High Society: Episode 10

Everyone has to hear things they don’t want to hear and confront some truths they’d rather leave unknown in an hour that’s all about the harmful effects of meddling. Well, more like the harmful effects of classism. And favoritism. And elitism. Somehow our core four will have to make it out of this tangled web of lies and deceit without destroying themselves or their relationships in the process, to which I say: good luck. They’re going to need it.

Ratings-wise, High Society was on top with 9.2%, beating out long-running competitor Hwajeong at 8.8%. KBS’ I Remember You brought up the rear at 4.8%.


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Ji-yi’s eyes fill with tears the second she sees Chang-soo, his mother’s ominous warnings still ringing through her ears. She embraces him, and Chang-soo urges her to tell him if something happened. She doesn’t.

“You cry a lot. I really hate women who cry,” he says, half-jokingly. Ji-yi sniffs and asserts that she’s not crying, which is a good enough effort to receive a reward.

While Yoon-ha arranges to drop Joon-ki off at his house, Chang-soo takes Ji-yi to a hilltop spot with a great view of the city. Best of all, it’s free! Ji-yi notes that he seems to like holding onto his money, seeing as the streetlamp he got her came from the city and now they’re on public city grounds.

He doesn’t deny that he tries to spend his money wisely, but that even so, there are women just lining up to date him. Chang-soo: “I’m very—” “‘I’m very full of myself,’ right?” Ji-yi finishes his sentence for him. Hah.

Chang-soo’s happy to see some life return to Ji-yi’s eyes, and when she naturally assumes he’s brought all sorts of women here before, he teasingly asks if she wants to know who he last came here with.

She doesn’t know he’s teasing and slumps visibly, at least until he takes her hand and reassures her that this is the first time he’s been here. And he wasn’t being cheap—he knows she likes things that don’t cost money, which is why he brought her here. He’d been saving it for a rainy day, but that day came sooner than he thought.

Ji-yi’s overjoyed, and in her usual style, she milks the romantic moment for all that it’s worth by requesting a piggyback ride. Her gallant suitor grants her wish to live like a drama heroine for all of two seconds, until he can’t help but ask if something happened today.

At first she says no, but then she adds tearfully: “I’m not going to break up with you.” Why connect dating with marriage when they’re just in their twenties? Chang-soo seems to know what happened without asking further, and offers his support through a tender backhug. Aww, all the tropes.

Joon-ki finds his jilted ex waiting for him when Yoon-ha drops him off, and she asks him jealously if he thinks the world is his now that he has a daughter of Taejin Group chauffeuring him around.

His response is that who he dates is of no business to her now that they’re broken up, but his ex begs to differ: “I still like you,” she confesses. But then she turns vicious by claiming that Joon-ki cheated on her with Yoon-ha and dug up her family’s background.

He adamantly disagrees, reminding her that she was the one who kept talking about her impressive lineage, so he finally just looked up her father’s company—he didn’t dig around. “Do you love her?” she asks, and Joon-ki’s silence only seems to confirm her worst fears. “Do you really love her?”

Butler Hong is back on the job, at least for Madam Min, and gives her the results of the latest investigation she ordered on Kyung-joon: The circumstances surrounding his disappearance are so simple, it’s suspicious. And the last person Kyung-joon spoke to was Chairman Jang.

Chairman Jang thinks back to his wife’s accusations that he didn’t even cry when he found out about Kyung-joon, remembering when he’d advised his son to be more heartless. Like him.

“I don’t have a heart,” Chairman Jang had told him. “Do you know what matters in the end? Money. Girls. Food. Material possessions are everything.” That idea didn’t sit well with Kyung-joon, who’d replied that there should be more meaning to life than that.

Now that he’s thinking about what Kyung-joon said in the present, the supposedly heartless Chairman Jang can’t stop himself from sobbing.

Yoon-ha opens up the USB her brother left behind to find evidence that Taejin Cosmetics (helmed by Ye-won) lied to the food and drug administration about the contents of their products, among other things.

Meanwhile, Butler Hong updates Madam Min on Yoon-ha and Joon-ki’s relationship status, which is all the more dismaying to her since Chairman Jang isn’t doing anything to stop them.

Ye-won is of the same mindset as her father, and advises her mother not to go meddling in Yoon-ha’s affairs. Their talk inevitably turns to marriage and divorce, specifically Ye-won’s, considering that she’s handling hers with relative ease. It’s because she prepared ahead, Ye-won claims.

Madam Min seems surprised by her daughter’s shrewdness, as Ye-won explains that used evidence she’d been gathering on her husband’s illicit affairs to help ease the process. If her mother were to get a divorce, she’d tell her to do the same thing and to leave everything else to her. “I’m the eldest daughter, after all.”

While printing out incriminating documents from the secret USB, Yoon-ha thinks back to something Kyung-joon told her at the golf course, which is apparently where he told everyone everything ever.

“In the end, being kind will allow you to succeed,” he’d advised. “What should I do? I’m not kind,” Yoon-ha retorted. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” In the present, she locks the printed documents back in her safe.

Mama Lee confronts her son now that she knows Yoon-ha’s a chaebol, but her admission that she’s worried about him because Yoon-ha’s family likely wouldn’t approve of their family really pushes his buttons.

He reminds his mother that it was she who preached about personal character trumping all, along with the belief that human worth can’t be calculated. Why can’t she stand by those statements when she’s in a disadvantageous position?

This is the exact problem he has with poverty, he all but growls. He’s angry at his mother for allowing herself to be intimidated and tells her to think instead that they’re not inferior to chaebols—not now, not ever.

Madam Min finally flags Yoon-ha down to tell her to end things with Joon-ki for her own good. Yoon-ha looks her dead in the eyes and simply says that father already approved, regardless of his reasoning behind it.

Offended, Madam Min asks if Yoon-ha values her father’s words over hers. Yoon-ha: “I’m saying that I will only respect words I want to hear.” What now? Did that really just come out of her mouth? “I told you before,” Yoon-ha continues matter-of-factly, “I’m going to marry who I want.”

Despite her mother’s arguments to the contrary, Yoon-ha defends that she and Joon-ki will end up differently than her mother or even her sister—because when they marry, it’ll be out of love. Madam Min questions Yoon-ha’s conviction that Joon-ki liked her before he knew who she was, only to remark in wonder, “You’ve lost your mind.”

“Yes, I have,” Yoon-ha fires back. “So don’t stop me.” She doesn’t, because Yoon-ha’s been made invincible through her love of Joon-ki.

Speaking of, Joon-ki drops his mother off at home, but pointedly declines going in to see his poor father. He offers Mama Lee money to send to his hyung in the military, which she declines.

She goes inside to find her husband looking fondly at an album of their family photos, clearly missing his son. That’s when Mama Lee breaks the news that the girl Joon-ki’s dating is a daughter of Taejin Group because she’s worried that Yoon-ha’s family won’t accept Joon-ki and his comparatively meager background.

Chang-soo finds himself dealing with that class divide when his mother tells him that while she won’t stop him from liking her, there will be consequences. Since she can’t accept Ji-yi as a daughter-in-law, she’s rescinding her offer to give Chang-soo some of her resort stocks.

He knows exactly how his mother’s operating, and is dismayed to learn that he won’t find any refuge with his father, since she got to him first. When he asks why she’s going the extra mile with Ji-yi as opposed to other girls he’s dated, his mother cites intuition—she knows he really likes Ji-yi, and that’s why she really can’t allow them to continue.

“I know you,” she adds with a smirk. “You can’t live without money. You can’t live without this kind of background either. So give up on Lee Ji-yi.” If not, she cautions, she’ll meet with Ji-yi again and make her life a living hell.

But the one thing Chang-soo does put his foot down on is his mother’s plan to fire Joon-ki for stabbing him in the back with Yoon-ha. He wins that small victory before proceeding to brood angstily in the shower. (With clothes on. Boo.)

Chang-soo checks in on Ji-yi via text that evening, and just the act of receiving it brings her to tears. He also finds himself blinking back his emotions when Ji-yi responds positively—and without ever mentioning that his mother met with her today.

Then it’s time to play who’s-in-focus-now with Ye-won and Yoon-ha, with the older of the sisters casually informing the other that she can date who she likes, but her marriage will be arranged. Yoon-ha gives her the same spiel about marrying who she wants, prompting Ye-won to asks if she’s going to marry Joon-ki.

“I want to, but I don’t know if he does,” Yoon-ha confesses. But then she brings up the scandal with Taejin Cosmetics, claiming Kyung-joon told her about it. She relates how she’d responded to his “Be kind and succeed” advice with her own: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” It’s clearly a warning to Ye-won that she doesn’t pick up on.

But Ye-won does call her out on everything else regarding her future in the company, and actually holds Yoon-ha accountable for saying one thing and then frequently doing another. Her biggest concern now is that Yoon-ha will start work next week with no prior experience and make things difficult for everyone. She could’ve said it nicer, but she’s certainly not being unfair.

Yoon-ha gets a call from Joon-ki’s ex-girlfriend asking her to meet so she can tell her what kind of person Joon-ki really is. Yoon-ha says she only believes what she can see and doesn’t need to meet her, thankyouverymuch. But her curiosity ends up getting the best of her.

Because of Chang-soo’s mother, the two former best friends get to take an awkward car ride to work together. At least Chang-soo is frank when he says, “No matter how I think of it, I was sincere toward you. But you used me?” Joon-ki votes that they settle this like men: to the thunderdome/bike track!

While Chairman Jang’s secretary gives Lady Kim a bizarre and unexplained warning regarding her otherwise loyal maid, Ji-yi receives an unwanted call from Chang-soo’s mother requesting a meeting.

Yoon-ha meets with Joon-ki’s ex, who explains that he just uses women for money to help his low income family. Yoon-ha rejects this “advice,” making sure to tell her before she leaves that she can totally see why Joon-ki broke up with her.

The boys settle their score through a bicycle race to a rendition of Oasis’ “Wonderwall,” and though Chang-soo gives his best, he’s unable to defeat Joon-ki now that he’s no longer making any concessions to him.

Now that Chang-soo knows how not-fun it is to lose, Joon-ki reminds him that he lost on purpose almost every time. But he finally says those words Chang-soo’s always wanted to hear, and means it: “I like you.”

He admits that he chose Chang-soo because he thought he could get the furthest that way, and used available opportunities (like protecting him from high school bullies) to his advantage.

Chang-soo shakes his head and wonders how he thought Joon-ki was a good person, when in reality he was just clinging to powerful people he thought he could benefit from. Joon-ki claims that’s no different from how rich people build connections, and calls out the hypocrisy inherent in Chang-soo viewing him as “cheap” for doing the same thing he’d do, just with less money.

However, he knows Chang-soo is innocent and different from other chaebols, which is why they became friends. Chang-soo still sees what Joon-ki did as a major betrayal when he considered him family.

Joon-ki lays it down thick when he starts going into how Chang-soo’s sense of elitism makes him think he can take other people’s hearts whenever he wants, when that couldn’t be any further from the truth.

“You can’t overcome yourself,” he adds. “You won’t be able to marry Lee Ji-yi. It’s not because your family opposes it or because someone is stopping you. It’s because you yourself can’t allow it. You will never be able to overcome your classism.” Gee Joon-ki, tell us what’s really on your mind.

To all of that, Chang-soo shoots back, “You don’t know me. When I set my mind to something, I can change.” Unsurprisingly, Joon-ki seems to disagree. However, if Chang-soo should prove himself worthy, Joon-ki will hold the metaphorical hand he might extend to him. But only if it will benefit him.

He cites his love for his family as his reasoning for doing what he’s doing, because if he doesn’t lift them out of poverty, no one will. And he can’t stand the idea that they could delude themselves into thinking they’re happy while living that poorly.

Chang-soo brings up the big question on everyone’s mind: What does this all mean for the girl who loves him? Joon-ki claims he’s given it a lot of thought, and has decided that though his motives were dishonest, the process of wooing her wasn’t.

“I love Yoon-ha,” he admits. So there—he’s laid himself bare in front of Chang-soo just like he wanted. Is he happy now?

In her second meeting with Ji-yi, Chang-soo’s mother pulls out Evil Chaebol Mother Manipulation Tactic #27a, and makes her feel guilty for what’s been and will be taken away from Chang-soo should he continue to date her. If Ji-yi doesn’t want to see him ruined, she’ll break up with him for his own good.

But Mom doesn’t let her son off the hook either, since she calls to tell him that he can ease Ji-yi’s suffering by just ending things with her. Chang-soo calls Ji-yi, who hides the fact that she’s crying and lies that absolutely nothing’s wrong. She does have something she wants to say to him though. Ruh roh.

Ji-yi says what she needs to say fast, lest she lose the courage: “Let’s break up,” she cries. She tried to resist, and wouldn’t have given in just because his mother is scary—but when she found out that she was affecting his future…

“Okay, let’s break up,” Chang-soo cuts in, taking Ji-yi by surprise. She can’t tell him that she was hoping he’d offer some dissent, but she’s devastated that he doesn’t.

But then the funniest thing happens: Both of them stubbornly refuse to be the first to leave. They take this whole thing very seriously until the sky opens up and starts pouring rain. Still, they stand rooted to the ground, only now it’s beginning to dawn on them that they look ridiculous.

Chang-soo picks up on the mood before asking if they have to break up today. A lightbulb goes off over Ji-yi’s head as she catches on, and realizes aloud that it IS raining. And they can’t break up on a rainy day, right?

So they don’t, and run together through the summer storm hand in hand until they reach the car. Chang-soo echoes Ji-yi’s earlier thought that they shouldn’t break up when the weather is bad…

…Before swooping in for a kiss. Ji-yi returns the sentiment with gusto, and when Chang-soo pulls away to invite her to stay with him today, he definitely means exactly what you think he means.

Yoon-ha pays a visit to Mama Lee, who confronts her in the gentlest and nicest way possible about hiding her chaebol past from her. At least she doesn’t hold it against her, and instead celebrates that Yoon-ha turned out so well in spite of her wealth.

They both laugh and share compliments, but one of Mama Lee’s stops Yoon-ha dead in her tracks: “You look just like you did when you were little.”

Yoon-ha blinks and asks how Mama Lee knows what she looked like back then, only for the older woman to say that she saw her in one of Joon-ki’s photos. She’ll show her, even. Ohhhhh no.

She takes Yoon-ha to the drawer where Joon-ki keeps his dossier on her, but doesn’t understand why Yoon-ha suddenly looks so afraid.

Yoon-ha finds an excuse to leave the apartment so she can be waiting downstairs to confront Joon-ki. He stops, and she looks up at him…


Based on Yoon-ha’s inherently unpredictable nature, I’m going to make a conscious effort not to get ahead of myself on this one—I can really see this resolving one of two ways: Either Joon-ki denies that there’s any nefarious purpose to the dossier and Yoon-ha believes him because that’s the Yoon-ha we’ve seen until now, or she uncharacteristically changes all her prior convictions about him and lets all hell break loose.

I’m all for the latter scenario personally, since Joon-ki’s made his bed and has so far gotten everyone else to lie in it but himself. All this time, we waited to hear an explanation straight from the horse’s mouth with the vague hope that our lack of empathy for Joon-ki would solve itself if only we knew what it was he really thought. Now that we do, I’m not sure if I feel more or less confused about where he’s coming from.

On the one hand, it’s been made pretty clear that Joon-ki hates rich people. On the other, we found out this episode that he also hates poor people—or more specifically, he hates poor people who don’t care enough about money and status to change their lot. It’s equal parts fascinating and bizarre that the idea of his family being happy with their current income is so disdainful to him that he’d rather live as a professional leech (or “social ladder climber”) than see them fall into that blackest of holes from which there is no return, otherwise known as living.

Which isn’t to say that ambition is bad, or that Joon-ki’s committing some sin by wanting the best for him and his family. It’s just that it all feels like more moral grandstanding from him, where he once again knows better than everyone else and feels totally righteous in making decisions for others without consulting anyone but himself. Money is great and all, but if Joon-ki thinks that some arbitrary amount of it will help solve the shame he feels toward his family (especially his father), then he’s got more growing up to do than Chang-soo.

It’s a good thing that he made things semi-right with Chang-soo by finally being honest with him, but I do wonder if Joon-ki hears himself when he calls Chang-soo elitist before he inevitably says something super elitist. Chang-soo’s not perfect, but we haven’t exactly been given evidence that he’s the big bad wolf Joon-ki makes him out to be—so watching him listen to Joon-ki’s monologue of “You can’t, you won’t, and you never ever will” with just a whimper of dissent wasn’t easy. I hope Chang-soo becomes his own man and proves Joon-ki wrong on every count. And that he doesn’t reach out for Joon-ki’s metaphorical hand when he does.

Last but not least, Chang-soo + Ji-yi = ♥. Yoon-ha’s family drama can wait until next week.


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yoonha and chansoo couple hwaiting


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Am i first


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Awww hahah at least im second!!! My love for the second leads was solidified in the episode. Their barely-5 minute (???) cut from break up to SUPER HOT make out made my day ugh!!!

What the flying fork was that respecting what i want to hear line from yoon-ha? It made me cringe. Her character devt is weird.

Meanwhile.. i do like it that joon-ki is talking about his genuine beliefs and emotions, but i wonder how he'll handle yoon-ha's predicament this time. It would seem too forced and planned when he suddenly confesses that he does love her- which is sad because he really finally does....




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sad to say but i totally agree. i was expecting a bit more grand and meaningful from High Society but without the second lead i think the story will be all about bitterness with the so called born on the golden spoon love story rich girl-poor guy trap story in monotonous way. I'm not against the characters its more on the story lines. Unlike I remember you it keeps me wanting to speculate what will happen next to both the lead and please include all the supporting actors it's good to keep them in mind always which part are they playing. It may be short but their roles are marking every time they have their parts
Sigh..i really wanted High Society to be good but the script is killing me...Writer-nim do something please.


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Idk but when he told CS that he loved YH I could only think, do you really? I saw that he's falling for YH but love? With all we've seen of JK I can only doubt his statement. Its sad that I couldn't even trust his admission to CS.


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Seconded. I remember you>>>>>>>> High society. I'm now only following the recaps for HS, which are far more entertaining then show at this point.


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While I'm still watching this show, I Remember You is far more coherent, thought provoking, and exciting. I hope that show gains some more Korean watchers so the rating reflect that more.


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I watched the first 2 episodes but I'm afraid that Scandinavian dramas of that genre are so much better. I get my fluff my Korean dramas.


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If you guys like the more hardcore crime dramas, go watch Hidden Identity too! I'm watching all 3 Mon-Tues dramas (HS, ,IRY, and HI) and I love all 3 of them!


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I agree Yoon Ha/Joon Gi's story is a less cohesive version of The Innocent Man, hopefully she won't get amnesia.
I find Chang Soo and Ji Yi cute although they're not the main reason I'm watching, especially now that they got into the whole angst because mom opposes part.
Curious as to what will happen now that Yoon Ha found the files. If Ye Won goes to jail in the end, who will be in charge of the company? If we assume Oppa is not dead, will he want to go back to the same place where he was before? If he does, then I don't get whole point of the fakeout. Unless it wasn't a fakeout and he really had an accident and is living somewhere with amnesia or something.


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Less cohesive, and also less fun. Innocent Man/Nice Guy had the benefit of great lead actors, and Joong Ki can pull off brooding awesomely. For all its flaws and craziness, Nice Guy at least had more consistent, if unhinged, characters, and we could mostly follow the craziness of their actions. And most importantly, I cared about the characters, one way or another.

Whereas here, I'm still not sure what justification Joon-Ki has for being Joon-Ki, Chang-Soo's offensive and deeply rooted elitism makes me always only half-like him. Still, I like that I feel something toward CS.

The biggest problem for me now is that I'm indifferent to the main couple, and the characters. CS is interesting enough to follow, and JY (for all her cuteness) is sometimes compelling too, but the rest really pale.

Also LOL at the idea of oppa living off-screen with amnesia.


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Yeah, Innocent Man was definitely on another league in the feels department, and it had better actors too. High Society aims to be more grounded in reality I guess, but something is not quite clicking and the end result is kind of messy.


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"hopefully she won't get amnesia"

I bursted out laughing here in my work place and now I can't explain to my coworkers why this is so funny. xD


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At this point the only reason I'm continuing to watch this drama is for the secondary romance. Unfortunately, I've seen way too many dramas where the secondary romance HEA was sacrificed (for example, King 2 Hearts and City Hunter) in order to have final episode angst. If only one couple gets a HEA, I'm rooting for Chang-soo/Ji Yi. All of the storylines related to the chaebol families (h's family, second male lead's family and h's father's mistress) are a complete waste of time as they have made the characters so unlikable that none deserve any happiness or success. Actually, so far Chang Soo's mother hasn't becomes as nasty as most chaebol mothers (doesn't dislike Ji Yi for being poor but for her lack of education - which you know can be fixed). Seems like the H's mother was being passive/aggressive in showing the picture which her son had in a lock door (which she must have know was locked for a reason).


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Exactly what I thought, also. Seems like Mama Lee did it "accidentally on purpose" to reveal what was under lock and key.

Well, that's what we wanted, no? Now her little boy will not get his candy and can come back to his love-filled, destitute home. HEA!!


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I was surprised to see HeadsNo2 type " Chang-soo + Ji-yi = ♥ " but after the initial surprise, I thought to myself "why should I be surprised? That's the truth."


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I like that I finally know what make Joon Ki tick. It's just that I don't sympathize with him.

I am so looking forward to Yoon Ha's revenge. I'm pretty sure she's going to get him back, because she's not dumb enough not to believe the evidence. Plus she had her brother try and bankrupt a woman just because the lady was mean to her.

Changsoo - JiYi. Sigh! So cool!

If CS decides to give up his wealth for JY it will be totally the best move a hero ever made. Simply because they've built him up to judge a person by their wealth. So he'll not just be giving up his wealth, he'll be giving up his self worth.

Anyone else feel a little hot when Changsoo goes "Do you want to spend the day with me?"

His voice was like butter!


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Mmmmmm As much as I'd like them to "take things to the next level", I'm not so sure it's a wise step with everything up in the air and unresolved as it is. Is he hoping that getting Ji Yi pregnant would soften mama's mind? I see heartache down the road if she gets pregnant like that so he'd better be protected.

If Chang Soo dumps his wealth to marry Ji Yi without working out the details, it would be one of the most stupid things he will ever do, and he will come to resent her with time. Almighty Love is only great on paper, in romance novels, and movies, but it certainly cannot feed a hungry stomach!

What Chang Soo should do, is what Yoon ha is planning to do: make himself independently well off and self supporting so he can legitimately tell his interfering mother to F off and do so without looking back, regretting his loss of wealth, and resenting his girl.


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coulldn't have said it better!


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Another juxtoposition!!! Chang Soo may just dump wealth and marry without working out the details whereas we see Yoon Ha planning far in advance before she ever dumps anything of he chaebol life LOL! So Yoon Ha's way is actually more rational and mature in this sense.

I hope she'll think it through before she dumps JK for lying to her!!! :)


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It would serve him right if she dumps him after he realizes that he's fallen for her.

He is a self righteous, judgemental prig. He looks down on Chang Soo for being in the very class he is dying to be a part of!


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Oh yes...JK's dying to be in the elite class..he did promised himself that..." your reality is my dream...just wait, I'll reach there"...

But to his thinking, JK seems to think that he WON'T be like Chang Soo when he finally "arrived"...he would certainly think that since he's not brought up on the silver spoon, he won't have that elitism right down to his bone, unconsciously having that embedded superiority vibes that Chang Soo so obliviously and arrogantly carried with him. That's what made JK despise these type of people, who without thinking and 'naturally and carelessly' rides rough shot over those whom they think are beneath them, all simply because they have more money.

Rather than being 'self righteous' and 'judgemental', he is only affirming what he had observed and experienced all his life dealing and encountering such elite members of society...Chang Soo's mum and brother, the boss who bullied his father, Chang Soo himself and many other chaebols he met in his working life.




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True. It's the sensible and practical thing to do. But that would mean that he indeed still believes wealth == worth.

If he does give up his current life style for JiYi, it would end up in two ways

1) like you said, he'd be miserable and the marriage would fail.

2) he'd realize that having someone like JiYi in his life is better than having the comfort and stability of wealth. So when he does encounter situations where he misses the luxury, he still believes that he's luckier than his brother/friends/richer guys. His confidence comes from his ability to judge himself for his character(which he's now proven to himself is rock solid. Giving up wealth for love is not something everyone could do) rather than his wealth. That's a big growth. That's why I'd say he'd be a hero. Because it's not just that he chooses JiYi over his luxury. He chooses to change his outlook on life from the ground up. It near impossible.


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I think its too early to tell if CS will give up his wealth (funny im saying this when we have 6 eps left but that's slow paing for ya!). I just can't see him give it up. I feel like he'd rather strike a deal with his mom or something to stay with JY. But u never knw with k-dramas. If he gives his wealth up i'll be impressed bc its contrary to who he is. Can CS really live w/o his wealth? Even his mom noted that.


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Maybe I just really like sung joon, but I always expected this to be his motives and I agree with him to an extent. Okay, so he marries Yoon ha pretending to be her perfect boyfriend to get ahead....and? What happens next? He pretends to be perfect until he dies? If it's the long con, and that's his plan, I don't see a fault outside of the lack in sincerity. Because if I pretend to be rich, the consequence is that people will find that I'm not. There's a physical ceiling because i dont have the mone to keep up the act. However, if someone pretends to be an asshole (even though they have a heart of gold), they are an asshole. Period. So why can't the same go for being nice? I think it does.


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I don't think that's what Joon Ki is saying; I actually think most of his behavior has been somewhat genuine, and the real problem is that he's not been honest about motivation or what he knew when. He's got a couple of really good points nested inside all of the defensive, reactionary BS.

I think he genuinely doesn't see what he's doing as that different from a marriage meeting. While Chan Soo and Yoon Ha get set up by matchmakers and parents and decide if they want to form a partnership, Joon Ki is somewhat choreographing the meeting himself, but he's not being a total jerk. As we saw with the previous girlfriend, he's not willing to sell his soul: if the girl is mean to his family, she's out. He's not a gold digger looking for a wealthy woman's money; he's a guy who is limiting his dating prospects to wealthy women, but the woman still matters.

What's different is that the calculations any chaebol would naturally do before a marriage meeting or dating are seen as underhanded when done by Joon Ki. The hitch is that Joon Ki is being essentially dishonest about what he knew when he and Yoon Ha met, or at least lying by omission, while Chan Soo has the cover of his class to do exactly the same research and being able to be open about it ("I'm going to marry her to improve my standing").

I don't think the role is written or acted particularly well, but Joon Ki actually represents a kind of fascinating cultural clash: the class where marriages are still arranged like business mergers and accepted as such, and the much more modern and pervasive marriage for love. Joon Ki is aware that his class assignment means that he can't act like Chan Soo does without repercussions, and he finds it incredibly unjust. He's taken advantage of those opportunities he can, but they only work when Chan Soo views them through an unthreatening lens. In Joon Ki's eyes, the rich have rigged the world so that any attempt for someone like Joon Ki to climb the ladder openly will result in him being cast off - and the thing is, HE'S RIGHT.

And yet again, Yoon Ha ends up on the bottom of the list of reasons why I watch this show, which is ironic given her family's prominence in the storyline.


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the point is JK want to be the high society just like CS by marriage wealthy family who he loves and loves him too, he just meet girl or fall for girl that doesn't want to be in high society,
hence, he still with the girl because he still wants to get the "love" and the status without sacrificing either one of it, he is being greedy


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Yeah, it's frustrating that we're not getting a good read of what Joon Ki is thinking about Yoon Ha's desire to leave the company. If his plan is to live off of his wife's money, then Yoon Ha's got him covered, but leaving the company would also have knock-on effects socially, especially if she marries him. Will he be happy with a financial ceiling?

And Madame Min's got an ace in her pocket, which I suspect is "your father was just like Joon Ki, and look at what he's become". I get the feeling that Madame Min was initially the wealthy party.


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JK is in no way wants to live off a wife.

If anything what he wanted the most is power and status that allows him to protect his family and pull them up.

YH having plenty of money doesn't really affect him.
He said it himself to CS that he wanted to be a second man. Because he realise there is limit to how high he can climb as someone who is born poor. So if YH want to be free of high society, he can work as CS second man. That will do. marrying YH simply bring his the prestige and status as Taejin Son-in-law so ppl won't be able to look down on his family as easily as before.

@miranda I totally agree with you. JK is prepared to treat YH well for the rest of his life because he choose YH not just because she is rich, but also because she is nice to his family, that to him trumps whatever background. Lady is from.


agree with the madam min saying, it kinda like saying "I once loved your father too, but the way he view this world is wrong",
also SJ still doesn't sell JK character


I think that's where the conflict in JoonKi lies. He wants YoonHa to do certain things for him to get certain monetary and social benefits, but YoonHa usually decides otherwise, causing him to like her more and more.

It's a battle between what he thinks is a logical desire for power and his emotions.


@Miranda - Ooooo!! Are you telepathic or something. You're reading my mind, I swear. So many hints along the way that Mme. Min and Chairman were like YH and JK forty years ago. The tragedy is what happened during those years.

And how about Chairman's tears (ok, I'll admit, crying while eating in kdramas always gets to me)? It must hurt to know that "heartless" conversation was his legacy to his only son. And to know what his son thought about that.


@Miranda - You took the words right out of my mouth. Thanks.


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Rereading this, I think we're almost saying the same thing - I think the key is whether or not Joon Ki is playing a long con game, and I tend to look at his relationship with the previous girlfriend as proof he's not a total conman.

I don't think he'd go ahead with a marriage unless he thought it was a good one, not just financially but personally and for his family. I also don't think he's been pretending emotionally - everything Yoon Ha saw from him was real. It's just that the ratios are off: what Yoon Ha sees as 100% sincerity is actually a sliding sincerity/calculation scale (though I don't think insincerity is part of that mix at all, which is JK's saving grace; he doesn't fake it).

Joon Ki's ultimate problem is not that he's been actively deceiving Yoon Ha, but that he's been lying by omission. I think that goes for emotions as well - he's genuinely liked Yoon Ha, she's just not aware of the other set of emotions he's not showing her. With Yoon Ha, that's going to be a problem because she's got a very romantic view of how love and marriage work.

The newspaper article is driving me insane because it is such a rookie mistake and because I have no idea why Joon Ki did it. It's going to lead to his downfall, versus all of his care in not being the pursuer. I have no idea why it was important to quickly out Yoon Ha at the supermarket, and what advantage Joon Ki got from it.


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The initial plot summary excites me because i thought JK will be a very interesting character. But after 10 eps, I am very disappointed.

i just feel that JK's character would be more interesting if he is more "evil". I don't like his intention of being not sincere/dishonest to CS and YH at first, but other than that he is not a very bad person. Somehow this bothers me, as I find his character very bland this way. So his ambition is just to know rich people and climb up the social ladder? He doesn't mind being second to the chaebol, definitely not ambitious enough for me to like him.

I actually would like to see CS and YH work together ( not in the romantic way just friends ) and help each other gain status and power in their respective family. I actually thought the plot will have CS and YH proceed with engagement and see how JY and JK react but given only 6 eps left, totally impossible.

CS/JY remains the reason why I still watch this drama. I like PHS's acting and their chemistry and it is great to see CS slowly changing. But their stories are not that complicated hence less exciting.

I guess having 2 pairings can be good and bad. The good thing is people can root for different couple and watch the drama. But the bad point is you need to sacrifice character development for all the characters since you need to tell 2 love stories.

6 eps left i still don't know what is going to be the climax for this drama. Are we just going to watch a drama with kisses and shower scenes?


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There's something off in the acting/writing mix of JK's character, because there's actually something fascinating about the way he works. Unfortunately he's coming across as more of a psychopath than anything because all we see are his manipulations, without any of the internal conflict.

It looks like Joon Ki saw the treatment of his father and very early on decided to become wealthy. He then saw that the wealthy buy their way into everything and then only stick with each other. He probably also saw that the wealthy reject any attempts of the non-wealthy to either challenge or befriend them. So this has been a personality flaw twenty years in the making: Joon Ki decided that the only way he could improve his standing is to use a chaebol's techniques while being very careful to never ever look like he's pretending to be a chaebol. And now that's going to make him look like a two-faced, duplicitous jerk... Which in some ways is true, but in other ways is a societal restriction that unfairly applies only to his class.

The newspaper article is going to bring him down, that was stupid and it's especially stupid since we have no idea why he did it and why an incredibly smart man would jump the gun like that. Joon Ki has been very careful about positioning himself well and then taking advantage of opportunity, but not actively making himself the aggressor in any of these situations. Yoon Ha can never claim that he pursued her. But... that article's timing was dumb on his part, and for the life of me I still can't figure out why he did it. And it's what's going to hamstring him in the long run.


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But… that article’s timing was dumb on his part, and for the life of me I still can’t figure out why he did it.

YoonHa was gonna cut herself off her family (and thereby lose "his" fortune and standing). By releasing the article, he effectively ties her to her family for all eternity in the eyes of everyone in South Korea. So she's forced to stay, at least for a while. Although YoonHa being YoonHa, she's made it such that she stayed because there's ~suddenly~ something wrong with oppa's disappearance.


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But the timing of the article was so bizarre! If she was determined to leave it wouldn't have stopped her, and the way it was framed it didn't come across as a casual conversation Joon Ki was having but a very specifically set meeting to exchange a scoop. It's not going to hold up to any scrutiny.

He's a careful man so I have no idea why he rushed that. Was it truly important that he leave her at home in bed to do that? She wasn't saying "I'm going home tonight to cut ties with my family".


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... I don't get what's so bizarre about that timing...

You mean just because she's at his home he can't go out?

With such things, the earlier it is revealed, the better, because trapping her while she's still in the family is better than revealing it when she's gone and therefore making it have no impact.

The issue is that by revealing the news, regardless of whether YoonHa leaves the family or not, she's always going to be TaeJin Group's daughter to the rest of South Korea, no matter what she does, which limits her activity and in the ends ties her back with her family. If she hasn't left, she'll be limited more and therefore tied even tighter to her family than if she had left and had become independent.


(Also, JoonKi is not a master manipulator. He might think he is but he's not as you've very aptly put it above that he is not insincere, which pure manipulators are.)


Joon Ki's managed to stick close to Chan Soo for twenty years, even with CS's mom hovering with an eagle eye - he's also been extremely good about not ever placing himself in the position of asking for something, he's always the one granting. He's not a psychopath, but he is far more adept at manipulation than most.

The timing is dangerous precisely because of how careful Joon Ki has been about never being the one to pursue, and never lying but instead omitting. There are other ways he could have gotten info about Yoon Ha's parentage out, they would have required a week of lead time or so, but they would have been less traceable to him. As it is, he seems to have gone directly to a school friend and flat-out told him that Yoon Ha is a chaebol, while also denying that they've got a relationship - while Yoon Ha is at home in his bed. If Yoon Ha looks into timestamps and puts pieces together, she's going to realize how and when that happened.

It was clumsy and hasty and unnecessary, even with the dubious benefit of tying Yoon Ha to her family while she's not yet declared independence. He's a planner and he had time, and he jumped the gun for reasons I still don't get.


I am actually very frustrated by SJ's acting. I think the writing could be a problem, but his acting really makes it worse. I may sound mean, but I think I really prefer actors to only take on lead roles when they are ready. It is frustrating because the main plot revolves around YH and JK but SJ cannot deliver this complex character. Park Seo Joon the initial candidate is definitely a better choice, too bad he rejected the role.

SJ should probably goes for more acting classes or like PHS, act in weekend drama and learn from the veteran actors. I see great improvement from PHS after the weekend drama and that drama only ended a few months earlier. PHS might overacts in some scenes but he nailed most of the important scenes. Even though CS is a flawed character, because PHS can deliver nuanced emotion, I feel more for his character.


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I agree. There's a disconnect between SJ and the writers - they're assuming he'll do some of the heavy lifting, and he's not diving deep enough in his characterization.

PHS has the easier role, but he's also doing really well with it. So I can't land everything on SJ's doorstep, because he is constrained by a very secretive character and isn't getting standalone scenes to really expose his internal thought process, like PHS is.


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Back to the timing of the article. I thought it had to do with a combination of keeping YH as the chaebol daughter fixed in everyone's mind AND improving the scandal/corruption-fill Group's image before the public. After all, it's not everyday that a chaebol daughter works PT. Chairman's secretary even mentioned the possibility of spinning that angle of the story.

At first, I was confused and outraged by JK meeting with the reporter. But then I figured cunning, shrewd, strategic JK must have had good reason to do it. A reason that would not only benefit him, but YH and her family's company. Of course, it will probably backfire soon.


@min rather than being mean, I find ur comment quite honest. While im sorta starting to somewhat like JK now, I do believe that SJ's portrayal is just not strong enuff. Even with poor writing an audience can still like a character if the actor brings all the needed charm and believability to his role. Take YH's dad for example. While he's written to look cold and unloving, the actor's portrayal of him actually makes me like him more. With the facial expressions he does I just can't take him seriously. And I've grown to like the dynamic between YH and him. They get each other and respect each other's decisions. I've seen 4 dramas with SJ as a major character but still haven't grown to like seeing his acting. He's okay but I usually don't enter into his dramas expecting much from him. But I've always tried giving the benefit of the doubt nonetheless. I want to like him but his portrayals never wow me.


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Hyungshik looks gorgeous! sigh


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Bwahaha, I had to comment- I think Park Hyung shik looks really good in this kdrama, floppy hair and all! (I'm actually just really enjoying his character in general) My sister does not like his hair....she says it reminds her too much of 90s leading men hair.

Now superficial (but nonetheless important!) points aside, all of this talk of class and elitism and money has actually reminded me of The House of Mirth. That book also dealt with the exact same issues just in the setting of 1870s New York. This comment in particular by HeadsNo2 "It’s equal parts fascinating and bizarre that the idea of his family being happy with their current income is so disdainful to him that he’d rather live as a professional leech (or “social ladder climber”) than see them fall into that blackest of holes from which there is no return, otherwise known as living." triggered this thought. In House of Mirth, Rosedale is a character that does the same thing Joonki is doing- essentially trying to climb the social ladder and will leach onto anyone who will have him and help him. But he's depicted as a bit slimy and unpleasant, whereas Joon ki is played by a hot 6'2 actor, and some of that "unpleasantless" of his social climbing is therefore mitigated in the audience's eyes. If anything Rosedale's character is very upfront about his desires to "climb the social ladder" and in that aspect was straight and on the level with the heroine, Lily Bart. In contrast, Joon ki has never been straight with her and probably never would have about his initial motivations in approaching her. Just wanted to point out how interesting it is that the trope that is usually relegated to minor character status is used for the hero here.


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and i didnt expected to watch his hot kissing scene! he was noona's dongsaeng in my eyes years ago.. time flies so fast.. now.. he got the important role, and he showed us what idols should act. siwan and hyunshik are ones of rarely great idols-turn-actors. not even a fan of ze:a, his name is more big than ze:a itself..


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i was thinking he kinda like LSG his path of career as actor would be probably be the same as him.well not for any reason beside being successful but I would really like that to happen. he's a good actor....sorry to siwan fans but i really prefer him.


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I remember reading articles comparing the two. Coincidentally, LSG chose PHS as 'post-Lee Seung Gi".

I think PHS is talented, he really improved a lot. I think with more guidance, he will be a very good actor. Not sure if he will ever reach LSG's height ( LSG is super popular), but i guess there are no doubts he will score a lead role eventually.


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Watching Changsoo and Jiyi moments and the behind-the-scene videos on Youtube makes me reaaallly hope that PHS and LJY have actual feelings for each other because IT SURE SEEMS THAT WAY. HOLY COW THAT CHEMISTRY AND ATTRACTION AND THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER. It can't all be acting, can it?


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I read somewhere that PSH is a real chaebol , if he and LJW have real relationship, then it will be the way it is on-screen, she is an R-rated film actress... No offence to LJW , just a thought, she is way better in acting than Uee, she made a dull character interesting and Uee made the interesting character boring :P


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she is an R-rated film actress

Wow, you say it like she's a porn star... she's not. It was a reputable film...

Man, this is why ladies/actresses should never/ are afraid to bare it all regardless of how deperate they are for jobs. They'll get discounted from then on, no matter what they do.


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Sorry I did not mean to insult her, I was actually curious why she has been casted as a 2nd lead then also beside Uee, in films she can be lead but in drama she can't??? Why???

I was equally curious about it, because it should not be a big deal in Korea, where it is common in movies.... But it is sad that they may not treat actors and actresses the same


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Nah, just pointing out the cruelty of today's society and its expectations.

She was lead in that film only because the film director liked her ~melancholy~ face/figure.

She's second lead now because she only has one not-box-office-exploding character on her resume and she's not an idol.


@ Peeps Yeah, it's a really unfortunate after effect of being a woman in the entertainment industry. Poor LJY probably gets slammed by crazy Z:EA fans for tainting their oppa. I personally like LJY's acting and I hope she gets more lead roles!


An R-rated actress. So being bold about intimate scenes earn her a label but Song Seung-Heon who starred in those same scenes is respectable, right! Oh, other than the label that film also earned her a Baksaeng nomination and won her Korean Association of Film Critics Award. I guess those don't count, right!


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HS is rather well off but not chaebol (as I knew) since he once said his mom had save most of his money (like from family, birthday, any of his income ) briefly since childhood and give it in full as his when he turn 18, so he has a lot of money as trainee and kwanghee start the rumor, not that I dislike kwanghaee, it is a misunderstanding since he has too much money for trainee at the time


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Hid dad does have a high position in a car company...though i'm not sure if he's the CEO or not...but it wasn't until Kwanghee mention abt Hyungsik's riches, that the entertainment industry actually gave Hyungsik opportunities to be on shows which he used wisely and gained fame with his effort. if anything it only shows the obsession with social status and money that it took that reason to get him on the shows. Kwanghee did good in promoting his talented members. He probably promoted them more than their own company lol.


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I just knew a bit of that since I watch an episode with Kwanghee about it, thanks for additional info
and true, he did promote his member heavily, He is working hard and now many of ZE:A got famous but their group is still stagnant


Hyungsik comes from a well to do family but he said he doesn't think he can be considered a chaebol. His dad is one of the board of directors of BMW Korea.

I don't think his social status got him any real jobs other than talking about it during group interviews. It didn't got him any real jobs or personal interviews. His social status doesn't really help him in his career at all. In fact, it undermines his effort as people always misunderstood that he is rich and that is why he got more opportunities which is far from the truth.

He got noticed in Romantic Idol ( his company get two members to attend for both seasons, so no preferential treatment) , PD loved him. People noticed him and he got his role in Sirius through audition. His performance in Sirius got him the audition chance for Nine. He was well liked by the production and they recommended him to audition for Real Men. It was until Real Men that Hyungsik really gotten his break and people started giving him more chances. Real Men got the writer of What's up with the Family to notice him and recommended him to act as the youngest son. His performance in turn leads to him being cast in High Society.

Hyungsik doesn't get jobs due to his social status. He doesn't depend on his family. He ate one meal of noodles a day when he didn't have any work to do. He doesn't even own a car after debuting for years because his dad wanted him to use his own hard earn money to buy his own car. (He probably have one now but he is very low profile ) . If he is able to use the social status to get jobs, he wouldn't be getting so few jobs during the first 3-4 years after debut. In the past, their company initially pushed Dongjun and their leader Junyong to the limelight, not him.


@ Sophia

Claps for you!! A true PHS fan ^^

I completely agree. PHS is no chaebol, he has admitted so in various interviews. He seems bashful about it too, feeling bad that his dad's colleagues might talk badly about his dad (because he is overlythought to be the CEO when he's actually not).

He's a humble kid, always receiving praises for his attitude.

I'm so glad that the role of Chang-soo has helped him to shine more. Showcasing his potential - gosh, his eyes/gaze acts so well!


LOL dam it guys/girls my innocent image of her just got shattered hahah went and saw The Treacherous because I was curious after reading the comment... :) Still think she is the best part of the show character and acting wise..
But dammm that was some steamy movie.. :)


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Chan Soo is Changing!!!!! I rewind that part where Ji Yi and Chan Soo broke up to see CS was actually cried or not and man he did!!!!! And what an excuse to postpone break up ... Weather is not nice... LOL :D


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maybe other can copy this excuse when you don't really wanna break up with someone...ha ha ha ha...LOL.


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First time commenting!
Even though Yooh Ha' s character is... confusing if anything, I think that she will finally take the blinders off her eyes with reagrds Joon Ki and realise she's been played. I'm not invested in his character and I think he definitely needs a chastising, at least from the one he 'loves'...


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It didn't start out that way, but I am wayyyyy more invested in the Jiyi + Changsoo relationship, than the OTP (blah, in comparison).

That rainy car scene :) ... lol, deja-vu (m'ries of Lim Ji-yeon and Seong Seung-Hyun in Obsessed the movie.).
Sorry SSH but I think it might feel a whole sexier with Changsoo too!


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Same here. I am just not seeing any real connection with the supposed OTP's. He is dishonest, she fell for him in about 12 minutes, and I see zero chemistry there.

Ji Yi seems much more real a person to me.


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... ^^ " she fell for him in about 12 minutes"

- Yupz, which also makes us question her supposed strength and daring to go against the expected conventional norm personality. When he can just render Ms Cynical school-girly gullible and impressed in those 12 short mins. WTH?

... ^ "metaporical" or unintentionally otherwise ... it just triggered that scene from the movie in my perverted mind.

Good scene with this OTP though. They managed to get me invested in their relationship and their car kiss was sexy.

I couldn't care less anymore whatever happens to the bland OTP and Joon Ki's plans to climb the social ladder.

(NOT that I found Obsessed in any way sexy = there was something lacking in that movie. They did/postulated all the right moves in their bed scenes and SSH was his usual cool self with his smouldering brows. Rhe movie just didn't build-up into 'sexy' standard (well for me anyways. and don't get me wrong - I do like SSH! :P = have always did, eversince 2001 and Autumn's Tale)


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Lol, exactly what I was thinking. Lim Ji-Yeon inside a car while raining made me think "Is this supposed to be a metaphor for them having sex?"


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Whenever I watch this show I try to remember the lens of social expectation. Saying no to the parents is one thing and everyone (even oldest sister) seems to brush it off, but ACTUALLY defying them about their marriage order is a whole order of different.

'Yoon-ha: “I’m saying that I will only respect words I want to hear.” What now? Did that really just come out of her mouth? “I told you before,” Yoon-ha continues matter-of-factly, “I’m going to marry who I want.”'

I don't know why this is so shocking. What Yoon-ha is really saying is she's going to do what she wants so Drunken Momma can either agree with lip service or just shut up. Yoon-ha has basically worn down her dad instead of him wearing her down.

I actually find the 2 guys pretty interesting. They keep exposing their flaws at each other but it's in a way that sort of exposes a rough spot that needs to be sanded down. I really liked how Ji-Yi had told Chang-soo what she thought of his ideas about working with a "friend" but still being "over" him. You could kind of see he was starting to see her point. But then Joon-Ki opened his mouth up and stuck his foot in up to the hip. But still... they're making each other think.

I just can't wait until Older Brother comes back from his obviously-faked-death vacation in Mexico.


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"I will only respect words I want to hear” is pretty much what Mom has been saying to Yoon Ha her entire life (when not actively telling her she hates her), so that was weirdly satisfying - she's basically telling her mom that she's background noise.

That said, I also expected Mom to hit her so hard she went clean through the drywall.

Chan Soo is no saint, but the fact that he keeps circling back to Joon Ki is really endearing. He won't punish Joon Ki for his deception (or let anyone else punish him), and is also actually listening to everything Joon Ki says. I think you're right that it's a sanding-down process, and while we can see Chan Soo working everything through, I'd really like Joon Ki to register that Chan Soo could've cut him off and left him in the dust but didn't, and is even going out of his way to try and understand. He showed some sign of that by admitting he likes Chan Soo, but... Come on, Joon Ki. You have a better friend than you deserve at the moment.


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The thing about Chang Soo circling Joon Ki, I agree. He is at least listening to what others have to say about his so called actions all those years. I think Joon Ki completely overlooked the very faint sound of sincerity in Chang Soo's voice when he said that he is capable of changing if he tries. Chang Soo still lacks confident to do that and to me it felt like he was asking Joon Ki to show some faith in him. He chose not to do that. And Joon Ki is still mystery to me. He admits that Chang Soo is far better than the other so he latched on to him but then he says he liked him too. How do you like a person, pretend to be his friend and yet despise him?? And the way he completely hates the fact that his parents are happy is too extreme. Sure, he doesn't like to get comfortable with what he has and wants to succeed but I still don't see why his feeling are so extreme. I would really appreciate some insight on to that.


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I don't think he pretended to be a friend... His feelings about the friendship were just much more nuanced than Chang Soo realized. He approached friendship with Chang Soo much the way he did dating with Yoon Ha: "I want a relationship with a person who can aid me, so I'm narrowing down the pool and out of the eligible set, I have picked this individual as the one I like best". Sort of like online dating where you say you want a college graduate who lives 5 miles away, and then pick the best of that group. I'm pretty sure that's how Joon Ki sees it, but both Chang Soo and Yoon Ha are likely to see it as gold digging.

I also don't think he hates that his parents are happy; it's the fact that they willingly believe others to be more important/worthy than they are drives him nuts. He's a proud man who has a strong sense of justice, and the way society is structured makes him boil over. On one hand he gets why his parents act that way, since society is rigged. On the other he thinks his parents and family are wonderful, and wants better for them. So he's trying to work within the rigged system to liberate his parents from what he sees as humiliation.

Since society doesn't work as a meritocracy, where Joon Ki's intelligent father would be able to do more than be screamed at by spoilt entitled jerks, Joon Ki is accepting society's limitations only to the extent that he recognize they exist and need to be manipulated for him to succeed. And I don't think he's wrong, at all - but society is ALSO rigged to punish those who try to manipulate the system to climb up, so this is all going to crash down on him if he's found out. Chang Soo alone could absolutely ruin him, if he felt like it.


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Well, when you write all that down, sure it makes sense. But how do I analyse all that in an hour long episode of a drama where Sung Joon barely ever emotes or talks. Seriously, what's up with his dialogue delivery, he sounds far more condescending than others to be honest with the tone he uses. His character is what you call a true laconic. Its like he has build a wall between him and the viewers, you can't peek in or else the world will be destroyed. And he is better than that. I loved him in Shut Up Flower Boy Band, this is coming from me.


I think it's an unfortunate mixture of a not-very-seasoned actor paired with writing that's relying on the actor to do a lot of the heavy lifting.

The actor playing Chang Soo does a very good job of nuanced emotion that takes a written line and changes it into something far more layered - Sung Joon isn't there yet. The appearance of the voiceover makes me wonder if the writers have realized it's not working out and they need to give him more to work with. You know that line where Yoon Ha says he looks at her in a way that's unfathomable, and she takes it as love? As viewers, we should be able to see that "unfathomable" look slowly changing from calculation to warmth and love, but the actor's not at that level.


@ Miranda

"The actor playing Chang Soo does a very good job of nuanced emotion that takes a written line and changes it into something far more layered – Sung Joon isn’t there yet. The appearance of the voiceover makes me wonder if the writers have realized it’s not working out and they need to give him more to work with. You know that line where Yoon Ha says he looks at her in a way that’s unfathomable, and she takes it as love? As viewers, we should be able to see that “unfathomable” look slowly changing from calculation to warmth and love, but the actor’s not at that level."

yes, yeS, yES, YES!!

I felt the same vibe - "is the writer giving SungJoon more lines to express his inner thoughts because he's not expressing it externally the way she wants it?"

And you're right on point, PHS takes a traditional chaebol character and adds layers to Chang-soo. If CS was played by a mediocre actor, the second leads story would not be as interesting to watch. It'll probably be forgettable. But PHS is totally bringing out Chang-soo's character for us to (actually) see, by his acting (expressions).


congrat for the rating but I hope they don't play with people heart since now most of audience is invested for happy ending between CS and JY
hope remember you rating will increase and so does hwajung,

I feel like JK still not convincing enough or I can't root or ignore him completely, it just like he is not interesting enough as combination of acting and the character,

YH better shows that she realized it so JK understand how his parents can survive with love and just enough money in daily life,

for CS and JY, am I the only one who doesn't want they did it? it just ep 10, it feels like a mistake, it just my personal wish


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Your definitely NOT alone ara. I feel the same way. It feels too reckless, all things considered. It feels like they're going too fast.


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STP is ♥

(also hawt)


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Actually JK doesn't hate poor ppl.

He is angry toward rich ppl and other who treats his family wrongly. He wanted the power and ability to bring his family in o a place where they don't have to be intimidated and be timid simply because they are poor.

He wants his mom to be able to confidently says what she wants to says without any fear or inhibition. Which is one of the reason why he is also angry towards his dad. B cause he can't understand why as a man his dad isn't trying harder to make his family better and can simply be happy.

I'm not saying JK is a good character. He obviously have blinder ON when he view rich ppl (which is why he likes chang Soo enough to be loyal. But refuse to like him 100%)

Bout YH meeting JK EX, what YH catches is the way she talked bout JK parents. She looked down on his parents and it shows. That's what YH realises, and knowing how JK loves his family. She rightly guesses the reason JK broke up w her. Had she treated his parents the way YH treat his mom. JK would not have break up with her even though her lineage is not as "nice" as what she brag them to be.

This drama has many hints thrown everywhere and the writer expect us to find it ourselves. If you don't find it then you can completely missed the point.


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Exactly. That's my opinion too.

He doesn't hate them. He hates how vulnerable they are. Over at Mask(?) there's a line: People with money/power make others kneel. People without money/power kneel. That's the thing that's caused the chip on his shoulder. And he really cannot understand why his parents are okay with that vulnerability which is completely understandable if one is jaded enough to recognize that in this world, only the fittest survive. You might not need much power if you're not going to do much, but regardless, you're going to need some power to protect yourself and your dignity (not to mention your loved ones). What he wants is respect, from everyone, rich or not. But I think he's being too extreme.

Also, JoonKi was not wrong in his assessment of ChangSoo. As of now, the ChangSoo that has been presented to JoonKi since high school hasn't been able to overcome his ingrained classicism. He expects to win over JoonKi. He expects to win JoonKi's heart. Back then, he himself said that he can't marry JiYi, and yet he still needles her and expects that she'll date him. That ChangSoo will never be able to overcome himself. But ChangSoo's changing and this ChangSoo, with JiYi's self-improvement formula, may end up breaking out of his comfy shell and coming out into a new world.

Honestly, if this show has an interesting premise and characters but if were in the hands of a much better writer, the comments section could be filled with much discussion from arm-chair psychologists instead of people scratching their heads and being confused.


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+1 Yup.... *sigh* ... can't figure it out so can't be an armchair psychologist :( :D


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he hates rich people that gain power by connection and doing the same things without wants to be calledl out,
just because they can do it and accepted mean anybody can do it, right, but still doesn't make it is the right way,

he angry towards people who treat his family wrongly, yes , but actually a guy who uses people and work like him is the reason why most rich people look down on poor people, they didn't work with honesty, if he said that he wants climb up and still being a nice friend rather than being a supposedly nice companion and said he doesn't want to climb up yet did the opposite, then it's not a problem,

he wants the dignity but did not do the right path, it's obvious that people find him not genuine,
he became what he said he hates and still justifying his action cause his background is poor,
that makes many people can't take him seriously, and I think people understand what he going for, it's the direction and acting that contradict with how it written, that's why reading JK in recaps is so much clear than watching him, (in that way it's natural to get confused since not everyone would read recaps)


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Yes! Thank you Yukie! Usually I like reading comments on dramabeans but this time I am just tired of people complaining of not understanding certain characters and then blaming the acting or the writing as if they actually knew. I like this drama so far, it's not terrific but it is good enough and I like the hints here and there. I also like Joon-Ki character and I think he has quite complexity that can annoy simple-minded audience.


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Love JY and CS Can't wait to see what happens next after the Rainy car scene


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I fast forwarded all scenes unless it has Changsoo or Jiyi or both on it. So this fills up the things I missed.. or not? Since things are pretty much predictable lol.

AND DID YOU GUYS SEE THE PREVIEW?? OMG THINGS ARE GONNA GO DOWN FOR CS-JY. Though it's probably not going to be the way we assume it's going to be (or it is?), because dramas are like that, I'm dying when I see the preview. Cannot wait for next week.

Thank you for the recap!!!


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I saw it and I squealed so much. I can't wait!!!! I kinda want them to actually do it though lolol


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Why the heck did Changsoo take a shower with his clothes on? What was the point of that scene?


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maybe for showing another type of shower scene or a guy who is too lazy to strip who need to cool down still look sexy with clothes on shower.


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Ha, have you never done this? It's rare, but I totally have - you're just so frustrated and pissed off about things outside of your control, you deliberately do something bizarre. For some reason it feels good to says a full-body "ah, screw all of you" by doing something that makes absolutely no sense, because hell, if nothing else is making any sense, why should I?

His best friend of 20 years is revealing a scary new side, his mom had turned from his best ally into his worst nightmare, and the one person who speaks her mind to him without filter and makes him feel wonderful is exactly the person who's being taken away from him. Walking into a cold shower with your clothes on and just standing there is a way of saying "everything sucks and I don't want to play this game anymore".


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Oh, um. OK. Maybe I'll try it sometime. :-)


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You should, it's surprisingly relaxing!

It's kind of the same thing as when people leave work in the afternoon and go lie in the park in a business suit, or call in sick and marathon Netflix, or get seriously glammed up to go to IHOP - a willful disruption of what society expects/imposes on you, like playing hooky from life. It gives you a little breathing room, like you're reminding yourself that technically you don't actually have to play the game - that way when you go back to playing it the next hour or day, it feels more like a choice than a requirement.


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That's true. I saw it a bit symbolically - a way of showing there was no way this "poor" chaebol, at this frustrating moment in life, can be washed of his trappings, the outer layers of his upbringing, the buttoned-up constraints of his background. It's like he can't be cleansed of this baggage, the water just rolls off in vain.

Unless, of course, he takes that baggage off himself. We'll see.


That was an insightful comment - I didn't see it that way before. Thanks!


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Also, it's a metaphor for washing away the stuff that's bothering/poisoning you (as soon as possible so don't even bother to strip first! LOL!)


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All I want to say is that JY and CH break up scene was the best break up scene I have seen in a long time if ever! They are both too cute how they both don't want to break up, they are saying the words but their bodies do not follow. And in the end their hearts win! Too cool! I love this couple! One of the best!


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Question: why are the flashbacks for Gyung Joon always on the golf course? That family sure plays A LOT of golf!


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It's actually very common in Korea for wealthy families to play golf. It's one of the "elite" sports where the wealthy gather to mingle and make connections. If you want to go anywhere in society in Korea, you should play golf!


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Thank you. I wondered if there were constraints with time that made them shoot the scenes that way.


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PPL for golf clothes company


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I laughed so hard at your comment @Joanna


LOL! "If you want to go anywhere in society in Korea, you should play golf!" Not only in Korea!


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This drama is not that fun anymore. I was actually hoping the other OTP would breakup this episode.. Then there's Jun Ki, who I think would've been a better character if we saw more of his conflicted nature with Yoo Na.


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Chang soo and his indecents proposals. Oh my.
I think Hyung Sik has intrinsic hotness , just like Seo In Guk . For them is easy to be sexy. With just one gaze you are dead haha.


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it's the eyes...


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Thanks for the recap. I have officially abandoned the show and will depend on your recaps going forward. (Although CS and JY might tempt me back). I can't help but roll my eyes at JK. He's so self righteous. It's a trait that prevents one from becoming better as a human being because you're completely blind to your own faults, while placing everyone around you under a huge microscope. And I still don't believe he likes CS, no matter how many times he says it. There's way too much deep resentment which only breeds hate IMO. It's hard to believe those words "I like you", when his voice overs, actions, and outlook on life say I despise you (and all rich people). Then he also resents his father. And I believe that his relationship with his mother only exists because she makes the effort. How am I as a viewer supposed reconcile his actions with his motive when there's a huge divide emotionally?

Everything about this episode just confirmed my thoughts that if JK had been a little more of a friend, CS would have been less of an elitist. Just a few conversations with JY is already impacting him, and just one honest conversation with JK, and he already hopes to change. The real story is whether or not he would really change.

Everything about YH, her relationship with JK, and her family makes my head spin. I also find it boring so... skip skip skip.


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First of all I must say that I love your recaps, they're literally the best!

After reading through the comments I am so glad to see that people are noticing the change in Chang Soo.. That is extremely important, especially now since there are only 6 more episodes left.. I just love how he's slowly changing into this man, partially because of Ji Yi's positive influence.. She is telling him things he needs to hear, and with her optimism and honesty he is completely fallen in love with her, and I think he finally realized that during their break up scene. He had the heart to say "let's break up", but he didn't have the heart to leave, which shows A LOT. I completely understand some comments I read here and on instagram where it says that people are afraid they won't end up together etc, I still think it's important to remember that this is a drama, and although it seems really tough and hard for our ChangYi couple right now, I honestly 100% have no doubts that they will end up together in some way, because why would they bother putting them togehter and showing this amazing and realistic love between them? I'm not saying people are going to let them be (CH mother, Jonk Ki, etc) but I think that in the end it will work out. How it will happen, however that I am not sure of haha.. I really hope that Chang Soo will step up to his mom and be independent and show everyone that he can be OKAY without all that money as long as he has Ji Yi. That would be the perfect ending, and with the character development I am seeing in Chang Soo, it will also most likely happen :D Anyway, I totally love this drama, and am totally in love with Chang Soo and Ji Yi!!!! Park Hyung Sik is got to be one of the most handsome people ever, and Lim Ji Yeon is a natural beauty. Can't wait for ep 11 and 12 next week. I don't understand how they can make us wait 1 week after that HOT preview omg.


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This is such a nice comment!! I totally agree with everything you said here. I love that Changsoo is changing too.


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The "breakup" scene made my day! For me it embodied the characters of Changsoo and Jiyi so well.

Anybody else noticed that when Jiyi first initiated the breakup, Changsoo said "I'm sorry"? He must have really wanted to cling on to this relationship. It was only when Jiyi spoke of his mother that Changsoo realizes the suffering she is going through, thus he cuts in quickly, "Ok. Let's break up." Yet nobody moves one step to leave and both their feet are firmly planted on the ground! I love that.

I'm glad it rained, for two reasons. One, our second leads have an excuse not to break up for now. Two, Hyungsik drenched wet with his messy wet hair... what more do I have to say?


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I noticed that too. I think he thought that she was breaking up because she couldn't take his mother being mean to her, (he knew his mother had met her, but didnt know that the mother talked to her about the stocks) so he apologized for putting her through it.

But when she says that its because she's worried for his future, he cuts her off. Almost like he doesn't want to hear more. like he can't take her selflessness.


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I was wondering abt his "Im sorry" line as well. I feel as if he's apologizing bc he couldn't protect her. He's sorry she has to go through all this. And then he agrees to end it.


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I have to say I love reading your recaps--you're very funny!! More on Lee Sang Yoon please--I love him ;)


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Did somebody noticed?? High Society managed to give a preview even after 10th episode , it is kind of rare now a days


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Good point!


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JKxYH couple is bearable...only when YH is not in the scene. Heh, like when CS and JK were talking about JKxYH couple, that's the only time I felt attracted to the main couple. Weird. Hahahaha. But then again, I only read recaps of High Society now, but even reading about this doesn't make me understand how this drama has almost twice the ratings of I Remember You. But then again, I have noticed that the Korean viewers are more attracted to historical dramas (like The Moon that Embraces the Sun) or action (like Iris) or these chaebol stories. But I'm not saying all the time, just mostly. That's why I am more impressed when dramas out of these topics become hits. Just my opinion and observation, no hate!

Anyway, I am tempted to watch the JYxCS scenes in this episode though. Hahahahaha ♥♡♥♡

Please try I Remember You, Scholar Who Walks the Night, and The Time I've Loved You ♪♪


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I didn't like any character in this drama-- first lead, 2nd couple, main chick, side chick, alcoholic, saintly-maids, or smiling cripples. The recaps and the comments are for more interesting than the actual drama. But I still want a drama to watch so I'm going to check out "I Remember You" based on the recommendations here?

As ridiculous as "I only respect what I want to hear" sounds, it's how most people live their lives. They just have the sense--or lack of personal awareness--to not voice it.
People read, watch, look for, and associate with people who already hold the same or similar views. I imagine if most of us checked our social media TL follows/followers we'd find a very Yoon-ha-esque reality. I don't put much stock in what people say that I don't agree with; and if I do listen to something said that I don't agree with it's because I already have some type of respect for the person who said it.

QUESTION: Why do the women ALWAYS go after the other women? Husband cheats. Attack the side chick. Son dating the help. Attack the help.


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Sexism, basically.


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I feel the same way. The women always go after the mstress but nvr the cheater who's the one in a committed relationship?! It doesn't make sense. If he's cheated he'll do it again even if u get rid of the other women. They're not the problem. He is.


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Oh, HeadsNo2, you always make me laugh!

"...the golf course, which is apparently where he told everyone everything ever." Just priceless.

Thanks! Off to finish the rest of the recap!


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This is totally a Chang Soo ? Ji Yi episode. It totally love them. I love how they're doi g a refreshing way of the chaebol cinderella story. One is that cinderella knows that she is going to be little mermaid, one who disappears quietly in the end. Two, they ate not doing over the top love line where he gives up on everything or she simply gets hurt by him risking his fortune for her. Three, I love Ji Yi's line where she says they're just in their twenties why the hell should they link marriage with dating. Can't they date, and worry about marriage talks much later when it is actually laid on the table.

Chang Soo's chaebol lool is totally making me swoon. Very classic indeed.
Ji Yi is just plain beautiful. I watched her in Obsessed but I am so happy to see her getting a more lively character.

So sorry but I'm caring less and less bout the other two leads even if I really liked Sung Joon oppa. He is trying his best to make his character understandable, and I do, I really do. But I am not interested. I know where he's coming from and I can relate to him but quite frankly a character like his in a drama is someone I won't look forward to see.

We all knew Joon Ki will fall in love with Yoon Ha at some point but I certainly did not feel my heart raising or getting excited when he finally did. That scene was like the biggest blow on their love story, after that I don't think the writers can get any more chance to raise the viewers expectation or interest for those two. Joon Ki x Yoon Ha just don't sell. Sorry


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Actually, i like the idea of all four characters but if i have to blame, then the building story is the flaw.
It awesome how they just like a mirror of each other, same but different, same but also oppositely to each other.

If just this drama made more detail to the building character, then it will be awesome!


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Finally! Finished the recap and the comments. Thank you, HeadsNo2. And thanks everyone for the insights.

Some comments in previous episodes got me to watch a few episodes of I Need Romance 3 (though I'm not a fan of the franchise nor of SJ, necessarily) just to see the difference in his acting everyone was referring to. Yes, the difference is very noticeable because they are very different characters. Which actually got me to respect SJ a bit more as a professional.

I guess I'm one of the few who actually sees the subtle shifts in his eyes. Those shifts get me thinking, wondering what's going on in his head.

Also, I'm a pushover for little kids who defend their parents from bullying - self-righteous prig or not. There's a whole untold story behind JK's dad's illness that has yet to be explored. It might never be, at this rate. I can't help but think what occurred surrounding his illness also has a whole lot to do with his bitterness, his stubbornness, his holier-than-thou-ness, his high-horse-ness.

While everyone's relishing JK's comeuppance at the hands of vengeful "eye-for-an-eye" YH, I'm looking forward to JK giving HER the kind of straight talk he gave CS, self-righteousness and all! And if they don't have a HEA, I won't be disappointed.

Oh! And lest I forget - seems JK learned his sneakiness, deception and lying by omission not only from his notion of chaebols. Mama Lee displayed some stupendous deviousness right there! No way she did that "unwittingly". LOL!


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I forgot! Child JK's defense of his dad, his indignation at dad's submission, his recognition of dad's natural intelligence and his use of dad's teachings (true pride, etc.) leads me to believe it pains JK to see dad in his present condition. He even says so to his mom - how being with his family more frequently would undermine his resolve.

For some irrational thing in me, I am drawn to JK, much as I was drawn inexplicably to the arrogant, conceited character Shin Ha-Kyun played in "Brain". Of course, SHK carried that character and made it possible. SJ might need a bit more experience but, to me, he conveys the bit of conflictedness that the role requires.
(PLEASE don't let it end like "Brain"!!)


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Right now im going to pretend like nothing else but that AMAZING kiss between my OTP happened. It was sooo hot. I just kept replaying it. Love that they decided not to break up. But I'm so worried abt them. I fear they're going to just keep throwing caution to the wind. I mean, that's what they've been doing since the beginning anyway, right? I'm just worried. I can see this going full makjang with those two from here on out. Better prepare myself for some tears later. As much as I'm rooting for them, CS's offer (while desperate) feels quite reckless. I didn't think they'd take it that far yet. I'm left here lamenting JY's supposed intelligence. But when ppl fall in love they make choices they may not make otherwise.

Also, YH is in for a lot of pain next ep. And it seems like JK (in true JK fashion) won't even feel apologetic for his behavior. I hope YH gives him his just desserts.


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I coukd hardly believe my eyes over the preview of Ep 11 - what is CS thinking?? Dun be a jerk director, ok? Not that i mind PHS rawr bedroom talk - i may hurt u even if i try not to. If u re scared, tell me?! Erm tot this was rated 15, not 19? GETTING WORRIED for YJ now.... ah well for all we know, it will start raining again and they will go for bbq meat since they must be hungry after runnung thru the rain. PhS is a talented actor - despite hus pretty boy looks, he has seriius acting chops - very nuanced and mature considring his age and his facd bejng half hidden by that gravity defying hairdo. Am impressed and in love ?Not so impressed with sj tho. The role is too complex for him. And he fianlly gets outed by YN. JK has a borderline personaity disorder and extremely skewed perspectuvd on the class divide in korea. As CS says - he is a twisted B@#&tard. Hopefully he will moderate his prejudices with YNs help altho i doubt that SJ will be able to effectively potray any cbaracter develooment . Cant wait for ep 11 - cs and yj - please DO NOT DO WHAT WE WONT! yn - u may go ahead and Crusshhh JK !


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Sorry, but I think that was a very uninvolved, unromantic recap.


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