Girl Who Sees Smells: Episode 9

It’s fascinating to see just how far our killer is willing to go to throw the detectives off his scent – so fascinating that I actually find myself cheering him on at times, because the chase is so exciting. We do find out some interesting facts about our friend the serial killer, giving insight into some things and raising questions at the same time. Meanwhile Mu-gak and Cho-rim experience their first lovers’ quarrel, and someone has to step up and put their heart on the line.


Mu-gak tries to comfort Cho-rim when she wells up after tasting Jae-hee’s soup, but she’s just as confused over her overly-emotional reaction as him. The taste does jog her missing memory, and suddenly Cho-rim remembers a woman’s face. She has no idea who the woman is, and Mu-gak sighs that this is very frustrating.

They go for a walk to talk it over, and Cho-rim says that she’s curious about the woman she seems to remember — she doesn’t even know whether she liked or hated her. She admits that having no memory is scary, and Mu-gak just takes her hand and laces their fingers together like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

In his Murder Library, Jae-hee contemplates Choi Eun-seol’s nametag one more time. He thinks back to the night he kidnapped her parents, when they first met, only this time his face is clearly visible to us. Through his eyes, the young girl’s face is indistinct, so when she’s hit by the car out in the street, the nametag he tore from her jacket is the only thing he has to identify her.

Mu-gak walks Cho-rim home for the fifth time, circling the block to draw out their time together, ha. It’s so cute how they’re each reluctant to let go of the other’s hand, and they say “goodnight” over and over but neither budges. Awww, after a few seconds Mu-gak just grabs Cho-rim’s hand again, and he pokes her fears of being alone just enough to finagle an invitation to come in, at least until she falls asleep.

Only he won’t get to be near Cho-rim as he hoped, since she plops her father’s tent in front of him and tells him to set it up in the living room. PFFT. Poor Mu-gak can’t control his What just happened? face when she heads to bed and actually locks her bedroom door.

Grumpy, he texts her to ask if she really just locked the door against him, and she reasons that she should since he’ll be leaving once she falls asleep. Mu-gak texts again later to see if she’s asleep, but she messages back that she’s not. This goes on all night, as Cho-rim actively works to stay awake so that Mu-gak won’t leave. So cute.

They go to the station in the morning, to use the police database to put together a sketch of the woman’s face that Cho-rim remembered. Apparently Mu-gak isn’t good with the software, and Cho-rim fusses that the sketches he’s assembling look nothing like the face she saw. Lieutenant Yeom sees the two of them bickering on their way out, and another cop tells her they were using the software to put a face together.

The detective team have a meeting to go over evidence, but since the Barcode Killer changed the license plates on the trucks, it’s nearly impossible to pinpoint exactly which trucks he drove. Yeom warns everyone to be careful, since it’s clear from Mu-gak’s stabbing that the killer knows they’re after him. Detective Ki asks how they’ll catch him then, and Mu-gak declares they’ll have to make him come to them.

At the Jeju hospital, a man asks to see Choi Eun-seol’s records, and an employee makes a call to Mu-gak. He tells the employee to proceed as they discussed, and notifies Yeom that the killer has begun to track down Choi Eun-seol. Luckily, he thought ahead and had the hospital change her records to show the girl was transferred to a different hospital.

They’re smart enough to figure out that the killer’s having someone else do the actual legwork. Sure enough, we see the man who inquired at the hospital make a call to Jae-hee, telling him that the records say Eun-seol was transferred.

The detectives all still believe the girl is dead, but concoct a plan to make it look like she’s still alive to lure in the killer. At that exact moment, Mu-gak takes a call from the hospital where he made it appear the girl was transferred, letting him know that someone has indeed inquired about her. The bait is working.

The plan goes into action, and Mu-gak sits in the car with Detectives Ki and Yeh while they wait for the rest of the team to be ready. Yeh fusses at Ki when a phone rings, since his girlfriend always calls during stakeouts, but it’s not his phone — HAHA, it’s Cho-rim calling Mu-gak. He takes immense pleasure in being the one getting a call from his girl for once.

In the van with Yeom, Detective Kang gets nervous that the killer won’t take the bait, so she gives the order for the undercover cop posing as Choi Eun-seol to leave the home where she’s hiding. As soon as the woman leaves, a man in all-black approaches her, but finds himself swarmed by cops and handcuffed before he can blink.

Only, Mu-gak sees another man in black standing in the alley watching the scene — and we clearly see Jae-hee’s face — and Mu-gak immediately gives chase. He runs through a maze of alleys after the man, nearly losing him a couple of times, but managing to stay on his tail. He’s led to an abandoned building where the man in black manages to escape out a window, but not before cutting his arm on a loose length of rebar.

Back at the car, the man they’ve detained says that some other man told him to just approach the woman and call her “Choi Eun-seol.” Unfortunately, the man spoke from behind him and he never saw the guy’s face.

Mu-gak continues chasing the man in black, who’s clutching his arm and bleeding from a gash. Mu-gak is hit by a car crossing the street, and he pops right back up seemingly uninjured, but Kang and Yeom arrive on the scene and stop him from pursing the man any further. They want to send him to the hospital, but instead he rushes back to find the rebar that cut the man’s arm. There on the metal is blood and a scrap of cloth — evidence, and DNA evidence at that.

Now the detectives’ main objective is to round up their suspects and obtain their DNA to test against the blood. Jae-hee is Yeom’s primary suspect, and she pushes for getting a warrant for his DNA first, but Kang thinks the chef is innocent and accuses her of twisting their knowledge of the killer to fit Jae-hee.

Yeom goes to talk to Jae-hee anyway, and they play a dangerous game of verbal chess, every word sounding like either a challenge or a threat. Apparently Jae-hee was adopted at age three and was raised by an American couple, though he refuses to discuss his birth parents with Yeom. He’s only been in Korea for six years, since his adoptive parents passed away.

It creeps me right out when Yeom asks if his parents died in an accident, and Jae-hee non-answers that when both parents die at the same time, it’s likely that it was an accident. Yeom catches the nuance and asks flat-out if they were murdered, and Jae-hee says their RV caught fire while they were in it.

When Yeom asks if Jae-hee was abused by his adoptive father, he stops her — that’s prejudiced and disrespectful to adoptive parents and children. He insists his parents were kind, and he has no complaints. But it’s clear Yeom finds all of this highly suspect.

Jae-hee turns the tables and proves he’s onto Yeom in return, as he asks if someone she was close to was murdered. She boldly admits her father was killed, but starts to squirm a bit when Jae-hee analyzes that she always stays in the back of the room because she doesn’t like people behind her, and probably sleeps with the lights on.

Yeom tries to turn the subject back to Jae-hee’s parents, but he’s got her number now, and assumes she’s deflecting because she was somehow involved in her father’s death. She doesn’t answer, only asking why he’s wearing a jacket when it’s warm in the restaurant. Is he hiding something?

Unruffled, Jae-hee takes his jacket off and there it is — a bandage on his lower right arm. He says he hurt himself in a kitchen accident, and eerily informs her that any tool in a kitchen can be used as a weapon. As he lists dangerous kitchen tools, Yeom interrupts to say that when people talk so long it’s usually because they’re hiding something, and for the first time, Jae-hee’s composure slips.

Yeom heads back to the station, where Jae-hee’s injury is enough to justify a warrant for his DNA. The boys head to Jae-hee’s house, but when Detective Yeh tries to collect the DNA sample, Jae-hee refuses to comply. Mu-gak says he’s a murder suspect and doesn’t have the option of refusing, and things get tense when Mu-gak’s anger boils over and he demands to see Jae-hee’s injury.

With a quiet threat that Mu-gak will be apologizing for this later, Jae-hee removes his bandage to reveal a deep gouge in his arm, yowch. He claims to have cut himself on the sharp edge of his kitchen counter, and submits to the DNA collection.

Lieutenant Yeom orders surveillance on Jae-hee since he’s a flight risk, until they have the DNA results back and get an arrest warrant. Curious, Mu-gak notices her intensity and asks when she started to suspect Jae-hee, and she says it was during her conversation with him today.

Cho-rim cleans the theater, telling the Frog Troupe director that she was supposed to do a screen test today to host a cooking show, but figured it wasn’t the right job for a comedienne. The director calls her nuts, because it’s exactly the right job for her, and fusses at her for giving up an opportunity any of the other troupe members would kill to have.

So Cho-rim goes for the screen test, and Jae-hee’s producer likes her on-camera presence enough to hire her on the spot. In thanks, she offers to buy Jae-hee dinner at his own restaurant, guessing he’s never been a guest there himself, and he seems genuinely touched. Don’t smile like that — I don’t wanna like you, not even a little bit.

The detectives anxiously await the DNA results, but when they come in, Yeom’s face falls to see that the samples are not a match. What?! The team wonder how this is possible while Yeom tries to hold back her frustrated tears. She simply apologizes, and leaves the room.

Mu-gak goes back to Jae-hee’s home to apologize, and Jae-hee asks to borrow his phone to call his own, which is missing. But instead, he installs a spy app on Mu-gak’s phone while he’s not looking. He places the phone face-down next to Mu-gak where he can see the reflection of the screen in the table as the app loads, pouring wine and drawing out Mu-gak’s apology to stall for time.

He claims to understand why Mu-gak would suspect him, playing the gentle, forgiving act to the hilt. All the while he watches the app loading onto the phone oh-so-slowly, distracting Mu-gak every time he starts to reach for it.

Jae-hee quietly warns Mu-gak that he won’t be so forgiving if this happens again, and Mu-gak finally does grab his phone to leave when the app is only at about 95% complete. But by the time he looks at the screen, it’s done — and this round goes to Jae-hee.

After Mu-gak leaves, Jae-hee re-bandages his own injury (with a bit of fan service), and we see that the night Mu-gak chased him through the streets, it was actually another man who’d escaped through the warehouse window and cut his arm.

So Jae-hee actually hired two men to deflect from his presence that night. He’d witnessed the other man cutting his arm, so he’d gone back to his home and used a meat fork to gouge a matching hole in his own arm. Damn, that’s hardcore. And impressively forward-thinking, to know the police would want to do a DNA test, and to draw suspicion to himself then use the test to “prove” his innocence.

Cho-rim mentions to Ae-ri that she needs to buy some clothes for the cooking show, but Ae-ri is working and can’t go shopping. Ae-ri says this is what boyfriends are for, and tells her to take Mu-gak. When Cho-rim denies that he’s any such thing, Ae-ri calls him a bad guy for kissing her but not dating her, and Cho-rim doesn’t disagree.

Ae-ri swipes Cho-rim’s phone and calls Mu-gak, laughing when Cho-rim hangs up quickly and saying that’s the best way to get a guy to call you. Or, you know, not play games and just call the guy, but whatever. Sure enough, he calls right back, and he agrees to help Cho-rim shop.

She tries on several dresses as Mu-gak adorably snarls behind her back — he disapproves of her working with Jae-hee. He tries not to enjoy seeing Cho-rim in the feminine dresses, but he can’t keep his eye-popping entirely to himself, hee. She blushes when he admits she looks pretty, and when she can’t choose, he buys all three of her favorite dresses.

Mu-gak’s mood turns serious as he waits with Cho-rim for her bus, and he asks her not to do the cooking show. He can’t give her a solid reason why, though, and Cho-rim gets a bit angry and asks who he thinks he is. This show is important to her career, and she says they’re not in the kind of relationship where he has a right to ask her to give it up. Mu-gak gulps at the word “relationship,” but he still can’t really explain himself without sounding paranoid.

Yeom takes out her frustrations at the gun range and on her way out, runs into Cho-rim arriving at the station. Cho-rim’s face falls when Yeom mentions Mu-gak, and she says she’s not here to see him for once. She totally was, but covers by saying she was really here to see Yeom, and they go out for a drink on Yeom’s suggestion.

As they drink, Cho-rim admits she was really at the station to drop off the dresses that Mu-gak bought for her at his desk. She tells Yeom that he didn’t really buy them for her with good feelings, and gripes that he meddles in her business even though he’s not her boyfriend. Yeom astutely figures that it’s not the meddling Cho-rim is upset about, but the fact that Mu-gak isn’t her boyfriend.

HA, Cho-rim is all, “Of course it’s because he’s not my boyfriend!” Then she realizes what she just admitted and claps her hands over her mouth in horror. Yeom takes the sisterly tack and agrees that this fight is all Mu-gak’s fault.

She offers to help Cho-rim put together the woman’s face that she remembers, and the two work late into the night with the sketch software. Yeom asks about Cho-rim’s accident and memory loss, but Cho-rim just says she tries not to dwell on it. They get closer with the sketch, and agree to meet again later tomorrow on it some more.

The spy app that Jae-hee installed on Mu-gak’s phone works perfectly, notifying him when Mu-gak makes a call and even allowing him to listen in on the conversation. He’s only putting in an order for office supplies, but that’s seriously creepy that Jae-hee has that kind of access to his phone.

Cho-rim gets ready for her first appearance on Jae-hee’s cooking show, and discovers that he’s sent her a gift of a dress to wear for her first shooting. It’s beautiful, and a text from Mu-gak that the yellow dress they bought is the “least weird” makes her scoff in annoyance. Ha, that’s so Mu-gak.

But again Jae-hee gets a copy of the communication, so when Cho-rim shows up in the yellow dress after all, he immediately knows it’s a dress that Mu-gak bought for her.

After the shooting Cho-rim sits at home in her raggedy clothes eating ramyun, complaining loudly that she called Mu-gak to ask him to dinner and he hung up on her. A text from him, asking her to come outside where he’s waiting, makes her even more annoyed, and she goes out without changing clothes or fixing her hair (“It’s not like he’s my boyfriend!”).

She’s still got a huge chip on her shoulder when she meets him, refusing to look him in the eye even when he explains that he was in a meeting when she called. He asks her to look at him, so she does, reluctantly.

In a hesitant voice, Mu-gak asks, “What should I call you?” Cho-rim spits that she has a name, but Mu-gak clarifies — when people are dating, they call each other something else. Now he’s got her attention! A bit more formally, he tells her, “Oh Cho-rim… ‘lover,’ ‘woman,’ ‘darling,’ ‘girlfriend.’ Pick one.”

Adorably, Cho-rim tries to hide behind her hands when she realizes she’s getting this romantic request from him while standing there with no makeup on and in her give-up clothes. She frantically says she’ll just go get fixed up and come back and he can say it again, but Mu-gak just chuckles at her and says he already saw her. I’ll say, since he’s looking at her like he could happily eat her up like ice cream.

He takes her hand and starts walking, saying he’s got to show the world how great his girlfriend is. So! Cute! She says she’s got to go to the station to meet with Lieutenant Yeom, so Mu-gak offers to go with her.

Meanwhile Yeom works on some of the details of the sketch, and when she prints it out she realizes the woman looks familiar to her, too. She pulls up the photos of Cho-rim’s mother who was murdered three years ago, and the sketch is a near-perfect match. When Cho-im and Mu-gak arrive, Yeom looks closely at Cho-rim, wondering if she really knows the dead woman.


Noooo, I’m not ready! It feels too soon to reveal Cho-rim’s true identity, because though I know it’s a necessary part of the story and that we have to go through this rough patch in order to get to the happily-ever-after, I’m not looking forward to what this could do to Mu-gak and Cho-rim’s infant relationship. I mean, they’re literally only minutes into having an understanding of exactly where they stand with each other… it’s too soon!

Most of my fear is in not knowing how Mu-gak will react. As precious and adorable-grumpybear-squishy as he is, he holds enough of himself close to the vest that he’s still unpredictable when it comes to his emotional reactions. There’s really no knowing whether he’ll take the news that Cho-rim is actually Choi Eun-seol in stride and decide his sister’s murder wasn’t her fault, or blame her for his sister’s death and distance himself. I’d like to trust in him that he’ll react well (after a short period to process things, of course) because he’s got a history of seeing things in a pretty realistic and rational way. But the one thing that makes him flip out, makes him really seriously lose it, is his sister’s death. We saw him completely out of control at the police station when she was first killed, and again when he confronted Baek-kyung mistakenly, and one last time when Baek-kyung’s body was found dead and Mu-gak thought his chance at revenge had been taken from him. For a guy who rarely shows his emotions, Mu-gak becomes all emotion when it comes to his sister. I’m so scared all that rage and fury could be turned on Cho-rim. Though I do admit that if he does turn on her, it should be fun to watch Cho-rim give him hell for it.

I keep being simultaneously amazed and horrified at Jae-hee’s level of deviousness, and this episode only ratcheted that up another notch. He keeps staying one step ahead of the cops, as proven by the fact that he knew they were setting up a sting and hired not one, but two men to put the detectives off his scent. But he’s not just an incredibly detailed planner, he’s also able to take an unexpected event and turn it to his advantage. He could easily have asserted his innocence by showing that he wasn’t injured, but he took it a step further and made certain he’d be proven innocent by DNA test. You can’t help but be impressed by that level of forward-thinking and committment.

But we did learn some interesting things about Jae-hee in this episode, the most notable being that he was adopted and grew up in America (though it makes me wonder how his Korean is so good, if he didn’t grow up in a Korean-speaking family). By his reactions to Yeom’s questions, I’m assuming she wasn’t far from the truth when she guessed he was abused — that could certainly have something to do, if not with his actual murders, then at least with his methods. And he’s only been in the country for six years, which is about when the Barcode Murders started. There was a point in an earlier episode where the detectives wondered if there were any murders before the ones they know of, and I’m betting there were, but they just don’t know about them because they were in a different country. I’ll be interested to find out exactly how long Jae-hee has been doing his once-a-year killings, and why.

I had wondered why the show chose to reveal the Big Bad so soon in the run, but now I’m glad it did. The cat and mouse game that Jae-hee is playing, with Yeom and Mu-gak in particular, is really quite enjoyable to watch. I almost find myself rooting for Jae-hee to outsmart the detectives a bit longer, because it’s so much fun to see what he’ll be willing to do next. I know that won’t last long, but as long as Jae-hee keeps showing off that intensely meticulous and devious brain of his, I’m happy to be along for the ride!


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I LOL so hard when Mu-gak answers Cho-rim's call during stakeout scene. hahahaa


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Hahah...he is doing imitation of detective ki...the way he said"spakoynee nochi"was so funny but at the same time sexy....XD


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@ chunnie, I 2nd what you said....


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Word for word hahaha


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LOL! That was a cute moment in the police car. I was wondering if he was half bluffing with that call... was he really talking to Cho Rim and in pretend Russian? since it was (I feel) to get back at Ki who was not the friendliest before and who makes such a deal about his Elena. I would have loved to have seen CR's expression on the other end of the line, but Ki's and Yeh's disbelief and MG's bland face together was priceless.


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I guess Det Ki is very much aware that we are calling him a big show-off, that’s why in this episode, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, he cut his gf’s name short to Shivanova and not the usual Elena Vlalalalallaalalalalava lol.

But too bad, he’s too late. Mu-gak is agitated already and his petty self is back in action, haha. This time not to get even with Cho-rim but to get even with Det Ki. Who says you need a Russian gf before you can show off your Russian?

CMG: Hey, Cho Rim. You can’t come here! Do you know how dangerous it is? *purposely looks at Det Ki in his eyes, like as if he wants to send him a message* You can’t come here! Yes, Cho Rim. I’ll call you later, okay? Good night! (IN RUSSIAN!! Mind you, lol) and then, slips right back to his deadpan-back-to-business face! “Nothing notable.”

LOL! Too hilarious.


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We love petty Mu-gak! hahaha


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Hahaha, right.


Interesting comment, @ Neutral!

For some reason, I have not seen Det. Ki as a big show-off. I find it endearing that he calls his GF by her whole name, and I like it, especially b/c he pronounces it well. I love listening to him, when he speaks in Russian, I really love his diction, and it adds a little something to the show for me. One of those really not very important things that make me smile (and re-watch when that happens) kinds of scenes in the drama. I just really love listening when people speak a language I don't understand. I pay attention to the tone, and to their diction. They draw me in. I feel that every supporting character in this drama has his/her idiosyncrasies, and that is one of Det. Ki's. I like it, a lot.

I didn't feel that MG was being petty with Det. Ki either, I felt that he was mocking him, the way a hoobae would dare mock a sunbae. I could be wrong, but I also felt that it might be one of the reasons why Det. Ki and Yeh were so surprised that MG did that. I really loved MG's deadpan face, at the end. That was priceless. All 3 actors must have had a good laugh BTS. Also, tidbit of (un-important) info: PYC and Det. Ki were (both) in Three Days, though they didn't have a scene together (I think).


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I am from Russia and I have to say that detective's russian is bad. For example, actors in Misaeng especially Kang Sora speak russian very good.
Also, we don't call each other by full names. It strange that Elena didn't say her boyfriend to use only her first name, without patronymic and surname.


Hello @ Carramba,

And thank you for correcting me, about Det. Ki's pronunciation in Russian. I guess there goes another actor who can't pronounce well in foreign languages. I stand corrected. Thank you also about the info regarding people in Russia not being called by their full name. I guess the writer wanted Det. Ki to be the way that he is. That is the only explanation I can come up with, so far. I appreciate your comments, thank you again!


@ Carramba,
So now, I am curious about Park Yoo-chun's pronunciation in Russian as well. Was it also bad?


Yoochun’s "Good night - Spokoinoy nochi" was really funny and not bad :) I like this scene.


I think writer don't know much about russian names) Thats why detective use full name, call her like korean woman) Koreans usually use full names.


@ Carramba,
Thank you for explaining again. I appreciate both of your comments.


Hi @Neutral and Ivoire

On thinking and re-watching that car scene, I felt that it was a real bluff on MG's part. His so-called conversation with CR using the sweet lover-tone of voice with that sharp look in his eye when he looked at Ki, seems so deliberate and so false. Yeah, I believe he was just being petty!

Yes @Neutral, he has finally cut Elena's name to just 4 syllables.

Ivoire, the reason I feel that Ki was showing off was the way he said her name. Unless it is a cultural thing that Russians like to be called by their full names, usually a close friend, or girlfriend, I feel, does expect to be called by a shortened version of her name or 'darling' or something like that. The fact that he says her whole name with that look on his face and repeatedly, makes it sound over the top and showy.

Yes, he was mocking Ki, and it was petty because it was probably a way to get back at Ki for showing off. And to ensure that Ki and Yeh would not take issue with him for it, he flipped back to absolute seriousness... kept his face totally straight and reported into the walkie talkie in a deadpan voice. Those 3 actors together make it work so well.


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@ GB unnie,

Tbh, when I did watch that scene the 1st time, I did feel that MG was faking it, but then his phone DID ring! So did MG make his phone ring, and faked the whole thing? And CR is not CYS, she has not called MG (yet) in the middle of the night :-)

And if Det. Ki is showy, then I like showy Det. Ki, probably b/c he pronounces the name well, so I have NO problems with it :-) Besides, it is comic relief in this show, for me. I like that trait of Det. Ki :-)

And about this, "Yes, he was mocking Ki, and it was petty because it was probably a way to get back at Ki for showing off. And to ensure that Ki and Yeh would not take issue with him for it, he flipped back to absolute seriousness… kept his face totally straight and reported into the walkie talkie in a deadpan voice. Those 3 actors together make it work so well."
I actually agree with you. I watched this ep. raw (I have not watched it fully subbed yet), so I was not fully sure of what was going on. I will have rewatch it again, however, I now seem to remember MG being petty, and we KNOW MG CAN be petty :-) And I am OK with it. That scene was funny, and I am thinking that those 3 actors must have a blast doing that drama together. I love seeing them in their scenes.

Thank you as always GB unnie, for your continued perspective, and on how you persevere to make your dongsaeng "see the light" :-)


@ GB unnie,

I know what I struggle with at times: I watch the epis. on Wed. and on Thursd., and not always fully subbed. By Sat., I try to write from memory, and I think although I remember a lot, I get confused at times, which then calls for a re-watch :-)


@ GB unnie,

I also wondered about this, "I was wondering if he was half bluffing with that call… was he really talking to Cho Rim and in pretend Russian? since it was (I feel) to get back at Ki who was not the friendliest before and who makes such a deal about his Elena," though his phone did ring though (but CR has never called him in a middle of a stake-out. I guess there is a 1st time for everything?)

And I agree with this, "I would have loved to have seen CR’s expression on the other end of the line, but Ki’s and Yeh’s disbelief and MG’s bland face together was priceless."
Btw, did you guys notice Det. Yeh's face (his facial expression) when Det. Ki showed him the Russian dolls (in a previous ep.), saying "they are cute, aren't they?" His face said, "hum... If you say so/think so. I am not going to say what I really think." I thought it was subtle, but I noticed it :-)


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Also, to address @ LollyPip's comment about how JH can speak Korean so well after having been in Korea for only 6 years? I am not surprised about that. Some people are good at languages, and they pick them up fairly easily. It helps to be in the country too.

Also, the Korean show "Abnormal Summit" has a range of foreign guests who speak Korean really well. There was an American guy (can't remember his name right now), and people like Sam (from Ghana) who speak Korean really well. Sam has been in Korea for 5 years, or a little more. Even on Happy Together, he was told by the hosts that he speaks Korean really well, both the formal language, and the swearing, etc...

The singer Sung Si Kyung told the American guy that his Korean was excellent. That guy texted Sung Si Kyung, and SSK said that there was not a single mistake (and he showed the text message on camera). That guy goes to a really good university in the US (Duke, I think?), and to Seoul National University in Korea. I don't think that he has been in Korea for more than 5 or 6 years. He looks young (kind of). I think he was studying Political Sciences.


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Yes, I thought Yeh was none too pleased to be shown those dolls... again the feeling that Ki was showing off and talking audibly so that Yeh could hear... "medium doll on my PC? ... little doll for my pocket??" Yeh looked a bit irritated. :)


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@ GB,

About this, "Yeh looked a bit irritated." Really? I will have to rewatch it. I like Yeh though, I find him funny as well. To me, he doesn't come across as irritated, at Det. Ki, more like he doesn't really care (not too much), except when it comes to playing Go Stop, where pairing with Det. Ki might help you win (or not, based on their last game :-) )


For some reason, I actually like Det. Ki, a lot. Maybe b/c I like the actor playing him. So I don't find him irritating or annoying... I find him entertaining.


like most police or spy drama there always huge plot holes, if the cook is the 'only' suppect they have then why not have a 24 hour state out following him? what else do the five? cops have to do with their time..will other than talking on the phone to a russion girl and romancing want a be comeadins..lol
but it still funny and the bad guy is a good one ie interesting and scary...though I do wonder how they going to drag it out for the rest of the drama..maybe they through in another crime or two in between here and the end.


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The cat and mouse game is not that compelling because the cops are seriously very incompetent. Jae hee plans everything perfectly but if he did even half of what he did, he would be able to outsmart the police as they lack in all the departments. Except Moo Gal. And Yeol also is a weak officer as she has never shown any smarts yet.


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I agree with you, Riya. Detective Yeom has been a so so detective. She can't even figure out how the car got to the crime scene without the help of Ki's Russian dolls.

And Jae he didn't even need to physically hurt his arm, a bandage would do the trick.


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he needed to physically hurt his arm because he WANTED the cops to be suspicious of him and to do a DNA test so that he could prove himself innocent. He WANTS to looks suspicious but he knows that he's going to have to take off the bandage infront of the cops. if his bandage doesn't have an actual wound underneath they're going to be like "wth?" he likes messing with them. making them feel a sense of security like "we 100% got this guy" only to have the dna test results not match


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I can understand he not hesitating to hurt himself shows how hardcore Jae Hee is.

However, he merely needed to show a bandaged arm to Yeom to make Yeom get the DNA warrant. He didn't reveal the wound to her. He knows the cops easily jump to conclusions. Similar to the dead chef at rooftop case.

I was thinking, it would be a bigger mockery to the cops, if after the DNA test and MG has to apologise to Jae Hee, Jae Hee reveals that the bandage is for a mosquito bite. :p


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@ Sook,

About this, "I was thinking, it would be a bigger mockery to the cops, if after the DNA test and MG has to apologise to Jae Hee, Jae Hee reveals that the bandage is for a mosquito bite. :-) "
That would have been clever, and yes, a bigger mockery...



I love your insight. Remember ppl, we are not dealing with a person in his right mind. He's sick up there. I can see, he totally enjoys messing with them cops, pulling their legs and later on; ta-da, you dumb cops are so wrong! I win AGAIN. It seems he's getting much satisfaction playing the game with them cops.

And Det Kang did warn Lt Yeom, that if she insists to proceed to get the warrant, and if they get it wrong again this time, it's going to be difficult to get another warrant in the future as far as Chef Kwon's concerned, or something along this line, I'm not sure if I get this right, but yeah, like there's a limit or something.


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@ Neutral,

I agree with you here (both #s). It was extreme what JH did though, simply to humiliate the police. You gotta admit, hurting himself like that. Also, @ Neutral, I left you some comments in epis. 7 and 8 I think. Did you see them? I didn't see any responses from you, so I was wondering...


"murder library" great name for a coffee shop
ill buy


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I'm confused with Nam Goong Min because I like that man, and gosh have you seen that body ???, but at the same time he creeps me out so much in that show ! *sigh*

Mugak and Chorim are the cutest !!!! This show is becoming my fav romcom of the year. I was never particularly into Yoochun but I just want to pinch his cheeks and hug im, he's like a plush toy haha And the chemistry and relationship with Chorim is everything. I love how natural they are with each other, the skinship doesn't look forced and it's just a pleasure to look at them !

As for the case, I'm a bit annoyed that Jaehee is always winning and the police force is looking like a fool. They could have a smart criminal but an efficient police force, one doesn't exclude the other. Jaehee has all the cards and it frustrates me.

Also, am I the only one who feels like detective Yeom wont see the end of this show ?


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the last remark: I am afraid we are stuck with her to the end, but different case for Detective Oh.


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Nooo dont say that! Dad has to survive! He's sacrificed so much for cho rim.
the lieutenant is getting annoying, maybe Chef will take care of her


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She's annoyingly weak earlier on but I like her more and more now. I especially like her fearless self when she did that little "interview" with Chef Kwon, can we not spare her life? lol


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I actually like Yeom and honestly don"t care much for Oh except that his death will upset Chorim


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I agree with this, "but I just want to pinch his cheeks and hug im, he’s like a plush toy haha And the chemistry and relationship with Chorim is everything. I love how natural they are with each other, the skinship doesn’t look forced and it’s just a pleasure to look at them !"
I too want to squish PYC's cheeks. And I don't know why, but I keep thinking about his brother, and about how they look alike (kind of), especially on their faces. I loved his brother in I Need Romance 3. For someone who was detached and un-emotional for the last 3 years, I love how skinship-y MG gets, when he wants to comfort CR. It's like, he doesn't even think about what he is doing, he just does it.

I also realized that MG had been wanting to spend the night (or at least be with CR for a loooong time into the night) since the end of ep.8, when he was listing what would have to happen with the dinner ("well, I will need some rice with the soup, then water to wash it down, then I will feel tired and will have to relax, so I will need to watch TV, and well, by that time...," and CR stopped that, by just walking in, but who knows what else MG would have tried to come up with so he could be with her a while), so yeah, MG did not want to have to leave early.

And that continued (in this ep.), with the 5 times walking around the block (and him complaining that her neighborhood was too small, hehehe). So when he looked dejected about having to sleep in the living room (loved his face there! He TOTALLY didn't expect CR to bring out the tent), I totally understood him, because he had been obvious about wanting to just be with her, for as long as he could, that evening. I love how now that MG has fallen for CR, he doesn't hide how much he likes her company. That is so nice to see, for someone who must have been so lonely for the last 3 years.


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Hi Ivoire and @Yukinosuna

I am seriously frustrated at the continued one-upmanship by JH coupled with the incompetence of the police. To an extent, the super intelligence of JH reminds me of the bad guy in King2Hearts. That baddie was phenomenally great at turning everything to his advantage over and over again, but at least the King was not 'dumb' and there was really more of a challenge to surmount. Here, it's like kicking a poor pup.

Ivoire, yes, I like the couple interactions and how MG finds ways and means to eke out time with her. I also agree with what you wrote below about wanting actually to be in the room with her, but she forestalled him. He was surprised by the tent and when he asked how about her room, I had the impression that what he meant was, if it was cold outside, why not let him be in the room... LOL! However she chose not to understand this and got into her room and locked the door so quickly, that it offended him!

The other thing that I was wondering was.... in the room, was CR not only trying to stay awake but maybe she was also trying not to be excited by MG's being just outside.... so she hid herself under the covers for a while?


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OMG as much as I hated the villain in K2H, I loved his interractions with JaE Ha. JH never backed down even when he was cornered and he was so witty ! I went from hating his spoiled ass to cheering for him.
TK2H is honestly the reason why now when I watch a drama and there is someone I dislike, my first thought is "I hope they'll die" lol


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@ GB unnie,

The baddie in The King2Hearts was really weird at times, you've got to admit :-) Yes, he was good, yet I was relieved that the king was not "dumb" as you said (he was actually very smart, just was lazy when his brother was alive), and he had good people around him (HJW's character, and ESK, plus the palace personnel, minus ESK's dad for a while). And I did like some of the banter between the bad guy and the king, in that drama. Another baddie I loved (or liked a lot) was in Three Days, especially after seeing how sweet that actor was in The Heirs. That contrast (in characters) was very interesting. That's one hot ajussi! I loved it when he would get mad. Like Healer, he looked hot. @ GB, do you know that before Healer, TK2Hs was the most commented drama on DB? We got really going with our discussions while that drama was airing. I think it was more popular here (on DB) than in Korea, though it did better in ratings (in Korea) than Healer did (at least from what was recorded).

About this, "I also agree with what you wrote below about wanting actually to be in the room with her, but she forestalled him. He was surprised by the tent and when he asked how about her room, I had the impression that what he meant was, if it was cold outside, why not let him be in the room… LOL! However she chose not to understand this and got into her room and locked the door so quickly, that it offended him!"
And I wanted MG to be in the room with her. I was not sure that he wanted that at 1st, but when I re-watched it, and he said, "you will sleep better (or fall asleep better) IF I am NEXT to you," I went "aha!!! He wants to be physically close to her (in proximity)" which means, either on the bed with her (so him holding her, and she falls asleep in his arms [and he does too, btw]) or at least him being on the floor, holding her hand, and she falls asleep [again, and he does too]).

I do think MG wanted to spend the night at CR's, especially with her dad not being there. And I wanted that for him, more so b/c I knew he would not try anything (too early for that, and that is not the tone of the drama, IMHO. I think they are going for innocent, light and sweet kind of romance, especially given CR's reactions to skinship and kisses. Thank you @ GB unnie for explaining that to me btw, in the last recaps, and in Fanderay's latest post about Sensory Couple. I just didn't get a chance to respond, however your last comment to me really helped in me getting some perspective I didn't have before, about CR's reaction to the kiss, or better yet, her reaction leading to the kiss).


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@ GB unnie, Part 2:

So going back to what I was writing about, I was with MG in this one, b/c 1--I like him a lot (I actually love him), and 2--I understand his loneliness, and at his age, I am so glad that he has finally found a girl he loves, and who loves him back. His sister would be so happy for him. 3--I trust MG with CR. I don't see him pushing her boundaries, not sexually. He is respectful and considerate. 4--Platonic bed scenes are one of my favorite Kdrama tropes. I don't want it coming out of left field, but when it makes sense and it is introduced well, I personally love them. To me, it is that time when the couple is close enough to want and have that type of skinship, but not yet ready for more. And I LOVE seeing couples falling asleep together, there is a certain openess and vulnerability on their faces, when that happens (when they sleep). And sometimes, the actor/actress fall asleep for real (HB in SeGa, PMY in Healer). So yeah, I understood MG's dejection, and him being upset when she locked the door. But he didn't stay upset for long. I loved how he covered up his "did you just lock the door?" with "I just wanted to say you did well!" LOL!

Not only did MG want to be in the room, I think he though CR understood what he wanted, and that she was OK with it. B/c when he kept suggesting how scared and uncomfortable she might be, about what happened with her memory, she kept agreeing with him, even when he said, "you will sleep better if I am next to you." So he must have thought, "this is a done deal," only to have CR play dumb later, LOL!!!! And turn on him :-) That scene was priceless, from both actors. And then MG tried to save face, LOL, so he behave accordingly. I think it takes a little longer for CR to get used to more skinship, though... When you see how often she daydreams about skinship, hum... She does like the skinship with MG, methinks.

About your last #, I think CR liked having MG at home with her. It was also safer. And she must feel lonely as well. You know, she is in her 20s, and she is in love, so... A kind, considerate, nurturing, protective, petty (and at times grumpy) oppa and BF like MG is a very good choice (right @ Neutral? :-) ) For some reason, I saw it differently. I felt that CR was trying to finally fall asleep, but she was too happy to have MG at home, at only fell asleep early in the morning.


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yup MG is sooooooooooooo ready to go to the next step haha but I suddenly wonder, would he feel anything ? OO


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@ Yukinosuna,

About this, "but I suddenly wonder, would he feel anything ?" All I have to say is, "Have you watched ep.10 yet?" No need to comment about it here (since this is the ep.9 recap), we don't want to write spoilers, :-)

I just rewatched that scene, while having dinner, and yes, MG was definitely ready to go to the next step. I also want to thank @ GB unnie for giving me some perspective when she wrote this, "He was surprised by the tent and when he asked how about her room, I had the impression that what he meant was, if it was cold outside, why not let him be in the room…" It is sooooo awesome how much one catches, after having read the comments here, and after having participated in the discussions. B/c I didn't LOL when I watched that scene before, and when I rewatched it, but I literally LOLed (good thing I was alone in the kitchen), when I rewatched that scene, after having talked about it here. OK, so:

1st--When they are outside, MG makes an elaborate effort to come up with a plan that will allow him to spend the night, yet not look that way. You can see the wheels turning in his head, as he is talking to CR, and she just goes along with it. When she asks him, "aren't you tired?" He goes, "no! Why would I be?" I am thinking "MG wants to fall asleep with you, he is not tired!"

2nd--So when CR lets him in, he is happy b/c he thinks he is going to get what he wants. When CR throws the tent bag on the table, MG is surprised, and he asks what it is. "Oh, it's a tent my dad uses when he goes to the mountains." And I thought MG should have said, "but we are NOT in the mountains right now, so why the tent? Can't I just sleep in your room?" And see how CR would react to that. And then MG asked about her room, and when CR answered, MG gave her that look that said, "you are kidding me right now, right? That was NOT the plan I had." I swear he has that look on his face, when he looks at her. It is around 6mns43secs in. I literally burst out laughing so hard (for a good 5 mns) when I had that dialogue in my head, while watching that scene. Then I think MG felt that he had to save face, and he acted like nothing went wrong. Then CR went to her room, and they started texting each other.

3--Really, CR played dumb, GB was right about that, and she kind of did a bait and switch. She made MG believe one thing might happen, but then she changed her mind later, and she played dumb (did she really not read him enough to not know that he wanted to be in her room? The girl is innocent, so I would like to give her some grace for maybe misunderstanding MG's hopes for that night). In this new light, that scene is soooo funny to me, b/c both actors play it well. I love that when MG is thinking, you can see the wheels turning in his head. Try watching that scene again, after reading our comments, and see if you don't find it really funny. I love MG, he doesn't ask for much, and he is so easy to read :-)


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I like yeom. Especially her dialog with jae-hee. And him I found very intriguing I hope they'll reveal more about his motives, episode 10 is mainly about him and more interesting than the couple already settled in their 'cute' routine.


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"They could have a smart criminal but an efficient police force, one doesn’t exclude the other. "

Waiting for the day when this becomes more and more the norm in kdramas.


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That'd be great. a d we have precedents too. kira and L. Sherlock.


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all the police are stupid, perhaps to make Mu Gak look especially smart. well he would look very smart no matter what.
I guess this is the last dose of cute before danger.
Shin se Kyung is doing great! Cho Rim is a genuinely cute and funny character and there is no annoying element, except perhaps that her cheeks look like she has a tooth ache

Yoochun is awesome and convincing, and cheeky.
I can´t get over how smart Mu Gak is. He should be called Professor Choi.


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This is why chemistry between our OTP is very very very important. Even there are many plot holes and so on, we still love the drama. They are soooo freaking adorable!!!


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This drama is near to perfect if the writer makes the cops team a bit smarter..I am so mad about "spy app" on MG's phone! writer-nim, why did u make our hero looks fool? still, thank god, our Murim saved the show! their lovey doveys are so healthy, adorable yet natural..I got my smiling back just becoz of them! what a fantastic couple! never bored watching their parts..


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"I am so mad about “spy app” on MG’s phone! writer-nim, why did u make our hero looks fool?"

Like seriously, this so-called "spy app" should be so banned from existence, too scary and LOW! I don't like it one bit. And Chef Kwon, do you really have to stoop that low, I thought you are much "classier" than this, I'm so mad now, haha.

Oh back to your question, the writer-nim must've thought it's okay to make the hero looks like a fool for once, because he's been smart all along. He pitied Mu-gak's colleagues, maybe? lol


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I agree. I'm okay with torturing and murdering innocent unimportant people, but invading the privacy of the male lead's cell phone? That's unredeemable.


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@Jon G.

Firstly, it's NOT okay to torture and murder innocent unimportant people.
Secondly, it's again NOT okay to invade the privacy of others, male lead or not.
In short, catch the psycho and put him behind bars! :D


Sorry, I couldn't resist when you said that the new low for the psychopathic serial killer was when he was using the spy app.


@ Neutral,

If we did this now, "In short, catch the psycho and put him behind bars!" we would have a really short drama, right? :-)

Also, though I didn't like the Spy app, I thought it would make things a lot harder for MG and for the police, which would mean that MG (and maybe the police) would have to up the ante to be able to arrest JH (and be smarter about it). And I was hoping that, that would be where the writer could, or would surprise us (in writing the plot).


@Jon G.

You just had to bait us, didn't you! :)


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Yes, he just had to :-)


It would be hilarious if Jae Hee installed the spy app before the "are you sleeping?" marathon night. Jae Hee would be so bored and pukey, he would consider striking CR out of his book list.


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Cute episode. Mugak's little smile when Chorim is covering her bare face is priceless. ^^

JaeHee's cleverness angers & amazes me at the same time. He must have been in this 'killing' business for a long time now for him to be this smart.

Thank you Lollipip. :)


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Your point about Jaehee is so true. I wonder if we'll find out the timeline for his adoptive parents' death and his coming to South Korea. There must have been suspicion on him back in the state where his parents died. Do cops in Kdramas ever request information from other countries about past incidents? After all, we only have Jaehee's word that their deaths were regarded as accidents. Maybe an interview with an officer assigned to that case would reveal that some suspicions were raised...

So why did Jaehee come to SK? To track down his real parents and get them to write their story in a book? Creepy!


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By "real parents" I mean biological


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Ewwwwww, are his biological parents Cho Rim's parents?


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@ Ennayra and @ Giegie

I feel the same about Jae Hee. About kdrama cops asking for info from oveseas, yes they do. If this bunch of cops were more thorough and meticulous about fact-finding, security, etc the investigation could have been practically be completed by now. They should have done a background check on JH b now, but it does not look like they have, from Yeom's sudden conversation with him. It seems as if that scene was put in just to get JH to show off his bandaged arm and show how he tricked them by the mismatched DNA. I hope each episode that the police will get a chance to shine a bit.... looks like it may be a much longer wait! :)


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I think different. I guess at this point, they (or at least Lt Yeom) must've already done some background check on Chef Kwon, that's why she can tell during the "interview" with him, that he was adopted and raised by an American couple, and questioning him if his adoptive father was being abusive and all. Maybe they are still in the midst of fixing the puzzle pieces together but definitely they've started to dig into his past slowly, bit by bit :)


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@ Neutral,

I agree with your points. It also felt to me as if Let. Yeom was poking at JH, to see how he would react to her questions to him. I think she got a little more than she bargained for, based on how JH was able to turn the tables, at times.


@Neutral and Ivoire
Could be... Yeom had some info and was using that as a way to get under his skin and get him to react. He was just too cool but he did talk a mite too much about the number of things that could be weapons in the kitchen.

One of the ways to get such a smart person is to let their arrogance take them over the top so they make a mistake. Give him enough rope to hang himself, so to speak... but he isn't really biting yet.

So I believe we'll have a few more exciting episodes with lots of baiting each other to see who bites and who gets caught. :)


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@ GB,

I agree with all you said there, especially with this, "One of the ways to get such a smart person is to let their arrogance take them over the top so they make a mistake. Give him enough rope to hang himself, so to speak… but he isn’t really biting yet.
So I believe we’ll have a few more exciting episodes with lots of baiting each other to see who bites and who gets caught."
And I look forward to seeing how the baiting will go. Show, please stay good (or pretty good) till the end.


Watching a kdrama means you have to accept that the writer will sometimes turn characters into idiots for the sake of plot advancement. I facepalmed so hard when even the relatively brilliant Mugak suddenly failed to apply basic common sense on information security, and in the presence of Jae Hee, some more.

Dude, just because a fellow needs your phone to locate his own does not mean that you should lose sight of it!!

But some of the scenes in this episode are really fascinating to watch - the cat and mouse game between Jae Hee and the police, the verbal parry and thrust between him and Detective Yeom (she suddenly become a profiler just for this scene LOL).

And by the way, I find myself really liking Jae Hee when he's in friendly chef mode with Cho Rim - so confusing...


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Yes! MG shouldn't just give his phone to the chef like that, what are they, buddies? If someone asks me to borrow my phone to locate his phone, I'll ask his number and make the call for him! Don't ever lend your belongings to a murder suspect!


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+ 1, @ pastmidnite. Hiiiiiiii *Waves* And I loved this, " what are they, buddies?" So true!


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Hi @Ivoire *waves back excitedly* :-D
You know, this app-installing reminded me of the scene in Healer when PBS installed an app in KMH's phone, I forgot what kind of app it was precisely, but I think it's kind of a spy-app also? I hope these kinds of apps don't exist for real! Scary...


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"I hope these kinds of apps don’t exist for real! Scary…"


@ pastmidnite,

Yeah, PBS did do that in Healer, but he was a good guy, so I give him a pass :-) Good memory! So happy to see you here, my dear :-)


Hi @pastmidnite!

So true! One of the basic things is not to let another person (murder suspect especially!!!) take your phone since so much personal stuff is in it.

I read your note that I did not reply to your comments in previous episodes? Which ones, my dear? :)


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Hi @GB!
I tried to reply your post in the group but it kept giving me an error message. I'll try again later.
No, my dear unnie...there are no comments to reply to, I'm so sorry you had to go through much trouble looking for them. I think you misunderstood my sentence, and it's all my fault, blame my lousy English *facepalm*


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@ lc, I 2nd all that you said! At times, he felt to me as if JH was flirting with Let. Yeom. was I the only one who felt that way?
And I too, find friendly Chef JH charming, and even disarming. Especially the tone of his voice.


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Yes, if not for the fact that the conversation was so pointed and loaded, it could have been a getting to know you better dating session.


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@ lc, exactly! (all that you said).


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Hi Ivoire and @lc

I had the reverse feeling, ie, that Yeom was all dressed up and made up (her make up looked obvious suddenly) as if she was flirting with JH.

The whole scene felt out of place to me, as if slotted in to move the plot forward. Definitely like a malice-laced getting-to-know-you blind date! Heheheh!


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@ GB unnie,

Her make-up was more obvious? I will have to re-watch that scene. Maybe she was (kind of) flirting with him to bring his guards down? But he is a very smart guy, so... The scene didn't feel out of place for me, more like a way for the viewers to have more info on JH mainly, and on how his mind works. He never lets his opponent get the upper hand, not MG, not the police, not Let. Yeom. If she tries to read him (to his face), he does the same to her. If MG is on to him, he tries to kill him, etc... JH LOVES and RELISHES the cat and mouse game, with him winning, of course.

I think the actress playing Let. Yeom is doing the best she can, with what she is given.


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"Watching a kdrama means you have to accept that the writer will sometimes turn characters into idiots for the sake of plot advancement."
I've noted, have you, ppl? lol


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This describes mugak best " precious and adorable-grumpybear-squishy.." totally what i see in him...and like lollypip i'm scared of mugak reaction when knowing the truth...it is because he is unpredictable when it comes to his beloved sister..his attitude can change within second and i hope he won't lash it out to chorim..
-this otp has been so cute and adorable...haha totally like when it when chorim doesnt trust his capability in using the image maker and it is so sweet that chorim doesnt want mugak to go home so she works hard to stay awake...but here we can see that mugak can become sleepy now..
-for me i feel that spy app plot was kinda fresh but creepy in a way..since its a spy app so its kinda logic that the one who's being spied shouldnt notice what happen right..or else it wouldnt be called spying..but i really hope that kind of application doesnt exist..its really a violation of privacy..but chef kwon is a bit late...or else he would have been receiving tonnes of message consisting "are you asleep" "no i'm not" and it would drive him crazy...hahaha..


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@ chunnie,

I would have loved to see this happen, "but chef kwon is a bit late…or else he would have been receiving tonnes of message consisting “are you asleep” “no i’m not” and it would drive him crazy…hahaha.."
This happening all night, and Chef Kwon constantly checking his phone to say if they would (finally) say something significant (like about CES), would have been awesome, and so funny. I can just see the look on his face (JH's face, that is). He might have considered throwing his phone away, and breaking it.


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@ivoire To think again...we always have jaehee character in a dark,creepy thriller situation..but if the writer makes a twist and let him be fool by murim in comedic way..it will be so funny...haha..i hope you get what i mean..


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lol that would be fun!


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@ chunnie,
Yeah, I think I did! :-) I would have LOVED that! That would have been very clever... And unexpected :-)


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I made a mistake: instead of this, " checking his phone to say if they would" I meant this, " checking his phone to see if they would..."


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hahaha cant help to laugh about ur last word! imagine if he downloaded that spy app before Murim 1st night sleep..like @Ivoire said, he might throw his phone becoz he couldnt stand to read their same cheesy messages LOL


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Haha..right.he would die from too much cheesiness...XD


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I would love to see JH die that way :-)

News on TV: "Chef Kwon died this morning in his library."

TV viewer at home: "I wonder what the cause of death was."

Journalist on TV: "Apparently, the black box in his library (video system he had had installed), showed him throwing his phone violently on the floor, and shouting, 'this is too cheesy. Stop already!!!!! It is 5 o'clock in the morning, and you guys have been cheesy all night. I am sick of this!!!!!' Chef Kwon can be seen on the video jumping up and down with great anger and excitement (like a mad man), and suddenly falling to his death. Did he have a heart attack, maybe?"

TV viewer at home: "WOW!!! That was weird! Did that really happen? Can someone die like that?"


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@chunnie @ivoire

bwahahahahaha..or maybe he suddenly turned himself.. "Det.Choi, just put me in jail already! you two win!" while covering his mouth coz he wanna puke again by remembering their cheesiness XDDD


@ bluesky,

I am glad my comments made you laugh! :-) I loved your last comment (posted at 4:34pm), and I LOLed, literally! We should assist writer-nim in his writing the plot, don't you think?

I loved this, “Det.Choi, just put me in jail already! you two win!” while covering his mouth coz he wanna puke again by remembering their cheesiness XDDD
That is sooooo funny!!!!!! Thank you for the laughs :-)


@Ivoire @chunnie @bluesky

Bawahhaa!!! Hilarious!


@ Lotus_Blossom, You are very welcome! :-)


Thank you for the recap, @ LollyPip! I really loved this ep., and I love how the relationship between MG and CR is naturally growing, for two people who might not have dated before. They don’t play games with each other, and there is no noble idiocy (yet). I really hope we don’t get that, or that we don’t get that for too long. I LOVE MG. @ Neutral, we are definitely ordering one. He really understands CR, and he is a stand up guy. When he realizes that she needs him to clearly spell out to her what they are, he spells it out for her, with a serious face that says, “yeah, you are all those things to me.” Even when she might be frustrated, he (eventually) understands. I also LOVED his confession. He didn’t beat around the bush, he just really told her how he felt about her.

When MG told her, “you are my lover, my lady, my love, my girlfriend,” I squeed so hard! I wanted to hug MG and say, “well done, MG!” When he actually got to the “you are my love” part, I was like, “Wait! I need to park here a minute, and rewatch this!” And then I thought, “why does she need to choose one? You can just call her all four, and call her one of those for each day of the week, and then repeat!” I LOVED his serious face, when he was confessing, b/c (I felt) that he wanted her to know how serious he was about her. And then when he told her, “I have already seen you in a casual, dress down outfit, so don’t worry about dressing up right now. I want to go brag about my girlfriend, so let’s go.” I squeed a 2nd time. @ GB, those were my KYAA moments.

I also seriously LOVED that MG was disappointed to not be in CR’s room with her. I think he wanted to be there (“you will fall asleep better if I am next to you”), even if it meant him sleeping on the floor (and maybe holding her hand. That was what I was hoping for, or for a platonic bed scene). His disappointed expressions were awesome. I really love PYC in this role. Also, MG was offended when she locked the door, LOL. I was curious, in the way that the tent was open, would MG have felt warmer? I was not too sure about that.

And Ack!!!! JH is so evil! Purposefully wounding himself to mislead the police. And I loved it when MG imitated Det. Ki, when he was on the phone, going as far as speaking in Russian to CR, that was funny! Seriously though, JH might have (or probably) killed his parents? *Shivers* I would love to hear more about that. I hope that we find out more about that before the drama is over. And the conversation between Let. Yeom and JH was chilling. I loved how they went at each other, and at times, it felt as if JH was flirting with Let. Yeom. Also, I didn’t think they were going to catch JH, it’s only ep.9. And now I am concerned for MG, now that JH has (total) access to his phone, *Ack (again)!*


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I have a couple of questions:

1--When the phone vibrated on MG, he was asleep, right? So he did lie to CR that he was sleeping, didn't he? He looked asleep, when the phone vibrated on him...

2--A language question: I saw two different versions of one of JH's question to Let. Yeom: "Does Let. Yeom sleep with the lights on," or "does she sleep with the door open?"
Does anyone know which one was said in Korean? Because those two sentences are quite different.


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@ Ivoire,

1. Yes, he was asleep, and the phone vibration woke him. Talk about not being asleep, hee...

2. In my version, it was with the lights on. If given another version, I would choose the lights one, since it offers her the security and ease of mind that the door version wouldn't.


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@ lc:

1--Awwww... I LOVE that he put his phone on his cheek, so he won't miss her texts, for sure. See, that is why I LOVE MG, b/c he does stuff like that, that are endearing.

2--My version had "lights on" too, so I was surprised to see another recapper write, "with the door open." She does speak and read Korean and Chinese, and I know that the Chinese subs come out faster, so I wondered if the Chinese subs (maybe) said "the door open" instead of "the lights on?" I like the lights on better as well.


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@ Ivoire
Yes, I had those kyaa moments too. I like your translation better on what to all CR “you are my lover, my lady, my love, my girlfriend,” compared to the translation: "lover, woman, darling, girlfriend" LOL! But kyaa either way.

I commented on MG's wanting to be in the room with CR in comment 5.2.1 above. Yes he was angling for that, but she was too fast for him! :D


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@ GB,

I am glad you had those KYAA moments, I love them (the KYAA moments :-) ) I also like my translation better. I find it more personal, more intimate, more meaningful. Btw, what is the difference between "my lover" and " my love?" I was curious about that. My lady and my GF are different to me, but I am curious about the difference between the other 2 terms, and I would love your thoughts on that. I would actually love your thoughts on all 4 terms, now that I think of it :-), to see your perspective on them, and what sense they elicit from you.


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@ Ivoire

LOL! Interpretation of lovey-dovey terms according to @GB (as if I'm an expert!!! not!) Note this is from a female perspective and could differ paradoxically from a male persepective!

lover = old fashioned meaning was very innocent ie the one who is acknowledged to be in a mutual love relationship or at least dear to a person (which might be a one-sided thing). Nowadays, it seems to mean, the one who agrees to sleep with the partner.

my lady = female that the guy looks up to and loves in a respectful way

my love and darling = the one who is beloved

my girlfriend = girl who has agreed to date the guy with the intention of making it a permanent relationship if things work out

woman = as in my woman... more from the guy's point of view, where he feels the woman belongs to him in some way and he is entitled to keep her for himself, be a little possessive even (could be that they have slept together before and that's why he considers her his woman, but not necessarily)

Anyone want to add on or give a different take on these terms? :)


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@ GB,

Thank you for your interpretation! I was really curious about it, since you make me think, usually. Before I started watching Kdramas, I only knew the connotation of "lover" as the modern one. I knew it had an older connotation or meaning to it, however, I had mostly seen it being used in the "we are sleeping together, we are lovers" sense.
However, when I started watching kdramas, it was obvious that "lover" was not used in that sense, not necessarily. I was confused at 1st, and then came to realize that "lover" in Kdramas seemed to mean (more) the person one was dating, or seeing romantically.

I actually like what you had to say about those different terms. I like how you explained them (your understanding of them). I don't know that I would have been able to say it as well as you did. And yes, if anyone would like to add their take on these terms, please feel free to do so.


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I'm here agreeing with every word you said again lol

"When he realizes that she needs him to clearly spell out to her what they are, he spells it out for her, with a serious face that says, “yeah, you are all those things to me.” Even when she might be frustrated, he (eventually) understands. I also LOVED his confession. He didn’t beat around the bush, he just really told her how he felt about her."
Exactly! I love how they are like an open book to each other, they don't drag on their misunderstandings for too long.

I love how he's all willing to accompany her to buy her dresses for the cooking show and later on let her know that he wishes for her to not do the show. Of course, Cho-rim walked off all frustrated.

And then later on, who would've thought that Mu-gak will text her that cute message "the yellow dress they've bought is the “least weird” " lol. It's like a message to tell her that; when it's true he doesn't want her to do the show, but if she wishes to still do it, he's got her back, how sweet?

Aren't we glad she wore the little yellow dress instead of the one Chef Kwon gifted her, haha.


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@ Neutral,

Again, I am glad that you saw what I saw. What I also LOVE about MG, is that he is really affected by how CR reacts, feels and says. He takes it seriously, which tells me that he deeply cares about her. What she thinks matters to him (the important things, not the petty ones. For the petty ones, MG just does what he wants, which I also love, b/c it is funny and endearing, coming from him). And vice versa for CR. And that is one of the many reasons why I love them, as the OTP.

About this, "I love how he’s all willing to accompany her to buy her dresses for the cooking show and later on let her know that he wishes for her to not do the show... It’s like a message to tell her that; when it’s true he doesn’t want her to do the show, but if she wishes to still do it, he’s got her back, how sweet?"
Yes, he does have her back, and he wants her to be happy (in the end), which was why he sent her the text about the yellow dress. It was like he was letting her have the final say (which she had anyway, b/c MG couldn't stop her from doing the show. Maybe break-up with her, but he wouldn't do that).

And that is confirmed when he asked her later, "how did the tapping go?" He still cared that she would have a good 1st experience on the show. He LOVES her, it is very obvious to me. In some ways (actually in many ways), he puts her feelings 1st. This IS the guy who (after all) LET his car be towed, so as not to interrupt her crying session, and her dinner. Now, that is some serious love, methinks. *Goes back online to check my MG order*

Also, during that confession scene, he was looking intently at her, trying to read her, but also caring about her still being upset with him (I think that bothered him, a lot). Another thing I LOVE about MG: when he is with you, (as a friend, BF, brother), he IS FULLY with you. He doesn't play games (I don't think he knows how, or cares to do that). He is committed. He was the same way with his sister. Finding out that CES was killed in CR's place will be a test though. That's a hard one, for anyone. I look forward to it.

I love this couple, and I love dissecting their relationship and its meanings, as well as reading other beanies' thoughts :-) And yes, I preferred the yellow dress as well. CR looked good in it, and MG would be in ecstatic to see her in it.


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"His disappointed expressions were awesome. I really love PYC in this role. Also, MG was offended when she locked the door, LOL."

I know! Too obvious, isn't it? His face is like what? what, WHAT? Let me text her to ask if she's locking the door against me? lol


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@ Neutral,

About this, "I know! Too obvious, isn’t it?" Yeah MG is, but I love that about him, that one can read him. I like those kinds of people better, b/c then you know what they are thinking, and where you stand. That way, if things are bad, you can try and remedy to the situation. You don't have to guess... (and feel bad while trying to guess).


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one more thing: if indeed Mu Gak flips out that Cho Rim is Eun Sol, then he has to realize even though his sister died unfairly and mistakenly, Cho Rim was the actual intended victim - and that she is not out of danger as the witness. So I hope Mu Gak will realize he has to protect her at all costs and prevent her from being killed too. I hope he realizes the tragedy Cho Rim suffered cause she is not to blame for anything. The killer is. so MG might flip out, yes, but he needs to stick to Cho Rim like glue, or a koala.


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I sure hope when the truth's revealed, Mu-gak will stick to Cho-rim like a koala, haha.


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Now that's an image I can't unsee.

Am envisioning Mu Gak in a koala onesie with a cute black button nose, and Cho Rim in...a doggie suit, maybe?


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This drama is really yoochun's best drama. I died many times when seeing our OTP. Oh God, how can they be so cute like this..


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My fave OTP of this decade, hahaha.


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one of the best definitely. Snail couple is the other OTP that is on the list for me.


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But, but didn't Detective Yeom already know that Cho Rim was Eun Sol back in ep. (?) when they first met? She saw a picture of teenage Eun Sol and compared it to Oh Cho Rim in the police station and she knew her "father" was a former detective that worked on the case, and is well aware of the witness protection program because she mentions it. Did she know nothing of Sunbaenim Detective's personal life because it should be pretty easy to find out whether he had a wife and child so maybe she just has proof now? I hope that's it and not that she had a misplaced belief in doppelgangerism. Argh! At this rate Chef could reduce the population of Seoul down to single digits before they catch him! Still loving the show though inspite of a serious lack of deduction going on by the detectives.


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Lt Yeom doesnt know that detective Oh is cho rim's dad at this point. She has never seen them together.


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I think after Mu Gak introduced her as Oh Cho Rim, Yeom thought that she was just mistaken because of the different names. Although, she should have been just a little bit suspicious. They look exactly the same, she should've thought of the possibility that Choi Eun Seol might've changed her name..


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Ah, I was under the impression she was aware that they were "father and daughter" but it st


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Sorry, about that! The driver hit a bump and I hit post!


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Ah, I was under the impression she was aware that they were "father and daughter". Whew! She isn't quite as incompetent as I thought she was. :) Still, she must believe in doppelgangers if she didn't bother to research Oh Cho Rim's background from the beginning...


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This show is supposed to make me hate the villain, not gush at his washboard figure and root for him outsmarting the (admittedly mildly inept) detectives ><;; Namgoong Min no

I especially liked the emotional seesaw he had with Det. Yeom, because it added motivation and depth to both their characters without revealing too much of the game to us as viewers. Not only do we get that Jaehee isn't killing random victims just because he can't recognize them facially, we also get some light shed on Yeom's own doggedness due to her own guilt from her father's death. Personally, I loved all the fluffy bits with Murim but this scene really stood out to me.

Thanks Lollypip for the review!


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I am also loving NGM as the villain in this drama, and I personally find that he is really shining in his role. The way he uses his voice, Gah!!!!! And to me, he is as important as the leads in this drama.

I loved what you said in your 2nd paragraph, very informative and interesting. Thank you!


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Yup, one of my favorite scenes from this episode. So instead of having another failed let's-trap-the-killer in the next episodes, I rather see Det Yeom and her team spend more team digging into Chef Kwon's background trying to figure out what happened and ultimately what makes him tick.

Also, more psychological warfares between Chef Kwon and Det Yeom please! XD


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About the spyapp... wouldnt Moo gak know that it has been downloaded to his phone? I mean if he checked his phone list of app installed.


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Not my area of expertise, but it could be a stealth app.


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I think Mu Gak doesn't have time to fiddle with his phone, or not the type of person to do that (unlike me who has nothing better to do lol), but maybe those kinds of apps (if they really exist) are hidden and don't appear as "apps" in our phones.

But I do hope that he (MG) will find out eventually, I don't know how, but he's super smart, right?


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I'm very particular about my phone but I really only check my list of apps when I'm running out of space. I would've missed the app too.

Though, of course, there is no way in hell I was going to let a person I despise fiddle with my phone. That's just stupid.


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That scene makes no sense in reality.

An app like that needs a rooted phone. Phones of Korean police officers are non-rooted, sealed and constantly audited. It is simply impossible, even for the officer, to install an additional app with root access on the phone.

If somehow the Chef hacked the boot-loader, rooted the phone, installed the app, manipulated the operating system into hiding the app (which he clearly didn't), then it would work ... until the next time the audit is issued (24 hours max) and the manipulation is detected, including the exact timestamp of the manipulation.

But of course it's a K-drama. Similarities to reality are usually just coincidence.


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My thoughts exacly :D


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"I mean if he checked his phone list of app installed."
You've said it, only if he checks. I believe he will at one point or another, and I hope it's sooner than later.

I must say again, I don't like this creepy app one bit, euwww.


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I was surprised once again on how pyc's acted a role! his 'spokayneenochi' scene was a masterpiece and hilarious! for me. hahahaha and I love how mugak address himself as oppa to chorim..

sigh. I hate mugak running here and there alone. alone. he was stabbed not long ago. seriously. the building where jaehee switch with someone else was too creepy and mugak went there alone. agree with you lollypip, mugak's emotion is unpredictable when it comes to his dead sister.

oh. am I the one who begin suspicious to detective kang? hummm. he looked suspicious, where did he go when yeom sit all the time on their car.. he also didn't look enthusias and asked if the undercover might be end bcs the murderer didn't show up. he also defense jaeher when yeom want to do the dna test. I can't help but suspicious to anyone T-T

and yeeessss!!! murim couple is official now! congratulations!
i love this otp more and more. but why are you still call mugak with 'choi sungyongnim..' chorim ssi.. aih, my cutest couple in kdramaland♥


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Omg did he really address himself as oppa?!?!?! i mustve missed that dialogue. Need to rewatch. too cute!


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hello alcoholicbubbletea :)
that's what I saw, you should rewatch and hear how cute deadpan expression mugak say it!


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I mean what I heard, hee..


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I heard Oppa as well...


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That addressing himself as oppa to CR was what confused me... I was wondering if that phone call was really with CR or whether he was pulling a fast one on Ki by pretending to speak to CR in that lovey-dovey way. Surely she would have questioned why he called himself oppa or had spoken in Russian to her! LOL!


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"I was wondering if that phone call was really with CR or whether he was pulling a fast one on Ki by pretending to speak to CR in that lovey-dovey way."
My guess is he was pulling a fast one on Det Ki, hahaha. He's copying Det Ki's "usual" conversations with his Elena, word for word, lol.

Mu-gak is naughty like that. He doesn't even give those two a chance to question him.


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@ Gb @ Neutral

I think so, naughty mugak! hahaha. chorim might not believe with what she heard, she shake her head while doing her 'ckckck' but we don't see how chorim react. on the other side, mugak was done one shot to make chorim quite at least because usually she wants to join the investigation and lends a help by analyzing the scents. hha this otp


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Couldn't agree with you more, isn't it just too formal to address your boyfriend "choisungkyeongnim" ? I could understand that before they were both declared Murim couple. And MG calls her full name "Oh Cho Rim" most of the time except several instances eg when MG hugs her on her bed calling her with his deep voice romantically ooooohhhhh cho rim. It melted my heart.


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Btw is korea having election that day? That banner on the bottom is distracting


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Yes, I think it's that time of the year again when the election campaigning is in full force and we get to see it on our screens as well!!


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Totally distracting, hmmph..


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Thanks again Lollypip for a good recap.

This was a great episode for more of the ever changing expressions of CR, the increasing range of expressions on the usually deadpan MG and the chilling lack of change in expression on Chef Kwon at certain times.

I re-watched the MG and CR scenes to watch their faces. I really enjoyed the array of expressions on Cho Rim's face when she was annoyed with MG and decided not to bother about how badly dressed she was before meeting him, and again how she realized how embarrassed she was to be a 'girlfriend' without make-up in front of the same guy who suddenly had become a boyfriend! Her face hiding was the funniest and I had the impression that Yoo Chun was trying hard not to laugh. :D

I was puzzled about the expressions on MG's face when he met CR for the shopping expedition. He seemed to be fault-finding, saying that she made him wait when he was early (eager?) and he had a strange assortment of lip curls or expressions of disapproval when CR was not looking. It might be made more understandable in the light of his not wanting her to do the cooking show in the first place, but I'm not sure how to interpret those 'negative' expressions. However towards the end he had melted enough to approve of what he saw.

Like you, Lollypip, I noted that JH is always one or even two steps ahead of the police, but unlike you, I find that increasingly chilling. I want to see him able to make more errors and appear more human. He's so meticulous and so capable of predicting what will happen, it's frustrating to see the police so incompetent. And that Spy app is darn scary!!!

The police continue to be inept, sadly. I had hoped that Lt Yeom would be written to be smart and proactive, but all that has been given mostly to MG. It's good however to see that she is now given the role of friend to CR. I feel it happened quite suddenly though as nothing led up to it. The only thing might be that in the beginning since CR looked like the missing/dead daughter of the fishermen victims, Yeom might have had a bit of curiosity about her, but other than that, I cannot recall when Yeom had any more dealings with CR to make her want to go for drinks with her.

And once again the parallel of MG and CR... 3 years previously she gets run down while running from the murderer, and now he gets run down while running after whom he thinks is the same murderer. I love looking out for more parallels and characteristics of these 2 which I believe are written in deliberately, to show over and over again, how they are meant to be together. :)


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Ahh, the Mu-rim ending scene is the cutest!!


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Hello @ GB unnie :-)

I really liked your comment, and how you keep seeing and finding all those parallels. Thank you for sharing those with us :-) You very often make me think of things I would not have thought of, on my own :-) I loved your 1st paragraph, so well said! And you are right, at the beginning of the drama, I was one of the people who LOVED MG's deadpan facial expressions, and now, as you pointed out, his facial expressions are more varied. It reminds me of what he says in one of the teasers, "... But when I see her (CR), why do I want to smile more? (and more, is what I am assuming he is implying)"

About your 2nd #, I loved all that you said there, especially this, "Her face hiding was the funniest and I had the impression that Yoo Chun was trying hard not to laugh." I SAW it too!!!!! PYC trying his best not to laugh! I am glad I am not the only one who noticed it. I think, based on the BTS I have seen of PYC in dramas, he laughs easily, and I could see him, at the end of that scene (even during the scene actually), trying his best not to smile and laugh. 1st-his confession was cheesy, sweet and very romantic, but coming from MG, that made sense and it applied to the context, considering the argument they had had before, and MG wanted to be clear to CR that he was in love with her, so she would not misunderstand (and I could understand PYC wanting to laugh there, especially considering how SSK was looking at him at that time).

2nd-At the end of that scene, when CR was hiding her face (so cute though), I think PYC himself must have thought it was funny and cute, and he was trying his very best not laugh. It was subtle (the smile), but one could see it. I also love how expressive CR is, about how she feels about MG, at any given time. She complains about him to Let. Yeom, she complains about him when she is eating alone, and she is cute when she is petty (I LOVED her excuse about her finger accidentally calling him, which MG saw through, thank goodness! I also loved that MG apologized right away, about not talking to her, and why).

About your 3rd #, I too felt perplexed and puzzled about how not excited MG seemed to be during the whole shopping for dresses scenes. I was thinking, "dude, if you are not excited for her, why are you there?" I did feel that his not trusting JH had a lot to do with it. Also, I think it bothered him that he felt that he could not tell CR why he did not want her to do the show, and her reaction made it even worse for him. I think that for him, they were already dating (he has been behaving like a boyfriend for a long while now, IMHO), which was partially why he felt he could ask her not to do the show, though she still would need to know why (I am with her there). Whereas CR needed him to clearly say how he saw her, and how he felt about her, especially after that very sensual kiss. You don't kiss a girl like that, and leave it at that. That's confusing.


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@ GB unnie, part 2:

About your 4th #, I like that JH is ahead of the police, though I am not impressed at how stupid the police manages to look like. I too questioned why they didn't research his background more, and contacted the authorities in the US, to see if they could get some cooperation from them. And yes, I too was very surprised that MG did not keep an eye on his phone, when JH was using it. If I lend my phone to someone I don't know or trust, I do keep my eye on him/her, and yes, I would call their phone (instead of letting them use my phone).

5 th#: I agree with this, "I feel it happened quite suddenly though as nothing led up to it," though since Let. Yeom suspects CR might be the witness, I could see how she would want to become close to CR, so she could find out more about her. Also, remember that CR was the one who suggested they go out for a meal, trying hard to convince Let. Yeom that she was not there to see MG. I think Let. Yeom just went with it (why not, if that could help her). I do see what you mean though.

Love your last #, especially this, "I love looking out for more parallels and characteristics of these 2 which I believe are written in deliberately, to show over and over again, how they are meant to be together." Please keep those parallels coming :-)


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Regarding Mu Gak's expressions during the shopping trip.

Mu Gak does not strike me as the type that enjoys shopping, so accompanying Cho Rim is probably not on top of his list of favorites to-do. Lol, Petty Mu Gak is just miffed because: he is doing something he dislikes; he had to wait for her; and she is getting the dress for Chef Kwon's cooking show.

But he melted toward the end. Mu Gak just couldn't help himself.


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Agree on this. Throughout the shopping trip he was already wearing those classic bored expressions that men have when accompanying their women shopping. All the age old questions "why do women like to buy clothes? Why do they spend so much time trying on all these outfits?" must have run through his mind when waiting for Cho Rim to finish her tryouts.

But I'd say that he's a very well trained boyfriend before they were even official. He not only paid for her clothes, he even held onto the ones she liked for her so that later she can decide.

Not that Cho Rim actually needs these clothes, given that she has worn a multitude of outfits that have not repeated themselves throughout the show. Ah well, that's the life of a kdrama heroine for you!


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@ Lotus_Blossom



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the thing i like about this show is that there are no 2nd leads that mess up the OTP.

Nam goong min creeps me out now...when i saw clips of his time in WGM he was always sweet and funny..and here i get goosebumps..he's character is really good though...i thought shin sung rok in My love from the stars was creepy...i was wrong...

why is lieutenant yeom always wearing a TRENCHCOAT??


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Sungrok is glorious and beautiful, but bless him, in YFAS his haircut was hideous.

Also Lt. Yeom is wearing a trenchcoat to conceal every single thing her entire inept strike force has missed, duh.


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yes his hair...i really did not get that hair...haha...


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Agree! No more second lead in drama will give us alot sweet, fun, adorable, sexy and more kisses moments of our OTP~ :D


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yes exactly! more OTP moments!! no 2nd male leads to steal hearts and wreak havoc...


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Lieutenant Yeom wearing a trench coat is the show's way of a) showing that she is a female detective, and b) holding a position of authority.

I feel that her character compared to Mugak and Cho Rim's is not written well - it's like the writer decide she will be smart one day and stupid another day, as and when it suits the plot. Too bad for the actress who signed up for this role...


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i really liked the part when she confronting jae hee but then in the next episode...i don't wanna reveal any spoilers...but she was really frustrating...


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the thing i like about this show is that there are no 2nd leads that mess up the OTP.

Nam goong min creeps me out now...when i saw clips of his time in WGM he was always sweet and funny..and here i get goosebumps..he's character is really good though...i thought shin sung rok in My love from the stars was creepy...i was wrong...

why is lieutenant yeom always wearing a TRENCH COAT??


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Instead of Mu Gak flipping out at the eventual "Eun Sol" reveal, what if he doesn't blame her at all, but continues to love her regardless of the tragic connection? What will Cho Rim's reaction be? Will she blame herself and turn away from Mu Gak at a time when they'll need each other most? I can see it playing out that way, too.


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I'm curious, really curious to see how everything will unfold, please surprise me, Mr Writer, lol


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This! I don't see Mugak flipping over and taking the rage on Chorim either, he flipped over that time at the police station because well he just lost her beloved sister and they failed to catch the murderer, and his rage is mainly for the murderer. Also, I don't see it in his personality to be doing that to the other innocent Eun Sol especially that she has become his significant other. Like you I'm worried about Chorim, how she would take things up ;~;


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LollyPip, thank you for the recap. I aggree with your point how unpredictable Mugak is regarding his sister. But I hope our OTP will stay strong to overcome it, and none of them will do noble idiocy things. The police really have to step up their work, and Mugak should realize the spyware. If JH came to Korea to murder his bio-parents, could the parents be CR's parents in Jeju? Too scary.


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"If JH came to Korea to murder his bio-parents, could the parents be CR’s parents in Jeju?"
It's so possible. If so, he must be so sicked.


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*so sick


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lollypip, thanks for a fast and good recap! ^^


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Nam Goongmin is just made for this part! I am loving how menacing he is. I like him in everything but it would be great to see him do more bad guys.


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I 2nd this comment...


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I came to think that cho rim is chef's sister
He killed his biological parents,for letting him adopted by abussive parents


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“Through his eyes, the young girl’s face is indistinct, so when she’s hit by the car out in the street, the nametag he tore from her jacket is the only thing he has to identify her.”
One of the many things I love about this show is how they plant their stuff in the earlier episodes, stuff which don’t make sense whatsoever at that point, but as they unfold the later episodes, all start to make sense, very clever.

I remember I was all puzzled in the pilot episode; why on earth does the bad guy need to take the trouble to tear the witness’ nametag from her jacket, when obviously he’s already saw her face up close, just mark that face, no? And now, it makes sense.

He thinks ahead and calculates his actions, like; you are not going anywhere girl, if I don’t get you now, I will make sure I get you later. Arghh, he’s too smart, the cops really need to step up their game if they want to get this psychopath killer.


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“Poor Mu-gak can’t control his What just happened? face when she heads to bed and actually locks her bedroom door.”

I know, right? He’s like; #%*&%* did I hear it right? I can’t believe this, did she just lock the door against me??? A grumpy Mu-gak is an adorable Mu-gak, lol


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+ 1,000


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I also think that the chef is the son of cho rim's biological parents. They probably noticed his violent tendencies early on and sent him away. He comes back for revenge.

Nam Goongmin is "killing it" in this role. Sociopaths are very charming and based on people's reaction to him, he is doing it just right.


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I don't thing they are siblings...chorim's mother is only 40 something..according to chorim's image of her mother...and he was being adopted at age 3..
Btw.. ngm monotonous way of speaking really works for his character here..i used to not like him in my secret hotel...that drama was kind of similar to tgwss..and i especially like when he talks with yeom mi..the way they try to outwitted each other subtlely..it was good.


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oops! *think


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+ 1. And I love his little smiles he has at times. He does look charming, when he does that.


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i just watched a docu on serial killers and theres this handsome guy who seduces and kills girls for fun. Nam Goong Min's acting is totally like the real thing.


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@ gustave154,
About this, "Nam Goong Min’s acting is totally like the real thing." Really? Good to know, not that I am surprised, really.


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Also, that scene where JH wounds himself with the kitchen utensil was chilling. He had that blank look, and he seemed very removed and detached from his body. @ LollyPip posted that pic (I think it is the last one in her comment's section). It is as if JH is not cutting into his own flesh. Well done, NGM, really well done!


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"Yeom goes to talk to Jae-hee anyway, and they play a dangerous game of verbal chess, every word sounding like either a challenge or a threat."

I love this scene. Both are playing a psychological game. Lt Yeom's getting her message across "we are watching you closely, we are digging into your background slowly but surely, so don't you dare do anything stupid" and Chef Kwon's getting even by saying "just so you know, I'm watching you and I'm digging into your background too."

Let's see who wins the game end of the day.


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I hated that scene. I really don't like how the writer tries to build the Chef as some kind of badass villain by ripping off random scenes about villains from other mystery plots.
The result is just some inconsistent mess.

His character has no identifiable, consistent trait. He is a methodical but impulsive, intelligent but stupid, self-aware but ignorant, cautious but careless, systematic but clueless person. Wait, what?


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@Jon G.

LOL! Calm down friend. You sure hate the Chef, don't you? Well, good for you. At least, you are one of the few here who's not attracted to his sexy abs, haha.


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I don't hate him at all. In fact, I'd be fine if he kills a few more people (preferably some of the police) and gets away with it.

My problem with him is that he is a really badly written character. He is drawn more inconsistently than Ji Sung's character(s) in KMHM, and that guy had a pretty good excuse. The Chef is just there as a pure plot device.

The Hannibal Lecturing scene looks cool as long as you ignore everything you learned about the characters so far (and also ignore every other show that used that trope in a much better and more convincing way). It also makes absolutely no sense (and, so far, is completely forgotten in episode 10).


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And my most fave scene in this episode has got to be the ending scene, OMG, the cuteness! like what @LollyPip says “So! Cute!” These two cute puppies are just so meant for each other.


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Yoochun's “spokoynoy nochi” is so sexyyyyy!


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LOL!!!! :-)


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Trueeeeee! But, in the next episode, there will be a sexier voice of him... XDDDDD


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Yes, there will be... :-)


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ur ID is chunface :lol: *waves*

one of my favorite things about Yoochun is his deep husky voice! sexy!!!


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Wow, I really like this drama!!! This is a very good thriller! I like how the screenwriter keeps playing with us with this clever baddie who is always one step ahead of the police squad!! This baddie keeps me on edge all the time!! I find this drama very nerve-wrecking in that respect: screaming at my TV because the hero is not as clever and can't see what Jae-Hee is doing just under his nose, is something I seldom do usually! but with this drama, I've done this a few times!!! (-
The couple is starting to grow on me too! I find them cute!


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Quite honestly, it's not THAT difficult to stay ahead of the police, as they mostly just stumble backwards. The Chef really TRIES everything to give them hints and evidence and stuff, they just deny to pick them up.

And then once in a while, Mu-gak comes up with a single good idea but immediately totally screws up the execution. Like in the decoy witness situation.

"So far, the killer used a middle-man or a decoy every single time on the operation. So he will probably NOT do it this time, lets immediately show him that this is a trap so that he can get away again."


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!! Another ep full of intensity and cuteness.

JH really will resort to anything to carry out his murders. The two decoys were smart. But I think the more he does, the more likely he will make a mistake. For now, it's a game of wits and I hope the police step it up soon!

MG getting CR to be his gf through the choice of names was cute. Also being in the tent all night and putting the phone on his face so he'd know when it vibrates!! LOL

The sketch of CR's mom!! I'm also curious how things will unfold when MG knows her real identity and when she learns about it. It could go either way as you pointed out. I hope MG can overcome the shock and dismay to protect her from JH. I want to find out more about JH's background as well. That was a good convo with Lieutenant Yeom.


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"Also being in the tent all night and putting the phone on his face so he’d know when it vibrates!! LOL"
I was like; CR-ssi, you should stop calling and just let the poor boy sleep already, lol.


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Haha... Same here. They should have both let each other sleep instead of texting till the morning. XD


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In the beginning I was pretty whatevs about Jaehee in general. When we found out he was the serial killer I was like oh shit something's happening. Now I can't watch it without thinking GODDAMN YOU A FINE ASS MAN!!


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Yes! I often have love-hate relationships with dramas, but not of this kind! I love the villain, like how he smiles to CR, sooo cute, but then I hate the fact that I love the guy. Aren't I suppose to hate him? And aren't fanservices supposed to be given by the good guy? Bad guys are NOT suppposed to bring ppl's mind into the gutter. Lol


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@ pastmidnite,

I think it is OK to love the villain here, b/c tbh, he is doing such a great job being one (NGM). And that is why you kind of love him, b/c he is sooooo good in this role. And that is a compliment to NGM, really, for attracting some of the viewers' attention. And yes, he IS cute when he smiles at CR, so what is one to do? :-)

And about this, "Aren’t I suppose to hate him? And aren’t fanservices supposed to be given by the good guy? Bad guys are NOT suppposed to bring ppl’s mind into the gutter. Lol"
Says who that you should hate him? Even LollyPip loves him, b/c his cat and mouse game is well done :-)
And about the fanservice being given by the lead guy, LOL at that one. A PYC fan told me in a previous recap that PYC is probably the only male lead who doesn't have choco abs, or abs, period (LOL). I mean, even I felt sorry for the guy in RTP (elevator scene), and I am not even into abs (choco or not). So that fan thinks that PYC gets away with it b/c he is tall and thin. Could be... I like PYC b/c of his acting, and b/c of what I sense about him (as a person), and that is good enough for me.

So if JH brings your mind into the gutter, instead of MG, well... so be it. What CAN you do? :-) MG is busy loving CR anyway, he won't notice you. And JH is available, seeing as how he recently killed his last GF. I don't know if my comment helped, hehehe, but those are my 2cents :-)


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PYC once said that not all guys look good with abs and he is one of those.

Frankly, I'm one of those who find guys who frequently flaunt their abs totally off-putting and narcissistic. Abs are high maintenance and can easily turn to blubber if unmaintained. And nobody can see them unless the guy parades around shirtless most of the time.

I would rather drool over broad shoulders and sexy shoulder blades any day because even simple T-shirts look so good on them.


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count me in! I'm one of the viewers who never looking forward for actor's choco abs and I'm glad Yoochun, this dude just follow his heart to be himself by not pushing himself to make something he doesnt like or can't do it for the sake to win fans' hearts. I once imagined him with abs and dont think he will look good LOL..so me as one of YC's fans, I never feel sad becoz of that^^


Me too haha! He hasn't even shown some skin, never mind choco abs, but just his voice and broad shoulders are enough to give off sexy vibes already.

Because @lemonie posted a video of PYC singing Saiai during his Tokyo Dome concert at Episode 7 recap, I got totally curious and searched for his concert videos. I saw the recent ones (last year I think) and the one in Seoul where he was all covered up while the other group members were bare chested. I was thinking there must be something wrong with me because I found the buttoned-up guy sexier haha! He wasn't even doing any sexy moves, but he was so sexy being not-sexy. Just like how Moo Gak is being so adorable and funny with his deadpan face. Sigh. Sorry I'm all muddled up because of this guy.


@ pastmidnite,

I am glad my comments made you laugh :-) And about this, "Oh, and I’m not into abs (choco or not) either! Like @Gr8* , I’m more into broad shoulders, and also nice big manly hands! Lol. "
Hum... At that comment! Why do I feel like someone *Cough, Pastmidnite, Cough* might be thinking about JCW? Yeah, why? :-)


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Oh, you know me too well, dear unnie ;-)


@ pastmidnite,

About this, "Oh, you know me too well, dear unnie." That I do, don't I? Hahahaha :-) Could we just adopt the Korean celebs we like or love? There are a few I would love to adopt as brothers. @ pastmidnite might have other intentions though :-)

When it comes to the Korean actresses, I think I like the older ones more, like KMK, etc...


Ugh, god his smile is soo cute. I was not expecting to be lusting over a serial killer at all and it doesn't help that they make him wear fitting clothes and I'm just like YOU GORGEOUS HUMAN BEING. We can still love him because he is not a real life killer LOL


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@ Izzy,
About this, "We can still love him because he is not a real life killer" Exactly :-) I think that is a big part of why many of us like him, really!


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did you watch him on We Got Married? the guy is like the perfect husband =D


@ gustave154,

About this, "the guy is like the perfect husband." Really? Hum...


LOL so JH is available, eh? Well, I'll have to think about it...you know, I do love his smile (to CR, not his creepy one) and I like guys who can cook, but... him being a serial killer and all...that's kind of a turn off for me lol

Oh, and I'm not into abs (choco or not) either! Like @Gr8* , I'm more into broad shoulders, and also nice big manly hands! Lol.

And yes, I don't have to hate the chef, I know. But I want to! LOL. But how can I hate him if he's so smart and the police are, well...not. And I want him to be eeevil to everybody, so that I could hate him properly :-)


@ pastmidnite,

Sorry, I responded in the wrong place. My response is here: Ivoire May 3rd, 2015 at 5:51 AM


I'm a little late to the party here for episode 9. Oh well, hopefully not too much.

Awwww, Mu-Gak is so swoonworthy. Can I get an AMEN?

Changing the subject a little bit. While watching TGWSS and seeing Nam Goong Min appear on screen with his abs of steel. I couldn't help but wonder if there were any beanies with abs of steel bragging rights?

I'm a bit hesitant to admit this but one morning for breakfast last week I had 3 Krispy Kreme donuts. A few days later I gave in to a craving for some M&M's. (**I know consuming all that sugar is not good. But for the record, this was not representative of my normal eating habits.**) With the recent images of Nam Goong Min's abs of steel fresh in my mind...I immediately sent out a text with the following message..."Eating Krispy Kreme donuts and M&M's will not help me get six pack abs anytime soon. :( "

The good news though is I'm encouraged by the fact that in my quest for abs of steel, it's not something that's a long shot away.


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@ August,

I don't believe you are too late to the party, the recap was posted today, and your comment was posted today. I believe beanies will still read it, and that does not include the beanies who will stop by this recap later, and read your comment as well :-)

About this, "Awwww, Mu-Gak is so swoonworthy. Can I get an AMEN?" AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!!!! :-)

I LOVE it, when TV series inspire us to be better, and do better. I understand your (sometimes) craving for sweets, I go through the same thing, at times, especially when I am stressed. Out of curiosity, did you send the text to yourself, or to some friends? :-) Good for you though.

About this, "The good news though is I’m encouraged by the fact that in my quest for abs of steel, it’s not something that’s a long shot away." Go for it then :-)


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"...did you send the text to yourself, or to some friends?"

I sent the text to a family member with a pretty consistent workout routine (execise regimen during the week and running at least a mile or 2 every weekend).


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@ August,
What you did was great! It sounds like you will achieve your goal soon, since you already have the plan.


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Yes, truly and completely swoonworthy! :)


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this drama is so good. THANK THE DRAMAGODS!!!
anyway i hope SSK,PYC and NGM sweeps all the acting awards this year. *claps*


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I realised that this episode didnt use chorim's super scent-seeing into action...i miss the floating scent particles on my screen...


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And I love the music (or sound) they use, to show that she is using her scent-seeing skill. That, and the floating scent particles are what I miss as well. I liked this ep. the way it was though... :-) They focused on other things in this ep.


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All things said n done I have a sneaky feeling that MG is on to the spy app on his phone. Because that call to order office supplies seemed way too random to show that the Chef can even listen in to his calls. And note that in spite of all the calls n messages the Chef has intercepted, he has yet to find out anything relevant. Plus the way installing things on phones works is that even if the app had finished installing and the screen locked by the time he picked his phone back up again, it would still be visible in an open window listing his installed apps and MG would see that the next time he unlocked his phone.


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You know, I also suspect that MG knows about the spy app, but not by looking through his phone afterwards. I don't think those apps leave traces, well at least for a non-techie.
Now I feel that, maybe, he deliberately gave his phone to JH to let him do something to his phone and then use it as a boomerang to trap JH.

Ok, need to watch ep 10 first :-D


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"he deliberately gave his phone to JH to let him do something to his phone and then use it as a boomerang to trap JH."... Hmm Interesting.. I did not think of that.. :)


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Seems his adoptive-parents were victims number 00 in the barcode murder (refer to ep.6).


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How can Mugak get up immediately unhurt after getting knocked by a car? They should play up more of him being hurt ! Sorry I am a hurt/comfort genre addict and I really wish to see more of Mugak getting injured in this show lol..


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That spy app is creppy AF. But right now it doesn't really do anything useful for Jae Hee because hearing about the supplies order and dress preference isn't very relevant to his case. Part of me thinks that Mu-Gak is aware. I think a murder suspect asking to borrow a phone is too suspicious. Also, Mu-Gak could have just called Jae Hee's phone with his without giving it to him (they have each other's number anyway). He's not exactly that dumb to just give it to him like that. Mu-Gak must be planning something or is trying to throw Jae Hee off.


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WOW just what I was searching for. Came here by searching for cell spy stealth review


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