Book giveaway: P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han
by javabeans
We’re back with another book giveaway!
Perhaps you’ll recall that we did a giveaway last year for the young adult novel To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han, which we were happy to do because the book was sweet, funny, and thoughtfully written, from the perspective of a Korean-American teenager falling in love and navigating her first romance. Jenny is herself quite the drama fan, and I thought To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before even read like a drama plot transferred to novel form (I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t picturing certain K-drama actors in the roles).
The fabulous Ms. Han has written the sequel to To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, P.S. I Still Love You, which released just today — and since the last giveaway went so well, she’s giving us 5 copies to give away to Dramabeans readers.
Girlfriday and I have read the book, and it’s difficult to talk about the plot without giving away spoilers for the first one (which we don’t want to spoil since you should really just go read it!) — but suffice to say that heroine and middle sister Lara Jean still has her sisterly bonding moments, her fair share of embarrassing teenage-girl foibles, and a love triangle to twist you up, but in a good way (since both boys are such great characters).
Leave a comment below, sharing your favorite K-drama set in high school. (Jenny names Answer Me 1997 as hers. I did love that one, but if I had to pick something else as my most addictive, I might have to go with Boys Before Flowers. I know! But it was cracktastic evil magic, okay? Girlfriday says both recent seasons of School, though she reserves the right to rescind School 2015 if Eun-bi picks the wrong boy. You know which one we mean!)
Be sure to leave a valid email address, since that’s how we’ll get in touch with winners.
This giveaway is unfortunately limited to U.S. entrants; apologies to all of you outside of the States.
Deadline: Thursday, May 28, at midnight PST. We’ll announce winners shortly thereafter.
If you’d like to buy the book instead, it’s now available from Simon and Schuster, Amazon, and other retailers.
Tags: giveaways
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251 Sweetysmiles
May 26, 2015 at 9:48 PM
My favorite high school drama was shut up flower boy band. It had that feel that organic feeling of how high school really felt, the angst, love and that desire to reach your dreams. I just loved how it was shot beautifully and not overly done by the media.
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252 pb12
May 26, 2015 at 10:36 PM
I loved the first book! So excited for the sequel!
A favorite high school drama is very hard to choose...I think I too am going to have to go with Shut Up Flower Boy Band. Those two first episodes sucked me in so hard in a way that few dramas have. It was also the first drama I watched as it was airing-torture!! Sweet, sweet torture.
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253 bbangddeok
May 26, 2015 at 10:43 PM
I have a soft spot for high school kdramas... too many to choose from but the ones that pop up (and stay) in my head are 1. Sangdoo Let's Go to School (seriously? heart-broken forever), 2. High School King of Reversals (um, it is weird how they romanticize high schoolers dating(marrying?!) older women/teachers in kdramas, but I liked the quirky characters and it was fun... although I really liked Answer Me 1997 too, Eunji's satoori kinda scared me haha) 3. Shut Up Family (very well-written, esp. loved how the bbang-shuttle and girl who keeps a reputation but wants friends become step-siblings and help each other overcome their hardships (and I laughed so hard when they played the Autumn in My Heart song))
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254 Dennykiwi
May 26, 2015 at 10:51 PM
Probably Answer Me 1997! It's so precious.
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255 Brigette Elaine
May 26, 2015 at 10:54 PM
Hello! I'm from the Philippines.
I would say that my all time favorite korean drama is BOY OVER FLOWERS! I keep on watching it every year since my friends told me about it and I really love it. It will never grow old for me. Lee Min-ho <3 Ku Hye-sun FOREVER!!!!! <3
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256 kirin
May 26, 2015 at 11:03 PM
I'm torn between Shut Up Flower Boy Band and White Christmas. But if I absolutely had to choose? It would be White Christmas. The question it asked and its themes are something that I once in every occasion i still think about.
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257 Michie
May 26, 2015 at 11:14 PM
My favorite would be Answer Me 1997 as well because I loved all the old school Kpop they had in the drama. It brought back so many good memories of my HOT and SES days. Hehe. 90's Kpop!! :))
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258 Kat
May 26, 2015 at 11:31 PM
If we're talking about sets, then I'd totally pick Goong because all that prettiness! If we're picking plot, I'd pick something else...which would be hard since there's a LOT that I love. Maybe Biscuit Teacher Star Candy? That, or School 2013. Also: yes, Eunbi needs to pick the right guy. Or else.
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259 Sara
May 26, 2015 at 11:38 PM
Who are you school 2015 is my top, but I love reply 1997 almost as much as I love Jenny 3 <3
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260 Brittany
May 26, 2015 at 11:41 PM
so i basically just read all of to all the boys I've loved before and i absolutely loved it!!! my favorite kdrama set in high school would be school 2015!
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261 Melissa
May 26, 2015 at 11:45 PM
Shut up flower boy band!
Adorable Sung joon :)
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262 Karen
May 26, 2015 at 11:53 PM
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. I really enjoyed this drama. Not only was it my first time watching the lead characters act, it was also the first time I've ever heard of 'gumiho'. I love the characters chemistry and their growing understanding of love... Plus the humor and the overall cuteness of the drama. ~chicken~
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263 Missopm
May 27, 2015 at 12:01 AM
Mine would have to be playful kiss. I was rooting for the main girl
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264 Erika
May 27, 2015 at 12:13 AM
Definitely Boys Before Flowers!!!!
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265 Maymay
May 27, 2015 at 12:23 AM
Shut up flower boy band. Goong. Cinderella sister.
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266 mightymango
May 27, 2015 at 12:26 AM
does white christmas count?! no matter how long it's been I always find myself itching to rewatch it — & ok, so the last episode or two have a number of silly flaws (like, the police REALLY can't differentiate an eight-day frozen body over a newly dead one?), but they hardly dent the love I have for this show. its bleak atmosphere heightened by that haunting music (can I have an OST somewhere?)...!! it gives me goosebumps. but the acting, too, is impressive, and the drama is ~mostly~ smartly written. I was hooked from the start & suffered the worst post-drama blues afterward. is there nothing similar to white christmas?
otherwise, I love dream high. I finally got around to watching it last year — & subsequently had a two-day melt down over go hye mi & song sam dong — but, wow. I have't gorged on something like that since BoF.
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267 fanjing
May 27, 2015 at 12:34 AM
I really loved Angry Mom! I think I really had a thing for high school dramas, but I don't quite remember so many and out of the ones I do (Goong, BOF, School 2013) I think I would say Angry Mom was the best in my book! Such an interesting plot haha.
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268 Sue
May 27, 2015 at 3:46 AM
My favorite high school drama would have to be answer me 1997 as well. There's something about the realistic problems and nostalgia that really connects with me and reminds me of my own high school life. I loved everyone of the characters and despite the pacing at times I respected the drama for not having unnecessary angst. I also appreciated the development of all the characters especially that of hoyas. The drama depicted with respect a beautiful portrayal of just a normal gay person without stereotype. I know in many dramas, they tend to think that gay means flamboyant which is not true. Thank you answer me 1997 for being a funny, sweet, and poignant high school drama! Thank you dramabeans for hosting a giveaway! I hope I can win!
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269 dcdramafan
May 27, 2015 at 4:29 AM
School 2015 because the 3 leads are rightfully cast. I see them as their characters. Super rare where i find both male characters equally likeable but comes down to personal type preference. Like the ost so far too. Cross my fingers for an interesting ending. Japan version of BoF comes close. The male and female leads took me by surprise followed by the awesome ost.
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270 annie
May 27, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Shut Up Flower Boy Band, no question. Because, the bromance and the music and the FEELS, and how can a show about such pretty boys feel so authentic to my high school life, and Lee Min-ki and Sung Joon playing electric guitars afjgkhdgs. <3
Definitely my favourite high school drama of all time. Nothing the actors have done since has topped it, especially Sung Joon.
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271 ajewell
May 27, 2015 at 5:54 AM
Dream High!
It proved dreams really can come true when the second-lead finally got the girl! Oh, and there was music and friendship, and lots of robot-acting-meta-jokes. Plus, it makes me nostalgic every time I remember Sam Dong singing to his mother, or the way they banned together to cheer up the man who tried to commit suicide - I loved it all!
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272 Baby panda
May 27, 2015 at 6:19 AM
First choice: what's up.
Second choice: Dream high.
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273 tiffandco
May 27, 2015 at 6:24 AM
I would definitely have to say Dream High holds a special place in my heart as my favorite high school drama.
Thanks javabeans and girlfriday!
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274 shaselai
May 27, 2015 at 6:48 AM
My girlfriend is a ninetailed fox. it was important because it was the first kdrama i seen while browsing Hulu and i got addicted to kdrama ever since!
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275 blobfish
May 27, 2015 at 7:12 AM
Answer me 1997 is my favorite! Nostalgic, cute and reflective - reminds me of my teen years!!
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276 lauggh
May 27, 2015 at 7:25 AM
I'm in the states!
Between Dream High, Angry Mom and School 2013, I'd have to say that School 2013 is probably be my pick for the best high school drama with lots of heart and bromance.
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277 Sharon
May 27, 2015 at 7:26 AM
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278 Marie
May 27, 2015 at 7:42 AM
My favorite is definitely Dream High. Some people get tired of school dramas, but I thought this one was different. There is definitely a big romantic element, but romance isn't the main point of the drama- achieving goals is. I think that kind of dedication can serve to motivate anyone who watches it. And the way that Hye Mi is able to overcome her rivalry with Baek Hee in order to be there for Baek Hee in her time of need shows an incredible amount of character development and growth as a human being on the part of the female lead, which is not always present in dramas. Overall, Dream High is empowering.
For me personally, catching a glimpse of Song Samdong's rather wild hairstyle pushed me down the road to watching Dream High and being exposed to the Korean language, which became my passion. Four years later, I'm a Korean major and have taught myself enough Korean to receive 8 college credit hours for my efforts. Not only did Dream High introduce me to my own dream, but it gave me the motivation to pursue it.
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279 Jane Wu
May 27, 2015 at 7:57 AM
I loved both the Answer Me dramas. But I think I have to pick Angry Mom. Does that count?
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280 Elle
May 27, 2015 at 9:30 AM
My favorite high school drama is High School...Love On...I konw, I know I'm probably the only who likes it (too many comments to verify, LOL) but I really like the actors eventhough they are so new.
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281 Amy
May 27, 2015 at 10:22 AM
Answer me 1997 is the quintessential high school kdrama for me. The 90's old school sound made everything feel so much more poignant and nostalgic. It really felt like a blast from the past. All emotions from the ups and downs of youth felt so real. It will forever be close to my heart.
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282 Ainos
May 27, 2015 at 10:29 AM
Even though many have already said it. It would definitely have to be Answer Me 1997. But with a close second of BoF because it was my gateway drama.
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283 Preeti
May 27, 2015 at 10:46 AM
Not from the US :-( But to name one high school drama that I like, is very difficult.. Coz that's my favourite genre.. Well, School 2013 wins for me...the oodles of cuteness..set very realistically! N the big reason - LEE JONG SUK! (*wink wink*)
also Answer me 1997. Having been a school student in the 90s I could relate with it. Does Delightful girl count??? It was the first ever kdrama I watched.. Can I jus add Boys over flowers too??? Please.. I cant deny my attraction to it even though I do look for logic and realistic portrayals! Didn't I mention I wouldnt be able to stop with one? But somehow heirs didnt click with me much, seeming as if the lead's sole purpose was to get the gal, everthing else be damned n it was too much of a melo all thro the way for me.
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284 Hannah
May 27, 2015 at 10:52 AM
Oh, high school. It's a hard pick between "High School King of Savvy" and "Reply 1997" (both with Seo In Guk I now realize...).
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285 chewie
May 27, 2015 at 10:53 AM
answer me 1997!
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286 wolfpac
May 27, 2015 at 11:23 AM
I have to choose Dream High. I stumbled upon kdramas on Netflix a few years ago, and it was the one that caused my addiction. So cute and funny, with great character growth. It will always have a special place in my heart.
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287 E
May 27, 2015 at 12:58 PM
Dream High! My first drama!
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288 Abbie
May 27, 2015 at 1:03 PM
I also have to pick Boys Before Flowers. It was the first drama I ever saw, too. Love it so much!
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289 Emma
May 27, 2015 at 1:09 PM
I'd have to say that my favorite high school drama will always be Dream High. It isn't the best high school drama out there (Re
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290 Emma
May 27, 2015 at 1:11 PM
My comment mysteriously posted itself before I was done typing. Strange.
Anywho, what I wanted to say was I picked Dream High because it was the drama that got me into both k-pop and k-dramas and for that, it will always be my favorite.
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291 Christina W.
May 27, 2015 at 2:02 PM
Definitely Answer Me 1997....I still like to do marathons of this every year when the mood strikes.
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292 unsavoryplatypus
May 27, 2015 at 2:21 PM
Answer Me 1997, Biscuit Teacher Star Candy, or Flower Boy Ramen Shop!
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293 Michelle
May 27, 2015 at 3:23 PM
Definitely Playful Kiss. I know, I know everyone hates on Kim Hyung Joon in the drama but he was just so perfect as a robot with no feelings. I actually feel really weird saying this now considering the recent domestic violence allegations against him. Damn, now that I'm thinking about that drama is pretty much ruined for me forever at this point, even considering how awesome Jung So Min was. Oh well, maybe Boys over Flowers? Shoot, he was in that one too. Gah. Okay fine, definitely Reply 1997. How could I not? That one hit home too hard for me. I totally felt Shi Won's oppa sarang pain.
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294 Jocelyn
May 27, 2015 at 3:54 PM
There's too many to choose from, but Shut Up Flower Boy Band is pretty high up there. I also really liked White Christmas, so I'm gonna go with those two.
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295 nisakusuma
May 27, 2015 at 4:40 PM
My favorite drama is Nice Guy, Song Jong Ki was perfect to play in this drama. But for me drama which make me always laugh is Reply 1994 but the ending is not good enough.
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296 Jami
May 27, 2015 at 4:55 PM
Wish I could buck the trend, but School 2013 is at the top of my list too! I loved how that drama made me care about each of the characters, and I wish there was some way I could check back in on them - beyond rewatching the drama. And the bromance! Definitely my favorite.
And now, on to P.S. I Still Love You...I am so excited it's out! I read the first one after seeing the giveaway post on here and loved it. Can't wait till I get my hands on this one somehow :)
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297 pinkfluff99
May 27, 2015 at 5:43 PM
Hi, I'm currently a high school sophomore, so I love to watch high school korean dramas, especially since I'm Korean-American and high school dramas are pretty relatable. My favorite high school drama would be Answer Me 1997 (Boys Over Flowers was good but I couldn't relate to their situation). The question of who was Shi-won's husband kept me through the entire series and her love for K-pop and each of their dilemmas they have while going through high school was really scripted well. I guess the reason why I really love this drama is because I have a childhood best friend too who is a guy, except he's Chinese, not Korean. We have been close going to each other's house, spending summers together just being friends. Sophomore year he was really pushing it by giving me lots of hints that he likes me but just like Shi-won, I pushed it off thinking he was just being a good friend. Then all of a sudden he stopped talking to me, hurt that I wasn't liking him back. But the truth was, I did like him back. So right now, I'm in the process of trying to regain our friendship and hopefully make him come back to me. Because from what I hear, he still likes me. Girls in korean dramas always wait for the guy to come to them. But I will go to him. Often times we think that grades and SAT and college are most important, especially with Korean parents. However, I find that friendship is what's most important of them all. Just like Shi-won, even though I was dense and was in denial, now I know how I feel. Hopefully things will work out. Someday I'll probably tell him that I like him. But for now, I'm going to take steps towards him to at least regain our friendship. At least I know now, and to me, that's what truly matters. So wish me luck!
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298 velvetstuff
May 27, 2015 at 6:18 PM
I have this disease where I love every high school drama (besides High School Love On) xD
But I think I'm having most fun with School 2015. But Dream High, Monstar, Playful Kiss, Shut Up! we're also great!..
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299 TaylourH
May 27, 2015 at 6:45 PM
My favorite highschool themed k-drama would have to be Boys Before Flowers since it was the first drama I ever watched. But a close second would be Playful Kiss and Dream High !!
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300 puriwinkle
May 27, 2015 at 7:20 PM
While I am enjoying School 2015 at the moment, it brings me back to School 2013! I absolutely loved School 2013 because I enjoyed Lee Jong Suk's and Kim Woo Bin's BROMANCE. LIKE WHO DOESNT LOVE BROMANCE?? I loved seeing their friendship grow and seeing the friendship of the other characters as well! <3
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