Kolorful Palette: Perfect pair [Healer]

I’ve been out of town for a few weeks, but I told myself very sternly that when I got back I would make sure to check out all the new dramas. Of course I did the sensible thing and caught up on Healer instead. I’m happy to say I have no regrets about my decision (or my inability to act on my decision, which I suppose is more accurate).

It wasn’t very difficult to find a scene to draw from Young-shin’s little visit to Jung-hoo’s hideout since it was packed with amazing moments, but I ultimately chose this one because it shows how sweetly comfortable they are together, it’s a great shot of both of them, and because looking at it makes me wonder what they’re thinking while they stand there looking at Jung-hoo’s private island (my favorite artwork has always depicted images that make me want to know more, and this moment is kind of like that). We know that up until recently Jung-hoo wanted to bring Young-shin with him to his island, but can he really envision that, or does he see them living a normal life, or perhaps not getting their happy ending at all? Is Young-shin simply content, or is her mind a whirlwind? Either way, her apparent contentment is admirable considering how many questions she must have. If it were me I would most definitely be nagging for details.

I think my favorite thing about Healer is that it never actually goes where I’m afraid it’s going to go. Jung-hoo has had plenty of opportunities to go full noble idiot on us, but he never takes the leap. Similarly, Young-shin has had numerous chances to believe the worst of Jung-hoo, but she never does. Past dramas have taught me to expect misunderstandings at every possible turn, but they never seem to come to fruition in Healer. My training must run deep because every time such a potential situation arises a big knot of dread wells up in my stomach and I think, “Oh no, this is it. This is where this show disappoints me.” This week there were plenty of examples, like Young-shin finding out about her dad being murdered by Jung-hoo’s father. After all the lies and secrets I thought that this would be it, and she’d finally break it off with him, or at least keep her knowledge about their parents a secret. But nope! The whole issue was pretty much resolved within 20 minutes, and they decided to just find out the truth behind the case instead. And if Jung-hoo’s father did do it, or they can’t find out, no worries because apparently this is the only drama couple on the planet that doesn’t care about the sins of their parents. It makes me utterly giddy, especially since it results in moments like the kiss in front of Young-shin’s father (which was perfectly executed I might add, for both tenderness and comic value).

Those potential misunderstandings are usually irresistible bait for writers because they can force drama and tension for weeks before they are resolved. I expected to wait at least a couple episodes before Young-shin found out Jung-hoo’s father might be innocent. Or for Jung-hoo to get over his anger towards Moon-ho, or for Young-shin to forgive either of them for keeping her mother a secret. Thankfully Healer’s writer seems to understand that the show is plenty interesting as it is, and instead gives us lead characters who communicate like adults and don’t even need the strife of a love triangle to move and compel us.

The whole lovey-dovey sequence at Jung-hoo’s lair is another great example. It’s the perfect opportunity for Jung-hoo to nobly break things off for good, and it’s an equally perfect opportunity for Young-shin to be furious at Jung-hoo for his lies or give him an ultimatum. When Jung-hoo did try to halfheartedly send her off, instead of getting annoyed or threatening she told him not to because he would cry his whole life. How can she understand him so painstakingly well? At that moment my brain was screaming, “YOU TWO ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER.” I sincerely apologize for my use of all-caps (something I am abhorrently against) but I swear it was in all-caps in my brain. They’re such a good OTP it hurts.

This scene really didn’t need much so I just used a really basic style and simplified the colors to better match the vibe. I feel like I’m drawing this drama an excessive amount, but I promise to do something different next week! Sixteen episodes in at this point, I think it’s pretty safe to say that Healer isn’t going to drag or bore us before the end (no extension please!). If one of the newer dramas can entertain me half as much I’ll consider myself lucky.


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yes!!! It's one that I really liked about kdramas where usually secrets and conflicts are revealed and gets solved right away in a satisfying way though mostly turn into makjang and noble idiocy way. When most western and old dramas tend to only miraculously progress and have highlights and climax towards the end, Kdramas (and this one Healer), doesn't hesitate to be on highlight every episode where no matter awkward and epic the climax scenes maybe, is that it happens every time.

And leads where they can casually talk and confront each other about their issues in one sitting always impressed me (also notably the case in Marriage Not Dating).

I want to be confident that Healer can be so good till the end but no sad melo (I dunno how come I'm considering this) or CH type of ending please? I'm not pretty sure if I'll like it very much to be cheesy fan service ending but definitely it also shouldn't be like The Heirs or YAAS or Dream High or God's Gift where the show was pretty much good only to totally scrap the whole show just because of the crappy ending that you felt cheated and want to forget it existed. Heh.

Love the artwork :))


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just wanna say at first omg omg omg ur drawing is really stunning ?????❤❤❤soo beautiful.. gonna read ur words now... ^^


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its beautiful picture isn't it ? i also made this picture as my favorit schene ever... thank u... can't wait for more HEALER... :-)


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Great artwork ...... just like this drama. ☺


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I agree with what you've said. It is like the writer sets up all these typical tropes without the typical reactions. For once, the characters have honest reactions to what is going on around them. It's not like they are not affected by the secrets/lies/shocks, but they haven't randomly thrown everything away and disappeared for a few years like so many dramas portray. They face it head on because they are strong people individually and even more so together.


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I'm so excited to hear JCW's voice in OST 6 of Healer ' I'll protect you '.
The cliff hanger of ep 16 is so crazy.


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WOW! What an Awesome and lovely Healer artwork :) Thanks Fanderay for sharing your thoughts with us^_*:)) It such a pleasure reading your recap and watching this drama! Me too, love love all their great moments together. ..Healer - yah! Hwaiting :)


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Please more, Fanderay! More Healer! This is a wonderful drama.


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Hi Fanderay.
Don't know much about u, normally I touch n go n drop for any dramas. Reading K Palrstte is first time, because of Healer, healer brought a lot of first time in me. Kay, str to pt, regarding this scene.
Someone rightly mentioned that the strength of a genuine couple lies not in how much both gazed into each other, as if Sun n planet only matters in galaxy, other rocks simply non exist. True worthy depth in 2 who really loved each other involved in looking at the same direction, willingness to change direction even when needs arises. A friend here has rightly said , she has become his Moro Moro island, that where ever they go, they will be at Moro Moro island, they will reach or rise beyond together in same direction, he will be willing to forsake Moro Moro island for coffeebay / someday, she is willing to forsake coffeebay for moro Moro. As long as they walk together, any where is Moro Moro.


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You said it all! Perfectly! This is why I am crazy about this series, this is why I have this much affection towards every and each part of it ,and this is why it's the first time something attracts my attention this much, this way!


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Hi Fanderay, I saw your fanarts of Healer.They are beautiful. Can you join and send them to International Fan Project of Healer. Please, we need your help, we are lack of participate. Your works will be sent to actors, director and writter of Healer. Your participate will show Healer is loved by international fan.You can send your fanart to [email protected] to join the project with format [Fanart]Healer International Fan Project[Name of you Country].Please join, please.

More info to join this project here



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