Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 10

Today it’s our hero who becomes the damsel in distress, when he walks right into a trap designed to take him down memory lane. The question is whether remembering the truth will make him retreat further into his hiding place, or give him the chance to rise above his fear. Who needs therapy when you’ve got a psychotic baddie who’s perpetually stuck in the past and forces you to confront your worst nightmares?


Kim Bum-soo – “오직 너만” (Only You) for the Hyde, Jekyll, Me OST [ Download ]

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Robin is still posing as Seo-jin for the day (or who knows how long, given that Seo-jin has gone into hiding), a fact that Dr. Tae-joo doesn’t know when he lures Robin into the haunted house.

The only people who do know that he’s Robin are currently arguing about it now: Chairman Dad tells Secretary Kwon that it’s too risky to leave Robin in charge of the company at such a crucial time, and declares that Seo-jin will have to resign.

He orders Robin and Secretary Kwon on the next plane out of the country, when Secretary Kwon blurts, “Are you abandoning him AGAIN?” Oh snap. I love the look of horror on Secretary Kwon’s face, like he can’t believe he just said that out loud.

He cowers, but Chairman Dad prods him again and again to repeat himself, so Secretary Kwon figures he’s screwed either way and asks if the chairman is really going to throw away his son all over again. He says that as a father who raises kids himself, he would like it if the chairman would wait for Seo-jin, so that he has a home to return to when he’s better.

Robin goes deeper into the haunted house, per Tae-joo’s instructions. He wonders to himself if this has anything to do with Seo-jin’s kidnapping, and Tae-joo helpfully has him stop on the very spot from which they were taken. Robin thinks to call Secretary Kwon on his other phone, and manages to say, “Lee Soo-hyun?” loud enough that Secretary Kwon knows something’s wrong.

Hana stands outside staring at the haunted house entrance, trying to remember why this gives her a bad feeling. She recalls hearing that Seo-jin was kidnapped here, and has never once come near it since that day.

She calls Secretary Kwon and tells him what she saw, and doesn’t heed his warning to stay put until the guards come. She walks in and calls out to Seo-jin, but no one is in there. When she comes back out, she catches Robin walking away up ahead, so she runs after him.

Tae-joo instructs him to get in the car parked outside and drive, and Hana runs to catch a cab and keep him in her sights. She alerts Secretary Kwon, and soon Detective Na is called into action and Chairman Dad is fuming.

Tae-joo arrives at an abandoned warehouse and continues to lead Robin to his location. As he drives, Robin asks why he’s doing this, and Tae-joo says he was just pissed off because Seo-jin couldn’t remember and lied: “So let’s unravel it—the lies, the truth, everything you experienced… and everything I experienced.”

He watches on CCTV monitors as Robin arrives and heads into the warehouse compound, and then moments later, Hana arrives in the cab that followed. Tae-joo is busy setting up for what looks like a reenactment of their childhood kidnapping, which seems to put him on edge as well.

Tae-joo returns to the monitors just in time to catch a glimpse of Hana, and he furrows his brow to see that she followed Seo-jin all the way here. He seems to tamp down his worry and find a way to include her in whatever sick game he’s concocted, and breaks into a smile.

Robin finally gets close, and Tae-joo tells him to stop just outside a building and asks if he remembers now. He doesn’t, of course, because he’s not Seo-jin. But Robin was informed of Seo-jin’s kidnapping once, by Dr. Kang.

He flashes back to a session with her, where she shows him pictures of this very warehouse and tells him that as children, Seo-jin and Lee Soo-hyun were held here, and Robin was created out of the guilt that Seo-jin felt from leaving his friend behind and escaping on his own.

When Tae-joo orders him inside, Robin just walks right in. Hana comes upon the same building and calls Secretary Kwon to check in, and when she describes her location, he knows exactly where she is. He tells her that it’s where Seo-jin was held when kidnapped, and again tells her to wait outside. Again she ignores him, not that I can blame her.

Robin cautiously makes his way inside, but Tae-joo gets the jump on him from behind. Tae-joo clamps a cloth soaked in chloroform to Robin’s mouth, and he struggles to get free. He gets in a few jabs and wrestles Tae-joo to the ground, but he can’t fight the poison and loses consciousness.

By the time Hana works up the nerve to go inside, Tae-joo is locking a door behind him. He climbs into his car and watches the security feed from his laptop, still talking via cell phone. He’s left Robin tied to a chair inside the warehouse, though we have no idea if it’ll be Seo-jin or Robin who wakes up…

He opens his eyes, and the shock on his face means that Seo-jin is back. What a terrible way to wake up. Seo-jin takes in his surroundings and immediately flashes back to being held here as a child, and wonders to himself how the hell Robin got him here.

Tae-joo tells him not to look so shocked, admitting his surprise that cowardly Seo-jin came here so willingly. Seo-jin panics and struggles against his ropes, while Tae-joo leans back for a leisurely chat, musing that he didn’t want to relive the past either. Right.

He says that this pains him too, but that he endures, adding pointedly, “So you should endure too.” He tells Seo-jin that he tried to forget everything and live a normal life, and struggled with it: “Like you are now.”

But when Tae-joo discovered that Seo-jin was undergoing therapy, he admits that it comforted him, to know that Seo-jin was also in pain just like he was. The problem came when he discovered that Seo-jin didn’t suffer—that he forgot, told himself lies. Seo-jin’s eyes grow wide in disbelief, swearing that he suffered too.

Tae-joo’s got full-on crazy eyes now, as he argues that it’s not the same. He demands for Seo-jin to remember. Seo-jin has no idea what he’s talking about, and Tae-joo growls, “Are you still telling yourself lies?” He says that it’s hardest thing to do—to lie to yourself—but not impossible, and that just makes him more determined to force Seo-jin to remember.

He tells Seo-jin to look around the room, because he’s staged it to be exactly the same as when they were here as children. As Seo-jin scans the room, it triggers a panic attack, and he struggles for air. Tae-joo ignores him and says the only difference is that he isn’t there next to him, but adds that someone came along to help, much to his annoyance.

On cue, Hana steps into the room and runs for Seo-jin, assuring him that he’s safe now. She unties his ropes, and Tae-joo watches bitterly—jealously, like he’s on the verge of tears. He covers it up with a laugh and then heads back out to lock them in the warehouse together.

Hana runs back to the door after it shuts on her, but it’s padlocked from the outside. Tae-joo tells Seo-jin that it’s just like before—he won’t be able to protect anyone, but he’ll survive, just like that day. Tae-joo: “You’ll throw away, run away, and then you’ll remember that on that day, you threw me away and ran away too!”

We go back to the moment of Seo-jin’s escape as a child, finally seeing the events as they actually happened from Tae-joo’s point of view. Seo-jin tries to pull him up the window to escape, but when the kidnapper barges back into the room, Seo-jin cries at him to let go, hitting his hand and yanking himself free. And just before escaping, Seo-jin looks back with a smile on his face, looking triumphant that he got away. Yikes. Well, I certainly see why you’re both scarred.

Tae-joo presses a remote switch, and the warehouse fills with gas. Hana leads Seo-jin towards their only escape: through the windows. But just one glance up at the same window that he climbed out as a child is enough to make him panic again, and he backs away in terror.

Seo-jin looks around the room, and that’s when he discovers the lone gas mask that Tae-joo planted there. He looks over at Hana and quickly represses that pang of guilt he feels before reaching to pull the mask on. But he stops himself and looks back at her…

He flashes back to the kidnapping, and then to Hana running away from Glasses Strangler and begging to be saved, when he pushed her out of the elevator. He remembers her helping him through panic attacks, holding him, caring for him when he was sick, putting a band-aid on his finger, telling him to trust himself.

Suddenly, his protective instinct kicks in and he runs over to put the mask on her instead. Swoon.

He gasps for air and clutches her close, and Tae-joo watches in utter shock, too bitter to do anything but scoff in disbelief. Seo-jin thinks back to how angry he was to have Robin back in his life, but remembers Robin’s offer to help him start living—all he needs to do is say the words and he’ll be there to help.

Seo-jin uses the last bit of his air to gasp aloud, “Help me. Help me, Robin.” Hana is dazed, but awake enough to hear Robin’s name. Seo-jin slumps over, losing consciousness, and Hana rushes to take the gas mask off and put it on him.

But he lifts his head—it’s Robin, and he immediately runs over to the window to break it open. He runs back to lift Hana to her feet and tell her they’re leaving, and she can tell by the way he speaks to her that this is Robin. She looks from his bloodied hand up to his face and asks, “Robin?”

Tae-joo repeats the name, trying to figure out what just happened, but sirens wail in the distance and he’s forced to make a run for it. Robin and Hana are met with police and paramedics, as Tae-joo escapes. He thinks back to the day at the hospital when Dr. Kang first confronted him about being Lee Soo-hyun, hopeful that treating him and Seo-jin together would help them both.

But Tae-joo just flipped out, thinking that Seo-jin had lied to her about which of them had abandoned the other, and she saw just how twisted he’d already become. He knocked her down by accident.

In the present, he returns to his apartment and heads to his kitchen to pour two cups of coffee. It amuses me that he brings her coffee and cookies, like he’s entertaining a houseguest and not keeping her locked in a secret chamber.

Dr. Kang flinches when he reaches over to pull the duct tape from her mouth, and he reminds her gently that he has no intention of killing her. I half think he keeps her alive because he wants to consult her like she’s his therapist. He says that tonight was one part success, and one part failure.

He says he succeeded in confirming something, and laughs that Seo-jin became so good at hiding that he made himself a split personality to hide behind. When he says Robin’s name, Dr. Kang can’t hide her worry.

She asks about the failure, and Tae-joo says that there was an unexpected twist. At first when Hana appeared, he thought it lucky, since she could play the perfect part in his reenactment—he’d abandon her to save himself, “Just like he did to me, because that’s the kind of bastard Seo-jin is. But he didn’t.”

He says the rest as if he’s thinking aloud, working it out on the spot. He wonders, like it’s crazy to even think it: “Does he… want to protect her?” The thought that Seo-jin cares about another human being is clearly an option that never occurred to him, and then his eyes grow wide again, and he declares a little too excitedly that this isn’t a failure—it’s an opportunity.

Tae-joo gets a little frantic as he says that Hana’s too good for Seo-jin anyway: “I’ve told you about her, right? She’s a really good person. It’s ludicrous to even think of her with Seo-jin.” Oh no. Oh this is going to a bad place…

He goes off on this rapid-fire description of what a good person Hana is, and how much she’s putting herself through to undergo treatment and face her traumatic rooftop attack, just to find Dr. Kang. The irony that he caused her this pain is completely lost on him. Then he admits that at one point, he started to look forward to her visits, and anticipate them. Jeepers, no.

He starts pacing and wonders why he feels this way, when today is all he’s been working towards. Dr. Kang finishes his thoughts for him, knowing that he feels empty and meaningless. She says that he knew this already, that he’d get to the end and realize that it doesn’t matter if Seo-jin remembers or not. The events of that day couldn’t be helped.

Tae-joo has his back turned, and his eyes fill with tears. Dr. Kang says that the only way that he can move on and live a healthy life is to acknowledge that they were simply too young and too weak, and what happened that day couldn’t be helped. She pleads with him to let it go because it isn’t too late.

He wipes his tears and agrees with her that it isn’t too late after all, clearly thinking revenge and not forgiveness. He admits that he was a little deflated when it appeared that Seo-jin wasn’t living a very happy life, but now it seems that Seo-jin is trying to be happy: “He has something to protect, without suspicion, hate, or guilt.”

Hana wakes up in her room hooked up to an IV, with her friends watching over her. Once she gets her bearings, she asks about Seo-jin, but it’s Tae-joo who comes to see her.

Meanwhile, Woo-jung worries that Robin hasn’t returned any of her calls, and she makes her dad promise to let her know if Robin is going to disappear again, because not saying goodbye was her biggest regret the last time.

Cousin Seung-yeon arrives at the police station eager to find out what happened, and Detective Na finally snaps at him that he should be worried about Seo-jin, not the case. Seo-jin is asleep, but the doctor tells his parents that he woke up earlier and will be fine. All Dad wants to know is which of them woke up earlier—Seo-jin or Robin.

In Hana’s room, Tae-joo offers to hold off the police questioning, but Hana insists that she’s fine to answer questions. He only wants to know one thing, and asks why she went there last night.

Secretary Kwon sits by Seo-jin’s bedside and asks him the same thing. Then he remembers that Robin was the one who went there, and just asks Seo-jin to please come back. Aw, the way he begs him to return is so sweet.

Hana still hasn’t answered Tae-joo’s question, and he prods, suggesting that she could have died. She thinks about it and answers, “At first I thought it was strange, and then I was worried. And then… I wanted to protect him. I was going to protect him… but then he protected me.”

She then remembers seeing Robin there, and sits up with a start. She doesn’t explain, but wonders what this niggling feeling is. Tae-joo leaves, looking unhappy at her answer.

Much to her confusion, Eun-chang tells her that Robin was never there—he heard it straight from the police that the only two people they found in the warehouse were Seo-jin and Hana. She wonders if it was just a dream, but it doesn’t sit right with her.

It looks like Seo-jin is fighting to wake up, or perhaps fighting not to, as Tae-joo’s voice tells him that no one will come for him. But then it’s followed by Hana’s voice, running in to save him, asking if he’s okay. Seo-jin finally opens his eyes, and when Secretary Kwon confirms that it’s him, his tears nearly spill over in relief. He runs to get the doctor when Hana comes downstairs to look in on Seo-jin.

I swear that Seo-jin is smiling at her, even though his mouth doesn’t move. The first thing she does is ask if he’s okay, and he just keeps staring. Hana asks what happened last night, because she remembers Seo-jin putting the gas mask on her, but then Robin was suddenly there, breaking a window and holding her.

She asks if Robin came and went, and still he says nothing. But then she looks down at Seo-jin’s bandaged arm—the same arm that Robin cut open to break the window. He follows her gaze as she pulls the covers back and looks right at his arm.

She looks up at him, searching his face for answers: “Who… are you? Who are you?” Closing caption: Two personalities inside one body… are you two people or one?


Does she know? Ack, I’m not really ready for her to know the truth. Couldn’t Seo-jin just insist that it was him the whole time, breaking the window and getting her out safely? I know he seemed entirely like Robin in that moment, but I feel like in this instance, a pretty believable argument could be made for her having mistaken one twin for the other. It’s strange, because in most dramas, I’m always dying for the secrets to just come out already, because it drives me crazy when people don’t know crucial things. Here, I want to prolong the twin cover story for as long as possible. I need Seo-jin to have his chance to win Hana over, and today’s sudden burst of heroism seems like the perfect place to start.

The kidnapping reenactment didn’t really feel all that dangerous, because it strikes me that Tae-joo would be sorely disappointed if Seo-jin died, like a cat that’s sad when its prey finally kicks the bucket and can no longer participate in games. I think Tae-joo still very much thinks of Seo-jin as his best friend, just in a very twisted way, where he wants his friend to keep playing with him until they’re even. He’s totally nuts, but I like that he’s got his own stunted, twisted logic behind everything. It’s interesting that Seo-jin had nothing worth taking before—he didn’t care about anyone or anything, and the only thing Tae-joo could think of doing was making him suffer an equal amount by reliving the past.

But now there’s Hana, who means something to Seo-jin. It’s no wonder Tae-joo was practically foaming at the mouth and calling it an opportunity, because tearing her away from him would cause a kind of pain he didn’t know was possible with Seo-jin. It’s even creepier when you factor in Tae-joo’s own admiration for Hana, and his insistence that she’s too good for Seo-jin, which sounds a lot like he’s going to try and steal his girlfriend in the non-kidnapping way (after which, I’m sure he’ll resort to kidnaping). Now that we know what happened during the escape, I do understand where he’s coming from—Seo-jin was just a child and did the wrong thing, but Tae-joo’s resentment is justified. The problem is that they’re both forever stuck in that moment, not acknowledging that those boys were terrified children who both wanted to survive.

I didn’t care for how elaborate the reenactment got (because the more machinations involved, the less believable the whole thing becomes), but it does buy us some key developments between our main characters. Seo-jin’s first act of selfless bravery is huge, especially in a moment when he’s being forced to relive the guilt of his most cowardly decision. In that sense, he has Tae-joo to thank, because it’s a little like immersion therapy. When faced with the same harrowing choice, this time he’s strong enough to be selfless and put Hana first, getting to overcome his fear and his guilt all at once. And even more significant for Seo-jin is the fact that Hana came for him, when he had given up the idea that anyone would care enough to save him. To someone like Seo-jin, that’s everything, and I have a feeling that he fell completely in love with her the second she ran into that warehouse.


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OK girlfriday and all other readers..should I start this show or not? What is your opinion now that we have reached half way mark?


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I'd say put it very low on your list. It's a bit of a mess. Watching HB flip between two roles isn't bad, but otherwise the plotting is uneven, the logic just hideously dumb at times, and the CGI gorilla has turned out to be an indicator for how little things are thought through (have you ever seen that gorilla again? Is there any indication that this circus has animals at all?).

Also there's little to no lead chemistry.

It doesn't help that the drama is head-to-head with KMHM, which is on a completely different level on every single count. I think HJM was aiming for charmingly whimsical but landed somewhere around silly fluff.


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thanks Miranda...I guess I won't watch it then...


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I disagree. This is a much better drama because at least you don't have to keep up with multiple hackneyed personality tropes or the horrible acting from Hwang Jung eum. If you think comedy consists of screaming at the top of your lungs and pretending to be a woman as a bad impersonation of Martin Lawrence doing Shaneneh then by all means go for Kill Me Heal me.


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That's fair, the screaming really did threaten to put me off KMHM entirely - it took until episode 5 or 6 for that to even out and for the Ri-jin character to get more balanced.

But Si Jung was the focus and he was strong enough throughout to keep my interest. I see there's a lot of flack around for his portrayal of the female personalities, and... I don't really know what to say about that, because a lot of it feels like people not wanting a man to play any character other than a man, so it's a knee-jerk dislike. (Not saying that you think this, just that there's a visceral dislike out there.) If it weren't Si Jung, I'm not sure it would work at all.

I actually didn't mean to start a KMHM/HJM war with my comment; I just think that the timing is unfortunate for HJM because some smaller flaws in the drama look worse when held up against a drama that's handling the same material better. If they'd been airing at different times the contrast wouldn't be as noticeable. And the style is different - whimsy versus childhood trauma.

For me at least, I would've happily watched both shows but when someone asks about JHM I'd have to say I don't really think it's worth it. Not a flat-out recommendation not to watch, but there are better dramas out there if you're short on time.


I disagree. Hwang Jung Eum can do a whole lot of emotions. The script required her character to scream like a mad person, so she did! If you've seen Secret, Giant or Endless Love, you pretty much no what is her range as an actress and just how much capable she is of switching from one emotion to the other. And her chemistry with Ji Sung is just beyond amazing.
Are you a Hyun Bin fan then I suggest just give HJM a try and see if you can stick around. The first few episodes required a lot of effort on my part to watch them but the new episodes are way better. So, I guess give it a shot and decide on your own. About KMHM, other than the fact that Ji Sung's character in the show has DID like this one, nothing else is the same with these two dramas. Its a fun ride and laugh riot. It also has heart-warming and gut wrenching emotional moments. So, give that a try as well. You won't be disappointed.


W.H.A.T ? horrible acting of HJE ? You just making me LOL huahahahaha i believe we're watching the different show because HJE that I watch is really awesome to the max!


Totally agree with Miranda, its kind of blah....and KMHM is FANTASTIC... who would have thought considering how much I love HB. Ji Sung is awesome too but he is killing it with KMHM.

As for the chemistry between the leads on this show, I totally agree, its so flat...I have my own theory on this...I used to watch "Friends" and I remember Joy once said, that if the characters have no on-screen chemistry, they are hooking up in real-life, but if there is lot of on-screen chemistry, there is actually nothing going on in real life... make me wonder, considering this is their second role together right after his army duty. And I wonder if HB turned down KMHM...not because he thought it was a mess but rather, but rather the leading lady...hehehe :)


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I disagree and stopped watching Kill Me Heal Me. I couldn't hear that horrible actress scream in my ear one more time. I also found the whole "Sybil" multiple personalities off putting with hackneyed portrayals of women and small children.


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The screaming died down (thankfully) HJE's acting is not everyone's cup of tea so fair play if you can't watch her. Her chemistry with Ji Sung is however out of this world and I think she plays the character of Oh Ri Jin brilliantly. Disagree about Ji Sungs portrayal of the personalities I think he is doing a brilliant job perfectly embodying the persona's of the different characters. KMHM got much better with time so its a pity you dropped it early. But we all have our personal tastes so each to their own. I am just happy reading recaps of HJM, no intention to watch the actual drama...


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You're right I just couldn't watch her anymore. She has ruined every drama for me that I've seen her in and she's had the opportunity to play with a couple of good ones. Even though she appears to do a lot of "emoting" it just comes off so false for me.


HJE face scares me.. Esp her nose. I'm sorry but she went to far with her ps as i watched Secret and her face werebLl swelledmup there.
But i like her chemistry with Jisung. Despite the crazy screaming she gave...the writing of KMHM is much better than Hyde. Hyde is such a mess while Jisung is rocking his role.
That drama is all about Jisung


I like how she screams and is crazy and silly. At first it was odd because I didn't know what to expect. But since the personalities are like children/teenagers than her personality fits with the show. That is why the scenes where they rap or when SG tells her not to touch him that she acts likes a kid back and touches him. She fights with YoNa as well.


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If you have time watch Hyde Jekyll and me. You might like it. I checked it out and I felt It subpar. But at least I made up my mind by checking it out for myself.

if you have limited time save it for later and watch Kill me heal me instead.

That actor Ji Sung is freaking incredible. So many Koreans actors are uneven in their acting, but Ji sung just is hitting all cylinders.

Watch KMHM to see what korean actors are capable of when they are good at acting not just good looking. The man deserves a freaking award and he deserves NOW.


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I couldn't agree more. We all love Hyun Bin and all that, but damn, Ji Sung is outstanding in Kill Me, Heal Me. I don't think anyone could every pull this role other than Ji Sung. If it where just any actor, Kill Me, Heal Me, wouldn't be as good.


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I watched the first 2 episodes early on and I wasn't sold, but the recaps and comments had me convinced I was missing gold. Yesterday there was so much talk of Hyun Bin's amazing acting and how hilarious the Robin as Seo Jin scenes were so I watched ... I'm going to stick to the recaps. The show feels flat.


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Let me tell you from watching episode 9. The highlight for that episode was Robin acting as SeoJin. But then, even that scene felt flat. So, you see, this drama in overall is flat. No sparks unless you're willingly to overlook at the many flaws this drama contains then you'll enjoy it.


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I'm worried about the erroneous portrayal of DID from both of these dramas. Putting aside my distate for Ji Sung who I can't stand in any drama and my disappointment in Hyun Bin for picking crappy roles for a while now, I'm not comfortable or happy with writers using serious mental conditions for comedy or ratings which translate to monetary benefits for them but the continuity of stigma for people with mental illness. As someone who suffers from DID I find both renditions of my mental illness deplorable, wrong, and appalling in both shows. I wanted to give these a chance because "It's Okay, That's Love" did a FANTASTIC job at being realistic and a testament to how normal all of us "crazy" people are and actually was very inspirational as well as educational. These two shows, however, fall short and are an insult to those of us who suffer from DID.


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I watched this drama until episode 9. I gave up at the illogical and flaws this drama contains. I just couldn't stand the writing and characters development. What's up with the second leading girl. She does nothing but bring in her cuteness. Sung Joon isn't that great as a villain. Even Hun Bin can't save the drama. Han Ji Min is bland and dull at times.

Seriously, if you want a good romance-comedy, watch Gong Hyo Jin's dramas. Or watch "Punch" if you want solid plot and acting.


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Yea I'm also waiting for the reviews to decide whether I should watch Hyde, Jekyll, Me or Kill me, Heal me. Some advice please?


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I think you can enjoy it if you don't take it too seriously. Personally, I like it but (if I have to compare) prefer KMHM. Nevertheless, I look forward to Hyde, Jekyll, Me's next episode every week. If you have the time, you can just watch it and skip some scenes if you're bored.


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I might be on the minority team but I dropped KMHM and continued HJM, couldn't bear the screeching female lead in the first.

honestly, both shows are quite badly written, specially the female characters

both Hyun Bin and Ji Sung rock their part but it is insufficiant, in my eyes, to make the dramas good.

I don't quite understand the hate given to HJM and the praise given to KMHM as I would put both of them under the "not-so-good" category.

I'll say watch ep 5 & 6 and decide if you want to give it a go!


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Thank you I was beginning to think I was the only one to find that woman unbearable to watch. I've never liked her as an actress anyway and this role just sealed it for me. As for Ji Sung I like him but I really can't say that doing a bad impersonation of Martin Lawrence as Shaneneh wins him any brownie points for his acting skills. I agree neither drama is very well written but I've come to expect that in Korean dramas. I'm not going to lie I continue to watch this drama because Hyun Bin is damned charming even when his costar is bland as mashed potatoes.


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Hi! I like mashed potatoes. Maybe that's why I like Han Ji Min. LOL. Nevertheless, I can see why some find her quite lackluster. Maybe it's the way she speaks, too calm I suppose? Sometime the lines she delivers sounds monotonous. Then there are times when her subtle speech and expressions come out surprisingly natural that they're actually good, just like in the last scene of this episode. Anyway, like you, one of the reasons I'm watching this is because of Hyun Bin. I'll have to add, though, that I'm enjoying it mainly because he's with Han Ji Min:)


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I don't think I'd ever seen HJM before, but I think you're right about her speech patterns. She's either sunny and cheerful, or slightly confused. It's like a recipe response to the script: is Hana in a good situation? Then cheerful! Is something bad happening, like an injury or a contract negotiation or a kidnapping? Then confused! And each of those emotions is somehow inward-looking, which is causing a general feel of flatness.

Very binary without a ton of layers, it leaves a lot of ground for the person she's in the scene with to cover, and that's particularly hard for HB in this drama because he's already having to ration his responses to "what would Robin do" and "what would SJ do". So at any point he's restricted to 65% of his emotional arsenal, at best. He's trying, bless him, but she's not helping.


I agree with Miranda.
She's not channelling it.
But I think it's better in this episode.
Hyun bin seemed to be going all out already. That last stare, come on! It's about time for her to heat up too.
*face palm*


You could give it a try and see for yourself if you like it or not. It gets better after the first episodes.


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thanks guys for all your reviews :)

I cannot watch KMHM...because the heroine annoys me SO MUCH!


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i say don't start it unless you really have nothing better to do (like me LOL). it's very dull. it's not cringeworthy bad, or even amusingly bad - it just feels very very flat. i literally feel nothing when i watch it.


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IMHO..if you like Hyun Bin. Just give it a try.. Your heart will decide it for you..hehe..

Plus, the bad CGI and unlogic wire action only happens in 1-2 ep. After that, everything is going more interesting and more interesting..

well, if you still feel irritated while watching it, you maybe have to let it go. Just like I gave up watching Blade Man in ep. 3, even though i'm a fan of Lee Dong Wook T_T


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You don't have to avoid a low rating drama (especially when it's your idol's drama :p) or just becoz people said it's bad.

And, You don't have to follow a good rating/reviewed drama when you don't feel happy watching it.

Just give it a try, and decide it based on your appreciation.
Just saying :D


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Trudge through 1-4.
5 onwards gets better each time.
And if u like hyun bin, you'll probably like it more. He's going good.
Along the way, you'll scream bloody murder for endless opportunities of good potential material done a big disservice by bad writing and a female lead that cannot emote.
But on a whole, much improved from ep5 onwards, overall an easy watch, entertaining at parts. Chemistry does get better in recent episodes but in any case you'll find seojin easy to root for.


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Second that!


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it a really beautiful drama but don't watch it until it over so u can watch it in one time hahaha (i'll ..defently do that i'm sooo exited to see it) i sugest you watch healer and pinochio first


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why not watch it yourself and decide for yourself if it is worth watching or not. If you like Hyun Bin, it's a go, this is not a mediocre performance from him only a mediocre story maybe. Though Ha Na may be a bit too plain at least her character is not that annoying and she's got great hair n pretty enough.
the only thing that made me roll my eyes with this ep was the slow chase by the police, I mean, c'mon, Ha Na was updating them,how far back can they be? and as if Seo Jin/Robin was driving so fast that they can't catch up. But ok , so time was needed to set up Tae Joo's evil plan or else that whole set up would just go to waste if the police arrived on time,right?
For me this is still ok, I don't know if I'm watching this coz I can't pass up any RomComs or for the love of Hyun Bin, or both. But am not bored of this drama like I was bored to tears with Birth of A Beauty which I stopped watching at episode 12 then I just watched the finale and discovered I did not miss anything at all.


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KMHM is really good fun. I can't analyze I don't know about editing and directing and maybe its writing is regular drama clichés but it is entertaining. can't wait for the next episode. HJAI I can wait. I watch cuz Binnie is gorgeous and the secretary is enjoyable.


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not sure if my original reply posted but KMHM should be watched


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WATCH IT! I'm sick of people comparing it to Kill Me, Heal Me because this show is also about DID. This drama can be a bit too sweet and cringeworthy in some scenes due to it being too sweet, however, the story is good and in the past several episodes, the suspense is pretty good.


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hi riya, try it yourself rather than getting influenced by negative comments. comments are purely biased based on comparison with KMHM. HJM is simple, though slow story picks up after 5 episodes. no complications or too much of suspense, or over the top acting of heroine. HB nails it with his subtle facial expressions, the diff he shows betn two characters through his face alone is worth a watch. KMHM is gud, but I rather got tired of the complications and too much of suspense, the only thing that carries this drama as far as I think is Ji Sung's acting, which is awesome and incredible !! so, try it yourself and decide. for me, itz worth a watch :)


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Thank you for the recap as always.

I admit to feeling a bit meh about this week's episodes. I started feeling sorry for Hana.

When you think about it, we've got:

-Lead who has a habit of pushing others into harm's way to save himself, including an instance of throwing an innocent woman into the clutches of a would-be murderer.

-Second lead who is said would-be murderer.

-Quasi-second lead who is not real.

Girl can't win. Thank goodness two of them look like Hyun Bin or this would be a terrible deal. And same goes for this drama...


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Truer words . . .


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Major swoon when he put the mask on her instead of himself.

Also, I agree, as much as I want Hana to connect the dots asap, I want Seo Jin to win her over (I think he has a little) without totally squashing Robin's persona.

P.S. I want a kiss scene soon!!


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I'm beginning to wonder if Tae-joo's memories are completely accurate.


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Me too, crazy people aren't exactly known for having a grip on reality or accurate memories.


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I'm starting to think he's the one with the twisted memories.


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Did anyone else laugh as much as I did when Hana was yelling, "excuse me!" At the door Tae Joo had just locked? SO polite! Lol. Excuse me, Mr. psychotic kidnapper person, do you think you might be willing to unlock the door and let us go, please? It'd be a HUGE favor, I know... But all the same...

Other than that, this episode was the best by far in this series. Having Ha Na rescue Seo Jin was a BIG deal for the boy whom no one came to rescue in the past. I agree with girlfriday-If Seo Jin wasn't in love with her before, he sure is now.


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I kind of want to know what door he locked before he locked that door - the direction made a big deal of him locking it, only for him to have to come back and do ANOTHER padlock too?

I also have some genius ideas for tracking down this diabolical criminal, most of which involve finding out who's been buying a ton of poisonous gas, remote sensors, surveillance equipment, remote triggers, and the elaborate (and very specific!) gas-delivery system. Throw in a query for "who bought a gas mask lately?" too, just for the heck of it.

And can someone confirm that Tae Joo's coffee pot is a product placement? Is it some sort of remote trigger as well? Because while I'm familiar with coffee machines that include timers, I'm not sure anyone can time exactly how long it's going to take to lure one's childhood nemesis into an abandoned warehouse, taunt him over the phone, douse him with poison gas, and then drive home just before the cops zip in. Unless he triggered it through a mobile app or is a time-traveller, I don't see how you can have hot coffee waiting for you every time you come in the door.


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I should clarify: "hot coffee waiting for you AND YOUR CAPTIVE every time you come in the door".

Maybe I'm just not giving him enough credit and constantly brewing coffee is actually a form of psychological torture he's working on Kang. So she can smell coffee all day, but by the time he gives it to her it's been sitting there for hours and tastes like hell.

Also, all hail Dr Kang for managing to maintain some very bouncy, shiny hair over multiple days of captivity. Also a pretty crisp doctor's coat. And the gaping, blood-gushing head wound seems to have healed without scarring too.


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I was thinking the same thing about Dr. Kang's well maintained tresses and found myself wondering how her coat and pants stayed so fresh and pressed looking. Then I began to devise strategies as to how Tae Joo kept her looking spic and span... One such idea involved moving her into his bathroom occasionally and turning on the shower just to steam her clothes wrinkle free.

And the entire time he was speaking with her, I was straining my eyes searching for some kind of toilet for the poor woman.

Torture by coffee smell? Sounds like Tae Joo knows torture lol.

Oh and HOW LONG DID IT TAKE THE COPS TO GET TO THE WAREHOUSE?! It's like they were on holiday or something and not supposedly rushing to save a kidnapped victim's life.


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I wasn't thinking about how well groomed she looked but it did cross my mind, "has she been sitting in that chair for days, weeks? Also, when does she get to pee, he's giving her coffee!


This!!! Lololololololol! No truer words.


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I thought I am the only one to scrunity Dr. Kang perfect hair and makeup lol
but I was forgetting her supposedly gushed head


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U JUST NAILED IT LOOOOL ***thumbs up **

all what these detectives do in their reunions is reporting things we've already seen in the episode u_u
the writer should really come by here ..he'll get new, logical, and more believable ideas ^^

btw ...I noticed the padlock too and read this recap because of it ..but as it was not mentioned I though I just had a Deja vu^^ ..glad I'm not the only one :p


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You are a genius Miranda!! I bet this drama would be 20times more interesting AND funny if you wrote it!! I was yawning while reading about the whole death-gas-rescue scene in the recap but I laughed out loud reading your take of it! :D


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Your coffee query has me busting a gut laughing!!


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I didn't understand why they didn't just pull the desk over to the window, climb on it, and open the windows to a) get out and/or b)get some fresh air. I mean, Seo Jin is freaking out from ptsd, but Hana should be level-headed enough to figure that out.

Not to mention that perhaps she should have called her cavalry to let them know what was up.


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Yeah, they could have pulled the desk or chair to the windows and used it. I bet even Hana could have reached those windows. I suppose they should have made the windows much higher or eliminated the furniture for us not to question this part. This and the time it took for the police to arrive are probably the less convincing parts in episode 10. I'm not sure but I think they were still shooting scenes for episode 9 & 10 same week they aired. Hopefully they'll have more time to go over the details in advance in the next episodes.


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Cuz Dr.Yoon released tear gas, which is supposed to make you tear up but I guess they didn't portray it well......


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I also have been curious since the very beginning whether or not SJ really has the whole version of the truth of what actually happened during the entire kidnapping incident.

So TJ/LSH is more upset that SJ abandoned him in the warehouse than his father's death? Or I guess because SJ abandoned him in the warehouse, then his father had to come save him and that's the whole reason he died. His brand of crazy is really crazy.

Hana has always wanted to protect SJ so I don't think she would back away from doing what she could to do so. Even if it involves getting tangled in this mess with LSH.

I can't get enough of our OTP. Simply want more of them... I want her to find out but I'm not sure how I want her to find out. I just can't see SJ just outing himself right then and there. I think it's going to take a little more time. SJ has made strides so I hope he goes forward with this instead of regressing! He overcame his fear, although I wonder if it's partly because he could fall back on Robin.

Really can't wait for next week!! Hajina fighting!!


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Love how complex this story is getting with each episode! Usually I feel like they go by so fast and cover very little ground, but so much happened in this episode I was shocked when it finally ended!
The scene where Seo-Jin finally wakes up and asks Robin why he brought him here, to me if seemed very much like when Kim Joo Won woke up after Gil Ra Im left him in the elevator in Secret Garden. Nonetheless, love his character arch and how he's progressing from someone who used to only think of his own survival to someone else's well-being. I definitely agree with gf, the fact that Hana showed up at the right moment is another point that makes him fall for her. He is the kind of person that will easily believe that no one will come to find and save him.
I love that we got to see appearances from every cast member, albeit briefly. Glad we got the police officer's (can't remember his name, sorry) "Cue!" lines. It's too cute.
I have to say, the guy who plays Seo-Jin's assistant is too perfect. He reminds me a lot of (yes, again) Kim Joo Won's assistant in Secret Garden as well. The level of respect and care that he shows towards Seo Jin AND Robin is phenomenal. I Hope the writer leaves him as the funny, loyal sidekick and not drastically rewrite his character towards the end (I'm looking at you, Empress Ki writer-nim)
I actually want Hana to know the truth about Seo Jin and Robin (come on girl). I think it'd be fun to see her interacting with both characters in the same body. It's something to look forward to, and it'll bring back our romance comedy that the drama is supposed to be. Don't get me wrong, I love how dramatic it is (the background music is fantastic!) but every Kdrama fan likes to see her ship together too:)


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All I can say about episode 10 is - thank god.

I was ready to throw something at the screen at the pacing.

On the other hand, after 10 episodes, Ha Na is useless as a heroine. Except for the fact she walked s l o w e r
than the typical horror flick stupid chick walking into danger? She was stoooooooooooooo... pid.


Ergh. Ergh. Ergh. I love love love how the writer made her stupid. Well how else would you describe a girl who lets the cab driver go, followed someone into somewhere remote, walked into a closed building when she clearly heard a scuffle?

Then proceeds to talk first before releasing him when he's all tied up? Then walk at normal walking height when she SEES gas. Not crawling on the ground?

Plus break a window someone.

And then takes OFF and mask and talks some more.


And yes thank you for the review... sorry it's at the last sentence.


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HJM has finally gotten a consistently awesome groove going for it, and I couldn't be happier! I'm loving Tae-joo and his insanity as much as I love Seo-jin. They're just wounded people dealing with a past that drives them to have extreme reactions. For one, it's creating a different personality altogether and for the other, it's losing their mental stability to a point of ridiculous obsession.

I personally love Sung Joon's portrayal of Tae-joo. He's a little less subtle with the crazy eyes than I'd prefer, but the more quieter moments of breakdown either to tears or insanity is very well done. At times I'm so sorry for what he had to go through as a little boy which led him to the Tae-joo of today. Then at other times I wish he'd try an understand Seo-jin's side too. As a psychologist, he easily can. But he chooses to lie to himself very much like what he's accusing Seo-jin of doing. He doesn’t want to flip to the other side of the coin lest it takes away the purpose of everything he’s worked at all these years. Tae-joo is such a complex character and I'm most definitely rooting for him to find himself at the end of it all. Now if only he can lay off of Hana…

Seo-jin is hands down my favourite character in the drama, to a point where I get extremely grumpy if Robin takes over his body. I’m so much in his ship and therefore completely agree with GF that Seo-jin needs a chance to be with Hana with her knowing the truth. I want him to know that she chose him even when she could’ve chosen Robin. I want him to feel like he’s first choice to someone just by being himself. That can only happen if Hana falls in love with Seo-jin alone. On the traumatic past front, in a way Tae-joo is probably the only one who can free him from the cage he created for himself. Because Tae-joo opens the doors he runs away from, it allows him to face his fears and overcome them like he did today.

“I swear that Seo-jin is smiling at her, even though his mouth doesn’t move.” - GF
Haha, I totally saw that! Its like he’s internally smiling. Through his eyes possibly. How does one not move a muscle and still convey emotions? That takes some brilliant skills.

This drama feels so settled now so I’m glad to enjoy the ride from here on. The speed has gone up a notch too. Hopefully it can keep getting even better right till the end.


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The whole kidnapping re-enactment thing was rather silly and a snooze for me, but I am glad it drives the narrative forward a little bit.

In particular, I really liked the last scene, where she suspects something but doesn't know the whole picture. I also don't really want her to find out about his DID yet, because as nice as Robin is, I like her with Seo-jin way better, and it would be so nice to watch that relationship develop instead of her finding out right now that Robin=Seo-jin.


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"I swear that Seo-jin is smiling at her, even though his mouth doesn’t move."

"Couldn’t Seo-jin just insist that it was him the whole time, breaking the window and getting her out safely?"

"It’s strange, because in most dramas, I’m always dying for the secrets to just come out already, because it drives me crazy when people don’t know crucial things."

"I need Seo-jin to have his chance to win Hana over, and today’s sudden burst of heroism seems like the perfect place to start."

Exactly, exactly, exactly! I know it's super lazy to just quote girlfriday but both her and javabeans have such a talent for so perfectly articulating (with just the right amount of humor and fangirling) exactly what I'm thinking. And I do mean exactly what I'm thinking. Almost point for point every comment is spot on with what I'm thinking and feeling (or maybe its what we're ALL thinking and they can read minds?). :)


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the reenactment is good way to make the plot move, but not as dramatic as I think showed in the drama
and then I just don't know what to hope
even in the half way marks, can't sure I will watch it again because for some reason, the recap give much better feel than watch it

robin still need more development cause until ep 10 he is just a nice 2nd lead guy and hana already try to have some layer even she is still like never think about what better to do before act, she is just, idk move with the plot but didn't make the plot move

also how Dr.kang didn't knew the DID symptom when in ep 6 maybe he knew about BPD and DID,
I think the mystery is good but still not a lot that happen,
they develop seo jin more better than robin and choose to make Dr. Kang is worth more than Hana
the story is not that complex, it just the character didn't have realization and Dr. Kang good backstory
I think I am gonna switch to just recap from now on


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edit : I mean Tae joo not Dr. kang that didn't knew DID


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Thanks for the recap, GF!

The highlight of this ep for me was when Seojin overcame his fears and decided that he needed to protect Hana above all, himself included. That was a huge step for him so that it wouldn't turn out the way it did back then with Soohyun.

I'm also not sure if the version of the escape in Soohyun's eyes was the entire truth. But if it was, then given the circumstances and them being kids, I could see why Seojin would have been desperate to escape. Better for one of them to be safe than for both to be caught again. It seemed that Seojin did try his best to help Soohyun, but he just didn't have the physical strength to lift him up and through the window. And even after escaping, I would assume that Seojin would have asked the adults to help rescue Soohyun. Just that his own dad didn't even both with him, so why would he care about someone else's son?

Ending scene was great with Hana mulling over the events and questioning Seojin who he really is... Love how Seojin just stared at her with that internal smile. He's definitely fallen for her. =) When he had lost all faith in the world and could trust no one, she became his glimmer of hope when she dashed in to save him.


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Oh em gee I want her to know but I kind of want her not to know too!!! Torn, practically.

But Seo-Jin, you're making me swoon now. ♥


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*sirens alarm* It's Mr. Steal Yo Girl


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Jang Hana ssi.. do you have a different voice? when you're saving Sang-mu-nim, confused, happy in love... you speak the same way!! arrgghh...


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Love your review so much. But hate all those nasty comments. If you don't like the show, just leave it. Especially, no need to compare with other shows.

I'd say this is very good drama. Not in conventional K-drama way. If you like stereo-typed ones, don't watch.


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But this is a conventional Kdrama way and a stereo-typed ones. Very cheesy and cliche with its nobility idiocy. If you like lots of unnecessary fillers, pretty cinematography, bland acting, incoherent plot, and unbalance mood, then this is the one for you.

If you want solid plot with consistent character development as well as solid acting, then this isn't the one for you.

If you want a good romance-comedy, consider watching Gong Hyo Jin's dramas. She is the queen of rom-com after all. If you want an intense drama with solid acting, consider watching "The Chaser" (Drama version), "Punch", "Border", and "Liar Game".


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I know what I like. So does everyone. Everyone has the right to enjoy what they like without being said what they are watching is crap.

That's what I meant to say.


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I think we can said what is not worth in the drama that we watch or saying it was worth because that is how reviewed is and you watched it

because we didn't said the audience is bad and we are watching it together not just some person and

we have right to enjoy what we like but we need to face that not everyone like what we like even we think it was a good drama

it is subjective and I wanna said that HJM is conventional Kdrama way and a stereo-typed ones but it doesn't mean all conventional Kdrama and a stereo-typed ones is bad example of kdrama,


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No offence taken, a-bear. Though I'm afraid it's often quite hard to judge something without at least tacitly measuring it against standards set by something else. I might even judge, say, Han Ji Min's acting in HJM by comparing it with her own performances elsewhere. (And come away a bit disappointed that she doesn't seem to be as good here as she was in Plan Man and Rebirth.)


I dunno, @a-bear, I don't think you can avoid the fact that different people have different tastes, and that one is bound to enjoy something that someone else will say is crap. For example, I love A New Leaf with all my heart, but I accept that loads of people think it's awful and have voiced this opinion pretty loudly and enthusiastically all over the place.


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I love this show. As a matter of fact, But I also have lots of shows I like better than this one. I just bring it up to compare. Because as you said, everyone has different taste.

Sorry if my comment was offensive.


I meant I just don't bring it up to compare. Sorry my typo.


@escape: “The Chaser” (Drama version), “Punch”, “Border”, and “Liar Game”.

Great shows, every one of them!!


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this drama is a decent watch. the first 4 episode were pretty meh but it picks up from episode 5


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The recaps are much more exciting than the show itself. I say, skip the show, just read the amazing recaps. Makes a better story. The show itself is simply unbearable. Can't believe it's a Hyun Bin show. KMHM is so good that I wish everyday is wed and thurs.


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I'm enjoying the show and I liked how secretary kwon confronted dad, hopefully this bad father will have a change of heart.
I don't know if Hana finding out is a good thing but it's best for viewers if she doesn't.
When I saw the cousin I immediately thought somebody step on that cockroach,if only he would disappear.
Wouldn't it be great if the comment section was like healer, where the show is discussed and the positive is actually the focus of discussion but instead non stop criticism and constant comparisons with kill me heal me is what I get. honestly this is the reason why I have failed to watch that show,I didn't know it bothered me so much but now I am not liking Ji Sung yet I did before because I liked him in swallow the sun. Trust me I get it, this show isn't great but it's not that bad. It's average in my book, so please take it as it is or don't watch it but don't tear it apart even though you have every right to.


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I agree with you. in response to Bonnie above.
KMHM is doing really well (I'm watching both) but there's no need to spoil the fun for those who are here for HJM.
HJM hasn't had a great first half but it is nowhere as bad as what some may believed. The recaps have been fair, pointing both plus and minuses of the drama. U noe for those of us who stuck around with this drama, we are finally getting some nice payoffs episodes, so let's be nice and not bash unneedly.


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"...for those of us who stuck around with this drama, we are finally getting some nice payoffs..."

So true! It's the kind of drama that's far from perfect but has lots of appeal to me. I also get the feeling that the creators aim to satisfy viewers more than anything.


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So true, it didn't have the best start but it's great now.
For a show that has low *?!*?!, I'm surprised at the number of comments.


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I hope Hana doesn't find the truth just yet, I want her to love Seo-Jin for him, not because of Robin.
And like his past traumas weren't enough you know he had it bad when his secretary cares more about him than his own dad. On the bright side at least there are people who care about him.


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Did young seojin gave a small smile when he successfully escaped???
Due to lunar new year, the version I watched was low definition and it isn't really clear.
Wow if that's the case, I can totally understand how that screwed TAe Joo or BOTH of them up.
The hitting of the hands and pulling off to ask young TJ to let go was already bad enough.
This back story works, plot is going the right way by bring the conflict into focus.
And can I just squee at that expression at the last scene,
OMO so smexy, seojin!


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Well, after reading almost all of your comments under the recap, I was quiet surprised tbh.
In my opinion, this episode's been hands down the best so far, in terms of action and character developments.
Also everytime Robin appeared I wanted to him to already go, dunno why.
And I don't know what you're looking for regarding the chemistry between the leads in kdramas, because first time watching the scene where Hana comes to Seojin to check on him, the last scene of the episode, I was surprised myself to find how intense and sparkling they were. Like really, I think for the first time in this drama their relationship on-screen was really sizzling.


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In terms of the chemistry between Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min, I'm actually taken aback that some don't see it. For my sister and I, it's because of their chemistry we are still watching this drama and overlooking a lot of the flaws.

Though I have to say Hana's chemistry with Seo Jin is better than Robin which is weirdly funny since they are the same person...hahaha.


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This episode was really tense for me - not necessarily because of the action, but because of the emotional currents showing how the selfish actions of two men (the kidnapper + Seo Jin's crappy excuse for a dad) ruined the lives of two kids. Both of them are damaged so badly that they will never be whole. While we're seeing hints that Seo Jin could heal into a functional adult, Lee So Hyun is gone off the deep end and can't come back.

Sung Joon was pretty darn scary in this episode; moving from doctor-mode to vengeful little boy; the meticulous planning it took for him to recreate the scene of the trauma would have been insane.

Also, Dr. Kang is a terrible psychiatrist. How is it she knows exactly the worst thing to say to the guy having the violent psychotic episode?

And let's talk about how nobody says the obvious things to him: Hey, dude, you were 9. So was he. If you want to blame somebody, try the kidnapper.


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"IMMERSION THERAPY" is the phrase I have been wanting to say! Thank you, girlfriday, for providing those words. Thanks for the recap, loving this drama. :-)


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Thanks for the recap Girlfriday. More than the kidnapping scenes I liked the character development and shifts in the way the characters view each other in this episode.

"And even more significant for Seo-jin is the fact that Hana came for him, when he had given up the idea that anyone would care enough to save him. To someone like Seo-jin, that’s everything, and I have a feeling that he fell completely in love with her the second she ran into that warehouse."

It is love alright.

"I swear that Seo-jin is smiling at her, even though his mouth doesn’t move."

What you describe as a smile to me is a look of pure love and admiration, gratefulness, unexpected happiness, amazement, wonder... At that moment he is feeling so much he doesn't even know how to express. He is feeling things he never expected to feel. He never thought he would feel. Because no one has ever done anything like this for him. What can a poor bloke do, be it a prickly chaebol, but fall in love when faced with something he didn't even dare to hope for or dream of?

I admit, I swooned more at the way he stared at her in that final scene rather than him the putting the mask on her.

I would also like to see him tell her Robin wasn't there, she must be confused due to shock/gas/whatever and woo her in direct competition to Robin. Robin treats her well and charms her but it is an undeniable fact that she cares for Seo Jin lot more. No matter what Robin says she can't stop worrying about him or running to his aid whenever he needs it no matter how he treats her disregarding the trouble it would cause herself (and that's what made him put the mask on her). It is unusual for the leading lady to see through the jerkiness of the male lead and feel the underlying suffering and pain. So there is enough ground for Seo Jin to build on to win her over from Robin if only he treated her right.

I want to say a few words on the never ending comparisons between Kill Me Heal Me and this drama. It is impossible not to compare with the same time slot and similar themes (and to top it off Hyun Bin declining one in favor of the other). I watch both and enjoy both in different levels and ways. I think KMHM is by far the better drama in terms of writing, acting, excitement. I agree many things fall flat with HJM. But I don't find the loveline in KMHM as exciting as the possibility of Seo Jin's love for Ha Na. I enjoy every scene and character of KMHM while I'm watching and find Do Hyun's love touching but not exciting yet am more curious about Seo Jin's story. That is my personal opinion and if it affects anyone's decision to watch/not watch either show that's alright but I would not actively try to dissuade people from either one of them or try to convince everyone that the one I think is better is actually the better show. It is not the comparisons themselves that are grating but the tone of some of them.


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I agree with Girlfriday about liking it if the twin excuse would have prolonged for more episodes, but since it already turned out like this, I think it might be better if Seo Jin just tells the truth. If he lies now, she might not want to trust him again.


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Did anyone else feel like Seo Jin's gaze said "I totally love you"?


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It looked like "you are SO mine now"
...So intense that look, and so darn handsome.


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The last minutes of this episode were the best of this series so far. It's the first time I've wanted to rewatch the scene multiple times. Binnie turned up the heat. Actually looking forward for the next episode....imagine that.


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I thought it was "Okay, I give up" - but in a GOOD way.

He's been struggling to hold it together for more than five years, in constant terror of slipping as his father instantly exiling him (a valid fear, as it turns out) and has been keeping that control by being a nasty shut-in.

To me the look said that even if his dad does take everything, he's willing to risk it to just relax and try being happy. Robin loves Hana, Seo Jin definitely likes her, Robin's kind of given his blessing - it must be such a relief to just finally give in and do what feels right.


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Hmmm...nice insights Seems that way too but he was also channeling in some hot mojo. One stare, a dozen emotions. Have to say, this scene heats up the screen. But hyun bin probably can channel that stare to a wall anyway. He has that look perfectly crafted!!
In any case, the chemistry seemed to be a little better. I'm beginning to see that this show have been steadily improving, correcting the areas which have been weak. No big steps but small incremental steps week by week. I supposed it's better than one step forward 2 step backs in some dramas. Hopefully they maintain this tempo coz I'm feeling rather optimistic at this point. Don't ask me why..maybe live shooting has it's benefits for this drama. Coz im really wondering what the heck was the initial idea with the early episodes.


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To be honest, HJM makes me smile. Some of their badly executed scenes are definitely LOL moments. For one, Tae-Joo is one sick man but I feel that the show's execution of his "badness" makes me yawn or roll my eyes. I'm more worried about SeoJin's father. I'm pretty sure he's a nutcase waiting to be revealed. That's what keeps me tuned in.
KMHM is a good show to tune into also because each character is multi-dimensional. There's a story behind each, instead of them being plot devices to move the story along. There's too many complaints about the heroine's screaming. Two words. Mute button. If you look past her unnerving screaming, you'll see there's a lot more to her. As for Ji Sung's portrayal of a woman, I have no words for that. I highly doubt there's any man that can accurately play a woman well. But anyway that's my two cents.
Let's try to critique each drama in their own right. Just because they both talk about DID doesn't mean they are the same drama. Different plots, different cast, different critiques.


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Oh for crying out loud, dont bring KMHM into this..Its too good to be compared with hyde jekyll me. Just dont talk about it...


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Do you really have to be such a kill joy! Does it make you feel better? People are enjoying this show so get over it, we all have different taste kmhm doesn't appeal to me but hjm does. This doesn't mean I'm going to bash the other show when a recap comes out. I refuse to ruined anyone else mood just because I have different opinions, I think you should do the same.


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That last scene... he didn't utter a single word... yet the intensity was so spot on... now THAT is great acting...


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Thanks for the recap, girlfriday! Your insight is truly helpful. Sometimes I come up with interpretations of expressions or turn of events that I'm not sure of, and your comments make me see things in a different perspective that is most likely more accurate.

What I liked above this episode is that Seo-jin finally sought Robin's help, which means he has come to accept his alter ego. I'm beginning to really admire Robin's courage and selflessness. I appreciate them equally now. Twisted it may sound, I'm even hoping Robin will not disappear entirely. In case he does, meaning Seo-jin is healed of his D.I.D., I hope the outcome will be a merging of their personalities.

It's proven that Sung Joon can act, but sometimes I take for granted his talent until something reminds me of how good he is. The standout expression for me in this episode is when he (as Tae-joo) bitterly laughed (so happy to see the screenshot of this is included in the recap) while watching Hana untie Seo-jin. So much feelings conveyed in that few seconds.

The last scene left me wondering how Seo-jin will answer Hana's question: Will he lie and say that he's been Robin pretending to be Seo-jin from the time he walked into the warehouse up to that moment? Or will he finally disclose his D.I.D.? To be honest, I don't know which I prefer. I'm just eager to see the next episode.

Last but not least, *laughs bitterly* I'm surprised those who can't stand this drama are still commenting halfway through the series. What's with the continued interest in a story they think is awfully written? In case they have actually watched up to this point, then it can't be that terrible, right? If they haven't seen it, then their opinions (i.e. about the show being boring, the lack of chemistry, etc.) can't be entirely credible. I can understand voicing out frustrations about the turn of events, characterization, implausibility, and untapped potential, etc. But what I don't get is when people leaves comments on how hopeless every little thing about this show is, especially at this late in time. How did they get this far (episode 10!) if they hate it so much? Sure, this drama may be flawed, but for many OTHER viewers it gets more interesting by the week. Moreover, Han Ji Min and Hyun Bin seem very comfortable with each other on/off screen that it's easy to like their pairing. It's also an advantage that almost the entire cast can act (except for Chairman Daddy who is either truly mediocre or was merely unfortunate to have been given such a weak character when he is supposed to be intimidating). Sigh... To end on a positive note, Hajina may not be for everyone, but it keeps me entertained and I'm glad I chose to watch it. I watch kdramas to be entertained after all.


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Spot on!! :) I agree.


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There's no real reason to be surprised that people continue watching a drama even though they think it's pretty ridiculous. For my part at least, I'm commenting on it because I do still watch the show. You don't need to 100% enjoy a show to watch it, and I tend to stick around when I think a show's flailing to see if there's a plot twist or change that will make me like it more. I like HB, and I like his acting, so that's the main reason I'm watching but that leaves a lot of other stuff that's been incredibly silly (plotting, pacing, other actors, logic). So when I watch it and see something ridiculous, I'll sometimes note it.

I'm surprised that there's any expectation that the comments section for an episode has to be all rainbows and glitter and cartoon hearts - surely that's the point of commenting and discussing? If you don't want to talk about the sillier elements of the show or otherwise dislike a comment, then skip to the next comment or post a new one.


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Who mentioned anything about expectations of a 100% positive comment? I definitely didn't. I think I made my point clear. There is a big difference between voicing frustrations about the flaws of the show (because we want it to improve) and simply making fun of every single detail. Viewers see the areas that need help, there's so much of them after all in the earlier episodes. But I don't dissect every trivial detail or promote other shows that are better than this. That's just low. Also, I don't have enough patience to watch until episode 10 if there weren't other stuff that compensated for the flaws. There's such a thing as balance. And, no, I won't skip comments that I disagree with. I'll comment on them just like what I did.


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You asked why people still comment and said you didn't get it, so I answered why I both watch and comment despite clearly having criticisms of the show. I figured that addressed your point, but I guess your point was actually closer to "I like this drama, stop picking at it". In which case it's more of a statement and all the questions were rhetorical?

The show's not airing in a void, it's going head-to-head with another DID drama; there's naturally going to be some commenting crossover. (And the insane prominence of the hypnotist's coffee pot actually does make me want to know if it's a product placement.)

As for skipping comments, go wild and comment all you want - you just seemed to dislike the critical/comparative ones a lot, and there are plenty of non-critical ones to read, so easy fix.


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wait... I have 10 episode patient because I happen to can catch every week episode and I want to know if I get the criticism right or it just me who doesn't get the story or liking some part or see any good story or missing something

it's a half point, people already giving a fair chance and when they didn't feel the pay off, they have right to comment about that

for having disappointed is with legitimate reason is an uplift for people who watch it for the story, I mean what's wrong if a drama not generally accepted because something is really wrong or get the viewer attach because they like what they shown

but for comment to just happily and fluttery with a serious problem like what tried to provided here, it is more surprising that is not much to comment beside what save it from same dangerous cliff failure or finally pay-off plot or the chemistry, beside people who watch mostly tend to ignore and feel that people hated it so much just because they liked other show of simply a hater,
but at least based on what I see, they get a development form the critics that they get

I know I sounds not too much or too much for a party, but the way the show always deliver something not significantly needed than what it most needed, make people wanted to try the recap
and if the comment always about how lovely and one or two twist but rarely get confronted in comment section,
how we know that people invested on the show,

I highly doubt this show will have this far development if the comment about all that lovely and cute things in display is accepted or having a tough competition and the idea to air it in the same slot


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So if Tae-joo's epiphany to involve Hana in his wicked scheme to hurt Seo-jin takes place in this episode, what explains the fake Soo-hyun stalking and trying to kill her in the previous episodes?


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I don't think Hana was one of his intentions. He was surprised when she appeared at the warehouse and that seojin will protect her instead of self preservation. His scheme to use her was only thought of during his conversation with prof kang after the warehouse kidnap.
Btw I also think he left the face mask there intentionally because the idea was not to kill seojin but "experiment" by reenacting the past, call out seojins bluff on not remembering or force him to recall. I agree with girlfriday that it will make him sad to have seojin die (now) as he now wants him to acknowledge his lies on what he did and suffer for it.

Actually come to think of it, he also seemed pretty disgusted that seojin chose to save Hana vs abandoning him in the past. I kinda like this plot direction, he's like the crazy eye yet jealous BFF. I mean in his delusional mind, he's just seriously pissed off that seojin left him, best friend behind to die and now he actually saved a girl?! So obviously he's gonna go all crazy eye evil now to use Hana and make seojin miserable. Hey, among all the incomprehensible kdramas revenge motivations, I do follow his character emotional response to this.


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Can anyone tell me why they keep referring to Robin as the older twin?

Wouldn't it make more sense for him too be the younger considering 1) that would more easily explain the fabrication that he is the ousted loser in the chabeoul heir war and 2) Seo Gin is the original personality?


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Because Robin told Ha Na he is older. So when they came up with the story that if anyone sees Robin they will say he is Seo Jin's twin they must have decided he is older (or Robin may have said that the first time and they had to follow through with that from that point on).

I see your logic so maybe the answer is Robin's sense of humor.


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Very good point - maybe it's because it was the easier way to explain Robin stepping up and taking responsibility/saving people, while Seo Jin tends to run away? Older siblings supposedly being more responsible, etc.


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I did have the same query too. And seojin seemed to acknowledge when robin is mentioned as his hyung. (I would have thought he would be pffft since robin seems more immature)


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"And just before escaping, Seo-jin looks back with a smile on his face, looking triumphant that he got away. Yikes. Well, I certainly see why you’re both scarred."

I went back and rewatched this scene because I thought I must have missed the "triumphant smile". Many times these recaps make me go back to watch for things that I missed while busy trying to keep up reading the subtitles - but this time, I gotta say, it didn't look like a smile at all to me. Just years and grimaces. That's how I viewed it, anyway.


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I rewatched this part too...and it does seem that there is a small smile, not at Tae Joo but more at the kidnapper who after pushing small tae joo down looked up in anger and frustration. Seems like little seojin smirk and turned away.
I also believed this is not the entire story of the kidnap. We don't know what happened to TJ's dad, and the version seojin said at the police station was deemed a lie by Taejoo. Prob more trauma on that. Maybe he indirectly caused the death of the dad too?


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I also went back to look and didn't see a smile. Maybe there was relief that he got away but more than that I thought it maybe the inexperience of the child actor in being unable to convey what he should at that scene. Because I'm still unclear after rewatching it.


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wow, the way seo jin looked at ha na at the end was just the best!!! can't wait for the next episode. and as for the comparison between KMHM and HJM, okay, we get the point that KMHM is better! satisfied now? gosh, to be honest, this drama certainly has its flaws but its seriously not as bad people make it out to be. there is a plethora of horrible dramas out there that have high ratings or much fan base. the premise of this drama was promising and the actors (especially hyun bin) are really good. its seriously that the writer/pd have made some really poor choices that really affected the overall quality of the drama. i'm actually watching both dramas and like them both. as for ji sung is killing it! I agree but he does have soooo much to work with given a much much much better script, which really allows him to showcase his skills. on the other hand, hyun bin is single handedly lifting this drama with a horrible script (well now with sung joon's character revealed to be the bad guy hyun bin doesn't have the too pressure of doing the one man solo act that has been doing so far)! for hyun bin to lift this drama from what he is given just shows how great of an actor he is. not many actors can hold up the drama as hyun bin is doing right now. given his acting is limited by what the script/pd demand, he really doesn't fail to put on a great performance!! to be honest, I really enjoy this drama given its flaws. its certainly not for everyone but it really is entertaining now!


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So, here’s a short rundown of my night Thursday: went home. Had dinner. Fed the cats. Turned the TV on, computer on and logged on to soompi TV for the much awaited 10th ep of Jekyll whatever. 10 o’clock still nothing. Annoyed..clicked on kill me, heal me. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes….wow, this show is fast-faced and the Se Gi guy looks gorgeous. Finished ep 3 still no Jekyll. Gripped by curiosity about Kill me, heal me though. What’s Se Gi gonna do next? Friday. Watched Ep 10 of Jekyll. Was not excited. Went home, clicked on Soompi again to finish watching Kill me, heal me. Wow! Is this show the next Healer or what? Danda! Yup, better than Jekyll, the gentleman’s version of DID. Kill me, heal me is it’s bastard brother, freer, sharper, wittier, and sexier. Gets niyo?


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Yeah and so? Ok these comments are seriously getting me....
agree KMHM is the better DID show, no one is saying any different! But so? Does it have to be one or the other? And does it pain you that some people are actually starting to enjoy HJM?
Hey we are legitimately discussing Squee moments and plot goods and bads here. Its starting to turn around, so there's more people who are giving it some credit. don't be a kill joy!


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Sung Joon as villain is a big NO. His glare and gestures are overacting. I prefer the story is more about psychology conflict of Seo Jin-Robin because this is the original theme of this drama, right?


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I don't know. I'm really enjoying the crazy eyes...


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Agree with you. He seems try too hard for looking baddie that makes unnatural to look at.


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He's supposed to be like a little psycho. So those crazy eyes work for me.

It's Hyde Jekyll me
Can be seojin robin Tj?
Whatever, as long as it's not Hana.
The romance is boring unless Hana and seojin can steam it up, otherwise I will take bromance anytime.


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Hyun Bin and Han Ji-min have great chemistry. Even more so with Secretary Kwon. I think he champions on bromance (see him with LJW in "Nine").

Though I'm all for diversity with the shift for Sung-joon doing baddie, I'm just a bit iffy with the facial expressions. He's not necessarily bad, I see how his sensitivity as an actor got him this role and he seems like someone who can convincingly play the good or bad card at the drop of a hat. I just feel like he may be overthinking the character or the scene too much. I think his eyes work well for him but the constant facial twitching every other second throws me off most of the time. Perhaps, a touch of subtlety would work best for him. I'm quite excited to find out how further into the dark he'd go or if there will be a pivotal moment when he realizes he's just desperate to bring back the old, trusted friend he thought he once knew.

Each and every drama will always have its merits and not-so-good points. While it's fine to compare and contrast, I think that as a reader, I would prefer that comments (good or bad) be focused on the drama being recapped more than anything else. Had I been interested to know about other dramas I would've visited the recap thread for that instead.

I have yet to see an episode of KMHM. But now that I'm seeing mentions of the "screaming" spree and allegedly poor acting on HJE, I'm even less encouraged to give it a peek. I've seen her in several dramas and she's just not getting through to me. But I respect if others find her good. To each his own.

I guess what I'm tryin' to say is that there has been too much talk on another drama in the HJM recap thread. People like me who're finding something good in HJM to remain watching the show and interested to find out what others think of it or if they share the same views, now have to sift through unrelated KMHM comments. Just my two cents.


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Actually in my opinion the situation is quite different than when Seo Jin was kidnapped the first time. This time he could sacrifice himself to save someone else, while when he was young that option was not there. In that situation the person who was potentially going to be saved, was decided the moment the one getting out first was chosen. The decision was not "save myself or my friend" but rather "save myself or my friendship". It's understandable why Tae Joo feels betrayed and holds a grudge, but the reality is that no matter what Seo Jin had chosen to do, he was not going to be saved.

I am actually wondering if Seo Jin is about to be cured and at the end of episode it's some kind of combination of the two. Either was it's nice to see that they both are willing to help each other, although it will be tested soon, as they have a conflict right in front of them, which ironically also brought them together.


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Does anybody know what cell phones he uses? Really like them!


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I watched HJM behind the scene episode 4 and finding something new. Hyun Bin in real life seems doesn't has any sense of humor XD. How can he's being rude to the one who plays the secretary by saying "Let's work, hyung!" and pointed the place that the secretary supposed to be? I know now the reason why he doesn't has any chemistry with the co-stars because he seems too serious. It's good being too, but at the same time makes your working environment becoming awkward and stressful too. On the other hand, Han Ji Min looks try hard to become close with him and making good working environment by joking but Hyun Bin just being cold all the time.


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Maybe you haven't see this BTS yet. They seem to get along well and they have good banter off-screen too.



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I thoroughly enjoy watching the BTS of Hyde, Jekyll, and Me. I've seen 5 or 6 of them and keep waiting for newer ones to be released. Any ideas where to find the latest ones, like for episode 8 onward?


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This one too. He's even dusting off lint from Secretary Kwon's jacket off-cam.



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Does anyone know the name of that progressivy instrumental song, it played twice in this episode. When they were in the warehouse and at the end


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I want to know as well, I am guessing we will have to wait till the end of the show I think that is when they usually release the full OST. If you find it will you let me know?


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Yes, I watched that too. Did you notice the caption when he cleaned up secretary's jacket (it's written: Isn't it too hard?) and the secretary stare at him isn't the looking of pleased.

In this is the short clip that I meant before. It seems the guy who play secretary a bit scary with Hyun Bin. I like secretary Kwon actor rather than anyone in this drama. He's the master of bromance and had much better chemistry with Eric and Lee Jin Wook before.



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Sorry, my last post for replaying dear @soli


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Hyde Jekyll Me is what you consider a mediocre kdrama then I will freaking love the good ones. This is the first and only kdrama I have watched and I love it. It can be pretty retarded at times but for the most part its funny and entertaining. It also has brought tears to my eyes several times.

also, Ha Na couldnt be any more adorable in my opinion.


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So, literally number one on my favorite drama list, is My Name is Kim Sam Soon, which many people know was basically Hyun Bin's key towards A-list fame. And I recently rewatched it (actually I finished it for like the 5th time today LOL). Right before that, I rewatched Secret Garden (so like a week ago). By far the Sam Soon script (imo) was definitely the best and both dramas had amazing chemistry and acting. But MNKSS was better that SG in terms of script and story. I personally liked the chemistry better too but Gil Ra Im and Joo won chemistry was HOT.

Now after military service and a 5 year drama hiatus Hyun Bin comes back with Hyde, Jekyll, and Me...on top of being offered the lead position in in KMHM...and idk I'm just disappointed at the fact that Hyun Bin doesn't seem up to par with his usual acting finesse. But the real problem with the drama is the plot...I mean in the beginning it was funny and cute and I was eager to see how it would go....but I feel like everything has been like so skewed in some kind of weird psycho-thriller minus the science and plus Sung Joon's uncharacteristic deranged character who you don't even really know is good or bad or what.

It just feels weird that the evolution of quality drama scripts and Hyun Bin's usual scrutiny when it comes to choosing scripts and stories seems to have diminished.

Sorry I don't want to offend fans of the drama or Hyun Bin (i LOVE binnie) but I just want to see what people think of my frustrations UGH.


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I stopped watching KMHM...the 7 personalities were way too distracting and sort of over the top...If one has 7 personalities...you would not be able to function right....much less hold a job....believe me I work with people like these on a daily basis!


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This is the first time I'm reading an episode review for a drama. I didn't even know there's such a thing! It would have been tiresome to put in words each episode. But I found out that it's fun to read anyway. Also knowing what others think of what I'm also watching.

Though I must say I found it harsh that some commented Han Ji Min's acting is bland, flat or something. She's happy when she's happy, scared when scared, thinking when just PLAIN thinking. I mean, what's wrong with that? I like it because it's more REALISTIC. It's way better than exaggerating a look, for example when you're confused just to show that you're confused. How many people in real life has emotion on their face when they're thinking of something?

Maybe I'm just being biased because she's the reason why I watched this drama. I haven't watch a single drama that starred Hyun bin, to be honest and I don't really like Seo Jin's character at first.

Having a bad boy character for a main lead actor is one thing, but pushing a woman away in a life and death situation (the elevator scene) was way too much you know! Anyway, with this Episode, I find myself rooting for Seo Jin. Robin is just too good to be true. And let's face it, who wouldn't root for Bad-Boy-Changed-Because-Of-A-Woman love team. It's been over and over and yet we fall for it.

All I'm saying is, I'm looking forward to your next review after the next episode and maybe I can share much of my thoughts for that episode only.

Bless you!


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I thin I have watched too many Conan the Detective episode.. by now Seo Jin should know that Tae Joon is Soo Hyun.

Aigoo.. the way he keep asking question regarding the past incident, diverting attention towards Dr Kang, somebody could sniff that sth was weird..

I have been waiting for some genius from the police meeting, the ahjussi with the spectacle maybe could just point to Tae Joon..

well, idk, maybe i just want some detective-scene-like going on.. but so far, i stay for the lead..

rooting for Seo Jin rather than Robin.. i couldnt feel it coming from Robin, its more to Seo Jin.. .. huhu


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Hmmm... I wonder, how SJ is going to answer Hana's question? He might tell her that because of the gas that she inhaled, she dreamt that he was Robin. LOL

Anywho, I have learned to enjoy HJM and KMHM, seperately. Thus, I am really looking foward to how SJ will respond to Hana's question in the next episode, which will be out within 12 hours. Hahaha...


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