Girl Who Sees Smells: Episode 10

Mu-gak and Cho-rim spend some time together as a new couple, which is a good thing — they’ll need that bond to be unbreakable as Lieutenant Yeom gets closer to discovering who Cho-rim really is. But she’s not the only one, and Cho-rim’s true identity is at risk of coming to the attention of the one person who could pose the most danger to her.


Suspicious that Cho-rim seems to remember a woman who was a victim of the Barcode Killer, Yeom gives her a long searching look but decides not to mention anything at this time. She hides the sketch she finished alone, and suggests she and Cho-rim go finish the one they were working on. Mu-gak hangs back, telling Cho-rim to stick to the facts, which earns him a raspberry for his bossiness.

Yeom sends Cho-rim to the vending machines for drinks, and while she’s out of the room, takes a photo of Cho-rim’s ID card. To stall for time Yeom suggests they start from scratch, since Cho-rim keeps nixing every adjustment they make to the photo, saying they’ve all got the wrong “feel.” But they’re unsuccessful at creating the exact face in Cho-rim’s memory tonight, too.

After Cho-rim and Mu-gak leave the station, Yeom pulls up Cho-rim’s ID number in the police database, and discovers that former-detective Oh is listed as her father. She remembers asking him if he’s hiding the witness who’s supposed to be dead, and finally puts the pieces together that Cho-rim might actually be Choi Eun-seol.

Mu-gak seems more disappointed at the failure to reproduce the face than Cho-rim is, and begs a beer from her to cheer him up. She stops at the bathroom first and runs into a pervert, who jumps out the window giggling. She can see traces of cigarette scent left from his left shoeprints, and and drags Mu-gak outside to help her track the pervert.

They follow the trail to where it stops under a tree, and Mu-gak goes on to see if the pervert possibly got on a bike. But he’s actually up the tree, and leaps down giggling and runs off with Cho-rim right behind. She chases him into the street, but a truck barrels down on her, and Cho-rim is frozen with a sudden memory of being hit by a car.

Thanks goodness Mu-gak manages to swing her out of harm’s way just in time, but cuts his fussing short when he sees Cho-rim’s shocked face streaming with tears. She says she just remembered the moment of her accident, and all Mu-gak can do is fold her into a warm hug and tell her it’s okay.

He takes her to her house and does the dishes for her, while she relaxes and sprays a bit of perfume for relaxation. Cho-rim only remembers the accident itself but not what led up to it, but Mu-gak encourages her that it’s a good start to regaining her memory.

Mu-gak’s nose starts to itch and he gets Cho-rim to scratch it for him since his hands are all soapy, but Cho-rim is the one who realizes that he actually felt something. She lightly pops his forehead but he doesn’t feel that, so she whaps him hard, hee.

He shoots her a dirty look but says he still didn’t feel anything, then gets a flash of genius. Mu-gak puckers up and asks her to test if his lips can feel anything, and Cho-rim gives him a shy little peck. He angles for a bigger kiss and gets another smack on the forehead, and he says wonderingly that THAT felt ticklish. His entire face lights up and he sneaks a few more kisses in while she laughs at his excitement.

Jae-hee inspects the day’s fresh ingredients for his restaurant, and Cho-rim shows up to work early to ask if she can watch the chefs prepare for the service. Jae-hee tells her that ingredients are the most important things to a chef, and asks how a performer like Cho-rim chooses her ingredients for comedy.

She says that she looks at things with an eye towards how to use them to make people laugh, and as an example she sticks a watermelon seed on her face to mimic an ugly mole. Jae-hee does laugh (I told you to stop smiling like that!) and says that he thinks Cho-rim is very funny, and it makes him want to know more about her. It’s just flirty enough to make Cho-rim preen a bit, and make me nervous for her.

Mu-gak reports back to Yeom, who’d asked him to look into Detective Oh’s whereabouts. Apparently he quit his job and his phone is turned off — he’s nowhere to be found. If abandoning Cho-rim is his way of protecting the girl he promised to protect, it’s a terrible plan. Yeom tells Mu-gak only that Detective Oh knows where the witness is, and that finding him is their only way of protecting her.

Yeom takes Cho-rim for ice cream, asking pointed questions about her past and her memory loss. Cho-rim tells her how she remembered the face after eating the soup, and Yeom says it must be a sense-memory from when she was younger. She asks if the woman she remembers might be Cho-rim’s mother, but having seen photos of a woman that Detective Oh told her was her mother, Cho-rim denies the possibility.

Later Cho-rim helps Detectives Ki and Yeh put together a sketch of the bathroom pervert, which leads them to identifying him in a park (where he’s apparently watching something nasty on his phone, and enjoying it immensely, ewww). They arrest him for installing cameras in women’s bathrooms.

The detectives all go for lunch, where they run into the Chief of Police. He asks after Mu-gak’s injury and offers to buy their lunch, and they immediately upgrade their orders to something more expensive, ha. The chief left his phone behind, and Mu-gak draws the short straw to run it out to him.

When he gets outside, he sees Detective Oh talking to the chief’s attendants, and follows as Oh enters a coffee shop nearby. Detective Oh meets with the chief, who asks why Oh didn’t take the cushy job he offered to him. He says he can’t give Oh any information about the Barcode Killer case, so Oh makes a vague remark about how he doesn’t want to talk to anyone about the chief, either. Huh. Interesting.

It’s definitely blackmail, because Detective Oh pleasantly tells the chief to bring the information he wants about the case to him, if he doesn’t want to worry about the people around him. He borrows a pad of paper from the waitress to write down where he’s staying, and after the men leave, Mu-gak borrows the same pad. He uses a pencil to make a rubbing on the paper, revealing the location that Detective Oh wrote down for the chief.

Jae-hee is putting the books that Baek-kyung borrowed from him away in his Murder Library (luckily, he doesn’t seem to notice the letter written to Cho-rim) when his phone notifies him that Mu-gak is making a call to Lieutenant Yeom. He hears that they have an address for Detective Oh, and writes down the address when Mu-gak reads it off, aware now that the police also know the witness is alive.

Yeom heads to the address to confront Detective Oh, and while she’s gone, Detective Yeh comes running to tell the rest of the team that the Barcode Killer has been caught. They’ve found the man whose blood was left on that rebar, but Detective Ki says it can’t be the killer, because the guy who is a DNA match is an arsonist.

It turns out, Jae-hee had nothing to do with that man being at the scene — it was just a coincidence that Mu-gak flushed him out from where he was hiding after starting a fire nearby. Mu-gak suddenly realizes that if Jae-hee has a gash on his arm like the arsonist, then he had to have been at the scene to know to mimic that injury. And if he was at the scene of the sting, then he had to have also been at the storage unit.

Mu-gak revisits Baek-kyung’s storage unit himself, looking for more clues. He wonders what it was that Baek-kyung was trying to tell him, and notices the two missing books in the series on the shelf.

Jae-hee goes looking for Detective Oh at the address Mu-gak discovered, which turns out to be a restaurant in Gangwon Province. He’s surprised when the waitress calls him Detective Oh, and she points to where he’s out parking cars. Thinking fast, Jae-hee walks in front of a car while Detective Oh is driving, and fakes a back injury.

He gets Detective Oh’s contact information and pretends to be badly hurt, so that Oh offers to drive him to the hospital. They drive away just as Lieutenant Yeom arrives, missing each other by mere inches.

Interestingly, when Yeom asks the restaurant owner about Oh, he claims to know of nobody by that name even though he’d just been talking to him a few minutes before. Yeom sits to eat and asks the waitress about Detective Oh, the same one who just pointed Jae-hee to him, but she also pretends not to know him.

Cho-rim calls Mu-gak to push back their date today, since her cooking show team is meeting at Jae-hee’s house, and he’s running late. When she hangs up the phone, Mu-gak gets a thoughtful look on his face and orders the cab driver to change destinations. He checks his texts, and sees one from Yeom telling him that there’s no Detective Oh at the location he gave her.

Jae-hee is given a clean bill of health at the hospital, and Detective Oh begs him to let him buy lunch as an apology. Jae-hee declines but agrees to tea, and while they’re at the shop he gets a copy of the text that Yeom didn’t find Detective Oh at the restaurant. Mu-gak had responded that he was possibly using a pseudonym.

Oh belatedly recognizes Jae-hee as the famous Chef Kwon, mentioning his connection to a couple of the Barcode Killer’s victims. He expresses a particular interest in the case and, aware that Oh’s a former detective, this sets off all of Jae-hee’s warning bells.

The men drive back to the restaurant, and this time Oh sees Yeom there looking for him. He carefully keeps his back towards her until she drives away, and asks Jae-hee to call him if he needs anything in the future.

Believing he has two hours, Mu-gak enlists the help of the man who had previously found Joo Ma-ri’s missing wallet. He turns out to be a locksmith, and jimmies the lock to allow Mu-gak entry into Jae-hee’s house. Looking around for anything suspicious, he sees little Moong-chi scratching at that same door again, and lets himself in.

Unaware that Jae-hee is heading home early, Mu-gak finds himself in a below-ground food storage area, not unexpected for a world-famous chef. But further into the room is Jae-hee’s large elaborate dressing area, and Mu-gak stops to look through a few of the closets. Behind some suits, he exposes a wall of television screens, presumably where Jae-hee watches his captives while they’re trapped in his home.

Jae-hee gets home at the same time that Cho-rim arrives for the shooting, and the two of them go inside. Mu-gak hears them talking and stands trapped on his side of the door, unable to escape. Jae-hee goes to change clothes and Cho-rim watches Moong-chi scratching at the door, and realizes that she can see Mu-gak’s blue crystal scent wafting from under the door frame.

Thinking fast, Cho-rim knocks a glass pitcher onto the floor and shatters it, which stops Jae-hee from opening the door and revealing Mu-gak. When Jae-hee goes to get a broom, Mu-gak quickly slips out and Cho-rim motions for him to leave. Whew.

It’s Mu-gak’s turn to sit on the Bench of Shame while Cho-rim gives him a tongue-lashing for putting himself in danger like that. He humbly thanks her for saving him, but when he can’t explain what he was doing there, she gets angry at him for hiding things from her again. All he’ll say is that he suspects Jae-hee, and that he’ll do anything to catch his sister’s killer.

He asks with tears welling in his eyes if she knows what it feels like to see a family member lying dead, when she’d just been on the phone with them, not knowing that that’s almost exactly what did happen to her. Though we know now her parents were only unconscious at the time, the young Cho-rim didn’t know that.

A bit later she sits holding his hand, and he apologizes for snapping at her. Cho-rim asks if his sister was pretty, and when he says she was, Cho-rim holds her own hair up next to his face to see what she must have looked like. Cute. He shows her a picture, and tells her his sister’s name was Choi Eun-seol.

They go to Cho-rim’s to watch her on the cooking show, both of them now in their comfy clothes. Mu-gak adorably gapes at his girlfriend on television, laughing at her funny antics as she makes a hamburger. She cringes at herself, and shoots eye-daggers at Mu-gak when he quips dryly that the dress he bought sure is pretty.

Cho-rim’s phone blows up with texts from friends congratulating her, even people she hasn’t seen since school. Mu-gak does the dishes again while Cho-rim watches with hearts in her eyes — who can blame her, a guy who does dishes is damn sexy. She peppers him with getting-to-know-you questions, excited when he seems to have all the same preferences as she does.

Cho-rim gets up to give Mu-gak a backhug, and he stops washing dishes to turn and face her. With a smile, he says that he shares all her same preferences because he came to prefer them after meeting her. He asks her to stay by his side and continue defining what kind of person he is, and gives her a sweet hug. Oh, swoon.

Oh, HAHAHA, he drops a plate and Cho-rim startles out of her daydream, still sitting at the table staring at him. She decides to make it real and gets up to go for that backhug, but slips on the soap on the floor and knocks herself out. I’m so embarrassed for you right now.

She wakes up in bed and finds Mu-gak lying beside her, and he hugs her close and says he’s sleepier than he’s been for a long time, asking if he can stay where he is and sleep until morning. They snuggle in happily, but Cho-rim’s stern voice snaps Mu-gak out of his daydream this time, as she catches him lying in her bed, grinning and snuggling her pillow. HAHAwhoops.

She says her head still hurts and he pulls her down on the bed for a real hug. She asks more questions only this time he purposely picks the opposite answers as hers, so that they can do both things together. Cho-rim cringes at the cheesy line, and Mu-gak is just all, “You just now noticed?” He pulls her in again and lays on more cheese, making Cho-rim giggle.

The next day Lieutenant Yeom thinks about Mu-gak’s personal involvement in the Barcode Murders, and how she’s figured out that Cho-rim could be the missing witness. She calls him for a meeting, and tells him that she’s sending him back to his old job — he’s off the case.

Mu-gak protests, but Yeom says that he’s too close to the situation and that his personal feelings are getting in the way, and even endangering her job. She says that his trespassing at Jae-hee’s house broke the ethics code, and Mu-gak says that he told her about it because she’s been understanding so far, and he trusted her.

Yeom won’t budge and tries to leave, but Mu-gak grabs her wrist and asks why she’s doing this now, all of a sudden. She only thanks him for his hard work and leaves him there. On the way out she addresses the other three detectives who were hanging outside the door, telling them there’s a meeting in an hour to redistribute responsibilities now that they’re down one team member.

Jae-hee is filming an episode of his cooking show at his home, and Cho-rim prepares for her segment. One of the techs approaches her, calling her Choi Eun-seol, assuming she’s going by a pseudonym for television. She’s surprised Cho-rim doesn’t seem to recognize her, as she says that she and Cho-rim used to be very close.

Jae-hee’s head snaps up when he hears Cho-rim say the name “Choi Eun-seol,” and he interrupts to send her to the Murder Library (okay, he doesn’t actually call it that) for a cookbook. In the library she finds the book, which happens to be one of the ones Jae-hee lent to Baek-kyung.

It’s on a high shelf, and in getting it down she knocks several other books off the shelf, along with the envelope from Baek-kyung. She reads the letter, and her face freezes as she takes in Baek-kyung’s confession that he almost killed her, and the line where he called her by her real name: Choi Eun-seol. Meanwhile Jae-hee wonders what’s taking so long, and goes down to the library to check on Cho-rim.

She’s so engrossed in reading the letter that she doesn’t hear Jae-hee coming up behind her, until he puts his hand on her shoulder to turn her around. He asks what she’s doing, and looks curiously at the letter, as confused tears spill down Cho-rim’s face.


Oh this is bad, this is so very bad. Cho-rim’s only hope of getting away is if she can somehow manage to keep Jae-hee from seeing that letter, but since he pretty much looked right at it just then, I’m guessing he’s going to want to see what she found in his library. I’m terrified for her.

This whole episode was an exercise in frustration and confusion for me, though I know all this is right on cue for the flow of the story as we start to wind up towards the big showdown. I’m mostly annoyed with Lieutenant Yeom’s behavior in this episode, because while I know she’s doing all this in order to solve the case, I feel like her human compassion has sort of taken a backseat lately. I know she feels that Mu-gak is starting to become a loose cannon in acting on his own, and she’s not wrong. But she was wrong in letting him be part of the investigation team in the first place (since detectives aren’t supposed to be allowed to work on cases in which they are personally involved), so at the very least he deserved a discussion about his behavior and maybe to be allowed to at least consult on the case, given that he’s the one who’s made the most important strides forward in solving the murders of any of them. I don’t know much about how these things work, but it seems that when you’re trying to catch a serial killer, you don’t send your smartest detective back to the police box without even letting him help from the sidelines.

Especially since Yeom didn’t exactly gain her information about Cho-rim in entirely legal ways. I’m pretty sure that even a detective isn’t allowed to go in someone’s wallet and take photos of their ID without their permission, and use that information to dig into their personal background. Of course, finding out where the witness Choi Eun-seol is, and if she’s really alive and whether she knows who the killer is, is of critical importance in solving the case. But if she suspects that Cho-rim is that witness, and she knows that she has lost her memory and that finding out about her past could do serious emotional and possibly mental damage, Yeom could be going about her information-gathering in a better, more legal way.

Also, I am just so confused about whatever is going on with Detective Oh. Obviously it’s not so simple as I assumed — that he took on Cho-rim’s care and pretended to be her father because he wanted to protect the witness. First off, he doesn’t seem interested in helping her recover her memories at all, which you’d think would be his top priority if he really does want to solve the Barcode Murders so badly. Second, he keeps leaving her alone, apparently for weeks at a time at least. He did initially seem worried about her welfare when she was still in high school, but lately he doesn’t seem to care about her much at all. He just leaves, not telling her where he is or when he’ll be back. That’s not a reasonable thing to do, for a man who is supposedly trying to protect her. And last, what does he have on the Chief of Police, and how does that tie into the Barcode Murders, if at all? So many questions. Not to mention, we don’t even know why he’s so invested in solving this case in the first place… so invested that he reinvented his whole life to “adopt” Cho-rim.

But at least all this is tempered with plenty of cuteness from Cho-rim and Mu-gak as they build their new relationship together. I loved to see them talking and getting to know each other, and Mu-gak getting in plenty of smooches and cuddles as Cho-rim gets used to having him around. He’s been so lonely and emotionally closed off, it’s nice to see him really smiling and happy for the first time since he lost his sister, and being rewarded with a girl who likes him as much as he likes her. And I love seeing that his dry sarcasm and her snappy temper are still there, so they aren’t afraid to really be themselves with each other. I just want them to get a little bit more of that bonding time in, before her memory really starts to return and they both have to face the truth about their as-yet-unknown connection. They’ll need to face this as a strong united front if they want to get through it intact, as a couple and as individuals.


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Really doesnt like Shin Se Kyung...the more i watch her the more i dislike her. She really cant act. Sometimes she didnt have good facial expression..but sometimes her acting is too much. I just watch this drama because of Park Yoo Chun...so bad u have partner with her


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She's doing fine with me, too bad you can't get her acting. And overall she does have good chemistry with everyone else on the cast, not just Yoochun, although theirs are really adorable.


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Funny, all I can think from watching this show is how she has been wrongly cast repeatedly in melodramas when she should have been doing rom-coms.


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SERIOUSLY. no one should let shin se-kyung do anything but romantic comedies ever


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really don´t like your grammar. the more I read, the less I understand what you are trying to say.


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She misses many of the more subtle acting tones, and she is guilty of overacting rather often, but that goes with the genre. There are very few competitors from her acting fach that DON'T have the same weaknesses.

She's not here for subtlety though, she is here for the comedy. And, boy, she delivers.


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she is actually an actress that is cast in non mainstream films which mean she is very good at expression since unlike manstram movies the directors care about other directors opinion and NOT movie goers
so they cast only according to talent

and it is the first time that directors and audience have different view

i vote for the directors
if you cant understand her acting it means you DONT understand subtlety
and should watch more INDIE films


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and just to clarify since you seem to be confused about genres and casting

kdrama - the script is the most important thats why people who dont like specific script usually wont like the cast

mainstream films - are only for profit and light entertainment therefore cast popular and good looking cast

nonmainstream\INDIE - are directors vision and they want to be praised by other directors and NOT the audience therefor they cast according to talent and the ability of the actors to deliver their vision on to the screen

shin se kyung is usually cast in nonmainstream films therefor she is cast according to her talent


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Sorry, but this doesn't make sense. Non-mainstream films can have bad actors. Or bad scripts, bad directing, bad cinematography, etc. Although a lot of good, critically-acclaimed films tend be to non-mainstream, non-mainstream does not equal good. And being in a non-mainstream film doesn't automatically mean an actor is good. Even assuming the directors want only good actors, that doesn't mean they have the luxury or ability to choose only good actors.



That's not genre, that is media. Two different things.
I could challenge your statements towards K-drama and mainstream movies, but that would be beside the point.

INDIE: Not all indie directors try to impress their peers (or even accomplished directors). In fact, many of them try to make films that (a) they themselves are satisfied with and (b) that allows them to make more films (which means they have to appeal to potential investors - yes, indie productions need money too).


elly im writing here since i dont have a reply on your comment
anyway although of course you can have a fluke and bad judgments on indie films also the AIM is different
and shin se kyung throughout her film career is chosen by indie and praised by indies film directors so it cant be a fluke

dont you think that if she is cast in films more than any other kdrama actresses that acted with park yoo chun it means something?
and NOT in a rom-com but usually in unique roles?
and other very popular kdrama actresses are not chosen as leads it means something dont you think?


pongo - again i will reply here
i understand that you like mainstream films but it doesnt change the fact that they are deemed lesser in the film industry
and are aimed at specific demographic audience

dont take my word for it
read on the internet everything in open to view

about jon family actually bringing family into a discussion make the argument invalid ask any debate clab member

and psychology 1o1 any person is most influancial by their family
so his standards are bsed on his father and sister standard
so if for example his sister complained aafter not being cast her opinion becomes his

just a bit of psychology
if you a university student yet
either one of you
then im sorry and my comments ARE a bit early for you



Do you know what the term "mainstream" means? There are mainstream productions targeting specific demographics, of course (which would bring us back to the topic of film genres), but "mainstream" implies that it targets a broad majority instead of some specific minority or subculture (as some indie films do).

"they [mainstream productions] are deemed lesser in the film industry"

That is, of course, not true. There are elitist people in the film "industry" who think that way, but they are a very small minority, and even they concede that, just because mainstream films are usually junk, so are indie films.

Yes, used to be a long-time university student (got a couple of master degrees and a PhD), but by academic, I was referring to my post-doc/assistant professors years. That's why I'm so obsessed with reasonable arguments and always over-analyse trivial media productions like K-drama.

My sister wasn't an actress. I already mentioned that she worked as an assistant director and director. She is quite fond of indie productions and very often complains about the mainstream movies (especially nowadays), but she is somehow much less fanatical about it than you seem to be.


First of all, I didn't talk about her performances in other media productions, I talked about THIS performance in THIS television miniseries.

Secondly, just because an actor is cast in non-mainstream films does NOT mean they are good at X.

Thirdly, you seem to be under the impression that there is some kind of dichotomy between "mainstream" (which is evil) and "indie" (which is good). You are wrong.

Fourthly, most of SSK's film roles that I remember where NEITHER mainstream NOR indie.

Fithly, subtlety at expression is NOT the only dimension on which acting talent is evaluated.

Finally, well, I watched a lot of actual indie films. May have something to do with the fact that my father was an actor and my sister worked on more than a dozen indie movies as a director or directing assistant.
I'm (painfully) aware of HOW actors and actresses are cast for these productions.


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it is a dichotomy and genres are types so it is correct
if it was good all film student would aim to make a mainstream film which they dont
and all the film that are taught (unless historically) in film schools are indie
mainstream films encourage stupidity since they dont demand any thought from the viewer

media is a name for all types of communication channels
in the same media different types are genres


and about family connection it means that obviously your bias and probably too influential by your father since you didnt bring up your own education on the subject
and i dont know what you qualify as indie but if you dont see the dichotomy and difference btween them then they are probably not indie


ssk roles

acoustic - omnibus film
hindsight - film noir
R2B- although not indie first of its kind in korea therefor casting very important (and even actor rain was sent to the hindsight premier to give his approval on her acting ability)
Tazza 2 - although popular extremely artistic film read the description and the reviews

maybe you dont understand the idea of indie and recognize it just as a short verg. of the word independent which is no longer the only meaning in film schools at least


@nara - all I see is you spouting a bunch of word salad in response to Jon G's fairly valid and reasonably expressed points. Your dismissal of 'mainstream' film vs indie films is based on the flimsiest of logic, and resorting to personal attacks on Jon G's family background accusing him of bias doesn't help your case either.

I think Shin Se-kyung is ok here, not reinventing the wheel or anything but she fills this particular role well enough.


"it is a dichotomy and genres are types so it is correct"

Now this is not only utter nonsense, it also has nothing to do with the discussion.

"if it was good all film student would aim to make a mainstream film which they dont and all the film that are taught (unless historically) in film schools are indie
mainstream films encourage stupidity since they dont demand any thought from the viewer"

A wrongly devised strawman argument that isn't even consistent to itself.

Not all film students want to make mainstream, non-mainstream or indie films. Some want to make all three kinds of films.

Drama school does teach neither indie nor mainstream films exclusively. You examine and analyse mainstream films, commercial indie films, non-commerical indie films, and a lot of other stuff. (How do I know? Well, you see, several people in my family studied at drama schools. And I found that pretty cool.)

Neither do all mainstream films encourage stupidity, nor do all indie films encourage thought. In fact, a huge number of indie films are just plain stupid and can only endured once you switch off your brain. (Same is true about many mainstream films, but, again, not ALL.)

Wow, so many elementarily wrong mistakes in that short statement.

I don't "rely on my family connections". I myself am an academic and have very little active experience in drama, but you can imagine that, because of my family background, I was exposed to all kinds of dramatic media from early age.

Your list: Hindsight is not an indie film, neither by the production company, nor by director nor by the production values. I don't know Tazza 2, but considering that it sounds like the sequel of a mainstream film (Tazza), well ...
That leaves Acoustic (which IS an indie film), where SSK had less than 15 minutes of screen time and her subtle expression acting was non-existent. She was cast for her great visual contribution and a fantastic empty stare, and she really did a good job there.


just to clarify

genre - is any category of literature or other forms of art or entertainment, e.g. music, whether written or spoken, audial or visual, based on some set of stylistic criteria

Media - covers so many meanings

i guess we learn in different schools

im obviously NOT american and where i come from holiwood filfs and mainstream films are treated as telenovela (exept platform wise)
are what directors aspire for

the brain should be treated as a mussel is probably a familiar concept for you

have to admit, started to watch kdrama for the purpose oflearnng the language
(best way to train your brain)

and the repetitive of this type of genre makes it easier to learn

and i have to agree i DO find mainstream the most stupid
and never watch it unless there is a specific reason to

but then again people can do what they want as long as there is awareness
and the lack of it is what scares me the most

and having continuously stupid and silly female characters scare me the most since im afraid that all the work that my great grandmother till my mother did to improve women status was in vain and NOT because of mens opinion but womens opinion


Dont hate her so much, you might end love her one day. I read a lot of people has problem with her face, that is motionless.. I dont know, maybe plastic surgery cause her face numb to move? I just appreciate her chipmunk face that is complement with yoochun's.. But since she has a lot of haters/people not favor her acting from her previous dramas, it takes time to make people fall back for her.. But honestly, her history will always stamped on her image with knet


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I like the chipmunk cheek couple as well.


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chipmunk cheek couple :D


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Are you serious? Plastic surgery??? She is known as a natural beauty since 9 year old when she debuted as a model of SeoTaeJi poster. You should search her childhood pictures.


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Her cheek bones seems high, and her nose is unnatural. It seems she has modified her natural looks.


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idk Shin Se Kyung's history but the comparison above can't prove she had plastic surgery. People's looks can change they grow up... She doesn't even look that different in the 2 photos.



Girl is looking so cute and pretty already back then. In my eyes, these two photos don't look like before and after p/s at all, more like before and after make-up! :)

As we grow up, our facial features will change a little here and there, no? I hope ppl will give this girl a break. I don't know, maybe it's just me, I find her likable.


Really? This is the first role I've seen her in where I absolutely loved her. That look she gave Yoochun when he said it was her dress that was pretty was hilarious! I think she has comedic flair.


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I agree with you. This is also my first time watching SSK acting, and despite all the negative criticism about her acting, I find it good and very suitable for this drama. Yes, there are times when she has a tendency to overact, but that's hardly noticeable and since this is a rom-com and she's supposed to be a comedian, it's fitting. I find her other expressions very good and subtle too, when the situation calls for it. And it's better than having very little expression or only one expression for almost every situation.


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Yeah, this show is over the top. It seems to be the style for this show for it to be a little cartoony. I've been enjoying it; esp since it makes it easier to forgive the show's problem areas ( like almost everything to do with the detectives and their Scooby Doo level of competence).


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I love her acting in this drama too. I think she didn't do too well in Fashion King, but she really delivers on this show. She's an actress who doesn't care about how she looks when the camera's rolling, which is what I really love about her.


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Shin se kyung improved, but I see there's still a whole bunch of people who still think she's a bad actress.


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Ikr, for example some people on koreandrama.org are quite harsh against her and still hate her acting.


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SSK's acting is better. She's decent but not good enough. I don't think people are jealous of her history of really bad acting. LOL
She's not that pretty IMO. Some people said she's plastic.


I don't think she's. I think I saw him in one of Seo Tai Ji's MV as a child. She looks the same.


Shin Se Kyung is a natural beauty. haters spreading rumors i guess


I see her as a "work in progress" actress. For now, she is eye candy at best but she's very slowly improving. I would put her acting on par with the likes of Suzy and Krystal.


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Wow. Suzy and krystal? SMH.. She is definitely better than them.


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definitely not suzy and krystal...those too are bad in my opinion.

maybe IU if you're comparing to idols


This is my first time seeing ssk in a drama, and I think she really does a great job here. I enjoy seeing her act. I ship her with chunnie, to the extend that I wouldn't mind if she really ends up with chunnie in real life, lol (I like their age gap actually, 4 years is perfect for a couple, and the girl should be younger than the boy). If suzy took this role, I think the murim couple wouldn't be as good as they are now. Riteeee?
btw, Owh~ Cho Rim~♥♥♥♥♥ (hugging part on bed scene) makes me swoooon


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"If suzy took this role, I think the murim couple wouldn’t be as good as they are now."
Thank you suzy for rejecting the role? lol


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I agree, I doubt I would enjoy the drama nearly as much if Suzy had been cast


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Lee Min Ho will get jelous if suzy as cho rim . Too much skinship lol


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omg i didnt even consider this a possibility beacuse all i see is mugak being a couple of the century and everything else is dark.

i mean, im usually petty for bad actings (go ara in replies, ugh no), but this time im blinded by the cuteness.

i think she fits the genre though.


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Lol you are really a hater, i saw the same exact same post at koreandrama.org.. Except your username!!


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I hate haters. Can we have Chef Kwon kill them haters instead? And make sure they never be reborn, lol. Why waste your life hating?


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Park Yoo Chun's acting is not that great as well but they have improved a lot. I am currently enjoying the romance part but the police works are pissing me off, can't they be anymore incompetent. geez


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You mean the same Park Yoo Chun who's playing Choi Mu-gak here? No way, leave my Mu-gak alone, he's doing an awesome job here.

But I guess this is the kind of reply the hater above wants to see.


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Sigh, why do some people (not just above but also in the comments section in general) automatically dismiss as 'haters' anyone who has opinions opposite to theirs? She didn't even say his acting was terrible, she only said 'not that great'.

This is coming from someone who is enjoying Yoo Chun's performance in this drama quite a lot.


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when i first read bad comments about ssk i thought that kdrama viewers are stupid and immediately went to look for local forums in my country
luckily although most people here still dont watch kdrama since they deem it as telenovelas therefore unfitting intelligent
people some people starting to and non of the people in those forums thought she was bad
i was so relieved i guess we are smarter


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i really don't see how that makes you "smarter" :|


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Lmao! You are such moron that it is honestly entertaining.


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Let me correct your grammar and make the sentence a little bit readable: (help me guys!!)
I really don't like Shin Se Kyung. The more I watch her, the more I dislike her. She really can't act. Sometimes she doesn't have good facial expression and sometimes her acting is too much. (But is used if the first statement contradict the next one, remember this kid~) I watch this drama just because of Park Yoo Chun. It's unfortunate that he has to partner with her.


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Is picking on the grammar necessary though? We all understood what was meant.


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I just want to 'teach' someone, you know what I mean


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No not really. Instead of replying with why you think SSK is a good actress you instead try to browbeat the commentator's grammar. Obviously if you understood what he/she meant then that whole little show there was unnecessary. Stick to the topic and don't call anyone a "kid" as though you were some kind of sage. If you think someone is an idiot have some balls and just say it.


I apologize for my statement before, too caught up with the situation.. I'll stick to myself, end. Plus, can we keep this comment section positive?


U want to teach me and correct my grammar? If anyone here understand what i wrote, it doesnt matter about my grammar. The topic here is not my grammar but about SSK. I think everyone here have right to speak about their opinion aboutactress or actor, about their acting etc...if u dont agree with my opinion, its okay. It doesnt matter with me...


I came to love and adore SSK because of this drama. I actually saw her only once on WAMLAW but stopped in the middle coz I couldn't stand her character haha! I find her very pretty and back then I thought that she'll look good with Chunnnie coz they both have the same face shape and adorable round cheeks. Been reading about her bad acting from netizens and continues until now. As for me, she delivers everything for me here. What I appreciate most is her being spunky without being irritating. She's naturally and effortlessly delightful and winsome. My greatest pet peeve among Kdrama actresses esp in romcoms is when they're loud and hysterical. Latest case in point is the character of HJE in KMHM. I was turned off right off the bat at ep 1 on her airport scene and never looked back haha! So I conclude that it is pretty much based on the characters they played that the viewing public forms their impressions and opinions on actors and it's hard to shake them off esp if they've done a string of bad characters.


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"she delivers everything for me here."
Agree. You are doing fine girl, keep it up!


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I think Shin Se Kyung is ok for most of the show, and I admire how she goes all out for the comedy scenes. But her overacting in the more serious moments really throw me off. Like so many Korean actress, she seems to just default to the wide-eyed, innocent deer-in-headlights look. It's frustrating because I do find Mugak's character believable (charming, even) so I really want her to be able to match up.


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We evolve as people by listening to others and hearing different opinions. So let's not attack each other personally and instead focus on having a meaningful dialogue, which is enhanced by different thoughts and opinions--implying that people are "haters" for simply having a different opinion and that certain people should be "killed" is neither funny nor respectful.

I respect what everyone is saying about this drama; I personally haven't been able to watch this drama in its entirety. From what I have watched so far, though, Shin Se Kyung is a beautiful actress whose acting talent is very lacking. She's still young and green; perhaps her talent will also evolve and grow. On the other hand, she's great at comedic timing, as showcased in this drama. She just needs to work on those more serious moments that require a more nuanced performance.


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I can't blame them, it's the way how these out-of-nowhere people put their words that agitate readers here (especially those who are really following this drama). Some are obviously not watching the drama but are here to create a mess, for reasons only they know.

I bet if your comment was the first comment here, the replies will turn out differently. It all boils down to respect. If you know how to comment respectfully, then respect is what you will get in return. Respect begets respect. Peace.


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Why oh why does the first comment on a really enjoyable drama have to hit such a sour note? It's enough to make a girl want to give up reading the comments even if it means missing some really insightful observations.


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Agreed. She isn't the only "terrible" actor in this drama, Nam Gong min is the most boring second lead in kdrama. I actually like the casting in this drama. It gives him a chance to do something different which I think suits him well. It's also proved that Shin Se kyung is much better suited for comedy.


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Its frustrating isnt it...but oh well..people have their own preferences..its okay...just scroll down,and look for positive comments..:)


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"Why oh why does the first comment on a really enjoyable drama have to hit such a sour note?"

Obviously a hater. She's just out to grab people's attention to her and off the drama, because she's jealous the drama is gaining so much love and attention from the readers here. Shame on her.


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Hahahaha i am glad that my comment become the first comment. So everyone can see how bad SSK in acting. Just watch more in her acting. this is a good drama and i like when this drama have so much love. But it will be better when u dont put SSK in it.


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actually i became her fan after watch it
she created beautifull chemistry with park yoo chun , like damn great that i cant get over it


Haters gonna hate.


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SSK a bad actress? Wrong. I think you are the bad actress, not her. You are acting to be a Park Yoo Chun fan but I don't buy it because your acting fail terribly lol


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In the past, SSK was a really bad actress who seriously ruined Deep Rooted Tree, Fashion King, When a Man Loves, but now in this drama TGWSS, she's doing okay.


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Not Deep Rooted Tree, she was good in that. If she wants to take on serious roles again, go back to TWDR production team. They at least will know how to bring out the potential in her.


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I am not an actress..i cant act thats why i dont become an actress. But as an actress, she should act good. Dont u think so? I am not Park Yoo Chun fans too..but i think he is a good talented actor. SSK is lucky because she has beauty face. That s the only gain she has. But she has poor acting. U guys should watch her in crying scene.. its so bad..i dont believe its her original tears?? She is too overacting in some ways..and some scenes she has no expression like should someone push her to give her example to act..


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You know what. Korean viewers actually surprised at her really improved acting. She is being praised by the most korean viewers that she's perfect for oh chorim.


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What an ending for this week.I don't know how will cho rim escape from this psycho.this drama does balance the cute and spooky parts.


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my bet he just passes it off as saving something ebassing from his dead 'friend' or something like that..too early for him to bare his real face


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"I don’t know how will cho rim escape from this psycho."

I guess, Cho-rim will very likely be left of the hook for now, because they are too many people present in Chef Kwon's house at the moment. I'm more worry what will happen after. It's like the killer know his witness but not vice versa.


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Exactly. For all we know, if Jae Hee knows that Cho Rim's the missing witness, it might be more "interesting" for him (and his sick mind games) to keep her around longer, since he's getting fond of her *shiver*.

Especially if he knows that she can't remember his face. She's the only living witness, as long as she can't remember, the police can't touch him.


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reminder to self never to buy a korean car..clearly they do not have brakes.


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Nor steering wheels, for that matter.

"Oh, there is a person standing 50 meters ahead. I could
(a) slow down by the use of brakes
(b) change to the other lane that is empty
(c) honk frantically."

Then again, the driver is probably just a character in another drama and just received the news that
(a) his/her mother has cancer
(b) he/she is pregnant out of wedlock
(c) his/her spouse as an affair
and is emotionally too occupied to pay attention to the road ahead.


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HAHAHA I like your ideas


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This explains a lot!


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naah! he got diarrhea and need to rush to find a toilet as soon as possible :)


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Case in point: watch Falling for Innocence Ep 10!


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Or you could accept that many drivers in Korea *will not stop* - even if you have right of way. (Last year, a friend and I saw a girl almost get hit by a bus. It was a pedestrian crossing, the pedestrian signal was green - and the traffic light therefore red for cars - and had her friend not pulled her out of the way, she would have been struck.)


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i know it was horrible and shocking to be at the scene. but now that is was over and no accident that actually happened;
girl, you saw a real-life drama!
i wonder if the friend of that girl is a male.
are you sure no camera or filming crews around there somewhere?


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I'm thinking, when all these scenes might look ridiculous to us, like we can't help but scream; why are you flashing the lights and honking, just step on the goddamn brakes, easy as that.

But it actually happens in split seconds, but in dramas, they've to slow everything down to show the viewers what's happening, and it ended up like they've ample time to step on the brake, when that may not be the case. I don't know if you get what I mean, but yeah.


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Ummm. I don't think so....I've had a few close calls with other drivers and never did I just honk my car. Actually it never occurred to me to honk but rather slam the brakes and steer the car away. THEN when I'm safe I honk and swear at the other driver. It is just bad writing. Honestly this isn't the most solid story I've seen...This writer has a bit of a bad track record but ratings tend to be solid so I guess a lot of people just excuse the random gaps in logic cause they like the main pairing or whatever.


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As someone who has traveled extensively in Asia--including Korea, I find that many drivers--especially truck drivers in many parts of Asia--don't know breaks.


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Thank you LollyPip for this recap. I find myself refreshing the website solely for this recap. Like you, I found this episode very frustrating. Why is Yeom using them, then leaving both of them out of the loop? She figures out the image and then intentionally makes mistakes so OCR can't get the same image. She uses all of CMG's ideas, but kicks him off the team. Knowing that the rest of her team are mostly duds. IMO, the only person she is helping by keeping OCR and CMG outta the loop is the killer. If the chef finds out the OCR's identity and hurts her, it would be all Yeom's fault.

Like you said, the rest of it was really nice. The OTP has amazing chemistry, and plenty of cute to offset the frustrating plot holes (a big part is how Yeom has poor peripheral vision as a good detective).

I guess the downside to OCR's being on camera is that more people from her past are likely to recognize her as CES. So now it's a 3 way race, chef, cops, and our OTP. Hopefully she recovers her memories soon too, and gets the necessary protection from our hot killer chef.


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Exactly. She is so unprofessional in many ways. Letting Mu-gak on the team, then kicking him out without explanation, figuring out the image then purposely screwing it up in front of Cho-Rim, and, as LollyPip mentioned, taking photos of Cho-Rim's ID when she left the room.


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I believe the actress playing Lieutenant Yeom did her best in projecting a cool, upright and professional aura in her role as a policewoman in a position of authority. But too bad her character is written inconsistently and at the whims of the writer who places plot development above all else.


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I don't think it's the actress either. I actually think she's quite good. I completely blame the writers for my frustration with her character, the inconsistencies in an otherwise interesting drama, and the ridiculous plot holes just to drive the story.


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I think that Yeom decided to kick MG off the team to protect him.
She knows that Eun Sol is Cho Rim and about MG's sister, she know that the two are dating and are on their way to be in love. MG is smart, give it a few more days and he'll figure it out. I think Yeom doesn't want his sudden happiness to come crashing down so soon


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Thought the exact same thing!!


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But Lt Yeom can't just kick Mu-gak back to his box without valid explanation and expect him to sit still and do nothing. I mean, she knows very well that getting the killer is the very reason why he joined the police force.


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Yup, my theory too.

When she interviewed Chef Kwon, she saw exactly how dangerous he is. She was worried sick about Mu Gak when he was stabbed, and wants to put him (and Cho Rim) out of harm's way.

My fear now is that she thinks she can handle Jae Hee by herself... don't go there, Lt Yeom!


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But how does it make sense to put her life at risk for the sake of playing matchmaker?


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Hi, this is a late reply, but I think it's to do with her personal connection to this case/the way her father died.

Don't think we've got the whole story yet, but she's not just obsessed with the case - she feels deeply responsible. We've seen how she stakes everything on it, from harassing Cho Rim's adoptive 'Dad' to tolerating unorthodox/illegal investigation methods to find the killer. Plus, each time they're outsmarted by the killer, she's so apologetic to the team.


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but come on guys, it's much safer for the investigation for him to be kicked out -- his phone is bugged! Killer Chef HEARS ALL. So I was definitely glad he got ditched for now.

And man, I feel certain Cho-rim is going to lose another dad...

Angry Mom and GWSS bringing all the angst in the same week!


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oh GOD, it's true! it's much safer for the investigation team since mostly it's Moo Gak who runs here and there, making calls etc etc..how I wish he just pretended for being unaware about that spy app on his phone tho!


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These things are driving me crazy too.

Adding to your list:

She knows OCR's 'dad' is trying to disappear, yet walks right by him in a nearly deserted restaurant parking lot?!!! That in itself pretty much earns her the 'least observant detective of the year' award.

Or when they were in the stakeout, they were chatting away with their INTERIOR CAR LIGHTS ON.

Or the lack of understanding about the difference between an enclosed car carrier and box truck used for deliveries. An appliance manufacturer would deliver their goods using a delivery truck with a lift gate. There's no way two delivery men could restrain a heavy high-end appliance as it's headed down the ramp of a car carrier.

Or why all of the murderers victims cheerfully help him in one way or another (giving him coveted recipes, alerting him to the fact that a witness is still alive, etc.) while they're being held in captivity.

Why a detective would let a murder suspect watch him as he input his phone's password. Or find it odd that immediately thereafter the suspect asked to use his phone, rather than to have him call his number. Or, odd that he tried to prevent him from picking up his phone after it was used.

I'm having a hard time sitting through the entire episodes anymore. Love the show for it's cute couple. Love the plot device of her seeing smells and him not feeling. But I'm finding the murder mystery to be reeeaaallly annoying. I wish they would clean up the realism if they're asking us to take it seriously. Or make it more obvious that their aim is to poke fun at tropes.


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I cannot but agree with many of your points, however:

"Or when they were in the stakeout, they were chatting away with their INTERIOR CAR LIGHTS ON."

This one I completely ignore. Look, people in these shows even drive around with the interior lights on; but that's only for filming reasons. Otherwise you wouldn't see their faces.


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I loved this episode. It definitely gave me the chills and the feels.

Shin Se Kyung should always do comedy. She's so talented in it and her chemistry with Yoo Chun is seriously off chart. I have never been more impressed of her. Yoo Chun is hilarious in this and I really loved their mutual daydreaming bit. I felt second handedly embarrassed for both of them. Lol. If ever their dreams came true....

Jae Hee is becoming more and more creepier as the episodes go. Hot, yet creepy. Seriously though, he should stop smiling like that. I don't want to fall for the villian.... I hope its not too late.... Mu Gak is my first choice anyway...

I feel that Lieutenant Yeom is doing what is necessary. Mu Gak is too close to the barcode case and his personal feelings are involved. Normally, when your sister is killed by the man you finally catch, that rage may develop into murder and you might kill him for killing your sister. To stay on the safe side and to protect and honor the code of justice, you just have to step back and let the others, who doesn't have any connection to the murderer, get him. But I have a sneaking suspicion that Jae Here's first victim was Yeom's dad. If that is so, she should step back from the investigation too. That's just my opinion though.


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i think lt yeom's dad was killed in a robbery case; it was mentioned earlier on.


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My guess, his first victims were his adoptive parents back in the US six years ago, after which he came back to Korea. The first barcode murder case reported in Korea was 5 years ago, if I've not mistaken.


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I think so too.

They definitely left a loose thread about him being abused by his adoptive father. And the first murder in Korea was so close to his return. I wonder if we're going to have a birth secret. Like, that OCR's parents were also his biological parents and he killed them in retaliation for giving him up for adoption.


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I LOVED Cho Rim in this episode. From pulling Mugak's ass out of the fire to catching a pervert, she's the woman! And kudos to Shin Se Kyung for playing her with such spirit. The look on her face before running after the man is enough to strike fear into any pervert's heart LOL!

And I giggled hard at the comedic moments at the end of the episode. This show really knows how to poke fun at our expectations of the kdrama romance genre. First it gives us the swoony scenes, then later turns around and whacks us on the head as if telling us "hey get real, this sort of thing doesn't happen in real life!" In fact, Cho Rim slipping on the floor is more probable than her having a backhug with Mugak haha.

I was quite frustrated with Lieutenant Yeom until I came across a comment on another thread that made me realise that her actions are possibly out of consideration for Mugak, ie how would he feel if he were to realise that his girlfriend is the reason why his sister got killed? And of course he acted out of line in breaking into Chef Kwon's house - which could actually land them with a lawsuit on their hands before they even get to touch the criminal.


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Lt. Yeom:
Yep, my take on her was that she tried to go "noble idiot". It's stupid, of course, as always; but better waste the trope on her than on the main characters.


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Her and Cho-rim's dad both seem to be doing the noble idiot thing, but I agree, better them than the OTP.

(except for the bit where that noble idiocy and lack of information directly endangers the lives of Mu-gak and Cho-rim)


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Well, it wouldn't be "noble idiocy" if it wouldn't make the live miserable for everyone.

And, come on, it's not like Mu-gak and Cho-rim are really in danger. Would be cool though: Chef kills Cho-rim, Lt. Yeom quits after she cannot prove the Chef's guilt, Mu-gak joins the troupe and marries Lt. Yeom, who becomes a bus driver. The Chef kills happily ever after.

(See, writer-nim, I too can create stupid plots, but mine make more sense ...)


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Alternate ending:
One day The Chef is happily waking across the street in front of an oncoming bus. As they react in an astonished wide eyed expression, the bus driver Lt. Yeom, TRIES to put on the brakes. But they fail and she runs him over.



"The look on her face before running after the man is enough to strike fear into any pervert’s heart LOL!"
LOL! I was like that's my girl, go get him, pervert!

The comedic and the cute couple moments in this drama are truly the BEST!


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I was Distressed seeing the last part because I knew that the letter would somehow end up in either Chorim or Jaehee's hands. However! I didn't expect them to both be around when the letter happened :c While I sense that Jaehee would still play nice, not knowing the contents of the letter (since it was only a cursory glance and he can't actually go all Serial Killer on her yet), I still feel that Chorim is in serious danger after this. Jaehee might end up being onto her, and he's already onto Mugak. :/

And on our next installment of 'Mugak No', you can't break and enter someone's house like that! You'd end up getting suspended and that's counterproductive. Mugak you little punk >:{


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I wonder if jae-hee would still want to kil her now that he likes her. I know he killed his previous gf, which is a real mistery to me. I think it wasnt planned, but he did it for the same reason he killed the doctor.


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Awww mu gak finally has a broad smile and laugh during watching the cooking show with chorim. Seems hes getting back to his old self.

And the pervert is very scary, especially when he is on the tree. Scarrier than the murderer for me


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Really? I found him funny rather scary! I think it's because he was wearing pink. Plus that white jacket. He looked more gay than pervert.


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maybe the way he appeared was in more surprised way... similarly, i found the one who assault chorim in the toilet was scarier as well...


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i felt frustrated with this drama. The plot is mess and the rating also low. usually micky has good eyes choosing script except this. sad the last drama didn't do well.


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It IS a mess. I feel like the writer has completely given up on the plot. It's reduced to a series of plot-point-ex-machina moments.

Just the last sequence:
(1) Chef sends her to his vast library to pick something up for him. She's never been there. Why does he?
(2) He does nothing but waiting for her to come back. Why didn't he go fetch it himself?
(3) She sees an envelope. Immediately she opens it and begins to read the letter inside. Because ... ???
(4) She doesn't return immediately, so he thinks something is wrong and follows her. Doesn't make any sense considering (1)+(2) + the fact that she wouldn't have returned by the time he started to follow her into the library even IF she never read the letter.


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so many mess and stupid plot. already expect that from rtp's writer. don't know why micky stick with this.
i get it why tgwss flop so hard


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Lol, why frustrate yourself watching this if you feel that the plot is messy and stupid and you had expected this from the same writer? You can choose to exit quickly (and please don't come back because we don't really share your 'pain').

I'm sure Unkind Women or Angry Mom will be more your cup of tea since they represent the feelings you are currently experiencing. :p


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of course angry mom and unkind ladies not perfect. but atleast they don't have stupid plot like tgwss



I was kind of reluctant to reply to @oren. She's obviously another jealous hater who is here to talk rubbish and trying to get some attention.


Oh I love what you wrote here, so true! :)
"You can choose to exit quickly (and please don’t come back because we don’t really share your ‘pain’)."


"i felt frustrated with this drama. The plot is mess and the rating also low. usually micky has good eyes choosing script except this. sad the last drama didn’t do well."

"You can choose to exit quickly (and please don’t come back because we don’t really share your ‘pain’)."

'I was kind of reluctant to reply to @oren. She’s obviously another jealous hater who is here to talk rubbish and trying to get some attention.'

Pot meets kettles.


Flop so hard LMAO.. Are u sure you are his fans? The drama range around 6-8% LMAO.. It isn't flop! Pls, hater, stop disguising yourself as fan. Stop the acting


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The plots for this and 'Angry Mom' are both in a mess in my opinion. 'Falling for Innocence' is getting worse with each episode too. I'm pinning my hopes on the new Who Are You School 2015 and possibly dropping all these shows :D Have already dropped Angry Mom.


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The cute between the OTP in this, and the hope that they will somehow resolve the plot holes in a good way is keeping me. Like you, I'm excited about School 2015. Fingers crossed it doesn't get messy.


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yeah the writing is just a huge mess right now. so many plotholes, very little cleverness. and i find the couple very boring now. :(


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Don't tell that to the cheerleaders because if you expect some logic from a show and you DARE complain and point out that this is just crap then all of a sudden you are a "hater".

Love how they run in circles trying to make sense of this mess of a plot when clearly the writers have stopped trying after episode 3 and are just pulling strings out of their asses.

Have fun I guess. I'm out.


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Nobody here would mind if you offer constructive criticism of why this plot seemed messy and stupid to you. In this way, you can help the writer improve his craft or the actors their acting skills. And you open up the way for more generative conversations.

But just because the plot does not fit within your frame of limited understanding or that the dots are not connected fast enough for your liking, there is no reason to spoil other people's fun by calling it a flop or put down those who want to explore theories of how the plot will further evolve.


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while I agree that substantiating our criticisms of the show with some reasons would be much better than just attacking it with negative remarks, this comment section is definitely not for us to offer constructive criticism for writers to improve their craft or actors to improve their acting skills. it's sad if we've to comment as if we were having them in mind as potential readers! highly doubt they have time to creep up on a comment section in English in the first place...


atta girl


I accept with complains about plot holes & incompetent cops but I'm scratching my head with ur last word. "I find the couple VERY boring" are u sure u're enter in a right place? this is my 1st time reading this comment. I'm confused, why u find them VERY boring? I hope I can get ur explanation. My guess is, perhaps u're used to see stupid bickering couple, or u're sad coz no triangle love & meddling from family maybe? okay fine, then how about recommend me other great drama with great OTP, I would love to check them coz it's been a years for me to finally got such great OTP like Murim. So it's surprised me when someone said the couple VERY boring now


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Here's your second time : the couple is bland pure bland. And yes that's just my opinion and it reflects my emotions. Please guys learn to respect eachother we are not kids here. Thankyou.


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"we are not kids here."

It would appear that's not necessarily the case.


I completely agree i dropped at episode 8 and am reading recaps right now but i don't think that i will go through this... I'm done with it. The biggest problem with this show is that it's not continuous like they were going to show us mgak and ocr's comedy acts, then we had to see ocr using her talent but i didn't see much of that. Why call it "girlwho sees smell" when all we see is some fail detectives chasing a serial killer?. The story is a mess even regarding the detective-psycho plot , we just keep on going in circles Female detective "i'm sure this time we will catch him"
Serial Killer " haha got ya" at this point i think the main lead is chef-serial killer.


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I think I am going to have to read the recaps before I dare to watch next week, again. Second time already when I don´t have the guts with this drama.


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I had to stop watching it. And I said to myself, I'll just wait for the recap before I turn it back on.


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Our petty Mu-gak now becoming cheesy Mu-gak. I'm not complaining. Just more kisses, please. :D


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Thanks for the recap Lollypip! I've been waiting for this :)
The cliffhanger ending was very good. Now Cho Rim knows who she is! How is she gonna get out from showing Chef the letter? Or maybe she will actually tell him what the letter say because she trusted him? But she knows Moo-gak suspects the Chef! OMG I can't wait until next week!

As for detective Oh, I'm really hoping that there will be a good explanation on his behaviours. Maybe he's investigating the case from a different angle. Maybe he's trying to find Chef's background history? I'm a bit suspicious that he knows who Chef is and went along with the tea. I feel he was also trying to gauge Chef. Maybe this is all in my head.

Now that Cho Rim knows, will she tell Moo-gak straight away? I hope she does, I don't want the leads to suddenly do the usual angsty "we can't be together we must break up" route.


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"Mu-gak suddenly realizes that if Jae-hee has a gash on his arm like the arsonist, then he had to have been at the scene to know to mimic that injury. And if he was at the scene of the sting, then he had to have also been at the storage unit."

I don't understand how MuGak came to this conclusion. I guess since Ja Hee is a suspect, it might lead him there, but wouldn't the natural assumption be that Ja Hee really DID hurt himself on accident? I don't think I would jump to the conclusion that he hurt himself, if I was a detective


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Why would he want to throw them off with that gash on his arm anyway? If he's not hurt at the scene, then he's better off showing his unscathed arms. Or perhaps he just wanted an apology from the police for the kicks of it.


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Well, after the Hannibal interrogations, Mu-gak rightfully suspects Jae-hee to be a delusional comic book super-villain. And as such, he doesn't try to NOT get caught, he tries to screw with the police as much as possible, just because. It's all very reasonable.

What I don't understand: How does he come to the conclusion that it was Jae-hee who stabbed him at the container park?


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A: The only way Chef could have mimicked the injury was if he saw the injury.

B: The only way he realistically would have seen the injury is if he was at the construction site when the injury happened.

C. The only way he would have been at the construction site when the injury happened would be if he was the murderer, chased from fake-OCR's house.

D: The murderer was the only person one who would have realistic motivation to stab him.

E: Fleeing murderer and storage park assailant and Chef are all of the same physical build.

A+B+C+D+E = Chef is murderer.


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@ Gidget, WOW!!!! That was good! Thank you! I love how you explained it.


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MG figured out it's not a coincidence Jae Hee has a similar gash on the arm. He figured Jae Hee purposely injured himself to mock the cops.
(this is also why I think Jae Hee shouldn't cut himself, this turns out to be 'proof' he was there at the scene)

But I don't understand how MG linked Jae Hee presence at the scene of the sting to the man at storage yard.


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MG was able to describe the height and built of the man who stabbed him even though he may not have seen his face.

During the stakeout, he saw a man dressed in the same fashion and with the same built.

So when he realized that Jae Hee knew that the arsonist had a gash on the right arm (meaning that JH was at the scene that night), it was not difficult to deduce that Jae Hee was also the one who stabbed him at the storage area.


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I'm guessing the same. Remember, he didn't pass out immediately after he was stabbed back then.


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How is that a "deduction"?

He already knew JH's physique, that guy already was the only suspect they had. They already were SURE JH was trying to kill the victim (only to be proven "wrong" by the DNA test). He gained zero additional knowledge by the hypothesis about the cut at the arm.


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I have very high assumptions that Jae Hee is going to play it off and act like it's no big deal, letting her off safety (bc there are so many ppl downstairs) but she now has a huge target on her back.

I'm also surprised that Jae Hee didn't find the letter himself since he was the one who but the books on his shelf


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I can't believe I actually have to say this;
"Thank you spy app. If not for you, Chef Kwon would've already read the letter before Cho-rim gets to it" lol

@LollyPip's recap above
"Jae-hee is putting the books that Baek-kyung borrowed from him away in his Murder Library (luckily, he doesn’t seem to notice the letter written to Cho-rim) when his phone notifies him that Mu-gak is making a call to Lieutenant Yeom." :)


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Thank you LollyPip for the recap! Glad to see that we are thinking along the same lines. I too expressed in ep.9 how happy I was for MG to have finally met a girl he loved, and who loved him back, hopefully ending his lonely days, especially after losing his sister he loved so much :-) I loved this ep., though I was disappointed with a few things. I will be honest, and say that like LollyPip (and probably many viewers), I am very concerned about CR’s well-being based on the ending of the ep., and I am very curious as to how she will manage to leave JH’s library in one piece. Writer-nim, please surprise us nicely. I know that b/c CR is the female lead, she HAS to be alive until the end of the show (and after that, for her HEA), however, one has to admit, that was one good way to end the ep., and a really good cliffhanger. Also, I froze, when that lady called CR, CES and JH looked at her.

So former Det. Oh seems to have sth on the Chief of Police, interesting… I am interested in finding out how that will play out. Hopefully we will see more of Det. Oh now. I too question his idea of protecting CR. Is the fact that she doesn’t remember anything prior to 3 years ago enough? (answer, “No”). Also, I felt bad for MG and the way that Let. Yeom took him off the case, without explaining why. In a way, it’s good that Let. Yeom didn’t tell MG about CR, since JH can see and hear everything going on on MG’s phone (though I suspect JH will soon find out who CR is), and MG might inadvertently text or say sth on his phone that could tip JH off. MG does deserve some kind of explanation at least.

I loved the cute in this ep.: CR scratching MG’s skin, and getting excited that he starting to feel more. GB unnie was right about MG’s heart opening up more to loving CR, and that equating to MG slowly (but surely) regaining his senses of touch, and hopefully the other ones. I loved the scenes in both daydreams, EXCEPT I wanted them to be real, not just daydreams. And MG saying “Oh Cho Rim” with that deeper and sexy voice, Swoon! (I heard people laugh in the room, when PYC said that). Also, MG is not only a very good kisser, he is also a very good hugger. He hugs and holds like he means it, and he does that patting the back with his hand (I love that, and I tend to do the same to some people),or with his finger, when he holds or touches CR. I love little touches like that, such tenderness. I also loved that when MG kissed CR and smiled (the 2nd time), his eyes crinkled, so cute. LSY’s eyes do the same, when he smiles.

For once, it was nice to see CR being the one chewing MG out (on the Bench of Shame), and then comforting MG, once she found out why he did what he did. I love that MG could just continue to open up like that to CR. I really hope there will be no noble idiocy in this drama, or not for too long.


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I have a few questions: 1-How did MG end up on the bed, sleeping, when he was supposed to have helped CR there, after her slipping on the wet floor, and knocked her head? That did not make sense to me, and that left me confused, tbh. 2-MG asked CR, “did you date a foreigner?” after Julian’s text. I was not sure how to read his question: was MG just surprised, or was he expressing some negative feelings, or disappointment that CR might have dated a foreigner? Also, CR told him to be quiet. Why didn’t she want to answer? Was she shy? Or are the views on dating a foreigner quite negative in Korea, so she didn’t want to talk about it? I don’t want to make a blank statement about dating in Korea, so please don’t think that I am trying to color dating in Korea in one way. I know dating foreigners happens there,. I was just intrigued (and curious) by MG’s question to CR, and I wondered how to read it.

Also, I am moving next week, so I will be knee deep in boxes. I look forward to reading your comments on the ep., and your responses to me as well. So please continue the discussions and conversations we usually have. And please ask tons of questions amongst yourselves (and please respond), so I can have many perspectives to read, when I come back here Basically, dissect the ep., as we usually do :-)


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@ Ivoire
I wish everything goes smooth and the new place give a better environtment for you. I feel the same, I have many perspective and I enjoy it :)


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@ iana,

Thank you so much for your kind wishes. I too hope that the move will go smoothly, and I love this, "the new place give a better environtment for you." I sooooooo wish that for myself as well, you have no idea how much I do.

I am glad that you enjoy the many perspectives you get, by reading the recaps and the many different comments about the drama. Have a great week! :-)


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Maybe it's a little stab at how judgemental K society can sometimes still be? i remember Martina from "eat your Kimchi" telling the story of being harassed a few time by men asking if she was a "russian saram" since blonde haired, blue eyed foreign woman must be russian and are therefore prostitutes. Even her wedding ring and waving a canadian flag and pasport could not persuade one of them that she was not a "russian saram".So it's funny that luitenant Ki his Girlfriend is russian, that already is something fun, she's a girlfriend, nothing dirty about it. So the "did you date a foreigner" may be a way for the writer to put in some criticism some girls still get if they date a non korean man. BTW @ivoire eat your Kimchi and ask a korean are both really good blogs if you wanna know more about korean life (through the eyes of both foreigners and Koreans) so is "abnormal summit".(that's where the foreign guy in the message is actually from, julian quintart (from my home country) he's one of the G11 members. :)


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@ cocobeans,

Thank you for your response, I appreciate it. You know, there was just something in the way MG asked her that question (and why did he even ask the question?) and I was not sure how to interpret that. I did not want to read too much into it, so I posted my question here, to get other beanies' perspectives. So I appreciate yours.

Thank you also for mentioning "Eat Your Kimchi" and "Ask A Korean." I know both blogs, more so AAK. I have not read EYK too much, there is only so much time in the day, you know (to do what you love). I love reading blogs, and educating myself. Thing is, there are so many of them, and I comment a lot here, which is also time consumming. I used to read AAK a lot. I don't any more, but I know that I can go back to it if I need to.

I also know about AS. I mentioned it here, in ep.9 recap. Here is my comment: Ivoire May 2nd, 2015 at 4:30 PM

Please feel free to read it. I have seen Julian there (on AS). He is from Belgium, isn't he? (I have actually been to Belgium when I was younger, twice :-) I love Brussels). AS is another show I don't have the time to watch, so I stopped. However I do know Sam (from Ghana) and I have communicated with him (exchange some correspondence). He is a really nice guy, and I was introduced to him by a friend of mine. So if and when I go to Seoul, I will meet him :-) He has already said so. The world is a small place, isn't it?

OK, back to facing my room full of empty boxes (that need to be filled) :-)


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oooh ! I love Sam Ochiri , he Always makes me laugh sooooo hard, he's a great comedian. I hope one day this Belgian Ahjumma stil gets to visit Korea one day..but any time you are near Belgium again, give me a shout, i work in Brussels, it would be my honor to show you around the place. Say Hi to Sam from me, tell him i'm rooting for him and Julian all the way ;)



"Also, I froze, when that lady called CR, CES and JH looked at her."
I know, right? I don't like her friends except for Ae-ri, lol

@LollyPip's recap above
"Jae-hee’s head snaps up when he hears Cho-rim say the name “Choi Eun-seol,” and he interrupts to send her to the Murder Library (okay, he doesn’t actually call it that) for a cookbook."
I wonder, what kind of info he'll manage to squeeze out from this friend of hers. OCR's friend, please behave, don't get her into trouble, okay?


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Hi @ Neutral,

I don't have anything against her friend. She didn't do anything wrong, as she does not know what is going on with CR, and the potential dangers that CR faces. I think the friend is there for the plot development, so I am curious to see what the writer will do with that new info JH might have heard. Ae-ri is the only really close friend CR has, and probably had, though that woman said that CR and her were close in school (but that was before her accident).


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One word for this episode: confusing. Ok, I haven't read the recap, so probably after reading LollyPip's take on it I'll understand more and change the word to: cute ;-)


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Confusing is the word. And after reading the recap, confusion remains. The only cute is our couple. :)

I re-watched, and Lollypip said that there was blackmail? But I did not sense that, at least it was not as if there was a threat involved. There was a certain seriousness in the exchange, but it was not unfriendly between Oh and the Chief whom he called hyungnim. Maybe taking the documents off Chief's hands was doing him a favor rather than as a result of blackmail? But again, maybe the conversation in Korean held more implications than the subs brought out.

Another question: Why were the restaurant people so open about Det Oh with JH but so tight lipped with Yeom? Maybe Oh warned them not to talk to a lady about him?

Anyway, this episode raises more questions than it answers. I feel that it requires so much work, but I'm not sure it's going to be worth our while working it out! :)


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On why the restaurant people are so tight lipped with Lieutenant Yeom versus their attitude towards Jae Hee, it's because Jae Hee spoke to the waitress first, who is less guarded.

It also doesn't help that the purposeful looking Lieutenant Yeom in a trench coat gives off a policewoman vibe that conversely makes the restaurant owner feel the need to protect his friend. If she had stated something like looking for Detective Oh on his daughter's behalf she would have gotten more results.


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Does the writer just think the viewer is stupid or something? I am really getting frustrated with the plot. I feel like I should not have a brain with this drama. It hurts my head thinking about it and how illogical and stupid the characters are.

It really is a mess and distracts from the OTP, and sadly makes this show unbearable sometimes.


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Thanks again Lollypip!

This episode, I found scary-stress filled enough that I had to stop and skip a bit here and there. Fortunately your recap tells me that there is still nothing to fear. So I'll put my weak heart aside and watch all the parts I missed.

From my first watch of the show, I seem to have no impression of it except that the thought, "Thank heavens the OTP is so cute!" came to mind, because with 6 more episodes to go, I feel a bit lost as to what to expect next. Usually at this stage in the drama series, enough has been revealed to help us viewers know with some accuracy what to expect. However, aside from expecting Kwon to attempt murder a few more times (potential victims being Oh, MG and CR), I feel stalled. I could come up with some wild surmises perhaps, but I'd like them to be based on something logical.

Since the "who dunnit" part of this story was outed, as a viewer I am not expected to solve the mystery of who, so I expected that then I'd be allowed to solve the mystery of why. For this ... the story has to drop the right clues at the right intervals to help me along the way. But this episode has just thrown out more questionable things and no hints.

We've had too little backstory on Yeom to understand her way of thinking, thus I at least, cannot know how to trust her that what she is doing is right. I cannot empathise with her decisions and the fallout from it (I believe it will not work out well) will just frustrate me.

Similarly ex-Det Oh. No backstory, no hints, just strange behavior. More frustration on my part.

Chef Kwon - revealed to be the murderer so early on, therefore I'd expected that more information about him would be given to help us viewers along, but other than his fantastic planning, ability to turn unexpected events to his advantage, etc... we still just guessing but are no nearer understanding why he is what he is.

Quite a lot of what's happening does not really make sense (I know, I know, must be those plot holes again), and so I'm no longer much engaged in the mystery part of the story.

Therefore, I take refuge in enjoying our OTP.

I was mentioning parallels between our couple and so we have some more...

CR 3 years earlier got hit by a car while running from Kwon, MG previously got hit while running after whom he thinks is Kwon and now CR almost gets hit again while running after the pervert.

They have day-dreams where CR's day dream could easily continue seamlessly into and as MG's daydream. Swoonworthy stuff!

Her returning memories coincide with his returning sensations, and all of these lead in to more hugs and cuddles, which is at least something to enjoy.

How much more of this we'll get, however, is questionable, since if the disjointed pieces of the mystery need to be connected, more time will be spent on gluing the puzzle than on keeping our OTP stuck together. :( :)


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too bad some losing their hopes now..I can't blame them honestly.
Dear writernim, I still have hope so please prove me/us wrong in the next episodes! yu can dewwwwwit!

well, let me enjoy our OTP love blossoms because we probably didnt get their cheesy moments much for the next 2eps tho I still hope that makes them more closer! It's been a while right we didnt see such a great OTP in KD without meddling from 3rd person, family and status! I'm having a hard time now to concentrate watching other KDs becoz this OTP keeps pop out from my head anytime, anywhere! They even come to my dream! Their mutual daydreams are so cheesy yet so funny I can't even! "oooh cho rim~" so cheesy! XDDD MG is too adorable for words. Indeed he looks like a plushy toy! I wanna squeeze him so badly!

Tho I cant help to think what will CR do once she realized that she is the real CES who should die. I'm glad she found the letter 1st instead of JH but hope she wont leave MG becoz of that! girl, ur life is so dangerous, make yourself closer to MG more, dont leave him! I believe MG will protect her no matter what. The ending is killing me, I just want my Wednesday now! Long live Murim <3 Fighting heroes!


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i kinda missed cho rim's smell/scent-seeing abilities and i'm glad they showed it again in this episode...

lieutenant yeom...i wanted to throw something when couldn't spot detective oh...he's right in front you!

yoochun you are so greasy. but i love you anyways. haha!

i'm actually really worried for cho rim now...i keep hoping the last scene is not what really happened...can't wait for the next episode!!


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honestly i feel so bad for the viewers who cant enjoy this drama because of the crime plot holes. the shallow ole me just shamelessly ignore all of those and squee over uri mugak.


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I guess i shamelessly feel the same too....hahaha


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Haha count me in! Enjoying the Murim couple so much that I tend to overlook the potholes and incredulous and timed coincidences esp in this episode. Obviously, people watch for varied reasons. Some view it in a very discerning and critical eye, loves to engage and debate about it. While some watch for entertainment reasons and are more forgiving and accepting that it's mostly make-believe and bound to teeter from reality to dubious. Obviously, I belong to the latter, haha! I can be critical, too, but this time, I chose to suspend my disbelief and abandon reasonings coz am totally enraptured by Murim. Unlike some ppl, if I can't stand a drama I'll jump off the ship at once and spare myself of all the frustrations. So many choices in this world than I can handle so I choose to move forward every time. ^^


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lol so glad im not alone! yea, sometimes i can be critical too when i watch dramas, but i started this one with 0 expectation of srzzz crime mysteries so i just view the mystery as some plot device to get our murim together. this is unlike healer, in which the relationship and mystery are both portrayed in a more serious manner.

that sad, let's -- SQUEEEEEE
i die everytime shin se kyung blushes.

related to that, i think she wins this role! so bubbly and cute.


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Haha I intend to do that 'til the end but am afraid we're in for the angst from here onwards. Thankfully, Murim created enough endearing moments to hopefully tide us over or at least ride the waves. Am not asking for a strong ending but just a decent wrap and if that happens, I knew this would be my fave drama of Chunnie.


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Please pity me too, they are plot holes the size of China and I keep wanting to scream at the idiot cops. How can I enjoy the cuteness of the couple when half of that couple is permanently in danger because people are too stupid or prideful to disclose crucial and life-saving information?


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Count me in. So, I'm Shallow No. 4? :D


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Oopss, sorry, it's Shallow No. 6, hahaha


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I shamelessly ignores those too, hahaha I just realized there are holeplots when come here. hahahaha I really love this episode and our OTP...... <3


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So am i the only one excited with this episode...? lol..
i didnt expect episode 10 to have cliffhanger like this...i got really scared for chorim..But chorim is smart..hope she finds a safe way out..
i think i can understand the frustrations..we got so many questions unanswered and too many secret not unveil..can' t understand why the characters doing things that they do..so i hope the writer gives us some answers next week and give us some insight..


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nope dear..I still enjoy this show to bits since I'm watching other KDs too but this one still top from my list!


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Yeay! i have somebody who share the same sentiment with me...
btw...i'm happy that it is ssk that act as chorim..i can say that she is well matched with with yoochun..while i think ssk is being professional and all but it seems that yc is very comfortable in acting with her...and that is a good thing to develop their chemistry...
@bluesky i dont know if you realised this or not..but in this episode there are a lot of parkyoochun-faces instead of mugak-faces..
for instances the sunshine smile that mugak has before swooping for second kiss..that smile is totally park yoochun being cheeky..XDD


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You never know how I excited & impatient to wait for the next episode :lol:

never imagined these two will have this amazing chemistry honestly! probably Yoochun has something that make people feel comfortable to work with him I'm not sure but just like my comment @26.1, SSK always left me the awkward feeling before in her previous works but not in this drama! I was happy for our OTP and pls dont kill their happiness writernim!

I saw lotsa comments bout Moo Gak is Yoochun, Yoochun is Moo Gak! So Moo Gak's previous life is like Yoochun, bubbly, troll, cheeky & cheesy XDDD
I think I saw video clip Yoochun with his mom & Yoohwan and his mom said Yoochun likes to do things like back hug & baby talk at home and she thinks he is so cheesy LOL! and Yoochun explained because he saw mostly daughters do that kind of things so since they're both boys so he wants to make something his mom probably wants. I feel so awww <3
I can see Yoochun in Moo Gak's character too!


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Awww~~you know i really can imagine yc himself like that..because he really is romantic cheesy guy..heheh.. it reminds me of the game show where he needs to write poem and direct a short romance drama..:) oh.. during the bedscene dream..the way mugak ask softly "are you awake" "are you okay now?" It was so sweet i'm melted.lol...o-<-<..do you think when mugak said ooohhh~chorim,is an adlib?since chorim response is like from ssk herself..haha..didnt she said in rm that she doesnt like being cheesy or aegyo(something along that line)??hee~~i think i'm falling hard for murim..^3^


@ chunnie

" do you think when mugak said ooohhh~chorim,is an adlib?since chorim response is like from ssk herself..haha..didnt she said in rm that she doesnt like being cheesy or aegyo(something along that line)??hee~~i think i'm falling hard for murim..^3^ "

I feel it too~~~~ <3
hahaha it was obvious ssk's reaction, not chorim. I won't surprise if this is an adlib, as expected from park yuchun.. hahaha I saw ssk said that on running man too :)


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Haa~you saw it too.great..:D


@iana @chunnie
I guess it was an ad-lib too.."owhhhh cho rim~" damn you Park Yoochun :oops:



"I still enjoy this show to bits since I’m watching other KDs too but this one still top from my list!"
Same here. It went to the top from the very first episode and never came down since! :D lol


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"So am i the only one excited with this episode…? lol.."
Says who???


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i'm so glad you upload those recaps (๑・‿・๑) i was waiting for this all these last days... I think that Shin Se Kyung acts very well. It's true that in Fashion King, she deceived me but hey , there she is, funny and joyful (๑・‿・๑) I couldn't ask for more !

Thank you for the recaps (๑╹∀╹๑)


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Everyone should watch this short tv entertainment clip where Park Yoochun and Shin Se Kyung went outdoor and played the 'Of course' game in front of all the fans!!!


It's only about 2 mins long, the fans, the host went crazy and screaming with excitement and I squealed along with them!!!!!! OMG... Bursting with chemistry! I cannot help beaming, I wish they become real!

Good things must be shared, everyone should see this!! Now go, go!


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LOL! I know how you feel. When I watched this, I was like you too! Especially when YC said: Do you have a thing for me?


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Me too, miricia, Swoon!!! Suddenly I feel myself falling for Yoochun! THIS IS HOW YOU DO A CONFESSION.


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lol, he is indeed a sweet guy isn't he? I just wanna wrap him and take him home, lol


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KYAAAAAAAAAAA this got me fueled for the next 5 days of work.


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Yeah!!! This will energize me for next 5 days too hwahhhh~~~~!


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@ Feliss,

Thank you so much for posting this. It is so nice to see the two of them, when they are not filming (meaning just being regular people). SSK does not seem to be shy, PYC seems to be more shy than her (I did not expect that, for some reason). He is soooooo adorable, and he looks young, for someone who is 30 in Korea. He has a nice smile as well. I really love how comfortable SSK is. I don't know what she is like, as a person, so it is nice to see her in that clip. I loved that when PYC asked her the question about her liking him, she asked the same question right back at him. That was good! The host seemed to like them both as well.

I love seeing actors and actresses outside of the drama or movie, simply interacting with people. It helps to get a sense of who they are. PYC seems to be a really sweet and considerate guy. I hope I am reading him right. He seriously looks so adorable the whole time (in that video). I am still surprised at how shy he seems to be in real life. I am not sure if he is being shy, or reserved, or both. In any case, thank you again! It was really nice to take a break (from packing), and come to a video like this :-)


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I also love that both SSK and PYC keep smiling and kind of laughing, during the whole answer-respond the questions session.


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Yeah! Since they asked about each other's feelings, it shows how comfortable they are with eacl other real life! Which is really, really nice! (Unlike Yoon eun hye in Missing you, they don't seem to interact much off-screen, i felt my heart was empty. Correct me if I am wrong).

And I liked that yoochun was hesitant before he braced himself DA QUESTION,

'YOU.... you have a thing for me, isn't it?'

And daring her. I WAS NERVOUS FOR HIM TOO. Hahaha. He looks really happy, it makes me wanna ship them in real life.

Go yoochun! I approve of you and Shin Se Kyung!


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@ Feliss,

I didn't watch I Miss You, so I don't know much about what happened BTS with that drama. I can't comment on that. I agree with you, they do look comfortable with each other, or at least comfortable enough to dare each other in that way, which is what the host wanted, and that was obvious. I think that was why PYC dared SSK. Because the host made that comment about them going easy on each other.

But PYC was also nervous about asking that question, and that was cute to see, really. He still gets nervous, that's nice, and good. And yes, he did look happy (more like relieved, I think), poor chipmunk :-) I really loved that she dared him back. Good for her. She seemed bolder, less shy than him. I don't ship them in real life, however. Thank you for sharing that video again :-)



I think you are reading him right. I noticed that your observations about him are spot on. Even the little things like how sincere he hugs. I've been watching several videos of him and articles about him for a couple of weeks now and found out he really seems to be shy. But he's also cheeky and a total dork when he's with his JYJ members. He's a very respectful guy and is more comfortable with older people. I saw a video where he hugged an ajhuma fan, you could totally feel the sincerity in the hug. I should think it's fan service, but no I don't think so. In his group he seems to be the least to do fan service. Uhm he doesn't bare his chest no matter how his fans want him to (their only chance is a wardrobe malfunction haha), he doesn't Tweet (anymore), bows his head shyly at airports (when some celebrities would be waving and smiling) and.. well, you've seen that video with SSK. And here is the best, I read this in another thread about TGWSS. An elderly hotel cleaner asked a JYJ staff if the guys were big stars in Asia. When the staff said yes, the old guy said the one staying at Room 2330 is really nice and even though he is a celebrity, he never once acted like one and spent a lot of time talking to him about everything. Apparently, that guy at Room 2330 was Park (then Micky) Yuchun. This is what the staff said: "Fan service is smiling for the cameras, being ever friendly in a switched on star mode… but when a cleaner in a hotel, someone who is often bypassed by most tourists who come and go, tell you the story of a star who has taken the time to know about him and asks about his well being behind closed doors on a daily basis, lies truly a kind person with a good heart … and that person is Micky."

I couldn't resist sharing this with you to confirm what you have been seeing in him thus far. :)


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@ Maxene,

It's really nice to read your comment, thank you! I get the sense (based on your response) that you have been reading my comments for a while now, at least during the recaps of this drama (when I have posted some comments, that is).

So I do read him right huh? That's good. I feel that we never know with these celebs, many of whom have a public persona, and who they really are in private. And since I have never met any of them, I tend to be cautious.

About this, "I noticed that your observations about him are spot on. Even the little things like how sincerely he hugs." Yeah, I tend to pay attention when I watch a drama or a variety show, etc... And I try to see if I can pick on things that they do or say. Some things PYC does, seem to be PYC himself, and he infuses his character with those traits, like the way he hugs, or caresses with his thumb (and I love that :-) ), or the way he caresses the back of the person when he hugs, etc...

About this, "found out he really seems to be shy." I really didn't know that he was shy (at least in public). That's interesting to me. And I love this, "He’s a very respectful guy and is more comfortable with older people," which I also find interesting, and I can relate to that. Many older children are like that. I am a 1st born in my family, and so is he.

Awww about this, "I saw a video where he hugged an ajhuma fan, you could totally feel the sincerity in the hug." I am an ajumma, could he hug me too? :-) (a hug would be good enough for me). I love that he doesn't bare his chest (good for him), and that he doesn't tweet (I don't either). And this, "bows his head shyly at airports" (another Awww from me). I really loved him in 3 Days, and he didn't have to take his shirt off in that (and I didn't need that). I was interested in his acting, really. I know what a man's chest looks like, I don't feel the need to see them all the time. Also, could you please post the link to that video where he was hugging the ajumma?

This, "the old guy said the one staying at Room 2330 is really nice and even though he is a celebrity, he never once acted like one and spent a lot of time talking to him about everything. Apparently, that guy at Room 2330 was Park (then Micky) Yuchun." Sounds like the testament of who PYC really is, and I hope that he will stay that way. And I agree with everything that staff person said, because he is totally right. And that also shows how much PYC cares about people. I do the same by the way, I tend to talk to almost everyone, and I have cleaned houses to pay for college (and even after college), so I know that feeling well, of being seen and treated as "just the cleaner" (or the maid). I understand how that cleaner felt, because of how well PYC treated him.


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@ Ivoire

I'm glad that you have had your questions answered and been given an idea of what PYC is like. I didn't know myself.

I feel that when it comes to dramas, the main focus should be on how good the writing is, how well executed the show is and how well acted it is.

Therefore fan service like showing of abs which draws attention to appearance rather than skill and ability is unfortunate if taken too far, but I guess, fun, in bits. However, what you are saying, I believe is that actors/actresses who rely on their appearance may not hone their acting skills as much. I am wary of frequent body exposure by one or a few for that reason.

That being said however, sometimes the actors may not have much of a choice if the exposure is written into their roles or if the PD insists or if it's part of their contract. What to do... we can be shallow and PDs have to make a popular show. :( :)


@ GB,

1-I sent you an email, FYI.

2-My answer is on page 2, here:

51 Ivoire May 4th, 2015 at 9:17 PM

Happy reading :-)



Yes, I've been reading your comments for a while now. That's why when you comment on things not so apparent to others I would be like awww she saw it too! And I'm a sucker for meaty paragraphs haha. I just love reading and reading and reading. But I don't participate in the discussions, I just observe. And learn. But I couldn't resist this time, all because of this PYC. I blame it on the girl who posted PYC's video singing Saiai a couple of episodes ago. That got me started on this little hunt haha!

Here is the link to the video I was talking about:

The video is a bit long. The part where they were hugging fans is around 9:50. I think I was wrong when I said it was an ajhuma fan haha. Looks like a noona fan on second look. Well, this noona fan would love to get a hug from PYC, too haha!

I, too, like to know a little bit more about an actor's/actress' background behind the celebrity face. Of course, that's not always possible, or one could easily be mislead. But sometimes you chance upon someone who seems to be the real deal. I think PYC is one such. The more you dig dipper, the more he gets interesting. And real.

So now, Moo Gak is more than just Moo Gak for me. (Even if he was made to look stupid and gullible by the writer because of that spyware.) I love Moo Gak, but I'm also loving the man behind Moo Gak. :D And for what little it's worth, SSK's acting works for me. I think she's nailing it as Cho Rim.


@ Maxene,

Great to read from you, as always! I am still in the middle of boxes, and I am traveling today, so I won't respond right now, I might get long winded :-) And I can't afford to do that right now.
Thank you so much for your response, I loved reading it. I will be back to respond later (and it could be after the recap for ep.11 has been posted), so please feel free to check back here, later (or much later). I tend to like to finish my conversations :-) So I just wanted to let you that I have seen your post, though I can't respond right now. Enjoy episodes 11 and 12. Two more weeks of TGWSS, after this week's episodes.


@ Maxene, Part 2:

And that DOES really speak volumes about who PYC is, at least that aspect of his personality. Because to be honest, PYC could have just been courteous and polite. However (and probably because PYC himself is more comfortable around older people), PYC took a genuine interest in that older man, and that older man could sense it. It is hard to fool older people, they have life experience, and they know what they see in people. Also, PYC didn't just do that once, he did it EVERY time he saw that man. I don't believe that one does that, if s/he is not genuinely interested in the person, because PYC would not gain anything from doing that. AND that cleaner was clearly touched by PYC's behavior, and we know why. It is interesting to me, that that older man was actually impressed by how PYC treated him, and not by his worldly (celebrity) status, hum… I really hope he will stay like that. It is to his advantage, I think. To be grounded, to be kind, to be (truly) respectful towards others, and to be considerate are always good traits to have.

About this, "I couldn’t resist sharing this with you to confirm what you have been seeing in him thus far." And thank you so much for doing that. You absolutely made my day. I tend to want to find out about celebs, if I like them in a drama or a movie. I feel the need to know who they are as a person, because 1-I don't really want to worship people, 2-I am actually more interested in who they are as people, more so than the acting or singing, which they can always improve on. I don't want to support someone who in real life only cares about him/herself. So you confirming what I saw and sensed, makes me feel better. Thank you so much for doing that :-)


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@ maxene,

OK, I want to add one last thought, sorry for the many posts. I keep thinking, even after I write and post a comment.

I actually like and appreciate that PYC does not take his shirt off that easily. I think it says something about where he wants the focus to be, at least as far as he is concerned. With him not taking his shirt off, people have to focus on other things, like his singing, or acting, or personality, which also means that he needs to improve in those areas. It's like that common thinking or thought, that people who are not handsome or very pretty tend to want to develop other traits (or improve in those), because they know that they need to be attractive in other areas (to make up for the perceived "lack" of beauty). I hope I am making sense. I also think that it humbles PYC to not want to have women screaming at him (only, or mostly) for his body. And that works for me :-)


@ivoire @maxene

These might be an interesting read for you if you want to know more about yc and the type of actor he wanted to be
There are more interesting translated articles there about yc if you wanted to read more :). Just to add some more about him (from what I read and watch about him), regarding acting, he really wanted to be the type of actor that people won't care how he looks like, instead just focused on his character/acting.
I'm a long time fan, so I do have my own opinion about him as a person and for me he's a very likable and warm person and very low profile. You won't see him in events unless it's about his acting/singing career and his close friends meaning JYJ and his seniors at the company.
You're right when you said he laugh easily. He can laugh at anything and it has always makes the atmosphere brighter(hehe..for me anyway). He also has a very sweet and warm smile that feels very honest :). Haha, I can talk a lot about him but I'll stop now.


@ mine,
Thank you for that info. I appreciate it. I will look at it later :-)



Thank you for feeding my PYC cravings! I knew it! I knew I was on to something. The articles you shared just proved it haha.


I'm just like you about abs. Not into it as much as broad shoulders haha! So it's okay with me if PYC won't be providing that Kdrama staple. NGM is doing just fine.

"It’s like that common thinking or thought, that people who are not handsome or very pretty tend to want to develop other traits (or improve in those), because they know that they need to be attractive in other areas (to make up for the perceived “lack” of beauty)." - But Ivoire, he is a handsome dude. I know he thinks and says he's not, but he is haha! Or am I wearing rose-tinted glasses this early on? :D


@ Maxene, Hi *Waves*

Still in the middle of boxes, so I won't be long (I can't). I am packing for a move this week. I will be back later to answer, hopefully before the next recap. If you remember, and want to read my thoughts, check back here later. Otherwise, I will understand, if you have moved on :-) I am sure you can understand the level of stress I feel right now :-)


Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!!

The writing is getting flimsy, so I hope they can reveal more details soon. Curious about Detective Oh and Chief of Police. Did they strike some sorta deal 3 years ago so that Oh would be off the case and just take care of CR?

Still surprised that JH hasn't seen the letter and only became alert when that tech called CR Choi Eun Seol. I was wondering who would know about her real identity first after Lt. Yeom and it looks like CR has found out herself before MG. This might cause her to want to distant herself from MG rather than what some of us were worried about in the last ep of MG's reaction if he were to find out. I also think Lt. Yeom wanted MG off the case to delay the shock/pain the revelation would bring.

Lots of MG-CR cute moments ago! The daydreams were funny. XD It's gonna be a contrast to what's coming when the truth is out!!

Good that JH is a suspect again to MG. While JH seemed smart with the foresight about the DNA testing and inflicted the wound upon himself, it was also a slip-up. As MG pointed out, how could he hand known if he had not witnessed where the escapee had hurt his arm.

CR's memories coming back... I can understand how scared, confused, and bewildered she must have felt. When MG was having a hard time, it's eerie that she also experienced the same thing. She thought her parents had died when she had just been on the phone with her mom.

Anyway, looking forward to next ep. Let's hope we get some answers.


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"Curious about Detective Oh and Chief of Police. Did they strike some sorta deal 3 years ago so that Oh would be off the case and just take care of CR?"

I'm curious too, it seems they had stuck some sort of a deal that no one other than them two are aware off, wonder what that is.


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It's hard to guess at this point. Detective Oh was heading up the Barcode Murder Case back then, right? Must have taken something serious or important for him to be willing to give it up. Yet, he is still very much in touch with what is happening with this case. So, keeping CR's identity under wraps must have been part of the deal since other police were led to believe the witness is already dead. I thought Detective Oh took CR in cuz he had lost his own daughter and CR could fill that hole in his heart. But then I don't understand why he's away all the time and what he does exactly... Shouldn't he be keeping an eye on her to protect her better? =0


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In previous dramas, Shin Se Kyung was the shy, timid, and quiet type who wasn't supposed to show a lot of emotion which is why people thought she wasn't good. Also because she was a new actress she didn't have a lot of experience in the field. But I've watched Shin Se Kyung ever since she came out as Cheonmyung in Queen Seondeok and I think her acting now is very realistic and into the character. You can see the effort so we should applaud her acting! I love this drama :)


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I found she is the shy type lady since every time I watched her in Running Man, even in the latest ep of her with Lt.Yeom, she still looks awkward hanging around with the boys especially. I watched some of her projects but never watched her BTS so IDK how her chemistry when off screen. In this drama she surprised me how comfortable she was with Yoochun even off screen. Yoochun, did u hypnotize her? LOL! I'm glad that finally I can love her as much I love our hero and even cheering their lovey doveys as well!


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I didn't manage to watch much of SSK's work before this, this is pretty much the first drama I've seen her in and I personally think she's doing a great job in playing the role of OCR.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again, I'm just so glad that she's confirmed for the role instead of all those confirmed or rumoured offered the role.

It's because of her playing the role of OCR and of course PYC who's doing awesome in playing the role of CMG, that I get to meet with my fave OTP of all-time, my Mu-rim couple, lol. Their chemistry is something else.


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Yes !!!! Gonna be my favourite OTP forever


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I just wanna say that I love Namgoong Min. okay, that's it.


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Hehe you and I both dearie ;)


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Yes, me too! I've loved him for a long time and he is seriously creeping me out this time. What a good villain!


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Me three!

As the killer he's terrifying because he's so blank and mild, but when he's flirting with Cho-rin I can almost see a ship forming (if it wasn't for him being a killer)


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Yes! I am also kinda smitten. And I ended up watching every single episodes of the MinYoung couple on We Got Married in between waiting for the latest episodes of Girl Who Sees Smells. Namkoong Min is so so so different in person! So hard to hate Chef Kwon because I have seen how adorable Namkoong Min can be, although Chef Kwon is REALLY creepy (Namkoong Min, you are a superb actor!).

I have also watched an interview of Namkoong Min in a show called People Inside. I really respect him as an actor. He reminded me somewhat of Ji Sung (another superb actor) though they have really very different personality.

B.t.w. when Oh Chorim put that melon seed on her face, I immediately think of Namkoong Min's "wife" Hong Jinyoung on We Got Married. I think Namkoong Min's smile at that time was really genuine as he might have been reminded of his "wife".


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I am enjoying the show. I think it is the best show on right now to my taste.


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Hi 5! Glad I'm not alone :D


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Is it sad that I can't help but keep seeing Nam Goong Min as the sweet guy from We Got Married? For some reason I can't see him as a villain at all, even if he's hella creepy here...am I the only one feeling this? NGM always plays the sweet good guy...


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Yeah that's why he's boring as hell and never in danger of actually getting the girl. I like him much better this way. I've always thought he is a good looking man but one of the most boring unappealing second leads in kdrama. He's actually sexier this way as a handsome dangerous killer. It suits his deadpan acting style. The devil in a flowered shirt!


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He played the psychopathic villain in "Birth of a Chaebol" (or something like that) and he really excelled in that one.


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I share your feeling, almost. Namkoong Min is such a good actor that I can see him been CREEPY and really even more creepy esp when he is so superbly gorgeous and lovely looking. But I really can't hate him the way I really did hate that villain from TheKings2Hearts.

He doesn't always play sweet good guy. He played a very complex character in "Do you hear my voice" very well. Completely disarming when he smiled in the drama too.


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ARghh, go away cliffhanger, I hate you!! :(
Cho-rim, please stay safe, yes???

Ten episodes in, and I'm still loving the show, how's that possible? hahaha
I must be your biggest fan, I love you, Show!


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I was really enjoying the couple parts since Yoochun and Shin Se-kyung are adorable together, but the thing that really frustrates me is the standard incompetent kdrama policing.

I mean, WHY is Yeom sitting on her butt and not letting the rest of her team even know that the witness is alive even if she can't reveal Cho-rim's identity? Why is Cho-rim's adopted dad such a fail as a parent i.e. leaving his daughter alone for ages and not even leaving her any protection because, you know, she's a witness and the killer is still out there?

And the ending....whoa. That's some cliffhanger.


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I feel you..why doesnt she want to tell anybody about anything...it seems that she already do investigation on jaehee past and now she knows about almost everything..what exactly is she trying to come out with..i hope the writer give justification on her actions..and the dad..whats with him and the barcode case and the chief..is it possible that they made wrong decision last time in the barcode case and trying to cover it...? but it still doesnt make sense to me...lol


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You people are just mean. The casting is one of the saving graces of this drama. It's working. Everything from Shin Se kyung being better at comedy to Nam Goog min being the devil himself in a flowered shirt. Yoochun rarely makes mistakes whether it's the roles he chooses or the fact that he's turned out to be a very versatile young actor. If you can't stand watching just stop. That's what I do when I hate something and it get's boring. I feel bad for the poor girl now. I mean talk about terrible casting. When a Man Loves was a tragedy enough to kill any career. It'snot like the girl had much to work with there either. Song Seung hun is famous for being the worst actor in korea. A distinction that has a fair amount of competition.


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Two thumbs up, agree with every word you've said here.

"If you can’t stand watching just stop. That’s what I do when I hate something and it get’s boring."
Exactly. And just for the record, I've lost count on how many times I've done this :p but I've never wasted my time leaving nasty remarks to make them actors/actresses look bad, what do you get out of it? Like really. Well, unless you've your own dirty ulterior motives, then that will be an entirely different story, haha.


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My thoughts exactly.


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Can i say that i find JH even when he is smiling/laughing very very false,don't see him being genuine at all...he might be but i don't feel it at all just playing the part ...


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Oh gee, LollyPip, now you have me worrying also about what all Detective Oh's been up to. Can i bear another weird twist? Can i bear another flaky plot thread that goes nowhere?
Thanks for the recap.


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I'm confused by Jae-hee's attitude towards Cho-rim. On the outside, he seems wanting to get close to her (buying her a dress, wanting to get to know her, smiling at her). Is he flirting with her? But the next second, he has this creepy look , so... is he playing with her? Does he have any intention of hurting her? Does he know her real identity? If no, then why this attitude?


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i found him false and so damn creepy like he is seeing her as his next"ingredient" just like the talk he had with her then.i saw it as him talking about how he chooses his victims for his crimes type..don't find him genuine at all...more than sure he plays the nice dude card to make her like him,let her guard down and then strike even more having "marked" Mu Gak and wanting to get at him were it hurts him more...


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@ sophie

I'm guessing that JH uses his charm to lure his next victims.

Since JH's character has been written to be inconsistent (as Jon G. mentioned in the last recap thread... he is shown as both "methodical and impulsive") it is hard for us to guess accurately.

On the one hand, he is possibly priming persons for the kill in a year's time, on the other, he is prepared to kill with or without adding the barcode cuts, if a person shows up as a threat. Poor CR can qualify for either way of being killed!!! LOL! oh... sorry... no laughing mattter, actually.



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"Jae-hee does laugh (I told you to stop smiling like that!) and says that he thinks Cho-rim is very funny, and it makes him want to know more about her."

I agree! this is the first time ever I involuntarily found a villain being cute LOL (oh well, almost, until he says he wants to know more about Chorim, he's back to creepy)

I don't know why, but I keep getting a feeling that Jaehee already saw the letter but he's wanted to test if Chorim knows about her real identity because she doesn't seem to recognise him?

Because it seems too much of a coincidence for Chorim to find a cookbook right beside the letter. It feels like a trap. (Ok I'm even suspecting that the "old friend" of Chorim is a fake too, haha.) But I'm probably just thinking too much! It's an unlike theory since Jaehee didn't seem to have notice the letter when he was shelving the books. But it would more sense to me it if was a trap!

and YES! Our MuRim couple is just tooooo cute every time. They make me envious! Despite those plot holes, I still really enjoy the mood of the show, alternating between the cute, funny, and thrilling moments!


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"Because it seems too much of a coincidence for Chorim to find a cookbook right beside the letter. It feels like a trap."

I fear that it's just coincidental writing. Like the soup triggering Cho-rim's memory, for example.


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i think also it doesn't mention him at all,only what he wanted to do in respect of her back then so when more like he'll have the evidence she's the one he is looking and that the doctor knew who she is(even with the x-ray's found in that locker)...and she more than sure cried because of what he said and hint will not suspect JH about it...in the case he might say the truth that he wasn't aware of the letter in the books.still a bit curious how he didn't find the letter when he put the books there


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When he put the books there, his phone rang with an incoming spy text and distracted him.
That was a very clever little scene, we only see the letters in the book for less than a second. Show, don't tell.
(The main problem is that, as a viewer, I have to constantly switch my brain on and off, and I have no indicators when to do what ...)


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This getting a cookbook scene was truly to move the plot along to get JH and CR together with that letter.

I was wondering how on earth she was supposed to know which cookbook and where it should be in that huge library of shelves and books. The fact that she would hone in on only that shelf to books so high up that she could barely reach them and see the letter immediately when the books fell... then boldly read a letter that she couldn't possibly know as addressed to her ..... marvellous coincidences!!


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I wonder if Suzy took the role if she would have better chemistry with YC. Anyways Namgoong Min is seriously taking the thunder away from the two leads. He's so freaking good as the Barcode killer that he's giving Shin Sung Rok a run for his money.


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Loving this couple so much!! ^_^ They are so cute together. I don't know why everyone has to be so technical about the actors..As long as I enjoy it an their chemistry seems and feels real is all that matters..If you focus too much on their skills,you will never be able to enjoy the drama (How boring). Just watch and enjoy ^_^ ♥


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There are different philosophical views about pleasure. Some people believe that life is to short for bad wine, other people believe that, as long as their is alcohol in it, it will do the trick.

"If you focus too much on their skills,you will never be able to enjoy the drama (How boring)."

The first sort of people has to resort to dramas that were produced with good skill instead. It's much more difficult, of course, as they have to find them first.


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Perverse pleasure is better than none!


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+1 chemistry is all that matters to me


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Thanks a lot for the recap lollypip!


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Screaming inwardly because of that backhug near the sink, only to get me feeling embarrassed when it turned put to be a daydream. Hahahaha.

I hope these confusing stuff gets nicely revealed towards the end--that these plot holes are necessary frustrations to get things come full circle. The romance bit of the show IS a winner. I totally love their chemistry and interactions. It's a kind of love that you want to have, and it's a kind of love that you wish would survive despite the pending reveal. So I hope that mystery flourishes. I am putting my trust in the writer/s of this show, so please don't disappoint! :-)

P. S.

All you haters hate on Shin Se-kyung all you want, but I totally love her this show. Can't imagine anyone else who'd have done it as adorably as she's done. Her chemistry with Yoochun is aces.


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* turned out
** in this


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+ 1 love ssk in this drama


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Agreed, romance is truly the winner in this show. I´m on the verge of dropping SC every week, but then I still find myself sitting through another ep, because Mu-gak and Cho-rim are just too cute to be true. Only problem is that the cutesy part will be over soon:(

I really like Shin Se-kyung in this role too!


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I'm so relieved to hear you say that. yes, haters gonna hate.


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Have you guys seen bts trailer? If you haven't, then here it is:https://youtu.be/XRTmFLglVyM
They are so cute! OMG


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Oh my goodness, I would have loved this trailer to bits! The one that was released was Mugak -centric, whereas Cho Rim/Shin Se Kyung is so adorable in this!!


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OMG Shin Se Kyung is so cute here!! CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!


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Yes! I like it very much that shin se kyung is not afraid to look silly and go all out to do her comedic acts! A little dorky and cute!


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Some beanies and I were discussing the "lack" of 6 packs on PYC (apparently he doesn't have them). However, looking at that video, the muscles on his chest are really well defined, and he seems to have a strong stomach (and a strong back) as well based on what I could see, from his sweater.


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The pervert is so weird. hahaha. I want mugak hug me like that too. kyaaa too sweet. and the hug was not an end.. mugak washed dishes, chorim scratched his nose.. that is sooo adorable. my sister saw this scene and even said : I've never have an urge to have a boyfriend but after seeing this.. I want one. ok to be spesific the one like mugak. oh no, I want mugak himself.
lol I want too!

they are so natural. I love their light kissing and the comedy between them. pyc's face when he felt itchy was so adorable, it triple adorablr when chorim scratch for him. awwwwwwwww looks very much like a cutie cat..

I feel the tense is up again.. when mugak scolded by chorim for step out the line to enter jaehee's house, I realize how chorim's feel when she catched the murderer on eps 5. I love everything about them. from chorim save our mugak, she scolded him, he lashed out, she hold his hands, their cute conversation, and.. the daydreaming scenes. they are not extra rich chaebol or extremely poor couple

It will be turning point for mugak. he out from the investigation team and he will know about chorim. I touched with yeom decision to protect murim, who are actually victims from this barcode murder and now is in happy and better condition. because of her kindness, at least jaehee will not get any info from police. if there is any. lol so far mugak was the one who found out the info. idk why but maybe mugak's out from the team will reduce the risk from that cheat and cheap spyapp.


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mugak's voice 'Owwwwhh Cho Rim..' when he hugged chorim after that cheesy lines.. sooo husssskkkkyyyy. don't ever say a line like that again mugak, please, thats dangerous. poor my weak heart.


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Equal opportunity moments of swoon and skinship for Cho-Rim & Mu-Gak — that's the way to do it writer Lee Hee-Myung.

The look on their faces and ours...Ha, we were punk'd/trolled twice.
(1) Cho-Rim backhugging Mu-Gak at the kitchen sink (reality it was just a daydream) vs. Cho-Rim slipping on the kitchen floor.

(2) Mu-Gak snuggling with Cho-Rim on her bed (reality it was just a daydream) vs. Cho-Rim entering her bedroom to find Mu-Gak laying on her bed in a daze.


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It should be illegal to have a negative top comment. I was so excited to read the comments and know the insights and observations but the top comment and the war following that comment made me lose my mood.
Dramabeans please keep this comment section healthy as it was before. It seems like a new brood of haters have migrated here recently.


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It can also be interesting. I read the top comments with an open mind. It was just persons needing to air and vent, ... perhaps some could have done with more consideration. I guess in this microcosm of the world, we meet all kinds of folks and by learning to live with each other (or is it ignore, to an extent?) we slowly learn to respond to the needs rather than to react to the sentiments expressed.

I'm guessing,... since this is totally normal and human, that we can do with attention. Even negative reactions are signs that we are being 'heard' and is better than being ignored.

My little suggestion, if we come across negatives... shall we respond with super positives??? :)


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You've got my vote! ;)


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:) :D


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This is the1st Kdrama I watched (almost) real time, and also the 1st kdrama I watched without the eng sub, then with eng sub.

I have a question. At this stage, has MG connected the dots between the barcode murders to his sister?

With regards to this episode's cliff hanger, I think even if CR realise she is CES, this new revelation will not implicate JH as the barcode murderer. And she wouldn't link herself to the murdered diver couple.

So sorry, I am so confused and have to remind myself that the characters may not know what the viewer know.


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@ so ok

Yes, somehow this show has got me confused too as to how much each character knows or what dots they've joined... possibly because we've found that we need to join lots of dots ourselves!!! LOL!

OK, let's see... MG has already found out that another Choi Eun Sol was in hospital and he also thinks his sister was killed by mistake. From his dealings with Lt Yeom, he also knows that the surviving girl is the witness/daughter of the fisherman couple and therefore will be a potential victim of the barcode murderer. So now that JH knows the witness is alive, she is a potential victim. JH has yet to realise that the witness is none other than Cho Rim - he is about to discover this when he sees the letter written by Doc Chun.

From Cho Rim's point of view, she is discovering that her name really is Choi Eun Sol. She does not know her real parents or how they died, therefore she will not yet be afraid of JH or anyone yet. So the danger is real that she may reveal too much to JH very innocently and become his target.

This was the reason why in episode 2 or 3, I was ranting that her forster dad should have told her the truth. How is a person to protect themselves if they don't know what to avoid revealing or that they should not just trust anyone connected to the barcode murders?

I thought at first that her forster dad just wanted to keep her naively happy with all those lies, but his intent has never been revealed to us. And if he has strange dealings with the Chief of Police and had to quit because of the barcode murders, I start questioning what is that intent. Come on show... reveal more relevant stuff!!!

Anyway, I still say, keeping the truth away from a person who could be in danger out of ignorance is just idiocy and not noble at all!!! So 'Boo to you too, Lt Yeom for hiding this!!!' *rant over* :)


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Thank you, GrowingBeautifully for clarifying. :)


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We evolve as people by listening to others and hearing different opinions. So let's not attack each other personally and instead focus on having a meaningful dialogue, which is enhanced by different thoughts and opinions--implying that people are "haters" for simply having a different opinion and that certain people should be "killed" is neither funny nor respectful.

I respect what everyone is saying about this drama; I personally haven't been able to watch this drama in its entirety. From what I have watched so far, though, Shin Se Kyung is a beautiful actress whose acting talent is very lacking. She's still young and green; perhaps her talent will also evolve and grow. On the other hand, she's great at comedic timing, as showcased in this drama. She just needs to work on those more serious moments that require a more nuanced performance.


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I can’t blame them, it’s the way how these out-of-nowhere people put their words that agitate readers here (especially those who are really following this drama). Some are obviously not watching the drama but are here to create a mess, for reasons only they know.

I bet if your comment was the first comment here, the replies will turn out differently. It all boils down to respect. If you know how to comment respectfully, then respect is what you will get in return. Respect begets respect. Peace.


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The cliffhanger almost made me scream out of fear for CR's safety, and I don't have any idea what will happen next. Good job, show.
I shamelessly admit that I am still enjoying the show, flaws and all. MuRim couple is just too adorable and cute I can never grow tired of them. Shin Se-kyung is nailing her role imo. Writer of TGWSS is as troll as Yuchoon I swear. :D

Thank you for the recap LollyPip. ^^
"I told you not to do that!" Haha Killer is irresistible when he smiles right? :D


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I'm pretty sure Yeom sent down Mu Gak to protect him from the pain of knowing that the woman he loves is the reason his sister was killed. Since she knows that cho rim is the witness and mu gak's story


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I don't think her kicking MG out of the team will make any difference though. Remember MG knows that his sister was killed because the killer had mistaken her for CES-the witness. He will eventually find out the truth (OCR being the witness)wether he's on the team or not, but I really hope he will not blame CR for his sister's death. If she's worried of how MG's personal relationship with the witness wıll affect his job then she should have kicked him out when she found out MG's reason in joining the team. Besides, Det Yeom should have realized by now that MG is better than those three stooges combined, so why let him go?


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@ Giegie
Thanks for clearing that up. I was not entirely sure if I remembered this right or got the who knows what clear.

Lt Yeom's behavior is totally irrational to me.

1) Letting MG stay in the team
2) Letting him risk his life in hospital without someone hiding in the room with him at least
3) Befriending CR out of the blue to the point of spending precious time doing up a face composite... something a lower ranking officer should be doing (I only guess it was because CR lied that she wanted to have dinner with Yeom)
4) Kicking MG out so suddenly that it will definitely make him rebel
5) Hiding the truth from MG and CR when they need that info to protect themselves.

Still ... I will watch with perverse pleasure ... hey, it's still pleasure!! :D No seriously, there's still stuff to enjoy just that it could have been that 30% or ??% more enjoyable if the investigation made more sense. :)


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Same here. I will still watch with pleasure, if only for our adorable OTP. I'll just switch off my brain when it comes to the investigation stuff. One more thing about Det Yeom is that her voice and the way she talks bothers & annoys me sometimes. I watched Iljimae few weeks ago and her voice in that drama was not as bad as in TGWSS.


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LOL! @ Giegie

If her voice and manner of speaking bother you, then there's nothing much she can do except speak with a false voice, ... n which case, she will irritate me!!! LOL!

I do not remember seeing her in any of the shows I've watched. But then, I do not watch that many, I guess. :)


Thanks, LollyPip!

I am also confused by Det Oh, but I think in his own way, he's doing his best to protect Cho Rim. He must have discovered something that made him quit the police force and faked Cho Rim's death, even to the police. Otherwise,he a detective--should know that Cho Rim is better protected under the witness protection program. Perhaps he suspected that there's an informant in the police, possibly someone who has high security clearances that could access Cho Rim's files.

As for leaving Cho Rim alone all the time, I am more forgiving than some others. Det Oh leaves every time he suspects that he is being tailed by someone--perhaps usually the police. If they found Cho Rim with him, then they would know that Cho Rim is still alive. Also, he does not know about Mu Gak, Cho Rim's recent breakthroughs and the fact that Det Yeom now knows. But he is watching everything closely and might surprise us later.

Det Yeom strikes me as a competent detective willing to do almost anything to catch killer. Allowing Mu Gak to work on the case is a risky undertaking. Yes, his smarts is invaluable, but his personal involvement and Lone Wolf tendencies could land the entire department in hot waters. Mu Gak should have been taken off the case after his explosive confrontation with Dr. Chun. Subsequent incidents--the stabbing, the dogged chasing down of the fake killer, and the breaking-in of Chef Kwon's house--demonstrate that Mu Gak does not play by the book.

I am actually glad that she took him off the case. This enables Det Yeom to keep her job and hopefully she could be of great help once Mu Gak starts to go after Chef Kwon himself. I think Mu Gak is starting to realize he cannot catch Chef Kwon via the conventional route through following proper police procedures. It feels as if the writer is setting up a final showdown between Mu Gak and Chef Kwon.

Btw, I still enjoying this drama despite the flawed writing in the suspense/mystery component. Since the suspense part serves more or less as a major plot device to the main story arc, I don't expect the details to be completely logical or flawless. And so far, the show hasn't jumped the shark for me. Ultimately, this drama is all about the OTP and their journey toward achieving healing and love.


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@ Lotus_Blossom

Yes, thanks for your thoughts... I'm beginning to believe that the way Oh acts is as though he does not trust someone in the police and is trying to lead the police away from CR rather than towards her. Again, it would be nice to be given more hints as to why he should believe this or act this way.

If this is to do with the Barcode Murders, then we should be shown by now that JH has some link to the police to give Oh justification for his actions.

Interesting about what you say about the prep for a showdown. It is very likely as a plot pusher, that Yeom has to get MG out of the team so that he can run more wild and free to confront JH. That is totally in sync with how the story has been written.

"the suspense part serves more or less as a major plot device to the main story arc, I don’t expect the details to be completely logical or flawless." Yes, this is definitely it ... I always hope (and the hope was fulfilled in Healer!) that the mystery part and the romance part will be equally consistent, develop well so that viewers can follow the flow and have our share of trying to crack the mystery while enjoying the romance. However it's obviously hard to write both a good romance in a good mystery, so usually one has to give. If we accept that the main story arc or the only part of the story that is supposed to matter, is the growth and healing of CR and MG, then this show is doing a good job. :D

I'm still not able to accept that the murders are only the unimportant sub-plot, but I'm able to just flow with the main and see what happens next. :)


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