the show earns its spot on this list.

Surplus Princess had a quirky and zany charm that may not have resulted in a ratings bonanza, but entertained its cult audience with its wacky comedy and silly plot about a mermaid princess who became human to win the man she’s crushing on, which required her to score a job at his company. Thus the show entwined the familiar Little Mermaid premise with the topical theme of the younger generation struggling to find gainful employment in today’s fiercely competitive market.

Did she win her man? Yes. Did she win the right to keep her legs and remain on land? Ish. She disappeared into tears and mist, only to make a literally last-minute reappearance after the obligatory finale time-jump, marked by the deliberately provoking caption “I’ll be back.” The show dropped a tantalizing plot twist, and then dropped the curtain, as though to punish us for the cable station’s misdeeds. What did we ever do to you, Show, but love you and watch you faithfully?


5. Vampire Idol (2011-12)

girlfriday: I can’t be entirely mad at Vampire Idol for not delivering a satisfying conclusion when the network cut its episode count down from 120 to 79. And in some ways, I admire the ballsy approach to write a big F—you ending for being robbed of a third of its intended run. I could imagine doing the same in the heat of the moment, with a bottle of bourbon at my side. But it still sucks to be on the other end as a viewer who invested time in these characters over 79 episodes, to be left wondering, basically, WTF.

Vampire Idol was a wacky show to begin with—a sitcom that brought alien vampires down to Earth and found comedy in acclimating them to human life. It was low-rent, low-tech, and filled with acting newbies (many of whom would go on to superstardom). But it was also hilarious and witty and totally out there, and found ways to embrace its own limitations with inventive jokes and storylines. We even started to care about this crazy family of vampires, idol trainees, and assorted guardians. So imagine what a punch to the face it was to get to the last episode where instead of a resolution, we got a series of cryptic glimpses into the future that left a zillion more questions and everyone hanging in the balance. I mean, it literally closed on: And then that happened… *surprise face* THE END.

I can’t imagine a single person who watched that ending and didn’t throw something at their screen. And if you didn’t, you are a better person than I am.


6. Hong Gil Dong (2008)

javabeans: Admittedly, I did write in defense of the ending in the finale recap, and I still think there’s some merit that can be mined out of the ending. Or maybe that was my heartache talking at the time, trying to glean purpose from a finale that yanked the rug out from under our collective feet. Sure, the drama had been growing increasingly dark, and yes, war is a harsh mistress… but for the type of show Hong Gil Dong was—a rambunctious romp that portrayed a legendary fictional hero in a slapstick rom-com light—it was rather a slap in the face to kill off all our good guys in the final hour in a futile burst of bravery. It wasn’t the death itself that hurt, but the clash between our expectations of a boisterous happy-ever-after and the bitterness of the closing massacre (however beautifully filmed) giving us a sacrifice that amounted to nothing. If Hong Gil Dong had been presented in a more nuanced, complex, or dark light from the get-go, perhaps the ending wouldn’t have felt such a betrayal of rom-com trust. Instead it left us like the drama—the ground razed and barren, smoking in the aftermath, just like our spirits.


7. Rooftop Prince (2012)

javabeans: Structurally, Rooftop Prince was a bit of an oddity, sandwiching an uproarious fish-out-of-water comedy in between a romantic mystery-melodrama. For most of the drama, we focused on the Joseon prince and his three sidekicks who time-jumped into present-day Seoul, where one plucky everygirl took them under her wing like very adorable, color-coded ducklings who relied on her to acclimate them to modern marvels like toilets, public transportation, and evil chaebols. Hilarity, much of it side-splitting, ensued. On either end, we were given a heartfelt romance and mystery set in Joseon times, where the prince struggled to uncover how his beloved wife came to die.

That made for a finale episode that felt, tonally, jarring compared to the wackiness that preceded it. But tone shift aside, what gave Rooftop Prince its disappointing ending was the conclusion of the romance, inasmuch as the lovers were split apart by 300 years: The heroine got a second chance with a reincarnated version of her prince, while the prince… died alone, forever devoted to the sweetheart he left behind in modern Seoul. Sure, future Yoochun may have gotten his girl, but past Yoochun had to live out his life without her. Well, at least he had his Power Ranger sidekicks with him to soothe the pain.


8. Gu Family Book (2013)

girlfriday: Loving your girl’s 422-years-later doppelganger is totally the same as loving her… right? WRONG. I seriously felt like Gu Family Book got dropped on its head just before the finale, because whatever possessed it to kill off our heroine and propel our hero four centuries into the future as an ending resembles no earthly logic.

I know, it was a supernatural drama to begin with, about a half-gumiho hero who learns to tame his inner beast and save Joseon. No one ever said it was realistic. Gu Family Book was certainly flawed, but it also had a fun, comic-book style and I enjoyed the hapless beginnings of a young hero-to-be. But the show had a bizarre idea of narrative payoff if it thought that killing his one true love and making him wait generations for her reincarnated doppelganger was some kind of cosmic reward for being a hero. There are some dramas where this kind of ending could work [javabeans: NO THERE AREN’T], but this one didn’t support that kind of epic scope, in story, scale, or execution.


9. Mi-rae’s Choice (2013)

javabeans: Here’s a simple, clear-cut fail for you: You designed a drama all around a character making a choice, and then? WE GOT NO CHOICE.

Okay, sure. The character did make a choice in the final episode, which we’d been building up to all series long: Which man would she pick? The one she’d initially fallen in love with but grown to bitterly resent later, or the one her future self was convinced would lead to a happier life, prompting her to time-travel back to her youth to convince herself to pick Door Number 2? (The dilemma was a tad bit more nuanced than a mere love triangle, but since the key premise was withheld from us, the drama forfeits its right to claim nuance.) And so, we’re shown that she chose… but not shown the choice. Who does that?

When you refuse to deliver on the most basic, fundamental element of your story, you’ve basically copped out of telling a proper narrative with a beginning, middle, and an end, inasmuch as we never got out of the beginning territory. You’ve essentially reneged on telling a story at all, which means this drama barely gets to be called a drama. Go away, dram.


10. Big (2012)

girlfriday: You know what’s funny—Big got its romantic happy ending, and yet it still angers me more than any of the other dramas on this list where characters met untimely deaths, ambiguous fates, or were forced into second romances with reincarnated doppelgangers. Because, go figure, this happy ending was supposed to be between the heroine and the hero of our story—aka Coma Boy—not the heroine and the body he was borrowing while she fell in love with him.

Big is really simple in premise—it’s a body-swap drama that asks us to spend an entire series believing that there’s a teenage boy inside a grown man’s body. Which is a head-twister in the romance department, because you’re not quite sure she’s falling in love with the true person on the inside and not the hot man on the outside (because, um, Gong Yoo), but you still put faith in what the story is telling you. Because you believe in such a thing as blind love. And call me crazy, but in exchange for going along with that, I wanted to see those two characters, in their own bodies, getting their happily-ever-after to prove that she really did love only Coma Boy. Is that asking for too much? Is it really? To get a happy ending with your two leading characters in their true corporeal form? I think not, Show. I think not.

+7 Honorable Mentions:

11. Oohlala Spouses: On paper, saving a troubled marriage via body-swapping hijinks sounds heartwarming and hilarious. In practice, the marriage should never have happened and wasn’t worth saving.

12. High School King of Savvy: We were with you until you married a high-schooler. Is “He’s eighteen—it’s legal!” really the message you want to be sending?

13. The King 2 Hearts: You killed the only thing that was good and true in this world when you killed off the king’s bodyguard. RIP, Earnest Bot.

14. Secret Door: You were supposed to give us a secret door into the untold truth of the infamously grisly, captivating true story of a king who forced his son to kill himself. What we got was a blander, tamer ending that told us nothing new. I could have gotten a more riveting story reading my history textbooks.

15. Prime Minister and I: It’s a romantic comedy that ends on a handshake.

16. Bad Guy: In a word: nihilistic. In more words: Our “hero” ends up destroying the thing he wanted all along (family), lets his sister shoot him, and dies alone and friendless. Nobody ever finds out he’s dead. The murdering sister blithely relaxes to a massage after killing the brother she never knew she had. Fin.

17. Nice Guy: Maru may or may not have lost his memory, and may have started a new romance or rekindled an old one. We may never know. Maru is mysterious. No one will ever know Maru.


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i'm totally agree..but i really like the ending of 49D,it seems fairly for the both FL..


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I am so agree with the two weeks. I love this drama but left heartbroken with the finale.

And this writer did it again with her new drama twenty again though not as bad as two weeks, but to me thenlast two episodes are anticlimax and the only good in it is WC turn around character.

Maybe the writer is good in building up the story but doesn't know how to end it in a high notes.


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Aah, I see another person who was not over the moon over 20A ending. I had problems with the last 4 episodes. It did not culminate in a summit of good feels as expected I guess. But still the ending is way, way better than so many other shows.


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Geez, you've kicked a wasp's nest.

Now for my question--but it's probably too far back for anyone to read.

What K-Drama has a good ending?


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You who came from the stars, Twenty Again, Pinocchio, Healer


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You can tell from all these comments that not everyone agrees on what makes a "good" ending.

Personally, I loved the ending of Secret Garden.
Also. Kill Me, Heal Me., Fated to Love You, Master's Sun, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Modern Farmer and Greatest Love.

I'm still trying to decide how I feel about the endings of My Beautiful Bride, Angry Mom and I am Legend...
They were all either really good or really bad endings, depending on my mood when I remember them.


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Liar Game and Gaksital had great endings imho. I really liked School 2013's end too.


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Oh, and Story of a Man too!


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Story of a Man is one of my favorite endings. Along with The Devil and Gaksital.


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Oh, and I forgot, "History of the Salaryman" has my favorite K-Drama ending EVER!!!!!

(So satisfying, and funny.)

And for movies, "Miss Granny" has the best ending! (Please, if you haven't seen it, find it on Netflix. And don't read any spoilers.)


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Very few kdramas know how to have a good ending and by that I don't mean everybody happy forever, just a story ending in a logical and beautiful manner even if everybody dies, Hamlet has a very good ending. :) It makes sense!

I can think of Gaksital, Greatest Love, 49 Days, Coffee Prince, I Hear Your Voice, White Christmas.


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You're right. I don't have to have a "happily ever after" or a forced "all the couples pair up at the end" ending. But when a character acts inconsistently with how they have acted the whole drama--or when a character is killed for shock value--it bugs me.


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I agree. I have no problem whatsoever with "un-happy endings" as long as they are faithful to the plot and/or the characters. I've watched tons of films that made me cry and left me sad for days but I have never ever regretted the journey itself. The fan sevice ending, however, is a whole new and, above anything else, extremely painful experience. Just because netizens, Agencies, networks and other odd "organisations" get involved, we sometimes get rubbish and are left scratching our heads.


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i was agreeing and laughing in my head to almost all of these entries until I reached the end and I actually chuckled out loud. "Maru is mysterious. No one will ever know Maru." I don't know why but that just made my day. Thanks GF and JB. :)


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Just reading these brought out some long buried emotions. I managed to avoid watching some of them thanks to you guys though! Thank you. Really. If we didn't have Dramabeans to go to, we might have been forced to watch it ourselves for resolution. *shudders*


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Nothing can beat Fashion King. Nothing will ever come close to the crap-fest ending that I stayed up 20 hours to watch. Nothing will come close to my anger seeing no expression on SSK's face as YAI was shot.

Wow this post made me realize how many kdramas have pissed me off. Gu Family and Big were horrific as well....I personally liked Nice Guy's ending...compared to the others mentioned it was Oscar-worthy.


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YAAAAYYY!!!! Thank you for bringing these back! :D


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I am sooo glad. I have not seen many of the drama mentioned.?


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Oh man you guys forgot City Hunter...how horrible was that ending


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OMO I love this reborn section! And hand pick "The Top 10" seems perfect for us or other newly comer in dramaland :*

I hope JB can (or sure?) will do Top 10 of mane of glory, best intricacy saeguk, most stereotype and standard romcom, most insane dysfunctional relationship, and maybe drama that stuffed with the most prettiestt glitteryy stars roled in that drama. ( I kinda know the winner already, lol)

Can't wait the next TOP TEN


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One of the worst endings for me was Let's Go to School, Sangdoo's. It was so shocking and out-of-the-blue, that up till today I still don't understand what happened!

Were they dead or alive? Was it all a dream?

After that shocker, I started reading recaps before I start or finish a show...


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Lol, I watched that show too, didn't understand too... You are not alone :p


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So grateful for this write up. I have started watching some of the dramas listed (in parts but have yet to complete watching it) so I will now skip a total of 13 of the dramas listed. I won't have to waste my time on them and focus my precious times on the better dramas ???


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The first 2 episodes of Gu Family Book are worth watching. Just imagine the rest.


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Exactly this.


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Totally agree! It's almost like it's own mini drama, and Gumiho Dad is killer hot!


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So many comments already!

Lawd. I knew God's Gift would make this list.
Didn't watch the others. I had sorted wanted to give Surplus Princess a try, but it's low priority...


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I honestly think that surplus is more of an honorable mention than an offender. The episode cut ruined a cute and quirky drama. The bottom of your watch list is actually not a bad place for it lol


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Tq so much JB n GF for this write up. Being new to dramabeans and this is the first time I've come across this article, I am so looking forward to the next write up ???❤️


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GFB always made me sad since I wanted Kang Chi to live peacefully with a real family for once in his life. He never belonged and finally he did. I wanted the young generation take over and do better than the old one, who screwed everything up.

But no, his one true loved died and then the rest of his family and friends died slowly while he lived for 422 years. It's seriously depressing to think about. At least his dad got to live forever with his dead wife. Creepy, but hey.... better than spending forever alone.


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One thing that still irritates up to now about Gu Family Book is the monk's random rules about Kang Chi's life saving blood at the end. He tells KC, "oh don't you know your blood can only save a person's life once?". How is KC suppose to know that? It's something the writer decided to add at they very last minute.


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Regarding Gu Family Book- it should have a post of its own, titled "Top Korean Dramas You Shoudn't Watch Past The First Few Episodes".
It might be the only drama featured, though.
The first 2 episodes were *totally* awesome!
Then, maybe the next 2-3 episodes were worth watching, mainly thanks to Lee Yubi.
The rest of the episodes I spent waiting for daddy gumiho to come back, and waiting for son half-gumiho to actually go on his quest. >_< Stupid ending!


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That sounds like a really good potential topic, "Great dramas-but only for the first few episodes".
I watch a lot of shows for strong performances even though the shows are pretty weak. It would be fun to see what JB, GF and other beanies would put on a list like that, too.


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or TOP 10 drama you should watch past the 1st few episode,
there are some drama with off putting 1st week but worth the wait...


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The parent story is definitely the best part of the show. Lost interest after that.


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First couple episodes of GFB are overrated as hell. Two stupid ass being being stupid who end up screwing everyone's life up. I was glad they were both dead (for awhile)


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Cannot agree with you more!


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RyeBlossom wrote: Regarding Gu Family Book- it should have a post of its own, titled “Top Korean Dramas You Shoudn’t Watch Past The First Few Episodes”.

Personally, I think we should have a place for alternate endings of "Top Korean Dramas You Shouldn't Watch the Finals of"

I have written and posted MY endings to Gu Book and Shine, Crazy Royal Guy.
(I think it is part of the reason I draw Korean Toons. I have drawn an entire toon, "The Dragon Prince" based on what I think "The Night Watchman's Journal" should have been. I even used the same actors and actresses for my version. There was a K-Drama that had such promise, such talent, such money for costumes and sets, and dissolved into drivel!)


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School 2015 was one of my happy memories this year but also the one that breaks my heart the most.
what was the scriptwriter thinking? ughhhh~~~~
uri taekwangie!! my taekwangie!!!!
Fine eunbi! I'll take taekwang for my own then!!! don't cry a river when you realize that you take the wrong guy, uggggghssssss!!!

And Surpluss princess too, song jae rim's character also broke my heart, it's okay jae rim aaaa kwenchana!!!

And Nice guy, kekekekekek kang maru is mysterious, no one will ever know maru, kekekeke that's hilarious.


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This list is amazing but I must admit that it is opening old wounds.
God's gift is at the top of the list for me. I LOVED this show. Even though I've seen worse dramas, this one left the deepest sorrow. This was going to be the drama that I would show all my friends to prove that kdramas are engaging and full of intrigue but alas, FATE had other plans. Everything about it was so good! Why? Just Why drama gods?
Fashion King was like being in a relationship where you know your partner is kinda crazy but you tell yourself that it's a crazy you can handle, only to get to the altar and realize right after you've said I do that you've made a terrible mistake.
BIG! I still have no words. Just rage
I feel like Mirae's choice was telling us from the get they it was going to be awful so that was not unexpected.
Oh man, Bad guy! I honestly still don't understand what happened in the last episode. Another heart breaker!
I agree that Iris was another that had a lot going for it and until the end. I guess they tried to set it up for a sequel but what the hell.


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javabeans: Would you rather preserve a pleasant memory despite harboring a gaping hole about the ending, or would you rather tarnish the whole experience so as to save your curiosity from expiring?



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Woah. . . accidentally pressed the submit comment button hahaha

This is the reason why I decided not to push through with Mi-rae's Choice. I managed to watch episode 14 during the finale week so when I read the recaps for the last two episodes, I decided I couldn't go through the finale knowing the drama cheated on me. We deserve a better ending (and explanation) than that writer-nim.


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Uhm.. I love 49 Days' ending. I could accept the dying because it fits with the plot. It's sad but meaningful to me. I cried through the whole show but the positive messages delivered so well.

On the other hand, God's Gift 14 Days gave one of the most horrible dying in Kdrama history. What an unnecessary suicide.
I was really invested to this drama and madly in love with Joo Seungwoo's character. Definitely one of the best thriller Kdrama with the most charming hero character but totally FAILED to give proper ending.
Oh. My. Gosh. That. Drama.


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For some dramas, the endings didn't bother me as much given the drama's quality or because I wasn't really invested except these 3 for which my reaction was a repetition of:

God's Gift 14 days- why?? WHY??
Big- Seriously?
Who are you:2015- HATE YOU!


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"17. Nice Guy: Maru may or may not have lost his memory, and may have started a new romance or rekindled an old one. We may never know. Maru is mysterious. No one will ever know Maru."

I can't stop laughing!!! It's so spot on!! XD


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ugh, big was really bad story wise. i don't even remember the story all that much, just that it was baffling. thank god i wasn't THAT invested in the show overall, cause as it was, the ending still made me want to chuck a teacup at my imac. i do remember suzy and her cute hairbands though.

the thing is though, if you can watch a show and not let yourself get too emotionally invested (you know, just consume it for what it is), then you could watch any of these shows and still be reasonably entertained and then mostly forget about it/put it down to experience. by reasonably entertained, i mean that you can still get exasperated, ticked off, or just appreciate it for all its various qualities. i think it's important to watch anything that seems interesting to you, even if it doesn't pan out in the end. it's all experience. that way, you get better at recognizing the good ones, and when a really super one comes along, you can appreciate it for its rarity.

i watch far fewer dramas at a time now than i used to six, seven years ago, and i'm also much more comfortable about not finishing a show if i lose interest. it used to be that my OCD wouldn't let me stop a show even if it was horribly bad (the number of awful long running weekend dramas i tortured myself through...), but not anymore. some shows i don't even start, but usually if a show hasn't hooked me by the sixth episode, i'll drop it. though there are plenty of shows that end up fizzling after number six, and by that time i'm usually too far invested to drop it completely—i'll either just skim or pick up the last couple of episodes to see how things turned out. it's what i did with yong-pal, and i'm still not sure i know how things really worked out. i'm not sure i really care.

sadly, there's still generally a lot of the same old that gets recycled in k-dramaland, just in new ways.

about god's gift—i loved it. pure loved. totally echo javabeans on that one. but i'd still encourage anyone who was interested to watch it—cause it's really that good, right up until it isn't. just enjoy the suspense and mystery and appreciate a genre and style that isn't too commonly seen in k-dramas.

and at this point, all the episodes are out, so if anyone decides to watch and marathon it, i'd imagine that any shock/betrayal would be on a lesser scale than, say, if you had invested weeks waiting for new episodes, re-watching old ones, haunting dramabeans and soompi to see what people were saying. i don't think i'd ever been that level of obsessed with a show. not since story of man, which feels so long ago now. that was a good show...


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This post made me realize that I do not finish most dramas I start watching.


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Why do I agree on everything?


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Lol this is awesome. King 2 Hearts left me sobbing about Earnest Bot and Hong Gil Dong made me cry because the romance finally started only for them to DIE. That show made me a Kang Ji Hwan fan though.

I think the raw emotional trauma of all of these dramas with terrible endings is making me a makjang fan though. Just watched Superdaddy Yeol and cried my eyes out even though I don't think that ending was healthy. Looking forward to the next installment of this posting!


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Uhux, what about high kick 2 and fashion king?
high kick 2 were the winner of all worst ending ever in my life!!


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How about Empire of Gold? I keep hoping they got together since they have such good chemistry but no... the male lead still insist that he love another until death!!!!


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I never finished Mi-rae’s Choice. I couldn't bring myself to watch the last 2 episodes. The whole drama was a waste of time. It's not romantic at all it's just depressing. She never makes a choice!


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I laughed so hard at JB and GF's comments, and then again at everyone else's. Thanks, I needed that!

I guess I don't mind if a show is consistently bad, such as Mirae's choice, from beginning to end. I guess it's my morbid sense of curiosity that propels me to watch even more episodes of a slow-motion train wreck of a show. And being fully aware, I'm ok with that.

It's the one's that shock me that I can't recover from. Yes, Earnest Bot was one. Another, though really a prologue ending, was offing Lee Min-ki in only episode 2 of Shut Up! Flower Boy Band. Really??!!! Yes, it was perfectly conceived and executed. Yes, it went on to be another, different (really brilliant) show, but forever my mind will think "What if?". These are the only two times I have screamed "NO!" at my screen, loud enough for the neighbors down the block to hear.

I agree on the wimpy endings too. I still feel the last few lines of an otherwise near-perfect drama, King of Dramas, tainted my overall perception of an amazing show. Did you have to mention that now that the King was blind, he was still making dramas, but only B-level ones? Way to take the air out of the balloon. Because we shouldn't expect anything more out of a person once they are blind? GRRRRR! I guess the writers had never heard of Steve Wynn, CEO of The Bellagio in Las Vegas.

And yes, I believe I will still watch God's Gift, minus the last episode. Thanks for all the warnings!


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Before I read this post I couldn't even remember that Mirae's Choice exists at all. That's how much I despise the show for giving me that ending. I loved the drama and even came to love Yonghwa again after a long time but they couldn't even show us Mirae's choice?? I'm fine with whoever she chose but they didn't even tell us who it is.

God's Gift should've been put at no 1, the disappointment is big because it was soooooo good! I'll be forever in denial and think Captain Awesome married Badass Mom and got Cutie Pie Daughter. The End.

I was wondering all this time why you hate Rooftop Prince's ending so much because I love it but if you put it this way, I kind of get what you mean. But I still love the show for introducing me to Yoo-chun and the other Power Rangers.

Let's just skip School 2015 because I'd sound like a butthurt shipper. I'm still glad it gave me Gong-tae and awesome Eun-byul to root for. Gu Family Book, well I didn't expect too much to begin with. Also I like that you insert Prime Minister & I there. The first time I watched Yoona's drama and I liked her there even as far as wanting some skinship but they only let her did handshake.


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The main issue I had with Gu Family Book was that the premise told us that Kang-chi was going to find a way to become human by finding the Book... and then the Book doesn't get mentioned for maybe ten episodes and nothing gets done about it... and then Suzy dies and we get propelled 400 years into the future. The ending was bad but the fact that Kang-chi just gave up on the book and focused on taking down that really evil guy whose name I didn't bother to remember.


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oh now that you mentioned it, its true. the book in the title, totally missing for most part of the drama. thats kdrama schizo!


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Thank you for saving me from shows I wasn't all that interested in to begin with.


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Im surprised I didn't see Queen In-Hyuns Man.


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they did get together in the end, so it was a happy ending! unless you are refering to the funny phone call. But its really alright compared to the rest in this list. haha


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With QIHM I would say it is a pretty vocal minority that just doesn't appreciate the cellphone-as-talisman idea. I actually think they set it up quite well, because I went back and carefully noted how cellphones were used throughout the show. It's obvious the writers were headed in this direction, but unfortunately the ubiquity of cellphones makes it hard to think of them as something powerful and special.


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100% agreed! I thought QIHM's ending was a great fit for the drama.


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I agree with most of the list except for Roof Top Prince.
I don't think there was a better way to end it.
I kept thinking as the drama approached it's last episode, how are they going to end it!!!
Since I really loved the drama I was a bit anxious cause I didn't see a good way to end the drama without tragedy.
But they pulled it off somehow and I was impressed.
It ended up being less tragic than I thought it would have no choice but to be.


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@mira, I liked the end of Rooftop too! For me it was the best part of the drama. I cried so much.
I think that some disliked it because they see the prince and his present self as different people. But they are the same person. The present self doesn't have the memories, but his heart remembered her somehow.


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I would include City Hunter. A great drama except for the last episode.


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My most disappointing ending (and it wouldn´t be, had they kept their kind of maybe promise) - Liar Game. You clearly hinted at Season 2, WHERE IS IT.
you suckers, I was on pins and needles for like a year.
then I realized it is a LIAR game. Drat.

it is ok if you take my money, but why take my hope!?


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oh, if you are talking about cable dramas, then 3 musketeers was sad too. the ending was a token finish. totally token.


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But 3 Musketeers wasn't the writer's fault.
I am sure many of these weren't either--like surplus princess. But as a "watcher" 3 Musketeers was SUCH a good show until the rug was pulled out from under it (3 planned seasons down to 1.) And the writer was forced to end it.


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yes, regrettable, cause the style and sense of humor was something different and fresh.


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Oh yes. I love 3 Musketeers too. And I didn't think the ending was bad. I was actually hoping for the other 2 seasons, only to be disappointed.

Love all the 3 musketeers plus one. And the princess too.


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Nice pun on Liar game for season 2, but for me nothing beats the ending of Vampire Prosector II and the promise for a 3rd season - Where the BEEP is it!


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I agree with King 2 Heart I cry bitterly when the bodyguard die and up till this moment am sad whenever I think about it
and yong pal awww no comment


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OMG! i haven't watch the ending or last 2 episodes of the 7 out of top 10 series you mentioned JB and GF. I'm glad i'm not alone =)


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How about Memories of Bali? And Fashion King? Just god-awful endings.


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Wow. It's just so funny to read all this. :)

I was thinking of watching Nice Guy since it has Song Joon Ki and I fell in love with him after 'A werewolf Boy', but now having read this, I'm divided.
Should I watch this or not???


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If you love Joong-ki then I say, yes! Go watch it! I still love the drama, despite the wth ending lol just keep in mind that you won't ever understand Maru ;-)


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Ok, I will try this one, but if I end up angry at this or like JB said throwing something at the screen, we know who I'm blaming!! :P

Jk, Thanks!!


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After your mention of surplus princess, I had to go back to your series review because I couldn't actually remember the ending. Now I know why I erased it from my memory...I watched it late at night so I could find out the ending and was completely disappointed because she didn't end up with the guy that I thought she would. That's why they need to make their ultimate OTP clear from the beginning! I was so confused the whole time I watched the show...I didn't know which one she'd actually end up with, and I chose the wrong one. Sighs.


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Awww~ When I saw the topic for this Top Ten, I was like "God's Gift" gotta be here and it is~

Me 2, I lovvved that drama and the ending stinks; I think it was sucha huge blow at the end that it will forever be in all the "bad drama ending" list~


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aaaahhhhhh, Vampire Idol.

I love that show so much but even I agree that the ending was maddening - for goodness' sake, Woobin-chingu and Yubi don't even get to kiss!


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I would add Empire of Gold to the list. Not only did the production staff not deliver what they promised in the synopsis - loveline between the main lead (Too bad Lee Yo Won and Go Soo looked good together onscreen), their ending sucked big time.
With regards to 49 days, I'm a bit disappointed too but not because Nam Gyuri's character really died but because Lee Yo Won and Jo Hyun Jae did not end up together. Such a waste of onscreen chemistry.


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Totally agree 1000%
Yong Pal = Gu Family. I have lot fav scenes but really hate the final episode. For me the last episode is never exist.
Big & Bad Guy = BIG BAD ENDING.
Gu Family is my turning point. Now I prefer to read the recap/live recap before watch it. But not every drama have a recap TT_TT


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I don't agree with King 2 Hearts' inclusion, in that Earnest Bot's death got some nice reactions and a great post-death sendoff, so killing him off wasn't a bad ending, even if it sucked that it happened. It's way more annoying that his sacrifice didn't mean enough in the context of the main plot, that he died and the baddie just went and created some even bigger crisis that was just resolved because the Americans decided to stop being insane in the last episode for lulz. Had they ended the series an episode earlier with the bad guy handled and the rest of the characters moving on after mourning, it would've been so much cleaner.


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Dear DB ladies, for the next Dramabeans Top 10, could you do something like Top 10 openings (to even out the worst endings), Top 10 Characters You Want to Befriend in Real Life, Top 10 Villains, Top 10 Good Guys, etc.. I have few ideas just in case :D

Thanks for sharing the top 10 worst endings+some honorable mentions, it was really nice to read.


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high kick 2 was extra evil because you sat me through 120+ episodes ONLY TO KILL THEM. i also sat through all of vampire idol ONLY FOR THE SHOW TO KILL THEM. and then there was 49 days where THE SHOW-

okay, i hope this is not becoming a trend.


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