Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 17
by javabeans
Now we’re getting somewhere! After the lack of movement last week—getting through those two plot-stagnant episodes was a chore, I’ll tell you—we have a nice uptick in tempo today, with scholar-nim working through a fresh strain of angst. I’d say it’s amazing how much of a difference it makes when a story moves on from telling you stuff you already know, over and over, and takes you into new discoveries, except it’s not so much amazing as it is totally obvious. Glad to see Scholar finally got the memo!
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Sung-yeol arrives in Gwi’s lair before he can kill Yang-sun, and declares that this is a fight between them, and that he should let her go. He also orders Su-hyang to leave, which tips Gwi off to her true loyalty.
Gwi sneers that he already knows of the secret plan in which Yang-sun is a crucial part, and taunts Sung-yeol by digging his nail into her shoulder to draw her blood, knowing it’ll be extra-tempting to him.
The prime minister comes to in the palace after being knocked out by Sung-yeol, and is found by a guard. He orders the others mobilized to scour the palace to find their “rat,” growling Sung-yeol’s name.
Just outside Gwi’s lair, Hak-young dies in Yoon’s arms after stabbing himself with the hawthorn dagger. His grandfather is still alive but fading, having been bitten and likely to turn into a vampire himself. Yoon is forced to stab him too, apologizing to both men as he does.
His guard warns him that the prime minister is headed here with troops, so Yoon gives the order to hide Hak-young and his grandfather’s corpses, and to call together the officers who are loyal to him. Shortly later when the prime minister arrives, Yoon feigns ignorance of the disturbance when the minister tells him Sung-yeol is afoot.
Underground, Gwi continues to taunt Sung-yeol with Yang-sun and reveals that drinking her blood won’t kill him. He bares her neck and moves in for the kill, and Sung-yeol darts in to stop Gwi. He puts himself in front of the ladies and faces off against Gwi, who goes over the various possibilities for torturing our main couple, like killing him first and making her watch, or vice versa.
The two vamps engage in a fight, but Gwi notices that Sung-yeol’s not as powerful as he was the last time. He beats him down repeatedly, until Sung-yeol falls down gurgling blood. Yang-sun rushes to his side while Gwi disdains how his lack of feeding and human love have rendered him pitifully weak.
Yang-sun is alarmed to hear it, and sucks her own blood to then feed Sung-yeol with. I suppose it’s nicely poetic that the gesture is also a kiss, but I’m not gonna lie, it’s kind of stomach-turning. Gwi notes that a love between a human and a vampire always ends in blood.
The blood does the trick in reviving Sung-yeol, but… his convulsions seem particularly violent this time, and his eyes flare blue this time. He seems extra-energized and whips upright to grapple with Gwi—and now Gwi is the one struggling to maintain the hold.
Su-hyang tells Yang-sun worriedly that this isn’t the Sung-yeol she’s known and urges her to safety. Sung-yeol is positively feral as he slams Gwi into the wall, roaring like a wild beast.
The ladies make it outside, but the prime minister and Yoon clash over Yang-sun; the minister wants to sacrifice her, and Yoon refuses. The prime minister orders his men to grab her, ignoring the king’s reminders that they would be committing treason, and soon Yoon finds himself fending off multiple soldiers. He does a credible job holding his own (though I have to suppose that none of the attackers actually want to be the one to kill their king), and fends them off until his own men arrive.
Inside, the fight rages on. Gwi’s blows hardly seem to affect Super Sung-yeol, who strikes with such power that the whole cavern seems to rock.
Yoon instructs the ladies to flee the city, and tells Yang-sun solemnly, “I’m sorry, Jin. If we meet again, I will apologize properly then. If you accept it, let us meet again as friends.”
Suddenly, Gwi’s doors open and out steps Sung-yeol, looking dangerous and wild. Su-hyang warns Yoon to be wary of the queen, who is loyal to Gwi (ack! Well-meaning, but ack!) and ushers Yang-sun away. The guards attack, but he’s impervious to their swords, which don’t even make a scratch on him.
Gwi struggles to his feet inside, roaring Sung-yeol’s name in fury, but too injured to go after him. He reads the clues in a different way now, connecting the dots between the matrilineal blood and the guardian vampire.
As the sun rises, Sung-yeol looks over the city, his instinct telling him to drink more of Yang-sun’s blood.
The prime minister reports to Gwi about Sung-yeol and Yang-sun getting away, and how the king helped them. He promises to round them up before they can leave the city, and Gwi holds in his signs of pain until he’s gone. He doesn’t seem to be in danger of death, but looks like he’s feeling pretty beat up.
With Su-hyang’s warning ringing in his ear, Yoon can’t help but eye Hye-ryung with doubt when he returns. She’s relieved to see him safe, but he can scarcely look her in the eye and just says that he’d wanted to be a good, strong king who could protect his people, including her, but that he’s sorry. She asks what he means by that, just as guards arrive. Judging from how Yoon blocks her in a protective gesture, I’m guessing this isn’t his doing.
Ho-jin lurks around a guard checkpoint, where he hears that a vampire was at the palace last night, and Yang-sun is wanted. The ladies have managed to evade capture thus far, but Su-hyang worries about finding a hiding place with guards crawling the city. Thankfully they’re found first by Hunter Baek and his two new minions, who usher them away to a house before they’re spotted. (Hilariously, neither of the minions has realized until just now that Yang-sun is a woman, and the realization has them slack-jawed.)
Nobody knows where Sung-yeol is now, and Yang-sun worries both for his safety and for the dramatic change that overcame him when he drank her blood—it’s like he couldn’t even recognize her. Su-hyang comes to a new realization, that Yang-sun may be part of the secret plan to defeat Gwi, if her blood unlocks power in the guardian vampire. However, the downside seems to be that Supervamp loses touch with his human side… and that makes him no different from Gwi.
Yang-sun wants to go searching for Sung-yeol now, feeling responsible for his condition. Su-hyang is more practical, pointing out that Yang-sun may be the cause of his change, but she’s also the one person who may be able to stop him, and thus they can’t lose her.
The prime minister has Yoon and Hye-ryung captured, and he exults in gaining the upper hand. He revises history conveniently, painting himself as the hero and the king as the bad guy for both selling out the nation to the vampire, and also being ungrateful to the vampire that spared his life. Hye-ryung glares at her father, who gleefully tells the king how she has actually been his ticket to success, working for Gwi all this while.
But he calls her useless now, and has both of them thrown into prison. Hye-ryung is stricken with remorse and apologizes to Yoon in tears for lying to him, owning up to everything. Contrary to her expectation, Yoon continues to treat her with concern, and admits that he suspected she was working for Gwi back when she first presented him with Sung-yeol’s black hanbok.
Yoon asks when she was first taken underground, and explains that after his father died and his mother left the palace, he was surrounded by enemies and opportunists. Dealing with them taught him to size people up and their motivations, and it was Hye-ryung’s tears that showed him her real feelings. A flashback shows Yoon at Hye-ryung’s bedside as she’s locked in a nightmare, crying out to be saved.
Yoon asks how she endured, and she replies, “I needed strength. The strength to make it impossible for anyone to hurt me or my mother.” She says she sinned against him, but he takes her hand and tells her it’s okay, embracing her while she cries.
Sung-yeol roams the city streets while people rear back in alarm, and a harsh voice in his head tells him that they’re cowards who make him sick. But then, just as he’s about to lurch at one angry citizen hurling insults his way, another voice cuts in, saying that these people are just victims. The warring voices catch him by surprise, and he reels in confusion.
Su-hyang treats Yang-sun’s wound and tells her that Sung-yeol will be looking for her—but there’s a good chance he’s only after her blood. She explains how his thirst won’t abate until he’s drunk all of her blood, but if he regains his senses once that’s quenched, he may be unable to forgive himself. Which means that in either case, he’s at risk of never returning to his former self. She looks at Yang-sun with sympathy and says she wronged her.
At court, the prime minister has all but taken over, and jeers at the protests of the other officials. Soldiers step in to keep him at a safe distance from the angry court, and he reports to Gwi about the current situation.
Gwi has been feeding on bodies to regain his strength, though he’s still badly injured. He gives the prime minister the go-ahead to put his plan into motion, which is to pin things on Sung-yeol—they can make people believe he’s the palace vampire who’s been whispered about all this while. The prime minister seems to be angling for a shot at the throne and urges Gwi to handle that quickly while it’s still manageable, and Gwi agrees to decide tonight.
He does make the prime minister gulp by demanding Yang-sun’s capture soon, warning that the prime minister will die if she can’t be found.
Ho-jin and Hunter Baek settle upon a plan to smuggle Yang-sun out of the city and to Sung-yeol’s secluded home, which entails hiding her in a wagon. She lies down in it, covered like a corpse.
Sung-yeol races madly through the woods, trying to escape the battling voices in his head, which argue back and forth like the proverbial Evil and angel on your shoulders. He clutches his pounding head as those voices take form and appear before him, with Righteous Sung-yeol reminding him of his purpose, insisting he’s not a beast.
Evil Sung-yeol, on the other hand, hisses that his human side died 120 years ago, and that there’s no use in clinging to his humanity now. When Conflicted Sung-yeol grabs Righteous Sung-yeol’s throat, Evil goads him to finish the job.
In prison, Yoon and Hye-ryung are well aware that they will likely die at nightfall. Yoon is prepared to go down fighting, but insists that Hye-ryung live on.
The prime minister arrives and announces Yoon’s impending dethronement. Yoon asks to be taken to Gwi right now rather than waiting till night, and asks that Hye-ryung be spared. Hye-ryung asks her father scornfully if he really thinks Gwi will keep him around, or make him king, when he’ll just be cast aside.
“No,” the prime minister announces. “Now I will use Gwi.” Okay, good luck with that.
Yoon is left in the cell while Hye-ryung is dragged away, and she grabs at Yoon’s hand. But she’s yanked off, and her hand pulled out of his grasp.
When they’re alone, the prime minister informs Hye-ryung that she will be spared, though Yoon will die. He orders her to go home to her mother, but she asks to be sent to Gwi instead, offering to aid her father in becoming king. He doesn’t believe her, but she sinks down to her knees and begs for him to spare Yoon’s life, calling this the first and last request she makes of him.
So Hye-ryung accompanies her father underground, where she sets out to appease Gwi, saying that he was right and she was wrong about attaining power by being next to the king. She calls the king powerless and useless, and says that she fears what will happen to her if he is killed and she is reduced to an object of scorn. And so, she offers to be Gwi’s woman—a proposition that shocks her father.
When asked for his opinion, the prime minister suggests banishing the king, which would be easier for the people to accept. Gwi intends to visit the palace tonight, and dismisses the prime minister from his presence.
In the forest, Conflicted Sung-yeol lets Righteous go, and Evil sneers at his weakness, saying, “This is why you can’t defeat Gwi.” He charges at Evil instead, but stops short as Evil reminds him that even if he helped the king to defeat Gwi, people will just call forth another vampire to help them later. Like they did with Gwi in the first place.
Conflicted Sung-yeol takes a swing anyway, but Evil Sung-yeol evades and says that he may believe people are better beings than vampires, but they aren’t—they’re more responsible for killing each other than anything else, and use the excuse of justice and righteousness to do it. He tells Sung-yeol that he’s vastly superior to humans, and if he lets go of his attachment that’s holding him back, Gwi would be no match for him. Drink her blood and get stronger, he encourages.
Sung-yeol lunges at the evil vamp, but can’t make contact. His swings grow wilder and wilder until one connects—with Righteous Sung-yeol, who spits up blood and collapses. Ack! I mean, I know it’s a metaphor, but poor guy! Evil Sung-yeol cackles at him and tells him to drink Yang-sun’s blood, and when Righteous falls limp, both apparitions disappear.
Yoon is stripped of his royal clothing and led out of the palace in ropes like a criminal, to be sent off to exile.
Hunter Baek is almost waved through with his wagon, since the sight of corpses has become commonplace these days. One officer halts them to inspect the corpse, and when he raises a sword to stick through the body, Hunter Baek has no choice but to intervene. It blows their cover, and Yang-sun scrambles out of the cart and is recognized as the wanted criminal. Hunter Baek prepares to do battle, warning his attackers that he’ll send them all to the afterlife.
Gwi is suspicious of Hye-ryung’s reasons for returning to him and asks if she’s doing this to save the king out of love. She returns that it doesn’t matter even if that were true, since to Gwi, love is a base human emotion. She adds that nobody knows him better than she does, and when he asks for her assessment of him, Hye-ryung answers, “You are lonely. You cannot become a human and thus hate them, and make them unhappy.”
He says she must know what he’ll do if she wants to stay with him, and she tells him to do it. He agrees, but thinks to himself, “But I never had any intention of saving the king as you wish.”
Out in the woods, Yoon’s escort party pauses, and the guards exchange nods before drawing their swords. Yoon doesn’t even look surprised.
In the city, Hunter Baek fights off guards skillfully, taking down a number of them before he’s stabbed in the gut. Badly wounded, he prepares to fight agin as he’s surrounded… just as Sung-yeol arrives.
He barely exerts himself as he takes down guards left and right, their weapons just glancing off his body. He makes his way toward Yang-sun, but just as he gets to her, Hunter Baek stabs him clean through with his sword. He gasps out, “You must… find your human heart.” Then he collapses.
Yang-sun grabs Sung-yeol in a back-hug, and the blue light extinguishes from his eyes. He turns to face her, then falls weakly to the ground. She cradles him in her arms as he falls unconscious.
Night falls, and Gwi heads to the palace. It spurs a memory of the first king, Taejo, who had summoned him and struck a deal for Gwi to help him eliminate the current Goryeo dynasty to set up the Joseon nation. Gwi had asked what he would receive, and had been told all of Taejo’s descendants would serve him: “You will rule the night.”
Now, Gwi thinks that his deal with Taejo will end here, “Because you all have forsaken the promise first.”
At court, while awaiting Gwi’s arrival, the officials speculate that the new king will obviously be the prime minister. So they’re in for a shock when the doors open, and it’s Gwi wearing the king’s robes, trailed by Hye-ryung. Damn, he looks good as a king.
Amidst their stunned murmurs, Gwi takes a seat on the throne and announces, “From this moment, I am king.”
I suppose we could wonder why it took Gwi so long to command the throne, staying underground and ruling only by proxy, but it seems fair to presume that the puppet-king arrangement had been working just fine for centuries, and Gwi never felt the need come out this strongly. Or nobody has pissed him off to this extent before, forcing him to give up his secrecy in an effort to retaliate. I think we can all agree that nobody’s gotten under his skin like Sung-yeol, and it’s clear that Sung-yeol has been actively evading Gwi for the past 120 years, so it’s only recently that Gwi’s been so riled up.
Personally if I were an all-powerful vampire I’m not sure that my idea of a perfect life would be to rule a small nation invisibly, but Hye-ryung does hit the nail on the head in her assessment of him as a lonely creature whose longing has twisted into hatred and antagonism. That’s a totally human reaction that I’m sure we’ve all seen before, and I see him as being unable to shake his attachment to the human race, even while it manifests as contempt.
Because I can understand Gwi’s paradox of love-hate (which we’ve seen in his violent attachment to Sung-yeol as well—you get the sense he can’t decide if he wants to tear him to shreds or be his best friend), I really enjoyed the three-way Sung-yeol battle in the forest, I swear not just because we got three Lee Jun-kis at once. I liked that Evil Sung-yeol actually made a lot of reasonable sense, and that it was actually more difficult to put your faith in Righteous Sung-yeol’s entreaties, because that requires trust and vulnerability and the possibility of being wrong (and wronged). Nothing Evil Sung-yeol said about human vice was very wrong, since yes, people can be assholes. And it’s so often easier to give in to hate than put yourself out there with love.
I thought the twist of Yang-sun’s blood was clever, albeit handled clumsily since we’ve already seen him tasting her blood before, and it never turned him into a wild animal. In retrospect I do recall that each time was no more than a drop or two, and he did wonder why her blood was so potent, so I do think the writing had this beat worked in well in advance. It’s just that it totally takes the punch out of the transformation, because it leaves you (or it left me, at least) scratching our heads wondering, “Wait… but he’s had her blood before…”
That aside, I find this new interpretation of the secret plan more convincing than the one they’d assumed all along, so I’ll go with it—it has a similar dilemma of sacrifice built into it, but this one packs more of an emotional punch because Sung-yeol is the one who has to benefit from Yang-sun’s blood. And as Su-hyang pointed out, the thing that might get the old Sung-yeol back (as in, bringing him out of his bloodlust-driven frenzy) is the very thing that will lose him, since he isn’t likely to handle killing her very well. That it echoes his initial trauma with Myung-hee adds an extra twist of the knife, which sucks for him but is nice for conflict purposes.
Of course, I do feel like the drama’s resolution kind of sucked the tension out of things by having her bring him back so easily. I would’ve liked for more of a struggle, especially after he already metaphorically killed his human side, but I suppose this drama isn’t one to overcomplicate its narrative themes when the blatantly simple one will suffice. Love is the cure, humanity will save you, etc etc etc.
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 16
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 15
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 14
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 13
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 12
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 11
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 10
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 9
- Dramabeans Podcast #29
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 8
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 7
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 6
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 5
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 4
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 3
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 2
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 1
Tags: featured, Kim So-eun, Lee Jun-ki, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Yubi, Scholar Who Walks the Night
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1 calicali
September 2, 2015 at 8:28 PM
On tonight's episode of Vampire Lion King, Mukadil watches the Lion King on repeat to see how he can become king. He declares himself Simba and sings "Can't Wait to be King" for hours, slowly driving the magistrate to madness and stupid looking bright blue contacts. But then Mukadil feels kind of bad, seeing that Bbabbabba is the only true king in the galaxy, so he decides maybe he could be Scar instead and just villain his way to the throne. He does that. The magistrate still prefers this to the sing-along. They fight over who's prettier, and Mukadil loses because Yoobi-chingu offers her hoodie powers to the magistrate out of spite.
Mukadil wonders if any of his buddies will be swinging by to pick him up. Because the scene on earth is getting progressively lamer and more hostile towards Disney songs.
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September 3, 2015 at 1:43 AM
If I may add
........So dejected Mukadil starts watching VMA's and gets inspired by Kanye West's presidential speech and Nicki Minaj's "Miley What's good" rant and decides its time to take over the throne.
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September 3, 2015 at 3:15 PM
Cali and Gem, too funny LOL :D
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September 3, 2015 at 10:17 AM
"They fight over who's prettier"
lmao I died @this.
Though maybe the Magistrate wins this one, since we got three of him. And he even got Mukadil's super-glowy vamped-out blue eyes now! Mukadil's a sore loser over that.
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September 4, 2015 at 6:56 AM
Hoodie powers for the lols. XD
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2 karen
September 2, 2015 at 8:29 PM
He's so pretty
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September 2, 2015 at 10:53 PM
He certainly is.
I tune in from time to time just to look at his eyes when he is the normal Scholar-nim, and to admire his acting when he isn't. I'm not following the story and am happy as a clam.
No frustration, just contentment. No pain, all gain!
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September 2, 2015 at 11:17 PM
Smart :). I'm thankful when this drama does one or two things right. I just hope that they don't screw up in the next episode.
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Sera The Ms Temper
September 3, 2015 at 12:06 AM
it would be a total mess if they screw up next week episodes which going to be the last week of this drama. just hoping that this drama will be ended nicely, regardless happy or sad ending.
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3 heyitschristina
September 2, 2015 at 8:33 PM
Evil Sung-yeol's hair is worse than Gwi's hair... I guess evil= horrible hair
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September 2, 2015 at 8:51 PM
@Christina To each his own, I guess. Because I freaking DIG that hair. O, glorious mane!
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September 2, 2015 at 10:08 PM
I thought he looked like a prettier version of Sadako.
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September 2, 2015 at 11:20 PM
His wig is much better here than in episode 6. I don't have a problem with Gwi's hair either.
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September 3, 2015 at 10:18 AM
yeah, count me in on Team Gwi's Hair too! Lee Soo-hyuk is so damn pretty he can even pull off Severus Snape styling and look like a runway model anyway.
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September 3, 2015 at 1:43 PM
Probably the fact that he IS a runway model helps.
On a side note I could see that LJK's skin doesn't look as good as it used to. I think this role sucked the life out of him. Probably he needs loooooots of rest and hydration. And cosmetics. I barely could recognise the old him as the evil vamp. I like him so much and I am sure that a ton of rotten tomatoes will be thrown at me, but I am genuinely concerned for his well-being.
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September 3, 2015 at 2:08 PM
You are not going to get any rotten tomatoes thrown at you lol. I can't wait for drama to end so they can all rest. Here is hoping for better projects for all of them in the future.
September 3, 2015 at 2:12 PM
Let's be honest, you could dress LSH in feathers and he'd still rock the look.
I noticed how rough LJK's skin looked in the scene in the woods. He's had some weird creping under his one eye for a few years now. Just a curse of age is all. Earlier in the show it had just been covered with thick make-up. The evil vamp also had marks on his forehead - skin reaction from wearing a wig for so long?
The forest scene makes me wonder if he was wearing any make-up at all - which would be an interesting approach - cinematically speaking.
No matter, he's still beautiful.
September 3, 2015 at 8:06 PM
yeah, no tomatoes from me either - it's nearing the end of the drama and he's on live shoot 24/7. 30something skin tends to show the effects of fatigue and lack of sleep in a big way, and much as we forget it, oppa is human and sometimes looks like it.
September 4, 2015 at 5:41 AM
I actually thought it was the reverse. ? Certainly, he is in his early thirties and will show his age a bit at times, but I found him fresh and handsome when in his "human-form" ( with less make-up), but "hideous" - don't stake me - in his vampire form. I chalked it up to heavy make-up, actually, which in his case, did no wonders for him. However, most probably that was intentional on the part of the make-up artist.
That said, he does look tired in these last few episodes and I don't wonder why, what with their gruelling schedule and all.
4 Ice
September 2, 2015 at 8:35 PM
Outstanding acting by our actor Lee Jun Ki! His star just keeps getting bigger and brighter for me! I didn't know if I was watching a movie or a TV drama. Kudos to his acting!!
Gwi got that Royal swag strolling up to the throne, LOL!!!
Epic....can't wait for Episode 18!!!!!! Finally a twist.
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September 3, 2015 at 3:03 AM
Yeah, I resent LJG who's making me drool over a 'villainy' role yesterday night!
When he swaggered out of Gwi's den, ?????!
That smirk and blue eyes are making me reevaluate the allure of those 'bad boys/men'!
(While I might be sympathetic of, think they are hot/sexy, be empathetic with etc, 'bad boys/men' don't really hold any temptation for me).
I suppose there is always an exception to the rule, and LJG is definitely it! ?
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September 3, 2015 at 4:18 AM
Hahaha, he redefines evil. Why is being evil so hot? His smirk is devilishly sexy!!!!!!!
You know what they say...good girls always fall for the bad boys! A good girl like Yang-sun can calm down her bad boy vampire. She has just the right touch.
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September 3, 2015 at 10:22 AM
wasn't it literally on the last recap that we were saying how cool it would be if oppa took a villain role?
and now we got to see him in evil mode, I almost feel like the drama gods listened to us. Super Sung-yeol is gorgeous (even with the blue contacts) but omg, TERRIFYING. I actually felt scared of him for the first 15 minutes, and this has got to be the first time Lee Jun-ki actually got that reaction out of me.
(and I might be sick, but I want to see oppa do evil again. Preferably in another project)
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September 3, 2015 at 1:37 PM
This was kind of a sneak peak and I love what I saw. I hope that he would have the opportunity to play a villain in the near future. Maybe turn down his usual hero roles and pick the opposite instead like what Go Hyun Jung did in QSD.
Deep down inside it makes me sad that he is so wasted here. Honestly I will not watch this again like I usually do with Arang, TBDaW, Flying Boys and King and the Clown. It's very hard for me to ignore this kind of terrible writing. I'm barely hanging on till the end for him.
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September 3, 2015 at 1:50 PM
Well, it was like that in the beginning. Now I discovered also LSH and it makes things bearable on the visual side. What saved the drama for me was the good acting. The skills of everyone involved are so wasted, but shine so bright just because the writing is lame. They keep the drama alive just because they are brilliant. Rarely we have such a glorious cast - one better than the other. Even CM is not that bland as in other roles.Kudos to the actors!
September 3, 2015 at 11:49 AM
@pogo I was the total opposite. I was really waiting for this evil awesomeness from LJK! My baby never disappoints! :)
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September 4, 2015 at 3:51 PM
I will continue to hope he gets to try a project where he can play a true bad guy one day...... he can't give us this glimpse and then deny us forever!
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5 xxx
September 2, 2015 at 8:37 PM
3 split personality was awesome. JG can act as a villian (SY version 3.0).
RIP hunter Baek. Last episode hakyoung died, this episode the hunter. Tonight episode who's next?
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September 2, 2015 at 11:21 PM
No!!! I don't think Hunter Baek is dead (at least that's what I want to believe).
Anyone realized how cute and awkward he was in front of Su-Hyang? I was secretly hoping that these two may just end up together!
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September 2, 2015 at 11:32 PM
I'm hoping that he is just badly injured.
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Sera The Ms Temper
September 3, 2015 at 12:02 AM
and Su Hyang going to cure and treat him.
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September 3, 2015 at 5:14 AM
That would be awesome :). I'm on that ship too lol.
I love Su Hyang in every episode. She remains consistent and quick on her feet. She might as well be my fav character here.
September 4, 2015 at 5:48 AM
@ Kiara
I second that. This last episode has solidified my love for her character, and she is easily my top three favourites in the drama.
(She has even been converted to a SY-YS shipper, ??)!
LOL at the shipping-galore in this drama. Just one scene was enough to launch another one.
@ pogo
I do ship SY with SH, but a SY-SH-YS menage-a-trois would be my OTT (One True Triad)! ??
September 4, 2015 at 3:52 PM
mwahaha, so much shipping, I love it :)`
September 4, 2015 at 9:39 PM
The drama is about to end and we are still shipping away. I have a feeling that we are no going to be done till the last episode lol.
Sera The Ms Temper
September 3, 2015 at 12:03 AM
it seems a bit late to ship Su Hyang n Hunter Baek. but wish it happen as well. coz i am in doubt will Hunter BAek and Su Hyang alive until the end of drama :(
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September 3, 2015 at 5:56 AM
What about poor Hojin? :(
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September 4, 2015 at 6:08 PM
Yes, have had him at the back of my mind for quite some time. Shall I ship him with YS or SY? SH seems too obvious, and he has always been sort of impressed/attracted by YS. When Hunter Baek was still around, did ship them.
Well, if SY dies, then I want YS to end up with Ho Jin. ??
And if YS dies, SY can be HJ's partner. ?
September 3, 2015 at 4:21 AM
I felt the spark between Su-hyang and Hunter Baek, too. Hope he's not dead.
It's tough dating a man in Joseon these days when they are turning into vampires or getting killed fighting battles. Ishhhh!
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September 3, 2015 at 5:33 AM
Well, that plan was pretty much a suicide mission in broad day-light lol. I thought they would wait till nightfall and that Ho-jin knew of a secret passage somewhere in the palace. *Sigh*... poor Baek.
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September 3, 2015 at 10:43 AM
She has spark with everyone. I could easily ship her with Sung-yeol if this was a different drama, we've already seen what fantastic tension she and Gwi had when she was pretending she was just a swooning gisaeng...
and now we get her and Hunter Baek basically playing the roles of Ma and Pa to Yang-sun (I swear, that scene where Yang-sun is perched between the two of them, she looks just like a kid with her parents)
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Kalyasiri Tan
September 3, 2015 at 5:56 AM
Me too ... I don't think he die ...
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6 crazylu
September 2, 2015 at 8:46 PM
Changmin dude, pretty darn impressed, my friend. Who woulda thunk? Seriously. Seriously seriously. *coughParadiseRanchcough* Not bad.
As for the developments and the drama overall thus far, I like it okay... yet... yes, simple is the word.
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September 3, 2015 at 10:51 AM
yeah, he's doing really well here. Sure, there are still 'seams' in his performance but I am incredibly impressed that he's stayed so consistent and believable with his performance (and it's extra impressive given how messy some parts of the script have been).
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September 3, 2015 at 5:56 PM
Changmin's doing pretty good in this supporting role but more improvement would be even better. I doubt he's leading material though. Don't think he's good enough...up until now, he's still not ready for the lead.
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September 3, 2015 at 8:08 PM
yeah, he's good for this role but not leading material yet. He wouldn't be able to hold together an entire drama as the leading man, no way.
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September 3, 2015 at 6:05 PM
He improved in SWWTN. His acting here is much better than in Paradise Ranch but still, he's not all that impressive. He should work more on his voice tone and work on giving more natural facial expressions.
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September 3, 2015 at 8:08 PM
I agree, that's why I mentioned the 'seams' in is performance - there are still moments where he's not as natural or convincing as he could be but for the most part, he's ok.
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September 3, 2015 at 8:13 PM
Agreed, he doing the best he can but still have a long way to go.
September 4, 2015 at 4:51 AM
Some people on netizenbuzz still think Changmin is a Bad actor. He really did improve but he's still Not a good actor. Sometimes he can be monotonous and sometimes his facial expressions are kinda stiff and not natural....he needs more and more practice.
September 4, 2015 at 10:08 AM
do you have a link to that netizenbuzz article where netizens are calling him a bad actor?
imo, i thought he did a very good job.
September 4, 2015 at 12:39 PM
Are you a fan of Changmin? You seem offended. I think he's improved but I would not say he's "very good"...I already mentioned his flaws in my other 2 comments. Some Kdramafans in my country think he did pretty good but others think he's still mediocre at best.
September 4, 2015 at 12:42 PM
I watch this drama for Lee Jun ki. I think Lee Yubi did well in her first female lead role. I'm glad they improved the story. More than half the drama had a ridiculous messed up plot but it's better now. Not the best drama but not a failure either.
September 4, 2015 at 1:22 PM
@eiko @pate
Changmin is still not a good actor but for once and for the first time I find his acting believable in Scholar Who Walks the Night (unlike his poor acting in the past). I can't imagine him as leading actor yet, unless he gets more training and continues to practice more. I agree his intonation and facial expressions need improvement.
September 5, 2015 at 1:57 AM
hi, not a fan of changmin, but i watched this drama and thought he did a fine job so was curious to see what netizens had to say.
7 zi4r
September 2, 2015 at 8:50 PM
After the utter BORE of last week, I told myself I will give this drama just one more episode ... If it didn't bring it, I would leave this ship.
Then, the preview came out, and my expectations sky-rocketed (which is not really a good thing because usually, the real episode would not meet my high expectations and I would have been doubly disappointed).
But BOY OH BOY did it make up for the last week. It entirely surpassed my expectations! Sooooooo goooood!!!!
The fast-pacing and the grit of the episode kept my adrenaline pumping. And the small but precious moments between the OTP did not feel gratuitous or fan-service, like it sometimes does with this drama... they feel right and heartfelt. The music in the action scenes, for once, didn't detract from the show, but adds the tension to it... very well done! And the plot brings a few surprises that makes me whoop! Oh, how I ADORE this episode!
Yes, there were a couple of editing glitches during the action scenes and a teeny bit over-simplification of the plot. But know what? I DON'T EVEN CARE! It was one hell of an epic episode and kudos to the writers and the cast and crew for bringing it!
Now, lemme fan-girl a bit. Because LJG is a GOD OF ACTING! First, the evil SY ... The mane of glory came back, with cruel blue eyes this time! OMG, the glint in his eyes drives me wild and the half-smirk left me utterly undone. Yes, I have a thing for bad boys ... but this is no "boy"... he was a picture of EVIL and I freaking loved it.
But what's more worth mentioning is his portrayal of real-self (mixture of human and vamp) and the good-self (human). For any other actor, those two would have been hard to distinguish ... But with LJG, the tortured expression of real-self breaks my heart and the pure nature of the good-self just shines through his performance. Really a million kudos to him.
Okay, I shall stop my raving now.
-Zi- out.
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September 2, 2015 at 8:55 PM
Your last two paragraph is what I most love to read.
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September 2, 2015 at 9:02 PM
Haha, I actually am enjoying your reviews, almost as much as I enjoy JB's and GF's.
And 100% agree about LJG's portral of the three selves. Daebak!
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Kalyasiri Tan
September 3, 2015 at 3:28 AM
I'm Glad like it .... I've told before you to watch till the end ...
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8 cmak
September 2, 2015 at 8:51 PM
I really dislike the trajectory of Yang Sun's character. She was so plucky and earnest the first half of the show and now she's constantly in danger and putting herself there half the time. I don't always need my heroines to be able to handle everything on her own (not everyone in life is like that), but I would like some more reason for her to be there other than try and find Sung Yeol every time he's missing ...
Sadly, the drama is ending next week which means no more Lee Jun Ki till his next project :'( but I am ready for this show to be done.
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September 3, 2015 at 10:48 AM
I agree, the pigeonholing of Yang-sun into the role of nothing but a damsel in distress is really frustrating for me too sometimes. I actually didn't mind her attempt to sacrifice herself last week because at least the poor girl was DOING something based on the information given to her, I couldn't be mad at her for taking the place of their host's daughter at Gwi's all-you-can-eat virgin buffet.
Especially when you have the Queen and Su-hyang actively plotting and planning left and right in contrast. I get that YS is supposed to be the pure sweet girl whose existence is the key to Sung-yeol's humanity, and Lee Yubi does well at grabbing on to any emotion and slaying its portrayal, but she gets very little to work with here.
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9 No1
September 2, 2015 at 8:53 PM
Blue eyed scholar AKA upgraded Scholar
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10 Jayhee
September 2, 2015 at 9:02 PM
ljk looks ssooo hot...I m really starting to like lee soohyuk..n his voice is so manly...n i really hope gwi become a good vamp in d end more like sungyeol..luv this drama
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11 wackycashew
September 2, 2015 at 9:02 PM
Thanks for the recap, JB!!
Fave scene was the 3 SYs!! ^^ Superb acting by LJG and I think the conflict was very well portrayed.
Changminnie is also doing great as Yoon. I love that he was so understanding of what HR must have gone through as a child.
Poor Hunter Baek, though there was foreshadowing what would happen to him.
I agree that the resolution of SY turning normal again was too fast and anti-climatic. Can't wait for tmrw's ep! Felt so good when SY gave Gwi those hard punches. XD
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12 Jayhee
September 2, 2015 at 9:06 PM
I really wanna see ljk in modern drama acting as a chaebol ...
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13 Sera The Ms Temper
September 2, 2015 at 9:14 PM
1) i hope neither King nor Queen will die on tonight's episode.
:( they should be given a little sweet moment together..
2) Gwi is going to be the hottest king ever. lets enjoy your moments as a King for a while, ok Gwi? :P but please dont sleep with Queen lol. im no longer shipping you with Hye Ryung. kekeke
3) KSY's blue eyes is scary but at the same time hotter than his red eye, i think.
4) cant wait for the final battle between KSY and Gwi.
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14 littlederps
September 2, 2015 at 9:18 PM
okay now I want Lee Soo Hyuk in more sageuk dramas. He looks so sexy how is it even possible omg??? Does anyone else think that he looks like EXO's Chanyeol? The resemblance is pretty obvious in certain angles, no?
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Sera The Ms Temper
September 2, 2015 at 9:21 PM
he should be a warrior in his next sageuk! imagine he riding a horse, holding sword.. @_@
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September 2, 2015 at 10:01 PM
he does look like Exo Chanyeol, I mentioned it before :) If anyone writes stories about BROTHERS next, Seo In Guk-Yook Sung Jae, Lee Soo Hyuk-Park Chan Yeol and Jaejoong-Ji Chang Wook will be good options :)
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September 3, 2015 at 4:37 AM
Yes! I think the Jo Jung Suk-D.O brother pairing in their upcoming movie is a great pick as well actually
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September 3, 2015 at 5:46 AM
I almost drooled when he came up with the kings robes. the way he walked in, that swag hahaah. Again I'm a fan of his deep voice .
In this episode I felt like he resembled Tao ex-member of Exo.
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September 4, 2015 at 6:25 AM
I am not really a fan, but I did drool - not almost - when he swaggered into court in his haphazardly worn kingly robes. He has his way of wearing them as if they are his own fashion statement (which I suppose it is). ???
And his deep voice is really something-else! ?
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15 Maria
September 2, 2015 at 9:19 PM
I really like Lee Yoo Bi. She is a good actress, but what they did to her character here is really ugh! What a waste of talent.
As for Lee Jun Ki, that's what you call "intense." I hope LYB and LKJ will work again someday in a drama with better plot and character development.
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16 teukie
September 2, 2015 at 9:27 PM
The writer is watching too much of death note. How many deaths more?
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17 susan
September 2, 2015 at 9:39 PM
Looks like we're back to having character development - a welcome change after the boring last few episodes.
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18 aurora
September 2, 2015 at 9:58 PM
Maybe because last week's episodes were too plain and tiring, I don't really feel the hype of this episode. But I'm still here for the sake of a.c.t o.r Lee Joongi.
Kinda sad that this drama will end next week.
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September 2, 2015 at 11:25 PM
I don't feel it either but I'm not going to start bitching lol.
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19 Marcellina Chiazor
September 2, 2015 at 10:01 PM
Good Good Good. I love it.
LJK with blue eyes and mane of glory = hot. Let him stay that way(I wish).
LSH looks so good in everything he puts on. I don't want him dead.. please writers,punish him.,do whatever but don't kill him.
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20 Cheryla
September 2, 2015 at 10:27 PM
Lee Jun Ki!!! What a great actor he is. "Fantastic," "phenomenal," and "incredible". No words of praise will be enough to describe his acting prowess.
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21 Emmalee
September 2, 2015 at 10:54 PM
Vampires are the messiest eaters! I have so much fun watching the majority of this show, but those blood drool marks on the chin EVERY TIME THEY EAT? Haven't they learned to control the suction by now?!? Or could you wipe your face?
That said: I like all the characters in this show (as much as I can like side characters in kdramas :), especially Soo Hyang. And the clothes are out of this world beautiful.
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22 Akiddo
September 2, 2015 at 11:00 PM
Exciting episode!!! LJG was superb in his portrayal of the 3 SYs. How did he manage to film that scene?!!
I started watching Joseon Gunman to catch up on his recent works - he has such a wide range. Really bloody amazing. But Kim Sung Yeol will always have a special place in my kdrama heart.
SWWTN fighting!
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September 3, 2015 at 5:19 AM
^Agree^ :)
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23 Random
September 2, 2015 at 11:08 PM
Poor hunter, he died for nothing. They should have waited for Sung Yeol to find them, hug him and the whole team would be intact.
If the blood of his beloved made him so crazed, I wonder if Gwi went through the same with his own lover, the whole angel/devil Gwi sequence. We know he was a disciple of Hae Seo, the original guardian vamp, so we can assume he was at some point similar to Hae Seo and Sung Yeol in holding back from unnecessary bloodshed. He did turn out much stronger than his teacher and SY, just like how blue SY is now stronger than Gwi.
And if drinking lover's blood was the trigger, I guess Gwi was just really unlucky that his lover died before she could give him a magical back-hug. Since even SY lost the battle to his inner devil.
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September 2, 2015 at 11:29 PM
No, it's not that YS is his lover that triggers the change, it's the fact that she shares the special blood line descended from Gwi.
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September 3, 2015 at 6:03 AM
SY becoming more powerful would definitely be due to the special bloodline, but him becoming crazy might not simply be because of that. Would the previous guardian vamp risk losing control just to get rid of Gwi? Maybe. Or maybe it would only turn him stronger without the crazy. Of course, I'm only speculating, just as you are.
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September 3, 2015 at 12:08 PM
It seems the writers are constantly mentioning that he has a human heart because that's the trigger that allows him not to truly harm humans and go completely nuts. Rage isn't the same as murder, and he didn't kill an innocent person even with his new strength. He actually struggled to fight the lust. So it seems, whoever the guardian vampire would have been, their human heart would eventually stop them. It only took like 2.5 seconds after YS hugged him for to return to normal. For that reason I would assume even the first guardian would be capable of a love that would stop his madness. That's why it takes the Kings love to save his people and not bow down to evil, the love created from a vampire + humans blood, and the ability of the guardian to love with his human heart--to completely stop Gwi. It all has to work together.
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24 Pearl~ai88
September 2, 2015 at 11:28 PM
Wow, Yoon became suddenly AWESOME in this episode. How did that happen? But whyyy, did Mr. Awesome himself (hunter Baek) really HAVE to die? And so perfunctorily too. :( Is there some law of the conservation of awesomeness that we can only have so many cool, effective characters in any given episode? That might explain a lot actually....
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25 little-muffin
September 2, 2015 at 11:32 PM
Finally something exciting from this show, probably one of the best episodes by far.
I'm really liking the King & Queen couple now, the honest conversation that they had in jail moved me and I really really hope they'll have happy ending together, even more than the main leads.
This is my first time watching Changmin and I think he's really not bad (despite all the previous bad reviews). And up to this point, I'm actually more excited to see the Queen more than Yang-sun. Cos you know, I need my girl to have more fighting spirit and not just being passive and waited to be rescued all the time.
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Sera The Ms Temper
September 2, 2015 at 11:59 PM
Too bad cause the relationship between the King n Queen is only built towards the end of drama. But it is better than nothing. for now, i just hope they will have happy ending together, even i am afraid what Gwi will do to the King and what more to Queen. here, hoping KSY will win the battle against Gwi before Gwi kill all my favourite characters die. i also hope Soo Hyang alive until the end, because i have a feeling that Soo Hyang will sacrifice herself either for YS or KSY. :(
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September 3, 2015 at 2:51 AM
I was just glad SH got to live to see another day! Still keeping my fingers crossed but hopes are not high. ?
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September 3, 2015 at 11:04 AM
I really like the King and Queen's developing relationship, it doesn't feel rushed or too slow. And it develops in a very believable way, Changmin and Kim So-eun do a great job of showing doubt/trust (on his end) and softening/determination (on hers).
and +1 for the hope that Soo-hyang lives. She's awesome and I don't want her to become vampire dinner :(
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September 4, 2015 at 6:41 AM
Yeah, the King and Queen has sold me on their relationship. I hope they get their happy ending even if nobody else does.
The Queen's character trajectory is very satisfying to me, and I can say that I like her now.
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26 Broly89
September 3, 2015 at 2:32 AM
We got an amazing actor here! Damn, I'm fucking scared of evil Sungyeol! I hope that he get his well-deserved awards in the MBC Year End.
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OMG it's Healer ?
September 3, 2015 at 2:37 AM
I watched this episode today and I agree, along with Ji Sung, Lee Joon Gi deserves an award too!
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September 3, 2015 at 4:24 AM
I'm going to be hella mad if he doesn't get any awards! He deserves it!
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Kalyasiri Tan
September 3, 2015 at 4:47 AM
I vote LJK ... though Jisung is Good too . The way he portray those FRustating - Conflicting - Confusing Emotions are Superb ... We can Feel his emotions and he really looks like 3 different persons ... all at once at the same time ......
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September 3, 2015 at 5:53 AM
how about a daesang for Ji Sung and another one for LJK it'll be awesome
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September 3, 2015 at 5:34 AM
He's definitely doing a great job. It's really difficult to over-act on purpose without looking silly. Some of those serious scenes where he contorts his face and act like a insane person could very easily go wrong and make the audience laugh.
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September 3, 2015 at 11:06 AM
not to mention, a lot of the scenes where his vampire side has taken over - they are very physical, and it's difficult to fake a convulsive seizure as well as Lee Jun-ki does.
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September 3, 2015 at 11:00 AM
yeah, those first fifteen minutes? I was TERRIFIED of oppa, and that is a new feeling.
hell, even Gwi in full chomp mode doesn't scare me that bad, but Ol' Blue Eyes did it.
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September 4, 2015 at 5:58 AM
He was evil personified! (But oh so sexy!) ?
LJG has been heroes most times so far, but he also does have that 'despicably evil' look, and I don't doubt that he will own whatever villain role he chooses.
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September 4, 2015 at 3:47 PM
well, Evil Sung-yeol (long hair) looked kind of awful but I think he was supposed to look that feral and weird, not like gorgeous oppa we've been used to seeing.
but oooh, that smirk when he was tearing Gwi a new one after powering up....I'm terrified but completely enamoured at the same time.
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27 Kalyasiri Tan
September 3, 2015 at 3:00 AM
Thks JB always ...... LOVE U
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28 Kalyasiri Tan
September 3, 2015 at 3:01 AM
I haven't watch but read the recaps first .... Oo so interesting ..........
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29 nightshade
September 3, 2015 at 4:29 AM
Goodluck to MR PRIME MINISTER in controlling Gwi
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Kalyasiri Tan
September 3, 2015 at 4:48 AM
That's what he thought ... Hahaha ...
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30 Ice
September 3, 2015 at 4:30 AM
I wish the back hug from Yang-sun was a little more forceful. A gentle tugging and then Sung-yeol changing all of a sudden didn't really have the full effect for me. Should had been a little more creative and dramatic.
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September 3, 2015 at 5:45 AM
Agreed. That's it? Just a back hug?
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September 3, 2015 at 6:08 AM
It contradicts with Sung-yeol's martial arts and sense of danger/motion. Anyone one else & they would had been headless. LOL!
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September 3, 2015 at 10:59 AM
well, he had just been stabbed through the chest, is probably how Yang-sun managed to sneak up that far in the first place.
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September 3, 2015 at 11:55 AM
She grew up disguised as a boy for her protection, but why didn't her father teach her swordplay so she can defend herself? It would had been cool if Yang-sun could've help the hunter kick some ass. SMH....
September 3, 2015 at 1:17 PM
Hunter Baek was Yoon and Yang-sun's teacher. I guess he didn't have enough time to really teach them since they were all separated at a very young age. Most Joseon kids starts their education at age 3 or 4 (Yoon in particular). Academic first then military training.
September 3, 2015 at 6:13 PM
Kiara, I know but for a fantasy drama she is utterly useless and talentless. We were discussing Ja Myung Go last time. That's the kind of heroine I wanted to see in her. Someone who is fearless yet vulnerable. Oh well, too late just one more week. Lol.
Thanks for educating me again!
September 3, 2015 at 7:05 PM
You would've figured it out on your own:). I watch too many sageuks and kind of familiar with the culture etc.
I've gone there before in hoping that Sung-yeol would at least teach her the basics. She doesn't have to be perfect at it like Jamung because Jamung was destined to protect her country. Yang-sun just need enough to protect herself and more opportunities for some skinship during training lol.
They could've used the 2nd half of the show to give Yang-sun a chance to be a little more independent. It would have been hilarious to see her learn martial arts from a book first.
Oh well we can always dream. Right Ice?
31 Kalyasiri Tan
September 3, 2015 at 4:39 AM
Just finish watching ... Gosh LJK looks really Hot when he become a villain ... with Blue Eyes ... he even looks scarier than Gwi .....
Only LJK can express those conflicting emotions perfectly .... those suddenly changes ... the frustations ... the confusions ... what can i say ... it's superb. No wonder he is called as Master of Expressions ...
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September 3, 2015 at 5:25 AM
yaya: if we love, appreciate, and recognize him for his acting chops...he must be well-respected by directors and his peers as well. This man is just amazing!
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September 3, 2015 at 10:57 AM
yeah, the conflict within Sung-yeol was really well-expressed even when there was just one of Lee Jun-ki with the blue eyes.
and his villainous, freshly-superpowered bloodthirsty self is, um, insanely hot.
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32 Kalyasiri Tan
September 3, 2015 at 4:43 AM
O... this drama will be end soon ... really really sad ... I'm Gonna miss KSY ....
I think though some people are not satisfy with this drama ...but I bet they gonna miss it too ......
This Drma is Not perfect but the Lead Actor Acting is Perfect ... LJK is really " Un-Forgettable " ... How can you Forget KSY ???
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September 3, 2015 at 5:18 AM
You can never please everyone. It did falter in the plot/suspense department. But love the romance, acting, and costumes. I still enjoy watching it and will be sad next week. Thanks LJK for great fan service! <3 <3
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September 4, 2015 at 6:49 AM
So true!
Will definitely miss my weekly doses of LJG (and KSY) when it ends next week. ?
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33 Kalyasiri Tan
September 3, 2015 at 4:50 AM
LJK as a Villain is Scarier than Gwi ... and Looks even Hotter than Gwi ........ Gosh those expressions ... really "un-Forgettable" ...
Gosh he really should act as a Villain or a Psychotic serial Killer ....
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September 4, 2015 at 6:22 AM
He was evil personified! (But oh-so-intensely sexy!) ?
LJG has been heroes most times so far, but he also does have that 'despicably evil' look, and I don't doubt that he will own whatever villain/nous role he chooses.
@ yaya
He will be terrifying as a psychotic serial killer; basically anything psychotic, neurotic or schizophrenic etc - you name it he can nail it!
He was really great in this episode! ?
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34 Equilox
September 3, 2015 at 4:51 AM
Goodluck Gwi cause Seong yeol is coming for you
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35 Equilox
September 3, 2015 at 4:55 AM
Seriously, Gwi as king and did Yoon really have to die.
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36 Equilox
September 3, 2015 at 4:56 AM
Seriously, Gwi as king and did Yoon really have to die.... :-(
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37 Equilox
September 3, 2015 at 4:57 AM
Seriously, Gwi as king......%-)
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38 Equilox
September 3, 2015 at 4:59 AM
Good for you Gwi,yeah and how was the beating ?
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39 Equilox
September 3, 2015 at 4:59 AM
Good for you Gwi and how was the beating ?
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40 Sam
September 3, 2015 at 5:41 AM
Aloha and mahalo nui for the great recap! You never fail to do a wonderful job. :)
I'm thinking the difference in strength and sanity for our hero vampire is in the amount of Sun's blood ingested, a few drops as opposed to a mouthful. He was overdosed. Regulate that and Yeol will be perfection...strength and beauty!
Gwi looks so Hot! Lol. This particular character has been the perfect vehicle for our beautiful, villain vampire to play in this drama.
I'm very impressed with the high quality and attention paid to costumes, make up, locations, shooting angles...etc...but especially the cast! I love the acting and say "Kudos!" To Everyone putting this show together! A Big Thank You! :)
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41 NahlaJW
September 3, 2015 at 5:58 AM
what do you mean by "Regulate that and Yeol will be perfection"? is that a reference to Exo's overdose hehhe forgive my fangirling feelings over here
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September 3, 2015 at 6:26 AM
sorry, that was meant to be a replay to Kealoha 's comment
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42 Kalyasiri Tan
September 3, 2015 at 6:28 AM
BTw ... does any body mentioned ..that KSY was weaken only by YS back hug ??? Well the back hug is only a trigger .... triggering factor ... KSY already mentally extremely exhausted by the INNER CONFLICT .... those hallucinations ( both auditoric & visual ) ... those delusions ... those things drives him crazy and mentally and physically exhausted ... then he was stab by the hunter ( physical factor ) and the back hug ( emotional factor ) .... those physical & emotional factors combines .... make him weak ......
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43 Kalyasiri Tan
September 3, 2015 at 6:30 AM
Sorry for LSH Fans but Gwi looks sexy when he dressed as Vampire & in normal hanbok but when he dressed as a king ... his face a little bit too narrow and too small .... he still looks handsome ...but as a king I think Chagmin looks more like a KIng .....
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44 johan
September 3, 2015 at 6:53 AM love this episode.I watched the the recaps..then watch again & again the english subbed video. it is so addicting!!
I just love everything about this drama including the flaws... what matters most is really entertaining to watch again & again.
LJK is the best!!!
I am just worried, is SY going to need another dose of YS blood since he was stabbed clean by hunter baek?
I do hope he will just heal without drinking blood. is it the back hug that made him return to his natural self or the back stab?
I guess, I need to watch this again.^_^
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45 johan
September 3, 2015 at 6:56 AM love this episode.I watched the the recaps..then watch again & again the english subbed video. it is so addicting!!
I just love everything about this drama including the flaws... what matters most is really entertaining to watch again & again.
LJK is the best!!!
I am just worried, is SY going to need another dose of YS blood since he was stabbed by hunter baek?
I do hope he will just heal without drinking blood. is it the back hug that made him return to his natural self or the back stab?
I guess, I need to watch this again to realize the answer...
what an excuse.^_^
happiness overdose.
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46 Mien
September 3, 2015 at 7:56 AM
Leejunki ... .. Sexy & Scary at the same time... He really looks like ...a Skizofrenic ... Twilight state ... He can acts as a crazy ... Psychotic patient too ... Beside a villain .... 2 thumbs up ....
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47 Mien
September 3, 2015 at 7:59 AM
I already miss kimseungyeul ... And all the casts ... What ever the rating are ... This drama is very good ... All the casts are doing excellent jobs ...
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48 Mien
September 3, 2015 at 8:00 AM
Can't believe it will be ended next week .., i want more of Ksy ....
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49 mido
September 3, 2015 at 8:12 AM
evil jun ki is the best. i love his acting, at last he proved he can act anything he offered to. i think i am not wrong if i say he is a legend.
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50 Caty_Rina
September 3, 2015 at 8:23 AM
It seemed to me just for one second that there was some kind of feeling between Hunter Buek and Su-hyang, or it is just my imagination? o_O so hope Hunter Buek stayed alive-he is so nice person!
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September 3, 2015 at 10:53 AM
Nope, not just you!
Their little conference to decide what to do about Super Sung-yeol, with Yang-sun in tow, definitely had a slight husband-and-wife/team feel about it.
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