Ho-gu’s Love: Episode 6

It’s a Kang-chul centric episode as — no, wait, come back! Come back! Yes, he might be a total ass, but everyone has a backstory, and we get a peek into his. If that’s not enough, there’s the promise of Ho-kyung’s revenge to keep us going. We also learn why Do-hee decided to keep the baby and if nothing else, there’s the adorable Ho-gu doing what he does best: giving us warm fuzzies.


Sixth Foolish Act: “Let’s not ask about the past”

We pick up where we left off, with Kang-chul visiting Do-hee in the hospital, and Ho-gu overhearing their conversation, concluding with the epic “Use a condom, you bastard!” punch in the face. So satisfying.

Kang-chul is panicked to discover his nose bleeding and stumbles to the floor. Ho-gu hides his face and tries to run as soon as the elevator doors open, but Kang-chul grabs his legs. Before he fully runs away, Ho-gu angrily asks if Kang-chul is hungry, and then throws the buns he had been planning to give to Do-hee at Kang-chul, slipping in one final toss of one of the condoms he took from Ho-kyung before the doors close.

As a nurse and doctor shriek in horror at discovering a knocked-out Kang-chul slumped in the elevator, he voice-overs: “My name is Kang-chul. Byun Kang-chul.”

A sleep-deprived Tae-hee and Chung-jae try to come up with a way to keep their webtoon alive (they decide they can’t use Jordan as their setting for the second season because the popular “Bisaeng” webtoon is using it, pffft). Ho-gu finally arrives at the office, and it’s a melodramatic reunion as Tae-hee asks him where he’s been, beating on Ho-gu’s chest like a forgotten lover.

At Ho-gu’s silence when he asks if he and Do-hee are over, Tae-hee wonders if he’s now become a baby errand boy after spending his life being a snack errand boy. He tries to talk sense into Ho-gu, asking who the father is, and Ho-gu admits he knows who it is, but it takes Tae-hee to put a name to a face: Byun Kang-chul.

Speak of the devil. He’s also trying to figure out why Ho-gu seems so familiar to him — maybe it’s someone he won a case against who has a grudge against him? As he’s trying to place where he’s seen Ho-gu before, Gong-mi arrives to get some documents, and conveniently spots Kang-chul’s old yearbook. But that sparks a sudden connection, and he grabs it from her, flipping to Ho-gu’s picture (which switches to a growling picture of him in the elevator, ha!).

In a high school flashback, Kang-chul observes that Ho-gu is the school’s snack errand boy, or “bread shuttle,” always doing one of three things: buying bread for someone, or buying milk, or buying bread and milk at the same time. It’s clear to Kang-chul that it’s a case of school bullying and a violation of his basic human rights, but Ho-gu flummoxes him by being so happy to do his daily errands.

He can only conclude that Ho-gu was born to be a slave to others. Kang-chul can also predict the exact moment that Tae-hee will come running up to help his friend. As Tae-hee and Ho-gu are beat up for getting the snack order wrong, Kang-chul walks away, dismissing them as inferior beings.

Ho-gu’s pulled out his own yearbook to double-check that it’s the same person, and Tae-hee reminds him that Kang-chul was always a lucky guy in high school.

Another flashback, and a group of girls are all swooning over Kang-chul’s good looks (or class-president ranking, if you go by Tae-hee’s assessment). As Do-hee returns a book to Kang-chul, Ho-gu wonders if she likes Kang-chul. Considering the four-leaf clover she left in the book and the way she smiles as she walks away, I’d say that’s a safe bet. Ho-gu sees the clover fall from the book, and stops to pick up up, angrily shouting after Kang-chul: “Hey!”

In the present, Kang-chul wonders why Ho-gu attacked him in the elevator. He rifles through his yearbook until he finds the four-leaf clover: “No way…” Flashback to high school: Ho-gu returns the clover to a bewildered Kang-chul, placing it in his hand and telling him not to throw it away.

Present-day Ho-gu and Kang-chul are not pleased to remember each other.

Tae-hee’s guessed that Kang-chul is the father because he assumes the only reason a celebrity like Do-hee went to the high school reunion was to find the baby’s father, who must be an alumnus. Downing soju are a couple of guys we saw at the reunion, and when one starts to cry that he’s done bad things in his life, it’s revealed that they both received the same same anonymous “Shouldn’t you be spending Christmas with your family?” texts as Kang-chul. Interesting.

There’s no news on who the mysterious sender is, and Kang-chul pounds his desk in frustration before returning to his normal robot-like self. As he sets out for his blind date with Ho-kyung, Gong-mi tries to suggest that he looks more like he’s going to a business meeting than a romantic date. Which is fine by Kang-chul, because that’s exactly how he sees this date.

At the hospital, Do-hee ignores voicemails from her coach warning her about reporters since there’s already rumors going around about her disappearance, and tries to settle up her hospital bill. Because she refused insurance in an effort to keep her identity private, she balks at the sum — and then tries to bargain a discount since she’s paying in cash. Ha!

Ho-gu tries to fight the urge to visit Do-hee, telling himself that he’s only leaving home to go to work. But as he steps outside, he runs into Coach, who treats him to lunch as a way to say thanks for paying back the amount he borrowed in Yeosu (aw, Ho-gu even made sure to include extra for the ATM transaction fee). Coach’s real purpose is to find out where Do-hee is, though, and Ho-gu awkwardly manages to evade the question.

But Coach melodramatically worries whether or not Do-hee is sick or kidnapped or killed, and Ho-gu rushes to reassure Coach that she’s doing well, uh, that is, he just believes she must be doing well. You’re a terrible liar, Ho-gu.

Do-hee watches happy families surround the viewing area of the hospital baby room as she waits alone for her baby to be given to her. She’s a little dazed as the nurses hand the baby over, and when she says she’ll be going home, they assume she’ll be returning to the States.

Carefully cradling her newborn, she slowly leaves the room, overhearing the nurses remarking that she’s the one who never came down to try and nurse her baby, and how much she looks like the swimmer Do Do-hee. One of the nurses wonders why, if she’s American, she reverted to talking in saturi during labor instead of English. Do-hee turns around, and, in hesitant English, says goodbye.

Ho-gu arrives at the hospital, unaware that Coach is hot on his tail. But Do-hee has already been discharged, so he glumly walks back to the bus stop. Just across the street, though, is Do-hee getting into a taxi, and Ho-gu shouts and runs after her to try and get her attention — but no such luck.

Dressed to kill (er, figuratively, but I hope maybe literally, too), Ho-kyung makes her way to her blind date with Kang-chul. Gong-mi calls her, worried because she’s late for the date. But it’s all a part of Ho-kyung’s plan. She’s exactly seven minutes late so it will build anticipation and let her be in control of the first impression.

There are about a half dozen guys, all looking identical in their suits, all waiting in the lobby of the hotel. They perk up when Ho-kyung walks in and scramble for their phones when she pulls out hers. But they slump back down in their seats when Kang-chul answers his phone. Smiling, Ho-kyung walks over to him, apologizing for being late. Inwardly, she says he’s just as awful as he was six years ago — and just as handsome.

Do-hee arrives at a cheap motel, and it looks like she’s been staying here for some time, based on all the personal items strewn about the room. She sets the baby down on the bed and slowly unwraps him from his blanket. Awww, he’s just the cutest little thing. Her eyes well with tears as she gently pats his stomach and holds his hand.

Having followed her to the motel, Ho-gu slowly makes his way through the hallways. He stops at a door where he hears the sound of a baby crying and gently knocks. Do-hee answers it, surprised to see him. Ho-gu is also surprised by Coach, who shoves Ho-gu aside and barges into the room.

Coach has a breakdown after seeing the baby, weeping and beating the floor. But Do-hee, unfazed, tells him to be quiet or he’ll wake the baby. Ho-gu tries to keep the peace as Coach and Do-hee bicker back and forth, and when Coach demands to know who the father is, Do-hee tells him there isn’t one.

He says that’s impossible — what is she, some kind of Virgin Mary? Do-hee is delighted to have an example of another woman who gave birth alone, adding that Coach should just think of it as a miraculous birth.

Over dinner, Ho-kyung is bored by Kang-chul’s prattling on about his work, even though she smiles and appears interested. She pours on the flattery about his choice of restaurant and dining selection, and he proudly tells her that not just anyone can get into this restaurant. Except it’s the twelfth time she’s been on an arranged date there this year. Pffft.

She eyes the other couples having their blind dates like they’re opponents in table tennis, accurately guessing which couples are just about to start their game and which ones are about to end with a smashing serve. After the meal, Kang-chul suggests coffee, and Ho-kyung politely offers to pay. Kang-chul tell her of course she’ll pay — after all, he paid for dinner. Oh, you ass.

They start their own game of table tennis, and cocky Kang-chul serves first, just wanting to get the final portion of the date over as quickly as possible. Pffft, he even has a flow-chart how to determine is a woman is a suitable dating partner and worth pursuing.

He serves first, complimenting her beauty (the first step in the flow-chart), and she easily returns it, demurely thanking him, and then surprising him by pointing out that physical beauty is really just a natural force for stimulating the hormones. That checks off the next criteria (“Is she cultured?”).

This time it’s Ho-kyung’s serve, and Kang-chul tells her that she’s the second most beautiful person he’s ever seen, but denies that the most beautiful is his mother or his first love, as suggested by Ho-kyung. She doesn’t care, though, because if she dates him, she’s not interested in his past — just the present and the future. That hits the last criteria (“Does she not annoy me?”), and it’s game, set, match.

Kang-chul looks like he doesn’t quite know how to handle this discovery that she’s easily made it through his flow-chart, and Ho-kyung nonchalantly sips her tea.

Ho-gu tidies up Do-hee’s room as Coach naps with the baby. Do-hee feels bad for Coach, since she’s his primary source of income and she disappeared for six months to have a baby. Ho-gu asks her why she did it, if she knew it would be such a shocking matter — and especially with a guy like Kang-chul.

He grabs her shoulders, shouting if she thinks he’s a fool (a “hogu”). Surprised, she says he is Kang Ho-gu. But he insists that even if he is a fool, she shouldn’t take advantage of him — why would she flirt with him when she’s having Kang-chul’s baby?

Except it’s just his imagination, and Do-hee stares at him, wondering if he has something to say to her. He pretends to brush the dust off her shoulders as a way of explaining why he grabbed her, and it’s back to sweetheart Ho-gu as he worries if she’s okay.

He sighs as he wonders how she relieves her stress. Coach can scream, cry, drink, and then sleep — but what about Do-hee? He offers to buy her something to eat, but instead she just wants some fresh air.

Coach soon joins her where she stands on the rooftop of the motel. They stare out at the city landscape, and when Coach asks why she decided to have the baby when she’s so determined to succeed in her swimming career, she softly smiles and says it’s because of Ho-gu.

It’s also because of the ahjumma pickpocket who stole their wallets in Yeosu. Flashback to Do-hee’s confrontation in the bathroom, and afterwards she signs the baby-carrier, asking why the ahjumma decided to have the baby even though she has no husband or family to support her. What gave her the courage to go through with it?

The ahjumma pickpocket admits that she had the baby because she didn’t have the courage. She had lived following her own will up until then, but while she was waiting to have an abortion, she realized that she would regret it. She plans to give him up for adoption to a family that is financially stable and will be able to have a better life than she could give him. Even so, because of her baby, she admits likes herself a lot more these days.

On the rooftop, Do-hee says that she went to the abortion clinic, but just couldn’t go through with it. She tells Coach not to worry — things might not have started the way she planned, but she’s resolved to see it through to the end. She, too, will put the baby up for adoption.

Coach asks worries about the reporters who are trying to find her, and she says that she’ll be fine — she’ll make sure of that. But Coach wonders what’s the deal with her friend, who takes care of her baby without complaint. Do-hee smiles, saying that’s just Ho-gu.

As Ho-gu watches over the baby, he sighs that he ended up being unable to ask Do-hee what happened between her and Kang-chul, or if the baby is his. He tries to tell himself that it’s better that way — according to Ho-kyung, just like you can’t ask an elder when they’ll die, you can’t ask a girl about her past.

Kang-chul drives Ho-kyung home, and when Gong-mi texts her, dying to know how it’s going, she reassures her friend that the game isn’t over yet. Ho-kyung sweetly apologizes to Kang-chul for texting, excusing it as a work-related thing. As he pulls up to drop her off, she smiles brightly, thanking him for the date and telling him next time it will be her treat.

He agrees, but doesn’t seem convinced they’ll meet again. She flirtatiously tells him that if he doesn’t agree to a second date, then she’ll figure out who that most beautiful person was. As Kang-chul watches her go, he wonders to himself whether or not if having a past means you can’t talk about having good luck or bad luck.

Ho-gu watches the baby sleep, convincing himself that the baby has Kang-chul’s nose and chin, and tries to warn the baby that he’ll hate it in the future. But the cute faces his makes at the baby bely his words.

Kang-chul decides that he won’t be able to tell Ho-kyung who the most beautiful person was — because the most beautiful person is none other than “that punk.”

A brief flashback shows high school Kang-chul suddenly being kissed. The kisser’s face is obscured by a hood and scarf, but Kang-chul tells us, “Because that person is Ho-gu. Kang Ho-gu.”


Well, that was a twist I did not see coming. You’ve definitely got my attention, show.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when the anticipated “My name is Ho-gu. Kang Ho-gu” was replaced with “My name is Kang-chul. Byun Kang-chul” at the beginning of the episode. There may have been a moment’s panic because after the previous episode, I was not too thrilled about spending an episode centered around Kang-chul. Even though I’ve been assuming that the conversation Ho-gu overheard was a red-herring, and really about something totally other than condoms (my pet theory is it has to do with legal matters, since he’s probably the only lawyer Do-hee could trust), Kang-chul definitely hasn’t been a likable character lately.

But now I’m gobsmacked with the realization that he was probably in love with Ho-gu. Sure, the kiss itself was obviously Ho-kyung, but Kang-chul didn’t know that — he probably doesn’t even know Ho-gu has a twin. Which makes me wonder: Is that the reason why Kang-chul sees blind dates as business propositions? Because he’s had a secret unrequited crush on Ho-gu since high school? I also wonder if that’s what makes him such a jerk, but liking the same sex doesn’t magically grant you the rights to be a total ass to everyone.

Which is why I’m so glad that Ho-kyung is there to ruin his life. Obviously she must have had a thing for him back in the day, and I’m dying of curiosity to see how this whole high school version of Twelfth Night went down. But in the present day, I’m so happy to see how she calmly and confidently shakes him up. It’s so satisfying watching the calm, collected robot Kang-chul get so unnerved by her.

As for Do-hee, I loved her in this episode. I mean, I love her just generally, but this episode was fantastic in letting us getting another glimpse of who she is behind her façade. I’ve been impressed with UEE since the beginning, but this is my favorite episode for her yet. I especially was moved by watching her attempt to keep distant from her child melt away as she brought him home, tearing up as she held his tiny hands and looking so much in love with her baby. She may not have originally wanted this child, and she may plan to give him up for adoption, but she’s still his mother and she still loves his cute little face. And let’s face it, that baby is cuuuuuuuuuuuute.

Maybe Ho-gu will adopt him. After all, despite the fact he’s terrible about respecting Do-hee’s privacy and the boundaries she’s set (I’m still annoyed by that from the previous episode, and even though I know it will end well, I’m not a fan of him following her to her motel), he clearly is head-over-heels for this little guy. Hey, maybe if it is Kang-chul’s baby, he and Kang-chul can adopt it and raise it together! What, too progressive?

Hey, a girl can dream that Dramaland will give her a happy ending where everyone wins — Do-hee gets to keep swimming and win her gold, knowing that her child is being taken care of by the best mama figure; Ho-kyung gets her revenge and can torment Kang-chul for the rest of her life; Kang-chul gets to be with the most beautiful person he’s ever met; and Ho-gu gets to play hero-savior-sweetheart to everyone and raise the cutest baby ever. Win-win-win-win-win.


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This episode was all shades of awesome. The date, Ho-Gu and that incredible baby, Do-Hee softening, and Kang-chul's twist. I'm hooked.


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you really have no idea how much I was waiting to read this!! THanks for the recaps! This was a wonderful episode!!


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You know I'm actually hoping that BKC is gay and not getting the Coffee Prince treatment like @hella mentioned. It would be a wonderful twist to have a non standard love triangle well I guess love square what with Ho Kyung also in it. I think one of the things I loved of Answer Me 1997 was the fact that when one of the character's homosexuality was discovered they still remained best friends forever. And here though BKC and KHG aren't even friendly with each other, I hope that they will at least become friends.
Odilettante's suggestions are quite interesting and depending at how BKC is redeemed it might even be satisfactory, but what with dramaland being what it is I don't think it'll go that way, maybe in a couple of years we'll get to see that. (though I can imagine the fanfictions that could sprout from this)


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He wont be gay. I live in Canada Quebec, and they're are reporting during news hours that there was a back lash after this episode aired in South Korea. Imagine how much of a scandal it had to make to make it to the news here. South Korea is still is a very conservative country. We may find it funny or progressive but it's mostly very offensive and badly seen there (being gay that is).


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really? that's a shame.. tho i personally hope they do make him gay and stick out the hate. sometimes you gotta weather bad stuff to help make things better >< and it would definitely make the drama even more unique and special


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Yayy! I've been refreshing ever since I saw the last 5 minutes lol. Looks like Kang Chul got the old Coffee Prince treatment... I hope the drama doesn't go that route and instead gives us honest attraction towards Ho Gu. *fingers crossed*
Also, the first 3 minutes or so cleared up the condom conversation...his secretary couldn't find a hotel for him to stay in for a conference so she asked him if he would like to stay in a condo. (random trivia: that joke was also in one of the Rocky movies *the more you know rainbow goes here haha*)

I'm already really liking this show but now I can't wait until next week. Thanks for the recap!


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I hope they don't do that coffee prince treatment either. It would be interesting to see what motivates and shapes Kang Chul's world view apart from his crazy family..


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Seriously? The last thing Ho-Gu, who is not gay, needs is some guy sexually pestering him! I could see a few more punches coming if that happens...


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@Islander_58North Just because Kang Chul is or might be gay doesn't mean that he'll "sexually pester" Ho Gu. Confessing is not pestering. Also, I don't think HoGu would be Ho Gu if he punches Kang Chul if he confesses.


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Was going to say that. Which is what I meant by "honestly exploring KC's gayness" in my comment further below – no dramatising it, no exaggerating it, no making fun of it or dismissing it. Like happens in so many dramas.


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I highly doubt he would be pestering him. I'm sure he's very at odds with his feelings and he's more likely to keep it all very very repressed. His method would certainly not be by "pestering". Also I find that kind of offensive. I doubt you would refer to second leads as "pestering" the leads even though the attraction is not mutual.


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What happened in Coffee Prince? I really don't remember....


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Gong Yoo's character thought he was in love with a "boy" and even came to accept that he was probably gay, but then that boy was actually a girl.


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I totally agree. That was the best twist I've ever seen and I love this show to pieces but if they go the gender bender route rather than the Answer Me 1997 route I'm going to be so disappointed. I will probably take back many of the nice things I've said about this show. Fingers crossed.


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Best Part of the recap..

"Hey, maybe if it is Kang-chul’s baby, he and Kang-chul can adopt it and raise it together! What, too progressive?"

Thanks for that odilettante!


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i really hope the show runners keep Kang-Chul gay (rather than him some how falling for Ho-Kyung). then the show could really make a statement about homosexuality in korean society. so far, i'm on board with all the characters. with this episode, however, the ho-gu and kang-chul storyline has the greatest attention.


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I'd like them to make a statement too, although I'm not too confident given the track record of Korean dramas.

Though Nodame Cantabile at least kept the gay character recently too. I guess Kang-chul's character plays a bigger role... but fingers crossed.


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Well at most he's not gay. He may be bisexual (I'm hoping). But he clearly has been sleeping with girls. I don't think he'd force himself to or risk getting one pregnant just for image. I think he's bound to fall for Ho-Kyung, and I think they'll probably make it so she's the one he really liked in high school....but I am hoping for them to be more daring.


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yeah i was gonna say why cant he be bisexual? him liking ho gu as a boy when it was ho kyung (which he didnt know at the time) wouldnt make him less queer. the problem ofc is even if he was truly in love with Hogu or any boy. do you honestly think that repressed robot would act on it? like....esp since he seems to find women attractive, even if its mainly for shallow reasons. i think its just a nice twist on the usual cold chaebol in love with the dream girl from his past who no one else can compare to. i thik it would have still been a nice twist if kang chul had fallen for punk tomboy ho kyung (not knowing who she is or her relation to ho gu) and refused to acknowledge it cuz...did u see her? (she was amazing, speaking of queers. i'd be very here for lesbian or bisexual ho kyung but lbr that's even LESS likely -_-)
Like i would like a queer love story in a kdrama as much as the next person. but frankly even more Progressive countries dont have gay couples front and center in a romance drama of any kind. plus the only way korea would do it is if it was some tragic melodramatic affair. i'd rather not have it then? (and i am queer, so its not like i dont appreciate depictions of queer love)


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Or maybe he's still in denial about his sexuality and did it with Doo Hee as an experiment.


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No, I don't think KC is the father. I think DH approached him to be her lawyer and based on the court scene, that's pretty much how he reacted to her situation.

I would love it if KC was gay, but I don't think it's going to happen. I liked the last scene a lot - the voice over, night lights, and music all made it bittersweet.


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I don't think Kang-Chul is gay or bisexual, though it would be nice twist, but unlikely. I think something went down and he ended sharing a kiss with Ho Kyung (who he thought was Ho Gu) and that kiss has stayed with him, leaving him very uncertain and off-guard for the probably the first time in his life. It'll be a Coffee Prince or Twelfth Night which I would be okay with. I like that fact that such an meglomaniac has something in his past that makes him less perfect and secure in his world view. That's the only reason why he noticed Ho Gu in high school. Ho Gu doesn't compute to his way of thinking. For a perceived loser, Ho Gu is happy and relatively untroubled instead of discouraged, traumatized or unhappy as Kang Chul would expect. I can only imagine how confounding Ho Gu is to someone like Kang Chul.

As for Ho Gu and Ho Kyung not looking alike, yeah true, but Ho Kyung is shown to be very ambiguously dressed in high school and I'm sure there's an explanation as to why Kang Chul thought Ho Kyung was Ho Gu back then. Given how self-involved Kang Chul was in high school and still is, is it surprising that he wouldn't immediately notice that they were not the same person, even if Ho Kyung was impersonating Ho Gu? I doubt he noticed most ppl or could readily identify his classmates outside of school.


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well it seems even the chauffeur thought ho kyung was a boy, sou him thinking she was a boy is not that unlikely. idg how he thought she was ho gu. and he didnt even recognize ho gu at first (and called him a bastard) that's not to say he cant have a crush on him but i am confused as to how it works, or if its even a crush so much as it is a weird fixation he had and chose to force himself to forget? it was clearly a shock to his system. will be interesting. (and heck maybe ho gu's Beauty is in fact his Soul/Heart! *dodges bricks*)


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Wow! So he's bi-sexual? Cause Mr I don't like using condoms didn't seem to mind the female body back then.


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He's bi-sexual but leaning more toward Ho-Gusexual :D


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Great reply. Definitely made me laugh.


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"Ho-Gusexual" - LOL :D


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Thank you odilettante! I have been awaiting your recap with bated breath!!


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Ok so this has nothing to do with the drama BUT:
I love your handle jajaja I'm serious. I just imagined milking dramas from drama producing cows... but then I said your handle out loud and then I imagined a camel which led to thinking of Jordan and that of course led to Misaeng...


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Do-hee gets to keep swimming and win her gold, knowing that her child is being taken care of by the best mama figure; Ho-kyung gets her revenge and can torment Kang-chul for the rest of her life; Kang-chul gets to be with the most beautiful person he’s ever met; and Ho-gu gets to play hero-savior-sweetheart to everyone and raise the cutest baby ever.

This is exactly what I want. Thank you for the recap!


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I hope KC is really gay and not a coffee prince thing. Cuz How can KC mistake HK with HG and fall in love with HG back then? Even with one kiss if you're not gay it doesn't matter if the same sex kisses you..you don't fall in love over that unless you are actually gay. And they are not even close to being identical twins.


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Uhmm... Just because you fall in love with someone of the same gender one time doesn't mean you are secretly gay. Exceptions do occur. Attraction and sexuality can be fluid. It's not unheard of someone to develop an attraction and romantic feelings for a person of the same gender but still be straight. The same goes for gay ppl. And, no that doesn't mean you're bisexual either. Ex. Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant.

As for Ho Gu and Ho Kyung not looking anything alike. Remember she went around in the hoodie and mask in high school. I'm sure the next episodes will show why Kang Chul thought Ho Kyung was Ho Gu. Also, I doubt that he really saw Ho Kyung's face well enough to know it wasn't Ho Gu. I suspect he was led to believe mistakenly that Ho Kyung was Ho Gu.


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Ty melissa. sexuality is actually a spectrum. and i would say he's straight with an exception if not bisexual. since idet he had sexual desires for ho go even when he kissed "him" but who knows. we shall see~ i hope the show handles it in a mature non gross way regardless.


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Thank your the recap, @odilettante!!

Absolutely loved the episode! Kang ho-kyung was so impressive with BKC, I can't wait for more of how she totally stomps over BKC!

About that text, maybe it was a part of one of KHK's "experiments"? She could've easily got numbers of all Ho-gu's batch-mates, and using his friends/colleagues as guinea pigs seems to be her thing.

The baby is too cute and so adorable! I'm already liking how Do-hee automatically warms up to her child, and I loved the way it was subtly shown through her little actions.

I did not except that twist in the end either! But like you said, that doesn't make BKC a less of an ass in my eyes.

Though I know it won't happen, I hope Do-hee will never give up the baby for adoption! I actually like the Coach too- he was obviously angry at his charge for not contacting him, obviously flabbergasted at the sudden child, and yet he never judged her and accepted her situation. i think he's as close to a family that Do-hee has now, and that's why we see she's relatively comfortable with him. And slowly, with Ho-gu too!

I can't wait for the next episode!


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<Hey, maybe if it is Kang-chul’s baby, he and Kang-chul can adopt it and raise it together! What, too progressive?

Well, I'm all for Ho-gu adopting the baby, I'm all in for Kang-chul being gay IF that is honestly explored but not sure about Ho-gu/Kang-chul raising the baby together. Not because that's too progressive, because there's no reason by Ho-gu would do that – he's not gay (or bisexual) after all.


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even if ho gu was the gayest gay to ever gay i suspect he'd still hate kang chul (cuz kc is an ASS!)


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Yay for recap!! I am 90% in love with this show (I still have massive issues with the way they deal with pregnancy/abortion/adoption). Ahem. But anyway...

Yes, it's definitely the sister in the kiss but I agree with others that it would be nice if there wasn't just him mistaking the sister for Ho-Gu the whole time. I mean, let's be honest...he clearly had noticed Ho-Gu from all the kids, and is going to mistake for clover gift. I really think he must have mixed feelings for both of them and not just some confusion over one kiss. (Also did anyone else laugh at him being surprised at what a perfect slave Ho-Gu was?).

I really don't think he would have the guts to pursue Ho-Gu in any way and I'm worried that even though the show is being pretty daring in some ways, it will probably back out of a lot of what this could be, but I'm still looking forward to where this goes.

And it would be refreshing to not have him be the baby daddy (although then I worry about what that means in terms of how she got pregnant), but boy would he have to have misheard a lot.

Also, I know it not shown much in this episode but I adore Ho-Gu's family. I also appreciate his best friend. I'm glad that even if he doesn't view himself highly, he is surrounded by people that really understand his worth.


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I do have to add though that is should be a big clue to him that 'the most beautiful person' he's ever met is someone who he couldn't recognize when he saw him. I mean yes there was something nagging in the back of his mind but...


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I actually wondered about that word..."beautiful". I mean in English we can actually call someone "beautiful" not necessarily because the person has good looks, but because the person is beautiful from within. Is that the case in Korean language? Can someone comment on this, people who speak Korean? Cause in Indonesian language, the word "beautiful" is always meant physical beauty, inner beauty is used by another word completely. If in Korean the word "beautiful" can mean inner beauty too, it would make sense why BKC didn't recognize HoGu immediately in that elevator.


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"But now I’m gobsmacked with the realization that he was probably in love with Ho-gu. Sure, the kiss itself was obviously Ho-kyung, but Kang-chul didn’t know that — he probably doesn’t even know Ho-gu has a twin. Which makes me wonder: Is that the reason why Kang-chul sees blind dates as business propositions? Because he’s had a secret unrequited crush on Ho-gu since high school? I also wonder if that’s what makes him such a jerk, but liking the same sex doesn’t magically grant you the rights to be a total ass to everyone."

That actually explains Kang-chul perfectly, his t conservative mind can't handle the thought he might be homosexual, causing him to hate himself and everyone else. Still doesn't excuse him being an asshat to everyone but it does explain him.


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Thanks for the loving recap!

I have developed a soft spot for Kang now because of his reveal. I went back and rewatched all his scenes to look for clues.

While I do NOT think he is gay or bi, I do think he fell in love with HG NOT his sister. We have already seen him remember or did-remember moments of HG in HS. Hopefully there will be more to show why he admired this little fool despite being the bread shuttle and totally helpless.

The kiss happened with HK, and I am sure that is all Coffee Princed - meaning he felt stirrings and interpreted them to be for a man when pheromonally it was actually a girl, and he associated those feelings with HG. Kinda complicated.

Anyway, he might be a jerk, but at least we got to see how vulnerable he is, and damn if ISO isn't selling it BIGTIME.

Cutest baby on the planet. Right up there with the Emergency Couple fluffy baby Guk.


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Oh I didn't realize it! It may be why HK wants revenge, because of some misunderstanding at that time.

And the idea that Kang is the father of the baby may be a twist! It is too easy to say that he is the father.
Maybe someone else is the father, and he got punched for nothing but rejecting to stay in a condo! Hahahaha


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Leaning bisexual Kangchul right now, because it would make sense for him to be Dohee's baby's dad (to fit in a heterosexual concept) but also be confused as towards his feelings to Hogu \o/ Can't wait to see what happens~


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in the words of belleza (miss u) KANG CHUL MUST DIE.


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I just about died during that melodramatic reunion between Ho-gu and Tae-hee HAHAHA especially when Tae-hee started pounding on his chest.

I was surprised when Kang-chul's back story turned that way. It seems at first that he was just observing Ho-gu back in high school because he found him weird and totally different from him. On a heterosexual counterpart, this is usually how girls start to develop feelings for a guy--they're curious about him, wanting to know more, and in the process actually liking him. I was impressed because I was expecting that Kang-chul will eventually take Ho-gu on as a challenge back in high school since Ho-gu does things which Kang-chul thinks are stupid. But then it turned out completely different because of that kiss, albeit the wrong person, so I am now really interested on what will happen.

(Side note: I really love the way the girl playing Ho-kyung is giving life to the character. She's so strong-spirited and she's very into her character. I was suprised though when I learned just yesterday that she did something weird during Ho-gu's Love presscon. But setting that aside, I think she's doing a great job as Ho-kyung.)

Still, the highlight of this show for me is Do-hee and how Ho-gu gives more life to the dynamics between their characters. Some people might have issues regarding the show's take on pregnancy and abortion, but I am quite satisfied with the way these are being discussed. In real life, when someone gets pregnant at the height of her career and on top of all that, the guy not taking responsibility, I think it's natural human tendency to think of abortion. Not every woman who gets pregnant immediately accepts the child growing inside her--that's the reality of life. It's only a matter of understanding that we are imperfect. Coming from this dilemma and deciding to keep the baby is what's important. And I love that in Ho-gu's Love, it does not take a high moral ground to take that decision, but instead it rests on something as simple and uncomplicated as deciding not to do something that you would regret for the rest of your life.


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"I was suprised though when I learned just yesterday that she did something weird during Ho-gu’s Love press con."

what was the weird thing that she did?


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She was laughing out of nowhere. Also when they asked her which one of her co-workers treated her better, she said that the actors that played her parents. Then when asked if any of the actors there at the moment treated her good she said no. Then UEE, said that it was a lie because they had gone out to eat a couple of days before and that they were like sisters, UEE even said that she paid for the meal. While she was saying this the other actress was shaking her head and making an "X" with her arms. Then she went on and said that the moment CWS came into the studio she right away knew he was a "ho-goo" which let to a lot of people accusing her of calling him an idiot. Then she keep saying inappropriate thing to the point where UEE told her to put the microphone down.


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Here it has no subtitles but you can look up articles that explain what was going on...



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Yeah I don't think for a second that they are going to keep Kang-Chul gay. I do like that he kept the four leaf clover that in his mind Ho-gu gave him. Because for the people that say he actually fell in love with Ho-kyung but thought it was Ho-gu , it shows that he did have actual thoughts and connections to Ho-gu. He didn't have to keep the clover. He also used to watch him at school. Obviously he wouldn't realize his feeling right away as interest for a man so he would view him strangely. And something had to build up to them kissing ( even if it was Ho-kyung ) Kang-chul did not know it was her so in his mind he kissed Ho-gu. I would assume the reason she has sworn revenge on him is because she knew his feelings for her brother and was angry because she was in love with him. The key factor would be did he realize his love before or after the kiss? But even if it was after the kiss in his mind he was kissing Ho-gu. So any feelings he had would still be from imagining Ho-gu so I don't think just because it was actually a girl should diminish his feelings for Ho-gu.


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I was thinking that she swore revenge more because she kissed him and then he probably acted like he had no idea who she was in school. He of course would think it was Ho-Gu and she would be like, um, excuse me, we kissed!


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Wow, definitely did not see that ending coming.

It would be really interesting to see if they kept the whole gay angle for Kang-Chul - I think it would make for great character development and explain a lot of things.

I'm going on a limb here and don't mean to offend any gay readers on the blog, but I'm thinking, if by chance Kang Chul is really the real father of the baby; his lack of using a condom with Do Hee was a means to somehow prove his "masculinity" and everything that comes with being "proper" in society. I imagine he's dealt with his mixed feeling for a number of years, resulting in this super ocd closed off personality.

Just an interesting thought.


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Not meaning to offend but I felt the same. He maybe conflicted about his sexuality or hasn't fully embraced it yet which is why he reacts the way he does. I am not trying to say that he is not an ass doing that or he isn't wrong. I hope Ho Kyung can teach him a good lesson. But he reminds of that bully Karofsky in Glee who was tormenting Kurt but secretly had a crush on him. Lets see how it ends up being at the end.


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And Odilettante, thanks for the recap. "Hey, maybe if it is Kang-chul’s baby, he and Kang-chul can adopt it and raise it together! What, too progressive?" Count me in, its perfectly fine turn of events and something I'd love to see.
I am hooked, their formula worked and I am one hundred percent in for the ride. I hated Kang Chul but if he really has had a lifelong crush on Ho Gu then I can forgive him a little. A lot of people are saying that Ho Kyung was boyish and the one to have kissed him. Does it matter?? Kang Chul already was watching him from far out of curiosity and actually thought it was Ho Gu all these time. In his mind, it was Ho Gu and it is a fond memory in a way, one on which he can't act. So, I guess he was confused can be ruled out and its safe to say he may like the same sex. Its fine by me. I for one ship Ho Gu and Kang Chul if they can find a way to to redeem the latter as the story goes on. Raise hands if anyone out there ships them too.


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I don't know why everybody was thinking that this is like "coffee prince" and BKC is just mistaken by Hogu's gender. BKC knows who Hogu is. he has been observing him since highschool. So whether it was Hogu or his twin who kissed him it doesn't matter.

The only thing i can think of is BKC is absolutely Gay or he meant something else when he said that "Hogu is the most beautiful".


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Hmmm... after this episode, I wonder i this drama might end up juggling too many issues in one go.

I am still loving it so far, but the show seems to keep throwing more twists our way, and I'm not sure if it will be able to resolve everything...

I still can't get why people are so infuriated with Kang-chul. I think he is a hilarious character, I get the humour even when he is being an ass, it probably is in the delivery. He just says such outrageous/ impolite things, that my first reaction is to gape and laugh instead of being infuriated.

From this episode, I don't think Kang-chul is homosexual, because when he remembered Hogu from high school it seemed more like irritation/ dislike, rather than a harboured crush. That said, I think this show is showing us lots of glimpses of things, without giving us the whole picture, so I guess we'll just have to see.

I'm completely on the Ho-gu/ Do-hee ship (just because he likes her though, until now I still think he's too good for her).


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Andd... it turn out that she's (Ho Kyung) the most beautiful to him. :D

but but... I feel like I want something more about our main couple hihi. For me they have chemistry (maybe for some of you too :D), waiting for more interaction to them and do hee need to confess too hehe :D


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Whoops, you're right! I genuinely thought it was Ho-gu, looks like I'm easily fooled by voiceovers even when I see the scene in front of me.

Didn't notice it the first time, but darn if the twins don't have exactly the same fringe back in high school!


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In KC's memory, it was HG, but in reality, it was HK.


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Out of curiosity, I browsed through the webtoon to get more info on Kang Chul's hidden interest in Ho Gu. Aside from his pure heart, it seems he got a glimpse of Ho Gu's cool side and slowly fell in love. In the webtoon, it's really Ho Gu whom he kissed, but in the drama, it certainly feels like Ho Kyung. Idk. Maybe it's just more convenient for the production that way..

You can see the start of Kang Chul's flashback in the webtoon here (the kiss was shown around the end of ch.9):


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Is this webtoon translated into English anywhere?

Thanks for the link! btw


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He really kisses Ho Gu in the webtoon?! Wow, then I think I'm going to be really annoyed if they completely just Coffee Prince this.

It's definitely not Ho Gu kissing in that scene. They really don't look that alike and it's definitely her.


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I'm torn between loving the show for what it is and being disappointed it's not the fluffy romcom i wanted it to be.


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Good recap. I've been waiting for it with bated breath. I think if I had had to recap that episode after watching it it would have gone something like this:

Uhhhhh.....huuummmmmm....uhhhhhhh....well, that just happened. Woah.


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You have the MOST AWESOME idea! First ever Kdrama gay couple to adopt!!!

Someone start the fanfic STAT.


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...except that Ho-gu isn't gay.

(And knowing kdrama, Kang-chul probably not either.)

As awesome as a story like that would be. (Though not with KC, because he's still awful.)


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I thought it was Hogu that he kissed. It'd be cool if he's gay but I don't want a full blown story about it if he is. I want the same subtle stuff kdramas have been showing (the little hints) than making it about a statement just because Western viewers want that in their tv.

It'd be cool too if it was Hokyung but Kangchul thought it was Hogu who kissed him.

Either way, it will be good. The love triangle and misunderstandings would be entertaining to watch.


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After that cop out in Reply 1994, I'm not quite optimistic that he's gay. I mean does bisexual people even exist in dramaland?


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Well it's not a case of mistaken identity because he knows Ho Gu and remembers all those details and interactions from observing him in the past so clearly he was interested IN Ho Gu...now in the drama it looks like he kissed Ho Kyung but I'm pretty sure in the webtoon he kissed Ho Gu...

Either way it doesn't matter in the drama if he kissed Ho Kyung because he associates his feelings/thought it was with Ho Gu...and if she confronted him about it and he didn't realize it was her then I could see the revenge happening


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I just watched the preview...isn't he running from Ho Kyung to Ho Gu? Both have masks on...and when I rewatched I thought it was Ho Gu kissing him but I could be wrong


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eh.....my favorite character is ho-kyung tbh
kang-chul's gayness as an excuse for his assholery and misogyny? no thank you.
also, i really don't like how they're addressing abortion/adoption. it's not like america handles these issues well either, but i think it has a lot to do with religion in both cases, as well as the rapidly ageing population in korea's case.
i love the parents and the family dynamic and ho-gu 70% of the time and do-hee too, but these moments just keep on pulling me out.


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I don't think it's an excuse of his assholery - cause he's always been like that. He's know for being that way throughout the school even before he took an interest in Ho Gu. I don't like how they view abortion/adoption either. It's weird how all these moms are like "it's ok, a really amazing family will adopt me kid" when there are plenty of kids in orphanages still looking for homes and there's a stigma still with kids that aren't blood related.

I don't like how that a risk like that is better than being a single mom either.


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no, i meant that his being gay and having a crush on ho-gu is meant to soften the hearts of viewers and make him into a likeable character, thus excusing his extreme assholery and misogyny.


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Amazin, amazing, amazing. I really like how this drama addresses so many realistic matters happening today - a baby before marriage, and homosexuality (though let's be real Kang-chul kissed Ho-kyung not Ho-gu


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Amazing, amazing, amazing. But what drew me to this show is the actors. They work so well together!
Thank you for the recap!

OH and I don't know if anyone else noticed, but when Ho-gu asked if Kang-chul was hungry and then said "All I can give you are these bungeoppangs!"
The "All I can give you..." part is actually a 2AM song called "This Song" hahahaha. "줄 수 있는게..."


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Now I suddenly don't want Kangchul to be baby daddy.. I want Kangchul to be in love with the "kisser" who for him is Hogu but in truth it's Hokyung.. I want him to be in denial(which I know, is a lil mean but still) and living a miserable life (mean again) doubting himself for loving a guy (not that it's a bad thing) then finally knowing the truth and falling more in love with Hokyung..



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Guys, he kissed Ho-Kyung!
Kang-chul kissed ho-kyung but thought it was Ho gu because she was a tomboy back in highschool! Well thats what I reckon ! Can't wait to see how this will play out!!!!!


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I was shocked that Kang Chul liked "Ho Gu" all these years! Lol, of course there was a reason Ho Kyung had that flashback of her days back in high school as a tomboy. I guess Kang Chul liked her the whole time but he doesn't know it.


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Oh! Oh! Oh!

I just realize that Kang Chul didn't know that Ho Gu's was in love with Do He in high school.

When that clover scene, Kang Chul didn't even know about that clover until Ho Gu suddenly yelling and giving it to him. Won't he think that clover is a 'gift' from Ho Gu? What if, Kang Chul think that Ho Gu was in love with him? especially after "Ho Gu" kiss him?

And if Kang Chul think that Ho Gu was in love with him. Isn't that part, when Kang Chul questiong why 'that guy' punching him, will have totally different interpretation in Kang Chul's mind?

Like... probably Ho Gu still have a feeling for him? (and not Do He like we tought)

Aaaargh! I can't wait for the next episode, loving the twist and turn of this drama.


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