Ho-gu’s Love: Episode 12

Ho-gu finally realizes that Kang-chul isn’t the father. Finally. In a very important plot-point, he also gets a haircut — or maybe Choi Woo-shik just grew weary of wearing the “hogu” wig every week. Either way, it’s a new (hair?) day as he takes a step forward in deciding that it doesn’t matter who Geum-dong’s father is. Except, of course, it totally does.


Twelfth Foolish Act: “Let’s not love the baby’s mother.”

Surprised at finding Kang-chul leaning over Ho-gu for a kiss, she backs into the wall, making enough sound to catch Kang-chul’s attention. He covers up the near-kiss by slapping Ho-gu on the cheeks, telling him to wake up and go home.

When Gong-mi meets Ho-kyung for dinner with Chung-jae and Tae-hee, and Gong-mi and Tae-hee immediately recognize each other from when he and Ho-gu barged into the office. He pulls her aside, making her promise not to tell Ho-kyung about their visit or the baby.

Ho-kyung notes that they seem to have a connection, and apologizes to Chung-jae because she had originally intended to set him up with Gong-mi instead. But Chung-jae is offended that Ho-kyung, who he has a crush on, would be setting him up with girls. Ho-kyung: “What, should I be introducing you to boys instead?”

A phone call from Kang-chul quickly distracts her. He wants to know if there’s another way that someone could find out if he’s gay that doesn’t involve kissing the guy that makes his heart flutter. Ho-kyung offers to bring all her research and information to a lunch date tomorrow, and after Kang-chul agrees, he wonders why it feels like he’s been lured into a trap.

Ho-gu is reluctant to leave the baby and Do-hee has to practically shove him out the door. But they get distracted by all of Kang-chul’s trophies. Do-hee and Ho-gu are impressed that Kang-chul climbed Mt. Everest last year, and the dates on the certificate make Ho-gu realize that he would have been climbing Mt. Everest around the same time Do-hee got pregnant.

She just rolls her eyes, reminding him she’s already told him that Kang-chul isn’t the father, but with the photographic evidence of Kang-chul standing at base camp, Ho-gu starts to actually believe it.

Despite Do-hee and Kang-chul’s protests, Ho-gu still tries to find a way to cling his belief that Kang-chul is the father (even suggesting that Do-hee went to Everest with him). He can’t get over the conversation he overheard in the hospital, when he thought they were talking about Kang-chul not using condoms.

Do-hee has no idea what he’s talking about, but Kang-chul looks a little shifty as he orders Ho-gu to go home. Ho-gu refuses, and when Kang-chul reminds him yet again that he’s not the father, Ho-gu says that’s why he can’t go home — he can’t leave Do-hee alone with another man.

In a happy voice, he says to himself: “My name is Ho-gu. Kang Ho-gu.”

After they finally convince Ho-gu to leave, Kang-chul wonders how they’ll keep the real father a secret. Do-hee begs him not to tell Ho-gu the truth, and Kang-chul reassures her he won’t. After all, he’s not a high-priced lawyer for nothin’ — he knows how to keep client confidentiality.

The next morning, Ho-gu makes an important decision — a hair-cut. As the barber snips off those adorable curls, he says that Ho-gu must be about to confess to a women. Ho-gu, very seriously, answers “yes.”

Sporting his new ‘do, he marches with purpose to Kang-chul’s apartment building. He’s determined to ask about Do-hee’s relationship with Kang-chul and the baby-daddy — as Geum-dong’s “hyung” and the fact he was her guardian in the hospital, he has the right to know. But when he sees Do-hee walking to the bus stop, he quietly follows her.

Unnoticed, he gets off at the same stop as her, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. He continues to follow her to a cemetery, where she greets an older couple, and it’s apparent that they’re all there for a memorial.

Ho-gu returns to Kang-chul’s apartment, where an annoyed Coach is surrounded by dirty diapers as he struggles to get a fresh diaper on Geum-dong. Ho-gu quickly takes over, asking about Kang-chul and Do-hee. They’ve gone to meet potential adoptive parents.

Aw, Kang-chul is the one who interviews them while Do-hee hides a few tables away, listening in. She shakes her head when Kang-chul asks her about them, but it’s the last couple they had lined up as Geum-dong’s prospective parents. He sighs that they’ll have to find another place to look, as well as figure out more selective criteria.

Curious, Do-hee asks him why he’s working so hard to help her. He tells her it’s because she promised him a huge fee when hired him as the lawyer to oversee Geum-dong’s adoption. He swears it’s not because he has any feelings for her, it’s just…

Do-hee asks if it’s because he’s sorry because he didn’t use “that thing” originally. Hesitating, Kang-chul quietly admits that if he had filed a complaint for her, it would have made her life even more difficult. She confesses she really resented him because of it, but the more she thinks about it, the more she agrees with him. Especially for Geum-dong’s sake.

Kang-chul is back to business when he reminds her not to forget to pay him for his services, and after he leaves, Do-hee grumbles that a woman is about to cry and all he can do is leave: “It’s no wonder he can’t get a date.”

Ho-gu watches over the sleeping Geum-dong and remembers earlier in the morning, when he saw Do-hee at the cemetery. He had greeted the other couple as they waited at the bus stopm (sans Do-hee), and the woman had explained that Do-hee and their deceased child were close friends.

He wonders if their son was the baby’s father who died in an accident, since it would make sense — both why she should seek out Kang-chul for legal advice as well as her statement that both she and the baby’s father made a mistake. Not to mention her breakdown, wondering if she’d ever be able to love again.

Even so, Ho-gu can’t back down from his purpose today. He came to ask her some important questions (and even cut his hair!). Kang-chul and Do-hee arrive home, and pfffft, when Kang-chul sees Ho-gu, he sighs that they really need to change the passcode.

When Do-hee notes that Ho-gu got a haircut, he screws up the courage to tell her why he got it cut — because it’s a hindrance when taking care of babies. Buhhh? Holding out the “babysitter needed” notice Kang-chul had posted on the apartment community board, he tells them that he’s Geum-dong’s new babysitter.

Do-hee pulls him aside, demanding to know if he’s being serious. Ho-gu swears he is, and Do-hee asks if he’s really not curious about the father or how Kang-chul is involved. Ho-gu admits that it doesn’t matter to him anymore. All he cares about is Geum-dong.

Even if she broke off the potential relationship she might have had with him, he asks Do-hee to at least promise not to break apart the relationship he could have with Geum-dong. They agree to write up a contract that will allow him to babysit and keep their relationship professional.

The doorbell rings, and Kang-chul answers it, annoyed that the video screen isn’t working so he can’t see who’s at the door. Surprise! It’s Ho-kyung (with her hand over the camera). She’s there to give him the information he’d asked for last night.

Kang-chul’s trying to hustle Ho-kyung out the door, and she teases him that he must be hiding a girl when suddenly Do-hee appears. Ho-kyung is ready to face-off and defend her turf when Ho-gu arrives with the baby. The twins are surprised to see each other, and Ho-kyung is even more shocked to see the baby. Do-hee cooly tells Ho-kyung that, yes, it’s her baby.

The men can sense the tension as they slowly back away, and Kang-chul tries to explain that it’s not his baby. But Ho-kyung curses him out as she kicks him in the face, giving him a bloody nose and sending him sprawling on the sofa.

Ho-gu tends to the dazed Kang-chul as a furious Ho-kyung tries to talk sense into Ho-gu (while Do-hee once again insists that Kang-chul isn’t the father — this assumption seems to run in the family). She wants to know why her brother is caring for a baby that isn’t his, especially when he said his fling with Do-hee had ended. So why is he still here — is he dating Kang-chul, or what?

When Ho-gu realizes how close his face is to Kang-chul’s, he slooooowly slides away. But Ho-kyung is putting together all the clues and figuring out why the atmosphere is so weird — is the story Kang-chul told her about his client actually his? Is Kang-chul gay? Is that why Ho-gu is here with him?

Kang-chul scrambles up, insisting that’s not it, and sputters out that Ho-gu is actually the babysitter. Congrats, Ho-gu — you’ve officially got the job.

Ho-kyung follows Ho-gu home, trying to talk sense into him. How can he be taking care of a baby when he also has be working on the webtoon? He tries to bribe her to go along with it (and not tell Mom, heh) by promising her he’ll help her get in with Kang-chul’s good graces, but when that doesn’t work, he threatens to show Kang-chul her pre-cosmetic surgery pictures, instead.

Thus Ho-gu begins his career as a babysitter. During the day, while Do-hee trains, he watches Geum-dong. When Do-hee returns in the evening, she takes care of the baby while Ho-gu works on the webtoon. In the meantime, Kang-chul interviews potential adoptive parents (and vainly tries to tolerate a messy baby in his apartment).

Even Ho-kyung gets in the act, stopping by to visit Kang-chul but getting put on baby duty so Ho-gu can do some chores. When Do-hee returns home, she finds Ho-kyung napping next to Geum-dong. She warns Do-hee not to seduce her brother. This is just another source of charity for the kind of guy who takes in all the neighborhood stray cats.

Do-hee says that it’s not about her, but about Geum-dong. When Do-hee admits that she’s using Ho-gu’s goodwill to have someone take care of her baby, Ho-kyung marvels that Do-hee isn’t the “nation’s mermaid,” but rather the “nation’s bitch.”

But Ho-kyung’s found her match in Do-hee, who pointedly reminds her that Ho-kyung’s been speaking informally to her when she’s supposed to be Do-hee’s dongsaeng. Ho-kyung scoffs, saying that Do-hee shouldn’t be so presumptuous — if she keeps acting like that, she’ll be abandoned by the baby’s real father.

Do-hee gives her the death glare as she asks if Ho-kyung knows who the father is. Ho-kyung gulps and says she doesn’t, then smiles, adding honorifics for her “unni.”

When they meet in the elevator, Kang-chul pitches a fit that Ho-gu’s wearing the wrong cleaning gloves to take out the trash. But Ho-gu just ignores him and as they ride up together, instad asking if Do-hee sought Kang-chul because the baby’s father died in an accident.

As a lawyer, Kang-chul can’t answer that. But as a friend, he admits that Do-hee came to him, asking for help, but he turned his back on her. He swears he’d do the same again, though, even though he knows he’d be called a selfish bastard.

But Ho-gu admires him because Do-hee considered Kang-chul someone dependable enough to ask for help, and is relieved that Kang-chul was her ex-boyfriend. Kang-chul is just amazed that Ho-gu found out about the accident.

Ho-gu’s mother intercepts a delivery for Ho-gu, surprised that it contains baby diapers. She tracks him down to Kang-chul’s apartment, where Professor Mok is also there to see her son. The women side-eye each other, since their style is so opposite — Ho-gu’s mother with her colorful, bohemian ensemble, and Professor Mok with her subdued, fashionable outfit.

But both women are equally astonished to see Do-hee leave the apartment with Geum-dong, and they retreat to a coffee shop to get over the shock. Hahahaha! The moms think their children are dating and had a secret kid together, as they assume Do-hee must be the other’s daughter. Ho-gu’s mom is excited to call each other in-laws while Professor Mok bursts into tears.

Kang-chul is meeting with another national athlete from Do-hee’s company, NO KYUNG-WOO (Kim Hyun-joon), who wants to sue whomever started the rumor that he’s gay. When Kang-chul tells him it seems pointless to sue for such a minor thing, Gong-mi pipes up that in many Korean companies, if it’s found out that you’re gay, you automatically become an outcast, potentially ruining your career and reputation.

Kyung-woo adds that’s why the company told him to seek out Kang-chul — they said he’s the best in this field. Kang-chul, having become progressively anxious throughout the meeting, suddenly demands to know who told Kyung-woo that he’s the “gay expert.” But Kyung-woo just meant that Kang-chul is the best at defamation cases.

Ho-kyung’s gives Kang-chul documents to help support Kyung-woo’s case, including an assessment for Kyung-woo to take to prove that he isn’t gay. She convinces Kang-chul to go with her for some drinks, and when he insists that he won’t drink alcohol, she pops open a bottle of soda for him.

But when the bottle cap hits him on the forehead the same way that “Ho-gu” had opened the bottle of beer back in high school, he begins to wonder. After Ho-kyung excuses herself to use the restroom, he reaches for the gay assessment test.

Do-hee meets with CEO Park, who has a new concept image to present to her — a sexy photo-shoot. Do-hee’s a little hesitant and CEO Park reassures her it shouldn’t be too awkward since she’ll be doing it with fellow swimmer, Kyung-woo. The sound of his name makes Do-hee even more determined not to do it. But CEO Park tells her that they can dispel all those childbirth rumors with this photo-shoot — it’s not a request, it’s an order.

At the restaurant, Kang-chul is totally drunk now, and he tipsily asks Ho-kyung why she likes him. He cutely tells her that she shouldn’t like him, though, because he’s… he lowers his voice… gay. She laughs it off, but he repeats it, yelling: “I’m gay! Gay!” until he passes out drunk at the table. She spots the crumpled up assessment next to him.

When Do-hee returns home, she sees Ho-gu to the door. But Ho-gu notices that she’s looking tired, and offers to hug her — when someone in his family is having a rough day, they give each other a hug, no questions asked. She agrees, and he comforts her, telling her she’s doing great, working hard to make money to pay for diapers.

She smiles as she hugs him back, telling him he’s also doing great, working hard to change those diapers. As he pulls away, she stares at him a moment, then… kiss!

Do-hee bids him good-night, and Ho-gu calmly walks out of the apartment, only to go all rubber-legged once the door closes. Awww, Do-hee also falls to her knees as she wonders what she just did. She spots the old sketchbook that Ho-gu gave her, and then she starts to cry as she remembers finding it and seeing the story of the girl who was a mermaid.

Ooohhhh, it turns out that Do-hee actually recognized Ho-gu on the street corner before he first saw her in his camera; that she immediately knew he wasn’t the waiter (aw, the smile she tries to hide when she sends him off for more chips is adorable); and when she walked away from him in the crosswalk, she’d sighed that he was as clueless as ever.

Do-hee clutches the sketchbook to her chest, and with a hankie over her eyes, cries as she remembers their night in Yeosu. At the sound of Geum-dong crying, too, she turns to comfort him. She’s still weeping as she apologizes to Geum-dong, telling him that she’ll pull herself together — she’d tried so hard to hold it in. But she breaks down, sobbing even harder after she admits that it’s her first love.

CEO Park is astonished to discover that Do-hee had the baby, wondering who Do-hee is dating. But her assistant says that Do-hee isn’t dating anyone — it was sexual assault. Ooof.

As Do-hee comforts her baby, she looks at the sketchbook and smiles. “My name is Ho-gu. Do Ho-gu.”


So now we finally know exactly what that mysterious thing Do-hee and Kang-chul were discussing that night in the hospital: a formal complaint. Probably a complaint against the guy who raped her, and I only need one guess for that — the smarmy swimmer Kyung-woo.

At first I thought he was there just to make a point about how difficult it is to come out in Korean society, but now I’m pretty sure he’s there for me to be extra mad at him for raping Do-hee. Ugh. Of course, there’s still hope (as strange as it sounds) that the father was the person who died, but from the vague way the parents referred to their child (no gender pronouns) and how often Ho-gu’s assumptions about the baby’s father are utterly wrong, I’m not convinced that will be the answer. Although, the writers could be giving themselves an “out” if the rape plot-line gets too messy — there’s no cute and quirky way to tip-toe around sexual assault.

While I know the “big secret” and push towards the end will be figuring out who the father is, at this point, I don’t really care (and now that it might be someone who raped her, I’m angry about it). What I do care about are the characters. I love that I can inhabit their charming and chaotic world for a few hours each week.

Even when a character annoys me, I’m still eager to see how they’ll grow and change. Such as Ho-gu being determined that Kang-chul is the father, despite Do-hee and Kang-chul telling him he wasn’t over and over and over again, until he could only be convinced by documented evidence that Kang-chul was elsewhere at the time. As much as it irritated me that Ho-gu wouldn’t take Do-hee and Kang-chul at their words, I respect that he finally came to the realization that he doesn’t care who the father is — he just wants to make sure Geum-dong has a happy home.

My favorite character, by far, is Do-hee. She was introduced to us as an arrogant, cool-hearted, competitive athlete, and despite the cracks we would occasionally see, kept her personal business closely guarded. But now we finally get to see her as she really is. Not filtered through the eyes of Ho-gu, whose assumptions (both positive — she’s his perfect dream girl — and negative — Kang-chul is the father and she only cares about winning a gold medal) mean that we have mostly known her from the viewpoint of someone who hasn’t always seen Do-hee for who she truly is.

But now we finally are able to meet the woman who fell in love with the adorable teenaged Ho-gu: the boy who could tell how much swimming meant to her; the boy who would share comics and snacks with her; and who, in his naturally helpful way, was able to slowly break down the walls that protect her. We see her as Do-hee, the woman who loves swimming for the freedom it gives her and not just as a national athlete determined to win a gold. We see her as Do-hee, the woman who has experienced loss and pain, and who struggles to give up this adorable baby that represents a gift of love and joy.

This is a woman who can break down sobbing in fear of never loving again, who goes weak in the knees when she kisses the her first love, who stands her ground (and wins!) against the fierce personality of Ho-kyung. She knows exactly how to maintain her composure when talking to reporters, but she cries the moment her CEO hugs her.

She’s a human being, trying to do the best she can as she makes her way in this world. Maybe not every decision she makes is perfect, but it’s the best she can do in that moment. For Do-hee to even be able to stand strong and proud despite knowing all the rumors that circulate about her (even since high school, when Ho-gu was commissioned to draw her naked), she still manages to keep looking forward and trying to do best she can. She doesn’t need Ho-gu to fall in love with her or to save her — she just needs Ho-gu to trust her.


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Superb recap, odilettante. I love how this drama is subverting so many Kdrama stereotypes and unravelling the story layer by layer. A wonderfully written drama.
Go Do Do Hee!


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I'm loving this so much. Wonder how they will resolve Kang chul's story though


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Awesome recap and thoughts!

I still needed clarification on the Mom's convo since they don't use specific words and the subs were not clear.
Ahh - they both think the other lady is DDH's mother?

You know, I think she just won TWO moms in this lottery of fate. I can't wait until everyone becomes one big Hogu centered family!

I like how inadvertently HK's walls are coming down with KC. While he is prolly in love with HG, once he is reacquainted in his memories with Hogu2, he may be interested in her, too.
He doesn't need another perfect woman to pursue him. That seems to be his parent's plan to make the next president grandchild. HK is as messy as HG in reality, and the person to help make him even more human. My guess/hope is that her "field research" with KC on determining his sexual preference may include a kiss. Just to be sure - from a woman - and she will volunteer, of course.


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Well, I liked Hogu since he took Do Hee's Pic at the crossroad but loved her since their trip. She was adorable woman-child who didn't even know how to drink alcohol. People may say she's arrogant but I love her every bits because she's


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oh my.....my poor heart ..i can't describe how i'm so in love with this drama...how lovely and softhearted ho gu is...what a crutacean do do hee is.....and kang chul such a baby bear...ho kyung i love how she can be so dependent...so direct about her attitude...and the parents are adorable..i love all the characters...it never happens before...such a heartwarming story....kudos to the writernim....


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Do-Hee is only the real character I know which could be any one of us! Her crying with the hanky over her face is just so original for dramas and so real! That scene had me going all tears....
She is tough, a fighter, ambitious, a dreamer, an achiever, lonely, vulnerable, romantic, sweet, cute.... she is so real.


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Yes her acting is no kidding .even i m not korean when she cry i cry with her ☺


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odilettante ~

Thanks for the recap. A lot of ground was covered this episode. I do hope CEO Park will be on Do Hee's side. As far as the two moms, I thought they both claimed Do Hee as their son's girlfriend. Lucky Ho Gu, to get an unexpected kiss. The look in his eyes, LOL.


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This week's episodes were DH centered and I lalalove it! We finally see her side of the story! I really do hope Hogu came back for some reason to hear what DH said!!!


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It's the first time in a years that I was instantly compelled to rewatch an episode (make that 3x!)!!! Oh, that scene when DDH broke down after the kiss! *melts* Been on stand by for your recaps to clarify some scenes. many, many thanks!


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I enjoy it is being set up that for all intents and purposes Hogu is becoming the father. He cut the umbilical cord. He's the one who gave Geum-dong's name, despite wanting Kang-chul to be the one to do it. He's sharing the child-care duties with Do Hee and perhaps most important, through misunderstanding, Hogu's mother believe's the baby is his.

I am a believer that blood is not necessarily thicker than water. That your family is who you chose it to be.


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I never bought what the drama was telling us in trying to make us think Kang-chul was the father, because as far as I could tell any and all evidence was entirely in Ho-gu's under-performing head. I admit that for episode 11 and until the end of this one I did think the dead person was the father who had died in an accident.

After this episode I formed a new theory that the person who died was someone a friend or stranger who saw Do-hee's rape and payed for trying to stop it with his/her life.

I'm disappointed with CEO Park Do-hee's reaction when she hears the name Kyung-woo tells me something's wrong and given that CEO Park is looking right at Do-hee it should tell her that something's wrong as well. It goes beyond Do-hee's words she physically shrinks at the sound of his name.

I must admit if I were a woman and female capable of giving birth and I was raped and a child was conceived, most likely that child wouldn't be born. I would not have confidence that I could always or ever at all love a constant living reminder of the experience.


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Some women carry the children to term because at least something good and beautiful will have come out of something horrible. It's not the child's fault.


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This is true enough. But for Hogu's Love to actually come out and have Do-hee nobly decide against abortion even in the case of rape is a way more conservative story twist than I'd expect from even a mainline network drama. Outside of political ideology it's hard to imagine any woman being willing to put her entire career and personal identity at risk for a conception in these circumstances.

I'm honestly really annoyed at the way the story keeps one-upping itself in terms of making Do-hee a martyr. It's what's ultimately driven me away from being able to seriously identify with the characters. This is a cable comedy style makjang, and it's not a type of storytelling I particularly care for.


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I'm a woman and I wouldn't carry any pregnancy resulting from rape to term either. I wouldn't want any reminder of the experience inside my body or left to me as a permanent responsibility.


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I think that the man that uee will make the photoshot with is the one who raped her


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I continue to really like this drama - great mix of heartwarming, lol funny, and heartbreaking moments. And you don't find many dramas where the h/OM are battling to win the H - I'm still hoping the OM ends up with the H's sister. I did think that this episode had some great developments. While the H's childlike nature has had me struggling somewhat on the H/h romance front, I think the new haircut has helped to make him appear more mature (without losing his sweetness). Great reveal that the H is the h's first love but the whole potential rape development is pretty heartbreaking.


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I tried to solve it, but couldn't. What is h/OM
H = him
her / Other Man?


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I think it's:
H: Hero
h: Heroine
OM: Other Man

Just a guess, though. I don't know why it's so hard to use the names.


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Stay strong do-hee! Fighting!


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So DDH actually went to the reunion to reconnect with her first love HG? Since presumably she would have already have KC's contact through her company.

Something's puzzling me though ... why would Ho Kyung call DDH unni? Isn't her twin dong-gap(same age) classmates with DDH and KC? HG doesn't address them as noona or hyung, so by extension Ho Kyung wouldn't have to either. Or is there a special rule that I'm missing?


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I think she is just pulling rank.
Technically they are all dong-gap.
If they were all just friends in the same class, they would be.


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I think it's because in Korea the younger twin, or later born twin is considered the dongsaeng so if Hokyung is Hogu's dongsaeng she automatically becomes the dongsaeng of his classmates.


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Lol Ho-gu isn't the only fool, they all seem to be. I just loved this episode. It just made me want to watch all the episodes all over again and look at things from Do-Hee's perspective. Even before the reveal, I always got the impression Do-Hee liked Ho-gu in High School. When they were walking across the bridge observing the High School couple in the second episode, Do-Hee said "whatever you did at that age was adorable". I never thought she was speaking in general; I think she was actually talking about Ho-gu.


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That the swimmer was the father was foreshadowed in an earlier episode. I posted here once that I wondered if the CEO was the father because when DDH went to the agency with her coach, she acted funny and I thought it was because of the CEO (assumed it was a man-duh) but DDH also had a really upset look on her face as she was standing in front of a large poster on the wall of a male swimmer. At the time, I wondered if he was the baby's father. I'm pretty sure that was Kyung-woo. I am really enjoying this drama. Thanks for the recaps.


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I think you are right .the swimer is the dad


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Delurking to superficially add: Woohoo! Haircut! Go get 'em wichabadself!


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lol, I also am not watching this show (only caught episode one) but I wanted to pop in to say that Hogu looks great with his new hair cut. So, SO cute.


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Hokyung just isn't likable. She's warm and caring and vulnerable with her brother (their rooftop scene and when she was comforting him when he was sad about the baby), but with everyone else including her parents, she's mean, scheming and unpleasant. How will the writers manage to get Kangchul (and the rest of us) to fall for her?


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Oddly, I love Ho-kyung. I guess she's that way with her parents because maybe that's how they've always interacted. Ho-gu is her twin so naturally she has a tendency to be mean towards Do-hee because she doesn't want Ho-gu to suffer any more heartbreaks. With Kang-chul, she's doing the best she can to get the guy she likes to notice her. I guess it's just a matter of preference and understanding of the character's motivation for his/her actions :-)


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I love her, she is a big child trying to get her first love. She is cutely mean xD


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agreed and I mostly blame the actress for that I don't find her likeable at all. This is the main reason I am hoping they keep KC gay cuz I don't like them together.(probably not going to happen but I am holding out some hope)


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I would never describe her as mean or scheming. (Okay, maybe a little with the scheming while she tries to get BKC's attention, but not in a hurtful way. And also, that was written to poke a little fun at the "dating game", I think.)

She kind of a brat at home at times, but aren't we all a little bit to our families? Again, not in a hurtful way, just that they tease each other and say whatever is on their minds because it's family, and they're comfortable enough to do so. I love their family dynamic.


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I agree. For me, her character sounds a bit too abrasive. Beyond that, I think KC would do better with someone with HG's personality - simple, sweet, caring, steadfast and unconditional in giving his affection and care. He does need to have his stable life rocked once in a while but it's better for it to be from a gentle influence rather than brute force which is probably what HK will do. Her kicking KC in the face for no legitimate reason that I can see from the recap seals the deal for me. She'd probably bully him one way or another into doing what she wants if they get together, I'm guessing.


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I actually like her abrasive personality, in some ways she's like Do-hee. But I like her, and think she's better without the tough shell. Personally, I think Lee Soo-kyung plays her quite well, I was surprised to learn she's so young (18 years old!)


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And if that gay-not-so-gay kyung woo happens to be the 'rapist', then can we find him and stuff him where the sun don't shine? Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!! I don't know how Do Hee is going to tell Ho-gu she was assaulted. I just don't know how and we all know he's going to find out :(


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I love this ♡ That reveal about Do-hee's feelings for Ho-gu just made me feel so giddy. Also, more than ever, it makes so much sense to me now why she cried so much that night when Ho-gu sort of confessed to her--about how she's not sure she can fall in love again. I love all the characters in this show. They have such great moments of interaction and I love how much real feelings I get from them. Best currently airing show for me! :-) ♥


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I would love to see the CEO putting 2 and 2 together and recognizing that Do Hee's reluctance to work with the other dude is a sign that something is not right in light of the rape reveal. I really do think she has a soft spot for Do Hee and I would like to see her go all mama bear on the asswipe.


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Me, too!


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I have been loving the recaps but i haven 't been able to find a streaming sight. i'm in North America


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Try searching its alternate name: Fool's Love. You'll find it. :)


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So if kyung woo is the one Dohee trying to sue, why did kang chul didn't recognized him?


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Thanks for this awesome recap and sharing your thoughts on Do-hee's awesomeness!
This show is a gem :D


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Oh, odilettante, you made me cry with your comments. Such a beautiful recap in general ❤️


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I don't think DH was raped, and besides DH has been shown as a person who guards herself throughout the drama, rapists would rarely pick a strongheaded woman like her as their victim. I think it was her dead friend, that was raped, if anyone was. She had contacted KC like the friend's parents said to HG on the friends behalf. Remember they also said the friend had some problems DH was helping that friend with. It might be that Kyoung-woo raped that friend and why she was shocked when the CEO wanted her to do a photoshoot with him.


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Then, who is the baby daddy? And it is not like the only people who are raped are "weak" and not strong headed.


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Maybe they were both victims of the same asshole. Rapists are rarely one-time offenders. Especially if they get away with it the first time (as most do).


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......would rarely pick a strongheaded woman like her as their victim.

Massive generalisation, and sadly wrong. If anything, some rapists pick on the stronger women to try and take them down a peg. Which is exactly Kyung-woo's style, knowing what we do about him.

and like laica says, rapists are often repeat offenders.


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Me too, I don't think DH was raped. Because the female staff said a rumor. I think PD has tricked us again, and it works.....

And only me love Ho gu's original hair cut. I think it fit him so much. LoL even it's a wig for Choi Woo Shik (I notice his normal hair cut is not that long).


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I think KC told her not to pursue a lawsuit against KW after the friend's "accident", because it would damage her image. In the 1st episode when DH went to Soul, I think it was because that friend had died. She then ran into HG at the crossing and something happened between them, that HG somehow has forgotten. Because she arrives at the airport in another jacket than the one she wore the night before and it seems a bit too big for her, her hair was a bit messy and she looks happy. I wondered why they zoomed in on the jacket when DH placed it on the floor.


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Later when he asks her whether they met at the crossing in episode 2, she tells him no, which indicates he has forgotten something, and in the squid restaurant after HG discovered DH is pregnant, DH tells HG that she got pregnant from being with someone once and that it's a blessing and fate. Why would she do that if it had been a rape? She also seems to be actively seeking out HG in all of episode 1. My guess would be to tell him she's pregnant, but somehow decides not to tell him, because he seems to have forgotten they spent a night together. Also in episode 12 I think when she tells GD that he's her most precious gift, and HG's drawings of her is her second most precious gift might be a hint that HG also "gave" her GD.


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It seems unlikely Hogo would forget something like that for any reason short of serious head trauma. The drama suggests rather strongly that he's never slept with anyone before. But also, if Hogu was the father I dom't think Do Hee would be seeking comfort from him like she has. Also, she's seen how supportive his family is and how much he loves the baby- if he was the dad she could just leave the kid with him.


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Aww..She liked him all along! Even if he was too dense to sense it. I wonder how they will handle the sexual assault plot.I hope that f**king arsehole not only loses his career but also gets time in jail. So mad just thinking about it. Do hee really is a strong women and for that she has all my love.

Also i might be in the minority here,but Ho kyung is a tad bit annoying. The way she acted like the wronged gf and punched Kang chul previously when he has always clearly stated he has no interest in her.And the way she said Ho gu had a habit of taking in strays;yes,i know she was looking out for her brother but that's no way to talk to someone (did she call that adorable baby stray!!!)Do hee gave it to her just with her look.LOL.


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I agree - both twins have a tendency to butt in and get overly involved in others' business, but Ho-gu at least does it because he cares and thus it's a lot easier to forgive. With Ho-kyung I feel like she's just super self-important and feels like she has to know everything be in control of everything tht has to do with the people she cares about. Maybe it's a result of being the smart twin, sometimes intelligence makes people arrogant. Plus she uses her psychology degree to help her manipulate people, which is kind of funny, but also wrong.

Still, as unlikeable as she is I find her equally interesting. Certainly more so than any other second lead I've seen recently. And honestly she's not a bad match for Kang-chul. I know his sexual identity angst and his obvious soft spot for Ho-gu has made him look better to us, but he's no prince either. Remember how ready we were to rip him a new one in the earlier episodes?

Plus I feel like Ho-kyung is a lot more likeable when she's being herself and not that fake manipulative perfect-girl persona. Maybe her growth arc in this includes becoming that person again, not just at home but in front of everyone. Little does she know, that may be the key to winning over the guy she likes.


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I never liked Uee in her previous dramas, i think she's always the same when she smile or talk nor I never been touch by her emotions. But she's different in this episode! She nailed it! She's so Do Do-Hee! I was like... I want to be there with her, tap her back and tell her "it's ok, you did a great job! It will all come to past.".

I'm so into her character now. It's like, Uee was finally able to embrace Do-Hee. Crying for an actor or actress might me easy but, letting your audience feel the same pain / joy you're experiencing as what the character need is a lot different. And Uee did it to me.

Can't wait for the next episode.

...ooops! Let me just ask you. Who among you didn't LOL in Hu-go after the kiss? OMG i was rolling! It's totally hilarious!


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sorry but every single role uee play it with perfection and truly she is the best actress ever


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Not only was I rolling, I had to watch it a few times. I mean his legs, though. lol!


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Everyone in this cast is so awesome. Loving this cable drama like many others on tvN. I have to give madd props to production crew making the actors look so good in this show.


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I just caught up on the last 5 episodes - love this show still! And I'm amazed by how different it is from a standard kdrama rom-com. From the very unconventional love triangle (square? hexagon?) to the issues it explores which most dramas won't touch with a ten foot pole, I love everything about it. But what I love most, as you said odelittante, are the characters. Every single last one of them, but especially Do-hee and Ho-gu.

I'm really interested to see where they go with this reveal next week. I know Ho-gu is the last one Do-hee ever wants to find out about this, but I want him to know. So he can be there for her with his ocean of love and awesome, free hugs. (Although I guess he's doing that already, isn't he? What a hogu.)


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as i said this is the best drama for 2015.it is not like the other royine korean drama.do do he fighting


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Wow. This episode has been the best by far for me. So much so, I went back to watch the first two episodes. Once you know how DoHee actually feels about HoGu, it changes everything about their interactions (which is a pretty darn neat trick on the PDs part). It makes their "breakup" that much more gutting because he was too foolish to realize that she truly liked him and she was too prideful to ask why he flipped the script all of a sudden. That's teenage love for ya, I guess. (this also puts a new light on his reaction when he found out he and the girl from the first episode weren't dating. Lol)

I think DoHee was assualted (and that bastard Kyung Woo did it). Which would account for her reply when the coach made a snide comment about her conception. She not the first character I've seen view their unplanned pregnancy like that. At first it comes across as snark, but now that I understand her better, maybe she genuinely tried to see it that way to dull some of the pain and shame.

Thank you, Odillitante for clearing up some of the translations. The subs have been totally dodgy surrounding this "person who died from an accident" (and the convo between the moms at the coffee shop for that matter). DramaFever translated the parents as saying "son". For argument and intrigue's sake, let's just say it was actually a son. It's possible that Kyung woo was in a secret relationship with said son, DoHee found out, and said something. Could it be Kyung-woo sexually assualted her to shutdown the gay rumors and silence her. (SN: Jae Bummie....noooooooo!!! I so loved you on Plus Nine Boys) I'll even bet a few pennies the CEO knows he's gay.

Also, this "accident"... is this a gentle way of saying suicide? I'm just askin...


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I think instead of chalking the hair cut up to being tired of the wig you should instead consider the Korean cultural implications of cutting hair. I know that in the late Joseon dynasty when Korea was slowly being exposed to the modern world multiple suggestions or reforms were made which included the men cutting their hair to more "Western" styles. This was a huge issue because their hair was considered to be a sign of their family lineage, and who they were. One famous quote was a man saying "you may cut of my head but don't touch my hair!".
Even today I'm under the impression that getting a new hair cut can be a sign of a change of being or belief. It can mean that the old is gone, the new has come, or that someone is leaving their old ties behind and searching for a new connection. I'm not sure about all of this, but with that historical understanding of hair I found the hair cut to be a much more powerful element than it could have been without.
All the same, really good show. Loved the recaps. :)


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I think you are overthinking a little bit. As far as know, people cut their hair when they are rejected or ready to forget an unrequited love. It's to start anew in a way. Hogu here seems to cut his hair to confess. It's not clear if he was thinking he would be rejected for sure.


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aww that kangchul... ho kyung is so right when she said hes cute lol... i wonder if he knows exactly the name of the person in the assault case cuz that swimmer looks suspicious as hell. it all smelled fishy and now we kinda know why...
In the other hand, it was refreshing to see Do Hee confirm us Ho Gu is her 1st love...! like, I almost did a happy dance when she said it! its even sadder if you think about how hard it must be for her to push him away since she doesnt want him to have to deal with "a single mother" or "a young woman who gave birth early without getting married" and blah blaahh... She was fantastic when she put ho kyung in her place! like, at times, shes over the top with her big mouth thinking she knows everything...


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