The Producers: Episode 8

Today’s episode is all about lovelines, and goodness knows this is a drama that enjoys playing with all the different relationship configurations, but more than anything I feel like it’s really about friendships. Some are solidified, while others spring up seemingly unexpectedly, giving our characters a source of support from people they hadn’t necessarily expected to give it. Lovelines are fun and all (you’ll never hear me balk at a cute romance) but sometimes more than a spark of attraction, what speaks to the soul is a spark of recognition, from one person understanding the heart of another.


Coffee Boy – “이게 사랑일까” (Is This Love?) [ Download ]

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EPISODE 8: “Understanding lovelines”

Cindy kisses Seung-chan, completely taking him by surprise. He actually takes a confused step backward (sad) and stammers that this is a first for him. To which Cindy says that it’s not like she goes around acting like this to everyone. She asks what his reaction means, saying that she feels like an MC, handling this conversation solo.

But when it sounds like his answer may be negative, she hurriedly stops him and says she’ll give him time to think it over. She asks for a reply after he’s figured out his feelings, looking rather sad as she says she’ll wait.

Ye-jin gets caught in traffic on the way to the amusement park, and rejects a call from Cindy’s Manager Kim (muttering that they’re the ones who threw her under the bus) before picking up one from Joon-mo. He urges her to hurry to make the fireworks show in an hour, then reconsiders and adds that she shouldn’t hurry so much that it’ll be dangerous: “Come carefully!”

In the bathroom, Cindy mops up her tears and grumbles that someone would think she just got rejected by a guy… and the wonders if she did just get rejected. She insists to herself that he hasn’t replied yet and tells herself to pull it together, even as she’s crying in disappointment.

She tells Seung-chan that she’s ready to leave, though he replies that Ye-jin’s not here yet, Joon-mo’s still in his meeting, and moreover, it’s her birthday—they should celebrate it together. Then he pushes her cap down over her face and stands in front of her to prevent an employee from taking her photo. But Cindy peers over Seung-chan’s shoulder and asks for a souvenir picture anyway.

Of course, one look at the photo has her complaining how Seung-chan made her face look extra big (the courteous thing is for the man to stand in the foreground to make the woman’s face look smaller, since Koreans prize small faces). But she’s mollified when he says he’s never really taken photos with women before.

Sensing that she’s feeling awkward, Seung-chan wheels her to a long, empty corridor and instructs Cindy to hold on tight. He starts running, making the wheelchair zoom by and putting big grins on both their faces.

Once at the park, Ye-jin gets a call from stranger about her headlights and heads back to the parking lot. She informs Joon-mo over the phone just as it belatedly occurs to her that her number isn’t posted in her car anymore, then she drops her phone in shock to see somebody waiting for her. Joon-mo grows worried and starts running toward her.

But it’s only Manager Kim, here to confront her about harboring Cindy. He’s already confirmed it, having reviewed car black box footage and witnessed Cindy taking out the recycling outside Joon-mo’s apartment.

And, then, BAM! Joon-mo attacks Manager Kim with a traffic cone, thwacking him on the head—hard. Hahaha. I know it’s a total mistake but it’s just so satisfying.

Manager Kim isn’t without sympathy for Cindy’s feelings, but he reminds them how fearsome CEO Byun is. He adds that Byun acts this way about Cindy for fear that she’ll turn out “like that friend” from before. Just tell us what that’s about already! After all this buildup, it had better be good.

Joon-mo agrees to take responsibility for Cindy and escort her back to them, but not today—it’s her birthday, and the fireworks are about to start.

So the three PDs gather with Cindy to watch the display and wish her a happy birthday. She thanks them in a small voice that goes unheard, and looks wistfully at Seung-chan as Ye-jin throws an arm over each of the boys. Cindy stands up to join them, and wedges her way between Seung-chan and Ye-jin, haha.

Ye-jin declares that a birthday night must end at the noraebang, adding that Joon-mo’s got quite the voice. Joon-mo says that his friends were always telling him to be a singer (ha, I always forget that Cha Tae-hyun used to be a singer), and at that, Seung-chan pipes up that he can sing, too. Joon-mo looks at him skeptically… and then we cut to Seung-chan giving a rousing rendition of “This Is the Moment.” Joon-mo is grudging at best, while Ye-jin claps enthusiastically and pats Seung-chan’s head approvingly.

Ye-jin and Joon-mo take a turn with a bunch of ’90s kpop hits, and the more in sync they get, the sadder Seung-chan looks, which Cindy notices. Then Seung-chan enters his next selection—Lee Seung-gi’s noona-love anthem, “Because You’re My Woman.” He’s extra pleased when Ye-jin says it’s her favorite song, which Joon-mo would never sing for her even when she begged.

Joon-mo almost cancels the song, which Ye-jin prevents. But then Cindy, who’s looked glum all this time, grabs the remote and cuts the song short with a totally insincere “Sorry. Pushed it by accident.”

Then it’s Cindy’s turn, and she picks Younha’s “Waiting,” singing about falling for someone who doesn’t love her back but waiting anyway. The song continues scoring the scene as Seung-chan heads home at the end of the night (where he turns a shampoo bottle bearing Cindy’s face away before undressing), touching his lips to recall the kiss. Joon-mo watches Ye-jin without her seeing, while Cindy looks at her photo with Seung-chan, smiling as she falls asleep.

In the morning, Cindy reads the article online that insinuates that Ye-jin pushed her deliberately and apologizes for the trouble it caused. Ye-jin replies that it’s okay, even if it did put her in a tough spot, and got her car vandalized, and required costly repairs…

And Cindy just replies, “Okay.” HA. She does take a selca with Ye-jin and thanks her for her help, then heads out to be collected by her managers.

As her car pulls out of the apartment complex, Cindy catches a glimpse of Seung-chan walking by, and a passage from the Demian book seems to illustrate her feelings perfectly—about longing to live out her life, to put something of herself out into the world, and to form relationships. She looks backward at Seung-chan as her car passes, and the passage reads, “Sometimes I thought, ‘Now, right now, without a doubt, my love would be heading my way. That [he] would be at the next street corner, that [he] would call from the next window.'” And once again, we see that it’s a passage that both she and Seung-chan have marked in the book.

At the 1N2D office, the staff discusses the current state of the idol lovelines. Cindy’s the only one without a match, and the (women) writers giggle about matching her with Seung-chan, having sent him out of the meeting to discuss it behind his back. The shoe-tying scene sparked response from viewers, so they propose actively pursuing that dynamic. For instance, they suggest that Seung-chan cover Cindy’s segment for an upcoming special featuring friend visits to the cast members’ homes.

Joon-mo doesn’t look too convinced, but his writers like the thought of Cindy possibly developing interest in Seung-chan. All the while, Cindy finds herself obsessively checking her phone, disappointed when Seung-chan doesn’t call or message.

Ye-jin receives a package at the office and recoils to hear it’s from Cindy’s fans, expecting the worst. But it’s full of cute stuffed animals and “I love you” messages, which the bratty writer explains is a result of Cindy uploading a photo online. It’s their selca from the morning, with the caption: “Enjoying a sweet break with the always kind PD Tak Ye-jin.” Ye-jin is practically giddy at the five thousand likes and the note that calls her Korea’s best uljjang (face + jjang) PD.

Seung-chan, Joon-mo, and another PD head to lunch and start that maddening “What do you want to eat? No, not that” game. Joon-mo turns the question to Seung-chan, whose ideas get shot down, and finally he blurts, “You may eat whatever you like. I will eat bibim noodles.” HA, and then the others follow him for noodles.

Ye-jin and PD Hong-soon join them, and Hong-soon quickly gets on Seung-chan’s shit list by urging Ye-jin to go on a blind date with his friend. Seung-chan’s petty jealousy rears its head—he withholds his egg from Hong-soon, then pretends to only have enough mints for everyone minus him (having first stolen the supply to ensure just this).

CEO Byun visits Cindy for the inevitable confrontation and asks where Cindy stayed during her brief getaway. She’s surprised to hear that Cindy has friends she doesn’t know about, and says that if they started a war against each other, Cindy would lose. Cindy understands this, but counters that in so doing, she would lose Cindy, her biggest asset.

CEO Byun chuckles that she’s quite smart to know this, but says she’s already lost one—someone who was once as dear to her as Cindy was, whose spot Cindy took. If she lost Cindy, that space would be filled right away by a new star.

Seung-chan works up the nerve to ask Joon-mo if he’s fine having Ye-jin go on a blind date. He calls Joon-mo cowardly for knowing how Ye-jin feels but ignoring that anyway, making sure she doesn’t get too close while also making it difficult for her to go too far.

Joon-mo replies that he’s come to understand something from his time working here: “Good intentions don’t make good conclusions.” He says that a person can’t get involved if they can’t take responsibility for it through the end—which we know he’d learned the hard way. We hear the thoughts haunting his memories, as a young girl’s voice had asked if he’d take responsibility for her all the way, and he’d assured her he would. Which, apparently, he wasn’t able to do.

Seung-chan catches Ye-jin on her way out that evening, and carries her fan gift box for her as an excuse to suggest that maybe going on a blind date is a bad idea. He points out that men are the best judges of other men and finds excuses to indicate that the guy is a bad match. For instance, a man who likes stylish women is too fixated on their looks, though Ye-jin reminds him that Seung-chan liked his noona for being pretty. Haha.

When Ye-jin starts to hand over her installment payment for the day, he stops her and asks if they can change the terms of payment, from cash to goods. Like, for instance… dinner… or liquor… or movie tickets? Omg, adorable. Ye-jin eyes him suspiciously, and waits until he offers a twenty percent discount on the debt to accept. He grins in his uncontrollable way, and both of them feel like winners.

Ye-jin complains about Cindy’s lack of manners for not contacting them to say she got home okay, and by now we know her well enough to see that the bluster is a cover for her concern. She asks if Seung-chan has tried calling, which he hasn’t.

Cindy, meanwhile, is so disappointed over not getting a call that she texts Manager Oppa to call her, just to see if her phone is working. Then she logs onto her anti-cafe where her antis are wishing she’d hurry back into action… because life is boring without somebody to hate on. Cindy takes perverse satisfaction in chiming in (under the username Lose Cindy)—especially when they enthusiastically welcome her back and recommend her as a new cafe administrator because of her robust contributions to the site. LOL. She scoffs aloud at how absurd they are, but writes back cutely, “Really? Thank you!”

Ye-jin calls Cindy ostensibly to ask where she put something in the refrigerator, though really to check that she survived her encounter with CEO Byun, saying that she worried. Aw, the ladies get awkward and halting ’cause they’re not good with sincerity, but are they going to be reluctant girlfriends? This is going to be my favorite thing.

Cindy caaaasually asks Ye-jin whether it’s customary for maknae PDs to be very busy—say, so busy they can’t even make phone calls or text. She deflates when Ye-jin says they aren’t that busy, using Seung-chan’s readiness to help her earlier as an example. Sigh.

Joon-mo spots Ye-jin’s phone receiving a text and a call from the guy she’s to be set up with. He tells Ye-jin about the message she missed—but then hangs back and offers reasons why she should decline. Ye-jin is struck with him saying exactly what Seung-chan said, and supposes that two guys saying the same thing is a warning sign not to go on the date.

Cindy keeps checking her phone for messages that don’t come, and starts texting Seung-chan several messages that she deletes before sending—asking how he is, why he isn’t calling, and then snapping that he doesn’t have to call.

She’s moping in bed when Manager Oppa informs her that the 1N2D sent a team to surprise her at home, and she’s annoyed until he says that of all people, they had to send that rookie PD. She bolts up, alternately excited and upset, deciding to send him away, then let him in, then send him away…

Finally, she decides to let them in (after first getting all prettied up, of course), and Seung-chan explains the purpose of today’s shoo. Cindy wonders uneasily what “best friend” they could have called here today, trying to make it seem like there are too many for her to pick just one. The doorbell rings, and she nervously goes to answer it…

And immediately blurts, “Why are YOU here?”

It’s Go Ara, hilariously awkward as she and Cindy pretend to be super tight while going through the usual friendisms for the camera’s sake. They slap on huge false smiles for the audience, holding hands and calling each other best friends and soulmates, while a flashback takes us to a standoff in a stairwell. Both girls glare with a hand in each other’s hair, refusing to let go before the other one, leading to a stalemate.

They tell the camera that it may seem that they’re rivals, but really, they’re the first to be happy for each other when they land deals, even when they steal commercials from each other.

Then the VJ pauses the shoot to reset the camera and the smiles drop as they mutter at each other. Cindy tells Ara she shouldn’t have come, and Ara points out that it’s Cindy’s CEO that asked the favor of Ara’s CEO, since Cindy had no friends. Ara blames the rumor that they spent three hours grabbing each other’s hair (Cindy: “That’s not a rumor”) for keeping her from shampoo ads, and Cindy smugly informs her that she got one.

Ara reasons that this is a win-win situation for all involved, boosting both their images, and suggests that they make the best of it. She hams it up for the cameras, cooking Cindy fried rice and insisting on feeding her, which Cindy only allows because she can’t stand to see Ara feeding Seung-chan instead.

Then Seung-chan instructs them to send a video message to each other’s cell phones, and the ladies have to pause to first get each other’s numbers. HAHA.

They keep up the facade until Ara leaves, and Seung-chan hangs back to have a word with Cindy. He hems and haws awkwardly about this forced friendship shoot feeling wrong for their concept, and that he doesn’t feel good about broadcasting lies. She argues that it wasn’t a lie, and that you don’t have to be very close to everyone you call a friend.

Seung-chan goes for a more straightforward approach and tells Cindy honestly, “I think you’re a good person, but it doesn’t seem as though you think that of yourself. And so, I wonder if at some point, even your sincerity became acting.”

She asks if he’s giving her his answer now. She explains that Joon-mo had told her that in a real variety show, all she had to do was be herself: “But what is my real self? I don’t know.” If she doesn’t love herself, as he says, then who else would? Who would understand her?

She says she understands his reply and bids him goodbye. Once she’s in her room, she bursts into tears.

At the station, Hong-soon is excited to be put in charge of the variety department’s athletic day, because he sees it as another opportunity to suck up to the station director. Brownnosing first, always!

Ye-jin tells the docu crew that she finds these events tiresome, where you’re forced to put on a show of cheering on people who get upset if you don’t. On the other hand, Seung-chan lights up to hear Ye-jin cheering for him while he shows off his basketball skills, and interviews that he loves this feeling of teamwork and cooperation—and support from the cheering crowd—and wishes they could have athletic days all the time.

The guys, meanwhile, go gaga over the chance to ogle the bratty Music Bank writer in tight clothing as she takes out all the other women in dodgeball. Seung-chan uneasily watches Ye-jin fall victim to her and reminds his fellow blubbering dudes that they’re actually cheering against their own teammates.

Hong-soon knows a moment of fear when he’s overtaken in the relay race by Office Nazi, and then it’s on to the main event, the soccer match. As ever, CP Kim and Hong-soon are all about cheering for the station director, even though they’re both on the opposing team. Not that that matters, because everybody falls back to let the director have the ball—people on his team hold everyone else at bay, while opponents all but pass him the ball. The director basks in feeling like a superstar, making for the world’s slowest and least exciting game ever.

That is, until Seung-chan races in to play a legitimate game, stealing the ball and causing the director to fall. Hong-soon races up to Seung-chan and shoves him aside, leaving him blinking in bewilderment since they’re on the same team, lol. Office Nazi drily commentates as the farce continues, and the director scores a wimpy goal, which everyone jumps out of the way to allow.

Yet Seung-chan comes back to claim possession of the ball and scores a quick goal, screaming in triumph… until he registers that everyone’s staring at him in shock that he’d dare play for real. Tied now, the game goes to shootout to determine a winner, and it’s up to Seung-chan to try to score against Joon-mo. Everyone wonders whether he’ll fall in line and allow the director to win, or if he means to play for real like a crazy person.

Time slows, everyone holds their breaths, Seung-chan clenches his fist and starts to run. He shoots—a fast, serious kick—and Joon-mo dives to block it…

We don’t see the result, but join him after the match as Ye-jin compliments his athleticism and mops at his sweat. She suggest a picture, and he pushes his face forward (per Cindy’s instructions) to make sure hers comes out smaller. She gives him the choice to pick his “payment” for the day, and he chooses a movie, exulting to himself over the date that she doesn’t know is a date.

But the song that plays as she leaves smiling is (Coffee Boy’s) “Is This Love?”—the same song that plays as Hong-soon runs into Office Nazi at a restaurant and joins her at the table.

And at home, Cindy watches the video message from Ara, who’s sent a surprisingly sincere message about how she’d always felt they were similar, debuting at similar times at young ages. Ara says how that made her dislike Cindy more, but thanks her for the invitation: “Today was the first time I’d gone over to a friend’s house.” Cindy wipes at a tear, unwittingly moved, and saves Ara in her phone under the group “Friends.”

Today’s lesson about understanding lovelines: “We know the beginning, but not the end.”

Ye-jin arrives at the movie theater and realizes her phone is dead. Seung-chan drives over full of giddy excitement. And Cindy gets caught in the rain while waiting for Seung-chan outside his home, and calls him to let him know she has something to say. He says he has plans, but she just says she’ll wait.

He calls Ye-jin, who doesn’t pick up, leaving him with the dilemma of who to go to first.


Ah, now back to that shootout ending the soccer game. Seung-chan prepares himself and shoots. Joon-mo launches himself in the air, and successfully blocks the ball. No goal!


First off, there was absolutely no need for today’s episode to be an hour and a half. Now that the drama has lost its experimental edge and is basically a straight-up rom-com, 90 minutes (!!) seems like so much time that even the producers are looking for ways to fill it, which leads to episodes like this one that felt like two (or three) episodes just smooshed together, rather than one cohesive one. That whole segment at the athletic day—while super funny, I’ll admit—was essentially filler. The story before and after that long segment was essentially continuous, playing with the Seung-chan love triangle and Cindy’s loneliness, and it was like they sliced open the episode at one point to drop in extra material, then sewed it back up to end on a relevant moment. STOP THAT, SHOW. You’re a good drama! Don’t lose focus!

And to add another minor quibble, I find these epilogues growing increasingly irrelevant. Early on they were cute and funny, but they’re losing punch. You From Another Star had the best epilogues because they tied into the main plot without being crucial to it; they were fun B-sides that added a punchline or showed a slightly different angle. If an epilogue is more about conveying a crucial bit of information, I feel like they should go into the episode itself. Today’s was about something that happened in the main plotline but didn’t really add a twist—it should have just been in the show proper. It would be fine if the epilogue were entertaining on its own merits, which it wasn’t.

But that aside, I did really enjoy the episode and its narrative movement. I still don’t know which way the lovelines will end, which I suppose is the entire point, given today’s message. I know what I suspect and what I want, but the drama does make it a point to keep things up in the air. Like Seung-chan touching his lips after the kiss, even as his crush on Ye-jin rages stronger than ever. And how Ye-jin mostly seems to think of him in a platonic sense but makes comments about seeing him in a new light after he does something impressive, like singing a power ballad or showing off his athletic prowess. And how Joon-mo clearly cares about Ye-jin despite being afraid of doing anything to change their status.

I do feel like Joon-mo is getting short shrift in the plotline, which on one hand I don’t mind as much because I adore Seung-chan, as a person as a character, and am happy to have the story focus on him. But I find it too easy to be annoyed with Joon-mo, and I feel like it shouldn’t be so easy to dismiss him; I want to care more about him and am annoyed with the show that I don’t. We’ve been given enough hints as to a traumatic incident in his past that’s made him so gun-shy about taking responsibility for someone, and I want to know what that is—partly for curiosity’s sake but really mostly to be able to see Joon-mo in a more sympathetic light. I know he has good reasons for being, as Seung-chan, cowardly about his feelings for Ye-jin. But until I know what they are, I can’t give him that sympathy. Help ME help YOU, won’t you?

I don’t know that the end of the episode is that much of a cliffhanger, though, because I don’t feel like it’s quite the right setup to indicate a choice of the heart. So far he’s 100 percent in Ye-jin’s camp, so if he were to go to her, there’s no surprise in leaving Cindy waiting. And if he were to go to Cindy instead, it reasonable to presume that the injured girl in the rain trumps the one safely indoors.

I feel for Cindy enough that I keep wishing for Seung-chan to see her as she wants him to, for her sake more than anything. And every time he doesn’t, it pinches my heart for her, because she’s opening up and emerging into the world, like that bird bursting from its eggshell that served as a metaphor in the previous episode, and the person who brought her out may not be the person who can walk with her on these new paths she’s finding. But maybe that’s fine—maybe that’s the point, and maybe she needs to find a way to walk on her own first. Maybe Seung-chan isn’t the endgame for her, but the catalyst to get her caring again about taking control over her own life again and loving herself and figuring out what her true self is.

Cindy’s always the one stealing glances at the others, and when she “wins” an argument or gets to keep face publicly, it always feels like somehow she’s still the loser because the others have each other to turn to at the end of the day. It’s why I loved how they explored Cindy’s character with the manufactured friend visit, turning a cameo appearance into something narratively meaningful. I liked how Cindy defended it to Seung-chan, calling Ara a friend she’s just not that friendly with. On one level it’s a big ole sham to present the two as buddies when they’re clearly acting, but on another level, they understand each other in a way that others don’t; it’s their similarities that pitted them against each other as youngsters, but maybe that’ll be their bond now as adults, an understanding that perhaps means more than regular house visits or false smiles for the camera.


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I'm mad no one mentioned Cindy's trap phone last episode, smart girl. Not gonna lie, I thought the CEO had her parents offed, but she doesn't seem THAT evil.


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Erm, trap phone? I think I might have missed it. What’s that about?


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Lol, it's just a phone you use so your calls can't be traced, she was using some old Nokia last episode


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It'd be a REALLY crazy scary and Evil world if CEO's of K-ent companies are offing ppl left and right just to turn their children into trainees and trap them in long slave contracts!


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I thought the same thing...and to be honest still thinking it...that CEO is toooo many things for me ...why not the brain of Cindy's parents hired for murder


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Okay this might be my most favorite episode yet. I firmly believe that this show is littered with foreshadowing and this episode had some crucial ones (at least regarding the "lovelines"). Or at least I hope so or I'll turn in my AP Lit card, hah. I swear, if they pull the rug from under me I'm going to be mad, not after all the crumbs they've left for me.

1. Karaoke scene: BSC and his song for Yejin, Cindy on her feelings and how she'll wait for BSC, and (my otp) JM and YJ pretty much confessing their love to each other. I mean: "I'm so scared/You'll meet someone better than me/No that won't ever happen/It's always just been you/Allow yourself to believe and trust me/You might not believe it but you're my first love"??? Pretty much a confession, in neon signs and all.
2. Soccer goal. SC trying to score the goal but JM blocking it. He's not giving up YJ that easily. (Seriously JM go after her you chicken!)

The theme of waiting was throughout this episode too. Cindy waiting on SC, SC waiting on YJ, YJ on JM and JM... waiting for something that might never come. I hope something will spur someone into taking action and that it'll have a domino effect on the others. You can't wait forever guys! That ain't life.

Now, I ship SC/Cindy. I really loved that conversation they had at her house even though it hurt her. The two of them have really meaningful conversations and it's different from how SC interacts with YJ. SC called Cindy out on her authenticity and broke her heart in the process and I just wanted to hug her! But she needed to hear that and I'm glad that it was from SC. The blow was cushioned yet painful. Cushioned in the sense that she knows he's being sincere, painful that it was also a rejection (seriously though, because even if your heart's in the right place, when someone doubts your sincerity it can sting and is like a slap to the face). Cindy doesn't know who she really is because she's been playing a part for 10 years; she doesn't believe she's a good person because her image is of her *not* being a good person. That old mantra is true: if you don't love yourself, who will? I hope this makes her break out of her egg now, or at least crack it a little bit bigger. (Where is Zoe, she did an excellent meta on Cindy and her persona and 100% right.)

On a lighter note, my love for Cindy magnified after this episode. I'm happy she finally has a real friend in Ah Ra. I also died when she was lining up the chips at the karaoke and also that she also colors! And she's the administrator of her own anti-cafe, hahaha. THOSE are parts of the real Cindy tbh. I really appreciate the writer adding the subtle little things that line up with her sense of orderliness. I'm so invested in her, I just want her to be happyyyyy!


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Omg, I so agree with everything you have said!!! After this episode, I care so much more for Cindy and really hope she gets her happy ending with SC.


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Love this comment. I agree wholeheartedly.

To take it further on your take on the 2 OTPS, may I add:
I've always gotten the feeling that the show means for YJ and JM to be a pair, from start to finish, in how they've cared and loved each other since childhood, that they've only ever had eyes for each other. It's only that post-trauma, JM is holding back in making the big commitment, and therefore, his arc in this show is to get over the effects of the trauma and embrace his responsibility to his and YJ's feelings for each other. All we need to do is give him time, like 10 eps of it.

SC is sweet, sincere and all, and YJ finds him cute and endearing, but the show hasn't given me reasons to believe that she'll switch from JM to him. All it takes is one message fr JM, and she goes home running, leaving SC at the surf.

SC is being presented as being "Like" sb who is on the cusp of "puberty", tho he is clearly older, in that he is crushing on noonas, the way young teenagers crush on their pretty homeroom teacher. The puppy is learning to love by crushing.

Cindy is also new at this, but her reaction to SC's earnestness and sincerity is much more serious, cos those are the qualities that she yearns for in a relationship. Her arc is to find out what kind of a person she really is and how to love herself when no one else does. I suspect that SC's arc is to find out how he feels about Cindy, his job, and to mature from a wide-eyed novice at work and at love into a fuller person.


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The show has pretty much laid out so many crumbs regarding JM and YJ I could build a cake. That 20 years of friendship, of hidden feelings, is pretty much a goldmine that I'm sad they only have less than 4 episodes to mine and explore. It's cliche, sure, but it's dramaland! Full of repeated cliches and tropes that the audience eats up every time.

I feel like they're not going to make JM take the Big Leap until the last two episodes just to milk the triangles and that SUCKS. I want him to open up, to woo YJ, to properly court her, all that good stuff. I want to see how this friendship + something more will be handled in dramaland. I want it allllll.

I'm the same way in the YJ/SC boat too. After 8 episodes I haven't seen any reciprocation of his feelings towards her. Her heart is still all JM and she prioritizes him first out of everything. Interestingly SC does the same to Cindy. It's just a tired circle at this point. Someone needs to cut the chain, man.

As for SC/Cindy, as much as I want them to be endgame, I have a feeling they won't be. Instead they'll probably be an open ending. They'll both try to find themselves and be successful in their respective worlds and in the future, will meet in the middle. Timing will be perfect yadda yadda. That's good enough for me! Haha.


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I feel the same way. SC and Cindy are both totally green at this love stuff. They can be the catalyst for each other to enter that brave new world of fluttering hearts and butterflies in the stomach. That's (sweet) enough.

JM not being more forthcoming can be somewhat frustrating, but then if the writers play their cards right, he could be awesome when he wakes up from his slumber. He'll be the biggest romantic doofus to YJ for life.


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I didn't know it was a twelve episode drama!?! I'm sad now.


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You said it so well. I'm so frustrated because the writers keep playing this triangle love card. I want JM to step up and show YJ how much he loves her. It's going to be so awesome yet they put him aside and focused so much on SC and Cindy in these two episodes and it made me irritated. Last time it was Cindy now JM. I hope they finally focus on him and his story this week or I'm gonna be so mad lol.


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Agree!!! Nicely said <3


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To tag on your comments - I love the writer's play on the subtle psychological turmoil that Cindy is going through. She clearly has OCD - and it's more apparent whenever she's stressed or anxious. Anyone who struggles with OCD would agree that this tendency gets amplified when one's life gets out of one's own control, and it feels like this is the only outlet to show that things could still be under your control. For someone like Cindy who has distanced herself from the outside world, and with her status as a celebrity... and how her life is being played out after she met CEO Byun, it would certainly feel like (and already loudly illustrated here) nothing is within her grasp. And all these little things she's doing all point to her desperate need of balancing things out in her life. Go Cindy!


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I also love Park Ji-Eun's use of novels such as "Demian" (and “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” from You From Another Star) in her dramas to add depth to her characters. Min-Joon as Edward Tulane, a character in search of his humanity, and Cindy as Emil Sinclair who is trying to find herself in the real world, is genius.


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Fuck!! I love ur Comment!! (Tteam JoonMo-yeJin)

Im Still wating that Joon Mo confess his true feeling to Ye jin( Please Writer!) and I really want to know why he angry to CEO byun?? and who's that girl who had little voice? and stiill joon mo's Mom didnt know that Ye jin was lived to Joon mo House ( where are you Mother?)
I'm so curious!! Too many questions for Joon Mo story! (Please give ep 9 for Joon Mo!!)
How the Writer can explain it all?!! Its 4 eps left to go


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Same heeereeee!!!

I ship Cindy/SC for their sincerity. I also ship them for the reason that they sacrifice for each other in many occasions (SC skipped dinner just because Cindy didn't get any dinner during during 2D1N game, and on this ep, Cindy eating the unhygienic food Go Ara cooked, just because she didn't want SC to eat it instead). Hygiene freak, selfish, rude Cindy to do that? So cute.

On the other hand, IMO at least, YJ always seem to use SC (to run errand, to lash out when she doesn't have anyone to complain to, to buy her things, and the nastiest thing she did was making him hope, although her heart actually longs for someone else. That is just mean, YJ!) and she doesn't really sacrifice anything for him, to be honest. Why should she? She only thinks SC as her little brother/subordinate, right? She should make their relationship clear to SC, just like JM made it clear to HJ (per YJ's suggestion!), before that poor boy jumps off a cliff to get her some street food.


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Your comment on YJ using/toying with SC's emotions is spot on. Really, she's old enough to know that she shouldn't continue to play oblivious with Seung Chan's obvious crush for her.

Really...! I hope in the next episode somebody (maybe JM) should advise her to be honest with Seung Chan just like the advice she gave to JM regarding HJ.


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Hi! Haha, I just discovered soompi forums and I was hanging out there for a bit (what is this drama doing to me, seriously)! I remember writing a lot of meta when Joon-mo asked Cindy to be her true self (a lot of it defensive, I might add, I've been stanning Cindy so hard, and she was hated on so much initially, that I had an automatic protective instinct whenever it came to her, so I don't even know how credible any of the meta actually was), but I had no idea it would come back in the show to actually push the narrative forward. I LOVE that. I love that Cindy is so self-aware, and yet oblivious at the same time, because her self-awareness is limited to her image of herself. She "knows" that she's "not a good person", which, in perhaps any other character would be actual self-awareness, because most people would refuse to acknowledge this about themselves. Yet, in her case, ironically enough, it's not the exact truth, as Seung-chan pointed out.

Oh, and I so adored all the parts that you mentioned and I love that we're getting a glimpse of the real Cindy- parts that even Seung-chan hasn't seen (seriously, she comments so much and so seriously that she's now the administrator of her own anti-fan cafe? I AM DYING). I love that all these traits are being explored, that her first love, though unrequited, has all the excitement and tension and angst of love. That lines in books and songs speak and mean more to her, because that feels so universal to me. I think one of the major distinctions in Seung-chan/Ye-jin and Seung-chan/Cindy is that Cindy is a good actor and Ye-jin is a terrible one, so when Ye-jin is vulnerable, it shows, behind the bluster, and that's what Seung-chan fell for. With Cindy, apart from very few times when she accidentally let him in, the vulnerability is hidden behind the cover of her image and her show-face, which is so strong because even she doesn't realize it's an image. So her vulnerability is endlessly waiting for a message, crying alone in bathrooms, sneaking glances at the guy who never looks back, and the only people privy to that is the audience.

On the other hand, I have to admit, it sucks being so invested in a character who constantly has their heart broken, especially when you see reality playing out, knowing exactly how hopeful she was, and how she'd imagined it in her head. It's making me feel pretty meta'd out, because I just want to hug her now.


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I thought the same thing!!! BSC is now in the same position that JM is, having heard a confession and not knowing how to respond. I wonder if he will edit the memory, erase it or treasured. I think JM stopping BSC goal has more meaning and that he now has seen that BSC is so straight forward and taking steps closer to YJ. I think he will do something about his feelings for her. This week's episodes show more and more how in tune YJ and JM really are. Like the game they played while drinking and the traditional karaoke birthday celebration, how he wanted her to drive safely and of course their singing. I like the Cindy/BSC couple. But I LOVE the YJ and JM couple even more! YJ is not over JM and even before they kissed her ex boyfriends saw that she was in love with JM. BSC is cute to her, but I don't think that would be enough for her to move on.


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IU herself does love coloring for real! It's nice to see her doing it in the drama hihi ^o^


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I literally waiting for your recap, Javabeans!! Thanks!

Now, I think this is interesting show.. I don't mind the meta, the story, and the lovelines at all, even though I scratch my head like crazy trying to figure out the end game..

Love Go Ara cameo, she's so funny and the whole segment when they try to be "best friends" are really fun to watch.. I hope she will be making another cameo. Haha

I agree with your sentiment that athletic day feels like filler. The whole football match, up to penalty shoot-out is painfully slow!!


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I love the football scenes. It shows the personalities of BSC that he is competitives in the spirit of sport and ignoring the corporate posiiton of his organisation. Like a child ignoring the cares of the adult working world of carrying favours.


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I love the football scenes too, it's so hilarious I didn't think it's slow. In fact, I don't find 90 mins for an episode is too long too. I'm enjoying every moment of Producers that I don't mind them having more air time ;)

Honestly, I think the epilogue carries an important message. Joon-mo successfully guarding the goal post is like telling SC that hey I'm not giving up so easily. And it can also be a sign that he'll be the one to win the girl (YJ) at the end, not letting SC to have a chance.

As much as I like SC, I'm still rooting for JM & YJ. Come on.. they obviously care a whole lot about one another! Please be happy together!!! ><


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How will I wait for next Friday???? That ending... Urrrgggghh!!!!

What I think, SC will go back to Cindy but will make that clear he is not interested in her but someone else *sad*...

The moment YJ was watching her and SC's pic, did that imply that YJ was little bit interested in him???

I am happy I got a clear view of Joon Mo's intentions

" I am gonna block you" B-)


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Maybe she’ll get onto the matchmaking bandwagon? She knew about his feelings for his noona, and poked fun at him endlessly about it. But maybe her slow opening up to Cindy, and those days of being a group of four might lead her to try and help Cindy along? Like in a, BSC finally has someone his age, someone nice and real, who likes him so he should have a chance.



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I actually don't want YJ to help Cindy, I like her self made personality though she herself us confused about her, still...

Because I am in Umbrella group, I want SC to realize Cindy's sincerity like he told her that her sincerity would become acting someday- these words !!! SC told really harsh words. Now that Cindy has said she got his answer, she should act to ignore SC. As Joon Mo teams planned I too like to send Cindy to SC's home and see some push and pull :) Cindy's Acting of non sincerity may shake SC


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I have mixed feeling about Seung-chan's sort of implying his doubt about Cindy's feelings toward him. Those were harsh words, that is true; he couldn't doubt a girl's kiss like that. I don't know if he knows it takes tremendous amount of courage and sincerity for a girl to initiate a kiss. She didn't have to go that far if she only wanted him to think nicely of her, it had to be her true feelings. On the other hand, my shipper heart was wondering, was it what he was thinking about the whole day watching her? That he was concerned whether her kiss showed her true feelings for him or not? If it was really the case, apparently he cared more than he knew it. But I don't know, maybe I'm reading into it too much.


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That's a good point, I mean he didn't seem to outright reject her, he just questioned her feelings for him, but he himself didn't reveal how he felt. As a normal person and her being a celebrity it was understandable for him to maybe make everything clear before saying how he felt.


I want to believe that SC wants to confirm about her feeling, obviously a normal person won't believe if a celeb suddenly confess but the way he got excited over his meeting with YJ, I mean I don't know he has ever considered about Cindy ir not


I agree with you on this. He seems to always be analysing everything she does, to decide if it's for the camera or for real. Although there weren't any cameras around, he might be indeed concerned that her confession is a facade, whether she knows it or not. The fact that he's been thinking about it ever since (the walk home), means he's still grappling with the idea.


I agree with you.

For me, those long (and harsh) words that he said didn't feel like an outright "no" or rejection. It sounds more like...
"try again"

Smart kid.


"What I think, SC will go back to Cindy but will make that clear he is not interested in her but someone else *sad*…"

I believe that SC, being the super responsible person that he is, who puts duty b4 self-interest, will go to Cindy, Not necessarily to tell her he is not interested in her, but cos he isn't one to leave a girl (one who has just 'kissed' him on the lips, no less) waiting for him in front of his house in the rain, And more imptly, cos he is concerned about what she has to say that brings her to his apt at night. Heck, even I am interested to find out what it is.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if he drops by the cinema first tho, to tell YJ that sthg impt has some up and he can't see the movie w her.

If from here on out, YJ were to show some small amt of interest in him "as a man", just to get JM jealous, it'd be fun to see the 2 girls fight over him, and see JM go nutso cuckoo.


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Sounds fun !!! :D because I love Cindy so much, I want her to ignore SC if she is sent to his house , SC may then feel bad... You know sometime we get attracted to someone who avoids us, the moment he questioned her sincerity it will really hurt me and her dialogue then

" I hear you loud and clear PD nim" !!! Ouch :(

I feel now YJ is the most normal person right now, I mean she reacts normally to situations, Cindy's actions are pretty much decided or designed by her agency, idol status, fans etc etc. SC , GOD!!!!! His revenges make me forget his age and Joon Mo I am waiting for him to react


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I really agree that the episodes have really pulled away from Joon-mo, so much so that I’m not even sure if I’m expected to care for him or not. This week I’ve asked myself a few times - when did this drama turn into ‘who will end up with Baek Seung-chan PD?’ Not that I’m actually complaining at all because Seung-chan is my favourite thing since sliced bread and love every bit of attention he gets lol. Its just that I’m not sure how to think of these missed timings when we only have 4 episodes left. I don’t think Seung-chan would fall for Cindy; there, I said it. It’s just not likely because regardless on if Seung-chan’s like for Ye-jin is merely a crush or more, Cindy just doesn’t seem like someone he’d fall for. She’s someone who needs a friend, which surely Seung-chan would end up being. But expecting love from someone who doesn’t see you the way you see him is just too difficult. There isn’t even true trust or understanding between them.

Which is similarly Seung-chan’s case as well. But maybe not. I’m not sure. Because Ye-jin doesn’t see him more than this sweet kid, but then there is trust and loyalty and care. There are also obvious signs that she’s growing extremely fond of him, which I felt in full force when she looked at their selfie so fondly or when he admires him for being more than just the adorable rookie. One kiss, and game changes is the way I see it. Of course, there’s also the knetz and their opinion to consider. I’m not sure how much this writer gets influenced by that, but because of KSH and BSC’s popularity, I did notice how much Seung-chan has been at the centre of the drama with him in almost every scene – be it with Joon-mo, Cindy or Ye-jin.

Surprisingly, I’m starting to disengage with Cindy’s story the more they show her on screen. Maybe the lesser dose of her, the better is how I see it – like in the initial episodes. Now she just seems a little standard/bland and while thankfully not clingy, I’m worried she’s heading in that direction. I’d like to see her try to befriend Seung-chan instead of court him. That would be a nice change-up.

The soccer game was pee-your-pants-hilarious, even if, as JB pointed out – is completely filter. Baek Seung-chan though, bwahahahaha. I died. When he pulled his shirt to his face and ran around the field while everyone stood in shock, I died once more. He’s so out of it sometimes, like he truly can’t grasp why everyone in his team won’t let him win it for them. I need this kiddo in my life. He just tells you everything to your face without filter. We need people like that; ones who just manages to be honest and really lay down your weaknesses in front of you so you can get the chance to improve on them. He doesn’t do fake and he doesn't lie. Which is why whatever comes out of him is important, because no matter how difficult it can be, you know he’ll tell you the truth. And sometimes, that's the most difficult thing to get out of people.


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Slow moving episode... kind of tired of Cindy already, we all know Cindy, SC does too... quite frankly there is not much about her to know... at this point, BS/Cindy endgame will be disappointing to me... because why does he need to save her, she needs to explore and learn about herself, won't that be a better ending?


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Yea I completely agree. Cindy is starting to get really cliched in a way that's not exciting or interesting. There's nothing more to explore as far as I'm concerned, so I'd like for them to move on from her individual storyline and focus on the variety aspect of this show. Or maybe Seung-chan's struggles as rookie and how his earnestness and honesty can gain him the success someone like Joon-mo is unable to find.

Love lines have been really stalemate for the past 3 or so episodes. Cindy likes Seung-chan who likes Ye-in who likes Joon-mo. Someone has to like someone back and actually show it so we can cut off the chain and see a clear picture. I love this drama too much to feel disappointed but I hope next week will give us a clear indication instead of pushing this right until the last moment. That would really suck.


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<Someone has to like someone back

Well, Joon-mo likes Ye-in back. Does he show it? Yes and no. He tends to do the opposite of what one would do to show feelings, but in some way that's exactly showing his feelings. Like when he yells at YJ after the accident on the stage a few episodes back, that's his very roundabout way of saying "I was so worried about you" even if outwardly he seems more concerned about Cindy.


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Yes, pls have less of Cindy. Her sob story drags the rhythm of the show and has become a device to manipulate people's feelings (first and foremost b/c it's being played by IU). I wish they realistically portrayed the struggles of idols' careers Misaeng-style, but it has turned into a sensational boo-hoo story, so I don't care for her…at all.


I was really invested in JM, and CTH was in his element and so so awesome at conveying subtle emotions in a realistic way that spoke to me. The nuances in JM/YJ friendship/relationship perfectly rivaled SC/YJ adorable dynamic, so I'm disappointed that the writer (in the name of popularity) left JM behind three episodes ago. I don't like that he's become a two dimensional passive aggressive under developed "friend". It's so easy to dismiss him now and the dynamic/chemistry between JM/YJ has diminished to nothing.

I get it. KSH is awesome and SC is awesome (and so likable as a character), but spread the love a little. Too much of Cindy and too little of JM is an injustice to both of them.


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I'm sorry Cindy's story doesn't seem as realistic as you wish to see. I would like to say though, that being used as a money-making machine instead of being treated like human seems pretty real to me. And the isolation and loneliness coming from being put in an extremely competitive environment since young leading to a bubble life of outer image - I don't think it's too far from truth.

Cindy appeared very little at the beginning and only this week she appeared more. Imo, it isn't much about the screentime balance between Cindy and Joon-mo, but more about the development of these two characters. I also don't like the fact that Cindy is becoming too dependent on Seung-chan, and Joon-mo is stubbornly stick with being a coward from one episode to another. I hope both of these characters will be given fair chance to grow instead of loveline baits. They could really shine, but the current flow is not doing them any favor.


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I'm sorry you failed to see my point. I said, "I wish they realistically portrayed the struggles of idols’ careers Misaeng-style". I'm talking about execution. Yes, the show is realistic in its ideas of using idols as making money machines, and yes, there's no question that that isolation leads to low self-esteem, loss of one's identity, loneliness and numerous other issues, but when they added that both her parents also died, well that's just dangerously getting into makjang territory and unnecessarily sensationalizing an already compelling topic. Too much of a good thing doesn't make it better.

The amount of screen time of Cindy and JM is the problem of their character development. They're over developing Cindy and under developing JM.

So, we're basically saying the same things since your last three sentences sums it up.


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Ah sorry I misunderstood your comment. I think people have been curious to know Cindy's backstory - we can have a sense of it from the fact Cindy doesn't have anyone to turn to and she calls CEO Byun "mother", but it needs to laid down cleanly somehow. It goes well with the current loveline theme so I suppose that's why they did it the way they did.


Joon-mo though, seriously, he needs to do something. I hope him blocking Seung-chan is the signal of his development.


Yes, I understand what you're saying and yes, that's why they went in that direction, but a few things this writer does so well is give insight into one character through the conversation of two other people or a short sentence that conveys a lot of meaning. That's smart writing.

For example:
I love the interaction/conversations between JM and CEO Byun. They reveal so much about Cindy's life that I had more sympathy for her in the earlier episodes.

In this episode, the "men are the best judges of other men" was a great way to reveal to JM that SC also likes YJ.

And in episode 4, I really liked JM conversation w/ Cindy about “real variety” is: “Don’t try to do anything. All you have to do is be there as yourself.” And she said “Just as I am…” Beautifully done. Love it. From that conversation, it's clear she doesn't know who she is and no one has ever given her the chance to be herself.


"Manipulate people's feelings" is the perfect way to describe the situation. Cindy was interesting to watch initially because she was mysterious and had an element of surprise. But we should have moved on from her story after episode 7. There are so many things I'd rather learn about like the variety world they work in, the in works and the PD's success story.

I think the writer is unable to juggle Cindy and Joon-mo. When one has more screen time, the other is sent to the background. If I'm forced to pick between them, I'd rather see more Joon-mo. But I can see why they went the other way considering knetz are all about who Seung-chan ends up with, therefore putting all focus on his triangle. I personally adore Seung-chan so that's not really a huge issue for me. But this drama is better than just a love triangle, so while I still love almost everything about it, I hope it can go back to its roots which was when it was at its best.


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I felt kind of disappointed with this episode. What with that lengthy karaoke and the sports scenes? I love KSH but are these scenes just meant to show that he's a good singer(duhh.... many know that already..) and a good athlete? I don't mind to have scenes like these, I just don't get does it have to be too lengthy.

The part which shows that sexy MuBank maknae writer throwing the ball towards the other players just too excessive. I felt like the director is exploiting her body unnecessarily for that scene.

But the touching moment is the scene when Cindy cries after having that talk with Seung Chan.... oooh...it really breaks my heart. I could feel her pain....
Seung Chan..... why...oh...why.... huhuhuu....


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Thanks for the fast recap!

Awww.. Im shipping cindy, with whoever she'll end up with or without whoever..

I also found the story to be slow down in momentum.. Isnt this series a 12 episode series? We're at episode 8, but there's not much depth explored yet imho..


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Agreed, there was little to no progression in todays episode, after a fantastic episode yesterday!

Also, since everyone is predicting that Cindy will end up alone (no love partner), Ive got a cheeky feeling that the writers will pair BSC and Cindy!!! I hope this happens :P UMBRELLA COUPLE FIGHTING


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I can't wait to see how confused and cute they'd be when they are paired on the show, and then ratings go thru the roof! Then he'll get to see more of her as she really is, and fall for her.

Umbrella couple, good luck!


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Thank you for the recap javabeans!!

This episode did feel a bit dragged out, and I didn't really focus on the sports day segment.

I was quite sad for Cindy but applaud the fact that Seung chan and her can talk so directly without pretense, and they are sincere with each other.

The epilogue I interpreted in my own way :

Seung chan was telling Junmo not to be cowardly, and this is so refreshing because if he likes Yejin, shouldn't he be seeing Junmo as a rival? Yet he challenges him to do something more for Ye jin? So I took the non goal to mean that, Junmo is ready to get down to business, and no way he is going to let Seungchan score with Yejin lol

reading too much into it? hahahahha I dunno...


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ughhh looks like my umbrella couple ship is sinking :((

the writers are just playing with us now! my heart broke everytime cindy was neglected - this make ms ship the umbrella couple even more just for the sake of Cindy!

didn't the writers say that the love line will become much clearer? tbh this episode, like Javabeans said, had little to no progression - it was pretty much filler stuff - since the love triangle is still very unclear, but leaning towards BSC YJ endgame..


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I'm all for Umbrella Couple and Ye Jin-Joon Mo!!
I think the end game better be this way.. IMO


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I agree that Joon-mo's getting the short end of the stick. I'm really not sure why; I love his character and how he's acted. I actually think he's frustrating in the best of ways--as annoying as his refusal to rock the boat is, it's at least relatable and understandable. It would be nice to get some more attention there.

Cindy ruled this episode for me in two ways--her budding friendship with TYJ is so great. I hope it gets more screen-time.

I might've had too much wine, but the scene with the biggest emotional impact for me was Ara's video. It's kinda strange, since that's an entirely new character, but the video was so sweet, and Cindy's response was perfect. it was clear when the two shared the first scene that they're similar in a lot of ways, but that moment in the video was a really intimate one. I loved JB's comment of 'what speaks to the soul is understanding the heart of another,' and the moment with Cindy and video-Ara really shows that. It honestly had more punch for me than her scenes with BSC (those are great too though). BSC, TYJ, and Joon-mo all make this awesome family, like in the scene with the fireworks. For Cindy, they're great remedies for her loneliness. But Ara is a fellow sufferer, and there's always something special there. The kinship they made there, especially as people distant to each other, was really touching.

It shares the flavor Cheon Song-yi and Yoo-ra a little bit, but packs more emotional punch for me.

Fun episode. Thanks for the recap JB!


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LOL okay, also, the first line of Ara's video cracked me up--'we debuted at 13/14.' What if the two of them drunk together is a constant stream of just that line.


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I'm trying to imagine that..... LOL..!!!
:D :D :D


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Ara's video should have been the epilogue.


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Yes! I agree. That scene should've been the epilogue. I was curious and looked up Ara's debut and she did debut almost the same age as IU. The meta continues~


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While the meta is great w/ both of them debuting about the same time, a part of me wish they would've had Yoo In Na be the guest rival. In real life, they're best friends so it would be fun to see them as frenemies.

And yes, if Ara's video was the epilogue, it would have more relevance and meaning.


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i'd be less annoyed by cth's decreasing screen-time and how little we know of joon mo as a character if i knew for sure that the next 4 episodes gives us more of him but it seems like they're gonna drag the ghj/ksh/iu love triangle thing until the very end which is incredibly frustrating. i like ksh and he's good in this role but it's rlly hard not to get annoyed by how this show seems to have turned into who his character is gonna end up with instead of properly developing the relationships of all four characters. i LOVE ye jin/joon mo and i ultimately think the show is gonna end with those two together but they only have four episodes left and while the show is making it clear that joon mo has feelings for ye jin that are more than just friendly, the show is being a lot more ambiguous with how ye jin is feeling towards seung chan that now if they actually have yj/jm be endgame, it will feel far less earned since so much of the screentime has focused on yj's potential shifting feelings. i hope i'm wrong and the last 4 eps do a really good job in giving us jm's pov and so i can understand where he's coming from.

also, i wouldn't mind the length of these episodes so much if the scenes we got were character focused but instead they just seem to be filler.


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I thought Producers started out strong (i.e. character focused, slice of life storytelling, meaningful epilogues, etc.), but the last two episodes have disappointed me. Initially, Producers seemed like the child of Misaeng and Answer Me 1997, but it's become a traditional rom-com with character development/story pacing issues.

Yes, why did they leave Joon-mo in the dust and become all about Seung-chan's love line? And Cindy's sob story? SC is adorable and am fine with the drama depicting the challenges/struggles of an idol's life, but now that their stories have taken center stage, the drama isn't as compelling and fresh as it initially was. Why even have CTH in this drama at all? His acting and chemistry with GHJ sealed the deal for me, but now it's all about popularity and KSH and IU are clearly the winners.


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yeah i really hate it. Because of the popularity ....>__<


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"Why even have CTH in this drama at all? His acting and chemistry with GHJ sealed the deal for me.."



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I guess this is the reason why CTH said he was worried when he found out that KSH had accepted the role for this drama. Maybe he had anticipated this all along... that KSH would steal the show even though all 4 of them are supposed to be equal leads of the drama.


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I agree! There's too much focus on the love triangle while the drama itself claims that the four are main leads. Why does the drama rarely ever made the viewers care about Joon-Mo as a main character? Sometimes I wonder is it because KSH, GHJ and IU are waaaay more popular?


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i think they give ep 9 to joon Mo, This love triangle will start on ep 9 (joonMo-Yejin_Seung chan)

the epilogue is like, they giving a hint for that Love-triangle.
That Game dedicated to Ye Jin.


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I hope you are right. I'm starting to get too annoyed by the writer's writing for the flock. Stick to the deal people!


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That's a super fast recap. Yay! Thank you javabeans!

I love how Cindy is as shy as everyone else when it comes to waiting for a reaction. But BSC's non-response for the whole damn episode annoys me. DUDE! Don't be such a wuss!

Is there really such a courtesy thing when taking photos in Korea? I'm only gonna take photos with Korean men now, since my face is absurdly round. WOW.

But it's so cool that the rest are now trying to matchmake him with Cindy. Guy needs all the help he can get. I think he's quite oblivious when it comes to his own life.

I'm really glad that the fans changed their mind about Ye-jin. She's been awful at the beginning, but after seeng her sorta protectiveness - even though she was being wrongly witch-hunted - makes me want her to be more accepted.

I love it that BSC would rather Joon-mo, whom he knows Ye-jin cares for, to be the one winning her attention than some random blind date guy. That's sweet, and I'd like his grudging nagging to really help the pair along.

I find that BSC and Cindy are still very slow moving, and with 4 episodes more to go, I think the chances are high that we'll get at most two episodes of lovey-doveyness. *sigh*


Can't agree more about the epilogue too. I think a better fit would be if Ara's video message to Cindy were in the epillogue. Fits the bill of something 'hidden', that you wouldn't expect. I really loved that somehow, Ara is able to think through the sham and reflect on the similarities in their lives. I think it's a great morale boost for Cindy. Although BSC tries to help her to see how she's a light of her generation, and that she should be kinder to herself, the problem is, he just can never understand her circumstances fully. But the message from Ara lets her know that she's not alone in this, and even if they don't become bosom buddies, someone in her 'circle' will understand if she really needs a listening ear. Sometimes, I think it's the circumstances that draw unlikely people together. I'm not best friends with my cousin, but we're also the only people who can talk to each other about our respective families, because only we can relate to the warped mindsets of each other's parents and the struggles in the family dynamics.

Okay, I might be getting ahead of myself but... is it possible that Cindy decides to face off Byunpire, and Ara plots with her how to win the media game? =D


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Erm, trap phone? I think I might have missed it. What's that about?


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Sorry guys, ignore this and the subsequent top-level comments immediately below. I thought I can right-click on 'Reply' to do that a new tab... but it adds a new top-level comment, instead of replying to someone else's comment. X=


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Maybe she'll get onto the matchmaking bandwagon? She knew about his feelings for his noona, and poked fun at him endlessly about it. But maybe her slow opening up to Cindy, and those days of being a group of four might lead her to try and help Cindy along? Like in a, BSC finally has someone his age, someone nice and real, who likes him so he should have a chance.


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I also think that the epilogue means JM is finally going to try and block SC (or anyone for that matter) into scoring a goal with YJ. Because there's gotta be a reason why that was the epilogue.

Hopefully next week's set of episodes are his like how this week is Cindy's.


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Well, I ship Cindy with herself. Girl needs to love herself because I'm pretty sure her real self is awesome. She just needs to figure out who the real her is.


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LOL so true. The only problem with that might be that the Cindy/herself ship could result in steep decrease of her screen time.

(It's kinda fun to apply the 1n2d writers' convo to the actual show.)


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I think the soccer game is essential..
The story goes with JM successfully defeat BSC at the shoot-out.
It means, JM knows exactly what he's doing to Yejin. He is now blocking BSC attempt to get Yejin..

My prediction is, BSC will call Joonmo to take Yejin home because he will go to Cindy..


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I don't want to admit this because I want Seung Chan to go with Ye Jin, but I think your prediction is right.

I also have some predictions roaming in my mind right now though;

1. Seung Chan will call Manager Oppa to pick up Cindy.
2. Since Joon Mo is on his way home, he will see Cindy and will accompany her in his house.
3. Seung Chan will call Joon Mo to ask for a favor if he can accompany Cindy for awhile since Joon Mo is on his way home and then Seung Chan will go to Ye Jin.

but then, yeah...you're prediction is somewhat close to reality because Seung Chan cares to Cindy too, I think he will choose to go back to see Cindy (It is also the humane thing to do since its raining outside he will surely be a gentleman since Ye Jin is in a safer place). (And maybe this will be the best time to talked on what happened to them in the amusement park).


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Ahhhhhh!!!! So many endless possibilities to what could happen in the beginning of the 9th episode.

Also, I think Yejin is starting to fall for Seung Chan because even though Joon Mo blocked the ball she praised Seung Chan... instead of her long life best friend.

Any one of your predictions could come true, but I do agree on dis_c's prediction more.

P.S. I think Joon Mo is closer to Yejin because hes in a store getting bandage for his arm; Yejin is in the cinemas... so both are in the city centre?


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or..... LOL...!

Seung Chan's omma happened to walked by and saw, "omo..omo..! You the sweet girl who knows how to recycle! Come to my house! You're soaking wet!"

hahahaaaa.... :D


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I agree w you that SC will call JM to go to YJ, while he goes to meet Cindy, so that she won't have to be standing in the rain. That makes the most sense, given the kind of person that SC is, responsible and honourable.


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My prediction is Cindy will be seen by YJ's cute brother?? I will ship them....


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I think Producers have the formula of 'one fun episode, one not-so-fun episode'. It loses all the cohesiveness of the last episode, and this episode is all about KSH romancing both women and drifting further from variety world. I'm glad with Cindy's development, but now it's a very (may I emphasize? VERY. I mean, any writer can write better) standard rom-com with love rectangle. Last episode we've got heartwarming dynamics between the four, but now--puff--it's gone.
And what's with the length? There's not so much development compared to the last episode. Why bother lengthening it?
Also, I don't really understand about the epilogue. But if I have to look deeper, maybe it indicates that Joonmo won't give up on Yejin? If yes, oh thank God. Now writer, can you get your sense back?


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I hope cindy befriend BSc and move on. Cindy can do so much better on her. May be can we have cameo of Lee Hyun as love interest of cindy. At this point I want BSc end up being single and tyj RJM getting back together


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Suddenly why?????? You want BSC to be left alone??? :o


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Yeah I hope so.

It will be great if in the end Cindy will realize that she's more than a celebrity. I love to see Cindy love herself before loving someone else. She needs to realize that she's worth it.

I also hope that she'll befriend all the main characters and stop her fondness to Seung Chan. I want them to see as friends because Seung Chan brings her out just like the other characters.

I also want Joon Mo and Ye Jin to stay friends, I want them to have a different ending and not like other korean dramas where friends became lovers, it's too common. I just love them to see support and be there for each other as friends...

And here, I will be biased haha..sorry...
I like the noona-dongsaeng love or sunbae-rookie love...


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In real life some agencies dont allow kpop singers to date.

CEO Byun doesnt like Seung Chan and wont allow Cindy to date, so you want her to be left alone? Its seems more realistic , but I do want Cindy to stand up to CEO Byun-pire and rebel against her more often... Oh no! It occurred to me that it might ruin her career if she goes with Seung Chan, unless her fans approve because the other PD's are trying to hook them up in that variety show.


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I think my ship might sink... (all of my ships are sinking lately... *cries in slow-moving Tae-biiiiii*)

But I still foolishly hold onto hope that the BSC+Cindy ship might sail.

This episode was kind (or cruel) enough to make me hope for that.

In previous episodes BSC dismissed Cindy readily. She wasn't even a blip on his radar unless it had something to do with the show they are filming. But in this episode he doubted, he was unnerved (shaken at least) by her kiss. It made him feel something. Also, we can clearly see he's affected by her sadness when he proposes their run while she's on the wheelchair and he pushes her, and then when she's singing that "unrequited love song" to him.

Cindy is stirring feelings on him, he's quite not sure of what to do.

Otherwise, at the end of this episode... he wouldn't have hesitated... he would have gone straight to Ye Jin..but he doubted..
So some hope is still left that the USS BSC+Cindy might sail.

Also, I believe his crush for Ye Jin is just that, a crush. It's not equal, they are not equals, she doesn't even treat him like a friend... more like a cutesy little brother she enjoys hanging up with. He's totally friendzoned.

I wish he would see that Cindy looks up to him and sincerely cares for him in a way no one before has. Like it said when Cindy kissed him, this is a first for him. Being liked by someone. So far I think he has hidden behind obviously unrequited crushes to avoid truly giving his heart to someone. I feel that someone could be Cindy who has already laid her heart out for him to take. *crosses fingers that he'll make the choice I'm hoping for*

Umbrella Couple, fighting!


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Yes, the fact that he hesitated about whether to go to YJ or Cindy gave me hopes that he does feel something for Cindy. I do see the soccer shootout as the endgame for YJ and JM so the umbrella couple still has hope!!!!


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Aww, seeing Go Ara's cameo just made me want to see her in her own bubbly little rom com... come back to dramaland! (Preferably with Yoo Yeon Seok since I'm still not over those two in AM94 *sob*)


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I may be late on this, but is the staff trying to manufacture a loveline between Seung-Chan and Cindy mirroring the initial "loveline" on the real, current 1n2d season loveline between Kim Joo Hyuk and magnae writer Seul-Gi?


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I really ship SC-YJ the more I start to dislike JM. Tho ofcourse I feel bad for Cindy but she hasn't really transformed to a character a care for beyond hoping she can pick herself up. Its sad that she likes a guy who doesn't like her back but its her part of growing up. I love the way SC was clear about his feeling tho. It was important to let her know that he doesn't like her the way she likes him. He was honest and frank about it so I cant see a reason why she’d ever feel she was wronged later on. He never even had anything romantic for her so… whatever, I want SC-YJ as endgame and if not, then SC finding someone he loves and one who loves him back will be great. I don't think it should be Cindy personally, but we’ll see what the writer does with that.


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Thanks for the recap.

Best moment: Cindy stands up to join them, and wedges her way between Seung-chan and Ye-jin, haha.


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I really like Seung-chan and Cindy's conversations. They are meaningful, and they make me think a lot, feel a lot.

I don't know what to do when I feel the sadness in Cindy's heart. It's too much. It's heartbreaking to watch her. I just want her to be happy, truly happy.

At this point, I think Joon-mo and Ye-jin will be together, and Seung-chan and Cindy will have an open ending. Joon-mo and Ye-jin really need to work it out between themselves, and with that I mean Joon-mo. It's been dragged out for long enough, it's getting frustrating and annoying. I wish Umbrella Couple could come true (it fills my heart with sparks and joy every time I think about them), but now it would make more sense if Seung-chan learns to become a brilliant and successful PD, while Cindy takes another route for her career for example, and they will meet each other again sometime later. It's not impossible for him to fall for Cindy, it just doesn't feel right if it comes out of pity only which is the current situation. One nice thing about them now though, is that their conversations are honest and sincere, and they learn a lot about themselves, about each other the more they talk.

My ultimate wish is for all four of them being together. Their moments together were the cutest.

I wonder if Joon-mo's and Seung-chan's moms will have some sort of important roles here. At least sometimes I wonder, maybe Seung-chan's tendency of having crush on older woman is because he's used to be pampered by his mom? And if Joon-mo's mom knows Ye-jin has been living at the same apartment with Joon-mo all this while, what will happen?


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Oh btw, my favorite moments in this episode include the scene with Go Ara's video message, and the scene when Seung-chan pushed Cindy on the wheelchair to run through the beautiful corridor. He gazed down at her and they both smiled so happily. It was a moment of pure joy that light me up inside. Ah and when Cindy rescued Ye-jin from hate, too. Really hope they could become BFF.


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And for Umbrella Couple Shipper.. Don't forget that BSC's heart is easy to moved...
Just a few minutes earlier he is in crush with Hae Joo noona..

So, keep shipping this line...


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BSC's crush on his noona was a superficial one solely based on looks, which TYJ pointed out to him. BSC knows now that there is more to loving someone than just for their looks. I think he is actually falling inlove with YJ because he still is crushing on her despite all of her so called faults which is a turn-off to most guys who don't like strong women. This makes me feel bad for him if he gets rejected, but I like the idea of being friends with everyone more. its good to have friends when you're a novice.
I kind of miss the experimental interviewing thing at the beginning, it was refreshing. it gave us insight on what the people were truly thinking.


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Thanks for the recap!!!

Though there was quite a bit of filler (ie most of the athletics day), I did enjoy watching the growing bond between the 4 main leads. The noraebang scene was a little too long as well, but I really loved the song Cindy sang at the end and all the underlying tension beneath the surface.

As for the epilogue, I hope I'm not reading too much into this but I think it's a foreshadowing of the endgame, as well as Joon-mo stepping up in the next few episodes. As much as Seungchan gives a good shot at the goal (of trying to woo Yejin), Joon-mo is there as the goalkeeper to stop that from happening.

I suspect there's other foreshadowing littered throughout the past episodes, like the difference in the way Seungchan's mum interact with Yejin and Cindy at the recycling bins.......or it might just be my delusional shipper heart wanting a JM-YJ + SC-Cindy coupling at the end. :)


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Not really sure how I ended up shipping Seung Chan and Ye Jin when I was firmly with Cindy. The former just keeps getting cuter and I can’t help but really root for them in earnest. However, I’m still shipping Seung Chan with success most. I want him to learn what is means to be a great PD and the kind of influence he can have on people’s lives. Its something the drama has deviated so much from and I really hope the latter episodes can focus on Seung Chan’s journey in KBS as opposed to who he'll pick in his love life.

The writer is really great at writing comedy. That’s one thing for sure. Its not the same kind of comedy we saw in the first week, but I’m still laughing my ass off at Seung Chan’s pettiness, football and general awesomeness. The side characters are greatly entertaining too. Office Nazi beating KJK on a meta level was epic and Go Ara’s cameo was well done too. I'm honestly also happy about the lack of Joon Mo development. He isn't someone I have warmed up to in 8 eps, so its great that the drama keeps its attention of its better characters.

Still, I'd like to get back the variety + 2d1n setting. The love triangle between Ye Jin – Seung Chan – Cindy is all viewers talk about so I understand why the production is decidedly focused on it, but the Producers' essence is getting lost in some ways. Bring that back and this show is gold!


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What in the what?! I'm fine with everything you said except for:

"I’m honestly also happy about the lack of Joon Mo development. He isn’t someone I have warmed up to in 8 eps, so its great that the drama keeps its attention of its better characters."

You just broke my heart with these two sentences.

He's so awesome up to episode 5, then they dropped him like a hot potato. Conforming to popular opinion and criticism is something this show shouldn't be proud of. His character may not be as "flashy" as the other three, but he conveys subtlety with so much emotion that some earlier scenes with him totally brought tears to my eyes.


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Lol, you actually made me feel bad for a moment there!

But just to defend myself a tiny bit, I do agree with you that his character is less flashier, but I don't think thats where he goes wrong. In fact, I really hated Ye Jin in the earlier episodes for the kind of attitude she carried. Its the wishy washiness, refusal to find courage and his dishonesty that really frustrates me to no end about Joon Mo. I hate those kind of people most in real life; ones who doesn't take responsibility for their own mistakes or is cowardly enough to run instead of face his problems. He the kind who expresses jealousy over Ye Jin's relationships with other men but turns right back to vehemently refuse they share anything more than friendship.

He's frustrating, and I turn sour when he's on screen. Its not CTH, ofcourse. He's doing a good job! Its how the character is written and the developed so poorly. I'm not dismissing the chance that I'd change my opinion on him later on, but for now, I have to admit I'm happy to see less Joon Mo.


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I see, but JM is only all of the qualities you dislike b/c, as you said, his "character is written and developed so poorly". Since he's been discarded for more of SC's love triangle and Cindy's back story, seeing less of him only makes it easier to oversimplify his behavior and actions, and dismiss his character altogether.

Since he learned it the hard way that "good intentions don’t make good conclusions", I'll re-write the character traits you gave him:

wishy washy --> hesitant
refusal to find courage --> self doubt
coward --> fearful
dishonest --> cautiously reserved



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I think its simply the way one views a character. You sound a lot more optimistic and forgiving than me, but I'm fickle minded enough to change my opinion IF the drama gives me a reason to so. At the same time, I'm not really going to complain if I don't get said reason because I dislike Joon Mo enough (hate his character in fact) that I really would rather he not take up screen time, lol.

Its more an issue of -- I'm really not interested in an "explanation" for what he does because while he might have valid reasons, its way overdue by now. 8 episodes in and I haven't warmed up to him for even a moment while Ye Jin managed to redeem herself greatly. That's surely a writing fault (a character being crappy is always either an acting or writing fault and I think its the latter than the former). I suppose I don't trust the drama enough to make Joon Mo likeable after all the crap I've seen his character do. But, I'll say it again: I'm very fickle minded so maybe my opinion will change come Friday. Guess we'll find out then ;)


Lol, I'm neither optimistic nor forgiving! But let me be clear that I completely agree with you about where his character is right now, and they're not qualities I care for at all. As I said, it makes him simplistic and easy to hate and disregard. Whether the writer can "redeem" him requires that he gets more screen time, not less. And that's really my point. Otherwise, how can his story be told? Sure, even with a backstory you and I or other people may still not care, but at least he should be given a chance just like YJ, SC and Cindy. Spread the love is what I'm saying. Otherwise, it's a mistake to have three A-list actors and one successful idol and expect them to have equal screen time with compelling stories. I call that too many cooks in the kitchen.

Re-writing your negative adjectives (I'm using negative in ESL term) into positive ones isn't an attempt to change your opinion but (to me) what could've, should've been but clearly isn't. Although they may not be considered the best character traits, they speak to the reality of human weaknesses, and I can get behind that so long as the story and execution are done right (i.e. Misaeng minus the Jordan intro/ending), which IMO they haven't (for JM and Cindy).

Since I've already expressed this somewhere else on this thread, I'll make it as short as possible: What I can't get behind is the show's decision to sacrifice the story it originally wanted to tell to appease criticisms and popular opinion for higher ratings and approval. It has done its job by neglecting JM's character arc in favor of SC's love triangle and increasing Cindy's scenes with her oh-so-sad-makjang-sob story to induce sympathy. Sometimes when one thing is given up for something else, the result is unfair to both: Simplifying JM and overdoing Cindy to the point where I'm completely desensitized. Yes, she's fictional, but I can't get behind her story of being the victim of everything: she's an idol so she's suffered through harsh training and isolation to become a top star and she's always had to hide her true self so she never knew herself and has an identity crisis and she doesn't have any friends so she can't trust anyone because everyone is out to get her but it's ok if she treats people badly b/c that's the only life she's ever known and CEO Byeon is cruel and harsh and her parents died too! And now she has her very first crush and she was so brave to kiss him first but he may not like her back and why not? She just needs a hug because she's so cute and her life has been so sad! Nope, that's not for me and I'll probably be massacred for this :-)

So back to your original post. Yes, I'm totally with you..except about JM. Lol :-)


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So hopefully the next episodes will be better.


And I'm glad that you're fickle!! I'm open-minded as well and enjoy hearing other people's opinions.


Why are you dismissing him too?!

I'm going to go cry at the corner by myself.


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Honestly, this drama should end with none of the love lines fulfilled (except maybe Hong Soon and Office Nazi, who I'm sure is the daughter of the Chief). It'd be more interesting if the drama was a love triangle where all feelings are unrequired, but Ye Jin and Joon-mo's relationship is already being set up. With only 4 episodes left I don't see Seung-chan falling for Cindy, nor do I see that loveline with Cindy and Joon-mo that was initially teased ever happening.

And I don't think Cindy really needs a boyfriend tho? I get that's a quick fix for her storyline, but it would be so much rewarding seeing her break outta her shell and learn to lover herself before she loves someone else. She should also look into the circumstances surrounding her parents' deaths, cuz I lowkey think CEO Byun had something to do with it, she's shady. She might be that evil.


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I think no love lines fulfilled wouldn't bother me either, though Hong-soon and Office Nazi would be a nice combo. I did think recently, maybe she's actually the owner of the entire company that fills her time doing her admin job – like that's how she can afford all the expensive clothing and everything. But being the daughter of the Chief is probably a more likely explanation!

Yup, don't need a boyfriend is the most important thing that Cindy needs. To me that would be a one quick-fix solution. She needs to learn to socialise and be with people in general, in other words: friends. That's why the Go Ara part of this episode was much more meaningful to me than her interacting with BC. That's her opening – reach out, and make those friends. Same with Ye-jin calling her and worrying about her. These are the opening lines to the other life that she wants so badly!


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These two episodes have reduced me to laughter and a puddle of feelllllsssss. And the foreshadowing of the endgame pairings!!! Yesss. I see you there. Also, absolutely loving the development in my Umbrella Couple ship. If they don't end up together, its going to be a waste of some of the deepest conversations and most beautiful camera work in this drama so far. They're killing it with the scenes, and surely they wouldn't do that over a pairing they're not planning to yunno, pair off. Would appreciate loads of reciprocation from BSC though. Because this week's episodes have made me feel like I could cry for Cindy. My baby needs some love, and BSC is the only one who gets her. I liked the way they showed that he is included, conscious, in the dreamier scenes between the two. Last week it felt like Cindy was the only one who felt the significance of any moments.

What really hit me, though, is how good all four characters are for one another, every single one affects another in a positive way.

And oh, god. I have so much more to spazz about. The lovelines have really gotten going, and though I have a lot to complain about (more of JoonMo's perspective pls, pls, speed up the lovelines and get JoonMo moving, BSCs crush is getting a bit too strong and its going to be difficult to make it look realistic if they plan for him to fall for Cindy , WHY NO PREVIEWS DAMNNN) there's just too much to love. Also ... mmm. I felt like the tone was weird compared to last week. Like , the whole issue of JM refusing to acknowledge YJ's feelings still is unresolved, yet everyone's too normal about it. I didn't think that the matter would be ignored so easily.


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Although at this point I don't really see our dear Umbrella Couple coming true at the end (I'm heartbroken writing this), I agree with your point of "if they don’t end up together, it's going to be a waste of some of the deepest conversations and most beautiful camera work in this drama so far". It does feel like such a waste. I just hope they don't turn Cindy into a pathetic girl trying to cling onto a person who doesn't like her back, since Cindy's call to Seung-chan seems to imply that. Of course I will wait to see what she wants to meet him for, but if they just make it to continue teasing with the couples, or as a way of bringing Seung-chan closer to Ye-jin, I don't think I will like it very much. After all, like JB said about Cindy, "when she “wins” an argument or gets to keep face publicly, it always feels like somehow she’s still the loser because the others have each other to turn to at the end of the day." I already feel so much for her throughout this drama, it's like she holds in her all the sadness in the world it's spilling out, she doesn't deserve more hatred.

And yes, Joon-mo really should step up his game.


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i SERIOUSLY can't love seung-chan/kim soo-hyun enough. i actually reached out and touched his face on my screen squealing "but he's too cute!!" more than once.

no doubt seung-chan is a lovely character, but without kim soo-hyun he just wouldn't be OUR seung-chan that we know and love. it's a case of an actor truly bringing a character to life. i can't imagine any other actor out there who could do what kim is doing with seung-chan. i just lurve this boy so much. toss him another twenty CFs, cause he totally deserves all the success in the world.

go ara's cameo was hilarious. i didn't know she could be so good at being funny. she was dead on in her scenes. i hope she does a drama soon—a rom-com!

this episode was pretty long. while i loved every minute of it, i did start to wonder about 40 minutes in why my player was indicating that i'd only watched about halfway. but given that producer is only slated for 12 episodes, i like to think that we're getting 16-20 episodes' content worth in those 12 episodes. totally not complaining.


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oh, and i don't know if it was meant to be intentional or not, but i loved how seung-chan's face was positioned in front of ye-jin's in their selfie.

it didn't seem like seung-chan did it consciously in the scene, but it'd be nice if cindy's lecture on boy-girl selfie etiquette had influenced him.


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The face-positioning was absolutely intentional. He definitely learned his lesson!


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I have to chime in just to say KSH is really stealing this. I can't even imagine anyone else being able to bring in the subtlety and nuance in Seung-chan the way he does. Its so understated and fabulous to watch. Very very deserving of his astronomical success. Really. I keep getting impressed as the episodes roll on so yay for some great acting chops being shown!


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Cindy is putting her heart on the line and it may end up being shattered. If that happens, I hope she comes out a stronger girl. I do love her development in the drama.

Based on the comments of netizens, they seem to be growing tired of the continuous blurred lovelines/love geometry. With 4 episodes left, I hope the writer will not pull something out of thin air or simply wrap things up. The writer left out a lot of things unresolved or hanging in YFAS, which was too bad because interesting stuff were introduced but were never really explained or resolved towards the end.

I am all for Joonmo-Yejin to FINALLY be together. I hope the epilogue was indeed a sign of him finally stepping up.


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+100 agree on all points


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There are 4 things that I like to point out in this episode.

1. We need more Ra Joon Mo, or shall I say..Cha Tae Hyun
Can you feel it? Now they're all about Baek Seung Chan and the love triangle stuff. Fine, fine, fine. The Rookie PD is the core of this show but I do hope we'd get a RJM story in the next episodes to understand him more just like what they did with Cindy in episode 7. We need to find out who's that mystery girl that he & CEO Byun were talking about. We need to at least hear his side about what he really feels for his girl bestfriend. I think they're saving the best for last, oh well surprise us, producers. I go for TYJ-RJM endgame, it'll be a more satisfying closure for the two of them. **their karaoke song pretty much described their relationship** NICE CHOICE OF SONG!

2. Side Characters. The side characters have grown on me too. Da Jung, Tak PD's brother, Seung Chan's FD friend, PD Hong Soon & the toner lady..even the CP and the chief...1N2D writers, they're all fun to watch. I like everyone, and that's an improvement since in YWCFTS I didn't appreciate the sattelite characters that much.

3. I like BSC and Cindy. But after watching the episode, I came to realize that Cindy should LOVE herself first before someone can love her or for her to love fully in return. I can see BSC helping him to break out of her shell and motivate her to be the best version of herself. I think the ideal ending for them would be an open-ended one. BSC, just like Cindy has to be a better PD too, he still has a lot to learn aside from falling in love and crushing on older PDs. When the right time comes, they should meet again and end the WAITING GAME for good.

I want to speak to BSC and say the exact same thing he said to Ra PD
"You know how CINDY feels and you just leave things be. You don't let her come closer. But you sit on the fence and dont let her get further from you either. Everything you do it's all cowardly. A persons heart just because you try to crush it, it doesnt mean you can."
He's doing the same thing to Cindy, he feels that CONNECTION with her, he just can't reject her because they have a different and a deeper emotional connection, he's not just there for her because of sympathy. NOW he's shaken by her too, NOW he knows someone likes him. He knows TYJ likes RJM, he knows how Cindy feels. He is scared of the possibility what if he ends up caring for Cindy? You can see it on his actions, he's avoiding that picture of her on the shampoo bottle, not texting/calling her but he THOUGHT of something, he FELT something because of that kiss. He wasn't like that because he's uninterested but because just like RJM, he knows a girl likes him but is afraid of getting hurt or hurting the other girl in the process (especially now he's crushing on someone who shows no signs of liking him back)

On episode 9, I hope one of BSC's family members gets to pick her up outside. BSC can go straight at...


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... TYJ but some would think it's too selfish of him, he can go back and fetch Cindy & bring her at the cinema and we'll have another fun romcom scene with the 3 of them. It is raining, Cindy has a cast on her leg....so if BSC comes to fetch her..would it be just because of her helpless condition? the bottomline, is that it's not only BSC who has to be clear about his decisions---it's also the writer. Park Ji Eun, set things straight. We only have 4 episodes remaining.


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we still have 5 thoug...because they are planning to have 13 episodes... but yeah you're right... I'm also confused and frustrated here.. -_-


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very well said! gotta agree with the whole thing you point out.


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YES on the cowardice! I caught that too, and I'm not even surprised SC doesn't see himself doing it. He can be a dunce sometimes (but hopefully not for long!).


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Thank you for the review. I always look forward reading this.

There is still one side of the story not heard, and we all know it's Joon Mo's. Like, common man. Be clear of your feelings for Ye-Jin. He cares for her, but we still can't tell if it's because he likes her the same way she likes him. Accepting or rejecting her feelings towards him is equally risky for him, so he chose not do anything about it. I really hope the next episode will show much of Joon Mo. If he likes Ye-jin as well, that's the endgame.

I have always shipped Ye-Jin and Seung chan since the start of the show, but with only 4 episodes left, I can't see Ye-jin really falling for Seung chan, the same way I can't see Seung chan falling for Cindy. The only realistic ending for this lovelines (for me) is YJ with JM or none at all.

I think the show already had enough of the "off-screen" drama. Let's go back to the premise of the show. The new 2D1N has just started. We need some follow-up on that. It's the first project for the rookie PD BSC. We still can't tell if he really wants to be a PD in the first place, since he only pursued it because of Haejoo. And because I can't see much BSC as PD in the past episodes.

Still looking forward to the next episodes. It's a good drama and I hope the writers will not try to fit something unrealistic in the remaining episodes.


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@ denise about cowardice

Nah, I disagree. SC has always been professional towards Cindy and would treat anyone the same way. After Cindy kissed him, he was going to be honest w/ her, but she stopped him b/c she didn't want to hear the truth -- that he doesn't feel the same way. He turned the shampoo bottle away b/c he felt awkward if she "sees" him naked when he doesn't reciprocate her feelings.

SC character is written to stand firm and be forthright even in awkward situations. For example, he's always saying to her that variety is all about conveying the truth. In this episode, he again expressed that by saying the forced friendship is a lie and doesn't fit with their concept.

SC is not at all cowardly and definitely not a hypocrite.


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Completely disagree regarding Seung-chan's 'cowardice'. Completely and utterly disagree.

I second everything @news said. Seung-chan is anything but a hypocrite and a coward. He feels no connection that you speak of with Cindy if we go by what is literally shown in the drama as well as KSH's facial expressions. Seung-chan was very willing to reject her both in the amusement park and in her home. He didn't call her the next day because he wasn’t thinking about her. She told him she'd wait, but he doesn't want her to do that because he won’t be changing his mind at least for now.

Unlike Joon-mo who suggests he feels something for Ye-jin and yet hides those feelings away because he’s too much of a coward, Seung-chan is frank and real. He isn’t afraid of getting hurt which is why he likes a girl who likes someone else. Seung-chan is always magnified as a character true to himself and those around him - it makes him a trye gentleman and someone who knows how to stick to his guns. I think its the precise reason he doesn't like Cindy; her honesty and sincerity is something he doubts and it is his biggest way of judging a person. He's obviously not a hypocrite because what he expects from people is what he has in so much abundance.


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Also disagree with your Cowardice point – and agree with @news and @Mandy.

The situations between JM-YJ and SC-C are completely different, JM has known and liked YJ forever but won't be honest about this. SC has had no interest in C at all beyond professional concern, he has been forthright and honest with her all the while (even when some would argue it would be rude/none of his business for him to tell the big star the truth), he would have certainly responded to her question right away if she hadn't cut him off.


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Seung Chan didn't have to play with her in the park and get her all excited and happy AFTER she had confessed. You know, giving her memories that only the two of them could relate to.

Now, explain how that's "professional concern".

I think Seung Chan and Cindy are one step above Seung Chan and Ye Jin because SC-Cindy have actually started to explore their feelings for each other. Meaningfully, realistically. What Seung Chan has for Ye Jin so far is a one-sided love that's just slightly a step further than what he had for Hae Joo.

Now, things may change in the near future. But until Seung Chan remains a coward and fails to challenge Ye Jin and Joon Mo's relationship head on, it's not going to happen. This is "earnest and real" Seung Chan, after all, someone who will cower in the face of a straight up confrontation, instead opting to do pranks behind other people's backs.

It's only Cindy who has really taken that step, making her the bravest on them all. What the girl needs to do is to find her sincerity.


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I hate to say this, but you sound slightly delusional. SC has not shown ANY hints of 'exploring' his so-called 'feelings' for Cindy. That’s what she has done all along and what he has done for Ye-jin instead. What Seung-chan feels for Ye-jin surely is a one-sided love-crush but that is EXACTLY what Cindy feels for him too. There is not a single scene where he realistically showed an sort of interest for Cindy beyond professional ones. The scene where he celebrated her birthday was in consideration of what she told him earlier about her parents. It was him trying to lighten up the mood because he realized they were awkward and he wanted her to feel happy since its her birthday. You might like to interpret it a different way, but the drama is quite clear on how it SHOULD be seen.

How is Seung-chan a coward because he ‘fails to challenge Ye-jin and Joon-mo’s relationship head on’? What are you even talking about? He has time and again and again questioned Joon-mo’s decision because he just wants him to be honest. If you don’t see that very obvious fact, you either missed the entire point of Seung-chan’s character or you’re willfully ignoring a crucial character trait and accusing him of what he isn't just so there is logic and apparent feelings to be found on the Cindy-Seung-chan ship. Clearly, he would have straight up rejected Cindy’s confession if she allowed him. She knew that in the amusement park itself which is why she cried herself in the washroom.

Cindy is brave to tell the truth, sure. And Seung-chan is even more brave to tell her he doesn’t believe in her words or if her sincerity is just an act. It takes all the courage in the world to reject a girl so frankly and speaks volumes on the kind of person Seung-chan is. Instead of hemming an hawing over how he might not feel the same or whatever else, he straight up told her: look, I don’t believe your sincerity hasn't turned into an act. It takes so much guts to do that, and no coward guy has that kind of guts. For someone who ships Cindy and Seung-chan, many have suddenly forgotten why she even liked him in the first place. His frankness is what truly attracts him to her. He isn’t fake and instead says what he thinks. He doesn’t care if you’re the president or a common man, he’ll tell you to your face if he doesn’t think what you’re doing is right. He has been honest and courageous this whole time, so accusing him of being a coward for the sake of justifying Cindy’s stance or their ‘ship’ is simply ridiculous and an insult to his character that he so does not deserve.


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*slow claps*


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Totally true.. Also I want to add a little detail. He graduated from department of law and no need to say he always put into practice what he learned. So of course he is influenced by his sence of justice no wonder he is behaving due to he thinks what proper thing to do is. I am not sure I wrote it correctly anyways ^^


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I know people over here are obsessed with noona romance, but please, look at it with objective eyes.

He has feelings, even if it weren't the romantic kind. And yes, there is a scene. It's the playing around in the park AFTER the confession, as a I said. Even if it weren't romantic. It's not just the professional kind. This should be pretty obvious.

Yes, Seung Chan has questioned Joon Mo's decision, but has he questioned Ye-Jin's? No he didn't. Because he's a coward. If he wanted to get Ye-Jin, then what does Joon Mo have to do with it? Instead of facing Ye Jin head on, he goes for Joon Mo instead, just like all those times he doesn't face the people he has an issue with head on and instead chooses to do something behind her back. That's who he is.

Cindy and Seung Chan being brave means that they're both being mature to each other. Which is good, whether they end up in a relationship or not. Seung Chan and Ye Jin, on the other hand, so far is fail.


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There is always possibility that Cindy and SC may end up together if for some reason SC gives up his feelings towards YJ then again for some reason begins to see Cindy as a love-interest. But still your approach in this kinda off.

Do you really believe he Has feelings for Both at the same time ? Are you sure you didn't fast forward most of YJ/SC scenes ? He questioned JM first because he has been looking at YJ all the time she was hurt by JM s IGNORANCE despite not letting her leave his home. He was by her side when he threatened her remember ? So what's wrong asking him to JM meaning of his inconsistent behavior ? After that SC decided to make a move on YJ by asking her out. Also about other people he has what ? Issues ? Jealousy is not something you can open about for ANYONE. so you think he is two-faced but Cindy is being mature. You should think about it again.


Firstly, it's lame for you to go around blaming people for being 'obsessed with noona romances' when we are having a mature debate. That just shows you haven't a better argument. Don't think so lowly of others' opinion claiming it to be an obsession for a trope rather than an observation of what is shown on screen. I'm not blinded by a cliche or a ship so as to not see reality. I think it's you who needs objectivity rather than the other way around.

Secondly, I don't think you're making sense. Or a kinder way to put it would be that I don't think I'm making sense of what you're getting at. What decision of Ye-jin's should Seung-chan question exactly? What are you even talking about?!? The girl confessed her feelings over a drunk conversation. She tried to hide it and Seung-chan advised her to tell Joon-mo the truth (in the terrace, if you don't recall - so no cowardice there, again). She said it would hurt her more if she found out that Joon-mo were aware of her feelings but purposely hid it. Then, he finds out her fears were the truth as Joon-mo had in fact, edited her out. So he tries to convince Joon-mo to stop being a coward and tell the truth because Ye-jin ALREADY did so. What exactly are his issues with people that he hasn't faced honestly? I hope you don't mean with Lee Seung-gi or Hong-soon because LMFAO that's ridiculous argument. Those are petty and small things and if you're calling him out for not facing his so-called-issues with them and instead playing petty revenge then I'm outta here. That's just too immature of a conversation to be had.

Who Seung-chan is... That's what you don't get if I go by what you're saying. You don't get him as a character and you don't get what drives his life. You also don't get why Cindy was attracted to him. Seung-chan is ready to be honest to Cindy because he doesn't like her and doesn't want to give her false hopes. He hasn't told Ye-jin he likes her because she very clearly is still hung up over Joon-mo and there's no reason for him to confess when he knows it's not for her good (unlike his rejection for Cindy which is for her good). The difference is, Joon-mo does owe Ye-jin the truth because he actually feels something BACK. But instead he faked forgetting and even till now is not ready to face his feelings. The cowardice is only on Joon-mo's side however you might want to twist reality for your convenience.


@Mandy. You called me "delusional. You're one to talk about "mature debates".

No, I don't believe he has feelings for both. What I said is that he has a crush on Ye Jin while what he has for Cindy is something more than "professional". Please don't create strawman arguments.

What Seung Chan should question about Ye Jin is her insistence on sticking to Joon Mo. I think it's pretty clear. Poor guy hasn't even confessed yet, and you are looking at it as if he's making giant steps. He's not.

Lastly, I get what Seung Chan is as a character. I'm like him in plenty of ways. I think it's you guys who are overestimating him because you find it cute. "Seung Chan is ready to be honest to Cindy because he doesn't like her" - What a load of BS. He likes her. But maybe not in a romantic way. At least not yet.



You know what? I'd like to go back and forth with you and call you out on the bull shit you're spewing and accusing me of. But I realize this conversation is going nowhere because you make no sense to me. We aren't on the same wavelength is the nicer way of saying that. So adios, I have better things to do =)


@Mandy. Well that's good. One less irrational debater.



That goes both ways, which of course you'd know ;)



I understand you're on the SC-indy ship, but I'm going to break it to you gently...that ship ain't sailing (right now and maybe never so prepare your heart).

As Mandy said, there's no evidence in his facial expression or body language that indicates he has any feelings of romantic interest in Cindy. All of that (i.e. goofy involuntary grin when YJ ruffles his hair, face lighting up whenever he sees YJ, challenging JM w/ questions/concerns about YJ, using banmal instead of jondaemal b/c he wants to be close to YJ, finding ways to spend his FREE time w/ YJ, telling YJ not to go on the blind date, etc. etc. etc.) are reserved for YJ only b/c he LIKES her.

While I'm not crazy about Cindy or her sob story, I'll give it to her that she is brave for being the first out of all four to confess her feelings. She may not know herself as a person, but at least she clearly knows her feelings.

But I do love SC's baby steps in courting YJ, especially changing the terms of payment. And adding the 20% discount? LOL. YJ is hilarious.

JM's character arc and passive/aggressive behavior is so poorly written and all but ignored in the past few episodes. All I can say is it's an injustice to CTH and a big waste of his talent.


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I would say this drama is wasting a lot of things, not only Cha Tae Hyun's talent. It has many good things but my dominant feeling is I'm disappointed how it's being unfold. Imo, it would be much better to have the couples clarified early and more healing moments to be showed, rather than milking the lovelines forever like this. So unnecessary.


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Yes, absolutely! This drama is a waste of a lot of things, but CTH's JM is one of the main characters so I can only face palm at how they're blatantly diminishing his scenes and changing the story they originally wanted to tell due to criticisms, popularity and ratings.

I see your point, but unlike the second half of Answer Me 1997 and 1994 where they did milk the lovelines foreverrrrr, I think The Producers is doing a good job (at this point) of developing all of their feelings in an organic and realistic true to life way. If anything, it's one of the strengths of this show (and I hope they maintain it to the very end, if not anything else). I think healing moments do not necessarily only come once the ships have been clarified/confirmed but can be part of the process of discovering love, friendship and oneself.



Yeah, at first I didn't really think about it, then I gradually got tired with how they try to lure the viewers in for ratings without adding much to the progress. At this point I only feel like I'm being played with. Not nice.

I had a bit of similar problem with Reply 1997 (didn't watch Reply 1994), just that at that point I didn't invest in any of the characters so I went on watching it just fine. And I watched it after it finished so I didn't have to wait and spend up my emotional energy. This time I really invested in the whole thing and it's sad to feel that the drama isn't reaching its full potential (yet).

Hopefully it gets better.
(Why do I feel like this sentence is being repeated every week, especially with Joon-mo...)



Lol, yes we're going to sound like a broken record if the show continues to sidestep JM.

Now with the love triangle in place and episode 8's high ratings, I worry that it'll affect the rest of the story.

BUT if the story ends in a completely different direction and JM is left all alone, then at least have Jeon Ji-hyun be the blind date that he finally decides to go on. Sassy Girl re-visited.


I'm not on ANY ship. Please don't assume things you know nothing about.

And neither does Ye Jin have any of those facial expressions when with Seung Chan. At least, unlike Ye Jin has for Joon Mo.


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Well, my apologies for thinking you're on the SC-indy ship when you're just trying to make your point, but it's a broad assumption on your part that 'people here are obsessed with noona romance'.

I think it's a little confusing when you initially used the term 'feelings' without distinguishing whether it's romantic or platonic, so when you said 'Seung Chan and Cindy are one step above Seung Chan and Ye Jin because SC-Cindy have actually started to explore their feelings for each other', it sounds like you're talking about romantic feelings and saying SC and Cindy are starting to like each other. That is what Mandy, Wow and I are disagreeing to.

So I responded to that by saying no, SC clearly likes YJ and doesn't like Cindy b/c there's no evidence to show that he likes Cindy romantically. JM is not relevant in this discussion--not sure why you brought it up b/c we're comparing how SC feels towards Cindy vs how he feels towards YJ.

If you're talking about a platonic friendship developing btwn SC-indy, then yes, it can be called the start of a work-related friendship. Of course he showed concern for her b/c he didn't want her feeling awkward and rejected on her birthday. However, he doesn't actively seek her friendship on his own. He only interacts with her professionally and comforts her when necessary.


Nah, Cindy and SC's friendship is clearly not just work-related. It's more than that. Otherwise, SC wouldn't be playing with Cindy after the confession. He didn't ahve to do that.

Comparing how SC feels towards YJ and Cindy is pointless. Of course, it's different. It's comparing SC's relationship with YJ and SC's relationship with Cindy that I'm talking about. YJ hasn't reciprocated SC's feelings with Cindy just as much as SC hasn't reciprocated Cindy's feelings for him. But at least, Cindy has confessed, and SC has started to think about it. SC hasn't even gone to that one step for YJ.

It's also not true that SC doesn't like Cindy. Not as a romantic partner (yet), probably, but he likes her. In fact, he pretty much asked her to show her sincerity.

See, it's situations like these when people overestimate SC and YJ's relationship while underestimating that of SC and Cindy that I find that people are letting their noona bias cloud their judgement.


Woaah you are awesome than you can say what a drama character actually THINKS and FEELS even they don't show it at all okay keep your skills yourself cause we are at completely different frequency give us time to watch till the end so we can get it lol


Sorry kuromitsu, but I'm with Mandy and Wow on this. I just don't get your reasoning/interpretation even though I'm trying. I'm speechless and flabbergasted the you're finding meaning and connections that don't exist (up to this point) at all.

Lol, seriously I should just give up already but here's my last effort point by point:

1. "Cindy and SC’s friendship is clearly not just work-related. It’s more than that. Otherwise, SC wouldn’t be playing with Cindy after the confession. He didn’t ahve to do that."
--> Do you think he should just ditch her?! She's a top celebrity, it's her birthday, she has no friends, it's his responsibility to take care of her (yes, even after the kiss) b/c they're waiting for YJ and JM so they can all celebrate her birthday together. That was the plan. If he ditched her like the heartless man he is not, his sunbaes (JM and YJ) would beat him to a pulp.
--> Generally, he only interacts with her in work-related situations. This particular situation happened b/c Cindy snuck into their car so they HAVE to take care of her; it's not by choice. He only uses jondaemal with her to keep the distance between them. In this episode, she kept waiting for SC's messages/phone calls. Even YJ asked if he called her and he hadn't. If he had any feelings for her, he would've called her already.

2. "It’s comparing SC’s relationship with YJ and SC’s relationship with Cindy that I’m talking about. But at least, Cindy has confessed, and SC has started to think about it. SC hasn’t even gone to that one step for YJ."
--> I see what you're trying to say here. You're talking about the progression of their "relationship". Yes, Cindy confessed, but I don't think he's thinking about it the way you think he's thinking about it.
--> SC has tried multiple times to convey his feelings for her, but YJ is basically clueless about it, which is a running joke and makes so many scenes funny (so I can't really be against her cluelessness).

3. "Not as a romantic partner (yet), probably, but he likes her."
--> Up to this point, I don't see any evidence that he likes her.

4. "In fact, he pretty much asked her to show her sincerity."
--> Where? If you're talking about this episode, he's referring to the fake friendship btwn Cindy and Go Ara's character. He stands behind variety tv showing the truth, not lies.

5. "...I find that people are letting their noona bias cloud their judgement."
--> Why are you making this assumption? Did someone on this thread say they're "obsessed with noona romance"?


I think if we want A rational debate we should stick to what we think and what each scene or action mean to us...when we start labeling people like delusional, obsessed, ageist and sexist, just because they have a different opinion thae we lose the whole point of ?conversation exchange


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I love the No. 1
(fVck U writer) I have so many question to joon Mo Life/ story. Its so Unfair for his Part!


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And saying the "f" word is another point!


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personally, that part where Joon-mo told Ye jin to not go to that blind date was where he realized Seung Chan's crush on Ye Jin...

and with Seung Chan saying that 'he's making sure she doesn’t get too close while also making it difficult for her to go too far'

Made the epilogue relevant... it's like Ye Jin is the goal and Joon-mo is keeping Seung Chan out by protecting him from getting in....



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Ah - yet again I comment to say that I love the relationships and dynamics between the four main characters so much? Like, JM and YJ seemed like the older mentors/parental figures to BSC and Cindy when they were all in the flat together, it was great! Ha ha - especially when Cindy and BSC were seated side by side whilst JM and YJ consulted each other on what to do on Cindy's hiding. Also, when YJ had to go through the same explanations as to her housing situ to Cindy like she had done to BSC.

Sigh. The Umbrella Couple really are similar. And they understand each other, and Cindy actually appreciates BSC for who he is - his long winded explanations, his rambling speeches. Which is, I guess, what BSC needs the most - to be respected for who he is. And the sweet sympathy and comfort that BSC gives Cindy is exactly what she needs, and, if it were given out of true love, that would be perfect for her. Damn. My central otp was JM/YJ but these past two episodes have made me ship the two youngsters so so badly. The simultaneous cuteness/heartbreak/feels/understanding/puppy-eyed KSH looks that come out of each interaction with the Umbrella Couple is irresistible.


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@denise - ohmigod. Yesss. The way you pointed out that BSC is doing the same thing to Cindy as he accused JM of doing to Ye Jin is SO INSIGHTFUL AND TRUE.


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In my opinion, by the end of ep08, BSC-Cindy's relationship is still very different from JM-YJ 's. JM-YJ have over 20+ years of history back and they know each other so well. JM definitely have strong feelings for YJ even though he didn't take one step forward yo confess. For BSC-Cindy, it's much more one-side love from Cindy and BSC has the confusion whether what Cindy confessed to him is part of acting based on how Cindy handled situations with other people. Actually this concern is not completely unfounded considering Cindy's talk with her manager oppa before that she can easily get BSC fall for her. From director's angle (which is Cindy's angle ), we as audience know she fell for BSC sincerely and yet BSC didn't know her actual thoughts and deep feelings towards him except her words in the theme park and Cindy didn't give him chance to reject her and told him to take time to sort it out. BSC is honest enough to voice his disapproval of her behavior during the shooting and this is actually taken by both of them as a rejection. Therefore I didn't see at all what BSC's doing qualifies him to be a coward.


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i dont know why i'm getting more bored with each episode... i do laugh at the light-heart comedy, but i dont anticipate the episodes as much. i watch the episodes whenever i dont have anything else to watch. i can skip an episode too, without wanting to watch the skipped ones.

is it the slightly slow storyline? maybe because i have too high expectations in the beginning... or maybe it's just me. the casts are doing a good job. so i guess it's just me?


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Anybody else think that Hong-Soon was describing Seo-jin when he was talking about the guy he wanted to set Ye-Jin up with?

"He has a Business Management degree from the New York University Stern School of Business. In 2011, Lee joined the company Ask Veritas Assets Management"

I laughed trying to picture him and Gong Hyo-jin together. Maybe he could visit from the farmhouse.


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Just want to state this since (I think) no one notices...

Remember the scenes where Seung Chan and Cindy were in the amusement park when they were strolling around and came to the place where there were many blue lights...?

Look at the signs...the symbols.... don't lose hope umbrella shippers

(Now this is funny, I'm a sunbae-rookie shipper (Ye Jin x Seung Chan fan) yet I'm cheering the umbrella shippers haha)

Let's just support each other haha


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Ahahaha yes! The prince kneeling down "proposing" to the fairy right? I swear, with all the romantic scenes they put SC/Cindy in people shouldn't blame some of the fans for falling in love with them. What can we do when it's being shoved in our faces?


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just to add up... the heart shape flower that was shown in the garden too :)


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Well, now that you got the ball rolling, they also focused on the white roses and passed through them. White roses, aside from meaning purity/spirituality, also means true love (before red roses claimed the definition) and is a bridal flower. Hahaha.


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I hope the fans understand what SC said to Cindy, about how she doesn't love herself and if she doesn't do that then how can someone else love her or vice versa? I think this is why Cindy and SC are not endgame. At least it shows why they should not be the endgame for the show. I think the drama will end with Cindy being more earnest with herself, be more friendly and authentic in her feelings and relationships. SC is the catalyst to make that change because she's starting to experience all sorts of emotions because of SC's crush. Btw I'm getting tired of the love triangle and Cindy's loneliness, it's getting too played out and cliche.

Anither thing I want to mention is that this episode also foreshadows SC and YJ's possible relationship. Nothing is ever set in stone, but when the epilogue shows JM blocking the ball from scoring it appears to be a metaphor for YJ and SC. This makes me sad.
And so while I want YJ and SC to be endgame, I think what javabeans said is true, this drama might be trolling us with relationships and all but at the end it's all about friendship and growing and learning.
Therefore I'm okay with SC not ending up with anyone.


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You know who's the MOST CONFUSING character here?
It's Baek Seung Chan. You know what's the reason why we're hooked on Cindy-Baek Seung Chan-Tak Ye Jin triangle? It's because of Baek Seung Chan. It's because WE DON'T REALLY KNOW WHAT HE EXACTLY FEELS FOR CINDY.

Let's go back to that fateful night at KBS. Cindy was alone, waiting for the car to arrive. BAEK SEUNG CHAN OFFERED AN UMBRELLA.


Let's go back to that trek to Nagoji, it rained. BAEK SEUNG CHAN USED HIS HAND TO SHIELD CINDY'S HEAD FROM THE FALLING RAIN.

Let's go back to that night at the tent. BAEK SEUNG CHAN LENT HIS HEADPHONES, BOOK and CAP to her.

Let's go back to that night at the amusement park when Cindy opened up to him. BAEK SEUNG CHAN COMFORTED HER & WIPED HER TEARS.

If the girl was not Cindy, do you think Baek Seung Chan would offer the umbrella? There are a lot of possible idols but Baek Seung Chan pitched in the idea that Cindy can be casted! Baek Seung Chan could've just lend his book or headphones to Cindy but he let her have the 3 things that are precious to him. Instead of offering a handkerchief (like what he did to TYJ) he was the one who wiped Cindy's tears.

He's her UMBRELLA, her protection. He's an open BOOK to her who lightens her up with insights. He's her HEADPHONE, the one she always care to listen to. He's her CAP who always on top of her head and fills her mind. He has this natural tendency to protect her & to be concern about her.

Now, Baek Seung Chan..convince me that Cindy's nothing to you.


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Wow, those are very good points!!!! I love those metaphors. Now i just hope SC realizes his true feelings for Cindy at the end.


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Umm... I dunno if I'm starting a fan war by replying to your comment but I hope I'm not. I just wanted to defend Seung-chan because he's been very very very clear on what he feels (or doesn't feel) for Cindy.

He offered her an umbrella purely to help her out. He asked if she could be a part of 1N2D because he wanted to get someone for the show. He shielded Cindy because that's what a gentleman would do, only to run off to save the camera seconds later. He lent her headphones and a book so she would feel better because he knows she was hurt due to the rejection on the phone. That wasn't him trying to hit on her, which was quite obvious. That was him being a nice guy because that’s just who he is. He'd do that for anyone, not just Cindy. As for when he wiped her tears, again, he was being nice. She cried in front of him, he felt bad for the kind of life she lives and so he comforted her. He'd do that for anyone including Joon-mo if he was ever given a chance LOL.

Seung-chan has no ulterior motives, as is very clear with how the character is written. He is earnest and real, without the kind of fakeness almost all of us have in us. Which is why he questions Cindy’s sincerity. She likes to put on an act, which he duly noted. But that prevents him from trusting her and her intentions. Its clear that what Seung-chan expects from a person is to be real. It's the reason why he’s so attracted to Ye-jin. Ye-jin might be bitchy to him, rude and a complete bully. But she hasn’t faked since ep 2. He always knows when she’s annoyed with him or when she find him sweet. There’s no mask, and that's what Seung-chan truly appreciates.

So in my opinion, Seung-chan feels nothing but mere concern for Cindy. I can’t even call them friends because they really aren’t. Which is why it would be nice if Cindy would try to befriend him instead of telling him she likes him. She needs to gain his trust the way Ye-jin has. That's her key to his heart.


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Agree... he's doing these things because he's a nice person and he would do them for anyone.

What's going to happen next?

I know what I would do. I would go see Ye-jin, because that was a prior commitment and because she isn't picking up the phone. Not going would be rude. Meanwhile, leaving Cindy in the rain – so, she's hurt and she's getting wet, but she's an adult who put herself in that situation and can walk herself out of there. This isn't a life-and-death scenario. Plus, I am not going to cater for someone who calls me, makes demands and then hangs up without ZERO consideration of whether the other person is okay with it. Seung-chan might have been driving to his grandmother's funeral or something (far-fetched, but you get the point – making demands without thinking about the other person at all is selfish and spoiled. Which is what her character is supposed to be – the cold, haughty star – , but that's exactly why I would leave her in the rain, because that's her issue to deal with and not for me to cater for her every wish.)

What is Seung-chan going to do? Given the kind person he is, what he'll do is take care of both. Whether that means going to Ye-jin and calling someone up to check on Cindy (her manager, Joon-mo or even his mother since she's in front of his house), or going to Cindy and calling someone (Joon-mo most likely) to find Ye-jin and let her know that he'll be a bit late, or even racing to Ye-jin and driving back together with her (skipping the movie) to find Cindy.... Because he's that kind of person – he's not going to just go see YJ and enjoy the movie, nor is he going to turn the car around and stand up Ye-jin without even getting a message to her.


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very well written


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*where is the like button*


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@Mandy - Exactly, with a cherry on top.


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@Mandy - I'm with you. Seung Chan is a straight-arrow person. Normal people would not be able to understand how his minds work. You describe him well.


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Apparently responding via iPhone puts the comment elsewhere, but I wanted to say:


Phew, I feel like I got that off my chest too, thank you. Both of you described exactly how I feel.


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What was that sentence on the book? “You know the beginning, but not the end. "... Oh! I wonder who Seung Chan will choose.

I cried for Cindy in this episode beause I really do want her to be happy. I got really pissed when he and YJ were having conversations together. I dont like how he looks at her as much as Cindy does.

P. S. This is just my opinion. I support IU's character, Cindy very much and want her to just have a happy ending, even if she doesnt end up with the one she loves. :-)


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i sometimes find BSC insensitive when it comes to relationships even though he is a sweet and nice guy. For example: Cindy just kissed/confessed to you, perhaps you would feel a little bad about being so close to YJ-sunbae if she is also there nearby. Just out of courtesy to you know make her not feel bad. And since she left Joon-Mo's house, he didn't text/call or contact her even after she confessed. Shouldn't you give the poor girl an answer instead of leaving her hanging (or wondering).

They make BSC's character to be way way naive to the point it's almost like he's never had friends and normal dating experiences before starting his job here at the station. Unrealistic if you ask me.


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Unrealistic maybe because you have never met a character like Seung Chan in your real life but believe me, characters like him do exist... LOL! I'm one of them. Our type is rare but we exist ... LOL!


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The problem with the drama is that with it's length, it should be able to cover the 'four leads' lives pretty well, but they end up doing filler and lengthy scenes forgetting about one lead (which in this episode was Joon Mo, it was Cindy before)

I actually liked the epilogue. I was thinking that YJxSC might happen after all when she was looking at the pic the took in locker room, but we get the save from JM meaning he's not giving up no matter what he says (reminded me of Queen In-Hyun's Man goalkeeper scene), so there's hope.


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BSc has a noona crush fetishe which seems to have carried through from episode 1. BSc seems telling cindy about not seeming sincere and that she's always putting on a act, made me feel like he was interested and questioning her about what she feels for him . Why did he need/want to know her sincerity,if was going to flat put reject her she should've done it then. He seems like the type to not have a filter, so it would've been better to let her down from get go. But he seemed to realize he hurt her, and that he was somehow quiet possibly wrong. Cindy seems to push BSc out of his comfort zone in my opinion. Love umbrella couple.


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I bet joon mo will be the one to see cindy in front of bsc house but I'm still hoping for the umbrella couple


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I want BSC's mum to see Cindy there and recognise her as the nice recycling girl with the cast and brings her home HAHAHAH


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I think so too, somehow Joon Mo will heading home and see Cindy. Either call the manager for her or to tell her to go home.


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Thanks for the recap, JB!

I'm honestly watching this mostly cuz of KSH and him totally embracing this role as BSC. I'm totally with him in his moments of giddiness when it comes to scoring a date with YJ and being bashful as well as petty and jealous. (LOL at taking all the mints!) Not to mention, his obliviousness to what's really going on in the soccer game. I chuckled when he was being interviewed and when he scored the goal. XD Looks like this boy learns fast when it comes to taking pics with girls by positioning himself in front of YJ. Actually, I was LOL-ing in the earlier scene with Cindy's Polaroid cuz KSH is known for his small face. So, if he steps back, it makes the contrast even more obvious. =P

Another thing I like about SC is that he's not afraid to be persistent and frank. Like his scene with JM and calling him out on his cowardice. And then the scene with Cindy when he can tell it's just all fake BFF-ing with Go Ara. Even though I know Cindy must feel devastated that SC doesn't like her and is interested in YJ instead, I hope she can still find strength to discover who she really is and build some true friendships in the process. That video message from Ara was touching to see since she definitely relates to what Cindy has gone through.

I did find this ep to be rather long and it got kinda draggy. The epilogue, as JB pointed out, wasn't really necessary this time. It could've been part of the actual scene. Not sure what SC will do now that he has to decide between going to YJ or Cindy. Anyway, hope the final 4 ep's can be interesting as well as entertaining.


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"He adds that Byun acts this way about Cindy for fear that she’ll turn out “like that friend” from before. Just tell us what that’s about already!"

Yeah, it's driving me crazy that they're not telling us what it is, though I fear that the girl may have killed herself.

“I think you’re a good person, but it doesn’t seem as though you think that of yourself. And so, I wonder if at some point, even your sincerity became acting.”

As clueless as he is I think Seung-chan hit the nail on the head with that one.

I hope that Seung-chan and Cindy end up together.

That cliffhanger ending was pointless.


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lmao hong soon is killing me! his hehehhuhuhu when running the relay was hilarious. also the tiger sound effects when he chased seung chan. only true otp is office nazi and hong soon...


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Totally agree!! Hong Soon is falling hard...it's been a riot to watch. I think his is the only love line that will work out.


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Seeing as there are so many outdoor spoiler pics of seungchan and yejin, they're still pushing seungchan & yejin aren't they?



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#Justiceforrajoonmo #justiceforcindy !!


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im going to defend dat hashtag #justiceforrajoonmo


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That's because SC n Cindy cannot hang around outdoor... (given Cindy's status as top star)
So there will be no outdoor spoiler for BSC and Cindy..

#keep Umbrella Couple Shipper


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