Pinocchio: Episode 15
by girlfriday
So SBS changed their minds this week and there’s no double-header for Pinocchio, which I suppose might only be good news for a recapper, but don’t worry—the episode makes up for it with some juicy tidbits in the investigation and the relationships. Of course that leaves us just hungry enough to clamor for next week’s episodes now, but what fun would drama-watching be without the torturous wait and the dark circles?
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EPISODE 15: “Don Quixote”
Now that Mom has implicated their cop friend Chan-soo as the scapegoat in the chemical plant fire, both In-ha and Dal-po vow to clear his name. Chan-soo stops by his old precinct just to visit the pressroom, and hands out tangerines to everyone with a request to tell his story the right way.
He tells them all that the CCTV footage is of him responding to a small butane can explosion the night before the fire, and he didn’t go inside the building because the men who called said it was just a small kitchen fire while cooking ramyun on a portable stove, and that they would’ve canceled the call if he hadn’t responded so quickly.
They ask about him looking so cavalier in the footage, since apparently people have been taking issue with the way he’s leaning instead of standing straight up while on duty. Chan-soo points out the pounds of equipment strapped to his waist at all times, and says that it’s just what happens when you wear your gear all day.
The reporters wonder why they’re each getting envelopes along with their tangerines, and give him the side-eye assuming it’s a little cash to grease their palms. But they turn out to be invitations to his baby’s first birthday party this weekend. Dal-po and In-ha’s eyes widen and Dal-po throws Chan-soo over his shoulder to carry him out of the room, while In-ha clamps his mouth shut.
They try to explain that this is no time for him to be throwing parties—the public is prepared to crucify him, and throwing a birthday party is just going to make him look worse. Dal-po says that he’s been through this before, and it’s only going to get worse. In-ha looks over at them both feeling enormously guilty, and apologizes for her mother. Chan-soo tells her sweetly that her mother is not something she needs to apologize for.
Chan-soo seems either like he’s putting on a brave front or that it hasn’t really sunk in yet how bad it could be, but just tells them both that it’ll all work out. Dal-po tells him that he’s going to do everything in his power to clear his name and In-ha chimes in as well, making Chan-soo grateful that his old classmates have his back.
He hugs Dal-po and then heads over to In-ha to hug her too, and HA—Dal-po steps in between them to play interference and hugs Chan-soo again. It’s a Dal-po sandwich!
Dal-po goes to visit Hyung in jail and tells him about Chan-soo and the fire, and Hyung thinks he must be putting on a brave face and tamping down the burning anger inside, because that’s how he was thirteen years ago. Dal-po realizes that he assumed Hyung was holding up okay back then too.
He says this time it’ll be different because there’s a good reporter out there, and points a finger at himself with a cheeky smile. Heh, I like that Hyung gives him a hard time about the bragging.
At MSC, Princess tries to lead his staff meeting and agrees with In-ha and Beom-jo that they should be looking into the cause of the fire. But Mom keeps interrupting despite telling them to think of her as invisible, and keeps pushing for more stories about Chan-soo, including the Santa incident where he let a suspect escape under his watch.
At YGN, they sigh over the fire investigation taking so long, and a staffer pitches the same story about Chan-soo and the Santa. But Gyo-dong shuts him down and tells them not to be swayed by other reports.
He reminds them of the fire thirteen years ago and why it was a lesson during their interview—they’re sticking to the facts on this, otherwise they’re fueling the anger to come out in some other way. Director Lee listens in and smiles proudly to hear his own words from thirteen years ago coming out of Gyo-dong.
MSC reports the Santa story, though Princess seems ashamed of it. Beom-jo finds In-ha watching Chan-soo’s CCTV footage over and over to look for clues, and joins her. She complains about needing a bandaid for her heel after wearing new shoes, and Beom-jo’s already flying out of the room before she finishes her sentence.
Yoo-rae investigates the wreckage at the plant and nearly falls trying to make her way through the yard, when Dal-po shows up just in time to catch her. He says he came because he was curious about something, which she naturally takes as a renewed sign of his crush.
They ask the inspectors how to get to the CCTV footage, and they say it’s impossible—the security room was destroyed in the fire. That just makes it even more suspicious that Mom somehow miraculously managed to get that tape of Chan-soo, but the inspector does add that backups would be kept by the outside security firm that they use.
As In-ha sleeps with her head on Beom-jo’s shoulder, he finally discovers something weird about the footage (that it took them all night to see this is crazy, but whatever). He shows In-ha that there’s a split-second gap where a man suddenly goes from one side of the group to the other, meaning that two segments were edited together.
She runs down to ask Mom about it, and Dal-po shows up to add that the security room at the plant was completely destroyed—so how is it that she got her footage directly from the source, as she claims?
Mom starts to get flustered, and Dal-po says that the outside security firm told him that it’s against the law for them to give their backups to anyone but the original company who hired them. Mom just blusters at them to come with facts, not suspicions, but doesn’t have much else to say in her defense.
In-ha puts two and two together, and realizes that this means someone at the plant edited the footage to cover up the real cause of the fire, and Mom is helping the cover-up by pointing all eyes in Chan-soo’s direction. Despite having suspected it, it still floors her that Mom is actually this evil.
Dal-po heads back out to try and track down neighboring factory security cameras, and In-ha worries that it’ll take him forever. She runs up to grab her coat and tells Beom-jo she’s headed out to do the same, and even though he points out her bloody nose, she says she’s fine and runs out.
Beom-jo is surprised when he finds a strange phone ringing in his bag—it’s Yoo-rae on the other end, wondering who stole her phone. He goes back to the precinct to give it back, and asks why Dal-po’s picture is her wallpaper. She says it’s to throw him a bone because she feels bad that he likes her, and Beom-jo gapes: “You don’t actually think he likes you for real?”
He realizes that she believed his lie in front of Dad and Grandpa, and explains that it was a lie… but then she’s so far gone that she tells him it doesn’t matter because that lie has turned into truth. He looks at her like she’s crazy and says there’s no way that Dal-po likes her, but she doesn’t even let him finish.
Dal-po calls just then to tell her that he’s searching nearby security cameras and can’t go to the baby birthday party, which she takes as some kind of proof that he likes her. But all Beom-jo hears is that he’s doing the very thing In-ha ran off to do. They head to the party, but Beom-jo suddenly tells Yoo-rae to take a cab and leaves her standing in the street.
Meanwhile, In-ha finds Dal-po and offers to split up the search with him, and he steals a little glance at her while she’s chattering away about CCTV cameras and maps.
Chaebol Mommy calls the MSC director and Song Cha-ok to her office to thank them for their report, and says that she won some points with the assemblyman they’re helping. Ah, so all this is so that she can have an assemblyman in her pocket. She asks them to continue putting the focus on the police officer until it blows over.
She notices Cha-ok looking nervous, and thinks it cute that she’s all jittery about Dal-po discovering that the footage was edited and searching for other cameras in the area. Mommy’s already taken care of that, and tells her not to worry her pretty little head about such things.
Sure enough, In-ha and Dal-po hit dead end after dead end, but they press on. In-ha insists on helping even while limping and bleeding from her new shoes, which she keeps hidden from Dal-po. But Beom-jo watches from a distance and sighs.
After coming up empty, Dal-po heads to MSC where Mom asks confidently why he isn’t here with evidence like he said he’d be. He tells her he was naïve—he only thought of clearing Chan-soo’s name, but it wasn’t until he discovered that someone with immense power and resources must’ve erased the entire neighborhood’s security cameras that it occurred to him this was much, much bigger. He tells her to thank whoever is behind all this for the hint, and once again leaves her shaking in worry.
Yoo-rae arrives at the banquet hall to find it swarming with reporters. The party was over long ago, when Chan-soo had to clear his family out away from reporters who chased them with accusations of throwing parties while victims’ families mourn. Every station except YGN reports the incident that night, and as Chan-soo watches it on TV, it finally starts to sink in how bad this is.
Dal-po calls to check on him, and is alarmed when Chan-soo says he’s on his way to MSC to have it out with Song Cha-ok. Eep. Dal-po calls In-ha and runs over to stop him, and they thankfully get to him before someone at MSC busts out a camera.
Chan-soo breaks down right then and there, screaming for them to tell the world the truth—that he didn’t do anything wrong, and to stop attacking his family. He grabs Dal-po’s collar and pleads, “You guys are reporters! You believe me! So tell them it wasn’t me! Please… say something.”
In-ha is especially shaken when Chan-soo begs her to do something, to get her mother to listen. And when he buries his head into Dal-po’s chest to cry, In-ha backs away, beside herself with guilt.
She runs upstairs to grab her stuff so she can go back out and look for more CCTV cameras, and Beom-jo yells at her to slow down. He reminds her that this is the second night in a row that she hasn’t slept, and she’s bleeding from both feet now. But she swears that she’s fine and she can’t just sit here when she feels so bad.
Mom happens to round the corner and overhear them, as In-ha shouts that Chan-soo and Dal-po are her friends, but because of her mother, now Chan-soo’s become just like Dal-po thirteen years ago. She asks how she’s supposed to rest when she feels so bad it’s making her crazy. Beom-jo asks why she’s the one who’s sorry, and she answers through gritted teeth, “Because my mother won’t ever apologize or fix it.”
Beom-jo goes with her and says he’ll at least drive so she can sleep on the way, and Mom watches them go with a curious expression. Is she… growing a conscience? She opens her drawer of old cell phones, but notices that one of them is missing, much to her horror.
MSC’s Il-joo seems to have a crush on YGN’s camerawoman Jae-hwan, and he teases that she finally looks like a girl with her hair down. She counters that with his face caked over with foundation, he finally looks like a girl too, pfft. Hyun-kyu takes him to task for all of his reports on Chan-soo lately, earning a high-five from Jae-hwan and a jealous look from Il-joo. Why wasn’t this love triangle introduced earlier?
Dal-po trudges back to the precinct wearily, where Yoo-rae is watching the CCTV file that In-ha sent over. Dal-po takes a look and notices a blinking light from the car parked outside, and they realize that it’s the light from a blackbox camera. Finally, a break!
Yoo-rae puts on her best puppy pout to get Chan-soo’s ex-team leader to look up the car’s license plate, and they adorably put on a show about how he’s a stickler for the rules and won’t break the law, all while he looks up the information and passes it to her quietly.
Dal-po beams and thanks Yoo-rae for coming through, and finds the car and the camera in question. He takes the footage to Gyo-dong, and they see that in the time that’s been edited out of the first CCTV clip, trucks carrying waste material arrived at the plant.
Gyo-dong tells him to prepare for broadcast, and Dal-po smiles when Gyo-dong assures him that they won’t just stop at clearing Chan-soo’s name—they’re going to keep digging until they find out who’s behind all of this. Gah, I wish this man would get more screen time!
Dal-po comes by to tell Chan-soo the good news and gets another bear hug. Chan-soo says sincerely that Dal-po saved him, and gets very serious before confessing that he was behind those rumors about him in high school. Ha, it’s so cute how grave he is about it. Dal-po hides a smile and pretends to be mad, and demands his baby birthday gift back.
Mom is still digging around frantically for her missing phone, and at the same time, Dad happens to discover it sitting on In-ha’s desk. He wonders what she’s doing with her mother’s old phone, and Mom tells herself that it’s okay—she erased everything that needed to be erased, so it’s fine. She doesn’t look convinced, so hopefully that means there’s a way to un-erase whatever she erased.
Dal-po returns to the precinct but only seems to care about where In-ha is, and Yoo-rae finally starts to take notice of that fact. She watches as he stops to ask everyone, and then calls Beom-jo and runs off to meet them. She follows, and listens in as Dal-po and Beom-jo face off.
Beom-jo asks if Dal-po’s finally thought of In-ha now, and tells him about the days she’s spent not sleeping and ignoring bloody noses and bloody feet, just trying to chase down leads and do something because she feels so guilty. He says that In-ha thinks what happened to Chan-soo and what happened to Dal-po thirteen years ago is her fault, and asks why she’s the one walking around feeling like a sinner.
He tears into Dal-po for not even breaking things off properly, leaving her to suffer alone with one foot in and one foot out. Seriously, I’m with Beom-jo on this one. Beom-jo screams, “But do you know what really makes me angry? I want to stop her stupid stubborn behavior, but my words have no effect! No matter how many times I mouth off about it not being her fault, she doesn’t hear it! Why? Because… those words have to come from you to count.”
Aw, it clearly hurts his pride to admit the truth, but he’s being a good friend. And Dal-po needed to hear it. He asks where In-ha is and runs off, and doesn’t even see Yoo-rae standing right there. She comes up to Beom-jo and asks quietly if it’s true that Dal-po likes In-ha, and looks crushed to finally have her bubble burst.
Dal-po sighs when he finds In-ha hobbling around with bloodied feet, and she runs up excitedly to share the idea she had about searching for the car and the blackbox camera to clear Chan-soo’s name. She’s super proud of herself for coming up with the idea, but Dal-po is just mad at her for running herself into the ground, and barks at her to turn her phone on.
He tells her that he’s already found the blackbox camera so she can head home now, and she’s so relieved that her legs finally give out. He barks again when she can’t remember the last time she ate, and tells her to get on his back so he can piggyback her home.
But she insists that she’s fine and hobbles away, leaving him to walk behind her the whole way. He reaches out but can’t bring himself to touch her, and just walks a few feet behind her in silence.
Yoo-rae drowns her heartbreak in soju, and quotes the lyrics to Seo Taiji’s “Victory” with a plastic bag strapped to her chin, lol. She stabs the egg that she and In-ha once used to talk about the boys—er, boy—they liked, and tells it to die.
Cut to: the city news desk, where she is once again drunk and asleep on the couch, much to Gyo-dong’s horror. He refuses to get rid of her or make it his problem, though he does throw his jacket over her to serve as a blanket. Aw.
In-ha eats her way through four bowls of udon and keeps apologizing for things, and Dal-po finally erupts, asking what she’s so sorry for. She asks why he’s been yelling at her all night, and he just says she makes him angry. She counters that he’s the one who told her not to do anything—not to worry, not to comfort him, not to do anything.
She argues that being sorry is the only thing she CAN do, but he just says that bothers him too. Uh, dude, not her fault.
She scoffs bitterly that she really won’t do anything then, and storms out. She gets to the street and then remembers that she didn’t pay and turns back around reluctantly, and inside Dal-po sighs at himself for the fight and heads out.
They meet on either side of the door and stand there staring at each other, both itching to say things but neither ready to say them, when Dal-po finally notices the button that In-ha is wearing around her neck. He slides the door open, and In-ha holds money out and admits that she couldn’t in good conscience leave without paying when she ate four bowls.
But he just steps right out and grabs her in a kiss. Eeeeeeee! She’s shocked but she closes her eyes as he kisses her softly, and when he pulls away, he tells her, “Don’t be sorry. You’re not Song Cha-ok’s daughter to me, and you’re not my niece. To me you’re just you.”
She starts to call him Dal-po and corrects herself to say Ha-myung, but he tells her it’s okay to call him Dal-po. He says he tried everything but nothing’s changed—when he thinks about her mother and his brother, he knows he’s not supposed to: “But I can’t give you up.”
She doesn’t even let him finish and kisses him right back.
Yaaaaay. Now that’s a way to start the new year off right. No more denial that’s not even all that denying, and no more breakups that aren’t even broken up. Let’s cut through the crap and get in all the happy kisses that we can, I say! Honestly I’m less moved by the reunion as a story point only because I found the breakup pointless to begin with (they didn’t even stay away from each other, come on). But we got some nice development for Beom-jo in the process, and I loved the roundabout way that the button made its way back in, after being seemingly forgotten.
That moment when he sees the button hanging around her neck just made the conflict land for me, because it reminded me how heartbroken he had been when he realized (mistakenly) that his Christmas fantasy was just a dream. You’d think it’d be enough that he sees her suffering and loving him anyway, but the button effectively nudges him off the ledge when he’s hesitating—if she’s wearing it, he didn’t imagine things, and he’s already confessed how he feels. And she’s already answered that she wouldn’t go to someone else, like he asked.
Up until Beom-jo’s outburst, I was pretty frustrated with the way things were going in this episode, because Dal-po was so unaware of In-ha’s efforts to work off her guilt, as if she could make up for her mother’s wrongs with blood, sweat, and tears. I thought that Chan-soo’s conflict was harder on In-ha than Dal-po, and I was annoyed at him for ignoring that. But Beom-jo said all the things I wanted to say, and yelled at Dal-po for breaking up in a way that didn’t let either of them move on, and I felt a wave of relief that someone said it. It’s also a nice moment of growth for Beom-jo, who’s finally discovered the hard way that he can try and be there for In-ha as much as he wants, but he can’t save her from herself. It breaks his heart that she’s punishing herself, but Dal-po is the only one who can get through to her, and I liked that he was big enough to admit it.
I never really took Yoo-rae’s crush seriously (or her character for that matter), but I suddenly find myself hoping that Gyo-dong likes her. It could happen, right? There’s gotta be a reason she always ends up there when she’s drunk. The big case against Team Mom is starting to dull a bit, so I hope we raise the stakes next week. Though now that the romance is back on track, everything else feels secondary. The best part is that Dal-po finally has his head on right and says the thing we’ve all been waiting to hear—that it doesn’t matter who their family is or what their names are—Dal-po is Dal-po, In-ha is In-ha, and love is love.
Tags: featured, Kim Young-kwang, Lee Jong-seok, Lee Yubi, Park Shin-hye, Pinocchio
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1 Helena
January 1, 2015 at 8:06 PM
Yoo Rae is so cute!
I was very naive and thought that the mom was looking for her old cellphone because she felt guilty after hearing In Ha's confession that she's burdened by her mother's culpability and lack of remorse. Maybe she wanted to look at In Ha's 10+ years of messages to remind herself that someone really loved her and looked up to her and she's let this person down. But no, the mom was only worried that the phone would link her to Chaebol mom and thus responsible for both cover-ups. Lady, I hope you and Chaebol mom and that factory owner will have a stinky prison cell in your futures.
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January 1, 2015 at 9:10 PM
That's exactly what I thought too. I was floored when she said that fateful line: "It's not a big deal. I've erased everything anyway." And here I thought we'd finally get a deeper look into her convoluted conscience. Sigh.
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January 2, 2015 at 4:19 PM
Well said. I was hoping to see some sign of humanity but no she sucks!!? poor IH.
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January 2, 2015 at 2:09 AM
She lost that phone in the Chairman's house, 13 years ago, so I figured that there must be messages there that could cause trouble for both of them.
Being naive is not so bad- at least you were able to think of a *nice* and positive explanation to her looking for the phone.
***I am seriously wondering why I couldn't think of a nice explanation, and whether it was because I figured out the storyline, or I don't think enough in a positive way***
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January 2, 2015 at 4:46 AM
Chaebol Mom:
has said (in the previous ep) that Ha Myung is getting to be a nuisance. As HM gets closer n closer to the truth, chaebol mom will want to take steps to get rid of him. Only IH will be w him, n where IH goes, BJ will follow, as her partner, n also out of concern for her. So lo n behold, instead of hurting/killing HM, she'll end up hurting her own precious son. How's that for karma?
Then as Helena said:
I hope Reporter mom, chaebol mom, factory owner, AND legislator can all look at a prison cell in their futures. Let's not forget the legislator!
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January 2, 2015 at 7:00 AM
I'm with you…I thought she'd have a streak of humanness in her. I guess I was wrong. As evil chaebol mom is, she at least had that cute streak in the beginning of the drama…so I can't whole heartedly hate her. Yes, she's bad..she needs to go to jail for sure, but I don't DESPISE her. On the other hand, mom…ugh!!! She's bad at everything that she is…a bad mom, a bad reporter, a bad wife…
Also, MSC's Il Joo. I never cared for him, but I spent my new year bed ridden sick and re-watching random episodes of FTLY…lo and behold, the disgusting man who hurt Kim Mi Young in the beginning is the same actor. Now anything he does in this drama that is even mildly gossipy as a reporter I hate 100x worse. I'm not being very logical, am I?
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January 2, 2015 at 8:49 AM
It's great having Evil Chaebol Mom start out cute! There does seem to be a common theme in movies and dramas of villains who are loving parents.
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2 leejunki
January 1, 2015 at 8:15 PM
Ahhh, yay, finally our couple is reunited!
Great episode overall, with good plot movement and nice character moments. Especially from BJ, who said all the things we wanted to say to DP. It's also great that the writer not only knows the faults of the characters as she should, but she also schools them on their mistakes/shortcomings in some way. Through other characters etc.
THAT PREVIEW THOUGH. I know the 'situation' might not turn out like we all truly want it to be. But I'm excited nonetheless. I need me some more cute moments (sexy times), please!
Looking forward to next week! (Also hoping that something's really happening between Cap and YR)
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3 Qali58
January 1, 2015 at 8:20 PM
Hello everyone. I was silent reader but couldn't stay silent anymore??.The ending was the best gift for new year eve??. Loved it. Thanks for the recap as always! Daebak??
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January 2, 2015 at 9:30 AM
Me tooo.......... Best gift ever!!!! can't wait for episode 16!!!
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January 5, 2015 at 2:41 PM
the ep 16 its here happy new year
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January 2, 2015 at 12:46 PM
Not only that! The Dal Po sandwich!!! How many more bread-related jokes are there going to be here?
On a more serious note, I loved the scene with them on each side of the door in the end. That door looked like the bars of a prison cell. And it was a nice metaphor of the cell of their own reasons to stay apart, cell opened when he saw the button necklace. If it was a coincidence, nice one. If they looked for that particular door - they are brilliant!
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January 2, 2015 at 4:14 PM
@ Parsley
Well put! I love looking for metaphors.
The mention of bread reminds me I've yet to have breakfast (it's still morning at my end). Will sardines and cheese make a weird sandwich? But fish out Dal Po from the sea for me and sandwich time it is!!! err sans cheese :)
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Lily C.
January 8, 2015 at 4:38 PM
Yessss, I am obsessed with that door scene! Not only is the metaphor good, but the way it was filmed and the music that was chosen to pair with it is perfect!
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4 starb
January 1, 2015 at 8:25 PM
Oh My God... I need to wait for a week?! What should I do by then?
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5 Camille
January 1, 2015 at 8:28 PM
Word about Gyo-dong and Yoo-rae, it'd be so bangin' cute!!!
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January 1, 2015 at 9:05 PM
I totally agree with you! I squealed like a teenager when he put his jacket on her. Ngaww. I hope he really does have a little crush on her!
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January 1, 2015 at 9:10 PM
I suddenly remembered a previous episode when Director Lee remarked how Yoo-rae reminds them of Gyo-dong's early years as a reporter. (the scene where YR was eavesdropping for the result). Maybe there's really something... lalala~
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January 1, 2015 at 9:08 PM
Maybe YR's "Cap-jjang~!" got right to Gyo-dong's heart.
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January 1, 2015 at 9:21 PM
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January 2, 2015 at 2:09 AM
It's been a few weeks that I'm thinking that Cap likes YYR... He's suddenly become so gentle (since he saw her jutting out lips) and caring... I don't know, I like them together!
Nice episode, nice recap. So disappointed they decided to air just one episode. I NEED to know more!!!
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January 1, 2015 at 10:18 PM
I think it's super cute too, but I can't help but think how huge the age difference must be.. After all Dal Po was only a kid when Gyo-dong was already a reporter! :O
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January 2, 2015 at 12:07 AM
Age is just a number ;) I'm guessing he's less than 10 years older than her. If she is older than Dal Po it would make it less of difference. How old is Dal Po right now?
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January 2, 2015 at 8:52 AM
I am guessing that the age difference is 12-15 years.
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January 2, 2015 at 6:45 PM
Yeah safe to say the age difference is around the 13 year mark. Not sure how old Dalpo/In ha are in comparison to Yoo rae. But they said In Ha tried out a few times to become a reporter or get the qualifications for it while all that time Dal Po was a taxi driver.
Since Cap in the flashback already seemed to be an established reporter I'm guessing that gap of a couple of years had In Ha been successful from the start puts Cap in the flashback about the same age they are now.
If Yoo Rae is younger than In Ha, he'd be 13+. I think regardless it's still a pretty big age gap but it doesn't really matter. Have seen bigger ones 'work' in stories before.
January 2, 2015 at 3:24 PM
I think dal po is around 27 0r 28 from what i could remember.
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January 2, 2015 at 9:12 PM
Taking the ages backwards, Jae Myung is 30 and he is about 4 years older than Ha Myung. So yes 26 is about right for Dal Po/Ha Myung. In Ha is older by about 2 years? Say 28 years old.
13 years ago, Dal Po would have been around 12-13, Jae Myung around 17 (I think he mentioned that age) and In Ha looked bigger than Dal Po so around 15?
We started off thinking of Cap's age and Yoo Rae's ... Cap might have been in mid 20s - early 30s when he was a reporter 13 years ago... approaching or in his early 40s now. It's still OK for guys that age to marry someone in her mid-20s, however the other aspects to consider is their relative positions and of course if they even see each other as marriage partners!!! :)
January 3, 2015 at 12:50 AM
It so amusing that most of us are talking about the Cap-Yoo rae loveline almost seriously. Haha. When there so little possibility but well we never really know they made just end up like chan soo married with kids! Hehe.
Cap do want a childish woman? Hehe?
January 3, 2015 at 1:01 AM
It's something to talk about while we wait, and wait, and wait..... :)
January 3, 2015 at 7:14 PM
@Growingbeautifully weren't In Ha, Dal Po and Chan Soo in the same grade in high school? nobody called In Ha sunbae, so I don't think she's two years older than Dal Po.
January 5, 2015 at 12:08 AM
@ Min
LOL... I have been trying (this is my 3rd attempt) to reply to your post on the ages of Dal Po and In Ha... and either I ran out of time, or my post got lost (silly laptop!) or work suddenly popped up during a quiet nothing-to-do work day.
Maybe replying about ages is jinxed!!! :D
Actually I went back to Ep 1 and 2 in the morning and it's true, I could not find references to their ages ie whether In Ha was older than Dal Po or not.
When they interacted, their dynamics was fully informal and no mention of oppa or noona. At the most, she complained that she had to call him uncle when he was so small (compared to her).
Plus the were in the same class.... so... you are probably right. He just was tiny for his age LOL!!! But look at him now. Such a man... can I say even a gentleman? Of course he was preoccupied and distracted, and so maybe neglectful from time to time, but he has been mainly good to In Ha aside for the idiocy thingy. :)
January 3, 2015 at 8:01 PM
I love Gyodong and Yoo Rae too. If Yoo rae fell for him I could totally see it, a lot of 30-40 men are handsome and when they're smart to boot it's a huge bonus!
When I was 20 I fell in "crush" with a university professor who was at that time a 36 year old, and of course he never knew, and now he's my platonic friend who I cherish.
That wasn't the first time nor the last time that I've liked older men.
I think that what I find attractive is that they are often very centered and don't need me and won't be clingy because their personality has already developed and they've found their center, their balance and purpose in life. Of course I don't want to imply that there aren't mature 20 something year olds out there, it's just that even among my med school friends I haven't really found one like that.
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January 5, 2015 at 12:15 AM
@ Min
Definitely the most attractive men to most girls/women are those who've 'found' themselves and are not rooting around for a relationship which helps them ego-wise or because they have mummy issues.
I'm wary of people who are looking for their 'other half' as if they are so incomplete in themselves and need/want another person to complete them. When 2 whole persons choose to come together, they actually also choose to share and compromise and dedicate themselves to each other so that they make a fresh new Whole, with the possibility of giving so much more to society and to themselves (as in to be/start a family). That's the kind of good, life-giving relationship we want for ourselves and for In Ha and Dal Po. :) And of course, if a loveline can *reasonably* be made for Yoo Rae and Gyo Dong, that's what I'd want for them too.
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January 5, 2015 at 12:36 PM
Thank you Growingbeautifully. You put it beautifully, and better than I could.
January 2, 2015 at 2:10 AM
Yes!!! ^_^
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KDRAMA addict
January 2, 2015 at 8:01 AM
i know right, i ve been in that team since she started shooting him with winks
n gyo don
ng shows you what a good team leader should run the reporters team, princess is good but he lacks courage i want to see him standing against Song cha ok propery not in side comments
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January 2, 2015 at 2:22 PM
So I wasn't the only one wishing for Yoorae and Cap GD love line lol. Everything's a foreshadow. Her drunk habit of sleeping on that sofa, her usual saying of 'jjang' to Cap GD and then the camera will focus on her and his face lol, and now the jacket! Lol he's having a soft spot for her. I really don't mind the age gap because Cap GD is ???. Aegyo works well with ahjusssis lol ?
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January 4, 2015 at 2:01 PM
Lol aegyo does seem to work on ahjusshis ?
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6 PonderosaCanopy
January 1, 2015 at 8:42 PM
I can't believe no one has commented on this yet. It must be really a holiday for everyone. Happy 2015! :)
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7 Saint Seijo
January 1, 2015 at 8:46 PM
Nice episode.
Btw...can anyone tell me...did Misaeng win any awards ? Sorry - i am not from Korea... can someone help me
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January 1, 2015 at 9:42 PM
Misaeng was aired on a cable channel, only the 3 big broadcast company do their own awards shows for their own drama shows.
TvN was going to do an award show this year for their company but they put it off. :(
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January 1, 2015 at 9:51 PM
Misaeng is produced by tvN, a cable network, thus it is not taken into consideration in any of the drama awards by the "big three" (KBS, SBS, MBC).
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January 2, 2015 at 8:56 AM
There might not be an award for Misaeng, but there are rewards for all involved: critical acclaim, great ratings, a popularity boost for the actors, PD, and writers, etc...
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8 thetofurkey
January 1, 2015 at 8:49 PM
The shows this week are killing me with their cuteness. GAH.
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9 itsmediji
January 1, 2015 at 9:06 PM
Dal Po is feeling hot. "Do you want to stop by my house?" *rawr* Fans can wish. HAHA.
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KDRAMA addict
January 2, 2015 at 8:11 AM
ohh yeah that scene, did you see the smile as well, phew i kinda want to see how kim woo bin would do that scene too n kim soo hyun
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10 Rgin
January 1, 2015 at 9:26 PM
Ah, finally the back together!
Bum joo you are my hero for this episode!!!! Go!
Ah, but im much more excited for next weeks happening! Come on!
Oh, can there possibly be a yoo rae and cap pair? Hehehe. That would be so cute.
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11 Novi
January 1, 2015 at 9:37 PM
Anyone else amused that all these investigative works are done by reporters as opposed to, oh I dunno, the police?
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January 1, 2015 at 11:10 PM
Omg finally someone feels the same thing as me... It's been bugging me these past few episodes. But still love the drama tho
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January 1, 2015 at 11:28 PM
Hahaha. Yeah but i kind of understand their need to investigate so that they will be able to tell the truthful news . Its just that maybe their suppose to be doing this with the police, now where have the police officers gone off too?
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January 2, 2015 at 7:02 AM
Let's hope the police is doing their job out of our screen too… :)
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January 1, 2015 at 11:18 PM
Lol. It really doesn't make sense that the police is doing such a poor job of investigating and the reporters doing the police's job so well. Same thing happened in I hear your voice drama. Lawyers were playing police and detectives. But hey the writer and PDnim are exceeding the viewers expectations every episode so I think we can overlook that.
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January 3, 2015 at 3:04 PM
The police help those who help themselves.
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12 koreandramalover/kay
January 1, 2015 at 9:43 PM
Captain Gyo-dong is definitely NOT unaffected by Yoo Rae's cuteness. Re-watch all the scenes that include them and in one of the most recent episodes (I can't remember which one) notice Cap's reaction to Yoo Rae's cutey poutey looks that she threw his way so that he could give her the opportunity to do something. He looked intently and silently at her pouting cutely and then without Yoo Rae saying anything, he just told Yoo Rae to do the work, which of course made Yoo Rae very happy.
Thank you very much for the fast recap, GF!
So happy the OTP is back together!
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January 2, 2015 at 9:33 AM
hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!! hopefully the cap and yoo rae get together!!!
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Camille W
January 2, 2015 at 11:56 AM
Am I the only one who is like, completely against Yoo-Rae + Gyo-Dong. Sorry but no. I know the saying "age is just a number" But I can't see it happening. It seems unlikely for the show too. I just think he has affection for Yoo-Rae like he does for Dal-Po. You know, the way a hoobae sees a junbae? He is her superior and even though she does stupid things, he can't help but care.
On another note, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!! Our OPT is finally back together! While I'm relieved, I for one do not even for a second believe they were ever truly broken up.
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January 2, 2015 at 6:49 PM
I think realistically he's just going to play a mentor/big brother sort of role. There's really not enough time and would be way off base focusing on any romantic developments there.
If anything were to happen, I'd see it happening years down the line. I get the feeling they're both slightly awkward people when it comes to those issues.
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January 3, 2015 at 7:16 PM
And I think you meant how a "sunbae" sees a "hoobae" since the experienced one is Gyo Dong and Yoo Rae is the newbie.
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13 apluszee
January 1, 2015 at 9:46 PM
Can't believe they went back on their words and NOT give me two episodes this week! Still bummed about it :( but thanks for letting our OTP back on track again.
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14 asdfgh
January 1, 2015 at 9:56 PM
owh i really love inha character~what a strong female lead character..and for me bumjo shine in this ep..
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15 wackycashew
January 1, 2015 at 10:06 PM
Happy new year & thanks for the recap, GF!
Heartwarming to see DP & IH looking out for CS & doing their best to clear his name. Chuckled at DP not letting CS hug IH. =P
Cheeky DP pointing at himself as the good reporter to Hyung is so cute. Keke~
CO is just annoying me, acting like a chief yet asking Princess Cap to ignore her presence. GD telling everyone to stick to facts is so awesome.
Glad to see all the rookies tracking down info together & unearthing clues. Really satisfying to see DP & IH tearing CO down for the edited footage & how she obtained it. Also how this just confirms DP's suspicion that there's a cover-up. Can't wait for things to unfold & all the parties involved be reprimanded and get what they deserve.
CS's son's party being ruined was sad to see & made me feel those reporters who got invitations back-stabbed him. =( He's definitely been putting on a strong front & desperately wants help from his reporter friends.
You'd figure CO might have a conscience after all after hearing about her daughter's guilt. But nope, she's just concerned about her missing cell phone & possible incriminating evidence. Probably those deleted records contained convos with Chaebol Mom. Wonder if IH's dad will ask IH about the phone. Cute that Grandpa was gonna visit Hyung again. Want more scenes of them!
IJ/JH/HK loveline... LOL Don't mind seeing more of such interactions.
YR working her aegyo again for the blackbox car owner. Love the Team Leader for playing along. DP's finger guns again! Well, the drunk version was cuter, but this will do for now. =) Giggled at more CS/DP hugs!
Loved how BJ told DP exactly what we all wanna say! About time someone sets DP straight when it comes to IH. Sorry to see YR being crushed, but better now than later.
Really liked the scene when DP found IH & he's just silently looking at her hobbling around and bleeding, then she's so excited at the clues she uncovered. Great contrast! Seeing her like that pained him & made DP realize that IH will always act like this. Even though IH rejected his piggyback offer, I thought he was gonna carry her regardless. Guess he wanted to respect her decision in that moment as well as still feeling conflicted about keeping a distance?
YR in that news room again... LOL Awww at GD tossing his jacket on her.
Yay for DP finally noticing the button on IH & realizing it wasn't a dream! Yippee for the kisses & honest words!! *clap clap* Sooo happy for the reunion & hope they're both assured now that they need to stick together no matter what. CO, you should be worried. Don't think these "kids" are so easy to manipulate & hide the truth from. You're gonna regret what you're doing now & what you did 13 years ago. Same for Park Rosa.
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January 2, 2015 at 8:57 AM
yeah, I am looking forward to the mothers' conspiracy being revealed (and unlike many people here, I do NOT think Song Cha-ok is going to be magically painted as a helpless good guy who just carried out orders - the drama has been pretty clear at showing us that she may be conflicted, but she's mainly out to look out for herself and lacks a true conscience.
I am so ready to see an OTP who actually get together and stay together for several episodes instead of splitting and reuniting five minutes before the end of a final episode.
(and good for both Beom-jo and Yoo-rae this episode, though mostly for him - he told the truth to people who needed to hear it, and thankfully they eventually listened. Now if only his mother was that smart)
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January 3, 2015 at 1:14 PM
I agree that SCO will have to face consequences for her actions. Just following orders will not cut it as an excuse since she has a conscious choice in what she is doing, especially the second time around.
Totally! Love this OTP so much and wanna see more of them together instead of apart. I really like it when they work together on these cases amidst the cutesy moments.
Yeah, it was good to see BJ stepping out since Hyung pretty much stole the spotlight as second lead during his story. Hope the writer can make YR into a more substantial character as well instead of just a comedic role.
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16 revlow
January 1, 2015 at 10:21 PM
Gyo-dong and Yoo-rae? What the what?? Now that's incestuously creepy (figuratively). Old enough to be...well, at least her uncle. Is already a father figure... and her boss to boot. I vote NO. And as koreandramalover/kay said above, I don't see him being at all affected by her antics, except in a negative "cut-the-crap" way.
Cute?? If this ends up being a story line I'll not be happy. He's too savvy a guy. I'd be disillusioned to see his IQ drop this low.
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January 1, 2015 at 10:22 PM
Let to mention his scruples! Did I mention he's her BOSS.
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January 1, 2015 at 10:25 PM
Ooops. That's "Not to mention his scruples!".
I'm flummoxed that anyone would see this as a desirable love line.
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January 1, 2015 at 11:03 PM
I like them both but I don't see any romance betwern them. Like you said, he is her boss!
It's cute that he takes care of his rookies though. And it's better for her to get drunk and take it out on an egg instead of on In Ha and Dal Po.
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January 2, 2015 at 12:28 AM
Well, if no one dated their boss in drama land, there would be a LOT less dramas. LOL. There are so many dramas based on the idea of falling for your boss. Or even falling for a High Schooler disguised as your Even in You From Another Star, she's his boss for part of it.
Dal Po is 27-28 (He says 27; character descriptions add up to 28), so if she's the same age (27), and the boss is 37-40, it's a 10-13 year difference....that's not that unusual. Wasn't the difference like 15 years in Witch's Romance? Heck, my parents are 8 years apart! So 10 or so years when the girl is over 25 = no problem.
But...she would have to initiate, imo, as he is her work superior. It's only creepy if the boss is pushing for a relationship.
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January 2, 2015 at 1:47 AM
I agree the age difference isn't that drastic in years, but in this situation for some gut reason it strikes me as more significant. She seems like a baby by comparison. For some reason, it just seems unsavory here.
You're right...we wouldn't have many Kdramas without the boss romantic storyline. But the disparity here really turns me off.
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January 2, 2015 at 2:16 AM
Maybe because Lee Yu Bi looks like a teenager and her character acts like one. If I hadn't looked up her real age, I'd probably say that she'd be in the same age range as Kim Yoo Jung and Kim So Hyun.
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January 2, 2015 at 3:27 AM
That's exactly it Aigoooo. No matter what the character's age, she's a ditzy teenager in maturity. If this grounded man were to be with someone, that someone would be a Woman, with a capital "W".
January 2, 2015 at 3:29 AM
LOL. Maybe it's just because I have found her character so annoying all along. I'd like to think he have better taste.
January 2, 2015 at 3:37 AM
I found that a bit funny. When we first meet Yoo Rae, she acts like a normal 20s girl and not a teen, she even seemed calm compared to In Ha fangirlung over her mother. Guess the writer changed the way she wrote.
January 2, 2015 at 3:49 AM
You're right pigsnout. I'd forgotten that. At least initially she didn't seem so outright ditzy. Was always annoying, but not quite so juvenile. I guess having a crush -- or having a crush by thinking someone is having a crush on you -- kills brain cells.
January 2, 2015 at 5:11 AM
I feel bad for the actress really. She gave a wonderful and moving performance in Gu Family Book but she gets so little to do here. Park Hye Ryun normally writes supporting female characters much better than this.
January 2, 2015 at 11:49 AM
Yeah I'm really frustrated with what they've done with Yoo Rea because, if you think about it, she should be the most qualified of the four to be a good journalist. She was so competent in the first few episodes and then they turned her into just some cute aegyo machine. I thought she was going to use her Seasang skills to help with investigations but all she's done is pout and twirl. Why does Dramaland have such a hard time with female characters? Especially supporting characters. They are either crazy jealous second leads or they are complete wastes of space.
January 2, 2015 at 1:39 PM
Yeah, it's a shame that her character is so one dimensional and not fleshed out. In all honesty, I do not care for the character at all. I don't hate the character or anything like that but I don't really care if she gets a love line or not.
January 3, 2015 at 5:22 PM
"If this grounded man were to be with someone, that someone would be a Woman, with a capital “W”.
I just can't help cracking this pun: she fits into that definition, because she IS 'double yoo' - Yoon Yoo-rae. :P
17 hanny
January 1, 2015 at 10:50 PM
Thanks GF for the super fast recap...
I love all your comment.. From the opening:
"..but what fun would drama-watching be without the torturous wait and the dark circles?" *true..true..true*
To the closing:
"Dalpo is Dalpo, Inha is Inha, and Love is love" and suddenly I only could think... Lovee is the momeeeeeeent...
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18 Pakykul
January 1, 2015 at 11:48 PM
Thank you for the recap. Happy New Year :)
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19 josephine
January 2, 2015 at 12:30 AM
I want to eat in that restaurant! It is the same place where they had eaten when they had their first kiss right?
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January 2, 2015 at 3:32 PM
Yes, because as someone in tumblr said.
"In the land of pinocchio, when there is udon, there is a kiss! " ?
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20 Viki
January 2, 2015 at 1:04 AM
Happy New Year!!!
Thank you for the recap, I love this episode. I am so glad this is a fulfilling episode so it will keep me occupied for the rest of the week until next Wednesday, le sigh.
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21 Emmygold
January 2, 2015 at 1:42 AM
first time commenter! the show is absolutely nice..... PSH has really improved in her kiss scenes.. that's a good one!!!!!
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January 2, 2015 at 1:49 AM
Whoo hoo! Welcome emerald. :-)
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January 2, 2015 at 1:48 PM
Tanks revlow...
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22 redfox
January 2, 2015 at 1:44 AM
this show has a way of pinching your heart, make it bleed a little. and at the same time make you wish and hope for the sun to come out on a cloudy moment.
I gotta take a break from this or I´ll be drained of emotion.
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January 2, 2015 at 2:17 AM
I understand.
You are not alone.
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23 RyeBlossom
January 2, 2015 at 2:16 AM
So... Did anyone else notice we got Hyung for one(!) scene?!
I wish he was there for more scenes, though putting him in jail makes that complicated.
I really hoped he'd have more time in the story...
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January 2, 2015 at 7:48 AM
@ RyeBlossom
Yes, we definitely need more Jae Myung scenes... JM with HM, JM with grandpa, JM with Dal Peng, JM with IH.... You get the idea.... lots more JM with a smile and dimples.
Somewhere towards the end, they may be another JM and Cha Ok encounter to tie up the loose ends of what hurt they caused each other and whether one or both or neither forgive each other.
So although it's not the most popular plot device among viewers: in this show, I'd like a time skip to when JM gets out of jail and is enfolded into the embrace of an extended family with the Chois. :)
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January 2, 2015 at 8:52 AM
I want more of hyung too! Yoon Kyung-sang is in danger of becoming a scene-stealer, I have to say that this drama's intensity levels went down by a lot once hyung was out of the way/behind bars.
(I have a feeling his one scene an episode now is a nod to viewer love/his pretty much stealing the second lead spot from Beom-jo when he wasn't in jail)
And yeah, hyung needs a family too! I want to see him out of jail and healing, and want it bad.
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January 2, 2015 at 4:05 PM
@ pogo
The nod is good,... better than no nod. However I want the writer to activate a full up/down head movement and writing action to get Jae Myung to do some awesome stuff even in jail. :D
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January 2, 2015 at 11:32 AM
And more smiles, and more dimples, for sure!!!
Modern Farmer has ended, and now I don't get to see enough dimples ^_^
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January 2, 2015 at 4:00 PM
True, true,... this week's episode lacked a degree of tension we were used to getting. It's a pity the writer could not intersperse some scenes of more nefarious things afoot while giving us and the characters clues and information.
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January 2, 2015 at 5:47 PM
Yeah, the tension has definitely dropped ever since we solved hyung's case. I kind of expected it, since hyung still has some heart and conscience to go the right path while in the case of IHYV min joon guk was just a scary character all out who has thrown his sense of logic of right and wrong in the wind and constantly lurking about the leads which gives a great amount of tension and scariness of what will happen. There was always that sense of danger following around the characters in IHYV. But here in pinocchio we kind of lost it when hyung went to jail. Well i still trust the writers in this one. I know its not gonna be as good as IHYV and i dont wanna compare it anymore because that will just end up in frustrations for me.
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January 3, 2015 at 7:22 PM
yeahhhh I love hyung but I don't see how he'd be let out any time soon.... he's a killer, an adorable, tortured and knock my socks off handsome one, but a killer nonetheless.
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January 2, 2015 at 9:03 AM
He's a great character. It would really be nice to see more. Maybe that scene with the lawyer will resurfice near the end and we can see him released from prison.
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24 evw09
January 2, 2015 at 5:34 AM
Couple of things:
1. If a similiar situation were to happen in reality, how would society respond? It could be seen that all 3 main characters have or will shame their families in some way. Wouldn't this put them in an awkward position?
2. It wouldn't be a PSH drama without at least one fish kiss.
3. More so now, I really think In-ha parents' divorce and relocation had something to do with SCO's corruption.
4. Love how the writer showed the different ways DP and In-ha deal with their guilt. DP arguable justified noble idiocy while IH confronts the problem and tries to protect those that are close to her.
5. Awesome, IH condition forced DP to make a decision.
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January 2, 2015 at 6:58 PM
and how is it her fault that the writing is like that? but yeah let blame the actress because we can
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January 2, 2015 at 7:37 PM
What point are you referring to? Point 2? I don't think that's so much writing as it is based on actors' chemistry and the directing. People need to get over the fact that PSH isn't the greatest kisser yeah but I don't think you can blame the writer when they have no control over delivery.
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January 3, 2015 at 6:45 AM
Like it or not, those wide-eyed surprised kisses have become a signature staple of PSH. With that said, I think she and director knew that and were poking fun at that fact with that kiss which is why it was followed by a more fan-service friendly one. While I'm not personally invested in anyone's kissing besides my own, I think PSH has greatly improved in her onscreen chemistry in this drama.
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January 2, 2015 at 7:01 PM
and how is it her fault that the writing is like that? but yeah let blame the actress because we can
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25 growingbeautifully
January 2, 2015 at 6:54 AM
Thanks very much GF!
I enjoyed the good/funny moments:
Dal Po carrying Chan Soo like a sack of potatoes out of the room was a hoot!
Chan Soo is like a little kid because of his size compared to Dal Po - they were so cute in their guy hugs.
In Ha's daddy again in his frilly apron.
Yoo Rae's aegyo and the police officer who gave her info under cover of it.
An unexpected scene that I liked: MSC and YGN reporters dissing each other with YGN's Jae Hwan giving as good as she gets and MSC's Il Joo having to admit to putting on BB cream!!! :D
Better yet... in the same way that Il Joo is putting the blame on Chan Soo for not finding a fault with the factory explosion a day before it happened, YGN's Jang Hyun Kyu accuses him of wrong doing since he did not find fault with the factory in his report 6 months previously. That is soooo good. Such poetic justice and so apt.
I wish that Il Joo will get it, but he is rather like Cha Ok in refusing to see his wrongdoings.
Plot holes/something I missed...
How did YR's phone get into BJ's bag? Did anyone notice? I checked Ep 13 and 14 too but I did not see how that happened.
In Ep 15 Beom Jo already mentions that the explosion of 13 years' ago was due to illegal waste chemicals and so is this very similar explosion, but why are the chemicals and their source not being investigated?
And yes, I agree with comments above... why are the police not investigating this?
There are so many things to investigate - the ones using Chan Soo as a shield, what illegal chemicals are doing in a building approved by a congressman, whether the explosion was an accident or deliberate. My guess is that finding one answer will lead to the rest.
I am more of the opinion that the big explosion was deliberate, to hide something else, because the small butane gas explosion (which the people involved in apologised for calling the police about) seemed to have been reported or carried out on purpose to prepare a scapegoat for the bigger explosion.
In Ep 14 chaebol mum said she was tired of Ha Myung. So was getting at Chan Soo a first step in bringing Ha Myung down? GF mentions that we need to up the ante, but this is worrying. What other dastardly deed will Ro Sa plan to rid herself of Ha Myung and bring back darling son?
My grouse:
Dal Po's long, unwieldy looking overcoats, over equally long inner coats. He looks so awkward in them and the inner coat peeps out from under the overcoat like a skirt!!! LOL! How about a more fitted look? Cha Ok has a pretty nice Winter wardrobe.
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January 2, 2015 at 9:01 AM
I actually really enjoy those little MSC/YGN face-offs between the sunbae reporters, they are hilarious. Jang Hyun-kyu and his hairbands have become one of my favourite sights in Pinocchio now, hehe.
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January 2, 2015 at 10:03 AM
As for Yoo-rae's phone in Beom-jo's bag - probably the result of a reporter's room mixup. The place is messy, it's not impossible for something to go into the wrong bag I guess....wonder what they're doing with that.
(there has to be something, there are easier ways to let him see her phone background)
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January 2, 2015 at 3:33 PM
Hey pogo!
Yeah you hit the nail on the head. That was just a plot device to let him see Ha Myung's face on her phone. I believe that's all it was meant to be, therefore there won't be any exposition on how or why the phone was in his bag and although we would love for the idea to pop-up again somewhere else (like Cha Ok finding her 13 years ago phone in In Ha's room or bag), it may never be referred to again!
We all of us, love to find the little clues that the writer drops, so that we can go along with her to figure things out in advance. However, maybe this was not one of those clues *sob*. But we'll see. :)
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January 2, 2015 at 3:38 PM
Oh, the other thing about Yoo Rae hunting down her phone... if it was missing for some time as she seems to say, why didn't she call her own phone earlier to try and locate it. She mentioned her boss giving her a hard time over it... why though, since BJ did not hear it ring earlier ie her boss did not try to call her on it either? Plot hole, I guess.
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26 pogo
January 2, 2015 at 8:48 AM
I never thought I'd say this, but I like Beom-jo a lot for what he did this ep. I guess putting hyung behind bars (I miss him! *sobs*) means that Beom-jo is finally free to reclaim that second lead place, even if Yoon Kyun-sang is charismatic enough to just steal it back if he gets let out. I liked the development he got, I guess learning that mommy dearest isn't the angel she seems did force him to grow up a bit.
And he drops the truth bombs at everyone who needs them -
1. to Dal-po, telling him to snap out of it and look at In-ha half killing herself with guilt and trying to atone (come to think of it, didn't Dal-po do the same thing over hyung). And thank goodness for it. I don't think the breakup was pointless or unnecessary, and I can certainly see why poor Dal-po was punishing himself, it was time to let it go.
2. to Yoo-rae, FINALLY someone lets the poor girl know her crush was all based on a lie. It's fitting that Beom-jo is the one to tell her, since it's his lying that started it, but she did come around once she saw proof with her own eyes. And hey, at least she didn't take out her hurt feelings on Dal-po or In-ha. (not so sure about the Gyo-dong thing though. And totally agreed with people who say this role is a waste of Lee Yubi, this was basically like her role in Nice Guy!)
(and um, yeah, ending kiss. Best way to start the new year, all right! I get why they needed to stop dating/not date for a bit while Dal-po figured out that it's ok to not punish himself forever over hyung, but I am so glad to see that separation end, this time with him making the declaration that he can't give her up. I'm sure hyung wouldn't want him to, now that he knows In-ha isn't like her mom).
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January 2, 2015 at 7:52 PM
Finally in this episode my slight antipathy for the character of Beom Jo has dissipated. He has redeemed himself in the areas that really count and now I want to see him on the path to be a little happier.
Poor chap had the most comfortable life and warmest relationship with mummy dearest all his life and in one sudden twist, his secure, happy (and unrealistic) world has fallen apart. He cannot even countenance mum anymore and he's on his own. Add to that, he has given up claims to In Ha.
Our Beom Jo needs some bromance and some group hugs! :)
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27 lile
January 2, 2015 at 8:49 AM
Im sooooo loving this drama and the chemistry of our otp is just perfect... but I can't help myself wondering if where are all those investigators go to? Why do the reporters were the ones who were running around finding evidences and investigating? Oh well.. I'll just drown myself in our couple's kiss and make-up scene and stop thinking about other
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January 2, 2015 at 8:59 AM
yeah, this writer kind of isn't the best at keeping workplace duties realistic. You would think the police have investigation jobs to do beyond just helping reporters, right?
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January 2, 2015 at 7:23 PM
Haha yeah I was thinking that too. I think I'll just let it slide because it's an extremely personal case on all sides. I think that's probably the entire reason certain characters exist in the first place like Beom Jo and Chan Soo. If it weren't personal these investigations would be an even stupider stretch. I think in real life it'd be really hard to get a hold of any information.
Like that black box in the car, they didn't show how Dal Po retrieved it. He just kind of stared at the car and the next moment they were in the police station looking at it. I mean he just contacted the owner and the owner was like "mhmm yeah fine"? If I was the owner I'd be questioning who the hell he was and what he'd need it for.
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28 Dahiana
January 2, 2015 at 9:08 AM
I loved this episode and the ending was just daebak!! It was a long way coming and I am glad we are finally done with the "breakup".
I also thought that Reporter Mom was growing an organ or something when she noticed the phone missing but no it was about something else. I trully hope they all get their comeuppance! Can't wait for next episode
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January 2, 2015 at 7:42 PM
LOL! The organ being a heart, I take it? Yes, me too, I was hopeful for a while.
Even when she looked spaced out at the meeting with Chairman Chaebol mummy... I was hoping she'd do something unexpected like point out that kind of congressman whom Chairman is supporting should be told to go suck eggs and not get her involved in his dirty clean up. But unfortunately, if ever Cha Ok is to be given a redemption curve, it looks like it will come in the very end or something. I know a few of us were hoping that she's better than what she appears... it's not showing up much yet though! :(
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29 gurl21
January 2, 2015 at 9:13 AM
this drama has lost its zest and is just limping around till it reaches the finish line.
the dal po and in ha love train is on again, probably because the writer panicked since it's the 15th episode and the audience have to have its happy ending before everything gets muddled up again with the rehash theme from I hear your voice.
i'm only following this drama because of this lee guy. he's cute, charming and his profile looks exactly like Angelina jolie.
i'm into healer nowadays, which is the drama Pinocchio aspired to become until the writer lost her/his vision following the same thread she/he has in I hear your voice. yup, uulit-ulitin ko ang I hear your voice hanggang mainis kayo lahat sa akin! bwahahahahaha!
sayang this park actress. limp character, wan characterization. day, ako pa sa'yo tadyakan mo sa ngala-ngala ang manager mo kasi binigyan ka ng project na kasing pangit ng Pinocchio. oh well, learn from your mistakes, di ba?
this drama merits a 3 for the actors who all look gorgeous and a 1.5 for the writing and characterization. advise to the writer: dong, be original next time, k? your last drama was near perfect because all the memorable characters. but you don't have to revisit the same theme and same types (the mom here in Pinocchio is exactly the same character of the unfeeling judge in I hear your voice) simply because it worked the first time. and that drama wasn't even two years old!
the rule of rehashings is that you let at least 5 years pass before your revise your first successful project. audience's minds are still fresh from watching I hear your voice and the way these dramas are regurgitated all over the internet you need at least 10 years before the entire world forgets your first successful attempt!
so, please lang DO NOT write another character you already wrote about in Pinocchio. all the characters in this drama sucked, dude. I tell you, they're all cut-out predictable and are begging for some major revisions so don't make any of them the hero/heroine in your next project!
so, please po....stop. maghunos-dili ka. lasing ka lang alam ko e. take aspirin and sleep for a week. then get back on your laptop and write again. please lang po!!!!!!
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January 2, 2015 at 9:25 AM
....................yeah, yeah, we get it, you hate it and you really, really feel the need to tell us so in tl;dr paragraphs
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January 2, 2015 at 3:22 PM
You are no different when you keep on bashing Kim Soo Hyun.
You always feel the need!!!
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January 2, 2015 at 7:18 PM
Wow how bitter are you, to be bringing this up on unrelated threads.
she said she was not a fan of KSH and thought other actors are better, but unlike you, @pogo is capable of taking reasonable criticism of her bias. I criticised Park Shin Hye many times and they never got so angry unlike you in spite of being PSH fan.
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January 2, 2015 at 9:42 PM
POGO is articulate, knowledgeable and extremely good commenter among other admirable attributes and I admit, I am no match to her.
I am only trying(big fail is it?) to point out her(?) snarky reply to the original comment which she has also done in the past ie bashing KSH when the subject is on Siwan.
I have no quarrel with her and will continue to read her insightful and often funny comments.
Apologies if I am perceived as bitter.
January 8, 2015 at 12:31 PM a single offhand remark about Kim Soo-hyun in a thread about an actor the same age (and often compared to him) is "bashing"?
I may be late to this, but I strongly suggest learning to take reasonable criticism of your fave, if you can't even tolerate me saying he is overhyped I really wonder how you deal with dissenting opinions of any kind.
January 2, 2015 at 3:57 PM
I dont know why you're saying that pinocchio is aspiring to be a drama like healer when in the first place pinocchio started airing way before healer. So clearly it was not thought out to be like that drama.
Ang problema kasi sayo lagi mong kinokompara ang drama na tuh sa ibang drama na nagustuhan mo. Yes, maybe pinocchio cant compare to IHYV but whatever i dont think its necessary to bash the actors and their managers or the scriptwriters.
Sa susunod ikaw nalang ang maging scriptwriter para makontento ka, tell me ha if magkaroon ka na. Para matingnan ko naman kong perfect ok?
Now chill and let the rest of us stay in peace.
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January 2, 2015 at 6:54 PM
I don't think they mean it literally, that'd be stupid, but more like the qualities it aspires to have which they think Healer surpasses Pinocchio in. I have no idea what Healer is like but I'm guessing it's that kind of general statement.
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January 2, 2015 at 4:29 PM
The hell what is she talking about???? This weirdo should be block.
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January 2, 2015 at 6:40 PM
She said par character is a waste,limp character,no characterization..she is actualy bashing and downgrading psh to the extent that she say that psh should kick her manager in the throat for giving her that role..and she will compare pinocchio with ihyv till we get all pissed (insert evil laugh from her)..she is also bashing the writer of pinocchio..
I think this neri just lurking here to downgrade people and seek for attention, she is definitely attention seeker,so dont mind her,she is psychotic...just dont mind her nonsense post,because she always do that when the review for pinocchio is out...
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January 2, 2015 at 7:08 PM
LOL I think the complete opposite. PSH should love her manager for giving her this role.
I don't agree with Neri's thoughts on the writing or characterization but I can see where they're coming from with the point about similar themes being done, like the heroine that can't lie about her feelings I remember thinking was very similar to IHYV. They're just things almost every writer is guilty of though and I still think how Pinocchio presents it is fresh enough with all the minor tweaks. I kind of saw Hyung like a MJG had we known of his tragic story from the start. That sort of twist that plays with our perspectives is really interesting.
You don't really need to take her comment personally like she's looking down on you for liking it. I can't read the indo(?) but it just seems to be directed towards the writer. Just as you say ignore it and be happy that you can enjoy the show while they can't.
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January 2, 2015 at 7:22 PM
@neri has written comments on Pinocchio recaps before, looking down on the drama's fans. It's very tiring and certainly a minority opinion, no wonder people are annoyed.
January 2, 2015 at 8:01 PM
Its filipino langauage. Its just frustrating sometimes because i totally think its ok to critique something and voice your opinions but it doesnt give rights to bash anyone. I get it if she doesnt like it and she is free to do whatever her heart wants but can she be at least educated enough and decent enough to be responsible of her words. Opinions are okay , insults aren't.
I havent seen healer but i heard that its great And i dont know if the plot is even remotely close or similar to pinocchio. As for the qualities well they're certainly different directors with different styles so its not something we can control.
January 2, 2015 at 8:05 PM
Its a filipino word...yes her bashing is directed toward the writer and psh,if u read her previous post on some pinochio episodes u will see that she hates psh,she even said that psh character is not relevant anymore in the story and the story can run even without her character, and her character can be played by any actress...she always comment whnever psh is being praised,it pained neri that the people is praising the poor actress...
January 2, 2015 at 9:39 PM
Relax sweet heart and Speak English don't be coward and escape behind your words.
showing your ugly face makes your words nothing but a fake like you .
Park shin hye is true but you are nothing .
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January 2, 2015 at 11:09 PM
Actually, while I don't understand some of your comment, you're wrong in saying that the Judge and Cha Ok are the same character. They are both the same only in that they are "wrong". However, how they are wrong and how they deal with it is quite different.
The Judge is inflexible and believes totally in the purity of the law. He also believes that he is right all of the time.
Reporter Cha on the other hand, believes that news can be manipulated, adjusted for improvement. Her world view is NOT absolute like the judge.
There are so many differences -- he clearly cares for his daughter but does not believe in her view point regarding what he did in the past with that guy that went to jail with our killer. That guy is guilty and is always guilty.
Reporter Cha realizes her error and works to change it -- although her methods are not based on love, but gee, how can I take advantage of the situation, I know I'll USE my daughter whom I only love in the sense that I know she's better off staying with my ex.
Clearly Neri, you need to think a bit more before you post such assumptions. Those too characters are totally different archetypes.
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January 3, 2015 at 1:54 AM
Wow, clearly you have all the time in the world to spend two hours of your time every week and come back on this thread just to post this nonsense. Hate-watching must be fun huh?
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January 3, 2015 at 6:49 AM
Dear beanies, I see now why @neri kept commenting the same things in every episodes eventhough nobody seem to share her sentiments..she's an attention seeker and it actually is some kind of personality disorder. i've known someone like her who enjoys provoking people by posting hateful statements on her fb wall and most of her posts usually ended up in heated arguments among the other commenters. this type of people use provocation to gain attention, and they always think they're right while other people are wrong,hence the arguments ensued. For me the best way to deal with them is just ignore them, so that their mission to seek attention wouldnt be accomplished :)
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January 3, 2015 at 5:55 PM
I couldn't agree with you more! ;)
Thank you for expressing what was on my mind when I read the full-of-hate post but I am with you when I decided that the comment was not worth commenting on because it is simply the venting of someone who is not worth wasting our time to give to.
Let's just enjoy watching the drama and give our time and attention to the worthy commentors and comments. ;)
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January 4, 2015 at 1:50 AM
Thanks dear ;)
sadly there are a lot of people like that especially in this cyber world :(
I don't want to be pissed anymore by her comments..she can write whatever she wants and I won't give a damn
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January 4, 2015 at 2:46 AM
You are most welcome, Liza dear! ;)
And I couldn't agree with you more about how many people there are who are like that and how toxic their words can be.
It is bad for our hearts to read such comments because we feel horrible and can also elevate our blood pressure.
Life is already full of horrible stuff that we have to deal with so let's ignore such comments and commentors and concentrate on keeping ourselves happy by focusing on the good things in life and continue appreciating them while we still can. ;)
I have read all your comments in this thread and in all the recaps for this drama. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings because it is such a joy reading them! Unfortunately, I am unable to comment on everyone of them because of a lack of time, but I hope you know that your comments are read and appreciated. :)
Do continue sharing your thoughts and feelings, Liza dear, because I look forward to reading them every week! ;)
Take care, and have a blessed and joyous 2015! :)
30 Z
January 2, 2015 at 11:32 AM
1) Someone explain to me why they don't turn all this evidence over to the police? There's enough there to, at the very least, get them on the right track and deflect from Chan Soo, right?
2) I spent a lot of time in the episode saying "Duh!" especially during Dal Po and In Ha's fight at the end. Everyone's logic has been so flawed these last few weeks. Of, course it's not your fault that your Mom is a souless harpie. Of course, breaking up is not going to make your feelings disappear overnight, especially when you both work and sleep in the same tiny room. Of course, running around with no food or sleep and bleeding feet is not going to make things right. I'm just like, what is wrong with you cray people?
3) Poor, wasted Yoo Rae. I'd rather he been a typical eviol second lead than have her be relegated to comic relief like this. At least let her be a contributing member of Team Rookie. Everyone, including her own partner, just runs off and leaves her in the dark all the time. No wonder it took her so long put all of the pieces together with Dal Po and In Ha.
4) Speaking of wasted, is Lee Pil Mo going to do anything besides have a Yoda moment once every show? Such a waste of such a delicious man... I mean, such a good actor... yeah. Him and Yoo-Rae should get together just so they both have something to do.
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January 2, 2015 at 12:03 PM
5) I actually wasn't feeling Beom Jo's speech to Dal Po. In Ha is a grown woman making her own choices and doing her job just like all the other rookies. It just came across as so patronizing. I get that she's doing it for all the wrong reasons and she's trying to work off her guilt, but it's not really Dal Po's fault. Everyone in this universe has already told her that it's not her fault, including Dal Po. She's the one who insists on internalizing it. I think I'm not explaining myself too well here, but it just seems off to blame Dal Po or anyone else for In Ha's recklessness this episode and to insinuate that she doesn't really know what she's doing or why she's doing it.
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January 4, 2015 at 10:35 AM
Thank you....finally someone gets it....i think most people are just interested in the love line to think straight.....BJ speech was stupid unlike popular opinion.....Dal Po's first and major concern is Chan Soo's case not In Ha and her guilt.....they're working adults.... he did the right thing to focus on the car at hand, look at BJ who was focused more on In Ha and her guilt, what did he do for the case? Nothing.... people esp the writer getting their priorities messed up over love line.....
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31 lola
January 2, 2015 at 12:17 PM
I really enjoyed this episode? and i actually don't mind having yoo rae as comedic relief its refreshing to see a second lead female character as cool and funny and not be evil raining on everyone's parade attitude. Wish she could get more screen time though
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32 sensualasya
January 2, 2015 at 1:36 PM
Something weird abt me, I always crush on the characters, who are not the leads. Right now crushing majorly on Cap Gyo-Dong (lee pil mo) in Pinocchio and the character of the senior prosecutor, who helps Koo Dong Chi (played by somebody called Jung Chan....yessir! I dug to find the name) in Pride and Prejudice.
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January 2, 2015 at 7:17 PM
Hahaha so not even second lead syndrome but side character syndrome?
Actually does kind of make sense, I think a lot of the times I'll find a side character in shows that I find more amusing than the actual leads. Not so much the case here cause the whole cast is great but yeah.
I'm not exactly crushing on Cap but I definitely love his role in those moments like when he expects hugs from Dal Po or when he takes notice of the Yoo Rae and her dumb antics. That gap between that and his somewhat usual stoicness is adorable.
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33 namedx
January 2, 2015 at 4:06 PM
Hmm, not been feeling Dal Po's/Ha Myung's character growth since the episode he broke up with In Ha - he's become a little insensitive, but I'm sure that'll change now that he's woken up and smelt the coffee, thanks to Beom Jo!!
Now we just need some of the fun from earlier episodes to return - we saw too little of gramps and dad this episode. Shame, as I think they're brilliant characters.
Just a few episodes left now; just hope they wrap it up well! Fingers crossed!
Many thanks for the recap Girlfriday!
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January 2, 2015 at 7:32 PM
"Fun from earlier episodes"??? ....
Hmmm ... what we could really do with are more of those day dream sequences... Why doesn't Ha Myung daydream or have a real dream (he did before) about Jae Myung and him being back together. Then we could have lots more of Jae Myung to enjoy.
Or Grandpa dreaming about having the brothers with him.
Or dad Dal Peng dreaming of Dal Po and In Ha being married with his grand kids..... (maybe that's too much of a stretch!! :D )
Or Princess dreaming of getting back control of his meetings from Cha Ok and in fact taking her down and replacing her... Hah! :)
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34 vonn
January 2, 2015 at 5:28 PM
I don't see why beom joo is blaming on dal po for in ha feeling so guilty over her moms actions... saying him being insensitive. He knows in ha is feeling the guilt... he knows but because they are in such a situation where they are keeping their 'distance'... and focusing on clearing chan soos name just makes sense that he focused on the latter more in this ep right.
It seems like in ha is suffering because of the guilt and chan soos case is hitting hard on her more than anyone else in this episode makes everyone forgets that dal po / ha myung is the one who can relate the most and feeling closest to chan soos case... I know hyungs case died down a little in the last 2 episodes but that doesnt mean dal po / ha myung is OKAY now that people can be insensitive towards him by saying he is insensitive towards in ha. If anyone should be feeling the pain, its dal po / ha myung.
NOTE: I totally get why in ha is suffering .. I just thought we shouldn't overlook dal po / ha myung's pain which clearly didnt outshine in ha's guilt in this episode.
And beom joo you are not in the position to say dal po for being so focused on taking down song cha ok... lets put urself in his shoes... would you have been doing the same? After all that had happened to dal po / ha myung.... how can you say that....
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January 2, 2015 at 6:45 PM
but it's Dalpo fault that they broke up yet he doesn't want her ( and himself) to move on...
I think most case it's people overlook how Inha has been suffering because Dalpo is the focus of the show/get the most loved, if anything.
Inha is such great character.
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January 4, 2015 at 7:41 PM
Um, Inha is a grown woman. I'm sure she can move on if she wants to, regardless of what Dalpo says. And Dalpo only told her to not move on because he thought he saw her in a dream and he was drunk, he wouldn't have said it otherwise.
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35 maru_fey
January 2, 2015 at 11:44 PM
Argo, this episode has me in knots. On the one hand, I love all the developments in this episode–though I thought the breakup was necessary, I did not like it. At. All. And I’m pissed that it took this long to get them back together. In fact, in this episode I was literally THIS CLOSE to being won over to Beom-jo’s side and abandoning Dal-po completely. If not for the kiss, I surely would have, but then the kiss. Absolutely. Mindblown. I’ll just need one for every episode from now on, Show, and I’m forever yours.
But the kiss aside (wait what, was I going to say more? Excuse me while I squeal *eeeeeeeep*), I’m torn at this point. For one thing, this show doesn’t quite inspire the excitement in me as it had a few weeks back. That is not to say that while I was watching I wasn’t completely engrossed, because I was. Most of the time, anyway. But having finished it, I feel strangely lethargic, like I’ve run a marathon or something. Hahaha, which by the way I’ve never done, so the imagery is moot, but it’s a bit worrying to realize that I’ve felt this way since last week–the way I felt at the beginning of the show, in fact, before the awesome piece of work that is the middle section. As in, I enjoyed every minute of the ride, but once it’s out of my sight I don’t feel the need for more. Satisfying, but not compelling enough.
And another minor quibble–is it just me or is the music experiencing some sort of disconnect with the episode? Because that’s how I felt, especially at the point where Dal-po’’s following silently behind In-ha when she’s limping along and the music’s all happy and subtly uplifting and not fitted to the mood at all! Because I could never see a girl in suffering and think it’s cute. It’s just pathetic, and I was sort of yelling at the screen for Dal-po to abandon all his reason and piggyback her anyway. Aish, Dal-po, if I didn’t love you so much, I would kick you. Perhaps I still could. Argh, nope I can’t. You redeemed yourself just in time, lucky bastard.
On the upside, I suppose the fact that I feel so strongly for the characters means hope for me is not yet lost. It’s very frustrating though, because I keep wanting this show to be better but with it’s very particular trajectory–honestly speaking, I’m not all too fond of the direction writer-nim is taking. The way chaebol Mommy is revealed to be the ultimate evil feels a bit of a cop out and I didn’t like making manager Mommy more sympathetic, however unintentional–combined with the sluggish pace it’s taking, it’s sort of losing me. With the way things are, if for anything, the characters are the only reasons holding me to the ground, since the plot lost its spark a while ago.
Though at the start I jumped onboard for the romance, it’s the familial relationships that have since taken the spotlight for me, and I’m bummed that they’ve taken a bit of a backburner this episode. Gramps is just the sweetest being, Dad as well, and I can’t wait till the Chois and Dal-po...
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January 2, 2015 at 11:46 PM
...become one big family again. (Or maybe I can. I think Dal-po deserves a little punishment for all the hurt he’s caused them.) With Hyung included, of course–I can’t believe it never crossed Dal-po’s mind that the best way he can make it up to Hyung is to have them all be family. As in, it would totally make Hyung happy, and make everyone else happy too. Instead, he manages to drag everyone through the wringer with him–at least if he suffered alone, argh, but he had to drag everyone along for the ride. Like, what the heck, Show?
Not forgetting the other end of the family spectrum, there’s sweetly-terrifying-innocent-but-in-reality-big-bad chaebol Mommy and don’t-ever-redeem-her-Show-or-I’m-through scary Mommy. A complete mess of aliens parading as human beings, and I’m already feeling the pain for Beom-jo. Someone that awesome doesn’t deserve such a mom, but as is with dramaland, no one can come from just decent and painless backgrounds, can they? I find myself wondering how he’s come out so well, in the first place–how come she’s never rubbed off on him at all? You’d better give him his happy ending, Show. I think he deserves it. (As an aside, is it weird that I’ve never begrudged him for stealing In-ha’s texts, or thought that his relationship with his Mom was creepy–at least in the beginning, when all we knew of her was her sweet facade?)
Oh, and GF, you weren’t the only one who got the couply vibes when PD Hwang draped his jacket over Yoo-rae. I noticed it as early as episode 11, I think, hahaha. And it’s practically criminal how Il-joo’s crush got introduced this late–this love triangle would’ve made for some good relief through all the nonsense of heartbreakyness in episodes past. Just. Why, Show, why?
At least the show redeemed itself (partly) in Chan-soo, who, strangely enough, I find myself more invested in than Yoo-rae for the rich friendship moments he provides–which is a sad story in itself, because I loved her at the first. I thought she had great potential, and she did, until writer-nim decided to make her a cardboard cutout. I did love the relationship between her and In-ha that served to counterpoint and complement each other’s quirks. How much did I love it when Yoo-rae was the sane one and admiring In-ha’s oddballishness? And the bonding over blame-the-egg was priceless, hahaha. But making up for the lack of their sisterhoody goodness (so sad, I was hoping this show would be an exception, but nooo), there’s just enough bromance to keep me happy. From Chan-soo and Dal-po (they hugged!!! Twice!!!) to Dal-po and Beom-jo to even the ones the higher-ups have–especially the four musketeers in episode 10. (It’s no wonder that the mood at YGN is so much warmer than MSC’s–with a director like that, I’d probably go mad.) In contrast to a plot I don’t really care for, these character relationships really make my day.
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January 2, 2015 at 11:46 PM
tldr; if I'm staying around, that’s mostly for the sake of the characters rather than the plot, which I find a little lacking. Hopefully that’ll change, but until then, I demand a refund for all the heartache they went through. Let’s see, I think a hundred kisses should be just enough to compensate. What, what do you mean you can’t make it happen?
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36 Gloria Aidoo-Frimpong
January 2, 2015 at 11:59 PM
Am I the only hoping that In Ha's dad doesn't do anything stupid by going to confront evil mom about the phone?
And I'm so glad the couple are back together. .. I'm hoping Cap and yoon Yoo Rae get together, his personality and hers are so different.
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January 3, 2015 at 3:58 AM
I'd imagine he will be more likely to ask In Ha what she is doing with her mum's old phone.
On the other hand, if they happen to bump into each other, it is possible that dad may casually mention the phone to her, thus setting off another chain of events as Cha Ok tries to retrieve the phone without giving away why it is so important to her.
That might be and interesting development too! :)
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37 An
January 3, 2015 at 12:37 AM
I follow both Healer and Pinochio...and I find Pinochio way more entertaining than Healer. The Plot, Dialog, Character Dimensions, Acting...for Pinochio have been well executed. Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk screen chemistry just sizzles! I am definitely going to miss this series when it ends. Hope to see PSH and LJS paired in future!
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January 3, 2015 at 7:13 AM
As I am also watching both Pinocchio and Healer, I have to respectfully disagree with your opinion. ;)
We all have to agree that NOBODY is an expert in the execution on dramas, not even the drama writers and producers with decades of experience under their belts. ;)
And nobody is an expert in judging dramas either.
At best we based our opinions and judgement about dramas on what appeals to / connects with / touches us in so many different, specific, unique ways.
So, for most of us, we judge based on what we see and whether we like what we see, not based on any universally-accepted barometer / highly-technical measuring instrumentation / theories.
And we also have to agree that NOTHING and NOBODY is perfect because humans are inherently imperfect, thus whatever we do would definitely have imperfections.
And therefore, no drama can be perfect.
So, I disagree with you that Pinocchio is well-executed but not Healer because having watched both dramas, I have seen the flow of both dramas' plots, character developments, acting, editing - in short everything we have been shown by the writers and PDs.
And in my humble opinion, BOTH dramas have been well-executed, highly entertaining, engaging and memorable so far, because I am absolutely, positively, head-over-heels in love with both dramas EQUALLY!! ;)
For those who have not watched Healer, I highly recommend you to watch it. :)
Or better still, read Healer's recaps by our wonderful Javabeans and Girlfriday, because if you do not fall in love with the drama from reading the recaps, the way that I have, then you don't even need to waste your time watching the drama. ;)
Happy watching everyone!! I sure am!! Deliriously happy!! ;)
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January 3, 2015 at 7:15 AM
Typo :
...nobody is an expert in the execution OF dramas...
Additional comment :
And BOTH OTPs in Pinocchio and Healer have off-the-charts chemistry, in my humble opinion. ;)
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January 3, 2015 at 8:53 AM
I agree about the chemistry. That's what keeps the romantic among us firmly glued to each episode. It also helps tremendously that they all look soooo good! :D
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January 3, 2015 at 5:43 PM
I couldn't agree with you more that they all look sooooo gooood!! ;)
Major eye candy for us romantics!! ;)
January 4, 2015 at 2:49 AM
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings in this thread and throughout the recaps for this drama! ;)
I have enjoyed reading your insightful and entertaining thoughts and feelings but because of limited time, I am unable to comment on them. But I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and feelings because I look forward to reading them every week! ;)
Till we meet again in the next recap, take care and have a blessed and joyous 2015! ;)
January 4, 2015 at 9:51 AM
@ koreandramalover/kay
I just came back to this thread and saw your message. Thank you for your kind words and warm wishes. I will definitely share whatever comes to mind or heart :) with all our beanies as and when. Catch you on both Pinocchio and Healer recaps!!
And same to you and your loved ones, have a lovely, healthy and blessed Whole Year too! :)
January 4, 2015 at 9:19 PM
I came back here and saw your response to my message! ;)
Thank you so much for your kind words and warm wishes, too!! ;)
I look forward reading your comments in future recaps! ;)
Till we meet here again, take care and God Bless you!! ;)
January 5, 2015 at 12:18 AM
@ koreandramalover/kay
;) at you
January 3, 2015 at 3:53 PM
I havent watch healer but i heard its good too. Maybe i ll be checking it out after pinocchio. Im a one drama at a time kind of watcher, especially if i really like the show.
But i have checked some recaps and mvs on healer and i think PMY and JCW look good too.
So im cheering both on PINOCCHIO AND HEALER!
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January 3, 2015 at 5:45 PM
I absolutely recommend you to watch Healer!! ;)
I cannot promise you the perfect drama, but it will be an entertaining ride with Healer!! ;)
January 4, 2015 at 2:23 AM
Yes, im definitely gonna check out healer after pinocchio! And i hope ill like it.
January 4, 2015 at 2:36 AM
Yes!! Do watch Healer, or better still, read the recaps by JB and GF!! We all know how particular JB and GF about the dramas that they like, and both JB and GF looove Healer, so that is one recommendation you cannot ignore. ;)
January 3, 2015 at 4:02 PM
I couldn't agree more ;)
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January 3, 2015 at 5:49 PM
Thank you!! ;)
We think alike, and we appreciate what we have seen in Pinocchio and Healer. ;)
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January 4, 2015 at 1:28 AM
I watch Healer on our cable network and now it's only up to ep4..when I watched the 1st ep I wasn't really interested actually so I skipped the 2nd ep..but then I read the recaps because javabeans is so into this show (I happen to like most of her fav dramas,really!). I find it quite engaging so it quickly becomes my top two favorites..Pinocchio and Healer are not without flaws but certainly they're the best at the moment ;) hopefully we'll get to see more great dramas throughout the year!
January 4, 2015 at 2:34 AM
You are so right! Both Pinocchio and Healer are not without flaws but then so are so many other wonderful dramas but we are able to, shall we say, overlook, the flaws, for there are so many great things about both dramas that entertain, engage, enrich and enrapture our hearts and minds!! ;)
The way I see it is, why quibble over the small things, when the big things are soooo goood? ;)
Let's continue appreciating the work done by everyone behind both dramas considering it must not be easy to produce good, and especially great, dramas that make us drama-viewers so happy!! ;)
Till we meet again in next week's recaps, enjoy watching, Liza! ;)
38 Isha
January 3, 2015 at 8:03 PM
Can anybody tell me the name of the song yoon yoo rae sang when she was drunk sleeping on the couch? I can't seem to find it. Thank you:)
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39 shountypoo
January 3, 2015 at 9:30 PM
I totally ship Cap and Yoo Rae or Yoo Rae and Boem Jo CUTEE!! LOL
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40 Daisy
January 4, 2015 at 2:31 PM
I don't know if anyone saw, but the first kiss scene in Healer episode 8 has everyone going crazy. There's nearly 600 comments for just that episode alone! Lol
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January 4, 2015 at 11:54 PM
@ Daisy
Make that almost 700 comments on the Healer thread now!!! :D
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January 5, 2015 at 8:26 AM
Maybe towards the end, Pinocchio can get a similar number of comments... we just need more twists and tension and more partial reveals to keep us guessing. Writer-nim, do you hear?
FYI Healer Ep 9 now has 800+ comments and counting :)
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January 5, 2015 at 6:56 PM
800+ comments for Healer...and counting??!!
And to think that there are people who say that Healer is NOT good?
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January 5, 2015 at 6:57 PM
800+ comments for Healer...and counting??!!
And to think that there are people who say that Healer is NOT good? :)
Both Pinocchio and Healer are wonderful dramas, in their own right! ;)
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41 trixchia
January 29, 2015 at 4:06 AM
not to be a downer but the chemistry., wow~ i found myself rolling my eyes at the kiss scene in this episode., i feel like this drama may have been better with even less romance(it's not even the slightest and i want less of it. gosh)
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42 No1
October 18, 2015 at 3:28 AM
5 stars for this episode
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