From the press conference for Scholar Who Walks the Night
by javabeans
It’s not that I’m not excited about the premiere of MBC’s Scholar Who Walks the Night (I am! Vampires in hanboks! Lee Jun-ki pretty!)… it’s just that at this point, I feel there’s little left to say about the show. I’m all out of words. I have no more words to give!
So maybe pretty pictures of the cast will have to be enough for now, especially since the drama premieres in just another day. I promise you guys I’ll have more words to say on Wednesday!
Pictured below are: Lee Jun-ki looking dapper in pinstripes; Lee Yubi doing that whole androgynous-girly thing (as befits her cross-dressing drama character), dressed in an outfit nobody should wear, but somehow looks cute on her; Kim So-eun wearing her character’s air of mysterious hauteur; Lee Soo-hyuk sporting decent hair for the last time before he dons that terrible wig to play an evil vampire; Changmin, who’ll play the prince; and Jang Hee-jin all set to play a gisaeng.
Scholar Who Walks the Night premieres on Wednesday, July 8.
- Lee Jun-ki the scholar walks nights, breaks hearts
- Character stills for Scholar Who Walks the Night
- Red-eyed and book-hunting Scholar Who Walks the Night
- The bloodlust is awakened in Scholar Who Walks the Night
- Lee Hyun-woo sets the stage for Lee Jun-ki’s vampire transformation
- Characters in costume for Scholar Who Walks the Night
- Scholar Who Walks the Night sends both leads to the hospital
- First script read for Scholar Who Walks the Night
Tags: Choi Kang Changmin, Jang Hee-jin, Kim So-eun, Lee Jun-ki, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Yubi, press conferences, Scholar Who Walks the Night
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1 SD
July 7, 2015 at 1:19 AM
Our leads look adorable. Shipping them already. <3
KSE and LSH look good together.
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2 divyrus
July 7, 2015 at 1:21 AM
Not to say Lee Jun Ki is not beautiful in hanbok, but I really extremely miss his normal look.
Two weeks seems foreverrrrrr awayyyyy!!!!
Crossing fingers this one is awesome !
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July 8, 2015 at 4:40 AM
Me too :p
People say that he looked the best in hanbok, but I think he is also great in normal attire. Love his casual appearence in Hero (although the story was so-so), and he looked so very handsome in Time between Dogs and Wolves
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July 8, 2015 at 9:38 AM
I love how he looks in Two Weeks.
I'll watch everything he does, but I'm a bit tired of historical dramas... He should act in more modern action dramas.
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3 Marian
July 7, 2015 at 1:33 AM the hair for evil vampire Lee Soo-hyuk. I love him with all his vampire stories.
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July 7, 2015 at 7:30 PM
"Lee Soo-hyuk sporting decent hair for the last time before he dons that terrible wig to play an evil vampire."
Unfortunately, I would have to agree with DB on this one! lol
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4 confusedturtle
July 7, 2015 at 1:37 AM
Lee Soo-hyuk looks so done with everything in every picture. It's kinda funny.
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July 7, 2015 at 12:19 PM
He's channelling his cool model aura. Love the way he's wearing his tie.
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5 NileRose
July 7, 2015 at 1:39 AM
LSH is hot and sexy I am waiting him with KES .
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July 7, 2015 at 2:28 AM
ٍSorry I mean KSE .
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6 Mandy
July 7, 2015 at 1:58 AM
Lee Soo-hyuk is so hot, omg! I'm a little disappointed to not see Kim So-eun and Changmin's pics together. Does that mean they won't have a love line? Because that's the only reason I'd ever watch this drama, along with LSH of course.
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July 7, 2015 at 6:52 AM
They are in a political arranged marriage aka loveless marriage. Changmin seems to have a thing for our little book seller. So-eun 2nd character is a bit mysterious to figure out.
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July 7, 2015 at 7:23 PM
Yes, 'loveless' per once chart and another saying something else. What to believe.... ??? lol I guess we will have to wait and see how it all plays out.
I think we are clear that the crown prince will have a one-sided love with the bookseller.
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July 7, 2015 at 9:43 AM
one of the relationship charts indicated she'd have a one-sided love for Changmin's character in the present day, and they are engaged but it's a political alliance and he's hung up on the bookseller.
I wouldn't mind seeing a secondary love line develop there, though.
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July 7, 2015 at 9:50 AM
Thank you. I've seen a few and I'm confused when it comes to So-eun's present day character. It's like the writer doesn't know what to do with her yet.
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July 7, 2015 at 9:57 AM
I only saw one relationship chart, the first one.....are there later ones which didn't have the one-sided love line? I'm not a fan of Changmin but I liked the idea :(
And I really hope this writer isn't going to make a mess and turn Kim So-eun's character into Doctor Stranger: Joseon Vampire edition.
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July 7, 2015 at 12:27 PM
oh wait, I saw the later relationship charts which show nothing between KSE and the Crown Prince character.
I guess that love line is out then. And we'll get the usual second male lead pining after a girl he won't get, no distractions allowed.
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July 7, 2015 at 1:09 PM
That's why I'm so confused. These relationship charts keep changing lol.
July 7, 2015 at 7:21 PM
I don't even know which chart is the most accurate chart. :( Like some of you have said, it kept changing. I don't care for KSE or Changmin's loveline though. I think there's enough that they don't need to add any more.
July 8, 2015 at 5:55 AM
Also, there is going to be 3 crown princes lol. Do we really need all 3 to make an appearance?
7 Stacey
July 7, 2015 at 2:14 AM
Why does Lee Jun Ki look like the only one happy to be there? Lol
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July 7, 2015 at 4:08 AM
Because he is the only one smiling with teeth lol
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July 7, 2015 at 5:08 AM
There are some shots where they are all smiling.
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8 pigsnout
July 7, 2015 at 2:32 AM
Haha they all playing vampires but the palest person there is Lee Yubi who plays a human.
Please let this drama be better than Warm & Cozy, please...
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July 7, 2015 at 4:14 AM
Jang Hee Jin is pretty pale herself, but Lee Yoo Bi's paleness is almost white glow-y pale compare to Hee Jin lol. She is the epitome of that "milky" white skin Asians love.
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July 7, 2015 at 9:40 AM
yeah, she's practically paper white and it's her actual skin tone, not BB cream ghost effect. (her limbs and neck are as pale as her face)
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Sera The Ms Temper
July 8, 2015 at 2:50 AM
maybe LYB will become human-vampire-human back. actually her look can kill as a vampire too, because of the white pale skin. but if she to become the vampire, she may need to die first, which is ought not to be. hmm not right. mayb we can reserve her character for next project, playing as a ghost..hehe
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July 8, 2015 at 1:56 PM
I can see her playing a cheerful ghost!
July 7, 2015 at 7:27 PM
WARM & COZY is no good? I was thinking of watching it... I've heard some lukewarm responses about it. Then again, gives me more reason to give it a try. Is that weird? lol
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Sera The Ms Temper
July 7, 2015 at 9:54 PM
@AA, W&C is not really good in storyline, but the actors in there were good. its not weird, but rather the stories keep dragging. but still smh entertaining even not much.
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9 kororo
July 7, 2015 at 2:45 AM
LSH looks so nice, damn ! Shipping the lead already, they do look totally adorable !!
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10 cupkate
July 7, 2015 at 2:57 AM
The pretty nose looks okay! Lol I'm excited for this.
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11 redfox
July 7, 2015 at 2:58 AM
Lee Jun Ki looks a little Pimp Daddy in a cool way, two ladies in red, strolling down High Street, money to the left, crushed hearts to the right, paving his path with womens´tears then healing them with his smile.
and there is nothing wrong with Lee Soo Hyuks´ vampire hair. I do not get the desperate cry that it is horrible.
Lee Yoo Bi looks SO CUTE with those braids and that outfit!
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July 7, 2015 at 3:00 AM
all that beauty is too much to handle though. this must be one of the most gorgeous and unearthly pretty cast in ages.
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July 7, 2015 at 9:52 AM
Lee Yubi looks a bit Pimp Daddy herself, in that slouchy suit. I can just picture her doing the gangster walk right beside oppa.
Lee Soo-hyuk's vampire hair looked terrible in the first stills of him but in the trailer it gives him a total Dracula vibe. His cool robes don't hurt either.
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July 7, 2015 at 10:56 AM
omg you are right, she is a gangster! They are Bonnie & Clyde!
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12 Mallow
July 7, 2015 at 3:10 AM
I really anticipate this drama !♡♡♡ let's hope for chemistry between our leads and a great storyline!
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13 Kalyasiri Tan
July 7, 2015 at 3:18 AM
I love all the leads here ........ I think they really fits their roles...... Can't wait to watch this !!!
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14 dramakid
July 7, 2015 at 4:15 AM
@stacey,I thought I was the only one that noticed it.lee jun ki and lee yu bi are the only ones smiling,everyone else seems sad.their smiles seem forced,epecially KSE.
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July 7, 2015 at 9:29 AM
The irony is that oppa and Yubi were the ones forced off set with serious injuries but they look the happiest now lol.
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July 7, 2015 at 10:58 AM
well, have you ever been in terrible pain and then when the pain is gone, you feel like you can climb Everest?
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July 7, 2015 at 11:07 AM
I can't say I have, I usually go right off to sleep after the pain stops :)
That said, I don't think Lee Yubi's still got some pain from her back injury, she looks distinctly uncomfortable when seated.
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July 7, 2015 at 12:38 PM
I can see what you mean by having pain, she didn't sit down with the rest of the cast after the photo ops and she was half standing (and fully standing at times) on stage during the interview.
July 7, 2015 at 11:07 AM
I meant I THINK Lee Yubi's still in pain from her back injury. Yikes.
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July 7, 2015 at 2:32 PM
From the interview.
Yubi - "Still not fully recovered, but I am fine, and I have no difficulty filming, thanks to the staffs. They are always next to me to help me out. It’s really interesting though; the pain comes back when I finish filming and go home. Hahaha.
Sera The Ms Temper
July 7, 2015 at 6:09 PM
its not being forced i think, it is their actual characters in person..
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15 kanz
July 7, 2015 at 5:18 AM
Lee Jun Ki looks glowing, he must be really love sageuk!
Lee Yoo Bi is cute and pretty.. I do miss Lee Soo Hyuk's normal hair, but can't wait to see him play as a villain.. I'm sure he must be the hottest villain vampire ever!
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16 4D
July 7, 2015 at 5:20 AM
We will see how the show goes but if anything there's enough eye candy in this show to cause cavities.
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July 7, 2015 at 6:16 AM
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17 elvira
July 7, 2015 at 5:43 AM
Pretty casts.
Lee Soo Hyuk's smokin'-sizzlin'-hot.
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18 Dee
July 7, 2015 at 5:48 AM
LJK my bae!!! He looks so handsome. *_*
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19 Franbergh II
July 7, 2015 at 5:48 AM
am i the only person who think lee jun ki's always looking so much better in saeguk's attire? :D
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20 wackycashew
July 7, 2015 at 6:01 AM
I'm excited for this series to get started!! ^^ Let's hope everyone stays safe while filming from here on.
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21 Kiara
July 7, 2015 at 6:13 AM
Jun-ki always look happy. He is such a joy to watch on and off screen. I hope he'd go back to the big screen after this show and work with the best in the film industry. Dramas aren't giving him the challenge he needs to further refine his craft.
Yubi is still in Yang-sun mode with modern clothing. Love the hair...hummm the outfit not so much but she is young enough to pull it off.
I hope she'll do well with the transition from young and lively, sometimes annoying book seller to being a young lady in love. I hope they'll let it happen naturally instead of forcing it by having her run into Jun-ki's lips by accident etc.
Jang Hee-jin is such an under-rated actress. She always deliver no matter how small of a role she's playing.
Hoping Changmin would turn into Prince Charming with the ladies. I want him to do well, not just decent as we come to expect from idol actors.
So-eun looks lovely as always. I'm glad that she is starting off the show with more screen time with Jun-ki because she might not have that much screen time later.
Lee Soo-hyuk: he's fine ...really and that voice....
I'm looking forward to tomorrow and GF's recap. I'm not expecting it to be the best show of the year but the most entertaining and perfect for the summer.
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July 7, 2015 at 9:49 AM
I want this to be good and to do well, not just for oppa's sake but also for Lee Yubi's. I can't take another Warm & Cozy-like disappointment.
I've been rooting for her to score a lead role for years now, but I honestly never thought her first leading man would be freaking Lee Jun-ki! Anyway I hope she does well too, if nothing else because some people seem unable to deal with the fact that she is the leading lady of this drama and they could do with being silenced.
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July 7, 2015 at 10:35 AM
".. some people seem unable to deal with the fact that she is the leading lady of this drama."
Funny thing is most of these people have not seen Yubi in a sageuk before so I don't give a crap what they say anyway. If you read some of the comments on soompi you can tell that some of these people are So-eun's fans from WGM when you click on their names.
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July 7, 2015 at 11:02 AM
yeah, I see quite a bit of passive-aggressive putting down of Yubi from KSE fans.
Some people were more explicit about it before but I think some of the thread's inhabitants snapped and told them to shut it so the bitching is rather more low-key now.
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July 7, 2015 at 7:20 PM
I've visited the thread and I haven't exactly seen anyone putting down LYB. Am I missing something? I think earlier, I checked and a few mentioned about their dissatisfaction with her choice of wardrobe for the event. But that's all...
Sera The Ms Temper
July 7, 2015 at 8:52 PM
why discuss about soompi thread here? in DB i think many love LYB, so i dun see any possibility that LYB has been putting down by KSE fans .
the war between bias is not something new in korea, isnt it?
July 7, 2015 at 9:06 PM
I believe you may have missed something because ever since Yubi was cast as the leading lady there has been sniping comments about her on other websites, fb etc. It goes from personal attacks to hoping that her character dies early etc. Some of them are So-eun's fans which is disappointing because I love them both.
This is not going to turn into a fan war. Not here! It has been great to see people supporting BOTH girls here.
Sera The Ms Temper
July 7, 2015 at 9:20 PM
@kiara i am fully aware about the issue u mentioned. but why raise it again here? as you said, there shudnt be fan war here.
i also have no intention to create any fan war here, even i only love KSE and didnt care about LYB character so much. and why bother on their attacks on LYB's character, since it is well known fact LYB is a leading lady here. so of course LYB will be the centre of the story. fans can have their imagination go anywhere they want, but will it affect the story? i dun think so.
July 7, 2015 at 10:28 PM
@ AA and Sera. Forgive me for being over protective of Yubi but if something like this ever happen to So-eun I would do the same for her.
I know we shouldn't be talking about this when we are all dying to watch the same drama. I hope it's going to be good for all of our sake and our bias :).
I don't know about you guys but I'm watching it live. So I'm off to bed.
Sera The Ms Temper
July 7, 2015 at 11:33 PM
@kiara lol it is nothing to forgive anyway. no one at fault.. it is just because we want to express our standing. :)
yes lets pray the best for the drama. i wont watch it live, shud just wait it subs tomorrow.
July 8, 2015 at 11:18 PM
I, myself, have pondered at KSE playing what seems to be the secondary female lead role, but haven't put LYB down in anyway (haven't seen her in anything).
But I am going to out down LYB's outfit and/or her stylist.
Have no problem w/ gals wearing suits and the like - Hyori in one of her MVs from the past absolutely rocked a tux (which fit her perfectly) and a fedora.
Here, LYB's trousers kinda fit, but her jacket is way too big (the whole rolled up sleeves things is stupid, even if you are going for the bohemian look) and underneath, she is wearing an oversized white tee that looks to be no better than a "wife-beater" tee.
LYB is a very cute gal, but there's no reason for her to look like a slob (those dbl braids also makes her look like a school-girl).
July 7, 2015 at 12:41 PM
Agreed! I can see they are biased with the way they imagine KSE's love lines with LJK and LSH and how the storyline might turn out to be as if her character is the main female character. No doubt KSE's character will have a large role to play, but when they are imagining/typing probabilities in the storyline for the drama, they act as if LYB's character does not exist.
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July 7, 2015 at 7:19 PM
Could it be that the fact that KSE fans already knows LYB is the main lead and will have the most airing time is probably the reason why they don't need to express it any more? There's no way you can ignore the lead actress. LYB is going to be the center of the story whether anyone likes it or not; whereas, the second main leads will be have the side stories.
The fact that KSE roles are mysterious and vague especially as the crown princess makes it that much more interesting to try dissecting in how her storyline and character will play out... maybe that's why her fans are so eager to find a storyline loveline with the other male leads.
Sera The Ms Temper
July 7, 2015 at 8:38 PM
its not being biased lor. they are KSE fans, of course they wud want to imagine how KSE's character. maybe we need LYB fans to join the forum. so it wudnt make LYB look like being outcasted, in which i dun think so. i think in DB, many of fans has a positive vibe for LYB's character. so where the heck KSE fans putting down LYB?
so why not u try to join the thread and discuss abou LYB character? :)
July 8, 2015 at 2:36 PM
This is not an attacking comment, but how do you know I'm not already in the thread? Hehe! Because I do participate in that thread, but most of the time I ignore the over excited comments about KSE because I, too, have been waiting for her dramas since BOF days and watched the beginning of Empress Cheonchu because of her.
I've been a LYB fan since Innocent Man, because of her ability to emote and be cute. But since she's only had about 4 projects under her belt, there is not much we can say about her except to ask others to accept her and wish that she can overcome the comments (of her looking too young/not being able to act) based on her own work. Mentioning her previous work and having lovelines with other actors seem to not do much; it seems as if LYB has to prove herself through this particular drama for her to be accepted. The only way to do that is to let the drama air, so for me, I waited/will wait until her abilities can win everyone over! :)
I also did not mention that KSE fans were putting down LYB. Like I mentioned before KSE fans kinda ignore her character's existence when imagining where the story would go. I have nothing against their imaginations, just wish that they would acknowledge that Yang Seon exists and will play a large role too. Like in a comment I read earlier on this page, some people keep insisting things like she looks too young or her character has no chemistry with LJK. Let's just let the drama speak for itself.
July 7, 2015 at 3:32 PM
This is the reason why I avoid going to the SWWTN thread. I notice that it's being monopolized by her fans. I get that they're all excited for their bias, but it's getting too much and I get the vibe that LYB is being pushed to the side. I do hope there won't be any fan war brewing.
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July 7, 2015 at 7:13 PM
I don't see any issues on the thread when I visited. Maybe more LYB fans should join in? I do think KSE fans may be more passionate about her role... can't blame them!
Sera The Ms Temper
July 7, 2015 at 8:41 PM
so where are LYB fans? why not join the thread and discuss LYB character. what can we do if KSE fans choose to be active, while LYB fans choose to be a silent reader..
July 8, 2015 at 9:14 AM
Sera, I believe Yubi's fans are content with her casting so they are pretty quiet. There is no need to put down anyone to make her look good or have much to complain about.
July 7, 2015 at 9:21 PM
That's when you ignore immature comments like that because they are unfortunately inevitable. And I don't get it... it doesn't make sense for LYB's character die early on (unless she turns into a vampire). So that's just a pretty insensitive comment for anyone to make. She is the lead actress and if her character does somehow 'die', it won't be until the last episode. lol
Thankfully, the KSE fans that I've come across have been either passionate about her upcoming characters and supportive. They've expressed no such bias/hatred towards LYB at all. Maybe because I tend to ignore immature comments that I don't 'see them'. lol
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Sera The Ms Temper
July 7, 2015 at 9:38 PM
@AA hehe, it is kinda interesting if LYB character at the end turn to be a vampire..
ikr dont bother with those immature comments..just think that they are over delusional, thats all.
As much as i want KSE character to be put wisely, and im passionate for her character, i wont say anything negative about LYB character.
July 8, 2015 at 9:17 AM
AA, Agreed and I have been petty good at ignoring them until lately.
Sera The Ms Temper
July 7, 2015 at 5:56 PM
it is a price to be more popular, perhaps? becoz KSE recently joined WGM, so she got many fans...
honestly, as KSE fan me still want KSE to be an important role.. i didnt find LYB is so talented actress, for me she and KSE is on the same level, in term of acting experience, maybe KSE has more, anyway both deserve to shine.. even i want to KSE to shine more.
who cares about leading lady when we have many leads who are so good?
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22 cheliwel
July 7, 2015 at 6:28 AM
Why does LSH looks like he's being forced to be there. LJK and KSE looks great together.
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July 7, 2015 at 8:43 AM
LSH looks kind of glum. That's his smile?
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July 7, 2015 at 11:56 AM
If there's a camera, LSH is vogueing and displaying his model pout haha. That's more or less how he looks at every drama press conference i've seen him at.
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July 7, 2015 at 7:25 PM
When there are cameras around, he must be on model mode. lol Occupational hazard. ;)
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23 Jess
July 7, 2015 at 6:32 AM
The vibe that LSH gives..
How is it possible that a person looks that hot?
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24 fantasy
July 7, 2015 at 6:33 AM
They all look super cool , *fingers crossed* just hope drama would not disappoint us like WAC, I was sooo excited for that but it turned out to be a loyalty test to KSR. I am not a great LJK fan but considering he has a huge fan base, I just hope it to turn out to be a good one :).
KSE, the only cast here I love <3 , I loved her in liar game then someone told me to watch her in WGM, and oh my God, (I actually find WGM quite illogical and sometimes immoral because sometimes they drag participants' family members into that acting, the show makes marriages a child's play) , still I have been a fan of KSE and SJR from them. Hope her role in this drama is important and major one :)
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Sera The Ms Temper
July 7, 2015 at 5:48 PM
finally i saw someone on the same boat with me, KSE fans. wondering for a while where are all KSE fans... huhu.
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25 john
July 7, 2015 at 7:21 AM
Kim So-eun, ♥♥♥ !
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26 Alice
July 7, 2015 at 8:52 AM
All the cast members are eye candy. I hope the drama is successful!
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27 spazmo
July 7, 2015 at 9:03 AM
are they back to filming after their injuries? didn't lee yu bi have a herniated disc?
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July 7, 2015 at 9:58 AM
She took two weeks of rest and went back to the set. Ideally she should have got four weeks but it's still better than nothing.
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July 7, 2015 at 9:59 AM
Yes, LJK had one week rest and LYB 2 weeks.
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28 pogo
July 7, 2015 at 9:38 AM
It's funny, I shouldn't like Lee Yubi's scruffy modern urchin look, but I love it. And I like JB's theory that the choice of a trouser suit is about reminding viewers that she plays a girl who goes around in men's clothes. (hope to god her back injury has healed and isn't getting worse over the course of filming)
Everyone looks good, and I love the amount of red we're seeing here. Very appropriate for a vampire drama, now just please let it be good and not cringeworthy.
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29 Jan
July 7, 2015 at 10:10 AM
Watched the press conference. LJK and LYB were so cute with all the poses they did for the photographers. As usual, LJK looks very comfortable and relaxed. And LYB was laughing/ giggling away.
Noticed that LYB could not sit or bow comfortably, I think her back is not completely recovered. I hope she will be OK as they've got almost another 3 months of filming to go.
I'm guessing LYB is wearing pants so she can avoid having to wear high heels like KSE and JHJ.
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July 7, 2015 at 11:13 AM
yeah, I noticed how uncomfortable she looked while seated too - the recommended rest time for total recovery from a herniated disc is about 4 weeks and she got barely half that.
I wonder if she chose the pantsuit so she could sit more comfortably. She's still in massive platform heels, but that's still preferable to having to wear stilettos or heels with a sharper incline while also preserving your modesty in a skirt, those would truly be hell on her back.
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July 7, 2015 at 11:54 AM
Oh dear, if 4 weeks is needed, then the 2 weeks rest she got is definitely not enough. I read that she was still in hospital at the time when LJK returned to the set after one week, so looks like the injury was really severe.
The massive platform heels while adding a few inches in height are in reality about 1 inch incline vs the other girls' 3 or 4(?) inch heels, hence less strain on her back.
I was also wondering if she got a lot of bruises on her legs from her fall, which the pants would help to cover up.
Any idea why she needed a blanket(?) to cover her legs while sitting down?
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July 7, 2015 at 12:01 PM
I noticed Kim So-eun also had a blanket over her knees while they were seated, it seems to be a thing to cover up with so they don't accidentally flash anyone? (I mean, Yubi was in a pantsuit but still)
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Sera The Ms Temper
July 8, 2015 at 2:40 AM
im also confused why LYB also has a balnket, when she wear the pants? hmm.. mybe shes cold? hehe
July 7, 2015 at 11:53 AM
That is sad. I won't be surprised if her back bothers her is some way for the rest of her life. Back injuries are no joke.
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30 Gidget
July 7, 2015 at 10:49 AM
Wow. *catches breath*
LJK has officially transitioned from 'pretty' to remarkably handsome.
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31 Kennedy Rose
July 7, 2015 at 11:04 AM
pretty flower boy..i mean, vampire..cute as a button cross dresser, hauntingly beautiful lady-love, sexy evil vampire, rebellious, my... and those costumes! can't really wait for this!
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32 pogo
July 7, 2015 at 11:14 AM
please, dear drama, don't suck. PLEASE.
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July 7, 2015 at 12:02 PM
pogo, I hate to disappoint you, but vampires do definitely suck.
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July 7, 2015 at 12:13 PM
THEY can physically suck on blood all they want, but this drama shouldn't.
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July 7, 2015 at 11:01 PM
I love your pun!
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33 Krys11
July 7, 2015 at 2:39 PM
Haha I think everyone went wearing their characters personality hence most of them have serious expressions. Lee Yu Bi and Lee Jun Ki is so cute though and they gave so many different cute poses during their couple shoot. And they kept smiling and laughing which is cute. I hope they continue being cute in the drama. I love Sungyeol and Yangsun already <3
I can see that Lee Yu Bi is not really healed yet though since she can't even sit properly. She also said in her interview that she isn't fully healed yet and that she was fine while taping but all the pain comes back after she's done shooting and goes home. I really hope her injury do not worsen while their doing live shoot. Since she isn't healed yet there is a huge possibility for her to strain her back more especially when doing live shooting and action scenes. I am actually really worried for her. Back injuries are no joke.
P.S. Lee Soo Hyuk is so hot!! He really looks like a vampire!! And he was so hot in the trailer as well killing people and feeding on them. He is such a turn on!!
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34 Net-chan
July 7, 2015 at 3:15 PM
I LOVE Lee Yu-bi's outfit! That's totally something I would wear! Love the colour, love the cut. Except for the shoes, which are bleeeh. I would have chosen derbies to complete the androgynous look ;).
The leads look great!
I'm not too sure about watching a drama with vampires in it though. Even if Lee Jun-ki fits perfectly in that role.
Thanks for the pictures! Waiting for a trailer to decide whether I'll watch this or not...
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35 Aida
July 7, 2015 at 5:39 PM
Lee Joon Gi is pimpin' in those pinstripes!
They all look gorgeous. I think this will be good, maybe great. I'm optimistic. Lee Yubi surprisingly blended into the role and now it seems perfect for her. I guess the casting crew knew what they were doing from the start *pheeww* **relieved sigh**
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36 Lilly
July 7, 2015 at 6:41 PM
Ah, look at that vampire worthy cast.
I just know they will all be magic in this.
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37 pigsnout
July 7, 2015 at 9:09 PM
@AA @sera - KSE fans really put down LYB a lot when she was confirmed as the lead in soompi, saying she's not qualified and stuff like that. Then when the thread drama fans told them to stop, they resorted to more indirect insults like she looks like a kid and can't cross dress, things like that. Soompi is a big international fansite, it's normal to see what reaction other fans are having. Yubi's fans/drama fans are trying to be polite and calm so we don't engage in fan wars, WGM fans are no joke but whether they like it or not, like you said LYB is the leading lady.
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Sera The Ms Temper
July 7, 2015 at 11:52 PM
@pigsnout it has been continuous until now, started from han groo, jin se yeon, and now lee yoo bi, and im glad JSY turn down the offer.. i dunno what will happen if JSY accepted. her situation might be far worse than LYB. at least shes lucky,many support her. unlike JSY.
what can we do if the fans acting like that. im KSE fans also, but i wont distracted by the fact who are the leads here. so for you guys who are fans of LYB, why been distracted by comments made by some immature fans? i also came across LYB fans who made a bash comment to KSE, even it is not many.. but why bother.
so now LYB turn to prove that she is leads material.. so those immature fans can keep quiet.
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July 8, 2015 at 4:58 PM
But you can't justify a few KSE fans (probably the same group of fans) who are immature because of their bias to all KSE fans. Unfortunately, there will be haters anywhere and I tend to ignore them and focus on other things. I didn't think LYB was really hated--I thought it was JIN SE YEON who was getting unfairly hated by both Korean and international fans.
I've indicated in a previous reply (on DB) that most KSE fans seem to have a wide imagination and because her characters (esp as Crown Princess) is so vague and mysterious, you can't help but dissect on what could be. I even find myself wondering and the fact that her character was not originally in the manga, just adds on to it. It's actually pretty funny and interesting reading different ideas of how they think her character may play out...these mainly from her fans.
I don't know if I would even consider myself a KSE fan considering I have not seen most of her roles but I do appreciate her great potential in becoming a versatile actress. In fact, I would consider myself a bigger fan of the Korean dramas in general so certain actors, actresses, and very small amount of idols grabs my attention.
With that said, I do believe most of her fans are aware that LYB is the LEAD ACTRESS and there's no denying it. She WILL be the center of the story whether any one likes it or not and the fact that we all know she is the lead actress, there's really no point in dissecting her character. She'll be the center of the story, period, so leave the imagination completely to the writers who I hope does justice to her and her character. :)
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38 casso
July 7, 2015 at 11:53 PM
i love changmin!!!!!
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39 pigsnout
July 8, 2015 at 12:58 AM
@sera - Han Groo was not hated on to this degree, netizens said she could act well but not suited to this role. JSY was criticised even harder for total lack of acting skills but that was by general netizens, not KSE fans because KSE name was not even mentioned until after this offer.
It's Lee Yubi who got all the hate from KSE fans because her name came up and then some wrong articles were released. International sites also translated wrongly saying that KSE was the lead and it pissed her fans off when LYB got the role instead. It's really unfair because the KSE fans can be so bitchy on soompi (u can see their icon/sig), now they don't directly say bad things about LYB because posters told them they shouldn't attack her.
But after Yubi had her back injury you still had some KSE fan saying 'oh I'm sure the media is just exaggerating her injury, the REAL tragedy is that KSR has no present day love line with LJK! ' and even then the LYB fan who responded did it in a mature way to say lumbar disc injuries are actually serious and the media is not exaggerating. But how cruel do you have to be to say something like that about a girl just because she got a role you wanted for your bias? And this was like 2 months after she got cast. The LYB fans there are really super restrained compared to some of the things that got said about her. Thank god dramabeans is not so lowkey nasty.
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Sera The Ms Temper
July 8, 2015 at 2:33 AM
@pigsnout some fans, not all.
i also disagree on the attack like that. even it happened to JSY or any other actress, to attack someone based on that it somewhat unreasonable. and note that i actually well aware of the issue, the whole story that u didnt have to explain all that. for me, those fans are immature. LYB and KSE fans want to protect their bias, which both fans are over protective. but smh KSE fans are so immature to attack someone like that.
and whatever nasty things being said to LYB, she still is a leading lady, so at least it can comfort LYB's fans in some way. right? so for KSE's fan, even shes not a leading lady here, is it wrong for her fans to hope something for her character?
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Sera The Ms Temper
July 8, 2015 at 2:37 AM
auww still in my opinion, JSY got much more hatred rather than LYB. LYB got the attacks from KSE's fans, but still love by many..
but JSY not only knetz but international fans. but im not goin to talk about JSY anymore here.. since shes not a part of the drama.
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July 8, 2015 at 8:03 AM
Yeah JSY is not relevant here and she was not the one targeted by KSE fans.
But with the kind of conditions @Kiara and I are describing, surely it's not hard to see why LYB fans want to stay quiet in the soompi thread. Of anyone even dares to point out what those immature KSE fans (not all, but some very noisy ones) are doing, LYB fans will be the ones accused. We rather just wish her well in her first leading role and stay quiet/ come to sites like dramabeans instead.
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July 8, 2015 at 5:12 PM
I think it's better to just not even worry about any of these KSE fans (probably the same person/group of people) you've mention because even I am here scratching my head wondering who they could be...the less exposure you give them, the better. But I really do wonder where you are seeing these comments against LYB from KSE fans especially if they are in the SOOMPI page because I lurk on there (I am not active). There are definitely some passionate KSE fans and in fact, I think some of them from what I've read thus far don't even mention LYB in their comments. lol
Now I am starting to wonder if the lack of comments of LYB existence in the drama from KSE fans are more bothersome to some people... either way, it doesn't matter. The show must go on! Let's all focus on the positive side of things! HOW ABOUT THESE LEADING MEN!!! lol
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July 8, 2015 at 8:19 PM
I learned that sometimes being hated/disliked is less of an insult than when someone acts as if you don't exist. :(
July 8, 2015 at 5:05 PM
Where are you getting all these hatred from KSE fans? I have can't think of any antis LYB who are KSE fans that had said/posted/commented anything demeaning towards LYB. Then again, I am not active to all of the websites, threads, posts, comments, etc so I can't speak for all KSE fans.
I think the main issue was the misprinted about KSE role when they announced her addition to the drama. I thought that was poorly executed by MBC or whomever it was who released the news.
So by default, I believe KSE fans retracted because they originally thought she was the lead and only to find out a few days later that it was misprinted and she was actually the second lead. But after the news came out, it was more like KSE fans wondering about why she didn't end up with the leading actress role but I rarely saw any comments towards LYB and hating her for taking the leading role. Again, it was more like KSE fans complaining why KSE wasn't offered the leading role. Worst, I don't think KSE fans even knew what her role would be...even I was baffled. I believe it wasn't until about a week after they revealed she joined the cast and then eventually about her dual role.
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Sera The Ms Temper
July 8, 2015 at 6:21 PM
maybe MBC shud be partially blamed? i dunno its like giving LYB the lead actress where she should be the centre of the story, while the character of KSE is described as a mysterious, and wanna the attention given more to KSE. it wudnt happen if KSE's character is originally adapted from the manhwa.. and fans already can foreseen her character.. maybe this is strategy from MBC. dunno..
i found it is a little bit.. err confusing. i hope the writer/ PD will give justice to all characters although im here becoz of KSE and LJK. i do like all casts, and they are all so eye-candy..and suprisingly i just found LSH is so handsome n good looking..
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July 9, 2015 at 10:16 PM
Didn't I just mention soompi......why is it so hard to accept that LYB was getting hate from KSE fans there when she was cast? Do I have to link every individual comment to prove it? You want to say it's the same minority every time but they make the atmosphere there so uncomfortable that LYB fans prefer not to have to keep reminding who is the lead....
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40 OMG it's Healer ?
July 8, 2015 at 1:36 AM
I can't wait to see Lee Yubi here on her first leading role. So excited for her. Fighting!
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41 Fion
July 8, 2015 at 1:43 AM
OMG! I cant wait for tonight eps!!!
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42 Ali.sabura
July 8, 2015 at 10:33 AM
You are right. I saw Kim So Eun in an airport. She simply beautiful woman, what in chambers. Such sweet and nice. Her natural beauty and talent. To me, all Korean actors liked. But, i love actresses in natural beauty, (but not after plastic surgery ).
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Sera The Ms Temper
July 8, 2015 at 8:03 PM
lucky you!
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43 melodiex
July 8, 2015 at 5:35 PM
I thought So Eun is the lead?!?!?! In the first ep there's so much chemistry between her and Jun Ki, I was so looking forwarding to them as couples!! I know So Eun plays another character later on, but I feel Yubi lacks chemistry with the male lead?? So Eun and Jun Ki looked so good together...
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July 8, 2015 at 7:55 PM
How can you tell LYB lacks chemistry with the male lead when she was on the screen and close to him for around 20 seconds (irl time) and they just met? Compared with KSE who was on screen for a lot longer and was actually in a relationship with LJK's character.
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Sera The Ms Temper
July 8, 2015 at 7:57 PM
nope, LYB is the first lead, while KSE is secondary.. at the first glance, it looks like LJK-LYB is like oppa-dongsaeng r/ship. but who knows they will have a chemistry later on. lets just wait and watch..
if the reason you watch this drama is becoz of KSE, try to stay until the end. :) mine also because of LJK and KSE, if there is no KSE in here i may not watch this vampire type drama, coz err.. i usually prevented to see this kind of drama..hehe
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44 Ginger
July 10, 2015 at 9:39 PM
Woaah why do I think Lee Yoo Bi looks like IU here? She's very cute :3
Lee Soo Hyuk-supermodel pose mode on-
everytime cameras flashes at him haha.
I also saw photos of LSH teases KSE everytime she's being asked by the MC. Cute friendship!
And why I found many photos of LYB and LJK doing the same hand pose like asking for money lol. What's the pose mean?
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45 Awesomeraji
July 11, 2015 at 8:45 AM
Just watching fir this kim so eun
want a better plot for her
Love her scenes with LJG
sooo cute <3 <3
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46 Ehra2008
July 26, 2015 at 2:32 AM
most KSE fans stop watching this drama coz her airtime is like 30 sec to 2 mins and for us it is a waste of time.. Me and my friends harbor no ill feelings to yubi but rather hate her agency Fantagio for screwing up her movie with Aaron Yan for this drama and fyi we even wish her character would die in this drama so she can do that movie.. but hell her agency is doing nothing but made us anticipate into something which will never happen
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47 Ehra2008
July 26, 2015 at 2:39 AM
Most of KSE fans in soompi are Solim fans they are usually the ones who criticized Yu Bi but then I have seen tweets , fb comments , youtube comments yubi fans bashing KsE so I think its even right?
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